#colin butts
nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Tips for Completing Your NaNoWriMo Novel Draft
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Freewrite, a 2022 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a dedicated drafting device designed just for writers, free of distractions. Today, comedian/writer Natalie Kim and Freewrite staff member Colin Butts share a few tips for helping you reach the end of your first draft this November:
Hello from Freewrite!  We’re thrilled to be taking part in the 2022 NaNoWriMo challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, we make dedicated drafting devices for writers without the distraction—or temptation—of browsers, email, apps, or notifications so you can get into and stay in writing flow. When it is time to edit, your drafts seamlessly sync with the cloud for export into Scrivener, Final Draft, Word, Google Docs, or your software of choice.
At the core of Freewrite’s design philosophy is an encouragement to move you forward. Intentionally lacking editing capabilities, Freewrite drafting devices help writers write more, not better. In this case, quantity trumps quality.
Ok, enough about Freewrite. How about insight from 2020 NaNoWriMo participant Natalie Kim about her experience drafting her project and what tips she has for you going in:
1. Make it a ritual
For NaNoWriMo in November 2020 I committed to writing after dinner, no matter what. Once my butt sank into our cat-scratched chair, my fingers immediately danced across my Freewrite keyboard and did not stop until I hit 1000 words. A car filled with clowns could have crashed into my living room and I would continue typing.
Also, there is no question that writing on the Freewrite helped me reach 50,000+ words. Had I used my laptop to write I would have 50+ browser tabs open, searching for “JUST ONE MORE THING”.
With the Freewrite it was just me and the words.
2. Always move forward
I remember the advice an instructor in a graduate film writing class said about the first draft. He said: “Never go back and edit your first draft while you are writing it. Always move forward”. I followed his advice and I did not read what I had written. I gave it the cold shoulder and moved on.
3. Guard your mind from the noise
Try an experiment during NaNoWriMo: Refrain from consuming media like podcasts, episodic shows or mindlessly scrolling social media on your phone. 
And before you throw your sneaker at me, hear me out.
Your mind is a valuable resource that must be protected from the mediocre din of every day society. You never know where your next precious idea will appear: walking back from the coffee shop, loading the dishwasher or driving back from the mechanic. Our greatest ideas emerge when we have a clear mind; free from other people’s ideas and voices. 
4. When you’ve reached 50,000 words
In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, King says that when you finish the first rough draft you need distance from it. King believes that if you read the first draft too soon you will be tempted to tinker with it. You might think it is harmless to tinker but it ultimately results in your work looking become a loaf of bread vivisected by a toddler: a doughy, crumbly mess.
Instead give the rough draft some breathing space. Then come back to it.
5. In conclusion
Please do feel free to use the helpful advice and throw out the rest. Go forth with confidence and be steadfast with your writing. 
50,000 words, here you come!
Don’t forget to check out Freewrite’s special discount offer for NaNoWriMo writers! 
Natalie Kim is a comedian who likes to remind everyone that we are not as different as we think we are. This summer, she was a resident of St. Nell’s Humor Writing Residency for Women and performed in clubs around New York City. She is currently working on a collection of humorous essays about being the tough-talking, loud mouth kid from Suffolk County, Long Island.
As Head of Marketing for Freewrite, Colin Butts loves hearing from creative writers about their ideas and stories in development. Helping to provide a product that removes barriers for drafting artists makes his work deeply purposeful. Colin loves to read, is starting his own first short story, and enjoys adventure travel, yoga, and video games when he’s not busy in the literary world.
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fanfrelon · 15 days
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Colin Farrell in Total Recall
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hiyyihrts · 2 months
we keep getting teasers of Colin making Penelope’s breath hitch and her eyes glaze over at him but when am I going to see him audibly draw in air at her touching him, see him stutter over his own thoughts and apprehensions at the sight of her, whimper for her when she touches him just right??? WHEN???
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trent-crimm · 1 year
Clearly the first thing Trent is going to do as Colin’s gay mentor is to give him A SENSIBLE CAR
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dollypopup · 10 months
canon divergence AU where Penelope confides in Marina and they actually become friends slaps soooo hard tho
Penelope coming to Marina when Portia locked her up in her room and Marina telling her about George just like in canon, but this time, Penelope sympathizes with her and listens as Marina laments about George, and shows her their letters, and Penelope is so moved by how open Marina is and so touched by their love story that she shyly says "Marina, in finding this out, I cannot help but feel I have judged you unfairly. I was so upset at your growing closeness with. . .well. . .Colin. . .Colin is like my George. I am not with Colin’s child but I feel as though I feel about him the same as you do George. The way you talk about your George is the same as…well…I feel about Colin. Our feelings mirror one another." and Marina being so appreciative that Penelope confided in her and immediately being so understanding and supportive. She's waiting for George to come steal her away but she gets why Penelope is into Colin. They're bonded through their love being a difficult thing for them or a thing they cannot fully act on. they find kinship with one another through it and decide to help each other
Just imagine how much better *both* their lives would be if they just formed a real friendship? Penelope helping Marina with writing letters to George, having secret sleepovers in her room even tho Portia forbids it, banding together to stand up to her, snooping with one another after that letter she forges and discovering the truth together, thirsting over Colin!!! So many of Penelope's frustrations would be eased if she just had *someone* she could thirst over Colin with. Marina telling Pen how babies are actually made. Penelope using LW to help Marina find a husband and/or to attempt to find George. Marina telling Colin he's a sweet man, really, and that he's been nothing but kind to her, but he already has people that make him happy and people he makes happy, in turn. Marina's 'You have Penelope' actually making sense. Penelope becoming Marina's wingwoman and Marina becoming Penelope's. The two of them giggling behind their fans in a ballroom, whispering about how he just looks *so* cute when he's bumbling about looking for them on the dance floor and did you notice his waistcoat is especially form fitting tonight?
we could have female solidarity. we could have sisterhood. we could have Penelope's circle widening. we could have them openly thirsting on Colin having Cake on main!!! Marina can have a full support system. Penelope can have someone to vent with. Penelope introducing Eloise and Marina to each other! The friendship! The sarcasm! The roasting of nonsensical ton rules and expectations!
We can even still have Marina in a carriage with Phillip, so long as she chooses it, because Penelope in this AU would ensure Marina got *more* choices, not less, but this time Penelope runs to her, clutching her hands, telling her she'd write. we could have Penelope coming to visit, having an opportunity to leave her mum's house whenever she wants under the 'I'm going to see Marina' excuse. we could have Penelope playing with Amanda and Oliver as Marina teaches them French or going on promenades with her out on the *massive* grounds. We could have Marina tell Penelope how good it is to have family over. . .well, *some* family, and the two of them laughing about it. We could have ALL the Portia roasts. We could have Marina slyly going 'soooooo, what of Colin?' when she stops by and Penelope going 'soooo, what of *your* affairs?' in return as they titter about it
we could have it all
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Winter's Bite (Twilight Princess ficlet)
HAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS INCAPABLE OF WRITING SOMETHING >:) (I'm sure literally no one thought this except me, it's fine, this is a joke)
@nancyheart11 this was far too long to be sent in an ask and I said what the heck I'll make it a ficlet, so enjoy :)
Summary: Link usually shows up at Rusl's house every day. When no one has seen or heard from him in the middle of a sleet storm, Rusl goes out in search for him.
(AO3 link)
It was a dreary day. The blissful break in winter from yesterday, filled with sunshine and gentle breezes and warmer temperatures, had been harshly shoved aside for a return of ice and bitterly cold rain. Rusl found himself wanting to lay in bed - Hana was getting better at sleeping through the night, but there were still interruptions, and between his broken up rest from the last few months and the abysmal lighting he was set to sleep all morning.
Rusl rolled onto his side, his arm reaching out for his wife, when he felt just the mattress beside him. Frowning, he opened his eyes a bit more and saw that Uli had already gotten up somehow, despite the entire world indicating that it was a good day to sleep in. Sighing, he decided he should get up too.
With a mighty yawn and a lazy stretch, the Ordonian swordsman finally rose out of bed, stumbled a little as his world spun, and then made his way to his daughter's crib. Hana was fast asleep, her little chubby face relaxed, and Rusl smiled at the sight of it. He went to his son's room next to check on Colin, who was out cold. Pulling the blanket up a little to better tuck him in, Rusl left quietly so his son could enjoy a sleepy morning.
The smell of breakfast filled his nostrils, perking him up a bit more. Uli was boiling some eggs and making biscuits - Rusl couldn't imagine a more perfect start to the day.
"Good morning," he said softly, wrapping his arms around her from behind and planting a kiss on her neck.
Uli giggled a little, leaning her head back into his chest. "Mornin'."
The couple spent the rest of the time in silence, Rusl helping with making tea while Uli finished cooking. When Hana awoke, Rusl took over in the kitchen so Uli could feed her, and Colin eventually dragged his feet into the main room of the house just in time for breakfast.
The day progressed pleasantly and lazily. Rusl worked on making some farming tools for the villagers while Colin stayed indoors and took care of Hana, giving Uli time to rest and make some clothes. Rusl gazed outside occasionally, wondering if Link would stop by - it had been a couple weeks since everything that had happened, and though Link was fully recovered and had settled back in his own little home, Rusl still worried.
Particularly since he hadn't seen him today. Usually he'd catch sight of Link on his way to the ranch in the morning, or the boy would stop by for lunch or dinner.
Lunch had passed by now, so Rusl assumed he would see his boy in the evening.
He didn't.
Worry started to settle heavily in his gut. The last time Link had disappeared for a while...
Well... actually, now that he thought about it, Rusl had never questioned why his ward had been lounging around as a wolf in front of his home all those nights ago rather than gone inside to sleep.
It still made him uneasy. It had been too recent, everything that had transpired that night. He felt anxious thinking that he hadn't seen Link at least once today.
Rusl hardly touched his dinner, and Uli picked up on his anxiety as well. When Colin took Hana to her crib, his wife used the opportunity to walk over to him and ask softly, "Have you seen Link?"
"No," he answered. "But I'm going to go look for him."
Uli nodded, glancing away worriedly. "I was outside gathering some ingredients and I overheard Fado mentioning that he hadn't seen Link today."
"What?" Rusl nearly yelped. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Honey, it was right before dinner; Colin was there by the time I got back," Uli argued quietly. "You and I both know he'd go running off into the woods with nothing but a wooden sword to find him. Besides, I wasn't sure if you'd seen him."
Uli blew out a shaky breath, staring at the floor guiltily. "I didn't--he has to be okay, right?"
"I'll make sure of it," Rusl stated firmly, grabbing his sword. Uli gave him a quick concerned be careful as he headed out, hood pulled tightly over his head as the freezing rain continued to pour forth from the sky, pelting his skin with tiny scratches of winter's claws.
It didn't take long to clear the village of any sign of Link, and his house was equally empty, making Rusl worry even more. He bent down to the ground, looking for any signs of either Hylian or wolf feet, and instead saw the heavy footprints of horseshoes.
Perhaps Link was alright if he'd taken his horse with him? Rusl had to confirm, though. Heading into the forest, he followed the footprints, which were filled with ice, indicating it might have been a while since Epona had been there. He went across the bridge and into Faron Woods before he found Link's mare close to the mouth of the cave that led further into the forest, looking agitated.
"Epona," Rusl acknowledged as he reached out to the horse. She had taken shelter under a few trees, but it was very unlike Link to leave his steed out in the elements like this. He looked over her saddle and the single bag packed. Link hadn't planned on being gone for long based on how little was being carried. "Where's Link?"
Epona whinnied, her feet shifting nervously. Rusl pat her reassuringly, glancing around. The encampment where the lantern merchant usually stayed had been abandoned in lieu of the storm, which made searching for clues...
There. Smaller footprints, first those of a Hylian and then suddenly shifting into paw prints.
Rusl trotted ahead, growing steadily more nervous.
Only one beast popped out to cause trouble, a keese, and Rusl felled it quickly. The beast squealed in protest before gurgling into silence, its last gasp covered by the sound of icicles falling from the sky.
And then Rusl heard whimpering.
Sheathing his sword with a conscious effort and haste, he rushed ahead, finding his charge.
A black wolf was curled around himself, tail and paws tucked under him, ears peeled back, fur glittering in icicles that had long since frozen to him.
"Link," Rusl gasped, falling to his knees. The wolf whined when he placed his hand on his head. "Link, what happened?"
When the only response he got was another whine, he glanced over the young one once more. No sign of injury, no bleeding... though he couldn't see his paws with the way they were tucked in. Gently, Rusl coaxed them out from under the wolf, one leg at a time, and saw no wounds, though the wolf was clearly freezing.
"Link," Rusl tried again. "Come on, son, change back. Talk to me."
Link whined more loudly, tucking himself more tightly into a ball as if he were ashamed or scared. Rusl watched him, baffled and concerned.
"All right," he muttered before pulling off his cloak and wrapping it around the wolf. "We'll do it this way, then."
With a deep breath he pulled the bundle into his arms, Link giving a soft growl and twitch, twisting in his grip a little. Rusl looked at him discerningly, gazing into the intelligent blue eyes and markings as confirmation that he hadn't stumbled onto some other wolf, but no - this was definitely his boy. Why was he acting like this?
Well, whatever the reason, they could figure it out in the warmth of his home.
Rusl headed back towards the bridge leading to the village, and Epona practically ran to him when he reached the clearing. She poked Link with her face, and the wolf whined again, though his tail unfurled a little to wag before he yelped and it curled back in.
Rusl paused. "Link, are... are you in pain?"
Link whined again, his muzzle leaning against Rusl's shoulder.
That had to be what was wrong. But he wasn't injured...?
"Does... does it hurt?"
"Not like it used to. I'm okay, Pa."
The puzzle pieces slowly snapped into place, and Rusl silently made his way back to Ordon. Epona followed along, waiting patiently at Link's home as the swordsman continued to his own house. When he got there, Uli was waiting for him in the den, and she immediately grabbed as many pillows and blankets as she could find and laid them in front of the hearth. Rusl settled Link by the fire, and he stayed very still.
"What happened?" Uli asked.
"I'm... not sure," Rusl answered. "But I think he's in pain."
"Is he hurt?"
"No. I think it's..." Rusl mulled it over. "Storms like this always bother me, my old injuries, my joints."
Uli huffed a little as she knelt beside Link, running a hand over his fur. "Well I may not have scars, but my joints are starting to get a little grouchy with this weather."
Rusl grabbed some herbs that he usually ground up into a tea for pain relief and then paused. Could Link even drink this as a wolf? "I think that's what's wrong. Would transforming back hurt too much, Link?"
Link moved his head to hide his face under a blanket. Uli hummed worriedly, leaning over and kissing the blanket where he was hiding. "Oh, honey... Rusl, what can we give him?"
Rusl stared at the herbs helplessly. "I... we might just have to wait for the storm to be over."
Uli bit her lip thoughtfully. "No medicine, but we have other methods. I'll make some hot water bottles."
As his wife rose to do so, Rusl sat on the ground beside Link, slowly peeling the blanket off his face. His boy's blue eyes watched him sadly, almost seeming ashamed. His brushed his hand over his boy's head, settling for scratching gently behind his ears. Link's tail lazily swished back and forth in acknowledgement.
Sighing a little, Rusl adjusted himself to be more comfortable as he ran his hand along Link's back in a soothing motion. His boy was trembling less, pelt cool and damp rather than frozen solid. The gentle massage helped ease the wolf's tension as well, and eventually Link settled his head on Rusl's lap.
"Don't worry, Link," Rusl whispered as Uli returned with some more items to assist. "We'll take care of you."
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
Season 1 had Daphne dreaming about Simon.
Season 2 had Anthony & Kate daydreaming about each other.
I’m hoping season 3 gives us Colin’s increasingly erotic dreams of Penelope until he snaps and kisses her.
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winter-tospring · 9 months
I just know someday one of the 4 main vampires will say "You're not just a familiar, you're family" to/about Guillermo, and I sleep well knowing that.
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dailystargatebooty · 11 months
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torch-the-throne · 11 months
Most unrealistic bit of Ted Lasso was actually the part where a couple dozen young men organise a secret santa and not a single one of them buys a sex toy as a gag gift
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
kid colin robinson actually reminds me so much of my little sister it's scary
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mumble-muse · 2 years
watched tom hoppers new romcom and god the trials and tribulations the Merlin cast put me through
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Alright, so don't get mad at me, but I've been thinking of this:
So "the clown got stabbed", right? The entire show has been a sorta drama in disguise with all the comedy, and so it definitely doesn't half-ass the pirate life and their whole deal as pirates.
And so what if, Lucius is alive, but his whole "death" was a warning? I.e., what if this was our taste of "the clown got stabbed" to foreshadow that all our favs don't have plot armor. So it's not like I'm wishing this to fruition, but...
I think a permanent crewmate death might happen this next season
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deadsquidstudios · 2 years
Figured I’d post a link to this vid of mine and see if it gets any traction from Tumblr. Made this last October. It’s for that DHMIS Cat AU of mine that keeps refusing to die.
If anyone shows interest I’ll whip up some more content for it.
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Colin: Maybe I’m dreaming. Pinch me!
Colin: Not on the butt, Penelope.
Penelope: Sorry, it was just there.
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sea-buns · 1 year
From an outsider’s perspective “He’s my freaking best friend” was the funniest, most insanely untrue statement that Colin could have possibly made about his relationship to Raphaniel. But Lou going “Deli, crushed, is going to avert his eyes...” had me immediately sobering. Of course it’s gonna look like such a blatant lie to us, as we’ve had a front row seat to Raphaniel’s unhinged bullshit this entire time. But Deli is seeing them both for the first time in five years. He didn’t even notice Colin was present until he was literally crawling on top of him to get by. 
And though he’s seen some pieces of Raphaniel being senile as he runs butt-ass naked into a crater, Deli didn’t even consider doubting Colin for a second. There’s just something that’s so bare about these two. They’re the only ones that didn’t build their characters to lie, but even still, the other three make insight checks on everyone else constantly. The other three have a much longer history with each other than Colin and Deli ever did. And yet neither of them have ever questioned the honesty of the other, always taking every word at face value.
It’s true that they’ve never had a reason to lie. But you would think that when your ex-best friend that you parted with on bad terms and haven’t seen in ages says quite passionately that his new best friend is the soggy old man collecting people’s heads, that you would have some level of doubt. Hell, even if Raphaniel was normal or if it was any other person, wouldn’t you still be holding out? Searching for the faintest glimmer that you’re missed?
The way they just trust each other. The way Deli was the only person Colin ever told about his past, despite them parting on hostile terms. The way they watch each other in battle. The way they both immediately wanna stop and talk to each other. The way they care.
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