#cersei feels
vesubia-jugorum · 7 months
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I really like how horrible Cersei is, here's how I imagined her.
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ladystoneboobs · 2 months
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alicent-hightowers · 6 months
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MALI’S 22K CELEBRATION ✶ CERSEI LANNISTER ↬🌷+ sansa or margaery or alicent or cersei (for @elena-gilbert)
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amber-laughs · 4 months
honestly the rebellion did nothing but tear siblings apart. lyanna and ned on opposite sides of the war leading to a rift between ned and benjen, ashara and arthur losing each other, lysa slipping deeper into her resentment of catelyn, the final nail in the coffin for stannis and robert, hoster and the blackfish parting, cersei and jaime delving deeper into their sick ways, oberyn fleeing westeros forcing him and doran to grieve their sister on their own never healing
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Day 2
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"Has he done this before?"
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swordmaid · 2 years
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cers 👑👑
her pose is based off this screencap of shiv succession just because i thought it fits [:
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georgescitadel · 4 months
1st year of George's Citadel - a compilation of quotes from George R.R. Martin
House Targaryen
On the construction of Daenerys and the decision to include dragons in ASOIAF
On Daenerys’ thought process in Lhazarene
On Daenerys’ struggle with rule (1)
On future revelations about the house with the red door
On what led to Robert’s rebellion
On the difference between Daenerys and Aegon’s (I) approach to the throne
On Daenerys subverting gender roles
On the information provided about Rhaegar and Lyanna in ASOIAF
On the “White Saviour” complaints over Daenerys’ storyline
On Daenerys’ future return to Westeros
On Daenerys’ struggle with rule (2)
House Stark
On Sansa’s manipulation at the hands of the Small Council
On Arya and Sansa’s desire to save Ned
On what led Sandor to seek out Sansa during the Battle of Blackwater
On his regret over not further developing Sansa and Arya’s relationships with Catelyn
On what character he’d want to be like
On Ned's inadequacy in King's Landing
House Lannister
On Jaime, Tyrion and loss
On Jaime’s decision to kill Bran
On feeling conflicted over the writing of Tyrion in A Dance With Dragons
On Robert being unsuspicious of the paternity of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen
On the key event that led Roose to align with the Lannisters
On his intention writing the Lannister POV’s
On similarities between Tywin Lannister and Walter White
House Greyjoy
On the character of Reek
Game Of Thrones
On GOT’s decision to kill off Silver
On GOT’s decision to pair Arya and Tywin up
On writing outcasts
On nihilism in ASOIAF
On unfairly hated characters
On the title of A Game Of Thrones
On Epic Fantasy
On his favourite characters in ASOIAF
On the greyest characters in ASOIAF
On unlikable protagonists
On the historical figures that inspired the women of ASOIAF
On father issues in ASOIAF
On the religions in ASOIAF
On creating foils
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francy-sketches · 11 months
Hiiiii guess who finished her pmv. finally. um enjoy :3
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emprcaesar · 6 months
in cersei and jamie‘s relationship, youd think that jamie would have all the power because he can physically dominate cersei and he does in the books but the one who has the most power in this relationship is cersei. she is able to manipulate jamie and make jamie do her bidding. like he could’ve been lord of casterly rock. he was the heir and he would’ve had a beautiful wife and had children and had the title and had the ranking but cersei told him “no you’re going to be a knight of the kingsguard so we can always be close to each other.” jamie gave up his whole life for cersei jamie gave up having a wife having a child having his own free will for cersei and jamie is so blinded by cersei’s “love” if that’s what you want to call it that he just looked past all of her terrible qualities and then when he meets Brianne and sees this woman who is really perfect in every way, but not like beautiful and is still so kind even though people are cruel to her. he changes his perspective on how someone should love you and how someone should act towards you, and when he comes back to kingslanding, after being with Brianne, he sees cersei’s flaws. when she burns down the hand of the kings tower and he sees the madness in her eyes and sees all the awful things she does and then when he leaves to riverrun to go take it from the blackfish and she sends the letter he’s so over it. he’s so over this shit she pulls and the way she treats people the way she treats him he can’t take it anymore.
also jaime says cersei is the only women he’s ever been with. jaime is this beautiful highborn knight with golden curls and a killer smile, he had girls drooling over him all the time but never even looked their way. then he meets brienne who he is forced to be in close proximity with and that is the first time he has ever had an interaction like that with a women that wasn’t cersei, that we know of but i feel like if he did it would’ve been mentioned.
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andthemaidenfair · 2 years
Rereading AFFC and it’s really striking how much training Margaery got to be queen when compared to Cersei. I wish we had a Margaery POV but it’s obvious that she doesn’t just happen to love activities that just so happen to be great PR for her and her house. Maybe she enjoys some of it and being so social and active but look at how she spends her days. Going to see the daily catch at the docks, giving alms, riding horses and boats where everyone can see her and her ladies, favoring merchants and tradespeople all over the city, praying publicly in the sept of Baelor rather than privately in the Red Keep. Someone taught her that if she bought a snack from a street vendor that man would tell the story of how he met the Queen for the rest of his life and there is power in that. She knows how to politic and what her role is and how to go about queening. And her family trusts her! Trusts her to do well! Trusts her enough to leave her to it!
And seeing it from Cersei’s POV is sort of startling in that she can’t see what Margaery is doing and even when she can see it she doesn’t really understand why it’s important. Tywin Lannister was obsessed with his daughter becoming the queen since the moment she was born but never bothered to teach her a single thing about politics or how to be a queen. Not that Tywin had an eye for image politics but still. He really just thought that Cersei’s job as queen is to look pretty, give birth, and do what he tells her to. It’s a downright lack of imagination on his part. And a failure to prepare her.
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shripscapi · 1 year
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some early series Lannisters
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spectrum-color · 10 months
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ladystoneboobs · 4 months
"Tears," she[Cersei] said scornfully to Sansa as the woman was led from the hall. "The woman's weapon, my lady mother used to call them. [...]" -Sansa VI, aCoK
would love to know the context of joanna saying this to(/within earshot of?) cersei, who was 7yo at maximum. interesting parenting choice to want your very young daughter to be a better manipulator, instead of just treating crying as an honest expression of emotion.
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ichooseviolence · 1 year
Sansa had to experience her first period in a traumatic place and during a traumatic time whilst a battle went on outside the castle walls and Cersei is just like "lol ur bleeding in here and they're bleeding out there lmao. So weird."
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kelvingemstone · 3 months
always thinking about young cersei lannister in casterly rock! the walls the same colour as her hair. her eyes the same colour as the hangings on the walls. her golden lannister mother dead and the only people left her golden lannister family. the bards playing the rains of castamere every other month under her windows. the crest embroidered into her clothes and stamped into the doors and engraved into the pommels of her guards. the sandstone building up on the hill looking down at its people and sandstone cersei never emerging from it -- golden bird in golden cage becoming golden cage...her blood the same colour as her house!!!!
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ilynpilled · 9 months
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why must everything that the text clearly states atp be misconstrued like i really dont get it he has plenty of flaws in that relationship but we, and cersei, know that he was ready to kill robert for just the disrespect of the cheating if cersei said the word. he doesnt concern himself with the personal consequences, he is reckless, detached from a lot of things, and can close his eyes at the future if he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. also the concern over the “shame” and ned type judgement feels so overestimated to me atp. he never regrets aerys, he is mad at how he is perceived (but again, notably doesnt try to rectify it by telling the truth for a lot of complex reasons), but he would never take it back. if he believes its the right thing to do, and is not overdosing on copium trying to juggle vows he cares about, he will do it, reputation be damned. though he has selfish concerns regarding being viewed as good, the internal matters so much more than the external: see weirwood dream: who actually shows up? what makes the fire go out? “it was not him. it was never him”, see the trebuchet fiasco, see the choice in adwd. why shouldnt we take cersei at face value when she implies that if jaime knew about the physical abuse he would have killed him? he loves and cares about cersei to an insane degree, even if he can be selfish toxic and unhealthy too. i really find it very very difficult to imagine that he wouldnt have killed him based on almost every single part of his characterization.
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