ourdreamsareneon · 8 months
tired of people who don't play D&D saying that Gale is obsessed with his ex because he talks about her and/or still has his matching earring with her.
In D&D a LOT of magic comes from worshipping a god. opposed to clerics, wizards don't have to draw their power from the gods but they certainly can. It's clear that Gale has a relationship with the weave that goes beyond study, he worships it, he worships the god who made it.
His earring is simply her sigil (simplified to work for an earring, but her sigil nonetheless.) Going back to wizardry in 5e, this could also be his arcane/spell focus. It isn't uncommon for wizards to have something related to their god as their spell focus if they draw their power from their god. If this is the case, he wouldn't have his power without it.
It isn't as simple for him to go "oh we broke up time to stop worshipping her" because he can't just let go of all his power and of the weave. If he were to stop he may have to relearn how to wizard with drawing his power somewhere else. BUT even then, to give up Mystra is to give up the weave which isn't physically possible for a wizard because they use and manipulate the weave.
Regardless, even if it wasn't as simple and not deep as I've made it out to be, remind me again how any of that would be his fault? You can write paragraphs and build up universes in your mind where Astarion gets a happy ending and is cured, but a healthy relationship between Mystra and Gale that is purely professional, that's where you draw the line? D&D gods are fucked, they take, they abuse, and they are still worshipped regardless because they are needed. Like fuck, did you miss all of Shadowfell where you see the Shar worshippers do insanely fucked shit and Shadowheart still has big ol' heart eyes? Even though she was also abused and used by her god? Not to mention I'm pretty sure she still technically worships Shar until you finish her companion quest in full, so that means everything happens with the Nightsong and she still is drawing power from Shar. If you can resist victim blaming Shadowheart, I don't see why that compassion doesn't extend to Gale.
TL;DR Just because he's not as charismatic and likable (in your opinion), doesn't mean you have to burn him at the stake for doing something completely normal as far as D&D 5e is concerned.
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visit-ba-sing-se · 1 year
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You know how they say in dubio pro memebus (or something like that)
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
I would like to show you some memes i found.
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Prob Jade
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When a twst boy lets you barrow his jacket bit your a shrimp
okay but also consider Jade in the same boat as Rook, I feel he'd also be like "stalking?? no!! >:o how dare!"
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ur-mousey · 1 month
The Coffin of Andy And Leyley = Should We Really Care About the Incest?
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Plot Summary: A water contamination scheme keeps the brother-sister duo, Andrew and Ashely Graves, locked in their apartment on the verge of starvation. They discover a way out through demonic shenangians.
Can these two grow past their childhood identities? Or are they destined to be each other's demise? ..............................
Overall Thoughts
*Warning* These are my thoughts. Do not take them seriously. You can disagree all you want in the comments below. Enjoy!
First hearing about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley left a sour taste in my mouth. And it's probably for the same reason most people refuse to engage with the story being told by creator Nemlei. The notion on Twitter (or X, ew) dubbed this media as just the 'incest' game unfairly and failed to appreciate the themes being showcased by the siblings.
I believe that The Coffin of Andy and Leyley will grow in popularity by the release of the third episode. And this game will be a cult classic in no time, setting new records for storytelling in future indie projects.
I deep-dived into Nemlei's gameography, and dare I say, those other projects walked so Andrew and Leyley could run. There's only praise that should be afforded to Nemlei based on their improvements.
Watch or play through No-Good Noelle, which had come out three months prior, and see the differences. I also recommend Divilethion for those yearning for Nemlei's storytelling/art style.
But what those two games have in common, is that there's less to do for the players. While Andy and Leyley have the mechanics within its gameplay to be 10x more interactive for audiences. No wonder it had grown in popularity.
Now, to address the incest.
You do not have to like taboo topics. You do not have to engage with media that showcase it or be a part of a hate campaign because you don't like something. And as a society, we should bring awareness to media forms that encourage/promote dangerous ideology. Which in most cases does include incest.
However, art forms can get away with handling these taboo topics because they turn them into tools for driving a theme forward. And they aren't inherently romanticizing dangerous ideals. With that said it can be tricky for creators to handle these topics with care. You can hold the opinion that The Coffin of Andy and Leyley didn't utilize the concept of incest effectively in its narrative.
But, most people who've 'criticized' the game, dog pilled it because of the incest without understanding its importance to the themes. I get it, okay. It's disgusting that these siblings are down to bone.
Yet, as a writer, Andrew and Ashely are stellar characters with unique relationship dynamics. The theme of codependency is heightened by the pair's familial ties. Here's a little exercise:
Imagine Andrew and Ashely weren't siblings... They become slightly less interesting. Mainly due to the fact, they cannot uphold their OG purpose.
Episode two has two endings, Decay and Burial. Both hinges on the siblings making a choice to either let the past go or hold onto Andy and Leyley, their childhood nickname, now a source of resentment. Ashely idolizes the past while Andrew strives towards the future. On paper, they are foils of one another. These characters can work while not being related.
They could've been childhood friends if Nemlei wanted. But, then the plot would need to change.
Episode 2 wouldn't have worked to flesh out these characters equally because it was a murder scheme against their parents. Both Andrew and Ashely's interaction with their mother and how the events of the murder played out, heightened the themes of willingness to change or the lack of. And subsequentially, the codependency of the siblings.
At the end of the day, creators should be encouraged and pushed to create narratives through uncomfortable lenses. Sometimes a story can only stand out with that unique perspective. Nemlei's rap sheet as a game developer has never been taboo-free, however, it was this game that got them hated, bullied, and doxed.
Because of implied incest -from what I'm concerned. Aside from the dream stuff.
I'm not shocked, just disappointed that people took to the internet to be hateful about a game with merit.
I hope Nemlei takes this in stride and comes back to the platform with the release of episode 3. I am in love with The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. There are many unanswered questions. And I can only see a bittersweet ending for these characters.
Join me next time, when I give my thoughts on Andrew and Ashely Graves. I will deep dive into episodes 1 and 2 as well in the future.
⚰️🔪⚰️🔪⚰️🔪 Thoughts on Ashely Graves:
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⚰️🔪⚰️🔪⚰️🔪 Thoughts on Andrew Graves:
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.............................. Check out my master list where you'll be able to find more rant content; here. Future fanfics are in the works so follow me. 🥹
I recommend checking out my character thought pieces on Okazaki Kei and Shiraishi Kageyuki from Collar X Malice. >>> NEXT COFFIN POST: Andrew and Ashely Character Thought Pieces
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deesi-academia · 11 months
I can't believe people are debating over watching "a movie based on history" vs "a movie which will make history"
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I love Love LOVE the eggs and if Cheyenne died I'd be sad BUT
they need to change it up. I get that they're doing rp stuff with the error and federation stuff but like. instead of just randomly attacking the eggs and players they just need to kidnap them again for like a week and leave clues and rp an investigation into where the eggs are and then at the end of the week have it all end in a confrontation with the federation and the eggs either officially become permanent or leave for good to the mama dragon cause this ain't it rn I watched the philza clip of him getting one shot by the error and it's like bruh I'm over this
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threebea · 4 days
Tumblr user: I hate this ship (tags with the ship)
People that actually use the ship tag: uh? Go away?
Tumblr User: why isn't my brilliant post getting notes?
Anyway I've just decided to block people that do this even for ships I don't even actually like.
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selfish-solace · 1 year
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i think as fandoms we should kiss
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l-herz · 4 months
Orym pressuring Imogen to go back in and give in, Ashton saying it's going to happen anyway and it's inevitable.... that's so horrible 😭
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roachmattea · 3 months
hey australia and germany woudlnet it be so cool if cars flew and planes drove and they made a crossover movie between that hit movie planes and that kinda flop ass movie cars
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Shy duo are the perfect mc builders, because Bagi will make pretty interiors and leave the room a simple square, and Tina will add a bunch of decorations nd furniture and details.
Talk to the wall.
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ohjustcomealong · 4 months
What I really want to see in season 3: Linda's parenting redemption arc.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
salting a lime…and rawdogging it only to go for a second round⁉️ i don’t know if I should fear or abhor your tastebuds,,, ig atleast ur seasoning it unlike the food of the Briti-
Eat the lime, it's like a margarita without the tequila and all the acid reflux
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roger-paladino · 1 year
Genuinely curious about this so I’m gonna ask you guys,
If you are/were a fan of TribeTwelve, what did you like about the series?
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whywoulditho · 2 years
i think my problem with dazai is the absolutely ridiculous lack of character development after all that backstory that they gave us. i don't even want him to get better, or regret the things he's done, or cry or apologize. not anything like that, i just want to see a little bit of change in him. i wanna see him get effected. even just a little bit. making a character not give a fuck about anything that's going on because "he's been through so much trauma and he doesn't feel the hurt anymore, he doesn't think there's any value in the act of living but he still refuses to actually kill himself and we're not going to give you a reason for that, don't try to read much into it though because we're really only keeping him alive for the plot" IS NOT good character building. oh my god can we please, please just stop trying to see more in this man than there really is? he's just there. he's not doing anything interesting
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squipedmew · 2 years
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through all my years of absolutely adoring Yuri Kuma Arashi, I have never drawn fanart of it, which is just baffling to me. YKA was such a formative piece of media for me in middle school, and has shaped my aesthetic sensibilities as an artist, and as I’ve been rewatching it recently, I decided now would probably be a good time to try and do the show justice with my art. Go watch Yuri Kuma Arashi guys, it’s awesome. 
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