#coniferous vines
gsunny6 · 2 years
New list based off the new headcanons! Magic affinities and sources time, expect some babbling, to be added to as I come up with something that works and listed in no particular order.
Aqua: water and ice magic, sourced from magical bodies of water, with a particularly strong link to the many glacial and spring-fed lakes in the LoD. Was cut off when she fell to the RoD, and the realm consistently manipulated her until she re-established a link with its ocean.
Terra: earth and gravity (and dark) magic, sourced from the coniferous trees and mountains themselves. Aqua locking the LoD as Castle Oblivion prevented it from fully falling to darkness, helping maintain his link so that lingering will and his overshadowed heart could last over 10 years under siege.
Ventus: wind and light magic, his wind magic was and always will be sourced from convection the four winds, but even he’s not sure where the light magic is sourced from its Kingdom Hearts magic but shhhh. Thankfully wind magic is extremely adaptive and is users are extremely capable of reestablishing a link, and the only thing than can cut a link to Kingdom Hearts is Kingdom Hearts itself.
Lea: fire magic, originally drawn from radiant gardens young host star, although this connection was weakened when it fell, he managed to reestablish and similar link with twilight towns cooler and dimmer sun, and was ultimately able to stay relatively sane compared to the other apprentices do to being in the field often enough to do so.
Isa: no one (except Lea) is actually entirely sure what his magic affinity actually is, just that he’s linked to the moon and is very good at converting it to physical strength. However being cut off from the RGs moon and establishing a new link with the Xemnas extremely unstable fabricated Kingdom Hearts and eventually getting the Recusant’s etched onto his face likely significantly weakened his own emotional and mental stability. reestablishing a link with an actual moon with a stable and consistent cycle will be important for his recovery from going through the recompletion process twice.
Lauriam and strelitzia were both significantly connected to the plants that grew in Daybreak Town, as well as each other (as siblings tend to be) and they’re magic reflects this. They are both extremely valued for their skills at healing magic, but they’re plant-based offensive magic is not to be underestimated, especially in a team. Lauriam being is master of wrapping you in woody, hard to break vines and brambles, while Strelitzia sicks nettles and ivy and other poisonous plants on you. Loosing his sister, having his connection to daybreak town severed via time travel, and being somehow nobodied before he could reestablish link with a new world (because all worlds arose from Daybreak) likely drove him mad
Elrena as we know uses thunder magic, but thunder magic is actually produced by combining water and wind magic, one of many base affinity sets referred to as storm magic. Elrena was originally drawn from the winds and sea of daybreak town, and like Lauriam, was significantly damaged from having that link broken and losing their heart.
Magic scholars and non magic bearing physicists will likely tell you that electricity, gravity, and magnet are all fundamentally the same thing.
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frenezie-n-poezie · 2 years
– Să fie lacrimă!
zisu-i-a inima gândului la o rundă de scrimă,
la aortă cu al spadei tăiș,
când iar se luptau într-un luminiș
din pădurea de conifere a vieții
în lumina galbenă a sfârșitului dimineții.
– Mereu câștigă, zice, spre mine,
înecându-se cu suspine,
cugetul cel supus
cu spada căzută și umerii-n sus
și-n jos. Se scuză
și îi tot tremură o buză.
Lacrima-i și ea destul de confuză
când curge pe-obrazul lui de satin.
Nu știe de-i fericire sau de-i chin
lipsa prezentă a trecutului hain,
sau, când e cazul, trecutul prezent
etern și de nemișcat,
sufocat de regret, îmbătat de păcat.
Și curge lin,
aproape imperceptibil,
în timp ce gândul se retrage din luptă și-i vine penibil
să recunoască
faptul că inima-i o spadasină nefirească,
nicicând să câștige nu-l lasă.
Deși cei doi doar exersează,
ca, în caz de, să lupte-mpreună,
dar nu se unesc decât, rar, sub lună,
când vine rațiunea și pe emoție-o sugrumă,
lăsând doar un vis:
ce-a fost, și s-a dus, și e de neatins.
Mi-amintesc într-o ceață de iarnă violentă,
oniric parcă, aventură stridentă,
că mi-era frig, dar mă încălzeam
și când s-a făcut cald și nu mai dârdâiam,
am împins plapuma de pe mine
și s-a făcut cioburi și cioburi și versuri străine
că mi-era prea cald și nu-mi mai era bine.
Și-acum, că iarnă-i iar, mă fac covrig
cu mine însămi, și tot mi-e frig.
– Să fie lacrimă!
– Dar oprește-te, inimă.
Vrei oare
să înghețăm și când e soare?
De ce spulberi tu tot ce găsesc ca fiind adevărat?
– Pentru că, în trecut, să-nving nu m-ai lăsat
și-atunci m-ajută Furiile
să te dobor pe loc și să îți ard pădurile.
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artsywinter13 · 2 years
Kananya is known as the region of the performing arts and beautiful flowers. The landscape of this nation is mostly filled with fields full of intricate flowers of various colors. They have various sentient plant-life from animalistic to humanoid to ginormous flowers. Although the landscape is mostly made out of flowers, Kananya still has one of the most diverse tropical environments. It is filled with mountains, forests, jungles, marshes, swamps, rivers, lakes, ponds, rocky areas, etc. All of these biomes  are still filled to the brims with flowers. Flowers seem to be the hardiest, strongest, and most common plant life in the whole of Kananya. The flowers of Kananya, although extremely common, are one of the most diverse in all of the world. Some are ginormous and hardy; others small and delicate; some live in rocks; others live in water. Most of the trees in Kananya are very tall and thin, similarly to palm trees. They are also mostly covered in broad or long leaves with various flowers blooming from them. Sometimes, the flowers cover the whole tree, similar to a framboyán tree. Trees in jungles are mostly made up with wild vines filled with dangling or drooping flowers. 
Most biomes are more common in some area of Kananya than others. Mountainous and rocky areas are common in the south of the nation in Kesin-arón and Karaguá. These southern regions are mostly made up of fiels, plains, valleys, rocky and mountainous areas, and few rocky deserts with some small jungles. In the west and east of Kananya, rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands are the most common. These regions are Ketibey and Ketuanna. They are made up mostly of marshes, wetlands, swamps, rivers, lakes, ponds, clearings, waterfalls, and forests. In the north of the nation in Ketrynbuco, forests and jungles dominate the land. It is filled with rainforests, jungles, and coniferous and pine forests.
Politics and Social organization
Kananya is divided into 5 regions and 1 central capital:
  -Ketuanna: the land of waters
 -Ketibey: the land of rivers
 -Ketrynbuco: the land of forests
 -Kesin-arón: the land of mountains 
 -Karaguá: the land of rocks
 -Keque-Chuque: the land of trades and the main capital
These regions are divided into 5 cacicazgos with the main capital being a no mans area for equal trade:
 -Marién: in Ketuanna
 -Higüey: in Ketibey
 -Maguá: in Kentrynbuco
 -Maguana: in Kesin-arón
 -Jaragua: in Karaguá 
These cacicazgos are ruled over by their respective caciques( chieftains) and their trustworthy bohiques( priests/shamans/ healers ). Below these, are the nitaínos ( protectors ), chuquecos( traders/ merchants ), areítos( musicians/dancers ), and the naborías( common folk ). Although their society is hierarchical, they are all treated fairly and equally, except for the caciques and bohiques who are higher authorities.
All those born in Kananya learn agriculture and gardening from a very young age. They use a mix of intensive root crop cultivation, aquaculture, and subsistence farming. They use conucos( small raised crops ) mostly for the intensive root crop cultivation and subsistence farming. Aquaculture is mostly used in Ketibey and Ketuanna, while the other are the main form of agriculture in the rest of the nation. 
Religion and Beliefs 
The people of Kananya worship the goddess Mamá Mayna, the garden mother, and her 3 children: Anacoa, the flower of fertile lands; Ananina, the flower of waters; and Anasibo, the flower of rocks. Each of these deities taught the people of the people their own philosophies, which was how the nation was divided long ago. Mamá Mayna taught them to take care of nature and nature will give back, which led to their focus on nature and agriculture. Anacoa taught them music and to grow like the forest. Ananina taught them song and to be patient and always changing like the waters. Anasibo taught them how to dance and to be strong like rocks. Ketrynbuco followed the ways of Anacoa and have a society based on playing instruments. Ketibey and Ketuanna followed the ways of Ananina and have society based on singing. Kesin-arón and Karaguá followed the ways of Anasibo and have a society based on dance. The people of the various regions were also helped by the ciguapas, sapient plant life created by Mamá Mayna to guide the people of the nation. The ciguapas further taught the people how to dance, play instruments, and sing with the flow of nature.  Although they are not seen as much today, many of the ciguapas' performing arts are still played very commonly and have been completely integrated in their society. 
Kananya's economy is mostly based on agriculture, trade, and tourism. They are the biggest producers of crops and flowers that are sold all over the world. They mainly grow crops such as yucas, potatoes, batatas, beans, wheat, peanuts, peppers, cocoa beans, rice, and corn. As for their aquaculture, they help harvest fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants such as various types of algae. Trade and tourism are also very important to them. They mainly trade with either each other or their neighbors, which are Chromystal, Nahda kingdom and Onisona Kingdom. They usually trade crops or building materials with each other, but they will also trade local specialties such as gemstones, flowers, crystals, and plants. Kananya is one of the biggest place for tourism in the tropics. The nation's flowers, crystals, and sentient plants are a sight to behold. Many people will pay quite a lot just to see the beautiful landscape of Kananya. There also many flower hunters looking for the rarest and most beautiful flowers in Kananya. These leads to a very abundant revenue for the nation.
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Gao Rework (updated for Soil)
Name: Zhao Vision: Geo Weapon: Bow Constellation: Terrae Motus
Normal Attack Talent: Youkai Broodeii Archery
Normal Attack: Zhao homes onto enemies and deals DMG to them with his bow.
Charged attack: Goes into an aiming stance, making you able to manually shoot arrows. A normal arrow shot from Zhao's bow will deal Physical DMG. Charging the arrow longer will allow flourishing Geo to infill the arrowhead. This arrow will deal Geo DMG to opponents. Allowing the arrowhead a longer charging will enbrand the arrowhead in surging Geo, letting the arrow broaden as it hits an opponent or wall, dealing additional Geo DMG together with the initial first Charged Attack which scales off of Max HP.
Broadening Arrow DMG: 19.3%-38.4% of Max HP from Lv. 1-Lv. 13
Plunging Attack: While airborne, Zhao plunges down in a shower of arrows, dealing damage to opponents in the way when he lands.
Elemental Skill: Florid Geometra
Zhao uses a special recipe manufactured by Geo, dashing forward, dealing Soil DMG to nearby opponents which scales with Max HP and creating a Pestilential Jade Bloom.
Pestilential Jade Bloom An artificial plant built purely by Geo. At set intervals, the Pestilential Jade Bloom will expand and deal Graphic Vine Geo DMG to nearby opponents which scales with Max HP. The Pestilential Jade Bloom also attracts opponents' attention, and inherits HP from Zhao. After it's duration ends, or if it's HP reaches 0, it will flourish and deal AoE Geo DMG. A maximum of 3 Pestilential Jade Blooms made by Zhao himself may exist at any given
Skill DMG: 101.1%-230% from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 Graphic Vine DoT: 5.8%-12.9% of Max HP from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 Flourish DMG: 103.9%-211% + 7.4%-15.2% of Max HP from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 Graphic Vine interval trigger time: every 0.8s Pestilential Jade Bloom duration: 12s Pestilential Jade Bloom Inherited HP: 42% CD: 16s
Elemental Burst: Spire Of Conjecture
Creates a massive Widening Spire which collapses upon all nearby opponents. It's DMG scales with Max HP and is counted as Soil DMG. After the Widening Spire collapses onto the opponent, 4 Grand Flourishments will bloom among the chaos and deal AoE Geo DMG. Additionally, all nearby party members gain an flat ATK buff scaling with Zhao's Max HP when the Widening Spire collapses upon the opponents.
Widening Spire DMG: 18.5%-37.9% of Max HP from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 ATK Buff: 1.4%-2.8% of Max HP as flat ATK from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 ATK Buff duration: 12s Grand Flourishment Single-Instance DMG: 10.2% of Max HP + 132% of ATK-22.3% of Max HP + 314% of ATK from Lv. 1 to Lv. 13 Energy Cost: 50 CD: 14s
First Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus
The ATK Bonus given by Spire Of Capitulation is increased by an additive 0.5% of Zhao's ATK for every 6000 points of Max HP that is in Zhao's possesion. Maximum 5 stacks.
Second Passive Talent: Finesettled Surge
When using Florid Geometra, decrease the charging time for Charged Attack by 40% of Energy Recharge for 6s.
Third Passive Talent: Debonair Percievence
Increases Geo DMG Bonus by 30% of Energy Recharge.
Constellation 1: Tellus Befall
The damage done by the Broadening Spire is increased by 8% and the duration of the ATK bonus will be increased by 0.8s for every 20% Energy Recharge Gao has over the base 100%. The Grand Flourishments will gain the same effect as for the Broadening Spire DMG Bonus.
Constellation 2: Geometrically Precise
Floric Geometra now has two charges. For each use of Florid Geometra, increase the DMG dealt by Broadening Arrow by 9% of Zhao's Max HP. Stacks up to 3 times.
Constellation 3: Auspicious Conifere-Foundation
Increases the Upgrade Lv. of Spire Of Conjecture by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
Constellation 4: Le Cœur De La Terre
While under the ATK Buff given by Spire Of Conjecture, Florid Geometra's CD will be decreased by 30%, and it's DMG will be increased by a rate equal to the effects given by the Talent ''Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus'' You must have unlocked the Talent: ''Passive Talent: Tellus Magnificus''
Constellation 5: Acute Apprehension
The level of Florid Geometra is increased by 3. Maximum level is now 15.
Constellation 6: Ensuing Comerstone
When Gao hits an opponent with Florid Geometra or Spire Of Conjecture, he will gain a 7s Geo Infusion to his bow. Additionally, when Normal Attacks deal Geo DMG, their DMG is increased by an amount equal to 24% of Zhao's Max HP and 480% of his ATK.
Zhao's Story
A floral store owner in Fontaine. Zhao loves plants and has always had a dream of making endless plants when he became big. Zhao always aspired for a Dendro vision, but was given a Geo vision instead. Instead of being mad at the gods, he used days and night to create a semi-artificial plant made by Geo. Although it doesn't work like a plant, this artificial jade bloom is beuatiful, and Zhao hopes that his creation can one day help people.
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holmanlambertsen12 · 11 months
Java Edition Minecraft: Exploring the Vast Biomes
Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, offers players a vast and diverse world to explore, filled with breathtaking landscapes and unique environments. In the Java Edition of Minecraft, players are treated to an extensive array of biomes, each with its own distinct features, resources, and atmosphere. In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of Java Edition Minecraft and explore the various biomes that await players, inviting them on an unforgettable journey through the diverse landscapes of this beloved game. - Forest Biome: The Forest biome is one of the most common and recognizable biomes in Minecraft. How does minecraft-mp list servers It is characterized by dense trees, lush vegetation, and an abundance of wildlife. Forest biomes offer ample wood resources, making them ideal for players looking to gather materials for building or crafting. Within the Forest biome, players can encounter various tree types, such as oak, birch, and spruce, each with its own unique characteristics. - Desert Biome: The Desert biome is a harsh and arid landscape characterized by vast stretches of sand, cacti, and the occasional desert temple or village. Survival in the Desert biome can be challenging due to the scarcity of water and limited resources. However, these biomes are home to valuable resources such as sand, sandstone, and even the elusive desert wells. Desert biomes offer a stark contrast to the lush forests and serve as a challenging but rewarding environment for adventurous players. - Taiga Biome: The Taiga biome is a cold and snowy landscape featuring coniferous trees, frozen lakes, and scattered wildlife. It offers a unique and serene atmosphere, with gently falling snow and a peaceful ambiance. Taiga biomes provide ample wood resources, making them ideal for players who enjoy building with spruce or dark oak. They also introduce exclusive features such as foxes and berry bushes, adding to the charm of these snowy landscapes. - Jungle Biome: The Jungle biome is a vibrant and dense environment characterized by towering trees, lush foliage, and an abundance of wildlife. Exploring the Jungle biome offers a sense of adventure and discovery, with the chance to stumble upon hidden temples and rare ocelots. Jungles are home to unique vegetation, including tall jungle trees and vines that players can use for their own builds. However, traversing the dense foliage can be challenging, making jungles a true test of navigation and survival skills. - Savanna Biome: The Savanna biome is a vast and open landscape featuring grassy plains, acacia trees, and occasional herds of animals. Savannas offer a picturesque and expansive environment for players to build their settlements or embark on grand construction projects. These biomes often feature majestic plateaus and occasional villages, making them ideal for players who enjoy open and spacious environments. - Ocean Biome: The Ocean biome is a vast expanse of water that covers a significant portion of the Minecraft world. Oceans are teeming with marine life, such as squids, dolphins, and various types of fish. They also harbor underwater structures, including shipwrecks, ocean monuments, and coral reefs. Ocean biomes offer opportunities for underwater exploration, treasure hunting, and the chance to build unique underwater bases or structures. These are just a few examples of the diverse biomes available in Java Edition Minecraft. Each biome offers its own unique characteristics, resources, and atmosphere, inviting players to embark on thrilling adventures and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer exploring dense forests, braving the harsh deserts, or venturing into the depths of the ocean, the vast biomes of Java Edition Minecraft provide an endless array of possibilities. So, don your armor, gather your tools, and prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating landscapes that await in this extraordinary game.
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owl-eyed--witch · 1 year
The colour of life and the Earth. It reminds us of Spring, of the buds on the trees that turn into leaves slowly each day. Unraveling their magic and myth.
Green, the colour of envy, of an emotion so powerful, close to anger, that we often associate with red. Isn't it funny how the colours of Yule are red and green? Red and green can represent the fire of life and the everlasting vitality of the coniferous trees, but tip ever so slightly on the other side and you have the fire of anger, of raw emotion, nourishing our impulses and envy, with its poisonous vines, ready to contaminate our thoughts to make us blind to what is right in front of us.
It is interesting how green is the colour of both life and decay. A perfect duality. Although green is often associated with positive things, I am still amazed how decay can still be beautiful too.
Green feeds the balance, it is the life force. Think how swamps are the perfect example. Swamps are both alive and decaying. Safe and unsafe. You just have to find out which is which. Be careful though. It is the perfect liminal space. Why is Limbo colourless and so often just an expanse of forever gray, when it could be a vibrant swamp? After all, limbo is where you wait to find out if you are alive or dead. If you are going to Heaven or Hell. If you're good enough for the Good Place or bad enough for the Bad Place. It is where you are when you are stuck in betwen two things. The in-between should be green.
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living400lbs · 1 year
“How much rain does it get in a year?” Gideon asked, then quickly said, “Too goddamn much,” in time with John’s growl. They all laughed.
Julie said, “Ten or fifteen feet a year; about a hundred forty-five inches.” She waited for Gideon’s obligatory low whistle and went on. “Strictly speaking, it’s not a rain forest. The term technically applies to tropical forests with broadleaf trees and woody vines and clay soil. These trees are evergreen, and the soil is fantastically rich. You can dig through two or three feet of humus with your fingers. But it’s temperate and wet, and it has a pretty solid roof of treetops, and lots of ferns and flowers and mosses on the ground, and most botanists would agree nowadays that that qualifies it as a rain forest—the only one in the Northern Hemisphere, and the only coniferous one in the world.”
From The Dark Place by Aaron Elkins
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louievans · 2 years
5 ingenious landscaping ideas to increase your garden’s privacy
Everyone wants to have a place of retreat in the lap of nature that can bring peace of mind. However, you may feel the hardship to achieve such solitude if you are surrounded by noisy neighbouring. 
Therefore, you can apply some stellar landscaping ideas to increase privacy in your garden. You can find expert landscapers from the gardeners business directory in the UK to implement these ideas.
Let’s have a look at these ideas.
Wrap your garden with a tall fence
You can save your livable outdoor space from the eyes of your neighbours by putting towering fence. You can go with simple designs like slatted wood or trellis, or choose an artistic design for your tall fence. The home and garden directory is a great source to find professional hands to install such fences. Hanging some complementing plants or adding decorations to your fence can add up to your garden’s beauty.
Grow crawling plants on your trellis
Trellis provides the seclusion for pretty plants to grow and spread. Therefore, when you feel like filling up the gaps between your trellis, growing some crawlers can be the most convenient idea. You can stick to the usual greens like vines or can add flowering crawlers like climbing roses to add colour.
Turn your open space into an urban forest
An urban forest is one of the most trending landscaping ideas followed by landscapers in Glasgow, London, Manchester or anywhere around the UK. To create an urban forest, expert landscapers use the layering technique. They start planting smaller ones like shrubs and flowering plants from the inside and increase the height as they move to the outer part. Thus, the high hedges like coniferous and evergreen trees are used as a wall and fill the space with lush green plants.
Build a retaining wall for structural support
When you want structural support as well as privacy for your backyard, building a retaining wall is the best option. An expert landscaper can build the right kind of retaining wall with appropriate materials. Growing climbing plants on this wall can enhance your garden’s look.
Encircle your private space with shrubs
If you have a small backyard with a seating area or fire pit, you can encircle that space with mid-sized shrubs. It creates seclusion in your backyard without installing a fence or building a retaining wall.
So, these are the 5 ideas to improve privacy in your garden. You can find experts from the gardeners business directory in the UK to implement in your garden. Now, you can enjoy the tranquillity you desire in your outdoor livable space. 
Meta title:
How to increase your garden’s privacy through landscaping?
Meta des:
Find experts from gardeners business directory in the UK to increase the privacy of your garden with these 5 ideas and enjoy your solitude. 
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This dream began at school.
I needed to make it to the front doors so that my dad could pick me up to get my wisdom teeth removed, but first I had to find my shoes. See I had put them into my locker earlier in the day, but for some reason I could not seem to find it in the endless hallways. Every time I turned, I arrived in another green locker hallway, but my locker was in the blue locker hallway. I stopped and asked a friend for help, but their directions just lead me to the front door where my dad was waiting.
I decided that the shoes weren't worth making my dad wait, so I hopped into his van, and we drove off.
The scene changed, and now my dad and I were at the entrance to a forest. The trees resembled those you would find in a rainforest in Washington state with a mixture of coniferous and deciduous trees all covered in moss and vines. I remembered the forest from a previous dream, where my dad had taken my brothers to the orthodontist by flying through the forest on wooden boards, so I knew to grab a board and start floating.
While we were traveling through the forest, I got annoyed at my dad's slow pace. I voiced my complaint, but he said that he would be able to find me if I moved ahead because my brothers would hide from him when he did this with them.
So I continued to float through the forest a good ways ahead of my dad, but soon I found that I was floating to high. If I got higher than the canopy then, I would have no way to get down and I'd be stuck.
Luckily, there was a branch I could grab onto to stop going any higher. I grabbed it and stayed in place for a few moments.
Then the scene changed again. I was now at home.
Out of nowhere, my youngest brother came up to me and told me that my dad was dead. I didn't believe him, and told him to double check the body with a stethoscope to make sure.
Suddenly, I heard the garage door open. I peered through the window on the floor and saw that my grandma had come to visit. This was odd because my grandma had gotten dimension during the COVID years and wouldn't have been able to drive herself.
I rejoiced at the prospect of my grandma getting better but had the sudden realization that I would have to tell her that her son is dead.
The scene changed for the final time. Now I was I'm the laundry room, scrolling Tumblr.
Once again, my younger brother came out of nowhere, this time to inform me that the Minecraft YouTuber Dream had died. Apparently a ceiling beam had fallen on him during a challenge video.
All of a sudden a clay golem came through the door holding a blank picture frame. The golem used the frame to push me against the wall, and another frame fell off of the shelf. I looked up and there was a ceiling beam right above me. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to fall.
And then I woke up.
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some-flyleaves · 6 years
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inktober 9 & 10: totally didn’t draw this higher up on the page than intended
this fits the prompts with context sorta I swear but eyy gotta love upset gals and their dogs
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chillcrafting · 4 years
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a cabin I made and currently living in (Minecraft)
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ghost-kitty-draws · 2 years
Oohh hoho what's this? :o! Another successful OC reference sheet!
Meet Luminous!
SpiritTale, DiscordVerse
Luminous, or Lumi for short is a very kind hearted monster, they lived at the edge of the Coniferous forest in Snowdin.
They're very fond of small mammals and birds. Although are very scared of insects other than Butterflies and moths.
The vine-like marking on their left eye is unknown, it just appeared one day and has since been like that.
Lumi enjoys going out for walks in the foggy forest at night, the sense of eerie and the unknown fills them with delight.
Ghost Luminous, or Gumi, is almost the opposite of their alive version, they're a quiet monster who won't help unless they have owed you something.
They get easily irritated by birds and mammals, they prefer small insects and butterflies (despite butterflies being the cause of their death).
Gumi prefers staying where they are, a safe space where they don't have to interact with others.
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shadowpuppy2 · 2 years
Asphodel Wastes, unique crops
While a number of staple foods are grown across the whole of the system, the unique climate and ecology of the caverns allows for the cultivation of a few local specialties.
Persephone's Folly, or follyfruit, is a climbing plant notable for the purplish coloration of the stem as well as being both delicious and fatally poisonous if one is careless. The red, slightly translucent aggregate fruits grow on the vines climbing up cave walls, bearing a passing resemblance to pomegranate seeds. Each one is laden with a great number of small and easily swallowed seeds, allowing the plant to propagate quickly, taking advantage of the victim's remains decomposing around the ingested seeds.
However, in small amounts follyfruit is perfectly safe to consume, the effects of the toxins only manifesting should a great quantity be consumed, general safe limit is considered one or two pieces, though it usually takes a whole fruit or more to ensure death. These properties make small servings of follyfruit an excellent anti-parasitic.
Asphodel Poppies, grown primarily for their seeds these flowers were edited by the Orokin to have white, gold trimmed petals, and bear far higher concentrations of opiates than the standard breed, the seeds remained unaffected by this and are frequently found in baked goods, while diluted material from the rest of the plant is exported to other parties for medical use. On occasion, a concentrated 'syrup' is refined from these, and used as a sedative on the still-living fragments of sentients within the caves to reduce the hazards they pose.
Ruk's Tongue, a cousin of Ruk's claw this spicy plant grows well on the sandy surface and is cultivated as a seasoning. Having rounder and more numerous leaves than its cousin, a slightly oily coating on the majority of the plant wards off insects that would eat the leaves, guiding them instead to the clusters of blooms on long stems above it for pollination.
Subterranean Thresh, these small and scraggly coniferous trees have large needles and grow throughout the caverns, commonly harvested for the nuts they produce.
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A Voyage Through the Isles of Rust - made with Alone Among The Stars
The first isle -  ♦5  ♦4 a town carved into the sides of a narrow fjord. inland, a coniferous forest. lights among the trees.
The second isle  - ♥K  ♥Q  ♣4 an empty place, ruined by magic, half submerged beneath the waves and half suspended in the air above. sometimes a fragment of stonemasonry will fall and crush an unlucky boat. rich fishing in the surrounding reefs, though few risk these waters.
The third isle -  ♠10  ♥A ♣5 a cliff face of columnar basalt. a long-abandoned monastery. the apple orchard that once fed the acolytes is overgrown with mistletoe.
A port on the mainland -  ♦2   ♦J   ♣3   ♥9  a desert city, sustained by a river. Seeking to avoid the heat of the day, the people go about their business at moonrise and plant night-blooming gardens by the riverbank. there are rumors that the ruins of a far older city lie buried beneath.
The fourth isle -  ♠7  ♦10  a volcanic island, inhabited only by the seabirds nesting on the cliffs. 
The fifth isle -  ♣A  ♠K a small island, empty save for a grove of towering cedar trees. Mirages of ghost ships and castles in the air are often reported here.
The sixth isle -   ♦6 ♠A ♠2 ♠8 ♣9 the chalk fossils of ancient sea creatures are found on this island, shining like ghosts in the moonlight. the people of the island live in small mountain villages, herding sheep in the valleys and farming mushrooms in great vaulted wine-cellars.
The seventh isle -    ♦K   ♠6   ♠9   ♠4  ♥10 ♣10 - the home of a dragon, who makes her lair in an abandoned rock-cut temple overgrown by blue-flowered convolvulus vines. She claims ownership of the rich veins of silver which run through every part of the island.
The eighth isle -  ♠3 ships often stop at this uninhabited islet, where a freshwater spring feeds a scenic waterfall.
A port on the mainland   -  ♦3 a sleepy little fishing town on the shores of a tidal estuary,
The ninth isle - ♠Q ♥3 a warship wrecked on a sandbar in the river delta long ago, overgrown by trees and accumulating tidal sediment.
The tenth isle -   ♥6 ♥2 ♦9 strange petroglyphs are visible on the mountainside under the light of the waning moon. bat colonies nest in the sea-caves.
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noahhawthorneauthor · 2 years
Children of all ages run back and forth across the luminescent blue surface, sliding and crashing into each other. I settle alongside an empty edge and lean onto a pine tree, shoving my trembling hand in my pocket. I can’t help but laugh watching the fun, even if the cold is slowly turning Aether into a slush in my veins.
Earth and Air Fae are the only Fae I see, accompanied by a surprising amount of humans and Satyr. A smile rests on my face as I watch the group of children play, harmony apparent and no social hierarchy has raised it’s ugly head. I wonder what it’s like to live here, if it’s truly as peaceful as it appears to a stranger. I study the coniferous trees blanketed with brilliant crystals, their numerous emerald green needles reflecting the yellow faelights hovering about the ice rink. The night is full of stars, but the twin sisters of the night are mere crescents, their usual luminescent beauty tainted by a hue of red. My heart thunders, I haven’t seen a blood moon since …
On the opposite side of the ice and children filled valley a flash of green catches my attention, along with a sudden wailing. I straighten and become alert, when no one seems to notice I make my way around the rink with cautious steps. Where deep woods border the valley, a group of three Earth Fae adolescents have two human children and a toddler Satyr imprisoned under a dome of branches, pressing them into an ice filled mud hole. Aether tickles my veins, but won’t come out to play, and my good hand tightens into a shaking fist.
I’m too cold.
A whoop and holler rips through the air from the other side of the group and the gathering crowd gasps, pointing to a flash of bright blue light in the trees behind the group of Earth Fae. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size!” A short and scrawny Water Fae shouts, skidding to a stop before the group. Laughter rips through the crowd around me as I squint at the soft face hiding under a tangle of blonde hair. He can’t be more than eight, maybe ten. The three troublemakers laugh uproariously and approach the scrawny child with haste.
When they step away I move in on the dome and cut away the branches with the hunting knife at my side, wincing with every jerking movement. A russet Satyr female helps me pull the vines and branches off the terrified little ones which run for the Lodge, and she thanks me before running after them. By the time I focus on the bullies, two are frozen into solid blocks of ice.
The leader is brawling with the boy, and I find myself on the edge of a circle now chanting and cheering for the underdog. A solid right hook encased with ice sends the last Earth Fae into a heap in the mud, the bloodied Fae dressed in thin rags victorious. Cheers erupt and several pats on the back commence, then the crowd dissipates back onto the ice. I sneak out through the bodies with a satisfied smile on my face and make it halfway back up the hill before I’m stopped.
“Hey! Thanks for the help back there.” I chuckle and rest a hand on the knife back at my side, evaluating the boy holding a wide busted smile. He thrusts his hands on his narrow hips and shakes wild hair from his eyes.
“Well, no problem kid, but it doesn’t seem like you needed it though. I didn’t see you with the others, on the ice.”
“I’m more of a on the sidelines kinda Fae.” He chuckles, his entire body lighting up with the light-hearted sound and dimple filled smile, snow white ears so fluffed and long they drape across his neck.
From Children of Iverbourne
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thumbgarden · 3 years
How to Care for Grape Vines in Winter
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The grape has accompanied mankind since ancient times, quenching thirst, invigorating the soul, and healing the body. The grape has been grown in the United States since the end of the 16th century, with brief success. This success was short-lived as it succeeded in protecting the root system (under snow) from high loading temperatures of 32°F (0°C) during some snowy winters, while in the spring, it formed the ground for mass and harvest. Over time, it was recognized that the conditions in the United States required grape varieties with specific properties: increased resistance of the root system to high loading temperatures of 32°F (0°C) and increased resistance of the vines to winter frosts. To avoid losses, it is necessary to winter cover the vineyards, especially for table varieties, and you should do it correctly, as described in our article today on how to care for the grape vines in winter.
A. Preparing grapevines for the cold of winter The varieties bred for California (undoubtedly the wine capital of the United States) and many eastern state regions have contributed to their development to the north, and today grapevines are forming good harvests in all of California. But the grapes' genetic memory of the past still requires growing conditions close to where viticulture originated: the necessary amount of heat and temperature, sufficient light and shelter from late fall and winter cold. Temperature fluctuations are more likely to cause the death of immature vines and young plants. The old-time winegrowers had a whole range of winter shelters in their farm arsenal: spindles, burlap, mats, straw, nets, wooden frames, boards, etc. Different types of coverings are used in the vineyards of Dacca and family plots, depending on the growing region, the duration of cold weather, snow cover, and the weather patterns of spring and fall. The vine bushes must be prepared for covering. Otherwise, roots and vines may be gnawed by rodents, mildew and other fungal diseases may appear on improperly mulched vines, eyeballs may die, etc. To properly prepare shrubs for winter, the following preparations should be made. Water the vine bushes heavily during the dry autumn months. 1. in September, fertilize the vine bushes with potash or phosphorus-potash fertilizer. 2. Prune immature vines after the leaves have fallen. Immature vines are green or light green. Immature vines always freeze to death in winter. 3. In addition to sanitary pruning of immature vine shoots, create a load by leaving 2-3 extra buds for control in the spring. 4. Treat the vine bushes with a 3% solution of copper or iron sulfate, and other solutions of pest and disease control preparations. 5. Prepare the above-ground part of the grape bush for mulching. Remove from the wire mesh and tie the shoots into loose bundles. 6. Prepare the trench (if technology is provided) under the laid vines for mulching. 7. Prepare the mulching material.
B. Disinfection of the mulching material 1. Immediately after removing the mulch in spring, the spunbond, linen, and mats used for the vine mulch should be dried, cleaned, and treated with a working solution of antifungal preparations. Carefully stack them in a dry place until autumn to avoid the entry of precipitation. 2. Wooden decorative panels, roofing felt, straw, and reed mats should also be carefully treated with a 5-7% solution of copper sulfate or other ingredients to prevent disease and insect infestation. Place them in neat piles under the canopy. 3. In the fall, modify all prepared materials before mulching the grapes. Discard and destroy anything that has rotted. 4. In autumn, prepare missing mulching mats such as reeds or straw, straw, fallen leaves, or sashes of coniferous trees. Dry the fallen leaves and treat them for fungal and pest problems. 5. Prepare and dry bales of herbs and insecticides to protect against pests, including rodents (cinnamon, wormwood, marigold, marigold, and others). Insecticides from grass stems can be used to cover leaves, straw, and mats. You can also cover stems with sprays or rodent baits, or other insecticides.
C. Types of vine covers Vine coverings can be divided into several types: 1. Near-bolted vine cover. 2. Semi-covered vines. 3. Full vine cover in the cold season. Regardless of the region, 1-2-year-old seedlings, European varieties that do not tolerate temperature fluctuations, and hybrids need to be covered.
1. Grape roots buried close to the stem In the South, cover the grapes around mid-November. After preparing and implementing all the necessary measures to prepare the above-ground parts for winter, the grapes' roots are covered. As the grape roots start to freeze at 19-23°F (-7 to -5°C), a mound of soil forms around the stump at the first frost of 24-28°F (-4 to -2°C) below 32°F (0°C). The soil between the rows is used to cover the grapes around the kernels. The soil is covered so that the lower part of the vine heads and clusters are completely covered. The mound should be at least 12inch (30 cm) in diameter and 4-10inch (10-25 cm) in height, depending on the age and root system of the bush. Vines of mature, frost-resistant grape varieties can withstand frosts down to 5°F (-15°C). Once the root system is covered, simply remove the vine from the stand and place it on the bottom wire or through a mat on the ground (wooden boards, plywood). If the frost does not exceed 5°F (-15°C), no further covering is necessary. However, if the temperature drops further, you will be covered urgently.
2. Semi-covered grapes In some U.S. states like California & many eastern states, semi-covering of bushes is used for frost protection. The difference is that only the part of the bush closest to the ground is protected from frost. Given that the cold accumulates in the ground layer, the head, lower arms, and base of the buds of the bush are covered. The higher parts of the plant should be protected with a protective cover of straw, spindle, or old blankets. The protection should be at least 2inch (5cm). The wraps should be secured with twine to prevent them from being torn off by the wind. Be careful not to break the buds. The above-ground part of the vine can be covered in another way. Make shallow trenches on the sides of the bush. Bend the cuttings to the ground and pin them up while covering them with soil. The curved shoots can be kept above the ground. Leave them open or cover them with various materials. You can use mats, old blankets, plaids, spunbond or agricultural fibers. Cover carefully so as not to break the buds. Place a layer of cling film over the cover, secure it with a willow bow or twine, and cover the edges with soil. Leave vents at the bottom to prevent the bush from becoming moldy during the autumn heatwave. The mature vines of young vine bushes can simply be placed in a shallow trench dug and covered with 4-6inch (10-15 cm) of soil. To ensure that water does not accumulate in the open space between the rows where the soil was taken back, be sure to dig through this area. You can carefully bundle the short bush into a loose bundle and wrap it with insulation. This will create a winter cloak for the bush. Cover grape seedlings with bottles for the winter. It is easiest to use clear bottles of 0.8-1.3 Gal (3-5 liters). Cut off the bottom and drive the bottom of the bottle into the ground. The cork is unscrewed. Cover all sides of the bottle with soil.
3. Full coverage of vines Complete the mulching of the vine bushes in areas with winter temperatures below -4°F (-20°C). After all, preparations have been made, cover the bush with soil. Remove the vines from the trellis, carefully bundle them into a loose bundle and place them on a prepared bed of slabs, planks, or plywood. These serve to insulate the vines from the ground. It was imperative that the vines be isolated from the ground. The vines were nailed to the ground with arches so that the tied vines would not arch up high. Cover the above-ground part of the plant with pre-prepared mulching materials: sacks, lattices, reeds, straw mats. The mulching material should always be natural; artificial materials do not retain heat. The vines may die. Carefully tuck the shelter in. The insulation is stretched to the top and secured with arch support or a U-shaped structure. Cover the ends of the foil with soil, making sure the foil does not touch the buds. Make sure to leave a gap to prevent the vines from steaming up. Some grape growers nail prepared vines to the soil in arcs and cover them with 6-12inch (15-30 cm) of soil or, if it snows, with snow. If it is not possible to remove the vine from a trellis or other high support, wrap and secure it to the support. Protect the roots alone, but be careful. Cover the head, lower sleeve, and trunk with a mound of soil, cover it with twine and cover it again with twine. Cover it with snow and make sure it serves as a cap to cover the Lapnikom. do not let it become bare. Otherwise, the vine may freeze. In cold areas with prolonged frost, make a house or box out of Lapnikom or planks covered with dry leaves or straw. It is covered with straw mats or mats and covered with slabs of thick boards. In spring, the structure can be removed and cleared of bushes. It is best to cover young or small vine bushes with this type of construction. It is also possible to cover vines that have been removed from the trellis and tied into loose bundles. When mulching with leaves or straw and with any other type of mulch, be sure to place rodent-proof bait at the base of the trunk and cover it with insecticidal plant stems. Rodents will not come to such a house.
D. Vines opening in spring Open the vines in the third decade of April or in early May. As the steady warming begins, the mulch should be removed to prevent the formation of condensation that kills the swollen shoots. When the first shoots appear, all vine cover should be removed. It is best to remove the mulch in the evening or on a cloudy day so that the seedlings and shoots do not get sunburned. All mulch should be collected and burned or moved to the area between the rows and covered with soil. The mulch will decompose and act as an organic fertilizer. As a stable positive temperature emerges, rake away the soil, loosen the base of the vine poles, the lower sleeves, and lift the vines onto stands. During the same period, the condition of the vines is monitored. Loosen the soil with a rake to bring oxygen to the roots. If the bushes are simply covered with roofing felt or aluminum foil and then covered with snow, the snow cover will be raked off, leaving only a permanent mulch. On warmer days, the film or felt can be taken off, dried, and the vines covered again at night until a stable positive temperature is established. When growing grapes in colder areas, preserving them requires a great deal of work and effort. Therefore, it is best to grow winter-hardy varieties in greenhouses that do not require complex protective structures, either uncovered or under root protection only.
E. Undiscovered vine varieties suitable for growing in the countryside For the home gardener, three main types of grapes need to be considered: American ( Vitis labrusca ), European ( V. vinifera ), and French-American hybrids. American grapes are the most hardy, while European grapes - -often better suited for wine than for the table-perform well in warm, dry, Mediterranean-type regions. Hybrid varieties tend to be both cold-hardy and disease-resistant, but not as tasty as European grapes. That is, another American grape in cultivation is Muscadine (V. rotundifolia), which is native to the southern U.S. Muscadine's thick skin makes it best suited for jam, wine, or other processed grape products. The following for the list of varieties used for making wine. Albariño, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Grenache, Grüner Veltliner, Malbec, Merlot, Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir. Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah/ Shiraz, Tempranillo, Viognier
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Author: Ms.Geneva Link: https://www.thumbgarden.com/grape-vines-in-winter/ Source: ThumbGarden The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
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