#cocky adventurer (Illinois)
jimsandfruit · 1 year
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Incorrect quotes my beloved <3
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Yanois: Third Time’s The Charm
It’s only taken me a year to figure out how to conclude this. You will definitely need a refresher on this story!
Part one: First Impressions Aren’t Always the Best
Part two: Second Impressions Can Bring Misfortune
Alternatively, it’s all on AO3!
Word Count: 2,811
Yancy had put his name down for Illinois' history course without thinking. It wasn't what he had planned on doing. But now, after three sessions with the class Tiny was in, he was actually enjoying himself.
The overall course was a modified version of a high school module. Yancy remembered history classes from when he was in school. They were boring, soul-sucking slots in the day that didn't care whether or not you actually understood what was going on. Even Illinois' own talk had that similar air of pretence to it. But this was different. The inmates were treated like people, and time was taken to address questions or uncertainties. On his first day, Yancy realised that the group of seven weren't rowdy, but they seemed to like hearing Illinois talk about history.
It sounded easy. From what Yancy had seen of Illinois before, the adventurer loved to hear himself talk. All they would have to do was ask him a question and off he would ramble, presumably with little regard for anything else. 
But he was wrong. When teaching, Illinois was focused. His priority was helping the students and encouraging learning. If someone tried to do what Yancy had assumed, Illinois would answer the question efficiently. No cocky smirks, nor any sort of air of grandeur. Illinois really was just like anyone else that volunteered in the prison. But when someone asked him about the meaning of a name, Yancy was surprised that the long-winded answer was one from a man who adored his job and the fortune of being able to share it with others.
It only proved the impossible: the side of Illinois that openly apologised for his mistake wasn't an act. In fact, his classmates confirmed as much. One quietly admitted that they preferred this side of Illinois, as they felt he didn't need to put on an act to charm and impress everyone. They were all here because they wanted to learn about history.
At the end of class, Yancy hung back and approached Illinois. "Hey, uh… Y'know that task youse asked me to do since the others is finishing they's projects? I, uh, dunno where to look for myths."
Illinois' face brightened with a grin that was unlike the one he wore when impressing others - one that subconsciously made Yancy give a small smile of his own. "I'm glad you asked me, actually. I have a list of websites that would be -" He paused, realising that wasn't what Yancy was implying. Lightly folding his arms, he sighed. "This is a bit of a pickle. You aren't comfortable with computers, and the reading I've recommended isn't something you are able to follow independently… Leave it with me. I'll come up with a solution before the next class. In the meantime, work on that article I gave you, alright?"
"Yeah. Will do. Thanks."
As Yancy stepped out of the room, he was greeted by Tiny. She had a knowing smirk as she nudged into him as they walked away from the room.
"He's got a crush on you."
Yancy gawked at her like she had two heads. "What?"
"Illinois. He's totally got a crush on you."
"You sounds so stupid right now."
"Do I? He gives you those lovey-dovey eyes when you're not looking." She placed both her hands along her jawline and dramatically batted her eyelids to emphasise this. "He's about two steps away from cartoony hearts flying around his head."
"Knock it off, Tiny -"
"And that's not even the best part! You like him too." 
"What?!" Yancy's exclamation made Tiny cover her ears and giggle mischievously. When he continued, it was in a hushed whisper, "There is no way I's got some sorta feelings for him."
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?"
"Then how would you know, genius?" She threw finger guns his way as she backed into the laundry. "See you later."
Yancy flipped her the bird and stormed off to the kitchen.
"Hey, Hank? How did you know youse was in love with Mrs Shithole?"
A strange question to ask in the middle of cleaning the kitchen floor, but it was on Yancy's mind the whole time. Shithole Hank snorted and leaned against his mop.
"When she slapped me in the face and called me a jackass for trying to copy her homework. Someone caught your attention, Yance?"
"I didn't think so. But Tiny says she thinks I got a crush on someone, but I never dated when I was younger. I don't know how to tell if she's right or if she's just winding me up. Is there something I missed?"
"Nope. There's no 'right' way to know if you love someone. Depends on the person and the scenario. Might be a mushy, romantic pull, or a physical attraction, or something else. As a whole, it's finding someone you want to spend more time with. Kinda like a friendship, but more personal. The world feels a little less empty knowing they're in it, and no battle seems impossible when they're right there. As for me, well…" Hank gave the younger prisoner a wistful smile, "It was realising that even if she was a snotty bookworm, she had the best laugh in the whole world, and I wanted to be the one who made her laugh the most."
"But why love her if you didn't like her?"
"Because that wasn't all of who she was. That was only the piece I knew. You remember that old phrase about not judging a book by its cover, right? She might have been a bookworm, but she always sorted her pencils by colour to make a rainbow on her desk. She liked playing hopscotch on the brick path outside our high school. Even now, she likes pointing out birds to me, or telling me about her favourite ad on TV. Love lets you see what you don't like, and reminds you that it isn't all they are. Once you get past that, then you can find happiness with them."
"Alright everyone. This is the final class for this 'term'. Exam season is coming up, which means I'm going to be swamped by grading and papers. Can't get you lot to grade them for me, sadly." Illinois gave a light shrug as he gave a light-hearted announcement. It was a great chance for him to go around the different prisoners to help them on their projects before the well-deserved break. The mood was light, someone had snatched Illinois' radio to play some upbeat music, and everyone was quietly chatting while answering their research questions.
It was only when Illinois reached Tiny's desk that he realised he was one student short. He never made an open fuss of the attendance he was required to take, opting to count heads and tick them off when he had a moment to himself. 
"Is Yancy not coming?" 
"Thought he was. I haven't seen him since morning count, sorry."
The class went without a hitch, but Yancy never showed up. Illinois couldn't help that faint nagging in the back of his mind that something was wrong. If Yancy's friend didn't know what was going on…
Once the class finished, Illinois stepped out to find out what happened. On instinct, he went to the medical wards and ignored the swell of relief when he discovered that Yancy wasn't there. Next, he asked the guards in case there had been trouble. Nothing had happened. As far as the staff were aware, Yancy should have been there. His schedule was the same, and nothing had been reported to them during earlier patrols and checks.
It was better not to dwell on it. He had other matters to attend to before the day was out, and that included tidying up the room for the next classes in the evening. The box and briefcase were brought out to the car, and he returned to the classroom to fetch his coat. 
Waiting beside the desk, looking like a dog with a tail between its legs, was Yancy. With arms folded and his head lowered, he was a far cry from the confident, witty man that had made the class livelier in just three sessions.
" 'm sorry I didn't show up," he mumbled.
"There's no need to apologise. You aren't obligated to come to these if you don't want to. I'm not that strict." Illinois paused to allow the worry bubbling in his chest to lessen. "Did something happen? Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Nah. Nothing happened. I know it's something I should talk about, but it ain't that important."
"If it's troubling you, then it's important." Illinois crossed the room to claim his coat, only to put it on the desk, followed by his hat. "I can't make a promise that I won't tell anyone - it's part of the volunteer's contract to report anything - but I can't let this pass and pretend nothing is wrong with you."
"Youse don't get it, I…" Yancy trailed off with a quick, short shake of his head. "Forget it."
"Yancy. It's alright. You aren't in trouble."
"Not yet. This is something that's gonna get youse in trouble."
"Me?" Illinois quirked an eyebrow. Yancy nodded. "I'm a man who keeps his nose outta trouble. Whatever it is, it won't have any negative effects, I promise." Bar the confused gut reaction, Illinois kept his reaction neutral. He didn't want to sway anything in case Yancy bottled everything up. It was a smart move, as the prisoner let out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. But before I say anything, I don't wanna lose out on the classes when youse is back." Then, silence fell as Yancy shifted his weight from foot to foot to try and shake off whatever nerves were eating at him. "I think I like youse."
Illinois felt his chest squeeze in anticipation. There was no way this moment was actually happening. He was sure Yancy didn't care about him like that. It would easily explain why the class was skipped.
"As… a friend?" It was a silly question, but Illinois needed clarity. If it was purely platonic, then he would be happy to have just that. Having Yancy in his life would be better than nothing at all.
"Well, yeah, but… not just that?" Yancy straightened his posture to admire the overhead light fixture while he rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno jack shit 'bout these sorta things. I never had any sorta thoughts 'bout no one before."
"Then describe what's in your head. We can try and figure it out."
 Yancy made his way to one of the desks and hopped on it. "It's like… youse is still kinda annoying. That big bravado act can get on my nerves. But when youse is teaching in here, or talking like we is now, it's like youse is someone else. None of that 'tough guy' stuff matters. You makes jokes, eagerly share photos from youses' trip. Hell, you spent a whole ten minutes telling us about some dog you saw on youses' way in the other week . And when you talks about history without feeling like the world has to notice, you gots this real cute smile, y'know? It's like, uh, like you can really share that passion you has for the work you is doing. And, uh… I like that."
All the while, the adventurer could feel his face growing warmer. His heart fumbled over itself as the brain tried to process what it was hearing. Yancy thought he had a cute smile? 
The hesitation that stemmed from surprise was quickly being misinterpreted as disappointment. Yancy withdrew on himself, tried to start some excuse to dismiss himself, when Illinois reached out.
"Wait. Before you go, answer me two questions. One: do you think it is some sort of attraction?"
"I told you already, I don't got experience in this. I'm just going by what someone else said to me. But I guess there's a… something. I don't mind youse being here right now. A-and if we just stayed and chatted like this, that'd be cool."
"Which leads me onto my next question: would you be alright with me coming to see you on visitation day?" It was a sentence Illinois had wanted to say for a long time, and was the only thing he had said that wasn't framed with a tremor in his voice. "It would give us a chance to talk one on one. Not as a prisoner and a volunteer, but as two fellas seeing whether they'd want to start a relationship."
"Hey, no, stop. This ain't something to poke fun at. I'm being serious."
"As am I," Illinois quickly countered. "Why do you think I'm making fun of you?"
"Because - because… look at youse. And then look at me. I ain't your type. A-and anyway, I'm in here for something bad. I'm no better than the dirt on youses' shoe. This is - fuck, I should hate you. Youse is 'sposed to be that pompous prick who's so high and mighty. I didn't mean to do any of this. I didn't mean to even make youse consider a guy like me. I'm sorry..."
 Sorry if you fell in love with me…. They always do.
 How many times had Illinois made that playful quip over the years? It was practically a catchphrase of his. And now, for once, it was being turned back on him. Yancy's apology was genuine, like Illinois' crush was a burden that he was punished with. Did Yancy not see his own wit, or how he had a playful smirk that made Illinois want to smile from ear to ear? What about the humming, or how Yancy had such an easygoing personality?
"Hey, hey, hold on a moment. Do I not get a say in this?" Holding up one hand, Illinois drew attention to himself. "How do you know what's best for me? Or what I want? Why rule yourself out - and I don't want any answers that include belittling yourself." The quick addition was a good move, judging by how Yancy's expression soured.
 "I'm a prisoner."
"Makes it easier for me to find you when I want to see you."
"A murderer."
"Last I heard, you haven't killed anyone lately."
"Everyone is gonna give youse weird looks."
"For what?"
"For being with someone who ain't gonna be free."
 A pause.
 "And what?" Yancy frowned.
"And what does that matter? I'm the one who gets to be with you, not them. No one has a right to judge me for my own decisions. I'm a grown man, last I checked." The wink made Yancy glance aside in frustration.
"Okay, fine. What about youses' job here? If we do anything, you gets in trouble."
"Only if I keep it a secret. The volunteer guide actually allows romantic relationships if they're kept above board, and if the volunteer steps away for three months."
"See? And that's gonna mess up -"
"Today was my last day volunteering. My university students have exams starting up soon, and then I have an expedition up in Alaska. I'll be out of town for quite a while. Plenty of time for me to evaluate my feelings, wouldn't you say? But let me tell you something," Illinois sauntered over, resting a hand on the desk so he could lean closer to Yancy, "I've been attracted to you ever since I first met you. I dismissed it at first, but there's something so wonderful about you that I want to try and figure it out for myself."
"Bet you say that to anyone that walks by."
"Oh, no. There's a difference. When I put it on, I keep my distance from the other party. But right now, I want to be close enough to kiss you."
"Then why don't you?"
"Pardon?" The bravado was briefly dropped at the blunt question.
"Kiss me, I mean. Why don'tcha?"
Illinois chuckled. "Simple: I never want to do anything to you without permission. But if you insist…" He pressed forward, finally closing the gap between them. A hand wrapped around his neck to tug him toward the prisoner. The kiss lingered far longer than it should have, and didn't dare deepen. Both were content to simply enjoy the sensation.
 Confessions of love were whispered in the minimal space between Illinois and Yancy before there was another kiss to seal the deal. When they finally pulled apart to look one another in the eye, both could catch a glimpse of how the other had willingly lowered his guard to let the other see the real him.
 "We will both need to report to the Warden. Are you going to be okay with that?"
"Only if you promise to write."
"Darling, I'm going to write you so many love letters while I'm away."
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zee-stars · 1 year
Reader and egos as love tropes
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So basically I looked up love tropes and I'm gonna be writting the egos that I think fit into them :)
I'm thinking like Actor Mark after the events of WKM and like you guys go for each others throats but you were in love with him before WKM and you still kinda are.
Maybe also Dark but not so much in my brain.
God x worshiper:
Obviously god of night. He is literally a god and you are his worshiper. Do I even need to say more??
Has a dark side × loves them anaway:
Obviously Dark. Like you were there for WKM and after the events you always find a way to go back to him because you love him but he thinks you shouldnt cause hes evil and you're like "stfu"
Dumbasses in love:
Wilford x reader%
I think this one fits it perfectly. There is not much else to write about it. Just when I think of this trope that is exactly what I think about.
Sunshine x sunshine protecter:
Yancy x reader and probably Dark x reader.
I feel like for Yancy it could go either you being the sunshine or him being the sunshine I think it works both ways.
For dark he is definitely the sunshine protector. I can just imagine you're talking to someone and hes just standing behind you giving them a death glare.
Super cocky × tried not to fall for them but did anyways:
Illinois x reader. Man is so cocky. Like Imagine you are trying so hard not to think about him and his stupid smile or about how much you would love for him to hold you that you try to avoid him during adventures. He catches on to why its happening and then one day he just like kisses you or something idk. Idk about you guys but if that happened to me I'd just about die.
Friends to lovers:
Yancy x reader, Damien x reader, Head engineer x reader. I think this fits so many egos but these are my top three. Like when you first meet them you guys get along really well and become best friends but eventually you both catch yourselves falling for the other. Then you guys get together and you are the happiest ever.
Second chance:
Tbh I love this idea with Dark. Like Imagine you and Damien you're together or married if you would. But then everything goes down in WKM and you lose him. A while later you run into Dark and you instantly see Damien in him. At first Dark is against starting anything with you but he has Damiens heart and his heart calls for you so you start dating Dark and maybe get married again, if you will.
Fake Dating:
Damien x reader. This is before WKM. Imagine he is sick and tired of people trying to hook him up with their daughters or whatever at parties and one day he says he has a wife. Many people are shocked and they start bugging him about it. They ask for his wife's name and he says your name by mistake. They say that next party he has to bring you so now hes trying to explain what happened to you. You agree to be his fake wife for the night. You both have an amazing night and at the end of the night as he is bringing you home he starts confessing and stuff and then you kiss him.
Flirt x oblivious:
Illinois x reader. He is very flirty but you are kinda dumb and just don't pick up on it. He literally would say he loves you and you're just like "I love you too!" But he can tell that you mean it in a platonic way. Eventually when you confess to him this is how it goes.
"Look, I've liked you for so long but I was scared that you didnt feel the same way"
"Friends do that"
"Friends do that"
"what about that one time when we were walking through a narrow path and we almost kissed while you were pressed against me?"
"Okay maybe friends dont do that..."
Overthinker x never thinks:
Head engineer Mark x reader. Let's be honest. There is not a single thought going on in Head engineer Mark's head. With the captain on the other hand thinks to much. There is not a single second that they aren't thinking about something. Especially when they think about something going wrong with the ship. Luckily for Mark the captain is there to think for the both of them.
"You do realize that it's not supposed to be like that?"
"What do you mean? Was it not always like that??"
Talks x listens:
Head engineer Mark x reader. Kinda goes back to the last one. I feel like there are many times that the captain and Mark are together and he will just be rambling.
"Oh, I'm sorrry captain, I dont mean to be a bother with my rambling."
"No, I want to know why you hope the new plant has a beautiful sky."
Long distance:
Yancy x reader. I'm thinking like during iswm. Reader is up in space doing Captain stuff and they miss Yancy so much. They told him that they were going to space camp cause they didnt want to explain what was actually going on. In case he started to worry. But they found a way to still keep in contact and write letters. It was tough not getting to see him in person but they knew when they got home Yancy would be able to come with them.
Temporarily one sided:
I feel like this one could fit many egos but I like Yacny x reader the most.
So you stayed in the prison with him and you guys were really close. You shared a cell and spent all day with each other. You had fallen for Yancy. It was easy too. He was clingy in a good way and always made you feel heard and comfortable. You didnt know how to tell him. He didn't realize you're feelings and he didn't recognize his at first. He didn't think it was love. He didnt really know what love was cause he had been starved of it for so long. Tiny helped him figure out and after awhile he told you.
Fell first x fell harder:
This but with Damien.
You and Damien were very close. He was you childhood best friend and now you worked by his side. His crush on you definitely started around you guy's teen years. Mark and William definitely teased him for it and Celine tried to convince him to tell you. But he never did. Around the time you guys graduated high school, you started to fall for him. You were completely smitten by him. Confused by how you went this long without noticing. It was hard to keep it in, so you told Celine.
"Omg finally. Tell him. He is in love with you and has been for years!"
After you did and you guys got together it was easy to tell that you were completely in love with him. You're guy's friends (Will and Mark) teased you by saying you were worse then Damien. It was true. You fell so hard for that man. (We all did. He's so pretty)
Workaholic x clingy:
I think this one fits Damien x reader and head engineer Mark x reader.
For Damien he is the workaholic and you are clingy. Like he'll come home from work and be like "I have work to do."
"Is it due tomorrow?"
"Then we can take a nap first."
And if the work is do tomorrow you'll but wrap up in his lap while he gets it done. Usually you fall asleep while he's working and he'll carry you to bed after.
For head engineer Mark you are the workaholic and he is clingy. You can not get work done around him. Especially if it's late at night. He will beg you to go to bed with him or pay attention to him and if that doesnt work he will pick you up and carry you to bed or away from your work.
That is all of them. I plan on writting actual stories for some of them so expect that. If there is any that you just want me to write let me know and I probably will if I wasn't already planning on doing it. Also I found the best photo of Damien earlier and I want to share it with you.
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westanthewaterman · 2 years
Kinktober - 8/31
Pairing: Illinois x GN!Reader
Kink(s): Begging
Contents: begging, daddy kink, use of kitten for reader, object insertion, sex toy (kinda), clothed Illi/naked reader
AN: This is extremely targeted, you know who you are :3 Also I bet no one thought I'd ever write this one, but here we are.
Kinktober Masterlist
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“That’s it, kitten, spread your legs for me. Let Daddy see how worked up he’s gotten you.”
A wave of heat washes over you and you whine, hands shooting up to cover your face. Illinois chuckles from his place between your legs and reaches out to push your thighs open. 
He lets out a deep moan, eyes glued to your obvious arousal.
“So ready, kitten. Is this all for me?”
You nod, still hiding your face. 
“There’s no need to be shy, gorgeous. You know Daddy loves to see how flustered you get.”
Illinois slides his hands soothingly up and down your thighs, his calloused hands warming your skin. Peeking through your fingers, you’re met with that cocky smile that made you fall for the adventurer in the first place. 
“You gonna let me see your face, darlin’?”
With a heavy, exaggerated sigh, you drop your hands and look down at him with a pout. 
“There’s my cute kitty.”
Your pout doesn’t last for long with how infectious his smile is and he chuckles at the way you smile, squeezing your thighs gently. 
“Hi,” you speak softly, reaching down to intertwine your fingers with his. 
“Hey there, good lookin’. Fancy seein’ you here.”
Your attempt to roll your eyes is foiled by a strong hand cupping the back of your neck and pulling you up. Illinois presses his lips to yours, tangling his hand into your hair and slotting himself fully between your legs. In this position, you can feel his cock, hard and straining against the fabric of his jeans.
The hand not in your hair slips down between your legs, calloused fingers sliding over you. You cry out, hands shooting up to grab the front of Illinois’s shirt (reminding you that he hasn’t shed a single piece of clothing besides his shoes while you are completely bare beneath him). 
“Such a good kitty, body always so eager for me. I don’t even need to get you ready, do I? I could just slide right in.”
You nod frantically, bucking up against his hand. “Always ready for you.”
“I know you are, darlin’. But I wanna take my time makin’ sure you’re nice an’ open for me.”
A whine leaves your lips and you flop back down onto the sleeping bag with a sigh, looking up at him with pleading eyes. 
Illinois snickers, returning to kneeling between your legs, his rich, honey eyes glued to the way his fingers rub and trace over you. 
“You want my fingers, baby?”
His voice is deep and rough, and it sends little jolts of pleasure shooting up your spine. Squeezing your eyes shut, you whimper and spread your legs open wider. 
He takes your chin in his hand, stroking a thumb over your bottom lip. “Ah, ah, kitten, if you want something, you gotta ask for it. You need to use your words.”
“Please?” You look up at him with your best puppy eyes, taking the tip of his thumb into your mouth for good measure. 
Illinois groans with a lazy smile. “You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger, don’t ya darlin’? I’d do anything when you look at me like that.”
A single thick finger slips inside you and you let out a long moan, throwing your head back against the pillow. 
“Daddy,” you whimper. 
“That’s it, kitten. So good for Daddy, letting him know how good he makes you feel.”
Illinois fucks his finger in and out of you slowly, every once in a while curling it to hit that spot inside you that pulls a small cry from your lungs. 
“I need more.” You groan.
“Yeah?” He speeds up his pace. “You want more? Beg for it.”
“Please, please, Daddy. I need you to fill me up, please, I need it so bad.”
The finger inside of you slips out and you let out a long whine, bucking your hips up into the air. Illinois smiles, stroking your cheek gently. 
“Easy, darlin’. Daddy’s gonna give you what you want.”
He reaches down and you think he’s going to unbuckle his belt, but to your surprise, and disappointment, his hand moves further to the side and he grabs the handle of his whip holstered to his waist. 
He shushes you softly, pulling the whip free and running a hand along the smooth leather of the thong (yes, that’s what the long part of the whip is called, leave me alone). A devilish smirk crosses his face and dark eyes look you over with intent. 
Ignoring you, Illinois takes the thick handle into his hand, turning it in his hand so he’s holding the top of it instead of the bottom. He directs it down between your legs, and you shriek at the feeling of the cold leather against your heated skin.
“Don’t worry, kitten, it’ll warm up in just a second.”
“Y-You’re gonna…”
“I’ve been sayin’ I was gonna do this forever, darlin’, but I don’t think you believed me.”
“Well, I mean-”
Your response is cut off by a moan as he rubs the handle over your arousal in slow strokes. 
The adventurer laughs, moving the handle down to prod at your entrance and pressing it just barely inside before pulling it out again. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it darlin’?”
“I want your cock.” You whine. 
“That’s not what you said. You said you wanted to be filled, Daddy is gonna give you what you asked for.”
He pushes the handle in again, this time leaving it inside you. You clench around it, gasping at the way the textured leather rubs against your walls. 
“You gonna be a good kitty and take what Daddy’s giving you?” His free hand moves down to rub over you. 
You nod frantically, bucking up against his hand with a soft moan. 
“What did I say about using your words, baby?”
“Pl-Please, I’ll be good, I promise. Wanna be full.”
“Good, so well behaved for me. I’ll make you a deal, kitten. If you let Daddy have his fun, he’ll give you his cock. How does that sound?”
“I like the sound of that.”
“There’s just one caveat.”
Illinois pulls the whip handle out of you and thrusts it quickly back in, starting a fast pace fucking you open. He leans down to press his lips against your ear. 
“If you cum, then you don’t get Daddy’s cock. Understand?”
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
Characters: GN! Reader, Illinois
Word Count: 393
Spicy Rating: Nothing to worry about!
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It had been a while since you had last seen your usual adventuring buddy. It's not surprising, considering he's decently busy with his actual day job. As a professor at the local college, it's not like he can just take time off wily-nily, and well. You kind of miss the flirtatious pain-in-the-neck.
Despite how long it's been since you last spoke, you did have an open invite to sit in on any of his lectures. It was nothing to slip in with the students, taking a seat towards the back. You even played the role of an interested but not too interested student perfectly. You could swear that Illinois' eyes lingered on you from time to time, but it was never long enough for you to be certain, as his gaze slowly swept the room, focusing on individuals as he spoke.
The class itself wasn't anything new, the same bare-bones basics classics course you had memorized by heart years ago, preparing students with the rudimentary before they took the more advanced class next semester. But it was the way Illinois paced the area around his desk, the way he spoke, his gestures with his hands: all little details that made you want to listen, even if it was things you already knew. He was engaging, and prompted enough questions that students opened up over the hour, letting him brighten even further, speaking with a passion that was hard to ignore.
It was why you liked being around him, terrible pick-up lines and all. He truly loved what he was doing. The class slipped by, finally, slowly emptying out from one student after another, most of them taking the time to talk to him briefly. He looked good like this, the simple glasses making his face softer, no hat obscuring how bright his eyes were. Even the cardigan he wore looked cozy. The man was made for teaching, but you both knew that's not where his heart fully lay. Eventually the room emptied out, leaving the two of you. Carefully, he removed his glasses, tucking them into a little case that he slipped into his pocket. Like that, he went from the mild professor to the cocky adventurer, a smirk already slipping into place. "So, sweetheart, to what do I owe the honor?" "Got another lead for you, Illy. Wanna know the details?" "Always."
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
(illi ansgt delivered, i have had this idea for awhile sooo👀))
illi had sat in his tent forever, he just said he needed time to research this mystery box he found, but it had been days since he had left his tent, only sounds that was made from his tent was annoyed and angry mumbled that didn't really fully sound like him. It was his voice but the usual smoth cocky tone wasn't there, it was more sctrachy and slightly dark.
That was off as Illinois was usally super talkative and active, he would usally be up already out of his tent marking out places but nothing still.
Mundy had taken into account how often Illinois frequented the forest near his house. So he tends to go check up on the adventurer.
But everywhere he turns, he can't help but feel anxious, he couldn't find his favorite cowboy looking friend. And it worried him immensely.
That was until, he came across the tent. Mundy perks up at it, carefully rushing over to great Illinois. He smirks mischievously, perhaps a simple scare would make up for loss of time~
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
..Okay so hear me out..
The Tangled Universe actually applies really well to the Descendants Universe
You’ve got Space as Rapunzel, taken away from his super powerful dad, Dark
And Actor as Gothel, both using the character for self centred/vain needs along with being manipulative!
Actor would basically take Space away from Dark as a child, purposely stressing him out so his attacks can be used as inspiration for his ideas!
Obviously this part is platonic, but Illinois would be perfect for Flynn! Cocky, bordering on narcissistic adventurers with severe parental and identity issues!
Idk I just thought it was cool that the characters motivations and personality added up
Okay so Yancy is one of the singing thugs at The Ugly Duckling, for sure, then.
Date is... hmm... actually I think Date is one of the people who helps braid her hair up when they get to the kingdom.
And Heist-
Does this make Heist Max the horse?
... Yeah. Yeah, Heist is the horse.
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alwayshorrible · 2 years
You and that cocky adventurer. You definitely sure he isn't stringing you along for his own satisfaction?
You could probably cut the tension in the air with a knife.
Such as the sharp, black knife currently sitting in his hand.
“I appreciate your concern. Really. I do.” There’s the sharp bite of sarcasm in his voice, a dangerous edge that lurks just underneath the surface.
I’ll tear your eyes out first. Then your nails. Then I’ll—
He forces a smile onto his face instead of vocalizing his thoughts. His Illinois wouldn’t like that.
“I know Illinois very, very well. I trust him. With my life. And he trusts me, too. Of course he’s not just stringing me along. He would’ve left me long ago if that were the case. He knows what I do to backstabbers.”
As if he could ever lay a hand on Illinois.
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jimsandfruit · 2 years
Cyborg Yancy AU Designs
Artificial Willpower
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Cyborg Yancy Blueprints
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Illinois the mechanic
You can find it on Wattpad and AO3 under Artificial Willpower (the first one to show up, on both I think)
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Yanois - Second Impressions Can Bring Misfortune
Read Part One here, or check it out on AO3!
Though their first meeting could have gone better, Illinois might be a little fond of the mystery prisoner. Let’s just hope his famous luck doesn’t run out…
Warning: There is an instance of deadnaming under the read-more. It’s accidental, but be mindful if that might cause a little upset. (I promise this doesn’t end on a bad note)
Word Count: 2,448 (sorry, it’s four hand-written pages)
After his encounter with the brash prisoner, Illinois found he couldn’t get the other man out of his head. It was hardly an attraction (no, shut up! It wasn’t!), but he accepted that there was a level of interest in the unknown. Perhaps it was the prisoner’s standoffish attitude, or how he seemed utterly disinterested yet keenly focused. He didn’t heckle during the lecture, so he wasn’t there for the sole purpose of causing trouble.
But the question that plagued Illinois was painfully simple: what was the prisoner’s name? He hated how badly he wanted to know. Ah, the curse of the archaeologist - insatiable curiosity! With no starting point, Illinois took inspiration from his work and fetched his laptop to start the research.
Most prisoners were from Texas, but not all. The stranger’s accent suggested he was potentially from New York, so Illinois decided to sieve through articles that made reference to a transferral to a Texan prison first. His abundance of good luck meant that it only took an hour to find a result that was most fitting. The article was several years old and discussed the outcome of a rather tragic case. The information was put to the back of his mind - Warden Murderslaughter always said to never talk about an inmate’s crime unless they bring it up first - as Illinois instead took the important information. The photograph used of the criminal was old, but it matched. Which meant… He had a name! All he had to do was wait until the next time he was set to visit Happy Trails Penitentiary.
As luck would have it, he merely had to wait a week. When he wasn’t travelling as part of archaeological trips, Illinois would volunteer two Saturdays a month to teach the inmates. Unlike his history lectures, these consisted of smaller groups of prisoners undertaking a short course on several points in history; which would be rounded off with each prisoner completing a short research project on something that interested them in the course. All he needed was to put his possessions in the room he used for classes, and then he would be free to find the right prisoner if he arrived earlier than usual. The inmates followed a set schedule with minor variations depending on when their work shifts were. He had been volunteering long enough to know when one of the crossover periods would take place. It would be easy to find him!
The rec yard was fruitless, as was the library. But it was upon leaving the chow hall that Illinois spotted the man of the hour. He seemed in a hurry as the prisoner dashed toward the hall.
“Ah! Can I have a moment?” Illinois called out. The tattooed man screeched to a halt, bemused once he realised who wanted his attention. Unfortunately, no one else was around, so it had to be him. 
“Sure. Fine. What?” His eyes didn’t stay on Illinois, but instead darted to the clock.
“I know this is likely a bad time, but I’d like a chance to talk. We got off on the wrong foot last time.” Even Illinois knew it didn’t go well. “Are you free after your shift?”
“U-uh…. Yeah?” Thrown by the turn of events, it appeared the bold prisoner was willing to cooperate. “I know I’d never hear the end of it if my friends heard I refused. They’s is always singing youse’s praises. ‘Sides, second chances is always a good thing, right?” He looked as though he was about to say something else, but decided against it. Regardless, Illinois was elated.
“Excellent! In that case, I’ll be in the classroom just opposite the library until seven this evening. Call by when you’re free. Even if there’s a class going on, sit in on it anyway.” The prisoner nodded and hurried past once he knew he was dismissed. Before the other disappeared into the chow hall, Illinois belatedly realised he should be more polite about this. He guessed the other might be swallowing his pride in accepting the invitation to chat, given their first meeting. The least he could do was show some manners.
“Thank you! I look forward to chatting, █████!”
Whatever progress had been made was instantly thrown aside. The prisoner froze in the doorway. Though his back was to Illinois, the archaeologist could see that the other was rigid. It wasn’t a reaction Illinois associated with hearing one’s own name…. Unless it was a name they didn’t use anymore.
“O-oh my God, I’m so sorry, I had no -” For once, Illinois found himself stammering in a frantic attempt to get an apology out. It was to no avail, as a fistful of his shirt had been grabbed and he was slammed against the wall.
“I don’t know what sorta shit game youse is playing,” the prisoner hissed, “But if youse is gonna act like youse is better than me by being such a sly bitch…. I really wanna beat the shit outta youse, but I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“Yancy! That’s enough!” The prisoner - Yancy? - dropped Illinois without hesitation and didn’t struggle when two guards rushed over and restrained him. “Bring him into th’ chow hall to calm down. I’ll speak to him in a sec. As fer you…” Yancy was led away by the guards, and it was hard to ignore how withdrawn he seemed compared to minutes earlier. With heavy guilt, Illinois pulled his attention away to finally acknowledge Warden Murderslaughter, who had been the one to stop the disaster in its tracks. His lips were pursed and his arms crossed as he shook his head. “I’m disappointed in you, Illinois. Out of all our volunteers, I thought you would’ve known our most important rule better than anyone else: don’t provoke th’ inmates with topics that are touchy fer ‘em.”
“But I didn’t know -” Illinois’ head turned toward the chow hall’s entrance. “I only wanted to get to know him. I didn’t mean to…”
“Who told you that name?”
“No one?” He looked back at the Warden with confusion. “I read it in an article covering the trial online.” The Warden pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh.
“Son… You could’ve saved yourself a whole lotta bother if you’d thought to ask someone here, even over the phone. It isn’t like you to mess up like this.” He put an arm around Illinois’ shoulder and began guiding him toward the staff breakroom. “The name you used is correct, if you go by legal documents or the press, but it’s not the name he goes by. Everyone calls him ‘Yancy’. See, his birth name has links to pretty painful memories that I don’t think he’ll ever recover from, and he’s been striving to prove he’s a better person as ‘Yancy’. So to turn ‘round and use th’ wrong name is like a slap to the face and a surefire way for him to hate you. Now, I know you had good intentions and it was an honest mistake, but you need to be more careful. Next time you see him, give him a good, proper apology. Just know he’s probably gonna be frosty toward ya. I’ll go talk to him and check if he’s okay, let him know you didn't mean to use the wrong name.” The Warden threw a glance over his shoulder with a hint of a smile. “Yancy’s a good kid, despite how he acts sometimes. He’s been through some rough times, but his heart’s stayed in the right place. If he can have a friend outside the prison… I think it’ll do him some good. Now, get yourrself a coffee before you start classes.”
Illinois blinked, genuinely surprised to realise they had arrived. Murderslaughter gave him a hearty slap on the back of the shoulder (Illinois had learned long ago the art of hiding the wince from the strength of such actions) before making his way back to the chow hall.
In the chow hall, Yancy was a mess. He sat far away from anyone else who might have been there. A cup of water had been given to him, but it was used more as a stress ball rather than a drink. He didn’t know what to think. How could someone act like they wanted to be a friend, then turn around in the same breath and say something that implied the complete opposite? Why remind him of what he did long ago? The cup was put aside so he could slump across the table with a defeated groan. █████… Was that all he was ever going to be to the outside world? Would the attempts he has made to be a better person forever go unnoticed under the large, looming shadow of his crimes? Then again, prisoners like him were locked away to be forgotten about by the world.
His form tensed the moment he spotted the Warden sitting opposite him. This was it - he was going to be scolded and sent to Solitary, and probably lose other privileges on top of that. How dare Yancy lay a finger on the visitor everyone worshipped!!
But it was nothing like that. Murderslaughter checked if he was okay. They sat in silence for a few moments so Yancy could try and collect himself without anyone else approaching. Then, the Warden praised him for not completely lashing out, but then took time to explain Illinois’ side of things.
“- He’s not like the reporters or anyone else who comes to ‘visit’ you. He was a moron who didn’t ask th’ staff for your name. It seems like he wants to try an’ be friends…. But it’s fine if ya don’t wanna see him today. An’ if you’d rather go lie down instead of working, that’s fine too.
“N-no… I’d rather work. Don’t really wanna be left alone with my thoughts just yet.”
Yancy spent the rest of the morning washing dishes. The work wasn’t ‘busy’ enough to keep his mind distracted, but it was labour-intensive and he could work out his frustration on the crockery. By the time he finished his shift and lunch, he returned to his cell with an idea - he needed to get rid of the White Jaguar model. It had to be the source of the blame.
But just like a blasted boomerang, the clay figure kept returning to him in ridiculous manners throughout the afternoon. Yancy dropped it in the trash on the way outside, only to be tapped on the shoulder by another prisoner who thought it was dropped by mistake. Trying to gift it to anyone in the Gang had them refuse - Bam-Bam had initially accepted, but changed his mind when he held the tiny model and handed it back to Yancy with the excuse that it ‘belonged’ to him. He then hid it in the long grass in the rec yard. When no one immediately found it, he went to the bathroom, returned to his cell… And was greeted with the terrifying sight of the White Jaguar sitting on his pillow, staring at him. Overcome with frustration, he decided to simply break it. He threw it at the wall with all his might. Instead of smashing, it ricocheted off the wall and toppled his radio that had been on his bed, before landing neatly on the pillow. Yancy picked it up, he swore there was a look of smugness on the Jaguar’s face, which reminded him of… Wait.
He could simply return it to Illinois and ask him never to speak to Yancy again. It would solve two problems at once.
“Come in!” Illinois’ voice was upbeat as he tidied the classroom after a day of workshops. The guilt from earlier had been put aside in favour of professionalism. He did have a reputation to uphold, after all. However, that professionalism immediately slipped the moment he saw who entered.
“Yancy!” The name was blurted out with relief more than pleasantry. Whatever Illinois had been putting into his briefcase was unceremoniously dumped as he gave Yancy his full attention. “Before you say anything…. I want to apologise for this morning. I made the mistake of not checking with the staff what name you prefer to go by. It was careless of me. I know I upset you, and I am truly sorry. You don’t need to forgive me, as I know it’s something that hurt you… But I just want you to know I didn’t mean to use that name, and I’ll never use it again, Yancy.”
Yancy was dumbfounded. No one who deliberately used that name apologised. They never cared that it made him uncomfortable and upset. Emotions stung him for the second time that day, but polar opposites to the anger that had nearly consumed him in the morning.
“I-I, uh… Thanks. For apologising, I mean. Takes balls to admit youse was wrong ‘bout something. But it means a lot that, y’know, youse said sorry. So… If it’s okay with youse, we can consider it forgiven and forgotten.” Yancy looked ill at ease, but Illinois couldn’t blame him. It would be better to find a new topic to talk about before Yancy decided to swiftly dismiss himself. At that moment, Yancy adjusted his stance, drawing Illinois’ attention to his hand.
“Is that the White Jaguar model I gave you?”
Yancy blinked and looked at his hand like he didn’t know it had existed until that very moment. He opened his mouth, only to snap it shut with a quick shake of his head. When he did speak again, there was the faintest hint of a smile.
“Yeah, uh… Had a few people asking ‘bout it, but I don’t remember shit from that talk so… Is it too late to join one of these class things you is doing?” Yancy mentally slapped himself for doing the opposite of what he had intended, but it wasn’t met with a cocky reaction. Instead, Illinois’ face lit up like the Fourth of July and invited Yancy to the desk so they could check if there was a class that would fit neatly into Yancy’s schedule. There was a hint of awkwardness between them, but Illinois was optimistic that this could be the start of a better chapter for them.
However, he did get a little ahead of himself and winked at Yancy just before the prisoner left. Yancy rolled his eyes, but the dismissive look had a trace of amusement in it as he left. Once the door closed, Illinois found himself staring at it for several long moments.
Okay… Maybe there was a bit of an attraction toward Yancy after all.
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writeawaythepain · 2 years
Dirty Dancing
 Illinois x (gn!reader)
NOT NSFW! Its a pun! Get it cause they’re covered in dirt, and they're dancing?-
tw: alcohol (just a little)
Word Count:  1.5k
Prompts: F 23 - “If you do that again I will throw you out the window you- what are you doing?" "Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it." F 12 - "I might have had a few shots." 17 - "Prove it."
Summary: You and Illinois are celebrating a job well done after an adventure at a local pub, you both get just a little tipsy and decide to celebrate with some dancing.
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You took a long sip from the drink in your hand before gently slamming it onto the table with a satisfied sigh. You don’t usually drink very often, but you and Illinois decided you were gonna celebrate this one. It wasn’t every day you solve an unsolvable riddle and finally find the lost emerald of the Angel Islands. The same one adventurers had been searching for, for decades.
The alcohol tingled in your throat and you could feel a warm sensation flow through your body. You relaxed back into your chair, body aching from dodging all those traps and getting covered in nicks and bruises. In fact, you and Illinois probably looked like ghosts with all the dust and grime covering your bodies along with your slightly tattered clothing. You both hadn’t bothered showering in all the excitement, hygiene could wait. Right now you just wanted to soak in a job well done.
“Can I see it?” You ask him. He pulls the emerald out of his bag, and you see the lights of the pub reflect off its smooth green surface. He tries to dust it off with his sleeve, but all he accomplishes is moving some of the dirt around, so he holds it out to you. You reach out a hand to take it, and he gently places it into your palm, fingers lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
You hold it up to the light and spin it gently, even with the dust covering it you could see the bright green color of the emerald and all the perfectly cut geometric shapes reflecting inside of it. “I think this is one of the prettiest things I’ve ever held.” You say in awe.
“Well, that’s hurtful seeing as though you’ve held onto me at least once~,” Illinois speaks in a relaxed but confident tone. You look up at him, he was holding his chin in his hand while resting his elbow on the table. He was sitting across the table from you and was looking right into your eyes. You don’t know if it was the adrenaline of finding the treasure, the dim lighting of the pub, or the booze, but he just looks so, so serene. And, well, pretty. Really pretty. You know he flirts with anyone and everyone as a joke, but you can’t help but have your heart skip a beat whenever he looks at you with those dark brown eyes of his. They always had a mischievous glint to them, as if they were always hiding something, just out of reach.
“Ha. Ha- I meant like an object, I don’t think I’ve ever held anything so valuable.” You respond sarcastically. He smirks.
“The gems pretty an all, but I’d rather look at you any day.” There’s the usual flirt. “You’re more valuable than any fancy rock.” That- that one surprised you. Your eyes widened. For some reason, that line felt different than his usual flirts. It sounded more personal. Almost…genuine. You searched his eyes for some sort of sign that he was joking, but he just looked back at you. His expression, almost dreamy.
“How much did you have to drink again, Illy?” You ask, trying to hide the heat rising to your cheeks.
"I might have had a few shots." He responds chuckling. “But I’m just being honest! You don’t give yourself enough credit. I never would have found that emerald without you. Hell, I’ve been trying to solve that riddle for years!” Your cheeks are probably red now. Illinois. THE Illinois was complimenting, YOU. The cocky bastard who calls himself pretty without a second thought was praising your riddle-solving ability?! You hid your flustered face as you took another sip from your glass. You had to take him out for drinks more often.
A group of a few performers started playing some music on the small stage they had in the pub, and you could see a few people get up and start dancing. Most of them were couples holding hands swaying to the smooth tones being played throughout the pub. You smiled at the scene, it seemed like they were having fun. Illinois noticed your expression and a grin started to grow on his face. You could hear his chair slide out as he got up and made his way over to you. 
He bowed slightly, and extended his hand out to you, “May I have this dance, partner~” You can't help but snort at his cheesiness, but when he didn’t back down your eyes widened.
“Are you kidding? Illinois I can’t dance!” You say incredulously. Instead of taking his hand, you reach to put the emerald back in Illinois's bag, but before you can pull your hand away again, Illinois gently grabs your wrist. 
“I didn’t ask if you were any good. I asked if you wanted to dance, with me.” The last part came out way softer than you’ve ever heard him speak. It made your heart skip a beat, and, what were you going to do? Say no to the hot Indiana Jones rip-off that managed to steal your heart with his rugged charms and southern accent? You weren’t an idiot! You hesitantly place your hand in his outstretched one, and he smirks.
“Do you even know how to dance?” You ask, still a bit unsure. He scoffs, and puts on a mock offended expression.
“Do I know how to dance?” He mimics is a bad impression of your voice. Now it’s your turn to look offended. “How about you just follow me and find out~” He winks at you before gently leading you to the dance floor. Oh gods you weren’t going to survive this.
He turns to face you and puts your hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on your waist and grabs your other hand with his free one. “Just follow my steps darlin’, I know you're a genius but just, don’t think too hard, ok? Just feel the rhythm of the music.” You take a deep breath and try to relax, you look down and follow his footsteps as best as you can, only stepping on his feet once or twice. “See your-  ow-  You’re doing great handsome/beautiful-  agh-” 
“I’m sorry! I told you I’m not good-!” You apologize. He just smiles and laughs.
“You’re doing fine darlin’, I’ve been through way worse. We’ve both been through worse just today, actually.” You smile and laugh as well.
“Yea, I guess you’re right.” You both start to get into a comfortable rhythm, stepping and swaying to the music. You got lost in the feeling of the moment, the atmosphere felt almost magical. You forgot all about your aching body and all the dirt covering you both from head to toe, you were just fully captivated by this moment.
That was until Illinois got an idea, and shot you a smirk. Oh no, what was he planning? Just as the music ended on its last note, and before you even knew what was really happening, Illinois moved his hand across your back, spinning you slightly and pulling you into a dip. You stare into his eyes, his face only a few inches from yours. You were both panting slightly, and your eyes were locked on each other. Illinois slowly starts to lean in a little closer...
...before he quickly plants a small kiss on your nose. Surprised and incredibly flustered you push yourself out of his arms. He starts laughing so hard that you can see tears forming in the corner of his eyes. You try to hide your own smile at the ridiculousness of this whole situation, and instead start to scold him.
“What was that!? I swear, if you do that again I will throw you out the window you- what are you doing?" He stops laughing to turning his head towards the window. Looking outside, you could see the pub was on the side of a cliff.
"Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it~" Your face was enough to make him erupt into laughter again. You just sigh, crossing your arms.
Finally, his fit of laughter stops. He walks up to you, putting both his hands on your shoulders. “Aw come on sweetheart, I’m just teasing. You know I love you.” You blink, taken aback by his words, did he really just say that? He couldn’t be drunk already, you were watching him, he only had like 2 shots of whiskey. So where was this coming from? You decided not to question it, and instead see if he was really being genuine, or just messing with you again. Oh, gods above you hoped this wasn’t a joke. 
“Oh really, you love me? Prove it.” Wow ok, I guess his confidence was starting to rub off on you. His smirk grows into a full, genuine smile. He gently takes your hand again, and when you squeeze it in affirmation, he dips you again, and this time, he doesn’t miss.
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iamfruitie · 3 years
Ok one last thing so I don’t spam your inbox, even though I technically just made a blog for this,,, Thoughts on how Illinois would probably be great at worshipping anyone thanks to his adventures, whether he’s domming or subbing or merely just with someone? Say Yancy for example, just kissing slowly and gently all over him, and making him feel like he’s the only person in the world. That Illi’s completed devoted to him, and just the loving aftermath of the cuddles and hugs. Might even get Yancy all cocky, and guide Illi to his inner thighs, and cock, tell/ask him to lavish those, and flip over after to get him kissing the small of his back, thighs, and ass. - L
This is why I love you
You have some glorious ideas and make me wanna write smut when I can't XD
Also, Illinois is 100% a type of pleasure dom (or sub depending on the case), he gets more from having his partner feeling good And like you said, Yancy gets a little cocky from it and that's when Illinois' teasing side comes out. Nothing like a good ol' edging for your bratty partner
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regalrain · 3 years
Prompts Requested
(I shall one day get to all on here. This list will change as more are added or I complete them)
Hc’s -
how would the egos react to the reader having a crisis episode.. where theyre laughing and crying simultaneously and basically breaking down on such small things..
hmm perhaps a look on how would host react to a gender-questioning reader? or when they feel disphoric and how he tries to help?
Prompt: Illinois x a very touch starved reader. They just melt at his touch. With Lots of cuddling and kisses and hair petting.
your favorite damien and celine headcannons ?
Hehehhee.....Illy and Illi for Romantic scavenger hunt. Or?? A and B go to a bunch of restaurants and fake propose to get free food. -🤍
🥺👉👈Illy n yancy..... maybe A yancy,B illy? A plans a magical and elaborate date to celebrate their first Valentines Day with B. Little do they know, B hates Valentines Day. ?
Wait ok. Illy yancy. “I hate to tell you this, but I’m allergic to those flowers”
mmmmm that one with “on your knees” screams Cowboys.....cowboy boys......maybe Illi/Yancy first meeting.....mayhaps? (Yes this is a request dkgdkg)
https://regalrain.tumblr.com/post/647223664907042816 this for yanois if your taking requests?
6. The concept: Illi taking Dark, Yancy, and Ahperikaar out on a fun tropical vacation to a jungle. Wants: Gotta swim at a jungle lagoon/lake.....gotta have Ahperikaar/Yancy shenanigans.....gotta have Illi being a little bit of a bastard and eating/trying to get them to eat bugs just to watch Dark and Yancy squirm....
7. Actor and Jims whump
8. Could you possibly write me an unofficial “bad ending” for one of the In Space With Markiplier routes, where the reader goes into a room despite some warnings, and “whoopsie!” all of the Google androids are in there waiting for them? (Under a dumb new name like “G Bots” because Google co DEFINITELY didn’t want to be associated with their killer AI) - I just really miss my murder boys, man;v; Google, come back under a different name </3 (and if possible can I request no “Oliver”? Personal reason)
9. hello-i am unfortunately sad and sick and i wanted to read smth cute to cheer myself up. as always me love some illinois x gn reader maybe where the reader feels down after not being able to keep up with his adventures; (or really when youre so tired you just ca n t do a simple task and you keep forcing yourself to do so)and illy notices and helps. thank you for your time hope you have a nice day/night
Nsfw below cut
Illinois x werewolf!Yancy smut where Yancy is in heat and also fully transformed.
Illinois x afab Gn!Reader x Yancy - size kink and praise and degradation
“Having fun?” and “I could make you feel better than that pathetic toy.” - With the og Google IRL? Soft dom Googs- Ya gotta have it, sometimes.👌🏻Maybe a sprinkle of condescending praise? No degradation, please- and no names, “daddy, baby, kitten, sl-t,” - Just stuff like “good girl” *insert more praise-y lines I can’t think of* (or- “Good human” to be gn!) This is said voyeurism one <<
Could you maybe do a somnophilia scenario with the og Google blue? Reader’s his owner, and for some reason he just decides to uhh, “explore” some anatomy, while they’re asleep << (y/n or reader- is she/they) and yes indeed he is a cocky bastard ;)
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Illinois x sassy reader
This was a request, and I hope it’s okay! Sorry it took me so long! I hope you like it @beavernugget​
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Traveler. Adventurer. Always searching, always talking, reaching out, meeting new people. You were a smile on the street, a word pronounced wrong that turned into a giggle. He loved it all, even though he hated to admit it. He wasn’t the type to fall in love, but..but..well, you made him fall head over heels.
 As he dangled from the trap, he couldn’t help but love you right now. Even if you were teasing him, smirking as you looked at him. The sun gave off little light, you knew it would be enough to climb the tree and get him down and even though you knew the light was fading, you couldn’t help but tease him.
“Oh Illy, are you all tied up from me?” You cooed, chuckling as he crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. 
You went to the base of the tree, before crouching down, grabbing the knife you hid in your boot, before jumping up, grabbing a branch and hoisting yourself up. Balancing yourself, you then jumped up again, grabbing the branch above you, and climbing up again. You did this until you reached the branch where you had tied the rope earlier. You had tried to warn him about the trap, but he didn’t listen. You had told him, it was his own fault!
 Grinning, you carefully straddled the branch below you, taking the knife out of your mouth and yelling, “I told you!”  He pouted, “Are you gonna help me, or keep teasin me?”  You giggled, “I tooold you! But nooo! You went and said, oh, there aren’t any traps here, sweet heart! But boy, did I prove you wrong!”  “Are ya just gonna make fun of me?”  “Well, I’ll keep making fun of you until you admit that I told you so!” 
He says nothing, still pouting. “Oh I know how to avoid all the traps, just gotta walk casually..” you mocked, putting on a funny voice.  “Oh shut up!” He called, “Just release me, I know you like seeing me tied up, but come on sweetheart, I'm getting dizzy..” “Make me, pretty boy!”  “Did you just call me pretty?”  You blushed, “Well, you are pretty, but just cause you’re hot doesn’t mean I'm just gonna release you from the trap. I know I was right, so say it, or I’ll just go find the treasure myself and leave you here. I tried to warn you that I put it up, but you were too busy bragging. Now see where that got you!” 
He always knew you were sassy, from the first day he met you. After that adventure through the cave, and your journey to monkey heaven, he said goodbye. “Sorry if you fell in love..” he said, waving you off.  You laughed, “Whoever said I fell in love with you?” He stopped in his tracks,before turning to you, mouth agape, “E-excuse me?” “You heard-- achoo!” you sneezed, revealing that the rock he had given you was actually a diamond! You then smirked, before unpeeling the banana, revealing..gold! Actual gold! You laughed again, before grabbing the grappling launcher out of your utility belt, and aiming it towards the hole above you, “I guess monkey heaven was a winner, huh?” He stepped forward, trying to stop you, but unable to. You went up quickly, leaving him stunned in the cave. “Hey! Come back here!” “Make me!” He then went on to chase you, barely managing to catch up to you. He asked for you to join him on his next adventure, calling you a good luck charm. Since you really had nothing to do, you decided to join him.Illinois sighed, before saying, “Fine. You were right.” Smirking, you grabbed the rope, and slashed it, hearing a thud as he fell to the ground. He groaned, “Thanks..” “Welcome!”
You then swung your leg over, so that you were sitting on the branch, and looking at him down below, barely able to see him due to the glow of the fire. You sighed, before going to go down, missing the branch below you. A scream burst from your lips as you fell, hitting a branch or two along the way.The world flew by in slow motion as the branches passed by you in a blur of green, you could see the sky-- was that going to be your last sight? The one thing you looked at as you died? You closed your eyes, bracing yourself from the fall, but instead, you fell on something soft? You heard a groan, and opened your eyes. You quickly sat up, your cheeks a bright red. You turned to him, ready to help him up and apologize, but he just smirked at you.Illinois, smirking, “Oh, did you fall for me?” You rolled your eyes, your hands on your hips, “Do you want me to help you up or what?” “You’re just mad cause you know I'm right.” he purred. “So what if you are right, Illi?” You said, lips pursed as you crossed your arms, “what are you gonna do about it? “Wh-what do you..” “I said, that if I did fall for you, would you do anything about it?” “I--” You smirked, “You wouldn’t know how to handle me, anyway, now would you, pretty boy?” “I-I uh..” You raised an eyebrow, “Well?” “I-I..uh..” he gulped, his cheeks starting to go a bright red. “Look, Illinois, flirt with me if you’re interested, but don’t do it if you aren’t, I’m not gonna figure out your feelings for you.” You gave him one last glance before walking away, finally glad you gave him a piece of your mind. 
You hated how cocky he could be sometimes, even though it was kind of endearing. The confidence he gave off, the way he smirked at you, his smooth voice, it all made your heart flutter.He watched you go to the tent, and his heart pounded-- he loved you. Loved your sass, the cheek, the smirks you often gave him, the winks you always aimed in his direction after you used a pick up line on him. You always made him blush, always got him flustered, made him a stumbling, fumbling mess. He knew how he felt about you, but..he didn’t know what to do, what to say. Sighing, he got up, chasing after you, and following you back to the campsite you both shared. 
As you crawled into your tent, he finally caught up, asking, “I-if.. if I did have feelings for you, what would you say?” You looked at him, “If you liked me, I’d like you back. Because I already like you.” He looked at you wide mouthed, “Y-you do?” “Yeah, why do you think I’ve been flirting with you?” “I..uh..” You shook your head, “You sure are oblivious.”. Illinois blushed, his heart pounding at the thought of you liking him like the way he liked you. He felt like a school boy talking to his crush for the first time! God, why did you make his heart flutter just by existing? What kind of magic did you have on him? He gulped, “W-well.. if..I.. if I did..l-liked you, and um, if you l-like me, um, maybe we could-- after this adventure..” he took in a deep breath, “maybe we could go out on a date? If ya want.” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, and you smiled.
 “I’d love that, but first, I’m going to bed, wanna join me?” you winked, smirking, making him turn even redder.
He nodded, before going to get changed in his tent and joining you in yours. You spent the night talking and cuddling, and you learned just how lovestruck Illinois was with you. You fell asleep to him listing off everything he loved about you-- things like the crinkles of your smile, and the way you laughed, or how your eyes shone, or the way you led him on adventures, bossing him around. He loved it all. When he realized you were asleep, he stopped, his voice going down to a whisper, before becoming a murmur, before becoming silent. He turned to you and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead. He got comfortable, snuggling next to you in the sleeping bag, which was big enough for two. He closed his eyes, listening to your soft breathing, feeling so close to you-- what if he lost you, he wondered? He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. He’d protect you, keep you safe, no matter the cost.  He let himself melt into the noise of the night, listening to the crickets, to the swish of the trees, to the wind, to the noise of animals, before falling asleep in a tent underneath the stars, finally having you in his arms. 
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Also, what if one of Illinois' brothers get sick, but from something totally non- lethal, like a stomach bug or something.
But they can't help but notice that Illy is super jumpy, even when he's trying to mask it with his usual cockiness.
Like, he's acting like he has everything totally under control, but he would flinch every time one of the brothers coughed, for example.
This is because it's likely that Illy has lost a l o t of partners to diseases, most likely being out in nature and the jungle and all.
His hands are trembling the entire time.
The biggest downside to making oneself learn the value of life: Valuing Life. He makes so much soup. It's all from a can, of course, but man he makes them so much soup. And uses some healing/medicinal techniques he learned on his adventures, a lot of them more spiritualistic in focus, but hey, at least he's not trying to overdose them on meds.
He's also upset because he knows he won't feel the level of grief he thinks they deserve, if the worst happens. He knows he'll be able to move on rather quickly. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But he feels like they would deserve "better" than he can give, and the thought is distressing.
So he tries real hard to help them out, because he knows he can value them well now, still not as much as he wishes he could, but decently enough.
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dumbdisassterbi · 3 years
I have never heard anyone ship Damien and Illinois but that might be cute. Cocky adventurer comparing the soft mayor to some gem he found in a cave and damiens just “yeah neat.” but inside hes all “🥺🥺🥺🥺 im pretty???”
Illi is a flirtatious fool and Damien doesn't know how to process it at all. He gets all flushed and tries not to make it obvious how flustered he is.
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