#coelacanth in video games
fuckyeahcoelacanths · 7 months
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A brief coelacanth cameo in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Deserted Island Diary manga by KOKONASU☆RUMBA
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maxmorkson · 7 months
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Illustration from my visual novel, Coelacanth
This might be my favourite digital painting to this day.
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nixediusly · 2 months
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King Fossil is the first boss from Darius and the best known in the saga, it is shaped like a coelacanth. I decided to make this version to see how it would look in graphite pencils.
Also appears in: Darius Plus Darius Alpha Super Darius Sagaia (Gameboy) Darius R Darius II (As captain) Super Darius II (As captain) Darius Force (As cameo in the opening) Darius Gaiden Dariusburst series
King Fossil from Darius King Fossil belongs to Taito Corporation.
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g4rchomp · 2 years
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the coelacanth from animal crossing and relicanth from pokemon are in love and kissing happy pride everyone
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rhenuvee · 9 months
Playing Animal Crossing New Horizons with Genshin Boys [Modern AU]
A/N: This is not important but I almost wrote sea bass with the characters
Treats it like Minecraft. Farms the heck out of your island for materials, and makes his own little "base" that's bordered by fences. Has enough wood, rocks, iron nuggets, etc to supply him for a year.
Razor, Bennett, Albedo, Alhaitham, Chongyun, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Thoma, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao
Chaotic. Attacks you with a net, sends you purposely cringey notes with a smelly sea bass attached, dresses like a hot dog after telling him to dress nice for a picture, probably decorates his house like a demon summoning ritual.
Childe, Cyno (does it to make you laugh), Itto, Kaeya, Lyney, Venti
Has sooo many bells... and from what?? He is your resident glucose father, always giving his bells to you to pay your debts. That 75,000 bell piano? It's yours. Really good with the Daisy Mae stonks, buys 100 turnips every time.
Alhaitham (asks you to catch a Coelacanth first), Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya
Broke. You’re the one with millions of bells. Takes so long for him to get out of the tent, and can't pay his home loans for days- but always has money for buying random things like a chair? Sometimes they have bells, but still ask you for some to annoy you. Also frequently gets scammed by Redd.
Bennett, Itto, Kaveh ("why does this feel oddly familiar..?"), Venti
Trash island. They are hoarders (honestly me). Your island's trees are still at the original random locations, along with weeds you have to pick every time, and some unknown "leaves" scattered everywhere. You say this is the reason Isabel gave your island a 2* rating but he denies it.
Bennett, Razor, Cyno, Itto, Venti
Clumsy. Always gets stung by wasps because he never takes out the net on time, falls for pitfall seed traps, and lots and lots of sea bass.
Bennett, Gorou, Itto, Kaveh
Treats it like Pokemon. Catches every single fish, bug and ocean species, completes the art gallery, every DIY. If you need something caught or made, he's your man.
Albedo, Bennett, Chongyun, Cyno, Freminet, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Heizou, Thoma, Tighnari
Wholesome af. This one gifts you sweet letters with nice gifts, aw. Plants lots of flowers outside your houses. Always gives you things you need. Probably decorated a small little space your you two, and gives the villagers nice gifts too.
Ayato, Baizhu, Bennett, Freminet, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lyney, Mika, Thoma, Venti
Doesn't really play video games... but he knows you like it so he tries to understand it. He's like a tourist, following you around, occasionally getting sidetracked by random things such as villagers. He doesn't know about the mailing system (yet) so he drops off gifts for you in front of your house.
Alhaitham, Ayato, Baizhu, Diluc, Gorou, Kazuha, Mika, Razor, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli
Villager drama enthusiast (but chaotic). You tell him about your island and the personalities of your villagers. He goes a step further by making up gossip like "_____ cannot be neighbours with _____ because he cheated on her with _____!"
Childe, Kaeya, Kaveh, Lyney, Heizou, Venti, Xingqiu
The artist. Takes Animal Crossing very seriously. Has only the best clothes and furniture, sometimes making his own custom designs. Terraformed and decorated your island to a T, and takes cute pictures with you in the museum's aquarium, fireworks festival, etc.
Kaveh, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lyney, Venti
The competitive one. Originally he thought Animal Crossing was just a cutesy game. Once you introduce him to it, it doesn't take long for him to complain about Tom Nook being a capitalist and struggling to pay his loans and complete the museum. You offer to help but he insists on doing it himself.
Itto, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaveh
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Admitting I Was Wrong
Modern sports punditry, as with everything else in the modern news cycle, exists in a 24 cycle where there is a constant need for more content. Often, this is fine because there are enough sporting events to talk about (there is almost always a sporting event happening which someone who likes sporting events will be happy to talk about), but sometimes there is a brief lull which still needs to be filled.
So you have pundits and presenters filling dead days with hours of inane chatter, predicting and repredicting the same things over and over again in an industrial-sized chucking-shit-at-the-wall machine.
If you run that machine for long enough eventually some things are going to stick (that's the whole point of the industrial-sized chucking-shit-at-the-wall machine), but at the same time there is an inordinate amount of stuff which doesn't. However, no one seems to care, because the cycle moves on at such a pace that by the time you've noticed one mistake another one comes along to take its place, and by the time you notice that mistake...
Its why Gary Neville can say Liverpool will win the league one week then flip-flop to Man City the next week. Its why politicians seem to be able to get away with similar flip-flopping on almost every major issue (and of course they are allowed to change their mind, but you get what I mean). There is no accountability for anything that anyone says because the content factory comes along to bury it under another mound of tasty soundbites and out of context ten second clips.
But I am here to change this, and change starts at home.
A few weeks ago, I predicted that Open, Trinity, Manchester and Imperial would make the semi-finals. Open were eliminated last week, but my prediction was already in the mud when UCL qualified a week before that. So I am here to acknowledge my fallibility as a pundit and all round University Challenge dogsbody.
I got it wrong, and that's okay. But you needed to know.
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Before we start, you can watch the episode at this link (I've actually done this so quickly that I've beaten Cosmic Pumpkin to the punch, but you should be able to find the video on that channel, if not at that exact link), and I'm going to double down on my prediction by saying Manchester will take this.
Here's your first starter for ten.
Christ Church's avocado mascot has given birth to a smaller version of itself (which is what generally happens when something gives birth, I suppose), and one of these (probably the small one) influences the Manchester skipper to buzz in incorrectly on the opening starter, allowing Wotton to win the first points of the match.
There is another early buzz from Senehedheera, but this time he is right (no luck for mini avo this time round). A hat-trick of bonuses tied the game, and Grady gave them the lead with King Kong. A second neg from the Manchester captain, with an amusing guess of boogie-woogie (just because its a fun word, not because it was a stupid guess), gave Christ Church the opportunity to level the game, but they couldn't take it, and Senehedheera moved to 2/4 on the following starter to extend the Northerners lead.
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Another from Senehedheera wins Manchester a bonus set on surnames of philosophers which can be found within other words. Agonisingly, they come up with Coelacanth and guess Kant, but the answer is Lacanth. Then on the next one the answer is Kant but they miss it. Mercifully they get the third, with John Locke.
Some more brilliance from Wotton gets Chirst Church going again, and Dean takes the next question too to bring them within 5 points. They would have tied it, but went Ella Fitzgerald rather than Billie Holiday on a question about Strange Fruit.
No matter, the chief avocado wrangler is back, and he gives them the lead after both sides drop the music starter. They don't get any of the music bonuses though, and Grady quickly snatches the lead back with gravitational waves.
I'm losing track of how many starters Wotton has got so shall we just say its five? Actually, its six now (Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, or Mecklenburg Pomdragon, as I frantically typed after hearing him say it once). He can't be stopped.
Lowe takes the second picture starter to put an end to his captain's dominance, not that his skipper will mind - their lead was up to 35 points.
To demonstrate just how fickle we pundits are, I had forgotten that at the start of this very post I predicted a strong Manchester win, but they'll need to pull their finger out if they harbour hopes of the semis. Kullmann and De Los Reyes White duly oblige, with back to back starters which give Manchester the lead.
Their little run has rattled Christ Church, and Dean apologises to her teammates after a premature buzz. A neg from Senehedheera follows hot on its tails, but no one picks it up, allowing him to take the replacement question with Lucien Freud.
Aggression on the buzzer continues with a neg from Wotton, but again no one from Manchester can capitalise and he makes up for it immediately, closing Christ Church to within 5 points.
There's only one question left. Whoever gets it wins.
Buzz, Manchester Grady!
Simone de Beauvoir.
If he's wrong we'll go to deadlock.
He's not wrong.
Manchester 145 - 130 Christ Church
As close a game as you can get, coming down to the last few words of the last starter. Christ Church's Dean says that she was buzzing at the same time as Grady, but he pipped her to the post. Fine margins.
And I guess I can claim some serious credit now, because I knew Manchester were going to win this, didn't I? My faith in them never wavered once, did it?
What a game, though. Well done to both teams, especially Wotton who very nearly dragged his team into the semis. I'll see you next time for the last quarter final (which I predict will be won by Trinity), but for now its goodnight.
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majingojira · 2 years
Prehistoric Fish
Having gone through ... 1,668 pieces of Paleo media (movies, TV, Documentaries, Video Games, Youtube Productions), I've noticed quite a few patterns (naturally). Stock Footage sources (Planet of Dinosaur, Phil Tippet's Animation from Dinosaur! (1985), The Lost World (1925), One Million B.C., etc.), species appearance regularity (everyone uses Tyrannosaurus, but you'd be surprised how common Brontosaurus and Diplodocus are), etc.
But I noticed one pattern that got to be annoying.
Once vertebrates go on land, Fish generally aren't talked about. Like, they stop existing as far as the 'narrative' goes on. If post-Devonian fish are talked about, it's usually one of these:
The Western-Interior Seaway/"Hell's Aquarium"
Carboniferous Shark Diversity
And that's it.
Sure, we get stuff on Whales and Sea-Going reptiles, but nothing more than that and the generic "Ammonite" being mentioned.
I can't help but feel that there's more interesting stuff on the oceans elsewhere.
I know of a few.
Like the Trematosaurids, Gavial-like amphibians that swam in the Triassic oceans. Oncorhynchus rastrosus, the Saber-Toothed Salmon the size of a large Tuna. Inoceramus and Cladoceramus, giant cretaceous reef-building clams that could get 1 meter in length. And Foreyia, the Triassic Coelacanth parrot-fish mimic.
And those are just the organisms I can recall offhand. I feel there's a lot of untapped potential with aquatic animals in media beyond "Generic Herring-like Fish to be eaten by more charismatic fauna."
It's like how Hadrosaurs are used in documentaries only much worse.
So, Paleo-Nerds of Tumblr, what are your favorite unsung aquatic organisms?
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Meet the Contributors of the OWTE Fanzine!
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[Image Description: A digital recreation of the Outer Wilds ship log screen with a single log opened in the center and its corresponding message box at the bottom of the screen. The log's denotation color is a bright orange reminiscent of the Outer Wilds title card and it is labeled "Jay" with artwork provided by the named contributor centered in the log box. There is a sublog connected to the central log labeled "Artist" with an icon representing the contributor centered in the sublog box. In the top right corner of the screen is a pixel art recreation of the Outer Wilds Ventures logo with the words "Outer Wilds Travelers' Encore Fanzine" written below, and to the right and bottom are two logs currently obscured off-screen, the one at the bottom connected to the opened log by a lined arrow pointed towards the obscured log.
Text within the message box is written as follows:
"Twitter: corticariver
Tumblr: dragonflute
hiii im jay, and im a digital artist :] outer wilds is my favorite video game ever and im happy to be apart of this zine ^_^"
Image Description of art within the log box: A digital drawing depicting the Cavern of the Gods, an underwater area from Endless Ocean: Blue World. The subject of the piece shows a scuba diver holding a flashlight, which shines up the mouth and onto the body of the Singing Dragon, a large white whale. In the background coelacanths can be seen swimming around white columns.
Image Description of art within the sublog box: A digital icon of a grinning octoling persona from Splatoon. The character is slightly tanned with freckles and has long hair/tentacles which are positioned in a middle part with a ponytail in the back. He is wearing a black shirt. The background is pink and purple.
End Image Description.]
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Top 5 sea creechurs
TY MOTH!!! and ok for some reason I read this as deep sea creachures at first so most/all of these lads are gonna be deep sea bois. Hope that’s okay hshdjfj
Vampire Squid. Respectable creature. Very good shape, very good vibes. :)
Chambered Nautilus. A REGAL boy. just hanging out!!!! i love them
Coelacanth. I love these dudes I was so into them at age like 10 bc of a video game. Scientists really thought these guys went extinct until they showed up again for fun?? I love it
Oarfish. Long boi :) I like then
Mola Mola/Ocean Sunfish. ONE OF THE MOST CREATURES. Just a big fuckin shape. Bad taste for predators. Gets the cops called on it irl sometimes. Big as hell and stupid as all fuck. What’s not to love
bonus honorary mention to japanese spider crabs for being my least favorite! a funking. crab should not be twice as big as adult men. bad as in i hate it. every time i imagine one of these guys to scale i experience an acute fear of god. why why why why why why why.
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fuckyeahcoelacanths · 2 months
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ilovecoelacanths · 1 year
Hi! Recently came across your big coelacanth post (great post btw) and in the tags you mentioned that if a piece of media has a coelacanth you'd be interested :D Well! There's this recent video game called Dredge that's all about fishing with a side of eldritch horror, and there's a coelacanth you can catch in there! Highly recommend it! :)
omg thank u for the reccomendation I will check it out!!! :D
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polurbehr · 6 months
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
Omg hi thank you, I like these. Now I just have to try and remember everything about myself that could be perceived as interesting. I am going to overthink this. I’m also going to add a cut below because I type A LOT and I don’t want to fuck up anyone’s dash (don’t remember if it would but whatever). OKAY FUN FACT TIME WOO YIPPEE
I have a pet chinchilla. He is basically a round domesticated squirrel that eats hay and screams when he’s bored. I love him dearly.
My favorite movie is The Labyrinth, and it has been my favorite since I first watched it when I was 4. My current favorite franchise, however, is Saw.
My favorite food is Thai green curry, despite the fact that I cannot handle spicy food for shit. I need at least two drinks on standby every time I eat it. It’s incredibly tragic.
This year I attended 7 concerts, and in order they were: Waterparks, Pierce The Veil & The Used, The Cure, Tori Amos, Counting Crows & Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, and Ghost.
As seen above, I am an emo loser. I have a fairly eclectic taste in music, but my favorite artists other than Ghost are probably: My Chemical Romance, Jack Off Jill, Fall Out Boy, The Cure, Pierce The Veil, Rob Zombie, Ice Nine Kills, Get Scared, Nine Inch Nails, Peach Pit, and The Front Bottoms. I am indecisive if you couldn’t tell.
I tend to pick up and put down hobbies very quickly due to the curse (ADHD), but the ones that have stuck with me are making perler art, playing the kalimba, needle felting, playing video games, rollerskating, and writing.
I like to collect vinyl, CDs, Lalaloopsy dolls, (regrettably) Funko Pop! figures, and any cool shiny shit I find on the ground.
I was a dinosaur kid. Obviously. However, that special interest created a spin-off special interest- coelacanths. They are my BEST FRIENDS and I LOVE THEM and the only thing keeping me away from them is the fact that I can’t swim nor breathe underwater. God did this on purpose because he saw that I would be too powerful with my ancient fish brethren and he quaked.
I love emo, scene, and mall goth fashion so much. Sincerely, a person who only leaves the house wearing band tees and black skinny jeans because they are scared of people.
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expfcultragreen · 1 year
Masterpost of tags
Only seen
Let's see paul allens card
Bret easton ellis
The real jc
Tumblr culture
Tumblr wank
Hist post
Conservative conspiracy theories
Ben shapiro
Jordan peterson
Psycho culture
Animal behavior
Animal rights
Tell me will
Halloween aesthetic
Winter mood
Good samhain
Every day is halloween
Seasons greasons
Chag samech
Goddess worship
Where do we go when we dream
The doolittle age
Transhumanist prehistory
Mandela effect
Primates in fragments
Peasant stuff
Wedding blog
Food wars
Queer history
Nb discourse
Ai art discourse
Avatar discourse
Drinking game
Parking lot aesthetic
The evolving philosophy of tumblr
Illuminati princess
Borty party
Cursed video
Twitter culture
Tiktok culture
Net culture
Dream journal
Crapemyrtle [stuff that is relevant to my wizard story]
The little fellows that can hurt you with their hands
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kirchefuchs · 2 years
So you can all thank @dime-smothied for getting me as obsessed with Ghostbusters as I am.
She also got me into shipping Egon and Ray pretty much immediately, which I love.
Anyways, I decided to draw our OCs together cuz why not.
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After reading the IDW comics I ranted to her a lot about how much I loved them, and eventually ended up talking a lot about Ron and Rookie. I think it's funny that I was able to convince her to ship Ron and Rookie before she even read the comics.
While making our OCs we talked about how it would be fun if our characters were in the same branch as Ron and Rookie since we've grown to love them so much. And that's what inspired me to draw this draw-the-squad with the 4 of them :P
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Dime has just started reading the comics, so I'm super excited for her to actually see Ron and Rookie's dynamic play out. I am thrilled :)))
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #7
Brought to you by a marine biologist and the wonderful @gogglesaurus​ who requested it!
Fish I’ve Covered: Click Here
The coelacanth has been requested! Pronounced SEE-leh-kanth, this fish will be a great segue into some of the fossils I wanted to talk about in the museum this week, of course fish-related! Now, don’t get confused by that statement. The coelacanth is a real, living species of fish and its story of discovery is really quite remarkable.
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In AC:NH (and other Animal Crossing games where it appears) you can catch the coelacanth any time of day all year round, but only when it’s raining. You can negate the rain requirement if you use bait, but it’s still hella rare. There also appears to be a very rare island you can travel to that will allow you to catch the coelacanth more often (perhaps as the only fish available) in any weather. Nevertheless, it’s RARE af, and that coincides with the real-world nature of this fish. This might get a little long...
The coelacanth is probably the greatest example of a “Lazarus Taxon”, which is a term to refer to species or groups of animals that reappear in the fossil record or alive and well some time after they’ve been declared extinct. The coelacanth really exemplifies this and shook the scientific community upon its discovery for a number of reasons. The biggest one was that, the entire subclass Actinista, of which coelacanths belong, was thought to be extinct for 66 million years (if you’ll recall, 66 mya, a very large space rock smashed into the planet and caused a massive die-off that included all non-avian dinosaurs). For all that time, not a single fossil of a coelacanth had been found in younger rock strata, so that’s when we “make the call” - this guy dead. 
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In 1938, a coelacanth, species: Latimeria chalumnae was found in a deep sea fishing net off the coast of eastern South Africa. It was an incredible discovery, giving it the nickname “Living Fossil”. Explains why your character in AC:NH also exclaims “BLAST FROM THE PAST!” when you catch it. A second species was discovered not long after in Indonesia in 1997 - (Latimeria menadoensis). AC:NH definitely chose the former species, known commonly as “West Indian Ocean Coelacanth”, and to local Africans as “gombessa”. It’s kind of incredible how many discoveries are made by chance...both coelacanths were found as fishing bycatch, or accidently caught species. Apparently they taste awful and no one is targeting them. 
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It remains very hard to find, although it is still caught in fishing gear. It is found to cluster in deep sea caves off the coast of east African countries where it hides out during the day. At night, it ventures out for food. I find it very interesting that the tank it is displayed in at the museum looks like one of these sea caves. Sucks for the Barreleye, Oarfish, and Football fish I guess.
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Please excuse my Bunny Day get-up...
Now, the coelacanth isn’t JUST incredible because it seems to have survived a number of mass extinctions virtually unchanged. But I will leave that for tomorrow’s talk, since there seems to be a model of a coelacanth also in the fossil section (as well as other fossils that coincide with the transition of fish to tetrapods (animals with 4 limbs like us!)) And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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officialboredom · 4 years
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