#and used that same energy to help palestine lol
rymadej · 4 months
Anonymous asks have no balls do not speak to me
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papirouge · 6 months
don't you find interesting that now that the world has been overwhelmly in support of the people in Gaza and witnessed the outrageous dehumanizing statements of Israel officials against Palestinians & horrific murders of civilians, pro Israel people are now resorting to SEMANTICS to paint themselves as the true victims ?
I can't be the only one who've seen these tiraded about how "from the river to the sea" is actually a pro terrorist catchphrase and how it's a threat to the existence of every Jew in Israel. To which I want to reply : do you think that if we removed that phrase from every protester signboard or mouth, their support would not be the same? Do you *genuinely* think a pro Palestine westerner chanting "from the River to the sea Palestine will be free" would support the killing of every Jew in israel to make space for the Hamas/Muslims ? Do you think islamists see those queers for Palestine chanting this and are like "oh yes, those are actual allies in our endeavor to shove jihad in Middle east"? 💀
Like, I'm genuinely wondering what they think they're doing by saying that..
"you guys don't care about the rise of antisemitism"
Actually we do. It's been a while people spoke up about how antisemitism, racist & fascist ideologies were literally making a come back, and you know what happened? They've been called "woke" and antiwhite 🙃 (sometimes by the very same rabid zionists who are now expecting their unconditional support for Israel lol)
And mayyyyybe we would take you concern for jewish lives a little bit concerning if you gave the same energy when it comes to actual jews spouting the most asinine shit against Palestinians (I mean, if "from the river to the sea(...)" is a terrorist dog whistle, so is "Netanyahu finish the job" no? 🙃), harrassing if not PHYSICALLY attacking people. Those people are fueling antisemitism like never before, but you guys would rather make whole ass tirades about how a sentence (with no objective call to violence) is a call to genocide and clutching your pearls at people having the audacity to call for a cease of violence against civilians... Ask yourself why the world is rallying against Israel - calling us "antisemitic" or "islamist" definitely isn't helping your cause, and only show your inability to focus on the relevant things.
"the actions of a handful of hateful people isn't every Jews responsibility / Jewish people don't deserve to be threatened by the consequences of the hateful actions/words of other jews"
Cool, then keep that energy for the people of Gaza. Funny how that works.
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womenfrommars · 2 years
I'm sick of people pretending this is the same as Palestine or Afghanistan or whatever. I'm sick of people also pretending no one cared about those. People fucking cared. YOU didn't care. YOU don't actually watch the news and think no one is paying attention. YOU are indifferent or uniformed and YOU think everyone is like YOU! But you also seem unable to understand that caring about things around you more than things far away from you is NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. YOU'D FUCKING CARE WAY MORE ABOUT YOUR HOUSE BURNING THAN SOME ONE ELSE'S HOUSE BURNING. THIS IS HOW THE HUMAN BRAIN WORKS. People become so alienated from normal human functions bc they're so online they forget how people act. "Didn't have this energy for middle eastern refugees" yeah you know why? Bc Ukrainians either seek refuge in bordering countries or they die bc the other borders are Belarus and Russia. Ukrainians are coming to my country which doesn't border Ukraine because they already have family here. There's a key nuance there but I don't expect stupid fucking yanks to be able to understand it least of all aknowledge it. And this is not comparable to Palestine or Afghanistan or any other conflict these people drag out to gotcha and play what about ism, as if they care about those anyway. This conflict has no ambiguity whatsoever - a nation attacked another with no prior threat. There is no ambiguity. Also "you don't care about *whatever conflict i say so I can seem woke*. Are your brains so rotted out that you think we can have any actual impact halfway across the world? Do you think we as regular people who happened to be born in Europe can solve the conflicts in Yemen or Ethiopia or Afghanistan or even in fucking Ukraine right now? What kind of sociopath do you need to be to be a grown adult saying shit like this while people mourn? What the fuck do you want US to do about armed conflict a world away? Post about it? Yeah, posting about it is solving the ukranian issue, right? How braindead do you have to be to think that we don't solve the conflicts in Yemen, Ethiopia, south Africa etc for lols. Do you think we have the power to stop any of this? Do YOU think you're doing ANYTHING to help those people you fucking PRETEND to care about to one-up Europeans by posting about it? Might as well post "likes charge, reblogs cast" you stupid fucking assholes.
I'm sorry, it's been a long day and the level of just absolute sociopathic behavior I've seen from Americans online is astounding. Shame on you. Pray to God no actual war comes to your country, pray to god you can seat there forever being a smug asshole and throwing around people's real tragedies so you can one-up other people going through tragic times, as if you fucking care. The Oscar should go for these ass clowns, they're really good at pretending they care about populations they don't give a fuck about and don't know anything about.
I disagree with the people saying Ukraine is only getting attention now because it's a white and/or European country. The conflict between Palestine and Israel has received a lot of media attention over the years, and the Afghanistan situation also gathered a lot of attention. The European Union is more directly involved with this conflict because we're sending weapons and posing economic sanctions on Russia. With Afghanistan my country was only involved in so far as that we evacuated our troops (poorly I might add). Americans are quite weird because on the one hand they support ''doing something'' (whatever that is) but they also oppose(d) sending the US army to Afghanistan. Maybe they just mean accepting refugees but not actually fighting back.
The other day I was on Instagram and saw the story of a Turkish girl I went to school with. She said people only care about Ukranians because they're white. Muslims have this victim complex where they think muslim victims never receive media attention just because they're muslim. As if social media isn't largely pro-Palestine because it's woke. Woke people just want to compare this situation to other situations that are not at all similar and then pretend it's all about race and/or religion or whatever seems woke to them. It's tiring and not helping. If anything it really isolates people and I think it's offensive to Ukranians to suggest they're ''privileged'' in this case just because they happen to be white. It's been a few days and we're already hearing these cold takes that nobody asked for and that help nobody. You're helping neither Ukranians nor Palestinians to compare for the Oppression Olympics. And yes, I agree people tend to care more for things that hit closer to home. I think that's normal behaviour that doesn't relate to race at all. In Europe we haven't seen a war like this since the fall of Yugoslavia, I think. People are shocked because they didn't expect to witness a war on the European Continent in their lifetime. That also ties in with why the EU was ever founded in the first place: to prevent war (and to promote economic relations). Possible EU Membership for Ukraine also comes into play here
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ofcloudsandstars · 3 years
Will just post some more Litha posts in a minute before calling it a night at like 17:30 cause I have been up since yesterday morning with lil naps in between and I am dyinggg haha. 
Had such a beautiful night yesterday with incredible interactions that made me feel validated or really reflect on some things. 
Yesterday was a wonderful witch friends birthday. It’s one of those spaces where not everyone is a witch but everyone is magical and aware of their sense of magic and ability to create, be expressive, be their full self etc. I tend to find that in a lot of femme queer spaces. Everyone was so vibrant and really genuine. I made like 6 new friends haha. 
I always wanted to have a dance party on the Summer Solstice. I always felt it would be appropriate with the mounting energies as this time of the year is a big energetic climax. Last night I got the invite to this party impromptu like yes come thru.. and it was very much a CATHARTIC release.. Omg we did poetry workshops, so much dancing and it was incredible as this witch friend is Ugandan and a lot of witch friends in this group have African heritage so it felt very ritualistic in the way that in some afro spiritual communities they would beat drums to certain rhythms to evoke spirits and ancestors. This afro queer witch group that I have been blessed to become friends with have all started teaching each other how to DJ so when they would start spinning their sets the beats were so intense and rhythmic it was like you were dancing in a trance. (I mean the party was lit with big red pillar candles everywhere and had deep pink lighting so it felt ritualistic or like we were in another realm haha) And each person of course has their own style but it felt like they were entrancing us with their own magic and it felt kind of like the way guided meditation can guide you on a journey but instead it was with beats and dancing. 
I reconnected with some friends of a friend there and I told them how I always take off work on the sabbats cause I may be a slave to capitalism but I deserve to have my fucking magical days off lol. (Like I don’t even take off Christmas let me have my solstices). I thought they would think this was strange but they actually said they thought it was inspiring 😂😭 I told them even if I don’t get to see friends I make a feast for myself and take time to go into nature and just be immersed in the energy and they are like wtf we want to do that. Turns out incredibly that they all also live by me!! And that they all have Monday off!! So We may actually have a feast tomorrow!! (Also shout out to service/hospitality workers cause we get random days off the week haha). 
But really talking about it with them felt validating cause they say its nice to take a moment to really immerse yourself in the seasons and days or else life just passes you by in a blur and I was like YES EXACTLY!! It’s a grounding ritual!! You take stock as of where you are in life!! You take a pause to enjoy a new chapter/season of nature!! Some caucasian witch friend made a comment once at me like, ‘It’s just another day of the year, why does it matter that you celebrate on this day specifically??’ and it’s like IF yOU DON’T MAKE A TIME TO COMMIT THEN YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE TIME!! Plus isn’t it nice to like gather friends just to just ‘be’ in nature?? And share season foods and have a feast?? Like isn’t this what life is about?? 
This sentiment was deepened especially by the Host. She was this gorgeous woman who’s spirit just glowed and has warmth that fills the room. She has loving mom energy like the type of person who loves cooking for you (she actually cooked traditional Palestinian food for everyone in the house and even recounted beautifully how she was so happy to get up in the morning to go to the market to pick out the fresh produce and cook for others with love omg). She was so happy to just host the party and have a group of wonderful people over. Anyway there was a crew of very stylish, very attractive palestinian wlw women/femme nbs there who could fucking dance cause their hips were doing some snake charmer shit and they could keep up with all the afro beats and have their bellies, booties and thighs twerk at the same time but obv right now whats happening in Palestine is devastating. Turns out later in the night she revealed that she was a refugee. This was revealed cause the asshole neighbour who was displeased at us having a party (11PM Sat night. Like I know its late but it’s London on a Sat night), was threatening to call the cops which is really aggressive when it’s towards a group of queer, mostly dark skinned afro/arabic group of people and when he got in her face she shouted back at him, “My people have to sleep through bombs and you can’t handle a little music??” omfg.. 
Yet anyway she said something beautiful as we were in the liminal space of the party somewhere between the twilight hours of 3-5AM on her bed high as hell. She first said it in Arabic than translated it loosely to, ‘What is life but not indulges?’ meaning what is life but not the experience of it all? Experiencing our senses, our joy of living etc. And she mentioned how we can take so much for granted like enjoying being out with nature, enjoying the company and safe space of being with friends, of having the freedom of self expression, especially to be queer, to be magical, to not have your entire life uprooted. Of course so many people there have racial and colonial trauma but that crew was experiencing it real time and were ready to fight that neighbour for trying to take away that moment of celebrating a cherished friend’s birthday. 
I feel like I finally have the words to express why I love celebrations. I always thought it was a vapid Libra side of me but it wasn’t easy to dismiss as such cause I even liked celebrating things alone. It’s very grounding in the way that it helps to slow you down in the moment and really experience life. Especially when you celebrate with feasts and eat the gifts and labour you’ve given the earth to enjoy and indulge in divine food. And when you have the blessing to share these moments with friends you get to be reminded of what love feels like and what community feels like and how important these experiences are to be human. Especially when nothing is really guaranteed in this world anymore. 
I wish everyone was in a position to take off from work on the solstice to just ground themselves in nature and even spend time with good friends at the beach or park but capitalism can be really abusive. I am just glad I’ve reshaped my life to get to a point where I can do that. As for now I am going to plan out my day tomorrow then sleep forever and hope my old-ass Life Alert knees stop burning cause they are mad at me for last night’s twerking reminding me that I am on the doorstep of my 30s. 
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danielyrosner · 4 years
Fanfic - Neil's Chains - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 -  My new life
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March 23 , 1994
 My children were born yesterday, today when I look at them in the cradles my heart is filled with joy but also with despair, because I don't know what can happen in the future, these crazy people can change their minds and try to hurt them or try to make them become the target of your research.
 As for Cassandra, she is a little better than yesterday, she wanted to see the children, but because of her condition, Jefford's asshole forbade her to see them and me to take them to her, did this imbecile forget that the children they need to feed and that she’s their mother’s bitch. Whatever, I will stay here with them, I made a rocking chair and left it on the balcony so that I can enjoy the night with them in my arms.
 August 22 , 1994
 The children are already four months old, Cassandra improved about three months ago and during the day she tries to spend as much time as possible with the children and when they sleep, they come to me to do the 'Research' find a day they will end up killing me. When night falls they leave me alone to be with my children. Even though I am injured, tired and very hungry, seeing them makes me happy. They bring me hope that there is still goodness in this world. They are so equal and yet so different! Gil is more of a crybaby - when he's away from his sister or when I'm not around, have you heard, lol , his lungs are very powerful. Lukka is already more quiet even - when this hungry, she hardly cries. However, she knows exactly when I am in pain or sad. When that happens, the little girl cries until I catch her, as if she wants to comfort me in those moments.
 October 18 , 1994
 The children started to crawl, the room is a mess they end up throwing everything on the floor as healthy children always do and Cassandra seems to have forgotten them, but it doesn't matter, because when it is over, I go away and take my children with me.
 Jefford has been pushing her to have another child this time. However, he has freaked out more and more with my children and this has worried me a lot I hope he is not crazy to do anything to them.
 December 25 , 1994
This is the children's first Christmas, I asked them to leave me free today, tomorrow they could intensify their research, but today I would like to spend a happy day, without pain or sadness with my children, they allowed it with much hesitation, if not had it been for Cassandra, Jefford would not have allowed it. His hatred for me and my children has grown, now I can see perfectly why he wants to try to hide.
 Christmas was perfect, I had never been happier for millennia of existence, despite being tortured every day, I was very happy, my children were perfect and grew up every day. It was also on that same day that both spoke the first word “Daddy”, that was without a doubt the best gift I got. That day was no longer remembered as the day I fell into a trap, but as the day when my children they called it daddy, the day of his first words.
 Since I was in prison, I didn't have much to give them, just the two little jewels I kept with me centuries ago, one of them was mine and the other was going to be handed over to Cassandra the night we would run away, luckily I didn't do it, now they belong to you children, i hope it helps to remind you of me if i don't get out of this prison.
 March 22, 1995
 I already got used to the torture of these assholes even though I was hurt, my kids make me want to get up at night, if it weren't for them they would have gone crazy a long time ago. Speaking of them today they complete a year of life, I decided to take them to the garden to feel the earth under my feet, but I don't know if I will have the energy to run after Lukka - after she learned to walk and speak, it has been like a hurricane; it has energy to give and sell. Gilthunder, on the other hand, has been quieter. He lives behind me, ashamed or afraid of something. The two learned to speak and walk perfectly early more . Right after Christmas they grew up a lot and they already have the intelligence of 5 year old children ... I think it is because of my blood.
 ~ • ~
"Boys, let's go out for a while" Neil says opening the door.
 "Daddy, where are we going?" Gil question
 "Who cares? I want to leave this room" Lukka says jumping on the bed.
 “Lu, I told you to stop this, you will end up getting hurt" Neil scolds her putting her on the floor “where's your necklace?”
 “I kept it safe, I didn't want to spoil it" she says with her head down.
 "I kept my dad too, couldn't I?" Gil asks his father.
 Neil smiles with emotion at the children's attitude, he puts his hand over their heads “Don't worry, those necklaces have been around for centuries, it's impossible for you to break or lose them” he gets up and takes the necklaces in the drawer “Let's go down, I'll tell history of these necklaces for you "
 “ Ebaaaaa ” Lukka shouts with joy, takes his brother's hand and runs towards the door.
 Neil laughs at his daughter's reaction, we walk the stairs to the twins in front and I behind with my little bottle of baptized blood and a towel to throw on the floor. When we arrived at the garden they were impressed, it was not so beautiful, but something different for us to go, Lukka ran across the field and as incredible as Gil seems too. I spread the cloth on the floor and looked at those two little beings having fun and smiling.
 Neil smiles and sighs "Lu, Gil, don't you want to hear the story about the necklaces and about Dad?"
 " Simm " they respond unisoramente , they run and sit on his father's lap.
 He looks at them and begins “I was in the 5th century, close to ancient Palestine, I had just transformed and the people were full of superstition, for that reason, I was impeached for days , months and some years. It was when I met a humble family that took me in, one of his children was deformed so they felt sorry for Daddy "he looks at the little ones, his eyes shone with his story and he continues" Daddy was a great negotiator and they started having some possessions because of me. Then one day I went to a lake, the night was beautiful and the vegetation beside it was stunning, further on that lake there was a small waterfall, that's where I found these small stones, they shone by the moonlight even in the rough. For this reason I took them home, and polished them, I made the leather tapes ”he looks at the moon, sighs and his eyes change with sadness“ One day while I was in town on business, some men invaded the family property in searching for the necklaces and me, but both were not at the house, for this reason they hurt the family a lot and dad decided to leave and the necklaces were always a small reminder of that humanity that he felt at that time, and that today I felt again "
 "What is humanity, daddy?" Gil asks.
 "Humanity is our feelings, from people to other people, isn't it Daddy?" Lukka answers him.
 "That's right daughter" Neil says hugging them.
 “But what have you been transformed into? And did those men really have to go after you? ” She questions him
 "Really, you didn't do anything for them" Gil adds.
 Neil looks at them and rubs their faces “One day Daddy will tell you what I am; and men are sometimes very mean, they do nonsense things, which can end up hurting others, so you have to protect yourself, you always have to be together, even if daddy can't, but live with you ”
 "But why?" They ask.
 "One day you will understand" He answers them "Now we have to go inside, soon it will be dawn and you need to sleep"
 "Not a father!" They scream
 "Please, we do not ta sleepy" Gil says
 "Yeah, we want to hear another story, please" Lukka adds.
 "Okay, but I'll tell you only if you're in bed and ready to sleep" Neil replies.
 Lukka and Gil look at each other and agree, they go up to the bedroom, get ready to sleep, Neil puts them to bed and starts talking to them “Well, let me see, about two thousand years ago, when people they still lived in tents or small ones, the Vikings were scattered across the land, they were barbarians and powerful ”
 "Were you one of them?" Lukka asks.
 "I was, I was one of the greatest warriors they had, we dominated the people, until I realized that they were very bad, so I left, to live another kind of life, so ..." Neil looks at the children already asleep smiles, gives a kiss on each and the covers up to his neck "Sleep well my little angels, Daddy loves you so much."
 ~ • ~
 I returned to my room that night, when it was dawn, they came, Jefford seemed to have more ambition, more desires, it was really a very long morning of pure agony, they chained me, they took several pieces of me, he screamed with despair and agony, they didn't care, they just cut and punctured me, when I started spitting black blood it was the moment I lost consciousness, so I didn't know what they did to me for the rest of the day ...
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travelmakingkai · 5 years
Is it’s possible to have more than one spirit place?…
That place where your soul feels completely as one with your mind and body. It’s as if you’re on familiar territory; perhaps from a previous encounter, perhaps from a previous life…
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That feeling usually comes to me when I’m by the sea and was especially strong during my 2 month healing-stay in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. I have to admit, it’s been nothing short of a struggle being back from Brazil. It’s strange to think I could go from a dreamy ‘living my best life‘ status, to ‘is this my life?‘ self-pity back in London. Every trip I’ve thought about booking (or and booked and cancelled – St Lucia!) has been to try to re-enact a state of mind I’ve found only in Brazil, knowing fair well it won’t be the same… Perhaps even if I were to go back to Brazil.
So when I received the call from DoGoodFilms to join the team on a commission from NetHope in Jordan, I took up the opportunity without any fairytale exceptions. Three days filming the No Lost Generation (NLG) tech summit in the comfortable setting of the Marriott Hotel in Amman – not a bad!
No Lost Generation Tech Summit at the Marriott hotel, Amman
But let’s face it, you can’t come to Jordan and only see Amman – it should be a crime considering all the history and culture this country is rich in. And since I’m guilting of such crime when I visited Jordan previously and skipped the tourist sights opting to just hang out in Amman, I knew too well I couldn’t make the same mistake again. So once the summit was over, I upgraded my stay from a 5* hotel, to a billion experience sleeping in a Bedouin camp in the Wadi Rum desert!
Amazing time-lapse of the moving stars - a labour of love captured by Ivo, DoGoodFilms!
Wadi Rum
The desert is the last place I would have expected to feel spiritual. In fact, if I’m being really honest, when I think about the desert – I can’t help but think about countless sub-saharan Africans making the pain-stacking voyage to get to North Africa and cross the sea into Europe for a better life. When I think of Bedouin, hospitality isn’t the first thing I think of, but rather the suffering of people who look like me whose vulnerability has been known to be exploited for parts of their bodies – their teeth, kidneys, hearts, their dignity and their lives crossing the Sahara desert.
Sinai Egypt
Welcome to Egpt
New Year 2013 in Taba with Miriam – Egypt
Rashwan and Karim
I can recall New Years Eve spent in Taba, Egypt, four years ago. I did a boarder-crossing trip which took me from Cairo across the Sinai into Israel and Jordan. I met a super cool black girl, Miriam, in Israel also travelling solo so we joined forces (and what a force we were together!) spending Christmas (in Bethlehem, Palestine) and later accepted an invite from my friend Rashwan from Cairo to spend New Year in Taba, close to the Egypt-Israeli border, to be hosted by Bedouins. Myself and Miriam, being the only black girls amongst a gathering of Egyptians from Cairo escaping the bustle of the city, tourists and hippies, were spotted by a Bedouin who’d been amusing his guests, when he called out to us; “How is it in Africa?!” Baffled, I responded without hesitation, “The last I checked, we’re in Africa, Egypt is part of Africa“.
“This isn’t Africa, this is Asia!” he responded.
And with that the conversation ended. This Bedouin wanted us to know, we weren’t just tourists. We were black, we were subsaharan Africans, and we were in his territory. I suddenly felt the energy change. This show of power was to intimidate us (because how dare these black girls be tourists!), but we didn’t let it ruin what was a unique experience.
Black in the Middle East
So for this trip, I had to let go of any preconceived bias which could hinder my aura (I’m a big believer that the energy you give out is generally what you’ll receive), without dismissing my feelings; I’m often silenced to a ‘it’s not always about race’, yet race has a lot to do with power play. Let’s also not forget Arabs, as with white colonialists, have a deep rooted history of enslaving sub-Saharan Africans. The word abd is a common term used to describe black people, which it literally means “slave” in Arabic.
Black in the Middle East is often a connotation for; slave, house help, refugee, migrant, prostitute. As a visibly black woman, my experiences will differ from a white woman or a racially ambiguous woman of colour (WOC), despite our gender being a commonality. So yes, whereas a white woman might also get the stares, I doubt any of the listed labels are associated.
I do acknowledged my privilege of being a tourist, a temporary visitor. So what’s it like being a black woman living in the Middle East? I’ll be sharing in the next post my interview with Key, an African American living in Jordan for the past 3 years.
Putting my problems in perspective
In the desert I had solitude. A 6am hike up a canyon helped put a my first-world-problems into perspective as I reflected on how small I felt in the vastitude of the desert (if I’m small, my problems are tiny!). I felt a connection, and dear I say a spiritual one too, I hadn’t felt since leaving Salvador, Bahia… How opposite these two places could be?!
Before leaving Wadi Rum to head back to Amman (via Petra, which I have to say was a ‘meh’ experience considering all the tourists and people trying to sell you something or another), we stopped by a coffee shop which to my delight had wifi! My Aunty, Mama Lou was the first person I messaged. “Greetings from Jordan Mama Lou.” I sent via whatsapp along with a picture I felt summed up my experience of sheer gratitude. Mama Lou called me straight back to share her delight that I was in the ‘Holy Land’ and requested I bring her some anointing oil! Now where will I find anointing oil – that’s oil which has been blessed from the Holy Land, in a Muslim country? “Pray whilst you’re in the Holy Land” Mama Lou reminded me in a text message. “Put your heart desire before the Almighty”
Catch the sunset, Wadi Rum | ©Travelmakerkai
Battle of the camel toe: Zara cutlets are desert friendly… if you don’t mind a wedgie every now and then all in the name of fashion! lol
I’m not the most religious person (if at all), preferring to be in tune with spirituality. I’ll take my blessings wherever it’s been given, under whatever name it wants to be given. Funny, I didn’t think I’d find Mama Lou’s ‘anointing oil’, but when passing through Duty-Free at the airport, I spotted a section at the back with local souvenirs. And there was some Holy oil!
Mo Mo our guide
If I’ve learnt anything from this trip, it’s that spiritual encounters can happen in places you least expect. I’m on a journey learning more about myself and what brings me peace… Who would have thought I’d find it being in such solitude and vastness?…
Interested in visiting Jordan? 
It’s worth getting a Jordan pass which includes visa fee, entrance into Petra and other attractions. CLICK HERE to find out more. 
I’m thinking about about organising a small group trip later this year! If interested – let me know!
Do you have a special place which brings you peace? Let me know by sharing your thoughts in the comment box below!
Ivo, DoGoodFilms director and I at the airport… Now the real work begins in post production!
p.s I teamed up with DoGoodFilms to film my first ever travel segment! Special thanks to Ivo Belohoubek for the amazing pictures – and videos! I can’t wait to share more very, very soon!
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Please support my craft by crediting (including suitable links to this blog or my social media platforms) should you use any of my pictures. All copyrights belong to ©Travelmakerkai unless stated otherwise.
I’m always on the look out for local photographers to collaborate with, and influencers to interview for the blog… Interested? Contact me and let’s get creative!
A Night in Wadi Rum: My Spiritual Encounter with the Desert Is it's possible to have more than one spirit place?... That place where your soul feels completely as one with your mind and body.
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