#chloe bourgeois have redemption
crowzenn-murders · 1 month
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Mini comic of a lukloe AU and being born with famous parents
Luka is starting school with a pretty clean reputation of a big time musician's son, and Chloe who has lived her life as the daughter of the mayor and a world class fashion designer. Chloe thinks Luka would be just like her, She's gonna figure out how wrong her perspective in life is and how its about to change.
Idkkkk what im doing, just art and stuff ,enjoy :'))
Part 3
Part 2
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
Chloe finds out Adrien is Chat Noir. After a fierce internal battle between her desire for attention, her resentment towards Ladybug, and her desire to protect Adrien, Adrien wins out. Chloe decides to help him, and Ladybug indirectly, in the only way she can. By abusing her father to manipulate public policy. Because, clearly, Adrien is doing TOO MUCH. And she CAN'T get him to stop being Chat Noir. So she needs to free him from his other commitments. Which means freeing him from his father, and Nathalie. So, clearly, Adrien needs money, money his father can't touch or control. Money he can use to live. There's a lot of hemming and hawing and "but but but Chloe..." but, in the end, she gets her way. It was simply a matter of pointing out, FIRMLY, exactly how much money Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the city. Not JUST in repairing the post battle damage. But in the cost of outfitting an actual effective Anti-Supervillain taskforce. CLEARLY the cost of such an undertaking would EASILY outstrip the city Police budget, probably by more than double. Then add all the public good works NOT related to fighting Akuma, the potential liability lawsuits, the cost of counselling people would need... The next day, at the end of school, she quietly passes Adrien two large manilla envelopes. One addressed to him, one simply to LB. Inside his were a debit card drawn on the central bank, a large number of documents establishing Chat Noir as a legal entity, a bank account statement that startled even him, a contract guaranteeing a monthly stipend that almost staggered him, and a brief explaining how he could (both in a legal sense and a practical one) purchase and own real property in his own name as Chat Noir. Also documents establishing that, as far as Paris was concerned, he was a legal adult. He didn't open Ladybug's, but he looked forward to seeing her reaction...
Prompt by Tiwaz
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starrynighttime · 10 days
Complete Animatic Intro for @zoe-oneesama ‘s Scarlet Lady AU!
Now with sound! (but no voice)
Lyrics Under the Cut
Marinette: In the daytime-
Chloe: *pushes* I’m Chloe Bourgeois!
A perfect girl with a perfect life!
And I have a delicious secret that no one knows yet.
Because I am also the amazing hero…
Scarlet Lady!
You got it, baby!
You can count on me when things go wrong!
Scarlet Lady!
Believe it, Baby!
The power of love, always so strong!
Scarlet Ladyyyyyy!!!
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Marinette could only grunt as she swung her yoyo across the Parisian night. Chloe Bourgeois was on her back, half drunk and mumbling nonsense. Well, it was nonsense to Marinette, Ladybug currently, and while she doesn't like the blonde it didn't mean she wouldn't save her from possible attacks walking home alone.
Maybe it explained the less than tight hold she had on the blonde. She made sure she was safe, of course. Still, she was eager to get her home quickly.
They didn't have much time.
Chloe chuckled, a different one than her usual cruel laughter Marinette was used to. "I do care. I care about my family, even when my mother wasn't present for most my life. I care about Daddy, who just gives me whatever I want except the attention I actually needed. I care about Adrien and regret ending our friendship of almost ten years.
I care about Sabrina and wished I could have listened more when she talked about something instead of listening to me. I did care - I still do. And I wish I didn't...b-because maybe things would have turned differently. Maybe if I didn't love people, I wouldn't hurt them so damn much."
Marinette gasped quietly as mumblings turned to sobs. She wasn't...she wasn't expecting this. Prepared for this. This was...was this? No, there wasn't any shape shifting akuma so this was the real Chloe Bourgeois and-
"And some time ago," the blonde interrupted her increasingly panicking thoughts, "I cared about Marinette. She cares about everyone, and maybe somehow, even if it was small, she cared for me too."
A familiar balcony was spotted as she gripped her yoyo tighter. She was speechless and...it wasn't okay. She needed to say something. She was Ladybug! She should be saying something.
"It's okay," as if reading her mind, she felt arms tighten around her, "You don't have to care for me. I wouldn't wanna hurt you too, Ladybug."
No, Ladybug protested in her head, you don't get to tell people who to care for or not!
Marinette could only grunt as she swung her yoyo across the Parisian night. Chloe Bourgeois was on her back, half drunk and mumbling nonsense. Well, it wasn't nonsense to Marinette, Ladybug currently, and while she doesn't trust the former hero yet, it didn't mean she can't.
She tightened her hold on the blonde, willing the night wouldn't pass by too quickly. It'll take a lot, it'll take tears and pointed fingers and communication...
It's okay. They had plenty of time.
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ninadove · 1 year
Obviously I know this is not happening, because Leaks™, but Chlolila could have been a great malevolent equivalent to Feligami.
Hear me out.
On the one hand, we have this young girl who desperately wants to be loved — to the point that it drove her to madness. She has great potential for ✨ Evil ✨ and can plot very efficiently and intelligently when she wants to (as exemplified in Derision); but she’s impulsive and emotional, and keeps getting in her own way.
On the other hand is the✨ Mastermind ✨ with a deeper agenda (supposedly and very unfortunately, given how elaborate her plan is — I still hold out hope that she’s just doing it for the lolz). Not only is she the first person to recognise this potential in her partner, but she is also excellent at communicating with her, talking her down, and helping her refocus her energy in order to actually get results.
They could have been SO evil yet SO healthy together!
In the wise words of my girlfriend (and Grandma Molag from Firebringer) :
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Blank Mind/Blank Slate AU
“Another Redemption AU for Chloe?!” I hear you say. I know, but bare with me. I saw that post about memory loss in stories, and it reminded me of an AU in the back of my head. 
Chloe Bourgeois gets amnesia (which does not just "go away") and for whatever reason, it's Marinette and the class's job to try and recover her memory. 
However, when Chloe is exposed to all the awful stuff she did, rather than reverting to her old self, she feels guilty, EXTREMELY guilty. 
She bursts into tears, gets down on her knees, and begs for forgiveness, vowing to never mistreat anyone ever again. 
The class, though reluctant, decide to take her word for it and forgive her.
Beyond that, Adrien, Rose and Mylene decide to take Chloe under their wing, and teach her right from wrong.
Pretty soon, Marinette gets involved, then Alya, then Nino, then everybody, all joining together in an attempt to give Chloe a new way of thinking.
Chloe’s problems don’t vanish with her memory. She has a lot of apologizing and a lot of reconciling to do. But thanks to her peers/mentors, she is determined to start fresh, no matter what.
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xhanisai · 2 years
not a hot take but it still needs to be said
An antagonist finally sharing/showing their tragic backstory and doing one or two good things is NOT a redemption arc. Especially if they continue to be bad or become even worse.
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kari-go · 1 year
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Prima Queen and Queen Cobra
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logical--dreamer · 1 year
I'm a Chloe stan. I had dug her character even in season 1, but then they gave her some hope. Showed that there was more to her than a stereotypical mean girl. This made her probably one of the most complex characters in the show.
Then season 3's finale happened, and it all fell apart. All season 4, she felt like they took her character, scribbled out everything interesting, and just made her a heartless, mean girl worse than ever. Then through season 5, the show talks to the audience, saying there is no hope for Chloe. That sometimes people are just bad...and I would say okay and call it a day if that was true. But they showed us that little piece of good in her...why show it if she is nothing but evil?
When they introduced Zoe, I was hoping that she would be a secret baddie who would eventually work with Lila. I mean, it works; Zoe is a new character no one knew, who is an actress, and said that at her old school, she lied about who she was. It fit...that plus Marinette giving her the bee miraculous without really knowing her...it felt off to me. Granted, that's all in the past now, and I don't doubt Zoe is a sweet girl, but another part of my idea remains. I thought with Zoe in the picture, and if my evil Zoe theory was correct, Chloe would end up on rock bottom, eventually speeding up her redemption to completion.
At the beginning of season 5, I was in denial. With every bad thing Chloe did, I would say, "it's just Lila manipulating her," until finally, I gave up hope and decided to accept what happened to her character...
...that is until the last two episodes.
Right now, Chloe is at her worst. She had come full circle. She had Principal Damocles and Ms. Bustier fired and Marinette expelled. She knows Adrien is moving to London, something he hasn't told anyone yet. She has Monarch backing her. She is the freaking Mayor....she has everything she wanted. So much power...but you know what else she has?
Lila is telling her what to say and do. None of what's happening is actually Chloe. This is just her being manipulated by her "Friend" and Monarch. Both have their own agendas, and one is to bring Monarch down.
Lila did what she did to everyone else. She told her everything she wanted to hear. She fed on her faults and her bad qualities and gave her praise for them. Something that everyone else has criticized and scolded her for in the past. She is getting the affirmation she has been craving "to be who she is."
But what happens when she is no use anymore? When Monarch is taken down, and Lila takes control and no longer needs her?
Chloe is going to hit rock bottom.
She will have no friends. No Mayor father to get her out of trouble. No future because she thought she wouldn't need anything or learn anything because she will always be "rich." She will be alone and face the consequences of her actions.
I think it's then she is going to finally accept her sister and turn to her for support. Zoe knows how it feels to be alone and friendless; it's what happened to her in New York.
Maybe then...only then can Chloe finally see everything she was missing while blinded by her own arrogance and finally be on the right road to redemption.
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just-pauline · 1 year
Chloe Bourgeois/ Queen Bee Redesign
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The good serial ended on season 2
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chattybugette · 10 months
Chloe’s story is 100% not over yet tho and I’m so excited for more
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crowzenn-murders · 1 month
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Redemption has to come from the person, so she has to get off the weed horse
I struggle every second i have to draw Lukas hair, lord knows how much gel that kind or spikey shi needs
Link is the part 1!
Part 3
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shadowlorddemon · 1 year
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Chloe gives her apology to Marinette and Marinette is surprised at Chloé’s heartfelt apology.
(I’m torn between two different backgrounds because both are so good.)
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kindaorangey · 2 years
you can talk about whether a character "deserved" or "earned" their redemption arc and whether it serves the narrative or whatever until the cows come home but at the end of the day it all comes back to this: is the character more or less enjoyable now that they're redeemed?
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i-like-anything-water · 11 months
okay this is rough and jumbled.
SnakeHolder!Chloe headcanons:
Sass is shown to be calm and charming, qualities that make the Kwamis look up to him and consider him as a leader figure. Chloe's tendencies to be easily driven by poor writing by her emotions, especially her self loathing and insecurities can be redeemed with continuous support, calm but firm guidance by Sass. He's also described as mature and responsible which dissuades Chloe's attempts at anything that could get her in trouble or revert her to her old ways.
Sass had doubts at first but after a near death experience where Chloe didn't seem to be fazed or had mind, he was intrigued. And maybe a bit worried.
Surprisingly, Chloe denies him at first saying that Ladybug was right and she shouldn't be trusted with another miraculous. This goes on and on until she finally bursts and all the pent up trauma comes out. Part time Kwami, full time Therapist.
Their relationship is rocky at first but they eventually became civil after they transformed (against Chloe's will) to fight off a powered up akuma. The others weren't aware as Chloe insisted they work incognito.
Chloe slowly redeems herself after acting quick and planning fast everytime she uses Second Chance. It's hard to keep up while making sure she doesn't get seen by the other heroes. It's hard at first but what does she have to lose anyway?
Her new hero persona eventually bleeds into her personal life. She's still sassy (lol), mean, and doesn't take anyone's shit but she's more aware now. Going back in time to fix things alters your brain chemistry.
Awareness is the first step to redemption. After numerous breakdowns and nights of self loathing and pity, she eventually acknowledges everything she's done wrong and sees everything in a new perspective and just freaks out.
Cue Protective Sass!
The process is slow and subtle and people don't notice it at first. Chloe thinks first now. She's able to hold in usual insults that would freely come out of her and reconsider her reaction (unless it's sudden, spooked her, etc.)
Next to awareness and acknowledgement is guilt. After realizing everything she's done, she tries everything she can do at that moment to change even some things. Apologies aren't easy for her because she's never even heard that directed to her. In sincerity and not fear. So, whenever she doesn't have to help Ladybug and Chat Noir, she practices with Sass.
"I..," a shaky breath, "I'm sorry."
She practices the phrase before and after the day.
She's hella confused. She's grateful Sass is there to assure her everytime. She stumbles through her words but she manages to get out a sincere apology to the closest person she has: Sabrina.
They talk about it and their friendship shifts. It's not perfect, but it's better than before.
She hasn't formally apologized to the others yet but she's trying.
With help from both Sabrina and Sass, she starts to apologize (but now with more confidence) to people she's hurt. Rose is open to the idea of mending bonds, the others are wary but doesn't say anything else.
The last two she apologizes to is Adrien and Marinette. Adrien is wary but his kindness overweights his doubts. They're not back to what was before and frankly Chloe is glad. She doesn't want what's in the past, she wants to create something now and for the future.
Marinette was the last.
"You shouldn't forgive me right away," she interrupts the shorter girl, "I know you're kind and such a goody two shoes but that doesn't mean you should forgive me after a week or so." She levels a determined look to shocked blue eyes, "Let me prove myself first." And softer, "please."
Well that's all I have so far. I just find it befitting for two major reasons: Sass's ability can actually help Chloe see things in more than one perspective which would help her deal and open up with all her trauma and toxic habits. The ability allows her to be more observant on where she needs to go back to fix the mistake. It takes quick thinking and concentration of the user. It requires an open mind on alternatives. And secondly, 'Second Chance' is fitting for what she needs. Not a half baked Arc where she doesn't know what she wants and needs. But something firm and continuous to keep her going. A real second chance.
That's just me and my rambling. Feel free to add or correct me about anything! (Don't be rude about it though).
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wilygryphon · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug rewrite– Chloé's redemption
-The main point of divergence is at the end of Queen Wasp. Ladybug consoles her, saying that she understands how she wants her mother's appreciation, but then she says that she doesn't think Audrey is worth it. Later, Marinette talks to her and offers support, telling Chloé that she is going to turn down Audrey's offer. She recognizes that chasing her mother's approval is very unhealthy for her and does not suggest the two make up. It's at that point that Chloé begins to turn away from Audrey and tries to be nicer to everyone, and also starts to develop an appreciation for Marinette. --Bonus idea: Audrey is nearby when Ladybug talks to Chloé and takes offense to her saying she "I don't think she's worth it." She tries to shout back, but Ladybug shuts down her "You're fired" snap with "I don't work for you, and I pity anyone who does." -Ladybug doubts her decision to bench Queen Bee (since her identity being exposed puts her at risk, which Hawk Moth does take advantage of). She discusses the matter with Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace, and they admit that they enjoyed having her on the right side. -Her confrontation with Aurore in Stormy Weather 2 remains largely intact, but afterward, Marinette asks her if she really meant what she said by "once a villain, always a villain," citing her turn as Queen Bee. Chloé confesses that she's projecting and lashing out on her own insecurities and fears that she doesn't deserve to be a hero. -Most likely at the end of Malediktator, Chloé admits to Ladybug that she admires the hero so much because she keeps saving her in spite of everything she has done to the people around her, making her feel like someone out there thought she was worth something. -Sandboy 2 reveals her nightmare to be herself relapsing into her old ways and becoming just as bad as her mother. This nightmare manifests itself as Queen Wasp. -The Bee Signal is less a sign of Chloé's entitlement to using the Bee Miraculous and demand that Ladybug and Chat Noir call on her (there is still some of that at play, but it does wane over time) and more letting them know she’s available to help. -She does not turn against Ladybug and Chat Noir and become Miracle Queen. Hawk Moth tries to get her on his side in Heart Hunter, even giving her the Bee Miraculous after stealing the Miracle Box, but she only pretends to agree with him and takes the comb to transform, then uses the trompo to fly off of the rooftop before Hawk Moth can release the Akuma, then goes to warn Ladybug. Hawk Moth then goes to Lila to have her become Miracle Queen, while Queen Bee helps Ladybug and Chat Noir fight her and the mind-controlled temporary heroes. -When the rest of the temporary heroes have their identities exposed by Miracle Queen/Lila, Ladybug is less hesitant to call on Chloé, so Queen Bee is able to join Team Miraculous more frequently. -Chloé develops a positive relationship with her half-sister when Zoé moves to Paris.  Also, the characters actually react to the revelation that Audrey had an extramarital affair that produced a child close to Chloé in age. -Zoé would still act as a foil to Chloé, and her presence would highlight her insecurities regarding her mommy issues and fears that people would see Zoé as "Better Chloé", especially when circumstances force Ladybug to need the Bee's power but have to call on Zoé due to Chloé being taken out of commission. But talking and healing will happen, and Chloé will come out the other end happier and more confident.
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