#children and men lose their lives in palestine
rymadej · 4 months
Anonymous asks have no balls do not speak to me
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apollos-olives · 1 year
being a palestinian living in the west is so difficult because you could explain in thorough detail the hardship and suffering you and your family and all your friends families went through and are STILL going through while under occupation and white people at MOST will be like “oh well thank you for sharing your perspective!”
it’s NOT my “perspective”. it’s my reality and it’s my families reality and it’s every palestinians reality and every day we face the news of death and massacres. every day we lose loved ones. every day we sit as our voices are silenced by western media and israeli propaganda and we mourn our innocent loved ones who died at the hands of apartheid and occupation.
every time i return back to my homeland- i see posters of all the people israel has killed. i see posters on the streets and on the walls everywhere of men, women, and children who were killed for simply being born as themselves.
every time my family walks through our cities, my dad points at a poster of martyrs and goes “he was my friend. israel killed him. i miss him every day.”
we’d walk for hours and my dad would point to another poster and another poster and another poster and say “he was my friend. i miss him.” and it feels awful. my dad can never have that time with his friends again, and he can never go back without seeing another one of his friends faces on the walls of our cities.
it’s not just a “perspective”.
you need to understand that with every genocide israel is committing, we lose more and more every day. and just because we’re in the west doesn’t make what’s happening in palestine any less important.
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WIBTA if I blocked my Zionist
“”friend”” after she gave condolences for my dog?
Content warnings: pet death, Zionism, genocide mentions
Hi. I’ll try to keep this brief and cohesive. So for some background, I (24F) gave this “friend” from middle school, let’s call her E (24F). We were best friends, but she moved away about halfway through our time in high school. She was from Israel, and not being as informed as I am now, I never thought that much of it. When she moved away, we stayed mutuals on social media, but didn’t chat much. She’d hit me up sometimes, usually after months would go by, and we’d chat a bit, but it would normally end with her disappearing again, and we both just went on with our lives.
Between 2021-2023, I ended up losing a lot of people. Falling outs, rifts, drama etc. Needless to say I don’t have many friends rn. So when she hit me up again at the beginning of 2023 and then later that summer (more consistency then usual), I was excited to reconnect with her. Then, Israel began it’s current violence and genocide in Gaza. Since the beginning of the violence, I took the time to learn more (and am still learning) about the injustices inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel for the past 75 years, and have kept up with Palestinian journalists like Motaz and Bisan on the current aggression that’s been taking place for the past 100 DAYS.
Now remember when I said E was Israeli? Yeaaa, and I brutally reminded of that. She was eating up and regurgitating the lies from Israel on her Instagram stories, blaming Hamas for everything etc. Meanwhile the rest of my feed was of horrific on the ground footage of innocent Palestinians being slaughtered simply for being Palestinian and for living on their land. I believe in the cause for a Free Palestine and an end to the Israeli occupation, and I resolved that a Zionist is not who I want to be friends with, and that I would unfollow E and cut contact.
But this is where I fucked up and am an AH - I stalled. I just restricted her and kept telling myself “I’ll get to it.” I’ll admit the nostalgia of our bond we used to have got the better of me, and I was taking my time cutting the contact cuz I was upset that I have to cut my losses with a connection AGAIN. So I stalled. And kept stalling.
Now this past weekend, my dog passed away. I posted a memorial post to my Instagram, and saw E commented her condolences. Which was nice, but I feel icky taking the sympathy from a Zionist, from someone who does not have sympathy for the lives of the innocent Palestinian men, women, and children being lost in Gaza. And most likely never will.
Since she’s restricted, I don’t think her comment is public. And I don’t want to accept it. Accepting it and responding would call all my support for the Palestinian cause into question. Hell, the fact that I stalled unfollowing her so long calls it into question already, I know that. But I also can’t ignore her forever.
So now comes the time to do what I should of done months ago. I have to unfollow her and block her. But a part of me still feels bad doing after she had sweet things to say about my late pet. I KNOW I’m already the AH for not unfollowing her already, but my query is, WIBTA to do so now after she offered her condolences, and to block her on top of that?
What are these acronyms?
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eventuallyaugust · 3 months
why i'm getting all worked up in defending palestine
feel free to unfollow me if my reblogs regarding pro-palestinian posts is getting annoying to anyone who's seeing them on their following feed. i do not care if i lose followers for that reason alone because for the record, isnotreal is posting pics or videos of literally anything to show the things they've done or stole from palestinian homes, including canes.
literal fucking canes for the disabled and elderly !! like what the fuck are those zionist idiots think on why most people are not siding with that disgusting country??
"why are you getting affected by it when you're not even there?" so? what? just because i'm not living their pain doesn't mean i don't have any right to affected by it. just because i'm not one of the people suffering under that fucking country's massacre doesn't mean i won't do anything about it.
i'm a person with sympathy and a heart. i have fucking human emotions, sensitive to other people's pain, so when i fucking saw that one doctor seeing her own daughter being brought into the emergencies (refer to this one; TW: DISTRESSING THEMES), i cried, okay?
i fucking sobbed
so before anyone try to send me ask anything about anti-palestine, feel free to block me. with all due respect, block me right. now. i don't care if i'm being extremely political right now because i will genuinely fistfight someone for these people, even though i live almost on the other side of the globe. and before any fuckers hit me with the christianity being related into that white and blue country, i just want everyone to know that Jesus won't support them because He literally preached about loving everyone and loathed the hypocritic actions the pharisees were doing, like the zionists using His name to justify their wrongdoings, using Him to murder the people (palestinian children, men, and women) due to their greed of claiming the land palestine was occupying.
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loaksky · 3 months
hi, everyone. i want to be very candid for a moment...
while i still do write for tlou, and plan to officially resume posting at the beginning of march, i’ve pumped the breaks a lot on posting in general because the internet has grown to be quite overwhelming for me.
truthfully, i don’t typically post in response to current events because i’m the kind of person who begins catastrophizing and feeling extremely helpless in light of what is going on in the world, but i think it’s important to hold myself accountable in recognizing that it is such a disgustingly implicit privilege to be able to log off and disconnect once i do get overwhelmed.
palestinian people do not have the privilege to log off and disconnect. and as someone who has an albeit small following in comparison to my peers, even a single person i can urge to take the smallest of actions is one step closer to change.
i've reblogged a few posts about gaza and the genocide going on, but i haven’t made a full or direct statement in hopes of keeping it light-hearted on this blog as i know that often times people use the internet and fanfiction as an escape. but it’d be a disservice not to.
understandably not everyone can donate, but please don’t succumb to the silence. palestine is relying on us to be loud so that they can be heard. share important links, show solidarity by supporting organizations dedicated to helping those in need, have those difficult conversations even if it makes you uncomfortable. do what you can. humanity shouldn’t be circumstantial.
here are a few links to get started:
a carrd compilation curated by other collective of relevant links | click to help palestine
and finally, i know that some of you will part ways with me and this blog after this. any disrespectful comments or asks won’t be entertained and will be deleted. similarly, while i have zero issues losing followers, especially over something as important as this, i do genuinely implore those of you on your way out to truly mull over the state of the world and find it in your hearts to show even a shred of sympathy and compassion to palestinian families, men, women, children, the elderly.
they only seek to live peacefully like the rest of the world does.
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tum-blrweed · 4 months
I think a thing that is pretty obvious now is that Israel is NOT going to STOP, so what we have to do is to MAKE them STOP.
People listen! Do what you can to help Palestine. Make posters, post about it on social media, talk about it, write about it, donate, sign petitions, call your congress, boycott, protest and etc!
I know it might not feel like enough. But it's still something, especially if everyone does it! If people in the past were able to start revolutions and overthrow governments. Who says we can't do anything now? There's power in teamwork, even if you're working with strangers to stop a fucking genocide!
Also important note, when I say protests I'm not talking about those violent protests that we see on TV. No.
You people remember Mahatma Gandhi? He was a wise man. We should follow his footsteps.
Trying to stop violence with more violence will only result in more hurt and death. And that's the last thing anyone needs right now.
But that's what governments of many countries do. They use MILLIONS on weapons that they send off to Israel (or Ukraine, Russia, etc) instead of actually trying to stop the fucking conflict. That kills people. Kids, women, men, seniors die. Soldiers on BOTH sides die. Meaning that not only are thousands of lives lost.
But families lose family.
Another thing people always seem to not think about is that war is not just killing each other. It's also about recovering from it. And not every country is able to do that!! Especially in Palestine's case because of how poor it is already. Because the amount of damage war does to a country is unimaginable. Not only is the economy and everything fucked, but so are people, physically and psychically. PTSD and C-PTSD will affect so many. So many that generational trauma will affect people decades later. So Israel is not only taking lives and ruining lives of the people that are lucky to survive. But also ruining lives of generations of Palestinian people that aren't even born yet!
There's people still affected by WW2 because of generational trauma in 2024, my own damn parents included. Generational trauma is not a fucking joke.
Hah, but obviously this will only happen if there will even be any Palestinians alive to have children. Since Israel isn't fucking stopping. Israel doesn't care about Palestinians! They kill everyone in sight and take over Palestinian territory!
One step at the time. The first one being: making as many people aware of the genocide and working together to stop it.
I want to summarise this with;
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st4rswrld · 6 months
Hey yall I just got done with midterms so yay!!
I just wanted to give my opinion on the whole cancelling the triplets (even though no one asked) because of their recent video. As majority of us know and for those of us who don't know, we are boycotting McDonalds and a lot of other corporations. The reason being that McDonalds funds the Israeli government who are currently ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people.
Now you may ask yourself how you or the Triplets buying your little chicken nuggets and fries is such a big deal, and why it's an even more bigger deal when the triplets make a video 'trying the new McRibs' essentially giving free promo and making viewers want to go out and try it themselves. The money you put into McDonalds goes into the Israel government paying for weapons which are then used to brutally bomb, kill and slaughter women, men and children in Palestine. So next time you're munching on them chicken nuggets think twice.
Now do I think that the triplets are aware of this? To an extent maybe. They follow people who have posted about the genocide and you would have to be living on a rock to not know what's going on in our world. Do I believe that they support the Israeli government? I genuinely don't know but I hope not. What I do know is that them being ‘cancelled' called out could be a wakeup call for them to show them that they have a platform and that they need to use it to spread awareness and speak up on this. Sadly some people need to be called out before they take action.
This is not a political issue this is a humanitarian issue! If the triplets don't plan on speaking out about this, it's fine because i've seen people in their position lose their job for speaking out and not everyone has the courage. The least they can do is stop funding a genocide. I still love the triplets and everything this is just disappointing to see.
I've said my piece, agree or disagree with me.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸!!!
please reblog to boost!!
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blushoremall · 4 months
Breaking Character for once...
...just to say that I support Palestinian independence. The Israeli government and IDF are committing genocide. Palestinians deserve freedom, safety, and peace. Israel is a colonial apartheid state that has robbed, oppressed, and killed Palestinians on their own land for decades. The IDF claims to be "defending" Israel while they demolish family homes and slaughter men, women and children. I have already talked about this on my main blog and on other social media platforms, but I want to say this everywhere: the Israeli state is committing genocide. We must all make our voices heard and demand our governments work to stop this brutal ethnic cleansing. Post, talk, and protest. Also, write emails to your government representatives. Let them know that Israel's ongoing mass-murder is deeply abhorrent to you. Let them know that support for Palestine is enormous. Let them know that you will never vote for a politician who supports genocide. It seems that most Western politicians care little, if at all, for the lives of Palestinians. But they do care about getting themselves and their parties re-elected. Let them know that supporting Israel will lose them a huge share of the vote, and supporting Palestine will win them acclaim and support. Ideally, our political leaders would simply do the right thing. As it is, reminding them that Israel's genocide is disgusting to millions of voters will pressure them to do the right thing, even if only for selfish reasons. One day, Palestine will be free. Palestine will never die!
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muncedes · 6 months
december 1st and less than an hour after the “pause” ended israel immediately started bombing gaza again. let it be known that there was no real pause as when this took place israel kidnapped and murdered children, men, and women, all along the west bank.
as we start the holiday season do not forget about palestine. don’t allow yourself to forget about what’s taking place. as you’re with your loved ones imagine losing them as frequently the people in gaza are. when you’re cold think of the millions of displaced palestinians who are experiencing the cold temperatures with no homes and no belongings.
PLEASE do not let all of the holiday content and celebrations to take away from the genocide taking place. they deserve to live they deserve our voices to be loud when they’re too tired to scream and cry. its free palestine today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives.
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papirouge · 6 months
I gave up on being pro life publicly and online. The genocide in the Congo and in Gaza have proved it to me that many western women who run those pro life accounts don’t care for children. Many babies have been lost due to hospital bombings. More children are displaced with no families.
I’ve tried reaching out when they talk about saving children in generic posts because very real babies are losing their lives by IDF terrorism. And I get blocked or I get told “that’s different/ they’re Muslim/they should have left already/I don’t care” over and over and over again. The countless videos are already out that have children begging and crying for their families they lost or the homes that can’t be saved. Some of the worst messages I read criticized and blame the Palestinian men too that they should be protecting the kids, so when they die, it’s actually Palestinians fault. Not the IDF. Meanwhile those “young men” are just teenagers because their parents are dead. The Congolese topic is worst. Many are begging people to stop buying the iPhone 15 to raise awareness over the issues there but I got told by one girl who likes to call herself an anti woke submissive wife that she couldn’t care less about the Congo, she’s going to do whatever her husband wants, if that means ignoring genocide then that’s what she will do too. It’s her god given to have freedom over dead bodies l…
I’m fed up. I’m sick of the hypocrisy. I’m sick of seeing stupid homestead content of how they’re at peace taking care of a home as they purposefully condone genocide. If some hacker group exposed all these “submissive Godly trad wife” accounts as being agents for Israel to distract the west from IDF war crimes, I wouldn’t be surprised the least. Their apathy is demonic
@not-your-average-prolifer is the only pro life blog who passed the vibe check as far as I know. She reblogged posts about the emergency of pregnant women in Palestine and also post about mental health of middle east women. I think she is left leaning (correct me if I'm wrong!) so I'm not surprised to see her with more empathy about whatever's happening to women abroad, unlike Conservatives who are extremely stupid & uneducated when it comes to foreign affairs, if not straight up xenophobic.
I hope for every single Christian I know to never open their mouth about uwu Christianism is from Middle east uwu ever again the next time someone calls Christianism white man's religion or I'll go berserk on them. They better shut up forever. They had no problem to keep their mouth shut witnessing the martyrdom of our brothers - they better keep it that way permanently and stop summoning their struggle once it's convenient to them. YES, they proved they definitely consider Christianism a white man thing, considering our little care they have for our (non white) Christian brothers overseas. They better keep them out of their mouth permanently.
"They're Muslim" it's been well documented that there are Christians in Palestine. But even if they weren't, Christ wants everyone to be saved and accept him as their lord and savior - refusing to extend some basic empathy to people being bombed and killed in their sin is not the way to go. Never forget that Jesus didn't heal or saved only Jews, but also pagans, prostitutes, etc. It's insane how so unemphatic "Christians" have become.
Christian Palestinians are actually some of the oldest Christians - like, where do they those idiots think Jerusalem was?? where did the Pentecost happen? IN MIAMI?? KANSAS?? "They should have left" WHERE?? aren't the ppl pulling out this argument the same crybabies whining about woke culture destroying western civilization? Why didn't they leave the western zone already??? Also aren't they the same against immigration and how men fleeing their country are lazy cowards? so why are they mad at Palestinians sticking to their land?? Damn, Western politicians/diplomacy have the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible and mass import Palestinians in western countries to abide Zionists requirements in Israel 💀
And LOL oh so now Palestinian men are supposed to protect children? what are they supposed to do when the IDF is bombing their house? Take weapons to defend/get back their land and shit? Oh my bad, that makes them terrorists (and let's be clear : what happened on October 7th is unjustifiable but let's not act like the Hamas wasn't called terrorist much earlier than that). It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't. If they do nothing, they're cowards, and if they do, they are terrorists - because in this case, resistance is defiance. Ultimately they just want to deflect from their own lack on empathy and find a rational explanation to that.
Conservative scrotes are the LAST people who should lecture anyone about defending the children when there are acting bullying kids young enough to be their grandchildren calling them wokes, leftists, or whatever. I won't even start about gun violence and how deflective they are about protecting the children only to protect their precious right to carry. Ghouls. They only care abt unborn babies because they are unable to call them out on their bs yet. Once they do, they'll cuss them, call them woke, and all sort of -ists.
On TikTok there was a Christian girl saying how Christians are "too emotional" and how we should keep supporting "God chosen people" (Israel). I already made a post calling out how this "god chosen people " narrative didn't stand now that we were in the NEW COVENANT. But let's follow her train of thought: isn't humankind made from God image? Where do emotions come from? Didn't God himself have emotion? Why? What's the right or wrong place to have emotion? She and all the clown who agreed with her would never be able to reply those questions. We've all seen the videos. I did what I could to avoid them but they're quite unavoidable at this point. What's the correct emotion after seeing 2 kids younger than 10 carrying a third one crying while one of his foot was hanging with only one tendon?? This girl, along with every single Christian unmoved by this disaster has to shut up. Their heart is a stone and they should stop trying to lecture people who still have a heart made of flesh. We're not the same. Christ is PEACE. Not war or violence.
And girl, you really shouldn't even engage with women labelling themselves "anti woke submissive wife" 💀 why would you expect them to care about anything but their idol (husband)? Stay focus on what really matters. Peace and God. We're in the end times and God is slowly but surely unfolding the truth. The masks are slipping. Take note of all the so called who remained silent witnessing satan action, take proper action, and go on.
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Do you endorse guilt tripping/shamming people into supporting moral causes?
I'm sorry, I've just seen far too many Palestine and Gaza supporters use guilt tripping to gain more traction.
It gives me the feeling people can't understand that people can be good people and not care for supporting what they want.
Like I'm all for not killing people but people make me and others out for trash for not wanting to do anything and continue on with our lives despite the knowledge.
I don't know i just want to ask you about this.
There is... so much wrong with this ask. I wanted to just block this account and move on, but I can't just... Not do anything about this. Maybe I can't convince you to care about what's going on, but I can try, and I want to try. I try to see the best in people. I'm hoping, sincerely hoping, that you're just... ignorant of the situation, and not just plain heartless.
"people can be good people and not care for supporting what they want"
What they want??? What they WANT??
Palestinians are being murdered, they're starving, being tortured in Israeli concentration camps, and you're speaking as if this is a matter of opinion. Human rights are not an opinion.
Good people are those who care about the lives of others, who know that the oppressed should not be hurt by the hands of their oppressors. Don't even say anything about it starting on October 7th- this has been going on for 75 years. It is normal to care. Even most "bad" people can understand that what's going on in Palestine is an injustice.
"not wanting to do anything and continue on with our lives despite the knowledge"
If you can stomach the genocide of millions in Palestine, children, women, men, and you can just move on without doing anything- You need to do some serious self reflection because this isn't okay. I'm not saying this as a lighthearted jokey thing. This is just Not okay.
You're saying you can't even share resources to help these people? If you can't donate, that's alright, there are so many economical problems going on in this day and age, but you can't even be bothered to share some posts? Information? To share some gofundme's?
You do not have to watch videos of people getting blown up and killed. You don't have to subject yourself to that. But you need to be knowledgeable about these things, you need to know that these things are happening, you should be horrified because these things are not normal. Nothing is normal about millions of people losing their futures.
Just as you deserve to dream of a future, these people deserve the same.
"I don't know i just want to ask you about this."
Another thing that's bothering me. Why ask me about this? Are you just asking any Palestine supporter this question???
If you want information on what's going on in Palestine, if you want reasons to care about this, look at Bisan, Motaz Azaiza, Eid Yara, Plestia Alaqad. These are brave people from Palestine who are suffering, showing the war from their eyes. They're experiencing it.
I want to make it clear, just because I show respect to my followers, does not mean you can confide to me about anything. I am trying to be kind, by pushing you in the right direction. I want you to understand that this mindset you're following is apathetic, it is harmful to others yes and also to yourself. I'm being harsh because I want you to realize that this whole situation, this is wrong. I have hope that you'll understand! That's why I didn't just block you straight up.
I don't hold any hope or respect for zionists, but you just seem ignorant at best. That's why I want to try and push you on the right direction, and if I can't, if I failed to, that's no fault of mine. I did what I could, and I hope you can do better. I sincerely hope so! I know you can improve yourself, you just have to try! Even if you don't think so. I believe you can.
It is dangerous to be uncaring. It is dangerous to not be radicalized.
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bulgeun-wihyeob · 3 months
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this isn't my typical pfp edit or post but i'm hoping it will do something
boycott overwatch season 9 ; don't play , don't buy anything , spread the word . jen cohn is an outspoken zionist and an appallingly poor casting decision for our beloved pharah . we need our message to be heard by blizzard . we will not tolerate their silence in regards to jen cohn's support of the palestinian genocide . recast pharah .
please remember to keep boycotting brands on the bds list . keep reposting and liking coverage on palestine . donate if you are able . get your daily clicks in on arab.org . call your representatives , demand a ceasefire . this is not a passing trend . hundreds of thousands of palestinian lives , men women and children , are in danger . thousands have been lost already . silence makes you complicit . be on the right side of history , keep screaming for palestine .
please also be aware that not all jewish people are zionists , and not all zionists are jewish . antisemitism is completely unnecessary , distracting , and vile . the israeli government does not speak for all jewish people . do not try to hold innocent people accountable for israel's actions . do not lose sight of who and what we are fighting for . free palestine .
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brreadbowl · 3 months
If we want Palestine to see peace someday, we cannot sit around silently, watching the genocide and doing NOTHING about it. NEUTRALITY towards this situation is NOT OKAY. SILENCE is NOT OKAY. SPEAK for those suffering. USE YOUR VOICE.
EVERY HOUR of EVERY DAY Palestinians are being brutally assaulted, raped, tortured, and murdered. The ones who survive have had everything taken from them, leaving them sick, starving, and unsafe with little to no shelter.
When we say Palestinians are suffering, we mean ALL OF THEM. Not just adults - not just men and women - it's CHILDREN and TEENS too. Families are losing their parents, children, brothers, and sisters EVERY SINGLE DAY. DO WHAT YOU CAN.
EDUCATE YOURSELF on the genocide and war in Palestine and Gaza. Educate yourself on their culture. Do what you can to LEARN and SUPPORT
DONATE to organizations supporting Palestinian survivors and refugees
SHARE any and all information and supporting posts and resources
FREE donations through one click of a button. Only takes a few seconds.
DONATE for families and refugees in need.
DONATE for Palestinian refugees.
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edwordsmyth · 3 months
"The big question is, even if 'Israel' manages to win its six-front war, even if 'America' manages to win its world war, then what? The whole climate is still collapsing, and even they live in the climate. 'Israel's scorched earth policy in Gaza is just a sign of the coming times for everyone, when the whole Earth will scorch. The meta-crisis is really an entropy crisis which we experience as pollution. Warfare is just the worst sort of pollution, the sort that kills you instantly. In just 120 days, 'Israel' and America have produced nearly 300,000 kilotons of carbon unproducing 30,000 people. The full climate impact is likely 7-8x higher, equivalent to a dozen countries just chilling. Millions of tons of metal and other resources have been shipped from all over the world in order to be dumped on children in Palestine. The Gaza Genocide is an absolute orgy of emissions and waste in a climate that simply can't take anymore. This grotesque genocide is just the culmination of 400 years of colonialism. It's no coincidence that the greater White Empire (America, Britain, etc.) is by far the worst polluter in history. It's no coincidence that the US military is the single worst polluter now. It's causal. Colonialism was the cancer that gave corporations private rights to something that isn't even public. The sun, the land, the animals, the plants; they don't belong to us. They belong to the gods. They are the gods. The gods of sun, the gods of trees, and the new, apocalyptic, gods who clearly said that the end was coming. You don't even have to believe the signs anymore. We're at the destination. Natural life (which includes us) is being killed by artificial life (which we are merely included in). We're just the bacteria inside the guts of higher beings we call corporations or even countries. It is this species of artificial life which is killing the natural world, and we're just along for the ride. I call these creatures godlike because just look at the power they have over us. They can kill, cage, and harness us like so much chattel, but there's one thing they can't control. That's the weather. Those are the elder, greater, gods, and they're not too happy about the upstart idols. Who are these old gods? The gods of sun, the gods of weather, the gods of climate above all. Heathens call this 'climate change', like it comes out of nowhere. What we are experiencing is the wrath of the gods. The gods are striking back through the weather and they'll win, because they're actual gods, not craven idols made out of steel and silicon. Even the more recent Abrahamic God is clearly apocalyptic. Prophets and messengers have been telling us to get our shit together for the end times. Whatever 'civilized' path we were on 3,000 years ago was already clearly wrong, and we were clearly warned that it wouldn't end well. Well, here we are. You can't say you weren't warned. Whether it's from Resistance or their own arrogance, within our lifetimes both 'Israel' and 'America' will fall. Even if they win all these wars against other people, how do you win against the climate? How do you win against math? How do you win against the gods? What do you even win in this context? It's like hitting the snooze button on apocalypse with a 3,000 pound bomb. You're just making the destruction come faster. White Empire is not long for the world, because the world is not long for the world. Even if it survives the rebellions of men, it cannot escape the judgement of the gods. If the whole climate is collapses, everything else necessarily collapses too. Like castles in the sand. In a few decades (at best), Empire's scorched earth policy in Gaza becomes redundant. Any Empire that exists will run out of gas and catch on fire at the same time. Empire loses by default. A victory for no one."
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pinkguacamole · 1 month
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The media and our institutions want you to believe that the Pro-Palestine protests on campuses across America are a dangerous place for Jews and students.
But these protests are Love, Community, and Resistance.
Here are some things that my friends and I participated in while we were there last night:
The crowd formed a circle around the Muslim attendees while they prayed at sundown. I got emotional as I looked at the sunset, side by side with my friends and other allies, understanding the power of what was going on behind me.
Then the crowd said the prayers for Shabbat as the candles were lit and bds-approved Matzah was served because it’s Shabbat and also Passover. It meant a lot to me to sing the prayers from my upbringing in the Jewish community in this space. I have struggled with my religious identity my whole life, but I am certain that the G-d I learned about in Sunday school would never ever believe genocide is justified. That G-d would not want us to turn against our neighbors and hate people who are different from us. I can only sing these prayers in this community now.
Then women from Harriet’s Wildest Dreams, a Black-led community defense hub in DC led songs of freedom.
These protests are community care. They are love. These student encampments are a vision of the beautiful world we want to live in: side by side, in community. In support and peace and cultural traditions and love and religion and humanity.
Do not let anyone tell you this should be feared.
We must follow the example of these students to fight against the institutions that tell us this division, this devastation, this dehumanization, and these wars are essential. They are not. They never have been.
Every day that the United States government financially and vehemently supports Israel’s actions in Gaza, we lose hundreds of more innocent people. Families, teachers, students, doctors, chefs, men, women, children, babies
Where is our humanity?
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pressington · 4 months
28,000 Palestinians dead. Does nobody realize how insane that is? How can zionists sit back comfortably in their homes, watch as children lose their limbs and lives before theyre even a year old, watch as isreal shoots down Palestinians waving white flags, watch as they bomb Rafah, a place they said was SAFE, and continue to preach that "Isreal has the right to defend itself". From what? What does a colonizer state that doesn't even have the right to EXIST have to defend itself from? The 12,000 children that no longer exist? The innocent men, women, and children they've continously bombed for 75 years? How can anyone DARE to defend Isreal, how can anyone feel sympathy as "isrealis" live safely in their stolen homes, go to concerts and attend school, see their families instead of burying them in unmarked graves, cheer and laugh as they watch Gaza be bombed from a safe distance. Children in Isreal go to school and laugh and play together while children in Palestine bury eachother. Isreal is built on genocide, Isreal is built on antisemitism, isreal is built on the graves of these beautiful people and their home, never forgot that. Palestine WILL be free in our lifetimes 🇵🇸
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