#cyberpunk oddities
basementoddities · 2 years
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A red envelope, I wonder what’s inside? 
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brothertedd · 6 days
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lilbluntworld · 2 years
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dreadfulsanity · 4 months
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Three days of sweat, rage and tears. But I finally managed to get it to work.
Little sneak peek. Black and white basics. The others are based on V's and Johnny's interface colors.
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midna-chavelink · 29 days
Thinking about cyberpunk miku again….
Two lore ideas for her would be
1) Corpo propaganda-They created a cyborg almost lifelike girl to sing and charm the citizens of night city. (She wishes she was a real girl) kinda like that lizzy wizzy in a way?
Or 2) A pop singer girl who just frankly can handle as much chrome as adam smasher for no reason. It’s just more memey that way. Also kinda like lizzy wizzy but cooler
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jeff-from-marketing · 10 months
So Baldur's Gate 3 has now fully released, and it kinda fucks?
Okay more than kinda, Baldur's Gate 3 should be the new standard for larger studios in terms of quality and, more importantly, how they treat players. I can't believe I'm saying that about a D&D game.
So for context to that last bit: I'm super fucking jaded on D&D. I've pretty much jumped ship entirely to any other TTRPG (namely Pathfinder 2e) because I hate how Wizards of the Coast have handled D&D 5e and how they treat their customers.
I fucking love Baldur's Gate 3. It's still got some of the D&D things I'm not overly fond of, but that's a personal taste thing, and overall this game fucking rules. Larian is really out here just making D&D a more fun experience than the actual Wizards of the Coast, it's honestly kinda wild.
But more than just in the context of "a D&D game" I want to talk about Baldur's Gate 3 in the larger scope of videogames as a whole, primarily in the triple A scene. There's a reason Baldur's Gate 3 is doing so well and why it's very quickly become so beloved, and it's not just because of the bear sex. That reason can be largely boiled down to "Larian respects their playerbase, and more importantly respects their money." Too often we're seeing games from big triple A companies that already have way too much fucking money just being absolutely filled beyond the brim with monetisation for something that's likely already $90-100 AUD. Or worse: games that borderline lie to you about how much they cost, Destiny 2 I'm fucking looking at you and your "genuinely the worst monetisation I have seen in a game." Or just straight up gacha games that are purpose built to fuck you out of your money and use similar tricks that the gambling industry uses to make money.
But Baldur's Gate 3? Pay the full price up front, and you get a full game. There's no hidden "gotcha!" monetisation, no battlepasses, no rotating digital storefront, no fake "premium" currency, no "but it's only cosmetic" microtransactions. I'm not even gonna gripe against their pre-order stuff like I normally would, because you could actually play the game before it was released. Baldur's Gate 3 was in Early Access for literal years before it fully released, and it used that time quite well! It's fascinating seeing where it came from and how much has changed since then. But more importantly: if you "pre-ordered" the game (read: buy it in Early Access) you could still play the game, you still immediately got something for your money. If you didn't like it, you could still refund it if you wanted to. As a nice little bonus: the game mostly just works! It's not perfect, there's some little oddities here and there, but I haven't had the game break yet. But then again, I'm one of the people who somehow managed to have a pretty bug-free Cyberpunk 2077 experience at launch, so who knows.
And plus it comes with couch co-op! Why is that so rare these days?? It feels like the only games you can really sit down with and play with friends these days are party games.
Of course, Baldur's Gate 3 isn't truly alone here. Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West have come out as full games with no monetisation BS and working fine, albeit stuck to PlayStation for a long time before releasing elsewhere (although BG3 is currently PC exclusive, though that should change next month). God of War, while I've not personally played, I haven't heard anything egregious about it. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is such a fun time, but at $125 AUD it's a hard sell, even knowing all the work that went into it (Though that did drop to just $95 AUD on PC). I'm even going to give Cyberpunk 2077 an honourable mention, because if you had a computer that could run it at launch it was still a damn good time. Though that one unfortunately came at the cost of "should never have been released on last gen consoles" and "worker abuse through crunch."
But all of those examples have the "pre-order to maybe get something" issue that Baldur's Gate 3 avoided through its Early Access launch. You also can't really share those games with friends. You can maybe let a friend borrow the game and then talk about it after you've both finished it in your own time, but that's kinda like watching a movie separately and then talking about it. It's just not the same. That's not even mentioning how small that list is. I'd say it's just single player games, but both Bethesda and Ubisoft have shown even they're not safe.
I haven't seen any game from a large studio respect the player as much as I have with Larian and Baldur's Gate 3. I definitely don't feel bad paying full price for this one. Once they're wrapped up with BG3, I don't suppose I could bribe them to make a Pathfinder game? Pretty please? Already like halfway there with Divinity: Original Sin 2!
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rowan-e-ravenwood · 4 months
if you've ever wondered what my music taste is like: the answer is yes.
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hydrasshole · 1 year
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My name is Rae and welcome to my goofy little blog. This is technically a multi-fandom blog but Cyberpunk 2077 has once again devoured my soul so here we are. Other fandoms you might see on this page includes: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Dungeons and Dragons (and other TTRPG systems), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sailor Moon, and Star Wars. I'm here to gush about my OCs, gush about other peoples OCs, and just have a good ole time.
A little about me: I'm 34, bi, married to a golden retriever gamer boy, and have a very silly old dog named Data. Outside of gaming I'm super into historic fashion, oddities, and cryptids. I like to write, though I don't do enough of it. Eventually, I'd like to add my personal writing to this post if I'm ever brave enough to post it. My ask box is always open, as are my DMs so feel free to come and scream at me about anything. My OCs are always accepting friends requests. I currently live in PST!
This blog is 18+ and I will block minors who follow. I also block empty blogs. If you would like me to tw/cw a tag please let me know, I want everyone to be happy and comfy.
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Vanessa Ito, she/her
Age: 27 Sexuality: Bisexual Known Aliases: Vito, Van, V, Momoko Job: Rockergirl, soloist, stage name Vito. Romantic: Judy/Van Platonic: Jackie&Van, LizzyWizzy&Van Tags: oc: van, about: van, otp: mainline, brotp: a good kinda feelin, brotp: skin and chrome
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Soichi Ito, he/him
Age: 37 Sexuality: Pansexual Known Aliases: Oliver, ICVRVS Job: Cyber security, Arasaka. Romantic: Soichi/Hanako Platonic: TBA Tags: oc: soichi, about: soichi, otp: poison and honey
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kamikazeanimated · 7 months
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Inktober Day 24: "Shallow"
Outlanders eke out a steady living scavenging relics from the world before the Withering. The shifting dunes of the Outlands uncover scrap and oddities that delvers can sell in city-states like Trinity.
----- We're a cyberpunk-y scifi adventure comics and animation series!
Find out more at http://kmkz.tv or read the webcomic at https://kamikazeanimated.com
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eireemee · 2 months
World Building
fantasy builds,
cyberpunk builds,
other lots
cyberpunk wear,
fantasy wear,
period wear
fantasy mods,
sci-fi mods,
other modsh
Magic and the Occult
Mermaids and Kelpies
Tech and the Scientists
Dave Hough
The Western Frontier
A School for Magicals and Oddities
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basementoddities · 2 years
Here’s the first episode of Cyberpunk: Oddities! 
A Cyberpunk 2020 campaign refereed by Gray following the mysterious disappearance of several people in the Night City area.  
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brothertedd · 3 months
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amplifying · 1 year
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#AMPLIFYING. no dying on my watch !
independent, selective, mutuals and 18+ only rp blog. BAPTISTE ( aka jean-baptiste augustin ) of the OVERWATCH universe. as healed by ODDITY ( he/him, 21+, gmt+8 ). please look to pinned post for relevant information. includes alternate verses for: cyberpunk 2077, tes, pkmn.
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merge-conflict · 10 months
I realize there are some practical limitations to different models (I’ll save my pc body types rant for another day) but sometimes all I can do is daydream longingly for the kind of extreme body modifications that must be possible in Cyberpunk- even if homebrewed and hacked or in a risky gray area like the maelstrom optic nerve stuff. Where’s the person with a super long segmented centipede like body? Extra limbs? Forget fursuits where are the furries who have enough money to make themselves look more like animals? What does adapting to that level of change take? I have to assume it’s pretty fringe– either someone’s life work tinkering or people who are so rich they can afford to be an “oddity”. What does it look like when you can change your body at will? And then what happens when your prototypes have wear and tear? If you don’t have a good time adjusting? Like Smasher is considered to be an outlier in that he enjoys being a borg, and he has had multiple frames he’s used (including the humanlike gemini one) so clearly it’s a technical possibility…
I’m very wary of how the dream treats cyberpsychosis tbh, and my own personal feelings about it are that it has more to do with everyone’s stress levels being more or less unmanageable all the time even without physical changes and recovery. (Not holding my breath for whatever they’ve implemented as a mechanic for the dlc btw. I’m sure it won’t be tasteless or reductive.) But there’s gotta be somebody out there who wants a “weird” body and can get it and I’m fascinated at the idea of free for all (consensual) body modification and there’s very little delivery. I can’t even take off my tits in game, y’know? Then at the very end of the game you can choose to be digitized and no one even begins to explore what that means in universe and it makes me want to eat my keyboard and add about a dozen more exploratory stories to the pile.
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frostedlemonwriter · 10 months
Find The Word Tag
Thanks to @theunboundwriter for tagging me. :3 I appreciate it
My words are: Felt, Hold, Seen/Saw, and Left/Leave
I am going to tag @cljordan-imperium @junypr-camus @andipxndy and whoever else wants to join!
You words are: Intense, High, Crazy, and Dusk
I am going to use my cyberpunk story for this one. Under the cut.
The smog filled air of Seattle felt welcoming after the disgusting atmosphere within the apartment building. Heat from the sun warmed their skin, improved their moods as Emy got into the driver's side of the Comet. Ryan took the nuyen and counted it. Double what was owed to Dexter.
It was a two-story building on the edge of old Japantown. Once a tourist trap with the outer décor including a large fish. Faded with age and neglect. Now a sign situated to proclaim J's Antiquities and Oddities. The van pulled up to a sudden stop at the back door. The four exited the van with Ryan holding the plastic case. Emy entered the code into the keypad which opened the door into the safety of the store.
“Ah, fantastic!” Jaxon called out. The pudgy man dressed in an expensive suit clapped his hands together. “The client will be very happy.”
Ryan crawled under the heavy blanket beside her roommate. A comforting strong arm wrapped around her waist. Head dug against Emy's tattooed chest. Neither one knew why they didn't become a couple. Maybe they had grown beyond that. Ryan saw her friend as something more than that.
Emy rolled her eyes and with her cybernetic enhanced hand, she pulled the cover off the keypad beside the door. Pulled out an external jack from her left palm and plugged it into the emergency port of the keypad. Her eyes turned a light purple for a brief moment before the door slid open with a hiss. Just as it did Ryan leveled her gun at the mid-twenties man who stood stunned with his hands up. Her partner entered and pointed her gun at the two sat around a table playing cards and eating.
“Sorry to interrupt ya lunch,” Ryan said. “But, ya seem to owe a powerful man a powerful 'mount of nuyen. Ya ready to pay up?”
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