#come say hi if you see me!! look for the sparkly homemade top hat!
sureuncertainty · 10 months
i did it i put together a nikola cosplay for comic con tomorrow i’m so fucking excited and also worried about walking in high heel boots all day lol
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mishasminion360 · 3 years
When the Moon Hits Your Eye
Marcus Moreno x fem!reader
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Warnings: None! Just some super duper happy fluff and family shenanigans.
Summary: The Moreno family decides to shake up the dinner routine.
A/N: Another super fun request from my beloved @lovelypastel2532. I hope you enjoy, sweetness, and the same goes for all you fine readers out there! I hope this makes you crave a good, greasy pizza 😋
The kid watches “Ratatouille” once and suddenly she’s all about cooking. Half the time the kitchen looks like a war zone, as if the Heroics have just waged war against a horde of villains made of flour, sugar, butter, and eggs.
You and Marcus are all for allowing Missy to express her creativity through culinary practices, but when she begins clamoring for use of the oven she gets a hard “no” from both of you.
That’s how the three of you end up tackling the challenge that is a homemade pizza pie. To give Missy the experience of making something special for her family while also ensuring that the your home isn’t reduced to a pile of ash.
Marcus blasts a little Dean Martin to give the endeavor the perfect Italian ambiance while you and Missy begin making the dough.
When the moon hits your eye
Like a big pizza pie, that's amore.
When the world seems to shine
Like you've had too much wine, that's amore.
“What does he mean about the world shining because of too much wine,” Missy inquires. “Does wine make everything all sparkly? I wanna see!”
“Not until you’re twenty one,” you warn playfully.
“Not even when she’s twenty one,” Marcus amends.
The dough is formed and rolled flat, then comes time for an acrobatic flair, which Marcus claims is his specialty. He gives the flat, soft disc a couple of light twirls with his skillful hands before tossing it skyward. It spins once, twice, three times, expanding and inflating like a jellyfish on a current before abruptly dropping back to earth.
You and Missy burst into a fit of laughter when the doughy disc lands on Marcus’s head with a damp smack.
“Is it still safe to eat if dad’s worn it as a hat?” Missy guffaws.
“Five second rule,” Marcus declares, extricating himself from the sticky mess and flopping it onto the pan.
You remove the sauce from its simmer and instruct Missy on how to ladle and spread it evenly on the dough. Then you and Marcus stand back and watch as she delicately sprinkles her creation with carefully selected seasonings for some added flavor: a dash of oregano, a pinch of paprika, a smidge of basil, and a rather generous sprinkling of garlic powder.
“Well, our breath will keep the vampires at bay for weeks,” Marcus mutters in your ear. You shush him with a playful swat to his hip as you stifle your own laugh.
“And now for the pizza resistance,” Missy cheers dramatically.
“I think you mean ‘pièce de résistance’, kiddo,” Marcus corrects.
“Right, I knew that.”
You step forward with a block of frozen mozzarella and a grater and get to work.
“Tell me when, Missy.”
The shredded cheese drifts down like a snowfall and blankets the sauce covered circle in a thick layer of dairy goodness.
“Seriously, Missy, say when.”
“I know the drill.”
“Missy, my arm is getting tired.”
“Ugh, fine. ‘When’. Quitter.”
Marcus slices the pepperoni—not with his katana like Missy had begged him to—and arranges them strategically on top before sliding the pie into the oven to bake.
Now all that’s left to do is play the waiting game, which Missy tires of very quickly. While she scampers off to the living room to select the main feature for movie night, you and Marcus take advantage of the rare moment of alone time. He spins you around the kitchen and sways you in his arms as Dino croons.
How lucky can one guy be?
I kissed her and she kissed me.
Like the fella once said,
"Ain't that a kick in the head?"
“Our daughter is quite the little chef, isn’t she,” you inquire as Marcus lowers you into a dip. “She gets that from Pixar.”
“No, she gets that from her very talented mother,” Marcus corrects you, doing exactly as the song instructed and pulling you back up to his waiting lips.
“Ugh, gross. Could you two please not get all lovey dovey or kiss this close to dinner time? I’m going to lose my appetite,” Missy proclaims returning to check the status of the pizza.
“Hmm, let me think about that,” Marcus considers, pretending to give it some real thought before leaning into you once again. “Nope.”
You���re so caught up in the kiss and Missy’s chorus of disgusted sounds that the three of you almost fail to hear the timer ding, alerting you to the pizza’s readiness.
“Excellent pizza,” you say around a mouthful of melty cheese and pepperoni. “My compliments to the chef.”
Missy turns to you and Marcus and offers you a well executed “chef’s kiss”.
“And to you, my lovely assistants.”
Snuggled up tightly, you and Marcus observe from the couch as Missy studies the tv intently, entranced as she watches (the soon-to-be) princess Tiana whip up a batch of her man catchin’ beignets. You both start to ponder how much it’s going to cost to send the kid to culinary school.
“Dad, can we try making beignets next?”
“We don’t have a deep frier, Missy.”
“How about gumbo?”
@grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @mandolydian @lv7867 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @pascalsky @pascalpanic @heythere-mel @healingstardust @pastel-0-princess @pedropascal207-deactivated20211 @delorena @pedropasxal @caesaryoulater @just-fics-i-read @kiizhikehn-cedar @hellovanessax @fangirling-alert @pedrocentric @fromthedeskoftheraven @liviiii98 @feralhotmess @axshadows @mandapascal @dragon-scales88 @spaceppastel @anaaaispunk @spideysimpossiblegirl @pbeatriz-blog @hauntedmama @mswarriorbabe80 @horton-hears-a-honk @alberta-sunrise @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @a-trial-run-on-paper @oonajaeadira @foli-vora @dhadiirah @felicisimor @practicalghost @luz-introvertida
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fluffypeachwriting · 3 years
its me, the hitoya and reader getting transported to some unknown place! im rlly happy that u had fun writing it and i enjoyed reading it too! ٩(*•͈ ꇴ •͈*)و ̑̑❀
hehe u mentioned that u would be more than happy to write a sequel and oh my gosh id like to take up on that offer!! huhuu~ im already invested on what would happen to hitoya and the reader, and what theyre gonna do!!
thank you for writing my request and ill be waiting on for the sequel of it! good luck and im wishing you good health now and in the future! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I’m sorry that you had to wait so long for this, but it’s finally finished! This sequel turned out to be around 3700 words, so I hope you don’t mind that! I had so much fun with this concept, and so I hope you like reading it! Maybe I’ll do more isekai concepts in the future - I’m so happy that you requested this!  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Let’s get back to what Hitoya and Reader are up to! Maybe they’re alone on the boat, but are they alone in the water?
When you had stopped crying, you and Hitoya tried to investigate this strange boat. The unease of being thrown into a new world slowly morphed into a strong curiosity. It took about an hour for you to find your sea legs. It was surprisingly easy to get used to the swaying. The occasional movements you had to make to counteract that swaying came naturally to you.
An unexpected calm washed over the boat, and it became easier to think. Only for you though, Hitoya hadn’t said much in a while. In a strange change of heart, Hitoya had warmed up to life on a boat, in his own way. Either that or he was bored of complaining about it. There was a rugged-looking crewmate’s jacket folded over one of the seats inside the ship, which he took a liking too right away. It fit him perfectly, and while the pirate-y look wasn’t his usual deal, it certainly did him favours.  
You had also found something – a pocket watch that had been dropped on the top deck. You were keeping an eye on it, checking on it constantly until an hour had passed. At least, the hour hand had moved from six to seven – that was the only change. The sun hadn’t moved, the air was still brisk, and the sea still looked like red wine.
You sighed and put the watch back. Hitoya was looking over into the sea, thought you couldn’t tell if he was searching for something or simply contemplating things. Usually you wouldn’t hesitate to ask him what was wrong, and usually he would smile and pat your head, saying that everything was alright. But things were not like how they usually were. You thought it was best to leave him alone and stay close by.
In your other hand you were still holding that unusual hat, and until now you hadn’t paid it much mind. There wasn’t any need to, until a harsh gust of wind caught you off guard and knocked it out of your hand.
“No!” You instinctively yelled out, reaching to grab the hat.
Inches from sliding into Hitoya’s legs, you fell flat on your stomach and caught the hat.
“That was close,” You said, standing up and putting on the hat without thinking. Then the unease in your stomach vanished. The salty air felt natural to breathe in, like it was cleansing you from the inside out. A sense of purpose filled you, and the boat felt like home.
“Nice hat you got there, captain.” Hitoya said endearingly, though with a hint of sarcasm. “Where’d you find that?”
“I didn’t find it anywhere, it’s just mine,” You said without thinking. That was surely wrong, since you didn’t have a captain’s hat on you at all this morning. Wait, a captain’s hat? You patted it, and sure enough, it was just like a captain’s hat you’d see in a cartoon.
“Makes you look the part.” Hitoya smiled fondly, making the last shred of unease float away. If he had your back, then everything really would be alright, even in this crazy situation.
With the unease gone, your mind was clear enough to realise how exhausted you were. It was only just this morning when you woke up early to buy Hitoya a cake. That cake sounded really good right now. You were hungry too.
“Hungry… I hope the wind doesn’t pick up… don’t wanna eat when the ship is moving too much,” You said to yourself.
However, life wasn’t so kind, apparently. The sails of the ship started flapping quickly, almost enough to make you jump. A box came from nowhere and slid on the deck, lightly hitting your leg. “Geez…” You held onto your hat pre-emptively, expecting wind.
A moment passed, but no wind came.
“Kid, let’s put this back.” Hitoya knelt down to move the box, but stopped. “Hm.”
“What is it?” You bent down to see what he was curious about. It wasn’t a sight that stopped him, but a smell. It took no time to figure out what it was, in your hungry state, “Food!”
Pushing past Hitoya, you opened the box to find it full of yummy-looking snacks and treats, from sweet pastries to homemade bentos. They were all fresh, too.
“Where did this come from?” You asked into the air.
Hitoya didn’t reply. The ship did. You looked up to see the sails flapping again, and the crow’s nest twirling around. The ship was…
“Alive?!” You exclaimed, already munching on a croissant.
“Hey, are you sure that’s safe?”
“Mm!” It tasted like it was fresh out of the oven.
“Alright, I won’t stop you.” Hitoya threw up his hands and stood, not taking anything from the box.
So this was a magic ship with a magic food box. You thought about this, pacing around the ship while munching on more food, until a glimmer of something caught your eye.
Something shiny had been dropped onto the deck. You went to pick it up, and found that the water was also shiny. Flecks of water surrounding the shiny thing, which was sitting in a pool of glitter, though it didn’t look as artificial as plastic glitter. It was a ring, just a plain silver band, with lots of little scuffs and scratches around it. A voice in the back of your mind told you that it was safe to pick it up, so you did. The water was fine to touch, and the ring itself was normal.
Something was also caught on the inside of the ring, something small, thin, flat, and a little bit curved. It took you a moment to get it out without breaking it. Though, when you got it out, none of your questions were answered. It looked like a holographic fish scale. Tinges of blue and purple reflected off it, in such a way that you could have mistaken it for a precious gem. It felt too hard to be from a normal fish, but then again, you were in no normal land – or, water.
A ring and a fish scale. It seemed like the more time you spent here, the more questions needed to be answered. However, it was something to go off. Before you could form a coherent thought, it was all coming back to you, or at least you would be thinking that if you had been here before.
You quickly looked around to relay this exciting development to Hitoya but he was nowhere to be found. After a frantic search, you found him looking through a cabinet inside what was probably a kitchen.
“We have to look for the water that sparkles. That’s right, we’re here to look for something.” The weight of the captain’s hat got a little lighter.
“Huh?” Hitoya looked at you like you had lost your mind. He shut the cabinet (that seemed to have whisky bottles lined up inside) and faced you. “What’re you on about now?”
You held out the ring to him, “This is a clue. It hadn’t been dropped on the deck by someone on the ship – someone in the water threw it on.”
“There’s not gonna be anyone in that water alive. There’s no one for miles. Are you sure you didn’t hit your head or something?”
He wasn’t ready to humour you just yet.
“I’m sure! This ring is totally a clue, you have to believe me! We were sent here for a purpose!” In your other hand, you showed him the scale, “And this is our way out!”
“Haah, I hate to burst your bubble but, are you really sure you didn’t hit your head? What if we go the same way we came, with a candle. It’s crazy but it’s not out the blue like that – wait, let me see that ring.” Hitoya, with his brow suddenly furrowed in concentration, took the ring from you and examined it. “Tch. I hate to say it, but I think I recognise this ring. I dunno if I like what it implies though…”
“What is it what is it what is it?!” Hearing about this was very exciting. “Your captain orders you to tell me!”
“Heh. Don’t get used to that, kid. Well, this ring looks like it belongs to someone we know. I don’t think we’re the only ones out here.”
“Get to the point!”
“You really can be like my kid,” Hitoya mumbled, “Alright. This looks like Kuko’s ring.”
“It’s a shot in the dark but, yeah. It’d be nice to see those two again, rather than bein’ stuck here.” Hitoya rubbed the back of his neck.
“Aww. Maybe you miss them.”
“Hmph. I’m not saying any more on that.” He crossed his arms, then spoke with a little more energy in his voice, clearly wanting to shift the subject: “Any leads on your end, captain?”
“I’ve got no clue. I… I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t fall overboard. I’m not jumpin’ in after you.” Hitoya said, knowing that he actually would jump in.
“Gotcha.” You left, going out to the deck to look around.
The sun was high in the sky, raining down an intense heat – it was about midday. As you stepped out, a gentle breeze blew away the cobwebs. The afternoon air was nice, although it was not helpful. It had been midday for a few hours. But the last time you saw the sky it was still orange, and you were sure that the sun had been setting. None of this made sense.
“Sparkly water, what does that even mean?” You pondered, pacing around the deck.
The ring and the scale sat in your pocket. You closed your eyes and focused on the smooth surface of the scale, trying to figure out what it all meant. As captain, leading the ship to its destination was your job, and it was even more important to keep your crew in check. That was hard to do when you didn’t know what you were here for.
“And a ring was thrown onto the deck. Even if it’s not Kuko’s, that’s pretty weird.”
Waves gently crashed against the side of the ship, which had been smoothly sailing itself for a while. A soft wind pushed the sails forward. The ocean was endless, with no islands in sight. There weren’t even any other ships. The horizon was visible from all angles, and from all sides. All except near the back. There was an odd contraption laying there, and upon further inspection, you had idea what it was. It looked like an old washtub connected to a wooden crane. There were no levers or cranks for a human to work it by, so you left it alone. For now, you stood near the side facing the sun. Watching the sunlight catch the peaks of little waves was mesmerising. You found yourself watching it for a while, forgetting about this whole ordeal.
Among the waves, there was a small patch of bubbling water. You strained to look at it – there was a pair of binoculars inside, but you didn’t want to move in case this anomaly went out of sight.
At first you thought it could have been mist from a whale’s blowhole, but it was too calm for that. The more you considered it, the more you thought it just looked like someone blowing bubbles underwater. Either way, your heart swelled upon seeing it. It struck you that this whole time you were staring out at sea, you hadn’t seen any wildlife at all – whatever this was, it was something that needed to be checked out by the ship’s captain.
“Ship!” You stood up straight and called out.
The ship’s sails flapped excitedly, like they were responding to you calling out them.
“I want to look at that patch of bubbles from the side, can you sail slowly over there?” Going full speed ahead would certainly sound cool, but approaching this with caution was a smarter move.
The ship lurched forward, obeying everything you told it to do, apart from the ‘slowly.’
“What the hell was that?” Hitoya scrambled onto the deck. He looked like a cat that had just had its nap disturbed.
“I’ve found something! Stay alert, matey!” You kept your eyes peeled and focused. The patch of bubbles split into two smaller patches. One was moving fairly quickly away from the other, but the other soon caught up. The ship, somehow defying the weak breeze, matched its pace with the bubbles.
“Stop, ship!” You braced yourself against the edge of the ship as it stopped. Yes! The water here was ever so slightly sparkly. It looked warm and inviting – you had to hold yourself back from jumping in.
“This seems like the place. You got a good eye, kid. Hey, is that a voice? Is someone drowning?!”
Hitoya was right – from the two patches of bubbles, there came two voices. Though you weren’t too far from them, they were barely audible.
You lowered a rope ladder off the side of the ship and took a few steps down it, hanging on just above the water. “Hey, is someone there? Do you need help?” You called out.
The voices stopped, and everything was quiet. With bated breath, you and Hitoya waited for a reply. Even the ship’s sails were still.
You were about to call again, when a long, red mass swam quickly through the water, creating ripples that splashed on your legs. Another mass was following behind it, though it wasn’t as temperamental as the first.
“Captain, it’s just a weird fish. Come back on board before you fall in.” Hitoya said. “I don’t want you gettin’ eaten.
You stayed right where you were: “No, we’ve come this far! And fish don’t let out bubbles.”
“Fine. It’s a tiny whale.”
“No! We’re staying here.”
Hitoya huffed and leant over to look.
“Listen to your captain, Hitoya.” A voice from under you said.
Your head whipped round to meet the source – it was Kuko! Or at least, it was his head that was peeking out of the water.
“Kuko! Come on board – don’t drown!” You held out your hand to help him up, barely registering the ‘how’ or ‘why’ of him being there.
“Nah thanks, I can’t exactly get up.”
You were about to ask what he meant when another familiar face popped up from the water – it was Jyushi!
“Jyushi! Why are you two in the ocean? And why do you look different? Come on board before you drown!”
“Hey, I hear ya.” Kuko rose up to the surface, just past his shoulders, so that he could freely talk with his hands and he spoke. “Yeah, shit’s different about us – we got other things to worry about first.”
Jyushi, however, only let his head come above water. “Aha! I’m so happy to see both of you again, ehe. I can’t wait to get home!”
“Get home? We can’t even get on the boat,” Kuko snapped.
“Uuuu… I know, but still,” Jyushi whined, and dejectedly blew bubbles under the water.
“You two,” Hitoya butted in, “Don’t keep us out of the loop. What’re you hiding from us?”
“Alright alright. Check this out!” Kuko grinned before diving down into the water and holding himself there, showing off his blue and purple… fish tail. In a flash, he righted himself again. “How’d’ya like that, huh? We’re mermaids – me and Jyushi!”
With your free hand, you took out the scale from your pocket and held it up – it was a match. “So this is from you? And your ring… How did that even happen?”
“Haah? We can talk about all that later. Just help us go home. I wanna get back to takin’ a nap.” Kuko was getting more frustrated by the second.
“I thought you were training today?” You innocently asked.
“Whatever.” Kuko frowned and turned his head.
Instead of his grown out shave, Kuko had long flowing hair like he had been growing it out for years. That long mass of red you saw earlier must have been all that hair. Jyushi was the same; he had no mullet anymore, just a waterfall of black hair.
Kuko must have seen you staring, because he called out to you: “Listen, I dunno if mermaid hairdressers exist but I know they’d have a hard time cleanin’ up all the cut hair when they’re floatin’ all about.” Kuko wasn’t too happy about detracting from the real issue, though he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear: “Kinda like it. Maybe one day.”
“It looks good on you!” You said.
“H-hey! Listen, kiddo. There are things more important than this, like how’re we gonna get up there? Figure that out, captain.”
“I don’t know…”
There was no way you could pull them up by hand – neither you nor Hitoya – and they couldn’t climb the rope ladder only by their arms (maybe Kuko could, but definitely not Jyushi).
The ships sails rattled impatiently. The ship… they needed to get on the ship. If only there was something made just for getting mermaids on the ship. But there was, you realised, thinking back over the past few hours: The strange contraption on the ship was made just for this!
“Ship! Lower the… tub thing… into the water!” You commanded the ship, and it answered.
With a few creaks, the ship turned the gears of the crane and lowered the tub into the water. The managed to swim inside and get settled with minimum fuss. Jyushi was having fun splashing his tub-mate with water, and Kuko was holding back from throwing Jyushi over the side. Soon, the two boys were on board, and lounging in the tub as the ship sailed forth.
Or, you would be going forth, but you didn’t know where you were going.
“Oi, Captain,” Hitoya said, “Where are we headed? If you don’t mind, your first mate here is gonna hit the hay.”
You were starting to feel sleepy yourself. “I’ll join you. I’m tired after all that.”
A loud whine came from behind you, which ended as a yawn. Of course, it was Jyushi. “Uuu… don’t leave me out here with Kuko… He might…”
“What?” Kuko butted in, “Worried I’ll make ya train here? In this boat, as mermaids? Nah. I’m gonna take a nap.” He rested his arms on the rim of the tub and let his head lull back. In almost no time, he was snoring.
You looked to Jyushi, preparing to go and comfort him, only to find that he was fast asleep too. Hitoya had already gone to his quarters so you assumed that he was asleep too. The afternoon was warm, so you could understand why everyone dozed off so quickly. Sitting down on the deck with your back resting against a barrel, you soon fell asleep. You didn’t remember if you were there long, but the sounds of the waves and having everyone safe on board made it easy to rest.
Though you were the last to fall asleep, you were the last one to wake up.
The cabinet behind your head, and the carpet you were sitting on… it was familiar. You were in Hitoya’s office.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Kuko was peering down at you.
“Huh?” You rubbed your eyes and fully woke up, “Was that all a dream? I don’t remember falling asleep.”
“It was real, kid.” Hitoya offered his hand and helped you stand up. “How, or why, did this even happen?”
“M… maybe it was all a freaky dream! That was all had at the same time!” Jyushi said, but his idea was quickly shut down.
“I dunno. I was takin’ a nap, then I fell into the water.” Kuko said, as nonchalantly as if he was telling you what he had for breakfast. “I don’t think worrying about the ‘how’ or ‘why’ will do us any good, guys.”
“Me too… I took a nap… I mean –! I was really tired after band practice and… and…!” Jyushi looked like he was about to make another ocean with his tears, “I wasn’t being lazy… oh… I hope Amanda isn’t lonely without me…”
Kuko clicked his tongue in annoyance as Jyushi whimpered, Hitoya sighing at both of them. Things were well and truly back to normal. Everyone was in their rightful place.
Out on that strange ocean, where time didn’t move in a regular fashion, it would have been so lonely if you were taken there by yourself. You were glad that you weren’t alone, even if the meaning of it all didn’t make sense. You were all back, so why did you have a feeling that you’d left something behind? Was everyone here?
Even without the help of the captain’s hat, you figured out what you left behind: “We never got to find out the ship’s name… It was kinda cute, like a big puppy! Ships all have names, don’t they? Maybe we could name it!”
“Be thankful we all got back in one piece. Don’t go worrying about a boat.” Hitoya sighed, again.
“Right. Um… happy father’s day…?” You weren’t sure if it was still that day.
In the real world, not much time had passed, so it was now around lunch time, despite it feeling like a whole day had passed.  
“Heh. Thanks. What do you all say we go out for food? I’m starving.” A chorus of “Yes!” went around, which made Hitoya crack a smile. “Great. You guys argue and pick something.”
“Hitoya, it’s your day, you pick!” You insisted. It was nice that he didn’t dismiss the whole father’s day thing after all.
“Still hung up over that, huh? Alright. I could go for anything right now. Apart from seafood… huh?” Hitoya apparently noticed something new on his desk. “What’s this? Did you get me this?”
“No, what is it?”
Hitoya picked it up and showed everyone. It was a snow globe, with a tiny model ship sitting in the middle. Around the base, ‘The Chiroptera’ was engraved. The ship was alone in its miniature ocean. When he shook it, little blue flecks flew around, with the occasional fleck of glitter.
And if you looked close enough, the sails were flapping.
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompt.Week25
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist]
Beta: @jung-hoseok-s-airplane
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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        June 18th - 24th
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Kim Seokjin - panic @absoluteyoongit (I am so sorry I didn’t get to post it on your birthday, but still Happy Birthday my love)
You were at the BTS concert. It took all your savings, a countdown timer and quick refresh skills and you had scored mosh pit tickets. The concert was amazing. The fans were shrieking, pressing you to the gates and you were a little annoying. Until you were actually elbowed in the face by a fan during Dionysus. 
You fell forward over the gate and was grabbed by security, passing out with an apology. 
You woke to ice to your neck, you were sat hunched forward, hands holding your shoulders and chin. 
You blinked sitting up noticing the two medics were holding a bloody rag to your nose and you apologized taking the cloth and holding it. 
"How are you feeling?" The woman asked. 
"Uh my head hurts, some girl elbowed me during Dionysus, but I guess you couldn't blame her it's a really good song," it was awfully quiet and you had a nervous sick feeling, "what time is it, am I okay? I don't want to miss the concert"
"It is over," she said and you frowned.
"No it can't be over, I paid so much and I didn't get to even see them perform their new songs"
"I am sorry, but the concert is over, you can head home if you are ready just follow the exit signs," she said quietly you nodded holding your emotions in. 
You grabbed your small bag and stepped out the infirmary, tears starting to flow. Following the exit signs the further away you got the more you broke down. 
Until you bumped into someone re-injuring your nose and fell back onto your behind, openly crying as you sat like a child, shirt all bloody and nose bleeding once more. 
"Oh I'm so sorry" the voice said, it was soft and unsure, "I didn't mean to hurt you?"
A figure crouched in front of you and tilted your head a little to look you over, "Are you badly hurt?"
"I missed the concert," you sobbed and wiped your eyes, “I used all my money for the best seat in the house but I was knocked out. I didn't get to see any of their new songs.” 
"Hey shh, neoneun neui jigu, nege nan just a moon, me mameul baikyeojuneun neoui jageun byeol, neoneun naui jigu and all I see is you," he sang and you looked up to see the Kim Seokjin kneeling in front of you holding his handkerchief to your nose and smiling. 
The only appropriate response was for panic to set in. 
Min Yoongi - picnic
You were planning to have a picnic with your boyfriend of many years when he called and said he wasn’t able to attend but everything sounded suspicious especially the woman giggling in the background. So here you sat in the parking lot of a hotel with a picnic basket full of homemade snacks 
You entered the lobby and made the trek to the front desk. The young man at the front desk looked up and laughed at your light sky blue sundress, mismatched red coat and picnic basket. “Hello, little red riding hood, how can I help you?”
“I am looking for my boyfriend,” you said seriously, giving him the name and his face fell looking at your concerned face. “Are you sure he is at this hotel, maybe I spelt his name wrong.”
“The idiot used my credit card, I know he is here with another woman. You will give me the key to the room I paid for.”
“With pleasure little red, I will come with you purely for your protection.” He grabbed the keys and sprung over the desk shouting “I am on lunch, Mister Seokjin!”
The two of you took the elevator up to the fourteenth floor, where he asked you about you and your partner. He asked you all sorts of questions and generally being nosey but he was funny.
“Who rents a room at midday to cheat on someone, psychopaths, I am glad you found out now before you got murdered or something.” Making you laugh and taking your mind off the present issues regarding your cheating and lying boyfriend. 
“Listen little red, I finish work in less than thirty minutes. Let’s go on this picnic” He gave a cheeky smile showing all his pink gums. And for a moment you were happy with what had happened.
Jung Hoseok - sauntering
Hoseok was walking leisurely through Malta trying to find some souvenirs for the other boys. It was a hot day and he had lost Namjoon in a crowd, the music pulled Hoseok and when he looked back he was alone with only one cameraman. That’s when he saw you working at a restaurant, weaving through tables while dancing to the street music. 
You moved so elegantly rolling your head to the side while placing plates down at the tables. You didn’t walk, you glided slowly captivating him, every movement was so simple and yet looked like you were an angel floating and inch above the ground. 
In a way he was right, your six-inch heels kept you lighter than air on your feet and yet never let you touch the ground. Your hips swinging in figure eights exaggeratedly and seductively but it was your natural gait. 
He adjusted his collar and hat and went to saunter over letting his body move to the music in hopes to impress you like some nature documentary where the male species must impress the female with their moves. 
Kim Namjoon - juggling
The circus seemed like a fun idea, he thought the other members would enjoy the stunts and jokes and more. They were only in town for a week so he knew he had to get it over and done with before they missed out. It was a carefree night filled with ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ but then she appeared in a sparkly crimson leotard her lips as red as her outfit and she moved with grace to the music. 
Lowered from the ceiling she unravelled herself like a present and he watched her move the lights hitting her figure just right casting a silhouette onto the back of the tent, she rolled her hips and danced on pointed to kicking her legs and she began juggling three became four became five, six, seven and she spun and danced never dropping a single one. 
She started juggling both hands above her head and she slid into the splits and caught all the balls raising both hands into the air. He would be back. 
Park Jimin - Daylight (this will become a story but the details of the scene and how the reader finds the elevator might be different) 
You were being chased by a young woman trying to take your bag, you took a wrong turn in a shopping mall’s parking lot followed by at least four more until you reached an old abandoned floor below the basement you could hear her coming and you looked around finding a door with a faint glowing keypad, you pressed each number four times. 
1,1,1,1. No.
2,2,2,2. No.
3,3,3,3. No.
4,4,4,4. Beep. Yes, the reset sequence works on most old pin code machines. You snuck inside and it locked behind you.
Inside the room was kind of dark, you saw small glowing arrows one pointing up the other down, pressing the down arrow the doors opened and light poured in. 
It was an elevator and it looked like it was in good condition, stepping inside you pressed the button and headed down. What you saw shocked you; it was like an artificial world. It seemed to go on for a fairway, you could just see walls in the distance but there were lights that created an artificial daylight. 
The roof had screens showing a fake sky, there must have been UV lights as the trees and vegetation were growing well. Then of course there was the elevator shaft you were in, the further you went down the more you saw, animals and buildings and people. 
They turned to you watching the elevator come to a stop each holding weapons, it was then you noticed how big this underground ecosystem was and on top of that, the people were all handsome young men. 
They all looked scared of you except one. Jimin looked at you curiously. He had never seen anything like you before, what were you, you looked like him and yet different?
Kim Taehyung - ring
Taehyung’s ears were damaged and he barely had any hearing left all except for the constant ringing. He decided to just use sign language and live his life that is until he met you. You were like a breath of fresh air and you could sign a small hearing aid in your ear brightly colored for your own enjoyment and for others to notice. 
Jeon Jungkook - writer
Jungkook took his monthly wage and ran through the town, he passed a man with a long scar down his face which vaguely reminded him of the king. His thoughts were interrupted by a bearded man hitting him over the head with his fishing pole and Jungkook grabbed him by the collar and punched him. 
The scuffle didn’t take long, as both parties had yielded blaming the man with the scar. Jungkook continued on his way and finally arrived at the postal service. 
“Any letters for me Jimin?”
“None today,” he smiled, “you here to send another?”
“Only the best for my pretty flower.”
“What would you like it to say?”
“My dearest…” Jungkook poured his heart out and Jimin wrote it for him. And the letter was sealed and Jimin grinned, taking the small silver coin and handing back a few even bronze ones. 
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gwenbrightly · 4 years
Crossposted from ffnet (originally meant to be published for the Christmas week writing promps).
“Wow.” Lloyd gasped. The sparkly layer of snow covering the courtyard was even more impressive up close than it had been through his bedroom window. Kai grinned at his brother’s enthusiasm. It was good to see him letting go a little.  
“It’s beautiful,” Pixal squealed in agreement, “I’ve always wanted to play in the snow.”
Kai raised an eyebrow.
“You’ve really never gotten to play in the snow before?”
“No? Father and I were always very busy at this time of year, what with all the tours and meetings and holiday parties to host... And I didn’t exactly have a body with which to enjoy such things after that horrible noodle man had me dismantled. So, yes, this is all very new to me.” she muttered distastefully, not even bothering to refer to Chen by his name. The others glanced at each other in surprise. Pixal fit into their team so naturally that they sometimes forgot that she had missed out on many of the things they took for granted.  
“Oh. Well. Don’t worry! You have all of us here to teach you everything there is to know about having fun in the snow!” Jay told her brightly.
“We’ll make sure you have a wonderful time.” agreed Zane, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Pixal brightened at this.  
“So. What would you like to do first?” Nya asked. She was eager to take advantage of the clear winter day.
“I... Could we go sledding?” Pixal suggested eagerly.
“Sure! There’s a nice big ledge about halfway down the mountain we can use as our launch point so we don’t have to hike as far.” Lloyd told them. He and Cole had gone scouting earlier, having figured sledding would come up eventually.
“Yup, right this way.” Cole said, gesturing grandly for them to follow him. They exited the courtyard of the monastery, turning left once they were outside. There was a sort of trail leading down the side of the mountain, reinforced with walls of stone and dirt wherever it got too perilous, courtesy of Cole. It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination.
“Would you care to do the honors, Zane?” Lloyd prompted. Pixal gave him a confused look.
“You’ll see in a second.” assured Jay. She watched with wide eyes as the master of ice used his powers to create elegant sleds from ice. Each one looked delicate, intricate. Perfect. She let out a soft oh. Christmas movies had nothing on this. Zane smiled softly at her.
“Want to go first?” he offered, holding out one of the sleds. Pixal glanced at the others. Jay gave her a thumbs up; everyone else smiled or nodded encouragingly.
“S-sure.” she nervously agreed. She took the sled and climbed on. If Kai pushed her just a little bit too hard (he was still slightly salty that she wouldn’t let him add Yoda to the already.... unique nativity), she didn’t notice. Suddenly, Pixal was flying! Down the side of the mountain she flew, the wind making a whooshing sound in her ears. The sun made the snow around her sparkle brilliantly.  
“This is amazing!” she shouted to the others, who were slowly gaining on her. Although she had observed this activity from inside of Zane’s head, she’d had no idea it could be this exhilarating.  
“Pretty epic, right?” Nya laughed as she sped past her. Pixal was about to respond when her sled spun out of control. The rest of her descent was spend dizzily trying to regain a stable trajectory. She ultimately failed and found herself being flung face first into a snow drift when she finally reached the bottom of the mountain. The impact left her breathless.  
“Pixal! Are you okay?” Zane asked worriedly, sliding to a stop not far away. Pixal flopped onto her back.
“I’m all good. Just,” she spat out a mouthful of snow, “need to figure out how steer more effectively next time.”
“That… would probably be wise.” he said, relief tinging his voice. Trekking through the snow to her side, he soon had Pixal back on her feet. She reached up and kissed her love on the nose as a thanks.  
“Let’s go again!” cheered Jay, oblivious to Pixal’s spill. The ninja and samurai scrambled to gather their sleds (as well as several hats that had come flying off). Up the mountain they hiked until they reached the ledge once again. Predictably, it was then that anarchy broke lose. As Lloyd launched himself down the mountain again, Kai tossed a snowball at him in an attempt to knock him off his sled.  
“Rude!” the blonde called over his shoulder indignantly. The master of fire only laughed. He jumped onto his own sled and sped away. The others glanced at each other ruefully.  
“I was wondering how long it’d take Kai to pull that.” Nya mused.  
“Poor Lloyd.” commented Cole, watching the duo race down the snowy slope, screaming raucously.  
“He… should be alright,” Pixal assured them, “Kai’s chances of hitting him at that velocity and angle aren’t very high.”  
She’d run the numbers in her head, but decided the others probably didn’t need to know exactly how unlikely it was.  
“Still, we should probably get down there before they kill each other, don’t you think?” asked Jay. Lloyd and Kai were almost to the bottom, now, and could just barely  be heard singing a very violent rendition of Dashing Through the Snow at each other. Zane climbed onto his sled, saying, “Yes. I think we’d better.”  
And with that they were off. By the time they reached Kai and Lloyd, the green ninja had turned the tables on his would-be attacker. He tackled Kai to the ground.  
“So cold!” the spiky haired ninja screeched as Lloyd shoved snow down the front of his coat.
“That’s what you get for messing with the Green Ninja!” Lloyd teased good naturedly.  
“I – ow – know,” Kai complained as the others watched with amusement, “you can let me up now, you know.”
Lloyd shrugged innocently.  
“Aren’t you guys gonna rescue me from this gremlin of a ninja?” ��
“Nope. This is way more entertaining.” Nya told her brother.
“You definitely deserve this.” agreed Pixal. The master of fire gaped at them. He glanced pleadingly at Cole, who shrugged.
“Awww c’mon, Lloyd. I’ll give you a chocolate dipped marshmallow Santa when we get back to the monastery if you have mercy on me.” he offered.
“You really think you can bribe me with candy? I’m not a kid anymore, Kai.” Lloyd protested. He tried unconvincingly to hide his delight. Kai raised an eyebrow, not missing a beat.
“….. You’re absolutely right. I’ll take that marshmallow Santa.” the Green Ninia decided, smiling giddily. He released the master of fire from his hold.  
“Of course you will.” Kai muttered, rolling his eyes.  
“What do you all say to a nice hot cup of homemade hot coco?” Zane cut in, noting how chilled his companions looked. It was unlikely that anyone had the energy for another run, anyway.  
“Ooh, yeah that sounds awesome!”  
“Race you to the top of the mountain!”
“Seriously, how do you people have so much energy left?!”
Came the replies. It took them awhile to make it home that wintry afternoon, but no one complained for long when they finally got the warm beverages they’d been promised.  
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