#court talks
rawkingbunny · 8 months
I want to be the first person to say this.
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lemoncrushh · 7 days
Hello lovelies. I just happened to open the #harry styles one shot tag and saw bad idea amongst some amazing writers. I can't tell you how happy and thrilled I am that it has gotten so much attention. I'm just over the moon!
This weekend I'm going to try to split my time between writing and reading. I see so many fics I haven't gotten to yet, and I just feel awful about it. I will reblog as I read (cause that's what I do), and I will most likely be following a lot of new blogs.
Thank you again for all the love and support! The bad idea sequel should be coming soon :).
Have a great weekend! xo - Court
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lesbiancoree · 11 months
now that twitter sucks i can make my blog look pretty again!
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jugofraga · 2 months
I love that Jeremy’s thought process is literally: oh we Trojans don’t suppress our anger it’s healthy to express your feelings! Except me :) I’ll keep all my problems buried so deep only the very edges poke out :) have you met my cardboard dog yet?
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totallynotcensorship · 4 months
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just wanted to highlight this one ziobot reply because they (don't) have a point
let's talk about israel's war crimes in the west bank. or syria. or Jordan. or egypt. or their decades long genocide and colonization of across all of palestine. and while we are on the subject did you know the US and UK are actively bombing civilian areas in yemen and have been for decades? or that 3rd world countries in africa(like congo) and asia are in such a horrible state because of colonialist countries destroying and exploiting them
it is almost as if israel and other colonialist countries are fascists... who would have guessed
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fresh-snow · 5 months
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moonsnqil · 4 months
after practice outing
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melonsharks · 2 months
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rewatched a court of fey and flowers and god i LOVE this season. squeezed out a lineup to figure out how to draw the pack of pixies!
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taviacoolcat · 2 months
list of my favorite things about jeremy knox:
he's an english major
he's a middle child
he says words like "heck" and "hecka" and "hecked"
his best friends are lesbians
barkbark von barkenstein
having different animal noises as ringtones for the trojans based on what position they play
uses a light racquet for more control over winning stick checks
bleached his entire head because he couldn't go through with frosted tips
"you are going to be my success story: jean moreau the person, not jean moreau of the perfect court."
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standardlovers · 2 months
neil josten went to LA to hang out w his mafia uncle & an ex raven, put a hit out on someone, then lie to the feds. babygirl i missed you sm
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mor3au · 1 month
you cannot tell me jeremy wasn’t turned on when jean casually handled both him and the scrimmage
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bisexualchaosdemon · 1 month
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Implying that Neil's immediate reaction to hearing that Jeremy is on the phone is to ask if Jean is okay?
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livwritesstuff · 2 months
“Steve,” Eddie mutters, “Stop it, you’re staring.”
Steve is staring, eyes fixed on a family sitting in a cluster of seats two rows ahead of them on the commuter rail — a mom and dad with three kids, the oldest no older than ten, the youngest four or five. They’re not too much older than Steve and Eddie’s own kids (who are seven, five, and two), and by the looks of the princess dresses and mouse ears and branded souvenir bags they’re also on their way home from the afternoon Disney on Ice show at the TD Garden.
“That mom,” Steve says, addressing Eddie even though his gaze doesn’t shift away from the unsuspecting targets of his relentless judginess, “is upset because her kids are whining and misbehaving, but they asked for food and she said no, and they said they were bored and she ignored them.”
In Steve’s defense (not that Eddie would actually say any of this to him; he doesn’t need the egging on), his assessment isn’t exactly incorrect. All three of those kids are either colossally melting down or just on the verge of doing so, and both of their parents are mostly ignoring them.
“God, and they’re gonna grow up learning they can’t rely on their parents for help,” Steve continues, “I just...I just don’t get why we had to go through all those evals and interviews and home visits and shit before we were deemed suitable parents when any idiot straight couple can just have a kid with no regulation whatsoever.”
“Steve,” Eddie says through gritted teeth as he glances at their own daughters to make sure they aren’t eavesdropping (they’re not – Moe and Robbie are sitting by the window and playing with the toys they’d gotten to pick out during intermission, and Hazel is halfway to asleep in Steve’s lap), “My love — little pitchers.”
Steve only shrugs, but he does drop the subject for the rest of the train ride.
The universe must hate Eddie (or love Steve) because that family gets off at the same station as them. Hazel is completely sacked out by then, and Steve had taken her while Eddie manned the older two and they’re busy running ahead of him to the car so there’s literally nothing he can do when Steve detours away from them to follow a few yards behind the other family.
When he finally makes his way back over to them, it’s with a gleeful grin on his face.
“I knew it.” Steve says with a gleeful grin, “I knew they had to be shitty parents.”
Eddie eyebrows flew up, because – seriously, the fucking audacity on this guy.
“You know what I always say – you can either be a good parent or have a clean car, and that car was fucking spotless.”
“Steve Harrington.”
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sol1562 · 4 months
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They showed their own colors
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tara-the-star · 2 months
man this neil guy is so silly he should get his own book
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jestroer · 1 year
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ah yes, my favourite team, the cockers
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