#chaos speaking
cistematicchaos · 23 days
pregnancy not being considered a temporary disability literally haunts me. it's ignored in so many disability spaces and so many feminist spaces fail to properly address accomodation for pregnant people because they don't have the knowledge of disability justice to discuss it.
but if you look at pregnancy in the light of disability justice, it clears up so much. there are so many types of accomodations that should be accessible for pregnant people, so many changes to the system and ways to implement them.
it also brings to light the ableism pregnant people often face while pregnant, from the frequent claims of "lazy pregnant people" to the lack of accessibility and options to deal with side effects like pain and loss of mobility.
the lack of intersectionality in both disability and feminist spaces leaves things like pregnancy slipping through the cracks and it's so painful to see.
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chaos0pikachu · 9 days
sorry but I so don't care that venom might not be in the mcu cause where the fuck would he and eddie even fit in the mcu? there's no chaotic sexy energy in the mcu i'm so sorry like the mcu's idea of sex is two dry pumps on a beach with ppl so pretty they might as well be ai generated the horniest thing they've done in their films is had steve rogers in a boob shirt and then they finished his story by becoming joe biden Venom would eat some cop's skull and the avengers would literally shit themselves they'd be like "OMG EDDIE YOU CAN'T GO AROUND EATING COPS" and Eddie would be like "I didn't that was my husband" and then John Watson would show up and be like "I'm an ally so I totally understand but also we don't allow the eating of law enforcement here" and Venom would try to eat John Watson while eddie calls the avengers neolibs in his head like THEY DON'T FIT IN THE MCU
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a-being-of-chaossss · 4 months
Crazy that I can just buy Tylenol wherever. You need a drug to stop a natural neurological reactoin by blocking pain receptors, potentially causing you to get injured and not notice or just straight up addicted from overuse? That'll be 20 bucks at Shoppers
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ok hear me out reacting to discord messages with emojis essentially serves the same purpose as aizuchi (interjections that show the listener is paying attention or understands the speaker). if a friend is going on a spiel in discord DMs, reacting with emojis to successive messages can be a more efficient way of showing you're listening without interrupting the flow of messages by responding with "yeah" or "yep."
and then you have custom emojis that vary across servers which allow individual servers to develop their own emoji dialect. joining a new server and looking at its custom emojis scratches my linguist brain because immediately i think about when/where/how said custom emojis are used.
i also think about nitro discord users being able to spread server emoji dialects (but only to a limited extent because regular discord users can't save and use custom emojis outside of their original server). i've now been in a handful of interactions where i've had to ask about the etymology of certain custom emojis and the explanations i've received are always fascinating.
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artilite · 4 months
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stay unserious chaos sonic <3 never change
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 months
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#still winning that sales pitch
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littlebitofdnd · 3 months
Sandra-Lynn and Sklonda are having a "What Do We Do About Kristen" phone call as we speak
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gayemeralds · 2 months
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 277
Danny would be pouting, but this? This is actually kind of hilarious. He’d be laughing his ass off if he could, but allows himself to shriek excitedly around the binky in his mouth. Jordan on the other hand has no such thing stopping him, letting out his own toddler cackle as something bursts into flames. 
Their current caretaker- Clockwork’s nephew apparently, who is on babysitting duty for the next couple of decades- coos, and then they’re off again. Someone had apparently wanted their sort-of-Fraid-member to go to a meeting despite him informing them he’d be unavailable.
So of course he- and the three of them and Ms. Teekl the cat- just had to set the whole place on fire. You honestly can’t be that rude! It’s like, not exactly maternity leave, but something similar- don’t make fun of him he’s stuck with a toddler-brain right now! 
(All three of them would’ve had completely toddler minds if not for the fact that they were partially made from ectoplasm) 
Really, it was perfectly normal for them to set the building aflame and disappear into another dimension, even if maybe not for humans. Everyone knew you didn’t try to mess with a nesting Realms being! Especially if they weren’t fully Fraid yet. Honestly it’s all the idiots’ fault. 
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Dp x Dc prompt 3
(probs Eldritch and or Ghost King! Danny. whatever suits your taste)
Danny goes on vacation to the dc universe, only to vibe and do nothing else. He'll let the heroes in this universe deal with whatever. He doesn't plan on doing any hero work or getting involved in any of their nonsense. Every magic user however is scrambling and panicking over the overwhelming amount of death magic that just entered their universe and is just sitting there menacingly.
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cistematicchaos · 5 months
While I totally applaud South Africa on taking the israeli occupation to the courts, I think ppl should also keep in mind that the SA government has also been complete shit for places like Sudan. They may had condemned the Israeli Occupation but, in a show of blatant hypocrisy, they've also personally welcomed people greatly responsible for the genocide in Sudan and their president has "condemned" that genocide about as much as Joe Biden has the one in Palestine.
So yeah, people are going to be rightfully pissed. That doesn't mean they don't believe in a free Palestine; it just means they want to be free too and the hypocrisy is hurtful to say the least.
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chaos0pikachu · 9 days
the (mcu) avengers could NOT handle the fact that eddie is basically living out a live action tentacle hentai every thursday through sunday and sometimes on wednesday if he feeds venom tator tots okay?
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smokestarrules · 6 days
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a-being-of-chaossss · 4 months
I need more of Rosie and Alastor. They are such good friends and it's so nice finally seeing good aroace rep while allowing the character to have strong relationships.
Plus they are sooooooooo funny together. Rosie knows everything about everyone and Alastor just listens to her spill the tea for hours and agrees. And her knowing Alastor is aroace and Alastor not knowing is so funny cause I can just imagine the amount of times someone has hit on Alastor and he just destroyed them and she was like "Oh sorry sweetie, he thinks you're distrubing him. He's still working out some stuff. Here's my card, just call me and I'll set up a date for you and your honey free of charge" and just walk off with Alastor.
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justfatdogit · 4 months
I always think about that the worst timeline is the one where troy leaves and the happiest timeline is when Jeff leaves.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 5 months
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continually sad that this hasn’t become a meme template
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