#claude headcanon
viv-url · 8 months
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lyomeii · 1 year
a little hug!
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->warnings: yandere themes(?), lante himself.
->request by anon! Request for Yandere Claude, Yandere lante and Yandere Regis Adri Floyen about their wife hugging from their back, when they tried to turn their back the Wife still hiding on their back giggling. I want something fluffy TVT
->a/n: fluff! your wish is an order, anon :) everyone loves a good and sweet headcanons to bright the day, so hopes you enjoy it :) also I will post another writing today, finishing all my requests.
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-> knowing that you’ve been hiding from him since morning, claude was ready for a small surprise coming from you, he knows that. so when you finally hug him from behind after his work hours, he can’t help, but feel happy.
-> it’s been a while since he felt loved, so claude is always looking forwards for moments like this with you. maybe next time, he will manage to have an entire day just with you and athanasia.
-> he almost killed you. initially, lante thought that you were an assassin hired to destroy him, but when he felt your soft hand against his chest and saw the smile on your face, he got calm.
-> as much he wanted to scold you from doing such thing, he let you continue to hug him for a few more minutes, after all, his office’s door is locked, so one can easily catch him smiling due to your simple actions.
-> hearing the sweet giggle coming from your lips made his rough day at work become better. so regis hold one of your hands and place a kiss on it, a way to show how much you are important to him.
-> he drop his worksheet on his desk and turned around to hug you back. with his head above yours and his arms around your, regis can only wish to this moment to last forever.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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Can you do yandere Claude faustus and Sebastian Michaels with pregnant reader if you haven't already done that (also I'm new to your blog so I don't know if you do any yandere/dark thing if not just ignore my request)
Hey I hope you like this <3
Yandere Claude Faustus
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Well, this wouldn't be a surprise
Claude thought this would be the perfect way to tie you to him.
This would also be a sign to all outsiders who you belong to.
Claude would already be really possessive.
And this is accentuated during your pregnancy.
You really can't do anything alone.
Claude is always close by to watch over you.
You really couldn't escape him.
Say goodbye to all your privacy.
He loves you and your soul very much.
And he doesn't want anything to happen.
Because you can always hurt yourself by accident…or "accidentally"
The pregnancy was not necessarily very wanted.
Claude doesn't want to take any risks.
He thinks you are really valuable.
Probably Claude doesn't care that much about the kid.
It doesn't bother him that the child exists.
But Claude cares more about you.
You should also behave well during your pregnancy.
Claude would easily take away comforts if you misbehaved.
Yandere Sebastian Michaels
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This demon must have planned this.
Sebastian is good with mental manipulation.
At this time, social pressures would be great.
Now you surely couldn't leave him.
You want a good life for your child, don't you?
Although it is admitted that Sebastian would have preferred a cat.
But the child is also doing really well.
Sebastian would be proud of himself.
This would be a sign to everyone else that you were taken.
This idea could work if Sebastian would let you leave the house during your pregnancy.
But he really doesn't.
The outside world is already too dangerous.
And when you're pregnant it's even more dangerous.
Sebastian won't let anyone or anything hurt you.
So you really stay inside.
He would probably kidnap you as soon as he finds out about your pregnancy.
Sebastian would do everything to make your time pregnant as comfortable as possible.
Almost every wish of yours will be fulfilled.
There are no punishments either.
However, don't overuse it.
Sebastian remembers these actions even after your pregnancy.
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hollyhoneybear · 7 months
【 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 】 - being athy's big sister
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remember, requests are open !
Athanasia was very weary of you, at first.
In Lovely Princess, you were an impartial character. You treated both Athanasia and Jennette the same, never favoring one more than the other.
At first, you did speak out agaist the claims of Athanasia poisoning Jennette. However, when the fake evidence was presented, you could only side with the law.
The novel didn't expand much on your personally.. You were just Jennette's beloved big sister, and Claude's first daughter.
So she was surprised when almost every day, without fail, you would come running to her nursery, begging whatever maid that was half-hazardly watching Athy to let her play with you.
Although only a few years older than Athy, you did more than the maids every did (aside from Lillian, of course). You happily bottle fed her, read her books, played toys with her.
Still, Athy kept her guard up with you. You'd think she's cute now.. but when Jennette comes along, you'd leave her side just like in the novel.
At 10 years old, your little sister was 5. After your persistant efforts, Athy had slowly let down her guard around you. It was alright to relax for now.. right?
Your days before Claude were blissful. You'd sneak Athy chocolates, bake sweets together while the maids gushed over how cute you both were. You'd spend hours in the flower fields braiding wildflowers.
At some point, you basically began living in the ruby palace. You'd crawl into bed with Athy at night, holding her against you as Lily read you both a bed time story.
Every single night a kiss was placed on her small forehead, and you both slept soundly in each other's company.
But that changed when Claude appeared.
Both something that you and Athy could agree on was that Claude was.. unknown to you both. He wasn't exactly a good father to either of you.
Still, you saw the opportunity for your family to become closer, so you jumped at the chance!
Every day you were in Claude's office begging him to have a tea party with Athy and her.
Every day you would ask for a bit of money to get Athy a gift - and then of course, suggest he should get her one as well.
Slowly, over time, you three bonded and became closer (even if Athy didn't want to admit it).
When Athy started drowning that one day, Claude watched as you nearly jumped in after her. But he grabbed you by your ankle before you could jump in, instead fishing his hand in to get her out himself.
That surprised you both. You were excited, while Athy was freightened.
Things really changed when Athy had that near-death scare, though. You three were having one of your usual tea parties, when Athy started spitting up blood.
The last thing she saw was you rushing to her side, and Claude staring at you both in shock.
After that incident, everything changed. Well - things stayed similar. You three had tea, ate dinner together, went on boating trips. But things just felt.. different.
You both could see the way Claude looked at you two had changed. You were cherished. And while you weren't super caught off guard about it, Athy certainly was.
Every day you were carrying her to Claude's office, and spent almost the whole day in there coloring, playing, or talking to Claude.
Claude started giving you both gifts.
When you appeared at his office one day with Athy, dressed in these adorable matching outfits Lily got for you both, Claude nearly choked at how cute his daughters were.
You three were getting closer, as if you were a real family.. and Athy felt like she could finally, really, relax.
As you both got older, your dynamic changed a little, but you were stiill very close.
You helped Athy with everything for her debutante. Choosing decorations, jewelery, makeupstyles to do, dresses to wear, you were involved in every step. And she couldn't have loved it more!
Compared to Athanasia's original debutante, the event didn't feel like an upcoming battlefield, but instead a day to celebrate with her family ....in front of a bunch of nobles, but we'll skip that.
She insisted that you were a dress that matched her's somewhat.
As a teenager, she's much more protective over you. Her darling, angelic older sister, she couldn't just let someone take advantage of you!
Definitely starts getting jealous when you start spending more time with your friends, or your lover.
Despite her fears, you never "left her side" for Jennette. You were always cordial towards her, but Athy was always your first priority.
When Jennette's identity was eventually revealed, despite the ongoing turmoils, you tried to act like family to Jennette, but that sister bond with Athy was a bit different.
And even if it was a little selfish.. she was immensely greatful for that. You were the only person to be on her side since day one.
You were always there during the hardest times for Athy. Even when she ran away, she couldn't bare to see you in distress, so she would visit you every night and keep you updated.
On one occasion, she snuck you out to meet Jennette..
..And it was wonderful! You three spent the night drinking tea, eating cute cookies, and chatting the night away.
It relieved you that, even though Athy wasn't home, she was still safe.
By the time Claude got his memories back, you three had the strongest relationship you'd ever had before.
You were.. a real family.
After everything with Anastacius was over, the topic of inheritance came about.
You were, by a good few years, the eldest.. and therefore, the rightful heir to the throne.
You expressed right away that you'd love for Athy to become Empress. But that's where she stops you!!
You've done everything for her in this life. If you weren't here.. she wasn't sure if she'd even be alive, let alone in Obelia.
So after much deliberating, it was agreed that you would be the next Empress of the Obelian Empire.
...Which meant, you had to hang out with Athy a lot less. It was torture for you both.
The bright side was that Athy got to involve herself in all aspects of the planning. She wanted you to have the best coronation, so she deemed herself in charge of the matter, along with Claude of couse. But she'd act like the boss because it's Athy
She helped you pick out a dress, decide on the hairstyle. You two spent countless nights doing makeovers on each other, because she wanted to try different makeup styles on you, and you wanted to try similar looks on her so that you were matching on the special day.
When the day came.. it was magcial.
You were surrounded by your loving little sister, your proud father, the friends you had made, and the empire that adored you.
Although Athy wasn't going to be Empress, you made sure to communicate to her that you two would stay as close as you always had.
Despite her original fate, Athanasia had earned her place of ultimate safety and happiness; right by her big sister's side.
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lxdymoon0357 · 24 days
Hello 👋 can I pls request relationship and suggestive headcanons for Claude (wmmap) Regis (FIDWYM) and Lante Agriche with a female reader? Thank you ❤️
(some days, I'm gonna be better and consistent...:[ | Warnings: mentions of dying at childbirth, blood, murder, NSFW content, diana-claude poly mentions? idk..Anyways, NSFW content. )
© Writing belongs to me, Lxdymoon0357. Do not plagiarize, but reblogging, liking and commenting is deeply appreciated.
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Claude De Alger Obelia, Legis Floyen and Lante Agriche SFW/NSFW HCs
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Claude De Alger Obelia
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♕ Definitely loves to spoil you! He loves to spoil you when he can, bringing jewellery, making your favourite food, spending extra time with you, buying you clothes, flowers, gifts, anything you want! He is always happy to spoil you, Athy gets a bit worried, but she also loves you and makes handmade gifts for you which you definitely appreciate!
♕ Constantly worried for your health and safety, has a maid and a guard follow you everywhere, he would let them follow you to the bathroom if it wasn't unethical, but yeah..Constantly worried something is gonna happen to you..
♕ Also, constantly making sure you're in top health, always consults doctors about anything he finds unusual on you, if you two were to have kids, he's have a long talk with doctors if you can have kids and there won't be any complications and if anything were to happen, if he'd be able to save you over the kid...
♕ Definitely not loosing you to childbirth like he lost Diana, you both are the biggest jewels in his eyes and he doesn't want to lose you like he lost Diana. Definitely thinks how you both would be with each other if you met, would you both like each other more than him? Would you be open to be with both of them or would he simply be with Diana and you'd go off with someone else??
♕ You, him and Athy spend a lot of time together, eating, tea parties, talking about trends, gossiping or anything in between about Athy's love interests or something. Sometimes even Jeanette joins you both, she's so happy to be included, but after Anastacius left with her, she was happy to learn things from far away, you gave her your blessings, she'll miss all of you but tries to find time to visit when she can..
♕ You and Claude would dance together late at night for fun, it's so quiet and so intimate and so romantic, cue you both forgetting the dance and end up making out against a wall with him leaving hickeys! speaking of them, he leaves TOO many damn hickeys, it's his love language at one point...
♕ He is a busy man, being an emperor and all, but he still finds time for you, you're the most important thing to him after Athy and he tries to find time for both of you, together and individually like during meals, before he goes to sleep, after he wakes up, free time, he loves to spend it with you or alone doing something he enjoys..
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♕ He is romantic while sex, but also very rough, be careful, don't piss him off, you won't be able to sit with a bruised ass or the aching cunt or walk due to the shaking and sore legs. He knows how to make brats behave, loves you but don't piss him off.
♕ Hates it when other people stare, will go to a nearby room or maybe the balcony if he's extra mad and simply fuck you till you're screaming your throat raw with leaving hickeys and making sure everyone and especially the person is hearing and seeing the whole thing...Likes the eyes on him sometimes, don't know why but he does, maybe it gives him thrill maybe it gives him the chance to prove himself in some way maybe he gets gratification, no way. But likes the way when you're bent over and crying your eyes out.
♕ Cages your hand above your head with a single one of his own and simply fingers you before pulling away and edging you till you're asking him to properly fuck you dumb, even if he's feeling soft, he likes to do it cause you're crying face and whines and moans sound cut to him and he can never get enough of it
♕ Leaves a lot of bitemarks, hickeys, bruises, it's concerning if you don't know it's out of love and how much he can't control his strength at times..When he's about to cum, he bites your neck to muffle his own moans and whines when you're clenching down on him..One hand constantly working on your clit.
♕ Let's say they have some medicine which works as Plan B, cause keep in mind, he will be breeding you, it's one of his biggest kinks, he would love to see you pregnant with his baby who is your and his mix, Athy needs a sibling after all! Will be pounding in you even after you've gone enough, he cant help himself sometimes!
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Legis Adri Floyen
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◈ Now Legis would be a bit closed off, but still after a while be extremely sweet and romantic, constantly being a gentleman, holding your hand when you're walking down the stairs, gets you gifts, when you got tired, he carried you where you want, feeds you, kisses you and looks at you like you're gold.
◈ You and Jubelian have to sometimes remind him to take breaks, you and Jubelian and literally bestest of friends yet being the cutest mother-daughter duo in Legis's eyes, two of his favourite girls being together and happy and getting alone and all the cute stuff?! Oh man, he feels like he's in heaven!
◈ Loves to spend time with you and Juve when he can, bringing you both gifts and you both in return make tiny gifts for him, like bouquets or like maybe you stitched something for him on a napkin and he carried it everywhere, or maybe you and Juve went out together to choose and mix-match jewellery for Legis and then you both gift it to him, she is always so happy to spend time with her parents!
◈ He and you would spend time kissing and then Juve would be grossed out but finds it cute or maybe you and Legis would spend time sparring or sword-fighting cause women back then used to do a lot of sports including archery, sword-fighting, hiking, so maybe he would love for you to join him in sparring sometime or maybe hand-to-hand combat where you are always winning because he refuses to put in effort, he gets too mesmerised by you anyway.
◈ He would love to take you on trips to anywhere you want, get dresses custom made so no-one else can have them, have portraits painted of you, he's such a sweetheart!! He would love to have a family portrait with you and Juve beside him!!
◈ Another thing is, matching clothes!! You wear something matching in your outfits at ALL times, be it a brooch, be it the colour of the clothing, be it the way the pattern of the dress, he loves to match with you, he even has dresses which are carbon copies of some of Juve's! You both look gorgeous in them!!
◈ Kind of needs your reassurance that he is doing the correct thing, if there is something you don't like, please say cause when you do things passive and aggressively, it makes him overthink things....And if he overthinks, he cries and I'm sure you don't want your husband to cry? Yeah, that's what I thought, communicate!
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◈ Okay, first he finds you cute and adorable and hot and so squishable and he folds you like a chair fucking you in matching press with your thighs pressed against your chest while he toys with your cunt and clit so sweetly, it's almost innocent in a way!
◈ PRAISE!! Of-course, the biggest praise kink is in him, his eyes start to water from overwhelming love when he is praised during sex, so just to ground him, hold his hand tightly in yours in anyway you can to remind him you're both there..He gets carried away, poor baby..
◈ Loves to see you ride him, cause it's so cute in his eyes when you're trying your best to take him cause first of he's VERY BIG, secondly you try your best to take him, struggle with it, crying for him to do something to make something out of your fruitless ventures, of-course he teases you until you beg a lot, but because he likes your cries and tears and face
◈ Speaking of crying, he won't stop eating your cunt until tears are streaming down he's pulled a good few orgasms, your cunt is almost raw but i's still drooling...and he can't get enough, you're just sound so cute and taste so amazing, but okay, he'll take pity and fuck you properly, if you don't tell him to, he'll cum from just eating you out, grinding against whatever he can.
◈ Suck him off under his desk after he's overworked, probably one of the only dilfs who moans and whimpers and can't hide them, he sounds cute, as you gag on his cock, he sounds adorable!! Not your fault it's a good way to relax him from overworking and to just tease him!
◈ He sometimes gets so lot in making you cum, he does it for a good while until he simply pulls dry orgasms, until legs are shaking, you're both covered in bodily fluids, drools, sweat, clit is engorged a bit and it hurts but feels too good for him to pull out now as you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him close..
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Lante Agriche
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☠ Now for this request, I will say he's like a yandere-type in love with you and he's a bit sane and okay in head. Lante would always follow you around, carrying you when he can, holding you on his lap during those special dinners with his top three favourite kids as he fed you food with his hands, does your hair, albeit a bit haphazardly.
☠ He desperately needs you be locked down with him, he would kill anyone you pay too much attention to, that includes his kids, well your kids are his favourite kids, so he doesn't want you to be sad, but threatening them is the way to go!!
☠ likes to bring you the severed head of his victims as gifts with a deranged smile, expecting praise. I hope you give some to him for the sake of your neck joint...I mean, he'd also bring bloodied flowers, a skull, some sword, some jewel, etc, whatever he finds interesting all covered in blood cause he thinks you look hot in blood and everything looks better covered in blood.
☠ Leaves hickeys on your necks, for everyone and leaves more if you try to cover them. He has no shame, not like anyone would dare to say anything, but if they did, you'd have another severed head to your collection. So enjoy!!
☠ DESPISES people staring at you for a second too late, hates it, cannot stand it, will not stand for it, will kill someone for it. I mean, he's a man known for crimes, of-course he's gonna murder someone for looking at you too long! He's such a munchy weirdo..
☠ Would have your ring on your hand AT ALL TIMES, ain't no one snatching up his weirdo, hell naw! Anyways, he gets new rings made for you whenever you need one and it's all decorated well and stuff and so now you have a ring collection and it's very gorgeous and probably cost more than the whole manor and humans who die inside regularly!
☠ He slow dances with you over the dead bodies of people, enjoying the way their bones crunch under you both as you both softly danced while you both are in each other's embrace and are softly being intimate in silence..
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☠ Oh now, don't think that if he got jealous and mad at some public event he is also one to not care if he fucks you on a balcony when everyone can hear you both while you scream and wail like it's no one's business in the balcony and later on everyone's too shy to make eye contact with you, including the kids and other wives...
☠ Bending you over on his desk to fuck you all while there are people in the next room or simply eat you out until you cry, but eating you out is a unusual occurrence...He doesn't just give you pleasure without getting anything in return, no.
☠ Edging you constantly, not letting you cum until you beg hard enough or until he possibly can't take it anymore or until you do it yourself earning a punishment by him where either he overstimulates you till you physically pass out and only have dry orgasms, so there are a few options of him to choose from, maybe play the safe submissive and subservient role for a while unless you're confident in your skills as a dom to top him..
☠ knife kink, I said it. Knife kink, holds a knife to your neck while he makes you ride him, and presses it down sometimes to nick your body parts for fun and for the sadistic tendencies...
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channnel · 29 days
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One of my personal headcanon that has been in my head for months is that- If Buck stayed to father Alan, James wouldn't be born.
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morphodae · 1 month
Hello!! May I request something for black butler? Reader usually being quite non-confrontational and energetic but has a bit of a possessive streak. Not toxic level but sort of unintentionally intimidates people that flirts w/ their partner even when they know they’re taken like staring down at them from behind their partner or being passive-aggressive, and then just goes back to being their usual self once the other person’s left.
The characters being Claude, William Spears, and Lawrence Bluewer (you can replace him with Sebastian if you don’t write for Lawrence).
Tysm and sorry for the long request!! Feel free to delete if ever ^^
Protective Passion
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Sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’m not entirely caught up with Lawrence and the Public School Arc but I did some research :) I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting 💜
Claude Faustus 🕷️
On the surface, Claude doesn’t seem to care much for your existence at all.
He’s a demon who knows he’s can take the form of a handsome man - which he has - and who could charm anyone he sees fit. Only, he usually does this in order to make a contract. When you came into his life, he surprised himself at how… endearing your qualities were to him.
As said before, he knows he has attractive looks and charm and it isn’t uncommon for people to try and flirt with him. It usually ends the same way: with his unblinking stare and some remark about business at hand; you don’t need to worry. He knows that he’s taken by you.
As a demon, he can be quite possessive; it’s a natural instinct for him. So when he sees you of all people becoming instinctually protective over your relationship with him, he feels an odd sense of pride well up into his chest and a small smirk cross his face.
You needn’t worry, dear. Claude has already claimed you as his long ago and no mortal, demon, angel, or otherworldly being is going to come in between that.
William Spears ⚔️
More likely than not, your relationship with him would have to remain secret and private. It took a long, long time for you to even worm your way into his heart. He’s supposed to remain impartial and adhere to all rules, after all.
On the rare occasion that he isn’t busy as a Grim Reaper, he does try to take you out on private outings. Usually, these “dates” consist of private, scenic spots around London or even an indoor date at your home.
If, by chance, an individual disturbs your outing with him and even flirts with him without taking the hint, and William sees you become protective, he will quickly take you elsewhere as though not to escalate the situation.
He’s flattered at the thought you’d felt the need to be possessive of him, but he’d rather avoid conflict of any sort. To him, he will tell you that no one else stands a chance with him. He, an avid rule follower, has already broken the code of impartiality by being with you, so there’s no need to doubt his unwavering affection for being with you.
Lawrence Bluewer 📚
Ah, yes, another avid rule-follower who values tradition in academic and personal settings.
Lawrence is definitely attractive in a booksmart sort of way, and his knowledge and stoicism might even be seen as attractive to others initially.
If a person doesn’t take the hint that you two are a couple while you are there, and you feel the need to make snide remarks and stand your ground, Lawrence won’t really know what to do.
After a moment, he will fix his glasses, clear his throat, and excuse himself and you from the person causing issues. Despite his best wishes, his cheeks are a faint shade of pink and he’s mentally berating himself to maintain composure.
He appreciates your devotion to him and is surprised that you seem so fiercely loyal, but he also would prefer if you follow proper etiquette in social situations. Don’t get him wrong, he adores all aspects of your personality, but he still does put traditions on a pedestal.
In the end, you receive a light scolding as his significant other and a light peck on the cheek before the two of you go about the rest of your day.
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mysadcorner · 11 months
Sebastian Michaelis x Reader x Claude Faustus Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
Masterlist Navigation
• Both demons obsessed over you - potential mate situation - Both Sebastian and Claude would have realised their attachment towards you very early on, since they’re both very quick and are dragged towards you by something their demon qualities only allow. It would be hard to accept that the other demon is also potentially drawn towards you (especially if it’s a “mate” kind of situation) but dragging you away from the other would be virtually impossible.
• If you’re a normal human then the situation would be even worse for you than if you had been a demon surrounded by Sebastian and Claude. You get put in harms way quite often at the beginning of their attachment towards you due to how much they fight, but after realising that they don’t want you hurt they’ll keep their disagreements private or send sarcastic comments and glares to each other when you’re around.
• If the two of them do decide to share their time with you, this would end with a lot of difficulty. An official timetable would have to be made between them so that no time is unfairly stolen (which would result in practically a war) and they’d hate the thought of you spending time with the other demon when you’re apart from them.
• Both Sebastian and Claude do not get along with each other, and unfortunately their division over you only fuels this. They probably wouldn’t be able to stand each other, and hold thoughts of stealing you away from the other demon in a way that was willingly so that the other has no basis to argue.
• It’s always going to be a competition as to who can treat you better, and this probably will never end even if they do come to a mutual form of mild respect. They both hate the thought of the other giving you better treatment, so if anything this results in you being absolutely pampered (more than their respective lords) if you ignore their bickering.
• Alois is more likely to get involved, rather than Ciel, as they would be more than happy for Claude and Sebastian to get along. Not only does that seem to make Claude more manageable, but it also means that there is more company within the manor and they’re able to interact with someone completely new on a regular basis. Almost like a free friend.
• Once the two of them are forced to be around one another for your sake, they’ll gradually become more accustomed to each other. They wouldn’t do this willingly though, it would most likely be Alois’ intervention which keeps the tree of you in close proximity for a long time until they come to a mutual agreement about their behaviour.
• After this it would be much easier for Sebastian and Claude to share their time with you, since they had gotten used to being around each other and interacting with you simultaneously without any problems which gradually got rid of how much they despised each other. Ciel wouldn’t want to constantly be around Alois though, so Sebastian wouldn’t often come to their manor leaving you to be shared amongst both households until they’re reading for public outings with you.
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heatherchasesyou · 7 months
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because i'm a fucking huge Pink Floyd stan i also have a headcanon that Vincent would enjoy their songs pretty much, he'd find their lyrics very poetic
also here's sum extra stuff:
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also my man got the fashion skills
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anxiteyandsleep · 24 days
Can you please do Claude with a reader who loves spiders?
Yes of course🙏❤ I did this more as headcanons but if you'd like an actual drabble, just ask and I will gladly do another post ! since Claude is not canon outside of the anime, I've had to make some things up😭 hope you enjoy
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° Truthfully he didn't even notice you until one time he saw you gently picking a spider up and setting it outside. Naturally as the spider demon, this caught his attention and he kept an eye on you.
° Claude grew to appreciate you more over time, though he kept his appreciation silent. He'd watch you seek out knowledge of spiders in the Trancy library, making sure to leave out books that were truly educational about spiders.
°in my mind, Claude has some control over spiders, so he'll eventually send you spiders as almost a way of flirting, he'll learn your favorite species and send those the most. Of course he's careful not to send too many, he doesn't want an infestation to scare you off.
° if you have a spider/spider related tattoo??? Especially if it's somewhere private, he is immediately obsessed with it and is always stare at it (if he's able to.)
° Claude really takes his time, he's barely spoken to you but trust me, you've captured his attention and heart.
° when he finally gets around to talking to you, it's actually a bit overwhelming. Claude will reveal he's the spider demon, sayinh he's noticed your appreciation towards spiders and wants to thank you for it. ( this can be lewd or not, whatever you'd prefer )
° Now once you processed everything, Claude will want to date you, he wants you to be his. You're very precious to him. Claude is very possessive, he might buy you a necklace with a spider charm as a sort of mark to show that you're his. He'll send spiders with you wherever you go to keep an eye on you.
° Claude isn't very romantic, he will bring you sweets and tea, doing his typical butler duties but putting a little extra care for you. he might get you flowers, if he's feeling slightly romantic.
° Now if you refuse to date him right away, say you want more time to know him, he'll be a little grumpy but won't openly express it.
° however Claude will try to do as you ask, answering questions you have about him, spending what free time he has with you, etc.
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kabishkat19 · 9 months
Disney Villain’s kids : would’s and wouldn’t’s II
Part two of villains who would and wouldn’t have children.
11. Hades
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Original hades had children and I feel this one would have too.
12. Shan Yu
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No doubt in my mind that not only did this man have kids but some of them were in the battle of the mountains with him.
13. Claude Frollo
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I refuse to believe that anyone willingly had children with this man.
14. Clayton
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Tarzan series revealed a woman that had relations with Clayton and it would be on brand for this man to have kids that he dumped in a boarding school and never see again.
15. Yzma
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If Yzma did have children, they are fully adults at this point and she clearly has no care them. It’s possible, her prime years are unknown.
16. Dr Facilier
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This man seemed like to towns pariah so probably couldn’t have kids even if he did want them.
17. Mother Gothel
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No. And before you say it I know about Cas (Tangled series) but I still refuse to believe this narcissistic woman would have a child without some sort of magical benefit.
18. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles
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There was a chance he could have had kids but after his take over stunt, he’s outcasted.
Tell me if there’s more you wanna see…
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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glowingbadger · 4 months
Which of the Three Houses guys will watch their beloved go off on an enemy and have the reaction of "Well mark me down as scared AND horny", do you think?
Ahh, see my dear Friend Anon, this is a nuanced spectrum- but I'll do my best to break it down as I see it:
Scared and Horny:
Claude - has enough common sense to be scared, but definitely hot-blooded enough to be horny about it. A beautiful balance, frankly, though he may tease you about how wild you were.
Raphael - soooo close to qualifying for the "just horny" category, but he is a sweet boy and still wants to check to be sure you're alright (mentally, emotionally, physically) after the battle.
Ignatz - soooo close to qualifying for the "just scared" category lmao. However, as you all know, I see our boy Ignatz as very repressed and very kinky, and seeing you be so powerful and passionate definitely stirs some part of him.
Ferdinand - practically the poster-boy for "scared and horny" tbh; he feels sheepish about it, but he just can't help how your strength and force of will arouse him.
Seteth - also strangely close to the "just horny" category, not that he wants to admit it; seeing you like this really awakens something primal in him from far in his past. Still, his concern for you is ever-present and ultimately pushes aside how entrancing you look conquering your foes so thoroughly.
Sylvain - I almost don't know how to elaborate on this one because, I mean, of course, right? Of course Sylvain is worried, but also just burning inside watching you flushed in the face, damp with sweat, muscles tight, hair wild.......
Just Scared:
Lorenz - oscillating wildly between worried for you and worried for every person around you. Definitely impressed, don't get me wrong- he appreciates battle prowess. But if you're really going berserk, he's worried.
Dedue - while he's likely right there beside you in the fight, he worries about seeing you get particularly aggressive. He's seen what bloodlust has done to the other most valued person in his life, and never wants to see you go too far down that path.
Ashe - it's not as though he can't stomach violence, he just feels that there's a certain responsibility and necessity for rules of engagement when it comes to combat, hence his proclivity for chivalry. Seeing you completely lose yourself worries him, and he'll want to be with you and hold you and make sure you're okay as soon as he can.
Just Horny:
Hubert - I feel like this is more or less self explanatory lmao. Though he does still hope you'll be rational and not do anything unnecessarily risky while eviscerating your foes.
Caspar - again, an obvious choice. Honestly, I think Caspar wants to fuck after just about every battle you two come back from, provided neither of you is hurt too badly.
Jeritza - this is the most obvious one so far lol. Though, when he's more 'himself,' he does silently worry about you sharing in his bloodshed and provoking the Death Knight part of him.
Felix - honestly, it's probably even fiercer than Hubert or Caspar; the lust he feels for you in the heat of battle is both primal and nearly spiritual. This is about his whole life philosophy, after all. After a particularly tough and gruesome fight, he wants nothing more than to absolutely ravage you (and might need to be talked down if he has wounds to attend to first)
Linhardt - ideally, he is not present, as the sight of you "going off" on an enemy is likely to involve waaaaay more blood than he's comfy with. He'll definitely tend to you afterward, and wryly scold you for going overboard (secretly, he was super worried when he heard from your comrades of how ferocious you were out there)
Dimitri - he's in different categories depending on where he's at in his arc tbh. Feral Dimitri is obviously just horny about you diving into the bloodshed with him, while "redeemed" Dimitri has some measure of restraint about it
Yuri - it's more like "amused/impressed and horny," tbh. Though he never looses his head about it- he's still keeping a close eye on you to make sure nothing goes awry. But he won't deny that he enjoys watching, nonetheless.
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lyomeii · 11 months
adorable and innocent
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✥ warnings: yandere themes, platonic relationships, spoilers, death mentions, reader being neglected.
✥ request by anon! Hello! Can you do yandere Athanasia and Yandere Claude with Innocent Reader who is Claude daughter but Athanasia younger sister?
✥ a/n: yes, i can! anon :) also the end might be quiet rush since i didn’t know how to end so yeah.
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✥ the second daughter of claude was different from athanasia. born from a contract marriage with a noble lady, the little girl grown up to be lonely most of her time at the palace. since father was always busy with his work or preferring to be by himself and mother who was dead due a carriage accident earlier that year.
✥ even with the lack of parenting from both sides, that didn’t stop the young girl to become someone kind to the servants and to athanasia herself. the two girls who were ignored by their parents become closer to each other, become each other pillar as everyone were against them. inside their little minds, nothing could go wrong.
✥ until that very day when athanasia was accused of poisoning jennete and sentenced to death. that moment made you cry in the middle of the public, begging father that athy would never do such thing to anyone, but he didn’t listen your pleads. athanasia lost her life and you lost your sister that day, making you become depressing and once of age, you were thrown into a loveless nobleman from another empire.
✥ in the new timeline, athy won’t left that happen. knowing about how the plot will happen, she will rewrite the tragic destiny between you and her, making sure they both of you will get the happy end that you always dreamed about it.
✥ first, when your biological mother died, instead of searching for claude for any type of emotional support, athy was the one who comforted you. the tears of your eyes dirty her nightgown was more than enough to realize how precious you are too this words, she can’t afford to lose you again.
✥ times goes on, athy and you grown up to become closer than ever. unfortunately, things take a different turn when both of you first meet claude that day. the emperor stares at both athy and you.
✥ claude forget about the existence about the two of you, he can’t deny that. yet, the blond never expected to see the two of his children together and playing with jewelry at the back of the garden. he can’t change the past, of course, but he change the way he will treat the two of better for now on.
✥ athy plan wasn’t to make claude care about her and you, yet she can ask him for jewelry and maybe gold for the future escape. but for some reason, she feels bad about me it.
✥ despite all the pain you’ve been through, your naivety always lead you to wish for claude affection since she can remembers and now, you’ve catch his attention alongside with gifts and candies that bring a sweet smile on your face. maybe staying around the palace is a better way to protect you.
✥ now the two of you live a better life as Claude recognize their daughters. the servants now treat you so diligently and care about your safety, not letting you go out of the palace since the emperor himself ordered to all the residents that unlike athanasia, you can’t never leave home alone. his words were clear and sharp to those who serve him, and those who disobey him will suffer.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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rubiarts · 2 years
- "His mother's eyes" - Happy Birthday Claude 💛
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this is probably self-indulgent but i have this headcanon that among the countless rumors circulating Tiana in Almyra is one regarding a certain hexing-look in her eyes, Khalid ofcourse inherited the rumors along with them.
-quick side note, (عيون أمه \ عيون ماما) "His/your mother's eyes" or "Mama's eyes" is an arabic phrase mothers use to lovingly refer to or answer their children's calls. meaning that they're as precious as her own eyes.
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irides-solstice · 2 months
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ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴅᴅ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ.
★彡[ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇ ɪꜱ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴍʏ ɪɴᴄʀᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ ɪɴ ʙᴀᴋɪɴɢ, ᴍᴀɪɴʟʏ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴇ ʙᴀᴋᴇʀʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅꜱ. ɪ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ 내복곰 ɴᴇʙᴏᴋɢᴏᴍ'ꜱ ʙᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴠʟᴏɢꜱ]彡★
✧・゚☆。˚🍮⋆ ˚ ☆
You watch silently as the quiet whisking of cream echoes in the silent kitchen. It was close to 3am, yet both you and the Trancy butler were wide awake. One would assume you two were up to some... um inappropriate behaviour. It was quite late after all. But contrary to popular belief, Claude was not always up to nefarious actions. Sometimes, it's the simple day to day activities that would end up gaining his interest. Like crocheting in the garden with a cup of tea long after the master of the manor had gone to bed. Or other times, tending to the garden, maybe even a game of chess against himself...
The clinking of bottles provided the perfect ambience as he mixes various different ingredients in an attempt to rid out the taste of lemon. He's a bit of a perfectionist. So, when he accidentally added a tad bit too much, while chatting with you, he became hell bent on fixing it. Yes, it is almost unnoticeable, the lemony touch, but he refuses to let it go. So, you sit there all quiet and pretty in your knee length nightgown, your legs swinging back and forth as you try not to laugh at his apron. His eyebrows furrowed as he focused, with an intimidating glare in his eyes. Yet you could hardly feel yourself scared when looking at him due to his attire. A small white bandana holding his hair back from his face, makes him look….funny. Not that you’d ever admit it. You swallow a chuckle at his attire. Not wanting to distract him anymore. Pfft, you weren't sure how much more teasing he'd tolerate from you.
For all his indulgence in meaningless human activities, he never once thought he would be sharing these moments with another. To demons, said activities are useless after all. No need for said food, and even if needed, there was no need to craft it himself. Yet he does. Perhaps he even seeks it for his own enjoyment. That would explain his insistence on perfecting his baking techniques... Yes, this late at night, because when special interests arise who's to stop him? Who with the authority to hold him back anyways. But perhaps he yearns for someone to share it with.... That would explain his lack of irritation towards you when he accidentally added a bit too much of an ingredient. Getting carried away when listening to you was quickly becoming one of his worst traits.
However, as you struggle to stifle a yawn as your teary eyes forbid you from staying awake any longer. Vision becoming blurry but just as you were about to cave to your slumber. His voice rings out. "That seems about right. Here, try it." Before your eyes have even opened properly, he's shoving his index and middle finger inside your mouth. The tips of his gloved fingers covered in a small sample of the cream he just prepared. You gag and immediately hold his wrist in weak protest. But his glare quickly stops any intention to push him away. Eyebrows raised as if daring you to stop him. He knows you won't though. "Go on, tell me what you think." Swirling your tongue around to taste the whipping cream about to be used, you watch a small grin creep onto his face. Your eyes roll back to your head with a quiet groan. It actually tasted quite nice. If he could be arsed to, guests would flock to the Trancy manor to taste his pastries.... As you mull over the thought of advertising his cooking to your friends and family, his eyes begin to dart to the newly whipped cream, and then back at you. Low lidded eyes suddenly glowing as he watches you. Perhaps he won't reserve it for the croissant, his mind quickly finding a new better use for his newly prepared assortment. "So? Don't tell me you've forgotten the task at hand already... Well, that's a shame I thought I taught you better."
✧・゚☆。˚🍮⋆ ˚ ☆
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rie-092 · 2 years
Hi~ I really love your writing, you're one of the few people I know that write for manhwa character's. Anyway can I request for yandere Claude with an empress reader? you know a wife before he met her(I don't even want to say her name)
❲ yandere! claude de alger obelia x empress! reader ❳
summary : claude was tired of losing the people that were important to him. he wants to be selfish for once, that's why he was willing to take away your freedom if it means you will stay with him.
tw : yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, mentions of killing, infidelity (?), confinement, force feeding, cursing.
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a political marriage. everyone in the empire knows that their new emperor and empress got married to each other because of a political reason. you and claude don't love each other. and you will never dream of loving him because love is an unnecessary thing for the royalties like the two of you.
and at the beginning, claude also doesn't care about you. you are just the person he chose to be the empress. nothing more, nothing less. but, of course, just like a normal romance story, his opinion of you will surely change.
and when did it change? it was the time when he was having his night walk inside the imperial palace. and he accidentally saw you, you who's swinging a sword. even though you were not smiling, he could easily tell that you were really happy.
it was the first time that he saw you like that. because the day of your wedding. your face was similar to his, cold and emotionless. after watching you for several minutes. claude finally decided to approach you.
and to be honest, you were surprised to see the emperor there. you tried to hide the sword away but before you could even do that, claude decided to stop you and told you to continue and ignore him.
and while watching you, claude's tiredness and fatigue disappeared. the sight of you swinging your sword was quite refreshing. because you look so free and happy. that's why he decided to ask you the question that has been bugging him since earlier.
“ did you escaped from your guards? ”
and because of his question, you accidentally let go of your sword. and after seeing your expression, claude realized that you indeed escaped from them. and you immediately asked him not to tell to your servants.
and claude agreed. saying that he will keep it a secret from others. as long as you allow him to watch you while practicing every day. and you happily agreed with his condition and gave him the sweetest smile that you had.
and claude was taken aback. at first, he thought that you were similar to him. but he was wrong, the two of you were the total opposite. and to be honest, claude likes it. he likes your carefree and cheerful attitude. and he likes the fact that you look so free despite of being forced on marrying someone like him.
claude was feeling an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. he was aware that it wasn't love. so what is it?
every time claude was tired of his work, he always find himself going to your palace to see you. and just by seeing your face, claude's tiredness will disappear. but at those times, the unfamiliar feeling inside him worsens.
and as a yandere, claude was surprisingly possessive when it comes to his wife. this guy won't hesitate to kill the people who will try to do something bad to his wife. or the people who try to talk bad about his empress.
and let's have a time skip, let's say that claude had finally met diana. and this guy thought that you'll gonna be jealous, but you didn't. instead, you congratulated him for finding a woman who will teach him about love. and remember that time still left a bitter taste on claude's mouth.
he wants you to be jealous. but he can't do anything if you didn't. since you were taught that love is an unnecessary thing. and to be honest he wanted to massacre the people who taught you that.
and fast forward to the day diana died, athy was born and the ruby palace massacre happened. after killing every person in the ruby palace. claude came to your palace, covered in blood.
and fuck, you were terrified after seeing how claude killed one of your servant in front of you. you were too terrified to the point that you can't speak and your hand was shaking because of fear.
but claude didn't care about that. instead, he held your face not caring about the blood on his hand and forcing you to look at him.
he needs you to know. he needs you to know that he's willing to kill everyone in the obelian empire once you leave him. he needs you to know that he had the power to massacre your family in front of you if you leave him. and he has no intentions of letting you go.
claude already lost diana and he doesn't want to lose you too. he knows how dangerous it is outside the imperial palace. that's why he needs to lock you up here. and this guy won't take a ‘no’ as an answer.
and if you ever tried to starve yourself to death. claude won't hesitate to shove that damn food onto your mouth. you are the only person in this damn world who keeps him sane. and he will not take the risk to lose you.
claude doesn't mind taking away your freedom. he doesn't mind being a monster, as long as he is your monster.
“ listen, i'm going to give you two choices either you start eating willingly or i'll force you. there's no way i'm letting you starve yourself to death. ”
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