#chrom’s art bothers me
convxction · 2 years
[ i am always adamant about chrom growing up with the same semi longish hair even after he becomes the exalt because this is something he personally favor and it is no one’s business but at the same time i have him actually care for his appearance and mildly get bothered by people who does not especially in situation where it is needed which makes me go ???? then perhaps he should get a haircut then to fit in the regal look of an Exalt but then again, Chrom is not your typical Exalt. he is doing what he believes in and what he feels comfortable with. it is a like a dawn of new way of ...rulling? not that emmeryn was doing anything different but Chrom can enforce the equality a bit more BECAUSE of Emmeryn’s sacrifice. people opened their eyes on this matter so he wants to keep the momentum and make sure this feeling is not lost. i’d personally like to think he keeps it simple because he does not want to look like a KING-KING you know--some distant and cannot relate to his people. it was not his thing when he was a prince nor when he was the commander of the shepherds and certainly wont change when he became ylisse representative and not after being coronated as the holy king. man respects the swag and his swag is part of who he is. he wont change who he is at all. well, he will get that haircut from time to time. i dont think he will over grow his hair that much. tbh frederick will break his neck if he did. joke all you want but frederick is the one who cares about chrom the most. everyone, say thank you to frederick. 
tbh another reason why i dont favor short hair chrom is because of the dumb people who keep saying chrom is a carbon copy of ike and it is so dumb i dont think they ever played RD or even know ike that much to say that. ike would punch the daylight out of you for comparing him to someone else (or so i think. i cant claim to know. im not ikelogy i am chromlogy.) 
but again this is not attack on the cyl krumb i like it it is nice chromtent always appreciated and loved. the art just made me go HMMMMMMMMMMMM HAIRCUT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM WHEN WOULD HE ACTUALLY CUT IT?? WHEN HE IS CORONATED??? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM WHEN SOMETHING MAJOR HAPPEN??????? LET ME THINK ABOUT IT
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iturbide · 5 years
A Gift that No One Else Can Give
Happy holidays, everyone!  Apologies for the late offering (getting sick threw a wrench into my plans), but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a warm happy holiday piece.
Even after the better part of a year, the constantly changing beauty of Ylisse still left Robin in awe.  Arriving with the first thaw of winter’s end, he’d seen brown fields turn verdant as grass and flowers sprang forth, the bare branches beyond transformed into a lush canopy stretching as far as the eye could see.  Summer shifted the lands away from the gilt green of new leaves to something deeper, cooler, and the shadows in the gardens offered relief from the clinging heat and shelter from the frequent rains by equal measure.  The advent of autumn left the landscape awash in fresh color, golden farmlands ripe for harvest shimmering beyond forests ablaze in red and orange, and fallen leaves crackled like flame beneath travelers’ steps.  But though winter had since regained its hold and stolen the halidom’s vibrant palette, Ylisstol’s citizens seemed intent on fighting back the dreary greys and browns within their city by any means possible.
It had taken him entirely by surprise when he came downstairs and found the dining room festooned in green and red garlands.  Over breakfast, Lissa had explained that it was all part of the winter festival, a time-honored tradition where the people of Ylisse decorated their homes inside and out and exchanged gifts with loved ones to liven up the bleak midwinter.  And Robin had to admit that the results were quite effective: just walking out onto the snow-dusted streets, he could not help but smile at the renewed color in the city, banners breaking up plain grey stonework and candles burning bright in every window.  The people, too, seemed renewed by the change, and the city square rang with talk and laughter as citizens milled and shopped, smiling and greeting everyone they passed on their ways.
Guest or not, it had been impossible for Robin not to get swept up in the festive mood, and Lissa had heartily encouraged him to take part.  So with her guidance, the Plegian had set about finding small tokens for each of his friends from within and beyond the halidom, adorning each with a tiny red bow in lieu of wrapping (which he attempted once and failed quite spectacularly at, much to the princess’ obvious amusement).  Some were easy to shop for: exotic ingredients for Stahl’s apothecary pursuits, a new set of leather satchels for Henry’s hexing materials, a silver bangle studded with rose quartz for Olivia’s performances.  Others were much more difficult: he settled on a stamina concoction for Sully’s seemingly endless training endeavors, a silver blade wrought in Ylissean style for Lon’qu’s weapons mastery, and a decorative wall hanging for Maribelle’s tea parlour (on Lissa’s advice, since he’d never seen the room she swore the tapestry would look perfect in).
But there was one person who, try as he might, he could not think of a suitable gift for.  After all, what could he possibly give the man who already had everything?
It gnawed at him as he made his way through the palace halls, worrying at the ribbon tied around the plain ebony box in his palm.  Was it perhaps too little, something so small?  Inappropriate for someone in his position?  Too much for someone in Chrom’s?  Gods, why did the prince have to be so difficult—
A muffled oath caught his attention.  Looking around, Robin saw only a few closed doors along the hallway, most of which were sitting rooms if he remembered the palace tour correctly…but the sound came again, and he could swear he recognized the voice now that he paid attention.  Frowning, he moved toward the nearest door and knocked lightly.  “Is everything alright?”
The cursing came again, significantly more frantic, and now he was certain he recognized it.  “E-everything’s fine!  No trouble!”  
“Chrom, what’s going on?” Robin sighed.
“Nothing!  Like I said, everything’s fine, nothing to worry about – oh gods damn, why won’t it stay--”
“It doesn’t sound like everything’s fine.”
“W-well, it is, I promise, nothing to worry abooh no no no don’t—”
“…can I come in?”
There was a long moment of silence…followed by a long-suffering sigh.  “I guess.”
Much to his surprise, Robin heard the bar on the door shift, and hurriedly hid his hands behind his back before it opened to reveal a harried-looking prince with scraps of green cloth sticking to his tunic and silver shavings glittering in his hair.  “My, you look festive,” Robin chuckled as Chrom stepped aside.
“Ha ha,” the prince deadpanned, retreating to the table near the center of the room.
Robin closed the door and followed cheerfully after him, enjoying the warmth from the crackling hearth after his latest journey through the chilly streets.  “So what have you been up to?  Besides decorating – g-good gods, what is that?” he asked, stopping in his tracks as he finally caught a glimpse of the desk.
“I’ve been trying to wrap gifts for the winter festival,” Chrom mumbled.  If Robin had thought his own attempts were failures, they were arguable successes compared to the nightmare of ribbon scraps and torn covering scattered haphazardly across the table in the wake of the prince’s efforts.  
“Well…I certainly can’t guess what you’ve wrapped, so perhaps you can call it a success?” he volunteered.
Chrom groaned, moving a fresh sheet of red-dyed parchment to reveal the shape of something underneath.  “I haven’t managed to wrap it at all.  Thanks for trying, though.”
Well, it had been worth the effort.  “You could just tie a ribbon around it?” Robin suggested, thinking of the gift concealed behind his own back.
“That takes all the fun out of it, though.  You don’t really have to guess what it is if you can see it.  Although,” the prince mused, lifting the parcel and folding the wrapping around it, “I suppose there’s not much guesswork involved either way, is there?”
Peering over his shoulder, Robin had to admit that the outline looked very much like a book, with the rounding of one long edge seeming indicative of a spine.  Quite a thick tome, too, judging by the size; perhaps he’d found a new book for Sumia?  “It’s the thought more than the mystery that’s important for the festival, isn’t it?  You’re clearly thinking of them, so I doubt anyone will mind not puzzling over their gift.”
“You think?”  As Chrom turned a pleading look on him, Robin smiled…and after another moment, the prince relented, offering the clumsily covered present to him.  “It’s a little early, but…this is for you.”
“For me?” Robin repeated, hastily shoving the tiny box into his coat pocket before taking the bundle.  Holding it in his hands, he had no doubt that it was a book – and quite an impressive one, at that, nearly as wide as his palm and heavy enough to pose a threat if dropped.  Perhaps there was something to be said for the mystery, after all: a curious sense of excitement fluttered through his mind as he pondered just what sort of book it could be, and it took all his self-control not to discard the paper then and there.  “May I open it?”
The prince smiled, leaning against the edge of the table.  “I don’t see why not.  The festival lasts the whole week, and usually there’s a big party on the last day for feasting and exchanging gifts, but…well, lots of times friends will trade presents early, since the parties tend to be family things.  W-which isn’t to say you’re not invited to our party here, because you are!  I-I just meant that…uh… … …”
Robin grinned, running the tips of his fingers over the edge of a cover.  “Would you like it if I opened it now?” he ventured.  Chrom rubbed the back of his neck, meeting the young man’s eye almost shyly as he nodded.  “Well, if anyone asks where your festival gift to me is, I’ll be sure to bring this along.”  Humming to himself, he unwrapped the slightly crumpled parchment, casting it aside…
…and for a moment, he could find no words at all for the beautiful tome left resting in his hands.  The leather covers alone were masterworks, with painstaking texturing and gold inlay accompanying the light and dark staining; but the gilt pages, too, were cut and aligned in perfect form, with tiny indents and markers drawing his fingertips as he ran them along the outside edge.  Opening it to one of the sections, he saw a tiny script ‘Y’ written on the tab – and on the page itself, a delicate illustration of Ylisstol Castle as seen from the city square greeted him; flipping through, the next few pages included a brief treatise on the halidom itself, from its climate and religion to its major exports, followed by blank parchment covered in neat guidelines waiting to be filled.  Moving to the next marker, inscribed with a ‘P,’ he found a drawing of Plegia Castle waiting, the great six-eyed skull at the foot of the mesa looking nearly as grand in ink as it did in his memories – and as with the section before, a handful of prescient details preceded blank pages.  Curious, he flipped to the very end to find thickly bundled sheaves of parchment bound to the spine…which, as he tested them, unfolded to reveal maps of the Archanean continent and their Valmese neighbors, along with more detailed charts for the individual nations within each.
The prince’s voice broke the silence as Robin spread a map of Plegia out across the cluttered table.  “I was…having some trouble figuring out what to get you.  So…I started thinking about…how you always go into the council meetings with that armload of parchment and quills and ink, and how much of a hassle it must be to keep it all straight.  I was hoping this might be a little easier to manage.  You can take all your notes in this – about council meetings here, diplomatic negotiations with Ferox, things going on back home – and it’s even got some helpful stuff like a list of Ylisse’s noble families in the back.”  As Robin eagerly re-folded the maps and turned back to explore the aristocratic lineages, he heard Chrom draw another breath…and paused, looking up at the man standing beside him.  “Do you like it?” the prince asked, his voice almost pleading to the Plegian’s ear.
“It’s incredible,” Robin replied without hesitation.  “I’ve never seen anything like this!  I’ve certainly seen section markers in this style before, but the inclusion of the maps is ingenious…”
“I…w-well, I can’t take all the credit there,” Chrom admitted.  “I got a lot of help.  Gregor helped find the maps, and Miriel figured out how to fold them up like that so they could be bound in with the rest.  And Maribelle pulled together the part about the nobility, since she’s sort of an expert.  Oh, and I got Henry’s help hexing the quill, too.”
“Quill?” Robin repeated.
The prince cursed under his breath, tossing aside crumpled parchment and bits of ribbon until he uncovered a raven feather hidden in the colorful chaos.  “You don’t have to keep refilling it – it stores ink, I guess?  And then it turns white as you use it, but when you dip it in an ink well it’ll refill and turn black again.”
Robin took the plume as Chrom held it out to him, running his thumb along the soft edge.  “This is all wonderful!  I’ll miss less with a quill that can keep up with my thoughts, and the book is beautiful, and contains so much – not just room for writing, but details that can help in treaty discussions and diplomatic endeavors and…gods, this section on the nobility alone might ease our way through some of the reforms we’ve been struggling with in the council…”
“I guess I was…kind of worried you might get the wrong impression from it,” Chrom confessed.  “I don’t want you to think that I only want you here for your advice and your help.  Not that I don’t appreciate it!  Because I do!  This past year with me filling in for Emm, all the changes we’ve worked out – I couldn’t have done any of that without you.  But…but it’s not just your counsel I value.  It’s…it’s you.”
Robin felt a touch of warmth creep into his cheeks.  Glancing over, he could swear he saw a trace of color in the prince’s own face as he reached out to close the tome and open the front cover, revealing a handwritten inscription within:
This book belongs to Robin The man whose mind steers me safely through storms and trouble And whose heart is a beacon guiding me toward calm and peace
He feared for a moment that his heart might leap from his chest, and pressed a hand against it to keep it contained.  The script was unique among the various writing styles he’d seen elsewhere in the book, and after all the messages they had exchanged in coordinating the Plegian campaign, he recognized it as Chrom’s own.  The precise composition and painstaking lettering spoke of several practice iterations before attempting the final product within the book…and he wondered just how long the prince had spent agonizing over the message and its implications.
“It’s perfect,” Robin breathed, looking up just in time to see the smile break across Chrom’s face (and he was relieved that he’d not let his hand fall yet, since his heart pounded once more against his ribs and left them aching beneath his palm).
“I’m really glad,” the prince laughed, rubbing his neck again.  “I was worried it might be too much.  Lissa says I can be a little…sappy, sometimes.”
Robin beamed, shaking his head as he re-read the inscription.  “Not at all.”  If those words were true – if he wasn’t reading too deeply into them – then perhaps…  “A-actually…I have something for you, too.”
Chrom’s expression brightened as Robin reached into his pocket, and he did a poor job of hiding his excitement as the beribboned box came into view.  “Do I get to open it?” he asked eagerly.
“I’d have it no other way,” Robin chuckled, passing the gift into the prince’s hands.
Forcing himself to breathe, he watched as Chrom untied the bow and let it fall, lifting the lid…to reveal a brooch, the deep red stone at its center framed by gold feathers echoing the pattern of Grima’s Mark.  The prince lifted it carefully, holding it up to the light and filling the garnet with a warm glow.  “It’s beautiful…but it looks more like something for you than me,” he teased.
Steeling his nerves, Robin adopted the most confident smile he could muster.  “That was intentional.  In Plegia, the first new moon after Grima’s Night marks the start of our new year – and as luck would have it, that happens to be tonight.  The eve of the new year is a time of reflection, where we look back on the times we have fallen short and where we’ve excelled, consider the things we regret and those we take pride in, and strive to make amends with those we have wronged or strengthen our bonds with friends and family we’ve grown apart from.  It’s…also a time of change, though, where we look ahead to the coming year and how we might better ourselves.  And there’s a saying that…the best time to give your heart away is at the turn of the new year: if you face rejection, you have the year ahead to mend; and if you find acceptance, you have the year ahead to bond.”
“Give your heart away…?” the prince repeated.
Robin nodded, realizing as he did that he was rubbing his Brand and forcing his hands to be still.  “That brooch is called a heartstone.  The setting is meant to call the giver to mind, because it represents their heart, so…’wherever you go, so long as you wear this, my heart will always be with you.’”
Silence met those familiar words.  Swallowing back the fear in his throat, Robin looked up to find Chrom staring at him.  “Does that mean…?”  The prince’s voice trailed off as he looked between the brooch and the man beside him.
The first stirring of panic frayed his nerves.  “You’ve no obligation to accept, I know it’s very sudden and I’m sure you have other—”
“No – Robin.”  He stopped as Chrom lay a hand on his shoulder, his grip gentle and sure.  “I need you to tell me exactly what this means.”
Staring into the prince’s eyes, blue as the sky before dawn, Robin felt his resolve falter.  But before it could abandon him completely, he folded his hands before him and offered up a shy smile.  “It means I love you, Chrom.”
It was perhaps for the best that he’d had nothing more prepared: the prince’s embrace would have prevented him from getting any further even if he’d tried.  Before he could collect himself, Chrom lifted Robin off the floor, his laughter muffled in the soft fabric of Robin’s hood as he spun them in place...and even when the prince finally stopped, he did not let go, simply holding the young man close.  “Are…are you alright?” Robin asked.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” Chrom breathed.  “I figured that…maybe if I said it first, you might, but even then…”
So he hadn’t mistaken the intent of that inscription.  But even still, his heart leapt into his throat, and it took a moment before he could find the voice to speak again.  “Will you accept my heart, then?” he murmured.
“Gladly,” Chrom agreed, stepping just far enough back to pin the brooch neatly to his chest, just over his own heart.  “Would it be too much to ask if…you might accept mine, as well?”
“Haven’t you given me enough already?” Robin teased, feeling his face flush with warmth as the prince removed the signet ring from his finger.
Chrom grinned in reply.  “Never.  And besides: this is something only I can give, just like your gift to me.”  Taking gentle hold of Robin’s hand, the prince carefully slipped the silver and lapis token onto his finger…though they both fought back laughter at the poor fit.  “It might need to be resized.  But it’s the thought that counts, right?”
“Of course,” Robin beamed, brushing a kiss across Chrom’s cheek (and feeling his own burn brighter at the blush that such a small gesture left in its wake).  “Happy winter festival, Chrom.”
“And happy new year, Robin” the prince replied, pulling the young man close once more – and the kiss he touched to Robin’s lips as he laced their fingers left him certain that the year to come would be joyous, indeed.  
Creatively, this has been an amazing year, but I owe a lot to all the amazing content creators out there, whose headcanons, writing, and artwork have helped inspire me and keep me writing, drawing, planning, and creating in general.  Thank you to @2goldensnitches ​, @21stcenturyhero , @acloudylight ​, @amazingartistyellow, @anankos , @chynandri , @citadelity , @cepherine , @cloudobo , @fractalinferno ​, @grimastiddies , @gunhorse ​, @hihkoo , @kofutofuu , @la-picchio , @levin-swort , @lllaurora , @lucid-spike , @p3ach-salt , @squiddlybopbop , @tecchiiiiii , @vikonohero and so many others for everything you’ve done through this year: you inspire me every day to create, and I hope this piece can show in some small way how grateful I am to you all for what you do. <3
Happy Holidays!
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fayesdiary · 2 years
FE Avatars headcanons
Another bunch of headcanons, this time about the FE avatars except Mark lol. Because why not?
First one is that all of them are nonbinary and neurodivergent in some way. No I will not elaborate.
Also I have not played New Mystery and Three Houses so forgive me for any inaccurcies
Huge stan of Marth and Caeda, to the point they changed their appearance to try and look like their idols.
Easily the dumbest of the avatar but make up for it by being extremely earnest and eager to help. A true thembo, you might say.
Obliviously in love with Katarina. It is requited, but since Kris is first really dense about it and then can't find the words to confess and Katarina is struggling with timidness, fear of rejection and the guilt with the whole assassin ordeal, it's taking way longer than it should be for the two of them to get together. Much to the frustration of all their friends, especially Caeda.
Yes, this Kris also eats moss. Guess it's a thing every Kris does.
Has some form of ADHD.
There's no in-between with them- either a topic will have them completely hooked or they'll struggle hard to keep their attention if they're not interested. And drink way more coffee than they should.
Speaking of drinking too much coffee, they're the most prone to hyperfocusing, and they've spent a few nights wide awake barely realizing the flow of time, and their state the following day definitely showed it. Doesn't help that they're a huge workaholic either way and they physically can't stay still Which is why Chrom now either has someone check on Robin to make sure they don't work themself to death or will do it himself.
While they're incredibly intelligent and knowledged when it comes to tactics, history and general facts. In these fields, they're the smartest avatar.
But they're clearly lacking when it comes to fictional literature or general art, and generally lack creativity besides, say, coming up with an alibi. They're working on it (mostly because their weakness in this bothers them way more than it should), but they also tend to watch the rest of the Shepherds do their own thing when it comes to enjoying or making art.
The most physically affectionate avatar. If you're close with them, expect a lot of physical contact. Unless you tell them no, of course.
Hates, and I mean hates, wearing anything on their feet. The feeling and texture of clothing there is one of the things they absolutely can't bear since they were a child and would very much rather deal with the consequences. Everyone around them eventually gave up making them wear shoes.
Despite their naivety, they're very emotionally intelligent, and they seem to always know what to say to make someone feel better.
The Summoner
There isn't one "Summoner": Rather, there's a different one for every version of Askr. So yes, all your summoner OCs are canon (I mean this isn't even an headcanon)
They could be anyone. They could be you. They could be me. They could even be- gets shot
Agender. They looked at gender and said "nah", so they try to look as androgynous as possible. not that it's a requirement for being nonbinary mind you
They're 99% nonverbal, to the point that most people who meet them assume they're mute. But the truth is, they just really, really hate talking. They don't have much to say anyway, so why bother? So, they just write or use sign language.
But then Rhea hired them to be a teacher at the Monastery despite the fact they're way to young and not that qualified, and since just writing in silence would be too awkward even for them (that and and they can't carry the blackboard everywhere with them) and most students don't know sign language that well, they're forced to talk. Lovely.
Given the way they act, most student think they're really cool. In reality, while they're undoubtly skilled, they're really socially awkward, and less stoic than it seems at first glance, so those who spend time with them start to see cracks in their unintentional facade.
They have a slightly morbid sense of humor, and since they don't emote much if not at all, the few times they crack a joke people assume they're serious. An example being them telling Sothis "guess I'll die" the first time they met.
Very few people can tell what they're thinking, and they're only the people closest to them, like Jeralt who's lived with them for year and is also their dad, and eventually Sothis, since she literally lives in their head.
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
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I’m Illu and this is my multi-fandom blog. I have a habit of disassociating from reality by imagining stories for my current muses. Are you here to join in my daydreams? Choose a favorite cushion, here’s some tea, let’s dream awhile together.
I work full time so my post schedule is sporadic at best. English is my third language and grammar is my worst nightmare. If you spot a mistake in my works, please be a darling and point it out.
I love chatting and listening to other people. Feel free to share your thoughts and daydreams with me any time, I’m all ears! The anonymous option is always open for the shyer introverts at the back (Hi kindred souls! I scored 98% on introversion so I get it! Here, have more tea!) and if necessary, feel free to asign yourself an emoji.
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What does your blog name mean?
I started this blog back in May 2013, back then I was at the height of my dreaming career, it came to me in a fit of inspiration- Yeah, okay. I just wanted a cool and mysterious sounding blog name so I went with Illusions of Dreaming thinking I’ve hit jackpot. Years later I regret my childhood cringe naming sense having to follow me into my latter years, but the name stuck and I’m too lazy to bother with updating all my links because I changed the blog title.
Will you be writing for (X fandom) any time soon?
Maybe, maybe not, it’s all depending on my muse. I might fall out of a fandom after losing muse for it but who’s to say I won’t revisit it in the future? (unless I left that fandom for a good reason.)
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Some other misc. things…
I have two miniature schnauzers named Shushi and Cola 
I started this blog with the intentions of it being an art blog-
Tea > Coffee
Most of my commentary are left in the tags
Favorite Fire Emblem Awakening characters: Chrom, Gaius, Virion, Lon'qu, Henry, Morgan, Owain, Inigo
Favorite Fire Emblem Fates characters: Saizo, Niles, Asugi (PC)
Favorite Fire Emblem 3 Houses characters: Claude, Slyvain, Hilda
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teamyellremade · 4 years
jermas replied to your post “i’m making a club for people who are fucking terrified to see summer...”
I’m so pissed nobody asked for any of these characters. People hate Ingrid and Ignatz ... I want chrom!!!
TBH i’m ok with sylvain, mostly bc of the dumb glasses.
i’m glad dorothea made it in the game but her face is Off. the way the artist drew her face bothers me.
lorenz frightens me but i hope his art will at least be funny
duo byleth and rhea though? 
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chrombrvlee · 5 years
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A more blue Kjelle with Chrom’s hair color with her heroes art as the last edit was bothering me! Now this feels much better! Blueberry.
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lys-iwm · 5 years
Secret Spring
Oooof, my first actual sort of writing/art trade. I hope it holds up to the regular standards of previous “secret trade” events. Thanks to @terra-haven for hosting this event!
This is for Mod Katie @heartfeltheroes and it’s platonic Chrom with teenage f!summoner with the order of heroes from feh. 
It was one of those nights again.
The ones where the thoughts of battles past, ran though your head with no intention of stopping. They seemed to be endless with a whole bunch of “what if” questions coming along for the ride.  A lot of it was due to the fact that you almost sent some heroes to their deaths when you weren’t keeping a close eye on the enemies. 
Truth be told, it scared you more than you knew to see those who’ve been so kind as to take you under their wing to train as well as respect you as their tactitain, even with only having board game level strategies on your resume (although, you played a pretty mean round of monopoly when you got going). Along with being the one chosen by the legendary Breidablik to come in Askr’s time of need. 
There was a lot of expectations held by both the people of your new home and the extremely competent heroes you’d summoned and honestly, it was a lot more responsibility than you’d expected when Anna first asked you to become one of their leaders. And frankly, there was quite a bit of unwanted staring from the nobles and judgemental pricks that oh so often attended the council and war meetings. 
Throughout your adventures through Askr’s castle, you’d come to find nifty little hiding spots and secret passages (Old castles certainly are known for them after all...). Often, you’d roam the spacious halls on the nights you couldn’t sleep, when everyone else was in bed and there was no one left to bother you. Except the occasional guard who, thankfully paid you little to no attention. 
It was on one of these outings that you found a hidden stairwell that lead to the roof above the tactics room. It’s location so well positioned that it was almost as if the architect knew that the future tacticians would need their own place. Since it was ever so easy to just say that you needed to go over a few things as an easy alibi. 
Quickly grabbing a candle from your desk, you open the door to your room just a crack - enough space to peak out into the darkened corridor. With no one at sight during this ungodly hour, you leave the relative safety of your private chambers and book it down the hall. No one can yell at you now for being so “disruptive” or too “ill mannered”. 
Using your keen knowledge of the guards schedule, you know that with the on going war with Embla, all of their attention has been on protecting the castle from the walls surrounding it. Their main thinking was that if someone had snuck into the castle, the absolute beasts of heroes within, would easily send them to Hel. Not the most foolproof plan but it certainly worked as no one in their right mind would willingly contest against Ike or Xander (you wouldn’t wish that upon your worst enemy - not including war-time enemies).
Almost at the tactics room, you aim slightly left of the main doors, closer to a portrait of Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena (the tactics room was near the hall in which they hung the royal portraits). Holding your candle up to the painting, you can see all of the well crafted brushstrokes and marks that made up the royal siblings. Moving your hand across the canvas, you touch upon the Prince’s sword, pressing slightly as you prepare to step back. 
As the sword begins to give off a faint glow, the painting swings forward with a jolt, revealing a staircase. Hastily you climb the stairs, two at a time, you couldn’t afford to be up there when the sun rose as the aerial fighters began their warm up laps. 
Breaking through the trapdoor leading to the roof, the sky unfurls before you. With no cloud in the sky, you can see each star shining brightly above, a sight you’ve come to love, especially on the days you feel homesick. On some occasions you can outline familiar constellations that you would from your world, Ursa Major, Leo (not the moody Prince), Orion... It was a comforting sight, to say the least. 
A creaking sound from the trapdoor cut through the night air like a sword through flesh - the sounds from the battlefield just couldn’t leave you alone, could they. Turning around, ready to punch the living daylights out of whoever just disturbed your precious alone time, your anger subsides as you realise who it is. It was the very person you’d almost killed earlier that day, the Exalt of Yilise, Chrom.
You watched as he stumbled to find words... was his face getting redder? Fidgeting with his hair, obviously embarrassed a getting caught following someone. 
“Uh, hey. I didn’t mean to- well it wasn’t intentional - uh, it was just a small curiosity...” He sighed, taking a breather as he collected his thoughts, “I didn’t intend on following you this far. I was merely curious as to where you were headed this late at night... I’m sorry.”
His explanation certainly surprised you to say the least. You expected that you would’ve at least heard him walking behind you, what with his... strange one shoulder armour piece and Falchion hanging at his side. Chrom wasn’t particularly known for being stealthy or good at hiding things. Goodness, his battle tactics certainly weren’t helping him there, what with his destructive sword swinging. 
A reply formed smoothly as you took in his words. 
“It’s alright, Chrom.... would you like to join me...?” You gestured to an open space to your side. His deep (?) voice ringing in the brisk air, “If you don’t mind.”
Shaking your head, you feel- or rather hear him settle on the roof beside you. It was a wonder how you didn’t notice him before at all. A comfortable silence engulfed the two of you as the night sky became more prominent.
 Soon enough you could feel his eyes on you. Tearing yourself away from the sight, you’re met with his dark eyes, some of the stars reflecting off of them. 
“Chrom, what ar-”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“... worry about what?”
“Everything, I guess. Like the war... and stuff like that.”
Taken aback, you contemplate what he’s saying. Making sure to come up with a totally not lame response. 
“I’m surprised, you’d be the one to say that. It seems like such a Lissa statement.”
Chuckling a bit, Chrom runs his hand through his hair -like all people do when they’re trying to be less awkward. He turns towards the edge of the roof, the part that looks onto the gardens. 
“ I... I just want you to know that even though you’re our tactician, you don’t have to be perfect. So what if I almost die a couple of times, I’m still here.” He flashes you a  confident smile, like the whiteness of his teeth could keep your problems at bay. 
Not knowing how to respond to such a declaration, your mouth stays closed. Prompting Chrom to open his. 
“Uh, let me rephrase that. What I mean is that even though you’re in charge of our battle strategies and all that, don’t be afraid to rely on us to get you out of your boring duties. I know Lissa would be ecstatic to aid you -  she’s been doing it since she was able to walk.” 
Letting out a chuckle, Chrom focuses his gaze on the stars as he slowly begins to rise. 
“Anyway, I should probably to my leave if you want to have some time alone. The sun should be rising soon-” 
“I don’t mind it if you would like to stay,” you stammer quickly. 
Turning back to you, “ If you wouldn’t mind my company.”
Sitting back down, you two sit in silence... until Chrom tries to make a joke but it comes out as a really, really bad dad joke. Both of you remain on the roof, even as the sun comes over the horizon and the sound of yelling and wing beats fill the air. 
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sakumosowainthirst · 5 years
Odin's reaction when Corrin came out as bi. That would be cute
Oh!  I actually wanted to write this in my fics one day, but you know what, let’s do it now!  Also, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!
They sat on the bed, facing each other, the air tense between them.  With a small smile, Corrin reached across and took his hand.  “Thank-you so much for telling me,” she said.  “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy keeping the truth about your homeland and how you came from another world secret, especially from Leo.”
He nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.  “I’ve wanted to tell you since we started dating, but the timing has never been right before now,” he said.
“So…would it be okay if I used your real name in private?  I’m sure it would be nice to hear it again.”
“Yes!” he gasped, eyes widening with delight.  “Nothing would make me happier than to hear your voice utter the name given to me at birth!”
Smiling, she leaned over and gently brushed her lips against his.  “Then I’m happy to do so,” she said, eyes flitting up to meet his as she added, “Owain.”
He gulped, face flushing, a broad smile creasing his cheeks.  “A sweet sound, as I always envisioned it would be.”  He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of her palm, smiling softly at her.  “I’m so glad you weren’t angry with me for all of this.  I wanted to come clean about it because I want us to have a relationship where we can be completely honest, Corrin.  You’re very important to me, and I don’t want to hide anything from you.”
Her eyebrows tipped upward as he pressed in for a kiss, and when they separated, she bit the inside of her lip.  Well, now was as good a time as ever, she supposed.  “Then I guess I should…”
His head tilted when she was unable to continue, and he hummed in query.  “Something wrong?”
Regathering her resolve, Corrin locked eyes with him.  “If we’re being honest, then there’s something I need to say, too.”  She took a deep breath.  “When I was younger, I used to love looking at art books.  I found them really fascinating, and seeing people in different places and doing different things was interesting to someone like me, who was cooped up in a fortress.  However, over time I started to notice something about myself.”  She hesitated, nerves drawing her tight.  “You see, I always found the men in the various art pieces to be attractive, but over time I…I started to notice I also found the women attractive, too.”
A silence hung between them, and when he didn’t speak, Corrin anxiously filled it.  “I-It wasn’t just artwork, either.  I started to notice maids and butlers alike around that same time.  But all the books I had read only had women involved with men, so I was really confused.  One day I asked Camilla about it.  She was so startled by my question, and she immediately gathered the rest of my siblings, so I thought something was wrong with me.  But then we had a long, deep discussion about sexuality and what it meant, and…that was the day I realized that I’m bisexual.”  She heaved a shaky sigh, wringing her hands.  “So…that’s it.  I’m…I’m bi.”
Owain blinked several times, pausing for a long moment.  “…Okay.”
She looked up at him, startled.  “…Okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” he repeated.  “It’s part of who you are, after all, right?  That doesn’t change just because you’re dating a man.”
“It…doesn’t bother you at all?” Corrin asked, thoroughly surprised.
He gave her a pitying smile and took her hands in his.  “Corrin, why in Naga’s name would it?  It doesn’t change how you feel about me, correct?”
“Not at all,” she said, shaking her head.
“Then, okay.  I’m glad you told me.  I love you.”
Tears welled in the corners of her eyes.  “I was so nervous it might make you uncomfortable, like you might think I’d leave you for a woman at any moment.”
“Nonsense,” Owain said, pulling her arm to gather her into his lap.  He smooched her forehead.  “When we were smaller, my cousin Lucina asked her mother while she was reading to us why the princesses in stories always had to marry a prince.  ‘Why couldn’t she marry one of her princess friends instead?’ she asked.  Aunt Robin and Uncle Chrom apparently had a long talk with her afterward, and it sort of became a family secret that Lucina only liked girls.  They decided to wait until she was older to let her come out in public on her own, which she did, eventually, many years and a trip through time later.  However, I was only eight at the start, and I didn’t fully understand, so I asked my mother about it.  She explained to me that some people are born loving only men, some only women, and some both.  Lucina was someone who only loved women.  That was just what’s in her heart, and she couldn’t change it.  But most importantly, there was nothing wrong with how or who you love, only that you give it to others.  ‘Love takes many forms,’ she said, ‘and we should respect everyone for how they love, even if it’s different from how we love.’”
Corrin sobbed in earnest, and Owain thumbed a tear off her cheek.  “I love who you are, Corrin,” he said softly, “and if your being bisexual is part of that, then I love that, too.  You’re still the goddess who claimed my heart from the darkness.  That will never, ever change.”
“I love you, Owain,” she sniffed.  “Thank-you so much.”
“No need to thank me,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.
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It's the dragon blood anon, hi again! What I meant was, there's major and minor blood of each pact line, and though there's no way to tell in awakening since the game doesn't say, I believe it's generally assumed that those with the brand (Chrom, Lucina, Emmeryn, Owain) have major blood and those without (Lissa) have minor blood. Only major blood of a line can wield the associated weapon, but if the brand thing is right then maybe not every major bc I can't see Emmeryn being able to do it (1/2)
A cool thing to note as an aside is that Cherche appears in all her official art wielding helswath so she (and possibly Gerome!) has major Neir blood!! If you’re looking for a place to start researching, I believe most of this is covered in genealogy of the holy war. I’ve never played the game though, only read up on the pacts since dragons are a big interest (2/2)
(referring to this post) I gotcha now! I did a bit of wiki scrolling to get a better idea of what this means, but you basically summed it it up here! When it comes to the lineage of dragon blood in humans, some inherit Major blood and some inherit Minor blood. In the old games, Major blood means you get extra stat bonuses and the ability to equip a holy weapon of your lineage (such as Falchion). Minor blood means a minor weapon bonus. So I can definitely see the argument for why of the Exhalt line, everyone has Major blood except Lissa! That makes sense!
The inheritance of major/minor blood seems a little vague on the wiki though (and I assume this means in-game sometimes). I saw a reddit thread debating how it works and could only get so far before deciding I couldn’t squeeze all that in here and that it’s still a somewhat debated topic. Mostly I’m a little curious as to how Lissa, assuming she has Minor blood, could have Owain, who manifests the Brand (implying Major blood by this reasoning). I’m chalking that one up to the developers wanting that to just be part of Lissa’s story rather than thinking too hard about it though.
I still don’t know if Emmeryn could have wielded Falchion! I think it’s more of a “being worthy” thing rather than “Do you want to?” though. I think Emmeryn could have had the potential to wield Falchion, but she’s personally a pacifist, so I don’t know if that was something she would have ever bothered to find out. That is, I think there’s a good chance Falchion would have accepted her. But of course that’s a different question from “Would Emmeryn ever raise a weapon towards someone?” (which I agree that she probably wouldn’t.)
That Cherche fact is really neat though! Apparently Cherche is depicted holding Helswatch in her official artwork, her Cipher artwork, and in her portraits in FE: Heroes! Plus her weapon in Heroes (”Cherche’s Axe”) is apparently based on Helswath’s Awakening design. According to the wiki, at least. So that’s a fun fact I never knew before now! Actually, I never knew most of this blood stuff before now. Thanks for telling me about it, anon! You know your stuff!
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avi-stella · 6 years
Selfish | Inigo/Azur x Reader
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RATING: Teen | GENRE: Friendship/Hurt/Comfort/Drama | 1,094 words SUMMARY: Inigo gets jealous when he sees Chrom comforting you. A/N: I...write way too many jealousy fics, urgh.
A frustrated grunt that sounds more like a growl falls from your lips as you furiously swing your training sword in the air. You've worked up quite a sweat, your movements lacking their usual finesse and instead are laced with sharp and mindless rage. With tightly clenched teeth and a strong grip that makes your knuckles turn white, you continue swinging the sword in your hand. At this point, it's plainly obvious that you aren't training but rather venting out whatever horrible feeling weighed heavily at your heart.
"Careful with that. You might end up hurting yourself," a voice gently warns you from behind, and the newcomer's company helps clear your mind for a moment.
Loosening your hold, you allow the training sword to rest at your side as you turn around to face the brave soul who decided to approach you in your disheveled state. With heaving breaths, you acknowledge the commander's presence, "Lord Chrom..."
The young man tilts his head to the side, a sympathetic shine in his eyes as though inviting you to a conversation. Your eyelids fall shut, and you take a deep breath. Slowly, you bring yourself to answer Chrom's unasked question that lingers in the air, "It's Inigo."
"Ah," the prince nods and makes a sound of understanding like that's all he needed to know.
No longer bothering to keep up with appearances, you haphazardly drop the training weapon. It makes a dull thud as it lands on the ground, and you follow close behind it and decide to flop down onto the ground as well to catch your breath. Chrom joins you soon afterwards, sitting beside your figure and giving you more than enough time to get comfortable and collect your thoughts.
"Am I just not good enough...?" Your question comes out soft as it's carried by the wind, your eyes staring off into the distance when you remember having caught sight of Inigo try chatting up women left and right again. You knew what you were getting into when you entered a relationship with him, but his old habits still ended up bothering you despite your efforts to ignore them.
Chrom hums in disagreement, "I don't think that's it at all. You know what he's like..."
"I know," you sigh heavily in defeat. "It's not that I'm doubting his feelings for me or anything, but it just...leaves a bad feeling in my mouth every time he's off flirting with women instead of spending time with me. I try to give him his own space and let him do what he wants, but... but..."
The prince's smile grows soft, and he places a friendly hand on your shoulder to console you. It's a kind gesture, and it's what you need at the moment instead of what you were previously doing with the training sword. You bring your walls down for a moment, not minding it at all if your trusted commander and friend sees you in such a vulnerable and self-doubting state. You lean against Chrom's bare shoulder and close your eyes, trying to keep your heart from breaking from Inigo's flirtatious antics.
As if on cue, Inigo returns to camp after being rejected once again, and his eyes search for you. He manages to spot you a fair distance away but ends up stopping in his tracks when he sees you're not alone. You're leaning against Chrom's side, the commander's arm around your shoulders, and it looks like the both of you are deep in a very important conversation. Fighting down the unease that rises in his chest, Inigo huffs before turning around to head back towards his tent instead, his footsteps slow and heavy with his shoulders hanging in defeat. He sniffles quietly to himself and wipes at his eyes with his arm before anybody can see.
Later that evening, you happen to cross paths with Inigo just as you're about to enter your tent. You haven't seen him all day, so it's a relief to you have been able to see him again. A smile graces your lips, but the mercenary's expression looks almost sour which makes you tilt your head in confusion. If anybody should be in a bad mood, it should be you, after all. But you know that pettiness and jealousy will get you nowhere, so you try to keep an open and teasing attitude.
"Off to flirt with women again?" You try to ask lightly, but the disappointent and hurt still makes its way into your voice. Usually, Inigo would respond with a laugh and go on and on about how you're the only one for him, so when he instead huffs in irritation, it throws you off.
"Why? Are you that eager to have me go off so that you can get all buddy-buddy with Chrom?" Inigo shoots back, and he inwardly cringes at his own hostility.
"What?" The mention of Chrom seems completely out of left field, and you scrunch your eyebrows as you try to understand. "What are you talking about?"
"I saw you this afternoon," Inigo explains. "You were all cuddled up with Chrom, all giggly and everything! But I get it. After all, what good am I compared to the Exalt himself?"
"Afternoon...?" You repeat as you go through the events of your day. When you remember the time you spent with Chrom, you let out a small exclamation of understanding. "Oh, that! You mean when he was comforting me when I was upset at how you went off to flirt with women again?"
Although it wasn't your intention, you end up sounding accusing, and it makes Inigo flinch. A second later, shame creeps up onto his features as he drops his gaze. Of course you have every right to be upset with him. It isn't fair if he were to go out chasing other women while getting jealous himself if he were to see you being close to someone else.
The mercenary sighs in defeat, rubbing the back of his neck. "...Maybe it'd be better if we properly talked this out."
"Agreed," you answer with your own heavy sigh but otherwise relaxing now that the tension has disippated. With a nod of your head, you gesture towards the flap of your tent. "We can talk it over while inside. It's far too cold out."
Inigo nods his head, opening the flap for you to go in first. It's a bit awkward, but you hope that this is something that the two of you will overcome in your relationship and hopefully deepen your bond.
COMMISSIONS | MASTERLISTS I also do [art commissions] if interested!
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paragonred · 6 years
I’ll go for the obvious one: FE for the meme
The first character I first fell in love with: Nino, I’m a sucker for urchins and foster families, even if they all ended up dead I guess. I also like the idea of the Ests, even though I only bother if I like the character (so the actual Est, for example, saw no use in Shadow Dragon)The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Celica; honestly while I agree that lategame Echoes just shits on her a lot in more ways than one, I like her character, her design, her voice acting... I have no hopes on getting a Switch by the time the next FE drops but it better have similar quality in those regardsThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: Cordelia does nothing for me, and her whole trope makes me a little mad though that anger is directed more at IntSys. Also, a lot of people complain about Marth not being represented enough despite being the “face of the franchise” but The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t think I’m into any unpopular characters, or don’t know which ones aren’t liked tbhThe character I used to love but don’t any longer: My interest in Lyn has faded some I think, though I once again blame FEH - I don’t like her art there and the voice they gave her is kinda mehThe character I would totally smooch: FE6 Hector (FE7 Hector is out due to Japan setting up everyone’s age as improbably young), Frederick, maybe Lukas tooThe character I’d want to be like: Can’t think of any, really.The character I’d slap: Xander, he’s cool but he’s an idiot in many situations in all routes but mainly in BirthrightA pairing that I love: I’m a sucker for Hector/Lyn, ngl. I get an inkling once I get more into Awakening I might like Chrom/M!Robin, as non-canon as it might beA pairing that I despise: I feel biased against Chrom/Sumia because of the way they push it in the narrative and I find Sumia boring, so...
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iturbide · 3 years
If you are still up for character asks, how about Sumia. I was sad no one asked about her yet.
And your latest fan art got me interested in also hearing your thoughts on Takumi. If you feel ok answering since I know you haven't played Fates.
I’ve been sad about that too so thank you for rectifying that situation ❤
How do I feel about this character?
My girl.  I love Sumia so much, she is one of my absolute favorite characters in Awakening and one I will never pass up an opportunity to write.  I love her and how passionate she is about books, how deeply invested she gets in the stories and characters and how she uses them both as an escape from her own life (where she can’t help but dwell on her own shortcomings) and as a source of inspiration and courage.  There’s something intensely relatable about wanting an escape like that, feeling outclassed or useless and getting lost in a book as a way to cope -- and yet she’s so capable, even if she doesn’t recognize it herself.  She seems so used to people looking down on her or criticizing what she does or making fun of her slip-ups that she’s started to really believe all of it, when the reality is that her mistakes have never been her defining trait: seeing her learn to embrace her own skills and talents is so heartwarming and I find myself constantly rooting for her to succeed in everything.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Sully!!  Sully and Sumia is one of my favorite ships in all of Awakening, honestly: I love these two ladies who are so gung-ho about horses and bond over that mutual interest and I love the idea of them getting together and learning more about each other, bolstering one another’s confidence (Sully reassuring Sumia that she’s more capable than she thinks and offering to train her if it would make her feel more assured, Sumia insisting that Sully doesn’t need to be girly to be a woman and gushing about how she admires the cavalier) and falling for one another in the process.  It’s just really warm and I love it a lot, and given how encouraging they are in their supports, I really think they’d be a fantastic match for each other.
Also, I do love her with Chrom, and I feel like she’d be an encouraging influence for him, doing what she can to give him confidence and help him keep moving forward in spite of the obstacles; she’s such a bright and refreshing character and I think they could end up working really well together, leveraging their individual strengths to make the halidom a better place.  And I really enjoy her with Robin, too, considering how they bond over their mutual love of books, and I think Robin would be one of those people who really can see her for who she is, rather than the klutz she sees herself as.  It’s especially good when it’s both of them together with her though (yes I love my OT3).
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Robin and Sully, when I’m not shipping them!  Their relationships are so strong and they’re founded on such deep rooted friendship that even when I have them in other relationships, those bonds remain.  Also, even though she doesn’t have any supports with him in the game (which is criminal), I love the idea of a Sumia and Kellam friendship.  Kellam is someone who struggles to be noticed, Sumia’s someone who often seems to wish she could disappear.  The idea of them coming together and overcoming their obstacles together is really heartwarming to me.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
She’s so much more capable than fandom wants to give her credit for.  Most people seem to write her off as stupid, passing over her as a brainless klutz in favor of the “genius” Cordelia -- but this is such a disservice to Sumia and her character.  She’s a fantastic fighter if given the chance, outrunning and outmaneuvering enemies, and while the game loves to play her off as comic relief, she’s a character with interesting, thoughtful support conversations whose life clearly doesn’t revolve around getting a man’s attention.  She’s her own person with hopes and dreams, hobbies and interests, unique skills and charming quirks, and bothering to get to know her really allows her to shine.
And personally, I don’t think she’s actually that clumsy.  Sure, she can be a little scatterbrained sometimes, but even the smartest and most capable people can be; when she has too many things to juggle she slips up in comic ways, but when push comes to shove she’s incredibly capable; if she weren’t, she never would have been able to rescue Chrom at the Longfort (sometimes I think people forget that she’s the one who swept in and got him clear of the javelins).
(And for a bonus unpopular opinion: I hate Cordelia and Sumia as a ship.  Cordelia is so mean to Sumia in their supports, banning Sumia from telling her flower fortunes because she personally doesn’t see value in them -- she doesn’t even bother trying to understand what Sumia’s doing or why, she just decides that her own way is the only right way, which is not how friends should act; putting them in a relationship is out of the question for me.)
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Why does she have so few supports?  It’s not fair that she can so easily end up alone because the game limits her options so much; aside from Chrom, she has the fewest marriage options, but unlike him she doesn’t have an auto-marriage after a certain point.  It’s not fair that the game treated her that way, and I wish canon had given her more supports, platonic and romantic both.  Again, seeing her with Kellam would have been incredible, and I really wish they’d bothered to give her a support chain with Maribelle, too, considering how Maribelle treats her early on; it would have been amazing to see them work things out.
and you know I was wondering if people forgot my favorite Fates character
How do I feel about this character?
I have never played Fates.  I know about these games purely through fandom osmosis.  And yet I will say, in no uncertain terms, that Takumi is my absolute favorite Fates character. Fallen Takumi is still one of my very few units at +10 merges in Heroes because I love him that much.  And it’s kind of hilarious how it came to this because it’s kind of Heroes’ fault that I’m in this situation. 
I remember when the game first launched how much of a pain he was in the early Arena before Skill Inheritance was a thing, and how the only reliable counter I had for him was Hector because I’d never gotten Takumi myself.  And then one day he randomly showed up in a summon, and I was so excited I ran off to train him immediately...and realized as I did that this guy has some massive self-esteem problems.  It’s what got me interested in him in the first place, enough to do some digging in the wikis, and I kind of fell in love with his character: he’s smart, he’s capable, but he has a massive inferiority complex since he’s grown up in the shadow of his older brother -- something Corrin’s return manages to make worse, since everyone kind of loses their minds over it and pushes him down and away despite the fact that he’s the only one being sensible and questioning whether they can really trust Corrin after they were brought up in Nohr.  While he has an attitude problem that needs to be addressed (though it’s nowhere near as bad as Felix’s), he can get better and gain confidence in himself and his abilities...but in Conquest, his fate is an absolutely tragic one, where his self-doubt and anger allow Anankos a foothold, something to prey upon, and ultimately lead to his loss of control, loss of self, and loss of life.  His story just really hits me in the heart, kind of like Lyon, and I just want to see him grow and overcome his doubts. 
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Okay so this is probably where my not having played the game is going to bite me but I have no idea. There are so many characters in Fates and I don’t even know half of them.  I know Leo is a popular partner for him but I’ve never really seen the chemistry there so I can’t say that’s for me; I could always cheat and say I ship him with happiness because honestly that is true, I really do want him to be happy first and foremost, but I don’t have an actual character answer whoops.
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Azura.  I love the idea of the two of them coming together as friends, both haunted and hounded by nightmares and terrible thoughts they can’t seem to shake, and finding ways to support one another through it.  I get the feeling that Takumi might have treated Azura with some distrust early on, but despite the fact that she came from Nohr, I honestly think they could have ended up having a close bond in Hoshido growing up as they struggle with their own problems, and it would have been amazing to see them come together to overcome them.  Also, I love the idea of him and Sakura being close as siblings, with Takumi protecting Sakura and helping draw attention off her when she’s feeling especially shy while she tries to encourage him and give him a place where he can relax with and get away from all his issues for a little while, someone he can enjoy himself with and not have to think about his problems.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
I actually don’t know what kind of popular opinions there are about Takumi so I have no idea what kind of unpopular opinion I could have.  Honestly I don’t see anywhere near enough to Takumi in general since he seems to be eclipsed by not only his older brother but the Nohrian royals in fandom-wide popularity; is it an unpopular opinion to want more people to give him a chance, rather than writing him off as just an angry nay-sayer?  Because honestly, he is the only one with any sense, since he’s the only one who thinks to distrust Corrin when they return.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Okay so this is really really niche but I really wish they’d made Takumi Corrin’s half-brother rather than just a step-brother.  It honestly would have made so much sense?  Takumi’s the only other character who has the same kind of pale hair that Corrin canonically does, even if it’s not the exact same shade, so if that came from Mikoto it would fit perfectly with not only Corrin’s and Takumi’s hair color, but Sakura’s hair being that super pale pink compared to Hinoka’s vibrant red, which is what you’d probably expect from Ikona and Sumeragi after Ryoma inherited his father’s very dark hair.  I get the feeling they didn’t do it because they wanted to make all the royals available as romance options, which is both cheap and gross (and after what they did with Azura in Revelations it’s worse), but I think it would have been a really interesting plot element if they’d taken the time.
Give Me a Character  
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echoeternally · 6 years
A, C, M, T (for that shipping ask)
Oh goodie, these things!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Why would you start me with this? Oh no. Hmm. Well, I guess I can list some:
Alakazam/Machamp - You thought I’d have settled down over this. You were wrong. Pretty sure they’re my favorites from the series atm.
Salazzle/Heliolisk - I don’t talk about it very much (yet), but I’m actually a sucker for these two as well. 
Nidoking/Rhydon - Some asks from my side-blog reminded me of what a trash shipper I am for these two.
Greninja/Chesnaught - Not as much lately, but I still love them together.
Cloyster/Forretress (Friendship) - Not relating to my fanfics at all, have you seen that cute picture I posted of them? Because it’s cute, and precious, and my heart can’t take how much I needed them like that.
Nidoqueen with someone that isn’t Nidoking.
Feraligatr with someone too.
…Ok, fine. Samurott/Typhlosion. Shut it.
Carracosta/Blastoise - I made them cute husbands/dads, and now I can’t get over them.
Super Mario
Bowser/Mario - The OTP that will never die down ever. Seriously, I can’t get over them. It’s like the best enemies to lovers pairing around. The more that people become interested in them together, the happier I get about them.
Yoshi/Birdo - I’ve toyed around with the thought of them again lately. They’re cute.
Peach/Pauline - I thought I was being cool, and then Odyssey fan art made me trash for these two. (Spoilers: I heard they don’t really interact in the game, and that bothers me extensively.)
Luigi/King Boo - I stumbled upon it a while back, and it’s crossed my mind a bit lately. It’s weird, I know.
Koopalings/Junior (Family/Friendship) - I really love them all being a family of twerpish little monsters, I can’t. Also, all of them with Bowser.
Mario/Peach - Kinda feels like treason from me, but I do like them. (I don’t think I ever denied it?) Friends, more than that, less, their dynamic is one that just works well. (Odyssey helped make it just friends for now, though, mwahahaha!)
Star Fox
Fox/Falco - I blame others for talking about it around me, and now I default to them being gay maybe-boyfriends. Thanks a lot.
Fox/Peppy - Don’t look at me like that. It was a joke, and now I like it. 
Fox/Panther - It’s another joke pairing that I magically became very fond of. They’d make a really cute couple if anyone gave it a chance, but nnoooo, they’d never.
Fox/Katt - You know, it comes into my head as Katt’s way to get Falco to notice her better, and then she ends up falling for Fox, and that’s a thing now, help.
Panther/Katt - I wrote it once and it’s never stopped popping into my head. They’d be fitting for each other, really. Why has this not crossed more people’s minds?
Krystal/Katt - Apparently I’m shipping Katt around like she’s everyone’s babe, but like, the idea of them having a dynamic past “only two girls around” always interests me. It mirrors Fox/Panther to a degree, except without the initial hostilities.
Fire Emblem
Summoner/Orbs (Heroes) - The truest relationship ever.
Robin/Chrom (Awakening) - I’m trash for them. More for the gay version than straight, what a surprise. Warriors didn’t help me.
Sumia/Olivia (Awakening) - Someone wrote them together as a couple for a gay hack, and, help me, I can’t get over them.
Robin/Lon’qu (Awakening) - Straight, gay, doesn’t matter. (Though I’m sure you’d guess what I prefer.) I feel like Lon’qu works as a great partner for the Tactician.
Lyn/Florina (Blazing Sword) - Again from hacks, again I’ve become trash for such a pairing.
Florina/Ninian (Blazing Sword) - People introduce me to such ideas, and I can’t get over them. Heellllpp.
Corrin/Niles (Fates) - What can I say? They’re the gays. Uh, I mean, Niles could totally be with FemCor…screw it, he’s for ManCorrin.
Corrin/Florina (Fates) - She needs Corrin badly! (Fem over Man, but…nah, Fem better.)
Corrin/All Siblings (Family) (Fates) - I just want them to all be happy together. Even if there are two Corrins…actually, wait, that’s even better. I want to see all their siblings freak at two Corrins. And then Azura’s like, “Wait, which Corrin is mine? Who do I follow? Both Corrins?” It’s great.
Ok, I’m tired of these, so that’s all I’ve got in my head atm. Honorable mention to the Bomber Bros. from Super Bomberman R, because I’m trash for family shenanigans, it seems.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Hmm…I guess a bunch that involve NOTP ideas of mine. Usually characters that I can’t stand, are irredeemable in some regards, involve kids, involve abuse, etc.
Outside of those…I dunno. I have one in mind, but it’s better that I don’t say it aloud anywhere.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Oh gosh, a whole bunch! Using not my own characters, I’d easily pick the Mario Bros., because they’d be great friends. They’re fun and loyal, ready to go against all kinds of odds to help who they care about! And Bowser, actually! Sure, he’d be hard to get through, but can you imagine having that kind of persistence from a friend? Oh, oh, and Kirby too! He would be a great friend! Even if he eats…everything. I think all of them would be great friends to have.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Uhhh…Mario and Luigi are good brothers and like each other? Which is canon. …Idk if I’d die for that one, but yeah. Bowser being a good dad for Junior is another that I like. Outside of Mario things…Fox is bi, Katt is poly, and Panther is pan, lol, goodbye.
Hmm. I’m not too good with these, I realize. Not using my own fanfics for answers makes it a challenge too. I failed that for the first part above, but here I am adamantly avoiding them.
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odogaronfang · 7 years
Zombie apocalypse aus are neat. Tell me more.
oh thank you so much for asking!!!!!!!!
okay this might get long so prepare, uhhh where do i start
so basically. henry is my main character. in this au, the risen are the zombies, makes sense yknow. difference is, while most zombie media tags zombies as slow to move, slow to act, and without capability for higher thinking, the risen are still, on some level, fundamentally human. (this kind of stems from the risen’s capability to fight in awakening, and from of a support between ricken and henry; see “they’re just like us, but dead” (((: ) given, the risen are slow and not all too strong, they’re dead and decaying and atrophying- but the fresher risen, the recently turned, can in some cases rival a healthy, living human. i’m still thinking on what caused the pandemic, i’ll be honest, no haha-no-one-knows cop-out, i’ll get back to you on that. but no one knows of any cure yet, of course, or this au wouldn’t exist.
so. in a world of the living dead(?), where being a mage translates to being a gunslinger, cut to henry. was this an excuse to make henry dual wield handguns? maybe. will i apologize for it? absolutely not.
i digress. henry is the chaotic neutral/neutral evil gunslinger with incredible aim and a questionable at best moral compass. i’ve actually got a sketch of him somewhere, of him pointing a gun at someone saying “give me your stuff. or die! i win both ways!” ‘course i didn’t draw the other person, but it gets the message across. he’s generally just kind of desensitized to things. he comes from a neglectful but wealthy family (as he does in canon), so he never had much of a mentor or anyone to guide him in what’s right versus wrong. mostly he’s just interested in self-preservation, and the preservation of his birds; he’s been rescuing wounded birds (read: crows) since he was old enough to know how, and he names them bird puns and keeps them as pets, and now he’s got what’s basically a murder of loyal crows at his beck and call. they feed on the risen (and humans) he kills, and warn him when something is approaching. he trains them well. he’s the pavlov of corvids.
gaius is a slightly more morally responsible survivor, who probably raided a bass pro outdoor shop/renaissance festival as soon as the pandemic broke out. he’s got a sword, and throwing knives, and some daggers, and a bow (before it breaks and he doesn’t know how to fix it). the good thing about it is that he doesn’t spend time looking for ammo- the bad thing is he has to do a lot of maintenance on them. he is a thief, steals from encampments and sleeping lone wanderers, but he isn’t killing anyone for supplies, usually. except candy. he’d probably kill for candy if he liked the brand enough.
the shepherds are a survivors’ group dedicated to assimilating, training, and protecting fellow survivors- think alexandria, hilltop, or the kingdom from the walking dead, if you know it. their HQ is an abandoned castle, a historical landmark, that they filled with traps and alarm systems, and is practically impassable if you don’t know it. chrom founded the group, along with his (boy?)friend robin (that’s actually his nickname, because of his fighting style, not his real name).
-lissa is chrom’s little sister, an aspiring general surgeon and the current medic of the shepherds alongside maribelle, her close friend since VPK.
-frederick is a good family friend to chrom and lissa, and by extension the rest of the shepherds- he’s a war veteran and former hand-to-hand combat instructor, and does his part by training new recruits, and often acting as chrom’s and lissa’s bodyguard.
-sully is my wife also a veteran, was actually trained by frederick while still in active service. she leads a lot of patrols around their HQ, and interrogates new recruits. just to make sure.
-stahl is the resident herbalist/apothecary, it was his father’s trade and he grew up learning it. he’s often an assistant to lissa when she needs it, as he can make the salves and ointments and medicines that she needs to treat injuries. he also sometimes helps in the kitchen, because of his extensive knowledge of plants.
-miriel is their sniper, and hobbyist historian. the historian part doesn’t matter so much, but she likes to talk people’s ears off about things if they’ll let her. she’s pretty okay with math and science too, so she’ll help stahl with measurements, ratios, etc, but mostly she likes history and shooting things from 200+ yards.
-ricken is the baby boy of the shepherds. “it takes a village to raise a child” they say, and he’s the village’s child. everyone looks out for him. everyone is his parent. he is well loved and being trained by miriel in the art of sharpshooting. (he’d rather be with stahl learning how to make things.)
-donnel is their agricultural expert, and directs all their non-specialized workforce in the maintenance of their fields. he’s very strict about their schedule, about how things are planted and pruned and fertilized and harvested, about how croplands are rotated for optimal yields, but damn if the results aren’t better than anything they could’ve gotten at a market pre-apocalypse.
-virion is their bowhunter. they could use guns, but it wastes precious ammo and is loud and attracts attention, so he trains archers and leads them out on hunts when their tame livestock are running low or they feel they can risk the venture. it’s more sensible to take from the wild than their personal resources, robin says, and robin’s advice seldom fails them…
-panne and nowi are in charge of livestock (and nowi is a herpetologist on the side. she loves reptiles. she has a pet python.) panne hates to see any animals killed, but especially her babies, as she calls the one she raises, and fully supports virion and co’s ventures as long as it spares the lives of her animals. she recognizes necessity when she sees it, however, and if an animal needs to be killed for whatever reason, she does it herself, to make sure it’s quick and painless. she’s not the most social, but she and donnel get along well, and when henry joins their number she takes quickly to him and his avian following.
-generally, their guards/patrols consist of vaike, gregor, cherche, kellam, basilio, flavia my other wife, lon’qu, and say’ri. they’re alternating shifts on castle patrol, two to each group, one pair on each side of the castle, east and west. they’re always up late but they’re allowed to sleep in as compensation.
-cordelia, sumia, and libra jump around a lot, help a lot with donnel’s farming but also with out-of-camp ranging, as they’re skilled riders. cordelia helps tend to the horses, and ricken sometimes joins her.
-olivia was an aspiring actress before the pandemic, and before she became a single mother- now she’s practically a secretary, keeping their records of harvests and hunts and slaughters and rangings and patrols. she’s mentored by miriel, who adores that kind of boring work. olivia is also an excellent liar and if they ever need to negotiate with other people, she’s their go-to.
-tharja is also a sniper and everyone’s favorite hot topic membership cardholder. she and miriel like to have cynical conversations about the state of the world and complain about men with sully. the three of them definitely have a girls’ club going.
-inigo (the only child character i bothered to include) is olivia’s son to an unnamed father. his interests have always been in the performing arts field, but as that isn’t realistic anymore, he spends a lot of time with everyone. sometimes he’ll go and sit with ricken, and they’ll browse the castle library for fairy tales and folklore and read it together, and sometimes they’ll try and write their own and then perform it for everyone else, on stormy nights when the mood is dismal. they’re always stupid but they’re funny- they both have a gift for dramatic comedy- and everyone looks forward to their shows.
i feel as though i should warn people that it’s henry/gaius, though that isn’t the focus of it. it started as a bad shitpost and now it’s a ship so… [wattpad voice] don’t like don’t read, you feel
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exaltedgrimleal · 7 years
My baby Morgan boy Morgan for the ask thing 😊
First impression: "WAIT HE HAS CHROM HAIR AND A ROBIN COAT?? IS HE MINE???????" When his paralogue first showed up, I ignored it for a bit. I saw Morgan's promotional art, I don't think it clicked in that Morgan was Robin's child.
Impression now: THIS. CHILD. IS. GOLD. I'm not as much of a fan of female Morgan as I am male Morgan; their personality differences bother me enough for me to almost dislike her... But still praise Morgan.
Favourite moment: Jesus, he banged his head against a wall repeatedly in order to try and remember his father? Honey, calm down.
Idea for a story: I have this whole story idea for his back story and what happens after Robin takes the final blow against Grima. I've talked about the first, but the second is basically that Morgan goes searching for his mother and ends up in the Fates universe thinking Corrin is his mother for a split second(with my MUs, it's a little different). Then another instance where Morgan is summoned in Heroes and learns how to be a backup summoner for Alfonse's army.
Unpopular opinion: I hate female Morgan's hair? Male Morgan's isn't my favourite, but it suits him more. Really, female Morgan's hair isn't as bad on her Sprite as it is on her promotional art(it could be the angle).
Favourite relationship: Lucina. Praise these two children, especially if they are siblings.
Favourite headcanon: If Morgan is part of the Exalt line and is male, I like to think his Exalt Symbol is huge on his back. So the wings of the symbol go down the back of Morgan's arms and the symbol ends mid-spine. If female, the exalt symbol is right above her chest or on the back of her neck; I haven't decided which I like better.
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plumoh · 7 years
[FEH] Connect
Word count: 3183
Summary: Roy looks at her, and wishes he could speak to her.
Note: AO3 link. This is Ninian!Roy.
One-shot: Connect
Roy is transfixed by her. She's beautiful, elegant in her steps and gentle in her voice, embodying the perfect lady who has nonetheless the streak of a warrior. Along with Olivia and Azura, she gives strength to them thanks to her dance; while Olivia also dances, hers aren't exactly the same. Olivia has the vigor of a real performer, of someone who has devoted their life to this art. Hers are like a prayer directly coming from the Gods themselves, inviting the warriors who witness such sight to continue onward without worrying about being injured. Her dance gives strength. She gives hope. She is soothing.
Roy swallows as his mother averts her eyes from him.
It hurts. He was too young to properly remember her, he was maybe four or five, but all the tales his father told, all the praise the Pheraean gladly awarded her, all the soft lullabies integrated in his mind are enough to convince him she is a wonderful woman. Aunt Rebecca also spoke fondly of her, Uncle Hector said she was one of the bravest women he's known, and Aunt Lyn considered her one of her closest friends.
Father wished every day she were with them.
And now that they are reunited, albeit from different timelines, why can't they hold a conversation, let alone maintain eye contact? Roy is confused, disheartened.
He sighs, scrubbing at his eyes. He must gather the courage to go to her; he doubts she will come to him on her own accord, given the way she seems to avoid him despite the fact he constantly keeps an eye her. Roy doesn't want her to get hurt during the multiple battles they are forced into. He trusts his father, of course, but sometimes the summoner Kiran puts them in different groups to optimize the strategies. As the former general of the Lycian Alliance, Roy can understand this train of thought, but his feelings tell him to have a chat with Kiran because why should his parents be separated again?
“Lord Elroy, is something the matter?”
Roy whirls around, startled, and comes face to face with Frederick, Prince Chrom's knight and an expert at wielding the axe.
“Oh, don't worry about it,” Roy replies. “And please, call me Roy. 'Elroy' sounds too formal, we are all together as a group in this war.”
“Very well, Lord Roy.” Frederick easily agrees. Roy wonders how another country's knight can obey this simple task, when it had taken several weeks of insistence for Wolt to finally comply. “I see you are watching Lady Ninian. I heard she is... your mother?”
“Yes. I haven't known her long before she passed away.”
“It is unfortunate. Children shouldn't suffer the loss of a parent.”
Roy notices the way Frederick's voice tries not to sound resigned. He doesn't question it.
“Are you not going to speak with her? I believe your father has shown great interest in organizing a meeting between you.”
He glances at Ninian, then looks at Roy.
“I also overheard Lady Lyndis saying Lady Ninian did wish to meet you.”
Roy shoots Frederick an incredulous look, not bothering to cover his disbelief. Frederick raises an eyebrow.
“Is it that surprising?”
“She has been avoiding me,” Roy confesses with a sigh. “The only logical conclusion I came with is that she doesn't show any interest in speaking with an older version of her son.”
“Lord Roy, every parent wants to reconnect with their children.”
Roy doesn't acknowledge this statement with words, and simply nods, pensive.
The worst thing that comes with the realization of his lineage is that now, whenever he stumbles upon a sacred weapon, Roy can't help but flinch. Falchion and the tome of Naga, mainly, but back home he would spar with someone wielding a wyrmslayer and he would feel uncomfortable. That has never happened before he learned his mother was half-dragon. He has barely manifested some ice magic, and still doesn't know if he can turn into a dragon himself, but this is becoming extremely irritating. His instincts prickle at any threat directed toward dragons (he's only quarter dragon, for heaven's sake).
The Binding Blade, on the other hand, seems perfectly fine at the idea of being wielded by a being it was supposed to slay. Roy sometimes wonders when the sword is going to reject him.
“Stop frowning so much, you are going to look even older than you are,” Lilina teases.
“Well, at least people won't judge me upon seeing my height,” Roy retorts with a grin.
He has always thought it was unfair how tall his father is, and how small he is. Eliwood chuckled at his comment, and said that at his age he wasn't as bulky as his son, and Roy felt a bit better.
“Being small isn't something bad,” Lilina says. “And we are still growing, maybe you are going to be even taller than my father.”
“I doubt it, Uncle Hector is... massive.”
They both laugh at the ridiculous idea. Lilina has a way with words different than his, and he can't list all the times it has been refreshing to hear her kind, relaxing words in difficult situations. She's a support he can't afford to lose, but she's also the one who knows him best, which means it's not surprising when she sobers up and asks, in a calm and prompting voice, what he's thinking about. Roy scratches the back of his neck.
“This isn't important. Nothing out of the ordinary, I mean.”
“You keep saying that, but I worry you won't be able to move on. I know how lost in thoughts you can be, so sharing what is burdening you isn't a bad idea.”
Lilina, along with Wolt, has immediately accepted the circumstances surrounding him, so it wouldn't be fair if he decides not to tell her his worries. But Roy can't help thinking he's being irrational, borderline paranoid to imagine the worst in something so simple in wielding a weapon. That, and his mother. He still hasn't come with a solution since the talk with Frederick.
“I just... need to train with the Binding Blade a bit more often, I think,” he sighs. “We were supposed to seal it again after the war so I didn't take the time to fully master it, but when I arrived here it was the sword entrusted to me.”
“You are skilled with a sword, this shouldn't pose a real problem,” Lilina asserts, confused.
“Yes, but what if... what if it reacts badly one day?”
Lilina stays silent. Roy keeps his gaze on the ground, not daring to read what is passing through Lilina's eyes.
“You are a good person, Roy,” she finally declares. “The kindest person I've known, most likely. There is no reason why the Binding Blade would hurt you.
“But I—”
“This doesn't change anything, because you are you. You are Roy. Having a different kind of blood flowing in your body doesn't define your actions, and the sword should know it.”
Roy doesn't reply right away. Lilina's words sink in, reaching his mind and making the gears whir while he tries to see to what extent his friend is right. It's true that realizing his lineage doesn't suddenly change the core of what makes him him, and if anything, sacred weapons are more apt at judging if someone is worthy enough to wield them.
Lilina puts a hand on his shoulder, and smiles brightly at him.
“If you still have doubts, talk to your mother,” she gently suggests. “I know you want to, and it gives you a reason to approach her. I've spoken to Lady Ninian a few times—”
“You spoke to her?!” Roy can't repress the squawk that escapes him, and that makes Lilina giggle.
“Don't be so surprised, I was curious myself. She is every bit the woman Uncle Eliwood described. You needn't worry. There isn't anything to be worried about in the first place.”
Roy is convinced that this was Lilina's initial intent for coming to him, and while he's a bit irritated that everyone is trying to push him into his mother's arms, he knows they mean well. That doesn't prevent him from loudly sighing, uncharacteristically him, but he nods. Lilina beams at him.
“Uncle Eliwood will be happy to hear that. Maybe you three will be able to converse tomorrow. It's going to be all right, Roy.”
She moves her hand from his shoulder to his back, and rubs slow circles. Roy offers her a tentative smile, and tries not to cower when he feels a pair of red eyes on him.
Tomorrow is the day.
It's always easier said than done. Early in the morning, they're caught in a skirmish and Kiran has mobilized almost the whole army to disperse the enemies. They are around forty-five people, including the royal siblings and the commander, so taking care of a small group of soldiers isn't a tedious task. It is, however, when there are snipers hidden in trees and powerful mages waiting to strike behind a wall of horsemen. They are swift and precise in their movements, hitting their targets at the most unexpected moment and dealing damage beyond what they had assessed.
Roy swears under his breath as an arrow embeds itself in his right leg, cutting his step in his momentum. He falls forward, knees scraping against the ground and he fumbles with the Binding Blade to get it into the right position—he sees the shadow of a weapon swinging above his head. He turns around, brandishes his sword and blocks the axe, but his current situation doesn't give him any advantage; he feels the raw power the enemy soldier pushes into his axe, definitely ready to break his sword. Roy has encountered enough bandits and axe wielders to recognize this technique, so he slightly releases the pressure, taking the soldier off guard, and he thrusts his sword into the open side. Blood spills all over him, forming a gross puddle on the ground (not that he hasn't seen worst), and he scrambles back, letting the body drop. He hisses when he moves his right leg, and just then he hears his father approach, quickly dismounting.
“Roy, are you hurt?” he asks, worry dripping from his voice.
“I'm fine, Father,” Roy answers, a shuddering breath leaving his throat. “Just a minor injury, nothing I haven't dealt with.”
Eliwood frowns, eyeing critically the arrow, hands hovering, unsure of what to do. He looks at his son.
“I'll call a healer, I saw Maria not too far away. Stay here, alright? I will be right back.”
His hand instinctively finds Roy's head to ruffle his hair, and the young man can't help but smile despite thinking he's too old for this kind of gesture. Coming from a younger version of his father gives him a warm feeling though, reminding him of the times before the war, before his father fell ill. It seems so far away, when it has only been a few years ago.
He can tell the fight is settling. There are less enemies and the heroes are checking on each other in unhurried steps, so it's safe to assume everything is under control. Maria comes and kneels down, carefully pulling the arrow out to heal the injury. Roy clenches his teeth during the whole process; he's not unfamiliar with arrows, but nobody can get used to this pain of having a piece of metal twisting the inside of their skin. He can get more resilient, but not used to it.
“All good,” Maria announces.
“Thank you.”
Maria smiles at him, all gentle and innocent, before going to check on the others. Roy gets up, slightly winces at the lingering pain, but it's only a faint bothering now that the injury is healed. He sees Lilina gathering some tomes from fallen enemy mages (Kiran said it's always useful to pick up some 'rewards'), Aunt Lyndis supporting Aunt Florina, Uncle Hector wiping the blood off the Armads.
Then his gaze lands on his mother, who is dusting her dress and pocketing her dragonstone, unharmed and looking relieved. She loathes war and fighting as much as his father, which makes Roy realize that he must have gotten the same sentiment from the both of them.
He thinks about the conversation he had with Frederick, then Lilina's nudging, and decides this is as good an opportunity as any, and strides towards Ninian.
“Is everything all right?” he asks, in lieu of addressing her by name.
“Oh!” Ninian looks startled, but when she locks eyes with Roy her stance softens, despite seemingly wanting to duck her head. “I'm alright, thank you. Are you... ?”
“Maria healed me, I'm fine. I'm glad you are unhurt.”
In the distance he can hear Anna's chattering and Prince Alfonse's orders. He awkwardly shifts on his feet, careful not to put too much pressure on his bad leg, eyes searching for any indication of what to do next. Ninian looks as nervous as he is, which is kind of consoling albeit a bit more stressful.
“I... I'm sorry, Roy,” she finally breathes, her fingers fiddling with her stole. “I have been unfair to you, and I appeared as a terrible person. I'm sorry.”
Roy's reply flies out of his mouth at once.
“No, you don't have anything to apologize for, Mother!” And he promptly shrinks on himself, self-conscious at how he called her. “I mean—I should have asked you first if you were... alright with that...”
“It's fine Roy, don't worry.” Ninian shakes her head, the beginning of a smile blossoming on her lips. “It makes me... happy. I truly feared you wouldn't recognize me, as you are only an infant in my world...”
She speaks as if she knows she's going to die. Roy doesn't know how to feel about that, so he opts for reassuring her and stay away from the topic.
“It's true I don't remember much, but your kindness and your voice are unmistakable.”
He remembers songs that helped him falling asleep, the guidance of a loving hand, the particular warmth coming from a mother. His father also talked about Ninian on a daily basis, so that Pherae doesn't forget her. (It might as well be because he didn't want to forget her.)
And now Roy can see why his father was so enticed by his wife. He wishes she could have lived longer, for him to know her and for his father to smile without sadness.
“Father's tales were helpful as well, in order for me to have something to associate with you.”
“I'm glad,” Ninian says, now a full blissful smile on her face.
She takes a step forward, lifts one arm, never tearing her gaze away, not this time.
“Would you... embrace your mother?”
And Roy can't say no, can't even utter anything as he launches himself into his mother's open arms, and holds her tight. He feels her arms enfold him around his shoulders, before a hand rests at the back of his head. She's small, barely taller than he is, but he knows she is strong and brave, not fragile or weak.
“You've grown so well, my little boy,” she whispers, stroking his hair.
“I hope you can forgive your mother for leaving so soon. I wish I could have stayed for you and Lord Eliwood.”
“This isn't your fault. There is nothing to forgive.”
He can't hold her accountable for something that she wasn't responsible for. He was told illness took her away; fighting against yourself proves to be arduous, and honorable. Not everyone could win this battle, and unfortunately his mother was among these people.
Her embrace is as gentle as firm, as if she is trying to absorb the feeling in her. Roy is doing something similar, thinking she might disappear if he doesn't commit everything to memory—her scent, her touch, her aura. He has often hugged his father as a boy, and hugging his mother now throws him back to those days. He is at peace. He likes this appeasing presence. This isn't like his father's calming reassurance, or Lilina's tranquil support.
This is his mother, sweet and tender.
“I will protect you while we are here, Mother,” Roy declares. “Even if this is for a short period of time.”
“Oh, Roy. I can fight too, so you don't need to worry about me.”
Ninian breaks the embrace, looks at Roy's face and smiles.
“I couldn't reveal my secret back when I was traveling with your father. They had to protect me. Now I can return the favor.”
Roy can't help staring at her.
“But you were helping them with your dances, this is a way to fight in your own way.”
“Even though, more often than I can recall I felt like a burden to them.”
Roy is frowning, but he supposes his mother has enough power to battle at their side, and dance when she can—he tries not to think about her illness, if she's already under its effects. But worrying is only natural, everyone worries about their loved ones' safety. She probably thinks about Father during a battle, in the same way he thinks about them.
“I will still look out for you,” he asserts. “I can't let Father bear this weight alone.”
His mother takes his hand and squeezes. Roy shoots her a confused look, before her determined expression and the fervor in her voice.
“Roy, you are a good person, and I'm really proud of what you have become,” she says. “I can't tell you what to do, and what not to do... but you are still my son, and as a mother, it is also my duty to protect you. So don't push yourself too hard. Let us treat you like a child, and not like a soldier, alright? This army is big enough for us all to be safe.”
She gently caresses his cheek, a gesture that is filled with love, and Roy can perfectly feel how relaxed and comfortable Ninian is, after a conversation that was way overdue. It's just in her nature to be so caring, so attentive to people surrounding her. So he nods, partly to put her mind at ease, and partly because, despite everything, he wants to spend time with his parents like any other child, without ranks and façades to maintain. They're still fighting in a war, and they can't let down their guard, but this is a lifetime opportunity and Roy will be damned if he didn't take it and own it.
“I guess we should simply stay together from now on?” he suggests, a playful but content smile on his face.
“It's an excellent idea,” Ninian agrees with the same sentiment.
They still have much to discuss, but for now they are just a son and a mother, reunited after too long a time.
When they reach the castle, Eliwood sees them and tightly wraps them into a hug, and Roy laughs, just as happy as his father, and as relieved as his mother.
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