#cleanup should be nicer
starzie · 8 months
I think I figured out vector lines
one day I will be unstoppable
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piss-pumpkin · 2 months
Bad dreams (Percy x reader)
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Child of Hypnos reader, ~4.5k words, set ambiguously after pjo, the request was enemies to lovers so I sincerely apologize. Masterlist
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Capture the flag. It was a game of epic highs and lows, winner and losers, all to decide who wore the crown. Until next week, that is. And nobody took it more seriously than Annabeth, determined to win and keep her indestructible reputation as the best strategist around. She was in the war room, taking this very seriously, and discussing with her right hand man before the team.
Percy groaned, dramatically dropping his head on the table, half pushing off the map. “Annabeth, why?” He complained, hand waving in the air to communicate the distain that she couldn’t see in his face. 
Annabeth sighed, taking her head in her hands. “I know you don’t like them,” she started calmly, crossing the floor to Percy to pat his back gently. “But the Hypnos cabin is an asset, between all of them, we can have half the enemy team asleep,” she said, ever pragmatic.
Percy was not a fan of her reasoning, as sound as it was. Unfortunately for him, the head counsellor of the Hypnos cabin was you. And You and Percy? He didn’t even want to think about. No idea why you decided not to like him upon meeting, even less of an idea how it’s escalated as far as it has. “Wise girl, have mercy,” he whined, standing up straight again. “Putting me in a room with them is a sure fire way to lose.”
Annabeth pursed her lips. “That might be true,” she started, circling the table, eyes the pieces she set dramatically to represent each of her forces. One or two Hypnos campers per squad to weaken the enemy. “But they’re essential to the plan, just… you’ll be in different areas, if all goes well.”
Percy grumbled. Things never went well. 
As the battle drew closer, the allied cabins assembled to hear the more polished version of Annebeths plan. And of course, that meant you at the table, front and centre, your forces being an essential part of the strategy. Great. You always listened to Annabeth, even though she was always sticking up for him. And she managed to get you on the same team, even when you knew that guy you hated would be there. 
You nodded along with the details, assigning siblings you thought best for each task. You seemed a lot nicer with them. 
You conferred with your cabin, and offered another plan to Annabeth. Percy wasn’t completing focused, because when you were done, he had no idea what you’d said. Annabeth seemed to be a fan though. She nodded along, and adjusted the prices on her map while you have people notes and alternate delegations.
An order to each cabin head. All except him. He glanced around at each counsellor telling their cabin mates what they should do, and he cringed. You’d instructed everyone else. “Uh,” he started looking to you because Annabeth was busy talking to the Apollo counsellor. “Does my job change at all?” 
You pursed your lips, smiling just slightly. “No, I guess I didn’t have anything for you,” you said slyly. “But isn’t jumping in without thinking kind of your whole thing? Just roll with that, yeah?” 
Percy’s face flattened as he sighed. He needed somebody else, “Annabeth?” He asked.
She turned to him, and thought for a moment. “They might have a point,” she said curiously, much to his detest. Percy grumbled as she continued. “Using you as a wild card might be beneficial, especially because you can take large groups of them at once.”
Great. No job, and more work, somehow. And you were smiling, a bit too satisfied with yourself and his annoyance. Why was it always like this? 
There was one time when Percy was sparring with Clarisse, and they got a little too heated, and it ended up with Clarisse on Pegasus cleanup duty, and Percy teaching sword classes for a week. Definitely the lighter punishment, considering he liked the job. Chiron always went a little easy on him. But there were layers to this punishment. Primarily: you.
When Percy was approaching, he saw you, and sighed. You were there first, already talking to the younger campers, wide smile on your face and holding a weapon. Ugh. Of course he had the misfortune of fucking up the same time as you. Okay. This week was actually going to be terrible. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he said, jogging up to you and the campers. You’d just finished some sort of introduction, it was the perfect time to slide in. The youngest kid looked maybe ten, and had a dagger in her hand. She was little small for the real swords. The kids were looking up at him, faces blank or curious, and you were side eyeing him, brow raised, completely unimpressed. Yeah, he should probably do something interesting.
“Yeah, you sure were,” you laughed sarcastically, sounding just nice enough for the kids not to pick up on your distain. 
Percy grimaced. Great start. With a deep breath, he did  his best to recover, running his hands through his hair nervously. “Well, I’m here now, so,” he said, looking at the younger campers. Grinning, and ignoring your cold stare, he uncapped Riptide, and a few kids gasped. “How about we get to the fun stuff?”
He spared you a glance, catching you roll your eyes at him. This was not going to be a good week. Quite possibly the worst punishment Chiron could’ve given him. 
It’s hard to teach as a team when you can’t get along  for a second. And all the kids noticed, and did their best to egg you on. Percy was fighting for his life harder than he had on several quests, until the very last minutes of the time slot. Thank the gods it was only like, an hour. Even if it was one of the longest hours of his life.
And he wasn’t even spared when it was over.
“Of course we fucked up on the same week” you sighed, picking up a carelessly discarded sword. “Let me guess, something boring…” you started, walking idly toward the weapons rack with a handful of blades. “Like what, blowing up the bathroom again? Or sneaking out of camp for a quest?”
Hmm. Low blow. Though not completely unwarranted. “No, much cooler than that,” Percy sighed, rolling his eyes as he kicked up some dust from the arena floor. “Beating up Clarisse.”
You scoffed, “somehow I doubt that.”
And you weren’t exactly wrong. It was more of a mutual beating up, in a sort of frenemy way, Percy was the first to admit. But not to you. “Hey, you should see her,” he chided. “There’s cold hard proof.”
You bumped his shoulder on the way out of the arena, sighing. “Maybe I will, I could get some tips on kicking your ass,” you said, raising your brow. 
By the time he thought of a good-ish response, you were too far away to hear, and he was kicking himself for letting you get the last word. He glanced around the empty arena dumbly. It looked like you finished the cleanup while he just stood there, another point you had on him now. The punishment may not have been a competition, but you seemed to be winning thus far. Shit. 
And it only gets worse from there. 
He managed to come early the second day, a full fifteen minutes to get warmed up, and think about what could be good to teach the newbies. And he had the arena all to himself to slash dummies in the exact way he’d instruct them to do later. 
“Clarisse told me Chiron intervening is all that saved you from getting sent to the infirmary,” you said.
Percy jumped, Riptide nearly falling out of his hand. When the fuck did you get here? He hadn’t heard you at all. Sneaky bitch. He turned to face you when he recovered from his shock, “yeah, well, she couldn’t admit she lost a fight if there was a gun to her head.”
You didn’t look sold. You raised your brow, “could you?”
He pursed his lips. He wanted to say something like, yes, duh! But quickly realized it might be a lie. To most people he could, but admitting defeat to you felt much worse. Like it would confirm all your doubts or apprehensions about him, or whatever your grudge was. He decided a little lie wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. “I could,” he said casually, slashing a combat dummies head. 
He didn’t see your face as you hummed lowly with disapproval. Probably for the better. 
Or so he thought, because as you were walking towards the dummy beside his, he started to feel drowsy. His slashes got slower as his arms felt heavier, like they were weighing him down. He looked at you, and immediately wanted to lie down and pass out. Ugh.  Your subtle smirk told him you knew exactly what you were doing. And it only escalated when the kids started to arrive. 
You started the lesson off assertively. While he was struggling to blink with his heavy eyelids. “If you have any cool demigod abilities, you should totally use them literally whenever you can,” you said, pointing your weapon enthusiastically at the campers. 
Percy couldn’t help but watch in slight awe as you engrossed them all. You narrowed in on a son of Apollo,  your blade staring him down as you told him he should get comfortable using healing abilities in a fight. You seemed to have a suggestion for everyone; the daughter of Hectate should use the mist, a Demeter kid should try and use vines, your Hypnos brother should use… sleep powers. Percy knew about those all too well. 
Percy had to admit he was jealous of the way they seemed excited about your ideas. Did they really like you more than him? It wasn’t that he felt bad not being liked, he was plenty used to that in all the schools he went to. It was more that it was you. The way you showed a nicer side to seemingly everyone but him. His body still felt like it was made of lead. 
You had some blind spots though. Not everyone had powers, Percy guessed, watching a couple Athena kids rolling their eyes or looking at the ground. “I hate to interject,” Percy started, stealing your and the kids attention again. “But this is weapons training, there are other classes for using abilities.” Plus, maybe you’d stop using yours if they got back on focus. 
”Hey, I’m teaching them how to fight better, isn’t that the goal?” You shot back. You seemed to catch the way his eyes were lingering on the kids without abilities. “Even if you don’t have any specific powers,” you said, turning back to the campers, “if we start using them, you’ll learn how to counter them, and kick our asses better.”
Percy sighed. You seemed pretty stuck on this. He tiredly uncapped Riptide, and pointed at it. “Weapons class, Y/n. Let’s focus on using weapons,” he said. 
You shifted your lips around, maybe chewing on them, and then seemed to have a thought. Unfortunately. You smiled at the kids, “yeah, well, Percy doesn’t always use his abilities to the fullest when he fights,” you said. “Maybe don’t take his lead too much.”
Ugh. “Well, it’s not always as easy as some people make it look,” he said, gesturing at you. “Not everyone has powers, and some people get drained easily by theirs. For me, I can’t always rely on there being water around me.”
You crossed your arms, raising your brow, and actually looked at him this time. “You know what people are made of, right?”
The kids were listening intently, some snickering and smirking to themselves. A couple seemed annoyed that the training was paused just so the teachers could bitch at each other. Percy sighed, “yeah, no, I don’t want to do that. I think that was an episode of Avatar: the last airbender.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Well you might win more fights if you did,” you said snidely. Your eyes lowered a moment as you lowered your voice with a bitter tone, “I hate the idea of you going easy on me.” 
Before Percy could respond with a retort of his own, you’d dropped the mean act and completely focused on the kids, upbeat and happy. You clapped your hands together, and shot them a wide smile, “how about a demonstration, guys?” 
Aw shit. The kids lit up, nodding along as you continued. “How about me and Percy have a little match, and we see who wins, yeah?” You said, grinning at him. Ugh. It wasn’t a secret that people said he was the best swordsman at camp, but you were a head counsellor too. And even if he could stab you, he probably shouldn’t in front of the kids anyway. 
He had started to tune you out, but got snapped back to reality when he heard his name. “Percy, are you down?” You asked with faux sweetness. Ugh. Percy sucked a breath in through his teeth, and sighed. “Uh-Sure,” he said cautiously. 
You grinned, and the kids stepped back and whispered to each other. Yeah, they definitely picked up on your rivalry. They waited restlessly, probably excited to see the climax of your mutual dislike. Like the fight was inevitable. He uncapped Riptide with a sigh, and raised the blade as you shooed the kids to step further back. He took a fighting stance, raising his blade at the ready. Just great. Your aura of tiredness or whatever was affecting him seemed to get worse. Yeah, he might be fucked without water. 
You smirked, twirling a weapon of your own between your fingers and glancing at your audience happily, chest puffed out in self satisfaction. “Do you want to count us down?” you asked the kids, grinning. 
They nodded along, three, and Percy sighed, eying the water bottle he had off to the side. If he could get it then maybe... whatever. Maybe if he beat you, you’d lay off. Two. Or, if you won, you could get ten times worse. One. There was no good outcome. And it’s not like either of you could maim each other with the kids watching. 
Ugh. Still weighed down by an impossible spell of drowsiness, Percy started to lunge forward, sword ready to slash in an arc above his head. But then he looked at you. And you looked at him. And you were shooting him a finger gun, and Percy was out cold, without enough time to grumble or complain about it. Well shit. 
Like most times he slept, he was dreaming. Nightmares, specifically. At least he felt no godly presence, or anything sinister. Today, it was Annabeth and Grover dead on the floor, with Kronos in Luke’s body glaring at him from the sidelines. And then it was just Luke, looking at him sadly, approaching him, and then asking why he let his sister die. Percy didn’t have an answer. 
Nightmare Luke wasn’t a fan of that. Suddenly he was turning back into Kronos and raising Backbiter, and Percy was completely unable to move, paralyzed by fear, sadness, and bitter anger. Great. Just great. 
But Luke didn’t swing. He stopped, eyes cloudy and blank, and the bodies faded away. Was his subconscious being nice today? Luke stepped back, and his sword has vanished, and the scene was fading fast. 
Percy was awake. He grumbled, not wanting to open his eyes. His head was in the dirt, body completely weighed down by his own exhaustion. The arena floor wasn’t the worst place he could’ve fallen, at least. He grumbled, sat up, and rubbed his eyes until they opened.
You were still there, Percy’s eyes flew open, shaking any lingering tiredness. He scooted back just slightly. You were sitting beside him, head rested in hands and lips pursed. “Uhh,” he stuttered, scooting back further. “You’re uh, still hanging out here?” A quick glance showed the kids were gone, and the lesson had been over for a while. 
”You have some of the worst nightmares I’ve seen, dude,” you said simply, shifting your head from hands to hand. “I’m… sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t mean to snoop.”
Percys brow furrowed. What? You looked apprehensive, but your words didn’t seem malicious in the slightest. He stopped scooting back, but he held his arm up defensively between you, unsure why. You didn’t have a weapon. “It’s… fine. Was it you that… ended it?” He asked tentatively.
You nodded. “It didn’t seem fun,” you said quietly. You looked away, hiding your face in a palm, “Sorry for putting you in there, I guess,” you said. “I’ll try to avoid sleeping you, if you want.”
Percy looked at you quizzically, jaw hung slightly open, more than confused. You were being nice. That’s crazy. He wasn’t sure how to act. Every word he said was laced with hesitation and the slightest bit of a stutter. “Thanks, I guess,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. “Appreciate it.”
You nodded, and a slightly sealed silence fell over the woods as you refused to look at him. But you didn’t stand up to leave yet either. 
“Hey, Y/n, can I ask,” he started, sitting up straighter and crossing his legs. “Usually you hate me…” he said, almost wincing. “Do you… not, today?”
That got your attention, and your eyes were burning through him. Your brow furrowed, and softened, your mouth opened and then closed, you looked away, then back at him, and then sighed. “I don’t hate you, Percy,” you admitted, sounding abjectly defeated. 
That got an involuntary “huh?” Out of him. You totally hated him. That was just a fact. 
You sighed, and shook your head, turning back away from him. You tone was far lighter this time, “no, I don’t hate you, I just- I don’t know,” you said.
”Then why-“ Percy started dumbly, but quickly trailed off, unsure how to make his question less rude. There didn’t seem to be an obvious answer. “Why are you like this,” he asked, cringing at his own callousness.
You snickered, looking at him with a slight and awkward smile. You shrugged, and looked back at the woods. Percy didn’t speak, he barely breathed, waiting for any sort of a signal from you. Somehow, it worked. You sighed , and stretched your legs in front of you and said, “I don’t know.” You paused, probably thinking. “It just comes naturally, I guess.”
Percy hummed. 
“That came out mean, didn’t it,” you laughed softly. 
“Like most things you say,” he laughed, but quickly trailed off. “Sorry.”
You smiled hesitantly, looking over at him with softer eyes than he usually sees on you. “No, that was deserved,” you said.
Percy smiled, and then raised his brow, surprising himself. That didn’t happen when he talked to you, this was fresh territory. Before he could respond, you were standing, and for the first time, offering him a hand up. And for the first time, he took it. 
You pulled him to his feet, but didn’t look at him, curtly turning your head away as he stood in front of you. Percy couldn’t help but snicker under his breath. You seemed intent on staring at a tree.
”Hey,” Percy started, brushing his hair out of his face. “Do you wanna go get on the same page about what we’re teaching them tomorrow so we don’t have a repeat of today?” He asked. He got a little scared when you finally looked at him, but you didn’t seem angry. And if anybody knew your angry face it was him. “We’ll probably be better teachers if we actually work together on it.”
You hesitated, raising your brow. “Uh, really?” You stuttered, crossing your arms and shrinking into yourself. 
Percy sighed. He was doing this, he’d committed now. For better or worse. “Yeah,” he nodded, with a friendly smile. “Why not? Let’s go get lunch or something.”
Percy wasn’t sure how well his olive branch was working. Your lips were pursed and arms still crossed, but.. the ever so familiar scowl you often showed him was absent from your lips. That could be good. You looked at the ground, then back to him, “yeah, okay.”
And here he was braced for rejection and an insult. Small victories. Percy grinned, nodding his head in the general direction of the dining pavilion, “then let’s go.” 
You nodded, and walked quietly beside him as he started for the path. Okay, a little awkward silence was nothing, that was still a win. Miles better than where he was this morning. Or even like, an hour ago. So Percy was inclined to try and bridge the gap. “The kids are gonna be really surprised when we actually work together, tomorrow,” he laughed. Careful words, when, not if.
He caught in his peripheral the tug of your lips upward into the slightest of smiles. “They’ll never see it coming,” you said. Maybe like a joke. Wow, was this actually working? You let out a small laugh, “neither did I.”
Percy but the inside of his cheek to suppress a smile. That made two of you, because this was the last thing Percy expected too. “Yeah,” he started. “Not bad though.”
For the first time in a good minute, you met his eyes, and his attention was drawn. You didn’t normally look at him like that. It was a… nice change pace. You sighed, “No, not the worst.” You swished your cheeks around a moment as you paused, but didn’t say more. And Percy would be lying to himself if he tried thinking he wasn’t a little disappointed. It almost looked like you were gonna say something nice. Well, maybe not the worst was nice enough. For you, at least.
”Percy, I’m really sorry about those nightmares,” you said finally, looking at the ground. 
Ah. That. Percy didn’t tell all that many people about his shit dreams. It was kind of a given that most people at camp got them, in some capacity at least. But he did his best to project a lighthearted image, especially when he was with the younger campers. “Oh,” he said dumbly. 
“If you want, I can help with those,” you offered quietly. 
Now that caught Percy’s attention. He raised his brow, “You can do that?” And he didn’t ask his other question: you would do that? Like, for him? 
You looked up at him, then back to the ground as the two of you approached the dining pavilion. “Yeah, Hypnos stuff,” you mumbled. “I do it for some other people too.”
Oh gods, you felt bad for him. That was a weird thought. “Oh- you don’t have to do that,” he started, suddenly far more embarrassed. So that’s why you were being nice. Suddenly it didn’t feel as good as before.
You looked up at him with wider eyes now, and bit the inside of your cheek. “Well, if you ever change your mind.”
Something about your pity didn’t sit right with him, even if was glad you didn’t look like you wanted to bite his head off. This look, the feeling sorry for him face, was somehow worse. “I won’t,” he snapped, sounding meaner than he meant. Or maybe he did mean it, in his bitterness he couldn’t tell. “You don’t need to pretend to like me now that you feel bad.”
You brow furrowed, and that pity look was gone in an instant. “Hey asshole, I was just offering to help,” you spat. Now this was more familiar. You crossed your arms at your chest as you walked. “Thought about being nice for once.”
”Yeah, for once,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Because now you feel bad.”
”Oh shut up,” you said, shaking your head with a glare. You stopped just short of the pavilion. “You aren’t special because you get nightmares, idiot, half the camp does,” you said, stepping closer to him. He was inclined to back away. “I’ve seen worse.”
Percy took another step back. There was a few stray campers sitting in the pavilion watching curiously, now. 
“But sure, go ahead,” you said, hands animating with your words. He flinched a moment as you halfway gripped the air. “Keep having your shit dreams, I don’t care.”
“Then why did you offer,” he spat back.
You looked at him like he was an idiot, shaking your head. “Because nightmares suck, nobody deserves that shit,” you said, like it was obvious. “Not even a stuck up asshole who thinks he’s better then everyone.”
What? Percy stood dumbly for a moment while your sharp glare subsided into a duller scowl. Did he really come off like that? “I’m not-“ he started, but quickly gave up. As much as he wanted to insult you back, half the things you said were genuinely pretty nice. You were right, nobody deserved that.
You scoffed, “sure you’re not,” you said bitterly. 
The two do you stood silently for a moment. And a few moments more. The couple of campers watching awkwardly tried to go back to eating. The lunch plans the two of you made seemed so far in the past now. Same with the idea of getting in the same page.
Percy spoke first. “I don’t- I don’t think like that,” he said lamely.
”No, you’re just the hero of Olympus, who goes on all the quests, who the gods tried to give immortality too,” you said. But the malice was gone. “You’re the reason I even have a cabin here,” you said quietly. 
Percy winced. How do you explain to somebody that going on all those quests… wasn’t always great. It stopped being amazing when more lives were at risk, the stakes got higher, people died. A lot of the time all the glory kind of sucked. “Well it’s… not all it’s cracked up to be,” Percy managed. “I mean, you saw the aftermath.”
”Yeah,” you said, looking at the ground. “That’s why I thought.. you might not be how I thought.” You looked up, expression made of stone. “But at least you’re… I don’t know,” you trailed off, “I think I’d still rather be somebody, even if it sucks.”
Percy half heartedly laughed through his nose, “Usually I feel the opposite, it would’ve been easier to be a kid of some minor god.”
”Grass is always greener, I guess,” you sighed. 
“You are somebody, though,” Percy said, realizing he should probably address that. The idea that you were insecure seemed so alien. The way you insulted him always seemed so confident. “You don’t need a ton of quests or fights to prove that.”
You rolled your eyes, a weak smile was forming on your lips, “well, that’s easy for you to say. I’m only here, and claimed, and in a cabin because you made the gods pay their child support.”
Percy smiled softly, gesturing his head to the tables at the pavilion. He started to walk as he spoke, “that’s the gods, that’s their problem,” he said, grabbing a plate to fill with the magic food with you behind him. “You’re more then the gods approval.”
He had to look back to see if you were still there, the way you went quiet. You grabbed a plate, and followed him to a table, all with that stone faced look. Not pity or malice, this time. When you sat down beside him, you finally cracked. “Thanks,” you managed, staring ruefully at your food. 
“It’s true,” Percy said. 
You looked up at him, a slight smile on your lips this time. “Thanks,” you said, more confidently. 
“Are you still up for helping me with the nightmares?”
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This request haunted me for like over a month cuz I couldn’t get anything out of it for a while. I wasn’t gonna post here but I ended up happier with it then I thought tho. Can you tell I never write enemies to lovers? I usually hate that trope lmao. Anyway part 2 coming maybe.
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
I've been reading Bleach recently, after a certain professional shitbag recommended it. I'm only a dozen chapters in, but I have some thoughts.
First: If you've been reading my posts talking about new Shonen Jump series, I am sorry. But also, the thing I keep talking about is pacing. Shonen Jump titles are under a lot of pressure to perform well out of the gate; this means most of them cram as much of their premise and ideas into chapter 1, getting to "the good part" ASAP without having time to lay any groundwork for it.
Bleach isn't like that. Basic story facts are scattered throughout the first volume or so, giving more room for the characters and such to breathe. I dunno if Jump worked differently twenty years ago, or if Tite Kubo was more confident in his writing speaking for itself, or what, but I appreciate it.
Second: Maybe it's just that I binged Mieruko-chan earlier this week, but it feels like Ichigo seeing (normal) ghosts should come up more than it does. There aren't anywhere near as many ghosts around in Ichigo's world as Miko's, and they're a lot nicer (except the Hollows), but still.
Third: I was expecting the fact that Ichigo's physical body stays behind, unconscious, when he astrally projects or whatever to fight Hollows was just a handy plot excuse. A reason for Ichigo's broad-daylight swordfights to not be noticed, that would come up for the occasional gag or when it's convenient to the plot, but mostly be forgotten.
But nope! Characters have reacted to Ichigo going unconscious both times (so far) he's projected while outside his house—nothing plot-altering, but enough to make the characters feel like they notice the weird things he's doing and react to them.
Fourth: When Ichigo finds out Hollows used to be human (um, spoilers for chapter 3/episode 2 of Bleach I guess?), he's mad at Rukia for not telling him this, but doesn't really angst about having to kill ex-humans. He talks at them a normal shonen manga amount, but that's about all he does differently when he learns that his enemies used to be human. That feels like something that most series would give more focus (and angst) than it really deserves.
Fifth: There are a lot of nice little moments. Rukia stealing Ichigo's sisters clothes because she didn't pack anything for her not-so-brief trip to the mortal world. Orihime talking with her ex-brother. Rukia not knowing how juice boxes work. Some random guy getting mad at Ichigo for "copying his look," but nothing really comes of it; it's just a school Ichigo's been going to and has a history at. Rukia failing to comfort the dead kid in a parakeet, this makes sense in context.
Maybe this is just reiterating the pacing thing I started with, but...it's nice that there's space for things that don't really do anything except establish characters and tone. Also, I think Rukia's my favorite character.
Speaking of which, sixth: I kinda wish Rukia kept a bit more of her power. At the moment, it feels like she's basically only useful for spiritual cleanup and occasionally not dying long enough for Ichigo to show up. When she said she could only use a few Kidō spells, I thought that meant she'd use them to back up Ichigo in combat. But no, she's limited to a pretty normal level of physical abilities and some spells that don't do much.
Now, it could be a lot worse. Rukia refuses to be damseled, and the fight scene where she and one of Ichigo's mundane classmates work together to stall the Hollow proves that just because a character isn't as strong as Ichigo doesn't mean they won't get awesome moments. But it's still kinda disappointing.
I'm not saying Rukia should be as strong as Ichigo, mind. Rukia losing almost all her reaper power to Ichigo is the inciting incident, that's fine. I just wish she kept, like, 5% instead of 1%. Enough to keep some cool fight powers.
She's probably getting some power-up sooner or later, probably shouldn't complain too much. Anyways, that's six things I thought about in Bleach that I felt like sharing.
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hydrus · 6 months
Version 555
I had a good week. There's some cbz/Ugoira follow-up, nicer system:time parsing, and much better boot error-handling.
full changelog
The CBZ/Ugoira stuff last week went ok! We had a few too many false positive Ugoiras, so that test is tightened up, and those files should soon become CBZs. For false positive CBZs (i.e. just a zip of CG images or similar), we don't have a good automatic solution, but I still plan to roll out 'force this file to be this filetype' tech in future so we can, amongst other things, assign these fixes manually.
The various 'system:archived since xxx' predicates' parsing is now plugged into the same excellent date parser we are using in the downloader system. If you type them in, they'll now take all sorts of date phrasing. Try 'since 01/05/2016' or 'before june 2022' into the autocomplete--you may even be able to use your own language!
There is still a little work to do with the 'since/before x time units ago' variants, though. In some unclear cases (including foreign languages), the before/since may be flipped to what you type. Also, I have decided to soon migrate these predicates to just store days and hours (no more year/month). You can still enter '1 year ago' with this new parser, but on my end, trying to calculate leap years and weird month durations has caused too many problems, so I am going to simply pull back over the near future and let you put 365 or 30 in yourself! In any case, give this stuff a go and let me know how you get on.
When the hydrus client fails to boot really early on, before the main UI system is live, it should now nonetheless pop up a dialog saying what happened! The only way this will fail is if the problem with the boot is the Qt UI library, lol. In either case, the 'hydrus_crash.log' file is still made on your desktop.
After talking it out with users, I have decided to move towards dropping the image library OpenCV from the program. It has served us well, but it is often difficult to install and a bloat, and our flexible alternative, Pillow, works extremely well these days. I'm not ready to flick the switch yet, but we have done work here and there, and if you would like to help me test this out, please hit the 'IN TESTING: Load images with PIL' checkbox under options->media and let me know if you have any images that suddenly load incorrectly.
The String Splitter and Joiner objects in the parsing system now accept \n and \t for newline and tab. If you need to split or join by \, use \\. To not break any existing parsers, existing objects that have a \ have been updated to have \\.
next week
I only have two more weeks in the year, so I'll just do some cleanup and little jobs.
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messysuitcaseblog · 1 year
Exploring Exquisite Boquerón Beach and Town
There’s a reason why Puerto Ricans put Boquerón at the top of their list of things to do in Cabo Rojo, the southwestern part of Puerto Rico. Its delightful combination of beach and beach town makes it an awesome place to spend a day!
We visited beautiful Balneario (Public Beach) Boquerón (pronounced Boh-kay-RONE) and discovered all kinds of wonderful things – soft golden sand, clear water in a languid mile-long bay, a grassy park dotted with flamboyant trees, a huge parking lot, a working (kind of) bathroom, a jumping stingray, some awesome open-water swimming, a boat club, and (possibly) Puerto Rican parrots. Just get there early enough to snag one of the shade trees and you are set for a lovely day.  
This beautiful public beach sits a short walk (or drive) from the colorful beach town of Boquerón, which bustles with shops, restaurants, bars (of course; this is Puerto Rico, after all), and a bunch of sidewalk kiosks. It’s quiet during the week but very lively (and loud) on weekends.
A big beach cleanup and reconstruction project to fix damage inflicted by Hurricane Maria in 2018 is starting this month, so Boquerón should become even nicer very soon.
Definitely worth a visit!
Balneario Boquerón (described from a local’s point of view): https://caborojopr.com/balneario-de-boqueron-boqueron-beach-cabo-rojo-puerto-rico/
Balneario Boquerón: https://goo.gl/maps/D3sjm3k8RwQ18AZC9
Boquerón Town: https://goo.gl/maps/unnap6eXh2Sf5BiU6
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Konmari day 12: still trying to get out of doing paper
Ah, paper. Now what does she mean by paper, exactly? My papers are pretty much in order, in files and binders. My mum's German, and my German aunt is a notary, they are precise about these things. That's not the issue here.
However, there are a few administrative quirks that are on the one hand very much not urgent and might never actually become a problem. But are also not... quite... completely in working order. And digging that out might take a good weeks of emails, phone calls, follow up handwritten letters with a papal seal and threatening letters from an attorney to get completely sorted. I mean, it took me 8 months to prove to an electrical company here that the boiler that I bought in my appartment was in fact, legally mine and could they please stop trying to blackmail me into paying them money because the previous owner had made an administrative error. And I am on a bit of a deadline here. In a month, I need to move out of my flat for renovations. If I need every potential paperwork issue completely sorted before I am allowed to sort out my hair ties, she severely underestimates the tenacity of Dutch bureaucracy.
Which is not to say I should not try to get to the bottom of these potential legal quirks. So I've decided to make a list of everything that makes me go 'hmmm', deal with pending issues, and shelve the paper. And when it is pretty much all I can do, contact several authorities saying: 'Excuse me, but is this, in fact, quite right?' even if I would rather have a root canal.
Now that the flat is a whole lot tidier already, I am sorry to report that I am not yet, in fact, doing less housework. If you can do everything at once there is no end of things you'd better tackle right now; laundry, ironing, groceries, food preparation and cleanup, machinery, holes in clothes, paperwork, birthday messages, dusting, weird stains on walls, recycling, exercise, doctor visits. Yes all these individual tasks take less time now and the flat looks much nicer while you do it but it never quite stops; especially not when combined with: look at that new old music I found I ought to practice my scales more often. How anyone is supposed to have their life in order is a mystery to me I do not even have kids! (Though maybe the disability workload may count as having kids?) And if you have other people to help you, and you want to be a good client or sometimes even employer, making sure that people can work effectively takes a sincere effort as well; I wonder what everyone is hiding. If you're constantly 'on top' of everyday stuff, can you still hear yourself think? No wonder the summer vacations are such an institution here in Europe. Three weeks away from the endless barage of chores that come with modern life ("Please reinstall a new modem because we don't feel like supporting the one you already have, thanks. Will only take two hours.") The reason I'm venting here is that it all drives me slightly potty.
Other random observations:
It is in fact possible to replace the cocoa capsule of the overpriced cappucino for my coffee maker with regular old cocoa and add the sugar yourself for instant hot chocolate. I still prefer mixing cocoa and milk myself, but I had to buy a new coffee maker as all my guests drink coffee and they had a cappucino option, half of which seemed to be regular powdered milk and they love selling you overpriced things. Sadly, though it is possible to buy the powdered milk separately, that is still hideously overpriced.
At least my guests like the coffee.
Y'all. The wodka I do not want to discard is basically an antiseptic and cleaning solution. I am not really sure that we should be drinking the stuff at all. Yes, alright, due to my balance issues my tolerance for spirits is so low that is has basically the same health effects on me as when I would be chugging Windex, but, eh, James Bond notwithstanding, I'm not quite sure this is a good idea.
I am however quite determined to replace even more commercial cleaning agents with the stuff. I bought it because other people like cleaning with them but they are so toxic that I feel compelled to don a facemask and gloves before cleaning my bathroom. I mean, sure, there is one brand of absolute toxicity that does a better cleaning job than everything else I've tried but I'm ever more convinced that water, vinegar, pure alcohol for glass and mildew, and some form of soda to soap things up are a vastly better idea for 90% of cleaning jobs as you want things to kill germs and not you with it.
Bourbon is a fine thing to cook with. Wodka is going to disinfect scrapes and clean my windows, I am not ingesting that! I mean ffs it kills weeds!
Ah, well. Groceries, late lunch, and then paper.
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paintingdublin · 2 years
Kitchen Cabinet Painting Mistakes Dublin Homeowners Should Avoid
Painting cabinets is a project that homeowners can do themselves, but it requires more attention to detail than painting a wall. The key to getting great results is understanding how the process works and ensuring you prepare the cabinets correctly beforehand. If you choose to do it yourself, you might make some mistakes that can be costly, especially if you don’t have ample experience.
Here are some of the common mistakes you should avoid when it comes to kitchen cabinet painting:
Painting Without Priming
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Priming is a necessary step when painting cabinets. Primer helps the paint stick to the surface and provides a smooth finish that will make your cabinet drawer pulls pop. You’ll want to prime all surfaces where there is wood or metal touching another surface (such as drawers). You should also prime if you plan on applying a high gloss or low-lustre finish coat over top of your basecoat.
If you have time before painting, let the primer dry for 24 hours before applying the first layer of paint. This gives it time to dry thoroughly and makes sure that your new paint job lasts longer by avoiding any issues with bubbling up due to trapped moisture under layers of paint.
Not Cleaning the Cabinets First
In order to avoid this, you’ll need to ensure that your cabinets are clean and free of dirt, grease and grime. It is also important that you use a good quality cleaner so as not to damage the finish on the cabinets.
Remove all handles, knobs and doors before cleaning them with a soft cloth in order to avoid scratching them or damaging any of their surfaces.
Failing to Fix Any Imperfections Before Kitchen Cabinet Painting
Failing to fix any imperfections in the cabinets first is a common mistake that homeowners make when painting their kitchen cabinets. If you don’t address these imperfections before painting, the paint will show up those flaws and make them even more visible. It’s much easier to fix these imperfections before painting than after—and it might save you from having to repaint entirely!
A few examples of things that could ruin your perfect cabinet colour scheme:
Cracks in the wood or other dings and dents on doors or drawers
Water marks, which are very noticeable once painted over
Coat of Paint is Too Thick
When applying paint, it’s best to apply multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat. A good rule of thumb is to allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one, which may take several hours or even an entire day depending on the humidity in your home. Applying too heavy of a coat will leave you with drips and sags that make it look like you’re trying to cover up some kind of bad workmanship; but if you apply two or three thin layers, this won’t happen!
Thin coats are easier to apply because they don’t drip as much when being brushed on; plus they dry faster so you can get back out there sooner! And finally, thin coats give you the smoothest finish possible which makes for a much nicer looking surface!
Not Using Painter’s Tape
Use painter’s tape to protect surfaces that will be damaged by paint. Painter’s tape is not a substitute for a brush, but it can prevent small drips from happening and save you hours of cleanup work later on. Make sure to place the tape in a way that makes it easy to remove after painting is finished; if you just slap the tape down, it will be very difficult—or even impossible—to get off without damaging the surface below.
Painting cabinets is a bit different than painting walls. The main difference is that they’re made of wood, which means they’re porous and can absorb paint. Because of this, you’ll have to be careful not to apply your paint too thickly or it will drip down the sides of your cabinets (and make you look like a messy amateur). You also need to make sure that your cabinets are completely dry before applying any kind of topcoat or sealant, otherwise it won’t stick properly and could peel off later on down the road.
In conclusion, painting cabinets can be a huge time-saver if you use the right products, clean everything well beforehand and make sure you don’t skip any steps. It’s also important that you choose paint specifically formulated for kitchen surfaces so that your cabinets will stay in good shape over time. If possible, get an experienced professional to do this job for you so they can ensure their work will last as long as possible.
Are you planning to have your kitchen cabinets painted? Our experienced professional painters can address your queries and concerns. Call us today at 086 608 1817
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hickeymqxwiggins · 2 years
Tips For Planning Your Home's Indoor
Are you thinking about switching your residence all around so it will be more suitable to reside in, but for some reason you simply don't know where to begin? Does beginning an interior design undertaking allow you to tense? Properly, there happens to be no need to be anxious. Utilize the adhering to suggestions to simply decorate your property.
Use your very own pictures as art work. As a less costly and more personal way to adorn your surfaces, use photographs that you've undertaken. Sometimes have printing made and frame them or use among the many photograph-to-fabric providers to have your picture created in to a collection material. When you are much more technology-experienced, you may alter your photos in computer software to ensure they are seem much more like art work.
Whenever thiết kế nội thất nhà cấp 4 đẹp are picking wall structure shades to get a room that doesn't have lots of sun light inside, it is wise to decide on less heavy, all-natural colours. A less heavy shaded walls will distribute light-weight around a room more consistently due to the place a happier appear than if you applied darkish or brilliant colors.
Each room demands a centerpiece. A focal point provides a highlight to the space and functions as the foundation for all other design and style selections in the room. Every other characteristics, furnishings and feature items in the room should attract interest or increase the focal point, not take on it in any way.
As you program your interior decorating task make sure you look at the hues that you decide to use prior to buying nearly anything. It is crucial that one will be able to set a disposition. Vibrant hues will raise mood, when neutral tones can promote pleasure. Take thiết kế nội thất gỗ óc chó into account as you prepare your color systems to prevent having a space designed for relaxing which actually receives you fired up.
Consider your furniture support store shopping along. It may feel goofy, but getting coupled part of your settee can help you save a lot of time anything. Bring it with you when looking for curtains or other beautifying materials. Using this method, it will be possible to make sure that every thing complements.
A new looking cooking area could possibly be some new cupboard doorways aside. Think about using glass entrance doors rather than the traditional hardwood entry doors so your kitchen can start and show up brighter. It is possible to emphasize your cabinets with a few visually desirable parts.
You can create very interesting interior models by choosing a center of attention. Your centerpiece could be a look at, a thing of beauty, an authentic furniture piece or a valuable appliance. Stay away from cluttering close to this essential level and make use of this centerpiece setting a style or even a theme for the whole area.
Cleanup. Prior to starting any home design, it is advisable to ensure things are quite clear. Your carpet may appearance terrible, but it might not should be exchanged. It really is possible that it simply needs a good cleaning up! Gt every thing cleared up before choosing where to start following, and you may save yourself money and time.
Accessories really are a easy and quick way to transform up your room. Shifting the highlight items like lighting fixtures and fans is a great place to start. Devote fresh curtains or tea towels. These straightforward enhancements will not only create your spaces seem nicer, but are reasonably priced at the same time.
With any luck ,, the content you only read through has alleviated a few of your interior design anxieties. Right after knowing the some straightforward interior design recommendations, it becomes quicker to start the process. Maintain https://thietkenoithat.com/tin-tuc/articleid/19003/thiet-ke-noi-that-nha-chung-cu-70m2-2-phong-ngu-da-phong-cach in the following paragraphs convenient, and you will be moving toward developing the finished property you've always dreamed of.
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Hiiiiii can I please request a Paul x plus size reader??? Something fluffy with heaps of PDA if you don’t mind. I just know this man loves the squish
Of course! I know it doesn't have much actual pda, but I couldn't really figure out a solid comprehensive plot that would partially take place at the boardwalk, so I went with this. I hope you like it!💜💜💜
I wasn't sure what woke me up. Maybe it was the fact that the sun had gone down half an hour ago, or the music playing in the lobby. Maybe it was the music playing in our room - I sighed softly as I turned, slowly opening my eyes. Paul smiled at me, his hands drawing patterns on mine.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a soft smile, looking at him.
"Waiting for you to wake up, mainly."
"Yeah. I figured we just stay in tonight, watch some movies - sounds good?"
"Are you sure you don't want to go out?"
"Babe, come on - why would I? We went yesterday, besides I just really want to watch a movie tonight, and I know that if we go to the boardwalk it won't be morning before we'll be back. Also, it will rain tonight and I figured a night in would be nicer."
I chuckled, smiling. "What movie did you have in mind?"
"I have no idea, I kind of ran in, grabbed blindly and ran out?"
"You robbed Max? Again?"
He chuckled, turning the TV on. "He wont mind. Well return them this time."
"I'm thinking of switching the tapes from the tapeholder."
I laughed, shaking my head. "One of these days he'll be through, you know?"
"Probably," he grinned, picking up a tape. "Breakfast club, nightmare on Elmstreet or - what's this, oh- Back to the future."
"Just 'randomly' grabbed, hm?" I smiled, realising he picked some of my favourites.
"Yep, I just got lucky," he put the breakfast club into the player, turning it on. "I also got us some breakfast," he said, pointing at the unconscious human in our bedroom. "This way we don't have to go out."
I chuckled, kissing him softly. "Want to join me?"
After breakfast, and the -luckily not so messy - cleanup of it, we continued to watch the movie. It had started to rain outside like Paul had predicted. I laid against him, my head on his chest as he had an arm wrapped around me. The other was brushing through my hair. A blanket laid over the two of us.
As the movie ended, I noticed the rain was still pouring down.
"You know," I looked up with a smile, "I've never danced in the rain before."
"Sing in the rain you mean?"
"That too."
Paul chuckled, taking my hand. "Well, that's easily solved, babe!"
"Can I at least put my shoes on?"
"And miss out on some perfectly fine rain? Come on!"
He practically ran outside, taking me along with him. He ran through the cave, up the wooden stairs - until we were on the field of the bluff. He took my hands in his, guiding me in a dance - all the while singing a song, I vaguely recognised. It took a while, but then it clicked. It was the sing that had played on our first date. I smiled, feeling flustered by it all. I let him guide me through this dance, stepping when he did, stopping when he did. Eventually, when the rain poured even harder than before, and both of us were soaked through our bones, we stopped. We stared at each other, and could do nothing else but laugh. Hugging each other, screaming out in joy as cold water poured upon us.
At some point we ran back inside, seeking shelter for the rain. Paul had filled a bath with warm water, and some nice smelling soap. He kissed me softly as I went in, his hand brushing through me hair. "Mind if I join?"
"Payment is one kiss," I said with a grin, smiling as he gave me one. He got in behind me, his legs wrapping over mine, his head resting on my shoulders as he laced them with kisses.
"We should do this more often," I smiled as we watched our third movie that night. He laid against me, kissing me softly.
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trainsinanime · 3 years
Here’s a Miraculous Ladybug story idea that I may write some time, but probably not, because I only really care about chapter two of what would probably need to be at least ten.
Chapter one features Lila going after Marinette full-force. Not the weak boring „she rips up her notebook so hard that Marinette has to move to Gotham“ crap. We’re doing this properly: Lila convinces the Mayor that Marinette is planning to resurrect Napoleon and bring him back to power. So the Mayor has Marinette imprisoned without trial, because apparently he can do that in the Miraculous universe, and not even her friends or family know what’s going on.
Chapter 3 and later will detail how Marinette managed to escape the prison after fourteen years, with the help of a professional hypnotist. She discovers a pirate treasure on a small uninhabited island off the coast of Italy. With the money from the treasure, she buys the island and the title of nobility that comes with it, and returns to Paris. Rich, and now officially a countess, she will reward those who were loyal to her, and destroy all her enemies. (I haven’t yet worked out what that means in detail.)
But the really interesting part for me is what happens in those fourteen years. Here are my notes. Content warning: Dark, Major Character Death, Intended as over-the-top and silly but maybe not over-the-top enough, and of course, Adrien/Lila:
With Marinette gone, a lot of joy drops from the class immediately. Everybody loves her, and they only have weird rumours about what happened to her, rumours that they can’t believe even if the source is Lila. (No, we’re not doing class salt. Yes, that means my options for enemies in the later chapters are limited. I don’t care, I love Alya and the rest of the class and I am not throwing them under the bus.)
The first time Ladybug doesn’t appear to a fight, everybody is pissed. The second time, they’re even more pissed. The third time, they’re worried.
Chat Noir does his best. He decides to capture the Akumas, so Ladybug can cleanse them when she returns. For now, he stores them in mason jars. After a bit of thought, he decided to just store them in the cellar of the mansion, in a box labelled „Adrien’s favourite toys“. Nobody ever looks there.
No Ladybug means no cleanup. (The ear rings are kept in the warden’s office in Marinette’s prison, so Ladybug is out of commission for fourteen years). Adrien again tries to help, spending way too much time cataclysming debris. A child has lost their favourite plush shark in a river of chocolate? Chat Noir manages to „find“ and „clean“ it. No, it’s totally the same shark, not a new one that he just bought, believe me. The child is happy, but clearly it’s not enough.
The first time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, rebuilding it is a matter of national pride. If Ladybug is gone, then France will step in. Gabriel donates a lot to the effort.
The second time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, authorities decide to leave the debris as a monument. The statue for Ladybug disappears.
With no Ladybug, Hawkmoth realises that he can’t get the ear rings. Attacks decrease, to once a month, then once every three months; apparently just to check whether Ladybug has returned. Around Adrien’s eighteenth birthday, it seems like Hawkmoth might retire for good. On a completely unrelated note, Gabriel appears to have lost all will to live.
Adrien can’t escape Lila, who continues to be employed by Gabriel, despite her not being very good at photoshoots. But he does his best to keep his distance.
Shortly after Adrien’s birthday, he is away, while Lila has a meeting with Gabriel and Nathalie. But tragedy strikes: Lila arrives and witnesses Gabriel shooting Nathalie and then himself. Why would he do such a thing? Good thing Lila is such a reliable witness. The case is so clear that the police don’t even have to check the gun for fingerprints.
Adrien is stricken with grief. He tries to call his friends, but nobody will reply. It’s almost as if someone with access to Gabriel’s computer had used the spy software on Adrien’s phone to disable it. But that’s clearly absurd. There is only one other person who is there to comfort him: Lila. Adrien doesn’t like her, but she is someone familiar. She spends the night.
The next morning, Adrien is disgusted, and the two part ways. But two months later, she reappears and tells him she is pregnant and it’s his child. She has a whole speech prepared about how he needs to take responsibility, but it’s not necessary: Adrien will not let his child grow up without a father.
The next month, the wedding is a weird affair. Lila wanted something grandiose, and she got it. But all their friends know that this is anything but true love.
Alix wonders aloud what Marinette’s role would have been if she had been here. Alya jokingly says that she’d be the bride. Adrien overhears, and he realises: Yeah, she would have been. He loves her. Always had. This moment is when the only wedding picture is taken where Adrien smiles.
Seven months later, Gabriel Agreste Junior is born. Adrien loves his son with all his heart, but he has questions. But Lila and her top-notch expensive doctors assure him that this is perfectly normal, sometimes pregnancies take a month longer or two. Adrien is not fully convinced, but he doesn’t want to cause a fuss.
Around this time we also get a new Hawkmoth, who is much meaner, but doesn’t seem to have as clear a goal. Everybody’s best guess is that this Hawkmoth is just going after whoever last pissed them off. (Totally forgot this one in the original version of the post, sorry)
Two years later, Lila’s daughter Emma Marinette Agreste Junior is born. Adrien picked the second name while Lila was asleep. Since Lila is not involved with her kid’s upbringing at all, she has not yet noticed. This time, Adrien is convinced that something is up and Lila is lying to him. The reason: He has recently learned how babies are made, and he knows for a fact that he never did that with Lila.
He confronts her. Lila isn’t concerned, though. What’s he going to do? Divorce her? Then he’s never going to see the kids again. The things she could make a court believe… Adrien is horrified by that thought, especially since he knows very well that he’s the only one in the marriage who loves these children.
Meanwhile, Lila’s own career as an actress isn’t going well. She’s a great natural talent, sure; she can make anyone believe anything. But to be a great actor, you still have to turn up on set every day, and not just when you feel like it. Oh, sure, she has great excuses, but the jobs still dry up fast. And while you can make up a story that makes you look good about one make-up artist you made cry, maybe two, there is a point where it becomes a problem.
She blames Adrien for this, mostly because he will generally not back up her lies about where she was. He doesn’t really care, though. Despite her threats, what’s she gonna do, leave with the kids? Thanks to his father, Adrien had some top notch lawyers, and the pre-nup agreement is watertight.
Unrelated to all this, behold Paris’s new mayor, Chloé Burgeois. She’s been embroiled in controversy from day one. Some say she’s too young. Others say she only got the job because her father was mayor before her. Yet others point to her publicly difficult relation with her constant partner and off-again-on-again girlfriend Sabrina. But perhaps the biggest talking point is that in her office, she has a big painting of a certain heroine in red with spots, with the words, „what would Ladybug do?“ underneath. She’s never lost trust, and the press hates her for it.
One day, her old school friend Alya visits. Alya’s own relationship to Ladybug is difficult: Part of her still holds out hope, just like Chat Noir. Another part of her curses Ladybug for just leaving. Her goal now is completely unrelated to Ladybug, though. She has uncovered new things about the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy: The main witness (Lila) and the supposed ring-leader: Marinette. That can’t be right.
She wants Chloé to reveal the truth. Chloé herself has no idea, and very little interest in investigating. Her father told her that this was all secret, and that she should never touch this subject.
But she knows very well what Alya is asking for here. Alya got her big break as a journalist by uncovering the files on the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy in the first place. The revelation that it had all been swept under the rug was what caused the old Mayor to step down in the first place. If Alya is now saying that this might all be wrong, that means she’s placing her whole career on the line. That level of commitment means something.
For her own part, it took Chloé a while to admit it, but she was shocked and heartbroken by Marinette’s sudden disappearance as well. It was the first step to becoming a somewhat nicer person, and forming real bonds with her classmates. She has the access to the archives. She could uncover the truth, and maybe even find out where Marinette is now. It wouldn’t be popular, and it might be dangerous… but what would Ladybug do?
Chloé is all in, and it doesn’t take long until she meets Lila. Chloé would not consider herself a fan. She knows the difference between Adrien’s real and fake smiles. Lila refuses to clear things up, though. Instead, she tells Chloé that the french secret service does not allow her to say anything, and that Chloé better drop it if she knows what’s good for her.
Chloé ignores it. She also ignores it when she gets a threatening letter. After all, Ladybug was up against powerful people, too, and she never let that stop her. She even ignores when her own personal Yacht sinks for unexplained reasons, until her Butler and Sabrina explain to her some things about the history of the french secret service (actually I’m not sure whether this is too much in bad taste; the alternative would be that her vacation home gets set on fire).
She tells Alya that there is nothing to know, and blocks her cell phone number. The next day, workers remove the Ladybug painting. After all, what Ladybug would do is just disappear, right? Only fitting. Sabrina laughs a little too artificially at the joke. Yes, indeed. Ladybug would just stop doing her job when the people needed her. Perfect analogy.
With that, the basic outline is set. Chapter three would probably be short and tell the story of Marinette’s imprisonment. Chapter four is then where the real revenge starts.
Other points:
At various points, Luka is sadly strumming his guitar.
I’m not sure what to do about Marinette’s parents. The mean option is that they die, full of grief over their missing daughter. The very mean option is that they end up separating first. I’m not sure Marinette’s revenge spree works if they’re still around, and I definitely don’t ever see them turning away from her.
Nino and Kagami could do with an arc here.
Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, but since I don’t know how to turn this into a full story, this is as good as it gets. If any of you guys want to borrow parts or all of it for your stories, please go ahead.
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
in too deep.
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part · next part
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: alcohol, smut (18+), swearing, age gap (reader over 18), everything consensual
word count: 4.0k
a/n: tag list is open, let me know if you wanna be added! feedback is greatly appreciated. also this whole series has gotten such a great response so thank you so much <3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Do you want to go on a date with me?
Want to get a drink with me sometime?
You had rehearsed it in your head seventy time since you got ready for class that morning.
The only thing you didn’t have prepared was what he would do if he actually said yes.
You knocked on Poe’s office door, the momentum from your knuckles causing the door to move in place. “You wanted to see me?”
Poe gestured you in, pausing the cleanup of all the papers on his desk. He left the door open, the tiny glimmer of hope that office sex would happen going straight out the window.
“Yeah, I finally found that book for you.”
Poe pointed to the thick book on his desk. You walked in and picked it up, thumbing through a few pages in the middle. You had been talking to Kaydel before Poe’s class a few days prior about a paper you were starting to write but finding very few sources for and he had heard you, mentioning to you that he might have something that would help.
“Shit, this is heavy,” you said, putting it into your bag. “Thank you, really. I’ll try to get it back to you soon.”
“Take your time with it. There’s a lot of info you might find useful in there, you might need to keep it for a while to be thorough. It’s not exactly at the top of my reading list right now, so I won’t miss it.”
You smiled appreciatively. Your brain told you this was your opportunity, the question on the very tip of your tongue. You opened your mouth to speak, but Poe spoke first.
“There’s something else.” You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. He let out a heavy sigh as he busied himself with piling up the papers on his desk. “I have a date tonight.”
Your lips parted like you wanted to say something, only you realized you didn’t know what to say. You were quiet for a moment, clearing your throat as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
“Oh.” You feigned nonchalance, but your mind was racing with questions. You kept your face as neutral as possible. “Ok.”
Poe finally glanced up at you, looking for any signs of protest.
“I know what we’re doing is casual—“
“It is,” you replied a little too quickly. “I mean, it is. Casual.”
The added inflection of the word was not lost on Poe. His brow furrowed just a little as he studied you. You avoided his eye, instead adjusting the strap of your backpack.
“Thanks for letting me know.” You backed towards the door, finally meeting his eye and giving him a tight-lipped smile. “I gotta go, but have fun tonight.”
Poe opened his mouth to stop you as you turned away but he didn’t say anything. You had already rushed out. With his hands on his hips, he looked down at the papers in front of him, thinking how he kind of didn’t want to go on this date, but it was probably for the best that he did. He was getting too attached to whatever you called what you were doing. That didn’t stop the sting in his chest upon having to tell you.
But you did seem upset about it, and it posed a question in Poe’s mind: why would you be upset about that if you didn’t care?
Perhaps he was overthinking it, reading too much into it, but he couldn’t help but feel elated at the idea of you not being ok with him going on this date. He replayed your whole visit in his mind, from the moment you smiled at him to your face falling at his news. He told himself that there was in fact jealousy in your response, and Poe suddenly didn’t care if the date went well or not, because there wasn’t going to be a second one. He really hoped he was right about you, because maybe it meant you wanted a more than a physical relationship.
Stars know Poe did.
You waited until you were a safe distance away from Poe’s office to let out a loud sigh. A heavy weight landed on your chest and you wished you hadn’t stepped foot in his office. He interrupted you before you could ask him out, but you could’ve asked him not to go after he told you. But you didn’t, and you missed your chance.
“Y/N!” Karé greeted you happily as soon as you stepped foot in your apartment. “What do you say to going to Maz’s tonight? Celebrate the beginning of our last ever semester of undergrad?”
You dropped your backpack, thinking before nodding with a smile.
“Let’s do it.”
You quickly changed into something nicer and did your hair and makeup, meeting up with your roommates in a record thirty minutes. The walk to the bar was a cold one, but better than trying to deal with someone staying sober to drive home or worrying about leaving a car somewhere overnight.
Maz’s was a sports bar frequented by college kids Thursday through Saturday, though it was still popular amongst the locals. The owner, Maz Kanata, was an older woman with a zest for life so grand that she could keep up with hundreds of drunken college students each weekend. She got to know her customers and was a very well known by everyone.
“Alright, quick question before we start drinking,” you said as you slid into a booth with Jessika on your right and Karé across from you, two drinks in front of each of you. “Hypothetically, how would bring up possibly going on a date with the person you’re casually sleeping with who just so happens to be out on a date right now?”
Jessika nearly choked on her drink.
“Hypothetically? Since when do you want a relationship with your booty call?”
You glanced at Karé,who didn’t look as surprised as Jessika. Since your confession to her the night you came back from Poe’s, she had a feeling that you were feeling something different.
“I’ve been really enjoying myself with him lately. And the way he makes me feel…I just thought maybe we could get to know each other, see if it could go anywhere beyond physical. But I also don’t want to scare him away thinking I’m looking for commitment. And I don’t want to ruin what we already have going, which might happen if I ask for a date and he says no.” You expressed all of your concerns; the words just tumbling out like word vomit and you hadn’t even had a sip of alcohol yet.
“You said he’s out on a date right now?” Karéasked, giving you a sympathetic look. You nodded.
“My stomach dropped so hard when he told me. I’m surprised I managed to keep my cool.” You couldn’t help but glance at the time on your phone. It was still early in the evening, just getting to 7p.m., and you wondered if Poe was getting ready to leave or if he was already out. “I don’t know, maybe I should just be happy with what I’ve got. I might not get him for much longer if his date goes well.”
“I think you’re thinking too much.” Karésaid.
“If you told us who he is…” Jessika hinted, but you shut her down with a single look. She held her hands up defensively. “Alright, alright, I won’t ask again. All I can say then is go with your gut, not your heart. Just make sure you’re sober.”
You nodded in agreement as you took a sip of your drink. Your heart was telling you to go for it, risk getting it broken, but your gut was telling you to think about it. Was it really a good idea to get into a relationship with your professor?
Your night with Poe had not left your mind once. Everything from the subtle touch of his fingers in your hair and the lingering kiss he left on your forehead to the way he listened to you attentively without judgment was replaying on a constant loop. You also couldn’t help but think of the little things you’d become so fond of: the crinkle of his eyes and the dimple in his cheek when he smiled, the way he sometimes got passionately carried away when talking during class, and the way his tongue would peek out when he was heavily concentrated on something.
You were getting in so fucking deep that you didn’t know how you’d come out of this without a broken heart.
Two-for-ones turned into two more and soon you found yourself swaying drunkenly to whatever music was playing in the bar. You knew your limits, allowing yourself to enjoy your drinks to the point that you wouldn’t start pouring out all of your secrets. But you did get drunk enough to make some not-so-smart decisions, which is what you did when you stepped outside and called Poe. He didn’t answer his phone, but you left him a very explicit voicemail telling him how much you wanted to fuck him in that moment and all the things you wanted to do to him.
Like your thoughts, your dreams tended to get a little dirty when you drank too much.
You woke the next morning, slightly hungover with a deep desire and an ache in your core only Poe could fulfill. The smell of hash browns and bacon had wafted into your room, the thought of a greasy breakfast making your mouth water. Stepping into the kitchen, you immediately hid your face in the hood of your sweatshirt as your head throbbed, the sunlight glistening on the white snow and making it unbearably bright. Snap stood at the counter, a mug of coffee already made up and he handed it off to you.
“Were you at the bar last night?” You asked, taking a sip and relishing in the feeling of the hot drink warming your insides. Snap chuckled.
“You don’t remember?” You shook your head. “You three got drunk and barely made it down the block before you were walking into snow banks. Karé called me to come pick you guys up.”
“Coffee, breakfast, and a sober cab. I owe you so much,” you mumbled as he set food in front of you. “By the way, if the other two aren’t out here in fifteen minutes, I’m eating their breakfast.”
Snap sat down next to you, stealing a piece of bacon from your plate and getting his hand chased away by your fork. “Karé told me you had a rough night last night.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “My…friend had a date last night.”
“And you’re mad about that because…”
“Because it should be me out with him. I like him and he’s out with some other girl. God, I’m pathetic.”
“You’re not.” Snap assured you. “I don’t need to tell you that friends with benefit type relationships cause complications. You’re experiencing it right now. Just do what’s best for you and if things don’t work out like you want, I’ll gladly be your sober cab.”
You smiled and gave him your last piece of bacon. “You rock, Snap Wexley.”
“I know,” he said, standing up and taking away your empty plate. “Go shower, you smell like a distillery.”
You stuck your middle finger up at him as you walked out of the kitchen, a shower actually sounding very welcoming at that moment. Breakfast and your heart-to-heart with Snap hadn’t quelled the deep desire within you, and you nearly took care of it in the shower but stopped yourself. You expected Poe to ask you about the voicemail you left him, but what if he was still busy with his date this morning?
Your phone rang as you stood in your room in your towel and your heart jumped when Poe’s name flashed across the screen.
“You know, I was just thinking about you.”
“Funny, I was too.”
The question was out before you could stop it, and you mentally slapped yourself for sounding so pathetic.
“How was your date?”
“It was nice,”Poe said and you gulped, wondering how you were going to fake being excited for him. “Didn’t really feel a spark with her though, so I’m not going out with her again.”
You pulled the phone away from your mouth and let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you said, not the least bit genuine. Poe had to hold back a laugh. His suspicions about you caring were correct.
“It is what it is,” he said. “I want to talk to you about that voicemail you left me last night.”
“What about it?” you teased. You knew exactly what he wanted to know.
“Are you planning on sharing the details of those ideas you had with me?”
“Maybe. What’re you doing later?”
“You, hopefully.”
“I’ll come over in a bit.”
“My door will be open for you.”
“See you soon.”
You hung up the phone, acutely aware that it probably wasn’t the best idea for you to go over there. But thanks to your dirty thoughts and dreams, you were practically shaking with arousal. You were addicted to him. He affected all of your senses.
And if you couldn’t have him the way you wanted, you’d have him in any way you could.  
》  》  》
Just as he promised, Poe’s door was unlocked. You slipped inside quietly and were taking your winter layers off when Poe came around the corner. He was shirtless with a pair of dark grey sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips, the chain of his necklace glinting in the soft overhead light. You couldn’t help but gawk at him.
“I’m flattered, but you didn’t have to get all dressed up for me,” you said sarcastically.
“I figured we’d save a couple of steps,” he said as he took a few steps closer to you. His hair was damp and messy, like he had just finished drying it. You gulped as he took you in, eyeing you like a predator eyes its prey. “So, about that voicemail…”
You walked slowly into his apartment, deciding to toy with him a little bit. You took care not to touch him as you passed him.
“To be completely honest Poe, I don’t really remember what I said in that voicemail,” you said, running your hand across the top of the table. “But then I had this dream…”
You took your sweatshirt off, leaving you in a thin black tank that did nothing to hid the fact you didn’t bother to put on a bra. You looked at Poe over your shoulder with a smirk on your face. “…and that I remember very clearly.”
Poe chuckled lowly, throwing his head back and looking at you. “You’re a tease, you know that?”
You cocked your head to the side, licking your lips slowly while studying Poe. You crooked your finger at him, lust burning behind your eyes accompanied by a look of pure desire. Poe walked over to you, his curiosity spiking. You could see he was already starting to get hard at the mere thought of what you wanted to do, even though you hadn’t actually touched him yet. He pressed his body along yours, backing you against the side of the couch. His brown eyes roamed your face, memorizing every inch, every freckle, and every line, and you were sure you forgot how to breathe.
“Show me,” he demanded, his breath fanning over your lips as he grasped your hips. You let out an airy laugh and pressed your hand against his bare chest, your voice just barely above a whisper.
“Well, it started out like this…”
You leaned up, running your lips over the vein in his neck and following it up to his jaw, gently nipping at it. His grip on your hips tightened and he groaned when you wouldn’t put your lips against his own, where he really wanted them. You were drawing this out, teasing him as your hand floated down his chest and to the waistband of his sweatpants.
“And then…”
You said it so quietly that Poe felt the words against his skin rather than heard them. You gently took his bottom lip between your teeth, giving a gentle tug as your hand slipped into his hands and wrapped around the base of his cock. That was the final straw for Poe as he claimed your mouth with his. He grabbed the side of your neck as he tried to take control, but you had other plans. You took his hand off of your neck and pulled away, your cheeks flushed and lips swollen. He gazed at you through dark, hooded eyes, arching an eyebrow in interest at what you were going to do next.
You dropped down to your knees, one hand bringing his sweatpants down and the other applying a bit more pressure to his hardened cock. His head dropped back with a deep exhale as you took the head in your mouth. His hand found your hair and he tangled his fingers through your locks. With a flick of your wrist, you spread your saliva along his entire length. You ran your tongue along the underside of his cock before taking him fully in your mouth, your head bobbing as you sucked him off.
Your tongue swirled around the head and you looked up at him from your lashes. He was breathing heavily, his hands tightening in your hair whenever something felt particularly good. Your hand came up and cupped his balls, and he couldn’t help but springing his hips forward at the sensation.
“Fuck, sweetheart, that’s it.”
He was going to cum embarrassingly quickly. All his resolve flew out the window when he saw you looking over your shoulder at him with bedroom eyes, like he was a cool drink of water and you hadn’t had anything to drink in days. His hips bucked at the light scrape of your teeth, the feeling sending an unexpected jolt of pleasure through him.
His cock left your mouth with a soft ‘pop’ and he pulled you up with his hand cupping your jaw. He stepped out of his sweatpants and you leaned in, not quite pressing your lips against his.
“I also seem to recall you saying something last week about bending me over a desk?”
You took a few steps back until you bumped into the table.
“It’s not a desk but I think it’ll still work.”
Poe followed you, turning you around so your back was against his chest. He locked one arm around your waist to keep you still. One hand gently pulled the strap of your tank top down, his mouth replacing where it laid on your shoulder while the other laid flat against your stomach, fingers splayed against your bare stomach and tracing small circles against your soft skin. You sighed dreamily as his lips sucked a mark onto the top of your shoulder, his teeth nipping just enough to send a jolt of heat straight to your core. You were positively dripping at this point. You pushed back against him, feeling his cock pressed against your back. Poe moved to the other shoulder, repeating the same action as you unhooked your arms from the straps. Your hand came up to cup the back of his head, your fingers tightening around his hair.
“Oh god, Poe…”
Poe dragged his lips from your shoulder up your neck, the wet trail stinging with cold with every breath he took against you. The smell of your hair was intoxicating. He enveloped the shell of your ear in his mouth, tugging on your earlobe with his teeth to make you whimper.
“Tell me what you want,” he growled. His hand dipped into your leggings, the groan he let out upon not finding another barrier vibrating against your skin. He rubbed lazy circles against your clit, putting just enough pressure on it to make you write in his embrace.
“You.” All of you; mind, body, you. Of course you’d never tell him that out loud. “Please, I need your cock inside me.”
Poe pushed your tank down your body, removing it along with your leggings and tossing them to the side. He pushed your body down onto the table, the wood cold against your breasts. You moaned as he ran his fingers along your pussy, feeling just how wet you were.
“You’re soaked,” he sounded pleased with himself and you gave him a small roll of your eyes. As if he didn’t know he had this effect on you. You bucked your hips against his fingers, needing to be filled to dull the ache of your pussy.
“Poe, don’t tease, please.”
Poe had a smartass remark on the tip of his tongue, something along the lines of how you had teased him and not being able to take what you dished out. But he was painfully hard and the way you were bent over for him with all of you on display made him not want to wait anymore. He guided his cock to your entrance and slid inside. The sudden intrusion made your lips part with a soft cry, the new angle allowing him to feel like he was impossibly deeper inside you. He didn’t wait for you to adjust, instead pulling out almost all the way and snapping his hips back home.
You expected it to be rough, but each thrust was deep and deliberate. Poe was making sure he put everything he felt into each snap of his hips. He wanted this, but he also wanted you. He held your hips tightly, finger-shaped bruises sure to be there later on. You rocked back against him with whatever strength you had, your hands desperately trying to grip the flat tabletop. You felt everything from this angle, the ridges of his cock against your tight walls and the table rubbing against your clit as your body moved. The sensation was overwhelming.
Your moans increased in volume as he increased his pace, both of your releases just out of reach. You had been so worked up before you got to his apartment that it didn’t take much for you to feel the heat low in your belly and the coil getting ready to snap. Poe hauled you upright, one hand tweaking your hardened nipples and the other rubbing your clit with ferocity. You clenched around his cock as your orgasm washed over you, your head falling back onto his chest. Poe wasn’t far behind, thrusting his hips once, twice into your sensitive pussy before spilling inside of you.
He held you against him as he pulled out of you, the mixture of your cum dripping down your leg. He then squeezed your hip, bringing your attention to him.
“We forgot a—“
“It’s fine,” you panted, realizing the same thing. “I’m on the pill.”
Poe set you carefully on the tabletop, stepping away from you and coming back with a washcloth. He cleaned up between your thighs, the gesture one of those little things he did that made your heart race. He tossed it aside and stood over you, hands on either side of your hips as he eyed the marks he left all over your neck and shoulders.
“Think you have a few more in you?”
You laughed.
“For you? Always.” You slid off the table, your legs still regaining strength. “But maybe in like five minutes.”
Poe smirked at you before leaning down and hoisting you over his shoulder. Your laugh was music to his ears, a beautiful song he wanted to play on repeat. You swatted his ass as he stepped over the discarded clothing and took you into his bedroom.
tag list [open!] - @ah-callie @darksideofclarke @gloomygoregirl @leilei-draws @imaginecrushes @i-ievu @brianamaree @yeeintensifies @spider-starry @krazykatkay456 @fanfiction-trashpile @afootnoteinyourhappiness
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angsty-violet · 3 years
Coming home to you
Carisi got the go-ahead from Benson to go home and rest and was glad of it. It had been a miserable few weeks, and all he wanted to do was go home, take a shower, and fall into bed. He decided to splurge for a cab and was slumped in the back seat when he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
His nose had stopped bleeding, but it was swollen and painful. He reached up and touched it gently, wincing when pain radiated out from it. The rest of his face wasn’t much better, covered in dirt and scrapes.
“Looks broken. You want to go to a hospital and get it looked at?” The cabbie asked him in a heavy Brooklyn accent.
Carisi sighed a little and shook his head. “No, it’s not out of place. I can bandage it at home.” He thought for a moment and realized that he didn’t need to do this by himself. There was a person that would help get him cleaned up, and he could vent to. “Actually, will you take me to a different address?”
The cabbie took the address and nodded, they were still headed in approximately the right direction, so it wasn’t too big of a change. When they arrived, he paid the cabbie, gave him a big tip, and headed towards the expensive apartment building. The doorman saw him and did a double-take. Carisi was here enough that he was recognized, but usually, he didn’t look this rough.
“Good evening, Mr. Carisi, rough night?”
Carisi snorted and nodded. “Understatement of the century. Have a nice night, Mr. Pelopis.”
“You too, Detective.”
When Barba opened the door with a towel over his shoulder and a spatula, he raised his eyebrow. Then he took in Carisi and winced in empathy.
“Come in, let’s get you cleaned up. Why did they even have to keep you there for so long?”
“Had to finish up some loose ends.” Carisi was glad that Barba didn’t say anything about showing up; he just acted like it was expected. He didn’t know that his courage would stand up to any questions, no matter how innocent or well-intentioned.
“I’ll get the bandages; you go to the bathroom before you drip blood all over my carpet.”
Carisi did as he was told and caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror in all his bloody glory. No wonder Barba had looked so sympathetic. It looked like someone had attempted to smash his skull open via his face. He settled down on the side of the tub and tried not to think about his wounds or the filth that covered his entire body.
Barba entered the bathroom and approached him carefully. He took some antiseptic and dabbed it gently on the wounds on Carisi’s face. Hopefully, they wouldn’t scar too badly. Barba then removed a bandage and carefully applied it to the broken nose, not wanting to push the delicate cartilage out of place. Carisi winced but didn’t say anything.
“There, that should just about do it. You’re going to want to disinfect again after you’ve had a shower and dealt with some of the grime. Still, we want to head off any infection that already might have taken root. Although, you know what I’m going to say.”
“Yeah, yeah, that I should visit a hospital and get it checked out. However, I’m fine. I just need a night with my handsome boyfriend, to sleep in a real bed, and to get back to regular life as we know it.” He glanced down at himself. “And to get some of this off of me.”
Barba nodded and brushed a careful kiss to Carisi’s lips, and then left the bathroom. Carisi looked at himself in the mirror, and it was a surprising improvement. With the blood cleaned up, he almost looked like he was a real human being.
“Do you want me to leave? You don’t have to deal with this.”
Barba rolled his eyes. “No, I don’t want you to leave. If I did, I wouldn’t have let you in. Take a shower, deal with some of the filth, and then we’ll eat a meal together. Are you going in tomorrow?”
Carisi shook his head. “No, the lieutenant gave me the next couple of days off. I already got in the write-up on the case, and they will want to do so follow up, but she says I don’t have to for a while. Plus, the prep for trial is going to be an absolute nightmare, so I might as well rest while I can.”
“They always are when it comes to the undercover cases. Into the shower, I’ll finish dinner. Since you don’t need a suit, you can even sleep late here tomorrow.”
Carisi smiled and kissed him gently. “You are the absolute best. Do you know that?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
Carisi hopped into the shower, scrubbing at the layers of crud he had accrued over the last few days. He sighed as the feeling of finally being clean came over him. He didn’t take long, just enough time to get clean, and then he was out of the shower. He disinfected the cuts again and left the bathroom. He noticed that Barba had left out clothes for him to wear.
Dressed, he headed towards the kitchen that smelled fantastic. Carisi presented himself to Barba, who snorted.
“Sit down. I’ll fix you a plate. You’re going to tell me how your nose got broken and why I wasn’t informed right away. Also,” he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Carisi’s neck. “I am so proud of you for coming to me, rather than just hiding away. That means a lot to me.”
Carisi nodded in agreement and took his seat. He was glad that he had come here rather than going to lick his wounds in private. It was so much nicer when there was someone to take care of you and help with the cleanup.
Barba set a plate of lasagna in front of him, and they settled down to eat.
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hydrus · 2 years
Version 506
I had a great week catching up on a variety of small cleanup, fixes, client api, sidecars, and ui quality of life.
full changelog
system:rating gets the same overhaul system:time had recently. Some nicer labels and clearer interaction. If you use this a lot, have a poke around, because the click logic has changed a little--to say 'is not rated', you now say the rating 'is' 'nothing'.
The media viewer has some new shortcut actions for 'zoom: 100/canvas/default'.
If you right-click on a file that has more than one recorded modified date, you can now see them all on the top submenu. This should be true for anything downloaded inside the client in the past few months. Notice how that the typical modified date you see is the most reasonable minimum value of all recorded.
The new expanded sidecar import/export system gets more options for the sidecar filenames. You can now take out the '.jpg' component, or, if you need to, go crazy with a full String Converter on the filename. There's also some test UI so you can enter an example media filename and see the expected sidecar filename.
The Client API's '/get_files/file_metadata' gets several updates this week. If you do API stuff, please check it out. There's a new combined 'tags' structure, and I am retiring the old 'service_blah_to_blah_tags' structures over the next eight weeks, so watch out! EDIT: I did one part of this too quick. If you use hydrus web, hyextract, or hyshare, or hydrus companion, wait a couple of days before you update to 506--the guys who work on these are updating them to catch the change I made here.
The 'running from source' help and scripts get some more fixes and updates for unusual situations. Thank you everyone for the reports and recommendations. If you had trouble with this stuff previously, please try again!
next week
The end of the year is coming fast, and the one thing I wanted to do--janitor workflow improvements--isn't anywhere near where I want it. I am going to try to focus on serverside stuff until I feel better about this, so normal user features may be a little barebones for a bit.
0 notes
hikaridemina · 3 years
SO, I uh, wrote some stuff. Going with the whole Asmodeus’ daughter thing for my bat OC (until something happens in the show to rip my fancanon a new butthole but hey)
Really though I can just call this an AU where Asmodeus is one of the nicer rulers of hell and is trying his best to be a single dad.
I don’t write things often and I am so sorry in advance for how bad it is.
Warning, cringy fan-character bullshit.
"Hmm, let's see here..."
The bat demon flicked a strand of hair out of her face as she sat on the edge of her bed, shuffling through a few pamphlets she held in her hands. She pulled one paper out to take a better look at it. It had a picture of a circus tent printed on it along with obnoxiously huge text.
LOO LOO LAND GRAND RE-OPENING! JOB OFFERINGS AVAILABLE! APPLY NOW! ONLY IN THE GREED RING! (not associated with any coincidentally similarly named theme parks)
"Didn't this place just burn down a while ago? Man, they sure work fast when there's lost money involved."
She sighed and set the paper beside her on the bed, into the 'maybe' pile of job postings she had been looking through. The next paper she pulled out was printed with a bright red sky, however she only needed to read the headline to know which pile to sort it into.
- PRIDE RING seeking workers after another yearly extermination -
"Yeah no, I'd rather not have a holy spear shoved up my ass."
And so into the 'nope' pile it went, which was sadly about three times taller than the 'maybe' pile. One last paper remained for her to look at with crippling disappointment before she would just curl up in bed and go to sleep like every job hunting night.
"Oh for fuck's sake," she muttered as she immediately recognized the fancy writing and neon pink coloring, not to mention the array of hearts dotting the edges of the page.
♥Stop by the LUST RING now for the XXX-citement of a lifetime!♥ ♥Always hiring! Hourly pay available for those with advanced skills!♥ ♥Apply at Ozzie's today!♥
She let out a frustrated groan before crumpling the paper and tossing it to the floor. Almost as if that was some sort of trigger, her smartphone began ringing on the nightstand. She picked it up and read the caller ID, letting out another groan as she reluctantly pressed the answer button on the screen.
"Hey dad," she said flatly while still holding the phone in her hands, having set it to speaker.
"Demina! Sweetie! How goes the job hunting?" The voice was quite deep, despite sounding excited.
"Oh, well, I might have some good news for you!"
"Dad, we've been over this. You know I'm not comfortable working... those kinds of jobs."
"Nonono! You see, I need an extra pair of hands to manage the books at the club. Guest lists, timetables, that sort of thing."
"So, how many drunk bastards am I going to have drooling at me?"
"... Sweetie, you know if things get out of hand, my bouncers are more than willing to-"
"Sorry dad, but I'm gonna pass."
There was a bit of an awkward silence as neither demon said anything over the phone. Finally the voice on the other end spoke up.
"Has... there been anything at all that's caught your interest?"
"Well," she picked up the first pamphlet and looked it over again. "Loo Loo Land is hiring. Says they need maintenance crew and people for general cleanup. That can't be too hard, right?"
"Hrmph, that's in the Greed ring. You'll be lucky if you ever see a penny from that cheapass Mammon."
"Aren't you two kinda friends, though?"
"Friends would be stretching it, but yes, we do make business deals once in a while."
"Mmhm," she continued to rummage through the stack of papers to her side on the bed. Her eyes went wide as she remembered an older paper at the bottom of the stack, pulling it out and causing all the other papers to scatter on the floor.
"Oh yeah, some rando gave me this flyer a few days ago. It's in the Pride ring but, holy shit the money they're offering is insane!"
"What is it?"
"Er, I'm not entirely sure to be honest... it just has a big fancy V on the front and an address. Says you need to inquire in person and they'll give you a list of jobs they currently have available. But it's like 100 bucks an hour!"
"Do not go anywhere near there!" her father's voice rang out from the phone like a guttural roar.
She held her phone out as far as her arm could go, taken aback by the sudden outburst.
"Whoa, what the hell was that?! What's so bad about it? Well aside from the whole ring being nuked every year..."
"Just please, please trust me," he almost sounded like he was... begging?
Another awkward silence, lovely. After a while her father was the first to speak yet again.
"If you're set on working in that theme park, I can help you find a place to live in the Greed ring, no trouble at all."
She stared blankly at the phone for a good moment.
"Re... really? Dad, you don't have to-"
"I insist. I'll start looking first thing tomorrow. Meanwhile, you should really get some sleep, don't let your old man keep you any longer."
Her bat ears drooped down as a twinge of guilt hit her. Suddenly she felt bad for the way she turned down her father's help earlier. "Thanks dad. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise. Love ya."
"I love you too, sweetie."
Click. The call hung up. On the other side, her father scrolled through his own phone, searching for something. He found a specific phone number and immediately dialed it, his eyes glowing in the darkness with a stern look as he brought the phone to his ear. It rang for a decent while until someone finally answered the other end.
"Ah, Asmodeus! To what do I owe a call from the great prince of Lust himself?"
"Shut it, you motherfucker. You think you're so clever but I know what you've been doing."
"Oooh, really now? Tell me, what have I been doing, hm?”
"Listen you four-armed freak, keep your goons out of my ring or else I'll be shipping them back to you in garbage bags."
"Hmph, wow, such a threat. So, how is the little not-princess doing? Still trying to make it on her own? I'd be more than happy to give her a job or two. ♫"
Asmodeus let out a growl as he clenched his fist on the desk. "Stay the fuck away from her or so help me I will-"
"You'll what? The king wouldn't be very amused if one of the princes of hell decided to start a war out of nowhere."
Another growl, deeper than the last, was met with a maniacal chuckle.
"Listen, Ozzie, you're a nice guy so I'll give you some advice. If I were you, I'd keep an eye on that pretty little daughter of yours."
BAM. Asmodeus slammed the phone onto the desk, shattering it into dozens of tiny pieces.
At the very least, he couldn't hear the diabolical laughter coming from the other side of hell.
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"If I Killed Someone For You" by Alec Benjamin reminds me of Yanderes! Kaminari, Kirishima, or Deku. Would you do a writing piece of them based on this song?
I love this, hopefully it’s what you were looking for. :) I chose Denki because I don’t see a lot of yandere stuff for him.
Warnings: blood, typical yandere shenanigans. 
Denki pried his fingers off of the edge of the sink and reached for the faucet with shaky hands. The water trickled out cold, he filled his palms and let the water run over them, the blood hadn’t started to dry yet. It ran down the drain dark and dirty against the white porcelain. “It never gets any easier...” He turned his head and looked at the mess on the floor. That pathetic mess hadn’t moved in a few minutes, but he never liked to have his back turned on a body too long. He laughed and kicked his stomach. The body slumped forward with more blood oozing out of his mouth, but it didn’t make a sound. “Yup, still dead.” 
Yeah it never got any easier, Denki thought. 
The cleanup, that is.
 The young man filled up the bucket of water with soap and scrubbed at the walls. The blood came off easy, the difficult part is getting the blood out of the rags. He’ll probably burn them, that seemed to work pretty good last time. “Your honor, I had a moment of weakness, but it will never happen again. My service as a hero should prove that I love this city...” Denki muttered to himself as he ripped the rubber gloves off and tossed them into the trash bag with all of the bloody cloths. The body was wrapped in a plastic tarp, out of the way for now, but he had to hurry and get it on the street before too much of the leaked out. 
 Kaminari caught a moment of himself in the reflection of the metal bucket, he bent down and studied his face. He hooked his lip and pulled on it to look at his teeth. He touched his hair, fixing it back in place and smiled at his reflection. “You need some sleep Kaminari, you barely look like yourself.” He smirked again and winked. 
His phone beeped in his pocket.
Would she be devastated when the police call to tell her the news, or will she be relieved he’s finally gone? Denki wondered and checked the text. “Hey can I call you after work? I’m having a rough day... :(” Denki thought he could cry, reaching out to him after a long day? She really must love him, maybe she knew somehow that he’s been her protector, the one she can always rely on. 
Would you love me even more if you knew it was me who got rid of that scum bag?
“Another body on this side of town, a serial killer?” Denki’s old friend touched her cheek and chin as she asked the chief of police. Denki shook his head in disbelief. “Absolutely disgusting, but I don’t think so Headphone Jack. It doesn’t look like it was well thought out, maybe a robbery?” 
Jiro nodded her head in agreement. “He’s dressed like he was carrying a lot of cash, I’m not sure what he would be doing all the way over here. I mean, he just looks out of place.” The police had the entire street blocked off with flashing lights. The ambulance is moving the body in a bag, the sirens on and blaring. The detectives approached the hero pair. “Thank you for calling us you two, if you hadn’t called I doubt anyone would have reported this for awhile. Things have a tendency to just disappear out this way.” The detective fixed his hat on his head to tip at the heroes. “I think you’re right Chargebolt, a mugging gone wrong. This case will probably turn up cold, his wallet is empty but all his belongings are with him. Nothing to really trace to a pawn shop around here, so unless we find prints on the murder weapon, we don’t have a lot to go off of.”
Good luck finding a print on that crow bar, you won’t.
“Just a mess sir, I’m so sorry. Do we have an ID on him?” Denki asked the detective with another shake of the head. “His ID was still on him, so was his office card. He works on the other side of town.” 
“Where at?” Jiro asked with a stern face. “Maybe we can dig around and find out what he was doing out here.” 
“He worked at the Law Firm by that one sushi bar...” The detective thought for a moment. “Don’t get too involved in this, you know those big office types. Always hiding something. He probably was over here for something shady, and got caught up in a mess. Let us handle it, you two head home.” 
Denki turned the keys in his car over and felt the air conditioning hit his hot cheeks and took a deep breath. Such a rush every time, nobody would ever suspect sweet, kinda ‘dumb’ Kaminari for anything so heinous. He drove out of the bad side of town wearing his favorite disguise.
His hero costume.
He hummed to the radio as he headed for your neighborhood, you should be getting home from work any time now. 
His phone rang, right on time. He waited a second so you wouldn’t think he was staring at his phone waiting for you to call. “Kaminari.” He said casually into the phone. 
“H-hey Chargebolt, it’s me... Y/N.” 
Your voice was so sweet, so gentle. You sounded tired. 
“Hey you! You know you can call me Denki, I told you that!” 
You laughed a small giggle and trailed off for a second. “Oh yeah, sorry. How was your day?” 
Denki talked for a little bit, saying there was a few weird things at work but nothing he wasn’t used too. “But enough about me, why was your day so rough?”  
“One of my bosses never showed up to work today, and they threw all of his work load onto me. I had to give a presentation I knew nothing about, and meet with a client who wouldn’t talk to me because I’m not a lawyer yet... I don’t even work with him often, I don’t know why I had to pick up his work.” You sighed into the phone. “I guess I’m just tired, I don’t even feel like cooking but I haven’t eaten all day.”
Denki grit his teeth and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. That bastard is messing with her from the other side, he smashed that bug to make things easier for her, not worse.
“You know what you need?” Denki asked, forcing his tone to be pleasant. “What’s that?” You asked sweetly into the phone. “Some takeout. Want me to swing by with some food?” 
“Oh no, you’re so busy I could never ask you to do that.” He couldn’t see you, but your face blushed profusely. THE Chargebolt wanted to come to your apartment? 
“I’m never too busy for such a good friend, I’m not far, I’ll come by.”
You looked through your peephole, surprised. You barely recognized your friend. You swung the door open quickly and gasped. “What happened to you!?” 
You touched his face, he looked pale and exhausted. He held up a brown paper bag and a bottle of wine. “Aw come on, I can’t look that bad!” You grabbed his jacket and quickly pulled him inside. “Come sit down, you look like you just saw a ghost.” You took the food from him and set it on your coffee table. He plopped down on your couch like he had been there a million times. 
Because well, he had. He loved spending time here with you. You had never invited him inside, but he didn’t think you would mind if he slipped in for a bit while you slept. You’re such a sweet person, you’d want him to be comfortable. 
You sat down beside him and opened the bag, the two of you talked and ate together. He had you laughing so hard a noodle almost came out of your nose. Things got quiet for a second after the both of you yawned, I guess it was getting a little late. You turned the T.V. on and a breaking news segment caught your eye.
“We’ll increase our patrols of the area to try and increase the safety of all the cities residents, for now, don’t walk alone at night and keep your smarts about you.” “Hey... that’s you!” You looked at him in shock. Your bosses face popped up on the screen next to the news reported who was interviewing the electric hero. “Wh-why is my boss on there?” 
Denk sat up and put a hand on your back. “That’s... that’s the victim I found on the south side of town today.” Your eyes teared up and you gripped onto Denki. He pulled you into a hug and you shook in his arms. “Why would somebody kill him? I mean he could be a jerk to work with, but nothing to murder someone over.” 
Denki tensed up a bit. The fact that you were in his arms, this should be the best day of his life but you seem... upset?
You pulled away from him and looked up with puffy red cheeks. “Denki I’m scared. A woman on the third floor is missing, and- and the mechanic from IT was found with his throat cut a month ago.” You stood up and paced the floor. “Not to mention my-my...” You stopped talking and crumbled back into Denki’s arms. “I can’t do this, I know this sounds ridiculous but I feel like I’m in danger.”
“You can’t be alone right now...” Denki rubbed your back and cradled you. “I think you should come stay with me for a little while...” 
“Wh-what?” You asked confused. Denki touched your face softly and gave your side a playful shock. You giggled and he hugged you again. After a moment he touched your shoulders firmly and looked you in the eye. “If you think you’re in danger, you should come stay at my place. It’s in a nicer part of the city, and I can keep an eye on you.” 
You thought for a minute. Your boyfriend has only been dead for six months, but in that time you and Denki had gotten really close. Like he was sent by an angel to help you. “I really appreciate it, but I should probably stay here. I think it would silly for me to pack everything up and run, I mean nothing is going to happen to me, right?” 
Denki smirked, but he wasn’t happy. “Are you serious right now Y/N?” 
His tone change surprised you and you stepped away from him in reflex. “What’s wrong?” You picked up your glass of wine that you had been neglecting and took a big sip. You’ve never really been a huge drinker, but the bitter taste gave you something to focus on.
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong!?” Denki gripped his hair and smiled at you. “You don’t understand what I’ve been doing for you. I really stick my neck out for you, and you never seem to care about how it makes ME feel.” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “I- I’m sorry I know you’re busy but I thought we...” You didn’t know what the two of you are. He mostly kept your relationship a secret, he didn’t want you to be in the press at all. But you felt like the two of you are really close, you’d never take advantage of him.
“You still don’t get it do you? Everything I do is to make you happy. Make your life easier, and you don’t even seem to notice.” 
He took his jacket off and threw it on the couch. You took another step away from him and gripped your wine glass harder. You’d never seen him act this way before. You took another gulp.
“D-denki there’s something on your shirt.” He looked down, he hadn’t noticed but a few specks of blood had gotten on his ribs. You stepped closer and grabbed it, gently touching the blood stain. “I-is this from work?” You asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Denki said nothing, he reached out and touched your shoulder. 
His hands smelled like bleach.
“I think you... you should go.” You said trying to sound firm, swallowing the rest of your wine. 
“I think I should stay the night, you look tired.” He said in a soft voice. 
Your head was swimming, your eyes feeling very heavy all of a sudden. 
You looked down at the table and saw that he hadn’t taken one sip of his drink, which wasn’t really like him.
“Denki what did you do?” You stumbled backwards and dropped the glass onto the floor.  You reached for your cell phone but dropped it before losing control of your legs. He smiled and caught you in his arms. He planted a kiss on your forehead. “Denki did you kill my boss?” You tried to cry out but you couldn’t move, he lifted you into his arms. “Oh honey, shhhhh.” He laid you on the couch. He didn’t have long to pack some of your things up and scrub any trace of him ever being here. “I was hoping you’d be more understanding, happy even that I removed all of these messes from your life.”
You choked on your words and fought to keep your eyes open. “All of these-?” 
No he didn’t mean... 
Denki crouched down beside you spoke softly. “That boyfriend of yours? He didn’t even yell out for you when he was dying on the sidewalk. He said that other girls name... my blood boiled, how could he not see that he had the most perfect woman in the world waiting for him at home?” He scoffed. “That’s when I stomped out his teeth. He didn’t deserve to ever say your name anyway.” Denki stuck his tongue out at you, showing off his teeth. You wanted to scream, but your eyes shut. 
You felt his lips touch yours, before everything was black.
I didn’t put the lyrics in here but I definitely alluded to just about all of them. What did you think?? I had fun writing this one. 
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whumphours · 4 years
Corrin's Story - The Dog
New OCs? That I haven't ever written about or mentioned before? You bet! Will I write more? Maybe. We'll see.
During a game of poker, one guest learns why not to annoy Jack Everton... or his dog.
Thank you to @slaintetowhump because my trash man and also I want your validation crömbs please, and tentatively @moose-teeth because B was a heavy inspiration here
Warnings: Dehumanization, pet whump, conditioning, beatings (shown and referenced), broken bones, blood, muzzles, sadistic whumper (aka Jack Everton is kinda fucked up and it's very fun)
The young man across the table eyed Corrin with a mix of interest and suspicion. Corrin supposed he was certainly a sight to those who hadn't seen him before. He hated being seen like this, almost on display, but Jack had told him to come, and that was the end of it.
"Fine, fine, I'll raise, then I'm done," came a voice from above him. "There's no way you-"
"Assuming I don't know what I'm doing is a big mistake," Jack chuckled, and whatever hand he revealed was obviously a good one, as the whole table was immediately in an uproar.
The sound of the cheering hurt Corrin's ears, and he whined ever so softly. Jack seemed to hear it though, as he grabbed a fistful of Corrin's white-blond hair and forced the dog to look at him.
"Shush," Jack whispered, in a way that could be almost comforting. "You know why you're here. You know you deserve this, don't you, Cor?"
Corrin went to speak, then remembered the muzzle tied around his head, and simply nodded. Jack knew exactly how much Corrin hated being in these games, out of fear that he'd be humiliated in front of the entire table, or, god forbid, be part of the bet. It made for an apt punishment when Corrin hadn't fucked up enough for a beating, but the muzzle was new. An extra twist that Jack wanted to try out, and was so far loving the lack of Corrin's voice, more than usual since it hurt him if he tried to speak.
"Then don't complain," Jack hissed. Corrin trembled and nodded quickly, and Jack couldn't help but love the rush he got from his dog's fear.
Corrin knew it, and wanted to scream.
The men at the table were too distracted to notice the little conversation, except for the young man directly opposite.
"What's with the mutt?" he suddenly asked.
Immediately, Corrin glared daggers at the young man, and growled. The table went utterly silent at the sound. It never preceded anything good, and they knew that Jack was rather… overprotective of his dog.
To their surprise, Jack laughed, though darkly so. "I don't think he likes you calling him a mutt."
My name is Corrin Russel-Khan, Corrin thought, though nobody had used his full name in a long time. Even Jack only ever called him 'Cor', or 'boy'. He clung onto his name like it would fade away at any moment, like the rest of his distant memories that Jack beat out of him years ago.
"I mean, I knew you had a dog, I just wasn't expecting something like…"
Jack's hand, still buried in Corrin's hair, shifted, enough so that only Corrin picked up on it. Corrin tensed.
"Like what?" Jack asked.
The young man seemed to realise what a mistake he had made. "N-nothing, it doesn't-"
"Like what?"
"Well, I mean, he isn't… isn't exactly… scary… he's just sitting there, he's... he's got a muzzle..."
The young man cowered in his chair as Jack let go of Corrin and stood up, eyes narrowing. "What's your name?"
"And I assume this is your first time at one of my games?"
"Y-yes, but I-"
"Well, Neal, I think this'll be an excellent lesson for you," He untied Corrin's muzzle, twirling it on his finger. "Sic 'em."
Corrin gently rubbed his aching jaw and glanced towards Neal. "Do I kill him, Jack?" His voice was barely more than a whisper.
"No, no. Not this time." Jack smiled. "Get creative though."
Neal stepped back. "Wait, wait, no, I'm-"
"Don't worry." Jack's sickening grin widened. "He doesn't bite."
Corrin didn't think about it. He never did. It was easier not to. The crunch of bones breaking, the screams that suddenly became hoarse, the flecks of blood hitting his face - it was nothing if he just focused on the steady pounding of his fists, almost like a drum beating, keeping him grounded, keeping him sane. 
"Heel, Cor!"
Corrin pulled away, every bone in his body willing him to react, to feel something, anything, at what he'd just done.
Neal lay against the wall, the chair he was sitting on thrown aside, breath ragged and unsteady, groaning softly each time he so much as flinched. A broken rib protruded from his chest, the white bone starkly contrasting with the blood staining his shirt.
And Corrin felt nothing. Just like he was trained.
"Damn, good job!" Jack grinned as he kneeled down to examine Corrin's handiwork. "You really went for it, huh? Must have been pissed off. You really fucked him up."
Corrin smiled very, very slightly, but said nothing aloud.
He rarely ever got praise, and he didn't want to risk losing it by speaking. Jack never liked Corrin to use his voice much. So he never knew what Corrin was really thinking about. The idea that Corrin wished, so badly, that he was brave enough to do to Jack everything he was forced to do to others, worse even, just to watch the man who ruined his life suffer like he had - that was absurd to Jack. It barely made sense to Corrin's fleeting sanity.
Jack only saw his loyal dog, and it was truer than Corrin liked to believe.
"What do you think of him now?" Jack said, tilting Neal's chin up to look at him.
"Gnh…" Neal gasped, then screamed as Jack sunk a boot into his stomach. "STOP- PLEASE!
"Oh, I love this part," Jack laughed. "I don't have to do any work to get you to beg me for mercy. Cor's such a good boy, isn't he?"
Neal nodded frantically, hoping, praying, that agreeing would get Jack to stop.
"Hm, maybe I could take you downstairs…" Jack wondered to himself.
Corrin felt his heart beat faster at the mere mention of the room. The place he'd been dragged into, kicking and screaming, and emerged six months later with a dead look in his eyes. Most people who went down there came back up in a body bag.
There was a reason people were afraid of Jack Everton.
Neal's screaming and pleading, knowing what would happen to him, rang in Corrin's ears, and he covered them up, whining to drown out the sound. He couldn't stand loud noises, he could barely stand Jack's yelling whenever he did something wrong. Corrin could feel his head starting to throb.
Neal was lucky Jack had been in one of his nicer moods.
"Nah, not today. Hey, Connor," Jack gestured at one of the men seated at the table. "Get a medic. Try to make sure the kid doesn't bleed out."
It felt like a weight had been lifted from everyone in the room. The man in question stood up, and carefully lifted a sobbing Neal out of the back door.
Jack turned to Corrin and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, hey boy, it's okay, he's gone."
Corrin leaned into him, and part of him hated that he found comfort in the embrace. "Don't like it, don't like the sound…"
"I know, I know," Jack said, voice soft. "I'll try not to do it in front of you again." Corrin didn't believe him. "I'll let you keep the muzzle off for the rest of the game, how about that?"
"Thank you, Jack," Corrin mumbled.
Jack ruffled Corrin's hair. "Try not to growl at anyone else. Even if they annoy you. The cleanup is a hassle. Okay?"
"Hm." Jack lifted Corrin off him and looked over the table. "I think we'll need someone to replace our missing player. I was supposed to be meeting with a… Matteo de Silva, wasn't it, Cor?"
Corrin nodded.
"He should be waiting in the bar somewhere. Go fetch him for me, would you?"
Corrin stumbled to his feet, still dizzy and disoriented. Whoever this person was, he was going to regret coming here when he saw Corrin covered in someone else's blood. It was what Corrin was good at, hurting people, killing them, whatever Jack wanted him to do.
He was simply Jack Everton's dog, after all. He was loyal, even if that was the last thing he ever thought he'd be.
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