#cyberpunk retail
Work got in the way of posting, but maybe I could use that to my advantage. What is it like working in retail in Night City? One thing that’s never changed is the supply shortages. It seems like every month, something new becomes scarce. If you can track it down, it’s selling at a Night Market for twice its normal price. For the last couple months, it was rechargeable batteries for flashlights, cyberdecks, and other portable tech. And I guess whatever techs use instead of nicotine sticks for an alternative to smoking. I heard them called “mods” a couple times, but since they’re homemade, the look varies. Luckily, the batteries eventually came back in stock, albeit still at an elevated cost for now. Instead of 5eb each, they’re 10eb each now. You’d think that would be no big deal, but some things take 2-4 of them. 
It’s not just technology related things that become unavailable. The word on the street is that one of the popular clothing companies (Dangersign) had to deal with a scandal about the CEO siding with Arasaka over the Arasaka HQ Bombing, which is a real big problem if you’re trying to sell your stuff in NUSA or NC. I haven’t seen a new shipment of their clothes since then, and was told to dump the ones we had out back in the dumpster. It’s a shame since they made good jeans, but the whole brand is out.
This wouldn’t really be an issue if it weren’t for the customers. You’d think they would be used to things randomly becoming scarce by now. It’s been like that for almost as long as I’ve been alive. But no. It’s a travesty every time it happens. I’ve been threatened by uptight corpo wannabes more times than I can count, but it doesn’t change the outcome. The stuff’s just scarce. I don’t know what to say. Come again in a couple weeks.
We’ve been robbed a couple times, but I’ve only been there one time it’s happened. They took all the eddies in the register, a couple 12 packs of Smash, and some clothes. Dangersign clothes. Sucks to suck, gonks.
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sugarpsalms · 8 months
reading chandelier by mieko kawakami once a month is good for you actually
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mossworth · 1 year
A gallery of my memo app pt. 1
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Black friday in a retail job
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quaddmgd · 1 year
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thanks ms for constantly reminding me that i don't have control over the hardware i bought with my own money
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uniiico · 7 months
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these would've slapped if i had focused the camera instead of being excited about the concept lmao
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If I had any game programming knowledge whatsoever, my dream project would be a cyberpunk Pokemon parody where the dystopic supercorporation that runs the world accidentally unleashes hordes of cute, marketable bioweapons into the wild, and then spins a narrative that this was totally intentional and creates a cultural movement to catch 'em all, thereby outsourcing the cleanup effort to consumers and still turning a profit.
The main character is a twenty-something burnout who decides to become a monster catcher basically because it beats retail.
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i think it's so incredibly cool that Joel's and Impulse/Bdubs' s10 bases are themed similarly enough that when theyre done they're going to blend beautifully into a really varied and sonewhat realistic cyberpunk city. Joel's base at the top of the mountain feels very old money wealthy district, with all the colours and light and beautifully appointed apartments and little cafés and rooftop gardens. It leads down the hill to Impulse's more industrial CBD with big warehouse-type buildings, everythings in slightly worse shape but you can tell it's gonna feel like a bustling city center with some class and economic variations in its retail/residential areas. Bdub's section is the most run down, the most beat up, the most dystopian feeling, a little seedy, almost slum-like and it's at the outskirts of the city. You can stand on the top apartment balcony and look up the mountain at the bright and shining sector at the tip, just peeking out of the fog. Im actually beside myself with excitement for how these two bases are gonna turn out
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KotLC Fandom Gift Exchange: Poll 2
The first poll has decided that the July exchange will focus on a specific AU! (If you're not sure what an exchange is, check out that first post.)
I've selected a variety of AUs that will allow a range of interpretations. I'd be happy for any of these to be the theme!
Character AU Options
These can take place in any setting (e.g. the human world, the Lost Cities, etc.) or time period, but some characters are changed from canon.
Human AU: Characters that aren't canonically human are now human. This encompasses a lot of things!
Species Swap AU: The characters are now a different species (EXCEPT human). They could be something that's not in the series at all, like mermaids or ghosts, or could become a different canon species, like ogres or gnomes.
Ruler AU: Characters that aren't canonically rulers are now rulers. This could be either Lost Cities rulers (councillors, monarchs, etc.) or human rulers (presidents, monarchs, etc.)
Criminal AU: Characters that were previously on the "good" side are now on the "bad" side. They could be in the Neverseen, be supervillains, be assassins, or anything else.
Setting AU Options
The characters can be the same or modified to fit the setting, but the story no longer takes place in the canon world.
Fairy Tale AU: The characters are now in a fairy tale. This could be an existing one or an original one.
Hollywood AU: The characters are now in Hollywood. They could be actors, reality TV stars, singers, dancers, influencers, or whatever else you'd like.
Domestic/Mundane AU: The characters are taken out of the action of the story to a more mundane setting. This could be family life, working a human job like retail, going on a road trip, or whatever else.
Science Fiction AU: It's now a science fiction story. Think gadgets and machines, aliens, cyberpunk, and the like.
Time Period AU Options
These are similar to setting AUs, but specifically involve time periods of the human world. You could still set them in the Lost Cities, but show how the Lost Cities are different during these times as well (especially considering that they were formerly more connected to the human world).
Medieval AU: The story takes place in the (typically European) Middle Ages.
Old Britain AU: The story takes place during the Regency or Victorian era of British history (think Jane Austen or Emily Brontë).
Feel free to advocate for the theme you want!
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lowercasebreezy · 2 years
BANG BANG BODHISATTVA releases May 9th, 2023.
Okay, I think it’s time I made a full roundup post.
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An edgy, queer cyberpunk detective mystery by an exciting new trans voice from New Zealand. Someone wants trans girl hacker-for-hire Kiera Umehara in prison or dead—but for what? Failing to fix their smart toilet?   It’s 2032 and we live in the worst cyberpunk future. Kiera is gigging her ass off to keep the lights on, but her polycule’s social score is so dismal they’re about to lose their crib. That’s why she's out here chasing cheaters with Angel Herrera, a luddite P.I. who thinks this is The Big Sleep. Then the latest job cuts too deep—hired to locate Herrera’s ex-best friend (who’s also Kiera’s pro bono attorney), they find him murdered instead. Their only lead: a stick of Nag Champa incense dropped at the scene.   Next thing Kiera knows, her new crush turns up missing—sans a hand (the real one, not the cybernetic), and there’s the familiar stink of sandalwood across the apartment. Two crimes, two sticks of incense, Kiera framed for both. She told Herrera to lose her number, but now the old man might be her only way out of this bullshit... A fast-talker with a heart of gold, Bang Bang Bodhisattva is both an odd-couple buddy comedy that never knows when to shut up, and an exploration of finding yourself and your people in an ever-mutable world.  
You can read the first chapter here.
ARCs are currently available for reviewers through Netgalley.
Preorder links should start to appear soon through retailers here--please note that the release date is currently showing erroneously as 2022, due to an error. I am working to get this fixed.
I am on Goodreads.
“I am ecstatic to be working with Rebellion Publishing, the home of JUDGE DREDD, to bring my hopelessly queer cyberpunk-buddy-comedy-noir-mystery to print. If you’re a fan of 80s anime pinup girls, Daft Punk, Robert Patrick as the T-1000, hormone replacement therapy, the Nintendo Virtual Boy, a neat whiskey or a fruit-flavored cocktail, Philip K. Dick, lo-fi hip-hop beats to chill/study to and/or the prospect of hope for humanity beyond the next seven to ten years–I hope that Bang Bang Bodhisattva will hit just right.”
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cyberpunkonline · 6 months
The Cyberpunk Genre: From Fiction to Reality
The Real-World Cyberpunk Narrative
In the realm of science fiction, the cyberpunk genre has long captivated audiences with its vision of a high-tech, low-life future. Cyberpunk, a subgenre that emerged in the early 1980s, combines advanced technology with a layer of dystopian elements, often exploring themes of artificial intelligence, cybernetics, corporate hegemony, and social decay. However, what once seemed a distant future is now becoming a striking reflection of our present reality.
The Cyberpunk Reality of Modern Corporations
As we delve into the corporate world, the parallels between cyberpunk narratives and current events become strikingly clear. This article examines the activities of major corporations like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, SpaceX, and OpenAI, highlighting instances that resonate with cyberpunk themes.
"Google: The Digital Panopticon"
Google, with its vast array of services, has created a digital ecosystem that closely resembles the omnipresent corporations in cyberpunk lore. The company's foray into various sectors, from search engines to smart home devices, has raised concerns about privacy invasion and data control, reminiscent of cyberpunk's surveillance-heavy societies.
"Microsoft: The Silicon Overlord"
Microsoft's dominance in the software industry, particularly with its Windows operating system and Office suite, mirrors the cyberpunk trope of a corporation wielding enormous power over everyday technology. The company's expansion into cloud computing and AI further cements its status as a tech giant with a reach that extends into the very fabric of digital life.
"Amazon: The Corporate Colossus"
Amazon's transformation from an online bookstore to a retail and technology behemoth aligns with cyberpunk's portrayal of mega-corporations that transcend traditional industry boundaries. The company's ventures into cloud computing, AI, and even space travel through its Blue Origin subsidiary evoke images of a corporation with almost limitless ambition and resources.
"SpaceX: Architects of the Starbound Future"
SpaceX, under the leadership of Elon Musk, brings to life the cyberpunk fascination with space exploration and privatization. The company's ambitious projects, including the colonization of Mars and satellite internet services, embody the cyberpunk vision of pushing humanity's boundaries, both technologically and geographically.
"OpenAI: The AI Enigma"
OpenAI, known for its groundbreaking work in AI, reflects cyberpunk's preoccupation with the potential and dangers of artificial intelligence. The development of advanced AI models and their applications in various fields raise questions about the future of human-AI interaction, a central theme in many cyberpunk narratives.
Industrial Espionage: A Cyberpunk Reality
The world of industrial espionage, a staple in cyberpunk plots, is no stranger to these tech giants. The competitive nature of the technology industry, driven by the race for innovation and market dominance, has led to numerous instances of data breaches, intellectual property theft, and corporate spying. These incidents underscore the darker aspects of the corporate world, mirroring the intrigue and deception often found in cyberpunk stories.
Cyberpunk Tropes in the Modern World
Several broad tropes characteristic of the cyberpunk genre are increasingly relevant today:
Technological Advancements vs. Societal Decay: The stark contrast between cutting-edge technology and societal challenges, such as income inequality and privacy concerns, is a recurring theme in both cyberpunk fiction and the modern world.
Corporate Power and Influence: The immense power wielded by mega-corporations, often at the expense of individual freedoms and government authority, is a reality in both the cyberpunk genre and today's corporate landscape.
Ethical Dilemmas of AI and Cybernetics: The ethical and philosophical questions surrounding artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and human enhancement are as pertinent in real life as they are in cyberpunk narratives.
Conclusion: Cyberpunk as a Now Genre
As we examine these parallels, it becomes evident that cyberpunk is no longer a genre fixated on a near future. The themes, concerns, and narratives central to cyberpunk are increasingly manifesting in our current reality. The once speculative fiction has transformed into a lens through which we can view and understand the complexities and challenges of our high-tech, corporate-dominated world. Cyber is no longer a near future genre. It's a now genre.
- Raz
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lokiina · 6 months
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Spawnable Neon Christmas Tree
That feel when you haven't put anything out in forever and finally bust the door down a week before Christmas with a fun tree!! What's more cyberpunk than NEON?
Also I just like making fun props. I've had this to do forever, but I work retail and this time of year is crazy hectic and I have very little time for me. I needed to get this out before I ran out of time to do it. kdjsfhdkfjg
ANYWAY make sure you read the description for mod install stuff if you're new to mods/don't know how to do it. Everyone else you know the drill.
HAVE FUN~ if you like what I do or just wanna say thanks... consider buying me a coffee?
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
Do YOU want to rock the strappy tank top Jeff Satur keeps wearing for shows and interviews? You know, this bitch...
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Do you want it in YOUR size and for LESS THAN $30? If the answer to either of those questions was “Yes”, then yee-haw do I have some good news for you!
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By purchasing some plain white tank tops in your size and some 12mm replacement bra straps from the retailer of your choice (Amazon linked here), you can assemble your own Jeff Satur Cyberpunk Tank Top in roughly 45 minutes. 
It will take some measuring/pinning and hand-stitching, but it’ll look essentially the same when you’re finished and it’ll probably be made of higher quality materials than the AliExpress version selling for $50 on sale.
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lilacsmothership · 10 months
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lower left: @amoonamedpada's characters Archie and Maltis
Standard Candles, the world most of my OCs inhabit, takes place in the infinite multiverse where any story can happen. in it, lost things and beings from across existence tend to become stranded and accumulate, and have to figure out how to get their bearings and scrape by amid cyber-witch smugglers, magic alien plushie knights from a planet shaped like a cone, and the augmented desk plant who works retail - all against the backdrop of a 3000 year old ultra-magitech civilization constantly sending forth explorers and contractors across the multiverse, trawling the depths of hyperspace and beyond for new items of power and beings of interest.
an enormous spectrum of physical laws (and magic systems) pervade the multiverse, ranging from "normal" cosmoi (universes) not unlike our own, to "weirdspace" worlds with habitable but odd physics like floating islands instead of planets, to even more abstract cosmoi saturated with alien forms and machinery mysterious in function to those who stumble upon them, to spirit worlds shaped by the shadows of the material realm and the after-echoes of the psyche.
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Known Space teems with all walks of life from all walks of reality - explorers seeking out strange new worlds, interstellar mining lawyers who also happen to be lizard plushies woven from magic thread in an alternate history, psychic cowgirls who dive into the dreams of cybernetic forests, fluffy alien squid girls who also happen to be war journalists, bird gangsters for the space yakuza, and starship trailer park witches struggling under the dark pact called student debt, among countless other sorts. it's a magical cyberpunk space opera where the lives of ordinary people are shot through with the fantastical even when they're very mundane, and a setting where any crossover is possible.
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I hope Hogwarts Legacy falls flat on its face. I hope it's a glitchy, uncooked mess a la Cyberpunk 2077 that's as boring and lacking in content as it looks. I hope all the transphobes Potterheads looking forward to it and pegging it as Game of the Year before it even comes out are severely disappointed. I hope used copies flood second-hand retailers. I hope it’s yet another nail in this horrible franchise’s coffin.
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER launches May 16
From Gematsu
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Retro cyberpunk mystery adventure game Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store Store on May 16 for $14.99 / £12.79 / €14.79, publisher Chorus Worldwide and developer MidBoss announced.
Physical $44.99 standard and $99.99 collector’s editions will also be available for PlayStation 5 and Switch at retail via Serenity Forge. Pre-orders are available now.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER, the next mystery adventure set in the world of MidBoss’ 2064: Read Only Memories. Return to the vibrant cyberpunk world of Neo-San Francisco from 2064: Read Only Memories, filled with friendly and familiar faces including Jess Meas, the gene-spliced, hybrid lawyer, TOMCAT, the notorious hacker, and Lexi Rivers, former police officer turned private eye. Take on the role of ES88, a telepath with the ability to delve into memories employed by MINERVA, a powerful organization specializing in neurotechnology and extrasensory projection phenomena. Tasked with tracking down the Golden Butterfly, a naturally gifted psychic on the loose and wreaking havoc through the subconscious minds of Neo-San Francisco, by using the Neurodiver to search the memories in which it hides. Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER’s Deep Dive mechanic enables ES88 to identify, manipulate, and unlock information, though overuse can irreparably corrupt her target’s memory. NEURODIVER will introduce new characters, locations, and mechanics, including the ability to dive into and change other characters’ memories, as well as overhauled art and an unsolved case to crack with multiple endings.
Key Features
Play as new character ES88, a gifted esper with the ability to delve into memories.
Explore, manipulate and even unlock the memories of others.
Visit new locations and meet new friends in Neo-San Francisco.
See familiar faces like Jess Meas, Lexi Rivers, TOMCAT, and more.
An updated dynamic and colorful art style.
Retro-inspired FM music by Scarlet Moon artist, coda.
Even more anime than before!
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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sun-almighty-wukong · 4 months
When it comes to games and movies locked behind a subscription and they can be retrieved or uninstalled frim your account because the sellers lost the rights to selling em, they aint yours. Like in today's cyberpunk world in USA, you can have implants and medications stripped at any moment because the company demands it and the law will back them up instead of you, the patient and owner. Well you dont own it (medicine/implant/game/movie) if you cant access it, you just have permission to it
for digital things, fucking pirate it dude
im well aware if we all pirated, companies, theyd have.... less money, not no money cuz they rich as balls, but like forget- disregard that logic, today's pirates are few and obscured and anyone who can tend to choose a job. Have you seen mass unity on a scale or duration that can deprive these oligarchs to ashes? If you really cared about supporting creators, the good employees are breaking backs and burning out pumping liquid shit into computers so their boss can get a penny richer, which to them is a penny and to us is 10s of millions of smackaroos. Dollars.
anyway if it aint yours after purchasing, piracy's next, which is why some people put their downloaded or torrented games on a disc to immortalize it.
But most of all, outdated copies of famous games thatll never be produced again but are being resold today circulating in obscure hobbyist retailers for collectors or 90s kids or both, will eventually die out and we'll have no more preserved physical copies to enjoy on their original handheld as theyre meant to be enjoyed.
so many ancient ps1 games, never to be seen again...
unlike goddamn nintendo who could restart the DS production lines but instead put those and gba stuff on a switch subscription fucks sake, let us download em in peace, dont bother making buck today, you already had your time suck my dick
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