#covid vet
race-week · 3 months
I just found a text conversation that I had with my mum exactly 4 years ago today where we were discussing what I should call my kitten
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The one we know now as Steven
These were the names that were tossed around: Quentin, Sebastian, Ulysses, Loki, Maximillian, Artemis and Caspian.
I decided on Merlin in the end and then within a few weeks of having the kitten, the name Steven just happened.
Now at 4 years old she’s called Steven and also Beef and they definitely fit her better than anything else
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theysangastheyslew · 2 years
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*be best friends and gradually realize you’re soulmates, you mean ;)
I have mixed feelings about ACWNR but Hange’s face the first time upon seeing Levi is so stinking cute XD
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bunabi · 5 months
do hate to say this, but maybe she might have covid? or did have covid? you had a it for a while and cats & dogs have been getting that """strange respiratory""" disease so... it kinda checks out especially if none of the other tests are coming up with anything? it could also be that she had it and it's left some form of lingering symptoms. also, ik I'm a stranger and being told to not stress never helps anyone but I think you should just focus on feeling good and enjoying your cat instead of trying to over-fix to compensate for what you can't fully treat yet. if you're both stressed, you'll feed and cycle with one another. it's hard and it sucks but I'm sure she also doesn't want you worrying yourself to death either.
mmm I tested negative five times when I had the flu in September, but its definitely possible that Sabine caught covid at some point, whether from something I brought into the apartment or during her time at the shelter
my mom actually suggested this a few months ago so I looked into it, and the URI symptoms definitely align
thanks for the stress advice kind anon I appreciate it 🥲
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desolatehands · 15 days
Hi! I hate to have to make a post like this, but I am in some need of assistance. I'm a disabled individual living on VERY limited income and most of my income has been going towards moving expenses as I am leaving this current housing situation in two months. I have already spent most of my paycheck on mailing off valuables to my next location. The next step is to get my furbaby the things he needs to travel comfortably with me.
The goal is to have him with me in the cabin to help not only him, but myself too with my anxiety. It's difficult traveling alone as an autistic individual, so my cat is my best bet in keeping cool without turning to opiates as a one day prescription.
Here is the amazon list, if anyone feels like helping.
And here are a couple photos of Steven hard as a rock Stone. He's a very sweet and loving cat. But, I am in a very poor state financially.
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My roommate is not the best and has 'forgotten' about the cash I have given her to purchase specific things for the cats in the house. Instead using that money to buy cigarettes.
While I don't feel comfortable talking about too many details, I can comfortably say I live with a hoarder, that I am blamed for things out of my control ( like the bills she should be paying w my rent ), so on and so forth.
I'm incredibly sorry to ask for this help, but my hands are kind of tied. It's been insanely difficult to get out of an abusive situation while being disabled.
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werebutch · 5 months
I have so much to do before i leave on Thursday im so anxious about it
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daughterofsarenrae · 2 months
2, 6, 12, and 15 :0!!!
2: what dish would you bring to a potluck with all your mutuals?
Answered here!
6: if money and social constructs were no object, what sort of clothes would you wear?
Oh man this stumped me. Idk what style is or how to label it u know. Ig just like. I mainly wear outdoorsy clothes? Very meh on clothes tbh. I would bring back cloaks tho
12: what animal do you know too many things about? Care to share some fun facts?
I am actively running a touch table with bird bones/feathers etc so ur gonna get some random bird trivia!
-If u take a pile of bird bones and a pile of bird feathers, the feathers would weigh more, sometimes by 2 or 3 times
-the biggest bald eagle nest we've found was 8 feet across, 18 feet deep, and weighed 2 tons
-kestrels only weigh 1/4 of a pound, so a stick of butter. Or 34 pennies
-Bald eagles can see a fish in the water from a mile up
-vultures are sometimes used to detect gas leaks- the chemical causing the gas scent is also part of that good carrion smell, so if you see a congregation of vultures around where a gas pipeline is and there's no food, the pipes should probably be checked
-bird eyes are spherical, theyre roundish at the front and flare out at the back & are held in place by a ring of bone. This gives them better eyesight at the expense of being able to look around without moving their head, hence the huge amount of rotation in their necks
-owl feathers have a fringed edge, letting them fly silently (but slowly). Other raptors have a smooth edge, letting them fly quickly (but loudly)
15: what was your first proper job? Do you have any interesting stories from it?
Oh boy it was a kennel tech at a uh. Shitty Vet in alabama. Very much a $ over pets kinda place. I only lasted like 2? 3? Months there. Most of my stories are more like horror stories than fun. I did get to walk a goat around on a leash for a while! That was fun
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thatsleepymermaid · 3 months
I know reddit is a hive of scum and villainy, but my ehlers-danlos group on facebook posted this reddit thread on a "weird triad of symptoms" of EDS/POTS/MCAS. These are all supposedly healthcare professionals that work in the ER, and I can't say this thread hasn't been eye-opening.
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And there's other healthcare professionals in the thread gloating on how they have chronic illnesses but never went to the hospital and just "toughed it out". Everyone that is telling the poster that this is ablest and the reason why their chronic illness almost killed them, is getting down-voted into oblivion.
Look, I was on the pre-health track in college as I assume many of these people were also. If you ever wonder why your doctor lacks empathy and will say you're just anxious, this is the reason. Empathy is beaten out of them very young and early in their careers and was . It took me years to find the source of my extreme chronic pain because of healthcare professionals like this (looking at you, nurse that said my excessive menstrual bleeding was because I'm South-Asian and thus "more fertile").
Not to mention, this "triad of trendy diseases" is actually quite common in long COVID. With COVID spreading and going unchecked, don't you think that this "mysterious increase of chronic diseases" is perhaps a side-effect of the pandemic?
If you want to gouge your own eyes out, you can read the entire thread here.
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tyrfish-blog · 2 months
8pm and the skies are blue, still. A hint of sunset approaching. I could go outside and I wouldn't need a coat. We made it, folks.
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daeguboxer · 11 months
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I hope he knows that kisses are good <3
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scruffydogposting · 10 months
Ugh the shelter trauma is hitting hard today
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hellyeahsickaf · 5 months
I miss the boring shit. I miss doing the laundry, cleaning my room, vacuuming, grocery shopping. I miss picking up my meds, I miss having to do something in the morning when the biggest issue wasn't always my body, just that I'd rather be doing something else.
The boring errands, the tedious things that felt like a waste of my time, the shit that drove my ADHD ass up the walls, I miss it so much. Everyone misses the things they enjoyed, but what about the shit you dreaded? Stupid fucking laundry day, irritating ass trip to the market, taking my dogs to the vet. Some days I did too much and crashed but a crash back then resembles my current normal
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ghostsinthecellar · 6 months
errand day is almooost overrrrr
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science-doyourstuff · 6 months
I had to do client counseling for a euthanasia today at the vet clinic while extremely delirious with a fever and I am pretty sure I fucked it up
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londonfoginacup · 9 months
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fstbmp-a · 7 months
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Good morning, everyone! My sleep schedule is now entirely controlled by my silly lil' cat that got very ill, so we'll see how active I can ultimately be now.
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racingliners · 1 year
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