#cid sophiar headcanon
mastermechaniic · 5 months
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𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫
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- a private, selective, canon divergent, and multi-versed CID SOPHIAR from Final Fantasy XV, sideblog to topmechaniic, very headcanon driven and who’s probably being corralled kicking and screaming by an equally tired af mun named Salt/Dani ( she/her, 30+, UTC +9 - Tokyo ) Please read the rules before interacting. Personals & fan blogs will be blocked on sight!
Current Activity :: Slow af
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links... Credits :: theme bg & details // icon template // pinned banner // main psd Extra info :: starters // memes // verses Blogroll :: Multi, Yoruichi, Serval, Rosaria, OC Wire :: mastermechanic
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tl;dr rules & info...
Please understand that this is a sideblog to topmechaniic and will probably follow back from that blog. Also, nothing that is connected to my Cindy will placed upon other Cindy(s) who decide to follow
Possible triggers include death ( loss of a child/friend/family ) and dealings with PTSD. While not heavily focused topics, they are significant parts of Cid's background. Naturally, they will be tagged accordingly, but please place your own comforts first and follow at your own discretion.
Don't be a dick. Any harassment, discrimination, or gross behavior of ANY kind towards me or my friends will not be tolerated and will result in a hard block.
Send all the things! Memes are the best way to get things started with me so seriously if you or your muse are chomping at the bit over a certain meme or open starter, if you wanna turn a meme answer into a thread, DO THE THING! I'm totally cool with that. Just understand that while I am very appreciative I am also kinda slow. Sorry in advance. 
Please understand that I interact with mutual followers ( except with meta/hc memes unless otherwise posted or in the case of sideblogs ) and I do not always follow back. It usually takes me a minute to go through people's pages in order to get a feel for their writing style or if our characters will mesh well if at all. Like shipping chemistry, there's also writing chemistry; if it's not there it's not there.
Please be patient with me. We all have a life outside of this hellsite. A casual reminder to something is cool cause we’re human and forget things or tunglr is just ... being tunglr. However daily reminders, random follows & unfollows/likes & unlikes might push me away from interacting with you.  
Understand that I am as intimidating as a kitten, but I am an awkward bby and it takes a minute for me to get comfy with people to reach out. Also I can get a little sporadic with communication. I'm not actively ignoring anyone, just shy af sometimes x3
Please tag any possible trypophobia & arachnophobia posts cause it really ooks me tf out!
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Rainy Days in Insomnia
Young Prince Regis and his crew all cope with the rain differently. So, which one overthinks things and who gets to spend the entire day listening to jazz?
Prince Regis
Contrary to belief, Prince Regis loves the rain.
In fact, he rejoices whenever it pours.
The main reason for this is the fact that he has the excuse to stay in the Citadel.
And when he has nowhere else to go, then he’s got a very good reason to go and visit his father, King Mors.
The prince would engage his father in every conversation possible, or challenge him to a game of chess to which the prince always, always loses.
He doesn’t mind his chess blunders, however. Every moment he can spend with his father, whether he gets a good scolding, a long lecture on chess, politics or even ehem, adult things,  Regis doesn’t mind at all. At least he doesn’t have to attend to his princely duties that would take up so much of his time away from his father.
During rainy days, Regis is very much the only person who is active in the Citadel.
He’d bother Clarus to no end with his talk, or ask Cor Leonis to  spar with him. 
Sometimes, Regis would pitch some of the Crownsguard or Kingsglaive for Cor, amused in the confused expression of the young soldier whenever someone tries to flirt with him.
If no one else is available to be engaged in conversation and other such things, Regis amuses himself with books.
The other thing he ever bothers himself with is music. He can’t play any instruments save for a couple of songs in the guitar, but he listens to his collection of valses, concertos and most of all, songs by the latest Jazz or country singers. 
With the latter, Cid was a huge influence. Not the cowboy kind as the prince is not fond of it even one bit, but the relaxing, home-feel kind of songs.
Expect Regis to drink a hot beverage, especially chai tea whenever the weather gets cold and dreary.
Owns a very expensive foldable black umbrella. He likes keeping it with him if he has no choice but to travel in the rain. He would share it, but of course, not with strangers. 
He’s the one who, if he had the choice, would buy a transparent umbrella. But he’s supposed to be incognito out in the streets so he can’t.
Also, speaking of choices, if the young Prince can be extra lively in the halls, he would. Although, he’s the one who’s bound to be greeting everyone with an extra cheery tone just to lift the mood. 
Sleeping on a cold night is one of Regis’ favourites. He looks forward to it with a smile on his face.
He curls up in his luxurious Lucian duvet, feeling the soft texture of his bedsheets against his skin even as the Fulgurian shows his might in the grey skies.
He likes to spray his room with a light scented perfume to help him ease in to beautiful sleep.
Regis is actually very indulgent of himself in the rain. Expect him to reach for a nice slice of decadent cake and a glass of wine as he’s all cozy in front of the fireplace either in his study or in his father’s solar as the rain pours outside.
A warning or not. Don’t sit beside Regis on the couch, especially on a rainy afternoon.
Because if he falls asleep, he’ll cuddle the next person until he wakes up half an hour later. Everyone learned this the hard way. 
Not even Cid’s excessing cursing of ‘son of a garula’ or ‘wretched bastard’  or ‘gerrofff me or I’ll strangle yer royal throat kid’, Regis won’t budge. And boy, Cid would never stop making everyone wake Regis up. It makes for a good photo op for Weskham, however.
Clarus Amicitia
Clarus is a sleepy man on rainy days.
Nothing lulls him to sleep better than the soft pattering of rain on the roofs and windows.
No one is surprised to see the man nodding off on meetings or curled up in a corner of the solar, a book laid flat on his face, snoring the rainy day away.
No amount of coffee wakes him up.
The only thing that could stop him from falling asleep on a grey day is a sparring match.
So when the rain comes, everybody shuffles away from the young Amicitia’s path.
No one wants to be his sparring partner for the whole day, not even Cor. He’s much too strong for everyone.
Regis made the mistake of accepting his request and ended up looking as a haggard, rain-soaked and ruffled chocobo after that. Never again, said Regis.
In days when Clarus can resist the temptation to sleep in as it rains cats and dogs outside, he’d be found walking around the perimeter of the Citadel several times.
It is during these rare days that Clarus can be engaged in any kind of conversation. He’s a bit of a curt man, but when it rains, he relaxes somewhat, thus making him quite open to socialising with people he works with.
Clarus is the one who can detect if it’s going to rain because of his hobby of watching his environment.
As soon as Clarus predicts the rain coming, Weskham would buy all of his ingredients to stock up for his ‘rainy day comfort food’.
If he’s supposed to be out in the rain, he brings out his huge umbrella. It fits everyone under it.
Clarus likes to sleep in early during rainy nights. He can’t be made to stay up when the feel of his comfy bed beckons him to a wonderful night full of sleep.
Veritas a.k.a. V
She has a love-hate relationship with the rain.
Veritas likes the fact that whenever it rains, everybody stays indoors. It brings everyone together.
A busy Regis becomes very much engaged in every conversation. A sleepy Clarus is lightly snoring on the couch as everybody huddles by the fire. A contemplative Cor puts up the best topic for debate. And Cid, well…Cid brings in the fire in the cracker. Meaning, he’s the one who gets everyone either arguing or laughing in the room, even King Mors.
Veritas is very much inclined to delve into her ‘gentle hobbies’, as Regis likes to call it.
The immortal would curl up in one corner, preferably near the window or the fire and start doing some embroidery work. Sometimes, she’d take a pencil and her notebook and would start to either draw or write. And when she finds a new book, she’d be busy reading it, too.
Just don’t leave her with nothing to do on a rainy day.
Rainy day makes her feel down. She remembers the days she spent with the First King of Lucis and how he held her inside the Citadel for days just so she wouldn’t escape him. She hated those days. And the rain makes her remember such horrible things.
Cid is the one who is able to coax her to get up from her seat and hover over to watch the card game.
She’s highly likely to tell Cor Leonis of what cards Regis has in his hand, to which Regis calls her out on it, daring her to try the game herself. 
She tries it, but fails. All the time. She’s horrible with games.
She’s the target of one such Prince Regis whenever he’s in one of his dancing moods. He’d pull her up from her seat to whirl her about the room as his favorite valse is playing, says he needs to practice for that moment he finds the opportunity to dance with Aulea. She agrees; he can dance, but not without mischief.
She’s not averse to sparring. She’ll spar with Clarus. But only once. 
Her energy’s too low on rainy days.
Except when she has been engaged in some sort of activity the day before, then she’ll be inclined to try and finish it even on a dreary day.
She’s extra sociable in rainy nights. She’ll be happy to answer questions or tell stories. Just don’t ask her about Somnus Lucis Caelum her ex-something. She’d clam up and change the subject all too obviously. 
Veritas likes to drink hot chocolate as she gazes out into the window.
The smell of the rain doesn’t bother her at all.
Cid Sophiar
Rain? What rain?
Cid Sophiar doesn’t care whether it is raining cats and dogs or blazing like a hundred degree oven outside. Nothing stops him from doing whatever it is that he needs to do.
He likes to work on his cars and machines even if the rain is dripping down on his skin, as long as his precious leather jacket stays out of the way.
One is bound to find the mechanic strolling about Insomnia in the rain without his umbrella.
He doesn’t even get sick when he does so.
He likes to feel the rain against his skin, revelling in the way it falls on him.
When it rains and Cid is with his friends, expect a whole tirade of stories.
Cid likes to tell stories whenever the rain pours down. Everyone is there with him escaping the rain, so he has all the reason to be sociable, right?
He almost always tells the exact same stories that whenever he has the dialogues coming up, either Regis or Weskham would mouth the words quietly while doing the exact same gestures as Cid does when he blurts out the lines.
When he has the chance, he’d blast up the volume of his radio as it plays his favourite songs.
Regis curls in the sofa of Cid’s house, pulling the pillows over his head, groaning in contempt.
However Regis might hate Cid’s rainy day playlist of swamp music, the prince is delighted to partake in Cid’s delicious comfort food: tacos.
Everybody loves Cid’s comfort food for rainy days. Veritas especially loves the chili, to which she is the direct competitor to the limited stock of it against Cor Leonis.
But when the night comes and it is still raining, Cid Sophiar becomes quiet.
He likes to look out the window, watching the rain against the glass, the bokeh effect of lights beautiful in his eyes.
He stares a lot at his hands, too, wondering just how his life is going by in front of his eyes. He can be very mellow in rainy nights.
But when the morning comes, he forgets everything.
And he’s Cid Sophiar all over again. All fire and energy, as usual.
Cor Leonis
The sulkiest boy in Lucis.
Cor Leonis hates the rain.
Allergy boy. Sneezes incessantly whenever it starts raining.
He can’t go outside to get some fresh air.
Plus, it gets him into one of his moods.
On rainy days, Cor Leonis contemplates on his own existence.
He questions the decisions he’s made or the ones he is going to make.
His family is of a lesser status as those serving the Crown of Lucis. His decision was to make some sort of distinction for themselves. But he was wondering if he did the right thing.
Instead of going to school or acting like boys his age, he was serving the King of Lucis, secluded within the walls of the Citadel, hearing of news of threats against the kingdom instead of listening to jokes or lessons.
He doesn’t mind those, however. What he kept thinking about is if he’s worthy to be serving the royal family in the first place.
Aside from this, there’s just something about the rain that makes him feel so aware of things.
He’s extra observant of the way the light shifts in the room whenever a storm cloud passes by, or whenever the fire crackles in the fireplace, the distant sound of cars drowned out in the rain, or the sweet scent of hot tea as it lingers in the air of every room in the Citadel.
He likes to stand in front of the windows and just stare out into nothingness, a cup of coffee or barley tea in his hand.
He’s rather fond of the conversations that King Mors and Prince Regis would engage in. He’s often being invited to join, and the laughter or the banters that would echo in the room would comfort him from his rather dreadful reveries.
Cor likes the valses in the rain, too. He likes to listen as the records play out with the scratches echoing from the speaker.
He’d listen to the music as his hand touches every surface he could find, revelling in the way that his senses are even more sensitive in the rain.
Rainy days are the best time to make Cor Leonis memorise something. He’s got nothing else to do, so better make the most of it and ask him to memorise a military strategy or a poem, or anything at all. Except maps, of course. He’s bad at remembering geography.
Weskham Armaugh (before they left for Accordo)
The deep-voiced retainer loves to take things easy on a rainy day.
He’s not sleepy like Clarus nor is he moody like Cor.
No. Weskham drops every appointment he makes and stays indoors. 
He can do some paper work and research, but his priority is to sit back and relax as he listens to the rain.
He’s one of those ‘romantics’ who would light up a candle in his room, put up some incense or sandalwood scent, as well as playing some soft music like jazz to complement the mood.
He’s an intellectual, but he doesn’t shy away from feeling his senses, mainly those that eases some of his troubles away.
Expect him to run a bath at the end of the day, warm and relaxing, a glass of wine in his hand as he reads his new book.
Despite his ‘idle’ state, Weskham gets most of his work done during rainy days. The more relaxed he is, the more he can focus on his work.
Weskham whips up the best soup or pasta on rainy days and everyone looks forward to it.
His friends, and even some of the Kingsglaive would wait in the kitchen as he finishes up his delicious food.
The kitchen becomes one of the liveliest place in the Citadel because of him.
Even King Mors would look forward to Weskham’s famous Lucian Tomato and Olives Pasta.
He’s most susceptible to singing while it’s raining. It gets him into one of his moods wherein he can be heard singing from outside his door.
And he’s got a really good voice, too.
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chocobroness · 4 years
Random headcanon:
Noctis becoming a God as a kid and A NOT A SINGLE BEING KNEW ABOUT IT.
Well....CID would be the only person who figured it out.
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secret-engima · 5 years
Another Random FFXV Headcanon
So... had to double-check this using youtube after a friend told me about it but after beating the Adamantoise the first time (not counting repeated hunts) you can apparently go back to the Crow’s Nest and talk to people and if Cid is there, he’ll say that Regis tangled with the Adamantoise back in the day but didn’t beat it.
Now, I know there might be an official canon reason for why Regis fought with a giant turtle mountain but literally the first thought in my head when I heard that was that Regis didn’t fight it with the intent to kill it and fail, he fought it with the intent of buying Clarus/Cid/Weskam time to grab teenage, hormonal, Cor “Fight Me World” Leonis and drag him off to safety before he could get himself killed picking a fight with a literal moving mountain.
This is the same kid who, at fifteen, hared off to go fight the infamous, immortal “everybody who sets foot in my Tempering Grounds dies” Blademaster Gilgamesh. You cannot convince me that Cor “Imma Go Fight The Angry Ghost of the First Shield and Chop His Arm Off” Leonis didn’t take one (1) look at the mountain-sized armored death turtle and immediately charge off with just his sword and his bare hands to fight it while Regis and Co chased after him. Or that Regis’s only reason for fighting said Turtle Mountain of Death was because someone had to distract the thing while Cid and Clarus tag-teamed on Cor to pick that kid up by his armpits and ankles and throw him in the back of the Regalia with Weskham at the wheel for an emergency retreat.
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theydonotbindus · 5 years
I wanna know if you think any characters would have done or still do fun lil pranks. Who does them so well it's hard to compete (and maybe not respect them for it)? Who's someone you'd people would totally think they'd do pranks but have never done it? Who's someone you wouldn't suspect to ever think about it, but has enjoyed doing some every now and then?
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
Who still does pranks?
Cid and Cindy have been known to leave a fake cockroach (or five) in the Regalis before, and sometimes Taka’s frying pan is hidden in the freezer.
Who does elaborate pranks?
Clarus Amicitia, except nobody respects him for it because nobody knows it’s him (and anonymity is part of the game for him).
Who doesn’t do pranks (but people think they do)?
Prompto. Any time the poor guy plans a prank, he thinks about how it could go horribly wrong and then feels guilty…so he never does any. 
Who is the least likely prank suspect?
Cor. He learned from Cid and Clarus. 
Something you want to see? Asks are open!
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
Headcanons for the Original Chocobro roadtrip!
A.K.A. Clarus and Weskham having heart attacks almost constantly because their friends are absolute idiots and ‘Oh my god Regis you can’t just fling yourself off cliffs’
Cor was not meant to go on the trip with them.
Despite whining and generally making a nuisance of himself Regis had been determined that the lil pocket rocket should stay in Insomnia and protect his father. Cause y’know, that was literally his job.
It’s only when they get to Hammerhead to collect Cid does Weskham hear a muffled ‘Fuck’ come from the trunk when Clarus drives straight through a pothole.
Clarus and Weskham want to send the little shit back but Regis and Cid are far too amused by his determination. 
He’s still forced to squish himself in the backseat between Clarus and Weskham because they’re sadistic people who are amused by Cor’s suffering. 
Clarus occasionally crushes Cor unleashing a barrage of swear words that no fifteen year old should ever know, Regis keeps a little notebook in his pocket that he’s adequately titled ‘Corisms’. (Within 24 hours he’s learnt more swear words and phrases than he thought possible)
Mors rings on day three asking if they’ve noticed that Cor was in the car or not. He figured he’d give them 48 hours before ringing, can’t have his bodyguard dying of dehydration now.
Regis feels betrayed. Clarus cackles. Weskham does that gods awful smirk of his. Cid, ever the asshole, comes up with several other surprises the King might have hidden in the car (Three of which are actually true) And Cor is far too smug.
Regis whacks him the next time they stop.
After a week Weskham has become the long suffering ‘adult’ of the group. Clarus having long given into the temptation to prat about.
‘Fight all the things!’ becomes their group motto.
Imperials? Fight em. Behemoths? Cor will throw himself into their jaws, literally. Coeurls? Clarus rode one. Take that Regis!
Regis takes Clarus riding a Coeurl and decides to ride an Iron Giant. 
Weskham calls Mors and begs him for advice.
Spoiler, the King is just as much of an asshole as his son. He laughs and tells Clarus’ father that they need to go on a roadtrip before he dies.
Daddy Amicita internally sobs.
I have so many more of these! :’D
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onceuponaprime · 7 years
@drakochan and I were talking about the original Accordo group last night and came to the conclusion that Young spitfire Cor just called everyone older than him old.
Regis: But I'm only twenty!
Cor: Yeah. Old.
Cid: If he's old at twenty what does that make me?
Cor: Ancient. Like 'Bahamuts dad' old.
Cid, in absolute indignation while Clarus laughs: WHY YOU LITTLE-
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whostarlockeda03 · 2 years
Kingsglaive Star Wars AU? Or another series set in space AU if you don’t want to do Star Wars? ♥️
Don't really have enough knowledge of Star Wars to do this, BUT I did start out in the Star Trek TOS fandom, so please enjoy this weird mishmash instead? XD
(If you want more info on star trek please just ask, I will elaborate!)
“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Kingsglaive. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where - Ulric?! PUT DOWN THE POISONOUS ANIMAL FOR ASTRALS’ SAKE!”
“I don’t care how fluffy it is! Put. It. DOWN!”
The USS Kingsglaive’s dedicated crew:
Captain Titus “Grumpy Cat” Drautos First Officer/Commander Luche Lazarus Chief Science Officer Commander Nyx Ulric Senior Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Axis Arra Chief Communications Officer Lieutenant Pelna Khara Chief Engineer Lieutenant Crowe Altius Chief Helmsman Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Sonitus Bellum Chief Navigator Ensign Tredd Furia Chief Security Officer Ensign Libertus Ostium
Fleet Commodore: Cor Leonis
President of United Federation of Planets: Regis Lucis Caelum
Fleet Admiral (aka poor sod responsible for all these idiots): Clarus Amicitia
The cadets running amok in the academy:
Noctis Lucis Caelum Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia
That one guy who has all the answers but stands by and watches Starfleet crews struggle with their jobs until they really really need help: Cid Sophiar
Space mercenaries: Aranea Highwind and her devoted crew
Okay, headcanons:
1. Nyx's 'science investigations' almost always consist of Can I Befriend The Dangerous Animal experiments, much to the exasperation of the rest of the crew. But he's also good in a fight, and will do anything to help out a crewmate.
2. Titus almost certainly has ulcers from the stress of keeping his crew in on piece. Especially since Commodore Cor 'Annoyingly Immortal Asshole' Leonis seems to have given all the most reckless idiots in the fleet postings to his ship. He is 100% done, 100% of the time.
3. If Titus thinks he has it bad as a Captain, then Fleet Admiral Clarus Amicitia would gladly swap! His ulcers have ulcers, and his hair has disappeared prematurely, no thanks to one certain Commodore Cor 'The Immortal' Leonis.
4. Cor listens to Titus' Captain's Logs and is too damn pleased with himself for orchestrating officers so that he is provided with his own personal soap opera.
5. There is an ongoing prank war on board the Kingsglaive. No one quite remembers how it started, but no one is safe. No. One.
6. "Yes, Captain Drautos is a grumpy, miserable stick in the mud most of the time. Yes, I'd still willingly yeet myself out the escape pod launch shoot for him." - Literally anyone who's ever worked under him.
7. Titus does not know why his crew is so painfully loyal to him, but he is ever so thankful for it, and does everything he can to protect them in return.
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stephicness · 7 years
Can you help me out with something, because I am very confused?? I've seen a whole bunch of people refer to Cindy as Cid's niece, but Cindy introduces herself as his "greasemonkey grandaughter"? Have I missed something???
Well, it could be a few different options to this issue of why:
Calling Cid grandpa or ‘Paw Paw’ would make more since in Cindy’s eyes since Cid’s an older gentleman, anyways. That, and usually the grandkid/grandfather dynamic is often used to establish a closer bond between familiar characters.
Cindy is actually the niece, but Cid just thought ‘Paw Paw’ or Grandpa was easier for her since he was young when he took her under his wing. (Uncle Cid is harder to say than Paw Paw, after all!)
Perhaps they don’t actually have familial bonds at all, considering that they don’t share a last name. Cid Sophiar and Cindy Aurum, after all. Referring to someone with a familial title probably means less questions and less prying into Cindy’s past – regardless of how consistent it is.
Unless Cid’s sister was Cindy’s mom, and so Cindy’s mom took on the father’s last name? If Cindy was adopted by Cid though, she might have been given a choice at one point to take on his last name, but didn’t.
Or the final option:
But there’s some ideas perhaps on why Cindy and Cid refer to each other as two different things. c: Me personally, I like the third one, but headcanons are ultimately up for you to decide, I feel! I can only give you a small list of potential ideas, my friend~
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I am finally going to ask the question out loud.
//If Nifs are pale, blond peeps, and short, and Lucis people have a more darker appearance like brown and black hair and taller...Where does that put Cid? Because both he and his grand-daughter are pretty short, though Cindy around average height for women, but she also has blond hair, as did Cid. So...can someone explains that? Or does that mean Cid not originally a Lucis peep?
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haprilona · 7 years
Cor+Gentiana headcanons
1. They never speak about their relationship to others.
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2. Gentiana never calls Cor by name. Instead she refers to him in third person and uses his title. At first Cor’s annoyed by it, but over time he begins to find it endearing.
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3. Gentiana keeps her eyes open whenever in Cor’s presence, no matter how fleeting, because she wants to appreciate every moment with him.
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4. Cor uses the katana Gentiana gifted him after he lost his Genji blade and turns down Cid’s continuous offers to improve it.
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5. Before Cor became notorious for his inability to stay put, he was a master at hiding when the situation called for it. Only Gentiana could find him.
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6. Gentiana helps Cor exaggerate his legend by occasionally interfering in his fights without revealing herself which makes the Niffs believe the Immortal has supernatural powers.
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7. Cor always pretends to be busy when Gentiana comes, but eventually caves in to her affections.
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8. Cor shaved his young adult-mustache and stopped wearing berets, because Gentiana said he looks better without them.
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9. Whenever Cor misses Gentiana he buys ice-cream, because the brainfreeze reminds him of the feeling he gets whenever they kiss.
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10. Cor was in Tenebrae with Regis and Noctis, but had been granted the evening off which he spent with Gentiana. He feels guilty when he sees the wound Regis received from Glauca, but manages to secure their safe return to Insomnia.
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11. Nothing beats Shiva’s cool touch after a good workout.
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12. Only Cor can survive Shiva’s kiss.
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amplectormors · 7 years
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Music Headcanon Part One
The Chocobros listening to music feat. Insomnia and Leide Crew
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The Chocobros feat. Veritas (OC)
Music would be something like: Ice Ice Baby, Manolo and U Can’t Touch This, No Sleep ’til Brooklyn, WTF, Sabotage, etc.
All the bros would bob their heads to and fro to the sound of the beat.
Their feet would tap and stomp to the music unconsciously and quite uncontrollably so.
Noctis would sometimes do the ‘bad boy’ pout accidentally to which the bros would tease him incessantly, much to his embarrassment, but does it anyway.
Prompto would unashamedly sing to the music with Noct as his back up singer. He can actually sing, this dude. But he’d rather just blend in.
Gladio would look out into the distance as they’re driving in the car, pretending that they were making a music video of his ‘bad-assery’.
The bros and V would lip sync to No Sleep ’til Brooklyn. Every one is assigned their own parts and would try their best to sing in character. Ignis got carried away as he drummed his hands on the steering wheel. Prompto and Noctis would even stand on the car as they sang the lyrics to one another, both in their rocker state.
Ignis would deny it, but he absolutely love music like these that always get his blood pumping as effectively as Ebony can. He’d sip a can of it while chilling to the beats yoh
When in their own private company, the bros would goof around with dance moves they see from music videos. Noct would goof around but deep inside he really wanted to dance like a cool back street guy.
Prompto would be the most competitive — he’d do really sick moves and would even pose at the right moment in the song, entertaining the whole gang up to the late hours of the night.
Gladio would criticize Noct’s trying hard moves and would often tease Ignis to drop the act and just let loose; of course he doesn’t.
Ignis would be in the kitchen baking or cooking to his heart’s desire, only to sing to the lyrics all by his lonesome and ultimately busting some moves of his own while holding his spatula. V walks in and walks back out again once she sees Ignis shaking them hips as the kitchen smelled of vanilla. *I found a silly gif of Iggy dancing...but I suppose I’d leave the vision of him dancing to our imaginations. Haha!*
V likes some of the old music from ancient Eos and would often revel in the music as it was being played all around Lucis. She would dance the traditional steps and would often take Ignis’ hands and dance with him, their arms hooked around each other’s, his feet shuffling as best as he can. He let loose for a bit. It’s the wine, he’d say. But we drank root beer, Noctis said to which Prompto snickered and took a shot of a rather competitive Iggy.
Gladio’s playlist includes not just ‘bad-ass’ music but also love songs, like tons of it. He’d be bursting his lungs out, complete with emotions nobody thought they’d see on Gladio’s eyes. Then after a particularly sappy song he’d pipe down and keep to himself, just absorbing the raw emotions. Iggy sheds a tear in secret.
Noct would HATE it once V puts in her OLD MAN playlist. She likes to listen to lots of genre, but when she’s particularly vexed or just missing Ravus, she’d sneak in a short valse in the completely varied playlist. Ignis approves of this.
In Hammerhead, Cid would listen to his so-called ‘ swamp and cowboy tunes’ all day, erryday as Noctis would say. Sometimes he’d sing the wrong lines or miss the timing in the lyrics and would speed his singing up once he realizes he was out of sync. Noctis and the bros would hide beside the garage, laughing their brains out as Ignis records Cid’s singing. They would replay it every damn time as the opportunity arises. Even a stick in the mud like Cor would *giggle* each time he hears this.
Cor Leonis finds out in Leide that Dave the hunter shares the same damn good taste in music. So every night, they’d light up the camp fire and tune those guitars and blow on those harmonicas so they’d commence their good ol’ dirt road singing. Nothing like two deep voices singing gritty music while chugging a cold mug of liquor.
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Cid’s playlist: Anything from Hank Williams. Hands down his favorite.
Cor’s playlist would have a variety of genre, but these songs pop into my head each time I see the marshal : Old Before Your Time by Ray LaMontagne, Sitting on the Dock of The Bay by Otis Redding,  Universal Soldier by Donovan, Sheena-Na-Gig by PJ Harvey, Capsize by Black Delta, Through the Valley by Shawn James, etc. Basically anything that has that vintage old vibes and missing home feels and some moody ones as well.
If back in Insomnia, Cor would open the door and ask them all to keep it down. Back in his room he’d take up his guitar and sing some of his ‘cowboy’ music. Shh nobody knows.
The hall in Insomnia is vast and music echoed all over the walls each time there was a celebration or a performance by the Royal Symphony. One day, completely bored to death, Prompto and Noctis used a small audio system to start rapping in the hall, the amplifier making their voices ring all around. They sang in the silliest way possible or would imitate any person’s voice and would comment on any topic like radio DJs. Monica wasn’t pleased when she heard how Prompto imitated her voice — he got an especially grueling training in firearms the next day.
King Regis would ask any close female friend to dance with him during a celebration and would be rather dashing. Veritas noted that he’s still quite the dancer thirty years ago, much to his satisfaction.
As a young man, King Regis loves to listen to instrumental compositions. He’s not into the whole modern music of his age, moreover the ones his son loves to blast out during the mornings and midnights. He prefers the calm he gets when he listens to instrumental music and yet, despite the fast beats, he likes to listen to samba music, too. Oh dear, Queen Aulea used to tease him about it. And it was only her who got the killjoy prince to dance to it…and his lover was only too pleased with herself for coaxing him to uhh, shake those hips. If only she had taken a photo of him!
After seeing Lunafreya on television and newspaper coverage as well as hearing about her on the radio, Nyx Ulric finds himself absolutely smitten with the Oracle. Of course he denies it. There’s no way he can crush on the most loved woman of Eos. She’s way up there and he’s like, a dude who lives in a slightly shabby apartment in a not-so flashy neighborhood in Insomnia, a guy who likes dirt roads and road trips while she’s probably into posh Altissian dinners, high end hotel rooms and a mansion that smells like sylleblossoms that probably practically grows in every corner. His list goes on and on. His friends, particularly Libertus and Crowe both find it hilarious that the hero and not so innocent friend of theirs is in ‘lurve’ with the purest human being. Of course it’s a contradiction, but what’s not to love about such a tragic infatuation story? They’d tease him during their breaks or whenever she appears on the media. Their go to song to push their lovestruck friend’s buttons is ‘Uptown Girl’ from a vintage band. And boy would Nyx’s ears turn red as the two would sing along, pushing an article of newspaper with Lunafreya’s face. The song stuck and unfortunately for Nyx, it’ll play in his head even until the moment he suddenly meets the Oracle herself. Poor guy.
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leidemechanic · 4 years
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Name: Cindy Aurum
Age: Verse Dependent (26-36)
Gender: (Cis) Female
Height: 5′6′’ (167cm)
Occupation: Mechanic
Home: Hammerhead
Sexuality: Bisexual Demiromantic               
Face Claim: Virginia Gardner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                [ headcanons ]
Daughter of Melba and Mid Aurum. Cindy Aurum works alongside her grandfather, Cid Sophiar,  at his garage in Hammerhead. Stuck between a long stretch of road and endless plateau of dust, incredible heat and critters that like to attack defenseless passer-bys, fixing customer's vehicles or visiting her friends in Lestallum fill up her days and she wouldn't complain one bit -- not even with the added danger of Daemons and the Empire lurking about every corner.                                                                                                                                                                            Upbeat, hardworking and rarely seen without a smile, Cindy uses this front to hide the fear and terror she she feels for the dark, and for the terrifying, nightmarish dangers that lurk once the sun goes down - something that has affected the young woman since childhood.                  
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cosmogonyzine · 5 years
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« As time passed, and the Crystal refused to return Prince Noctis to his people, the days started to grow even shorter. Darkness seemed to crawl into every corner and crevice — and then beyond, crawling over the land, the sea, and the hearts of the people of Eos. 
But certain beacons of light remained. Hammerhead, the renowned garage property of Cid Sophiar, stood before any demons that lurked in the edges of the artificial light. Lestallum, with its power plant still running, opened its figurative doors to any refugee who dared to make the long journey. Angelgard, the last place where the light still shone. 
And the people. People like Iris Amicitia, the Daemon Slayer, the best pupil of Cor Leonis, who managed to save more people in a day than a daemon could kill in a month. People like the King’s retinue, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia and Prompto Argentum, who despite no longer traveling together, continued to protect the world, never once doubting their King would come back. 
People like the Kingsglaive, who gave up their lives time and again to protect Angelgard, and with it the last hope of humankind. 
Their stories were numerous during the decade of The Long Night. Still, what we do know is that the sun would never have rose without their hard work and their devotion, without their love for their country and its King. 
Night might have prevailed, but their bravery shone brighter than any light. 
So when the King returned, he could easily find his path back home. »
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Why choose The Long Night as an era for Cosmogony? 
Those ten years of darkness are probably the biggest field of unexplored ideas fans can play with. We only got vague tendrils of info of things that happened during that time, and even those are so small that most of us usually forget about them. So! This is the best chance for the participants of the Cosmogony Zine to unearth their best headcanons of the time Noct took The Biggest Nap Ever. 
Get ready —Applications open next Tuesday!
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cawcawkenny · 3 years
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Caw, Kids! Time for some Headcanons
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Being partially Magitek enhanced, Kenny has a few strange talents that other humanoids shouldn’t necessarily have.
Like some corvids (crows), Kenny is skilled in mimicry. If he hears a voice, chances are after a few moments of really listening, he can mimic it to a T. 
This is why unlike his the voice of his creator (the first voice he’d ever heard), he’s come to a more southern accent like Cid Sophiar and Cindy Aurum as that’s the accent on  the Original Kenny Crow radio ads. 
He takes his performance as the face of Crow’s Nest very seriously and implied that voice to his day to day life out of costume as well so he’d be sure not to lose it.
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