#course evaluations
oldmancopper · 8 months
Fall 2023 Course Evaluations - A Term
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Just might be hitting my stride a bit with this 1000 level course... Only one student devoting all of their time and energy to providing excuses
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What did you particularly LIKE about this course/lab? - Follows the game development process and all aspects of game development. A great intro to IMGD, with a great project - I enjoyed the research assignments that helped me discover more about what I am studying. - I liked how much experience the professor has in industry and how honest he was about what the industry is like - I liked how project focused the course was. The professor was usually a good time. - Making our game in Unity was enjoyable at times, frustrating at others, but it was overall satisfying to figure things out and see progress. - Provided a useful opportunity to learn Unity and was brutally honest about the climate around making games (though didn't really tell was what to do about, which, fair) - The subject matter was fun and the instructor did a good job explaining many practical ideas regarding the industry. - The transparency about the video game industry was good as well as the hands-on experience working with people
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What did you particularly DISLIKE about this course/lab? - Honestly, nothing. The harsh reality of the game industry is a little jarring at first, and having to pickup Unity quickly is a bit rough, but the TA and professor are there for support - I did not like how long the lecture periods were without much class time dedicated for group work. I think allowing groups to connect during the lecture (maybe during a short break) could be beneficial to the students and the groups. - I just had communication issues with my group but other than that nope - The grading (based on memes) seemed silly but didn't particularly bother me - Though the professor was a good time, he did make some odd comments. The professor had us use Unity for our projects, which almost nobody had any experience with and the professor didn't teach us how to use it, he said that if we had questions to ask the TA on discord or go to the TA office hours. - Trying to figure out exactly what to do on some homework assignments was difficult. - What was taught in class was not correlated to what was the majority of the grade. Projects were 50% of the class but no C# or unity was taught in class. Students were expected to self teach or ask the SA.
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Oh you sweet summer children, how the education system has failed you...
Can you suggest anything that the instructor could do to improve the quality of teaching? - Add more variety of assignments / use all of class time to teach - Exams as a way to improve attendance. I attended class regularly, but my group mates would often skip and I had a hard time reaching them outside of class. - In lectures, I would appreciate it if the specific things/examples that are talked about in class could be more clearly related to the main point/talking point - Nope - Not much honestly, it was a great class. - Possibly make lectures more accessible remotely, but the reasoning behind not doing so was explained and understandable - Teach Unity maybe, though I'm not sure time would permit.
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Would you encourage a friend to take a course from this instructor? Why or why not? - Of course. This class was awesome. - Yes, it is a great introduction to the game industry. - Yes, though the lectures are quite boring, they teach important information about the industry. The project is also quite fun and gives a sense of accomplishment and pride. - Yes. If you're going into games, Unity (despite going to shit) is valuable to learn and the class is a very good introduction to the world of making games - Yes: Y______ is a chill teacher who will most likely give you all the opportunities for assignments you need, be it help or an extension. - Yes defiantly worth taking for the industry knowledge - Yup. - Yup. Good to take as you get an idea of what you are actually getting yourself into
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Thank you. An excellent class. Course Evaluations MasterPost
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mathexamhelper-tutor · 5 months
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kirlianradio · 6 months
My teacher:” yeah ever since we switched to doing them online, students don’t do course evaluations anymore”
Ma’am this is finals week. every time I open my laptop I’m filled with dread. I cannot stress enough how much I AM NOT IN THE MOOD to unpack my feelings about the entire semester right now
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the-music-keeper · 6 months
Objective #9 is done. I had to get a friend to read my feedback for my theory class because I thought it was too mean.
I was right.
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idliketobeatree · 8 months
btw Stede is fine, he loves everything about Ed. now Ed's gotta make sure he loves (or at least accepts) everything about Ed too.
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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jils-things · 2 months
father gregor acting as the parental father figure that skid and pump needed due to their actual parents* being absent is probably the most comforting thing to me ngl
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fieldlands · 21 days
remember the golden rules of discourse everyone
thoughtcrime doesn't real
disgust is not a moral indicator
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sendmyresignation · 20 hours
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nearly forgot. approximation of my may listening. been feeling really good about priorities with regards to music and discovery lately!
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oldmancopper · 27 days
Spring Semester 2024 - Course Evaluations
I got fucked on this one. Students got fucked on this one. Terrible subject matter. Grad students overloaded. Class at the end of the week. To be blunt, given all of the circumstances... my only goal was to give them an opportunity to get course credit. Otherwise they would not graduate. Didn't realize we'd have one student speaking no English... and another... very problematic older student with autism harassing the women in class. And my energy level for this course?
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I feel like I lost these students early... so let's see
What did you particularly LIKE about this course/lab? I liked the videos and the lectures, they were interesting. also the commentary on how bad america and ronald reagan suck What did you particularly DISLIKE about this course/lab? it felt like the grad students were afterthoughts once the undergrads completed the course. We almost exclusively were assigned busywork, and the final project was a nightmare. Can you suggest anything that the instructor could do to improve the quality of teaching? if you have a sponsored project that handles a vulnerable population, screen the people in your class before assigning them to that project. It's unfair to the sponsors and the students to have someone on a project who is actively harmful to the population they work with. Would you encourage a friend to take a course from this instructor? Why or why not? not until the course is planned out with intention.
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Yeah, that's fair
Course Evaluations Masterpost
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quaranmine · 4 months
i hate researching things that are highly variable because i'll try to find an answer to a question and all the search results are like "well the answer depends on like 12 different parameters so there is no direct answer it just needs a professional to evaluate" and i'm like AUGHHGH
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sexygaywizard · 7 months
I'm not going to continue having discussions with people through anonymous asks because it's possibly the most inconvenient and frustrating way to have a conversation, but suffice to say you can keep sending me asks but if you "suffer without external validation," that is something that you need to work on for your own mental health
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seagulley · 3 months
happy dog.
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sharlmbracta · 4 months
i'm gonna fuckign die this year lmao
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thatscarletflycatcher · 8 months
I have been trying for days to find a topic for the "paper" I need to turn in for this Philosophy of History course on Friday, and I got nothing.
I so intensely dislike this subject you cannot imagine.
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serregon · 7 months
as much as I fixate on the children of Hurin, I also have to recognize the racism in the text. Dor Lomin is inhabited by the blonde Hadorians, and their land is taken over by the vaguely ethnic Easterlings who are literally followers of Arda’s devil figure, and the whole thing has some pretty terrible implications about white fears of their lands being taken over by evil poc invaders
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