#cost of pumpkin pie spice
butcherbitching · 6 months
Our sister site handled all the sides we sold for thanksgiving. Which is good, because they weren’t in our way for most of the day unlike last year. It’s bad because I know what we sell these sides for and I’m fucking embarrassed of their quality.
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reodashi · 9 months
BNHA Smells
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Deku - Smells like Spreamint and Lime, it's not strong... But subtle freshness.
Bakugo - He's evil... Unintentionally. He Smells so good, like cinnomin rolls and cookies, but he hates when people get too close.
Todoroki - Subtle lavender from his clothes, and subtle vanilla from his shampoo.
Kirishima - Axe... I love him... But it's axe body spray 100%
Iida - Fresh books, pencils, and oddly cranberries... No one asks why though.
Denki - Probably the second best smelling guy in 1-A, Smells like pumpkin spice and Apple cider... He's aware of it too.
Sero - Very subtle Smells, not strong at all... But vague fresh bread scent.
Uraraka - You know she smells good, she smells like berries, frosting, and candy.
Asui - Grass... It's not bad though. She just smells like fresh cut grass.
Momo - Fancy ass perfume, costed her like 200 bucks just to smell vaguely like vanilla and cocoa powder.
Jiro - I mean this in the best possible way, but basement... Not grungy or gross, but just that nice rustic smell basements give.
Tokoyami - He got a candle named 'Death' which smells of blackberries and coconut. He's emo and berrylicious.
Shoji - Bamboo, Campfires, and Rain... All depending on the day.
Ojiro - Freshly vacuumed carpet, and if he's felling fancy he uses citrus body wash.
Hagakure - Fruity cereals, strawberry milk, and occasionally hazelnuts.
Aoyama - Everyone say it with me! 👏 Jasmine👏 Starbucks👏 and cake batter👏
Sato - Duh, flour, cake, fresh pastries, and Gingerbread.
Koda - This one is hard... He either smells like a summer garden or farm hay...
Mineta - B.O. which he says is his natural musk. And sometimes tries to hide it with axe.
Aizawa - Apple pie, fireplaces, and fresh blankets. He Smells cozy.
Allmight - He Smells like pubs... Even though he doesn't got there often... He also smells a bit like blood.
Endeavor - He Smells like charcoal, gasoline, and arrogance. He Smells like he tries to hard, which is ironic since he didn't even try hard to become #1 hero since it was just handed to him after Allmight. 👀 And never tried hard to be a good dad👀
Present Mic - He Smells like fresh technology, you know when you unbox a phone and it smells similar to a fresh phone... It's like that.
Miss Midnight - She smells like Jasmine, aphrodiacs, and rose petals... Very flirty scents.
Nezu - Hamster food and coffee... I said what needed to be said.
Eri - She smells like candy stores, carnival sweets, and fresh plushies.
Hawks - He's a mix... His breath is minty fresh, his hair smells like masculine cologne, but his clothes smell like leather even though they aren't made from leather.
Mirko - *the lingering affection from simps* Jk... Sort of. She smells like protein shakes, new shoes, and carrot cake.
Shinso - Tea, coffee, energy drinks... Anything he consumes that helps him stay awake really...
Shigiraki - I know he smells dusty, he smells like mothballs, alleyways, and Walmart 100%
Toga - She smells like blood, I mean it's inevitable due to her quirk. Other than blood, she smells like cheap makeup, like the really chemically smelling stuff.
Dabi - *Daddy issues and burnt* He smells like hot summer days, peanut butter, and bleach due to his hair dye.
Twice - Beer, cigetettes, fresh pavement, and depression.
Overhaul - He smells fine, he smells like chalk and tree bark... But his mask smells NASTY, the bitch never cleans it.
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meforever2 · 8 months
so pumpkin pie spice in the tiny jar costs the same as a pack of cigarettes
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fitscientist · 2 years
As a baker, I know canned pumpkins tend to have my pies tasting way better than fresh pumpkins. What are a food scientist’s thoughts on canned vs fresh vs frozen product use?
Ok. So I'm going to start by saying canned products are great from a cost standpoint and are actually good and healthy given nutrients are locked in at time of canning, and can last way longer than fresh does. Canned goods are a great option. 100% endorse in 99% percent of cases.
This here is the 1% case. IMHO, specifically for pumpkin pie, I have to have fresh. Sorry not sorry the flavor is just so much better. I buy pie pumpkins (not! just your regular pumpkins! specifically pie pumpkins) - stick 'em in the oven, after baking the skin peels off so easy, take the baked pumpkin and stick in ziploc freezer bags and freeze for next year's use. Pull out of freezer, pop in your recipe, BAM. Amazing. A lot of canned pumpkin cans come pre-seasoned with pumpkin pie spice and other spices and man it just isn't right. I also think maybe the retort process cooks the pumpkin a little too much idk it seems canned pumpkin is always way extra orange whereas my fresh/frozen stuff is more yellowy in color, not in-your-face-orange. Or they add color because "pumpkin is supposed to be orange" or whatever, who knows. Season it yourself, don't overdo it like the cans do, let the pumpkin flavor talk for itself. Spices are meant to compliment, not cover! :D
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johnklok · 7 months
Boost Your Sales with AJ Delivery Date & Shipping App this Thanksgiving and Black Friday
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Thanksgiving and Black Friday are just around the corner, and it’s time to deck the halls and prepare for the biggest shopping festival of the year!
As the scent of pumpkin pie fills the air and holiday lights twinkle, online retailers like you are gearing up for a shopping season like no other.
But hold on, do you have a secret weapon in your festive arsenal that’s ready to light up your store with joy and convenience?
Well, we do!
It is our AJ Delivery Date & Shipping app for Shopify, and it’s here to make your customers’ shopping experience a merry one while boosting your sales.
Your customers can choose when and how they want to receive their Black Friday and Thanksgiving goodies. Whether it’s a turkey, a stylish holiday sweater, or a pumpkin spice latte, our app lets them pick the delivery date and time that suits them best.
All of these are wrapped up in a simple, user-friendly package that adds a sprinkle of magic to your Shopify store just in time for the holidays.
The Magic of Delivery Options
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Imagine you are planning a big holiday dinner. You have got different guests with different tastes, and you want to make sure everyone’s happy. That’s where our app comes in.
Our AJ Delivery Date & Shipping app offers three cool ways to get your orders: Store Pickup, Local Delivery, and Shipping.
Store Pickup: It is like when you order takeout and swing by to grab your food. Your customers can choose to pick up their holiday goodies from your store. Convenient, right?
Local Delivery: This is for those who want their gifts brought right to their doorstep, maybe to surprise a loved one. It’s like Santa’s little helpers making special deliveries to the ones living in the town, same as your warehouse.
Shipping: If your customers are far away. They can have their orders shipped. It is like sending a gift in the mail.
Now, why is this great? Because it lets your customers pick the option that works best for them. It’s like offering a buffet of delivery options, ensuring everyone at the holiday table gets what they want.
Gifts Delivered Just When They Want Them
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When you shop online during Thanksgiving and Black Friday, wouldn’t it be nice to choose when your packages arrive?
That’s exactly what our Shopify Delivery Date app allows your customers to do. They can pick the day and time that suits them best for their deliveries. You can customize everything to make it feel just right for your store. No fancy tech stuff, just easy choices to make your customers happy.
With this feature, you can make your customers’ shopping experience even merrier. Let them have the freedom to decide when they receive their holiday treasures. It’s like giving them the remote control to their holiday shopping adventure!
Customize as You Like
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Running a holiday sale is like preparing a delicious meal. You need everything to be just right. Our app helps you customize things easily.
Non-Working Days: It’s like having a holiday planner. You can decide which days you want to offer deliveries. Maybe you need a break on Thanksgiving? No problem. You can set those days as non-working. The app makes sure no orders come in on those days.
Order Limits: If you are worried about getting too busy, you can set a limit on how many orders you can handle in a time slot. It’s like having a guest list for your party – no overcrowding.
Weekday Choices: Let’s say you want to make deliveries on Saturdays only. You can do that. It’s like having a “Special Saturday Delivery” option for your customers.
This way, you’re in control of your holiday operations. It’s all about making things smooth and stress-free during the holidays.
Location-Specific Shipping Rates
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Custom shipping rates are like charging different amounts for shipping depending on where your customers live. If someone lives close by, it might be cheaper. If they are far away, it might cost a bit more.
Moreover, let’s say you sell big and small items. You can set different shipping rates for each. It is like charging less for a small gift and a bit more for a big one.
This means you can be fair with your customers, just like a friendly store owner. No one gets surprised by shipping costs because you can set it all up in advance. It’s all about making your customers happy and your store run smoothly.
Ready to make this holiday season a hit for your online store? Our AJ Delivery Date & Shipping app can do the trick. It’s simple, convenient, and ready to make your customers smile. Start today and watch your sales and customer satisfaction grow!
Enroll for a free 10-day trial and check for yourself!
Click here to explore the app and supercharge your store for the festive season.
Explore the app
All product and company names are trademarks™, registered® or copyright© trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
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operafoods · 7 months
The Versatility of Cinnamon Powder: From Kitchen to Medicine Cabinet
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Cinnamon powder may already be a staple in your spice rack but have you ever considered how versatile this incredible spice truly is? Effortlessly switching from savoury to sweet, it is a key aromatic in many of the world's cuisines. But beyond its use in the kitchen, did you know that cinnamon also has some serious health creds? Read on as we take a trip through the world of cinnamon, its origins, uses, and of course its impressive health benefits.
All About Cinnamon
Cinnamon, known for its warm, sweet flavour and comforting scent, is derived from the inner bark of trees from the Cinnamomum family. The bark, once harvested, is dried and curled into what are commonly known as cinnamon sticks. These can be used whole or ground into a fine powder. Where does cinnamon come from? Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon. Not exclusive to Sri Lanka, it is also grown in other countries with a tropical climate, including India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. The method of harvesting and processing cinnamon can differ slightly from one region to another, and they all have slightly different characteristics. What is true cinnamon? Ceylon cinnamon is also known as true cinnamon. Native to Sri Lanka, this variety is considered to be of higher quality and has a more delicate and complex flavour than the harsher cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is lighter in colour and has a finer texture, and its sticks are made up of thin, papery layers that easily crumble into fragments. When you hear the term 'true cinnamon,' it refers to this superior variety from Sri Lanka, the Ceylon cinnamon. What is Dutch cinnamon? Dutch cinnamon is another name for the aforementioned cassia cinnamon. This variant has a sweet yet pungent flavour, which is far less delicate than Ceylon cinnamon. While it shares similar health benefits with the Ceylon variety, Dutch cinnamon has a higher concentration of the compound coumarin, which can be harmful in large quantities. It owes its name to its popularity in Dutch cooking where it adds a distinctive flavour to dishes such as Speculaas cookies and Dutch apple pie. Our organic cinnamon powder is ground from the finest Ceylon cinnamon The historical use of cinnamon The use of cinnamon can be traced back to ancient civilizations. It was revered by the ancient Egyptians, who used it in their embalming process. In the Bible, it is mentioned multiple times as an ingredient in anointing oil. During the Middle Ages, cinnamon was a status symbol in Europe, its cost and scarcity made it a luxury item only the wealthy could afford. The demand for cinnamon was a driving force in world exploration as European explorers sought alternative routes to the spice-producing countries. Spices such as cinnamon played a massive role in the shaping of our culinary, and indeed political, history.
Cooking With Cinnamon
Way more than just the spice in your apple pie, or the welcome scent of your seasonal pumpkin spice latte, cinnamon powder is as useful in savoury dishes as it is in sweet. It finds its way into a surprising number of savoury stews and is quite often that elusive element that you just can't put your finger on. In fact, when used with a gentle touch, most spices can be used as a subtle edge of seasoning rather than a predominant note. Cinnamon in sweet dishes In sweet dishes, the warm, aromatic flavour of cinnamon just screams comfort. Its spicy yet sweet profile makes it a perfect pairing for baked goods such as muffins, cinnamon rolls, and apple pie, adding an element of interest and a note of familiarity. Cinnamon powder can actually be used to create an illusion of sweetness and is often used by diabetics or those wishing to eliminate or cut down on sugar. Whilst not particularly sweet, it seems to have such associations with sugar that we believe the food we are eating is sweet. Try a sprinkle on your porridge or overnight oats in place of sugar. Cinnamon in savoury dishes In savoury dishes, cinnamon adds a complex depth of flavour that is both exotic and comforting. It's commonly used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisines, adding a warm, spicy note to stews, curries, and meat dishes. Did you know that a pinch of cinnamon can also balance out the acidity in tomato-based dishes? When used sparingly, it harmoniously blends with other spices, enhancing the overall flavour profile of the dish without being overpowering. Cinnamon in drinks Next time you order your morning cappuccino ask for a shake of cinnamon instead of the usual chocolate. Hot chocolate tastes great with a touch of cinnamon too. Its sweet-spicy undertones make cinnamon a popular choice in warm drinks like chai tea or mulled wine. Its comforting aroma makes a cup of hot cinnamon tea the perfect companion on a chilly day. In wellness drinks, cinnamon is often paired with ingredients like turmeric and ginger for a healthful boost.
The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is also packed with beneficial nutrients that can do wonders for your well-being. From its antioxidant capabilities to its role in regulating blood sugar levels, cinnamon's health benefits are widely acknowledged. Let's look at some of the ways this fragrant spice can contribute to your overall health. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Cinnamon earns its super-spice status from its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, it is one of the top-scoring ingredients on the antioxidant scale. These antioxidants work to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, thereby reducing oxidative stress. Chronic inflammation, when chronic is thought to be a major contributing factor in numerous health issues from heart disease to autoimmune disorders. The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon can help combat this inflammation, reducing the risk of these disorders and promoting overall health. Blood sugar control Cinnamon has been shown to play a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels, making it an ideal spice for people with type 2 diabetes or those who are pre-diabetic. The active compound in cinnamon, cinnamaldehyde, helps to stimulate insulin receptors in cells and improves their ability to use glucose. This process effectively lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing complications related to diabetes. This effect on blood glucose levels is not just immediate but can be sustained over time, making it a great addition to a balanced diet aimed at maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Potential for improving heart health Cinnamon is said to also help normalise levels of triglycerides in the blood, which are a type of fat linked to heart disease and stroke. Studies have also shown that cinnamon can help lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels while increasing "good" HDL cholesterol levels. This combination of effects on blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol makes it an excellent spice for promoting heart health. Anti-microbial properties Cinnamon has been used as a natural remedy for various infections and illnesses for centuries. This is because it contains compounds with anti-microbial properties, which can help fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Again, this is down to the compound cinnamaldehyde, which has been shown to have powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. Contributes to dental health Cinnamon plays a remarkable role in maintaining dental health as well. It's commonly used in many dental care products like toothpaste and mouthwash due to its strong antibacterial properties. The key compound, cinnamaldehyde, aids in combating oral microorganisms that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Also, its breath-freshening qualities help to combat halitosis, commonly known as bad breath. So, along with a good dental hygiene routine, including cinnamon in your diet could contribute to a healthier and happier smile!
How to Incorporate More Cinnamon into Your Diet
Here are some creative and tasty ways to incorporate more cinnamon into your daily meals: Sprinkle on your breakfast: Add a dash of cinnamon to your morning oatmeal, yoghurt, or smoothies for a flavour boost. Spice up your coffee: Mix a little cinnamon into your coffee grounds before brewing for a delicious and aromatic twist. Season your fruits: Dust some cinnamon onto fresh fruits like apples or bananas for a healthy and satisfying snack. Revamp your baked goods: Add cinnamon to muffins, breads, cookies, or pancakes to enhance their flavour. Enhance savoury dishes: Cinnamon can also be used in savoury dishes such as curries, roasted vegetables, or stews. Stir into hot drinks: Mix cinnamon into hot chocolate or herbal teas for a soothing beverage. Boost your protein shake: Add a pinch of cinnamon to your post-workout protein shake for additional health benefits. Precautions when using cinnamon in the diet While cinnamon offers numerous health benefits, certain precautions should be taken when incorporating it into your diet. Firstly, cinnamon contains coumarin, a natural substance that can cause liver damage if consumed in large amounts. This is especially true for Cassia cinnamon, which has higher coumarin levels than the Ceylon variety. Additionally, some people may experience allergic reactions to cinnamon, such as skin irritation, mouth sores, or respiratory symptoms. Also, due to its effects on blood sugar, individuals with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when consuming cinnamon. Lastly, pregnant women are advised to consume cinnamon in moderation as excessive intake can lead to certain complications. As always, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet. We have seen that cinnamon, with its rich history, culinary versatility in both sweet and savoury dishes, potential health benefits, and aromatic allure, truly embodies a spice that adds value far beyond the simple enhancement of flavour. We hope that this article encourages you to explore the world of cinnamon, both in your kitchen and for your health. Why not also explore the rest of our organic ingredients and products? Enjoyed this article? Find out more about why organic food goes way beyond just the butcher or the greengrocer. This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Organic Grocery Suppliers”. See original article:- The Versatility of Cinnamon Powder: From Kitchen to Medicine Cabinet Read the full article
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manojkhanna1108 · 9 months
Delightful Homecooked Snacks: Nourishing Your Soul, One Bite at a Time
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, homecooked snacks have emerged as not just a culinary delight but also as a symbol of comfort and nostalgia. These bite-sized wonders have the power to transport us to simpler times, filling our homes with enticing aromas and our hearts with warmth. Beyond their taste, homemade snacks offer numerous benefits, from being healthier alternatives to processed foods to fostering creativity in the kitchen. In this article, we'll explore the world of homecooked snacks, their advantages, and some mouthwatering recipes to try.
The Rise of Homecooked Snacks
Homecooked snacks have been a part of human culture for centuries. Whether it's the samosas in India, the empanadas in Latin America, or the good old apple pie in the United States, these snacks have always held a special place in our hearts and on our dining tables. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in homemade snacks for several compelling reasons.
Health and Well-being
One of the primary drivers behind the popularity of homecooked snacks is the growing awareness of the importance of a balanced diet. Many store-bought snacks are loaded with unhealthy fats, excessive sugar, and preservatives. In contrast, when you prepare snacks at home, you have complete control over the ingredients, allowing you to choose healthier alternatives. You can use whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh produce to create snacks that not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute positively to your well-being.
Another advantage of making snacks at home is the ability to customize them to your liking. Whether you have dietary restrictions or simply prefer a specific flavor profile, homemade snacks can be tailored to suit your tastes perfectly. You can experiment with different ingredients, herbs, and spices, letting your creativity shine in the kitchen.
Eating out or buying pre-packaged snacks can quickly add up in terms of expenses. Making your snacks at home can be a cost-effective alternative. You can purchase ingredients in bulk, reducing the overall cost per serving and ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
Environmental Impact
In an era of increasing concern for the environment, opting for homemade snacks can also be an eco-conscious choice. By preparing snacks at home, you can reduce packaging waste and minimize the carbon footprint associated with the production and transportation of processed snacks.
Delightful Homemade Snack Ideas
Now that we've explored the reasons behind the resurgence of homecooked snacks let's dive into some delectable snack ideas you can easily whip up in your kitchen.
Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet potatoes
Olive oil
Salt, pepper, and paprika (for seasoning)
Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
Wash and peel the sweet potatoes, then cut them into thin strips.
Toss the sweet potato strips with olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika.
Spread them out on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, turning them once, until they're crispy and golden brown.
Homemade Trail Mix
Nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts)
Dried fruits (raisins, cranberries, apricots)
Dark chocolate chips
Pumpkin seeds
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl to your desired proportions.
Portion the mix into small bags or containers for convenient, on-the-go snacking.
Greek Yogurt Parfait
Greek yogurt
Fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
In a glass or bowl, layer Greek yogurt, honey, fresh berries, and granola.
Repeat the layers until you fill your container.
Enjoy a nutritious and delicious snack that's also visually appealing.
Homemade Popcorn
Popcorn kernels
Olive oil or melted butter
Salt or seasonings of your choice (try nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor)
Heat a large pot with a lid over medium-high heat and add the oil or butter.
Add the popcorn kernels and cover the pot.
Shake the pot occasionally to prevent burning.
Once the popping slows down, remove from heat and season with your preferred seasonings.
Veggie Sticks with Hummus
Assorted fresh vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers)
Hummus (store-bought or homemade)
Wash and cut the vegetables into sticks or slices.
Serve with a side of hummus for a crunchy and satisfying snack.
In a world where convenience often takes precedence over nutrition and flavor, homecooked snacks are a breath of fresh air. They allow us to reconnect with our culinary roots, promoting healthier eating habits, and fostering creativity in the kitchen. With a multitude of benefits, including cost-efficiency and customization, there's no reason not to incorporate homemade snacks into your daily routine.
So, why not embark on a delicious journey into the realm of homecooked snacks? Experiment with ingredients, share your creations with loved ones, and savor the joy of both making and enjoying these delightful treats. Homecooked snacks are more than just a meal; they're a manifestation of love, creativity, and a healthier way of living, one bite at a time.
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impressivesohid · 1 year
Description about the Classic Basque Cheesecake.
Cheesecake is a sweet dessert consisting of one or more layers. The main, and thickest, layer consists of a mixture of a soft, fresh cheese (typically cottage cheese, cream cheese, quark or ricotta), eggs, and sugar. If there is a bottom layer, it most often consists of a crust or base made from crushed cookies (or digestive biscuits), graham crackers, pastry, or sometimes sponge cake. Cheesecake may be baked or unbaked (and is usually refrigerated).
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Modern cheesecake is not usually classified as an actual "cake", despite the name (compare with Boston cream "pie"). Some people classify it as a torte due to the usage of many eggs, which are the sole source of leavening, as a key factor. Others find compelling evidence that it is a custard pie, based on the overall structure, with the separate crust, the soft filling, and the absence of flour. Other sources identify it as a flan, or tart.
Cheesecake is usually sweetened with sugar and may be flavored in different ways. Vanilla, spices, lemon, chocolate, pumpkin, or other flavors may be added to the main cheese layer. Toppings for cheesecake can include sour cream, fruit sauces, chocolate or caramel syrup, nuts, whipped cream, or pieces of fruit.
Cheesecake is a popular dessert around the world, and there are many different regional variations. In the United States, the most common type of cheesecake is New York-style cheesecake, which is made with cream cheese, eggs, sugar, and a graham cracker crust. Other popular types of cheesecake include Italian cheesecake, which is made with ricotta cheese, and Japanese cheesecake, which is a lighter and fluffier version of the dessert.
Cheesecake can be enjoyed as a special occasion dessert or as a everyday treat. It is a versatile dessert that can be served plain, topped with a variety of fruits or sauces, or baked in different shapes and sizes.
Here are some interesting facts about cheesecake:
The earliest known cheesecake recipes date back to ancient Greece and Rome.
Cheesecake was a popular dessert during the Middle Ages, and it was often served at weddings and banquets.
The first cheesecake factory was opened in New York City in 1910.
The largest cheesecake ever made weighed over 10,000 pounds and was served at a food festival in Texas in 2008.
The world's most expensive cheesecake is made with white truffles and costs over $1,000 per slice.
Whether you enjoy it plain, topped with fruit, or baked in a different shape, cheesecake is a delicious and versatile dessert that is sure to please.
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
How To: Homemade Barista!
Coffee. When I think of coffee, I think of the sign that says: “Instant Human...Add Coffee”. Here is where you think I am going to go, “Pick the better coffee shop: starbucks or coffee bean?”. I am not, but the answer is Coffee Bean. Anyways, I don’t mind a coffee out every now and again, or a seasonal drink-but most things are better homemade! 
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Let’s start with supplies: 
Primula Aluminum espresso maker
Coffee (whole bean or grounded)
Hershey’s Chocolate/Strawberry Syrup
Spices (Cinnamon, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Etc)
Whip Cream
Krups coffee bean grinder
Measuring device, Brush, Tamper
Hamilton Beach Blender
Coffee Filter
Mason Jars
Bodium French Press
Milk Frother/Whisk
Do you need all of these? No, it depends on what you like for coffee. Some coffee brands I love are Lavazza and Black Rifle Coffee Company. The first time I had Lavazza was in Italy, and it was amazing. Black Rifle Coffee Company is by veterans and just really good stuff, ya know like you live off of coffee while doing america’s duty and it gets you through! So, now that you have whatever supplies you like let’s get to process: 
Espresso Maker: 
Ground your coffee beans (if whole) (with spices per taste)
Fill the bottom compartment with water
Fill the middle compartment with the ground up coffee, pack it in with the tamper
Screw the top on. 
Place on the stove, turn on.
Within a couple of minutes you will hear it bubble up. 
Turn off fire, pour into cup. 
Enjoy coffee!
Once your equipment has cooled off, make sure you clean all items.
If you want a fancy experience, coat the inside of the cup with chocolate sauce. In a separate cup, froth up some milk with a whisk. Mix together in your main cup and enjoy! Make it a Frappuccino with the blender and the appropriate supplies! Make your own drip coffee with coffee filters and a mason jar! Try a French press! The world is your caffeinated oyster! 
Let’s start with supplies: 
Hamilton Beach Electric Kettle
Tea/Tea Bags
Tea Infuser
For every coffee drinker out there, there is one tea lover counterpart. Tea is a great alternative, has a lot of health benefits, is good alternative for pregnant people. Do not be so quick to discount the Tea game. For getting your tea supplies there are a couple of approaches. It can come already bagged, or it can come in its natural state and you contain it in a Tea Infuser or in a cup with a built in infuser. There are so many Tea flavors out there, my favorite is Chai Tea from Coffee Bean. 
Fill the electric kettle with water
Prepare your mug with your Tea/Tea Infuser or Tea Bag (you can wrap the tag around the handle to keep the bag in place)
Once the water is good, fill your mug with water. 
Let it steep for 5 minutes. 
You can keep the tea bag in there or take it out.
I love me a Chai Tea Latte (or even a Dirty Chai Tea Latte), and you can take your frothy milk trick and apply it here. A Dirty Chai Tea Latte is adding a bit of espresso to that. 
You will save money by not getting a drink every morning and making your stuff at home. You will have one time costs for the tools, and what you pay for the supplies is more than a drink but you will get more than one drink out of it. What is your favorite drink to make at home? 
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vegietribe · 1 year
Vegan on a Budget
Most people know that vegan food saves lives, but only some of them are aware that it can also help you save money. The notion that plant-based foods are expensive is a widespread misconception and is mainly due to the fact that products such as vegan meat and cheese are still considered a specialty and are rarely bought in large quantities by retailers. Actually, a full and plant-based lifestyle is very affordable.
Here are some key factors which will help you to Go Vegan on a Budget:
1. Cook At Home
Cook and eat at home. Cooking from scratch is a simple and extremely effective cost-saver, and not using prepackaged ingredients is good for the environment too. Healthy vegan staples like legumes, grains, and seasonal fruits and vegetables are some of the cheapest foods on the market and are also the healthiest options for you, the planet, and your bank balance.
2. Meet your new best friends.
Rice, lentils, pasta, beans, cereals, and spices. In addition to being inexpensive and versatile, these staples are also durable so you don't have to worry about waste.
3. Purchase local seasonal fruits and vegetables.
They are almost always cheaper than the off-season ones. And don't be afraid to switch to seasonal ingredients for a recipe. If a dish calls for sweet potatoes but the pumpkin is in season and cheaper, you can do it.
4. Look for “accidentally vegan” products in your supermarket
There are plenty of cheap finds on store shelves that aren't specifically labeled as "vegan". If you take the time to read the ingredients (even on a supermarket's own branded products), you can save a lot of money in the end.
5. Don’t stress about “organic” products
Buying organic products is much cheaper than buying organic meat (which, by the way, doesn't mean the animals didn't suffer, they certainly did). But by eliminating animal "products" from your meals, you have already said goodbye to a lot of serious bacteria, antibiotics, carcinogens, and other toxins.
6. Make Easy Substitutions
Vegan substitutions are easy as pie, making it easy to customize all of your favorite meat-based dishes with plant-based ingredients. Legumes and pulses are great substitutes for beef or lamb, and shepherds pie, bolognese, and chili are just as good when filled with beans and lentils.
7. Buy in Bulk
Nuts and seeds can also be very inexpensive when bought in bulk. Products like oatmeal and rice are very filling and sticky. Comparing different stores and planning your store ahead of time can keep costs really down, as can cooking meals for the week.
Not only is a vegan diet good for your finances in the short term, but it's also likely to save you money in the long run because vegans have a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, all of which are extremely expensive to treat. Plus, you don't have to pay for expensive cholesterol-lowering medication (since vegan foods don't contain cholesterol) or expensive gastric bypass surgery (since vegans have a much lower risk of becoming obese).
So, turning vegan keeps your health and bank balance intact.
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gameguides · 2 years
MareQuest Beginners Guide
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Welcome to our MareQuest Beginners Guide. A small guide detailing facts about the mares and their questing. #MareQuest
MareQuest Beginners Guide
Ways to make mare friends: - Complete quests - Give sad mares red apples, green apples, or sugarcubes - Gift mares the food that corresponds with their personality - Each mare has a favorite food she'll talk about, giving her this will result in her trading food with you - Lead lost mares out of caves - Become an alicorn and befriend admirers
MareQuest Beginners Controls
Scheme A: - Arrow Keys - Movement - W/Mouse Wheel - Raise Stance - S/Mouse Wheel - Lower Stance Scheme B: - WASD - Movement - E/Mouse Wheel - Raise Stance - Q/Mouse Wheel - Lower Stance Shared: - Shift - Sprint / Kick trees(Earth Mares Only) - Spacebar/Left Mouse - Interact - 1 - Eat Red Apple - Heal HP - 2 - Eat Green Apple - Raises Max Stamina - 3 - Eat Sugarcube - Temporary Speed Boost - M - Mute/Unmute Music - Requires Radio Unlocked - N - Next Music Track - Requires Radio Unlocked - Tab/P/Esc - Open Food Inventory/Gift Mare food hotkey - Esc - Restart Game
Save Game and Biomes
Island Hub Enter portal to the Island Hub to instantly save game - All mares friended appear on islands - Islands build up with friend count - 1st mare - Green Island - 2nd mare - Yellow Island - 3rd mare - Blue Island - 4th mare - Red Island Biomes from North to South - Far North: No mares spawn, shadow horsies always spawn - Snow - Grass - Desert - Far South: No mares spawn, shadow horsies always spawn
Character Base Traits
Unicorn Mares: Auto shoot spells at enemies Earth Mares: More health and stamina / Can kick trees for wood and build in overworld Pegasus Mares: Fastest characters. No structure collision when flying
- Red Apples: Replenishes 5 health (not upgraded) and some stamina - Green Apples: Permanently raises stamina as well as restores some stamina - Sugarcubes: Move faster for a limited time - Witch Hat: If worn and mare HP hits 0 adds 50% max HP and hat destroyed - Explorer Hat: Speed boost when worn, 1 enemy hit destroys hat - Pickelhaube: Saves mare from 5 damage before being destroyed - Food: 30 food options for trading with mares based on personality type - -Pink: Cake, Ice Cream, Candy, Cupcakes, Kumquats - -Purple: Grass, Oats, Pumpkin Spiced Latte, Breadfruit, Avacado Toast - -Blue: Energy Drinks, Fries, Potato Chips, Protein Shakes, Rainbow Colored Slushies - -Yellow: Biscuits, Arugula, Carrots, Gingerbread Cookies, Herbal Tea - -White: Broiled Asparagus, Rattatouille, Caviar, Eggplant Parmasean, Omelette du Fromage - -Orange: Apple Pie, Hay, Peaches, Watermelon, Burgers Buildable Earth Mares can build the following by pressing the hammer within GUI - Red Apple Tree - costs 1 Red Apple - Green Apple Tree - costs 1 Green Apple - Sugarcane plant - costs 1 sugarcube - Torch - costs 2 wood - Apple Turret - costs 10 wood - Click turret to load with apple seeds - If loaded automatically fires at enemies Quests - -Main Quest - The 4 Alicorns - -Reach 40 friends to become alicorn - -Reach 80 friends to choose 1 of 4 alicorn perks - -Reach 100 friends to play as your 1st friend - -Repeat until all 4 alicorns are created and reach 100 friends - -Hordecore Minigame - -In furthest South Biome speak to Chaos Witch Ponkles (must have 1 friend) - -Give her requested apples and be teleported to a strange place - -Dodge the horse and survive to 100 seconds - -Both winning an 0HP will trigger quest completion - -Friend rewards - -Shadow Horsie Maze Minigame - -In furthest North Biome speak to Wicked Witch Limeade (must have 1 friend) - -Sacrifice friend to be teleported to shadow realm - -Sacrificing friend with only 1 friend count will cause game over - -Find the light exit in the shadow maze - -Help lost mares along the way - -Poni Poni Dance Club Minigame - -In Snow or Grass Biome find a Poni Poni Dance Club - -Wait until night to enter - -Hold space and hit the arrow keys (DDR style) - -Upon reaching goal you will be promped to choose reward - -Cuddle Minigame - -In Grass Biome speak to Anonymous Green Mare (must have 1 friend) - -Protect her from approaching mares by cuddling (sleeping) on them - -Green will allow 3 mares to approach her before minigame game over - -Upon lasting to 100% recieve ability to cuddle mares on the Hub islands for food rewards - -Marester Mind Minigame - -In Snow biome find a Radio Tower and speak to Anonymous Pink mare inside (must have 1 friend) - -Guess the correct color combination - -6 guesses, no duplicate colors, guiding "lights" do not match the color position - -Guessing correctly unlocks the radio in inventory and gives food rewards - -Hat Filly Minigame - -In Grass or Desert biome find cave with a sign that says "hats" outside - -Upon entering use the arrow/WASD keys to match the filly's movements - -Upon 8 correct combos you will unlock hats to spawn in world - -Egg Mare Minigame - -As a unicorn or earth mare (no pegasus or alicorn) find the Anonymous Egg Mare in desert biome - -Shoot eggs at approaching pegasus to defend the 15 apples - -Upon time running out you will recieve food rewards and as many friends as apples remaining - -Mare Gaming Minigame - -In the desert biome find a house and speak to Quote Unquote inside - -Text based RPG minigame, follow dialogue options to progress - -5 enemies defeated will trigger boss battle option - -Defeat boss to win and recieve friendship rewards - -Caves - -In all biomes Caves can spawn - -Entering and leaving a cave will block that cave off from being reentered - -3 chests containing food always spawn in cave - -Lost mares appear in cave, speak to them and accept to help them, lead them to entrance for friend reward - -Interacting with crystal in cave will remove darkness, automatic for Crystal Alicorn - -Snakes and bats spawn in cave and attack player if too close - -Caves get progressively larger tied to friend count Level ups and Perks - MareQuest Beginners Guide Earth Mares: - EM1 = +5 Total Health / Red Apples Heal for +10 - EM2 = Applekick (Kick an apple at enemies (-1 Red/Green Apple) Can be toggled. Pegasus: - PG1 = +1 Fly Speed - PG2 = Cloud Attack - When flying create clouds that makes shadow horsies walk and pegasus shadow horsies run (costs 25 stamina) Can be toggled. Unicorn: - UC1 = x2 Magic Attack Power - UC2 = Rechargeable Shield (costs Sugarcube to recharge if destroyed) Can be toggled. - 10 Friends = Choose 1 Perk (Race Specific) - 25 Friends = Choose 1 Perk (Race Specific) - 40 Friends = Alicornhood! Choose 1 Perk (any race) + All item pickups x2 - 60 Friends = Choose 1 Perk (any race) - 80 Friends = Choose Alicorn Specialty: - 1) Sun Alicorn = Sunlight spell to intermittently destroy all spawned enemies. Can be toggled. - 2) Moon Alicorn = Creates intermittent portal to moon to collect resources and wait out nighttime. Can be toggled. - 3) Crystal Alicorn = All item pickups x3 / Pickups move towards you - 4) Friendship Alicorn = Shoots spell that befriends shadow horsies - 100 Friends = Faithful student - Become your first friend! Enemies - Earth Shadow Horsies - Walk initially, run and get stronger as friend count increases - Unicorn Shadow Horsies - Stand still and fire spells at player - Pegasus Shadow Horsies - Run if player isn't flying, fly faster than player if player is - Snakes - Moves towards player at constant speed if in range - Bats - Fly in straight line towards last player position Read the full article
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tonkidl · 2 years
Almond milk whipped cream recipe
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Instead, store the cakes in the fridge and set them out at room temperature for no more than an hour before serving. I don't recommend leaving cakes with coconut frosting out at room temperature for more than a couple of hours as the frosting could start to melt. Keep frosted cakes in the fridge until ready to serve.You can use leftover coconut water for smoothies, soups, or curries. Don't throw away the coconut water from the cans of coconut milk.I usually keep a couple of cans in the fridge at all times so that they're ready to go when needed. Refrigerate the milk cans for at least 12 hours, preferably for a couple of days in advance if possible.Do not shake the cans of coconut milk! The goal is to separate that thick coconut cream from the watery liquid part in the cans, so avoid shaking the cans at all costs. Contains one 6-ounce can of Reddi-wip Non-Dairy Made with Almond Milk Vegan Whipped Topping Indulge in this deliciously creamy non-dairy whipped-cream.(iv) Remove from heat just when the milk is about to come to a boil. Skinny Skinny Whipped Cream Place the almond milk, vanilla extract, and gum in a bowl and mix well with a whip. We want to be clear, the only raw dairy we recommend and use is from. (iii) Place the saucepan on the stove at high heat and stir continuously. You can use full-fat coconut milk for this recipe or Raw Cream if you have a dairy allergy. (ii) Put either half of the almond milk or 2/3 rd of it in a saucepan. (i) Divide your almond milk into two either into two equal parts or with a 1 to 3 ratio. These are more commonly your coconut milk or aquafaba (chickpea water). Ingredients Deselect All 3/4 cup very cold heavy cream 1/2 cup Marshmallow Fluff 2 tablespoons almond-flavored liqueur (such as amaretto), or 1/4 teaspoon. Follow these simple steps for this method:. If using liquid flavorings add a little less, go for half a teaspoon of almond extract or orange extract. Plant-based whipped cream, for now, is made with a reliable selection of ingredients. You can also alternate the flavor of your dairy-free whipped cream by adding a teaspoon of matcha powder, ground cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice mix, or chai spices. Serve as is with fresh berries, macerated strawberries, peaches, and other fruit.Pipe on top of hot drinks like hot chocolate or latte, or iced frappuccino.Add a couple spoonfuls on top of vegan chocolate mousse.In a small pot, heat the stove to medium-high until water comes to a simmer. Gather all of the ingredients and supplies needed to make this Whipped Cream with Almond. Serve on top of pies and tarts such as passion fruit tart, mango tart, vegan key lime pie, or as an alternative topping for lemon meringue pie. You absolutely can whip almond milk for coffee, and the result is thick, delicious, and just as decadent as any dairy topping. Step By Step Instructions Step 1: Gather Your Supplies.For decorating vegan cheesecakes like blueberry cheesecake, banoffee cheesecake, and black forest cheesecake.For topping vegan pancakes and waffles. Creamy, vegan, non-dairy whipped topping made with almond milk contains no hydrogenated oils Delicious almond and coconut flavor with light and airy.🍽️ Ways To Use Coconut Milk Whipped Cream
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Thanksgiving Help: The Best Way to Enjoy the Holiday Season
Getting through the holiday season is going to be a challenge. You’re probably spent, and there’s no way you can fit everything in. That’s why we want to show you how to enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank. Here are five tips for getting through the holiday season on a tight budget.
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What to Expect during the Thanksgiving Season.
There are many things to do during the Thanksgiving Season. Here are some of the most important things to do:
-celebrate the holidays with family and friends
-purchase traditional holiday foods like pie, bread, and milk
-scan through social media for deals on turkey, potatoes, and other holiday items
-decorate your home with holiday cheer
-attend a family or friends’ Thanksgiving feast
-watch traditional holiday movies or programs
What are some of the traditional dishes that are served during the Thanksgiving Season
Some of the most popular dishes served during the Thanksgiving Season include:
-turkey: This is a traditional dish that many people enjoy and can save on costs by buying it pre-prepared.
-cranberry sauce: Cranberry sauce is a great way to add flavor to your Thanksgiving food. It can be made from any type of cranberry, and is often served as a sauce on top of mashed potatoes or other foods.
-green beans and macaroni and cheese: Green beans and macaroni and cheese are two classic dishes that many people enjoy during the holiday season. They are easy to make, inexpensive, and perfect for a quick meal.
How to Enjoy the Holiday Season.
This holiday season, make sure to have everything you need to enjoy the holidays. Decorate your home and get ready for the holiday season by stocking up on decorations, groceries, and other holiday-related items. Eat healthy during the holiday season by eating a nutritious meal each day and avoiding processed foods and candy. Get organized and plan your holiday schedule by creating a December calendar and planning your travel around it.
Eat healthy during the holiday season
Don’t let this year be another year where you feel guilty about not eatinghealthy during the holidays. By following a few simple rules, you can help ensure that you have an enjoyable Holiday Season without having to sacrificed health! Make sure to eat at least six small meals per day that are low in sugar, saturated fat, gluten, soy sauce, dairy products, or artificial colors/synthetic ingredients. And if you want to really enjoy the holidays without feeling weighed down by food restrictions, consider using weight loss supplements like thermogenic steroids or Garcinia Cambogia extract as well as healthy snacks like nuts or seeds instead of candy bars or cookies.
Top Tips for Enjoying the Holiday Season.
When it comes to decorating, keeping your home clean and free of holiday decorations can be a challenge. However, there are some easy ways to make the holidays less stressful for you and your family. For example, try using white noise machines or setting up a virtual Christmas tree in your bedroom so that everyone can have their own private time while they enjoy the season.
Use the holidays to improve your mental and physical health
One of the best ways to get ahead of your holiday season fitness goals is by taking advantage of holiday-related workouts. For example, consider doing a strength or cardio workout on Thanksgiving Day or during Boxing Day. And if you’re looking for an added bonus, try incorporating some festive treats into your workouts – like pumpkin spice smoothies or gingerbread cookies – to help you stay motivated throughout the holiday season.
Make sure you have a plan for your holiday budget
A key part of enjoying the holidays on a budget is knowing how much money you need to spend in order to have a successful trip. You should also keep in mind what kind of activities will appeal to different members of your family – such as winter sports or travelogs – and plan accordingly. By creating aholiday plan with realistic expectations, you’ll be able to enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank.
Enjoying the holiday season is a great way to have a wonderful time with your family and friends. However, it's important to take some precautions to make sure you're healthy and have a plan for your budget. By keeping your holiday decorations away from your home, eating healthy, planning your holiday schedule, and having a plan for your budget, you can make sure that everyone has a great time. Thank you for reading!
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easyfoodtocook · 2 years
Is McDonald’s going to have pumpkin pies this year?
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Is McDonald’s going to have pumpkin pies this year?
Does Mcdonalds still have pumpkin pie?
Is McDonald’s holiday pie back 2021?
Does Mcdonalds have pumpkin spice 2021?
What pie is Mcdonalds bringing back?
What pies do they have at McDonald’s right now?
How much are pumpkin pies at McDonald’s?
Does McDonald’s still have pumpkin pies?
What kind of pies do they have at McDonald’s right now?
Is McDonald’s bringing back holiday pies 2021?
Are McDonald’s holiday pies back?
What happened to McDonald’s Holiday Pie?
What is inside the Holiday Pie at McDonald’s?
Does Mcdonalds have pumpkin spice now?
Does Mcdonalds have a pumpkin shake?
Does Mcdonalds have a fall menu?
What desert is McDonald’s bringing back?
Does McDonald’s have a new pie?
What pies are in season McDonalds?
Do McDonalds still have pies?
Does McDonald’s have apple or cherry pies?
How much is McDonald’s pumpkin pie?
Does Mcdonalds have pumpkin pie 2021?
How much do pumpkin pies cost?
Are holiday pies back at McDonald’s 2021?
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newstfionline · 7 years
How Online Shopping Makes Suckers of Us All
By Jerry Useem, The Atlantic, April 18, 2017
As Christmas approached in 2015, the price of pumpkin-pie spice went wild.
It didn’t soar, as an economics textbook might suggest. Nor did it crash. It just started vibrating between two quantum states. Amazon’s price for a one-ounce jar was either $4.49 or $8.99, depending on when you looked. Nearly a year later, as Thanksgiving 2016 approached, the price again began whipsawing between two different points, this time $3.36 and $4.69.
We live in the age of the variable airfare, the surge-priced ride, the pay-what-you-want Radiohead album, and other novel price developments. But what was this? Some weird computer glitch? More like a deliberate glitch, it seems. “It’s most likely a strategy to get more data and test the right price,” Guru Hariharan explained, after I had sketched the pattern on a whiteboard.
The right price--the one that will extract the most profit from consumers’ wallets--has become the fixation of a large and growing number of quantitative types, many of them economists who have left academia for Silicon Valley. It’s also the preoccupation of Boomerang Commerce, a five-year-old start-up founded by Hariharan, an Amazon alum. He says these sorts of price experiments have become a routine part of finding that right price--and refinding it, because the right price can change by the day or even by the hour. (Amazon says its price changes are not attempts to gather data on customers’ spending habits, but rather to give shoppers the lowest price out there.)
It may come as a surprise that, in buying a seasonal pie ingredient, you might be participating in a carefully designed social-science experiment. But this is what online comparison shopping hath wrought. Simply put: Our ability to know the price of anything, anytime, anywhere, has given us, the consumers, so much power that retailers--in a desperate effort to regain the upper hand, or at least avoid extinction--are now staring back through the screen. They are comparison shopping us.
They have ample means to do so: the immense data trail you leave behind whenever you place something in your online shopping cart or swipe your rewards card at a store register, top economists and data scientists capable of turning this information into useful price strategies, and what one tech economist calls “the ability to experiment on a scale that’s unparalleled in the history of economics.” In mid-March, Amazon alone had 59 listings for economists on its job site, and a website dedicated to recruiting them.
Not coincidentally, quaint pricing practices--an advertised discount off the “list price,” two for the price of one, or simply “everyday low prices”--are yielding to far more exotic strategies.
“I don’t think anyone could have predicted how sophisticated these algorithms have become,” says Robert Dolan, a marketing professor at Harvard. “I certainly didn’t.” The price of a can of soda in a vending machine can now vary with the temperature outside. The price of the headphones Google recommends may depend on how budget-conscious your web history shows you to be, one study found. For shoppers, that means price--not the one offered to you right now, but the one offered to you 20 minutes from now, or the one offered to me, or to your neighbor--may become an increasingly unknowable thing. “Many moons ago, there used to be one price for something,” Dolan notes. Now the simplest of questions--what’s the true price of pumpkin-pie spice?--is subject to a Heisenberg level of uncertainty.
Which raises a bigger question: Could the internet, whose transparency was supposed to empower consumers, be doing the opposite?
If the marketplace was a war between buyers and sellers, the 19th-century French sociologist Gabriel Tarde wrote, then price was a truce. And the practice of setting a fixed price for a good or a service--which took hold in the 1860s--meant, in effect, a cessation of the perpetual state of hostility known as haggling.
As in any truce, each party surrendered something in this bargain. Buyers were forced to accept, or not accept, the one price imposed by the price tag (an invention credited to the retail pioneer John Wanamaker). What retailers ceded--the ability to exploit customers’ varying willingness to pay--was arguably greater, as the extra money some people would have paid could no longer be captured as profit. But they made the bargain anyway, for a combination of moral and practical reasons.
The Quakers--including a New York merchant named Rowland H. Macy--had never believed in setting different prices for different people. Wanamaker, a Presbyterian operating in Quaker Philadelphia, opened his Grand Depot under the principle of “One price to all; no favoritism.” Other merchants saw the practical benefits of Macy’s and Wanamaker’s prix fixe policies. As they staffed up their new department stores, it was expensive to train hundreds of clerks in the art of haggling. Fixed prices offered a measure of predictability to bookkeeping, sped up the sales process, and made possible the proliferation of printed retail ads highlighting a given price for a given good.
Companies like General Motors found an up-front way of recovering some of the lost profit. In the 1920s, GM aligned its various car brands into a finely graduated price hierarchy: “Chevrolet for the hoi polloi,” Fortune magazine put it, “Pontiac … for the poor but proud, Oldsmobile for the comfortable but discreet, Buick for the striving, Cadillac for the rich.” The policy--”a car for every purse and purpose,” GM called it--was a means of customer sorting, but the customers did the sorting themselves. It kept the truce.
Customers, meanwhile, could recover some of their lost agency by clipping coupons--their chance to get a deal denied to casual shoppers. The new supermarket chains of the 1940s made coupons a staple of American life. What the big grocers knew--and what behavioral economists would later prove in detail--is that while consumers liked the assurance the truce afforded (that they would not be fleeced), they also retained the instinct to best their neighbors. They loved deals so much that, to make sense of their behavior, economists were forced to distinguish between two types of value: acquisition value (the perceived worth of a new car to the buyer) and transaction value (the feeling that one lost or won the negotiation at the dealership).
The idea that there was a legitimate “list price,” and that consumers would occasionally be offered a discount on this price--these were the terms of the truce. And the truce remained largely intact up to the turn of the present century. The reigning retail superpower, Walmart, enforced “everyday low prices” that did not shift around.
But in the 1990s, the internet began to erode the terms of the long peace. Savvy consumers could visit a Best Buy to eyeball merchandise they intended to buy elsewhere for a cheaper price, an exercise that became known as “showrooming.” In 1999, a Seattle-based digital bookseller called Amazon.com started expanding into a Grand Depot of its own.
The era of internet retailing had arrived, and with it, the resumption of hostilities.
In retrospect, retailers were slow to mobilize. Even as other corporate functions--logistics, sales-force management--were being given the “moneyball” treatment in the early 2000s with powerful predictive software (and even as airlines had fully weaponized airfares), retail pricing remained more art than science. In part, this was a function of internal company hierarchy. Prices were traditionally the purview of the second-most-powerful figure in a retail organization: the head merchant, whose intuitive knack for knowing what to sell, and for how much, was the source of a deep-seated mythos that she was not keen to dispel.
Two developments, though, loosened the head merchant’s hold.
The first was the arrival of data. Thomas Nagle was teaching economics at the University of Chicago in the early 1980s when, he recalls, the university acquired the data from the grocery chain Jewel’s newly installed checkout scanners. “Everyone was thrilled,” says Nagle, now a senior adviser specializing in pricing at Deloitte. “We’d been relying on all these contrived surveys: ‘Given these options at these prices, what would you do?’ But the real world is not a controlled experiment.”
The Jewel data overturned a lot of what he’d been teaching. For instance, he’d professed that ending prices with .99 or .98, instead of just rounding up to the next dollar, did not boost sales. The practice was merely an artifact, the existing literature said, of an age when owners wanted to force cashiers to open the register to make change, in order to prevent them from pocketing the money from a sale. “It turned out,” Nagle recollects, “that ending prices in .99 wasn’t big for cars and other big-ticket items where you pay a lot of attention. But in the grocery store, the effect was huge!”
The effect, now known as “left-digit bias,” had not shown up in lab experiments, because participants, presented with a limited number of decisions, were able to approach every hypothetical purchase like a math problem. But of course in real life, Nagle admits, “if you did that, it would take you all day to go to the grocery store.” Disregarding the digits to the right side of the decimal point lets you get home and make dinner.
By the early 2000s, the amount of data collected on retailers’ internet servers had become so massive that it started exerting a gravitational pull. That’s what triggered the second development: the arrival, en masse, of the practitioners of the dismal science.
This was, in some ways, a curious stampede. For decades, academic economists had generally been as indifferent to corporations as corporations were to them. (Indeed, most of their models barely acknowledged the existence of corporations at all.)
But that began to change in 2001, when the Berkeley economist Hal Varian--highly regarded for the 1999 book Information Rules--ran into Eric Schmidt. Varian knew him but, he says, was unaware that Schmidt had become the CEO of a little company called Google. Varian agreed to spend a sabbatical year at Google, figuring he’d write a book about the start-up experience.
At the time, the few serious economists who worked in industry focused on macroeconomic issues like, say, how demand for consumer durables might change in the next year. Varian, however, was immediately invited to look at a Google project that (he recalls Schmidt telling him) “might make us a little money”: the auction system that became Google AdWords. Varian never left.
Others followed. “eBay was Disneyland,” says Steve Tadelis, a Berkeley economist who went to work there for a time in 2011 and is currently on leave at Amazon. “You know, pricing, people, behavior, reputation”--the things that have always set economists aglow--plus the chance “to experiment at a scale that’s unparalleled.”
At first, the newcomers were mostly mining existing data for insights. At eBay, for instance, Tadelis used a log of buyer clicks to estimate how much money one hour of bargain-hunting saved shoppers. (Roughly $15 was the answer.)
Then economists realized that they could go a step further and design experiments that produced data. Carefully controlled experiments not only attempted to divine the shape of a demand curve--which shows just how much of a product people will buy as you keep raising the price, allowing retailers to find the optimal, profit-maximizing figure. They tried to map how the curve changed hour to hour. (Online purchases peak during weekday office hours, so retailers are commonly advised to raise prices in the morning and lower them in the early evening.)
By the mid-2000s, some economists began wondering whether Big Data could discern every individual’s own personal demand curve--thereby turning the classroom hypothetical of “perfect price discrimination” (a price that’s calibrated precisely to the maximum that you will pay) into an actual possibility.
As this new world began to take shape, the initial consumer experience of online shopping--so simple! and such deals!--was losing some of its sheen.
It’s not that consumers hadn’t benefited from the lower prices available online. They had. But some of the deals weren’t nearly as good as they seemed to be. And for some people, glee began to give way to a vague suspicion that maybe they were getting ripped off. In 2007, a California man named Marc Ecenbarger thought he had scored when he found a patio set--list price $999--selling on Overstock.com for $449.99. He bought two, unpacked them, then discovered--courtesy of a price tag left on the packaging--that Walmart’s normal price for the set was $247. His fury was profound. He complained to Overstock, which offered to refund him the cost of the furniture.
But his experience was later used as evidence in a case brought by consumer-protection attorneys against Overstock for false advertising, along with internal emails in which an Overstock employee claimed it was commonly known that list prices were “egregiously overstated.”
In 2014, a California judge ordered Overstock to pay $6.8 million in civil penalties. (Overstock has appealed the decision.) The past year has seen a wave of similar lawsuits over phony list prices, reports Bonnie Patten, the executive director of TruthinAdvertising.org. In 2016, Amazon began to drop most mentions of “list price,” and in some cases added a new reference point: its own past price.
This could be seen as the final stage of decay of the old one-price system. What’s replacing it is something that most closely resembles high-frequency trading on Wall Street. Prices are never “set” to begin with in this new world. They can fluctuate hour to hour and even minute to minute--a phenomenon familiar to anyone who has put something in his Amazon cart and been alerted to price changes while it sat there. A website called camelcamelcamel.com even tracks Amazon prices for specific products and alerts consumers when a price drops below a preset threshold. The price history for any given item--Classic Twister, for example--looks almost exactly like a stock chart. And as with financial markets, flash glitches happen. In 2011, Peter A. Lawrence’s The Making of a Fly (paperback edition) was briefly available on Amazon for $23,698,655.93, thanks to an algorithmic price war between two third-party sellers that had run amok.
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psychadelifts · 3 years
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Fluffy jacket £59 (had this lovely jacket before but was being harassed by store detective so left it in the toilets in panic lmao they also have it in a lovely deep green and blue so I’m gonna cop both in time)
Mns socks x 3 sets £27
Denim jacket £35
Cami t shirt £10
Silver earrings £15
Stripped trackies £12
White and black socks x 2 sets £12
Purple and grey sports bras £18
Grey, red and Black knickers £15
Pure ultimate cleanse miceller cleansing oil £10
White and black t shirts £15
Pure super hydrate face oil x 2 £20
Fish pie £4.50
Pumpkin spice doughnut £2.50
Raspberry doughnut £2.50
2 Belgian choc flapjacks £3
Wasn’t sure about some of the prices as I took all the tags of but that’s as accurate as I can get it today lol 💕I haven’t bothered pricing my Sainsbury’s haul 🥷🏻got the staples took out of my head today 😵‍💫so much anxiety it was horrible oh my i whimpered In pain crying my eyes out all the way through but it’s such a relief now they are out 🥳🥺the nurse said it looks nice and clean and is healing well 👽I see the light at the end of the tunnel finally I just need to avoid any drama at all Costs for my well being, I couldn’t pick up my methadone from boots anymore as I’m banned and they said they had seen me on cctv shoplifting which spiked my anxiety as I’m still on a suspended sentence so I gotta control myself hardcore 😔💡😘made a really nice chicken, shroomy and baked pepper curry with sesame seeds, walnuts, a large around of ginger and sesame seeds 😍
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