#coursing constellations
ebbyillustrations · 27 days
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A comm for @kricepudding! This is Kring (they/them) from Rain's webcomic, Coursing Constellations. Go read his comic!!
One slot is open for a full figure flat! (as of 5/6/24)
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kricepudding · 4 months
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Finished my version of @hiveworks' Kiss Challenge, look at my blorbos smooch
[image description: Image of my finished "Kiss Challenge" meme, originally posted by @HiveWorks. In this art challenge, you are asked to “grab those OCs and make them smooch”. My OCs have been drawn on their wedding day. The first image is a kiss on the forehead. Tydus is kissing The Pioneer on the head and teasing him, TP is trying not to smile but can’t resist. He is sitting in his wheelchair. The second image is a kiss on the hand. Armond is holding one of Wesley’s claws and is kissing it while they look away with a blush. The third image is a grabby kiss. Beatrice has her fins on Kring’s cheeks and has pulled them towards her. They are giggling between kisses. Finally, the fourth image is a soft kiss. Rin and Emmet are kissing eachother softly but passionately. Sprinkles the goose is also there, glaring at the two with red eyes. She is inside a box that reads "Live Goose Reaction". Kring and Beatrice and Wesley and Armond have strings of lights connecting the two kissers together.]
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Day 30 of No One Except @mr-orion Asked November (NoOneExOriAskNov).
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Final day y’all! I made it! To celebrate, today’s is @applestruda’s DTIYS, and also my first ever DTIYS! A sleepy pile of dear Boatem folks. No color, of course, because color is terrifying, and on paper, because I still cannot do digital art quickly for the life of my poor index finger. I’d like to think that this dog pile takes place after the events of Give me back my heart you wingless thing, mostly because they deserve it, and also because I only have my Horizons au designs to work with… Nevertheless, they’re having a good time and that’s the important part.
To @demonsteapot and @donutinsideofashark, thanks for going through this month of nonsense with me. And to @mr-orion again, thanks for creating a very funny challenge title and motivating me to keep up the depletion of my 0.5 mm lead stash.
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 1 year
the muses talked to me today and they said “stop drawing loser wet cat man draw our pretty sister instead” and so I did!
i want to lovingly dedicate this to @ferelden-loser and @seiya-starsniper to inspire them to write more Calliope 🖤
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malwa1216 · 8 months
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Sam Coe - Paradiso edition
Constellation Station
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sentientsky · 5 months
Okay, so we all know and love this scene, yeah? But there's a bit more to this (which has probably already been discussed, seeing as it's been like six months and we all have massive amounts of brainrot lol).
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As I'm sure you know, that clustering of dust and interstellar gas in the center of the frame is referred to as "the Pillars of Creation". Also known as the Hand of God, it's a region within the Eagle Nebula. And the Eagle Nebula is located within the constellation Serpens, which translates from Latin to (you guessed it!) "snake". Here's an image of the constellation itself:
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It's actually the only one of 88 constellations (within Western cosmological views) that's split into two pieces: the head of the serpent (serpens caput), as well as the tail of the serpent (serpens cauda), each of which is separated by the constellation Ophiuchus (source). I know it's kind of silly, and sort of a stretch, but it's just interesting to see both the serpentine (Crowley my beloved) and separation (F15 + Crowley’s Fall) motifs play out on a celestial scale.
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clownsnake · 12 days
okay nonbinary character in Orv alert. slay
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rainswept · 6 months
harbinger/knave lyney, deserter freminet………….
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empyrangel · 1 year
People really out here still being cis? lmao skill issue
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pttucker · 6 months
Yoo Joonghyuk had arrived in their vicinity before long; he sheathed his sword and spoke up. "It'll be hard to continue defending like this." He looked back with disinterested eyes, only to meet Han Sooyoung's glare. He opened his mouth first. "You were late."
While all his other companions were despairing and trying to figure out what to do, trying to figure out if they were supposed to kill Dokja, trying to figure out if he'd tricked them one final time and was sacrificing himself again, Joonghyuk immediately understood his intentions and was out there just slaughtering people.
They've come a long way, these Life and Death Companions.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Who's bestie wins the best birthday presents ever award? THAT'S RIGHT, MINE.
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h/t @crispycloudcherryblossom for doing the sketches
My friend requested that a bag artist on Facebook called Connie's Pets and Paintings burn the images into the leather and she did a fantastic job!
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Three Hopes spoilers!
I was so pissed that they just teased it in his Byleth support,but we can actually piece it together now easily with what we know. And believe me, I'm on cloud nine about this,my boy Yuri deserves to be called by his real name!
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andromeda3116 · 9 months
ugh i have a friend who is super into astrology and it's like "mercury is in retrograde this is so terrible!!!" like bro even if planets could affect your life on earth mercury isn't doing shit it's just how it looks in the sky is going backwards because of orbital dynamics it is literally not doing anything different at all it's just vibing
#i mean i have Many problems with astrology including of course the basic core of the idea is nonsense#but like#it's not fucking doing anything#it's just because of how the earth is passing around it#we're passing by mercury in a certain way hey by the way can you look at the sky and point out mercury to me right now?#like do you actually even know where it is in the sky?#ugh i bite my tongue and scroll past while repeating to myself that as long as they aren't hurting anyone#- and they are not hurting anyone -#it's none of my goddamned business what they believe#and so i keep scrolling but i always want to be just like#HOW DO YOU THINK ORBITAL MECHANICS OF PLANETS MILLIONS OF MILES AWAY FROM US#HAVE ANY FUCKING THING TO DO WITH YOUR MOOD AND THE RANDOM INTERPERSONAL SHIT IN YOUR LIFE#WHY DO YOU THINK THE OTHER SEVEN PLANETS GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU#WHY DO YOU THINK THE CONSTELLATIONS CARE#THEY FUCKING CHANGE OVER TIME JFC THE TILT OF THE EARTH CHANGES MEANING THAT FUCKING POLARIS#HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN THE NORTH STAR AND WILL NOT BE AGAIN LIKE. ???????#how arrogant?#to believe that the random alignment of the stars in the vast cosmos has anything to do with you#and how helpless?#to believe that the random alignment of the stars in the vast cosmos dictates what happens to you?#the planets orbit the sun babe and so do we#they're not here for us and they don't have jack shit to do with us#it's all chaos babe#embrace it and accept it because it means that the only thing that matters in your life is what you do with it#the distant planets and stars don't have control over you#you do#it's all chaos and that's very freeing#let go of the need to be influenced#let go of the need to find order#and make it yourself instead
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me, intending to give zhao a vermillion bird costume: .....ehh let’s just give him a modified fire/feather-themed hanfu and call it a day
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kaeyapilled · 11 months
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gingerbreadmonsters · 3 months
hello hello gingerina 🫶 for the ask game, i bring u these three emojis:
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
hala is talking about this ask game (still open!)
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
well the latest wip i actually did anything to was HEART EYES CRY BLOOD!!, but that got posted today so instead i will go for a different mystery one: 🪑✨❤‍🔥🪢👀
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
this is going to come so out of left field but i read this fic many years ago and have never forgotten it - it's Area Man Always Has Backup Problem Just In Case by pepperfield, and i think it's very very funny lmao
for a redacted-specific one, it's being extremely normal about this by licotain, because a) come ON, it's freelancer gavin and lasko, who do you think i am, and b) i see the 'boys in skirts' tag and my head explodes instantly
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
it is so important to me that gavin and vincent are bitchy pretty boy besties who gossip about literally everything and everyone - they have CERTAINLY fucked in the past and probably continue to do so if their respective partners are into it (or want to join in 👀), and between them they've probably broken half the hearts in dahlia for one reason or another 🥰
for a slightly more general one (and because i forgot to talk about it several days ago), i am of the mind that rasmr demons feel strongly, instinctively connected to their namesake stars and constellations, and have a distinct tendency to draw, carve, scratch, bite or otherwise mark objects/people that are important to them with the shape of that constellation
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