#cyberpunk homebrew
coggedcorset · 9 months
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I made dis.
So our cyberpunk dnd game has been wild. We started everything off with nearly being kidnapped for organ/cyberware harvesting, there is a cult that seems to be obsessed with us, my girlfriend was kidnapped by said cult so we saved her, we're now wanted terrorists because one of our party keeps dropping grenades. I'm learning that i'm not human, but perhaps an alien "people who came from the stars, but not angels" and our last session ended with a cyberninja guy showing up who knew my old man (the guy who took me in when i was a teen) and then mothman dropped in on us.
Shits been wild and amazingly fun.
Oh ya and the dm has been writing little stories about npcs for us and she did one for my old man and turns out that there is an important, probably magical medallion just rolling around in the lining of my jacket, and now i want it but i left my jacket with my girlfriend because it was identifiable, but i have no reason to go look through it so now i'm hoping dm will have her find it and try to get it to me.
Our next game isn't until the 5th of october...still got over 2 weeks and it's killing me
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The Fossil
I’m not going to lie, chooms, I’ve been so bored working all the time. I can’t believe that next week, there’s a show at the Fossil that’s not during my shift! It’s Thursday Night at 7pm-11pm. A couple local bands called Copaganda, Blaring Sirens, Tactical Duke, and Tamandua are going to be playing. They’re all punk bands but I guess Tamandua has a surf punk vibe or something. I’m not sure I’d be into it, but it might be different live.
I’ve been to The Fossil a couple times before over the years. They hold All Ages shows sometimes, so I was 13 the first time I went. The place used to be a gas station back before CHOOH2, and a hideout for a couple gangs since then. Somehow, it survived without being demolished, and eventually was fixed up into being a pub in 2028. Instead of rows of merchandise, it’s full of tables just like any restaurant and a small stage. They serve stuff like “Chicken” Tenders, Pizzas, Hot Dogs, and other cheap food you’d expect to see in a gas station. The booze is bottled or canned, mostly, but they do mix cocktails. Their most popular is the Dino Egg Slush (10eb), which is a concoction of Green Apple Smash, Rainbow Bits Candy, and Vodka that comes out of a Slushie machine. I never said these were classy cocktails.
Outside, you’d be forgiven for thinking the place was still abandoned on slower days. The pumps are completely covered with stickers, graffiti, and large “out of order” signs. The windows are very tinted, and the entrance is separated from the rest with a black curtain. There’s a bulletproof glass-covered ticket booth in that area during shows, but it doubles as a front counter and register especially during the day. The entrance has a couple shelves of merch, snacks and drinks, and a cigarette vendit. It’s not uncommon for people to come in just to buy snacks and cigs, but it still gives them business. I mean, I do it too sometimes. I can’t wait to go back. It’s trashy, but it’s part of the local music scene. Night City wouldn’t be the same without it.
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sapphhyra · 3 months
Are you looking for a #cyberpunk experience without having to learn new overly complex #ttrpg systems?
Then check ARMTGE here: https://kickstarter.com/projects/sapphyra/armtge-the-fantasy-cyberpunk-rpg
And get notified, so you can be the first to learn about this new rpg
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nerdknowledgepool · 3 months
Here's another IRL request, this time from Cyberpunk Edgerunners and 2077!
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vriskaserketdaily · 1 year
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dont let the girlboss propaganda fool you vriska is a strugglewoman and right now she is struggling to come up with ideas for her d&d campaign (side note: i do not think d&d is very fun for the DM. and vriska is a born game master)
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not-a-crow-in-a-hat · 3 months
O.o roll it?
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goatmoy · 6 days
I was thinking about a post where someone said that D&D fans will trick out the game to the point of running Dark Souls on Skyrim through mods levels of changes way before touching another system that is literally a much better, easier, and more accessible version of a game either because of Sunk-cost or being stuck in a place where anything outside of D&D has to be imported in where the PHB/DMG is available at Walmart. So I ask the greater Tumblr community of TTRPGs:
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dreameaterdiesel · 16 days
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Slussibek and Vienor, a romance that happens in the background of the main plot featuring Thoon, Felix, and Auzzimaks.
Vienor was a Paladin of Pelor and ran into Felix on the mission to the stranded Nautiloid. A typical himbo and all around self-obsessed pretty-boy, he found himself at odds with the unaabe rogue and the people he was tasked to rescue. He ultimately helped save Thoon and his acolytes, but unlike Felix, Vienor had some pre-conceived notions about illithids that he struggled to overcome.
Slussibek is the lead guitarist in Thoon’s band and rather blunt. He is very "in the literature" as far as his dedication to Thoonism and the cause. He comes from the same illithid colony as Vyzsidal, but they never met prior to joining Thoon. Despite Vienor’s reluctance, they end up bonding over their mutual love of speed metal and philosophy.
Anyway, here’s Slussibek flirting with Vienor and handing him a Thoonist tract. Art by Tealix.
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aggravateddurian · 8 months
I've had an idea!
As we're aware, CDPR made an UNFORGIVEABLE MISTAKE when they made Phantom Liberty... they did not include an iconic variant of this most precious bean:
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The Liberty. It's literally called LIBERTY, c'mon guys!
I've had ideas for two iconics. I'll be including them in my Phantom Liberty weapons pack of Dark Future Arsenal as exotic weapons.
As with the standard Liberty in Dark Future Arsenal, it is a Heavy Pistol (Handgun skill, 3d6 DMG, ROF 2, 1 Handed, but with the canon 14 rnd magazine).
Phantom is an all-black Liberty, its paint is designed to be sensitive to local light levels, adapting to the darkness to make its form as obscure as possible. It will do 1.5x damage with a suppressor attached and 2.0x damage when fired from stealth. In Cyberpunk RED, this means that Phantom will improve stealth rolls by +1 when held in hand.
The Phantom's suppressor uses the same rules I've homebrewed for stealth attacks and suppressed weapons in my Cyberpunk RED campaigns.
It is suppressed, which means that provided that there are no eneemies with line of sight to the character within 25m/yds, the player will not cause a combat initiative roll if used on an enemy outside of combat. However, if there is an enemy within 25m/yds, the player will have to roll Stealth against the enemy's Perception, which, if fails, will trigger combat and force an initiative roll with the player at a -1 disadvantage.
It ignores armour if fired from Stealth (outside of combat), reflecting the video game's stealth headshot bonus whilst not being too over the top.
It has a unique scope, which will give it +1 to hit at ranges from 0-100m and will not incur the -8 aimed shot penalty (but only if aimed at the target's head). It, alongside Her Majesty, will be perfect companions for the FIA agent on the ground.
Phantom's colours and unique lore about having no serial numbers are meant to evoke the espionage theme of Phantom Liberty.
Redscreen is a unique Liberty with a bright red slide and black frame. It fires unique ammunition called 'Redscreen rounds' that will cause enemies to receive a -2 to all REF and DEX related checks for 1 minute. It is, otherwise, a Liberty.
The glitches that enemies see would be similar to the glitch effect V saw when Songbird uses V as a proxy to hack the Petrochem EBM Stadium in Phantom Liberty. The colours are inspired by the Phantom Liberty colours (red and black).
I'm thinking about a green and grey Barghest themed variant and maybe an all-white NUSA variant, the idea being that this was a weapon carried by Secret Service agents tasked with protecting President Myers.
These variants will not be available to the players of my current campaign, they'll be reserved for the 2077 campaign I've got cooking.
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nivenus · 6 months
In about 1 minute we start the pre-game chat for "On A Pale Horse," an ALIEN RPG campaign.
The PCs now find themselves facing off against the killer they've been pursuing through the underground maze beneath Alexandria Colony, only to find a man who is no longer a man but something... alien.
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"Up The Tower"
Deep Inside Central District's Inclusion Zone.[A part of NC+] J i h z z y enjoys the view of a reclaimed wasteland while Mara enjoys a view of her own.
I'll do my best to put up some more content regularly; however, I wanted to post this as a bit of an "excuse my likely absence" but for the near future.
My late Son's memorial is coming up this November 21st. It'll be the first one we experience, my wife and I. Our son, who's middle name is Atlas, (Keeping the full name private for obvious reason) , was a warrior of CHD. A grueling battle that takes a toll on everyone involved. I ask that you please excuse any lack of interaction that may occur as we're not really sure how we're going to handle this. We check our Tumblrs every day throughout the day and we love everything we see. (I'm way worse about not 'liking' things I should) Just know that all of your content is appreciated and not to take our lack of interaction as a sign of anything otherwise.
As a way for me, personally, to memorialize him, I use the "#Atlas Forever" tag. Something to keep an eye out for in my future work, as he has been an inspiration to so much for me. I remember him where I can. Feel free to use it whenever you feel loved, as anytime I feel loved, I think of him to share the moment. I hope it can become something of a happy trend for some people. I think that would be nice.
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coggedcorset · 10 months
So i've been making some meme/shitposts for our dnd/cyberpunk campaign and imma share em
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The one on the left is my boy, dante with his npc girlfriend cuz he's a simp. And on the right is molly, who is the npc girlfriend of vianu, and that is vianu's ass.
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Also made this of what i thought was gonna happen in our last game. So we only play once a month so may's game ended with us rolling up to a creepy ass church and dante getting a vision of his girlfriend inside the church on an altar. Then i had to sit on that knowledge for a month because no one else knew! And i was prepared to get this dumb boy killed to protect her, i was fully prepared to run into the middle of the group of cloaked baddies to protect her. Luckily for him the church waa alot bigger than i thought it would be so he didn't get the chance and our druid dropped her familiar over girlfriend and then got her to safety so no one died...vianu did go down but we got him back up before he could roll death saves
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Work got in the way of posting, but maybe I could use that to my advantage. What is it like working in retail in Night City? One thing that’s never changed is the supply shortages. It seems like every month, something new becomes scarce. If you can track it down, it’s selling at a Night Market for twice its normal price. For the last couple months, it was rechargeable batteries for flashlights, cyberdecks, and other portable tech. And I guess whatever techs use instead of nicotine sticks for an alternative to smoking. I heard them called “mods” a couple times, but since they’re homemade, the look varies. Luckily, the batteries eventually came back in stock, albeit still at an elevated cost for now. Instead of 5eb each, they’re 10eb each now. You’d think that would be no big deal, but some things take 2-4 of them. 
It’s not just technology related things that become unavailable. The word on the street is that one of the popular clothing companies (Dangersign) had to deal with a scandal about the CEO siding with Arasaka over the Arasaka HQ Bombing, which is a real big problem if you’re trying to sell your stuff in NUSA or NC. I haven’t seen a new shipment of their clothes since then, and was told to dump the ones we had out back in the dumpster. It’s a shame since they made good jeans, but the whole brand is out.
This wouldn’t really be an issue if it weren’t for the customers. You’d think they would be used to things randomly becoming scarce by now. It’s been like that for almost as long as I’ve been alive. But no. It’s a travesty every time it happens. I’ve been threatened by uptight corpo wannabes more times than I can count, but it doesn’t change the outcome. The stuff’s just scarce. I don’t know what to say. Come again in a couple weeks.
We’ve been robbed a couple times, but I’ve only been there one time it’s happened. They took all the eddies in the register, a couple 12 packs of Smash, and some clothes. Dangersign clothes. Sucks to suck, gonks.
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sapphhyra · 2 months
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The aranea, by Vesperia Industries, is a small recon drone with limited combat abilities, but can be an useful ally when you need to cover your six, or venture in uncharted territories.
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xxgremlinleexx · 5 months
DnD Double Feature!!
It's mah BOIS !!!
Fritz and Cyrus! They're from two different DnDs I'm in atm- one Cyberpunk and one Fully Homebrewed from the ground up.
One is serving cunt and the other serves knuckle sandwiches. And I love them both dearly.
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efangamez · 9 months
I'll be sharing 3 posts per day, each containing a page from my new Quake-inspired TTRPG, GRIM!
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Page 33: Pre-Built Characters VI
Here is the second half of the level 5 characters you can plug n play in GRIM! The Spurned One is this game's "Doom Slayer" or "Ranger", and I like how their face is a swirling, starlit abyss with only one glowing green eye. It's pretty dope!!
GRIM releases on September 23rd, 2023 on itch.io, DriveThruRPG, and Kofi!
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