#continued from where we left offff
samthecultist · 2 years
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This wasn’t a request from anyone , I really just wanted to make this because I feel like Robin would definitely do this . Please beware that this is not shipping Robin with a male reader , but instead they are just besties <3
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It wasn’t anything of surprise , being stood up on a date .
This usually would happen , guys standing you up , they didn’t want to be seen in public with another male , they didn’t want anyone to even think that they were really gay .
This really hadn’t bothered you usually , but this guy was special , you really liked him . you guys had been spending multiple days together , walking through the park , and visiting your friends at scoops ahoy .
That’s where you guys were originally supposed to meet for your date , but obviously your date had other plans and those were to stand you up .
So here you sat , in a empty booth in the far corner of scoops ahoy , your melting ice cream sitting in front of you quite literally untouched . sighing heavily you picked up the spoon in the small ice cream bowl and played with the creamy texture that sat in it .
you slightly perked up when the seat beside you slowly shifted , you slightly glanced at the person , their dirty blonde hair being messy as always and their goofy like grin painting their face .
' ' c’mon dingus , tell Robin what happened . ' '
a small smile sat on your face as the girl wrapped an arm around you , you leaned into the touch trying to hold in any tears that wanted to fall , but you continuously refused to let them .
small sniffles left you as you stumbled on your words whilst trying to explain to Robin what had happened, why you were just sitting alone .
' ' that.. — that guy , Rob ! we were — , he was supposed to be here.. on — on a date.. ' '
Robin sighed heavily , nodding in understand-meant as you spoke , she pulled you closer whilst running her hands through your hair .
soon she sighed deeply whilst grabbing a bag off the floor that you hadn’t even noticed she brought with her when she sat next to you .
' ' well then ! today is your lucky day then , dingus ! hereee ya’ go ! ' '
Robin placed a gift bag on the table , you looked it over as it had been decorated with a rainbow and small little fake diamonds you could find in the kid section of any store . you glanced back at the girl the small smile on your face growing bigger .
' ' Rob — , you seriously didn— ' '
The girl was quick to shush you , her finger placed over your mouth whilst shaking her head . You chuckled at the action as you placed the small gift bag in your lap , taking a final glance at the girl your hands started to work on the tied ribbon handles on the bag .
as you had finally gotten done untying the ribbons you pulled out cute heart parchment papers out of the cute bag .
your eyes widened as you reached the bottom of the bag , you glanced at Robin with little pricks of tears in the corner of your eyes .
at the bottom was many different types of chocolates and tickets to go see Metallica , one of your favorite bands .
you sat the gift on the table and hugged the girl tightly , your smile huge as you couldn’t help but continuously mutter small 'thank you’s' to the girl .
you pulled away from the girl and looked back at the gift .
' ' why are there four tickets ? ' '
the girl shook her head at the question as you just raised your brows .
' ' well.. originally it was just gonna be me , you , and Steve — , but when Eddie found out what I was getting you he practically begged for me to buy him a ticket . ' '
you scoffed playfully , your hands now resting on the gift bag .
' ' of course — , offff course . ' '
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k-chxn · 4 years
█ ∘⡊ *:🥀 ˚⊹ nyanzaya ; Iza 
     Their last reunion had fallen flat ; Something that tended to happen a lot during her wild R.D.A days.    It wasn’t just Iza that got the burnt end of the deal either, Kamiko had to bail on a few others as well.   — Nonetheless, with her superior Xavier now retiring after the mass attack ; Kamiko decided it was time to hang up her white coat & focus on a more.. mundane lifestyle as well. -- It was sure a helluva lot safer. I can tell you that.
   Now, here she was again, waiting in Ikebukuro , waiting to meet up with that same lovable feline ; only this time, she was way more herself & not the formal fighting machine the R.D.A had trained her into being.
 He had approached ; immediately being greeted with a warm hug & a sincere apology
  “ 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐈𝐳𝐚.. 𝐈𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞. 𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.  —— 𝐈’𝐦 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐰. ”       Slight laughter rolled off her tongue before the raven beauty pulled back. “ 𝐍𝐨𝐰, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞. 𝐈𝐯’𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. ”    Obsidian locks caught the wind ; moonlight shining over her voluptuous figure like a spotlight as she offered the smile she only shared with him. 
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                                                                                                     ;;  @nyanzaya​
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Too Weak to Fly (chapter 6)
Back to chapter 1 
Another chapter done! (can I hear a wahoo? lol) Tagging: @cosmic-malarky @swanheart69 @boysinperil @agentlokii
Chapter 6
 It is the cold that wakes him, a kind of oddly familiar frigid iciness that bites into his exposed skin, painful like a burn.  Which is strange, considering that the last thing he remembers is being cradled in Aziraphale’s arms ­– warm, protected, loved….
 And now… now it feels as though he’s lying naked on a block of ice.  
 He frowns at the mental image.  Slowly, laboriously peels open the lead-heavy eyelids, sneaking a bleary peek at the length of his body, stretched out before him and….
 Oh… oh! Shit…
 He’s naked, indeed. Bare as the day the Almighty Herself wove him out of the dust of the still-forming cosmos.  
But it isn’t ice he’s lying on (though he wishes it were now, oh how he wishes it were!)  It’s worse, it’s so much worse. And he understands now why the air felt familiar to him; knows why that familiarity brought with it an uncomfortable, chilling sensation of doom.  And all he can think is that he’s well and truly fucked.
 “Ah! I see you’re awake already!” The voice, slightly high-pitched with fervently fake enthusiasm, is, unfortunately, familiar as well.  
 He grits his teeth, pushes himself to move.  It’s slow going, his body stiff and uncooperative like a snake during brumation, but eventually he manages to roll himself onto his knees.  Stares defiantly up at the “Archangel fucking Gabriel” who smiles plastically at him from a couple feet away, violet eyes alight with glee.
 “Excellent, excellent,” Gabriel croons, slapping his hands together in a gesture of perverse delight. “I was worried I’d have to use some… persuasion to get you going.”
The archangel’s smile widens, shark-like, on the word “persuasion”, and Crowley can’t quite suppress a shiver of apprehension it sends down his spine.  Judging by the sadistically appreciative glimmer in Gabriel’s eyes, his apprehension doesn’t go unnoticed.  
The archangel takes a step closer.
 “Recognize this place?” The archangel gestures at their surroundings, the disturbingly predatory smile still in place.  
Crowley doesn’t dignify him with a response.  He’s pretty sure one isn’t needed anyway.  If Gabriel brought him here to this place, he already knows the answer to his question. And that means… that means… Oh, angel, we are so, so screwed!
 “I thought you might,” Gabriel goes on, unbothered by Crowley’s silence.  “Of course, we dialed down the holiness a bit the last time you were here. Didn’t want to make things too uncomfortable for our Hellfire messenger.”  He barks out an angry little laugh.  “Imagine our surprise when we realized that we inadvertently made them less uncomfortable for you as well.”  The archangel’s features sharpen, something dark and decidedly un-angelic flashing in the stunningly purple gaze as Gabriel leans in closer, his face – mere inches away.  Hisses out with the pure, honeyed venom that would put any snake to shame.  “Feel the difference?”
 Oh, Crowley feels it, alright. The increasingly painful burn against his skin where it comes in contact with the icy surface, the uncomfortable, suffocating pressure in his lungs, the blinding, cold whiteness that sears his eyes….  He has a pretty good suspicion, however, that it is nothing in comparison with what is yet to come.
 Gabriel pulls back, straightens out, snapping his fingers as he does so, and Crowley bites back a gasp as golden chains shoot snakelike up from the ground, wrapping themselves around his wrists and ankles and middle.  He bucks, trying ineffectively to twist out of the unwelcome restraints, but the chains tighten impossibly in response to his movements, drag him down, slamming him forcefully back down to tether him spread-eagled to the freezing floor.
 “You know, after I found out about the little trick you and Aziraphale played on us, I reeeally wanted to drown you in a bath of Holy Water myself.”
 Crowley can feel the archangel above him now, can feel the press of his hand, heavy and hard, on the back of his head as he squirms uselessly on the flawlessly polished surface.
 “But then I realized,” the hand on his head presses harder, crushing his face into the floor, “that it would be too quick of a death for you.  One might even say it would be… merciful.”  The archangel bends down closer, his breath singing Crowley’s ear.  “And if there’s one thing I don’t want to do is show mercy to a filthy demon.”
 “Offff courssse not,” Crowley gasps out into the shining blue tile that fogs over with his breath. “That would be too… angelic.”
 Retribution for his cheekiness is swift – Gabriel’s fingers tightening in his hair, yanking his head up before slamming it brutally back down onto the floor.  But it’s worth it.  It’s so totally worth it to rankle the wanker’s overinflated ego!  At least that’s what he tells himself as ichor trickles down his lips from a broken nose, dripping onto the pristine tile underneath him.
 “I have no intention of letting you die quickly, demon,” Gabriel’s voice continues to filter past the loud ringing in his ears. “So you know what I am going to do?
 “M’ssssure you’re gonn’… tell me,” he manages, spewing out ichor-stained spit onto the tiled surface.
 The savage grip on his hair disappears, the archangel’s hand moving to lie flat against his spine, right between his shoulder blades.  “I’m going to take you apart,” Gabriel promises with perfectly, terrifyingly controlled fury, “piece by demonic piece.  Until there’s nothing left of you to destroy.  I’m going to take it slow.  And I’m going to start with your wings.”
 The hand presses down once again, firm and unforgiving, the insistent, unbearable pressure increasing until Crowley has no choice but to give in, and two enormous inky-black wings unfurl from his back with a loud pop.
 “There,” Gabriel sounds pleased now.
 He hears another snap of fingers, and two more golden chains shoot up from the ground, wrapping themselves around the tips of his wings.  He thrashes, trying desperately to break free, he growls and hisses and spits, but the chains hold fast, and soon his wings are bound to the floor, stretched out impossibly, agonizingly tight.  
A door to the side of him opens with a swoosh, and he twists his head in that direction as much as he can, and he can’t help a jolt of blinding, primal fear at the sight of two more angels that walk into the room, carrying a large bucket each.  
 He knows what’s in those buckets.  Knows it even before Gabriel confirms his fearful suspicion as he squats beside him to pat him patronizingly on the shoulder, adding in a mockingly reassuring tone, “Don’t worry, it’s quite a bit diluted.  Would defeat the purpose, otherwise.”
 Crowley’s subsequent heartfelt suggestion for Gabriel to shove those buckets up where even that blasted heavenly light won’t reach them is drowned out in a deafening howl of pure agony that rips out of his throat as the buckets are upturned over his extended wings, Holy Water eating its way through the feathers, gnawing into the delicate flesh, and burning, burning, burning!
 He writhes and screams, half-mad from the pain that seems to intensify with each passing moment, until he knows nothing but pain, his consciousness slowly but inexorably slipping into the churning black void of it.
 “There’zzzz only one more tape so far.  You want to see?”
 Aziraphale shakes his head jerkily in response to Beelzebub’s uncharacteristically subdued question, his tear-blurred gaze glued to the screen, watching in stomach-churning horror as Crowley’s desperate, convulsive movements still, the demon falling blessedly unconscious from the terrible pain.  
 He watches the expression of squeamish disdain on Gabriel’s face as he gestures at twin puddles of ichor, speckled with chunks of half-melted feathers, bone and flesh, instructing the other two angels to “Clean up this mess, would you?”
 Watches as he pats the insensible demon on the head, telling him with a cold, condescending chuckle, “You hang tight now, you hear. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
 Two days they’ve had him, he thinks.  Two days.
 “There is one more thing I want from you,” he says, marveling at how steady his voice sounds given the way his entire essence trembles uncontrollably in fury and pain.  
 He tears his gaze away from the now blank screen, glances at the Prince of Hell, noting with detached surprise the look of almost sympathetic unease on the demon’s face.  Almost as if… almost as if they were troubled by what they’ve seen.  
He dismisses the thought.
 “I need you to get me Hellfire,” he says instead.  “Now, if you please.”
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Fourteen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: it might be a little bit longer for the next update :( I’m still currently working on chapter 15.
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“God damnit, Colson! Delete that shit! We are not engaged!” Tiffany shouted, holding her phone’s screen out to him, irritation surging through her. 
“The fuck we aren’t! You said so yourself! You can’t take that shit back!” He argued, cheeks ticking with a smile as he chucked at her, “Don’t be mad now.”
The moment Tiffany had turned her phone on it erupted in texts and missed calls and social media notifications, all linking her to Colson’s newest social media posts. The first one was the picture he had taken the previous morning, her bare face and bright eyes surrounded by crazy tangles of purple, the simple caption of “What’s understood, doesn’t have to be explained.” enticing thousands of comments from fans and friends. It was the word under the second picture though, that made Tiffany’s face redden and annoyance spike. 
The simple word, “Fiancé,” stared back at her, slapping her in the face. 
The picture itself was adorable, a simple selfie of the two of them in front of the Alice in Wonderland statue. Tiffany’s hand had been placed on Colson’s face, two of the three shiny diamonds displayed across her fingers as they both smiled into the camera happily. 
“It was during sex, Kels!” Tiffany retorted hotly, throwing her arms into the air in frustration, “It’s not like you got down on your knee for fuck’s sake!”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, you don’t give a fuck about that shit,” Colson scoffed, waving his hand uncaringly in her direction with a sarcastic smile, “Just accept the happiness, Tiff.”
“Rook! Come get your fucking friend before I blow his head off!” Tiffany whined, stomping down the hall to the living room and plopping herself down on her couch next to her brother. 
Rook looked up from the joint he was rolling with a confused expression on his face at the same time Colson rounded the corner, the man looking offended. 
“The fuck happen now?” Rook asked, holding his hands out with the question as he looked between them, cheesy grin curving his lips, “I thought y’all were getting married?”
“Are you fucking serious?” Tiff groaned, slapping Rook across the chest before looking to Colson, “He’s on your side too?!”
“Everyone’s on my side, baby!” Colson teased, holding his arms out wide as he did a little side step back and forth, “We’re engaged, bitch!” 
“That wasn’t a real proposal!” She countered, picking up a plastic bottle from the table and hurling it at him. “There wasn’t even a ring!”
“I bought you three rings that night, you little bitch,” Colson laughed, picking the bottle up and chunking it back at her, “Now put one on that finger.”
“No!” She refused, crossing her arms as she shrugged against the side of the couch, side eyeing her brother with a betrayed glare, “I hate you two.”
“He asked you to marry him, you said yes. How is that not a proposal?” Rook inquired, lighting the joint before passing it to Colson.
“He asked me in the middle of me riding his dick! That doesn’t fucking qualify!”
“Hey, Hey, Hey,” Rook interrupted, covering his ears with his hands, “Fuck off! I don’t wanna hear that shit!” 
“You fucking asked, dick,” Tiffany huffed, snatching the joint from Colson as her eyes flashed dangerously at him, “We are not engaged, take that post down. Now.”
“Nope.” Colson replied, popping the ‘p’ at the end smugly as he leaned over where she sat on the sofa. “We are engaged, bitch.”
“Go fuck yourself.” Tiffany spat, blowing a cloud of smoke in his face. Her lips curled into a devilish smirk when he bared his teeth and snarled at her. 
Colson nipped playfully at her, his jaw snapping as he buried his face in her hair while she ‘struggled’ to push him away. 
“You two are ridiculous, you know that,” Rook complained, shifting over to the other couch as the two began to wrestle against each other on the one they were currently occupying.
“Lil’ bitch is just mad she gon’ be my wife,” Colson jeered, his tongue extending from his mouth to swipe the side of her face as he lay on top of her. 
Tiffany instantly shrieked in disgust, pushing against Colsons chest as hard as she could, “Get offff!”
“Gonna get fucked by this dick every night.” He continued, raising up off of her to thrust his hips into her thighs. 
“Bro!” Rook barked, standing up and groaning loudly, “Jesus Christ!” 
“My bad, dog.” Colson apologized halfheartedly, smirk still adorning his face as he licked his lips and smacked her outer thigh. He looked down at Tiffany as she lay there, his eyebrows lifting as he looked pointedly at her, “Imma marry you.”
Rolling her eyes, Tiffany sat up beside Colson as her brother held the joint out again. The topic shifted over to them flying home the next day as they finished the roach, Tiffany pouting when Rook let her in on the early morning departure.
“I’ve gotta get Case, like, the moment we land, babe. I’m sorry.” Colson sulked, his shoulders dropping with his own sadness. His eyes shifted from the floor, to her, and back before he murmured lowly, “I wish you’d come with me.”
“You know I can’t, Cols.” Tiffany replied, looking at him knowingly before kissing his cheek, “And I understand, babe. Please tell Itty Bit I miss her and her pancakes. I’ll be there for her to make me some as soon as possible.”
“I will.” He promised, pressing his lips against her temple as he reeled her into his side.
“We’ll be back here soon, too.” Rook added, looking up from his phone that had began to occupy him. 
“I know,” She nodded, humming as she leaned her head against Colsons shoulder. Her lip twitched as she smirked, “still sucks, though; having to be apart from your fiancé so soon after the engagement.”
“Bro, come the fuck on,” Slim complained, pushing Colson’s arm gently to get his attention, “You act like you ain’t never gon’ see her again or somethin’.” 
“Man, jus’ leave me alone.” Colson returned, shrugging his friend off with a huff as he looked back down to his phone, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Y’all fighting again, dog?” Slim questioned, ignoring his best friends comment and sitting beside him on the couch, “It’s only been a week since we left. Why she trippin’?”
“It’s not even her, dude.” Colson sighed, putting his phone down on his lap and scrubbing his face with his palms, “I’m being stupid again.”
“What’d you do this time?” Slim asked,exasperated, shaking his head as he side eyed Colson. Slim snatched one of the rolled joints from the table, lighting it and hitting it while waiting on his answer. 
“Mannnn,” Colson huffed, his knee bouncing as he rested his elbow on it. He shook his head back and forth before taking the spliff from Slim’s fingers, inhaling deeply before answering, “Her and Norman went out last night ‘cuz he’s leaving or whatever and got all fucked up. She called me and he was all laughin’ and shit in the background.”
“Nigga, okay?” Slim scoffed, taking the joint back from Colson as he cocked an eyebrow at him, “The fuck is the issue? She goes out with him all the time, and it ain’t like you ain’t had hoes laughin’ and gigglin’ and hangin’ all up on yo stupid ass.” 
“I know, dog,” Colson replied with a groan, slouching back on the couch to sulk, “Shit just bothered me, and of course that only pissed her off, and now she’s not talking to me.”
Slim hit the joint deeply as he looked at his friend, the smoke catching in his lungs as he spoke, “Good, I wouldn’t either.” 
“Thanks, bro.” Colson deadpanned, rolling his eyes. 
“Man, are you serious about marrying this girl or are you jus’ frontin’?” Slim questioned, hitting the joint again before passing it to Colson. 
“I’m dead fuckin’ serious, man.” Colson answered seriously, his eyes watching the burning cherry of the roach while he ashed it on the leg of his jeans.
“Then you need to stop acting like you don’t know who that girl is, man. She ain’t like you, dumbass.” Slim scolded, irritation evident in his tone as he looked at Colson sternly, “If she love you, she love you. That’s Tiff, Kels. Tiffany. Our friend, our family. She ain’t some random hoe.”
Colson nodded, his head just barely moving as he comprehended everything Slim said. He hit the roach a last time before handing it back, silent as he tried to think of the right thing to say. 
“I’ll be back.” Colson said after a minute, new determination in his eyes as he grabbed his phone and hopped up from the couch. His voice could be heard as he headed towards his bedroom, Tiffany’s name being spoken softly as he articulated the words of an apology. 
Slim leaned back into the cushions with a smirk adorning his face, lighting up another joint as he enjoyed the satisfaction. 
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed @iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx @xxkellsvixen19xx  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @bvibunny138 @crystalbaby12
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
beta’d by @buckyscrystalqueen
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loserholland · 6 years
Suspicious activity
Peter Parker
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Pairing ➺ Peter Parker x Reader
Warning ➺ Oral, daddy kink, uh sexxxx
Word Count ➺  2,063
Summary ➺ When FRIDAY detects suspicious activity in the training room
A/N ➺ (Peter is aged up to twenty-one) & (Y/N) is kinda like kate bishop aka hawkeye and sorry I kinda went OFFFF. Also if any of you read my London’s Finest series chapter three is going up tomorrow night! 
This is dedicated to @love-joeyy thank you for sending in request for me to write and for making my day! I love you with all my heart 💟 
☞  Masterlist  ☜
  (Y/N) strolled into the kitchen a huge smiled painted her lips greeting Natasha who was setting up a platter of snacks for the meeting they were were going to have in ten minutes, “Good morning Natasha!” (Y/N) opened the cabinet grabbing some crackers to hand to Natasha.
 “That’s weird you aren’t mad about yesterday.” Natasha mumbled setting a few crackers onto the platter of cheese (Y/N) stared at Natasha confusingly setting down a few butter knives onto the platter “Why would I be mad?” (Y/N) asked confusingly moving to the fridge to grab some drinks. “About what happened with Peter yesterday? Some rich brat from the upper east side were on a yacht it was hijacked and they were held hostage and the girl Peter saved kissed him.” Natasha said nonchalantly (Y/N) eyes widened dropping a few bottles of water whipping her head around “What?!?” Natasha covered her mouth staring back at (Y/N) “Oh no he didn’t tell you..” her voice was muffled by her hand. Natasha could see the fumes coming out of her ears “Damn right he didn’t where is he?!?!? I’m gonna kill him!” 
 (Y/N) stormed over to the training room anger running through her veins, yesterday Peter had saved some rich brat from her yacht after being hijacked and held hostage with her rich friends and that rich brat had KISSED him! (Y/N) found out from Natasha and not from Peter.
 “So you don’t kiss and tell now Parker?” (Y/N) slammed the training room doors closed walking up to Peter with her arms crossed over her chest “Well?” (Y/N) voice was filled with annoyance her chest heaving up and down her cheeks and tips of her ears were tinted red. Peter held onto the punching bag stopping it from swinging back and forth staring at his girlfriend confusion painted his face “What?” he questioned making her scoff “What? Seriously? Some rich brat kisses you and you don’t want to inform me?” (Y/N) felt green  some girl kissing her boyfriend gosh if she went along with them and saw that she’d put an arrow through that girl’s leg.. or maybe head.. kidding.. not really.
 Peter cursed at himself remembering yesterday when that girl kissed him saying that was her way of thanking him, he didn’t kiss back or anything he tried to pull away but her grip on his face she didn’t budge till Natasha pulled her away from him. “Oh baby I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about that yesterday.. I didn’t kiss back or anything really I didn’t.. it’s just I thought it wasn’t important.” Peter shut his eyes hearing the last words that left his mouth earning another scoff from (Y/N) “Not important? SHE KISSED YOU PETER! You’re my boyfriend and yeah it’s a good thing you didn’t kiss her back but you could’ve told me! Remember you said no secrets?!?!” envy and wrath ran through her blood stepping forward brining the flat part of his toned chest “You kept that from me! Natasha told me not you! I just want to go down to the upper east side and shoot an arrow through her leg! You son o-” Peter gripped her wrist looking down into her beautiful (Y/E/C) he was annoyed with her attitude but was getting turned on by how hot she was when she was angry.
 “You know princess, it angers me that you think I’d cheat on you.. is that what your implying?” (Y/N) had noticed his chocolate brown eyes were now dark almost black “I’d never cheat on your princess..” Peter lowered his head to your neck kissing your shoulder “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the kiss.” Peter kissed her sweet spot lightly sucking on the area leaving a hickey that might last a few days he trailed hot wet kisses up your jaw kissing your cheek moving over to your lips as his lips hovered over yours feeling “Let me make it up to you.” His hands let go of your wrist resting one on the nape of your neck and the other on your waist.
 The kiss was hot and sloppy as their tongues fought for dominance, they were taking their anger out on each other (Y/N) tugging at Peter’s soft curls as his hands traveled down to her ass gripping at it before giving it a firm slap causing a small moan to leave her lips using that moment to capture his bottom lip between her teeth tugging back slightly and letting go causing Peter to groan. She took that moment to push him back onto the bench press moving the barbell that was hovering the equipment she straddle his lap pinning his arms above his head “You’ve been a bad boy Peter, your hurt my feelings when you didn’t tell me about the kiss.. I have to find out from someone else? So when you came back and I kissed you I was tasting someone else lips on yours?” Peter whimpered when (Y/N) slowly began to grind on his hard on.
 “Well I better use that mouth of yours for something good hm?” (Y/N) stood up to remove her shorts along with her red lace underwear one of Peter’s favorites, she slowly pulled it down her leg brining it up to his wrist to tie together. (Y/N) straddled his face slowly lowering herself onto him, Peter licked a bold stripe through her wet folds kissing her clit before sucking on it harshly a gasp left (Y/N) lips Peter continued to suck on her clit harshly as her hands came down to grip on his hair mewls of pleasure left her mouth causing Peter to moan the vibrations making causing even more pleasure. He flicked the tip of his tongue at your clit lowering to her entrance inserting the tip of his tongue in and out of her slick folds (Y/N) lightly began to grind into his face moans falling from her plump lips.
 It happened so quickly Peter broke free of the restraints “Peter Benjamin Parker! Those were my favorites! They were your favorites too!” she whined as Peter wasted no time placing his hands on her waist pushing her down more “I’ll buy you more.” he huffed continuing to suck and nip at her clit he removed his right hand from her waist bringing his index finger to her entrance slowly pumping in and out adding his middle finger curling them up wards brushing against her g-spot “Right there?” Peter’s voice was raspy watching as your face contoured in pure pleasure he used his left hand to slap your ass earning a yelp from you “Princess I just asked you a question.” (Y/N) stared into his eyes that were filled with lust “Yes! Right there please please don’t stop.” (Y/N) begin to grind on his fingers that were still in her Peter sucked at her clit harshly the familiar knot began to tighten in her stomach. 
 She reached forward to hold onto the pillars of the bench press she threw her head back in pure ecstasy her thighs began to shake nearing her high “Come on princess cum for me.” she let out a loud scream as her orgasm ripped through her body, her thighs still shaking as Peter was still sucking and nipping at her clit allowing her orgasm to last a bit longer.
 (Y/N) stood up her legs still a bit shaky getting on her knees tugging at his basketball shorts “Princess you don’t have to.” Peter said petting your head “No I want to please let me daddy.” (Y/N) mewled staring up at him with doe eyes. She leaned up to press a kiss on Peter’s chest kissing down to the waistband of his boxers pulling them down swiftly watching his hard on slap against his lower stomach placing her right hand at the base of his cock leaning up to kiss the swollen red tip. Swirling her tongue around the tip tasting the bitter pre-cum slowly taking him deeper pumping whatever she couldn’t fit into her mouth small groans left Peter’s mouth bring his hand to her hair grabbing a hold of her ponytail guiding her head so she could take him deeper. She gagged a little when she felt the tip hit the back of her throat, she pulled away with a small ‘pop’ looking up at Peter smiling innocently then continued on to suck him off going deeper till the tip hit the back of her throat repeating the actions a few times, Peter gripped her forearm brining her up giving her a quick kiss “I wanna cum inside you.” he whispered tugging at the hem of her shirt which she quickly took off along with her bra.
 Peter laid back against the bench press watching (Y/N) climb onto of him, alining his cock to her entrance slowly lowering herself down as a small “Oh.”left her mouth slowly she began to circle her hips grabbing ahold of Peter’s face pulling him up kissing his jaw down to his neck sucking at his sweet spot, the hickey would only last a few hours due to his healing advantage. Peter’s hand moved to her waist to hold her in place he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder going down to her boobs sucking lightly at the top to leave a hickey only they could see. 
 “Mr.Stark, I’d like to report suspicious activity in the training room.” FRIDAY announced stopping Tony mid-sentence “Pull it up.” Tony answered as the rest of the avengers turned their heads to the screen that was in the left corner of the meeting room, the suspicious activity turned out to be Peter and (Y/N).
 “Oh turn it off turn it off!” Steve looked away as Wanda and Natasha glanced down at their laps awkwardly “Suspicious activity? These kids are bumping uglies! Rhodey pointed out looking anywhere else but the screen. Sam however stood up from his chair pointing at the screen “Hey! I use that bench! Get spider-boy and arrow girl off my bench! Tony I’m gonna need a new bench!” 
 Peter and (Y/N) didn’t even notice the secret camera in the training room, they both came down from their high resting for a little bit before getting dressed “I’m gonna use the bathroom then we can head out.” (Y/N) said walking into the training room bathroom to clean up. 
 “I really am sorry (Y/N), I didn’t kiss her-” (Y/N) gave him a chaste kiss “You’re forgiven Peter, but the next time tell me if a girl or boy kisses you.” they walked hand and hand out of the training room into the living room greeted by the gang “Uh hey guys.” Peter said breaking the awkward tension. Tony pointed at the two of you then at the couch you looked up at Peter confusingly before walking to the couch.
 “So FRIDAY here has been picking up on A LOT of suspicious activity happening around the tower like the broom closet, pantry, pool room, kitchen, movie room, and now the training room. You two were just in the training room right? Wanna explain what you two were doing?” (Y/N) felt her cheeks flush looking up at Peter who looked pale as if he saw a ghost “We-we were uh training duh.” Sam stood up from his seat glaring at the two of you “No! You two were doing it on my bench MY bench!” Steve placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly telling him to sit down. 
 “Whaaat? No pff no we weren’t doing it.” Peter lied earning a glare from Tony “Oh really? Would you like us to play the clip FRIDAY showed us earlier?” (Y/N) shook her head “No, no no.. we were doing it.” she mumbled slouching into the couch.
 “You two need to stop having sex all over the tower! Do it in your quarters and ask FRIDAY to put on the do not disturb mode on, don’t have sex in the training room, dinning room, pool room, movie room, living room, anything that ends in room only do it in YOUR quarters. Capeesh?” Tony pointed at the two “Capeesh.” they mumbled looking down at the ground “Good, now go cook dinner. That’s what happens when you miss the meeting and use the training room for other uses.” Tony teased earning a laugh from the gang as Peter and (Y/N) turned red.
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anghraine · 7 years
It jumped back a few seconds, and wow does that close-up of little Jyn make her look like adult Jyn. A++ casting.
We have been discussing timeline difficulties lately, but I’m already a bit puzzled, lol.
Like ... okay, this scene takes place 15 years before ANH (if Jyn is accurate), which means the Empire has only existed for four years at this point, and the project has run into enough difficulties, for enough time, that Krennic’s been combing the galaxy for Galen. Can’t have been easy to track him down, either—well, he says so.
Or maybe he’s lying and they’ve been hunting them down since Galen noped out, which is entirely believable. And four years would be a pretty reasonable amount of time if Galen left during the transition or shortly afterwards.
(Now that I think about it, most of his work would have been done under the Republic, given ROTS. Adds an interesting layer to the deeeeply ambivalent portrayal of Old Republic figures here.)
“paz y seguridad para la galaxia!” oh fuck offff
Deathtroopers continue to be really creepy. It’s not just the black, idk.
Galen says something like “mi mente, no es lo que era” adf;jdfj hahaha
Aww, that moment in the cave where the camera focuses in on Jyn’s tiny boots is so ... :(
The light on her face, too, with the little tear. It’s like a checklist of Sad Child Tropes and yet aghhhh
The transition from tiny Jyn to adult Jyn is also a sort of cinematic cliché that totally works
I love how obviously pissed Jyn is when she cleans off her forehand and then glares at the tentacle mouth guy. She’s like 5′3″ of concentrated loathing
That aerial shot of Kafrene is extremely cool. I have zero interest in ... like, some Kafrene datasheet or whatnot, but I love that glimpse of the colony and all the *waves vaguely* stuff
Aha, I’d know the coat of moral ambiguity anywhere
I was sort of amused/pleased that it would be Diego Luna dubbing Diego Luna, but I was so caught up that I actually didn’t notice at first! (Admittedly, it’s easy to miss something that hasn’t changed, lol.)
Ooh, didn’t notice that parallel before: somebody jostles past Cassian on Kafrene just like whatshisface does with Jyn on Jedha, and he seems genuinely pissed for a moment. Our first not-that-different! It’s very possible that he’s no more cool-headed than Jyn by nature; he’s just had to be, where direct aggression does more for Jyn in her life.
Yeah, Cassian can definitely be ultra-aggressive when he wants to be. He ramps from tense to menacing to physically threatening reallyyyy fast. I’m not sure how much is deliberately terrorizing him vs genuine anger and urgency, but definitely there’s a bit of Column A and a bit of Column B.
lmao he says “tranquilo” in the least tranquil tone imaginable
Interesting—as soon as Tivik mentions an “Erso,” Cassian immediately jumps to “Galen Erso” in near-panic. I don’t remember what the Rebellion’s initial interest in Galen was, but he’s definitely on their radar.
As ever, Cassian’s switch from hyper-intense to analytical to charming and confused is amazing. It happens so fast and he seems completely authentic in all of them. We don’t actually see him doing much of that in the movie proper—he never tries to charm Jyn and “snotty Imperial officer” doesn’t involve much nuance—so it’s nice that we do get to see him at peak form.
I still love the two-one shot. 
Cálmate, cálmate. a;kfdhadf
Honestly, Tivik should have known something was up when Cassian turned pleasant and soothing. He’s completely intolerant and disinterested about any “I’m afraid for my life and the galaxy is doomed” bullshit up to that point. 
It’s kind of Cassian in a nutshell—he does not give a single fuck about Tivik’s panic, but he takes care to calm him down so he’ll have an easy death. I guess that’s what goes for teamwork in Cassian’s books.
(But seriously, he’s a terrible teammate. He can be either a charismatic leader or a devoted follower—really, he’s both ofc—but he does not play well with others. I’m sure this has no bearing on the fact that his only positive relationship is with a poorly-socialized Imperial droid.)
Yeah, my opinion of Cassian’s expression after killing Tivik is the same: horrified, but also pretty out of it for a moment there. He has to snap himself back into action. 
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natacular · 7 years
dialovers tweets! I think there will be a few more later but I’m super sleepy so I’ll edit this post tomorrow…….. I had some trouble with a few but…I tried my darndest!!
-Nnn, I’m sleepy. -I was going to sleep a little longer, but Yuri woke me up. -But today there’s lots of things I want to do. -It’s bothersome, but I’ll be off. -Ahh, I had a boring time. - It would’ve been good if they had just given me the money, but they had to give annoying words at every little thing -Well, I can’t keep doing this forever. I received what I needed to receive, so I better cut the hand (???) -Ah, I better hurry to the next one. Today really is busy. -Alright, well done -Aww, my clothes got dirty. -Can you get blood out easily? -I wonder if the general preparations are done. -All that’s left…is to go through with it. -I can’t wait, I want to hurry and show everyone. -This world is where it all topples over.
-I fixed up the pocket watch I received from my father. -It’s a special watch, so I don’t think I will do anything careless to break it, but that is no reason not to care for it. -This watch is the only thing that it feels as if my father has truly given me. With my father no longer here, I believe this is the only thing connecting me to him. - In any case, there is only one thing I must do. With Father gone, I must protect this house. I cannot rely on my other siblings anymore.
-Just now I opened the window for a change of atmosphere, and I saw a family walking behind the mansion. -If it were something totally different I would understand. But……those figures, they looked just like the figures of me and that person while we were in Eden. -If I turned to that person I respected, it was quite different than turning towards a father. But……those figures, somehow, seemed like a family. -That person left me many things. From here on out no matter what happens, with only that, I can continue on.
-Ruki is, staring out at the garden by himself……Somehow, he seems lonely…… -I don’t have a good head like Ruki, and I don’t understand what he’s thinking about but…… -I really think of Ruki, Kou, Yuma……everyone as my family…… -We have, always been together and always will be……So, I want them to talk to me about anything……
-What is it -That Reiji guy, he started lecturing me as soon as he saw my face. -All this shit about my dad, it’s annoying -This and that, everything his his fault -I’ll never forgive him in my entire life
-Break time-! When I came up and said that… -Somehow, Ruki-kun and Azusa-kun seemed really solemn? -Those two really are the type to brood over stuff~ -It’d be good if they only thought about trivial stuff, like what’s for dinner tonight- -Juuust kidding, even I got solemn ★ It’s almost time for me to go back to work! I’m offff ♥
KANATO: - ⚰️ 🔪 ⚰️ 🔪 ⚰️ 🔪 -Subaru is annoying. -He was shouting our father’s name. -Except for me, there is no honest person in this house. -Somehow I have a bad feeling.
-Ahh, so annoying. -Lately a lot more races than usual have come to us. -Nii-san is Nii-san, so it’d be good if he could forcibly drive them away. -It’d be nice if the other races could kneel down before our overwhelming power. -We are the First Bloods. We are the kings.
-Kanato is annoying! -Even though Yours Truly specially tried to talk to him, he ignored me. -Reiji was talking about our damn father! - I don’t care about our damn father! Respect my good mood! -Yours Truly is number one!
-I just ate with Ruki and the others. -We talked about that person for the first time in a while. -That person is the one who allowed us to become adults. - It’s thanks to that that I’m here now. -But how we live from here on out is up to us.
-Huh? Somehow there’s a bad aura in the house~ -It’s because every one of us brothers has a bad personality. -It’d be nice to just think of it all as a type of play and enjoy myself. -Well whatever. Before I get wrapped up in the bothersome stuff, I’m going to go play ♪
-To think this kind of chance has come around a second time. -Surely, the First Bloods will achieve their goals.
-I haven’t heard our father’s name in a while. -It seems like it’s because of that that it’s so noisy. -Every time, things are always being broken because of our father.
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