#cw psychedelics
thingwildcoyote · 29 days
this will probably be the most niche post i’m ever going to make like i don’t even know who it’s for but yesterday my sibling got me to play through the first year of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist and first of all it’s a really good game, i haven’t played any further but i plan to and based on what i’ve seen so far I’d highly recommend it
the game covers some pretty dark and disturbing topics, so if there are themes that you would rather avoid, the game has a list of of content warnings available for you to view at the title screen or you can look it up online (your mental health and wellbeing should always come first) but otherwise i would suggest jumping in with as little knowledge as possible
anyways minor spoilers ahead, nothing to do with the actual story itself but still
when i got to glow season i was instantly reminded of that scene from Unicorn Wars where the bears start tripping on psychedelic slugs and it left me with this visceral dread but honestly i think really added to the experience
if you’re unfamiliar with what Unicorn Wars is, it’s an animated antiwar film directed by Alberto Vázquez it’s also a lurid splatter film that fucked me up so badly i had trouble sleeping for about a week after i watched it
if you’re into that stuff knock yourself out but if you’re even slightly unsure then i would give this movie a wide berth because i promise you it does not pull any punches with the message its trying to convey and be so careful if you plan on looking into this film
but yeah that’s all
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dragonsapphic · 2 months
I hope you have a lovely day! I'm going to have a good day at work, and then I will go home and tidy up my apartment in preparation for a magical journey with mushrooms tonight. ☺️🍄✨
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faggotmox · 2 years
the trip: downing a bag of mushrooms
rating: mature pairing: Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson/William Regal, BCC Polycule word count: 4,550 warnings: Explicit drug use & description of mushroom trip, accidental drug use, bad trips author’s notes: Made a joke about Bryan doing shrooms, remember the this is not happening about accidentally eating a bag of shrooms & made a beat for beat fic with Bryan. Even though it's bad trip this isn't a dark fic, it's really goofy. No proof reading here. Sorry guys. This one goes out to Slap. summary: There is a good reason you don't eat the mushroom chips in your boyfriends personal bag. Bryan learned this the hard way when he eats Claudio's peace offering gift for Eddie.
Thinking back on it Bryan knows where things went wrong. Before the show started Claudio came into their locker room and handed both Mox and Wheeler each a bag of mushroom chips. Bryan had been heading out of the room at the time, for his interview, and figured Claudio would give him the extra bag later. Bryan was the first one done, his match going quick but leaving his peakish. A smile crossed his face as he remembered his very nice boyfriend had gotten them all mushroom chips.
Naively Bryan devoured the entire bag, popping chip after chip into his mouth. Once he was done he discarded the bag and changed into his street clothes to wait for his team. Wheeler filed in first then Mox and Claudio came through the door. Regal was somewhere doing the things he does. Claudio went over to his bag and started to frantically move things around.
“Mox, Wheeler.” Claudio looked at both of them. “Did you take the other bag I had?”
“Nah.” Mox shook his head. “As if one bag isn’t enough.”
“Yeah. Wasn’t it a peace offering for Eddie?” Wheeler questioned.
“It was.” Claudio nodded then turned pale. Very very pale as he looked over at Bryan. “Bryan?”
“The mushrooms were for Eddie?” Bryan asked in surprise. “I thought they were for me. I’m sorry.”
“…Bryan, did you eat the entire bag?” Claudio got up from his place kneeling and walked towards Bryan still sitting happily on his couch.
“Yeah. They were alright. Needed a little salt.” Bryan shrugged, not understanding why everyone looked so stricken by this revelation. “But they were alright. Never had mushroom chips before.”
“No, no…it’s not going to be alright.” Claudio sighed, rubbing his forehead as he looked at Bryan.
“If it’s about Eddie, we can just go get more mushroom chips. I’ll even pay for them. I didn’t mean to eat Eddie’s chips.” Bryan felt…oddly bad over this. He had mistaken that these were his and now Claudio wouldn’t be able to give Eddie something that was clearly important. “I’m really sorry, Claudio.”
“Oh, sweetheart. I’m not mad at you. Come here.” Claudio got close and pulled Bryan up off the couch before putting hands on either side of Bryan’s head. “I need you to listen to me very closely because it’s not going to be alright.”
“O-Okay…” Bryan shuttered, his eyes locking into Claudio’s very intense gaze. He had to look up at the taller man. This was how Bryan knew it was not going to be okay. “What?!”
“Do not use your phone because something is going to happen to you later, and you need to be in a safe place.” Claudio spoke slowly and clearly to Bryan as they continued their intense eye contact.
“Get your damn hands off me.” Bryan slapped Claudio’s away which made Mox and Wheeler snicker behind them. “They’re fucking mushroom, Claudio. Why do you need to be in a safe place after eating mushrooms? What the hell’s wrong with you? Get the hell out of here.”
“I’ll take him back to the hotel.” Mox spoke up. “We’ll get some food. You hungry, Bry?”
“Nah. I’m good. I just had all those mushroom chips.” Bryans shrugged.
Claudio and Wheeler were supposed to drive to another city tonight for a meet and greet. Regal was also leaving the show to somewhere else, but he was flying out. For some meeting or something. Not that they would leave Bryan with Regal in this condition. Mostly because all of them would probably realize that Bryan would lose his mind if his father figure was trip sitting him.
“It’d be really funny if you guys had to cancel your meet and greet because Bryan ate an entire bag of shrooms.” Mox chuckled as he gathered up their things.
“Obviously the press release wouldn’t say that.” Wheeler grinned as he watched Bryan just vibe a little, he’d never seen the man just vibe. “Oh, man, Mox, this is gonna be funny. I’m sorry we’re going to miss it.”
“I feel bad.” Claudio frowned as he watched Bryan as well. “He has no idea.”
“Don’t fuckin’ feel bad, C. He literally stole them from your bag because he’s a nosey, entitled bitch.” Mox said, and despite his words there was a lot of affection packed into the statement.
“This is on him.” Wheeler agreed.
“What are you guys talking about?” Bryan looked over at them, like he wasn’t right next to them and could clearly hear them. “Oh, Mox, can I have a Sprite though?”
“Yeah. Yeah, babe. You can have anything you want.” Mox nodded as he put an arm around Bryan.
“Can I have your mushroom chips too?” Bryan asked hopefully.
“Fuck no. You’ve had enough.” Mox shook his head and made a mental note to hide his bag when they got to the hotel. “C’mon. Say bye to Wheeler and Claudio.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Bryan wasn’t tripping yet but the euphoria pre-trip had obviously taken over because he had a soft smile on as he kissed his other two partners happily and gave them very tight hugs. “I love you guy a lot.”
“Keep that energy, Bryan.” Claudio laughed a little as he kissed the top of Bryan’s head. “You’ll need it.”
“You’re going to be fine. Just let Mox help.” Wheeler grinned as Bryan didn’t want to let go because the texture of Wheeler’s hoodie was too nice.
“C’mon, let’s get you outta here, George Harrison.”
Mox was able to get Bryan into their rental pretty easily. The euphoria made him malleable. Maybe it was hopeful on Mox's part that Bryan wouldn't start tripping until they got to the hotel. The stop for food and a spirit had Mox worryingly leaving Bryan in the car after he said he wanted to stay in the car since he ate all those mushroom chips and wasn't hungry.
While waiting for Mox, Bryan was totally good. Until two bright flashes happened. The blinding light made him blink a few times and frowned. Did someone just take a photo of him? There was another flash that startled Bryan so he looked out the window but there were no people.
“That’s crazy. So much flashing. No…must be fans?” Bryan mumbled to himself as he squinted. “I did just finish a Dynamite.”
Figuring it was fine somehow Bryan went back to just sitting there and waiting for Mox. It felt like a lot of time passed, the clock must be broken though because Bryan watched only two minutes tick by before something else happened. The car started to shake. Startled by this Bryan quickly exited the vehicle. It was scary, because it felt like an earthquake. Where were they? Were they somewhere that had earthquakes? Bryan didn’t know but he figured frakking happened everywhere so that meant earthquakes.
Bryan sighed, his shoulders slumping a little and his back relaxing. As he turned he could see himself in the reflection of the car and felt an intense spike of panic. He was getting smaller. He was shrinking!
“What the fuck?” Bryan stared at what looked like his shrinking figure. “Quicksand!” Realizing that he must be in quicksand Bryan jumped back into the car, his heart racing as he escaped the quicksand. Or at least figured it would be better to go down in the car.
The quickstand and earthquake were still very real threats to Bryan so he quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket. The fact that his fingers felt numb made it very hard to navigate the screen but quickly Mox was on his recently called list. Bryan couldn’t fumble the phone to his ear, since his hands were now numb, so he put it on speaker as it rang through.
“Bry?” Mox’s voice was calm with an undercurrent of concern. “You good?”
“Hey, Jonny.” Bryan said tensely because to be honest he was a little angry at Mox right now for leaving him in such a vulnerable position. “Listen to me, man. The fans are after me. There’s an earthquake happening. And apparently you parked your car by quicksand.”
“Stay where you are. I’m comin’.” Mox sighed. The fact Bryan was calling him Jonny was setting off alarm bells.
“I’m in quicksand. I’m not going anywhere, Jonny.” Bryan rolled his eyes because obviously, he had explained that already.
“Just stay where you are. I’m comin’.” Mox repeated and hung up the phone, figuring he was not too far away. Just inside the fast food place. Surely it would be okay.
It was not okay. As Mox approached the car Bryan noticed someone approaching the car. He squinted as the person came up to the door, rattled the handle and then looked into the car. The person then looked around the car then back in the car. Bryan was slowly rotating his body away from the person that was obviously Not Mox and very clearly trying to kidnap him. Another fumble of his numb hands brought the phone to his ear and Mox was rung.
“Mox!” Bryan yell-whispered into the phone as soon as it was answered. “Hurry up! Someone is trying to take me!”
“It is me.” Mox was exasperated on the other end.
“Who is me?!” Bryan demanded.
“It is me trying to take you to the fuckin’ hotel, but you locked me outta the fuckin’ rental.” Mox yelled in that quiet voice he got sometimes but Bryan heard it outloud the window and on the phone.
For some reason that made Bryan calm down and he unlocked the car so Mox could get in. The other grumpily got into the driver’s seat and thrust a bag of take out food at Bryan. The numb hands meant that Bryan had no coordination and dropped all over Mox’s food. The younger man stared at Bryan for a long moment before just nodding and buckling his belt so they could go to the hotel.
“Look when we get to the hotel, don’t talk to anyone. Just go to the room.” Mox said very flatly as he got on the road.
“I don’t know where else I’d go, Jon.” Bryan was very pointed when he said that.
“I mean, I’m gonna have to clean up that fuckin’ food and you’re gonna have to go upstairs by yourself.” Mox pointed at Bryan’s feet where the containers had spilled.
“Oh.” Bryan just shrugged as he watched the strange colors and effects whiz by the window.
They got to the hotel, and Mox made the mistake of sending Bryan up on his own. Bryan walked straight into the hotel. Just like Mox told him. He didn’t talk to anyone. He stepped into the elevator, and..stared. There was a painting neatly placed on the back wall, and Bryan was entranced by the swirl and bends of color. The cool air of the elevator eased him a little as well and he just stared. Bryan wasn’t sure how long he would just stare at a painting but Mox would later inform him that he was in the elevator for close to twenty minutes.
“Oh, this is nice.” Bryan mumbled to himself, his hand coming out to touch the fabulous painting in front of him.
The elevator doors opened and Bryan calmly turned around. At some point Bryan lost track of himself, probably back at the arena, and didn’t quite realize that he wasn’t in his room. Mox had said go to his room and not talk to anyone, he had done that. Right? His frowns knitted together as he stared at the woman on the other side of his hotel room door.
“Hey, ma’am.” Bryan stressed the title. “What are you,” again another stress on the word you. “doing in my room?” That time on my. The woman raised an eyebrow at Bryan as she slowly took a step forward.
“This is the elevator.” She put the same stress on the word elevator that Bryan had in his words. “What floor are you on?”
“I’m on six.” Bryan stated very matter of factly.
“I’m on four.” She got onto the elevator and punched both lights for the respective floors for them. The elevator took them up, and dinged for her up. It was a strange silence she broke. “Are you going to be okay?” She turned to look at Bryan once she got off the elevator.
“Ma’am, I’m going to six.” Bryam crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.
The doors slid closed before anything else could go on. The car took Bryan to the sixth floor. When the doors opened up Bryan blinked at the floor for another eight minutes. Another wave of panic hit Bryan as he looked at the wavy, colorful carpet that was very much not carpet but a swimming pool. Bryan stuck his foot out as he hugged the elevator door, just dipping his toes.
“Yeah. Yeah. That’s wet.” Bryan declared out loud before pulling his foot back into the elevator. He made a negative sound before speaking out loud again “Nope. I can’t swim.”
He brought himself back into the elevator and angrily hit the L for lobby. The elevator wooshed down to the ground floor again and Bryan stepped off quickly. He marched himself straight up to the front desk. It was late but there were a couple people around, actually a few who knew Bryan, but he didn’t notice as he walked up to the guy at the desk.
“Hey!” He started loudly. “What kind of establishment puts a fucking pool on the sixth floor?!”
“Are you high?” The guy leaned back, totally startled by Bryan shouting at him about a pool that very much wasn’t real.
“No!” Bryan's voice carried the most offense he could muster. Which was a lot of offense. He was very offended. So he turned himself around and marched back into the elevator with a huff.
The elevator took Bryan back up the sixth floor and he just decided he would swim. He had been taught how to swim a few years ago, he just hadn’t done it since. It would definitely be okay. This would be fine. He would swim to his room. After all Bryan was a god damn athlete and he could fucking swim if he tried. Maybe.
As soon as the door dings to open Bryan is greeted by a frantic Mox on the other side. Mox grabs Bryan, who thinks he is being grabbed because Mox knows he can’t swim. So Bryan throws his arms around the other and holds on.
“I told you to go straight to the room.” Mox sighed. It wasn’t like he had been searching for Bryan for the last almost hours.
“I tried but as you can see the sixth floor has a pool and I can’t swim, Jon.” Bryan gestured to the carpet. Mox laughed and held onto him a little tighter.
“Okay, okay. I see what’s happened here.” Mox gathered Bryan in his arms. “Don’t worry, I’m a great freestyle.”
Mox did a great freestyle all the way to the end of the pool. Bryan was very impressed, told Mox as much, but unfortunately they were at the room. They got inside. Bryan made Mox go in first then when he got inside he turned around and forced the door closed as hard as he could. That wasn’t enough. He leaned against the door, pressing his palms against the surface with all his strength.
“Hey, Bry…what ya doin’, pal?” Mox asked from a few feet away.
“If the mushrooms are on the other side of the door, they cannot get in to keep bothering me.” Bryan explained.
“Oh, boy.” Mox came up to him and carefully took hold of Bryan and carried him over to the bed the way Claudio had carried Mox that one time in the ring. “Okay, just chill. Sit here. I’m gonna put the locks on the doors for ya. Cool?”
“Cool. Thanks.” Bryan smiled at his boyfriend as the other man went to do just that. Then Bryan got the remote for the TV and turned it on. “Oh. Look at the grass.” Bryan said as he watched the most beautiful lawn he had ever seen on TV.
Mox had locked everything up and went to turn on the light in the bathroom. There were a few things he had to situate since he’d tossed everything into the room frantically to go look for Bryan earlier. Suddenly Bryan was crying out.
“Oh, no! Don’t do that to the grass!” Bryan was watching a lawnmower cut the beautiful lawn. There were even a few tears running down his face as he watched. “No! Why!”
“Oh, jeez.” Mox came over, carefully taking the remote and turning the channel off. “Hey it’s okay. The uh..the grass is fine, Bry. It just needs to be trimmed. Like a haircut.”
“O-Oh.” Bryan hiccupped as he pulled back to look Mox in the face, to make sure he was telling the truth. “A haircut?”
“Yeah, babe. It’s okay. It grows back.” Mox reassured.
Bryan nodded then got up, he started pacing around the room. It was becoming very clear to him that the mushrooms Claudio had planned to gift Eddie were not the mushrooms Bryan ate. Bryan started muttering to himself to get it together and that he’d be okay.
“Get it together, Bry. Get it together.” Bryan told himself and lightly slapped his face. “I can’t get it together. I’m weak.” Bryan cried and hit himself lightly again. It went on for a few more rounds before Mox stopped finding it amusing and came over to stop him.
“You’re okay, babe. You have it together. I promise. You’re the most together person.” Mox soothed but Bryan wasn’t feeling it.
“I just…I gotta wash my face. Gotta go wash my face. That always gets me together.” Bryan explained as he started heading for the bathroom.
“Oh, I don’t know if that is a great idea.” Mox followed him but Bryan waved him off.
“I got this. I got it together. I’m good.” Bryan repeated. As soon as he stepped into the bathroom and hit the light Bryan scratched. “Mox! The mirror! The mirror is attacking me!”
“Oh, fucking--” Mox came into the bathroom and stood in front of Bryan, between him and the mirro. “It’s not attacking you, buddy.”
Bryan finally calmed down enough to look at himself in the mirror. Mox stood off to the side, looking at his phone to try to let Bryan do whatever the fuck he needed to do to get himself together. Apparently. But Bryan was very distracted by the fact that one side of his face looked droopy and the other was fine. He squinted back and forth, looking at the difference, turning his face in profile.
“Oooh. Look at that.” Bryan pointed in the mirror, expecting Mox to see what he was seeing. “Ohh look at that!”
“Oh, man. We have to take a trip together sometime.” Mox chuckled as he watched literally nothing happening in the mirror. “You’re fuckin’ hilarious.”
“I gotta calm down.” Bryan mumbled as he leaned against the sink. “Wash my face. Yeah.”
“Yeah. Wash your face, Bry.” Mox affirmed, but went back to his phone. He was texting updates to Wheeler and Claudio.
Bryan grabbed the white cloth and started running the water. The soap from his overnight back was sitting out, thanks to Mox but Bryan didn’t know that. He started to clean off his face and when he pulled the cloth away Bryan’s eyes got huge. There on the towel, clear as day, was…his pigment. He stared at it, then looked down at his elbows to see the spots from his vitiligo then up at the mirror, seeing the same spots on his face.
“Mox?” Bryan’s alarm was going.
“Oh, my god. What’s now?” Mox was tired of hearing red in Bryan’s voice every time he spoke. Maybe they should have explained what was going to happen better.
“I-- my--” Bryan looked over at Mox and held up the clothes before pointing at his face. “My spots are on my face? I washed the pigment out of my face, Mox! I’m losing more pigment! I washed it all away--”
“Bryan, sweetheart, look at me.” Mox carefully turned the other man towards him and away from the mirror. Mox shouldn’t have let him near the mirror. “You did a backstage interview. It’s make-up. Here.” Mox carefully wiped away the rest of the make-up on Bryan and showed him.
“Oh my god, Mox. You washed-- you washed the rest of-- Do mushrooms make vitiligo wor--”
“Bryan.” Mox held up the rinsed washcloth and scrubbed at his face to show Bryan the make off coming off his own face. “See?”
After that Bryan calmed down again, washed his face, beard, and brushed his teeth. It took a long time because Bryan kept just getting distracted. At one point he tried to crawl into Mox’s hoodie, with him still in it, because he liked how soft the hoodie’s material felt. Eventually Mox just put the hoodie on Bryan and dragged him to the bed.
“If I go shower--” Mox asked, he still hadn’t been able to shower since his match. “Will you be okay out here? I feel like no matter what you say it’s gonna be no.”
“I’ll be okay. Sleepy.” Bryan mumbled as he sank and sank and sank into the bed.
“…Okay but I’m leaving the door open. Just come get me if anything feels weird or something.” Mox came over to kiss Bryan’s forehead just to get the dopey unguarded smile out of him before going off to shower.
Mox was absolutely correct because Bryan was pretty much not okay from the moment his boyfriend left. Bryan could feel himself getting all wound up again. It was time to bring out the big guns. He had to call William Regal. In Bryan’s head he reasoned he had to call the one person who cared about him which was Regal. Mox also cared but Bryan couldn’t bring others into this moment. He dialed Regal’s number and waited as it rang.
“Bryan?” Regal’s voice was sleepy as he answered the phone.
“Hey, listen to me. Do not judge me. I am in the hotel room, and I’m on mushrooms.” Bryan said in one full breath as he hid under the covers.
“Okay. Why? What’s wrong, Dragon?” Regal took a moment to answer, a lot of questions filtered through his mind but he decided not to focus on them. If he asked Bryan what had happened right now Regal was pretty sure Bryan would have a breakdown trying to explain.
“I’m scared, William. Listen,” Bryan swallowed around the thick anxiety in his throat. It felt chewable. “A lot of world champions died in hotel rooms.” Bryan started listing a few before Regal could stop him.
“Well then you haven’t got anything to worry about since you’re not a current world champion.” Regal said dryly as he cut off Bryan’s frenzied listings that had actually just devolved into him saying random names.
“Whatever, Mister!” Bryan shouted into the phone, feeling fully offended again tonight.
“I apologize, that was a little mean.” Regal chuckled into the phone.
“Okay, look I really need to calm down.” Bryan finally got to the reason he was calling.
“Oh.” Regal said calmly. Normally as if he was talking to Bryan about something very normal and regular. “Well, you need to drink some dairy milk.”
There was about thirty seconds where Bryan just replayed those words in his head.
“You don’t know.” Bryan scoffed and hung up the phone without a second thought. A third time offended tonight. Dairy milk, how dare Regal suggest he drink dairy milk. It finally dawned on Bryan to call the person who had the mushrooms to start with.
“Is everything okay, Bryan?” Claudio answered quickly, sounding concerned. Bryan missed the guilt in his voice but could hear Wheeler snickering over the car speaker as they drove together.
“Claudio, look, I’m in a hotel room and I’m losing it. I need to calm down.” Bryan said once again, hoping to get some helpful hints from the mushroom man himself.
“Ah. What you need to do is drink some milk.” Claudio responded in nearly the same tone Regal had. Calm and matter of face.
“Milk?” Bryan repeated. “Like…dairy milk?”
“Yes, Bryan. Dairy milk.” Claudio kept it short, he figured Bryan didn’t need to know seasoned tripper’s tip stories. Anyways Mox knew the milk trick.
“I gotta go.” Bryan declared and ignored Claudio, still trying to speak to him.
Bryan sat up in the bed, pushing the covers down as he ended his call to Claudio and brought Regal’s number back up.. As soon as Regal answered, cutting off his concerned hello, Bryan spoke loudly into the phone.
“Hey, junkie.” Bryan greeted his mentor, dragging out the word.
Luckily for everyone Mox was stepping out of the bathroom in shorts (which captured Bryan’s attention like the painting in the elevator). He even heard Bryan’s comment.
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” Mox came over to the bed, sitting down. “Claudio told you not to use your phone.”
“Jon, it’s me.” Regal said over the speaker.
“Regal?” Mox took the phone from Bryan, as a safety measure and to put it on speaker.
“Yes, darling, could you please get Bryan a glass of milk to drink. He needs to calm down.” Regal instructed the sober member of the pair.
“Oh, he’s gonna hate the milk trick.” Mox looked over at Bryan who looked very, very scared. “Bryan, you need to drink some milk.”
The phone was discarded as Bryan lunged, wanting to run away. This was how Mox ended up having to call Eddie, asking his friend to bring him milk and help out. Eddie, of course wanting to see a tripped out Bryan, quickly came to the hotel room. Being the asshole Eddie brought whole milk to give to Bryan, but said some shit about the omega 3 in milk helps ease the trip which finally convinced Bryan to drink the milk. Eddie only had a busted lip from the fight, but Mox got a black eye. Bryan was happily napping now.
“By the way,” Eddie looked up at Mox as he tucked Bryan in. “That’s some old wive’s tale. Milk doesn’t do shit, and it’d hurt his stomach. It’s fuckin’ oat milk I gave him. It’s something you tell people having bad trips for the placebo.”
“For real?” Mox raised an eyebrow, having heard that trick for a long time.
“For real. So, did Claudio give you a bag? Cause that dude, fuck him, but he knows where to get that lab shit.”
“Yeah, yeah. We can trip together tomorrow if you want. The bag Bryan accidentally ate was yours.” Mox grinned at Eddie’s cackle.
“Serves him right then.” Eddie dropped into the free bed. “I’ll stay in case he gets rowdy agian.”
“Thanks.” Mox had somehow been grappled by the sleeping Bryan and was being dragged into bed against his will. He risked waking Bryan if he got out of it so he just went down.
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mittysins · 5 months
So fun thing about shrooms is that they're not gonna work great if I'm on my medication wooooo
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ghuleh-recs · 2 months
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jutty 🫠
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rebeccawangart · 5 days
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"Magic Cicada" (2024)
Acrylic paints on 11" x 14" wood panel Based on the 17 year cicada (Magicicada sp.) which is already making an incredible emergence this year across the southeastern United States. Multiple broods are emerging this summer, something that is very rare and breathtaking to experience.
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theartofasty · 5 months
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waiting for the day when an indie game dev has the guts and wants to collab with me on a game with a traditional art aesthetic where I get to design the characters and/or hand-paint the model textures
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aesthetic-otd · 10 days
Today's aesthetic is cyberdelic
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spectrowhirl · 9 months
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weabooii · 1 year
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mittysins · 5 months
Just took shrooms and I'm feeling SO jittery I wanna go for a run
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
This is maybe an odd thing to put on a good news/reasons for hope blog, but I've also had people tell me that they find this info really, genuinely comforting, so I'm putting it up. Also, further understanding could do a ton to advance medicine, esp. re: allergies, autoimmune diseases, and depression. You can read more about this at the link.
"More than half of your body is not human, say scientists.
Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic [co-contributors].
Understanding this hidden half of ourselves - our microbiome - is rapidly transforming understanding of diseases from allergy to Parkinson's.
The field is even asking questions of what it means to be "human" and is leading to new innovative treatments as a result.
"They are essential to your health," says Prof Ruth Ley, the director of the department of microbiome science at the Max Planck Institute, "your body isn't just you."
No matter how well you wash, nearly every nook and cranny of your body is covered in microscopic creatures.
This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria). The greatest concentration of this microscopic life is in the dark murky depths of our oxygen-deprived bowels.
Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: "You're more microbe than you are human."
Originally it was thought our cells were outnumbered 10 to one.
"That's been refined much closer to one-to-one, so the current estimate is you're about 43% human if you're counting up all the cells," he says.
But genetically we're even more outgunned.
The human genome - the full set of genetic instructions for a human being - is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes.
But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.
Prof Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: "We don't have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augment the activity of our own.
"What makes us human is, in my opinion, the combination of our own DNA, plus the DNA of our gut microbes."
It would be naive to think we carry around so much microbial material without it interacting or having any effect on our bodies at all.
Science is rapidly uncovering the role the microbiome plays in digestion, regulating the immune system, protecting against disease and manufacturing vital vitamins.
Prof Knight said: "We're finding ways that these tiny creatures totally transform our health in ways we never imagined until recently."
It is a new way of thinking about the microbial world. To date, our relationship with microbes has largely been one of warfare.
-via BBC News, April 10, 2018
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danneroni · 2 years
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🩸 Chronic pain? 🍬 No problem!🩸
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rebeccawangart · 7 months
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Trippy Isopod (Armadillidium vulgare)
Acrylics on 11" x 14" wood panel, November 2023.
Whether you call them an isopod, woodlouse, pill bug, potato bug, roly poly, or slater, these ubiquitous little arthropods are peaceful and underappreciated little creatures. As detritivores (eating decomposing plant matter), they are an essential part of the ecosystem. They make excellent pets and are easy to care for in captivity, provided their needs are met. They are highly gregarious and social, and the females have a strong maternal instinct and will actively protect their young. Their common name "pill-bug" refers to the fact that they can curl themselves up into a tight ball when threatened. Not all isopods have this ability.
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