#awlwren asks
whostarlockeda03 · 1 year
Fair enough! I ran into the same problem with garbria’s ask. Hmmm…. Tattoo, then? ♥️
So this is from.. checks notes.. January last year
Yeah. I'd say sorry about that but a) You should know by now I'm hopeless at answering asks in a timely manner and b) if I'd answered this last year this sentence would not have existed for you XD
ANyways! Here ya go:
The boy laughed, his eyes sparkling in the low evening sun when he tipped his head back for a moment. When his eyes fell back to her, his smirk had grown into a proper grin that made tiny little flecks of tattoo ink stand out on his cheekbones.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
Fic title: Everything Old is New Again
fuck it, that's a decent title for the extremely half-baked, let's say quarter-baked, fic that I sometimes gently rotate in my brain wherein not long after Fëanor is re-embodied in the Fourth Age, all 5 of Finwë's children get absolutely hammered together and actually manage to talk out old grievances.
Highlights would include:
each one gets a POV section
Lalwen is the one who organized this. She lied to 3/4th of them about what they were going to do and/or who was going to be there, then locked the door once they were all in the parlor and broke the knob so no one could just pick it. (Didn't bother to lie to Arafinwë; Fingolfin suspected and came anyway; Fëanor and Findis both thought their parents were going to be present for this "family game night")
all the rest have concluded already that Fëanor is youngest now. Fëanor is trying so hard to be a good sport about this, complaining only jokingly, but he genuinely hates it, superficially for the injury to his pride and deeply for the reminder that his long time in Mandos was his own fault
Lalwen: "Alright, now we're going to play a game called 'admit and apologize for the worst thing you did because you were angry at your sibling! I'll start: Ara, I really shouldn't have lied to you that Gil-galad was your great-grandson."
Lalwen: "Fëanor, your turn - and you can't say leaving us all behind and burning the ships!" Fëanor: "I wasn't going to, actually." Lalwen: "Why the FUCK not?"
70% of conversations devolve into proud bickering over who has the best descendants, with Findis and Lalwen offering opinions as the mood strikes
Lalwen: "Your great-grandson dropped a DRAGON on me!" Fingolfin: "I think the modern term is...improve yourself." Everyone: "..." Findis: "...Nolo, are you trying to say 'get good'?" Fëanor, smugly: "Wow, that is so fail of you, Nolofinwë. I've only been alive again for three years and I already have mad skills with the novel memetic verbiage of the youth."
Fëanor, bolting upright from sleep at like 5am when they'd all mostly drifted off: "The sword! I want to look at Arafinwë's sword! Come on, let's go!" [everyone shuffles with varying degrees of dexterity to the grand royal hall, where Justice of the Noldor hangs in its sheath above the great door, far opposite the throne. What follows is a half-sober discussion of kingship and a very uncoordinated attempt by 5 half-drunk people to lift down and unsheathe an enchanted broadsword crafted to kill a god and recognize a true king. Possibly also a dash of Prophecy is given]
Findis, most sober throughout the night, wakes Fëanor up again. "Come on 'Náro, help me get the young'uns to bed." She corrects herself: "Relative to me, obviously. Old'uns to you."
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garbria · 1 year
CorNyx Poorly Timed Confession + Birthday Fic for the mashup?
Nyx groaned as he sat back after his latest bout over the toilet, leaning his forehead on the cool tile. A hand rubbed his back and he turned his head enough to blink blearily up at Cor. Cor was squatting down, waving a wet washcloth in Nyx’s direction.
Nyx took it, pathetically grateful for Cor, as he wiped his mouth. “Usually I’m better at holding my liquor,” he mumbled into the towel.
“You seemed to be enjoying yourself.” The corners of Cor’s eyes crinkled, but he kept any actual smile off his face.
Nyx groaned and rested his head against the wall again. This is not how he wanted this day to go. It was his birthday, and Cor was here. He was supposed to be celebrating with Cor, not being hungover in his bathroom. 
It had started out so well, too. Cor had met him and the others at the bar near Nyx’s place for his birthday party. Nyx had been so thrilled Cor was there, good-naturedly putting up with the ribbing from Libertus and Crowe and generally getting along with his friends. Looking relaxed and far too attractive for Nyx’s peace of mind. Everyone was buying Nyx drinks, and Nyx kept taking them, nerves getting the better of him as he watched his boyfriend interact with his friends. Of course they would like Cor, he was Cor.
He was happy. Cor was fitting in, and looked like he was enjoying himself. His friends were all here and in one piece. Even the music was good. He pulled Cor out on the dance floor and ignored the catcalls as he led Cor through a dance. He was smiling more than he had in a long time. 
The happiness was giving him the courage he needed. He would tell Cor tonight. He would.
Then Libertus challenged him to a drinking contest and everything went wrong. He’d lost track of how much he’d had to drink, and the giddy feeling in his chest meant he overestimated his abilities. He’d ended up on the floor halfway through, and Cor had had to carry him home.
Now he was miserable and gross, cursing his poor life choices. He didn’t know why Cor was still here. He was grateful for it, even if he hated that Cor was seeing him like this.
“I guess the mystique is gone, now, huh?” Nyx tried a smile in Cor’s direction.
Cor’s lips twitched. “I’ve seen worse.” He held out a bottle of water and put a hand over Nyx’s when his shaky grip threatened to drop the whole thing. “Sip slowly.” He didn’t let go until Nyx’s grip steadied.
Nyx took a sip of the cold water, hoping his embarrassment didn’t show on his face. Dammit. He’d wanted to show Cor a good time, not the inside of his bathroom. 
“I had a good time, meeting your friends.” Cor’s lips curved into a small smile. “Maybe next time, don’t take Ostium up on a challenge, though.”
Nyx laughed, and winced as the movement jostled his head. “Yeah, I won’t make that mistake again.”
He took another sip, watching Cor and marveling at the fact that he was here, in Nyx’s shitty apartment, in Nyx’s bathroom, keeping him company while his body punished him for his hubris. Cor had stayed, despite Nyx telling him that he didn’t have to. Cor was looking at him fondly, despite how the evening had gone.
Cor was here, and even if it wasn’t how Nyx had wanted the evening to go, he was glad. He smiled, warmth in his chest pushing aside the effects of the alcohol. “I love you.”
Cor blinked, face blank. “What?”
Nyx groaned and took a sip to buy himself time. “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you. I had big plans for the night.”
Cor reached out and gently brushed a stray hair off Nyx’s face. “Is that why you were drinking so much?”
“Maybe.” Nyx grimaced. “But it’s not the drink or anything. I mean it. You make me happier than I’ve been in a long time. You’re important to me, and I want you to know that.”
Cor’s thumb brushed across his cheek. He watched Nyx for a few moments, then leaned forward to brush a kiss against Nyx’s tattoo. “You’re important to me, too. Let’s get you into bed, if you’re up to it.”
Nyx huffed a laugh as he let Cor haul him up. “I was really hoping to hear that proposition in a different context tonight.”
“Another time,” Cor murmured in his ear, sending a shiver down Nyx’s spine.
Nyx crawled into bed, reveling in the feel of Cor’s fingers in his hair as he settled. He had managed to tell Cor, and Cor hadn’t told him no, so despite the less than ideal conditions, he was counting it as a win. He fell asleep already making plans for another time.
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meissashush · 3 months
I feel bad about this, but I need all the Ro info. Hate, betrayal, and nightmares for Rosea? T_T
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
It was a genuine fear when she was a child, the wide empty eyes of a giant plush moogle staring into her soul from an armchair in the Amicitia manor. The thing was absolutely haunted. It didn't matter how much Lady Amicitia tried to assure her, nor how much Gladio tried to make it seem harmless, she was utterly convinced that thing was going to eat her in her sleep.
The moogle got put away for future visits.
Now that she's older, it's mostly a joke. Mostly. The cartoons of them are fine, the small key-chains are sometimes actually kind of cute, and she'd never let Iris know she doesn't care for them, but the reality is they make her skin itch. She doesn't want them near.
Kenny Crow doesn't bother her in the least, though, which is the only reason Gladio won't pick on her about the moogles. She knows his weakness.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Rosea isn't someone who is easily betrayed. It's a self-preservation thing, in that she knows her place in the priorities of the people closest to her, so it's hard for her to consider it a betrayal. If she did, she'd only ever feel betrayed.
In an emergency, the King must come first. Then the Prince, then the Shields, and so on and so forth. The Marshal's Daughter isn't very high on the list, as it isn't a position that holds any power. No systems will crumble, nor institutions suffer if she were harmed, other than Cor's feelings. Which means considerably more than she believes, but still doesn't really hold a candle to the lives of parliamentary figures.
In an emergency, she is often left in charge of herself.
But that level of sacrifice, especially amongst children, only meant that the little things would hurt so much more. When they were children, Noctis and Ro had a spat that would have landed most children in timeout. It was petty, mostly verbal, and ended with Rosea throwing her very first punch.
When Noct started bawling, both he and Ignis (the sole witness) threw her under the bus. She ended up being banished from the Citadel for an unspecified amount of time, and their friendship was almost completely destroyed.
In a way, this could also be seen as a betrayal by her towards every adult in her life. They all expected her to be more mature than that, which lead to a lot of them treating her much more coldly from that point on. She was a trouble maker, now. They expected her to disappoint them.
And given this mindset? She hardly counts anything else she did from that point on as an act of betrayal, since why would anyone expect better of her? It's not her problem, she owes them nothing.
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
A lot of things. Between training for emergencies and actual emergencies, nightmares were sort of just expected. It was even mentioned in the training manual. Being chased, kidnapped, tortured, murdered, etc - it was all fair game. Cor comforted her when she was younger, but the more they happened the more numb she grew to them. She doesn't mention it much, anymore.
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
Would you consider air, spirit, and/or summer for the elemental ask? Thanks! I love your writing, even though I’ve been engaging less with your work for other fandoms, I’m glad you’re having fun! Honestly, it makes me smile even if I don’t read the fic when I see you post your work. ♥️
No worries about it - I certainly drop my engagement in authors when they don't post for the fandoms I know/care about (or even when it's a fandom I love but I'm just not in the mood for it!) so I can't ask my own readers to follow me to places they don't know or care about, either. I'm honoured I can still make you smile without you even reading them, though!
Air: What’s the easiest part of writing for you?
I wouldn't say there's a single thing that's easier than the others - it all depends on my mood, my muses, and what's going on in that moment elsewhere. When I know what I want to write and the muses are flowing and I have the time... I can write anything with ease when the stars align (unfortunately that's not all that often and usually there's something throwing me off-kilter somewhere in the arrangement, not necessarily enough to stop the flow, but things happen nonetheless).
I suppose on some level the easiest part of writing is just... writing? Immersing myself in the world that isn't reality and letting that swallow me up for a while, ignoring whatever's going on in the real world around me until I'm forced to resurface.
Spirit: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on your writing?
The ones that tell me my fic feels like canon/could be canon/they forget it isn't canon. Where I'm told my work feels like it fully belongs in that universe. I write for the fandoms I do because I love them, and I love the original content, so to be compared to the original content like that... it's a true honour, to be frank.
Summer: How do you know when you need a break from writing?
When it starts to feel like a chore. When I'm sat here worrying about how I haven't written or posted anything new in a couple of days, I know it's reached a point where I need to sit back, stop, relax and recharge. Because this is supposed to be fun, and when the fun stops, why am I doing this? I have a full time job. I have obligations irl. Writing is one of my main escapes from that, so when it doesn't feel like an escape any more... it's time to recharge. Go do something else. I'm an artist, too, so sometimes that's drawing (like it has been this week!). Sometimes it's just devouring things other people have written. Sometimes it's something else. But not writing. Not for as long as I feel like I should be writing, rather than because I want to be.
Elemental Writer Asks
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whumpwriterforlife · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where Nyx gets in a snowball fight. :P
Here you go! Snowball fight:
“Nyx!” The excited squeal echoed throughout the house, causing the boy in question to groan and tug the covers over his head. It was way too early to be up, he had worked the late shift at the restaurant. Selena could wait a few more hours. 
“Nyx! Wake up!” Selena shouted. Nyx swore he could feel the whole house shake as she ran across it to get to his door. “You gotta wake up! Nyyyyyyyyyx!” 
“Go away!” Nyx fished the pillow out from beneath his head to instead place it over it to muffle the excited shouts of his frankly annoying little sister. “‘m sleeping!” 
“But Nyx!” Selena whined, banging his door. At least she hadn’t just barged in this time. Maybe she had finally learned not to after bursting in while he had been in the middle of changing his clothes. 
“Nyx, you gotta see this! Look out of the window!” 
Nyx muttered a swear under his breath. “Can’t this wait a few hours? I’m tired!” 
“No!” Selena exclaimed. “Pleaseeeee, you gotta look out! It’s all white!” 
Nyx’s retort died on his lips the moment the last part registered in his brain. What the hell was Selena talking about? “White?” 
“Yeah, white! It’s all cold and stuff, like snow!” 
Nyx huffed. “Go away, Lena, that’s a stupid joke. You know it doesn’t snow here. Go bother mom instead or something.” 
“No, you’re stupid!” Selena shouted, and Nyx could tell she was getting upset as well. “Fine! Be stupid if you wanna, but I’m never playing with you ever again!” 
Nyx sighed and threw his pillow to the foot of the bed as he sat up. He was annoyed and would rather be sleeping, but that didn’t mean he wanted to upset Selena. It would only take a few minutes to play along. He could do that and sleep until noon afterwards if he wanted to. 
“I’m getting up!” he told her, swinging his legs off the bed. Cool air rushed to meet his bare skin and he shivered, instantly longing for the warmth of his bed. It was weird, Nyx didn’t think it should be that cold. Hopefully he wasn’t catching a cold or anything, that would suck. He didn’t want to postpone the fishing trip he and Libertus had planned with their dads. 
“Yay! Hurry up!” 
Nyx rolled his eyes but couldn’t entirely stop a small, fond smile from spreading over his lips. Selena might have been annoying but she could be kind of adorable, too, sometimes. Not that he would ever tell her that, she was already trying to use the kicked puppy look everytime she was after something. Standing up, Nyx pulled on a pair of pants and threw on the shirt from yesterday while making his way to the door. 
“Alright, show me,” Nyx told Selena as he stepped out into the hall. “Then I’m going back to sleep.” 
“You’re not gonna be able to sleep when you see it!” Selena grinned and wrapped her hand around his, determined to drag him through the house to wherever. Nyx snorted and let her do it. She took him right to the front door and swung it open, banging against the porch railing – something their mom wouldn’t be too happy about – and pointed outside. 
Nyx blinked as even colder air surged through and clung to his skin. It made the hairs on his arms and legs stand up, but he was barely aware of it as he stared forward, at the ground and the trees, both covered in a good few inches of white powder. 
Their village was covered in snow. 
“See, I told you!” Selena tugged on his arm, jumping up and down with child-like excitement that Nyx had lost since entering his teenage years. “That’s snow, right? Like, there’s not supposed to be snow – but there is! So cool!” 
“Uh, yeah,” Nyx mumbled, his head tilting. Maybe he wasn’t actually awake, and this was some bizarre, hyper realistic dream. “Snow.” 
“Can we play in it?” Selena asked. “Pretty please? I wanna build a snowman like Gina and Bethany do in that one book. Can we? Please?” 
Nyx shrugged, not even fully listening as his brain recalibrated. “I don’t see why not. Just – just put on something warmer, it’s cold.” 
“Yay!” Selena squealed and hugged Nyx tightly. “You’ll play with me, right?” 
Nyx huffed a small laugh. “Sure.” 
That was all Selena needed before dashing back inside to change. Nyx wasn’t all that sure if they would be warm enough for the weather, it never snowed in Galahd, but hopefully it would be enough to give them an hour or two before it got too cold to stay outside. Nyx followed Selena inside, making sure to close the door behind them not to let the heat escape, and went to dig through his closet. He was pretty sure he had a thick fleece hoodie in there somewhere from his dad.
Ten minutes later Selena was dragging him through the door again and jumping down the porch steps into the snow. She squealed and released Nyx to scoop a handful of the powder to throw it in the air over their heads. 
“It’s so cold!” Selena said in wonder, looking down at her hands, now wet from melted snow. She then turned towards Nyx and unceremoniously wiped her hands on his hoodie before running off. 
“Catch me if you can!” 
“Hey!” Nyx exclaimed, spreading his arms as he looked down at the wet patch. His eyes narrowed, but his tone was playful as he ran after her. “You better run, brat!” 
He chased Selena all through the village,slipping and sliding on smooth-soled shoes. Selena’s loud giggles drew everyone’s attention as they passed, but Nyx couldn’t hold his own laughter for long either, especially not when he finally caught up to her and tackled her into the snow, twisting them around so that he took the brunt of the fall. He shivered as some of the snow slid down his neck and back. 
“Let me go!” Selena managed to get out, breathless from running and laughing. She squirmed in his hold, bony elbows digging into Nyx’s sides, and he released her with a grunt. 
“You’re too freaking bony!” Nyx complained half-heartedly, sitting up and rubbing the sore spot that Selena had left behind. 
Selena let out a menacing laugh and plopped down in the snow to make a snow messenger. Nyx rolled his eyes and brushed snow off his pants and hoodie.  
“Do one, too, Nyx! This is fun!” Selena told him, her puppy dog eyes in full action once again as she looked at him. 
“Nah, I think I’ll pass,” Nyx told her with a shake of a head. “I’ll help you build the snowman though, if you still want to –” 
A snowball smashed to the side of Nyx’s head, eliciting a startled yelp from him. He wiped the snow off and glared into the direction it had come from. 
“Hey! Who was that?” he shouted, but then his gaze came across none other than Libertus Ostium with Pelna at his side. There was another snowball ready to be thrown in Libertus’ hand. 
Nyx’s eyes narrowed, and he reached over to Selena to tap her arm. She sat up, eyes slightly wide as she followed his gaze back to the two boys. 
“Ulric siblings versus me and Libs, that’s not a fair fight!” Pelna exclaimed. 
“You should’ve thought of that before throwing that snowball!” Nyx shot back, a wide grin spreading across his face as he stood up and offered Selena a hand up. “You in, Lena?” 
“Yeah!” Selena bounced on the balls of her feet. “We’ll kick their asses!” 
Nyx winced. Their mom would not be happy to find out she had picked up more bad words. “Don’t say that word around mom, alright? She’ll ground the both of us.”
Selena giggled and nodded. 
“Alright,” Nyx said and nudged her with a conspiratory look. “Let’s kick their asses.” 
Selena let out a battle cry and scooped up a handful of snow, barely taking the time to shape it into a ball before throwing it at Libertus. It missed him by a foot, but then they were all moving, diving for cover and making snowballs to throw. Laughter rang through the buildings as other children from around the village joined them. Nyx and Selena made a great team, and much to Pelna and Libertus’ chagrin, they kept them as their main target, pelting them with snow every chance they got. At one point Nyx managed to sneak close enough to tackle Libertus into the snow, laughing as he shoved snow down the front of his coat before dancing away from Pelna’s attempted attack. 
Nyx didn’t even know how long they kept going, but eventually the chill got to them, forcing them to call it quits to retreat into the warmth of their homes. He and Selena were both wet but happy, even as their mom admonished them for being out in the cold for so long. It was all worth it though, and she had a mug of hot chocolate prepared for them both by the time they had changed into dry clothes. They bundled up under a warm blanket in the living room, sipping their drinks and watching some old animation on the TV. 
That’s how they fell asleep, leaning against each other, Selena’s head tucked under Nyx’s chin as their mother adjusted the blanket around them. 
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glaivewaffle · 1 year
For Maeve, 5, 9, 15, and 23? (why is 23 the same as 25? O.o)
Thank you for the ask!!
5. What’s their sleeping schedule?
Maeve has a relatively regular sleeping schedule. She doesn't like staying up past midnight and actually prefers to be in bed by 10 or 11 at the latest. She also prefers to be up by 9.
9. How would they hold up in a pillow war?
There's two ways this could go. Option 1: She will dissolve into giggles and be "taken down" more easily. Option 2: She will get extremely competitive and use her small size to her advantage. A win is not guaranteed, but she'll make you fight for it.
15. Biggest pet peeve?
Talking over a movie/TV show. She doesn't watch TV often, so when she does, it's usually something she's interested in and wants to watch. She won't hesitate to chuck a pillow or a folded up cloth - anything small and relatively harmless - at you if you start running a commentary.
23. How well do they accept advice?
Maeve always appreciates good advice. As an adult, she's grown to be less "sensitive", but as a child, if the one (specifically someone she'd see as authority) giving advice used a stern or otherwise an extremely serious tone of voice, there was a possibility she'd be upset because she'd think the person was criticizing her and that she'd done something wrong.
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Your Galahkar Culture Masterpost is fantastic! I loved rereading all your fascinating lore ideas and it gave me so many questions. I will limit myself to three. ^_^ First, we know the water clans have rivalry? Do the smithing clans? Two, how did orange get the meaning of secrets? I’m sure there is a story. And third, what happens for funerals and weddings for people with no clan, or are the last of their clan, or their clan head is on a different island/separated by war? Thanks so much for sharing all your lovely ideas.
Thank you! I don't think I caught all the posts, but those are the big (and some small) ones. Took a bit to dig through them all.
You always ask such wonderful questions.
Yes, the smithing Clans have a rivalry. Just not as extreme as some water clans. Clans Pontos and Najad have a feud because Clan Pontos accidentally destroyed one of the Najad's fishing grounds and refused to compensate for it.
Clans Utris and Gohlann are smithing Clans, but they have different specialities. The Gohlanns do the rougher work, the large pieces and things you need for building houses and so on. The Utris do the finer work. Household items, weapons and other small things. So their rivalry is more along the lines of "stay in your own lane" and "if you had done your job properly" and less "I'm going to murder you when I see you".
Red, yellow and orange are all associated with fire to certain degrees. They all take different aspects of it.
Red is the burning passion and destructive power, yellow the warmth of the hearth and orange the secrets whispered to the flames. As for why historically and context? As soon as I figure that out, I could propably write a dissertation about it. XD
People without a Clan are one of the very few exceptions where friends can build the pyre and be part of burning th body. They still get full funeral rites despite being Nameless since they still lived thier lives as Galahkari.
Normally, if the Clan is too small to handle a funeral, the family does it, blood and chosen family included. For Nyx that would include Libertus, Crowe and Ladone.
If it's the Clan Head who died, the chosen heir prepares the body. If the Clan is too small (like the Ulrics) then an Ostium will do the task. It's their task to make sure people get proper burials, so even if the Clan Head might be unable to come for whatever reason, the dead person still gets a proper funeral.
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blossom-adventures · 9 months
WIP Wednesday!
Hello, hello! It’s me! I actually have something to share for WIP Wednesday this week, however if anyone’s noticed by now, my title isn’t in the usual blue text, that’s because it isn’t for Skyrim, the most I’ve written for my Skyrim stories over the last month has come from my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card or TES Summer Fest, so I’m sorry to say, I have nothing to share… but… I have been working on one of my stories recently - Guard and Glaive - my Final Fantasy 15 long fic. I’ve nearly finished the prologue and I’ve had several amazing ideas for much later in the story, so I thought I’d share something from that.
Thanks as always for the tag @thequeenofthewinter and I’m sorry it’s not my Skyrim stuff, I am trying to get back to it, but it’s just hard at the moment 💙🌸☺️
Violet made her way towards the dining car of the train to get a bottle of water, she was on edge, after Altissia she had been incredibly jumpy and the very thought of everything that happened made her stomach twist into knots, usually followed by a wave of nausea or dizziness.
As she got to the door that led to the dining car, Nyx stepped out, nearly crashing into her and causing Violet to flinch
“Oh! Astrals, Nyx, you made me jump” she let a little nervous laugh as she tried to compose herself once again
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you, dear,” Nyx smiled, Violet frowned
“Dear?” She asked “what’s with that?” She instinctively took a step away from her lover, Nyx stepped closer
“Sorry, love, I didn’t think you’d mind that”
“It’s just… a bit old fashioned, it didn’t suit you” Violet’s stomach was churning, the spook Nyx had given her had triggered the nausea she’d been feeling all day to build, her discomfort must have been clear on her face, because Nyx reached over to her and held her arm, to stop her slight sway.
Again, sorry it’s not Skyrim, but I’m having a lot of fun working on this story at the moment
I’m going to tag… @oblivions-dawn @seradyn @savage-rhi @bostoniangirl21 @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @garbria @andywinter16 @awlwren and anyone else who wants to take part, as always no pressure to share something if you don’t want to ☺️💙
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calling4glaives · 11 months
Day 3 Recap
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Want more Nyx? You're in the right place! Check out these works for Day 3:
Title: What Was Lost Author: StarJunco Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Royal AU Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx Ulric, son of the King of Galahd, tries to take his place as his father's heir as tensions rise in the ancient world of Eos. ------ This is the start of Nyx's side of the Sword!Nyx AU. Cor's side started with "The Order of Gilgamesh."
Title: Earthquake Weather: Chapter 3 Author: Garbria / Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Royal AU Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Now that Cor's made it to Galahd, he has to navigate a tricky political situation, with some help from a new friend. ------ Cor meets the family.
Title: Learning to Love Author: WhoStarLocked Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Duty, Right Thing, Royal AU Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
“I’m not going there. I’m not.”
“You don’t have a choice, Nyx.”
* * * Nyx thought he knew what his future held. He thought he was the future king of Galahd. But when his parents make his younger sister the crown princess, there's only one other path left open to him - an arranged, political marriage.
Title: Nor Iron Bars a Cage Author: whumpwriterforlife Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Royal AU Relationships: Pelna & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
It was a couple of hours into the celebration when it all went wrong.
The screams came out of nowhere. Nyx whipped around, his eyes widening as tension set itself in his muscles, but he couldn’t see anything over the sea of people, still shorter than most. Pelna gripped his arm, not tight enough to hurt but enough so that they wouldn’t be easily separated.
“Nyx–” Pelna hissed in his ear, and that’s the exact moment Nyx saw a dropship – two of them - above the trees.
Icy dread hit him like a brick wall, clawing its way up his spine and wrapping around his throat, but Pelna didn’t let him get caught up in it before shoving him forward to run.
“We need to get out of here!” Pelna shouted.
AKA - The (Whumpy) Prince Nyx AU no one asked for. Nyx Week 2023 Day 3 - Royal AU
Title: Am I Invited? Author: Firechocobros Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Ring Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Prompto is heartbroken that Daddy and Papa got married without him. To make it up to him they tell him the story of how it happened.
NyxWeek2023 Day 3 Word: Ring
Implied Tredd/Luche and Clarus/Regis
Title: Trust the Promises: Chapter 2: LIghtning Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Duty, Royal AU Warnings: Major Character Death Summary/Excerpt:
The Attack on Galahd, pt I
Title: A Prince and a Princeling: Chapter 3: A Princeling walks into a bar Author: Niaswish / Shiary Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Right Thing, Royal AU Relationships: Noctis / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Having a prince work at his bar was not what Nyx had in mind when he returned home.
Title: Duty! Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Prompt(s): Duty Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx was standing by the large aquarium, eyes scanning over all the guests, after everything that had happened today, Nyx was hoping tonight would be quiet and uneventful.
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exlibrisfangirl · 1 year
About the Blogger Ask Meme
Tagged by the fabulous @oddwriter 😘
Favorite color: In general? Green and blue. Specifically? Forest green and cerulean. I'm also a huge fan of sunflower yellow.
Favorite food: Pineapple, steak with sautéed mushrooms, hummus, potatoes (ALL the ways), Thai curry, saag paneer, chicken korma, key lime pie... gosh, there are so many.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. I'm a salty gal.
Last thing I googled: "arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia" Spoonie life, amirite?
Currently reading: Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum by Jennifer Cook O'Toole
Last series: Lockwood & Co. (Really good! Fingers crossed for a Season 2...)
Last movie: Catherine, Called Birdy (I highly recommend it!)
Last song: "All For You" by Cian Ducrot
Song stuck in my head: "Run Away to Mars" by TALK
Something I want: To be able to stop stressing about money and recover from surgery in peace. 😔
Dream trip: No. 1 is doing sea turtle conservation work (preferably in Costa Rica). No. 2 would either be island-hopping in the Cyclades (Greece) or seeing the Blue Lagoon and Northern Lights in Iceland.
Currently working on: Recovering from spinal surgery! Trying to get at least one - just ONE, pLEASE - writing project finished and failing miserably. Sigh. Brain mush... no worky.
Time: 1:27am
Tagging: @seven-oomen @alphadiablo29 @angel-in-a-big-blue-box @teenwerewoofs @awlwren @magic-multicolored-miracle @greyhavenisback @englishgradinrepair @skinnyscottishbloke @derpylittlenico @jacyevans Just... anyone who wants to do it, yeah? And if I tagged you, and you don't want to do it, it's okay! 💛
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whostarlockeda03 · 2 years
Would you consider “A band-aid won’t be enough, I’m afraid” with any combination of the glaives? (That one can’t be Tucked, right? Right?! *scared)
So..... one million years later (and sorry because the ending is suuuuuper abrupt but after all this time I can't think of anything better) Uhm, but I hope you enjoy it!
Nyx fell out of the warp with less grace than a newborn deer learning to run, but he only paused for as long as it took him to sheath his kukris before he scrambled to Pelna's side. He couldn't care less about how suave he looked when the last he'd seen of his friend was him stumbling away from the fighting after an errant MT got in a decent hit. That MT was nothing but dust now. "Pelna!" He called, leaping over the final boulder in his path. A huge wave of relief washed over him when his eyes landed on the injured glaive. Pelna was still kneeling, bent double, one hand clutching loosely at the left side of his head, while the other kept him propped vaguely upright. There was a trickle of blood leaking out from under Pelna's hand. "You okay there?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Pelna said, attempting to wave him off, although he had to abort the action as he began listing dangerously to one side. "I'm fiiine." His words were slurred. Huh, looked like Pelna was the one with a concussion for a change. "Uh huh." Nyx said with a wry grin. He dropped to one knee and gently guided Pelna's chin up with one hand. His pupils were blown wide. Yep. Definitely a concussion. "Let me see?" "I'm fine, Nyx." Pelna sighed, but the reassurance was somewhat ruined when he suddenly vomited over Nyx's lap. Nyx looked skywards, trying not to let his friend see him grimace. That was going to stink when they all got loaded into cramped vans for the four hour ride back to the city. "Okay, maybe not a hundred per cent." Pelna admitted reluctantly, accepting the hand Nyx held out to haul him to his feet. "But it'll probably just need a band aid." Nyx barked a laugh as he gently looped Pelna's arm over his shoulders and began to guide him back towards their base. Thank the gods that the fighting had already died down. "A band aid won't be enough, I'm afraid, buddy." "Noooo, don't say that." Pelna whined, staggering as his foot snagged on a rock. "It's fine. Selyse'll be worried if it's not fine." "Maybe once we get you a potion." Nyx conceded, wrapping his free arm around Pelna's waist to help support him. "Oh no!" Pelna suddenly buried his head in Nyx's shoulder with a groan, forcing Nyx to a halt as he turned sideways into Nyx's body. "'Oh no' what?" Nyx huffed, adjusting his stance to stop Pelna falling. "Pelna?" "I'm bleeding!" "Oh, buddy, yeah. I know." Nyx sighed, trying to get Pelna to return to walking. "That's why I said you have a concussion." Pelna grumbled something unintelligible into Nyx's neck, his hands reaching up to cling on to Nyx's jacket. "Hey, Pelna?" Nyx asked, resting one hand on his back lightly. "You okay?" "'s too bright." Pelna muttered, shaking his head a little. Nyx felt blood smear across his skin with the motion. He sighed softly, and gently patted Pelna's back. He knew all too well how awful bright lights were when concussed. "C'mon, bud. I'm sure there's a nice, dark room back at base we can hide in for a while."
Nyx reasoned that Drautos wouldn't even berate him for hiding, whenever he finally found them and saw the state of Pelna's head for himself. It was still bleeding, even as Nyx cleaned it over with an alcohol wipe. It wasn't particularly helped by the fact that Pelna was somewhere between whiny and cranky, and he kept trying to swat Nyx's hand away as he worked.
"Pel, stop it! I need to cle-"
Nyx sighed heavily as Pelna managed to snatch the wipe from him and dropped it to the floor.
"Hurts, Nyx." Pelna huffed, getting to his feet and swaying unsteadily. "'nd I'm fine!"
"Yeah, well, it'd hurt less if you let me take care of it." Nyx retorted as he stood and gently pushed Pelna back to sitting in the chair he'd set next to a table for him.
"It's fine," He insisted, looking up at Nyx, eyes wide.
"Let me be the judge of that, m'kay?" Nyx replied softly, a grin playing over his features.
Pelna whined, face falling into a petulant frown. "That's my line!"
"Nu uh," Nyx replied, ripping open yet another alcohol wipe from the first aid kit sitting on the table next to Pelna, and dabbing it over the gash while Pelna was still distracted sulking. "Not when it's you with the concussion this time!"
"Ow! Nyx, you're -"
Nyx didn't get to find out what he was, seeing as Drautos picked that moment to slam the door open and stomp into the room.
"Oh, great. He found us." Nyx muttered under his breath, as Pelna flinched at the loud sound and leant forwards. Moments later, more sick splattered onto the floor, though thankfully it missed Nyx this time.
He turned to throw a weak glare at his captain, before he wrapped a hand on Pelna's shoulder and pulled him back upright.
"What do you want, sir?" Nyx sighed as he fumbled his phone out of his pocket and flicked the torch app on so he could properly inspect the wound. It didn't look too deep, actually, and the bleeding was finally beginning to settle down.
"Someone told me you were injured." Drautos said haltingly as he came to stand by Nyx, his tone as apologetic as it ever got.
"Nope," Nyx murmured, giving the gash a final few dabs, just to be sure there was definitely no dirt left in there. "I'm fine. Pelna, on the other hand…"
He trailed off, letting the wipe drop to the floor with the others and turned off the torch light.
"I'm also fine." Pelna moaned, pitching forward and resting his head on the table.
Drautos snorted then, folding his arms over his chest. "So I see."
Pelna - because apparently Pelna was very inclined to act more like his two year old son than himself when injured - retorted almost instantly, although it didn't quite make sense as a follow on to the conversation. Nyx just smiled at his friend's antics and tuned them out, focusing instead on finishing treating the wound.
At the very least, Drautos made for enough of a distraction that Pelna didn't stop him from working again.
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andywinter16 · 11 months
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag!
Okie dokie, I’ve been tagged by the sweetest @blossom-adventures to take part in this tag game, which I really thank you for it 🌸🌸🌸  I will let anyone participate in this game!! Because I don´t want anyone to feel pressured :) 
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.  Hhahahahahahahaha *SWEATS PROFOUSEDLY* Like I hope I will finish all my current wips.(I HAVE SO MANY!!!) Because I owe you all from the asks. But I also have this need to write Titus/Glauca drabbles when he´s either your father or you´re kidnapped by him and it will went kinda toxic romance. (But depends If i will have the energy and skills for that) and ermhmhmgf ... I am still planning to do the dirty headcannons about glaives.
2) Recommend a book. Books from the world Of Guild Wars 2, namely Edge of Destiny, Sea of Sorrows and Ghosts of Ascalon. I love this game and the books are good ( not the best, but I like to read it anyway. And it´s great for some light reading and chilling with cold lemonade.) 
3) Recommend a fic!  Haha, really just one? Okay ... eh, I am really obssessed with  It´s Running Onwards, To the Hope of a New Day by CarminiteWyrm or Wish upon a start by Loki_chan.(This one is so lovely and painful. It´s also Cor/Nyx) Oh, I almost forget The Party in Question by Awlwren and Crossfire by Sorianis. Holy guacamole, I am an idiot. HEARTH OF THUNDER by @ertrunkenerwassergeist I really like that fic very much! (Also re-reading it too much) And also many mooore, but I do always forget them, when I am suppose to recommend :(
4) Recommend music! Uuuu, for this summer I recommend Innocently annoying by Elysewood. And Valhalla calling me by accapella group Miracle of Sound. (The range of their voices!)
5) Share one piece of advice! Do whatever you like, and don´t care what may people think about you. Life is too precious to not enjoy it.
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garbria · 2 months
1, 5 (Second Chances, or whatever strikes your fancy), 15, 17, 37 for the writer asks, please? <3 <3 <3
.1 What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I'm going to go with Again and Again, my time loop fic. It's Cornyx, with mutual pining, and good dose of whump/hurt/comfort with a happy ending, which I feel is all pretty on brand for me. And it's a self contained one shot, not one of my ongoing wips.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
For Second Chances: I'm happy to talk about some behind the scenes stuff for this au! I do hope to write some more of it some day.
Drautos is not Captain, since the Kingsglaive was never created, but he still at the Citadel as a representative of Cavanaugh. Nyx gets a nasty shock when he runs into him after coming back with Cor, which leads to some awkward conversations.
Galahdan rituals tap into the older magic, including the more formal Galahdan weddings, which is why Cor remembers Nyx on some level and is able to recover his memories from the original timeline.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
I've written so many aus, it's had to choose. I love them all in their own ways. Honestly, right now, it's probably our soulloop au, Coming Back Alive, which is kind of a cop out since we haven't even posted the main part yet. XD
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I really do want to write that Assassin's Creed/FFXV fusion, with Nyx and Cor as assassins. I still have my notes on it in my gdocs.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I'm going to choose Hold On To What You Believe, a Nyx character study I'm particularly proud of. I think it's some of my better writing, and a good study of why Nyx is such an interesting character to me.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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meissashush · 1 year
CorNyx - either Morning 5 "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you" or Night 18 "Do you want to keep the light on?"? ♥️
18. “Do you want to keep the light on?”
Cor looked like hell. They both did, Nyx knew, but there was something so much worse about seeing the unflappable Immortal exhausted. He’d seen the edges of it before, yeah. The dark circles and the blank looks in response to bad jokes that would usually warrant at least a glare and the minor spelling mistakes in otherwise flawless reports. He’d seen the pile of coffee cups on his desk at disgusting hours in the morning. He’d even seen him with his shirt on backwards, one notable morning, and had the honor of seeing him flush with embarrassment when Nyx pointed it out. This was different. Cor was sitting on one of the cots that had been laid out for them, staring blankly at his phone. The phone that had died about three hours ago, the event of which had elicited a series of expletives from the Marshal that the rest of them had respectfully ignored. Nyx had kept silent on the subject, his own phone long since dead due to its abysmal battery-life, but he knew worry was eating Cor at the seams. Now, alone in the room designated for those ‘off-shift’, Nyx did not know how to approach him. They had only been… whatever it was they were for a short time. It was something so fragile that he was still harboring it from even Libertus, and so tenuous that he was constantly walking on eggshells. He knew Cor was probably worried. They all were, cut off from the outside world and waiting on a signal that might not come. Nyx himself had been pacing so much that he had been ordered by an under-ranking Crownsguard to go cool off, the same soldier that had the brass balls to tell Cor to take a nap in the very same breath. Now, shoved together into the tiny ‘bedroom’ of the safe-house, Nyx could feel the depth of that worry clawing at his skin. “They’re fine,” Nyx said, wincing at the hollow way it fell off his tongue. “Regis, Clarus, the prince. They’re fine. We got the alert, remember? They’re safe in the Citadel.”
Cor did not even grunt in response. He just sat, blank-eyed, staring at the plastic brick in his hands.  Nyx swallowed the building unease in his throat, taking a step towards him. Cor did not acknowledge the movement, so Nyx cautiously approached. He knew, on some level, that he was being a bit ridiculous, but at the moment he felt like he was on the very edge of something unknown and did not want to stick his foot through some boundary he’d yet to encounter. “We’re on the south end,” he ventured carefully to the ledge, perching on the cot in front of Cor. “No where near your apartment.” No where near his home. No where near where he kept his heart hidden, as Nyx now knew well, ever since Cor had started to let him in. Cor kept staring at his phone. Nyx took a deep breath, steeling himself for the worst, then took the leap. He put his hand gently over the blank screen. Cor’s eyes shot up to him, instantly sharpening out of their dull revere. Nyx forced down the urge to flinch, but only just. “She’s okay,” Nyx said, soft words from the man with his hand in a dog’s mouth. “You don’t know that,” Cor growled. “No,” Nyx conceded. “But there’s no reason she should have been anywhere near it. Your kid hates crowds, Cor. The speech was televised. There’s no reason she would have gone.” Cor was still glaring at him, blue eyes sharp above bruise-black circles. Watching him, cautious but not quite hostile. Nyx pressed his luck. “She would have told you, right? If she had planned to go?” Nyx did not know if his kid would have told him. Nyx did not know the kid much at all, given the way she avoided him like the plague. But he knew she was reasonably responsible and more than a little shy, and he was banking on her being the sort of kid to stay home and sleep the weekends through. Cor was still staring at him, but his eyes were losing their bite. Just a bit. “Kid’s probably sitting at home, worried just like you, but safe. She wouldn’t want you to be driving yourself up a wall all night. She knows we couldn’t call her, anyway, even if our phone’s weren’t dead. She’s a smart kid.” Nyx continued, gently easing the phone out of Cor’s hand. By some miracle, he let him. Cor buried his face into his newly freed hands, scrubbing at his eyes. “I can’t sleep like this.” “What can I do to help?” Cor glanced up at him, eyes soft now with exhaustion and gentle in the way Nyx had only seen tucked away in the dark of a bedroom. Nyx gave him a small smile. Cor barely managed one in return, eyes darting to the phone in Nyx’s hands before falling back into his cupped palms. “I don’t know,” Cor confessed to the concrete floor. “Distract me?” Nyx bit back a rueful laugh, “don’t think we have enough privacy for that, unfortunately.” Cor shot him a glare that didn’t quite manage it’s usual heat, “I meant talk. About something other than this.” “Now, that,” Nyx chuckled. “That I can do. But you have to lay down, first. I’m not catching you if you fall asleep sitting up.” Cor rolled his eyes, tipping himself backwards into the cot in a way that made the steel frame creak from the effort. Nyx placed Cor’s phone on the folding table beside them before fishing his own out of his pocket and depositing it there too. He almost stood to hit the over-head light switch, before he considered the situation more. “Light on?” “Nah,” Cor said to the ceiling. “Eyes fucking hurt.” Nyx snorted as he took a few steps to hit the switch, the room still illuminated enough from the light spilling in from the ajar door helping him find his way back to the cot. He tipped himself into it with as much grace as Cor, letting himself settle into the familiar cradle of a shit canvas cot.
He reached out across the small gulf between them, palm offered upward. Warm, calloused fingers slipped between his, and the anxiety that was still fluttering in Nyx’s chest finally settled. He rubbed his thumb along the side of Cor’s hand, slow and gentle. “Did I ever tell you about that time we convinced Crowe that unicorns were real?”
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starjunco · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 176 times in 2022
38 posts created (22%)
138 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 171 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#garbria - 34 posts
#ffxv - 29 posts
#awlwren - 25 posts
#kingsglaive - 23 posts
#whumpcember2022 - 19 posts
#nyxweek2022 - 18 posts
#whumpwriterforlife - 16 posts
#nyx ulric - 14 posts
#ask game - 9 posts
#cor leonis - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#time to go day dream about galahdian liquors that the glaives may or may not be making in their off time...
My Top Posts in 2022:
It's a three-for-one drabble deal today, so I'm going to put them under a line to help not clog anyone's feed. We have...
Day 24: Anticipation -- Libertus Ostium, Tredd Furia, Pelna Khara, Crowe Altius, Nyx Ulric, Glauca
Day 25: “Shouldn’t You Be Happy?" -- Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum -- Parental fighting
Day 26: Free Falling -- Nyx Ulric -- Heights, explosions
Day 24: Anticipation (Ao3)
“What do you mean ‘explode’?!” Libertus yelled over the comm.
“That’s what ‘engine overload’ means!” Tredd yelled back. “Explode!”
“This hunk of metal is too big to just fall from the sky,” Pelna said. “There has to be life pods -- shuttles -- drop ships -- something! Just give me a second…”
“60 seconds! Get away from the back of the--” Tredd’s line shrieked and died. Not a second later an explosion shook the ship -- not the big one, not yet, but it had to be starting.
“Fuck fuck fuck…okay, emergency pods! Third and sixth levels, either side!” Pelna instructed.
“Probably not happening, got a problem,” Nyx said, his comm half static.
“What kind of ‘problem’?!” Crowe demanded.
“I’ll catch up, don’t worry,” Nyx said.
He clicked off the comm. Before him, in the center a hold full of empty daemon cages, stood the armored figure of Glauca.
Day 25: “Shouldn’t You Be Happy?" (Ao3)
Hey, this gala is boring. Wanna play Knight’s Tale?
Prompto stared at the bright phone from under the blankets of his bed.
Not right now, sorry. Not really in the mood.
He had told them he was tired, that he should just head to bed. Him leaving hadn’t solved the problem though.
It’s Solstice, shouldn’t you be happy?
A cabinet door slammed shut downstairs. Voices raised again, bickering back and forth.
Of course I’m happy. Got lots of cool stuff.
Prompto made himself smile, trying to convince himself. There was a loud crash downstairs then someone opened the outside door. The car started up a minute later.
“Who wouldn’t be?” He turned the phone off and tried to actually sleep.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted December 26, 2022
Day 21: Alt 4: Accidental Injury (Ao3)
Nyx had learned that the best time to train was after the majority of the Crownguard — and the remaining Royal Guard — had gone home for the day. Late, when the Citadel was closed to all but the most urgent business, the cleaning crews, and the unlucky that pulled the night and swing shifts.
There was talk about giving the Glaive their own facility — one of the old renovated ones — but for now, Nyx made due with sneaking around the training rooms after hours.
He did take a fair amount of joy in tearing apart the Crownsguard’s fancy bags though — all leather and logo as they were. If he occasionally pictured an exceptionally arrogant guard in place of the logo, that was no one’s business but his own.
Nyx flashed from one part of the circle to the other, adjusting to the pendulum-like movements of the bag so he always attacked its ‘flank.’ He kept both his and its momentum up until he was almost out of breath. He didn’t hear the door until it slammed closed.
Startled, Nyx followed through with his kick and spun to face the door. His jaw dropped when he saw who stood there in all his Immortal glory.
And dressed in just a t-shirt and sweatpants.
Did he have the room booked? Nyx couldn’t remember anything on the—Gods was he breaking some rule? Of all the people to catch and berate him it had to be the most—
The Marshal’s eyebrows knit and he looked past Nyx. “Watch—”
Nyx spun and saw the bag right before it hit him square in the face.
He didn’t hear the ‘out.’
15 notes - Posted December 21, 2022
Day 3: Storm (Ao3)
No one called 'ceasefire' like Ramuh.
Within hours the Resistance shifted from mounting its latest offensive to prepping half the island for possibly the worst storm in decades. When Cor proposed volunteer Crownsguard and Hunters reinforce the islands, he hadn’t accounted for rain delays.
“Is that everyone?” Cor asked his liaison.
“That’s supposed to be here, yeah,” Nyx confirmed.
If Cor didn’t know better, he’d assume the Galahdans were throwing a party: a couple who were tuning thin, guitar-like instruments were joined by another pair with instruments somewhere between horns and flutes; a group of children were folding and tearing paper to thread for streamers while an old lady told them stories; a group of women produced boxes and ceramic pots full of food that they were warming up in the stone ovens that occupied one corner of the large cavern; and Cor had seen kegs amidst the supplies.
“Hurricanes happen every year,” Nyx explained. “Why should life stop? There's food we only make during a storm -- you’ll love it.”
Cor was curious, if cautious, but dinner was instantly swept from his mind as a man ran in from the main entrance. He yelled in Galen, and Cor looked to Nyx who was frowning deeply.
“There's Nifs at the door -- scientists and infantry.”
Cor motioned to his people. “We’ll take care of them.”
Nyx cringed and held up a hand. “It’s not that simple. We have laws -- you don’t spurn Ramuh, especially during a storm.”
16 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Crowe Altius & Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric, Nyx Ulric & Selena Ulric, Nyx Ulric & Nyx Ulric's Mother, Cor Leonis & Nyx Ulric, Clarus Amicitia & Weskham Armaugh & Cor Leonis & Regis Lucis Caelum Characters: Nyx Ulric, Selena Ulric, Nyx Ulric's Mother, Cor Leonis, Regis Lucis Caelum, Weskham Armaugh, Clarus Amicitia Additional Tags: non-canon timeline, messenger au, Nyx and Cor Are About the Same Age, Events in Galahd Happened Earlier, Canon-Typical Violence, Tags May Change, NyxWeek2022, Galahdan Holiday, Shifter, Storm - Freeform, Coeurls, Messenger!Nyx Summary:
As tensions rise on Galahd, Nyx looks for ways to fulfill his calling as one of its guardians. Just when he thought the Nifs were bad enough, a bunch of Lucians show up. Are they friends as they claim or foes as the memories of his divine half would suggest?
18 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium & Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Libertus Ostium, Pelna Khara Additional Tags: Shifter AU, Warzone, but mostly light-hearted and funny, Happy Ending, nyx is a good kitty, kitty!Nyx Summary:
Nyx has the ability to turn into a cat, and he does this best to use this to his advantage.
Or in which kitty!Nyx goes scouting, makes a delivery, and cheers up a couple kids.
23 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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