#crew milla
rbf451 · 1 year
tiittatommi ig story 21.3.2023
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millacm · 1 year
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What if bad end Timothy?
jk happy family!! and then back to the beginning my last neverafter sketches, I've been marathoning ACOC so i'll be posting doodles from that soon~
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m-rod-unofficial · 3 months
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Michelle Rodriguez, Milla Jovovich, Eric Mabius, Pasquale Aleardi, Martin Crewes, and James Purefoy || Resident Evil (2002)
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lovecatnip · 6 months
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Resident Evil
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toxicanonymity · 9 months
i need more raider joel more than i need air in my lungs
Night air.
3500 words, raider!Joel x f!reader | ✨gif
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Raider master list ⭐ Joel master
reader-curated playlist | sweet pea (smut songs)
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie. . . He makes room for you, but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry.
You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t.  "When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask instead.
SUMMARY: Joel brutalizes a bad guy, gives it to you hard, then works on something for you and gives it to you slow. His POV is revealing. WARNINGS: I8+, POV alternates, ANGST, Joel's trauma, overkill violence, dubcon (stockholm syndrome) unsafe P in V x2 (hard then soft), dark fluff, f masturbation, somnophilia, staying inside, NO Y/N. A/N: ty @milla-frenchy for Qs & recs 🖤
—--- JOEL——
Yeah, Joel killed two of his own men, and they had it coming.  He caught them red handed on their way into your room in the stash house. It still makes his blood boil to think about. If they hadn’t walked into that room talking about you like a piece of meat, those two men would be alive. Joel would do it again in a heartbeat.  
He’s not surprised when the others are shaken, but if they’re good men, they have nothing to worry about.  When things remain tense longer than he expects, Joel rounds them up for a group meeting. He puts you in the usual room with his trusted guard Carter posted at the door.  The meeting becomes heated. 
“No one’s gonna be left at this rate,” one man barks.  “They ain’t gonna say it,” he gestures behind him to the other men, “but I will. She shouldn’t be here.” 
Joel’s voice raises with his blood pressure. He asks, “What’d you say to me, Harold?" as he stands up. 
Louder, maybe loud enough for you to hear, Harold repeats, “She shouldn’t be here.  It’s bound to happen.” Bound to happen? These low-lifes are bound to put their hands on Joel Miller’s girl? Joel can feel the beat of his rage in his veins. All his muscles tense. 
He takes a deep breath, exhales sharply, then says matter-of-factly, “I’ll show ya what else is bound to happen.” 
Joel picks up his rifle. 
"Yeah, kill me," Harold chides. "Kill us all."
Joel shakes his head no. His voice is deep and flat.  "Not until ya beg me to." Now he’s gotta make an example out of someone. 
Joel forces Harold outside, then puts his rifle behind his back and lets Harold take a swing at him, just for fun.  When Joel gets this wound up, he needs to feel something. After getting clocked square in the jaw, Joel beats him until he’s barely conscious. Then, Joel hoists Harold, who is not a light man, and impales him on a sharp, severed fence post. 
Joel puts his rifle around front again, leaving Harold alive but doomed, and heads back toward the house.  He’s almost to the door when Harold manages to groan through his gurgles.  Joel turns around, calmly raises his rifle, shoots him in the head, then keeps walking. He goes back inside, chest heaving, wiping blood splatter off his face with his wrist. The rest of them are still inside. No one came to Harold's defense or ran. Joel stares down the men, and based on the faces he sees, he’s not worried about any of them.  
“Rest of ya got nothin’ to worry ‘bout,” he reassures them. “long as ya leave her ‘lone.” 
The men nod. Joel thinks about adding, and I’m not the only one you’ve gotta worry about, tempted to warn them that you know your way around a pistol and can handle yourself. One bullet, right between the eyes of that fucker. Joel thinks about it all the time. There’s something about his little sweet pea being a badass. And thank god, because he almost lost you. 
“Now back to business.” 
They discuss the rival crew they think sent two guys to Joel’s trailer, only for Joel and you to kill them. Joel doesn't think the crew is stupid enough to cause any more trouble, but agrees someone has to keep watch Just in case. 
Joel almost reminds his men that he holds all the smuggling routes and contacts, just in case they’re concerned enough to pull something.  But he doesn't need to say it. He dismisses them and grabs a duffle bag before collecting you from Carter. Carter asks what to do with Harold, and Joel says leave him for a while.
When the two of you get back to his trailer, Joel is ready to fuck out his anger. He sees himself in the mirror, chest heaving, veins about to pop, blood splatter on his hairline. God damnit, Harold. Joel  showers because he doesn’t want any part of Harold getting close to you. Not even his blood. 
You’re in the kitchen getting a glass of water when Joel walks out of the bathroom in just a towel.  He crosses the kitchen, drops the towel, and pins you against the counter, pressing his hardness against your ass. He backs up enough to scrunch up your dress and growls, "good girl," when he finds you panty-less and wet. You knew. You were ready for it. 
He grunts as he shoves himself into you, and he gives it to you good. "No one’s," he thrusts, "gonna," he grunts "touch ya." He plunges into you twice more, breathing heavily, then adds, “but me.” The power of his hips sends you to your toes with each thrust. He wraps an arm around you to hold you steady and watches over your shoulder as your tits jiggle with each punch of his hips. It doesn’t take you long to come.  Then he curls his hands under your arms to hold your shoulders down from the front and begins to pulse with a low groan. He leans his head against yours and cradles it from the other side as he catches his breath, then asks, “you good?”
You nod, “mm-hmm,” and he pulls out, feeling better. 
In the following days, things settle down in Joel’s group and get back to normal. The rival crew doesn't show up.
One night, Joel leaves you inside the trailer while he sits out by the fire, as he often does.  What you don't know is that he's not just sitting, drinking, and thinking.  He’s working on something.  He’s been making things for you. He hasn’t given you anything because nothing’s good enough, and it’s probably not going to get any better, but he keeps doing it.  Sometimes he feels a little silly, but they’re things that will help both of you.  Practical things. 
He made a thigh holster for your gun. There was an old one without the straps in the weapons cache which is just a small room of chaos in the stash house, no telling what else is in there.  He used part of a belt for the top strap and some black ribbon on the bottom, for the time being.  It would be better than nothing, but he hasn't given it to you in case it wouldn’t work. Maybe it doesn't matter. As the weather changes, you'll probably need new clothes, anyway. Maybe even pants, he internally grumbles. Sweaters, too, so your chest won’t be exposed. 
Tonight, Joel has another strap of leather with him, one that wasn't right for the holster. He also has a pot of water and a steel nail with a makeshift handle so he doesn’t burn himself. He heats up the tool and uses the hot nail head to emboss the strap with bold letters. He’s been working on it all week, and he’s only on ‘E.’ It’ll be first name only at this rate. You might not wanna wear it anyway, but it’s for your own good.  
Joel’s almost lost you twice now. If there’s anything he can do to make someone think twice about touching or taking you, he’ll do it. Because Jackson, may he burn in hell, was right. Joel can’t have his eyes on you every single second. He's told you before: you tell’em you belong to Joel Miller. They’ll back right off when they hear it.  But it doesn’t hurt for them to see it, too. And of course Joel wouldn't mind seeing it himself. 
Joel’s fingers are too big for work this small.  He accidentally makes the vertical line of the E slanted. Ah hell, this whole thing is no good anyway. You may never see it at this rate. But it feels good working with his hands, especially on something he thinks could help keep you safe and keep you his. You're a good girl, his good girl. 
He should be thinking strategy, what’s going to happen with these warring crews, but that’s just not where his head’s at.   
—--- YOU 🌸🫛—-----
You listen to the fire crackle and pop, longing for Joel to come to bed, longing for him to hold you, and more.  He seems to stay outside longer than usual. When he adds a new log to the fire, you get impatient and decide to go out. You put on your shoes and go to the door, pushing it open just an inch. The rail to the stairs is blocking your view, but he's looking down at something. His jaw clenches in the firelight and he raises his eyebrows as he looks up.  You slowly open the door, stepping out onto the stairs in your nightie.  He puts something down on the ground, out of view.  
“‘s’too cold out here, sweet pea. put on a shirt, would ya?" Your heart flutters at the implicit invitation and you return with a flannel over your nightie.  As you approach, he takes a swig of whiskey and puts the flask down.  His eyes are dark as he watches the flames.  He makes room for you but doesn’t take his eyes off the fire as he lets you climb into his lap. You study his face and see something new flickering behind it. Worry. You want to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t. 
"When are you gonna come to bed?” you ask. 
His brows knit as he looks at you. For a few seconds, he concentrates on picking lint off the flannel and smoothing your nightgown. 
“I dunno, sweet pea. Got some stuff to figure out.”  
“Can I help?”
He shakes his head no. You put your arms around his neck and rest your cheek against his shoulder. Then you slowly roll your face against him so your lips touch his warm skin and your nose rests on top of his shoulder muscle.  You close your eyes and stay like that for a moment.  He doesn’t stop you. Then you dare to press your lips ever so slightly into his skin before pulling your face back to look at him, your lips disconnecting with a barely perceptible smack. Joel’s still looking at the fire, but he allows himself a subtle smile as he exhales a silent laugh, then cradles your head.  “Go to bed, sweet pea.” He kisses your temple. “I’ll be there in a li’l bit.” 
You take the flannel off and get in bed, still smelling like the fire. You think of getting naked, eager to feel Joel however he wants you. But maybe he likes undressing you, and it’s chillier than normal, too.  You lay under the covers getting wet and tingly thinking about what he'll do when he comes to bed.  
The fire is still blazing.  There’s no sign of him putting it out.  It doesn't seem like he's coming in soon, but you're too turned on to just go to sleep. You close your eyes, recalling the feeling of Joel’s warm skin on your lips by the fire.  The way his eyes sparkled. The way he always opens his arms for you to get in his lap–that seat is always yours whenever you want it. 
You think about how handsome he is. Even, or especially when he’s looking rough.  All dirty and beat up when he got home that one night, muscles pumped up. His sexy stitches. You play a montage in your head of all the times you’ve heard him yell, seen him stomp around ordering guys to do this or that. How fiercely he protects you. Your lip creeps under your teeth and you close your eyes. 
All the way turned on, you slide your hand down between your legs and imagine him walking in and ravaging you.  You recall how urgently he fucked you at the kitchen table after he thought you almost died.  You recall the time he fucked you naked in missionary and and marked your neck.  You try to visualize the look in his eyes.
And then, when you’re just about to come, you remember that one morning. Those few seconds you kissed, when he kissed you back. He had pulled you into him before he knew what he was doing. You still savor that fleeting moment he was grinding against you, his plush lips locked with yours. You can practically feel it.  And that’s enough to put you over the edge. You turn your head into the pillow and brace for your orgasm. 
—----- JOEL —------
You must think Joel can't hear your pretty little sounds when you touch yourself, but over the crackling of the fire he could swear he hears you moan into a pillow. His nose can't help but twitch into a little smile. He lets the fire die as he finishes the 'E',  then he comes inside and washes off the smoke in the shower. By the time he gets in bed, you're asleep on your back with your left arm on your chest. 
He carefully gets into the bed, spreading his weight out to not jostle the mattress. He's to your left, lying on his side, facing you. You’re so pretty and peaceful with your eyes closed and your sweet lips just slightly parted. An urge has been growing in his chest. He’s tried to push it away, but it's only grown, and he's afraid he can’t stop it happening. 
He can’t bring himself to do it when you’re awake. He can’t let himself see how happy it makes you. The loss feels inevitable, and it gets closer and closer.  The panic he felt when FEDRA had you on the ground.  The devastation when it sounded like you were shot outside his own trailer. It gets worse every time. And last time, there was something new. Two losses flashed before his eyes.  The loss of you (in the present and future), and the loss of what could have been–at least for a while, when he had the chance. The worst part is, he doesn't know which would hurt more.  
His eyes fall on your mouth again. 
If he does it now, it won’t mean anything. It won’t change anything. If he does it now, maybe this urge will stop pulling at him every time you’re close.  And then he can tell himself it never happened. Yeah, if he does it now, it can be like it never happened. Like he never let himself get that close, never gave you hope that he could be anything more than the terrible man he is. 
His lip twitches as he watches you sleep.  Then his breathing syncs with yours, and for a moment, everything fades away but you and him and the physical need that's tugging at him.  
Joel leans over you, careful not to wake you, and he hovers over your pretty face. It's happening. His heart races as his face drifts toward yours, drawn to you like a magnet. 
He closes his eyes, presses his lips gently into yours, and something rushes through his blood to every part of his body.  Fuck.  He's instantly soothed. With your lips still locked, he takes one breath through his nose then pulls away. He takes a deep breath, expecting the buzz to fade, expecting to hate himself. But you're so pretty and your lips were so soft. He almost chokes on his own saliva.  He's quickly gotten hard.
Still fast asleep, you sigh and your nose twitches. You hum the prettiest little "mm," and roll over on your right, facing away from him like you normally sleep. 
He pinches his eyes shut tight. He has to have you. 
Joel curls himself around you, inhales your hair, and cups your breast. He presses his cock against you, hardening to full strength by now.  He lets out a deep but quiet, "Mmm," not enough to wake you up. The exposed skin of your back and shoulder is so inviting, he's salivating. His arm slides from your breast down your nightie to your mound and you sigh. He lifts his head to see if you're awake as he aimlessly caresses you over your nightie. Your brow furrows with his light touch. Aw, sweet pea, he thinks to himself. You're just so cute. He presses a gentle kiss into your neck where it meets your shoulder, and he begins to ghost your clit through the fabric. 
You sigh again, but still don't seem to wake up yet. He presses your mound so your hips tilt for him, and he pulls up the nightgown. He tests you with a finger and finds you wet but pulls back and pauses to add saliva to his tip.  He teases your entrance with his cock, and you sigh "Mmm, Joel," as you begin to stir awake. He pushes the curve of his tip just slightly inside, then holds your breast. 
He asks, “You 'wake?” 
“Mmm,” you answer weakly. 
"wake you up?" His cock prods at your tight, wet entrance, pushing in a little further.. He's itching to be inside you, but he's taking his time, captivated by your peacefulness. 
Your spine arches and you push back on him, taking another inch of his cock in with a moan as you stir awake. "Joel,” you sigh. 
He presses his lips into your neck and lets them linger.  You ask, "are you awake?" 
"Mm-hmm," he answers, his voice deep and gravely.  He groans softly as he pushes his cock into you. He takes a deep breath as your insides make room for him. It dawns on him that he's never taken the time to savor the moment your bodies are joined, but shit, it feels good. He didn't know it could feel so good like this. He’s feeling every groove of you in slow motion. Each centimeter of you greets him with a tight, warm hug.  You push back on him with a moan, bringing your bodies together. 
Oh, sweet pea. You want it so bad, and you take it so good.
—---YOU 🌸🫛—---
Joel’s cock spreads you apart and he buries his length in you slowly at first, palming your breasts. He pauses, all the way inside you, and removes your nightie so your naked bodies are flush. It feels like a dream. The way he kissed your shoulder, the way he’s fucking you right now with his whole body cradling yours, each thrust so deliberate, you can’t help but still wonder if he’s truly awake. If you're truly awake. He grunts softly each time he bottoms out. His sighs and moans are deep and gravely. 
“Sweet pea,” he whispers against your neck, “ohhhh, you — ohh, you take it so good, baby.” His hand slides down your stomach, between your legs. He whispers in your ear,  "God DAMN, youfeelsogood,” he inhales sharply, then sighs your name.  Your nipples harden and you get goosebumps. 
“Joel,” you whimper at his fingers on your clit.  The fullness of his cock was enough, and the addition of his hand has you twitching already.  
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers, and his voice is so soothing, you relax again. He slows down his pace, his length sliding snugly into your warmth slow enough to feel the drag of his tip inside you. He touches your clit and you whimper again. He adjusts his hand to touch it less directly, pulsing his flattened fingers.  That’s what you need. You moan. 
“Good girl.” 
You wanna ask him again if he’s really awake, but you don’t want to break the spell. You let the silence linger, peppered with moans and sighs from each of you. You’d love for this to last forever. You love every way he gives it to you, but the newness of this is something to savor. After a few minutes, sweat begins to bead and run between your bodies.  You’re both breathing heavily. He gropes at your breasts and the entire front of your body, like he can’t get you close enough. His breathing gets ragged.  You memorize the feel of his cock dragging thick and slow inside you.  Then he adds his hand again. His thrusts become more powerful.  “Come for me, I want you to– nnngh.” 
“Joel,” you whine. 
‘Ohh,” he moans. 
“Joel, I’m–”
“Go ‘head, baby—ugghh—-you can do it”
Your upper back presses into his chest.  He groans and holds you tight as you convulse against him and choke his cock with your climax. “Ohhhh, baby, mmmm.” He bottoms out and pulses inside you as you’re still coming.  He sighs "ohhh," as he fills you up with his warm release. Your body hugs him more with every pulse of his cock.  
When you’re both finished coming, your bodies are still joined. You relish the fullness of him inside you.  You expect him to pull out any minute, but his breathing regulates with yours. 
At some point, Joel's breath stutters abruptly, and you realize he's fallen asleep like this. Holding you close, body curled around you, cock gradually softening inside you. It isn't long until you drift off, too. 
Smut continues here: asleep inside
Next major chapter: hunger
Thank you so much for reading and engaging. Please consider commenting or reblogging to show raider Joel your love, even if this post is old. 💖 Love you guys. I love your passion for him. Your engagement motivates me. <333
Friendly reminder that there will be no pregnancy in this fic, Joel was snipped pre outbreak. 
@toxicfics for notifications, make sure your phone is set to enable push notifications from tumblr. Some of my fics are pretty dark!
⚠️ Since so many people are saying tags aren't working, I may discontinue the tag list soon, sorry ⚠️
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading
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bonezone44 · 4 months
'Doesn't Nothing Ever Last Forever?' (18+)
Raider!Joel x afab!Reader
Word Count: 5,4k
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(FYI: woman in moodboard is a side character.)
Summary: You worked in a brothel outside of a quarantine zone. Every once in a while, you got a visit from Joel and his men. This was your first time being around for one of those visits. (Reader is severely depressed and bisexual [relatable, amiright?]. Reader is not popular at the brothel.)
tags: DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT (tagging this to be safe!) Kidnapping, sexual slavery, group sex, overstimulation, rough oral (m). POV switching, canon-typical violence. -- Sex between Reader and Joel is non-con. Reader enjoys it, but the larger context doesn't allow for consent. Fingering, unprotected p-in-v. Degradation. Finger-sucking. Spanking. Orgasm control/denial. Joel is turned on by Reader's history w/ women. Reader is called slut, good girl, bad girl. Reader calls Joel "sir."
A/N: Written for @iamasaddie's writing challenge. ✏ I was so excited by their moodboards, I had to participate. Also, read @toxicanonymity for the original Raider!Joel which heavily inspired this one. 🙏 And special thanks to @milla-frenchy for helping me choose a story line. 😘
story masterlist - main masterlist
The days bled together, one right after the other. No matter how clear the skies were, a permanent fog had taken over your mind. 
The only reason you woke up that evening was all the commotion. You heard the roar of diesel engines and loud men laughing and yelling. The slamming of car doors. Then those voices got louder and closer. Obviously, they had made their way inside your building. You knew you should rise and shine. Get to work. But you stayed curled up on your bed cushion in the shared room as long as possible. Even after your boss had been calling for you.
It wasn’t the kind of job you punched in and out of. You lived in a brothel. You were paid by the client–and even then sometimes all you got was a spare coin or two. A ration slip, if you were really lucky. But those could only be spent at the nearby Quarantine Zone. And the four hour trek there and back was hell on your feet and knees.
Your boss, Larry, finally opened the door to your room, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he allowed the noise and chaos to do the job of waking you up.
You unfurled from the floor and wandered to the bathrooms, bare fit sticking to the tile floors. You had hoped no one would catch you and make you work. You hadn’t had it in you to do anything that day. What you really wanted to do was float away, fly with the clouds on the wind to somewhere far, far over the rainbow.
You found Trisha at the sinks, under the sickly green lights, already washing cum from her hands. 
“Joel and his crew are here again,” she mumbled. There was a tremor in her voice.
You nodded blankly. Tired.
She turned around and stared at you with wide eyes. “Joel,” she emphasized.
“Okay?” You shrugged. Your eyes bored into a growing mold stain in the corner.  
She scoffed. “Joel is the guy who bought Carrie.”
“What?” … ‘Bought Carrie?’ That didn’t sound right to you. “I just thought… she left.”
Trisha stared at you, aghast. The room was cold, but steam began to fog the mirror. “Are you fucking kidding me? You were there!” She shouted. “You were there when Larry told us he sold her for the fucking water heater!” She pointed at the filling sink.
You blinked. “...Oh.” You wiped your eyes with your hands. “I don’t… really remember.” Her words didn’t quite click it into place for you, but a dull memory played in the back of your mind. You remembered a ‘house meeting’ and hearing Carrie’s name a lot. You remembered getting the water heater. You remembered everyone being upset and yelling at Larry. You remembered curling in the corner, your brain checking out and wandering through the static of your own mind rather than feeling something–anything–in your own body.
That explained all the weird looks you had gotten later when you expressed excitement over the hot water. You had been happy about something for once and everyone responded by staring at you like you were a freak. 
But everyone you had ever met always felt so far away. Like you were so deep in the depths of your own mind that the world around you was a movie you were watching. All the people in your life were characters playing out their roles. So you did, too. You went through the daily motions, following some imaginary script in your mind. Playing a part. Doing whatever you thought you were supposed to.
Trisha started telling you more stories about Joel and his crew. About their violence. But none of it sounded real. It sounded like another movie to you. You stood, unmoving, wishing you had some bleach to clean the mold in the corner. You wanted to scrub the grout until it was pure again. Wipe away the layer of filmy mildew from the ceramic tiles. Disinfect every inch of porcelain in this piece of shit building. 
Another woman entered the bathroom, fully nude. “Well, look who decided to show up!” she spat at you. “Go out there and do your job. I need a fucking break.”
You sighed and resigned yourself to your fate. “Okay,” you muttered without meeting her eyes. You didn’t bother looking in the mirror or worrying about your clothes. You knew that in your line of work, they didn’t make a difference either way.
You walked out to the main room and saw about a dozen men scattered around the couches, women in their laps or on their knees. 
One woman was sitting naked in a guy’s lap while another guy roughly rubbed and slapped her clit. His laughter grossed you out. The woman was crying.  
Another woman was getting facefucked and choking. She pulled back to cough and breathe. The man she was sucking on held himself in a tight grip. He pushed the hair from her face and whispered softly to her, wiping away her tears, before shoving his cock right back in.
You nodded at the scene unaffected… well, mostly unaffected. You stared into the middle distance and focused on no one person in particular. The women’s moans were mostly performative–it was obvious. But the men didn’t seem to mind. Their moans were hungry and horny, enjoying whatever stimulation they seemed to be receiving. So that was what you focused on. Their blatant sexual desire. It fueled your own heat. A fire expanding in your chest and between your legs. Your mouth began to water. You sucked in your bottom lip, eager to feel flesh inside you. 
You weren’t sure how long you were standing there, watching. It merely occurred to you at some point that one of the men was walking up to you, blocking your view of the scene. He wore a dark brown leather jacket over a v-neck shirt.  A small, shiny gold cross hung around his neck and against his sunburned skin. He wore blue jeans and work boots.
Your boss, Larry, yammered in one of your ears at him.
“Joel,” he pleaded with clasped hands. “I’m sure you’d prefer someone like Trisha or-or-or Cameron. I’m sure, she’ll be right back out any minute!”
“No,” Joel says gruffly. “Her,” he pointed to you with his chin. 
“I’m sure. I’m sure.” Your boss chuckled uncomfortably and surrendered with empty palms. “Of course!” He grabbed you by the arm and tugged you toward the back of the building. He snarled in your ear. “Don’t fuck this up for me.” 
You wanted to shrug him off, but his grip was bruising. What could you ‘fuck up’ exactly? You had been working there for over a year. You weren’t popular, but you got the job done. You didn’t get along with any of the other women there, but what did that have to do with this guy, Joel?
Larry took you and Joel to one of the farthest rooms. It was the nice one with a real bed instead of a mattress or cushion on the floor. You had never been in it before. Not even to clean it. You looked around appraising the paint on the walls. There was a window, but it was dark out. The noise from the main room was barely audible. You liked being somewhere quiet again. 
Joel and his crew pulled up around dinnertime in two pick-up trucks. The sun had set and the truck’s headlights bathed the front of the old office building in a warm, dull yellow.
The crickets were louder than hell that night. Joel remembered that much.
Not five seconds after his boys hopped out the trucks did the brothel owner come skittering out the front door with a nervous grin on his face.
Joel liked that. Piece o’ shit like that should be nervous. 
Joel hated Larry. The man was fucking pathetic. Weasel-y. So needy and desperate to please. Joel hated that Larry sold him a woman for a water heater. What kinda man would do something like that? This was supposed to be a brothel. The women were supposed to be his employees. He didn’t have the right to sell anybody.
But Joel had wanted her. And taking her outright would have caused more problems than it would have solved. So he figured a water heater would help keep things peaceful between them. Because his boys liked the brothel. Each little trip helped ease their minds. Gave them something to talk about and look forward to–something other than survival.
Joel’s needs were more permanent. He needed something more full-time rather than once every few months.
His boys started hooting and hollering as soon as the payment of supplies were unloaded and they got to hang out inside. The women weren’t even around yet, but they were more than ready for some physical entertainment. Joel remained standing while the rest of them spread out along the decaying leather couches lining the walls. A shitty little cd player sat in the corner playing old R&B music. He heard his brother, Tommy, singing along to it. 
Joel sighed and wiped his face with his hands.
Once Larry brought out a few women, the men started roaring. They were shouting and cheering, pulling their cocks out in excitement. Joel groaned. These boys didn’t know a goddamn thing about seducing a woman and their sad little dicks weren’t gonna get them anywhere neither.
Two of the guys grabbed one of the women, causing her to shout, but Joel was on them not a second later. He gripped their skulls, one in each of his giant hands, and knocked them together like coconut shells. 
“Ouch! What the hell, man?” asked one of them, rubbing the sore spot on his head. 
Joel shook his head with his eyes wide, boring into the depths of their souls. “Not until I say,” he spat.
They both tucked their heads under, murmuring. “Yes, Joel.” “Whatever you say, Joel.”
The woman got back in line while the boys sat down on the couch.
“I’m sure I’ve got a couple more on the way,” said Larry with a forced smile. “They’re just getting themselves cleaned up, I’m sure, after uh…  after finishing dinner.”
Joel grunted. He knew what he wanted–knew what kind of woman he was looking for. And he was quick to realize that none of the women in the room were it. So he waved his hand and his men let loose.
Joel stood with his arms crossed and his back against the front door. He kept his eye on the two troublemakers. Kept his ear on Tommy. Tommy was a talker. He loved to chat up the working women as if he was in a bar back home in Texas and looking to find himself a girlfriend. Joel thought Tommy was being ridiculous—acting like the women could say ‘no’ and walk away. Like he had to put real effort in. It annoyed the hell out of Joel. He wanted his crew to have their fun and be done with it. Why did Tommy have to make it so complicated?
Joel was getting bored and antsy the longer he waited. He was feeling needy, too, with the rough sounds of sex filling the air around him. But he was hopeful, preferring to be patient. And if, in the end, there was no woman he wanted, he would pick one at random and blow off some steam. He would find a replacement some other time or start looking around at the nearest Quarantine Zone.
  Then you walked in. 
And at first, Joel was ready to shrug you off, too. Sure, you were attractive. But looks weren't everything. That's what got him in trouble with the last woman. 
But something in your eyes changed as you scanned the room, taking in the sexual depravity. You didn't shrink in and shut down. You were turned on. He saw the way your chest rose and fell as your breaths shallowed and shortened. The way you chewed your bottom lip. The way you squirmed. That's what Joel needed. Someone as needy as him. 
The brothel owner tried to dissuade him. Huh, Joel wanted to laugh. As if that asshole knew a goddamn thing about what Joel wanted–about what Joel needed.
“Take your clothes off ‘n get on the bed,” he ordered after slamming the door shut behind him. He liked how quickly you complied. He didn’t understand why you were so calm, though. He unbuckled his belt, releasing the pressure from his stomach and allowing himself some room to breathe. He let the buckle hang and it jingled as he stepped closer to the bed. 
“All fours.”
Again, you complied swiftly and smoothly, facing the back wall.
He eyed you for any sores. Then he slipped his bare hand around the smooth curve of your ass and his fingertips prodded around your lips and entrance. You were already wet, he realized.  He slid the edge of his fingers forward against your clit. 
You moaned. Something fake and bland. 
He pulled his hand away and slapped you on the ass. “Hey.”  He grabbed you by the cheeks when you didn't immediately face him. Your eyes never met his. “Don't fuckin showboat me,” he warned. 
“Okay,” you said flatly. 
He didn’t like how detached you were. How unafraid. But he willed himself to be patient–the amount of wetness coating his fingers eased his anxiety. He continued to play with your folds as he asked questions.
He cleared his throat. “You like workin here?”
You shrugged. “It’s a job.”
“How long you been here?”
“About a year.”
Joel hummed. “I don’t remember you from last time.”
“Probably had the flu.” 
“You got over it okay?”
“Mm-hmm,” you nodded, closing your eyes. You seemed to like it when he moved his thick fingers around you real slow. He liked that.
“You got anything else? Any diseases?”
You shook your head. “I don’t get a lot of men.”
Joel paused. “Why not?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. They like the other girls better.”
“Why’s that?”
You shrugged again. “They’re better at fakin it.”
Joel didn’t know how to feel about that answer. He continued to rub your clit, feeling you get slicker. “So what? You do handjobs, blowjobs?”
He noticed an uptick in the tone of your voice. “You like doin those?”
“If the guy is cute.”
He slid his fingers from your clit to your entrance to your other hole. He didn’t push in, only pressed against it, and you sighed. “What about this?” he asked, biting his lip. “You like gettin your ass played with?”
You hung your head and nodded. “If they do it right,” you said with another uptick in your tone. 
Joel liked that. “Ever have a train run on ya?” He slid his fingers back to your clit.
“Yeah,” you answered with a whimper. 
“You like it?”
Your breath hitched as Joel’s fingers sped up. “Been through worse.”
“Worse? Here?” Joel asked, wondering what could happen at a brothel that was worse than a gang-bang.
“No just… you know…” you sighed with pleasure. “--in general.” 
Joel furrowed his brows. You were being honest with him. Too honest, in his opinion. But you were rolling your hips into his hand. And he didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.
He shoved two fingers inside of you without warning. Your body twitched and you moaned–and it was different this time. Quieter. Realer. Joel liked that. He didn’t mind taking his time to get you ready if he knew you would enjoy it. 
“You like fuckin, huh?”
“Who doesn’t?” You snickered, pushing back into his thrusting hand.
Joel took a deep breath, maintaining his composure. But he knew then that he wanted you. That you were just what he needed and more.
You liked this Joel guy. He took his time. He was asking you questions, trying to get to know you. You don’t remember the last time anyone had done that. …Well, maybe when you first started working there. Trisha and Carrie and a couple of the other women tried, but this felt different for some reason. Like it was leading somewhere. Like there was a promise at the end of it. Like maybe he really wanted to make you come and he wasn’t just there for himself. 
And you liked his voice. It was smoky and deep. He had an accent like a cowboy. It was comforting, in a way.
And his fingers felt nice. He knew what he was doing. You couldn't remember the last time a guy got you that wet with just his hand.
Part of you felt a little hopeful. You thought you might finally get to have some fun like the other girls did. Most of the guys you got were ugly or just plain ol’ depressing. Another part of you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie for some reason. You’re not sure why she kept coming up in your mind. You two never worked together. You barely knew her at all.
“You ever fuck the other women here?” Joel asked. 
“Mm-hmm,” you hummed in proud affirmation. It even pulled a smile from you. 
“What's that mean?”
You weren’t sure how you expected him to react. You weren’t sure why you answered that way. “It means… yeah,” you replied while embarrassment burned your cheeks. You had barely looked at him before, but now you really didn’t want to see his face.
“Yeah, you like fuckin women?” His voice turned breathy. You heard his buckle jingle and the slide of the zipper of his jeans. 
 It turned you on to know that he liked that. Some men hated it. Made you feel like shit for it. But man, this Joel guy was something else. It made you want more of him. More of his fingers. His voice. His skin. “Yeah,” you moaned and shoved yourself harder into his hands, thrusting his fingers deeper.
“So what? You lick their pussies? Rub your little cunts together?”
Your mouth hung open from his words. “yeah,” you said with a hot breath. He pulled his fingers from inside of you and drew circles on your clit. You started whimpering. You nodded your head as fire burned in your core and across your skin. 
“That’s why you work here, huh? You got a needy little cunt?”
His fingers were moving so fast, the muscles in your legs were jumping and your toes were curling. “Uh-huh,” you moaned loud enough for your voice to echo around the bare room.
“That why you left the Q-Z? This slutty hole wasn’t get fucked enough?” His fingers slid back inside your entrance. You’re not sure how many he stuffed in, but it was more than before. 
You nodded with a desperate moan, your right leg slapping the mattress beneath you in frustration. You needed more. His fingers, his words–they weren’t enough. Your body was hot and sparking and you needed-needed-needed. “Joel, please,” you begged, turning to face him, finally opening your eyes again. He was stroking himself and the sight of his cock made you drool. 
“Whatchu need, sweetheart?” He asked and you could almost kill him for it.  
“Please, please fuck me, Joel. Please.”
“Need it that bad, huh?” He kicked off his boots and shoved his pants all the way down to the floor. 
You got out of the way as he crawled into the bed and sat up against the headboard. 
“Come and get this cock, you fuckin slut,” he growled. One hand held his length while the other pulled you by the arm. 
You were too hungry to notice how tightly he gripped you. You hovered over his lap as he lined himself up with your entrance. You stared at the curve of his lips on the way down, the mix of gray and brown hairs in his mustache. But there was white on his cheeks and chin. You briefly wondered how old he was. But you couldn’t bring yourself to get a good look at his face. Too busy melting from the pressure of his cock stretching your walls. Fuck, it felt good. You braced yourself on his firm, wide shoulders and brought your hips back up a few inches before sinking down on his length even further. You groaned and tucked your head into his neck.
You started sucking on his neck and his hips began to thrust up into you.
“It ain’t enough that I’m stuffin your cunt?” he grunted. “You need me in your mouth, too?”
You moaned against his throat, sending goosebumps all over his skin. “Yeah,” you said through panting breaths, before latching back on, teeth and tongue digging into his muscle. 
Joel liked you. He really liked you. You were wet and riding him just right. You weren’t mechanical about it, neither–like Joel was just another job to you. There was a sadness to you, sure. It was probably why you didn’t get a lot of men. Men wanted to forget their troubles at the brothel. Have some fun. They wanted the world outside to disappear with their cock inside a woman.
But Joel had tried that. And it hadn’t worked out so good.
So this time, he looked for someone different. Someone who would understand. Someone who would get why he needed to fuck and when and how he needed to fuck, too. 
And you were telling him everything he needed to know. He was learning what you wanted and what you liked and what he could use to threaten you into compliance. 
He pulled you away from his neck, not sure how he felt about being covered in hickeys. “Here,” Joel prodded your lips with his middle and ring finger. “Suck on this, you greedy little slut.”
And you did, moaning desperately as you rolled your hips in his lap. You gagged as he slid his fingers back and forth on your tongue, saliva spilling from the edges of your lips and down your chin. Your eyes were closed and he knew there was nothing going on in your mind. He knew you were focused on nothing but how good he was making you feel.
You started bouncing on his cock and he slapped your ass with his free hand. He gripped your hip hard enough to bruise, forcing you to stop.
“Did I say you could do that?”
Your eyes popped open–meeting his directly. You tried to pull your head away to answer, but Joel shoved his fingers in even further.
He repeated himself. “You tryin to come right now? Did I say you could?”
You let out a pathetic whine and shook your head.
He slapped your ass again and this time he noticed your pussy clench around him. He heard a small moan grow and die in your throat. “You come when I fuckin say you can come,” he snarled with his teeth clenched. He smacked your asscheek again and thrust up into you. 
You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut. 
“That turn you on?” He gripped your ass in his hand. “You like takin’ your medicine, bad girl?”
You tried to turn your head, but Joel still had his fingers in your mouth and he held you in place. You looked at him with the most pathetic, pleading look.
“I asked you a question,” Joel growled with wide eyes. His cock twitched inside of you. “You like takin’ your medicine? You like bein told what to do?”
You squeezed your eyes shut again and quietly nodded.
Joel liked that. He liked that a lot. He took his fingers from your mouth and gripped your cheeks. Your eyes popped open again. He licked his lips. “You be a good girl and make me come first, then we’ll see what you get, okay?”
You nodded.
“Now what do you say?”
Your brows furrowed. 
“When I tell you what to do, what do you say?”
Your face softened. You blinked slowly before answering. “Yes, sir.”
“That’s right.” Joel grunted and thrusted his hips. “Now, make me come, you little slut.” His fingers dug into your own hips to guide your rhythm to what he wanted. “Make me come and we’ll see what you get.”
“Yes, sir. Yes, sir,” you murmured again and again.
Your warm, wet cunt sucked him in and stroked him. He could hear it, too, how drippy and turned on you were. It wasn’t long before he tossed you off him with a grunt, throwing you onto your back on the bed. He only fisted his cock twice before shooting his spend on your spread open pussy, on the hair on your mound. He wiped his cum down and around on your clit. “Come on, girl. You can come now. Come on,” he chanted. He rubbed your clit back and forth with the flat of his four fingers. “Give that greedy little cunt what it needs. Come on.”
Your body curled in as you orgasmed and you moaned loudly into your arm. Joel didn’t see the need for you to be quiet, but it was too late to do anything about it now. He rubbed you with his thumb until your legs clasped shut and you squirmed away.
He wiped his hands on the sheets and got up from the bed. He pulled his jeans back on, but waited to buckle his belt. He sat back down and put his shoes on.
You were still lying where he left you. Curled up in the fetal position. It almost looked like you were falling asleep. He figured you might as well rest up now. The drive back home was a bumpy one.
He sighed when he stood up. He figured he should get the liquor bottles out of the truck sooner than later. He huffed. Larry was a real piece of shit for trading a woman for liquor. But Joel wanted you. And he was gonna have you.
You were reeling. Sexually, you were satisfied, but every other emotion bursted and channeled itself through your muscles and across your skin. You felt so vulnerable. This man had seen you–seen you! Like you were a real person or something! Like you weren’t just a ghost or a character in a movie! Everything felt wrong and you couldn’t figure out why. And you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie for some reason.
You stayed as still as possible until you heard Joel’s booted footsteps leave the room. You were grateful he didn’t say anything or try to touch you again. Your body trembled as you got out of the bed. You walked on shaky legs to the bathrooms to clean yourself. The world around you was so close and too clear. You could hear and differentiate everyone’s voices in the main room. The air was humid and you could taste it–actually taste it like it was a wet, moldy cloud in your mouth. 
Your hands tremored. You tried to exert control over them, but you were barely able to turn on the sink. You mostly swatted at the faucets until water came out. And there was no comfort to be had in the warm, rushing water. You noticed tension in your cheeks and thought you wanted to cry, but couldn’t make any tears come out.
The woman in the mirror scared you. It was you. You knew it was you. But she felt unfamiliar. Three dimensional. You wanted to run. Run away to the Quarantine Zone or—or anywhere but here.
Then you heard screaming, shrill screams from what had to be one of the other women. Suddenly you were being dragged out of the bathroom. Trisha’s hands were on you. Her fingers were small and thin and her skin was smooth and cold. You had never noticed before.
The lights in the main room were so bright that you could see everything. Every small piece of leather that had flaked off each of the couches and landed on the dirty, carpeted floor. The carpet itself was covered in dust and dirt and leaves. Where did the leaves come from? you wondered. How did they get tracked inside? Weren’t people wiping their shoes like they were supposed to?
There were people moving around. Naked. Half-naked. Clothed. All talking over each other. And blood. Bright red blood. One of the women, with long gold hair, was covered in it, shrieking in pain with both her hands on her hip. Two others guided her past you towards the back. One of Joel’s men was apologizing to Larry. He had black curly hair and a thick mustache. Larry was screaming in his face.
You saw Joel from the back as he pushed himself up from the couch. His shoulder rose and fell with deep, heaving breaths. There was blood dripping from his fist and there was someone beneath him. Once he stepped away, you saw an oblong fleshy ball of bright red where a face should have been. The body beneath the ball didn’t move. 
You folded in half and started heaving. Trisha shrieked in your ear. 
“I’m so sick of you assholes coming here and-and-and-and–” Larry was caught in a loop as he pulled his gun from his pocket. It was a small revolver. You watched his gray-skinned thumb pull back the hammer. “I’m sure! I’m sure!” he yelled over the shouting.
The man with the black curly hair lunged at Larry with a curse. 
The gun-shot stilled everyone in the room. It was loud enough that for a moment, you thought you had been shot. The vibrations pierced you to the very center of your being. But then… Larry was on the floor. Sprinkled with dust from the ceiling tile. And then there was more blood. Bright red blood spilling out from his body. 
You breathed in relief. Not only that you were still alive, but that it was Larry that was dead. For a few beautiful seconds, you felt free. Free from his bullshit and free from the brothel. Free to go back to the quarantine zone and start over again.
Trisha’s smooth fingers pulled one of your arms, but something warm and calloused pulled your other. You looked up, confused. It was Joel. Joel’s hand, which had been on you only minutes previous, felt so strange and unfamiliar. You had just shared a bed with him but–that had been a different man. Certainly different than the one that stood before you now with blood-splattered on his clothes and sweat beading around his temples. 
“You can’t take her!” Trisha cried, tears pouring out her eyes. “You can’t take her!”
“Sorry, darlin’,” he said. Joel’s eyes looked sad. “She’s mine now.”
Terror fell over you like a cold, biting wind. He was talking about you.
Your body started trembling again. You tried and failed to pull your arm away from his grip. “NO!” You shouted. Your vision went blurry as you sobbed. “Don’t take me! Please!” That was why you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie. Joel had bought Carrie. Trisha had told you that Joel had bought Carrie. But the information hadn’t clicked into place. You had spent so long avoiding your body, avoiding feeling any emotion at all that when it spent all night trying to warn you, you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t feel the siren in your gut telling you to stay away from Joel. And now that siren was loud and clear. But it was far too late for you to do anything about it. “Don’t take me! Pleasepleaseplease!”
Joel didn’t budge. He leaned in real close to you. “Now you told me you like bein told what to do.” Your face went fiery hot with shame. He yanked your arm, pulling you from Tasha’s grip. “And right now, I’m tellin you that you’re comin with me.” He continued to pull you out the front door, towards his truck.
“No! Nonono!” You cried. You tried one more time to shake him off, but it was pointless. He was too strong. You were too weak. And you started to wonder if you could have prevented this or if it was simply your fate. Your own boss hadn’t been able to say ‘no’ to these men. What could someone like you have done?
You sobbed into your hands as you sat in the truck. The man with the black curly hair got in the driver’s seat. Joel sat on the other side of you and rubbed your back in some sick attempt at comfort. “You be good for me–” he said, adjusting himself. “--then we’ll see what you get.” 
a/n: Please let me know if I missed a tag. Also, idk if it's really a DDDNE story or not. ??
story title taken from the song "Mary the Ice Cube" by Primus.
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mechanismslorearchive · 7 months
do we have an official order for when each member canonically joined the crew? i have a rough order i think, but i'm wondering if there's a full canon order
Aurora first, because Carmilla raised her from an Itty little baby moon. But then she got lost, and carmilla acquired a Jonny in her absence.
So Jonny and Milla are roaming. They end up in cyberia, where Jonny finds Aurora.
Nastya after Aurora is found.
Ivy was third bc of an old drawing Maki made
Ashes forth, because on AllTheTropes Brian was just "space jesus" and Ashes had a name.
Brian after Ashes, because space jesus and whatnot
TS was next, with Lashings as its debut
At some point before this, but before carmilla leaves, Scuzz the Ninja joins. Drumbot Beta also exists.
Also: Carmilla leaves at some point post TS
After Milla leaves, they find Tim floating in the space pod.
And then Raphaella and Marius both debut at Port Mahon video live
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petday · 1 year
Hello i love your art a lot..:) Do you like to listen to music while you draw and if you do whatve you been listening to?
I like 90s and early 2000s video game/computer game music... Some examples below:
Sion II: The First Attack - Legend
R4 / Ridge Racer Type 4 - Move Me
Souhou Blue Phoenix - Stage 1 and 3
Kurutta Kajitsu - Opening
Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen - I'll Introduce
Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Main Theme B
Grounseed - Shop Demo
The Scheme - A Leaden Sky
Dragon Master Silk II - SLKMSC01
Metal Head - Final Boss
Thunder Force II - an irrevocable dream
The Adventures of Hourai High - Boss Battle
The Adventures of Hourai High - Dungeon
Super Bomberman 3 - Stage 2
Lagoon (Sharp x68000) soundtrack
I also like 90s and early 2000s electronic music (dance, house, jungle, rave, drum and bass…) Some examples:
Nookie (Windy Milla) - Ruff & Massive
Nino - The Gun (I See It Around Me)
Manix - Special Request (Hero Remix)
SL2 - Way in my Brain (No Coke Mix)
Brisk and Fade - Radio Rockin (Original Mix)
TC Crew - Once Bitten (Once Instrumental)
Mix Race - The Future Is Before Your Eyes (And The Scratch From The Man Trax)
Blame - Music Takes You (Original Version)
MC Jay J (SL2) & DJ Devious D - Time Of Our Lives
Foul Play - Open Your Mind
Two-Mix - La Vie En Rose
Peshay - Piano Tune
Acen - Trip II the Moon (Part 2)
Livin Joy - Dreamer
Dextrous & H-Pee - Hot Flame
Bizarre Inc - Playing With Knives
Artemis - Elysian Fields
The Astro Trax Team - The Energy (Feel The Vibe)
Indo‎ - R U Sleeping (Todd Edwards Mix)
Atmosphere Chapter 2 - Deeper Drum And Bass
Vibes @ Helter Skelter - A Sign Of The Times (4th May 1997)
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seramilla · 3 days
...had an idea for college au
"Are you sure you're alright? You know I don't mind if you just want to stay home right?" Carmilla asked softly as she picked up Seras bag to carry it for her, fussing and fretting over her wife of four months.
"I'd never survive being a stay home wife and mother. I'd be bored to tears in two days. I'll be fine Milla." Sera said smiling fondly at her wife who continued to fret and fuss.
"You could be my sugar baby." Carmilla offered without thinking and Sera...she didn't know what that term meant. But it had Vaggie snorting her juice out her nose, Clara cackling and Odette sighing. Charlie and Emily were also confused.
"I don't know what that term means but by the girls reactions? Not going to happen lover." Sera said flatly and unimpressed and Carmilla grinned and pulled her closer, kissing her softly and lovingly.
"I'd be more than happy to explain what it means to you. Perhaps even show you." Carmilla promised voice low and seductive and Seras cheeks were aflame and she felt a bit lightheaded.
"Mama stop making mum faint. It's probably not good for her or the baby." Odette chided as she supported Seras side and Carmilla was immediately worried and fretting and apologetic.
"I still can't believe you did this." Carmilla said looking at Charlie who held her hands up defensively.
"Hey don't blame me! You know my powers go a bit overboard after being tightly contained for so long! She was the one who said she wished she could give you another child so that the girls could have a sister and the whole family could enjoy having a baby around!" Charlie said defensively.
"I'm not blaming you princess...I'm honestly just glad your Genie Power decided to make her be the one to carry the baby." Carmilla said and then she gently kissed her beautiful amazing loving wife.
"I already experienced that joy two and a half times...I don't mind smothering you in love and affection as you carry our newest family member though!" Carmilla said softly and Clara leaned closer to her sisters.
"How do you think the college, especially the people hitting on mum, will react once her pregnancy becomes obvious? And her being married to mama. Cause I don't see them able to hide it when she starts showing."
LMAO! Cute! At this point, I am just going to assume that every AU on this page ultimately ends in a pregnancy. 😂😂
Oh, that darn Charlie and her half-succubus powers! 😂😂 I'm assuming that's how she helped Carmilla and Sera get pregnant, anyway. The school year probably ends, and the crew heads back to Heaven/Hell before Sera really starts showing. But Carmilla and Sera role play that Sera is her sugar baby. You know, to keep things fresh and exciting in the bedroom. 😆
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souldragon9 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Barnaby joins the Crew! Psychonauts Barnaby having some levitation fun with Milla! Everything is still in the doodling works, so hopefully more to come in the next week! Should I open asks? I'm learning so much working on this!
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paladinwife · 9 months
Something Looming
Miranda thought she would never tell Carmilla her feelings. Then, they were faced with a mission where she thought neither would make it out alive. Contains spoilers for the Mass Effect 2 main plot and for Miranda’s loyalty quest. Miranda x self insert, ~900 words. Trigger warnings for discussions of death (but nobody dies) and a mention of kidnapping.
Miranda was all too aware of Milla, positioned just across the room from her. She was quiet, leaning against the window, watching the stars go by as the Normandy sped through space. Her usual calm smile was no longer there as she stared plaintively at something far away.
She couldn’t stop glancing at her. She was still as she gazed out at space.
This was not the first time she had found herself glancing at her. Far from it. But it felt different seeing her so tense.
The other woman nearly jumped in surprise at Miranda suddenly breaking the silence. Miranda slowly approached her, coming shoulder to shoulder with her.
“You look troubled.”
Milla laughed softly, flashing her a weary smile. “What, was the whole ‘entire crew getting abducted’ thing not enough to trouble you too?”
Miranda returned her smile, shaking her head. “Perhaps you’d like to talk about it.” Half-joking, perhaps. But the offer was there.
Milla gave a laugh laden with exhaustion. “Might not be best to keep dwelling in the existential dread.” She paused. “But, thank you, though.”
Miranda made a soft noise of acknowledgement, turning her gaze to the passing stars. Still, she stayed close to her, their shoulders just barely touching. For a moment, they were silent.
Milla turned towards her, breaking the silence. “How is your sister doing? It sounded like you still talk to her sometimes.”
Miranda continued to look out the window. “She’s in school now. Sounds like she’s doing well.” She took a breath. “She should be safe. For now.” She hopes.
“That’s good.” Milla turned back towards the window. Once again, they were quiet. “...Do you ever think about that?”
“Hmm?” Miranda stopped leaning on the window, turning to face her.
“Leaving her behind, I mean.” Milla pushed herself back up off the window, turning to look Miranda in the eye. “It’s not like we haven’t been in danger this whole time. But now, the thought of dying out in space and leaving my family behind with no warning is looking more and more real.”
Miranda was quiet, her eyes turning towards the floor, lost in her thoughts. She could only just see Milla furrowing her eyebrows. Finally, she spoke.
“That would be for the best.”
Milla looked at her, furrowing her brows. “You don’t really believe that.”
Miranda slowly looked back up at her. She was right. She didn’t. But she wanted to.
She didn’t say anything to Milla. The look in her eyes told her she already knew what she wanted to say.
“I won’t pry. But, you know what I think.” Milla glanced over her shoulder. “Here, I’ll give you some space. It seemed like you had work to do.” She turned, taking a step away.
Before Miranda could think, her hand caught Milla’s.
Her heart stopped. Milla turned back to her, eyes wide.
Her hand was so small in hers. So delicate.
It felt right holding it in hers.
“Milla, wait.”
Milla stared at her in surprise.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
Milla was turned entirely towards her again.
“What is it?”
Miranda closed the distance between them, taking a deep breath.
“There’s something I’ve been hiding from you.”
Milla’s expression shifted from surprise to confusion. “And what is that?”
A hint of indescribable emotion flashed across Miranda’s face. “I… didn’t think I would ever tell you this. But I can’t hide it anymore.”
“But what is it?” Milla’s voice turned soft.
“Milla, I’m in love with you.”
Milla tensed up, eyes wide. “What do you mean?”
Miranda looked back at her in surprise. “I mean, I love you. I have for a while.”
The look in Milla’s eyes softened. “How long have you felt this way?”
“It’s been some time.” Her answer was vague. She didn’t know what to tell her. She didn’t even know the answer herself.
Milla paused. “I… Miranda, I had no idea.” Her gaze stayed locked on Miranda’s. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t-“
“Please,” Miranda cut her off. “You don’t have to return my feelings. I just couldn’t go any longer hiding this from you.”
“But I do.” Milla’s voice is uncharacteristically soft. “I really, really do.”
Silently, Miranda took her hands in hers. Her heart raced in her chest, in a way that it never had before.
“Miranda.” Milla spoke again. “This… This can’t just end like this.”
“What do you mean?” For once, Miranda was taken aback.
“Are we just supposed to go to our deaths, now that we finally know we love each other?” The look in her eyes was intense. “We can’t just… we can’t just die like this, can we?”
Miranda froze. What she had described was her entire plan - tell her now so she would never have to face her again. But, she had not prepared herself for the potential of Milla returning her feelings.
From the furrow in her brow and the pained look in her eyes, Milla’s face told Miranda exactly how her hesitation felt. She had to say something.
“We won’t.”
Milla’s eyes widened, before quickly softening. “We won’t,” she repeated back to her.
Miranda took a breath, leaning in close to Milla, lips meeting briefly, her heart skipping a beat. She pulled back, Milla’s hands still in hers.
“We won’t,” she says again, this time with more confidence. “I’ll make sure of it. And then… we can figure it out from there.”
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Character Bios
Blur Gang:
Original / Into Members
OMT!Tails (with a major story summary of all major plots) | CR!Sonic | Sonia and Manik Acorn | OMT!Mina | Mini Sonic | Mr. Needlemouse | EX!Alice and E4-R6:3
More than One Universe / Across Members
D-Sides Mighty | Black Knight Amy (@sstorminghearts) | CU!Sonic and Sonia | Nine | Nitro | Antho | Ex-Prince Brian (@becdoesthings)
Post-MtOU Members
Hog | Wacky | Devy and Smol Devy | Trip
Honorary Members
April | The Prower Kids
Quill Society:
Errorverse Sonic | Tekno
Top Members:
Amy Rouge | Zonic | CD Alt Ending Sonic | E-21
Rogue Members:
Lost Memory Sonic | Turbo | Fiona Fox | Emperor Metallix
Underground Sonic | LEGO Sonic | Sunky and Tlels | Carol Tea | Sarah Henderson | Barry | Milly Prower | Blitz!Tails (+ Blitz!Milla) | Sonic.RAW | Superstars Amy | Nicky | Warrior Feline Honey
One More Hero / Into Villains
Sonic.OMT | Eggman Nega | Shadow Emerl | Zeena | Surge | Snively | Dr. Beeman
More than One Universe Villains
Shalian | CR Corrupt | Talrareth | AVA Corrupt | Richard | Sonath | Curse
Into the Sonic-verse Villains
Dr. Finitevus | S.S.S.S.S. Squad | Scourge | Rosy | Naugus | Sleet and Dingo | Dark Oak | Boom Shadow | Fleetway Super Sonic | Kit | Agent Stone
Many More Heroes Villains
Crimtake | Gemerl/Anti-Miles
Other Stars:
OMT!Sonic | OMT!Knuckles | OMT!Amy | OMT!Sally | OMT!Cream | OMT!Eggman | Lucia | Karilvatch | Errorverse Crew | Exeller | XE!Sonic and Xenomorphic | FNF Crew | Bently Forceloyed | Smiling Buddies
SEGAVerse / CapcomVerse Heroes:
Alex Kidd | Ristar | NiGHTS | Opa-Opa | Arle | Billy Hatcher | Mega Man
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fiannalover · 1 year
Mint suggesting Emil gets in a polyamorous relationship with his childhood bestie and himself. Presea and Velvet's cycle of "I must be the one to kill her". Gaius just hanging around with a mask he enchanted to be a telephone in case he wants to be a depressed kid's life coach. Leon effortlessly soloing everything like a Warriors character. Luke being paired up with a cinnamon roll too suicidal for him to be mean too. Sophie reviving Asbel and the piano. Villagers going "urgh, shut up" over the callout post @ Edna. Symphonia Crew meeting Arche at a bar fight. Jude drugging and beating up Milla for medical reasons. Yuri Lowell
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Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix
5. Predestination (2014)
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Alicia Pavlis, Annabelle Norman, Arielle O’Neill, Ben Prendergast, Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen, Cate Wolfe, Christopher Bunworth, Christopher Kirby, Christopher Sommers, Christopher Stollery, Dennis Coard, Dick York, Elise Jansen, Eliza D’Souza, Eliza Matengu, Ethan Hawke, Felicity Steel, Finegan Sampson, Freya Stafford, Giordano Gangl, Grant Piro, Hayley Butcher, Jim Knobeloch, Katie Avram, Kristie Jandric, Kuni Hashimoto, Lucinda Armstrong Hall, Madeleine West, Maja Sarosiek, Marky Lee Campbell, Milla Simmonds, Monique Heath, Noah Taylor, Noel Herriman, Olivia Sprague, Paul Moder, Raj Sidhu, Rob Jenkins, Sara El-Yafi, Sarah Snook, Sophie Cusworth, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Tyler Coppin, Vanessa Crouch
Director: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig, The Spierig Brothers
Rating: R
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One of the most original time-travel thrillers since 12 Monkeys. A brilliant subversion of the Time Paradox trope, with enough plot twists to keep you entertained until well after the movie is finished. Predestination is an amazing movie with great performances from Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. It’s a movie that will feel like Inception, when it comes to messing with your mind and barely anyone has heard of it. It is highly underrated and unknown, sadly.
4. Train to Busan (2016)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Ahn So-hee, An So-hee, Baek Seung-hwan, Cha Chung-hwa, Chang-hwan Kim, Choi Gwi-hwa, Choi Woo-shik, Choi Woo-sung, Dong-seok Ma, Eui-sung Kim, Gong Yoo, Han Ji-eun, Han Sung-soo, Jang Hyuk-jin, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Seok-yong, Jung Young-ki, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Chang-hwan, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Jae-rok, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Ju-hun, Kim Keum-soon, Kim Soo-ahn, Kim Soo-an, Kim Su-an, Kim Won-Jin, Lee Joo-sil, Lee Joong-ok, Ma Dong-seok, Park Myung-shin, Sang-ho Yeon, Seok-yong Jeong, Shim Eun-kyung, Sohee, Soo-an Kim, Soo-jung Ye, Terri Doty, Woo Do-im, Woo-sik Choi, Ye Soo-jung, Yeon Sang-ho, Yoo Gong, Yu-mi Jeong, Yu-mi Jung
Director: Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
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A zombie virus breaks out and catches up with a father as he is taking his daughter from Seoul to Busan, South Korea’s second-largest city. Watch them trying to survive to reach their destination, a purported safe zone.
The acting is spot-on; the set pieces are particularly well choreographed. You’ll care about the characters. You’ll feel for the father as he struggles to keep his humanity in the bleakest of scenarios.
It’s a refreshingly thrilling disaster movie, a perfect specimen of the genre.
3. Serenity (2005)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Carrie ‘CeCe’ Cline, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Patrick Lynch, David Krumholtz, Demetra Raven, Dennis Keiffer, Elaine Mani Lee, Erik Weiner, Gina Torres, Glenn Howerton, Hunter Ansley Wryn, Jessica Huang, Jewel Staite, Linda Wang, Logan O’Brien, Marcus Young, Mark Winn, Marley McClean, Matt McColm, Michael Hitchcock, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, Nectar Rose, Neil Patrick Harris, Peter James Smith, Rafael Feldman, Rick Williamson, Ron Glass, Ryan Tasz, Sarah Paulson, Sean Maher, Summer Glau, Tamara Taylor, Terrell Tilford, Terrence Hardy Jr., Tristan Jarred, Weston Nathanson, Yan Feldman
Director: Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13
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Serenity is a futuristic sci-fi film that serves as a feature-length continuation of the story-line from the TV program Firefly (2002–2003). The story revolves around the captain (Nathan Fillion) and crew of the titular space vessel that operate as space outlaws, running cargo and smuggling missions throughout the galaxy. They take on a mysterious young psychic girl and her brother, the girl carrying secrets detrimental to the intergalactic government, and soon find themselves being hunted by a nefarious assassin (Chiwetel Ejiofor). The first feature-length film from Joss Whedon (The Avengers), Serenity is a lively and enjoyable adventure, replete with large-scale action sequences, strong characterizations and just the right touch of wry humor. An enjoyable viewing experience that stands alone without demanding that you have familiarity with the original program beforehand.
2. Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Armie Hammer, Danny Glover, David Cross, Ed Moy, Forest Whitaker, James D. Weston II, Jermaine Fowler, John Ozuna, Kate Berlant, Lakeith Stanfield, Lily James, Marcella Bragio, Michael X. Sommers, Molly Brady, Omari Hardwick, Patton Oswalt, Robert Longstreet, Rosario Dawson, Steven Yeun, Teresa Navarro, Terry Crews, Tessa Thompson, Tom Woodruff Jr., Tony Toste, W. Kamau Bell
Director: Boots Riley
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In the year of the Netflix TV Show Maniac, another absurdist title stole critics’ hearts. Sorry to Bother You is a movie set in an alternate reality, where capitalism and greed are accentuated. Lakeith Stanfield (Atlanta) is a guy called Cassius who struggles to pay his bills. However, when at a tele-marketing job an old-timer tells him to use a “white voice”, he starts moving up the ranks of his bizarre society. A really smart movie that will be mostly enjoyed by those who watch it for its entertaining value, and not so much for its commentary. It is like a Black Mirror episode stretched into a movie.
1. Ex Machina (2015)
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction
Actor: Alex Garland, Alicia Vikander, Chelsea Li, Claire Selby, Corey Johnson, Domhnall Gleeson, Elina Alminas, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno, Symara A. Templeman, Symara Templeman, Tiffany Pisani
Director: Alex Garland
Rating: R
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Ex Machina is the directorial debut of Alex Garland, the writer of 28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks Later). It tells the story of Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson from About Time), an IT developer who is invited by a billionaire CEO to participate in a groundbreaking experiment — administering a Turing test to a humanoid robot called Ava (Alicia Vikander). Meeting the robot with feelings of superiority at first, questions of trust and ethics soon collide with the protagonist’s personal views. While this dazzling film does not rely on them, the visual effects and the overall look-feel of Ex Machina are absolutely stunning and were rightly picked for an Academy Award. They make Ex Machina feel just as casually futuristic as the equally stylish Her and, like Joaquin Phoenix, Gleeson aka Caleb must confront the feelings he develops towards a machine, despite his full awareness that ‘she’ is just that. This is possibly as close to Kubrick as anyone got in the 21st century. Ex Machina is clever, thrilling, and packed with engaging ideas.
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erigold13261 · 10 months
In the NSR multiverse of yours, B2J, Miles and co, and Chai and co are going to become textbook figures. And it’s funny to me. (One revolution is about how power is made in the world, one is about how the treatment of some powered individuals, one is about ethical use of technology)
Oh yeah! I have this idea that's it's gonna be called something like "The Age of Modern Revolution," "The Decade of Change" or something like that. Similar to how the 100 Years' War was called something else closer to the time it happened, but as we got farther from that time period we condensed the time period together into just the 100 Years' War.
It's gonna be a wild time in history and honestly the tests are probably gonna be so annoying to take. I've had teachers need us to memorize every important person's name in a chapter, so like, with NSR that's at least 9 names (could be more if you count individuals like 1010, Sayu's Crew, and Catherine), for Hi Fi Rush it's about 10 (not counting any of the robots who you might have to know and might get points taken off if you mess up their name like Oskar, 05-K4R, or O5-CAR are some ways people might write o5-KAR), and then Nueva York can have like well over 10 names depending on who helps the revolution.
As someone who is shit with names, they would be so difficult for me to remember if it was in a history class. That's not even counting dates, because with how close the dates are (or might be) inside the revolution would mean teachers would want exact dates. Like Chai probably got his revolution done in about a week or something like that, so you'd have to know what date he went after what executive while with Nueva York, you could probably get away with saying something like "in XX month, Miles arrived at Nueva York."
Looking at these revolutions from a history standpoint has to be really interesting honestly. Especially for people who lived through the revolutions and saw how things changed first hand in a relatively quick time period.
This isn't even mentioning Psychonauts. I have a feeling people would know the name Razputin Aquato and other Psychonauts, but not how any of them look. It would all mainly be artistic renderings and not photographs. This would be a vast difference from the other revolutions which have a lot of media cover, social posts, and photographs. The Psychonauts would only have art for their history books, at least for active Psychonauts, so privacy is kept and people can't just see someone like Milla Vodello in the streets and approach her, possibly blowing her cover.
Now all I can imagine is Psychonauts, or just psychics in general, with like instagram or tiktok showing off their powers. Especially if they have a psychic camera or whatever it's called (Otto-cam? something like that) and show people the inside of people's minds (obviously with permission from the patient/mind holder).
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from what i can tell we don't learn the Coach's code name. Friends I propose Dishsoap
I'm curious as to your reasoning but yea haha we dont have a coach code name
what were sasha and milla again, dust pan and somethin else...? cleaning supply crew
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