#cheeky rants
bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
no but imagine if the studios weren't greedy beyond all fucking believe and the actors and writers didn't have to strike because not only would they be able to be hyped along with us but we would probably ALSO be getting bts material from Samba and Vico (and others but Samba's 4k+ files are just SITTING THERE) like thye'd probably be allowed to post stuff that didn't spoil beyond what the teaser already gives away, right? even just a little bit? but instead they can't celebrate their own work like they deserve along with the rest of us because the studios won't fucking pay their workers and give them rights i am so ANGRY
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 2 months
One thing ive never understood is how people can dislike, maybe even hate Peter, but when it comes to Barty, Regulus and Evan they absolutely love them.... THE DOUBLE STANDARDS.... Im just really confused, All four of them did shitty things yet Peter's the only one getting slandered..? If you like Regulus, Barty and Evan and hate Peter pls dni because that is just undefendable XOXO
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
slight spicey Finn his? PLZ I BEG
Slightly Spicy Finn
Sometimes he likes slightly messing with you, like dressing a bit provocative to get your attention on him.
He is shy but he knows hes hot, it's annoyingly good how hot he can make himself be when he puts his mind to it!
Since he moves around a lot making bouquets he uses this to put his hair up to distract you while unbuttoning his shirt a bit.
groans a little bit louder when your around complaining about the heat while giving you puppy dog eyes.
At one point he ended up taking his shirt off to reveal a tank top. flex's his back abit since he can feel your eyes on him.
uses his clumsiness to his advantage, bending over at the waist to get a flower her dropped or even getting on his knees and arching a bit to look for whatever fell under the table.
If working outside on the garden he drinks water a bit sloppy to where it gets all over his chest a bit.
Cheeky fucker also uses his shirt to wipe sweat off of his forehead.
When your super focused on something he likes to lean on your back and ask questions while breathing on your neck.
Is another one who likes to sit on your lap a bit, but not fully, he makes you pull him on your lap. Then he teases you saying you don't need to manhandle him (it's exactly what he wanted)
When you carry something heavy for him he touches your arm and complements your strength "Did you work out?" depending on your answer he would say "You could use me to work out~"
Says sexy shit and acts like he meant somethin else, like "Your hot? Oh sweetheart, I know you are. Huh? No I just said I know it's so hot!"
Even sometimes making you grab something for him he doesn't need. "Sunflower? Could you bend over and grab that for me? Yeah...it should be right there...God, your ass is so hot...Oh! You found it thank you! What was I looking at? Oh there is a little sticker on your butt!...Here let me get it for you!" he leaves a longing touch on your butt after getting the sticker off.
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red-wop · 10 days
Right but small (not really) fic rec for all my Rimster enjoyers (which y'all may or may not have heard of before) !!
The Repair Shop by HungLikeARainbro on Ao3 because HOLY SMEG IT IS BRILLIANT
It's quite a long fic (and it's still in progress) but OH MY GOD IT IS SO WORTH IT
Do you like Cats, canon compliant repair shop AU's, general cosiness and EXTREME slow burn??? Cause oh boy this fic is ALL THAT AND MORE
Genuinely, I sat down and read all of it in one sitting because this stuff is SO GOOD
Lister is genuinely the most oblivious fool in all of it and GOD is it frustratingly excellent /pos
I really recommend it because it is soso good and probably my favourite long fic ever, HungLikeARainbro writes them and the setting SO well, teach me your ways (also I have a feeling that you might have a Tumblr account but I CANNOT remember i am so sorry, i would be tagging you properly here if i could remember)
Anyway If I could give that fic a million kudos I would
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fuji09 · 2 days
"Yeah, but I'm a nice demon." -Jordan Parrish
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nalooksthrough · 1 year
I have been thinking, about how people with intellectual disabilities are portrayed by films/television series. Burdens, Tragic Stories or a Punchline (I’m looking at you adult comedy industry.)
And unlike with other portrayals of disabilities over the years, it still hasn’t changed. I’m not saying the problems aren’t also still there for other disabilities, they still are. It’s just they those other disabilities are getting shows that do display more positive nuanced characterization. 
I can understand why. It’s hard to show something that you don’t experience yourself. And unlike with most other disabilities, they sometimes can’t tell you or even know what they want in terms of proper representation. So most of the representation is from an outsiders perspective. 
And unless your personally close to someone who has a intellectual disability. All your going to see is someone struggling with something seemly basic. And this representation of the burden, tragic character or joke has negative effects on people’s mentality of those with intellectual disabilities. Some even going as far as thinking that death would be a more preferable outcome for them and their families.
I just want to see a person living their life. And sure they may not understand how to handle money or drive a car. But they still have fun, go places, meet people. They have hobbies that they may need help with, but who said you had to enjoy a hobby alone? And yeah maybe they can’t live on their own. Lucky they have such a great support system. And a loving family whom they love just as much, even if they can’t show it sometimes.
I can only think of ONE film that is like this. And I think it’s high time that changed.
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j-esbian · 20 days
sometimes i really do want to study the flavor of intense misogyny from older folks, especially when it comes from older women, that assumes all women and girls are sluts and deviants because (checks notes) fashion trends, which the individual consumer has no control over, means that most people’s only options, especially in summer, are to wear somewhat revealing clothing. because it’s hot.
#how have you gotten to this age and gone clothes shopping and not realized the landscape#like i first became aware of this problem at age 12#i didn’t want to wear short shorts and honestly COULDNT bc of school dress code. but it was hard to find another option#enter those plaid bermuda shorts#and i can only imagine it’s 100x worse now in an instagram tiktok age than it was when i was that age#bc god knows I was embarrassed to wear those. felt like they were actively trying to be as ugly as possible#but for swim suits it’s a whole other can of worms#i currently do not own one bc i don’t want to get a wedgie every 30 seconds#two piece bottoms are all advertised as Cheeky. and i already know i have more ass than expected for my waist size#and the other option is. board shorts#but you’re going to blame the 14 year old for wanting to go to the pool??#‘and then they wonder why guys keep staring at them. where are their mothers i can’t believe they’re allowed out like that’#be so for real right now. they’re kids. they should be allowed to have fun and go outside without being creeped on#i always try to meet them halfway with ‘yeah it sucks that there’s not a lot of modest styles of clothes available’ and they’re just like#‘well EYE spent $100 at a specialty online store’ but these kids are going to forever 21 with cash from babysitting or whatever. try again#your single solution does not apply to everyone#like a LOT of it feels like projection. ‘i acted out as a teen so my daughter will do the same’#just not a lot of self awareness. combined with internalized sexism they’re not willing to question#sometimes when my coworker goes on one of her rants about how she’s glad she never had daughters bc of the Way Teenaged Girls Are#i want to be like. i wasn’t like that. your granddaughter isn’t like that.#i genuinely want to study these people. how did you get to this point
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kkpwnall · 4 months
i wish all subject lines a very die. i hate writing a subject line, gives me nothing but grief
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aromantic-karamatsu · 10 months
My family knows I have an obsession with Sun Wukong (The Monkey King) but they think it's Sun Wukong (The Great Sage Equal to Heaven From Actually Chinese Mythology) and don't know it's actually Sun Wukong (The Lego Monkey from Lego Monkie Kid) and at this point I'm too scared to correct them
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starlooove · 1 year
Tiffany where are you 💔💔💔
#Damian Colin Tiff and Maps should’ve been a group#dc u can still make it happen#also she’s literally batgirl 😭#there should be an issue where She and Damian get up to stupid shit and are reprimanded going backwards in time#Tim and Steph get angry first and they just admonish them#maybe saying that THEY were never like that as batgirl and robin#then it’s dick and babs and all they can see are tim and steph#and it’s honestly hard because it’s just so sweet and dick knows he needs to be responsible but he’s melting and he can see that babs is too#they let them off with a warning#finally it’s Bruce and all he sees are lil dickie and barbie#his internal monologue is just ranting about when they barely reached his hip and thought they could take the world with their wits alone#he remembers thinking that he’d hand it over to them if they asked and he looks down on them and sees dicks sullen glare on Damian#the face of someone who knows the conversation won’t be over just because the sun rises#and he sees Barbara’s cheeky grin on tiff#the face of someone who knows Bruce can’t do shit besides snitch- which he won’t.#he just grunts and sends them off. decides to turn in a little early and asks oracle to keep on eye on the kids. she’s already got it#the final panel is just the ghosts of robins and batgirls doing miscellaneous shit on a batburger roof#with Tiff and Damian sitting in the middle and mocking Batmans ears and glare#wow this got away from me#anyways bring Tiffany back I think she Colin Damian and Maps would be great friends
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 years
Stop screaming HE WAS RACIST at me like that’s the magic phrase that makes a character off limits. That is not how fiction works. I’ve enjoyed nazis, colonizers, and literal flesh eating monsters as characters before this. You’ve enjoyed amoral fiction before too. I promise you. Did you enjoy The Greatest Showman? When you learned the real history did you delete the soundtrack and start haunting the tags to get people to stop enjoying this white washed fairytale? Are you shit posting and trolling the comments of little girls bopping to This Is Me? Worse, did you root for Zac E’s character to end up with Zendaya’s character thinking he was ‘the good one’ without even registering that he’s as racist as his parents and the society he lives in? If you need that unpacked for you you’re already too short for the ride. For those who are thinking it: no, sexual and romantic attraction to black peoples is not a cure for racism or evidence of the absence of racisim. That is all.
Racist people and racist characters are everywhere. Acknowledging that is not the same as condoning it. But having acknowledged it, please explain why the fuck exactly you think the audience isn’t allowed to feel for or want anything positive out of a character who is essentially a kid with the same moral flaws as people they have to live next to and go to work with in the morning? Explain the big moral crisis to me. Use your brain cells. People liking a fictional character is not the same as condoning their flaws. I’m not out here eating flesh, murdering folks for revenge, or selling my soul to the devil; and yet, watch me and the rest of the world enjoying fictional assasians, tyrannical Sith lords, monsters, witches and demons. What about ‘this is fiction’ are you not understanding? You have a list of characters you like just fine who are fucked up. And that’s alright. Cause it’s FICTION.
But I can’t be a “good black” unless I hate Billy Hargrove and never spare him a kind thought? Go all the fuck away with that. lol I am a child of god beloved. The light is within me. I am capable of depths of humanity your tiny brain can not yet conceive of. Apparently. I’m out here marching for my rights and educating white ignorance in real time, while you’re fighting in the sandbox over the right way to play with toys. I’ve forgivin former racists and watched them change lives when I’ve lacked the patience and the mental emotional capacity. I’m fighting the good fight and praying for the strength not to bitch slap my own relatives for their anti-black foolishness. Still black. Still enjoying Billy. I’mma keep doing me and put the blame for tired lazy writing that relies on tropes, titillating the white audience with the ‘things you can’t say’, and trauma porn where it belongs. REAL PEOPLE. Aka the Duffer Brothers and the folks at Netflix. Peace.
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simsfromupthere · 2 years
i love that my current favorite style and fixation both in terms of clothing/accessories/hairstyles/facial hair is British Post-Punk Revival/Art Rock/Prog Rock cause its either rlly simple clothing layered or just complete chaos like try and watch some early access cc creator ever have the guts to release a set based on these fits w/ a 2 month wait or sumthing, they wont 😎... not only bc im likely the sole niche demographic who wants and WILL unironically dress his sims like this (as soon as i get to play ts4 again baybee) and know i can just do it by simply frankensteining already free great cc to recreate these fits or at least very similar ones, cherish ur niches while u still can mhm 😌☝️
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menheraboypussy · 7 months
I am sorry but skibidi toilet is just straight up dogshit. I'm surprised people are tolerating and saying it's for kids and the 'kids are alright' because they are appreciating GMOD shit even now.
I'm sorry, but something like skibidi toilet would be considered lower mid level shit in terms of 2000's and 2010's GMOD or sourcefilm art. The fact that it isn't just considered bottom barrel trash is just sad.
I'm less mad at the kids who like and more angry at the adults who says this is okay. lol this shit is not okay; stop making it okay for kids to inhale mid shit, it's bad for their health. It's like FNAF vs other mascot horrors. One has an established lore and some finesse to it while the other latter thing is just mindlessly aping what FNAF does except it's dogshit LMAO.
I'm pretty sure there are kids out there who hate skibidi toilet but keep quiet otherwise they might be seen as pretentious.
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pucanbeag · 8 months
being in a rut for over a month and somehow absolutely no one noticing is exhausting, i always end up carrying everyone else’s baggage and all of my own and even when i try and reach out i feel like an idiot every time
nothing more depressing then silently crying on the phone because you can tell no one has noticed you’re not yourself anymore
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so australia has this important referendum coming up for an indigenous voice to parliament, an agreed upon low level first step to some kind of reconciliation which is so fucking necessary i can't even say how much. it's a weak pathetic little step and of course i opened fb and of course i did a little investigate the 'no' vote reasoning and yeah it's a lot of it fear propaganda that maybe like 3 people believe but. they're calling it the voice of division. and the only voice of division is the one that made this political in the first place, they did it for same sex marriage in 2017 and like ?? it sucks. i still don't know how else to do this. to get these things passed. do i think it's going to snowball into decolonisation the way I hope? i'm not that optimistic. but will it start the conversation or is it too little too late? does it go against the very grain of what Indigenous culture is, a organic and connected and balanced kind of diversity that one voice has the risk of erasing? but if it gets us to listen out for the others, may it do so. it reminds me of people saying 'oh everyone is autistic/adhd now'. it can erase neurodiversity, even though it gets us talking about it. yet aspie supremacy still exists. are we going to do that with our Indigenous culture: what is spoken in english and passes the way whitefellas feel comfortable with? almost undoubtedly. and that makes me so, so sad because, when is it ever enough?? when will this oppressive chokehold stop instead of just easing off slightly and patting itself on the back? something is coming. but please, please don't water our cultural richness down. please let the dam be breaking before any culture dies. our red soil plains are suffering, groaning, how is the red desert going to be healing into the future if all we do is exploit, exploit, exploit? and just. i've been praying for this for as long as i've been alive. shared hope for the future: what even is this? when there are 26 million different souls, different things we long for, some of us with that ancestral connection to the land: are the rest of us not feeling lost? maybe it's too little too late but God, I'm just praying for something. power to go back into the heart of our nation, make us a living, breathing creature. that i can design the cities of like inked tattoos into our dirt, sacred for the lives they carry, and listen, listen, piece it together like the brainstorms i store my knowledge from uni in. spit out something that feels like love. build it into the red clay. fill it with souls, souls happier, less divided, connected. when will we ever be?
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konigsblog · 1 month
brain rotting away thinking about loser-könig who shows off his collection of guns to his darling, only to fuck your little pussy with one. 🔞
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könig has plenty of obsessions, whether that be his collection of guns and skills from his time in the military, or his interest in shooting games. he's obsessed and ecstatic that you're intrigued in hearing more about his collection of guns.
könig sits you on his large lap and wraps an arm around you. he fixes his glasses sitting on his nose and begins to go on a long rant about his different guns. fuck, he'll even offer to take you to a forest and teach you how to shoot deers and wild animals, if you're really that interested.
although, könig quickly gets aroused at your eagerness to know more, the thought of fucking you with a pistol plaguing his filthy, dirty mind. it's irritating, he always manages to make something sexual, even if it started off as innocent. he makes sexual innuendos on the daily and will sexualise you for doing quite literally anything. he can't help it, mäusi. you're his favourite prized possession and his most important interest.
he'll spread your thighs while you're rested on his bed and will begin to sink the muzzle of the pistol into your drooling cunny. your breathing is heavy and you're anticipating and anxious, barely able to control the way your cunt leaks around the weapon and the sounds that leave your filthy, little mouth. könig pockets your panties and steals them while you're distracted by the pleasure and force of the cold gun inside your wet heat, feeling as he thrusts and pumps it into your soaking arousal, a cheeky and playful smile curling the sides of his mouth.
his boner strains inside of his boxer briefs. fuck, both of his biggest obsessions together. you're fucking with his head, liebling... he sucks in a sharp breath at the glimmer of your sweet arousal left on the muzzle, shaming you for being so perverted, although deep down, we all know who the true creep is.
könig will push the gun into your mouth and will replace where the gun once was with his twitching, aching cock. he'll make sure you clean his gun off with your pretty tongue while fucking you into stupidity, until you're breathless and barely able to keep up with his fast pace and great stamina.
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