#dadzawa headcanons
stangalina · 8 months
I like to think that one of the lessons Aizawa taught class A is "always have a knife".
You never know when you'll need a knife so never not be in possession of a knife. As such every member of class A has a knife hidden somewhere in their hero costumes. His gift to them when they graduated were custom engraved knives with their student number on them.
Not on board? Ok. Just imagine how funny it would be tho.
Villain: "Number one hero Deku! I am punch proof! The more you hit me the stronger I get! How will you defeat me now-"
Midoriya: "Knife."
Villain: "Wha-" *gets stabbed*
Midoriya: "Knife."
Hero: "Oh no! We're tied up! However will we escape!"
Tsuyu: "Knife."
Hero: "What?"
Tsuyu, pulling a knife off the bottom of her foot with her tongue: "Knife."
Groupie getting a hug: "Are you using your quirk or are you just happy to see me?"
Kirishima: "It's a knife."
Groupie: "...What?"
Kirishima: "Knife."
Villain, completely insulated in rubber: "You're a one trick pony chargebolt."
Kaminari, reaching down into his boot: "Oh boy are you wrong my dude!"
Hero: "You need to calm down."
Bakugou, reaching down into his V-neck: "Listen here you son of a BITCH-"
Kouda: "Stop scaring the pigeons! They're a domesticated species that we abandoned back into the wild. They're sweet creatures who are pets by nature!"
Douchebag: "Or what?"
Kouda: "..."
Douchebag: "..."
Kouda: "..."
Douchebag: "oh my GOD HE HAS A KNIFE-"
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pjs-everyday · 6 months
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hot cocoa and errands with eri ☕️❄️✨
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gglitch1dd · 11 months
You Know your Work
Teacher Aizawa x Student Reader
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Request: @camilosimping: Hi! Sry if it's too much for you to take another request, I saw you took a lot of them. I was wondering if you could do professor aizawa x fem student, who just got a pretty bad grade.
A/N: Hey babes! I can't tell how much I wanted to cry writing this. Sorry for the long wait. I had to do some other things and my IRL was getting a bit hectic but its better now. I really hope you like it!!
Warning: This is NOT romantic or sexual in anyways so don't get that idea. This is a comfort piece. Also, Reader cries and its okay to cry.
Aizawa was walking around handing back papers. You were silent as your leg moved up and down underneath your table. You had studied so hard for this test and yet when you were writing it felt as if it handed your ass back to you. You were so worried. You really did your best, you tried doing everything you could, taking breaks and not cramming in last minute so you really hoped for the best.
You swallowed down hard as Mr Aizawa walked over to your desk. He placed the paper face down in front of you before moving on to Midoriya who sat behind you. You closed your eyes as you slowly touched the paper. You prayed hard to the heavens hoping that they were in your favour. Carefully you turned the paper around.
You paused as you stared down at the number in front of you, hoping that the longer you looked at it, the numbers would swop themselves. You felt your heart sink as you looked at the number. You instantly felt numb as you weren’t even sure you could breathe nor make a sound.
“Sero,” Denki said outloud turning to one of his best friends as he held his paper. He shook his head with a laugh. “How’s it looking?” He said.
The dark-haired hero in training put a grimace on his face. He shook his head. “Not looking good.”
Denki nodded his head as he looked at his paper. “Yah, not looking good.”
Momo let out a displeased hum as she nodded her head. “Yah.” She spoke as she turned her paper back around with a disappointed look. “I was really hoping for a 95 this time. I can’t believe I got an 85.” She stated almost as if it was the worst thing in the world.
Denki and Sero widened their eyes as they looked at one another. He looked back down at their papers. They grimaced.
You felt yourself shrink into your blazer as you forced yourself not to cry. Everything and everyone around you felt almost as if they were too loud or too quiet. It was all too much for you. How could you have failed? You tried so hard this time.  You really did. You tried your best. Of course, you weren’t perfect and maybe if you spent a bit less time on your phone you could have gotten more hours in, but you tried.
You really tried.
You bit your lip forcing yourself not to cry as you opted just to look out the window and silence out the rest of the class.
Soon the lessons came to an end, and you all had an hour before training at the end of the day. You were slow and the last one to pack away your things. You swallowed down hard, trying to think what you would tell your parents. You closed your eyes, willing yourself not to cry as you stared at the ground heading out of class.
“L/N.” You paused at the use of your family name. You turned back to see Mr Aizawa standing with his arms crossed as he looked at you. You swallowed down hard as you turned around fully, forcing yourself  not to frown at the sight of him. Of course it wasn’t Aizawa’s fault you failed, but you really didn’t want to see the teacher of the subject that you fail right now. He motioned for you to come forward and that is what you did. You swallowed down hard, willing yourself to try and stay as stoic as you could be. He let out a breath.
You knew what he was going to say.
Try harder. Do more exercises. Read more. Focus.
The same shit everybody tells you.
“You know your work.” You froze at the statement as you looked at him with wide eyes. He turned to the stack of papers he had and shuffled through them before finding yours. “Your answers… when I was marking them, they showed that you know your work.” He stated truthfully as he took a step forward, his dark eyes on you as he spoke. Although he looked as stoic as ever, borderline emotionless, you could tell there was genuine appreciation behind his words. “I can see when a student knows their work. You just need a bit of an extra push with your answers. Its almost like you know the answer but you’re only giving half of it.” He explained putting your paper back down.
He put his hands in his pockets and let out a breath. He could see you weren’t totally convinced. He didn’t blame you. He saw how you reacted in class and he noticed it throughout the day as you barely interacted with the class or the activities. He frowned slightly, dark eyebrows pushed together for a moment before easing.
“How about you start doing the extra exercises at the back of the textbook and you send your answers to me. We can work through them together and help get your answers to where they need to be. Hm?” He put on a smidge of a smile, more than you would ever get from him. “You’re a good student, L/N. It’s important you know that this exam doesn’t change that.”
You scowled, your jaw vibrating as you tried to stop yourself from crying. You lower your head in front of him, biting back whimpers and sobs. You quickly wiped your eyes as you couldn’t stop the tears no matter how hard you tried. “I’m sorry.” You let out with sniffs. You knew that Aizawa would hate you for crying. You were to become a future hero, you didn’t need to cry. You sniffed as you couldn’t stop the sobs. You couldn’t stop the tears as they came bubbling out of you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder making you suck in a breath. You looked up to see Mr Aizawa, as serious as he always was, with his arms open, offering you a hug. You paused for a second taking it in, before feeling your emotions overcome you once more.
You walked into the hug with a sullen look, looping your arms around him as you clutched onto his black shirt and tried to stop the only intensifying sobs that racked through you. Aizawa wrapped his arms around you as he rubbed your back. You cried only harder. “I-I… I-”
“Breathe.” He reminded you calmly. His hair smelt like jasmine shampoo and you were pretty sure that you were letting tears into his hair but he didn’t seem to mind.
You took a deep breath to stop your hiccupping, letting it out again. You took another breath. “I-I really tried th-this time, Sensei. I promise.”
He rubbed your back soothingly. “I know, kid. I know. You did your best and for that, I’m proud.” He reminded you. Aizawa stood there and let you cry into his chest. Let you cry until you weren’t even sure where you were. Together he would help you get to where you wanted to go. But right now…
Now you just needed him to be there with you.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Part Eight of Ghost Hero!
Part Seven (links soon)
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Part nine 
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herofics · 19 days
Could you do a oneshot in which Bakugou is going to propose to Aizawa's daughter but first he asked Aizawa for his blessing.
A/N: I decided to do HCs. The timeline doesn’t really match up because Aizawa was 30 when Bakugou started at UA and the reader was Bakugou’s age too, so you can just think of Aizawa being like 10 years older so him having a 15-year-old kid would make more sense. Obviously they’re like in their twenties in this since they’re getting married but anyway
•Bakugou was kind of nervous which is very unlike him, he had the whole proposal thing planned out, he just had to ask your father for his blessing
•When Bakugou started dating you back in UA, Aizawa tried not to pry too much and keep his nose out of your business, but he was also a pretty overprotective father
•You and Bakugou grew into adults together, and Aizawa was very proud of both of you and he also saw the good effect you had on Bakugou
•Bakugou’s competitiveness also drove you to try harder and get better
•It’s not like Bakugou thought Aizawa was going to say no, and he would have married you anyway, no matter what your dad said, but he really wanted his blessing
•So Bakugou went over to Aizawa’s place one evening when you were out with your friends, so he didn’t have to lie to you about where he was going
•Bakugou walked to your father’s place and knocked on the door, finding himself feeling surprisingly nervous
•Aizawa came to open the door and welcomed him in, taking note of the fact that Bakugou seemed very determined about something
•Aizawa asked why Bakugou was stopping by unannounced, not that he really minded, but he was just curious
•Bakugou decided to just ask, and when he did Aizawa just looked at him for a while, before grinning and placing his hand on Bakugou’s shoulder and pulling him into a hug
•”I’d be happy to have you as part of the family” Aizawa told him
•Bakugou thanked him, suddenly feeling an immense sense of relief and joy welling up in his chest
•Aizawa was happy that Bakugou had asked for his blessing, but he also felt like it wasn’t really necessary, since he had made it known that he approved of you and Bakugou’s relationship
•After Bakugou left, Aizawa found that he couldn’t stop smiling, he was so glad you had such a fine young man as your partner
•Sure, he also remembered what a pain in the ass Bakugou had been when he first started at UA, but he had grown so much since then
•You and Bakugou didn’t even originally get along, but as you both grew and matured you went from friends to lovers and partners
•Bakugou couldn’t wait to propose to you, he was elated when he thought of his future with you
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hi! so i was wondering if i can request a oneshot of class 1a & platonic aizawa or just a platonic aizawa (which ever is easiest for u!) x GN reader where the reader received massive burn scars/just scars in general that covers half of their face and arms? just real angsty and fluffy :)
Angst and fluff coming right up <3
Masterlist <3
Warning: burning, mentioned blindness, depictions of blood and injury...
Aizawa and 1-A x Student Reader (Platonic) - Scarring
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The students of 1-A had heard about your accident during the entrance exam. That's why, when you walked into the room, you'd heard hushed whispers invading your ears, the class looking at you curiously.
Your face is covered in thick makeup, but your application is good, so it doesn't smear or melt, and it doesn't look cakey.
It still doesn't do a whole lot to hide the horrific scarring, though.
You had been collecting points like everyone else during the exam, when suddenly everything turned dark. You were still conscious, and still moving, but you were trapped under a robot that had caught fire and shut down, and your ribs were close to crushed.
Everything hurt. You still remember the pain clear as day as your ribs got that much closer to puncturing your lungs, blood seeping from your mouth as you vomited. You were surprised to find that the screaming you could hear was coming from you, desperate wails echoing under the huge tin can, too heavy for you to lift.
Your flesh was burning and the smell reached your nose and travelled along the back of your throat, drawing more vomit from you as you clawed at the gravel beneath you. You're not sure who had plucked you out from beneath the rubble of the malfunctioned robot and the brick wall of a house that it had taken down with it, because by then you were unconscious.
The following few days, you had not left your home. Not once. You hadn't even left your bedroom or so much as drawn the curtains.
Your self esteem was forever crushed to rubble.
The burn and cut scars stretched over your left arm and your neck, reaching your cheekbone in a pattern that seemed some sort of mix between tiger stripes and lighting burns, and they had turned a paper shade in comparison to the rest of your skin, as opposed to darker like, for example, Todoroki's scar.
It almost looked like some kind of vitiligo instead of rough scarring, because Recovery Girl had been so quick to attend to you.
You had never stopped being so grateful to her.
By your first day, you were recognised as the kid who'd been crushed at the entrance exam, and every time someone's eyes landed on you, you'd get horribly self conscious, wondering if they could see the discolouration on your face.
That all changed though, when you had actually started to make friends.
And it makes sense that the first people you made friends with were Shouto and Izuku. Their scars gave you a little more confidence that maybe you weren't so hideous, and it was all in your head.
You and Shouto had bonded over the similarities in your scarring, sharing stories of how they happened and how they affected the both of you, and then you found out that as you were now blind in your left eye, so was Shouto. Or at least sort of. He retained some of his sight, but his vision had been impaired, whereas your eye had been crushed by the metal of the robot that had trapped you.
And Izuku, he always knew the right thing to say. He played a vital role when it came to you accepting what happened to you, and assuring you that noone thought any less of you with the assurance of your fellow classmates. He was a real big help, and his kind and inspirational words had you rethinking the way you saw yourself a lot.
However, sometimes there were days when you looked in the mirror and saw a ghost of who you used to be, and what you used to look like. Memories of your mother taking your, then, unharmed face into her hands and calling you beautiful flashed before your eyes, and led you to having bouts of depression where you would skip class because you had gotten so self conscious.
Aizawa Sensei had thought you'd made peace with the change, and trauma of what happened. Looking back on it now, he could see that he was clearly being naive. He thought you were just skipping class because you weren't so sure about being a hero anymore, or you just didn't care. The thought had him angry, to say the least.
He knocked harshly on the door to your dorm room, hearing a few sniffles coming from the other side. Were you upset? Maybe you were sick?
His suspicions were confirmed as you opened the door slightly, revealing just the corner of your face as you looked up at him with a tired, puffy eye.
You had been crying.
"... What's wrong? Why weren't you in class?"
"... 'sorry-"
"-That's not an answer."
You were shocked silent. You didn't expect him to look so angry with you, but you couldn't face the world like this. The comments you had received at the Sports Festival had absolutely crushed you. People could be so cruel sometimes, it's like they don't even realise that they were talking about a kid.
Finally, you broke into little cries, closing your eye and bumping your head against the door softly, feeling so tired and lonely.
"I can't take it anymore- I just wanna look normal- I don't wanna be ugly anymore- did you know that everyone at the Sports Festival was calling me ugly?! I'm sixteen! There are posts on the internet talking about mine and Shou's and Izu's scars! I just want them off my body, it's not fair!-"
Shouta's heart sinks to his stomach. Your voice is wet shaky, and your words get caught in your throat. For god's sake, he can hear the heartbreak and vulnerability in your sobs. He had failed to protect you. And not just you, but Izuku and Shouto as well? He's such a failure.
He knows the world can be a cruel place, and even though he can teach you to be strong in body, you were still kids, and it was his job to keep you safe from that kind of negative attention. You were kids. You didn't deserve to be judged like pedigree dogs. At least not yet. It's stuff like that that crushes young people's self image.
His shoulders dropped and you looked down at you with a worried expression, slowly pushing the door out of the way and enveloping you in his arms. He feels soft, and secure as you cry into his shirt, sniffling and hiccuping while he rubs your back comfortingly.
"If you tell anyone I hugged you I will deny it. But... Don't worry about what insecure people on the internet are saying, because they must truly be dissatisfied with themselves if insulting teenagers makes them feel better. One day, their life will be in your hands, and they'll regret what they said."
The comment about denying the hug happened actually pulled a little laugh out of you, and you felt much better as he comforted you. Your tears slowed to a stop and your breathing evened out, and once you had calmed down, Aizawa had freed you from his awkward hug.
The world seemed just a little brighter than it did before.
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homelesstravelerssp · 3 months
Aizawa gives his phone with open shorts/reels/tiktoks to Eri (he doesn’t do this often, he really plays with her and educates her, just sometimes), and when he gets the phone back he sees that there are plus 50 liked videos.
He decides to watch them, and in EACH of them the phrase: “like it if you think you have the best dad/parents and you love them”
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boku-no-headcanon · 6 months
almost everyone in class 1a believe that aizawa-sensei pays them no mind but when christmas came around everyone in class was surprised to find a little box on each of their desks with a small handmade keychain of their favorite thing inside. it took all of three seconds of investigation (and checking the card attached to each box) to realize that aizawa made the keychains for all his problem children because, surprise, this man loves his kids. despite how much he will deny it.
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Izuku: Dad, I talk to ghosts
Aizawa: so, you aren't just talking to Hagakure when I find you out past curfew?
Izuku: no, I'm talking to dead people. One of them looks like Kacchan and he keeps standing right next to him to freak me out and it's not nice and all of them need tharapy.
Aizawa; why do they need tharapy?
Izuku: one of them became a hermit and lived in the woods, and the rest of them were murdered by All for One.
Aizawa: *speechless* how have you lived with them?
Izuku: starts crying
(I don't know if you could bounce some ideas off of this but I appreciate the quotes you do. I think talking to ghosts in front of people is extremely funny especially when it's your adopted dad.)
(okay first off thank you for this omg! I'm crying but I have something in my drafts that's something like this that I wanna turn into a story so I might take some of this as inspo but! onwards to the qoute!)
aizawa : Oh shit uh! don't cry? idk? uh?
Nana Shimura : dahm he's bad at comfort isn't he?
izuku still sobbing : Hes trying his hardest nana!
aizawa : WHAT???
Izuku : one of the ghosts!
aizawa : I'm so confused and concerned for your health right now.
one for all users threw izuku : haha mood!
izuku still crying : that was them!
aizawa : uh okay uh right so my son talks to dead people okay cool cool I can deal with this.... WAIT IS THIS WHY YOUR ALWAYS FREZZING TO THE TOUCH????
izuku wiping his eyes : mhm they're clingy! it gets cold when they hug me or be around me rather then in my mind!
aizawa in shock : i need to sit down. I adopted one child but got.... how many?
izuku :... 7 and a half...
aizawa nodding : I adopted one child and got 7 and a half dead people for free.... whag type of deal is this?
izuku laughing a little : you and me both. I thought I was just getting a quirk but I got funky ghosts and 7 more quirks!
aizawa : i need a drink to even think about prosessing this.
one for all users threw izuku : our bad sir if it helps we were all heros and vigilantes..... except two of us
aizawa : Oh.
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tired-teacher-blog · 7 months
Seeing how Aizawa is like a father to the kids -especially Eri- leaves you all warm and tingly inside, as if you're eager to carry his baby in your belly and raise it together with him..
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Izuku having a day off, just to relax and class was not informed. Entire class freaks out thinking izuku went on another vigilante arc and run around like like headless chickens looking for him.
Izuku was found at an animal shelter were he was petting a therapy kitten
Izuku now is required to have a tracker at all times.
But bestie, you are so correct 😭😭😭
Izuku is convinced by his mother and/or all might to take a day off
He doesn’t think much about having to tell anyone where he’s going or what he’s doing, but he wants to take a walk!
Well, tragedy strikes when someone asks if he wants to train or study with them. He’s Not In His Room.
He isn’t in his room????
Why isn’t Midoriya problem child izuku not in his room or anywhere to be found on campus right after a vigilante stunt?
Things devolve from there.
No notes this time, but is that a good or bad sign? Who’s to say?
Aizawa is so tired. He is loath to admit that he cares for his problem child, but he is still his to protect and where the fuck did that little shit run off to now?
Why can’t this small child with a literal hero complex just talk to him for once in his all too young life?
All might, despite being one of the ones to encourage izuku to take a day off, is very much freaking out
Where is his boy?
Where is he???
Class A is. So stressed. Aizawa doesn’t want them to help search for him, because he tries to remind them that it could just be nothing, maybe he went home to see his mother! That sounds like him!
But after a call to Inko, he is even more tired. Midoriya is not there. Inko is now worried as well.
He tells the class not to go searching for him, but nobody listens.
I like to think that inko is the most calm in this situation. She’s like, oh, he’s probably just going for a run or walking around! Yeah, he likes to be outside! He’s such an energetic kid! I’m so proud of him! And class A and the teachers are just in shambles
Eventually, they pass an inconspicuous little pet store on their search for the green bean
Someone sees a fluffy green head of hair and all but sprints into the shop with little explanation other than, “THERE!”
Izuku is none the wiser about the hectic day his friends and mentors have been having.
He had turned his phone off :(
He didn’t want to frighten the kittens if he got a call :(
They’re so soft, guys and they just want love and affection :(
Aizawa stalks up to the store in all his angsty ways like the grim reaper and tells izuku that UA is going to implement a system where leaving the campus requires a staff member to be told beforehand and to accompany the student. No exceptions.
It’s a shame no one had talked to nezu really. He had been watching the whole time. Ah, love and learn. Maybe next time
I love this prompt so much, dude 😭😭 thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed!!!!! Have a good and safe day/night/evening/etc!!!!
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crowsaber · 1 year
Random headcanon: Deku tries out goggles to help focus his quirks better and Aizawa literally can't breathe for a second when he sees him because holy shit the kid looks so much like Shirakumo.
Like Izuku just waltzes into class all "Hey look what the support class made me 😊" and meanwhile Aizawa is just dying in the corner
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truffle-draws · 1 year
My Hero Academia x Spy x Family
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They would do anything Eri asks, though Eraser was insistent on not having weapons (minus the capture scarf) around Eri.
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
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i love the idea of class 1a at this point having like no boundaries with aizawa they full on treat him like their dad they call him dad and everything. they casually they break into his house to pet his cats and they call him at 1am to settle arguments or they video call aizawa when izuku or bakugou are fighting and he just watches in resignation. love it. my favorite kind of fic is where they force involve him in their nonsense, AND HE GOES ALONG WITH IT!!! grumpy and ends up mad most of the time but like those are his kids and he would die for them!! i adore that their entire relationship is "i hate you so much" "WE LOVE YOU TOO DAD!!! <3"
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herofics · 24 days
Could you do some dadzawa angst please? Maybe his daughter died in a mission or commited suicide and how he deal with grief.
A/N: I picked died on a mission, because there’s been so many of the suicide themed requests in the past month or so, and I didn’t really feel like writing that. The reader goes to UA and is on an internship where things go south on patrol and the reader ends up dead
•When Aizawa got the news, he was obviously devastated, but he didn’t really react at first
•He tried to convince himself that this had to be a mistake
•He asked the police officer that had come to deliver the news what had happened, multiple times
•Aizawa also sort of on purpose misunderstood who was dead, like he tried to convince himself that the police officer was mistaken and that it was someone else who had passed away
•When the reality finally set in, his legs gave out, and he fell to the floor on his knees
•He hugged himself as he started quietly crying, his forehead almost touching the floor as he bent down
•The police officer offered his condolences to Aizawa before leaving, and he was left alone
•You were his only child, and now you were gone, he felt like a huge piece of his heart had been ripped away
•Aizawa isn’t very good with big emotions, or at least not showing them
•He’d prefer to keep things locked inside himself, but after your passing, he was required to go to therapy by the school which forced him to confront his feelings
•He was barely able to plan the funeral, he just felt so paralyzed by grief and even more so by anger
•Mic and Midnight were a huge help and Aizawa could mostly focus on the eulogy/memorial speech
•When the day of the funeral finally came, it was one of the most difficult days of his life
•The previous day when the wake was, was also very difficult but also very heartwarming
•Your friends shared stories about you and so did everyone else you were close to
•Aizawa listened, and he couldn’t help but think that even though your life ended way too early, maybe you’d had a good life
•There was a certain sense of finality, even though you’d died a while ago
•One last goodbye, one last time he could hold your hand, before your body would be cremated
•Aizawa was numb for months after your passing, he started drinking more often, not enough to be considered an alcoholic but more than before
•He had to take a pretty long period of sick leave after you died, because he just couldn’t function properly
•He had problems controlling his emotions, like he would get incredibly angry for the smallest things and just breakdown when he was alone
•Eventually it got easier, the pain didn’t disappear, but it got easier to deal with as time went by
•It’s not betrayal to get over the pain, you would want him to keep going, you would want him to be happy again
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Aizawa x class 1-A reader when he finds out reader is also doing vigilante work? I’ve always wondered how he would feels about that
Icl I feel like he would understand tbh like he was probably doing the exact same thing before his career took off. He has a very strong moral standpoint so I figure he would place justice above legality but hes still a teacher and would have to disapprove but he wouldn't be like angry??
I feel like this was portrayed in the anime but it's been a hot minute since I've watched it - what do you think? :D
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3
Check out my kinktober!
𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) - 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞
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Dark circles decorate your eyes as you sit slouched at the desk before class starts. Sleep had eluded you as you spent the night with your parents, helping them feed into their warped, self-indulgent sense of justice by doing vigilante work.
Usually, you'd consider yourself to be at a strong, good moral standpoint, focused on doing good by the people rather than focusing on legality and logistics. But to be quite honest, this self-righteous act of "freeing the people" is starting to become exhausting. It's actually getting on your nerves, really.
You love your parents, but they can be very, exhaustingly eccentric at times, and sometimes outright smug. It's absolutely infuriating. It's so difficult to watch that it hurts, and the more you think about it, the more bitter you begin to feel.
Or maybe this is just the exhaustion talking. Who knows?
It feels like you're just sacrificing little pieces of yourself at this point, giving your body and soul to some 'vigilante work' and your training to persue your career as a hero.
Aizawa is the first to notice the change in your attitude. He is the first to realise that you may be burning out, and he's the first to genuinely worry about you.
As your teacher, and considering the amount of security hazards your class has been subject to in the last year, Aizawa is well within his right to keep tabs on all of you and your home lives. He knows your secret.
After class ends, you're pulled aside by your teacher.
Part of you wants to cry. What is it this time? A failed test? Maybe a lecture on missed homework.
Apparently not. And judging by the look on his face, it's much more serious than a missed assignment. He looks... genuinely concerned, which is an expression you've gotten to see far too many times than you should have to. Wow, you think. The poor guy deserves a break.
"I know what you've been doing every other night, so don't bother trying to lie. I want to say that I'm proud you're taking your hero work so seriously, but don't you think you're overdoing it? Maybe even just a little? You're exhausting yourself, and pretty soon you're going to burn out. Did you even sleep last night?"
Oh, like he can talk about sleep and burnout of all things.
And really, he can. But the brewing bitterness and hostility inside of you is starting to bubble, and you can feel in the back of your throat that a breakdown is imminent. God, don't cry. Please, not now, of all times.
Shiny, salty tears start to collect at your waterline, and the tired teacher lets out a defeated sigh, placing his hand on your shoulder. It's an oddly comforting gesture, really.
"I-... I just want to help... My parents will go out with or without me- and they're not very experienced- so I just worry that if I'm not there, something will happen..."
"Look... The first part of helping is knowing how to best help yourself. Look after yourself, or you might not live long enough to see yourself become the hero you've always wanted to be... Youre a hero, not a martyr - the self sacrifice isn't necessary yet."
Wise words from a man who's seen it all.
He looks disappointed in you, at the very least, but there's a spark of pride in his eye for his tryhard students who do the best they can, and even if you don't see it yet, you will soon enough.
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