#cesare e lucrezia borgia
houseofborgia · 3 months
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"Lucrezia, indeed, seems to have been the only person with whom Cesare established any real contact, the only person who could penetrate the façade of polished charm with which he faced the word." — The Fall of the House of Borgia, E. R. Chamberlin (1974)
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sottileincanto · 2 months
Il 18 aprile 1480, secondo le fonti, nasceva a Subiaco, nel Lazio, Lucrezia Borgia, celeberrima nobile rinascimentale alla cui figura sono legate infinite storie e misteri.
E non poteva mancare - e no che non poteva - l’Abruzzo.
Da secoli una leggenda aleggia sui territori della Valle Siciliana, sotto al Gran Sasso.
Lucrezia Borgia e Alfonso d’Aragona, in fuga dal Duca Valentino (al secolo Cesare Borgia, fratello di Lucrezia), intorno al 1499 trovarono rifugio a Castiglione della Valle, antichissimo paese oggi disabitato (ma ancora visitabile, fa parte del comune di Colledara, TE).
Gli abruzzesi della vallata aiutarono Lucrezia a salvarsi, scacciando inoltre le truppe del Duca in una battaglia campale.
Per molti anni a Castiglione si è svolta una festa mascherata in “ricordo” di questi eventi.
Non lontano da Castiglione della Valle, oggi esiste un paese, con tanto di cartello.
Castelmaidetto, uno dei nomi più straordinari della toponomastica abruzzese.
Gli abitanti della zona chiamano questo paese “Chiarino” (dal nome di un fiume che passa lì accanto), anche perché un castello non ci sta… ma forse ci stava.
E che si dice in giro? Perché questa attuale frazione di Tossicia, non lontana da Castiglione della Valle, si chiama ufficialmente Castelmaidetto?
Perché una volta lì c’era un castello e Lucrezia, nei mesi della presunta battaglia abruzzese, mentre il duca la cercava arrajato, soleva appartarvisi per celebrare la lussuria e la libertà.
Nessun abitante del luogo osava fare la spia su ciò che accadeva nell’antico castello sulla piana del Fiume Chiarino.
E allora, quel castello che non fu mai detto, quel castello in cui accadevano cose da non dire, divenne “Castelmaidetto”.
Ed io penso che questa sia la leggenda più bella di sempre dietro al nome di un paese.
Da "L' abruzzese fuori sede"
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angelap3 · 2 months
Lucrezia Borgia, donna tra le più note e controverse di ogni epoca, nacque il 18 aprile 1480. Lei era figlia illegittima di un papa, per l'esattezza Alessandro VI, il cui vero nome era Rodrigo Borgia. Si sposò tre volte: la prima a 13 anni e la seconda a 18, dopo l'annullamento del primo matrimonio. Il secondo marito di Lucrezia fu Alfonso d'Aragona, il quale fu fatto uccidere, qualche tempo dopo le nozze, dal fratello Cesare, di cui vi ho parlato di recente. Il terzo marito fu Alfonso d'Este, duca di Ferrara. Lucrezia visse 17 anni nella città del marito, a partire dal 1502, e lì fu amata dai sudditi e circondata dai poeti di corte, tra cui Pietro Bembo, il dotto umanista, innamoratissimo di lei. Bembo aveva sentito parlare di questa donna aristocratica, intelligente, affascinante e simpatica, ma appena la vide, rimase folgorato dalla sua bellezza e dai suoi lunghi capelli biondi. Egli le dedicò l'opera "Gli asolani" e da allora, i due furono legati da un sentimento clandestino. La peste li separò, ma essi si scrissero intense epistole per ben 16 anni, tra le più belle lettere d'amore ancora conservate. Insieme ad esse, Lucrezia inviò una sua ciocca bionda, affinché lui potesse continuare ad accarezzarla. Lucrezia morì a 39 anni, dopo aver dato alla luce l'ultima figlia, e fu sepolta nel monastero del Corpus Domini, a Ferrara, dove tuttora riposa. Lucrezia Borgia ebbe fama di essere molto bella, ma dai facili costumi e spietata come il fratello. Infatti, passò alla storia come mangiatrice di uomini e avvelenatrice, per l' uso di un veleno micidiale, chiamato cantarella, con il quale lei e la famiglia Borgia avrebbero eliminato i propri nemici, versandolo nelle bevande o nel cibo altrui. Oggi sappiamo che tutto ciò è, probabilmente, frutto di calunnie e di immaginazione popolare, ma anche grazie ad esse la Borgia si è guadagnata l'immortalità nell'immaginario comune.
Sotto, Lucrezia Borgia vista da Milo Manara.
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zalrb · 4 months
it's kind of funny how voyeurism became a thing for the cesare x lucrezia ship lol cause it's how we open the show with them, how she's watching him with a woman and it comes across as something she'd done before and by that point the show wasn't actually going to really go down the romance road with them beyond subtext but then by season 3 when they do just go "fuck it, let's DO this" we get cesare having to watch lucrezia with another man.
Mm, yeah. Because I think it's more complicated than "fuck it, let's do this" . From other posts of mine:
Also, I think it’s interesting that to you, Cesare is well aware of a less innocent feeling before Lucrezia because now that I’m thinking about it, I find it telling that the first scene we have of Lucrezia is her spying on Cesare having sex,
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which I’ve said before, yes, but also that Cesare knows immediately that it’s Lucrezia, that indicates to me that she’d done that before and that she’s openly curious about that side of Cesare and experiences that side of Cesare through voyeurism so to speak to your point, I can definitely see that the “lifetime running away from me” could be him holding that boundary by not discussing it and Lucrezia kind of just waiting for him to for longer than we give her credit for.
combined with
But what I actually enjoy about The Borgias is that the torment between Cesare and Lucrezia doesn’t stop after they finally give in and have sex, it’s not like things get easier, in fact things get so much more difficult because there is such a profound embarrassment and shame that they both feel after what happened. Lucrezia describes it as a cloud descended upon her and she can’t consummate with her actual husband after what happened
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But those feelings don’t disappear, they eat away at the both of them
which leads to
even in 3x04 when he’s putting distance it’s after two instances where he fails to “do the right thing”. Like it starts with him abstaining and putting distance:
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and when Lucrezia is hitting him after he tells her she has to have sex in front of Ferdinand [...] it’s when Lucrezia screams “I love you!” that he’s just kissing her because of course he loves her too, of course this is tearing him apart
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so when he’s watching, it’s this, a) I don’t want her to go through this degrading experience b) I don’t want to watch her with another man c) but now we’re simulating the act by watching each other so d) I’m turned on and it’s like we’re doing the act together e) I shouldn’t be having these feelings and it’s tearing me up inside
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which then means that even though they’re not physically touching in that scene, neither of them are abstaining from their connection and they hadn’t abstained before so by the time he is putting distance between them
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it’s because he failed miserably the first two times.
which is all to say, voyeurism becomes a signature of Cesare and Lucrezia because they are saddled with these feelings that they can't get rid of and they spend as much time trying to hold some kind of boundary to repress them as they do relishing them so it becomes this thing where they succumb and abstain at the same time, which then manifests in voyeurism.
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lostinfic · 10 months
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Pairing: Cesare x Lucrezia Borgia
Rating: E
Summary: World War II AU. If Cesare is honest, he didn’t join the Resistenza for the cause, out of some noble patriotic sentiment. Ridding Italy of its fascist occupiers is secondary. He joined because guerrilla warfare suits his temperament, and, most of all, because it’s his best chance to find Lucrezia.
A dual timeline fic which alternates between their growing attraction leading up to Lucrezia's wedding and the lengths Cesare will go to to save Lucrezia when she vanishes from Naples.
Herein you will find: a scandalous lack of personal space and years of longing, swing music and pretty retro dresses, revenge plots and bloody kisses.
Complete fic on Ao3
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hislittleraincloud · 3 months
You know what...
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Fuck it.
Life is too short.
I just re-read that story of mine and it's too sweet to relegate towards DMs. I like their coupling, and I really liked this show. It appealed to my obsession about Renaissance Italy. Caterina Sforza is my spirit animal.
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You like my writing? Then you have to familiarize yourself with the Renaissance. The Serpent Queen is/was a current show devoted to similar themes (so was the Medici show, but that was fucking awful compared to...), but the show I wrote for was Neil Jordan's Showtime show, The Borgias.
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The big story was called 'Cardinal Pleasures', and it was about Cardinal Ascanio Sforza's illicit affair with Lucrezia Borgia (and there is no show canon for this, however it still can fit in canon quite well...and like all older men that I feature in my stories, I had/have a thing for grumpy Cardinal Sforza/Peter Sullivan 🫠).
I am
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Yes, it's age gap (but Lucrezia is 17, I think, when they get together, and by then she's already been married off to and SA'ed routinely by her husband, Giovanni Sforza...and she has a child by the stableboy she had an affair with at the time). Ascanio was 40 when they got together, and the main story is not overtly smutty (and even the smuttiest part in the extras is pretty mild/tame compared to what I usually write).
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I also wrote REAL smut with Cesare x Lucrezia (down at the bottom, the Bound By Blood tryptych...the second one is the smut). This is the real E/NC-17 one (Cardinal Pleasures rates an R for violence and sex/incest, but not really explicit sex). Their incest is canon, Third Season...they sleep together on her wedding night to Alfonso because Alfonso is too much of a little boy at heart, and Cesare had always been her bae since Season 1 (so...much...sexual tension...throughout the whole show).
I also wrote two screenplays for their Season 4, but all of my notes for the rest of it (as well as my other Borgia writings) were destroyed when my ex (and fkn heinous building manager) removed and trashed all of my belongings from my apartment when I was on a retreat in Rome. I had to get my fans to lend me money to rush back (I paid them all back), only to find the only thing left in here was my dog (and he was scared shitless in his open crate with nothing else around him). I didn't have the will to continue after the notes were gone, but maybe someday in the future, after a re-watch, I might be inspired. (I also never got to write the Civil War-era Borgias thing I was going to do...and that saddens me.) You can d/l the .pdfs of the screenplays from the link...a couple of actors from The Borgias featured in the scripts liked them on Twitter. 💀 I have but one typo in the second one. Hey man, I don't have Betas. I do everything myself in the end, even if I have someone read it over. And the first script has a non-script version/prose version. I didn't get around to doing that for the second script.
Unfortunately I can no longer re-watch on Netflix...they moved it all to Paramount Plus, which I don't have rn. If you do, and you like lush, dramatic, UNDERRATED period pieces, give it a watch.
Anyhoo, here's the direct link to Cardinal Pleasures. It's not a massive monster like Afterburn. Shouldn't take but an hour or so to finish if you're a fast reader, maybe more or less if you count the three extra birthday-themed fics I wrote for @brenli for her birthday. No idea what the word count is since it's only published here on Tumblr and not AO3.
Happy reading...hope you know some Latin 👹 (go grab your translator app).
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useyourtelescope · 1 month
1, 7, 34 for the fic asks!!<3
Thank you for the ask! :)
Compliment your writing!
I think I'm good at foreshadowing stuff - in my longer fics especially I like to try put down some hints in advance and its always nice when people make the connection.
7. Share the first line of your five most recently published fics
sure thing [Hyacinth/Gareth - Bridgerton, Modern AU, one-shot, E]
When Gareth entered the grand living room, he immediately became aware of the position Hyacinth Bridgerton occupied within it.
loving you is in my bones [Cesare/Lucrezia - The Borgias, Canon Divergence, WIP, E]
It was a warm evening as Lucrezia lowered her glass of wine in order to return the King of France’s genial smile, with no expectation that he was about to put her off the rest of her supper entirely.
forever (to see where you end) [Colin/Penelope - Bridgerton, Canon Divergence, WIP, T]
When Colin Bridgerton returned from his first tour abroad in 1814 and laid eyes on Lady Whistledown's inaugural novel, he did not give it a second thought.
(and then I have 5 fics all posted the same day for yuletide so I've just picked 2 in different fandoms)
Co-Location [Mabel & Charles & Oliver - Only Murders In The Building, Canon Divergence, one-shot, G]
It seemed to Mabel that you could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed Charles’s suggestion.
The Very Thought of You [Frankie/Bobby - Why Didn't They Ask Evans?, Post-Canon, one-shot, M]
Frankie has returned to Marchington for all of twenty minutes before she rings the garage.
(posting these all out has made me realise I do tend to just start and get going lol)
34. What title do you want to use, but can't figure out a story to fit?
One of the titles I've had saved for ages is '(i wish you were) the one that got away' from The Civil Wars song but I haven't had a story that really fit it yet.
fanfic writer ask game
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opera-ghosts · 4 months
Soprano Maria Pedrini - Norma "Casta Diva" (Scena, Aria e Cabaletta) Live 1952
She studied at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome with Edvige Ghibaudo, and made her debut in November 1931 at the Teatro Adriano in Rome as Elena in Boito's "Mefistofele". At the Opera of Rome she appeared as Mozart's Countess in 1934. In 1936 she sang in the premiere of Malipiero's "Giulio Cesare". Her La Scala debut took place in 1939 as Fattoumah in Rabaud's "Marouf" and in 1946 she sang at La Scala in the first stage performance after the Second World War as Abigaile. In 1953 at the Opera of Rome she sang in the world premiere of "Medea" by Canonica Her repertoire included Aida, Amelia in "Un Ballo in Maschera",Elvira in "Ernani", Elena in "I Vespri Siciliani", the Trovatore and Forza Leonora, Elisabetta in "Don Carlos", Desdemona, Norma,Beatrice di Tenda, Paolina in "Poliuto", Lucrezia Borgia, Rossini's Mathilde and Amaltea / Sinaide in "Mosè in Egitto", Tosca, Gioconda, Maddalena, Asteria in Boito's "Nerone", Refice's "Cecilia", Chrysotemis,and Elisabeth in Tannhäuser. She retired from the stage early in 1957. She is certainly of those who should be classified as a dramatic soprano with agility.
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emiliosandozsequence · 7 months
5 + 15 for ur spotify asks :)
5: do you have any local file songs? what are they? i do!! they're mostly songs that either are Not found on spotify or that i had to rip directly from a film because they were never released in the first place.
examples of songs not found on spotify: my favorite songs by the band e nomine (carpe noctem, das omen, das tier in mir, +more); this one song by iamamiwhoami that someone else did a remix of; some lana del rey and ethel cain songs that Aren't on spotify.
examples of songs ripped direcly from film: alonger version of the piano part from the song 8six by hiroyuki sawano; the song from juan's burial scene in the borgias; two different versions of the song from when lucrezia and cesare have sex in the borgias; the song from castle rock that plays when henry is in the alternate reality
i already answered 15 here!! <3
ask me one of these!!
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yagobadstar · 2 years
“Come va?”
1. Icaro: “Uno schianto”
2. Proserpina: “Mi sento giù”
3. Prometeo: “Mi rode”
4. Teseo: “Finché mi danno corda”
5. Edipo: “La mamma è contenta”
6. Damocle: “Potrebbe andar peggio”
7. Priapo: “Cazzi miei”
8. Ulisse: “Siamo a cavallo”
9. Omero: “Me la vedo nera”
10. Eraclito: “Va, va”
11. Parmenide: “Non va”
12. Talete: “Ho l’acqua alla gola”
13. Epimenide: “Mentirei se glielo dicessi”
14. Gorgia: “Mah!”
15. Demostene: “Difficile a dirsi”
16. Pitagora: “Tutto quadra”
17. Ippocrate: “Finché c’è la salute”
18. Socrate: “Non so”
19. Diogene: “Da cani”
20. Platone: “Idealmente”
21. Aristotele: “Mi sento in forma”
22. Plotino: “Da Dio”
23. Catilina: “Finché dura”
24. Epicuro: “Di traverso”
25. Muzio Scevola: “Se solo mi dessero una mano”
26. Attilio Regolo: “Sono in una botte di ferro”
27. Fabio Massimo: “Un momento”
28. Giulio Cesare: “Sa, si vive per i figli, e poi marzo è il mio mese preferito”
29. Lucifero: “Come Dio comanda”
30. Giobbe: “Non mi lamento, basta aver pazienza”
31. Geremia: “Sapesse, ora le dico”
32. Noè: “Guardi che mare”
33. Onan: “Mi accontento”
34. Mosè: “Facendo le corna”
35. Cheope: “A me basta un posticino al sole”
36. Sheherazade: “In breve, ora le dico”
37. Boezio: “Mi consolo”
38. Carlo Magno: “Francamente bene”
39. Dante: “Sono al settimo cielo”
40. Giovanna d’Arco: “Si suda”
41. San Tommaso: “Tutto sommato bene”
42. Erasmo: “Bene da matti”
43. Colombo: “Si tira avanti”
44. Lucrezia Borgia: “Prima beve qualcosa?”
45. Giordano Bruno: “Infinitamente bene”
46. Lorenzo de’ Medici: “Magnificamente”
47. Cartesio: “Bene, penso”
48. Berkeley: “Bene, mi sembra”
49. Hume: “Credo bene”
50. Pascal: “Sa, ho tanti pensieri…”
51. Enrico VIII: “Io bene, è mia moglie che”
52. Galileo: “Gira bene”
53. Torricelli: “Tra alti e bassi”
54. Pontormo: “In una bella maniera”
55. Desdemona: “Dormo tra due guanciali”
56. Newton: “Regolarmente”
57. Leibniz: “Non potrebbe andar meglio”
58. Spinoza: “In sostanza, bene”
59. Hobbes: “Tempo da lupi”
60. Vico: “Va e viene”
61. Papin: “Ho la pressione alta”
62. Montgolfier: “Ho la pressione bassa”
63. Franklin: “Mi sento elettrizzato”
64. Robespierre: “Cè da perderci la testa”
65. Marat: “Un bagno”
66. Casanova: “Vengo”
67. Goethe: “C’è poca luce”
68. Beethoven: “Non mi sento bene”
69. Shubert: “Non mi interrompa, per Dio”
70. Novalis: “Un sogno”
71. Leopardi: “Sfotte?”
72. Foscolo: “Dopo morto, meglio”
73. Manzoni: “Grazie a Dio, bene”
74. Sacher-Masoch: “Grazie a Dio, male”
75. Sade: “A me bene”
76. D’Alambert e Diderot: “Non si può dire in due parole”
77. Kant: “Situazione critica”
78. Hegel: “In sintesi, bene”
79. Schopenhauer: “La volontà non manca”
80. Cambronne: “Boccaccia mia”
81. Marx: “Andrà meglio”
82. Carlo Alberto: “A carte 48”
83. Paganini: “L’ho già detto”
84. Darwin: “Ci si adatta”
85. Livingstone: “Mi sento un po’ perso”
86. Nievo: “Le dirò, da piccolo”
87. Nietzsche: “Al di là del bene, grazie”
88. Mallarme’: “Sono andato in bianco”
89. Proust: “Diamo tempo al tempo”
90. Henry James: “Secondo i punti di vista”
91. Kafka: “Mi sento un verme”
92. Musil: “Così così”
93. Joyce: “Fine yes yes yes”
94. Nobel: “Sono in pieno boom”
95. Larousse: “In poche parole, male”
96. Curie: “Sono raggiante”
97. Dracula: “Sono in vena”
98. Croce: “Non possiamo non dirci in buone condizioni di spirito”
99. Picasso: “Va a periodi”
100. Lenin: “Cosa vuole che faccia?”
101. Hitler: “Forse ho trovato la soluzione”
102. Heisemberg: “Dipende”
103. Pirandello: “Secondo chi?”
104. Sotheby: “D’incanto”
105. Bloch: “Spero bene”
106. Freud: “Dica lei”
107. D’Annunzio: “Va che è un piacere”
108. Popper: “Provi che vado male”
109. Ungaretti: “Bene (a capo) grazie”
110. Fermi: “O la va o la spacca”
111. Camus: “Di peste”
112. Matusalemme: “Tiro a campare”
113. Lazzaro: “Mi sento rivivere”
114. Giuda: “Al bacio”
115. Ponzio Pilato: “Fate voi”
116. San Pietro: “Mi sento un cerchio alla testa”
117. Nerone: “Guardi che luce”
118. Maometto: “Male, vado in montagna”
119. Savonarola: “E’ il fumo che mi fa male”
120. Orlando “Scusi, vado di furia”
121. Cyrano: “A naso, bene”
122. Volta: “Più o meno”
123. Pietro Micca: “Non ha letto che è vietato fumare”
124. Jacquard: “Faccio la spola”
125. Malthus: “Cè una ressa”
126. Bellini: “Secondo la norma”
127. Lumiere: “Attento al treno!”
128. Gandhi: “L’appetito non manca”
129. Agatha Christie: “Indovini”
130. Einstein: “Rispetto a chi?”
131. Stakanov: “Non vedo l’ora che arrivi ferragosto”
132. Rubbia: “Come fisico, bene”
133. Sig.ra Riello: “Sono stufa!”
134. La Palisse: “Va esattamente nella maniera in cui va”
135. Shakespeare: “Ho un problema: va bene o non va bene?”
136. Alice: “Una meraviglia”
137. Dr. Zap: “Bene, la sai l’ultima?”
138. Verga: “Di malavoglia”
139: Heidegger: “Quante chiacchiere!”
140. Grimm: “Una favola!”
Umberto Eco
da “Il secondo diario minimo”
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nomenomens · 2 years
Chapter VII - Be My Mistake (No. 1 Party Anthem)
CW: hints at sex, nothing explicit though. If you want to know more, please consult 'About Nomen'
WC: around 2200 words
Previous Chapter : VI - Lost It All
Next Chapter : VIII - Cesare e Lucrezia's theme
August 4, almost eight years ago
“So, to sum it up. You’re my brother. My parents disappeared three years after I was born but then were killed and you avenged them. They never once saw me, and you lived with them even though you were mostly raised by nannies between various countries. They were forced to leave us alone with other families to protect us, but they loved and cared for us from a distance. When you were ten you received a letter about me being born and the first name they chose for me, which matches with yours as Cesare and Lucrezia were the names of two of the four sons of Rodrigo Borgia, that is a Spanish family we descend from. We also have English, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Italian and Russian heritage, because we are the result of a series of royal weddings through the centuries.
Our true family name is a mistery because we use different names to identify ourselves based upon the nationality of our allies and the people we are meant to meet during our lives. That is why almost every week we receive a file that tells us a fragment of who we are, what is our current purpose and a bit of our future, that is actually only a “possible future” ‘cause it can change. Most of the times though, the future will go as written, what can change are some insignificant details. So these files dictate our lives but also protect us and our identities from other who could haunt us to obtain our wealth. Our parents then, have decided every single one of our names but cared to tell us only the first one, while the others we have to discover them for ourselves when whoever writes the files decides to reveal them to us. But we have to be careful, because we will also receive files that mislead us as a preventive form to protect our identities ‘cause powerful families outside our “files-circle” want to exterminate us to prevent some miraculous child to be born, so we are surrounded by enemies and in constant life danger. That’s why we also conduct normal lives in the families we are raised in, which are completely oblivious about all this, naturally. We don’t know who writes or sends us these files that helps us to maintain some kind of natural order of the world and it’s been this way for centuries for a lot of powerful families that descended from other royal weddings. Now there are fewer families in our same conditions and we don’t know who they are, we just know that one day all of those families, all of those bloodlines will gather in one miraculous and powerful child. We don’t know what will happen then, but we know that that is why we are forced to marry someone from those families and produce heirs. That means one day I’ll receive a file that will introduce me to my betrothed and I will have to marry him and bear his children, otherwise I will probably die, since no one who rebelled to a forced marriage left a testimony about what happened to them. Also, when I’m thirty I will meet whoever decides of our lives and we don’t know what will happen then, but seems like everyone who comes back from that meeting is forever changed even if life still goes on as usual. Oh, yes, I almost forgot the best part: every person we meet, every action we make, every emotion we feel is fated to us, there’s no escape from that. Is there something else?”
“No, I think you got the fundamentals.”
“Great. Now tell me, how can I believe all of this? It doesn’t make sense at all.”
“You will when you will receive your files and people will come for you and you’ll found yourself in the middle of a more complex world than you’d ever imagined. On this account…here is your first file. Enjoy.”
Cesare left me speechless on our usual wooden bench. Everyday he told me something different and new about him and what he claimed to be our world. I listened to him but never believed a single word. It was absurd and somehow strangely similar to a plot I often used when playing with my dolls. I drove my thoughts away from that creepy coincidence. I was petrified under the scorching august sun, with my eyes fixated on the package my brother had left behind, placed where we was sitting, near my right hand. I grabbed that package and went home. I started reading the file and I had to admit, it was a good story. This Momozono Nanami was actually funny, I felt sorry for her since she was so alone at the beginning, but then a stranger kissed her on the forehead and made her a Land Goddess and later she found a lot of people who cared for her and even true love. I usually preferred dramatic stories for my books, but it was nice reading about her funny adventures and her happy ending. I smiled and put the file away on my bookshelf. 
August 5, almost eight years ago
It was already dark outside, but I was going to the supermarket right at the end of the street where I lived. My dad forgot to buy enough milk for the week and I offered to go and buy some, but only after sunset as it was too hot during the day to walk that much. It was actually an excuse to go out and look for my brother, who missed our usual appointment on the bench earlier that afternoon. I still wasn’t believing a word of what he told me but I didn’t want him to leave me. I was so fucking stupid I wanted to punch myself. He could still be dangerous, since he was obviously delirious, but I fell for it and started to care for him. This happened because my life was empty and I desperately searched for someone to care for me and he seemed to do that. The way he looked at me, the way he didn’t even tried to touch me again after that day at the airport, the way he always smiled gently at me, showed me the right amount of affection I was lacking and craving. I wasn’t necessarily searching for love, as in a romantic way, I just needed to feel something different, to be cared for in a different and new way. That is why if he was ever going to lead me into a trap, the fault should’ve been entirely mine: I had thousands of occasions to leave him, report him, save myself and instead I decided to give him my trust and my heart. I wasn’t falling in love with him, but I managed to love him as a brother in less than a month. Good grief, I felt so pathetic. 
I was overthinking my stupidity when I heard a scream and instinctively look where that sound came from. There was a man, with round glasses and a brown hat that covered his blonde and long hair that was with his back splashed against the wall of the building at my right. What I assumed was his suitcase was open on the sidewalk and some of his clothes where hanging out of it. A rapid look on the opposite side of where he was made me realize the situation: he was scared of a cute little dog that was barking at him while his owner was dragging him away, screaming his apologies to the blonde man. The old suitcase must’ve fallen from his hands and opened at the impact on the floor. I approached the man and asked him if he needed any help and after realizing he couldn’t speak Italian I tried with English and we managed to understand each other. When we finished to collect his clothes ha said that he wanted to repay me and got closer to me and kissed my forehead. It was so sudden I didn’t have the time to retract but I tried to slap him. Key word is “tried” as he blocked my hand and smiled at me while speaking to me.
“You’ll understand soon why I did what I did. Say hello to Tomoe from me when you’ll meet him.”
Tomoe? Who was Tomoe? And what lame excuse was that for kissing me on the forehead without permission, after an exchange of three sentences with a stranger? Then I realized that I already knew that name from the file I read the day before, but he was already walking away. I called him out loud, but I was unable to move and reach him, as my legs weren’t functioning properly from the shock. 
“Mikage? Mikage?!”
He turned to look at me over his shoulders and lowered his hat with his fingers before saying a sentence that confirmed my suspect while leaving my sight around the corner.
“See you soon, Nanami-san.”
Good. I just became a Land Goddess. 
February 26, Saturday, 23:57 (present time)
“You surprised me.”
“Yes, I thought you were going to take the crown.”
“Why? It is my duty to remain behind the curtains, the world can’t know about me, so accepting a crown is out of question.”
“Yes but you also shouldn’t have taken me as your butler.”
“That’s a different matter.”
“Not entirely, I never was in one of your files, so you shouldn’t have made a contract with me. It’s something too big to ignore because it messes with your death, so you can have to face consequences.”
“In that case I’ll just give my life to you sooner, you should be happy.”
“I’m not.”
“Because I wanted to mould your soul to my liking, raise it up to my standards before claiming it. And you’re still not ready.”
“Well, you can rest easy, it’s been years since our contract and nothing happened so they don’t want to punish me. You still have time to change me, even if I doubt I can became as despicable as you wish.”
“We’ll see. You’re my personal bet with your brother after all.”
“That’s why I don’t want to give in to you.”
“But you like me.”
“That doesn’t make me the creature filled with rage and hatred that you search. And to be honest, I said I was on the way of falling for you, there’s a difference. And to be even more honest, I think I just want you.”
“You want me? And you’re telling me directly? That’s foolish and not so ladylike of you. But if you want me to help you with your needs…that will just make my moulding process easier.”
“I never cared about being a proper lady.”
“So needy and desperate, you just eliminate all the fun like this.”
“Then why you’re the one who is trying to close the gap within our bodies?” 
We started that conversation as always, with me lying on my stomach on the bed while he held my hand, sitting at the edge of the same bed, as he used to do to help me fall asleep. During our talk though, he placed his body over mine, never letting go of my hand, while I stayed still in the same position. After my last sentence he let go of my hand only to move my hair away from my neck before lowering and whispering something to me. I didn’t get his words, but what happened later was explicit enough. In that moment, again at a weird time, a song echoed inside my head before Sebastian, with his movements, decided to eliminate every thoughts that didn’t concern what we were doing. 
“So don’t wait outside my hotel room,
just wait ’til I give you a sign
‘cause i get lonesome sometimes.
Save all the jokes you’re gonna make
while I see how much drink I can take,
then be my mistake.”
I didn’t drink that night, or any other night for that matter, however, I felt completely intoxicated by him, the way he talked and moved his hands on me, the way he grabbed my sides and trailed his fingers all over my body. With a few touches and honeyed words, he successfully made me think it was a good idea to give in to my instincts and let him have his way with me. After all, he was a demon.
I wasn’t expecting for that to happen tonight. I wasn’t expecting her to be so straightforward about wanting me in those terms. Maybe I underestimated her. Still her attempts in letting me pass for the needy one were ridiculous, but I wanted to indulge her. I don’t particularly care for sex, as with a lot of other human activities, but I adored seeing her losing control. If I can’t make her angry, maybe I could make her unravel in other ways. Either way, there’s only so much her body can bear, that’s why I stopped early for my taste. Also, we had to be careful and not wake her parents in the other room. She was spent, but still needed her annoying song to sleep, and I opted for something fitting for the day, as I always did. 
“Drunken monologues, confused because
it’s not like I’m falling in love, I just want ya
to do me no good.
And you look like you could.”
I surprised myself thinking about doing it again with her, but this time, I needed her to feel free to be loud and without restrain for me. With this, I was going to open a way to her heart, lead her to emotional ruin and make her worthy of my time. 
Author's note: Soooooooo it happened. Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to write something explicit this time, maybe some things will change in the future, but who knows. I don't know if someone was expecting this, if someone was shipping them or something like that. The songs are both pretty clear about the feelings of this night they spend together, and I just couldn't decide what was best (also, I really love both bands), so i decided to put them both. As always, links are down below. Hope you've enjoyed the chapter and will continue reading! Next time...as always, the title sums it up!
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romana73 · 5 years
Post scritto da ME. Le gifs animate e le fotografie dei film riportate NON SONO MIE e NON APPARTENGONO A ME IN NESSUN MODO.
In questa parte inizierò subito con i paralleli tra Klaus e Rebekah e Cesare e Lucrezia, protagonisti di I Borgia, TV Show canadese del 2011.
Cesare chiama spesso Lucrezia “Cara sorella”, “sorellina”, “sorella” :
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Klaus chiama Rebekah “cara sorella”, “sorellina”, “Sorella”:
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Nella serie The Borgia, Cesare, Lucrezia e Juan sono figli BASTARDI, ma riconosciuti. Juan teme, però, di non essere figlio del papa, ma del marito di sua mamma. Il Papa dice che Juan è suo figlio.
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In The Originals, Klaus è il figlio BASTARDO di Esther. Lei lo ha concepito con il suo grande amore, il capo dei licantropi, vicini di casa dei Mikaelson a Mystic Falls. Mikael NON è il padre di Klaus e quando viene a saperlo, lo rinnega, odia e gli da la caccia.
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Nella serie canadese The Borgia, Lucrezia ha un figlio da uno stalliere e sceglie il fratello Cesare come suo padrino
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In The Originals, Klaus ha una figlia da Hayley e la chiama Hope, scegliendo di affidarla a Rebekah per proteggerla;
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In I Borgia, Cesare dice a Lucrezia che il padre ha sempre preferito Juan, il figlio cattivo, a lui, il figlio obbediente, che fa di tutto per compiacerlo:
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In The Vampire Diaries e The Originals, Klaus dice che la madre Esther ha sempre preferito Finn, il figlio obbediente, a lui :
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1) “Uno può odiare e amare allo stesso tempo, ho scoperto”
“C’è una poesia che ha detto proprio questo, se non sbaglio”
“Odi et Amo”
(Cesare e Lucrezia, 1 stagione, I Borgia)
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“Cosa c’è tra voi due? Tu dici di ODIARLO, ma…il modo in cui lo tratti è così chiaro…persino quando lo odi, lo AMI ancora”
(Hayley a Rebekah, 1x02, The Originals)
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2) “Siamo una famiglia. SIAMO UNA COSA SOLA! E trionferemo solo se uniti!”
(Rodrigo Borgia, 2x01, I Borgia)
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“UNITI COME UNA PERSONA SOLA. Sempre e per sempre”
(Rebekah a Klaus ed Elaijah, 3x08, The Vampire Diaries)
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3) “Veleno. Parlami del veleno”
“Uccide e non ammette ripensamenti”
“Stasera ucciderei con piacere”
(Cesare e Lucrezia, parlando di Juan, 2x09, I Borgia)
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“Davvero mi pugnaleresti?”
“Se lo facessi Damon non sarebbe più soggiogato e tutto finirebbe”
(Kol e Rebekah, 4x11, The Vampire Diaries
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“Nessuno risveglierà Silas!”
“Basta con queste sciocchezze! Mettilo giù Kol”
“Voleva uccidermi!”
“Allora ti serve una lezione su come pugnalare un fratello come si deve...”
(Rebekah e Klaus, 4x11, The Vampire Diaries)
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4) Paralleli visivi :
I Borgia:
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The Originals:
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I Borgia:
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The Originals:
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backtomanyang · 3 years
And when circumstances forced them to live in different parts of Italy, repeatedly during his whirlwind campaigns he would suddenly descend upon her, riding perhaps scores of miles to spend an hour or so with her.
The Fall of the House of Borgia on Cesare and Lucrezia’s relationship.
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ducavalentinos · 5 years
[...]1503: Cesare Borgia (a sinistra), Duca di Romagna, controlla le città di Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena, Cervia,Rimini, Pesaro, Urbino e Senigallia. Il 18 agosto, a Roma, partecipa assieme al padre, papa Alessandro VI, ad una cena a casa del cardinale Adriano Castellesi di Cornaredo. Tutti e tre i partecipanti al banchetto si ammalano ufficialmente di febbri malariche, anche se molti parlano di avvelenamento. Il cardinale muore, mentre il Papa e suo figlio Cesare si riprendono, decisi più che mai a punire eventuali avvelenatori e ad aumentare il potere dei Borgia in tutta Italia. 1505: Cesare Borgia viene ricevuto con tutti gli onori a Ferrara e a Modena, dove sua sorella Lucrezia è moglie del duca Alfonso d'Este. L'alleanza tra gli Este e i Borgia si fa più forte e coinvolge anche i Gonzaga di Mantova, grazie alla duchessa mantovana Isabella d'Este Gonzaga, abilissima mente politica e tessitrice di intrighi, come del resto era anche sua cognata Lucrezia. 1509: Papa Alessandro VI fa dono della Marca del Piceno, da Ancora fino ad Ascoli, al figlio Cesare Borgia, già Duca di Bologna, di Modena e di Romagna, che diventa così uno dei principi più potenti d'Italia. Il Conclave elegge in fretta e furia Giovanni de' Medici nuovo Papa col nome di Leone X, secondo quanto era stato preventivato dallo stesso Rodrigo Borgia con la nomina di cardinali a lui favorevoli. Leone X, per consolidare la propria posizione, riconosce Cesare Borgia come Duca di Bologna, Modena, Romagna e del Piceno, e gli dona anche il Ducato di Urbino in cambio della sua protezione militare, e dell'alleanza tra i Borgia, i Medici e il Papato, che creano un blocco politico-militare centro italico. Questa unione viene organizzata diplomaticamente dal segretario particolare del Granduca di Toscana, Niccolò Machiavelli. I am stunned and I want to cry because this  is the fiction I need! this is the fiction I deserve. The creativity along with the political and historical knowledge this person had to set up this au is just...amazing. Gosh, I wish we could have a book like that. It’d forever be on my list of favorites. *sighs*
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lostinfic · 5 months
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Cesare x Lucrezia | Rated E | 4.2k words
Summary: A 1950s/Mad Men-esque AU. It’s Rodrigo’s annual New Year’s Eve party at the Borgia HQ in downtown Manhattan, and Cesare and Lucrezia have their own secret tradition on that night. But they’re both married now and have decided to behave. Will they be able to resist the temptation to sneak away during the party? (Hint: fuck no)
Read on Ao3
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dailyborgia · 2 years
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Borgia, Lucrezia, in “Dominae fortunae suae [Mrs. own Fortune]. La forza trasformatrice dell’ingegno femminile [The transforming power of female ingenuity ]": 
Lucrezia, a Ferrara, diede anche prova di una compiuta maturità politica e istituzionale. Nell’agosto del 1503 era morto suo padre, Alessandro VI, e al soglio papale veniva eletto, dopo il breve pontificato di Pio III, l’acerrimo nemico dei Borgia, papa Giulio II (della Rovere). Il nuovo ordine politico portò, dopo una breve resistenza, alla riconquista pontificia della signoria romagnola di Cesare Borgia, nonostante gli aiuti militari inviati dalla sorella. Nel 1505, dopo la morte del duca Ercole I d’Este e l’incoronazione del marito Alfonso, Lucrezia divenne ufficialmente duchessa di Ferrara. In questi anni ella svolse con diligenza le mansioni che il marito le affidava sia in tempo di pace, sia durante le assenze per le campagne militari. Fu deputata dal marito alla gestione delle istanze dei cittadini presso il principe, che svolse, come riferisce un relatore contemporaneo, con “ingegno e bona gratia”.
Lucrezia, in Ferrara, also gave proof of a complete political and institutional maturity. In August 1503 his father, Alexander VI, had died and he was coming to the papal throne elected, after the brief pontificate of Pius III, the bitter enemy of the Borgias, Pope Julius II (della Rovere). The new political order led, after a short resistance, to the reconquest papal of the Romagna lordship of Cesare Borgia, despite the military aid sent from his sister. In 1505, after the death of Duke Ercole I d’Este and the coronation of husband Alfonso, Lucrezia officially became Duchess of Ferrara. In these years she she diligently carried out the duties that her husband entrusted to her both in peacetime and during absences for military campaigns. She was deputed by her husband to the management of the petitions of citizens to the prince, which he carried out, as reported by a speaker contemporary, with “ingenuity and bona gratia”. (David Salomoni)
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