#chime the iphone
miss-mossball · 7 months
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Little energetic Phone Waifu
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dirtbra1n · 2 years
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it’s rough.
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chimkennuggit · 7 months
i (very poorly) drew up two icons i don’t see in cottagecore style; cashapp and chime
y’all can use them at your discretion, just please don’t repost them claiming them as your own art. that’s a shitty thing to do
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foone · 3 months
There's a gaylord half full of old cell phones. I reach inside and pull one out, and in doing so I accidentally touch the side. For the first time in a decade and a half, it powers on.
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It's alive, despite everything. It's got half battery. The background is still set to a selfie on the tiny one megapixel camera. I'm surprised, and hold down the power button. It shows "shutting down", and the screen goes blank, for probably the final time. I drop it back into the box, and it clatters as it hits the pile of iphones with shattered screens and flipphones from the 2000s. There's silence in the ewaste depot again, as the power-down chime fades away.
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which Quinn fucks his girlfriend in the backseat of his new car
warnings: NSFW!!, p in v (unprotected), semi-public sex, daddy kink, oral (f receiving), light choking, praise, dirty talk, dom!quinn, lots of use of the pet name “baby”, slight religious reference (?), pls let me know if i’m missing any.
notes: inspired by OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic (feat. Maggie Lindemann). 4.6k words.
IMPORTANT: please look up Ferrari GTC4Lusso T interior if you need a better understanding of the car layout
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“you’re sure about this?” i mindlessly wander the office of the luxury dealership, my fingertips running over any surface they can touch.
“why wouldn’t i be?” Quinn peers up at me from his spot in a chair, his iphone in his hands, mid-texting his younger brother.
“i don’t know, Q. it’s just a lot of money is all.” shrugging, i shuffle my feet back over to my boyfriend, where i let my hands rest on his shoulders as i stand behind him.
Quinn lets out a chuckle, pulling one of my hands in his and raising it to his lips to press a gentle kiss against my knuckles.
“i appreciate the financial concern, baby, but i think i’ll be okay.”
i sigh, moving around to sit on his lap. “okay.”
his arm spindles around my waist as he draws me back, my back flat against his chest. my fingers unconsciously draw shapes on his forearm, near the crook of his elbow, as he continues texting Jack about the big purchase he’s about to make.
i eye his phone, watching the blue and gray bubbles pop up back and forth and hoping we’ll be done here soon.
two hours of looking at cars, Quinn asking a multitude of questions to the salesman; half an hour of paperwork, and another half hour of waiting for said salesman to run Quinn’s name through the system, checking his credit score and whatever various other things needed to buy such a high-end car. i’ve been stuck at this dealership for three hours now, unplanned, as Quinn had pulled into the establishment after our spur-of-the-moment 3pm lunch date, claiming he just wanted to take a quick look at a couple of cars.
“Quinny,” i breathe out, letting my head fall backwards on his shoulder while his hand starts mindlessly rubbing up and down my thigh. “how much longer will we have to be here?”
“i don’t know, baby. hopefully not too much longer.” he locks his phone, setting it on his thigh and using his now free hand to caress my cheek, simultaneously turning my head to look into my eyes.
“is my girl tired?” he coos at the sight of my fluttering eyelids, leaning in to brush his lips lightly over mine.
“mhm” i hum, burrowing my face in his neck. his hand moves as i do, now resting on the back of my head, holding it in its position.
it’s at this moment that the salesman decides to make his re-entrance. “alright! everything checks out, looks good!”
i immediately attempt to pry myself from my boyfriend, but he holds me in place, clearly not bothered by the new company.
“i knew it would!” Quinn smiles back at the man, putting on his usual charm.
“now all we need is that down payment and you’ll be driving out of here in your very own Ferrari!” the salesman, i haven’t bothered to learn his name, chimes. “do you have a credit card you can give me?”
“yep,” Quinn taps my butt, signaling for me to lift it so he can grab his wallet from his pocket. i do so and he unpockets his wallet before pulling me back down on his lap. “here you go.”
the man takes Quinn’s card, taking a seat at his desk and punching the information from the card before handing it back.
“alright,” he grabs a few papers from the printer behind him, stapling them together and scribbling in a few places before sliding them towards my boyfriend. “just sign here, and here.”
Quinn leans forward and his left arm tightens around my waist to keep me situated on his lap, taking the pen in his right hand and autographing his signature twice.
“congratulations!” the salesman grins, handing the new keys to Quinn and shaking his hand.
“thanks, man.” Quinn smiles crookedly, rising from the chair and bringing me up with him.
we follow behind the salesman, back out to the Ferrari that Quinn just bought; which is now parked next to Jack’s Range Rover, in which we drove here.
i take Jack’s keys from Quinn with a sigh. knowing i’m now responsible for getting such an expensive car back to the lake house is a frightening task that i didn’t expect to be doing today, but one i’m now stuck with nonetheless.
“i’ll see you back at the house, yeah?” Quinn smiles. his hand grips my waist, pulling my lower half into his as he lowers his lips onto mine in a breathless kiss.
“yeah, wish me luck. if i get even a scratch on this car, Jack will have my head on a stick.” i gnaw at my lower lip in anxiety, but his free hand comes up to my chin, his thumb pulling my lip free from my teeth.
“nah, he loves you too much. he’d have my head on a stick.” he laughs, before lightly nudging me back towards the car.
“that’s even worse!” i tease. “how am i supposed to explain to the Canucks that their star defenseman is dead because i scratched his brothers car?”
“eh, you’re smart,” he winks, rounding the Ferrari. “you’ll think of something.”
we climb into the respective cars, and Quinn is gracious enough to wait while i adjust the seat to my height before he begins leading the way to the lake house.
the drive is smooth, and when we arrive at the house, Quinn opens my door as i return the seat adjustments back to the way Jack had them.
“see?” he grins, leaning over my body to unbuckle my seatbelt for me. “the car is all good.”
“it better be. that car is my baby.” Jack pipes up from behind him, making Quinn roll his eyes. “if anything were to happen-”
“yeah, yeah.” he cuts him off. “if anything were to happen to it, you would’ve killed her.”
i feign a gasp, jokingly smacking his arm.
“you said he would kill you.” i say in mock shock.
Quinn shrugs. “i was trying to calm your nerves.”
i playfully push him away, hopping out of the car to face Jack, who’s now too busy ogling the Ferrari to pay any attention to his own vehicle.
“i’m gonna go see if your mom needs any help with dinner.” i announce, already stepping towards the house. “have fun showing off your new toy, babe!”
i pass by a horde of guys on my way into the house, bumping hips with Cole, who ends up giggling.
“going to see the new thing?” i ask, and Trevor stops dead in his tracks.
“that thing is a 2022 Ferrari GTC4Lusso.” Trevor explains, as if i understand a single thing he’s just said.
“sure. whatever it is, it cost a lot.” i shrug, carrying on into the house. “enjoy.”
i join Ellen in the kitchen, making myself busy by tossing together the salad ingredients she has on the counter.
we make small talk as we cook, letting the men have their fun gawking at the new car, and enjoying the silence that comes with it.
“do you wanna go tell them dinner is ready?” she more so tells me to do, and i fake a pout.
“do i have to? it’s so peaceful. we could easily just slip out back and eat dinner by the lake without them ever even noticing.” i wiggle my eyebrows enticingly and she laughs, shooing me off towards the front door.
“i had to try.” i giggle out, opening the front door to the gaggle of men. “boys! dinner’s ready!”
they all make their way up the porch and i stand idly by, waiting for my own man to enter the house. finally, he appears at the very back of the group, smirking as he wraps an arm around my waist, walking me to the dining room.
“i was thinking after dinner, you and i could go for a drive. just us.” he pecks a kiss to my cheek as we sit at the table, and i nod.
“sure, sounds nice.” his hand rests on my thigh now, partly covered by my sundress, and i squirm a little at his touch on my bare skin.
it’s been at least three weeks since Quinn and i have been able to do anything past PG-13, him not wanting to risk it while his parents are here, and i’m starting to feel restless.
the smallest touches from him have been causing me to get slick with need, and i squeeze my thighs together to provide myself some friction, but it never helps. like now.
i know Quinn has caught on because his grip tightens just the slightest bit, his thumb beginning to stroke my skin.
“you okay, baby?” he’s teasing me, asking his question in such a sweet tone that anyone else at the dinner table would think he’s just checking in on his girlfriend, but he and i know that isn’t the case.
“mhm” i hum, attempting to ignore his touch as i fill my plate and his.
“now y/n, Quinn is a grown man with two hands; he can make his own plate, honey.” Ellen jests, poking a dig at her eldest son.
“acts of service is her love language, ma.” Quinn pokes back before pressing another chaste kiss to my cheek, muttering his thank you as we begin to eat.
the table is filled with a generous amount of chatting as we eat; Jack telling a story about something that happened in Jersey, Luke telling everyone about how Luca Fantilli got his head stuck in stair banisters… twice, Trevor going on a long-winded rant about a missed goal; but Quinn and i are mostly silent. Quinn because he’s just almost been more of the listen rather than talk type, and me because i don’t trust my voice while my boyfriend is currently inching his hand up the bottom of my dress.
someone seems to catch onto my lack of interest though, because Alex eyes me curiously from his spot in front of me, and then chooses to speak up.
“you’re quiet tonight, y/n.” his statement draws the attention of the rest of the group, their eyes gravitating towards me.
“just tired.” i fib, my voice tight as Quinn’s hand slowly slides towards my inner thigh, now just far enough away that if he spreads his fingers, his pinky will graze against my wet panties. “who knew three hours at a car dealership could be so draining.”
Cole laughs, obviously buying my lie, which causes the rest of the table to chuckle.
“oh yeah, honey. buying a car will do that.” Ellen sympathizes. “the long process sucks the life right out of you.”
the chatter carries on around me and i return to my silence. dinner has long since been finished, and Luke proposes making s’mores for dessert, so Quinn takes that as our chance to escape.
“you guys go ahead,” he starts. his warm touch disappears from my skin as he rises from his chair. “y/n and i are gonna go for a drive. i wanna show her why this purchase was worth it.”
he holds his hand out for mine and i falter, looking between Ellen and him.
“i usually help your mom with the dishes.” i remind him, gesturing towards the table full of plates.
“oh don’t worry about it,” Ellen chimes. “Jack can help me.”
“i- what?” Jack sputters, finally looking away from the phone screen he’s been engrossed in for the past few minutes. “what about me? i was checking the Yankees score.”
Quinn rolls his eyes at his younger brother, shaking his head as he grasps my hand, pulling me up from my seat and leading me through the house.
“we’ll be back in a little bit!” he calls out as we exit through the front door.
climbing into the car, i can feel the excitement radiating off of him.
“okay, i know i’m not a car person, but what is a drive in it supposed to show me?” i ask as he starts the engine. his hand gravitates to the back of my headrest as he reverses out of the driveway, his eyes flicking between the backup camera and the back window of the car.
it should be illegal to be this hot while reversing a car.
fuck, y/n. focus.
“you’ll understand once you ride it.”
i scan his body, my eyes lingering in one specific place.
i can think of something i’d like to ride.
shit, y/n. think with your brain, not your hormones.
“okay.” i drag out, leaning back in the seat and relaxing as he drives down the street.
the car is quiet besides the soft hum of the radio, tuned into a random pop hits station that i know Quinn turned on just for me.
his left hand sits on the steering wheel, while his right reaches over to lay upon my thigh, causing my thoughts to run wild. fantasies and memories of us tangled in the sheets, his hand on my throat as he hovers above me, or better yet; his hand in between my legs, his fingers working me toward my orgasm.
i can feel my skin get red and hot, as i imagine all the ways i would be with him if we weren’t stuck in a house full of people.
… but we’re not there now.
Quinn exits onto the highway, the car speeding up as he does so, and i glance toward the back seat.
it’s small, but we could make it work.
my hand snakes up to sit on top of his and his eyes flicker towards me, a soft smile resting on his lips at the sweet gesture. and i let him believe that for a few minutes before i’m pulling his hand up my thigh, closer towards my soaking core.
“baby-” he breathes out, his words failing him when he finally feels how wet i am.
“we’re all alone.” i state, my head lolling back against the seat as his fingers start stroking me through my panties like they have a mind of their own.
“baby, i’m driving.” his voice is strained, a vein popping out on his neck as he clenches his jaw.
my hand leaves his, instead reaching over to palm him through his jeans, in which his left hand leaves the wheel to lightly swat mine away.
“i can’t drive if you do that.”
i huff but it blends into a moan as his thumb begins to circle my clit.
“so, pull over.” i suggest, ready for something more.
he’s hesitant, i can tell, so i pull out the secret weapon.
“please, daddy.” i whimper, reaching over to palm his now hard cock once more.
“fuck.” he curses, switching lanes to get off on the next exit.
he quickly finds a mostly abandoned lookout, only one other car parked on the other side of the lot, and switches into park.
his eyes are cloudy with need as he turns to look at me, his fingers still working themselves on my bundle of nerves. my breaths come out in heavy pants that mingle with moans.
“faster.” i plead, but rather than obeying my lust-hazed command, he pulls his hand away completely. i mewl at the loss of touch, but his hand winds up to the base of my neck, his grasp just light enough to remind me who’s in charge, but not tight enough to do any harm to my air supply.
“you don’t call the shots here, darling.” he whispers before pulling me by his grip into a bruising kiss.
his tongue brushes against mine and his teeth bite down on my lower lip, making me whimper. when he pulls away, i can just barely make out his features within the darkness of the Ferrari.
“get in the back.” he orders and i scramble to unbuckle my seatbelt, climbing over the center console and into the divided backseat.
rather than joining me by climbing back, Quinn exits the car, rounding the front and opening the passenger side door. he pulls the passenger seat forward, climbing in on his knees and shutting the door, the seat still pulled as far forward as it’ll go.
his arms hook around my legs, pulling me forward so that i’m slumped in the seat, my ass sitting on the edge. he looks up at me with dark eyes, placing my legs over his shoulders as he leans forward.
his hands glide up my legs, bunching my sundress up to my waist. his tongue licks a stripe over my clothed cunt and i shudder, my left hand attempting to grip at the leather of the backseat center console, as my right finds itself tangled in his hair.
he pulls away, despite my attempts to hold him in place, and his fingertips play with the waistband of my lacy yellow panties.
“beg me.” he insists, teasing me by hooking his fingers in the sides of my underwear, but not making any further moves.
“please, Quinn.” i plead, and he pulls one side away from my skin then lets it snap back into place, causing me to jolt.
“uh-uh.” he shakes his head, backing away just slightly.
“please, daddy, please.” i cry out, attempting to pull him in again. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“yeah?” Quinn taunts, slowly pulling my panties down my legs as i lift myself just barely from the seat. he knocks my legs from his shoulders, pulling the under garment off and throwing it in the front seat.
“mhm.” i nod my head wildly, my brows raising as i do so. “i’ll be so good. just please, please, do something.”
Quinn wastes no more time, pushing one of my legs up to hook over the backseat center console as the other hooks over his shoulder. he dives down, licking up my heat like a man starved.
his tongue circles my clit and my head drops back, but he provides a swift smack to my thigh to remind me to look at him. one of his rules.
i bite my lip to try and muffle my cries of pleasure, his hand rising to pull the top of my dress down just enough for my breasts to pop out. he grips one, harshly squeezing before he pinches at my nipple.
my jaw drops open, a breathy moan escaping my lips as my back attempts to arch in the small space.
“fuck!” i cry out, tugging at his hair. “yes, daddy!”
he shifts between sucking on clit to licking in my cunt, fucking me with his tongue. my hips stutter and he holds my leg open as it tries to unhook itself from the console in order to close on his head.
i tug again at his hair, pushing his head further into me, and he moans, the vibrations flowing straight into my core. i cry out again, the familiar knot in my stomach slowly building the longer he continues.
“please!” i whine. “please, make me come!”
Quinn’s dips down to show more love to my pussy, and his nose brushes against my clit, my hips immediately beginning to grind against him. my legs begin to shake and i can feel myself getting closer and closer to release.
“right there! don’t stop!”
i’m sure anyone outside the car can probably hear my screams, but it doesn’t deter me. too busy chasing my high to care what anyone else may think.
of course, Quinn doesn’t listen, knowing my body well enough to know exactly what will set me off. his lips close around my clit, sucking and flicking his tongue, and it only takes a few moments for me to reach the edge.
“i’m gonna come! fuck, i’m gonna come!” i warn him but he only pushes deeper, flicking his tongue faster against the button of nerves, and i let out a guttural moan as i finally let go, coming on his face. he laps at my release, riding me through my orgasm, only stopping once i begin to twitch at the feeling.
“now you see why i won’t do anything at the house?” he teases, smirking as he wipes at the juices on his chin with the back of his hoodie sleeve. “you’re so vocal. i love it, but i don’t want anyone else hearing your sounds. they’re just for me.”
my hand hook around the nape of his neck and i pull him up to my face, pressing my lips against his. he moans into the kiss and i can taste myself on his lips; slightly sweet, slightly salty, and it turns me on; pushing me towards another round.
i release him from my grasp, lightly shooing him backwards and fiddling with the button on his pants.
“i want you to fuck me.” i breathe out, pulling his zipper down.
“oh yeah?” his smirk grows, clearly not expecting any more than we just did.
“yes, please.” i nod, pulling his pants down, his erection popping free and slapping against his clothed torso. “please fuck me, daddy.”
i maneuver myself onto my knees, slowly bending myself over the center console, allowing my right leg to straighten some, my foot dropping down to the floor of the car as the other leg stays bent on the backseat; allowing him a full view of my glistening pussy.
“since you asked so nicely, baby.” Quinn joins me on the seat, knelt behind me at a slightly awkward angle as he pulls his pants down some more.
i bite back a giddy smile, waiting impatiently for him to fill me up, and i’m not disappointed when i look back to find him grasping his cock. he runs it through my folds a few times, lubing himself up with my release, and i arch my back to better accommodate him.
my eyes roll back, a moan bubbling up my throat as he pushes his tip into my entrance, thrusting in just slightly before pulling back and repeating.
“daddy, please.” i whine, still frustratingly horny and awaiting his full size.
it doesn’t take any more begging than that, Quinn suddenly bottoming out inside me.
“fuck, baby, you feel so good.” he groans, but i’m too busy choking out my own cries to reply.
he begins thrusting slowly, and i nearly let out a sob of relief at the feeling.
“whadd’ya think?” he asks, his voice strained as he thrusts into me, fucking my hips into the leather of the center console. “how does my cock feel, fucking your greedy little pussy?”
“so good!” i exclaim, pushing back against him. my eyes squeeze shut as his hand wraps around my throat, the other gripping my hip. “feels so good!”
“love watching your ass bounce off me as i fuck you like this.” he groans and his dirty talk succeeds in making me clench around him, causing him to moan.
i peek back to find his head thrown back, his jaw slack and his eyes firmly shut for a moment before he looks back down, making eye contact with me.
he leans forward, his front pressing against my back as he kisses my lips, nipping at my lips before he pulls back and continues fucking into me at a faster rhythm.
my head drops forward, my hair curtaining my face, and i let out a cry of pleasure as he begins rubbing my clit.
my back arches again, and i whimper when his hand leaves my throat in order to smooth down my spine, pushing my back down further.
“taking me so well.” he praises, thrusting harder than before, and i can feel the knot that had just come undone, tangling back together. “such a good girl for me.”
”only for you, daddy.” he continues his assault on my clit and the sensation mixed with the fullness of him pushing into me makes my legs begin to shake once more.
i can feel his dick pulsating, and his strokes become sloppier, assuring me that he’s close. i clench around him, my eyes rolling back and stars dancing in my vision.
“oh god, i’m coming!” i announce.
Quinn grips my hip tight, “god isn’t in this car, baby.”
my hips begin to falter in their movements, my body locking up and my breath catching in my throat as i come for the second time tonight.
my orgasm spurs on his; his hips stuttering and his breathing falling heavy, a grunt escaping his lips as he finishes inside of me.
his thrusts stop, the car falling silent except our heavy pants as we catch our breath. the windows are fogged, the scent of sex lingering around us.
Quinn pulls out of me and i slump against the center console, listening to him pull his pants back up. he pulls my sundress back down to cover my ass before he sits, gripping my hips and pulling me back and onto his lap, my back now pressed against the side of the car.
my head lolls sideways onto his shoulder, my eyes closed, and he chuckles, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. caressing my cheek, he pecks a soft kiss onto my nose and the corners of my lips twitch up in a smile.
“worth the wait?” he questions and my eyelids flutter open. i nod, craning my neck to kiss his cheek, and he smiles.
“my girl needs some sleep, huh?” he asks, and i nod again, but make no moves to get up. “let’s get you home.”
my limbs feel like jello as i climb out of the car, letting him out before i push the passenger seat back and sit back down, buckling up. Quinn rounds the car, climbing into the drivers side and starting the engine once more.
but before beginning to drive, he reaches down and pulls my panties out from under his thigh. laughing, he hands them back to me, and i giggle as i pull them back on.
the ride home is mostly quiet, my head resting against the cool glass window and our hands laced together, with his right one back in its place on the steering wheel.
“well,” i start as we pull into the driveway, my voice hoarse from my earlier cries. “we christened the car.”
Quinn lets out a hearty laugh, letting go of my hand to put the car in park and turn off the engine.
he jumps out of the car as i unbuckle, making his way around to my door and letting me out.
“what do you think the odds are that they’ll be asleep?” he grins as i pretend to ponder his question.
“your parents? one hundred percent. everyone else? maybe twenty percent.” i joke and he shrugs.
“i’ll take those odds.” we make our way up the porch and he unlocks the door, attempting to stay quiet in order to sneak past any stray boys still in the open space of the house.
but luck is officially not on our side as we open the front door to the living room full of his brothers and their friends on the couch playing video games.
Quinn quietly curses as heads turn to look at us, and Trevor is the first to put together our long drive and our disheveled appearances. he busts out in laughter, pointing between my boyfriend and i.
“oh you guys fucked.” he cackles, wheezing in amusement.
Jack and Luke’s noses scrunch for a moment before they too join in on the laughter, but luckily Alex and Cole just shake their heads at their friends.
“you guys are so immature.” Quinn scoffs, lacing his hand in mine as we head toward the stairs, up to our bedroom.
“in the new car, guys? seriously?” Jack calls out, and his older brother rolls his eyes, continuing up the stairs.
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zepskies · 3 months
The Miracle Man
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Pairing: Boaz Priestly x F. Reader
Summary: The first time you met Priestly was both the worst and best night of your life. He gave you a Miracle.
AN: Here’s the prequel to Code Red! (But this can also be read as stand alone.) I hope you enjoy. And just a note, remember this was circa 2007, still the era of flip phones and iPods, despite the advent of the iPhone.
Word Count: 3,500
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only for mature talk. A kind of meet cute, insecurities, angst, breakups, hurt/comfort, sandwiches, fluff and feels.
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He was a lone ranger in the Wild West. His weapon of choice?
A dirty mop.
Priestly bopped his head to the music playing from his earbuds. His iPod was tucked in his right jean pocket while he speared the mop across the floor of the sandwich shop. It was three minutes to closing time on a Saturday night, and it was his turn to clean up and lock up.
He was looking forward to getting home, taking a shower, and diving face-first into his bed. But first, he just needed to kill three minutes.
Come on, come on, come oooon, he sang in his mind as the hands on his watch ticked on. While glancing down at said watch, he remembered it had been a gift from Tish for his birthday…
Three months ago. When they were still together.
Priestly heaved a sigh. What were you supposed to do with gifts from your ex that you actually liked? The gifts that made it into your everyday life, not just because they were from the person you thought you loved, but because it was actually hella practical and a nice accessory to keep on your person?
It’s just a damn watch. Don’t make it a big deal, he reminded himself. What was he supposed to do, have a ritual burning of everything Tish had ever touched?
That would take all damn night. And he definitely drew a line at his dick.
The front door of the shop opened, the little bell Trucker installed chiming with too much cheer and startling Priestly out of his thoughts.
“We’re closed,” he said. But that was before he looked up, and had to pause in his mopping.
You were standing there, holding yourself in the open doorway with the cold breeze hitting your back. You were wearing a red cocktail dress and the highest black heels he’d ever seen, with your styled hair falling around your shoulders.
You were entirely too beautiful to be in this old sandwich shop, he thought. It had Priestly swallowing, frozen in time.
“Really? The sign says 10,” you pointed out. There was a level of desperation in your eyes. “Please, you’re the only place with the lights still on and I’ve been all up and down the block.” 
Blinking out of his idiotic state, Priestly looked down at his watch again. It was exactly 9:59 p.m.
Well, damn. Got me on a technicality.
He held in a sigh.
“Okay, come on in,” he waved you over. Setting down his mop, he rounded the counter and went to man the register. He gave you a minute to peruse the menu. He noted that aside from your stunning attire, you had a cell phone in your hand that clearly couldn’t fit in that little purse hanging off your shoulder, bumping along your hip.
He couldn’t help but visually trace the curves of your hips and waist, back up to the sweetheart neckline of the dress, the deeper shade of your lipstick and up to your face.
But then he felt bad for staring, so he looked up heavenward before you caught him.
Meanwhile, your eyes drifted from the menu and dipped to his chest for a moment.
“Too bad I’m not gay,” you said.
What? Priestly frowned in confusion. But following your gaze, he realized you were staring at his yellow shirt, which read in big, 70s-style letters: Be Gay & Proud, Get a Free Drink.
His lips twitched at a grin, and he looked up at you. “D’you know what you want?”
You had a smile starting to play on your lips as well. You went back to considering your choices.
“Not sure, but I’m starving. What do you recommend?” you asked.
Priestly’s lips puckered as he considered the menu he knew by heart.
“Well, if you wanna go classic, I’d do a Spicy Italian on white bread. If you wanna be adventurous, we just added the Jalapeño Buffalo Chicken Club," he said. "But, if you wanna get crazy awesome, I can put on some Zeppelin and make you something special of my own design.”
He colored that last option with a gesture of his hand, a flourish, if you will. You tilted your head at him and smiled.
“Okay. Surprise me, Sandwich Man.”
Priestly snorted while he washed his hands again. “Sounds like the lamest superhero ever.”
“With his death-defying salami summoning powers,” you quipped, with a giggle that had him smiling as well.
“Nice alliteration,” he said. And he made a show of tying his apron back on. “Don’t worry, ma’am. Your late-night hoagie is safe with me.”
You tried to stifle another laugh while he worked his magic. From bread to meats and cheeses and toppings, Priestly was a master of his craft. He had that 12” hero wrapped and sliding across the counter towards you in record time.
“I call this the ‘Miracle,’” he winked. “You’ll see why. But that’ll be $10 even.”
You nodded and turned to the purse on your hip. You opened up the little velvety thing, but your face fell when all you found was your keys, not your credit card.
“No.” Your heart dropped into your stomach. You opened your purse wider and flipped through the satin insides, but you saw that it was empty. “You’ve gotta be shitting me. I know I had my wallet in here…”
And then it dawned on you.
“That fucking asshole,” you growled.
Priestly’s eyes widened. “Uh…”
Your head snapped up to his. “I had a different purse picked out for tonight. You know, one that actually had my wallet in it? But my know-it-all boyfriend had the nerve to say, ‘That one’s too shiny, looks kinda cheap. This is a restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton, not a hooker hangout.’ Can you believe that?”
Priestly blinked in confusion, but he realized that in your purse shuffling, you had no way to pay for this amazing sandwich he’d just concocted.
And now, you actually had the beginnings of frustrated tears in your eyes as you took in a shuddering breath.
“I’m so sorry,” you said. “I can’t—I can’t pay for this. I don’t have my wallet… Hold on, let me see if he’ll…”
You held up a finger and started dialing manically on your phone. You held it up to your ear and waited. Your tears sprang forth anew when the line just kept ringing until it sent you to voicemail. 
“Figures,” you scoffed. “The one time I actually need this douchebag to answer, he ignores me!”
You slammed the phone down on the counter and covered your face with your hand as you sniffled. Priestly softened with sympathy. You seemed to be having a harder night than he thought.
He slid the sandwich your way, making you raise your head.
“It’s okay. This one’s on the house,” he said. “Looks like you could use a pick-me-up.”
Your watery eyes met his. “Really? You don’t have to…”
“No worries,” he replied, giving you a bit of charm in his grin. “I’ll even throw in a soda. Lady’s choice.”
Your lower lip trembled, but you were able to smile. With a quiet thank you, you wiped under your eyes carefully so your mascara wouldn’t run. Then you grabbed a Coke from the machine along with your sandwich from the counter.
“Do you mind if I eat here?” you asked, gesturing at one of the tables. “I promise I won’t leave a mess. I know you’re trying to close up.”
Priestly waved a dismissive hand. “Sure. Don’t worry about it.”
He went around the counter to take up his mop and continue where he left off in the cleaning process. But he couldn’t help but eye you every now and then. Curiosity was starting to eat him alive.
Had your boyfriend just dumped you here? Had you gone off alone? Somehow, he couldn’t see the first option happening. If you were his girlfriend, he would do his best not to let you walk away angry at him, let alone this late at night, without any money or even your ID.
“Are you coming from a party or something?” he found himself asking. You looked up from your second bite of the sandwich. You’d looked to have been truly enjoying it, uttering a moan that’d caught his attention.
“No,” you chuckled humorlessly around a mouthful of bread. “I was supposed to meet his parents. His rich, very bougie, hyper-critical parents. Somehow it didn’t occur to me that he was just like them.”
Priestly paused and leaned on his mop. He was hesitant, not wanting to disturb you while you were eating, but he was too damn hooked.
“So…what happened?” he asked. You scoffed and took another massive bite of your sandwich.
“Okay, you want to hear this? Fine,” you began. “So, I’m a stress eater by nature. Let’s just start with that.”
“Who isn’t?” Priestly supplied. Pursing your lips, you raised a black olive at him in a thank you gesture.
“But when I tell you I spent three months depriving myself to fit into this dress. No carbs, cheese, chocolate, or happiness.”
He grimaced. “That’s no way to live.”
“Exactly!” you concurred. “But I did all that so my boyfriend would have nothing to say when I finally met his parents for this dinner—to celebrate him graduating from med school.”
Priestly found himself dimming inside. Not only were you spoken for, but you were with a future doctor, no less. The only title Priestly had to his name was Sandwich Man.
“It started with the purse thing when he picked me up. Then when we get there, he keeps telling me how stuffy his dad is and how judge-y and critical his mom can be and how I’m a reflection on him,” you mocked in an impression of his voice.
“Then I find myself second-guessing every word that might come out of my mouth, and I’m too nervous to even eat the $60 plate of Chilean sea bass in front of me, and not to mention, there’s a glass of wine in my hand. I don’t even like wine!”
By now, it was all Priestly could do to keep up with your verbal spitfire. You were also gesticulating wildly with your sandwich the more worked up you got.
“I mean, I’m saying things I don’t say, and suddenly I realize that I’ve wrapped myself up in so many knots for this man, I don’t even recognize myself,” you confessed. Your eyes lit up with a gleam of clarity. Your hands lowered down to the table, and after a beat, you continued eating.
“But then my boyfriend of over a year turns to me and says, ‘Why are you being so weird and frigid?’” you said. You met Priestly’s eyes. “I just, I got so mad. I wanted to choke him out with my napkin, you know?”
He bit his lip to stifle a laugh.
“So instead of violence, I grabbed the glass of pinot noir, or chardon-perignon-whatever-the-fuck, and I poured it in his lap,” you concluded. “Then I walked out. And I ignored his calls. And I kept walking. Then a nice guy made me a sandwich.”
Priestly had to smile at that. He knew there was a Ritz-Carlton in the area, but that had to be almost a mile down the street. You’d walked a long way in those crazy-ass heels.
He propped his mop against a nearby table and sat down across from you. He shook his head in wonderment. And inside, your words kind of rattled him.
I’ve wrapped myself up in so many knots, I don’t even recognize myself.
“You know, sometimes I really, really wish I was gay,” you said, gesturing at his shirt.
“O-Oh…really?” he asked, raising his brows.
“Yeah, I do,” you answered. “I’m a quick study. I could learn to eat pussy.”
If he had been drinking something, he would’ve spat it out. He mentally fumbled for a moment before he could articulate a response.
“Well, I don’t doubt you, but it can be an acquired taste. Though I happen to like it,” he replied, grinning mostly to himself. He didn’t even think about how it might come out though.
As soon as he realized what he was saying to a perfect stranger, his eyes widened and met yours.
"Uh, sorry," he said.
But you just chortled in amusement. Your blush intensified though, along with your smile as you took a sip of your soda.
“You’re uh…you’re pretty awesome,” he said. And he meant that.
You blinked in surprise. Your lips twitched upwards, a blush rosy in your cheeks.
“Yeah?” you asked. His smile deepened.
“Yeah,” he replied. “And for the record, I know I just met you, but…I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Your face softened with a certain shyness, but you smiled at him through your lashes.
“Well, I appreciate that…” you trailed, realizing you didn’t yet know his name.
“Priestly,” he offered, along with his hand across the table. You slipped your smaller hand in his and gave him your name.
Though you quirked a brow at him. “Priestly? That’s your first name?”
Now it was his turn to get a little embarrassed.
“Uh, no,” he said, his gaze falling from yours. He scratched the back of his head, under the blue mohawk.
“Oh. What is it, then?” you asked.
“You don’t want to know,” he chuckled wryly.
“I think I do, or I wouldn’t be asking,” you countered. Your smile was playful though. Disarming, even.
“It’s um, it’s Boaz,” he admitted. You tilted your head, as if swirling the name around in your head. But you didn’t say it was weird, or stupid, or too biblical. You just smiled.
“Boaz Priestly. Interesting,” you nodded. Then you wrapped up your garbage, having eaten all of your sandwich. You made sure to collect every crumb, even though he’d told you not to worry about the mess. You got up to take it to the trashcan near the door.
“How’re you getting home?” he asked.
You bit your lip. The anxiety in your eyes told him you’d been pondering that same question. You let out a deep breath.
“I guess I’ll have to walk back to the hotel, try to get a ride from my b…my ex-boyfriend. Gotta get used to saying that,” you said. “I promise I’ll pay you back for the sandwich.”
“Didn’t I tell you it was on me? Don’t worry about that,” said Priestly. “But I’ll tell you what, let me give you a ride.”
You shook your head. “Oh, thank you, but we just met, and I—”
Just then, Priestly realized how his offer sounded. He didn’t want to creep you out.
“Ah, or I can get you a cab,” he said. “I doubt you want to see that guy again tonight, do you?”
You bit your lip, smudging some of the scarlet red lipstick there. It distracted him for a moment, but he returned his gaze to your eyes.
You sighed. As much as you didn’t want to impose again, you let Priestly call you a cab. He paid for it in advance after you gave the cabbie your address. Before you got in the car, you turned to Priestly and touched his arm.
“Thank you,” you said. “I promise, I’ll come tomorrow and pay you back.”
He smiled. “You can try.”
He earned your sweet smile back, and he watched you get into the cab. He tried not to raise his hopes up, but he really did hope he’d see you tomorrow.
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And yet, he should’ve known it was too good to be true.
“Maybe she got caught up at work or something,” Jen tried to console him the next day at closing, after you didn’t show up.
“It’s Sunday,” he pointed out grumpily. He continued to wipe down Table 4 of some nasty residue of mayo and pickled radish.
“You don’t know what kind of job she has,” Piper interjected. She was making a tuna salad sub on wheat for the last customer, which she then passed on to Tish at the register. “Maybe she’s in retail, or she’s in the restaurant business too—or hey, a lifeguard! This is a beach town after all.”
“Or maybe, she just played you into getting free food and a ride home,” Tish suggested, with her usual brand of cutting sarcasm. It just tended to cut a bit deeper these days, whenever it was leveled at Priestly.
The post-breakup thing had been tense and awkward for everyone, and it still hadn’t normalized just yet in their little sandwich-making ecosystem. Jen shot her friend a look though, one that told her she was being bitchy.
The problem was, she’d only voiced what Priestly was thinking anyway, deep down.
��Amazing, serendipitous things don’t happen to me, Piper,” he said. “Not anymore.” 
He continued cleaning.
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Three weeks later, it happened on a Friday afternoon.
It was one of their busiest times of the week. Tish was at the register as usual, Jen was sorting through the inventory and bussing tables, and Priestly was making hero after hero like a fiend, alongside Piper. He was definitely living up to his name of Sandwich Man.
He was still able to recognize your voice near the register.
“One 12” Miracle, please,” you requested.
“Um…we don’t have that on the menu,” Tish replied. But Priestly looked over with a grin. He met your gaze, and found you smiling back at him.
Tish followed the exchange with suspicion.
“One Miracle, coming up!” Priestly called out.
He had the order ready within minutes, but he was painstaking about it, not an olive out of place. He wrapped it up nicely and walked it over to the register himself, placing it in front of you on the counter.
“Well, hi there,” he greeted.
A familiar blush spread across your face, just as endearing as he remembered. The only thing different about you so far was your clothes. No longer dressed to the nines, you were more casual in your jeans, ankle boots, and V-necked top.
In every other way, you were the same. It might’ve been making his heart trip up.
“Hi,” you said. “Got a minute, Miracle Man?”
Priestly ducked his head, hiding a more bashful smile. Before he could respond, Tish interrupted, “That’ll be $10.”
You nodded and handed her a $50 bill. She looked at you in confusion.
“The rest is a tip, for the hero makers,” you explained, glancing at both Priestly and Piper. He gave you an incredulous smile.
You little minx, he thought. He couldn’t say no if you were tipping Piper too.
But he did ask Jen to help fill in for him while he made his way around the counter to go to you. Tish just watched the scene unfold with a silent frown, like she was trying to make sense of what was happening. She always thought she’d be the first one to move on.
“Let’s talk outside. Little more privacy from the peanut gallery,” Priestly said to you, tossing a knowing glance over his shoulder. You spotted all the employees now watching you and Priestly closely.
You became a touch more shy as he led you out of the shop with a hand resting on the small of your back. You slipped your sandwich into a larger purse than last time. Then you looked up at him with apologetic eyes.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to come back here,” you said. “It got a bit…ugly, after that night.”
Priestly’s brows furrowed in concern. “Ugly?”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” you assured him. “Lots of shouting and empty threats, then half-assed apologies. But I’m done with all that.”
Priestly considered that with a nod. “Well, good. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better.”
You stared up at his face, and you thought he really seemed to mean that. You knew you shouldn’t be feeling that familiar flutter in your stomach, not three weeks after breaking up from a year-long relationship. Even so, the night you walked out of this shop, you felt free. Like you could breathe again.
You felt like you.
So now, you leaned up and kissed Priestly on the cheek.
His eyes widened a fraction as he stared down at you. You smiled and grasped his hand.
“Would you maybe want to…ask me out sometime?” you asked. A nervous giggle escaped you, making him smile.
“Y-Yeah, I would. If you’re sure you want me to,” he replied. In the past, maybe he would’ve let his excitement get the best of him. He’d be trying to jump at this chance. Experience had taught him not to hope too hard though. Sometimes, getting what you wished for backfired in your face.
You squeezed his hand, earning his attention.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you asked. Your smile became teasing before you used his words against him. “From what I’ve seen so far, you’re pretty awesome. But mostly pretty.”
He had to laugh at that. Pretty was not something he’d ever been called in life. Weird, freak, try-hard goth—that was all familiar territory. His tattoos and piercings tended to bring that out in people.
But he gathered some courage and squeezed your hand back.
“Well, you’re beautiful,” he said, thumbing at your chin. His eyes met yours and got lost there for a moment. “Uh, really beautiful.”
You blushed further and bit your lower lip out of habit. It drew his gaze, and he gained a little more courage. He tilted your chin upwards, so he could find those lips easier in a kiss. Your fingers curled in the front of his shirt and brought him closer. His hand found your cheek as he angled deeper into the kiss.
Despite the chill on the air, the California sun was warm and beating down on you both.
It was the perfect day for a Miracle.
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AN: How I love Priestly lol. If you liked this, let me know! 💜
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Priestly Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BP Tag List:
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @globetrotter28
@charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @siampie @sanscas @kaleldobrev
@waters-2567 @pieandmonsters @akshi8278 @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @idiotdyslexic @heartlessdelusions @chriszgirl92
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261 notes · View notes
boobo13cambridge · 1 year
I’ll Take Care of You | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: none just angsty and some passionate kissing
Summary: Kylian is feeling stressed as the news that he will not be extending with PSG comes out. He seeks comfort in you. 
A/N: Hello, everyone! When I got this request I absolutely adored the idea and wanted to get right to it. As always, please leave me feedback and don’t forget to reblog. I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy, lovelies ❣️
The sun had long set over the city of Paris, casting an ethereal glow upon the Eiffel Tower as its lights illuminated the darkened sky. In the midst of the bustling city, a heavy atmosphere hung over Kylian Mbappé's lavish apartment. The young football prodigy, renowned for his incredible talent on the field, now found himself at a crossroads that weighed heavily on his heart.
Kylian had spent years with Paris Saint-Germain, captivating fans and leaving a lasting mark on the club. Since his arrival in 2017, he had steered his team to five Ligue 1 titles, secured three French Cup titles, and clinched the coveted Player of the Season award on four occasions. Yet, beneath the surface of success, a storm of discontent brewed within him. He felt betrayed by the club. He wasn't happy with the Mercato, he wasn't happy with the coach, and he was even less happy about practically being threatened by the president of the club that he would never be able to leave.  The project that they tried to sell him was all a lie, leaving him consumed by frustration. 
Paris was his home, his people, and his beloved city, and he never desired to depart its embrace. But his relentless ambition gnawed at his conscience, whispering that remaining stagnant would be a betrayal to the dreams of the little boy from Bondy who yearned to conquer all. The time had come to draw a line in the sand; he had reached his breaking point. Enough was enough.
As he lay sprawled on the couch, his gaze fixed upon the sprawling Paris skyline, an overwhelming headache descended upon him. It felt as though the weight of the entire world rested squarely upon his shoulders. The relentless media scrutiny only exacerbated his turmoil, incessantly hurling names at him and peddling baseless stories about his character (as if they even knew him), and practically harassing him on social media. 
He was just so tired.
The young French captain longed for your presence by his side, but fate had conspired against him as you were working until 6 pm that day. Gazing at his iPhone, he saw that it was merely 5:30 pm, and a sense of dejection washed over him. With a heavy heart, he decided to text you, hoping that he could somehow persuade you to leave early.
Kylian: bébé can u leave early?
Kylian: tu me manques 🙁  (I miss you)
You: aww mon bébé 🙁  (aww my baby)
You: ouvre la porte je suis là 😘 (open the door, I'm here)
Surprised and filled with a glimmer of hope, he swiftly rose from the couch, his anticipation mirrored by the chime of the doorbell. A small smile spread on his fatigued face, as he felt a fraction of the weight burdening his shoulders dissipate. 
Opening the door, he felt a sense of relief surge through his body as he saw your smiling face. 
"Surprise, Kyky," you said, winking at him. Kylian didn't know what had come over him, but he felt his eyes welling up with tears as he pulled you inside, enveloping himself around you as he kicked the door closed. His heart weighed heavy, and he struggled to control his sobs, burying his face in your hair.
Surprised, you wrapped your arms around him, gently stroking the back of his head. "Mon bébé, what happened? Are you okay? Talk to me, mon cœur."
Hearing your voice only intensified his tears. He yearned to share his innermost thoughts, to unburden his soul, but he found himself unable to articulate the complexities of his emotions. The past few days had been gruelling for him. People knew him as a confident, self-assured individual, seemingly impervious to the world's judgments. He felt they took advantage of that side of him and perhaps his confidence enraged them. He felt that it was unfair that they used that to vilify him at every given opportunity. This time the footballer just couldn’t take it anymore, he had reached his breaking point.
You were filled with worry. Never before had you witnessed Kylian break down in such a way. Even after the heart-wrenching moments of missing a penalty at the Euro or losing the World Cup in Qatar, his composure had remained intact. However, the recent news of his decision not to renew with PSG had evidently struck a nerve far deeper than anticipated. You knew people wouldn’t take it kindly but you didn’t think it was going to be this bad. 
"Shh, allez mon amour. Ça va bien aller. I'm here for you," you attempted to console him. Gently pulling back, you held his face between your hands.
The sight that greeted you shattered your heart into a million pieces. Kylian's face was flushed, his cheeks stained with tears. Seeing him in such anguish brought tears to your own eyes. "Ky...," you started, softly wiping away his tears with your thumbs. Shaking his head, Kylian pressed his forehead against yours.
"I can't do this anymore, bébé. Je suis tanné, putain," he cried, gripping your hips tightly, seeking solace and grounding himself in your presence.
"Je sais, mon cœur, je sais," you consoled him, gently guiding him to the couch as he lay down, his head buried in your lap. You caressed his head, your other hand soothingly rubbing his back, placing tender kisses upon his head as you whispered words of comfort.
Gradually, Kylian's sobs subsided, and he lifted his head from your stomach, wiping away his tears as you used a tissue to dab at his runny nose. "Let me get you some water, Ky," you attempted to rise, but Kylian shook his head. "Non, stay please... I just want you to hold me."
"Okay, bébé. Anything you want," you said, placing a gentle kiss upon his forehead. "But please, talk to me, Ky."
Kylian was lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, uncertain of where to begin. His emotions and feelings tangled within him, threatening to overwhelm him. It took him a few moments to gather his thoughts.
"I don't know what to do anymore," he whispered, his voice laced with vulnerability. "It feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Everyone has a fuckin’ opinion about everything I do. If I stay at PSG, I'm a fuckin’ loser who's ruining his career by staying in a farmer's league. If I leave, I'm a traitor who doesn't care about the club, only about money. I can't catch a break, bébé. No matter what I do, I'm always the bad guy, always painted as the fuckin’ villain in whatever fairytale they cook up every week. I feel suffocated, and on top of it all, I feel like a complete piece of shit for dumping all my feelings on you. I've been a shitty fiancé."
“Mon amour, don't say that. You are not a shitty fiancée and I want you to know that I love you so much. Secondly, I want you to talk about your feelings with me because that's what I'm here for. We're in this together bébé. We're a team, and I’ll always be here for you whenever you need me. As for the media, those assholes are just jealous because you’re this confident young man who’s so incredibly talented. They could never hold a candle to you, mon amour. Besides,  most of them are just a bunch of racist fucks.”
“I feel like no matter what I chose, people will still make me out to be a bad guy.”
"Bébé, you can't control that. At the end of the day, you have to make the best decision for yourself, and I'll be right by your side through it all."
You gently caressed his cheek, trying to smooth the lines of worry etched upon his forehead.
"Are you sure, bébé? I just..."
"Kylian, mon amour, mon cœur, ma vie. You mean the world to me. Your dreams are my dreams, and your happiness is my happiness. Wherever you decide to go, I'll be right there beside you, every step of the way."
Gazing into your eyes, Kylian's heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. These past few years, sharing his life with someone as extraordinary as you had transformed him into the luckiest man to walk the earth. With every beat of his heart, he recognized that you were not just a partner, but the missing piece that completed his very being—the woman he had always yearned for in his wildest dreams.
In an instant, he surrendered to the intensity of his emotions, his hand instinctively finding the curve of your neck. With a gentle yet possessive grip, he drew you closer, erasing the space between your bodies. Their warmth melded, and the world around them faded into insignificance as their lips collided in a moment of fiery passion.
Time seemed to stand still as their mouths moved in a fervent dance, their souls entwining amidst the raw fervor of their connection. It was a kiss that transcended words, conveying depths of love that mere language could never capture. In that single act, Kylian poured his heart and soul into the embrace, a testament to the profound love and desire he held for you.
The taste of his lips, the electric touch of his hands, and the fusion of their breaths ignited a blazing fire within both of them. Each kiss carried an unspoken promise—a vow of unwavering devotion, a pledge to traverse any obstacle that lay in their path. In that fleeting moment, the world existed solely for the two of them, bound by an unbreakable bond that defied all logic and reason.
As you broke apart, your noses nuzzled together. "But, you know, now that you've decided to leave once your contract ends, maybe choose a city with better weather, oui? I absolutely refuse to have our future babies be born in a cold, rainy place."
A soft chuckle escaped Kylian's lips, blending relief with joy. "I was only joking, bébé. I'm not actually going to Manchester United or Liverpool. Don't worry your pretty little head, princesse."
"You better have been joking because there's no way you're dragging me to a whole new country and knocking me up in the frigid cold.”
“Oh, please. You love it when I do you raw, princesse.”
“ Oh yeah? I'll fly right back and give birth to your child in Marseille,” you retorted, cheeks turning red.
"Take that back, bébé. You're not allowed to say that. No child of mine is going to be a Marseillais."
Laughter filled the air, a melody of hope and love. In that moment, you both knew that no matter the challenges ahead, your bond with Kylian was unbreakable. Together, you would face the uncertainties of life, drawing strength from the unwavering support and affection you shared.
As the night progressed, you held each other close, finding solace in the arms of the one who mattered most. And in that embrace, you both understood that regardless of where fate led the brilliant Kylian Mbappé, love would be your guiding light through the storm, ensuring that the journey ahead brimmed with hope, adventure, and an unyielding bond that would endure forever.
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what do you like about cars?
I think you knew, upon asking this, that I could only ever have answered with either an ironic one-liner or a dozen-part novel. And unfortunately, this is already the second line, so novel it is. So then, without any further ado than the literal half year that’s gone by since this was asked, let's go.
1. Engineering matters
At the end of last year (aka when I started writing this, yikes) my dear old iPhone 6S moved on to a new home because it simply wasn't keeping up with me anymore. (And again, I was using an iPhone 6S in 2023. If I say a phone is too slow, it's too slow.) I had plenty of criteria for the replacement: a smallish screen not overboard on resolution, ideally a physical media control button and/or vibration toggle, repairability, a FUCKING AUX JACK... Something like the Sony Xperia 10, whose only real issue is marketing so trash you've only just now learned Sony never stopped making phones.
And yet...
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This fancy wallpapers-sporting foldable is a Motorola RAZR 5G, a phone whose too-big screen already broke (though at the edge due to adhesive issues) and those who dared try warn repairing it will be as hard as phone repairs get. Why the fuck did I buy this? Well, because it has something more important than the aux jack, proper sizing, and good cameras: it made me go “That’s so cool!”, and when’s the last time a phone made you say that? It's the cusp of a new technology, and whether it becomes the future of phones, a future of phones, or just a weird footnote, it is an island of interesting in a sea of boring. And sadly, even this island is rapidly sinking. The drive for new form factors has already boiled down to the same two phones and their evolution is sinking into the usual millimetric proportion tweaking, camera rearranging, touchscreen expanding, case material switching, fingerprint sensor moving, and spec improvements not even manufacturers can come up with use cases for. I mean, seriously, how does the iPhone 15 differ from a software-updated iPhone X (which is apparently not pronounced "x", so I guess the iPhone Twitter)? Nothing is new. Nothing is tackled differently. The user experience does not differ. And why should it, when iPhone users will get a new one out of habit anyway and many are so tech illiterate moving a button could hospitalize them? Five generation newer and 150% faster are numbers you basically have to trust, because they don't make a difference that matters.
But in cars? 150% faster will matter alright. Even just looking at it. Cars are a visceral experience to even witness, let alone ride in or drive, and the frantic engineering pursuits for performance and overall capability actually have impactful real world implications beyond "some pockets will bulge 1mm less". And their engineering involves so many fields that there’s always a breakthrough going on somewhere - which leads to another reason their engineering is so interesting: there’s simply so much of it that anyone interested in engineering will find something for them, no matter their level or sector of expertise! Interested in mechanics? Well, obviously you’ll have a field day! Aerodynamics? Don't even get me started! Electronics? You're getting more goods by the year! It spread from engine management to safety assists to infotainment to ergonomic adjustments to even suspension and aerodynamics! Sound design? Even just working on the way engines sound is a profession of its own, let alone making these barrels of metal and glass propelling themselves at triple digit speeds through hundreds of explosions a second things you can comfortably have a conversation in - and that's not even mentioning horns and chimes! Hi-Fi? We’ve spent most of a century trying to get concert hall sound from a tiny tin can where everyone sits off-center and everything bumps and shakes around and you have maybe room for two components* a third the normal size and speakers can only be in a handful of places you wouldn’t want them which may well be the next room over**!
And this is just engineering.
*Like everything in the car world, there are exceptions to that
**For those unfamiliar, subwoofers, the speakers dedicated to, indeed, sub-bass, due to their frequent humongousness are often installed in the trunk.
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kscheibles · 9 months
e la vita ch. 1
content warnings: f! reader, drug mentions, drinking, emetophobia, bisexuality (homophobes and biphobes begone I will block u so fast)
word count: 3.8k
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I didn’t want to be in Italy this summer.
That makes me sound ungrateful or something, but it’s the truth. Three months ago, I had planned to stay in Brooklyn with Claire all summer long. Hosting dinner parties, eating greasy breakfast sandwiches, dancing to old $1 records in our cramped apartment, picnicking in Prospect Park, and being totally, delusionally in love.
That was before things went south, she stopped trying and left me with more rent than I could possibly pay in the city. When Christina had first mentioned that a group of her friends was headed to Italy for the summer, I’d dismissed the possibility of going with them. Not only did I dread cohabitating with her wealthy, influencer friends who seemed to deal only in clout, I thought I’d be otherwise engaged. Weeks later, I’d gone back to her groveling, asking if I could sleep on the pull-out couch in Nina’s family villa for the summer. Luckily, the sofa was still available.
Now I sit at a wrought iron table – lease broken and all of my belongings sold to wealthy Manhattanites – in the warm yellow light of the Lombard sunset. Around me are chatty, outgoing girls, each more beautiful than the last. They gab about clubs and brands and boys. In the sea of Botox and iPhones, I cling to Christina like a life buoy. I push my tortellini around my plate to make it look like I have an interest in food, but I really don’t. I’m jet-lagged and uncomfortable. And even if that wasn’t the case, I’ve barely eaten since the breakup, relying on oat lattes and dirty water dogs to keep me alive.
“Try the pasta,” Christina jabs, “trust me, you’ll have a lot more fun this summer if you lean in.” I break the shell open with my fork revealing succulent ricotta curds and bright green spinach. The filing swims in a sauce of brown butter and fragrant tarragon but doesn’t affect me as it should. Nothing does anymore. The group’s conversation interrupts my train of thought.
“They’ve come every summer since the nineties, same as us,” says Nina, smirking at the girl to her left. “Hottest little accents you’ve ever heard, I’ll tell you that much.”
“Who is she talking about?” I whisper to Christina.
“The boys in the other house,” she says, “the one you see on your way up here.” Nina’s family’s home is at a higher altitude than the rest of the city, necessitating a laborious hike to the bottom to actually do anything while in town. I’m sure that they’d been sold on the privacy of the location, but its impracticality left me wanting. The only other villa nearby sat at the base of the lush green hills before the road disappeared into winding dirt.
Another girl chimes in, “I saw them last year at a dinner in the city. They’re cute, too,” she coos. 
“I kissed George the summer I turned fifteen,” brags Nina and the whole table breaks into oohs and aahs. I usually have a shut-up-unless-spoken-to policy at group dinners, but I know Christitna is right. If I don’t lean in then the credit card debt I’d amassed to buy my plane ticket and the back problems I'm sure to contract from sleeping on a pull-out couch for a whole summer will have been for naught. Think of it as an acting exercise, I tell myself, a performance of the girl who is totally not hung up on her ex and excited for a fun summer with her friends. 
“I’m sorry,” I interrupt, “who are these guys?”
“They’re in a band,” says Nina.
“Like a real one?” I ask. Years of living in New York have taught me that all bands are not, in fact, real ones. Nina laughs.
“You’re funny,” she muses, “yes, a real one. They’re like famous. We’ll go over eventually, they throw the best parties you can find around here. Get real drugs, too. Not just liters upon liters of Aperol, not that I mind that either.”
With my question sufficiently answered, I return quietly to my pasta, cutting each shell into impossibly smaller pieces until it’s rabbit food that will glide down my throat and do the hard job of nourishing me without any work on my part.
After dinner, I tuck into the pull-out couch in the villa’s spacious living room. The lack of A/C and the balmy summer air make it impossible to enjoy the luxurious wool blankets Nina’s family no doubt splurged on. I allow myself to eavesdrop on the elated sounds coming from upstairs: women confiding in each other, commiserating about their troubles, and shrieking excitedly at each other's successes.
I first try to doze off at 10:15, hoping that an early night will be exactly what I need and I’ll wake up refreshed and on Italian time. After an hour of staring at the popcorn ceilings and trying to suppress my crippling fear of missing out, I’ve tired my mind out enough to begin slipping toward sleep. I have fewer and fewer thoughts until I’m jolted by a hip-hop bassline. It resonates through the trundle bed and rebounds off my ribs, cozying itself into my heart. As I begin to come to, I recognize the chords of a house track that used to play at the girl bar Claire and I frequented in Green Point. The melody is warm and familiar and undeniably annoying. How loud must the music be for it to affect me so acutely even as I’m a few kilometers away from them? 
I decide I’m pissed – and yes I decided. I’m freshly single, broke, jet-lagged, and fucking pissed at those entitled rich assholes. I slide my sandals on and head out down the hill in my sleep clothes.
I step outside onto the winding dirt road that leads the way to the boys’ home. The night is dark, lit by stars much brighter than I’m used to seeing in Brooklyn. I tilt my head back to look at them, trying to identify the big dipper. After a few seconds, I’m dizzy. I shake myself and trudge ahead, almost lulled into submission by the constant chirping of cicadas and the sweet fragrance of orange blossom that wafts off the bushes. 
With each step I take towards the boys’ villa (what were their names again? Nina said one was called George), the music, electronic and fast-paced, becomes louder. 
When I first knock on the faded wood door, I’m quite sure no one has heard me. I stand outside for a few minutes, contemplating whether I should knock again or cut my losses and return up the hill. I decide I may as well disrupt their party as some kind of karmic retribution for keeping me awake even as I’m exhausted from a transatlantic flight. I raise my fist and rap harshly at the door. A moment later, it flies open, revealing a curly-haired boy. Well, not boy, I decide as I inspect his features – lines decorate his forehead, and gray peeks out at me from within a ringlet that hangs over his eyes. He gives me a once over and can immediately tell I’m not here for the party. 
“Can I help you?” he asks, annoyed. His accent lilts and falls over the words. All of a sudden, I feel insecure in my braless and plaid pajama-clad state. He’s beautiful – and exasperated by me. I double down on my own annoyance. 
“Would you mind turning the music down?” I ask, still cordial, “I’m staying at the house up the way and I can’t get to sleep.”
The guy in front of me purses his lips and considers me for a moment. I feel itchy and uncomfortable. He’s looking at me like he can see through my clothes, to my soft hips and painted toes and peaked nipples. 
“Let me show you around, gorgeous,” he smiles, “then maybe you won’t mind so much.” He grabs my wrist and yanks me into the party. A warmth covers me as I cross the threshold into the villa. The inside of the home smells like college: cheap weed, sweet sticky mixers, and sweat. My sandals stick slightly to the floor, reminding me that I really shouldn’t be here right now. Like the alcohol that’s been spilled on the ground is some great cosmic interference to convince me to go home and get the rest I ought to. 
Suddenly, a big hand falls on the shoulder of the boy who’s pulling me by my limbs.
“Matty!” says the man. I can make out enough to see that he’s tall and devastatingly handsome. 
“George!” the boy – Matty, I remind myself – drops my hand and fully embraces the bigger guy. “Was just showing…” he nods at me to introduce myself.
“Around,” Matty finishes. George gives me a once over.
“Did she just roll out of bed? Or get released from prison?”
“Y/n came to ask us to keep the noise down,” Matty declares with fake sincerity, “Not a partier, are ya love?”
“Under the right circumstances, I can be,” I retort. Matty and George’s eyebrows raise in amusement, faces breaking out in smiles. That sounded much more cunning in my head. Now I feel like a toy they’re playing with, winding me up to see what noises I make. It feels infantilizing. I’m uncomfortable, crawling in my skin; pride battered and desperate to go home as soon as it doesn’t look like I’m running away from a fight of my own picking. “I’d better be going actually,” I assert.
Matty puckers his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “I’ll show you out, princess.” It’s a sweet nickname but it tastes bitter out of his mouth. He seems to twist everything good and make it unbearable. I resent him for it. I trudge in front of Matty towards the door with steadfast focus. As I cross the threshold, I turn to meet his gaze.
“Thanks for nothing,” I say calmly. Matty breaks into a devilishly smug grin. His eyebrows tilt a little and his lips reveal a few crooked teeth at the bottom of his mouth.
“My pleasure, darlin’,” he says. I scoff and turn on my heels, leaving Matty in the dust.
The scent of freshly chopped garlic fills the kitchen as I stand in an assembly line of young women with cutting boards and chefs knives, each diligently chopping an ingredient for the bruschetta. 
In front of me is a bunch of basil, perfectly fresh and green. I gently remove the leaves from the stem and create a pile in the middle of my board. It reminds me of when I would be tasked with raking the leaves as a kid. Too distracted by my childish whims, I would create more work for myself by piling the leaves on top of each other and taking a grandiose dive into them before scooping them up into a trash bag and discarding them. Each leaf was like a piece of confetti, a celebration of the season and of youth. Now I do these things to prove to myself that I’m young and that I can still conjure up that imaginative, playful nature if I try hard enough. 
As I rock my knife back and forth over the soft leaves, Christina asks me where I was the night before. 
“I came out around eleven to invite you upstairs, but I couldn’t find you,” she says.
Embarrassed, I train my eyes to the task at hand. This is not the group to look like a tattle-tale in front of. Actually, there’s very few groups in which that would fly. My penchant for playing God and divvying out karmic consequences to everyone whose path I cross is a part of my nature I’m not particularly fond of. I’m not keen to share it, especially around people who are still making up their minds about me. Despite my steadfast beliefs and borderline-outlandish behaviors, I maintain a fervent desire to be liked. It’s pathetic. 
“I stepped out for some air,” I murmur.
“Really?” she nudges, “Because I didn’t see you on the porch.”
I turn my basil bunch 90 degrees in a flourish, beginning to chop it lengthwise. 
“Fine, I couldn’t sleep because of the music,” I spit.
“And…” Christina has always been too good at getting me to reveal my true feelings. She goads me torturously until it’s easier to say what I’m thinking than to conceal it.
“And I went to ask them to turn the music down,” I finish, “There, are you happy?”
“Very,” she smiles. 
I pick up the chopped basil, letting the pieces float through my fingers and deciding I need to chop them smaller, still. I whack at the pile haphazardly, ruining the lovely squares I meticulously crafted earlier. 
“They didn’t turn it down, if you were wondering,” I pant, “Pricks.” Christina chuckles to herself.
“No one ever does.”
The music of the club is omnipresent as I enter hand in hand with Christina. On my feet are heels too high to be comfortable, but the perfect lift to accentuate my calves. As soon as I cross the threshold, I drag Christina to the bartender, ordering two negronis. We idle by the bar for a moment and I take in my surroundings, savoring the bitter aftertaste of my drink and the waltz of the lights that flicker and cover the dancefloor with reverie. I listen to the synths and flourishes of the melody that envelop my senses. I hadn’t expected to like the music, but the DJ is spinning disco and it just feels right: the cold Italian aperitif, the funky basslines, and the tranquil nighttime air. I almost wish I’d left my phone at home. Nights like these aren’t compatible with phones anyway. The atmosphere feels like a relic of a bygone era, full of free love and intoxication. 
Nina and a friend of hers find Christina and me at the bar and run up to us with inebriated bravado. “You guys made it!” she squeals. Little does she know we were pre-gaming at the villa in anticipation of this exact moment. I couldn’t handle Nina while sober tonight, that much I was absolutely sure of. It also didn’t help that I was alone – for the first time in several years – in a romantic foreign country without the girl whom I still loved. As unhealthy as it was, alcohol made that reality hurt a bit less. Nina grabs my hands and leads Christina and me away from the bar. 
“I need to introduce you to the DJs!” Nina exclaims. I glance at Christina to communicate that no, I’m not particularly enthused at the prospect of meeting some Eurotrash guy whose head is shaved and whose torso is covered in Gucci logos. She returns the glance, silently begging me to behave. I relent.
Nina leads us around the side of the floor to some kind of dark stairwell. Rationally, I should be scared of being kidnapped but my drunken stupor inspires more carelessness than I would usually indulge in. I watch the sway of Christina’s hips and follow her like a lost puppy. Finally, we reach the top and the DJ deck is revealed. It’s shadowy and hazy. To the left is a corner booth with a straight couple making out in a way that really ought to be illegal in public. Past the lookout, laser lights flicker and sweep across the dancefloor, catching on the artificial fog and filling the air with psychedelic color. My eyes fall on the backs of two figures at the DJ booth, smoke rising above their heads. I can make out that one has headphones on and is faffing with the turntable while the other has their hands in the air and the small, flickering glow of a lit cigarette dancing around their figure. I’m dragged towards them by Nina who throws an arm around each of their necks in greeting. As soon as the one with the cig turns around, I catch his eyes.
It’s Matty. Selfish, arrogant Matty. I nod my head and flatten my mouth in a kind of recognition. The room is spinning from the alcohol and my skin is buzzing with discomfort. The bass of the music resonates in my ribs, teaching my heart how to beat. My mouth tastes salty and my knees feel weak. 
I’m running to the corner where I can see a bin. Tears prick at my eyes and my hair sticks to my sweaty forehead as I swiftly empty the contents of my stomach into the small trash can. I kneel on the rough carpet and brace myself on either side of the bin with my hands. Between heaves, I lift my head to shake my hair off the back of my neck. The cool air feels grounding, but I’m soon back with my head in the can. I feel a hand on the back of my head, wrangling my frizzy hair off of my shoulders. I gasp, looking back for the sisterly comfort of Christina’s bottomless, cerulean eyes. Instead, I find a pair of brown, honey-flecked irises: Matty’s. I’m reeling too severely to be upset or confused; I’m just grateful when he uses his free hand to sweep my damp bangs out of my face and nods at me.
“Go on,” he encourages, “better out than in.”
I bury my head in the bucket again. 
“Atta girl,” Matty coos in my ear. I can almost notice his hand rubbing circles on my back. Even when I’m quite sure I’m finished, I keep my head down for a moment savoring the last few seconds that I don’t have to look Matty in the eyes. Curse him for helping me. I wouldn’t know how to interact with him under normal circumstances, much less when he’s been nice to me – and watched me unceremoniously blow chunks into a bin.
“You feel better?” he asks. I lift my head tentatively, still scared another wave of nausea will hit me. 
“I think so, yeah,” I mumble. Matty searches my eyes for any warning sign that I’m still sick.
“Have you got a hair tie?” I instinctually fish in my jeans pocket for one, handing it to him. Slowly, he corrals my locks into a ponytail and secures it, fingers grazing the tops of my ears and making me shiver. I sit back against the wall with my legs splayed out in front of me, knees visibly carpet burnt from my previous position. Matty flops down beside me. He reaches out to touch the red, irritated skin. 
“You don’t need a doctor or something, do you?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” I hiss when he applies a little pressure to my knee and shake his hands off me, “Why are you being nice to me?”
“When have I not been nice?”
“You wouldn’t turn the music down the other night,” I state. He smiles at me, eyes scrunching up until his pupils are totally obscured. 
“No one ever turns the music down,” he says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Plus,” he adds, “I thought you were a buzzkill. Now I can see that’s not the case, sweetheart.”
“I can usually handle my drink better than this,” I protest, “And I’m also usually not a buzzkill.”
“I guess I don’t know anything about you, then,” he acquiesces, thinking for a moment, “Do you want to start over?”
“Sure, I’d like that,” I nod, smiling tipsily.
“So what’s caused you to be sick tonight?” Matty asks, leaning his head back against the wall. His hair is curled up in perfect ringlets and his skin glows golden even in the dim club light. He looks at me carefully, like his stare could hurt me. It could, I suppose. 
“Alcohol?” I say it like that should be obvious. His face wrinkles up again in a laugh I can vaguely identify as something that’s my fault. He looks pretty. I realize I want to make him do it again and again forever. I want to see the crinkles that grow at the sides of his eyes and the curl of his upper lip that reveals his boyishly crooked teeth.
“I figured as much. Anything in particular that drove you to drink?” I frown for a second, trying to remember. 
“My ex,” I say quietly.
“What’d he do?”
“Nothing,” I shake my head, “that’s the problem. She didn’t do anything.”
“When was that?”
“Two months ago?” My god, it’s already been two months.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs,  “that’s still fresh.” I shrug.
“It’s alright I guess. You just feel a little betrayed when someone stops trying. I thought that was the whole point of…” I trail off, gesticulating aimlessly with my hands, “love or whatever. To keep trying.”
“I get it,” he utters. 
“People stop trying with rockstars, too?” I tease. He smiles.
“How did you know that I’m a musician?”
“Well, first of all, I said rockstar–”
“Which I chose to ignore because it was sarcastic.” I roll my eyes.
“And second of all, the girls I’m staying with told me,” I finish. He nods in understanding.
“Well yeah,” he sighs pensively, “people stop trying with everybody. Even rockstars. If I’ve learnt anything in my life, it’s that giving up usually has more to do with them than it does with you.”
“You’re probably right, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less,” I argue.
“Nothing does. You just have to let it hurt for a while.”
We’re both quiet for a second. I catch a couple of bars of an Earth, Wind, and Fire song and hum along, content with the silence. I let my head fall onto Matty’s shoulder and he immediately turns his head to look at me.
“Oh fuck, sorry. Is this okay?” I ask, hand flying to my mouth “I know I just puked.”
“It’s okay,” he says, “I just didn’t think you would want to.”
“I want to,” I kiss his shoulder through the cotton of his white button-up shirt. He watches me the whole time as though he can’t quite compute what’s happening. Then he snaps back to his regular confident state.
“Let me know if you ever want to deal with your girlf– ex without drinking your feelings away…” he trails off, mouth meeting the crown of my head, “I’d love to show you around here sometime.”
“Okay,” I mumble, the alcohol, tiredness, and emotions beginning to get the better of me and coax me toward sleep.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Matty grabs my hand from my lap and wraps it in his two larger ones, caressing my thumb and humming into my ear.
a/n: the next bit is written, but I am still writing the end. smut soon! x
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*phone buzzes*
Damian: *in the shower* Aw crap! I left my phone on the couch!
Dominik: *picks up the phone* Hey, Priest! It looks like some guy sent you a picture of his dick!
Finn: *from the bedroom* I ALREADY SENT FOUR MORE!!
Damian’s iPhone: *receiving text chimes 4x*
Dominik: *Looks at Finn’s pics on Damian’s iPhone*
Damian: *wrapping a towel around himself* Dom, put down the phone! Don’t look at those!
Dominik: Wait a minute, that’s both his hands! Who’s the hell’s taking the pictures?!
Damian: *grabs the phone from Dominik* All right, gimme that phone, and before you judge Finn, you did most of that damage!
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consistentsquash · 5 months
Author Love Letter - Scarlet
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Folks, definitely chime in you want to add stuff because a lot of folks have probably met Scarlet in different contexts!
Also it's like 4am here so my spag and everything is going to be pretty bad. Sorry about that.
Scarlet, @givereadersahug on Tumblr and emeraldlove on AO3. Powerhouse of a human, brilliant multiship and multifandom writer, moderator, fest runner, community builder, absolute role model. 0% drama, 100% love. People first always. The Queen of giving without expectation.
We were like talking about having a Rec Fest sometime back in March 2023. Of course I was 100% talk 0% action. But Scarlet actually got a lot of great folks involved, started the fest, got comods to help out and literally just made it happen. That's a good TLDR intro: Make Things Happen Behind the Scenes. Like an iphone or something. Scarlet behind the scenes = it was going to work 100% without problems.
When I think about Snarry fandom, like any big and old fandom we have different folks with different strengths/contributions. Great writers, artists, podficcers, organizers. But it's pretty hard to find somebody whose first priority is making the fandom thrive because we are fans/fan creators, pretty attached to the stuff we are doing, we have time limits because fandom is a hobby and we have to prioritize between creating and community building a lot of times. Scarlet really said Community First, People First. I don't even know how to explain it but 0% transactional vibes.
Making space for people. Meeting folks where they are at. Obviously introverts have a hard time in communities sometimes. Some folks learn how to handle it. No judgment here because these experiences can be subjective. But I have seen Scarlet go the extra mile for folks who are new/introverted/feeling imposter syndrome/going through some complicated fandom experiences. Just being there for them and supporting them to get started.
Also a brilliant writer of darkfic!!! Scarlet's darkfic shorts are some of my all time favs because of how dark/delicious/intense they are. These fics really give me 2000s dirtyhotbadwrong vibes because of how totally out and proud they are about their fiction is not reality vibe. Tons of range and lots of genres but the darkfics get my special love because they are just dirtybadhotwrong shameless amazingness. Check out In His Bed to get a sense for that unique vibe! Her community building and cheerleading wins are huge but also her darkfic writing is some of my all time fav.
Also Queen of Attention to Detail. I have read some fests with her and she guessed authors just like that during anon phase. Just incredible observation Sherlock Holmes style.
My fav fest memory is doing Snapecase reading with her. She guessed the author for Candles Lit Against the Dark, @perverse-idyll based on the title because she noticed/connected a lot of the flame/shadow imagery in the author's other Snarry fics. I am pretty good about guessing some authors myself because I can identify their style but guessing from the title is advanced superpowers. I can't even!! So extra, Scarlet. So totally extra and I love love love <3
Another fav memory I have is about analyzing fics with her. When HotD was airing eldritcher's Ossuarium was being written episode by episode. It was an insane time. We had a brilliant time analyzing those fics :D We were both passionate but Scarlet was so extra passionate, noticed tons of detail that was totally lost on me, really good at connecting the dots, just a hardcore close reader.
Also dead dove fics! 100% supporter of folks writing dead dove, incest, darkfics.
Also reccing older fics! Her Dudley phase was insane and she was finding fics from like 2000s on wayback just like that with some superhuman skills. On like websites I didn't even know existed. Really Sherlock Holmes <3
Also smaller fests. Scarlet supported a ton of Dreamwidth fests and got new folks to join them/introduced them to Dreamwidth culture and literally was the bridge between different types of fandom culture a lot of times.
Also reccing fic! Her recs for For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight and also for @wilfriede's podfics have so much love/passion/enthusiasm and I just love those works 2x because of the emotional connect of her reccing <3
Also nwhiker! I really got into this author's Snack fic, Second Life because of Scarlet's passionate, passionate reccing. When Scarlet got into something the reccing happened with big big love and for me that was like the best thing ever because folks who love things with big love are just super special <3
Also my concrit buddy for movies. Ingmar Bergman to Audrey Hepburn to Past Lives just a total knowledge wikipedia about movies/movie making/movie meta/movie crit. I really changed my perspective about movies after learning from her. Also shows! Watching HotD and doing episode reviews with Scarlet is like one of my best memories ever ever ever <3 Also books!
Also moderator of Snarry discords like @houseofsnarry, participated, started and ran a ton of communities and fests including the @hprecfest which is just finishing this week <3 <3
If I have to describe Scarlet in like one word I am going to say Connection. 100% about connection, 100% heart led. So special. Love, love, love.
pic source Los Angeles Street Art photography by bigcitiesbrightlights
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 1 year
Killer in NYC
Tara Carpenter X Reader
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Tara POV
I stood in line looking up at the menu as if I wasn't going to order the same items I have a million times before.
"I'll have..."
"An iced matcha latte with oat milk." I looked into (y/e/c) behind thick glasses. A mischievous grin painted on my favorite baristas face.
"Good morning Y/n." I grinned blushing slightly.
"Hey Tara, we feeling sweet or savory today?" I tapped my chin looking up.
"I think I'm feeling savory today."
"Breakfast wrap it is. How are your classes going?" I rambled on about the past midterms and upcoming finals while she prepared my breakfast. I had met y/n over a month ago when I'd wandered in the coffee shop half asleep. Since then we'd make small talk and I will admit she was easy on the eyes. Her curly hair always up in a ponytail showing off her undercut. Tattoos peeking from just under the sleeves of her polo. While some found her intimidating I thought of her as a giant teddy bear. She always wore a smile and was polite to even the rudest of customers.
"Here you go." I smiled unwrapping my breakfast first and taking a giant bite.
"Mmm." I moaned making her smile grow wider. As she opened her mouth to say something the door chimed and soon a familiar voice followed.
"Tara!" I turned to find Mindy and Chad coming in and waving enthusiastically. I smiled waving back turning to thank Y/n again only to find her working with the next customer.
"What's up shorty?" Chad said picking me up in a hug as Mindy sat at the nearest table.
"Did you get notes for our next lab?" I nodded pulling out my notebook and sliding them over.
"Mindy do you actually do any work yourself?" She shrugged stealing to drink some of my latte before she began writing.
"I could but there'd be no point since you already have it done." She grinned cheekily as I rolled my eyes stealing another glance at the barista, who was already looking in my direction.
"Hey guys." I snapped my eyes over to my sister who'd pulled the seat next me. Her apron covered in flour as she wiped her hands.
"Sorry I'm a bit of a mess." We talked and caught up as if we hadn't just seen each other at home.
As we headed to the subway I waved goodbye to Y/n as everyone shuffled out she jumped over the counter stopping me before I could go.
"Hey Tara real quick I-"
"Tara!" Sam was waving at me frantically to hurry up. I held up a finger turning back to the slightly taller girl. She rubbed her the back of her neck tan cheeks slightly red.
"You know what? You go catch up I can just talk to you tomorrow yeah?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"TARA LETS GO!" I looked over to my sister exasperated.
"Yeah no worries." She have a strained smile. "There's always tomorrow right?"
I nodded biting my lip. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."
She turned to go back to work as I ran out to meet with the rest of the group sprinting to the subway.
"You couldn't wait ten seconds?" Mindy looked over at me.
"Oop Tara was Sam cockblocking? You got a new boo?" I blushed lightly shaking my head as Chad piped in.
"Tara's got a new man?!" I glanced to the side before looking up to see Mindy frozen.
I followed her line of sight and gasped. Seeing the same mask from my nightmares.
"Sam." I said shakily.
Her head turned to follow my gaze as we looked around the subway. I grabbed my inhaler before putting it to my lips taking a deep breath.
The lights flickered on and off and before I knew it I saw Ghostface standing in front of Mindy hand over her mouth and knife ebbed deep into her stomach.
Looking around for help everyone ignored us as Ghostface began to step towards me.
I kept looking around hoping to catch someone’s eye, everyone still oblivious to the murder that had just taken place.
As I went to scream the killer covered my mouth with a gloved hand, the other pulled back ready to slice into my abdomen.
I shot up to the sound of my iPhone alarm gasping and holding my chest.
I looked to the side to see Sam still sleeping soundly in her bed.
I started getting ready for the day knowing sleep would be inevitable. For the past week I had been feeling more anxious then usual and the nightmares were slowly starting to come back. It was 5 am so I began trudging my way to the coffee shop knowing they'd be opening now. It was only a block away from our apartment and not too far from campus and the subway.
"Goodmorning Ta- hey are you ok?" I looked into comforting brown eyes feeling myself smile a bit.
"Yeah just had some trouble sleeping." Y/n tilted her head to the side glancing at her watch and looking around.
"Feel free to say no but there's a couch in the employee lounge in the back, you can nap there. I'll wake you when it's time to go and have your usual ready yeah?" I looked to the slightly taller girl with wide eyes.
"You won't get in trouble?" She shrugged smirking.
"Meh probably but you're worth it." She winked before leading me over and opening the door to the employee lounge. "Now try to nap I know your usual schedule so I'll just wake you up when it's time to go." I nodded already getting comfortable on the couch.
It felt like seconds before the door slammed open.
"Oh my bad I didn't know anyone was back here." I looked up to see a cute guy standing in the doorway. I glanced down to his name tag Evan. I yawned stretching looking at my watch.
"It's fine I should probably start getting up anyway, y/n said it was cool I slept back here." Evan laughed a bit.
"For a pretty girl sure, I won't tell on either of you as long as I can get your number?" I felt my eyebrows shoot up as my cheeks started to feel warm.
"You don't waste time huh?" He chuckled running a hand through his hair shrugging.
"Hey Evan-" y/n popped in. "Damn sorry Tara I was fixing your order when I saw he came back here." She glanced at Evan who was still looking at me.
"So yes to the number?" He grinned blue eyes sparkling. Y/N's smile dropped slightly as she placed my things on the coffee table in front of me. I looked up to see her staring curiously.
"Sure." She grabbed the chain around her neck twisting the dog tag.
"We'll I better get back to work then. Tara it's about 6:30 so you should probably start heading out." She left abruptly as Evan and I watched before turning back to each other.
I put my number in grabbing my stuff and heading back to the counter.
"Hey y/n how much do I owe you?" She glanced up briefly before putting her focus on the current order she was working on.
"It's on the house, you gotta start heading out if you're gonna catch the subway." I smiled grateful.
"Thanks I owe you." She nodded giving the next customer their drink. I narrowed my eyes seeing she wasn't her usual cheery self.
"Hey are you ok?" She nodded forcing a smile.
"I'm fine, I'll see you later." Another customer came up cutting me off.
I walked to the door as a voice shouted.
"I'll call you later Tara!" I waved to Evan before heading to the subway.
"This week we'll be going over the mind of a serial killer."
I slid in my seat next to Sasha. Her blonde hair almost whipping me in the face as she turned to greet me.
"You're late girly." Carly peering around her snickering.
"For real even I showed up on time today."
I rolled my eyes getting my notebook out as my phone vibrated.
Unknown Number
Hey Tara it's Evan how does a movie and dinner on Thursday sound?
The girls saw the text and stared at me with eyebrows raised.
"Ooooo Tara was late getting her flirt on."
Professor Freddie cleared his throat looking to us.
"Are you girls finished?" I blushed heavily nodding as the other two tried to look innocent holding back laughter.
"Yes sir we're sorry."
As class went on I focused on finishing my notes as my friends continued to tease and whisper next to me.
Once we exited class the girls began to hound me as we walked to the courtyard meeting up with Mindy, Chad, and Kirby.
The girls were still going on about Evan when Chad turned to me.
"Tara's got a new man's?" He grinned cheekily making Mindy look at him in disgust.
"Do you even hear yourself?" Before she turned to me smirking. "But do tell." She wiggled her eyebrows making all of us laugh.
I shook my head. "I literally just got his number it's not a big deal."
6 months later
The small bell rang throughout the shop as I walked in seeing my boyfriend and his coworker making coffee. I walked to the counter catching Evan's attention.
"Hey babe, what can I get you?" I rolled my eyes...men really are clueless. No matter how many times I ordered he never remembered what I got.
"I'll have a-"
"Iced matcha latte with oat milk and a vegan breakfast wrap." Y/n placed the items in front of me turning to Evan as she began pulling off her apron. "You can ring her up I'm going on break."
She went to clock out and dropped another bag in front of me before heading to the back, "and two cake pops in case you have a sweet tooth later."
I smiled thanking her, as she nodded giving me a small smile.
"Hey since you're going on break would you want to hang for a bit? I feel like we haven't talked in a while." It was true for the last few months I'd seen less of the barista. She'd usually be going on break or just disappear whenever I came in. I kind of missed the goofy grins and cheesy jokes.
She shook her head. "Gonna head out for lunch today, but thanks for the offer."
The door bell rang again and I looked to see my friends and sister waving to me heading to our usual booth. I turned back to see Y/n had already gone to the employee lounge. I sighed grabbing the bags and sitting down.
"I'm hoping some of that is for us." I rolled my eyes at Mindy passing her a cake pop. Evan coming to sit with us as another coworker of theirs covered the counter.
"What's up guys?"
3rd Person POV
Across town Carly was entering her apartment as her phone rang. Without checking she answered.
"Hey uh is this Carly?"
"Who's asking?"
"Brian from Film Theory."
"Brian from Film Theory? I don't know any Brian from Film Theory." The red head rolled her eyes placing her keys in her purse.
"You sure? We had that group project last month. Remember?"
"Not really."
"We went over our favorite scary movies. I called to see what yours was."
The girl sighed. "Look if this is a desperate attempt to ask me out, I gotta tell ya it's not going well."
The voice on the phone chuckled. "We'll shit look-"
The girl hung up before the voice could finish. She began walking further down the hall heels clicking as she did. Her phone rang once more.
"Hey look I-" she hung up again continuing her journey.
Her phone rang once more. "Look man I-"
Carly paused scared. "Fuck you this isn't funny."
Her phone chimed a video of all her friends sitting at the coffee shop.
"Now we're gonna play a little game. If you answer three questions right they live, get them wrong and they die. Understand?"
The girl began sniffling nodding before she answered. "Yes."
"Good question 1-what's the real name of "Chucky" in "Child's Play"?"
The girl paused closing her eyes.
"5" her breathing sped up. As she began typing on her phone.
"4" God why was Google taking so long to load?!
"CHARLES LEE!" The voice paused.
"Correct. See? It's not so bad. Keep this up and your friends may see tomorrow."
"Question 2-what's the name of the camp where Jason Vorhees drowns in the Friday the 13th series?"
"I know this! Camp Crystal Lake!"
"That is....correct. Looks like you do like scary movies."
"Final Question-how many people did Jason kill in the first Halloween film?"
The girl types frantically: How many people died in Friday the 13th?
How many people has Jason killed since Friday the 13th....NO
She continues scrolling.
She clicks the list of kills in the original film.
"Wrong." He whispers the girl gasps.
"No that has to be right!" I have the list of deaths right in front of me.
"Wrong, Jason Vorhees didn't kill anyone in the first film it was all his mothers doing before she was decapitated."
The girl stands still in shock getting ready to dial 9-1-1.
"Time to die."
"No!" She goes to run when her hair is pulled back a figure appearing right behind her slicing her neck from ear to ear. Her body dropped to the floor as the taller figure stepped over her getting close and taking a selfie with the lifeless body.
Using her phone he sends a text to the pinned group chat.
Surprise Sam! ;)
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pommpuriinn · 4 months
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.˚ *꒰ঌsynopsis໒꒱ * ˚. It’s tubatu’s lucky day! They finally go to the famous Everland and meet the superstar herself Fu Bao the panda. Along with eating amusement park food and riding rides all day.
.˚ *꒰ঌauthor’s note໒꒱ * ˚. thank you for 204 followers! I appreciate you guys liking my work and I hope you enjoy this one
outfit | makeup | hair | nails
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “I’m so excited~” Joohyung squealed with excitement. “Noona has never really experienced the whole Everland experience.” Yeonjun told the staff. “Well it’s everyone lucky day because you guys can do whatever you want including enjoying the food, but of course you need money so-“ the staff member pulled out the company card. All the members gasped at the sight. “Is it a black card?” Taehyun joked around.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ the group started walking and talking about how it’s been so long since the last time they came or have some didn’t even ride the rides before. “Are the rides scary?” Joohyung asked Beomgyu who was holding her hand inside his sweater pocket. “Many aren’t.” He tired reassuring her. “Don’t worry Joohyung-ah they aren’t that scary.” Soobin chimed in. “Ok~” she mumbled with a pout (cue the baby noise the editors like to use). 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ they headed to the gift shop before anything to get deck out in Fu Bao merch, well mostly Yeonjun. He wanted to make a good impression on the princess herself. On the other hand Joohyung cooed at how cute Kai was being as he mimicked a red panda with his cute headband. “Kai let’s match.” Joohyung said, while getting the same hat and ears as him.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung lightly gasped at the sight of Taehyun, “why are the babies so cute today.” Taehyun was wearing the brown hood with ears. Truly looking like a squirrel which warmed Joohyung’s heart with cuteness. The group quickly took pictures before heading to meet Fu Bao.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung laughed at Yeonjun’s giddiness while they were heading to the panda building just before seeing the main event. The building was covered in panda photos and facts. “Wow, they really love their pandas.” Joohyung looked all around while sitting on the couch in the middle. “Noona look up.” Joohyung listened to Kai. “Woah you look a cute cat~” Kai giggled at the photo.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “oh my god, oh my god!” Joohyung whispered yelled as they made their way to actual see Fu Bao. “She’s so big and cute.” Joohyung followed the boys and pulled out her phone to take her own pictures, but she accidentally pulled out her iPhone instead of her Samsung from her shoulder bag. “Oh shit.” Everyone looked at her in shocked. “I’m sorry.” Joohyung tried holding in her laughter. “You disrespected her.” Beomgyu was pretending to be offended at Joohyung. “I’m sorry Fu Bao.” She gave the panda a small bow.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Joohyung was must excited to go on the Safari World tour. She sat in between Kai and Beomgyu waiting to enjoy the little tour. First it was the Korean tigers, lions, and bengal tigers. “Oh. My. God. They’re so cute!” Joohyung wanted to just go out and lay with them. “This one looks like noona.” Soobin pointed at the tiger that was sunbathing on a rock. “I literally have a picture of noona sunbathing exactly like that, but on our couch.” Taehyun giggled.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ next were the bears, “so cute~ I just want to pat their chubby butts.” Joohyung looked out the window with big eyes. “Look they’re playing.” Joohyung pointed at the two brother bears play fighting.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ after the fascinating safari tour the members immediately headed to the food stand and started deciding on what they wanted. It was they’re first meal of the day so they went a bit crazy, but who can blame them they woke up so early just to get to experience certain things without lots of people around or following them. They went behind a building to enjoy their food and drinks and as they were munching away Soobin did a quick head count and realized Joohyung wasn’t standing with them. “Where’s Joohyung?” The members eyes widened, but the panic quickly dissolve when they spotted Joohyung sitting on the floor back against the building eating her churro with her sweet tea in the other hand. “Ya you scared us!” Soobin playfully scolded her. “Sorry I just wanted to sit down and eat.” She smiled at Soobin.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “I hope the director gets wet.” Yeonjun teased. “Don’t say that because then we’re going to get wet.” Joohyung chuckled, as she was sitting next to him on the Amazon Express water ride. It wasn’t long until karma got Yeonjun and unfortunately got Beomgyu too both getting a bit wet with the splash. “See I told you. You dummy!” Joohyung yelled while holding her glasses in place, scared that they might fall off her face. Water splashed on Joohyung causing her glasses and short bangs to get a bit wet. “Ah!” She screamed in shock.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “noona your bangs.” Yeonjun laughed at the sight of pouty Joohyung. “Here let me help you.” Yeonjun ruffled her bangs trying to fix them. “Thank you.” She mumbled, as she wiped the water drops off her glasses.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ again Joohyung went by Beomgyu’s side and hugged his left arm while hearing the members discuss about a roller coaster they want to go on. Soon they were met by a spinning coaster which was very intimidating to not only Joohyung but Kai too. “Let’s just start with Rolling X Train.” Yeonjun led the way.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “don’t worry we have each other.” Joohyung sat next to Kai which they couldn’t decide if it was a good idea seating the two scary cats together or not. Joohyung intertwine her hand with Kai’s. The ride started and Joohyung let out a small whimpered. “It’s ok noona just hold my hand tight.” Even though Kai was scared he just put on a brave face for Joohyung. As soon as the ride went down on the drop Joohyung started screaming with her head down, and bringing her and Kai’s hands to her head squeezing his hand. Both of their souls left their body as the ride slowly went back to the start.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Yeonjun, Soobin, and Taehyun went on a different spinning ride which Beomgyu, Joohyung, and Kai opt out on for obvious reasons. “They’re crazy.” Joohyung shook her head ‘no’ while staring at them. Kai kept on taking pictures of them which he captured a scared looking Yeonjun who was sideways. “Why does he look like that!” Joohyung laughed at the photos.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ they made their way back to the first spinning ride still deciding if they wanted to go on it. “I’ll ride it.” Yeonjun said, while taking off his little Fu Bao backpack. Soobin soon agreed to go with Yeonjun who still looked a bit hesitant. “I’ll go too hyung.” Kai rised his hand. “You’re so brave.” Joohyung gave Kai a comforting hug before staying with Beomgyu and Taehyun. Right when the ride started moving Joohyung Kai sighed probably asking ‘how did I get here?’. “Aw Kai looks so nervous.” Joohyung rested her cheek on Beomgyu’s arm, as she watched Kai. “Ya, I can only hear Yeonjun’s screams.” The three laughed at Yeonjun’s screams, as the ride turned back and forth.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ it comes with a surprise that Joohyung actually enjoys riding the Viking than roller coasters. Kai hates this one. So he sat in between Joohyung and Yeonjun who at first were having fun then they two hugged Kai for comfort throughout the whole ride. “I was squeezing noona’s arm.” Kai said, as they got off the ride. “I saw you pulled her down with you.” Soobin teased, as they walked. “Kai are you okay?” Beomgyu asked, looking back at him. “Kai wanted to die.” Taehyun laughed. “Leave my baby alone.” Joohyung gently punched Taehyun’s arm, making everyone smile at her protectiveness of Kai.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “it’s time to rest.” Joohyung stretched her arms out on the table of an empty little dinning room they went into. The members all laid their heads down and close their eyes trying to gain their energy back with a quick power nap. Well it wasn’t really a nap but at least they closed their eyes for a second before talking about their favorite parts of the day plus memories of similar experiences they had.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ as Beomgyu was talking Joohyung was watching has he pushing one side of his hair back. “You’re pretty.” Joohyung whispered, causing Beomgyu to looked back at her before getting flustered with her stare. He quickly laid his head back onto her arm so she wouldn’t see his rosy cheeks and ears.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “the cat family was so cute.” Joohyung recalled at how cute they looked sleeping on the rocks. “Oh! I found the picture I was talking about earlier.” Taehyun stopped eating and pulled out his phone to show the camera and the members. “This was when she visited us.” Taehyun let the camera zoom in on his phone. “Please put and side by side comparison.” Yeonjun asked the staff which they gladly did.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ then they started talking about the rides and which one was the most intense one to Yeonjun with all the rides he has ridden before. “How about the one in Las Vegas?” Taehyun asked Yeonjun. “That one was scary. I’m surprised Joohyung even went on it.” The group shared laughs. “Noona was sitting next to a foreigner and they were holding eachother screaming.” Taehyun added. “With fear we became friends during those short moments.” Joohyung laughed at the memory.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ “overall we had lots of fun and let’s have more fun in the next-“
“To Do~” the group chants after Joohyung closed them out.
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kakashisthickthighs · 10 months
i am thinking about if getou and gojo really did continue talking afterwards and like the tiny intricate details and logistics of their lives.
they part in 2007. they had flip phones.
getou dies in 2016. they had iphones, instagram, snapchat, and dog filters.
when getou first goes rogue, shoko and gojo probably still have his number and are blowing his shit up. he probably has his phone off for the first days of it and turns it back on after. there’s no need to trash it out of a want to stay hidden—he won’t die unless they send an army or gojo himself.
when he turns his cell back on, he’s half-tempted to delete all his photos of jujutsu tech, with shoko, with gojo, and he gets as far as deleting maybe 15 of them in a heavy-breathed rage before convincing himself that maybe he doesn’t need to delete these. these are mementos of the said pinnacle of jujutsu, and they’ll come in handy when there are no non-sorcerers left.
he’s about to put the cellphone away before it rings. it’s satoru. he sighs. he calls once every day. it’s relentless, six or seven calls at minute intervals. getou almost laughs at it—the world’s strongest, desperate.
a month after his disappearance, he calls every night at ten. sometimes the pixels on his cell read 10:04, 10:21, the latest was 10:42. it becomes a ritual, agonizing every night wanting to finally beat gojo at something, to make him lose. but suguru finds himself holding his breath as 10pm wanders by every day, breathing easy only when his phone stops buzzing.
maybe one night he’s yet again alone in his shoebox apartment, assorted belongings littered about, convincing himself this was the best path for him. not jujutsu tech, the horrible missions, the loneliness, the taste. it feels better here, where no one else is happy.
he’s lost in a daze when his phone rings. it’s been three months and satoru won’t let up. every night. he scoffs and flips his cell open just to sneer and make a point, to feel powerful in his own mind, but once the line connects, he’s silent, mouth agape and eyes wide that he actually picked up.
he hears static from the other side, a shift of fabric, a shaky inhale. “suguru, you fucking idiot,” gojo sneers, loud on the other end, “what’d ya pick up by accident?”
getou can’t help but laugh from the bottom of his heart. his abs are burning and tears are falling by the time he contains himself, and memories flood back. selfies, dumb finds, food pics, phone bills crazy all from hours on the phone together. there’s satoru’s voice, and then there’s lofi samsung static-lined satoru’s voice. both sound like home.
“satoru,” he breathes, and this is what it feels like to talk again. he’s lived in this apartment in silence for the past three months, voices only coming from his saved videos.
“come home, suguru.” they both know it’s impossible.
getou chuckles again into the speaker. he can almost see it, satoru’s spindly form, one leg propped up on a chair, elbow resting on it as he holds the phone in distaste. or maybe he’s completely prone, jolted awake by a voice he hadn’t expected to hear.
“satoru, you’ll be fine,” he chimes, hanging up. he squeezes his eyes shut and swallows a sigh, and just like that, he’s left home again.
three years later the calls have stopped. the iphone 4 comes out, and the world is awash in touch screens, app stores, and missing charging cables. it’s time for an upgrade, and getou powers off his flip phone—his youth—one last time and tucks it gingerly into a shoebox. he starts completely anew with no data to transfer.
gojo meticulously transfers every contact and double checks only one number. it’s the first call he makes on his new phone.
the number you have dialed is not in service—
he hangs up and slows his breathing. he doesn’t delete the number. suguru, the contact reads.
you’ll be fine.
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
summary: in which y/n can’t let go of her situationship
warnings: NSFW!!! fingering, p in v (unprotected), substance use (weed), praise, sir kink
notes: inspired by Right Here by Chase Atlantic. this is 3.4k words even after editing, not proofread
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“oh c'mon y/n, you're not seriously calling him, are you?” Kate's voice drifts over the edm song blasting from the speakers of the Hoboken club, her face painted in disappointment.
“he's not good for you.” Taylor sing-songs, attempting to pry the phone out of my hand, but i keep a firm grip on the electronic.
“how do you know that?” i rebut. “he makes me feel good.”
“yeah, for like an hour.” Kate rolls her eyes, finally wrestling the iphone from my hold, clicking the red button to end the call before it can even connect. “then we have to pick up the pieces after he inevitably leaves you alone again.”
she holds the device out of my reach, swatting my hands away with her other hand as i reach for it.
“y/n, we love you. we just don't wanna see you hurt.” Taylor coos, a hand playing with the ends of my hair. her doe-like eyes soften like her tone.
“we came out tonight for you to find someone else.” Kate reminds me, her stern voice a stark contrast to Taylor's. she glances down at the phone screen, leveling me with a stare before she hands it back to me. “two calls? really? get a grip, y/n, please. if he didn't answer the first time, then he doesn't want you tonight.”
“i don't want someone else. if i find someone else, then i have to teach them what i like.” i huff. “John knows my body and he knows how to please me. and if you aren't gonna support me in my... situation... with him, then i don't wanna hear anything about it.”
“we just want the best for you, babes.” Taylor chimes, clearly trying to de-escalate the situation.
“i'm going home.” i announce, stuffing my phone in my clutch and standing from the bar seat.
“going home? or getting in his bed?” Kate chuckles, sipping her drink.
“fuck off.” i scoff, walking away and leaving my so-called friends in the club.
it doesn't take me long to walk the fifteen minutes from the club to my apartment, one of the main reasons i had suggested that club tonight; but by the time i get up to my place, my feet are killing me.
ripping the high heels from my feet, i let my bare soles relax against the wooden flooring, heaving out a sigh of relief as i throw the shoes to the side.
i slump onto my sofa, opening my clutch and retrieving my phone. i just stare at it for a few moments, wondering if Kate is right. is three calls in a night too much?
it doesn't take long for my mind to wander, thoughts of the ice hockey defenseman in between my thighs, flashbacks to the two of us tangled between my sheets, his fingers working wonders against my heat as his lips attach to my neck. thats all it takes for me to snap, unlocking the device and clicking on his contact.
one call. i'll give him one more call. if he doesn't answer, then i'll just leave it for the night; try to get myself off or suck it up and go to bed frustratedly horny.
i listen silently as the phone rings with the outgoing call. once. twice. three times, before it connects.
“hey, pretty girl. three calls in a night.” his voice is raspy and slow. i can hear the faint voices of Jack and Dawson in the background of the other line, and just from those clues, i know what he's up to at the moment.
“please.” i can't hold back the whimper at the sound of him, clenching my thighs together at his teasing chuckle. “i need you, Johnny.”
“i'll be right there.” he replies. i can hear shuffling on the other end, the sound of keys jingling, and i assume he's stuffing them in his pocket.
“hey, Johnny?” i bite my lip, waiting for his voice again.
“yeah, pretty girl?”
“bring a blunt.” i tell him. he huffs out a raspy laugh, agreeing before he ends the call.
it's twenty minutes later that the sound of a knock echoes throughout my apartment and i get giddy, jumping up from the sofa and fast-walking to the door. i take a second to compose myself before i open it, John standing on the other side with a smirk.
“hey, baby.” he steps into the apartment, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “so which one are we doing first?”
“smoke.” i say, gesturing for him to follow me while he pulls a ziploc baggie out of his pocket, holding two blunts.
“you can start while i get changed.” i inform him, stepping into my bedroom with him hot on my trail. i look back to see him nod, snatching a lighter from the top of my dresser as i dig in my drawer for something sexy but comfortable.
i leave him sitting on my bed, the rolled object between his fingers, smoke drifting into the air from his lips. stepping into the bathroom, i get changed quickly, out of the itchy sparkly club dress and into a red satin slip nightdress.
opening the bathroom door, i notice the atmosphere has changed, the ceiling light off in exchange for my LED lights, a blue glow settling over the room.
John's eyes watch me hungrily, locked on the curves of my waist as i stalk towards the bed, kneeling onto the mattress and bending forward to steal the blunt from his lips, sticking it between mine. his gaze darts between my lips and my cleavage before settling on my eyes.
i crawl up the bed, sitting down sideways beside him, my legs thrown over his.
we're silent for a while, at some point telling alexa to play our playlist. we just enjoy the music, passing the drug back and forth a few times.
“my friends think you're bad for me.” i tell him through a choked laugh. he smirks, his hand rubbing up and down my bare thigh, causing me to clench them together, which results in a knowing look from John.
“baby, take a look around.” he remarks. “i don't give a fuck about your friends, or what they think. i'm the one right here.”
his response makes a pit settle deep within my stomach, a mixture of want and need.
i take a hit, hooking a finger under his chin to bring his face to mine, before letting the smoke drift from my lips to his.
pulling back, lust clouds his eyes and i let him take the substance from my grasp, settling back on my hands as he sets the small bit of leftover blunt on my nightstand. he turns back towards me, knocking my legs off of his and maneuvering to hover over my body.
he dips his head into my neck, pressing sloppy kisses against my racing pulse, his hand sliding up my waist and over my stomach before clutching at my breast, his thumb ghosting over the fabric that covers my pierced nipple. his touch elicits a moan to escape my lips, my hips bucking up to graze his.
“shhh,” he hushes me, pulling back from my neck to look into my bloodshot eyes. “be a good girl for me.”
his hand leaves my breasts to push my hips down, holding them in place against the bed. his lips return to my skin, trailing kisses up my jawline before he finally reaches my lips. the kiss is sloppy and slow, teeth clattering and tongues exploring. he sucks at my bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth.
his hand explores my body once more, this time sliding down my thigh before gliding back up, pulling my dress up with his touch. his fingertips trail up my inner thigh, causing a shiver to wrack my body, a whimper bubbling up my throat.
he reaches his destination, pulling my panties to the side and swiping two fingers through my soaking core. my hips buck up again at his touch, making him let out a dark chuckle.
“so wet for me.” he tuts.
“yes, sir.” i moan as his fingers brush over my clit. “just for you.”
“yeah?” he urges on, pulling my panties down my legs, throwing them off to the side, landing in a heap on my bedroom floor.
he brushes his touch over my heat again, drawing out another moan from me.
“please.” i whine.
“what do you want, baby?” he questions, scanning my face. “you want my fingers, hm?”
my head bounces up and down, nodding fastly.
“can you say it for me? use your words, baby. tell me to fuck you with my fingers.”
“please, fuck me with your fingers, sir.” i whine.
John seems to deem it enough begging, because he slips a single digit into me, causing a mix of a moan and a sigh to drop from my swollen lips. my eyes screw shut in pleasure, my jaw going slack.
he crooks his finger inside me, my hips grinding down onto his hand.
“more.” i plead, my hands fisting the sheets beneath me. he adds a second finger, dragging them lazily inside of me, his thumb now providing a pressure point to my clit.
“open your eyes, pretty girl. look at me.” my eyes flutter open at his command, locking with his. he holds that eye contact as his fingers pump into me.
the crude sounds of his fingers gliding in and out of my wetness fills the room, mingling with my moans and calls of his name. ready for something more, i grip his shirt, pulling on it and bringing his lips down to mine, engaging him in a deep kiss.
“please, John.” i mutter, my lips brushing against his. “i want your cock.”
his fingers scissor and curl in a 'come-hither' motion a few more times, the knot in my stomach growing, before he removes them, leaving me empty.
he brings his hand up to my face, his wet fingertips tapping against my bottom lip, and i open my mouth, letting him press his fingers on my tongue. the taste of me settles on my tastebuds and i suck around his digits, letting my tongue lap at them.
John lets out a groan at the feeling and the sight of me beneath him. he pulls away, his fingers leaving my mouth with a pop. standing from the bed, he pulls his shirt over his head while i scoot to the edge of the bed, fumbling with his belt.
he chuckles as i get frustrated when i can't undo it, knocking my hands away to remove it himself. pulling his pants and boxers down, his dick slaps against his lower stomach as he kicks them off.
my mouth waters at the sight, my pussy clenching at nothing but the phantom feeling of him filling me up, the remembrance enough to make my breathing speed up.
he bypasses me, climbing back onto the mattress and settling in the middle, slumped against the headboard.
“c'mere.” he insists, pulling me towards him. his hands grip my hips as he guides me to straddle him, holding my nightdress up just enough to put my pussy on display. “ride me like a good girl.”
i grasp his length in one hand, a grunt passing his lips at the feeling of my hand wrapped around him. my other grasps his shoulder as leverage to keep me up. sliding his dick through my folds, my back arches and i let out a shaky breath, mixing with his own groan at the feeling.
his right hand leaves my hip to slap my ass.
“don't be a tease, baby.” he warns. “sink this cock into your pretty pussy.”
at his order, i line him up with my entrance, lowering myself down slowly. my head drops back in content, gnawing at my bottom lip and letting out a muffled cry of pleasure.
his hand cups my cheek, pulling my face back to look at him. his thumb pulls my bottom lip from my teeth.
“let me hear those pretty sounds. let me know how good i make you feel.” he grunts out, his voice tight.
“yes, sir.” i comply, letting my moans leave my lips freely as i grind down on him, bouncing on his cock, leaning forward towards him in order to achieve a new angle.
he buries his face in my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses and suckling on the spot he knows makes me squirm. his hands slide up my hips and waist, pulling at the satin and tugging the top of my nightdress down to free my tits. he grips them in his hands, his thumbs circling my perked nipples, before he pinches them, making me whimper.
he pinches and prods at the jewelry thats runs through my nipples, and i pick up my pace, grinding down harder and bouncing faster. he uses his hands on my chest to push me up, leaning forward to bring my left nipple into his mouth, sucking on it and letting his teeth graze it. my back arches, a shiver running down my spine at the feeling.
“yes!” i call out, my hips stuttering as the knot grows in my gut once more. he picks up on my tell, taking this time to switch his mouth to my right breast as he thrusts up into me.
his tongue swirls my nipple as he sucks, and i clench around him. his hand leaves my breast to sneak in between us, using his middle finger to circle my bundle of nerves. he continues to thrust up shallowly as i bounce on him, and i can feel my climax quickly approaching.
his lips leave my breast and he looks back at my face, my eyes rolling back in my head at the intense pleasure i'm overcome with.
“look at you, taking me so well.” he coos. “such a good girl, aren't you?”
“yes.” i nod quickly, my hand rising to grip my breast in attempt to ground myself from the euphoria that's clouds my mind.
“bouncing on my dick like my own personal puck bunny.” he snickers. my other hand falls to his abdomen, and i can feel his abs tighten at the touch.
“yours.” i mutter out through the pleasure, his finger speeding up on my clit. “all yours.”
“who's pussy is this?” he uses his free hand to grab at my face, forcing me to look at him.
“yours.” i repeat.
“that's right.” he mutters. “this pussy belongs to me. only i can make you feel this good, isn't that right?”
“yes, sir.” i nod again, my eyes squeezing shut as i feel myself teetering on the edge, my movement stuttering again as i shudder.
he pulls me forward, his lips ghosting the shell of my ear as he whisipers, lust dripping from his voice.
“come for me.”
i let go at his words, my breath halting as my orgasm washes over me. my vision goes pitch black, stars dancing through it as he bucks his hips up, his finger never stopping on my clit as he fucks me through my release.
i open my eyes when i come back down to earth, panting to bring oxygen back into my lungs. but John is ruthless, flipping us over so that he hovers over me.
he plunges back into me, pushing his hand against my stomach, feeling himself deep within me. he thrusts fast and hard, grinding himself against my overstimulated clit.
i whimper, not sure if i can take any more, but he doesn't stop.
“one more.” he assures me. “you'll be fine.”
my fingers grip at his back, surely leaving red scratches down it as i attempt to pull him closer. one of my hands slides down to settle on his ass, bucking my hips up to meet his.
“that's it. you can do it.” he smirks, his words barely audible over the sound of our skin clapping against each other. my moans and whimpers echo throughout the bedroom, tears pricking at my eyes from the amount of pleasure coursing through me.
“John.” i breath, the sounds of his grunts like music to my ears.
“yeah, baby.” he dips down to press a kiss to my lips. “i'm right here.”
i can feel his hips stutter, his thrusts getting sloppier as he gets closer and closer to his finish, and my own stomach gets tight as i get close to mine.
“come inside me.” i whisper against his lips. “fill me up.”
his pace falters at my words and he leans his forehead against mine. his thumb drops down to my clit, rubbing fast circles against it and my face goes red as i clench around him, reaching my second climax. he lazily pumps in and out a few more times before his lips part and a moan drops from them as he reaches his own orgasm.
he falls on top of me, both of us panting to catch our breath, his bare chest againt my exposed breasts. his weight helps ground me back to the moment, and it's only a minute later that he rolls off of me.
he lies beside me on his side, his fingers dancing across the red satin that covers my abdomen for a moment before he stands.
“i'll be right back, baby.” he doesn't bother getting dressed, walking into the bathroom to clean himself up, prior to returning with a washcloth, soaked with warm water.
he kneels on the end of the bed, prying my still shaking legs apart and cleaning me up with the towel, my hips bucking slightly at the feeling. he laughs at my movement, before throwing the washcloth into the hamper in the corner of my room.
pulling his boxers back on, he stalks out of the room, disappearing for a few minutes. he returns with a bottle of water and a granola bar, handing me both. once i have the items in my grasp, he pulls the top of my nightdress back up to cover my boobs.
as he climbs back into the bed, i scoot over so that i'm no longer in the middle of the mattress, allowing him his own side.
he waits for me to take a few sips of the water before he sets it on the nightstand for me. laying down on his back, he pulls me towards him and pulls my leg to rest over his abdomen.
we're silent as i eat the granola bar, his hand rubbing aimlessly up and down my thigh. i hand him the wrapper when i'm done and he sets it beside the water bottle before his hand returns to my thigh.
“John?” i whisper, scared to break the peace, and afraid of his reaction to my next words. he hums in interest, looking down to meet my eyes. “i don't wanna fuck around anymore.”
his brows thread together in confusion, no doubt thinking this was an odd time for me to call off our situationship after being so needy with him just moments ago.
“what do you mean?” he questions, his tone thoroughly confused.
“i mean, i want more.” i admit. “i need more. and if you don't want that too, then that's fine. but i need you to let go of this hold you have on me if you don't want more with me.”
he's quiet, staring deep into my eyes, and i brace myself for him to break my heart, but his next words cause my heart to skip a beat instead.
“i don't wanna leave this bed.” he confesses. “i don't wanna leave you.
“i really like you, y/n. and i'd really like if you'd let me be your boyfriend.”
a grin spreads across my face as i nod.
“yeah, i think i'd like that a lot.” i tell him, straining my neck up to press a kiss to his lips.
“good. now, you wore me out, i'm ready to sleep.” he chuckles, grabbing the remote to my LED lights and turninng them off, leaving us in peaceful darkness.
“i wore you out?!” i laugh, smacking his chest lightly.
“uh, yeah. you're a fiend.” he smiles, cheekily grabbing at my ass.
“me?! you made me come twice!” he waves his hand in dismissal at my words.
“ugh, you and your big words.” i roll my eyes playfully, burying my head in his neck as he covers us with the blanket thats now bunched up beside him. “mr. Harvard graduate.”
“babe, thats not even a big word.” he laughs as i press a finger to his mouth to shush him.
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tehjmastuh · 9 months
October 4th National Emergency Alert Test Facts. DON'T PANIC!
All wireless providers carriers and TV providers will be conducting a test Nationwide. But I want to let you guys know what to expect when this test happens. The Test will commence at 2:20PM EST. Your phone will Amit a two chime square lead tone. These tones will be a ~ 932.328 Hz and a ~ 830.609 Hz For all you music majors out there. That is a Ab and a Bb the black keys on a keyboard. The tone will sound in a certain pattern. The pattern will produce one long blast, following 3 short blasts, and the pattern will repeat three times. It will sound like this.
__________________ ______ _____ _____
__________________ ______ _____ _____
__________________ ______ _____ _____. TV's and radios will be slightly different then it will be on a cellular device. The message you will receive should say "THIS IS A TEST of the national wireless emergency alert systems! No action is needed." ATTENTION CONSPIRACY THEROISTS! This is only a test!! If you don't want to participate in this test. These are some things you can do. Power off your phone or put your phone in airplane mode. From what I've hear for iPhones the silence switch on the side of your phone will not silence the message. and It will still be audible. If you try to ping your phone using your apple watch and your silent function is on, it will still ping. AGAIN! This test will be for all Cellphones within range of a phone tower that is Powered "On" and not in Airplane Mode. All radios and Television Providers. Period. Just like if you were to receive and AMBER alert or Any Alerts about any severe weather or general public safety alerts. Not your Personal Computer or Laptop! This test will only last approximately 30 minutes. But you will receive the message only ONCE. For TV's and radios, the message will be broadcasted for about one minute. If you power up your cellphone after the 30 minute test. You should still NOT receive the alert!! Nothing else crazy should happen that day, we won't loose power or internet, the government is not trying take over our lives. And if you think that.. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TEST WILL BE ON FEMA'S WEBSITE!! It's against the FCC to have unauthorized signals to be transmitted from one receiver to another. All electronics and radio frequency devices must be in compliance with FCC regulations. THIS IS ONLY A TEST just like the presidential alert test that happened around the same time in the beginning of October back in 2018. For anyone else that thinks differently, I encourage you to turn off your tv's cell phones, radios, and any other communicative electronic device. Because I will be powering off my cellular devices that day as well. My thoughts. I do believe that if we don't want to be interrupted by these tests or if there were to be a real situation. We should have the right and freedom to ignore it at our own risk. This is my only take on the Government.
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