#ceres in the 11th house
hausofneptune · 4 months
aspects/placements i love (and hate!) in my chart pt. 1
[astro notes no. 003]
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hey y’all! i felt like going through some of my personal aspects/placements and describing the “positive” and “negative” ways they’ve manifested in my life, so here we are. this ended up being longer than i thought it would, so i'll end up doing a part two since i really enjoyed making this!
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venus conj. neptune in aquarius (1°03’) in the 1H
this is one of my favorite placements. i feel like this + my pisces sun can make me appear to others as “ethereal” at times, but if i’m keeping it a buck, it also makes me extremely evasive. i have a good amount of aquarius influence in my chart as well, so all of this combined definitely makes me feel like i have to put in effort to not come off as too impersonal, especially towards my loved ones. 
having neptune in my 1H also makes me feel like people perceive me to be someone that i’m not. like even my close friends and family, i don’t feel like anyone actually understands who i am, and i don’t think i’ve ever had a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) where i felt like i was seen for who i actually am, or where i was able to connect to somebody on a deeper, spiritual level. i can also over-romanticize people and situations at times, but i’ve grown out of this habit… for the most part.
i’ve always been an extremely creative/artistic person. i’ve been drawing, painting, writing, and singing since i was a kid, and i even sell my artwork now as an adult. i’m extremely imaginative, but i do have to be careful to not get too in my head and forget to participate in reality, if that makes sense. i’ve also had issues with dissociation and memory loss throughout my life. i feel like my lived experience has more to do with that, but i can see how the Neptunian influence in my chart could play a role in it as well.
venus opposite north node in the 7H (1°40’)
there are some placements that convince me that the universe was tryna be funny when it made my birth chart. this is one of them. i have so many things in my chart that can make it challenging at times to form meaningful, trustful relationships with other people, and it’s interesting to me the fact that my spiritual growth is something that’s supposed to be found… through my relationships with other people. i try not to victimize myself too much and look at things from an objective lens, but i would be lying if i said it didn’t feel like people find it convenient to have me in their lives only when i allow them to view me in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable.
like i mentioned, i can be very avoidant, it’s something i’m working on. but i know that it’s possible for me to have fulfilling connections with other people, and obviously with this placement it’s something i need to work through my aversion to, seeing as my self-development and spiritual growth is something that’s extremely important to me and deep down i do want to want to experience having meaningful, healthy relationships. 
sun sextile lilith (within 3.0°) in the 11H / chiron in the 11H
let me tell you, most of the people i’ve been friends with over the years, regardless of gender, hypersexualize the fuck out of me. especially the men i’ve been friends with, majority of them had feelings for me that i never reciprocated. i was actually friends with a girl in high school who’s moon fell in my 8H, and in hindsight she had a very unhinged, borderline obsession with me. she would speak to me, and get mad at me, as if we were in a relationship together, and did not understand any type of boundaries that you’re supposed to have with someone you’re friends with. i don’t hold it against her now as an adult, but we definitely don’t speak to each other anymore.
i’ve also encountered issues in regards to the relationships i've with women, mainly when i was younger though, the women i’m acquainted with now i have healthy, normal friendships with (thank god). but i’ve had friendships with girls where they secretly didn’t like me, they were secretly attracted to me, or both. and i don't mean this in a weird, misogynistic, "pick me i'm different!" type of way at all, this is just a pattern i picked up on with some of the women i've met throughout my life.
in regards to having chiron in my 11H, my sore spot is most definitely my friendships. on top of feeling misunderstood and objectified in the friendships i’ve had, i’ve also experienced trauma at the hands of people i thought were my friends. and i always do my best to exercise being mindful and self-aware, and i’m definitely not on some “i’ve always been the perfect friend and people hurt me regardless, boo-hoo, woe-is-me” type shit, because i’ve definitely hurt people in my lifetime. but in terms of how these placements have manifested, i’ve always encountered difficulty in connecting to others, and i’m just now getting to a point where i feel comfortable enough to even attempt to try making new friends again. 
and this is what i mean when i say: astrology is a tool that you can use for shit that is more important than your appearance and future partner! it wasn’t until my 12H profection year when i started studying traditional astrology and learned how to read charts, that i actually began to understand myself on a deeper level and gained the confidence to end friendships that no longer served me and made new ones that actually do. 
chiron in my 11H also makes me feel inclined to take on a “therapist” role in my friendships, something that can be good or bad depending on whether the boundaries are there or not. i tend to attract people who like to trauma dump on me (that’s my moon in the 8H influence too), and i have to actively put boundaries in place and make sure people around me understand that i have to be in the right mindset to hold space for them. there aren’t a lot of pisces sun stereotypes that i can relate to, but being an emotional sponge is definitely one that i can. unfortunately. 
moon and ceres in virgo in the 8H 
LMAOOO this one might be a little heavy. i apologize in advance. feel free to skip this one if you don’t want to hear about parental/maternal loss or my mommy issues <3
my relationship with my mom is without a doubt where a lot of my emotional avoidance comes from. that plus my moon being in the 8H makes me very guarded when it comes to emotional vulnerability, even with the people i’m closest to. without telling a bunch of strangers on the internet too much of my business, here are the sparknotes:
my home life growing up (and to this day lowkey) never felt stable
it never felt like i could feel my emotions without them “consuming” me, this was mainly an issue in my youth, i was around 12-years-old when i started going to therapy and taking antidepressants  
my mom battled a chronic disease her entire life and passed away when i was a teenager 
i’ve always craved to have deep, spiritual connections with people, and ever since i was a kid i’ve been extremely intuitive and had the ability to read a room and everyone in it without anyone having to speak, but i typically attract people who are either emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unstable in some way, probably because i come off as “closed off” on the surface. 
in terms of my relationship with my mom, i love her but i could never be vulnerable with her about a damn thing, like i never really felt “heard” by her. she was a taurus sun, scorpio moon, with an aries stellium, as soon as she had her mind made up about something it didn’t really matter how i felt (pluto also falls in my 10H, and i definitely viewed her as an “authority figure” more than a mother at times). y’all remember this scene from lady bird where her mom tells her she wants her to “be the best version of herself she can be” and she asks “what if this is the best version?” - it was very much so that.
and i don’t want to give the impression that my mom didn’t love me because she definitely did. i think it was just a matter of what a lot of us eventually come to understand about our parents; that they’re products of the environments and the people they were raised by. and in my mom’s case, she did her best with the cards she was dealt and showed up the best way she could. it doesn’t make my feelings any less important, but it helps to maintain the balance between recognizing her humanity, and also validating my own frustration and trauma regarding our relationship. 
venus conjunct ascendant in aquarius (2°40’)
i didn't wanna end this post on a depressing ass note so i'm adding this last aspect lmfao. honestly i struggle with some of the venusian energy in my chart because i honestly never really felt "pretty" growing up. it might be neptune in my 1H that effects my self image, because it wasn't until my 20s that i actually started to genuinely recognize my beauty. i feel like growing up i only viewed my beauty through the lens of the "male gaze" (it didn't help that i felt objectified from the boys around me), or through the lens of euro-centric/white beauty standards, and in adulthood i'm finally approaching the way that i view myself from my perspective.
i do notice that i attract people very easily, both in a friendly and romantic way. i know this aspect has to do a lot with love and romance, but honestly, i'm not too concerned about being in a relationship at this point in my life (with the way the economy is set up i think we all got bigger fish to fry rn but that's neither here nor there-), but like i mentioned i've always been an artist at heart and the art that i create plays a really big role in my identity. i've always found it easier to express myself through my paintings or my writing rather than my words.
aesthetics and comfortability are pretty big for me too, more so now in my 20s. this aspect has a lot to do with sociability and being inclined to uplift and help others, and i can relate to the latter but when it comes to other aspects in my chart i do struggle with being "outgoing" and coming across friendly, but we'll get to that in part two.
as always, if y'all have any of the aspects/placements mentioned in this post let me know how they manifest in your life and personality, and if you have any insight or questions in general feel free to reach out!
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astrologged · 1 year
Pallas in the signs and houses
Pallas, also known as Pallas Athena, is an asteroid in astrology that is associated with wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence.
Pallas in the signs
Pallas in Aries: A strategic thinker who likes to take charge and lead. May be good at starting projects but less interested in finishing them.
Pallas in Taurus: A practical and resourceful thinker who values stability and security. May be skilled in financial management or the arts.
Pallas in Gemini: A versatile and adaptable thinker who can see multiple perspectives. May excel in communication, teaching, or writing.
Pallas in Cancer: An intuitive and empathetic thinker who is skilled at nurturing others. May have a strong emotional intelligence and be skilled in psychology or social work.
Pallas in Leo: A creative and confident thinker who likes to be in the spotlight. May excel in the arts or entertainment industries.
Pallas in Virgo: A precise and analytical thinker who pays attention to details. May excel in fields that require a scientific or technical approach.
Pallas in Libra: A diplomatic and fair-minded thinker who values harmony and balance. May excel in law, mediation, or politics.
Pallas in Scorpio: A perceptive and strategic thinker who likes to uncover hidden truths. May excel in research, investigation, or psychology.
Pallas in Sagittarius: An optimistic and philosophical thinker who values freedom and exploration. May excel in education, philosophy, or travel.
Pallas in Capricorn: A practical and disciplined thinker who values hard work and achievement. May excel in business, finance, or politics.
Pallas in Aquarius: An innovative and unconventional thinker who values progress and individuality. May excel in science, technology, or social activism.
Pallas in Pisces: A compassionate and imaginative thinker who is skilled at connecting with others. May excel in creative fields such as music, poetry, or film.
Pallas in the houses
Pallas in the 1st house: is strategic and independent in their thinking, skilled in leadership or self-promotion.
Pallas in the 2nd house: is practical and resourceful in their thinking, and may excel in finance or the arts.
Pallas in the 3rd house: is versatile and adaptable in their thinking, and may excel in communication, teaching, or writing.
Pallas in the 4th house: is intuitive and empathetic in their thinking, and may be skilled in psychology or social work.
Pallas in the 5th house: is creative and confident in their thinking, and may excel in the arts or entertainment industries.
Pallas in the 6th house: is precise and analytical in their thinking, and may excel in fields that require a scientific or technical approach.
Pallas in the 7th house: is diplomatic and fair-minded in their thinking, and may excel in law, mediation, or politics.
Pallas in the 8th house: is perceptive and strategic in their thinking, and may excel in research, investigation, or psychology.
Pallas in the 9th house: is optimistic and philosophical in their thinking, and may excel in education, philosophy, or travel.
Pallas in the 10th house: is practical and disciplined in their thinking, and may excel in business, finance, or politics.
Pallas in the 11th house: is innovative and unconventional in their thinking, and may excel in science, technology, or social activism.
Pallas in the 12th house: is compassionate and imaginative in their thinking, and may excel in creative fields such as music, poetry, or film.
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yourmoonmomma · 7 months
Hello love!
I wanted to ask some questions if I may❤❤
° Lilith in pisces 11th house: What are my hidden emotions?
° Chiron in 9th house Capricorn: how can I heal my traumas etc?
° North Node is Gemini: How can I develop and master my current life?
° Ceres in Aquarius: How do I take care of myself?
° Mercury X MC in Aquarius: What is my career and what can I do to achieve it?
Thank you in advance and if you can't do it you can ignore! Thanks a lot ❤❤❤
Hi hi! You certainly can (and I find these questions particularly interesting, I enjoy when I have to think a little about the answers!! So thank you for asking!!! <33)
Lilith in pisces 11th house: What are my hidden emotions? I will admit, the term "hidden emotions" is somewhat difficult for me to understand. That isn't on you, of course, as that's a very common phrase, but I think it's just a concept that is a little too complex for my autism lol. So I hope this answers good enough!! You may struggle to express your spirituality to your friends, or have a fear of being teased/bullied for the ways you want to change the world or the beliefs you hold. You may tend to suppress your judgment and jealousy of others, to the point where you either feel guilty when those feelings come up, or struggle to understand where others are coming from when they are acting out from a place of those emotions. You may struggle to accept your need & deep love for platonic relationships in your life, choosing instead to embrace other types of relationships as they just "feel easier".
Chiron in 9th house Capricorn: how can I heal my traumas etc? Through helping others experiencing similar situations, even if you think they haven't done the same amount of work/effort that you have into their own healing. It is important to live a life of truth, and be willing to change your mind/opinions. For example, (and a very small, simple example at that) admitting part way through an argument that you were incorrect, and that the other person was right, will be a small step towards healing. As well, learning to live without needing the reassurance of others that you are on the right path.
North Node is Gemini: How can I develop and master my current life? By speaking up and speaking out. This may be difficult, with your 11th House Pisces Lilith, but the more outspoken you are about your beliefs (especially if you're able to apologize and change them if necessary!) the more you will develop this life and become closer to your soul's potential. This placement works so well with your Capricorn Chiron in 9th, in the sense that it continues to emphasize a past life where you were too steadfast in your beliefs (potentially at your own downfall). Mastering this life, means being willing to change and learn with the times, and advocate for those who need it, even if they do not realize they need it.
Ceres in Aquarius: How do I take care of myself? By letting yourself be the person you feel you are meant to be. By being quirky and following your "weird" ideas to the end, whether others support you or not. By being authentic and true to yourself.
Mercury X MC in Aquarius: What is my career and what can I do to achieve it? Tying into your Gemini North Node, public speaking or writing could be a good career. Even, perhaps, motivational speaking? It is important that you are pursuing a career where you feel you can make a difference in the world, or at least your community, otherwise you will not feel fulfilled. And again, this does not have to be in the sense that everyone else thinks "changing the world" looks like! You have your own sense of what that means, trust in yourself. And in terms of achieving it, networking will be your best friend here, and putting yourself out there! Go to protests, rallies, community events.
I hope this is what you were looking for haha! Thank you again for the fun questions <3
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zeldasnotes · 3 months
ᴬˢᵀᴿᴼ ᴼᴮˢᴱᴿⱽᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺˢ ³²
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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Some of the most kind people Ive ever met had had Jupiter conjunct Moon/Venus. Pure, genuine kindness.
Fama(408) conjunct Uranus can indicate overnight fame. This aspect reminds me of the people who are recorded saying something really funny without realizing it and when they wake up in the morning and see the video went viral.
Venus 10th house is common in the charts of people who work with beauty procedures with a more permanent effect like microblading, cosmetic tattoos, laser hair removal etc. People with these placements often like to get these procedures done on themselves too. Since 10th house is ruled by saturn and saturn is time they want something that lasts instead of just going to a makeupartist.
If one of your parents have Venus in the 5th house you probably hot af.
Moon/Venus conjunct Chiron can mean constantly befriending or falling for the wrong women. They are drawn to people who need healing. But what they forget is that misery loves company.
Everytime I like an artist to the point of liking EVERY song they make we had Venus 8th house synastry. There is a deep understanding here when it comes to art.
Fama(408) conjunct Moon = Soccer mom image👩🏻‍🍼⚽️🧸
People with Ceres(1) conjunct personal planets tend to be well liked.
Venus/Saturn aspects might be hated on more by older people than people their own age. Older women might comment on their looks and older men notice them.
Everytime someone throws a fit in my comments its because I said something about their Moon aspect/sign. Which kinda proves what a sensitive planet the Moon is.
Moon can show where you spend so much time to the point of living there. I read about a person in true crime who lived in her car and she had Moon in the 3rd house, Ive seen Moon in the 6th house who are at work all the time, Ive seen Moon in the 11th housers who are always at their friends house.
Mars, Nessus or Lilith in the 11th house can be keyboard warriors. 🤬💻
Part of Fortune in the 5th house makes someone blessed with extraordinary creativity.
Ive seen people with Lilith Square Jupiter might have to suffer a lot because of rebelling against cultural/religious expectations.
Mars Square Uranus are the kind of people to EXPLODE with physical energy. This makes them excellent at martial arts since they move quick. Mike Tyson have Mars Square Uranus and Pluto.
Venus in Leo in the solar return chart can make you more interested in fashion & haircare that year. 💅
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus and Transit Moon was in my natal 7th house the day I met the love of my life. Transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Transit Dejanira(157) conjunct my natal Ascendant was hell. Ive never been victimized by others like I was during that year.
Women with Lilith and Pluto aspecting the Ascendant always look so good in bloodred or jetblack hair.
Moon in the 11th house might find a lot of comfort in social media. Social media can be their escape.
Juicy Couture just screams Taurus energy to me. The soft comfy but still so rich and pretty look to the clothes and bags is pure Taurus. (I cant be the only one who relate certain brands to a sign?)🛍️
Be careful with 2nd house synastry bc it can really make you want to buy someone stuff. I dont know if its house or planet who usually wants to buy bc Ive seen both ways around. Sure it can be a positive thing but not if one is a user and the other is naive. Can also make one expect stuff from the other. 💰
Me and my lilsister have 2nd house synastry but we would never use eachother we just love buying eachother stuff and discuss food and shopping together. For us the giving goes both ways. But Ive seen other situations where one just gave and gave without getting anything back.
Most Libra Venus men Ive met made a very big deal out of what their type is. The type to let eeeeverybody know about how they only date redheads. They can become VERY into what they find beautiful.
Venus says a lot about your behaviour bc Venus is what we find attractive and ofc we act as we want to be seen. Capricorn Venuses for example tend to act in a very mature and serious way. Their behaviour really screams ”take me seriously or live to regret it.”
People with Venus/Pluto tends to get a lot of unwanted suggestions on what to do with their looks.
Transit Asteroid Destinn(6583) was conjunct my natal Venus the day I met the love of my life. And transit Juno(3) was conjunct my natal Juno.
Plutonian Moons can always spot eachother. Same with Chiron 1st house and Lilith 11th house. Thats because these placements all bring experiences in someones youth that can be easily seen on the person later in life.
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harmoonix · 4 months
Eye of the hurricane
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(Short Astrology Observations)
🌪️- Chiron in Scorpio/8th or Chiron in Scorpio Degrees [8°, 20°] can be afraid to be intimate with their partners, or they can be anxious when it comes to intimacy
🌪️- Sun/Uranus/Neptune in the 12th house are half between the worlds, with one foot in the real world and with one foot in their subconscious world/spiritual
🌪️- Moon aspecting Pluto can sense energies for example they can have sense when they're being followed or watched by others
🌪️ - Chiron in Pisces/Chiron at Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) and Chiron in the 12th house will have to end some karmic pain/wounds from their past lives in this current one
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🌪️ - Neptune in the 1st house can get into a state of realization a bit harder than others, they usually tend to dream with their eyes open
🌪️ - Uranus aspecting asteroid Psyche (16) will make the native so much intuitive. Having these aspects will feel like a lightning striking the sky.
🌪️ - Psyche in Taurus or in the 2nd house can make the native gracious/ they can be blessed by Venus with grace/elegance and romance
🌪️ - People with Pluto aspecting the ascendant can get hate and envy without a reason, they're like in the middle of the fight and still the one who gets blamed 100% times
🌪️ - Saturn in the 12th and 6th house have a hard time to focus on themselves, in their lives they mostly focused on others instead of themselves and that can cause a chaos between soul & body
🌪️ - Ceres (1) in the 1st house is already a big indicator that you need to nurture yourself, you could've have been hurt a lot in your past and that caused pain in your life
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🌪️ - Mars in air and fire signs (yang energy) wil feel very attracted or pulled in by the men around them. Is not like you are attracted by them but you rather are pulled in their circle of energy
🌪️ - Mars in the 11th house will be that friend who laughs when you do something wrong but still supporting you in some friendly way
🌪️ - Mercury in the 7th house cannot function in a relationship where there is not communication a lot. Omg guys please stay away from people who don't like to communicate their feelings because you'll get hurt so much
🌪️ - Mercury ascendant in your persona chart can indicate how are you at your best when you're communicating/expressing yourself fx Leo Rising may like to talk about self esteem and that will make them feel better
🌪️ - Destinn asteroid (6583) in Libra or Taurus cand end up being in a place predominant with fashion/art/style/glamour
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🌪️ - Air Risings feel like a breeze of air in your life, they won't judge you or pull you down but rather they will be staying supporting always and they're so open-minded everything
🌪️ - Midheaven in Sagittarius or in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) can have luck when choosing for a career/job because Jupiter rules that specific house of theirs
🌪️ - Venus in Capricorn/Venus in the 4th/Venus in Cancer house can look after an traditional relationship and traditional household
🌪️ - Sun at 4°, 16° 28° degrees (Cancer Degrees) when they get hurt sometimes these natives try to manipulate people emotionally
🌪️ - Mars in the 3rd house may enjoy riding cars/motorcycles/bicycles/ etc.. Or they can find satisfaction in these things
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🌪️ - Cancer Moons or Moon in the 4th house. They can try to be like their mothers but they could also get the toxic traits from their mothers aswell
🌪️ - Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Midheaven natives can be so indecisive when it comes to choosing the right path for them, because they can have more options to choose from and it can end up promising
🌪️ - Juno in Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) or Juno in the 12th house are looking for a lasting romantic relationship, they want to feel romantic and make their partners to feel the same
🌪️ - Moon aspecting Venus (all aspects), i can't find the perfect words to describe this but, they can search all their lives for their partners and it can get pretty sad if they lose the hope for finding "the one" fated for them
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H a r m o o n i x
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cinnamonnangel · 3 months
🌟 Wealth in Astrology 🌟
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealth ・✧•°
Taurus, Libra Sun
Taurus, Libra Rising
Taurus Stellium
Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn or Pisces Venus (especially 27°,28°,29°)
Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces Jupiter
Gemini Venus (especially 8th house)
27°, 28° and 29° signs or planets
29° Cancer (the millionaire degree - wealthy family)
Earth / Water grand trine
Stellium in the 2nd, 5th or 11th house
2nd or 8th house ruler conjunct Jupiter
Sun in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in the auspicious houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th)
Sun conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus conjunct Mc
Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Mars / Pluto aspects
Venus conjunct Saturn
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Venus trine Uranus
Venus, Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, 11th house
Venus, Jupiter, Pluto conjunct in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Venus conjunct or opposition Pluto
Jupiter conjunct / trine / square Saturn
Jupiter conjunct Pluto (the millionaire aspect)
Jupiter trine Pluto
Uranus, Venus / Jupiter aspects (unexpected wealth)
Pluto in the 2nd house
North Node in the 2nd or 11th house
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Part of fortune conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Ceres conjunct or trine Venus / Jupiter
IC/MC at 0°
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealthy husband ・✧•°
Strong Sun, Jupiter, 7th and 8th house
Taurus or Libra Mc
Taurus, Libra or Sagittarius in the 7th house or lord of the house
Venus conjunct Jupiter (especially 7th, 8th and 10th house)
Jupiter, Venus in the 2nd, 8th or 10th house
Jupiter in the 7th house or Jupiter Dsc aspects
Saturn in the 7th house or lord of the house
Saturn, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 7th house
7th house ruler at 27°, 28°, 29°
7th house ruler in the 8th or 10th house
7th house ruler conjunct / trine Jupiter and Venus
7th house ruled by Saturn and conjunct Jupiter, Venus
7th house ruler conjunct Venus and Jupiter at 27°, 28°, 29°
8th house ruled by Jupiter
8th house ruler in the 7th house
8th house ruler conjunct / trine Venus and Jupiter
10th house stellium (especially Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Sagittarius)
29° Cancer in the 7th or 10th house (wealthy family)
Part of fortune in the 7th or 8th house
Part of fortune, 7th or 8th house ruler trine/ conjunct
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cupidlovesastro · 8 months
astrology observations #4
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❥people with a lot of air and water can be very spiritual and have a soft heart when it comes to humanity and children
❥moon in 11th house people can automatically make you feel so close to them even if you guys have known each other for a week. you can feel like besties or like you can trust them easily.
❥sagittarius stelliums can be so loud when voicing their opinions or things they enjoy. they can be pretty loud in general, and they love joking. i also noticed even when they’re being serious, people will laugh at what they’re saying because they’re known for being the funny friend 😭
❥if you ever wanna know what someone’s rising sign is, but you can’t tell by how they look, listen to what they say, what they care about, and what they do or enjoy doing. i noticed that a lot of your personality is filtered through your rising and when you start listening to the things they say, or notice the things they do it’ll start to add up. for example, i know a taurus rising, he talks about how much he loves his children a lot, he enjoys cooking and eating, he buys a lotttt of things, and he has 3 college degrees but loves his lazy days where he lays in bed all day watching thriller movies😭
❥leo in ceres will ride or die for their children. they will defend them no matter what and have the hugest heart in the world for their children
❥chiron in 12th house can have a conflicting and hard time with spirituality. wether it be believing in it, scared of it, or worried that your not good enough for a higher entity. you could also have been forced into religion
❥capricorn, taurus, libra, aries, and leo in juno, definitely love princess treatment from their soulmate 🫶🏽
❥the most hardworking people i know have taurus,sag, capricorn, and aqua in their chart
❥people with fire mercury in 1st house can be giggly and smiley when talking to them, or when they’re talking
❥having virgo in big 6 in your composite chart can indicate you and your partner care about being hygienic around one another. if it’s in venus, mars, or moon, it might be held at a even more higher standard. it could also mean that you both care about keeping your space clean if you live together
❥mercury positively aspecting venus can mean people feel attracted to you just by your voice and you could be good at flirting or smooth talking 😭
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enamouredfae · 7 months
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
✨Astro Observations for those who think they're stupid when they're actually smart✨
✨Mutable risings are the "funny yet depressed" friend that is always trying to make sure everyone is okay and having a good time
✨Out of all the placements Aquarius is the only one I don't have a definitive standpoint on. Not a single one has something in common with another.
✨5th house placements are obsessed with reality tv while 11th house placements are obsessed with internet drama
✨Saturn in the 6th house natives are very likely to get plastic surgery for their weight
✨I keep reading on here that people know Taurus Moons that cook? I am sorry but since when instant noodles became "cooking". I have known five and my sister is one, and let me tell you, they can't cook for shit. They're such picky and particular eaters, they barely eat too.
✨My mother being an Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon means that I know the biggest catastrophizer alive.
✨Luminaries (sun and moon) opposite the rising, in my opinion, creates the most difficult people to deal with. They're so tone deaf and oblivious to how they come off.
✨Cardinal Lilith has conflict anxiety
✨Air Mercury thinks of an answer instead of listening to what someone is saying
✨Mars in the 11th house have many frenemies
✨Moon in the 11th are very popular among women
✨Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) at 0 degrees struggles to achieve milestones or feels behind compared to others
✨Scorpio risings are always referred to as an onion. To me, an onion is something with layers of the same shit that just burn your eyes.
✨ Whichever house of yours an artist's Ceres falls in is what their work is going to help you with.
✨This also applies to planet aspects, as to whether their work will leave you challenged, intrigued, feeling empowered, motivated, seen, connected, or just simply aroused.
✨Fire Mercury says the most random shit. But we are here for that crackhead energy.
✨Fire/Mars in the 9th house is very common among dancers
✨The sign of the 6th house can show how are you with apologies. Since along with that work ethic comes responsibility and integrity.
✨Anyways, you'll never catch a Sag or Taurus in the 6th apologizing that's for sure.
✨Lilith/Juno in the 10th house are very mistreated by men/masculine people and authority
✨Lilith/Juno in the 4th house was betrayed by the family, especially the mother
✨Aquarius in the 4th house is always looking for a mommy in someone else
✨The body part/s the sign of your 8th house rule indicates which sexual act gets your toes curled.
✨Having friends of the same Mars sign are people that match your energy
✨People that have Mars Square Mars got a friendship that needed communication and patience, however, they tend to create a stronger bond
✨It's ghetto out there with all of those unevolved Earth placements
✨First house stelliums are never grateful. The entitlement is real.
✨Neptune/Pisces in the 1st house and 12th house ruler is in the 1st house depersonalize as a full time job. Existing is very draining for them, and at times painful.
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Astro Observations XI
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🟫If you are Saturn Dominant / have Aquarius or Capricorn placements you may have the feeling that when people hurt you karma takes time to reach them but when you do something karma comes quickly. You should not worry, because even if you feel that karma is late, it is twice as strong. At the end of the day Saturn rules you and is on your side. Saturn shows you that good things come late but will eventually bring you lots of satisfaction.
🟫If you have Saturn in the 4th house, the karma that reaches those who have hurt you is merely emotional. They may feel little support from their family, community or friends or you may realize how people turn their backs upon discovering their true intentions or face.
🟫Juno-Saturn aspects suggest that the native's future spouse may be older than them both in age and maturity. It is likely that they marry late compared to people around them, but it also portends that their marriage can be more stable and lasting. Future Spouse is likely to be a very demanding person with themselves, highly ambitious, responsible and can give the impression of being somewhat serious or distant at first.
🟫Having Saturn in a water sign [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] in the 3rd, 7th or 11th house, indicates that the native may feel that they cannot open up easily with people, that they do not take the native's problems seriously or that are not really heard by the rest of the people. These natives may feel that it is difficult to find people with whom to have deep or serious conversations, or at least find people with whom they can have these kinds of conversations.
🟫When Saturn and Jupiter are close, it tells us about a native with excellent judgement, a calm and rational person who can see two sides of the same coin. If they are in the same house, it usually augurs much success in the issues that that house deals with, it may be at their mid/late 20's due to the presence of Jupiter. It augurs good fortune and a coherent and healthy opinion and opinion regarding the issues of that house.
🟫Those with aspects between Saturn-Ceres can be excellent parents or very tactful with children. They are protective of the younger ones, preserving their innocence and their happiness. These people do not usually have many children, as it is a task they take very seriously. These people may not be the most verbal in expressing their affection, but they will always show interest and care in practical ways, giving attention and spending time with those they love.
🟫Those with harmonious aspects between Saturn and Uranus are truly dual people, they love to have fun but they know when to behave too. They are people with whom you can have interesting and fun conversations, even sometimes without any sense, but they put a smile on your face. However, if the moment requires it, they can be very rational, prudent and correct when it comes to interacting with others. They have that ability to realize when it's the right time to joke and when they should take things seriously.
🟫Saturn in the 12th house shows a person who, due to tense experiences in the past, decided to isolate themselves from people or not to seek vent or refuge in people. They see loneliness as a way to be safe from getting hurt and may not be used to displays of affection or compliments. They fear failure and being seen as weak for showing or talking about their insecurities and feelings. However, they are capable of giving others a lot of stability without even realizing it, people trust them easily and see them as strong and admirable. 
🟫Saturn making tense aspects with the 4th house ruler/cusp means that the person has had to be responsible from an early age, that they have had to carry responsibilities from their parents or have given up their childhood to understand the world they had to face, because they thought no one would be there by their side to face it with them. They were able to grow up in an environment where they felt a lack of emotional support and care.
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🟫Many people with Venus-Saturn aspects often struggle with self-worth, feeling loved by others, or feeling accepted just the way they are, regardless of whether the aspect is tense or harmonious. Many of them have felt at least once that their self-esteem was not the best and that they had to prove their worth somehow.
🟫The aspects between Venus-Saturn make the natives feel attracted to balanced and emotionally responsible people. Beyond the beauty of their physique and their incredible fashion sense, there is beauty in the devotion they put into their relationships and the dedication they put in every day to make the relationship comfortable for both themselves and their partner. Something beautiful that I have noticed about them is that they take the time to understand their partner and above all to get to know them. Quality time is easily one of their ways of showing love, no matter how many earrings they have or how busy they are, they will take the time to be with the person they love and enjoy every minute by their side.
🟫Saturn in Cancer can easily give others a lot of comfort, they can even project themselves as a person with a lot of emotional intelligence and a facility to understand the emotional world of others no matter how complex it is. They prefer quality over quantity and take any kind of emotional bond with people very seriously.
🟫Those with Saturn in the 1st, 7th, 11th or 12th house could be introverted in their youth and find much comfort and peace in solitude. It is very likely that their parents or other people in their family advised them to go out more or make more friends, but the reality is that they learned to feel good in solitude and were able to see the benefits of being more on their own. If Saturn is retrograde or making tense aspects with Pluto or Moon, the native sees isolating himself as a way of not being hurt or betrayed by others.
🟫Saturn in the 8th house may have difficulty opening up to people, trusting others, and feeling genuinely close to someone. They have a lot of intelligence and this allows them to observe and take a good look at the people around them before opening the possibility of being friends/couples. They are people who deep down want closeness but at the same time they want a balance, because their autonomy is very important to them.
🟫Saturn aspecting Mercury gives a person a wonderful and very capable mind, many people describe them as rational, intelligent and very logical, but they hardly see themselves that way. They may think that they are not smart enough even if the opposite is true. There is a possibility that they had difficulties for their early ages at school, but the reality is that these people can learn better on their own.
🟫Having Saturn aspecting Chiron is an underrated indicator of having the ability to help and heal other people. It may take the native longer to heal his wounds, but in return he gains an ability to listen to others, understand them and support them in their healing process. These people have a highly developed vocation to help others and could seek to have a job that allows them to be supportive of others. They can be good psychologists, teachers or they can do very well working in the human resources area.
🟫Saturn in Pisces takes their beliefs seriously, but they don't leave everything up to having faith and hoping that everything conspires in their favor. They can be somewhat skeptical and will always prefer to make decisions based on their emotions and doable things. They detect lies easily and have an easy time reading people and their true intentions.
🟫Saturn in air signs or houses shows par excellence of a great communicator, someone who knows how to hold the attention of the public, who uses the right words to convey his message perfectly. Many of them could benefit from pursuing something to do with media, social media, creative writing, or any career that allows them to communicate with lots of different people. They are very intelligent and educated people, they can have a vast and very complete vocabulary. These people have a powerful mind and are very capable of learning and understanding ideas, however complex they may be.
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition
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Having your SR Ascendant in the same sign as your natal chart's planet ruler sign will mean you'll likely have a lot of growth and prosperity that year. I have Sagittarius Rising (My Jupiter is in Scorpio). I've had SR Scorpio Rising twice in my life, and both times I did I went through many transformations and had a lot of good luck during those years. Possibly the best years of my life.
Having Jupiter or Saturn in your 4th house could mean you move houses that year.
Having Venus and/or Mars in your 12th house could make people obsessed with you and want to learn more about you, this is probably because you appear mysterious to them even if you're a generally open person, and they wanna get to the bottom of the mystery.
Whatever house pluto is in for that year will be where you change the most. For example if you have 5th house pluto one year then you may get a new hobby or something about your original hobbies will change durastically. Or 8th house pluto could mean you have a sexual or spirital awakening, maybe a near death experience, or you feel like a part of yourself died inside you.
Mars in the 11th house can mean you're more outgoing and even aggressive amongst friends and peers that year.
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When the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, there is a new moon. So those who have this placement that year will likely have many moments of realizations about themselves and be in very in tune with their emotions, wants, needs, ect. This is a very self aware period in your life but also an AMAZING time for manifestations to occur, you may literally speak some things into existance this year! When you align your emotions with your goals, and vise versa, great things will happen for you!
Along this note, check what house(s) this conjunction falls in! If they both are in different houses, it may weaken the manifesting power. However, if they are both in the same house, look at that houses themes to see what you'll need to focus on and to build up your karma for so you can more properly manifest!
Uranus aspecting North Node could mean a huge change in your plans or destiny that year at any point. For example you could be working on your art hobby and career but suddenly you get more chances at a cooking career or find yourself more interested in baking as a hobby, if that makes any sense.
Lilith in the 1st house, 10th, and/or conjunct to any of your personal planets can indicate being an over all social pariah that year. People may betray or break off relations with you, you may slowly realize some people are becoming more hostile to you, you may be seen as a bad guy in every situation, people might make you feel ashamed of yourself, ect. This is NOT a fun placement to have.
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However, having Sagittarius or Gemini in your top 3 for that year though could mean making a lot of friends that year and learning about a lot of diferent peoples lives.
Having beneficial planets or astroids like Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, or Pallas conjunct to your Midheaven means you'll likely have a very prosperous and lucky year in your career and workplace. Things may feel like they just come easily to you.
Wherever your Sun and Moon are placed in the chart can show where most of your emotional and over all focus will be for that year. For example if you have your Sun in the 11th house and your Moon in the 2nd, many themes that you'll focus on that year will be finding your self worth in the groups you're in, standing up for your personal values, and trying to find what your place is in social circles.
Sun in the first house can indicate needing to focus more on yourself that year. More self care and less about other people's problems.
Having a Pisces or Scorpio Ascendant, and/or personal planets in the 8th/12th house are other very powerful placements for manifestation.
Saturn in the 4th house could mean something terrible or life changing is going to happen to you that year. You'll likely learn a lot of life lessons and karma will come to you, good or bad.
Speaking of the 4th house, this probably goes without saying but 4th house sign will show what kind of life to expect at home for that year, Mars or Saturn ruled signs will likely be malefic in this house and can cause some issues for you that year.
I don't know if this is because I'm a Sagittarius rising or if it's just because Jupiter is a lucky planet, but in all the best years of my life, Jupiter was strongly aspecting my ascendant (conjunction and opposition).
Venus aspecting Mars in SR 🤝 being the center of attention wherever you go and having everyone fawn over you for that year. This can also indicate a huge glowup, not just look wise but also socially as well. You will likely gain some level of popularity or positive recognition this year, even you're a more private and not outgoing person.
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Having the astroid Nessus conjunct to any of your personal planets or points could make you a target of abuse and bullying for that year. However having Nessus or Uranus in the 3rd or 6th house could also generate the same effect.
Whatever house Uranus is in will be where you can suddenly lose and gain something of those themes all year long. For example, having Uranus in the 7th or 11th house could mean suddenly losing friends and/or close ones but also suddenly gaining them. Another example is Uranus in the 4th could mean having a family member die unexpectedly, or suddenly finding out a family member is pregnant.
Having Moon in the 10th house can indicate spending a lot of time working to advance in your career. You'll likely make big steps towarda your goals because of all the thought and soul you're going to put behind it this year. Same goes for Mars or Saturn in the 10th.
Speaking of Saturn, wherever Saturn is placed in your chart can show what you may have difficulties with or lose this year, but after working towards fixing it and learning from it, you will likely be awarded for your efforts in the end with getting back what you lost or gaining something better. Saturn is breaking you down and building you back up stronger and wiser. Saturn represents our life lessons for this year and makes us appreciate what we have by taking it away from us, but giving it back after we learn and grow.
Pluto aspecting the Moon or Ascendant will make you more sensitive but give you more emotional perseverance. You may become a person for people to lean on and look up to because of how emotionally strong and intelligent you'll likely become this year. But you may go through a destructive period this year that changes your perspective and warrants this change in your emotional psyche. Like Saturn, it'll tear you and all that you know down, to build you up stronger and wiser.
However, if Pluto is harshly aspecting your Sun, you might go through a long period of hardship or some kind of long lasting difficulty. This is because once Pluto starts aspecting your Sun, it'll stay in aspect of your Natal/Transit chart AND in many of your SR charts to come. So having it harshly aspected to your sun sign is NOT ideal. Pluto aspecting the Sun in SR will likely stay that aspect for 10+ years. You will have to change and transform a LOT during this period of your life, when either you want to or not.
Neptune in the 5th house could mean you focus on not very important things a lot this year. You'll likely focus a lot on yourself and what you want, but not what you need. You may neglect a lot of things you have to get done and procrastinate a LOT.
Uranus 9th house can indicate stepping out of your comfort zone and traveling a lot in general this year. You'll likely discover some new places that you like but never went to before.
Saturn 6th house can be a depressing placement for the workaholics, and over all anyone out there because it may feel like in the beginning of having this in your SR that no matter how hard you work that you're not getting anywhere with it and you're stuck in one place. You may feel more unaccomplished and/or unsuccessful during this year.
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esotericpluto · 1 year
astrological placements of your future spouse
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can also donate here.
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pile 1
If you picked this pile, I feel like your future spouse will either be an aries, scorpio or capricorn sun. I feel like their juno might also be in scorpio or in the 8th house, so it is possible you also have scorpio or pluto influence in your chart.
I am sensing they might have a scorpio rising or pluto 1st house, if not both. For some of you, this could be scorpio/pluto/mars/venus in 8th house. They could have lilith in the 4th or 10th, squaring the ascendant.
I am getting scorpio or capricorn venus the most, but for some they might have a taurus or pisces venus (especially if they turn out to be an aries sun). Sagittarius mercury could be a real possibility and for those future spouses with aries sun, I'm feeling an aries mercury.
I am sensing a powerful mars, so their mars are most likely domicile (scorpio, aries) or exalted (capricorn). Some can also have a decent jupiter influence over their chart and I would check if this person has a prominent Zeus asteroid in their chart or when it comes to your synastry compatibility.
I am feeling some planets in the 11th, 10th and 9th are also possible. In the 3rd for some of your fs' as well. The 7th housr might be an important house in their chart as well as thry might have their north node, south node or vertex there.
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pile 2
If you picked this pile, I feel like your future spouse will be either an aquarius, pisces or cancer sun with leo, virgo or libra moon. I am sensing a high venus and mercury influence over their chart, possibly with one or the other (or both) being in the 1st house.
It feels they will have a strong venus placement, so it could possibly in pisces, in the 7th, 2nd or 1st house in their charts. I feel some fiery energies here, so for some of you, it could mean they will have a fire venus or aspecting a planet like the sun or mars.
I feel like for some of you, your future spouse might have a water mars like cancer, pisces or scorpio, alternatively it could also be a libra or taurus mars.
I am definitely getting them having 1st, 2nd and 12th house planets and possibly a 8th house north node. They could also possibly be a libra or pisces rising and I am hearing you should check if love goddess related asteroids are prominent in their charts.
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pile 3
for this pile, I'm sensing either libra, taurus or sagittarius sun. For aome, possibly a gemini sun too. This person seems to give a very fun and strong first impression, so I feel like a gemini rising is also possible here, as well as a Jupiter or mercury 1st but these last two only for a few of you.
I'm getting strong mercury and jupiter here, possibly a strong uranus too and I feel like these 3 planets might aspect each other in their chart. They might have uranus 10th or 9th house and, if not, it could potentially be their mercury in those houses. I feel like their jupiter might be in 6th or 3rd house.
I'm getting potentially an air venus, so libra, aquarius or gemini venus. I feel like they might have this placement either 1st or 7th house. For some of you, the person will have this placement in the 2nd house.
When it comes to mars, they will most likely be an earth sign. For the majority of you, they could be a taurus mars or mars 2nd house, or a virgo or capricorn mars. For those of you that get a future spouse with capricorn mars, you will find it will most likely be in the 9th, 8th or 4th house.
I am getting that their Ceres is prominent in their chart or will be prominent in your synastry, so this is worth checking.
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zeldasnotes · 7 months
Astro Notes 30 🍂🍁
Check out my masterlists for more fun observations masterlist I, masterlist II and masterlist III 🎃
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🍂 People with Moon/Saturn & Moon/Pluto tend to keep people at arms lenght. Like no matter how well you know them there is a part of them you dont know.
🍂 People with Ceres(1) conjunct Ascendant, Sun or Moon might really enjoy being pregnant.
🍂 Paine(5188) in the 10th house = Painful situations in your life becoming public knowledge.
🍂 Capricorn Sun and Rising women have an odd mix between old and young. Its common for them to have a body that barely changes even tho they face change a lot with age or vice versa. Might have a babyface but a lot of wrinkles or mature looking face with very small body. For example Tara Reid, she looks young and old at the same time.
🍂 To everyone with Leo in the 7th house yall need to stop dating people who look up to you and start dating people you look up to. Ive seen people with this who gets into crazy situations bc they date people who want to steal their light etc.
🍂 Same with people who have 2nd house placements especially lilith. Go for people with the same economy or better economy than you. These placements attract envious people, leeches, unambitious people and users when they dont know their worth. People see how glamorous you are and they see what you have and they want a piece for themselves.
🍂 For some reason people with Libra Mars seems to be surrounded by aggressive people. Maybe because that makes them feel safe because they are so passive themselves. Having people around who can protect them? I dont know. I also see them go through a period in their life where they start a lot of fights with others because they are ashamed of how passive they are.
🍂 People with squares to their Sun can be VERY intimidating. Especially Lilith & Pluto.
🍂 Mars in the 8th house synastry can make you find eachothers name very hot.
🍂 People with Mercury conjunct Mars might enjoy arguing.
🍂 Pluto conjunct Ascendant in the Fama(408) Persona Chart: The bad bitch in town. Julie Cooper from the OC/Blair Waldorf energy. Known for being powerful and not to be messed with. ”This town is really only big enough for one manipulative bitch”.
🍂 People with Venus or Mars aspecting Neptune have a lot of people fantasizing about them. Especially the hard aspects.
🍂 With Venus conjunct Chiron, Paine(5188) & Nemesis(128) there is a huge risk of being betrayed by those you love the most.
🍂 When yall have Venus 10th house in the composite chart yall will look sooo good together.😍
🍂 Venus in Scorpio people have this Bonnie and Clyde fantasy from what Ive seen. They love the idea of being a ride or die for someone. This can make them easily manipulated into doing stuff for their partner.
🍂 So many Leo Midheaven men have that cocky bad boy image, especially those with Scorpio Rising. The darkness of the Scorpio Rising mixed with the cockiness and glamorous fashionsense of the Leo MC makes them irresistible.
🍂 People with Aquarius/11th house placements attract fame without trying. Especially when its Moon.
🍂 People with Aphrodite(1388) conjunct Mars tend to be blessed with gorgeous looks. Ive seen this aspect in some of the most gorgeous people ive seen.
🍂 Juno(3) conjunct Venus in synastry = Juno person views Venus as the ideal partner. ”I will marry her some day” kinda energy.
🍂 People with Juno(3) conjunct the angles tend to get married at a younger than average age & people with Ceres conjunct angles or planets tend to have their first child at a younger than average age.
🍂 Check out asteroid Child(4580) in your chart to see more about your potential future children. I saw Child in Gemini in the chart if a woman who actually had twins.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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harmoonix · 7 months
The Mist Spirit
• Astrology Notes •
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🌫️ - Your 8th house sign can indicate the legacy your ancestors left for you
Libra/Taurus in the 8th house = beauty, beautiful looking, popularity
Gemini/Virgo in the 8th house= Powerful voice, also the ancestors in your family could've had all beautiful voices
Aries/Scorpio in the 8th house = dominance power and confidence
Leo in the 8th house could've actually had wealthy ancestors
Capricorn/Aquarius in the 8th house are karmic already. Your legacy can be found inside you since you are here to break something bad from your family, also love for freedom
Pisces/Sagittarius in the 8th house = intuition, spiritual gifted, enchanting
Cancer in the 8th house = Most of your ancestors could've be women/females, psychic abilities
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🌫️ - Midheaven at 11°, 23° degrees can indicate that you may choose a career that implies technology
🌫️ - Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can indicate a job where you may take the lead role. Like to be the boss of some company
🌫️ - Midheaven at 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees can indicate a job that implies art, music, maybe some fashion designer? C'mon girl you shine at these topics
🌫️ - Pallas (2) aspecting Mars can be fierce when it comes to righteousness, they respect people who are right and devoted
🌫️ - Pallas (2) harmoniously aspect Juno (3) - are the cutest people ever when it comes to commitment, these aspects get so along with eachother and makes it easy for you to tell your feelings (Good luck 🙏🏼)
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🌫️ - Pallas (2) in Libra/Scorpio or Capricorn in my experience cannot stand people who lie, like they don't like lying at all and can't stand it (Is always better to tell the truth)
🌫️ - Asteroid Ceres (1) square/opposition asteroid Juno (3) might indicate that you either your specific person needs nurturing in the relationship
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Ascendant can hate favoritism. Like they don't like it when someone dear to them has a favorite person (also they may be get jealous fast)
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Juno can show obsession with one eachother, but it can also make you and you specific person jealous asf
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🌫️ - Sun aspecting Uranus natives need to embody their unique traits and to not fear living in the shadow because they are different
🌫️ - Leo Placements can experience anxiety and overthinking about themselves kinda a lot. Especially they can have this fear of "What people will think/say about me" and honestly you shouldn't care because the only person who matters is you
🌫️ - Mercury in the 7th house natives are very special because they are the type of people who communicate everything with their specific person
🌫️ - Sun/Mercury/Venus and Moon in the 11th house make the most cutest friendships ever, they tend to attract good people in their lives
🌫️ - While Mars/Saturn and Pluto in the 11th house tend to attract competition, because these planets in this house have bigger influence
🌫️ - Lilith aspecting the Ascendant has a very a big influence, they are the type of people who catches everyone attention when they enter in a room. They may have a very different appearance than others, from clothing style to their body features
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🌫️ - Moon - Saturn intense aspects can be shy when they may first talk to someone new, but with the time as you know them more you can see they are different than you thought
🌫️ - Eros (433) in Taurus/Libra/Pisces are very romantic, Eros is Aphrodite's offspring and Aphrodite is represented as Venus. Also they might be most flirty people you can met
🌫️ - Venus - Mercury aspects can fall in love with people's voices first, like it can happen to hear someone's voice and fall for that type of voice
🌫️ - Chiron/Saturn in the 1st house natives can have a highly anxious state since they were kids, they could have experienced anxiety and panic attacks a lot in their childhood
🌫️ - Lilith - Sun aspects are the type of people you can fall the first time you see them, it is because they can embody Lilith's traits with a misterious personality
🌫️ - Jupiter trine/sextile/conjunct Pluto can possess a lot of power when it comes to their spirituality and belfies, they are so strong spiritually
🌫️ - Having a lot of air signs in your chart is an indicator of you being an very socializing person. You like to talk, to express yourself, you live for communication
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🌫️ - Capricorn/Aquarius Duo in a chart can embody Saturn traits faster than others, being responsible, respectful, good educated, polite, gentle and charismatic
🌫️ - Earth Sun combined with an Air Moon can possess great social skills and is that type of person who has a solution for everything, but often they can be hidden artists
🌫️ - Air Sun combined with an Earth Moon is the person who has a fight between brain - heart, often they are forced to chose which to follow, would you be more logical and follow your brain or would you be more affectionate and choose your heart?
🌫️ - Moon in the 7th house/Moon in the Libra seriously talking can get depressed or in a very sad mental state if they are not with someone they love. These people are hopeless romantics
🌫️ - I imagine the natives with Saturn - Venus aspects to be in denial when they first have a crush on someone, omg especially if you have Saturn quincunx Venus. Denial is such a thing for these aspects
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🌫️ - No matter what happens if someone with Pluto - Venus aspects loves you (for real) you are lucky because their love is so pure and so magnetic. You'll always remember their love
🌫️ - Sagittarius Venus 🤝🏻 Pisces Venus = Both being Jupiters kids, let's say they love life may be interesting and challenging in the same time
🌫️ - Aquarius Venus 🤝🏻 Capricorn Venus = Saturnian kids, they can share so many things in common, especially the love for freedom both of these natives seek for
🌫️ - "We never go out of style" - description for Aries/Libra/Aquarius and Leo Rising
🌫️ - Asteroid Cupido (763) in Cancer/4th house remembers me so much of a person who is very shy to fall in love but their love is the purest it's so complicated with them (They have very beautiful eyes just like Bambie)
🌫️ - "I like me better when I'm with you" - Moon/Venus aspects DEFINITELY 10000%. They change their vibe, mood everything when they see the people they like
🌫️ - Ascendant aspecting Uranus has a unique flow, they are outstanding. Out of the crowd and always something unique is with them.
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💨 Nothing feels better than staying outside on a October morning feeling the cold breeze through your body. As a sign that falls arrived 🍁
🍁 And the photos for this post are mesmerizing
🍁 I hope everyone who reads my notes has a blessed Sunday full of light and joy 🍁🎑
-Harmoonix 🍁
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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saylessastrology · 10 months
Ceres in Natal Houses
Ceres represents unconventional love and the depths we will go for those we care about. ❤️🔥
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1st House (House of Self): Ceres in the 1st house suggests that your nurturing nature and care for others are integral to your identity. You may project a nurturing presence and find fulfillment in taking care of yourself and those around you.
2nd House (House of Possessions): Ceres in the 2nd house highlights your connection between nurturing and material resources. You may find satisfaction in providing material security and comfort to yourself and loved ones.
3rd House (House of Communication): Ceres in the 3rd house emphasizes nurturing through communication and knowledge. You may express care and support through words, teaching, or sharing information, and seek nurturing connections through intellectual exchanges.
4th House (House of Home and Family): Ceres in the 4th house indicates a strong focus on nurturing and supporting your family and loved ones. The home and family environment are essential for your emotional well-being, and you find fulfillment in creating a nurturing atmosphere.
5th House (House of Creativity): Ceres in the 5th house signifies nurturing through creativity and self-expression. You may find joy in caring for and nurturing your creative projects, children, or romantic relationships.
6th House (House of Health and Service): Ceres in the 6th house highlights a nurturing nature in the realm of health and service. You may find fulfillment in taking care of others, whether through healthcare, caregiving, or offering support in a work environment.
7th House (House of Relationships): Ceres in the 7th house suggests that nurturing and being nurtured are vital elements of your partnerships and close relationships. You seek harmonious connections where you can provide care and receive nurturing support in return.
8th House (House of Transformation): Ceres in the 8th house signifies nurturing through deep emotional transformation and intimacy. You may find fulfillment in providing emotional support during challenging times and fostering growth in others.
9th House (House of Philosophy): Ceres in the 9th house highlights nurturing through knowledge, spirituality, and philosophical pursuits. You may seek nurturing connections through exploring different belief systems and expanding your understanding of the world.
10th House (House of Career): Ceres in the 10th house indicates a nurturing and caring approach in your professional life. You may find fulfillment in nurturing and supporting others in your career or using your position to create a positive impact on a broader scale.
11th House (House of Hopes and Dreams): Ceres in the 11th house emphasizes nurturing through social connections, friendship, and group activities. You find fulfillment in creating a supportive network and contributing to collective goals.
12th House (House of Spirituality): Ceres in the 12th house signifies nurturing through spiritual and introspective practices. You may find fulfillment in offering care and support to others on a soulful level or seeking nourishment through solitude and spiritual exploration.
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