#cost to study in denmark
colliner · 5 months
 Cost to study medicine in Denmark 
Embarking on a medical education journey in Denmark is an exciting venture, but understanding the financial aspects is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the cost to study medicine in Denmark, covering tuition fees, living expenses, and practical tips. Let's navigate this educational landscape together.
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Understanding Tuition Fees
Embarking on a medical education journey in Denmark requires a clear understanding of tuition fees. Danish universities typically offer programs in English, attracting international students. The cost varies, with public institutions being more affordable than private ones. Ensure to research specific universities and their fee structures to make informed decisions.
Living Expenses in Denmark
Beyond tuition, the cost to study medicine in Denmark includes living expenses. Denmark has a high standard of living, impacting accommodation, food, transportation, and leisure activities. Prospective students should create a realistic budget, considering these factors to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
Government Assistance Programs
Denmark offers various assistance programs for students, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Explore options provided by the Danish government to alleviate financial burdens. Understanding these programs can significantly contribute to making your medical education financially viable.
Part-Time Work Opportunities
Balancing work and study is a common practice among students in Denmark. International students can work part-time to support their living expenses. However, it's essential to manage time effectively to excel academically while gaining valuable work experience.
Danish Student Grants
Danish student grants play a pivotal role in financing education. These grants, often based on merit and need, can significantly reduce the overall cost to study medicine in Denmark. Research available grants and eligibility criteria to optimize your financial aid strategy.
Accommodation Choices
Choosing the right accommodation is crucial for managing expenses. Denmark offers various options, including student residences, shared apartments, and private rentals. Consider factors such as location, amenities, and cost to find accommodation that suits your preferences and budget.
Student Budgeting Tips
Navigating student life involves effective budgeting. Plan your expenses meticulously, considering essentials like groceries, utilities, and leisure activities. Embrace a frugal yet fulfilling lifestyle to ensure financial stability throughout your medical education.
Health Insurance Requirements
Health insurance is mandatory for international students in Denmark. Factor this into your budget and explore different insurance plans. Prioritize comprehensive coverage to safeguard your well-being while studying abroad.
Impact of Exchange Rates
Currency fluctuations can impact your budget significantly. Stay informed about exchange rates and plan accordingly. This foresight ensures financial stability and helps you make informed decisions about your expenditures.
Cost-Effective Lifestyle Hacks
Maximizing resources without compromising on quality is an art. Explore cost-effective lifestyle hacks, such as buying second-hand items, using public transportation, and cooking at home. Small adjustments can lead to substantial savings over time.
Navigating Scholarships
Merit-based scholarships can substantially reduce the financial burden of medical education. Research scholarship opportunities offered by universities, government bodies, and private organizations. Tailor your applications to highlight your achievements and qualifications.
Extracurricular Expenses
Medical education involves more than just tuition and living costs. Consider extracurricular expenses, including study materials, conference attendance, and professional memberships. Planning for these costs ensures a holistic educational experience.
Challenges and Solutions
Every student faces challenges, and financial obstacles are no exception. Approach challenges with a proactive mindset, seeking guidance from university advisors and exploring alternative funding sources. Solutions often emerge when approached with determination and resilience.
Alumni Perspectives
Gain valuable insights from alumni who have successfully navigated the cost of studying medicine in Denmark. Their experiences provide practical advice and inspiration, shedding light on challenges and triumphs throughout their educational journey.
Cost to Study Medicine in Denmark: FAQs
Q: How much does it cost to study medicine in Denmark as an international student?
A: Tuition fees vary, but on average, international students can expect to pay between DKK 45,000 to DKK 120,000 per year.
Q: Are there scholarships available for international medical students?
A: Yes, various scholarships are available based on merit, nationality, and financial need. Research and apply to maximize financial support.
Q: Can I work part-time during my medical studies in Denmark?
A: Yes, international students are allowed to work part-time. However, ensure it doesn't interfere with your academic commitments.
Q: How do I apply for Danish student grants?
A: Research available grants and follow the application guidelines provided by the Danish government. Ensure you meet eligibility criteria for successful application.
Q: Is health insurance mandatory for international students in Denmark?
A: Yes, health insurance is mandatory. Explore different plans and choose comprehensive coverage to meet university requirements.
Q: What are the common extracurricular expenses in medical school?
A: Extracurricular expenses may include study materials, conference fees, and professional memberships. Plan and budget for these additional costs.
In conclusion, the cost to study medicine in Denmark involves a comprehensive financial strategy. From tuition fees to living expenses and available assistance programs, this guide equips you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. Remember, investing in your education is an investment in your future medical career.
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Are you ready to study abroad?
What are some pros and cons of studying abroad?
Here are some of the pros and cons of studying abroad:
Gain a global perspective: Studying abroad is a great way to gain a global perspective and learn about different cultures. You will be exposed to new ways of thinking and doing things, which can help you to become more open-minded and adaptable.
Improve your language skills: If you study in a country where the native language is not English, you will have the opportunity to improve your language skills. This can be a valuable asset in your future career, as many employers are looking for employees who are bilingual or multilingual.
Make lifelong friends: Studying abroad is a great way to make lifelong friends from all over the world. You will be able to share your experiences and learn from each other, which can create strong bonds that will last a lifetime.
Develop independence: Studying abroad can help you to develop independence and learn how to take care of yourself in a new environment. You will have to be responsible for your own food, housing, and transportation, which can be a challenge but also a rewarding experience.
Gain work experience: In some countries, students are allowed to work part-time while they are studying. This can be a great way to gain work experience and earn some money to help cover your living expenses.
Cost: Studying abroad can be expensive, as you will have to pay for tuition, room and board, transportation, and other expenses. However, there are many scholarships and grants available to help students finance their studies abroad.
Culture shock: Moving to a new country can be a culture shock, as you will be exposed to new customs and traditions. This can be challenging at first, but it can also be a valuable learning experience.
Homesickness: It is normal to feel homesick when you are studying abroad. This is especially true if you are far away from your family and friends. However, there are many ways to cope with homesickness, such as staying in touch with loved ones and joining clubs or activities to meet new people.
Language barrier: If you study in a country where the native language is not English, you may experience a language barrier. This can make it difficult to communicate with locals and understand the culture. However, there are many resources available to help you learn the language, such as language classes and online tools.
Academic challenges: Studying abroad can be academically challenging, as you will be exposed to new teaching methods and expectations. However, this can also be a great opportunity to learn and grow as a student.
Overall, the decision of whether or not to study abroad is a personal one. There are many factors to consider, such as your budget, your academic goals, and your personal preferences. However, if you are willing to take on the challenges, studying abroad can be a truly rewarding experience. For more information on studying abroad visit us here! Tokyo International Education Institute
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Studying in Denmark is an excellent option for international students looking to broaden their horizons and gain an international education. Denmark is a culturally diverse country with many top universities offering courses and programs in multiple fields of study.
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markscherz · 1 month
so I was on the gecko tag this evening and found your blog. and. ackfiyckfykf, my faith in humanity is Restored and I aspire to your immaculate Vibes and absolute happy snazziness. now then,,,, please describe the college tuition fees ( or lack thereof ) in Demark, pleeeeease please I am full of hope because of something I saw on Pinterest but I trust you to tell me the truth :3 ( stares at you )
If you are from within the EU/EEA or a Nordic country, you do not have to pay tuition fees at the University of Copenhagen (I cannot say anything about other unis in Denmark). People from outside Europe have to pay €10,000–17,000 per year. Note that Bachelor's degrees at UCPH at least are all mostly in Danish, so accessibility is a bit limited. Denmark is an expensive city, and Copenhagen especially so, so cost of living can also be a problem.
But all-told, no matter what you do, the costs of uni+life in Denmark are nothing compared with many colleges in the US, or even unis in the UK.
To be honest though, the German fee situation is far better: German universities are free, or close to it. Some states have tuition fees that are moderate, but most have an administrative fee of about €250 per semester. There is also a much lower cost of living basically everywhere. So, seriously consider Germany if you are from outside Europe and want to come here to escape come to Europe to study and potentially settle.
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victoria-daydreams · 11 months
Compliments to the Chef
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AN: It's here people! I floated the idea and you all demanded it be written. Don't care if there's any inaccuracies about fine dining culture or rules, we're all here for Chef Luca. If you commented on my original post I went ahead and tagged you. I wrote this on my phone because I'm on vacation so excuse any typos or errors.
Taglist: @chiddybangchiddy @emjayewrites @ay0nha @adorabubblesblog @ayoarticulate @blowmymbackout
Word Count: 4.4k
Prompt: Thinking thoughts about writing a fic with Chef Luca from The Bear involving an black!oc/black!reader on a study abroad trip in Copenhagen and them falling for each other.
"How do you even function in this weather?"
The coldness of December in Copenhagen could be quite unbearable at times. In her thick peacoat, Dannie shivered as snow gently fell to the ground in large, fluffy clusters. The tingle of cold air on her golden brown skin felt as if someone was jabbing needles all over her body. It was an unfathomably cold evening and Dannie began to wonder if this outing was worth it.
Aya, a native to the country, only laughed and tugged at the thick knitted scarf around her neck. "You want my scarf?" she questioned, smirking at the American.
Glancing at her friend, red-cheeked from the cold, with snow falling in her dark, springy curls, Dannie shook her head.
"Don't think that will change me freezing my ass off," Dannie retorted, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to maintain some warmth.
Aya laughed again in response, "Come on, we're almost there," she said, linking her arm with Dannie.
Dannie's teeth clattered as the cold wind continued to permeate her coat and her wool sweater. Stiffly, she walked with Aya, her shoes crunching loudly against the snowy cobblestones underfoot. Despite the frigid temperature and the feeling of being frozen to the bone, it was beautiful day in the capital of Denmark. As far as the eye could see, picturesque buildings lined the streets in colorful rows. The vibrant colors of the architecture reminded Dannie of cakes and other tasty pastries. The two women passed by cafes which littered the narrow streets of the snowy city, filled with tourists and locals of all ethnicities and nationalities.
Finally, they arrived at the restaurant, its name written in Danish. Savory scents and muted conversations greeted Dannie as Aya spoke with the host about her reservation. Without a doubt, this was the most expensive restaurant she'd ever been to in her life just based off the interior. After taking their coats, the host showed Aya and Dannie to their table, which offered a splendid view of Copenhagen. A glass of water was poured for her followed by a menu being placed into her hands. Browsing the menu, Dannie's eyes nearly bulged at the prices of dessert alone.
"Aya, why does a desert cost damn near an arm and a leg?" Dannie asked, her brows raising in disbelief.
"Because it’s 'fine dining'," Aya explained simply. "Don't stress about prices tonight," she reassured, with a dismissive hand wave. "It's your birthday, I'm treating you remember?" she reminded.
"Aya, I love you, but I'm helping you pay for this," Dannie stated firmly, placing her hand over her heart. "I refuse to let you break your bank account over a tiny portion of food and dessert," she added jokingly.
"Aya?" a British voice called.
Dannie's eyes flitted over Aya's shoulder to see man dressed in a fitted navy blue shirt and black slacks with a black apron tied around his neck. Aya turned in her chair, her face lighting in recognition.
"Luka! Hej!" she exclaimed, waving him over.
Approaching their table, Dannie realized that this Luca was nothing short of a heartthrob. Strikingly warm blue eyes, tousled blond hair, and not to mention his wide and undeniably strong frame.
"It is so good to see you here again!" Luca said, smiling at her.
Playfully she rolled her eyes, "You don’t know how long I remained on the waiting list to eat here again," she quipped, standing up to give him a quick hug.
"I see you brought a friend this time," he noted, as Aya pulled away from him.
"Yes! This is Dannie, she's studying abroad here and today is her 26th birthday, so we're celebrating!" Aya introduced excitedly. "Dannie, this is Luca, my chef friend I've been telling you so much about!" she said, gesturing towards him.
Dannie gave him a shy smile and offered her hand to shake as Aya sat down.
"A pleasure to meet you Luca, I’ve heard so much about you," Dannie said, her voice laced with the warm southern twang she was born with.
"First, a happy birthday is in order, I cannot think of a better place to attend for such a special occasion," he responded, mirroring her smile. "And hopefully Aya here has only been saying good things," he joked, glancing at her before reaching for Dannie's hand.
The moment their hands brushed against each other, Dannie felt Luca slightly jump at the sensation.
"Good god, your hands are freezing," Luca commented, letting out a chuckle and moving his right hand to the other side of hers. "You need a warm drink in you," he said, in that thick accent of his sending a shiver down her spine.
"Well, I wouldn’t mind a hot chocolate, if a fine dining establishment like this can manage it?" Dannie suggested, enjoying the heat from his hands engulfing her own.
Luca's mouth curled upward and nodded, "Yeah, I think I can manage that just fine," he assured, rubbing small circles against her skin. "I'm sure the kitchen has everything I need for this special request," he informed. "Anything for you—as friend of Aya's," he added quickly.
If Dannie’s was not mistaken, there was a hint of red he saw on the man's lightly freckled cheeks.
"I will be sure to get that out you, Dannie," he promised.
"Thank you Chef Luca,"
Reluctantly, Dannie pulled her hand from his grasp. Silence lingered between them for a moment and blue eyes stared unblinking into dark brown eyes. His intense eyes sent another pleasurable shiver down Dannie’s spine. That look…God, it made the temperature in the room increase by at least five degrees. Aya sharply cleared her throat, snapping them from their heated gaze.
"Right," Luca began, clearing his throat himself. "One hot chocolate coming right up for the birthday girl," he said, with a grin before leaving for the kitchen.
Dannie watched his form retreat. Luca went to rub the back of his neck, clearly feeling sheepish. Three quick snaps drew Dannie’s attention back in front of her to Aya grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"Girllll," Aya sung, her eyebrows raised high. "What was that?" she asked, leaning her body forward. "Did I just inadvertently play matchmaker? Is this love at the first sight?" she questioned.
"Listen, it may not be love at first sight, but…” Dannie answered, taking both of Aya's hand. "The spirit of Tamera has fully possessed my body!" she joked, causing both of them to quietly squeal together and lightly stomp their feet on the floor.
An hour later
"This has been one of the best meals I have ever tasted in my entire life," Dannie stated, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
Aya hummed in agreement, "Including the specially made hot chocolate?" she asked teasingly, wriggling her eyebrows.
"Yes, the hot chocolate too," Dannie agreed with exasperation, rolling her eyes and laughing.
"Maybe we should send our compliments to the chef, personally," Aya suggested, a mischievous expression on her face.
"No!" Dannie whispered, her face growing hot at the mere thought of Luca coming back to the table.
"Why the fuck not?" she whispered back. "You two were practically eye fucking each other in front of me earlier," she pointed out.
"Okay, but—"
"Excuse me," Aya called, cutting Dannie off and a maître d' promptly was at their table. "The dessert was absolutely phenomenal. My friend here would like to personally send her compliments to the chef who made it," she explained, a barely hidden smirk on her lips.
"Of course, ma'am,"
Feeling utterly mortified, Dannie had taken to hiding her face behind her hand.
"Why would you do that?" Dannie asked, her hand sliding down to cover half her mouth.
"Come on, you’ll thank me later," Aya dismissed, picking up her wine glass. "You and Luca would be such a hot couple together," she said, before sipping her dry red.
"Really?" Dannie asked skeptically.
"Yes bitch!" Aya responded, almost in disbelief she had to answer that.
Dannie grabbed her own wine glass and raised it to her lips, thinking of Luca. His warm demeanor was definitely an attractive trait, as well as his prowess in baking such delicious treats. Any woman with a pulse will find that trait irresistible in a man.
"I was told I've been summoned,"
The sound of a British accent instantly snapped from Dannie from her musings and straighten up her posture. Looking up, Luca was at their table and smiling at the two of them, his hands folded behind his back.
"Yes, hello Chef Luca!" Aya greeted, with a knowing grin. "The dessert was to die for!" she complimented. "Dannie and I just had to tell you in person. Right Dannie?" she asked, nodding encouragingly.
"Everything was superb, Chef Luca," Dannie agreed, "Thank you,"
"You're very welcome and thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it," he said.
"Before you go Luca, could you tell the maître d we're ready for the check?" Aya said.
"Ah, yes the check," he replied. "I already have it here," he informed, unfolding his arms and giving the little black book to Dannie.
Opening the book, let out a small gasp of surprise. The receipt showed a balance of zero.
"Are you kidding me?" Dannie asked, glancing back up at him.
"The chef heard it's your first time in Copenhagen, wanted to make this an unforgettable experience," Luca explained.
"Job well done, I'll say," Dannie retorted, chuckling a little. "I fear wherever I go next in Copenhagen nothing will hold a candle to this,"
"Well, I know my way around the city pretty well," Luca began. "I can show you some spots that will blow you away, if you’ll let me," he offered, smiling shyly.
Dannie nodded vigorously with a smile, "That would be amazing, Luca. Thank you," she said, mindlessly playing with her ginger dyed hair.
Luca’a face seemed to brighten and a faint blush starting to cross his cheeks, "Saturday?" he questioned.
Dannie took the pen from the checkbook and wrote her phone number on the receipt.
Dannie loved farmers markets. There was always just a magical feel when she visited one. Now, compound that with the fact that she was in a different country during Christmastime and she might as well been in Winter Wonderland. Above, the sun shone uninhibited in a perfect, cloudless blue sky. With a gentle breeze, snow from the ground and buildings swirled past Dannie as tiny crystals. She could not envision a more perfect day for a first date.
"I think you're a mind reader Luca," Dannie said, stealing a glance at him. "I absolutely adore farmers markets," she informed, with a smile.
"I promised I'd show you the best spots in the city, didn't I?" he reminded, their arms brushing against each other as they walked side by side.
She nodded, "You did," she agreed. "Keeping promises, a good quality to possess. I like that in a man," she stated, their arms brushing again.
Luca smirked, "Noted," he said, smoothly lacing his fingers with hers.
Dannie’s heart fluttered, her chest blossoming with warmth. She could've just melted right into a puddle at that very moment. They made their way deeper into the busy market, walking through the narrow lane as the mouthwatering aroma of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine was soon thick in the air.
Along a few connecting streets, each road was dedicated to different vendors. One street was filled with paintings and handmade jewelry. Another street had fresh produce and jams. While a different different part of the market was selling hot food based on scent alone from how strong it was.
"You know," Luca began. "Aya said you were studying abroad, but you never said what for," he said.
She chuckled, "You're right, we knew you were needed in the kitchen, so our conversation was pretty limited," Dannie recalled, with a nod. "History, that’s what's I’m here. I’m a history major,"
"Ooh, not my best subject," he mentioned, laughing lightly. "History class use to always put me to sleep," he joked.
"Why does everyone say that!" Dannie exclaimed lightly, laughing a little. "You mean to tell me there was never a time period you learned about and just became obsessed with it?" she asked,
"I became obsessed with baking at a young age," he answered. "You, on the other hand, are a true history buff. I can tell just by how excited you’re getting," he stated. "So, tell me, what are your favorite periods to study?" he asked.
"It’s World War I followed by the Roaring 20s, then World War II, lastly the 50s and 60s," Dannie listed, using her free hand to count them off. "I dabble in The Gilded Age as well," she added, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know something within me just gravitated to those periods the moment I learned about them in school. I think it’s mainly the aesthetics, fashion, and music," she explained, smiling softly. "To be clear though, I would never want to live through those eras. The world is hostile enough to Black people as it is. I can hardly imagine what it was like back then," she finished, raising a finger.
When Luca didn't reply after a beat, Dannie began to internally panic thinking she said something wrong.
"Oh no, did I kill the vibe?" Dannie asked, with a horrified expression. "I swear every time I speak about my love of history it always somehow results in vibe killing,"
"No, no," Luca reassured. "I'm just admiring how cute you are nerding out over history, I do the same when it comes to cooking," he explained, with a grin.
"Well, join me in my cuteness and tell me what made you nerd out over cooking," Dannie said, playfully bumping his shoulder.
"I fear the amount of time that would take would consume our whole date," Luca joked.
"And I want to hear every second of it," Dannie said. "I'm dying to know how the man next to me became the esteemed Chef Luca,"
"Alright, you asked for it," he said, letting out a chuckle.
Listening with her full attention, Dannie learned from Luca how at a very young age he’s always had a passion for cooking and because of that he was able to hone in on his skills. Of course, this led to Luca thinking he was ‘the shit’ by the time he got to culinary school, carrying a major chip on his shoulder. That chip stayed him as he progressed into his career until he was unintentionally humbled by another chef after witnessing their skills in the kitchen. Without working with this chef, Luca swears he would not be where he is now had it not been from him.
"So, a slice of humble pie did the trick, huh?" Dannie concluded, her tone teasing.
"Yeah, yeah it did," Luca admitted, laughing and nodding his head. "You can either choose to accept it or deny it. Luckily, I accepted it and changed the course of my career," he went on.
They crossed into the main of the market, stumbling upon the Christmas market . The massive space was filled with all sorts of food vendors, stalls, vendor kiosks, and there was even a petting zoo with a variety of farm animals. At the center of it all, a gigantic Christmas tree stood, towering above everything in the square. The freshly cut pine tree was covered in lights, garland, and ornate ornaments.
"This will always be my favorite time of the year," Dannie sighed wistfully, admiring the lights and decorations around them.
"I remember spending my first Christmas here in Copenhagen," Luca mentioned. "It felt like I was in a movie," he added.
"If it snows on Christmas Day, that would just put the icing on top of the cake,"
He turned to look at her, "You know what, an idea just popped into my head,"
"Has anyone ever made you dessert from scratch?"
"Yeah, some family members of mine, but never like a romantic partner or anything like that," she answered, and the realization dawned on her. "Wait—are you offering to do that for me?"
"I am," he nodded. "You mentioned cake and the gears in my mind started turning," hestated. "Plus, all the ingredients I would need are all around me,"
"Making a girl feel special, that must be your superpower Luca," Dannie joked.
“Not just any girl. I like to make you, feel special Dannie,” he corrected, squeezing her hand.
She giggled, "If you’re making dessert from scratch, chances are I won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor tonight,"
"Guess you'll have to come back to my place again tomorrow then," Luca suggested, smirking slightly. "Come on," he said, leading her the nearest stall.
For the next thirty minutes, Dannie and Luca shopped at the farmers market, grabbing everything necessary for the surprise dessert Luca was going to make. Instead of the usual 'divide and conquer' tactic, they remained together, tackling neighboring stalls at the same time. After two laps around the market, Dannie and Luca were at there final stalls. Luca was at a strawberry vendor a few stalls down, while Dannie waited at a honey seller’s. Shifting the weight between her feet, Dannie could feel her feet start to grow tired from walking. Another minute passed before the older woman handed her the jar of honey with a smile.
"Is there anything else you and your boyfriend are interested in purchasing?" the older woman questioned, still wearing a kind smile.
Boyfriend. The term nearly makes her choke on her water she was drinking.
"Oh no, we’re not—" Dannie began, but stopped herself. "Thank you for the honey, ma'am," she finished, nodding her head and placing it in her canvas tote bag.
Not soon after, Luca appeared next to her carrying his own bag of groceries. Automatically, his hand came to rest on her lower back.
"Do we everything we need?" he asked.
"I believe so," Dannie replied, with a nod. "Can't wait for you to wow me again in a more intimate setting this time,"
"I aim to please, love,"
"A fucking pet name? Pick me up from the goddamn floor!" Dannie thought.
Grinning, she linked her arm with his, "Next time, instead you baking for me, I want to be apart of the baking process," Dannie informed.
"You’re already planning for a next time?" he questioned, arching his brow.
"Of course, do you know how rare it is to find a man who has a passion for baking?" she quipped, raising an eyebrow of her own.
"Back to my place?"
"Lead the way," Dannie encouraged, and Luca guided her out the farmers market
"I cannot wait to eat this cheesecake," Dannie said, leaning back on the counter and crossing her arms. "Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow to get a slice," she pouted playfully.
"We can have a slice of it over afternoon tea," Luca suggested, carefully placing the cheesecake into the refrigerator.
Dannie rolled her eyes, "Ugh, god you’re so disgustingly British," she teased.
He closed the door to the fridge, "Hey, don’t knock it until you try it," he retorted, pointing the tip of the wine bottle at her that he grabbed.
"I'll have you know, my drink of choice is a strong coffee," Dannie informed, lightly digging her index finger into his pec. It took everything in her to keep a straight face feeling the firmness of the muscle. "Not black coffee though, I'm not a serial killer," she clarified, laughing lightly which he shared. "But because you're so cute, I'm willing to try it for you," Dannie conceded, booping the tip of his nose.
"You'll thank me for expanding your palette," he quipped, causing her to roll her eyes again. "If you would be so kind to get the glasses, love,"
"Since you asked so nicely," Dannie said, moving over to the overhead cupboard.
Grabbing two wine glass, she turned back around just in time to get a perfect view of Luca's back. His shirt was just tight enough that she could watch the flex of Luca's muscles in his biceps and shoulders underneath the fabric.
"So goddamn strong," Dannie thought. "I wonder what it would feel like to have that grip around my hips or my ne—"
The cork escaped the bottle's hold with an echoing pop, snapping Dannie from her impure thoughts.
"You okay back there?" Luca asked.
She cleared her throat, "Yeah, totally," she answered, finally walking back over. "I didn't want to startle you as you opened the wine," she explained, placing the glasses down.
Filling both glasses, Luca handed her a glass first and then picked up his own.
"Cheers," Luca said, tilting his glass.
"Cheers," Dannie echoed, clinking their glasses together and sipping their wine in unison.
Lowering his glass, Luca’s gaze fell back on Dannie.
"After our afternoon tea and cheesecake, how would you feel going to the National Gallery of Denmark with me?" she wondered, swirling her wine around in one hand while the other reached for a blueberry left over in a bowl.
"I would love that,"
"It’s a date then," Dannie smiled, dipping the berry into the bowl of whipped cream and popping it into her mouth.
Pure bliss swept over her face at the sweet and tangy flavor flooding her taste buds.
"Fuck that was so good," Dannie laughed, shaking her head when Luca leaned in towards her. She swallowed. "Luca?" she asked, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe.
"Sorry, you…you got a little something…" he trailed off. "Right," he continued softly, reaching out with his thumb and gently wiping leftover whipped cream from the corner of her mouth. His thumb drew across her bottom lip. "There," he finished, dragging her lips apart slightly.
Dannie couldn't move from her spot, and from the looks neither could Luca.
"Silly me, I’m such a slob," she said, the words coming out in one soft breath.
He removed his thumb from her lips, "No, you’re fine," Luca responded, before bringing his glass back to his mouth and quickly downing the rest of his drink. Clearing his throat, he placed the cup back down on the counter. "It might not be the cheesecake, but might I offer you the best strawberry you'll ever eat?" he asked, regaining his usual warm demeanor.
Dannie smirked, throwing back the rest of her wine as well, "You may, since you forbade me from eating any earlier," she reminded, putting her glass down.
Luca grinned, plucking a freshly washed strawberry from the bowl and gently pressed it against Dannie's lips. The move caused a giggle to bubble within her chest and her face to flush with heat. Opening her mouth, Dannie bit down into the perfectly proportioned fruit in Luca's fingers which moved a little. The sweet juices filled her mouth, a drop of it escaping from a corner of her lips.
"How was that?" he asked, a cheeky smile on his face.
"Mmm," Dannie hummed in satisfaction, closing her eyes and nodding. She waited a moment after swallowing her first bite, still relishing the nectar of the fruit, before speaking. "Certainly the juiciest strawberry I've ever eaten," she responded, wiping the corners of her mouth with the back of her finger. "You flinched slightly when I bit into it," she pointed out, making Luca chuckle.
"I was hoping you wouldn’t notice,"
"Don't worry, I don’t bite..." Dannie promised, her voice dropping a pitch. Instantly, Luca's cheeks flared red at her words. "Unless, you want me to," she teased, and leaned forward to bite into the remaining strawberry.
"Fuck me..." Luca breathed.
Smiling coyly, Dannie turned her back to Luca and started to walk over to the living room. Suddenly, a pair of warm, strong hands gripped her waist and spun her back around. Luca's face was expressionless, but his pupils had darkened considerably and flickered over her face. Dannie met his stare through hooded eyes, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. The tension between them was palpable and it hung thick, making the soft and shallow breaths from both of them more pronounced. Luca ran his hand across her lower back before pulling her closer, dipping his head towards her.
The little space remaining between the two sent Dannie's heartbeat into overdrive. Their faces were barely an inch from each other. Her eyes dropped to his lips, slowly making their way back up her his by way of his jawline. It was as if a dam broke. Within a blink of the eye, Luca pressed his mouth against Dannie's. Inhaling sharply, any and all thoughts flew from her head at the feeling of his lips. Dannie softly moaned into the kiss, her eyes closing while her fingers found their way to grip on Luca's blond locks. Eagerly, she returned the kiss as he walked her back until her lower back was pressed into the edge of the granite countertop.
"God, you're so beautiful," he huffed out before leaning back down to kiss her roughly.
Luca's palms slipped beneath Dannie's sweater to glide across her warm skin, his lips nipping hungrily at her lower lip. Only heavy breathing and the smacking of lips filled the air of the kitchen. With practiced ease, Luca wedged his leg between her own while his left hand skirted around her midsection until it he hooked her leg around his hip. Dannie's hands gently made their way to unbutton Luca's shirt, finally being able to fully appreciate the taut muscles underneath her fingers.
Another moan fell from Dannie, this one breathier than before. His body responded, grounding himself into her. Moving his mouth to the corner of hers, Luca's lips trailed down her neck, peppering open mouthed kisses down her jaw and neck. Dannie could only pant his name in quick, short gasps.
"Luca…Luca…." she breathed, her head thrown back.
Slowly, he drew back from her, forcing Dannie to open her eyes and lift her head up. Staring into his smoldering eyes, Dannie was mesmerized by the flush that stained Luca’s cheeks and neck, not to mention his swollen lips. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers, both their breathing labored.She felt herself chasing his lips as he withdrew. Luca wrapped his arms around her thighs and effortlessly lifted her onto the cool countertop.
"You're too good at this," Dannie commented breathlessly, before capturing his lips in another slow, languid kiss. "I bet there has been many girls in this same position," she suggested, kissing him again while her hands busied themselves with undoing his belt.
"Not on the island darling," he whispered, running his tongue along the slope of where her neck curved into her shoulder, making her shudder uncontrollably.
"No one has had the pleasure of christening this?" Dannie questioned, slowly dragging her legs up to wrap around his waist.
"Until now, no," Luca answered, his face retreating from her neck. "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked, smirking at her.
Her legs tightened around his hips, "Yes Chef,"
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Giant Viking Runestone Found Under kitchen Floor in Denmark
A Couple Renovating Their Kitchen in Denmark Found an Ancient Stone Carved With Viking Runes
The stone may be one of the oldest and rarest of its kind, and is now being studied by experts.
When Lene Brandt and her husband, Anders Nielsen, were preparing to tear up the linoleum floors in the kitchen in their home in the village of Mosekær, in Denmark, they probably expected the normal things that occur in the course of such a project: cost overruns, delays, and problems with contractors.
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Instead, what they found was an ancient artifact. The couple stumbled across a nearly 2,000-pound stone, measuring more than six feet long, carved with ancient runes. The couple contacted local experts at the Museum Østjylland. Staff archaeologist Benita Clemmensen is quoted by the cultural news site Skjalden saying that these stones are the sole written records of the Viking Age.
Five runes can be found carved into the stone’s surface, reading “aft Bi,” which can be translated as “after B.”
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“The Mosekær stone is probably to be dated to the eighth or nineth century because of the formula ‘After… ‘, i.e. ‘In memory of’, placed in the beginning of the text,” senior researcher and runologist Lisbeth Imer, with the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, tells Artnet News. “It correlates with an eighth-century runestone on Fyn, the Flemløse stone with the text ‘After Hróðulfr stands this stone; he was… priest/chief. Sons placed in memory. Ávarr coloured.’
“It most likely is one of the oldest runestones in Denmark,” she says.
The museum has dubbed the stone a treasure, meaning it legally belongs to the state.
New rune stones are found only every five or 10 years, Imer says, “so it is a rare find.”
Imer tells Skjalden that only about 20 rune stones from the eighth century have been discovered in Denmark. These early stones are very significant, as there are approximately 200 known Viking Age rune stones (dating from the 700s to the 900s) throughout the country. Norse literature is dense with references to runes, which may have served as magical signs to be used in charms.
The area where this rune stone was found has proven particularly rich for archaeologists, yielding some 44 such artifacts.
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er1chartmann · 5 months
Walter Schellenberg
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These are some facts and curiosities about Walter Schellenberg, the deputy head of the Gestapo:
He was born in Saarbrücken on 16 January 1910 but his family moved with his family to Luxembourg when the French occupation of the Saar Basin after the First World War triggered an economic crisis in the Weimar Republic.
 He returned to Germany to attend university, first at the University of Marburg and then, in 1929, at the University of Bonn. He initially studied medicine, but soon switched to law.
He joined the SS in 1933.
He was recruited in the SD through 2 professors ( he gave an anti catholic speech which aroused Heydrich's interest )
In November 1939 Schellenberg played a key role in the Venlo Incident, which ended with the capture of two British espionage agents and was awarded the Iron Cross for this.
In 1940 he was responsible for drawing up a list of 2,300 British personalities who were to be arrested as soon as Germany occupied Great Britain; he was also involved in many other espionage activities, among which the Kitty Salon activity was very successful.
In March 1942, Heinz Jost was fired from his position as RSHA Chief of Amt VI, SD-Ausland (SD foreign intelligence). In his place, Schellenberg was appointed chief of SD-Ausland by Heydrich
According to his memoirs, Schellenberg had been a friend of Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr (military intelligence).
In the last months of the conflict Schellenberg tried to persuade Himmler to reach a separate peace with the Western Allies by exploiting the mediation of Count Folke Bernadotte, whom he himself met personally in Stockholm in April 1945.
He was captured in Denmark in June 1945 while working on an attempt to make a separate peace with the Americans.
During the postwar Nuremberg Trials, Schellenberg testified against other Nazis. In the 1949 Ministries Trial he was sentenced to six years' imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoirs, The Labyrinth.
He died of cancer in 1952 in Turin, Italy.
During the German occupation of Paris, Schellenberg was believed to have been a lover of Coco Chanel, who paid for the cost of his funeral when he died penniless.
Wikipedia: Walter Schellenberg
Military Wiki: Walter Schellenberg
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royalsofhistory · 9 months
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Empress Elisabeth of Austria and her Corfiot palace through the eyes of the Greek royals.
Greece was destined to offer the Empress Elisabeth the hospitality of its soil. She chose Greece as the country where she would hide herself and her sorrow. At Corfu she bought a site of ground from an old Corfiote Statesman called Braïla, and on it she built the Palace which she called "Achilleion", after her hero Achilles, whose statue was in the middle of the top garden terrace, and represented him at the hour of his death, drawing the arrow out of his heel. When in Corfu, it was understood, she was to be strictly incognito, and her wishes were always respected. One day, suddenly, when we least expected it, she arrived at Athens, having travelled by the ordinary steamer, and called at the Palace accompanied by a lady -in-waiting. She asked the porter whether she could see the King and Queen. On the porter's inquiring who she was, she replied she was "the Empress of Austria." Whereupon we were brought down to verify that statement . It seemed impossible╴but it was the Empress of Austria! Needless to say she obtained her interview, and after half an hour's conversation she took her departure, insisting that her visit should not be returned by my parents. As she was anxious to study Greek culture, she decided to learn modern Greek, and applied herself to the task with great energy and perseverance. She engaged a tutor for Greek conversation. Her first was Dr. Christomanos, an author and poet, who wrote a charming life of the Empress, which was translated into several languages. Her last was Count A. Mercati, who afterwards became Master of King Constantine's household. Accompanied by her tutor, the Empress used to go off on a five or six hours' walk, all over the island; and even for the picturesque ceremony of combing and brushing her hair the tutor had to be present, talking Greek to her all the time. She learnt to speak Greek quite faultlessly. In the arrangement of her house the Empress took great pride, setting up the statues of all her new "Gods"; Sophocles, Euripides, Plato and Aristotle. She also had a statue of Heine, the poet, erected in a shrine. When the Kaiser bought the Achilleion, he at once banished Heine, and raised Achilles from his recumbent position into a standing War Lord, with gilded helmet and shield, so that the first sight of Achilleion should be his glittering helmet. It is a pity that the Empress tried to improve the natural beauty of the spot. Her lack of taste, I may even ungraciously say her eccentricities, were almost an eyesore. There was a grotto of artificial rock and mirrors, destined as a home for monkeys, who luckily never came to inhabit it. Though the island abounded in oranges, she sent to Italy for her fruit. The view from the terrace over all the plain of Corfu, with its olive groves groups cypresses on one side and the sea and the mountains of Albania on the other one of the most exquisite I have ever seen.
The memoirs of His Royal Highness, Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark, My fifty years, 1926.
I was a child when the Empress came to Athens and saw her only once or twice, but I remember her more vividly than many people I knew far better. I imagine it was the same with everyone who came in contact with her. Her brilliant, beautiful and restless personality left an indelible impression. She was so enchanted with Greece that she decided to build a villa in Corfu. The site she chose could not have been more beautiful, about twelve miles outside the town, set on a high hill overlooking the sea on one side and a chain of mountains on the other. But she was too impatient even to look at the plans and gave the architect carte blanche. So instead of the simple cottage she had intended he erected an orate and hideous palace lavishly adorned with frescoes, statues and bronzes of every description. This atrocity cost the Austrian Govemment twelve million crowns, I believe. The Empress's life was dominated by the fear of losing her beauty. As she grew older it became an obsession. Hours were spent every moring brushing the glotious brown hair that she wore gathered into two great plaits coiled around her head. This hair-brushing was a matter of solemn ritual. Any hairs that fell out during the process were carefully collected and presented to the Empress on a silver salver. If their number proved to be too many the entire day was blackened to her. Once a captain of a Russian gunboat reported that he had seen a yacht coming into the Piraus harbour with a woman seated on the deck whose mass of hair reached down to the ground while two attendants stood behind her brushing it. " That could only be the Empress of Austria." said my father, when he heard the story. Later in the day a carriage drove up to the Palace and a mysterious visitor was announced, a lady who refused to give her name. It was, as we expected, the Empress Elizabeth. She insisted on preserving a strict incognito while she was in Greece, although it seemed rather unnecessary, since everyone knew who she was. She detested nothing so much as being photographed, or even looked at for that matter, and always carried a large fan with her on her walks, so that she could unfurl it and hide her face from the passers-by. The Empress was a fine woman in many respects, far finer, I think, than most of her biogtaphers have represented her. Intelligent, intuitive, sensitive, she had all the qualities to make a great empress. But she was tragically lacking in a sense of proportion. Even in the small issues of everyday life she had no idea of modera-tion. She could not take anything up without making it a mania. While she was in Corfu she set herself to learn Greek, although she had gone there to rest. Now Greek is a complicated language and its study is hardly to be recommended as a restful pursuit. The Empress certainly did not regard it as such either for herself or any one else, for she wore out her two teachers, Count Mercati and Mr. Christomanos. Every day she walked ten or twelve miles with one or the other, talking Greek all the way and, even during the hair-brushing ceremony, one of them was always present reading to her. Her figure became another obsession with her. Although she was exaggeratedly slender when she came to Greece (she weighed, I believe, only seven stones) no Hollywood film star could have followed out a more Spartan regime. Her constant dieting made her irritable and depressed. Even when she lunched with my mother and father she would often eat nothing but a salad and some fruit, and she would start off immediately afterwards on one of her exhausting walks, skimming over the ground like a restless, beautiful wraith.
The memoirs of His Royal Highness, Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, 1938.
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Aquatic Robot Market to Eyewitness Huge Growth by 2030
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Latest business intelligence report released on Global Aquatic Robot Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about the market size, % share of key and emerging segment, major development, and technological advancements. Also, the statistical survey elaborates detailed commentary on changing market dynamics that includes market growth drivers, roadblocks and challenges, future opportunities, and influencing trends to better understand Aquatic Robot market outlook. List of Key Players Profiled in the study includes market overview, business strategies, financials, Development activities, Market Share and SWOT analysis: Atlas Maridan ApS. (Germany), Deep Ocean Engineering Inc. (United States), Bluefin Robotics Corporation (United States), ECA SA (France), International Submarine Engineering Ltd. (Canada), Inuktun Services Ltd. (Canada), Oceaneering International, Inc. (United States), Saab Seaeye (Sweden), Schilling Robotics, LLC (United States), Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd. (United Kingdom) Download Free Sample PDF Brochure (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Brief Overview on Aquatic Robot: Aquatic robots are those that can sail, submerge, or crawl through water. They can be controlled remotely or autonomously. These robots have been regularly utilized for seafloor exploration in recent years. This technology has shown to be advantageous because it gives enhanced data at a lower cost. Because underwater robots are meant to function in tough settings where divers' health and accessibility are jeopardized, continuous ocean surveillance is extended to them. Maritime safety, marine biology, and underwater archaeology all use aquatic robots. They also contribute significantly to the expansion of the offshore industry. Two important factors affecting the market growth are the increased usage of advanced robotics technology in the oil and gas industry, as well as increased spending in defense industries across various countries. Key Market Trends: Growth in AUV Segment Opportunities: Adoption of aquatic robots in military & defense
Increased investments in R&D activities Market Growth Drivers: Growth in adoption of automated technology in oil & gas industry
Rise in awareness of the availability of advanced imaging system Challenges: Required highly skilled professional for maintenance Segmentation of the Global Aquatic Robot Market: by Type (Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)), Application (Defense & Security, Commercial Exploration, Scientific Research, Others) Purchase this Report now by availing up to 10% Discount on various License Type along with free consultation. Limited period offer. Share your budget and Get Exclusive Discount @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: • APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) • Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) • North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) • South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) • MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical data – 2017-2022 The base year for estimation – 2022 Estimated Year – 2023 Forecast period** – 2023 to 2028 [** unless otherwise stated] Browse Full in-depth TOC @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/177845-global-aquatic-robot-market
Summarized Extracts from TOC of Global Aquatic Robot Market Study Chapter 1: Exclusive Summary of the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 2: Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aquatic Robot market Chapter 3: Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis Chapter 4: Market Segmentation by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2027 Chapter 5: Decision Framework Chapter 6: Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges Chapter 7: Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 8: Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Buy Full Copy Aquatic RobotMarket – 2021 Edition @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=177845 Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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Benefits of Paid Education in Lithuania
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Benefits of paid Education in Lithuania
A small European country, Lithuania is home to nearly 50 higher education institutions. Higher education institutions have many faculties including Engineering, Medical, Humanities, Economics, Management and Many more. University degrees are offered in three cycles. The first cycle is undergraduate ( Bachelor degree )  The second cycle is graduate ( Master and specialized professional studies  ). The Third cycle is Postgraduate ( Doctoral).
There are two types of higher education institutions in Lithuania, colleges and universities. Collegesare focused on practical training for particular professions. Bachelor degrees and professional qualifications are offered at universities. There are 23 universities and 24 colleges in Lithuania. In comparison to other European countries, it is a quite big number. 
Low Tuition Fee
The tuition fee is quite affordable for international students. The tuition fee is refundable if you cannot attend university due to any reason. Tuition fee varies between 2000 EUR to 5000 EUR per year. .As compared to many EU countries, International students pay very low tuition fee for bachelor’s and master’s degree courses.
100% success rate for Visa
What about the chance to get a visa for Lithuania? In recent time, Lithuania has a 100% success rate for visa applications. So, you can apply for a study visa in Lithuanian Embassy in your country due to its high acceptance rate of international students.
High-quality education
Lithuanian universities are renowned for providing top-notch education. They consistently rank among the best universities in Europe, and employers highly value their graduates. Many universities in Lithuania offer English-taught programs, making it an excellent choice for non-Lithuanian-speaking international students
High quality of life
What’s great is that the low costs translate to a comfortable standard of living in Lithuania. It’s easy to get around as public transportation is inexpensive and widely available. There are numerous leisure and sports activities, as well as accessible public parks and amenities. The country is famed for its clear lakes and verdant pine forests, but also for developing a wide range of green products. On top of that, you will be able to keep safe and healthy thanks to world-class health infrastructure and expertise.
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mariacallous · 3 months
After months of protests by outraged farmers in cities across the continent, European lawmakers are struggling with how to quell the anger sparked in part by new green agricultural regulations—a backlash that has underscored the difficult trade-offs confronting governments as they navigate the energy transition. 
To hit ambitious climate targets, European leaders have unveiled a raft of measures that would overhaul the agricultural sector, an industry that accounts for one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Yet those policies have infuriated tens of thousands of European farmers, who have staged massive protests to voice their frustrations with the economic strains of the latest climate regulations; soaring production costs; and cheap foreign imports, particularly from countries with less stringent rules. 
Demonstrations continued to roil Europe this week as hundreds of Czech and Greek farmers poured into the streets of Prague and Athens, the latest in a wave of protests that has swept all but four European countries: Austria, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. In some cities, enraged farmers have resorted to dumping loads of manure and hurling eggs at city buildings; others have used their tractors to blockade ports and roads. 
“As you’re imposing these stricter climate regulations on farmers, there’s a cost, and the cost has to be borne somewhere,” said Caitlin Welsh, a global food security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “If the cost is imposed on the farmer, well then the farmer is going to produce less. The farmer is going to protest. There are going to be ramifications.” 
Those ramifications are now coming into sharper focus as lawmakers—worried that far-right groups will exploit the farmers’ outrage ahead of European Parliament elections in June—cave to some of their demands. But even as lawmakers make new concessions, some farmers have vowed to ramp up their fight.
Wait, let’s back up. Why are farmers protesting? 
While exact grievances vary by country, Europe’s farmers broadly say they are being pounded by a storm of converging pressures: a surge in production costs and drop in global food prices; cheap agricultural imports that have flooded their markets, namely from Ukraine; and now also a mix of national and European Union agricultural regulations targeting the farmers’ subsidies and use of pesticide and fertilizer.
When it comes to EU-wide policies, much of the farmers’ frustrations is directed toward the European Green Deal, Brussels’s plan to slash emissions by overhauling the continent’s food, transportation, and energy systems. The deal set ambitious targets for the agricultural sector to meet by 2030, including cutting chemical pesticide and antimicrobial use in half and reducing fertilizer use by 20 percent.
Yet the European farmers’ frustrations are also part of a larger global picture, said Christopher Barrett, an agricultural economist at Cornell University. “Farmers all over the world are under considerable stress right now,” he said. At the same time as falling global commodity prices and rising input costs are squeezing farmers, he said, governments are increasingly turning away from direct agricultural subsidies and instead supporting greener production practices.
In Europe, where one-third of the EU budget traditionally goes to the agricultural sector, many farmers are also accustomed to generous state support, and lawmakers’ proposed overhauls have sparked fierce resistance. In Germany, for example, protests erupted over Berlin’s plans to slash fuel subsidies to farmers, while French demonstrations have centered on a pesticide ban. Nitrogen taxation has been a key issue in the Netherlands, and an income tax break was one of the focal points of Italy’s protests. 
“Add it all up, and farmers in Europe and here in the United States are increasingly feeling under political attack—like support the government has long provided them is getting pulled back,” Barrett said. “Understandably, that concerns them.”
How are European leaders responding? 
Worried about alienating a major base ahead of European Parliament elections in June, lawmakers have rushed to make concessions to appease the farmers. In one of the sharpest reversals, the EU this month abandoned its major proposal to slash pesticide use by 50 percent, while top officials stressed that Brussels and the farmers share the same objectives. France, Germany, Greece, and Italy have also all diluted their original plans. 
“We want to make sure that in this process, the farmers remain in the driving seat,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Parliament in early February. “Only if we achieve our climate and environmental goals together will farmers be able to continue to make a living.”
But Europe’s far-right parties are also hoping to align themselves with the farmers and leverage their anger to score political points ahead of the June vote. French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, for example, has already harnessed the French demonstrations to criticize French President Emmanuel Macron; the Dutch populist Farmer-Citizen Movement has also capitalized on the farmers’ frustrations to rail against “radical environmentalism.” 
“Long live the farmers, whose tractors are forcing Europe to take back the nonsense imposed by multinationals and the left,” said Matteo Salvini, Italy’s far-right deputy prime minister, in response to the EU decision to shelve the pesticide restrictions.
“The rising radical right is really exploiting these protests,” said Rosa Balfour, the director of Carnegie Europe. “Because we’re moving toward the European Parliament elections, everybody is very alarmed by this.” 
Still, experts warn that making too many concessions could also backfire. 
“The risk is that if they give in to some of these demands, or if they continue giving into some of these demands, those young people who showed up to vote in 2019 will not show up again in 2024,” Balfour said. 
What does this mean for the green energy transition? 
Europe’s current conundrum highlights the difficult economic and political trade-offs that all governments will inevitably confront in shifting away from fossil fuels, particularly when it comes to overhauling the agricultural sector. As the energy transition gains momentum around the world, experts say Europe’s wave of protests may be a harbinger of what’s to come. 
“The EU might be hitting this problem right now most acutely, but other countries aren’t far behind,” said Barrett of Cornell University. “We will all have to adjust agricultural support policies to attend to environmental and health effects of our agrifood systems, and we have to ensure that farmers and rural communities aren’t deserted in the process.”
Farmers across Europe, in the meantime, have vowed to continue the fight. Greek farmers recently rejected Athens’s proposed concessions, while Polish farmers continued to chuck eggs at government offices and Bulgarian protesters ramped up resignation calls for the country’s top agriculture minister last week. And in France, where hundreds of farmers recently called for a “siege” of Paris, the head of the largest French farming union has warned that demonstrations could restart if government efforts do not go far enough. 
And the more that governments back down, the further the protests may spread. 
When farmers see a protest that is successful, “they say, ‘OK, well this is what we have to do. This is the way we mobilize. This works, and it actually gets people on our side,’” said Scott Reynolds Nelson, a historian at the University of Georgia and the author of Oceans of Grain: How American Wheat Remade the World. “So I think it’s going to explode.”
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rjzimmerman · 4 days
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Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
In the early 2000s, a long-time Louisiana engineer and entrepreneur thought it would be natural for the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico to expand into offshore wind. The industry could use the same workforce, the same shipyards and possibly even the same platforms to generate renewable power.
With designs, data and offshore leases from Texas, Herman Schellstede and his team planned to build a 62-turbine wind farm off Galveston’s coast— one of the first such proposals in the United States and the first in the Gulf of Mexico.
The team approached banks and even Koch Industries seeking financing for the $300 million wind farm, he said. But financing nascent offshore wind was apparently too risky a proposition in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown. The wind farm was eventually scuttled.
Now, 33 years after the first offshore wind farm was built in waters off Denmark, it’s still unclear if the time is right — or will ever be right — for the United States. In those years, only four wind farms generating 242 megawatts of power have been built off the U.S. coast; the largest just went into service in 2024.
Last year, inflation, supply chain problems and other macroeconomic issues led to the cancellation or renegotiation of about half of all proposed offshore wind projects. And while the Biden Administration is moving as quickly as possible to approve new lease sales and projects — expanding the amount of power generated by 10-fold — former President Donald Trump has promised to end offshore wind if elected.
The industry and advocates, however, do not seem daunted. Studies show offshore wind could meet 5% of the nation’s energy needs by 2035, and up to 25% by 2050.
“We’re all in this room today, not because we just see offshore wind as a massive opportunity — which it is to build you clean energy — but also we see the necessity of offshore wind,” said Amanda Lefton, vice president of offshore development for the renewable energy company RWE.
Lefton, speaking at an April conference of the offshore wind industry in New Orleans, said the technology is needed to meet national and state decarbonization goals. RWE is developing projects off the East Coast and California and working to create a supply chain for offshore wind in the Gulf of Mexico with a large Louisiana-based coalition.
“We know the fundamentals exist in these markets,” said Lefton, the former head of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management who leads RWE’s East Coast operations. “We know that it’s not an if, it’s a when.”
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virmire · 1 year
wait sorry if this is too personal but how does that work? if you were born and raised in denmark how are you not a citizen?
no worries! denmark doesn’t have naturalisation by law which means that the only two ways of getting citizenship nowadays is by
a) having one parent who has danish citizenship
or b) fulfilling requirements such as having lived in the country for nine consecutive years (eight of those being legal) and you need to have been in full time employment or run your own business for 3 1/2 years out of 4 years. having a criminal record is not allowed. the only way to avoid the full time job requirement is if you’ve studied uninterrupted (so no sabbaticals). you must have had permanent residency for 2 years I think it is before you can apply for citizenship. you can’t be in debt. there are some other things too I think. but once you meet those requirements, THEN you can apply to take two tests (one if you’ve already been through the danish school system) which I don’t remember how much cost. the main one consists of 45 questions where you need to answer 36 correctly. if you pass those, THEN you can apply to become a citizen which costs 4000 DKK. the processing for that application takes over a year and if that gets approved, it’s then added to this law thingy that gets taken up in government and once that is done you have to meet up for a ceremony where you have to shake the official’s hand.
so while I do fulfil most of the requirements to apply for citizenship, I don’t fulfil the full time employment/interrupted studying part.
tl;dr: in order to get danish citizenship either have a danish parent or fulfil a bunch of requirements plus take a test and pay some money to become one
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apieters · 9 months
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The Movement of Conclusion
In This Scene
Chris: And that’s why they called it a movement of conclusion—because it concludes the fight!
Simba: I see…
Chris and André, the Swashbucklers of the Magic Kingdom, are the fight choreographers for all the Disney films, but they also do a lot of stage choreography for the Pridelands Shakespeare Company, which was founded by the brothers King Mufasa and Prince Taka/“Scar,” and is currently headed by Mufasa’s son, King Simba. Simba continuously tries to put a different spin on each production, and that means a continuous need for new fight scenes to fit his latest vision. Chris and André don’t mind at all—the PSC is their biggest contract and their working relationship has become a close friendship, a friendship that survived the Reign of Terror and weathered Scar’s turbulent Regency, and which may be Prince Kopa’s only hope of surviving the present storyline.
Here, Chris demonstrates the Spanish Movement of Conclusion, or grappling with the left hand. As Simba has just learned, this can be used to disarm an opponent, which means Simba needs to learn it in order to play Hamlet in The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act V, Scene 2, where the stage directions specify: “Laertes wounds Hamlet. Then in scuffling, they change rapiers, and Hamlet wounds Laertes.”
Behind the Scenes
Chris is canonically skilled in all styles of rapier combat, but I wanted him to have a specific style as a base. Originally, I wanted it to be Fabris, but then I decided on the Roman-Neapolitan style of the Marcelli family, to suit his cup-hilt rapier and turn-of-the-18th century aesthetic. But I’ve finally decided that I ought to write what I know, so now it’s Word of God that Chris’s base style of fencing is the Spanish school of La Verdadera Destreza, which is my main fencing style.
The Movement of Conclusion is the third and closest-range of the three canonical defenses in Destreza, and since it can be used as a disarm it becomes a plausible means of performing the sword-switch in Hamlet. As this article demonstrates ( https://www.cassidycash.com/hamlet-laertes-rapier/ ), Shakespeare and his audience knew swordsmanship, and they knew that disarms were common in the fencing system of their day. Therefore, when the stage directions say, “…they change rapiers…” Hamlet is meant to be portrayed as intentionally seizing the poisoned sword so he can kill Laertes with it, not flying into a mad rage and accidentally grabbing the poisoned blade. He doesn’t know it’s poisoned, but the swords should be blunt (they are referred to as “foils”) and the fact that he’s just been wounded by a sharp blade means Hamlet’s suddenly figured everything out—Claudius is trying to assassinate him with Laertes’ cooperation. After waffling the whole play, Hamlet finally acts and takes the revenge he was charged to take at the beginning of the play, even if his indecision has cost him his own life (and several others). Laertes now has no choice but to seize Hamlet’s blunt rapier to defend himself, and thus, “…they change rapiers…”
Also, Simba was hard to draw. I had to study a screenshot of The Lion King’s final fight for a while to figure out what Simba would look like standing on his hind legs for fencing.
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farzamani · 9 months
Culture Shock
This question always makes me think hard because I barely experienced any significant change in my daily life after I moved to Aarhus. I was anticipating the struggle that everyone encountered, but I felt everything went very smoothly, probably too easy to be true I would say. There are of course some changes and adaptations in life, but nothing is really huge that truly drags me down.
After one year, finally, I can write some things. Here, I will divide those so-called changes into three categories: okay, medium, and shocking.
The weather and climate are not bad. The cold is not as harsh as I expected.
I can still easily find halal food and ingredients.
I used to live in solitude, so being alone is hardly a challenge for me.
Living cost is manageable if you earn Danish Kroner. The minimum wage is enough to make you live.
I used to bike so the commuting distance to university is still all right.
Compared to my (boarding) house in Bandung and Malang, my room here is definitely an upgrade, quality-wise.
I live close to a mosque (luckily).
As for education, I think my bachelor's study is way harder than my current study. Here, they emphasize independent learning, more hands-on and group work, and practical learning through projects. Even though it looks so busy (it is), I enjoy the flexibility!
Everything is expensive. Damn Denmark.
Always have to cook and do meal prepping. I miss warteg and jajanan kaki lima.
In terms of social interaction, most people here tend to be reserved and value personal space and privacy, contrary to Indonesian culture which is often more communal and warm.
I need to slow down because people prioritize work-life balance and value leisure time. My restless self still can't adapt to it. Thus, I just need to be more productive and effective.
I think I will never get used to the PDA (public displays of affection) here. I can't imagine lip-kissing (sometimes french) my partner at noon in front of the bus stop. The good news is, no one cares.
It is super hard to socialize if you are not drinking alcohol (or maybe don't like parties) because social events and interactions are centered around parties and drinking. I do not do both, but it is fine. I appreciate what I have now.
I will update this list as time goes on. I am super sleepy now, maybe it is better if I just publish it hahaha
Aarhus, 6 September 2023 00:18
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goodwilltemptation · 2 years
Consisting partly of documentary-style storytelling as well as dramatized narrative sequences, the film charts the historical roots and superstitions surrounding witchcraft, beginning in the Middle Ages through the 20th century. Based partly on Christensen's own study of the Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th-century German guide for inquisitors, Häxan proposes that such witch hunts may have stemmed from misunderstandings of mental or neurological disorders, triggering mass hysteria.
Häxan is a Swedish film produced by AB Svensk Filmindustri, but shot in Denmark in 1920–1921. With Christensen's meticulous recreation of medieval scenes and its lengthy production period, the film was the most expensive Scandinavian silent film ever made, costing nearly two million Swedish kronor. Although it received some positive reception in Denmark and Sweden, censors in countries such as Germany, France, and the United States objected to what were considered at that time graphic depictions of torture, nudity, and sexual perversion, as well as anti-clericalism
A contemporary critic in Variety, for example, praised the film's acting, production, and its many scenes of "unadulterated horror", but added that "wonderful though this picture is, it is absolutely unfit for public exhibition." A Copenhagen reviewer was likewise offended by "the satanic, perverted cruelty that blazes out of it, the cruelty we all know has stalked the ages like an evil shaggy beast, the chimera of mankind. But when it is captured, let it be locked up in a cell, either in a prison or a madhouse. Do not let it be presented with music by Wagner or Chopin, [...] to young men and women, who have entered the enchanted world of a movie theatre."
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