#cc looks so cute here what
catts-world · 11 months
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Poison (minus bobby) before they were signed! c. 1985
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lavendarr00 · 2 months
Magistrate Ancunin 🪶(Now With Glasses!)
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Someone mentioned pre-vamp Astarion needing glasses a couple days ago and I knew I HAD to see it and OH MY GOSH he is so cute. I need to remind myself that he is a bad man and got jumped for a ruling for a reason haha.
Personally, I don't HC him needing glasses before he was a vamp but it looks so cute I just might now.
I posted Magistrate Ancucin before without glasses too here🤍
What I changed:
Eyes: Red to Blue w/ Gold (in CC its Blue 3). Skin: Added some warmth - he's not dead yet! And freckles!!! They suit him more than I thought they would haha Scars/Bite marks: I edited them out as best as I could
I think Astarion's hair color didn't change at all when he became a vampire since there isn't anything in-game to support that. And I love his OG style too much to change it haha 🤍
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candysims4 · 9 months
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It's a new month, and you know what that means – time for a new cc! Today, I'm thrilled to share my latest creation – the beautiful Patricia Hair!
I loved the Ranch Set EP and the newest update meshes, so I was inspired to do franken-meshing with them. After working on some work-in-progress items (yes, we're talking plural here, I'm inspired), I'm excited to finally release this hair. A stunning long hairstyle with stylish side-swept bangs for that extra touch of charm. But that's not all! I couldn't resist adding hair clips that perfectly complement the look. These hair clips come in various colors, including a cute tortoise pattern that has quickly become my favorite. I hope you'll like them and are having an awesome day!
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119 SWATCH COLORS - 24 plain colors from EA Color Palette - 95 plain colors from my Candy Color Palette
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70 SWATCH COLORS - 15 single colors - 15 color combinations type 1 - 38 color combinations type 2 - 2 patterned
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MY SITE (NO AD.FLY) - Free release on 25th August 2023 PATREON EARLY ACCESS (+ MERGED OPTION)
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Thanks to all the cc creators that I used in the pic. And thanks to @maxismatchccworld​, @simblrcollective, @s4library, @wewantmods, and everybody who reblog this post!
If you’re a cc finds and want to be tagged when I post, please, let me know. You can send me an ask or in DM.
With your help, more people can know about my work! 💖 Love you all, XOXO <33
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sweetbans29 · 12 days
Spoken For - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You and Caitlin may be a little too discreet when it comes to your relationship - Based on THIS request
Warnings: hidden relationship, slight angst
Word Count: 3.7k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: GAH this is such a cute idea - I hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments.
You met Caitlin in middle school. Both of you played club basketball and were always at the same tournaments. Your teams faced off pretty often and you got to know how she played. It made it even more interesting when your coach had you guard her frequently - learning how she was almost unstoppable. The two of you talked here and there, mostly about basketball whenever you did see each other and were in a space where conversation was required.
It wasn't until eighth grade that things sort of took a turn. It was at a tournament that both of your teams had to travel to. When you got there, your team went to watch Caitlin's play - seeing how they were doing before you had to take them on yourselves.
While you were watching them - you noticed Caitlin looking over at you semi-frequently. At first, you thought nothing of it, but as she kept doing it you started to give her little nods. When the game ended and they were dismissed for a rest break, you saw her walk up in your direction.
"Hey CC," you say as you greet her.
She comes up and gives you a half hug - something that wasn’t super common for the two of you.
“You ready to go down?” She says with a little smirk and gets up in your space.
“In your dreams,” you say with a laugh and give her shoulder a little push. “I think the question is, can you put up with losing to me again?” You say as you stare her down - not willing to be the first to step down from a verbal smackdown.
The last time your two teams went up against each other it was absolute carnage. There were times when both of your coaches had to pull you from the game to not get ejected by the refs. Each of your coaches knows how competitive each of you is - knowing losing is not an option. But to you and Caitlin, it was genuinely all fun. It was rare to have someone be as competitive as the two of you and when you face off - it is one of the most captivating games to watch.
“The only reason your team won last time was because Coach pulled me in the last quarter so he wouldn't lose me for the rest of the tournament. You won't be as lucky this time," she says and you just shake your head with a little laugh. Both of your teams are now moving on to their next destinations. She begins to walk past you but doesn't leave without saying, "Plus, my dreams about you are much different." You question if you heard her right, you look up at her and start to feel the blush creep into your cheeks. She gives you a wink as she follows her team, leaving you there flustered.
The rest of that tournament is filled with stolen glances and a little too-aggressive plays. Nothing to get either of you tossed from the game but enough to keep the two of your bodies close enough to keep the electricity running through your veins. Playing against her this time was different. She never went easy on you but there was a different energy that both of you were aware of. It didn't help that you couldn't get what she said out of your head. Was she just messing around and making a joke or was there more behind what she said?
In your final game against her team, you noticed there was a bigger shift in your relationship with Caitlin. During the second quarter, you got fouled pretty bad by a girl on her team and you fell, getting the wind knocked out of you. It took you a second before you were able to get up - you waved off your coach and really anyone who was trying to help you up. You just needed a second to refill your lungs. Once you were back, Cait pushed her way through your team and was the one who insisted on helping you up once you were ready. She grabbed your hand to help you up and then patted you on the shoulder, making sure you were alright. You give her a nod and the game continues. Throughout the rest of the game, Caitlin would keep brushing your hand. At first, you didn't think much of it as it happens often when you are playing defense. But kept happening. And then it changed. After you have been on her defense and she just put up a three. The crowd cheered and you both headed back, you running to offense and her to defense when you feel it. Your hands touch briefly and when they do, her pinky hooks with yours - only for a second, but long enough to know that it happened.
The two of you started talking outside of seeing each other at tournaments. It began with texting about basketball or sending each other the occasional snap of each of you dying after practice, saying something along the lines of the other going down. Before you knew it, you two were texting or talking every day and some days even all day.
You found out that the two of you had a lot in common outside of basketball. Granted, a lot of the time you talked, it was about basketball.
It was a few weeks before summer that the two of you found out you would be going to the same high school, meaning you would be playing on the same team for the first time in either of your basketball careers. It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.
During your high school years, you grow close to Caitlin. The two of you become best friends on the first day of freshman year. It wasn't surprising to you since you spent the better half of the last 6 months talking nonstop. When practices started, the two of you became inseparable. From then on, you did everything together.
It was the summer before sophomore year that you two decided being friends wasn't enough. It happened on a random Tuesday night when you brought up that one tournament that was the starting point of your friendship. Caitlin came clean and told you she had been crushing on you hard since the tournament where you both almost got ejected in the same game. It was a total surprise to you but you would be lying to say you weren't feeling the same way. Except for you, it was the tournament where your hands kept touching.
The two of you established your relationship before heading into sophomore year. You decided it would be best to keep your relationship just between the two of you, not wanting it to interfere with the two of you being on the same team.
It was junior year when both of you were signed to play D1 basketball. Caitlin at the University of Iowa and you at UConn. It was both an exciting time and a sad one. Your schools weren't close at all but you both knew you didn't want to separate when you left - you were it for one another.
It was the winter break of your senior year when the two of you went to the courthouse. Both of your parents were there, along with Caitlin's brothers. It was at Thanksgiving that you told both of your parents you wanted to get married. They tried talking the two of you out of it but neither of you budged. Neither you nor Caitlin had any doubts that this wasn't what you wanted. The two of you knew you wanted to to spend the rest of your lives together - even if that meant being a part for a few years to live out both of your dreams. Even at the courthouse, your parents were still hesitant but they let the two of you get married.
The summer after senior year of high school held some of the best days and hardest days you have ever had. Caitlin and you were finally able to take a mini honeymoon to the East Coast, spending your days on the beach. Shortly after, you were both called off to your respective schools - going back to being competitors on the court instead of teammates. The goodbye was one of the hardest things you have ever had to endure, Caitlin as well.
Before you left, you both decided to keep your marriage just between the two of you. Neither of you wanted/needed the backlash of it going into this next chapter and you both knew the other was there regardless of the distance between you.
Starting college was a pretty easy transition for both of you - the hardest part was being away from one another. You talked daily, usually calling at night or early in the morning. And every break you had was spent at home with one another. Every school break, long weekend, and break in practice had you two visiting one another.
It wasn't until a certain practice that Caitlin started to question if keeping you to herself was going to be possible for much longer.
"Hey Caitlin, I have this friend who has had an eye out for you since the season started." One of her teammates mentions while they are stretching before a practice.
Caitlin laughs and says, "Okay...and?"
"I want to set you guys up on a date. Are you free this Friday?" She asks. The other girls around them encourage Cait to get out there. She has been the only person on the team who hasn't taken any interest in relationships.
"I am not going," Caitlin says. No explanation, no reason. Just a no.
"Why not? It could be really fun! It would benefit you to loosen up a little bit," her teammate says.
Just as Caitlin is about to respond, they are called to start drills.
Practice goes well, and they are feeling good about their upcoming game. The girls make their way to the locker room and are all packing up when the topic is brought up again.
"So...Friday," Cait's teammate brings it back around to get her out of the house on a Friday night.
"What about it?" Cait says with a little laugh.
"Will you go?" She asks. "On the blind date?"
"I am not going on a date on Friday," Caitlin says again. She grabs her bag and is ready to head home for the night to call you. She thinks you will find it quite entertaining that her team is trying to get her to go out.
"Well just think about it and we can revisit the topic tomorrow."
Caitlin states again that she is not going but instead of fighting her teammate on it now, she would rather be at home talking to you.
On her walk home, she calls you.
"Hey babe," you say when you answer your phone, wedging it between your shoulder and your ear. Your hands preoccupied with folding laundry.
"Hi," she says and takes a deep sigh. "I miss you."
"I miss you." You respond and take your phone in your hand again. You are sitting on the floor of your apartment with two piles of laundry taunting you. You sit back, leaning against your couch, and bring your knees up to your chest. "I miss you more than you can imagine. What is it another 3 weeks before we get to see each other?"
"Not soon enough," Caitlin says, chest squeezing a little tighter hearing how much you miss her.
The two of you knew this was going to be hard, but it was so much harder than either of you imagined. Going from being with each other every day of the week to every other month, if you're lucky, has taken a toll on your marriage.
"I have sort of a funny story to tell you," Cait continues, nervous all of the sudden.
"And what is that babe?" You ask, hearing a shift in her tone. You think it is the cutest when she gets nervous around you. She never gets nervous around anyone.
"My teammates are trying to set me up on a date this Friday," she says, not knowing how you are going to react. You are a little shocked but also find it kind of comical. Not that Caitlin wasn't dateable, you knew first hand she was. It was the fact that she never showed any sort of interest in anyone but you.
"Sounds like junior year of high school all over again." You say with a little laugh.
Caitlin's memory takes her back to junior year when the team kept bugging her about turning down Sam Anderson's prom proposal.
"I completely forgot about that! The team wouldn't drop it!" Caitlin says, a smile on her face as she laughs about the old memory.
"Well duh they wouldn't drop it, he was the hottest guy in our class," you say with a little laugh of your own.
"Hey!" She says offended that you just called someone other than her hot.
"Babe, you know I am yours," you say full-on laughing now.
"I can't believe you just called Sam Anderson hot. I will never forget that," Cait says.
"Ya, ya, ya. I am more interested in who they are trying to set you up with on Friday," you say. No jealousy, just pure interest.
"I have no idea," Caitlin says with a little puff. "I just wish people would stay out of my love life, it is doing just fine."
This causes a little sink in your heart. You know everything is fine between the two of you. But the adjustment has you both feeling like a piece of you is missing.
"I know babe, but it is a sweet thing. Your team wants to see you happy and part of that is being with someone." You say, knowing there is nothing you could do to make this any better.
"I am happy! I am happily married! I have all that I need and I don't need anyone digging into that." She says frustrated.
"Hey, Caitlin it's okay baby," you say trying to calm her. "You don't have to go - just tell them that you are busy."
"They are just going to keep pushing, it was brought up three times in 2 hours. They aren't just going to drop it." Caitlin fights back.
"Then tell them you are married!" You say. This wasn't part of the plan but hearing how frustrated Cait was, your firs thought was to screw the plan.
"No, that's not part of the plan. It hasn't even been a full year! We are sticking to the plan and that's final!" Caitlin yells. She doesn't know why she is yelling.
"Then go on the date!" You yell back. Frustration now seeping out of you. You feel a tear make its way down your cheek.
Caitlin doesn't know what to say - never in a million years would she imagine hearing you say to go out with someone. Nobody came close to you in her eyes. That is when she realized how much this was all taking a toll on you. Not just in this instance but when it happened in high school. Whenever someone made a comment about how amazing Caitlin is and how she is going to make so many heads turn. All the talk was always about her and never about you.
"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up," she says just above a whisper. Caitlin hates that she let this all get to her, so much so that it was her doing that had you sitting on your floor crying.
You sniffle and bring your hand to your head. You don't know what to say. You didn't mean it when you told her she should go on the date, it came out in frustration and you instantly regretted it.
"I know," you choke out. "Hey Cait, I need to go," you say still sniffling. "I need to finish some things before heading to bed."
"No wait, I don't want you to go in this state," she says in a little bit of a panic. "Just stay on the line with me and we can talk about something else - I don't want us to end today like this." It was a little last-ditch plea.
"I'm tired Cait, we can talk tomorrow. I love you," you say, tears streaming down your face.
Caitlin hates this.
"I love you," she says and hears you hang up.
You don't mean to be this curt with Caitlin. You have been under a lot of stress as of late between schoolwork and basketball and not having her with you kept you on constant edge. Talking to her every day has helped but you missed her presence, having her near. The calm that she brought you is one that you haven't felt since both of you went off to uni.
The next day rolls around and Caitlin's teammate texts her about setting her up. Caitlin ignores it and gets going with her day.
The two of you talk that morning - both apologizing for how the conversation the night before went. You both decide to take a quick weekend trip and meet in the middle for the weekend, knowing you both need time with each other, even it if is less than 48 hours.
Just knowing you are going to be in Caitlin's arms soon is enough to give you a push through the week.
Caitlin on the other hand is itching to see you. She begins to count down the hours until she is back with you.
When she arrives to practice, she jumps right in as if it will make time move faster.
During practice, the team takes a quick water break.
"Hey Caitlin, have you thought about Friday?" Her teammate asks. "I told them about you and they are looking forward to getting to know you."
"I told you I am not going," Caitlin says. Not this again. "Plus I am not going to be here this weekend."
"Okay well then Thursday would work," her teammate says clearly not dropping the topic.
"How many times do I have to tell you I am not going?" Caitlin says in disbelief that her team is pushing this so hard.
Another one of her teammates speaks up, "We just want to see you happy, you seem so tense all the time."
"Trust me, I am fine. I'll be better after this weekend," Caitlin says as she thinks about spending it with you.
"Just a few hours, it won't hurt anyone," they continue to pry.
Caitlin gets fed up with them all trying to force this on her when she has made it clear she is not going. Even if they got her to go on this date, she knew they wouldn't stop until she started seeing someone.
It is at this moment that the plan of you two waiting until after college to reveal your marriage flies out the window.
"I am not going on the date because I am not a cheater!" Caitlin practically yells and sits down. Everyone just looks at her with confusion.
Caitlin, with her face in her hands, brings something out from her shirt. It is the chain of her necklace. Everyone knew she wore a necklace but no one knew what was hanging at the end since it was always tucked away in her shirt. She finds the end and pulls out a ring. It is the ring you exchanged in the courtroom that one beautiful winter afternoon.
She takes out the ring and places it on her ring finger, which causes even more confused looks from all of those around her.
"I am not going on that date because I am married," she says and all the girls go crazy. All of them in unbelief of this plot twist their friend and teammate were holding from them.
They pull her up and start pushing her around in excitement that their friend is not only seeing someone but is MARRIED.
"This is actually insane!" One girl says. Caitlin hears things like 'There is no way', 'How has she kept it a secret for this long', and 'When were you married, we are so young'.
The one thing going through Caitlin's mind is how she is going to explain this to you. Her beloved plan - poof, gone just like that.
All the girls are too excited to get back to practice but somehow manage to get through it.
Before she knows it, Caitlin is on a plane heading to Colomub, OH. The two of you planned it so you would arrive within half an hour of each other. Her being the first to arrive.
When she lands, she checks the arrival board and begins to make her way to where your plan gets in. She walks up just as they open the door.
Your plane starts to de-board and you grab your overnight bag. As you make your way off the plane you look at your phone to see if there is any update from Caitlin. You have no notifications from her, just your coach about everyone's home workouts for the weekend.
As you get off the plane you begin to look around to see which way you need to go when you see your favorite person in the world, standing there, waiting for you.
You immediately run up to her and jump into her arms, dropping your bags in the process.
She squeezes you so tightly, that it is hard to breathe. Not that you care.
"Caitlin," you say as you inhale her scent. Missing her was an understatement.
"Hi baby," she says as she finally puts you down. You grab your bag and take her hand. When you look down at your fingers intertwined.
"Babe, you're wearing your ring!" You say in surprise.
"Well, I may or may not have told the team that I have a wife and have been married since high school..." she says hoping there would have been at least some time for them to just be together before she had to tell you that her plan is no longer the plan. She prepares for you to rip her a new one.
When you don't immediately react, she looks over at you.
You just squeeze her hand and lean into her.
"So much for your precious plan," you say with a little laugh as the two of you walk out of the airport.
AN: Thank you for this fun request! Let me know what you think! And as always, thanks for your love and support 🤍
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prazinos · 1 year
Steve wrote romance novels.
Steve was good at writing romance novels. so much so, that he’s sold millions of copies all over the world, his books being translated into a bunch of different languages.
So when Steve’s latest book comes out, and the love interest is described as having long unruly hair, brown eyes you could get lost in, and a ‘taking no shit from anybody’ personality, Steve’s large fan base started talking about how rockstar Eddie Munson, was what the love interest looked like.
it was largely agreed upon by the fan base, and because of this. Corroded Coffin started blowing up on booktok, and then people started editing Eddie.
Eddie and the rest of CC didn’t mind the extra attention (not that they needed it with nearly thirty million monthly listeners on Spotify). But suddenly everyone was going on about Eddie.
Talking about how attractive he was, his interview clips being posted on tiktok.
And now Steve’s fan base and CC’s fan base start talking about how insane it would be if Steve and Eddie met.
This ordeal goes on for months and months, Steve’s sales skyrocketing.
And then, the met gala rolled around.
Everybody was excited to see what Eddie dressed as, who his plus one would be. Who everyone would be jealous of because they go home with Eddie fucking Munson.
Eddie showed up to the met gala wearing a black suit, red dress shirt, he had a choker on that looked like drops of blood around his neck, a high and dramatic collar turning into a cape.
And who’s his plus one? Steve fucking Harrington.
Steve Harrington, in a cute light blue tux, an expensive looking crown and a matching dramatic collar that turns into a cape (though, not as dramatic as Eddie’s) everybody (rightfully so) freaks the fuck out.
Was this for publicity? Did they do this so that fans would go even more stir crazy?
When they reach the top of the carpet, they walk up to the interviewer who looks like she’s dying to see what’s going on.
“So…how do you two know each other?” she asked
“Stevie here’s my sweetheart, has been for a long time” Eddie grinned
The fans watching are currently freaking out, Steddie trending on twitter
“And so…was Eddie the inspiration for your latest books love interest?”
Steve laughed “Yeah…if im honest half the ways i described the love interest was because of the things i said to my best friend Robin Buckley about Eddie when I had a massive crush on him”
“And who does everybody think Sailor Boy is about? It’s about my sweetheart” Eddie questioned, his arm now resting on Steve’s waist.
They walked off before any more questions could be asked. And now fans were going even more insane,
edits of the two at the met gala blowing up on tiktok, the song Sailor Boy being used as an audio for most.
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hanrinz · 1 year
domestic katsuki & fluff, y'all have a kid, not proofread!based on the tv show 'the return of superman'.
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thoughts about your husband bakugou katsuki on a reality show with your daughter taking on a challenge — spending a week without you.
how will they survive? how will your husband survive?
you were a little hesitant about this idea, knowing the two would be the equation of chaos, when left unattended.
though the thought intrigued you, knowing your husband was good- scratch that, he's amazing with housework and taking care of your daughter. you think he can actually manage to take on this challenge all by himself.
the first day without you, just messed up katsuki's morning routine. waking up without you by his side got him in a panicked state, looking around the room rapidly, seeing all the cameras set up around the room and then remembering about the challenge that he had taken on. he had released a sigh, seemingly relaxing.
[cc: seems like bakugou is looking for his wife, sigh. how would bakugou survive this? ]
it had you smiling, the caption had you giggle for a moment.
it was only six in the morning, he was up and cooking in the kitchen for breakfast. you think nothing could ever go wrong for katsuki, a wonderful cook he was. oh how wrong you were
you may have oversetimated your husband, it seems like bakugou had made a mistake once again, he had cooked too much food. still thinking about you while cooking, huh?
[ cc: habits do die hard ]
it was now the time to wake up your cute little princess, which also proves to be difficult. she was stubborn as her father, not really a morning person — he wonders how you even manage to get this little brat up in the morning?
without you at home it seems like katsuki have resorted for the issue to result in bargaining with your little girl for an ice cream if she behaved. you have never seen a more excited expression on your daughter with the mention of her favorite ice cream. you'll just have to scold katsuki, when you get home.
if waking up your little girl was hard, getting ready was far more difficult, when it shouldn't have.
by no means katsuki can tie his own neck tie, but it's not really the same on how you do it the way he likes. he huffed as though telling himself he just has to live like this for a week.
katsuki has a good sense of fashion, something he had picked up from his parents — it also seems his daughter had taken that from him too. she was only going to school and yet it looks like she's attending a fashion show!
[ cc: suni seems to be ready for school! ]
looking at the time from your wall, it was already 6:40? when did the time fly so fast?
his other concerns were now thrown out of the window as he fixed suni's lunch box and gathered her backpack, as they exited the premises of their home, turning around to the door last minute,
[ cc: ah, did bakugou forget something? ]
you realize what he was looking for.
no, he didn't forget anything, he could never. but, he was looking for you, again. like a muscle memory, turning around before leaving the house to place a kiss on your cheek. but, you weren't here and that just pisses katsuki off.
hell, it's the first day of the challenge and he already wants it to end.
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◞♡ this was a rushed work sorry! likes & reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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yooniesim · 6 months
Small Simblr Saturday Appreciation Post 💜
Hey y'all! Since @tau1tvec came up with the idea for this event, I thought I'd shout out some of my personal favorite always free creators :)
To start it off though, you know I gotta recommend @alwaysfreecc, the finds blog currently managed by myself, @superflare, @nicatnite88, and @toastie-sim! We only reblog cc creators that are always free (no exclusive or early access) and use the tag #alwaysfreecc to find your posts! If you're an always free cc creator, please use the tag and/or mention the finds blog so we can get your catalog reblogged there 😌 now, onto the list~!
@xiuminuwu - a creator I've really been loving lately! they have a variety of cute cc, including poses and unique, fashionable clothing~
@hexcodesims - a very underrated creator with tons of clothing edits for masc frame sims, I also love their big bud press palette~
@herecirmsims - makes amaaaazing unique poses for a variety of situations
@adelarsims - has awesome ideas that you wouldn't think of, amazing variety of cc like hello
@janjumjam - adorable cc for kids, gives me happy feels and nostalgia
@ceeproductions - some of my fav cc on this site, great variety for both masc and fem frame
@powluna - super cute items for kiddos... a staple in the mods folder
@ssspringroll - occult cc for daysss, cool sliders and presets, they got it all
@nicatnite88 - yes I'm biased, but the variety and hustle cannot be denied, just look at the amount of cc!
@bobnewbie - hairs, facial hairs, accessories, gorgeous sims... what else could you want?
@darlyssims - UNIQUE. really cool ideas for hairs, accessories, and more
@cliffirem - clothes and hairs with an alt twist i really enjoy
@sammi-xox - beautiful skinblends and super useful skin details
@warwickroyals - gorgeous formalwear, especially good for all you royal simblrs!
@marsosims - cute cute cute all over... hairs, clothes, even build/buy cc!! we stan
@whyhellosims - lots of stuff for kids, build buy cc, and a slant of humor!
@creamlattedream - masc cc staple in this house, lots of cute recolors and casual wear
@pluto-sims - the cutest patterns EVER, adorable kids clothing, posters and walls~
@deathpoke1qa - unique is my word for the day bc my lord... it's popping off! alt staples you can't miss
@icchixxxxxx1 - hairs hairs hairs... and more cute hairs! if you like the cutesy anime look but still mm, go here
@mellosakicc - so. many. t-shirts. but also other clothing, tats, and hairs! another alt cc maker with work ethic for days
@whirliko - cute bright recolors... we have no choice but to stan the pop of color
@shandir - conversions, historical, occult, variety... hello??? get going
@mangosimoothie - the ideas are popping... once again things that would never pop into my brain but are brilliant... just go look and see what I mean
@igorstory - facial hair... a totally unrepresented niche of sims cc.. I have all their stuff... download it
@madameriasims4 - CLASSICS. STAPLES. I use their clothes all the time and they also got build/buy stuff.
@aniraklova - alt & punk vibes to the tippy top, fallout, chains, mohawks, whats not to love??
@pixelunivairse - ONE OF MY FAVS. use their cc constantly for my fem frame sims. uses tons of cute patterns that I love
@demondare-sims - cas cc i love, I use it pretty much every time I play, mm and practical
@fiftymilehighclub - talking about work ethic, it's here... so many recolors in bomb palettes that you'll never download them all... or can you??? try
@sforzcc - retired from cc making, but I gotta recommend, bc I use their wardrobe sooo much... brilliant
@casteru/@woosteru - also retired, but same as #16, I use their cc every day!
@xldkx-cc - am I just listing staples of my mods folder now? yes!! I am not biased!! go and get all that cas cc and poses and deco sims NOW!!
@a-luckyday - if you don't know ms a luckyday poses u have not lived in life!! they have a huge amount of them, solo, couple, group, accessories, and more
@gothoffspring - really cute and vibey recolors, I use them a lot, also some build buy items too!!
@jellymoo - we love the clothing... mm aesthetic to the core and cute af
@gladlypants - lotsa adorable items I adore, variety of patterns too
@birksche - tons, I mean TONS of hairs bro, years worth, always free... a treasure trove
@teekalu - supreme maxis match, vanilla vibes that are so lovely... ideal for low cc players
@honeyssims4 - poses, honey!!! the variety will shock you. and they ALL look good
@sewerwolfx - really cool stuff with alt style, some recolors and some from SCRATCH, we love to see it
@historysims4 - historical cc from many different eras!! iconic
@hamsterbellbelle - some of the most unique scifi cc i ever seen... idk how they even make some of that stuff! must see
@surely-sims - beautiful legendary amazing gorgeous never been done before... their fallout inspired cc made me weep and almost solely furnished one of my households, work
...annnndddd I hit my limit!!! I guess thats it for now but maybe a part two... 😉
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corruptedcaps · 29 days
Hi this is Maddy and I’m going to try the new confidence booster supplement from CC Industries called ‘Power’ and document it here. My boyfriend Alex is a scientist with the company so this is currently experimental but he assures me it’s safe. So this is me with zero days of Power.
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Hi it’s Maddy again and this is day three of taking Power. Not seeing much difference yet. I think maybe my ass has gotten smoother and bigger? Let me know in the comments.
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Hi it’s Maddy and this is day seven of taking Power and I’ve been feeling more confident and assertive. Thanks for all the compliments on my butt in my last video, that’s really helped my self esteem. Also maybe related but I seem to need my glasses less and less.
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This is two weeks of being on Power and I think I’m really starting to feel a difference now. Like check out this cute outfit, I would have never had the confidence to wear something like this before. Comment below with a score out of 10 for how I look.
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Maddy here and this is one month using Power. As you can tell it’s had some major physical side effects. My boobs are bigger, my skin is clearer and my lips are more full. It’s certainly been a hit with my boyfriend who suggested I up my dose. I’m not sure if I should but what’s the worse than can happen?
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It’s me, Maddy, and this is what two months of Power looks like. I’ve never had the confidence to own a sun bathing suit before but now, well, I think this little number speaks for itself. My boyfriend was right, the double dose makes me feel and look even better. Other guys have noticed too, but don’t tell my boyfriend he has competition.
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It’s me, Madi, naturally, and here I am looking like perfection after three months of Power. I’ve had a few changes in the last month. I got new clothes, new makeup and even a new car thanks to biggest change in my life, my new boyfriend Chad. He’s rich and handsome and knows how to treat a woman of my stature, not like my loser ex. Message for all you queens out there, don’t settle for frogs.
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It’s Madison here to update you all on my four months of having Power. I’d also like to address the comments from my last video. The comments that say that I’ve become bitchy and superficial lately. I’d like to apologize to all the babies out there who are envious of me and want to take me down. You’re never going to take me down. Which reminds me, today I hit a milestone of 1 million subs!
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Listen up, Madison is speaking. I know plenty of you jealous bitches have signed a petition to get CC Industries to cut off my supply of Power and somehow you losers won them over but I have plenty of Power stocked up. You think I’d give up this feeling after just five months? I might even start upping my dose!
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I have big news for all my loser followers, your Queen is getting married. Not to Chad, I dumped him last week for my new man. Well not new exactly, it’s Alex my ex. I was burning through my supply of Power more than I thought and I knew Alex could get me more, but he was too moralistic and lame so I spiked his drinks over a few weeks with my remaining doses. He’s so fucking hawt and mean now. Power gave him the drive to take over CC industries so now I get all the Power I could ever want but I don’t like to share so we won’t be releasing it anytime soon. If I could do all this with only six months of Power, imagine what I’ll accomplish in the next six.
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sunkissed-zegras · 6 days
could you write some Caitlin hc?
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─ warnings | fluff, mention of arguing/VERY SLIGHT ANGST, best friends to lovers, just a bunch of yap... sorry in advance <3
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous @plushkhiii @ilovepaigebueckerss @ajcuteee @vi0lentb3rry @paigeszn @brynsreads @delicateray and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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i feel like caitlin just gives off childhood best friends to lovers + high school sweethearts, like you guys knew each your entire lives and were like super duper close
and then one day it kinda just like hit caitlin like SHE IS **IN LOVE** WITH YOU
she's definitely the first one to "catch feelings"
i use that term VERY loosely because both of you guys were idiots and didn't realize you'd loved each other the first time you met
but she's the first one to realize it
which i feel like would cause a slight rift between you two because up until that point, it was "platonic"
she just wouldn't know how to go about her feelings and it would just stress her out, so she just began to distance herself
and in the years you've known her SHE'S NEVER DONE THAT TO YOU, so obviously you notice
and you try and talk to her about it but she reassures you and tells you it's nothing, that she's just stressed about school
which you don't buy so you just keep bugging her about it, cause she's ur best friend ur not about to lose her!!
eventually you give up after realizing that maybe she just doesn't wanna be friends with you anymore, and after you didn't show up to her game, caitlin knew she FUCKED UP
so after the game, she goes to your house and tells you that she messed up
and you both go up to your room and talk about it, she's SO emotional and just stressed out but she pours everything out to you
and you're confused at first, caitlin likes YOU????
and when you hug her and tell her it's alright, that you liked her back, baby was taken aback cause she's like WHAT
she expected you to just be okay with it obviously but she never expected you to tell her you LIKED HER BACK????
it's just so cutesy rom-com-y and just... ADORABLE and sweet
queen of cuddles, oh my lord this woman is always on top of you
she doesn't really process her size sometimes cause she'll just lay on top of you and she forgets that she's literally 6ft with a bunch of muscles
you've almost died multiple times
she's super duper touchy all the 24/7 EXCEPT AT GAMES
pda is cute and all but not at games because she has to keep up an appearance and being overly touchy with your girlfriend at a game isn't exactly a great image
but she'll do it anywhere else!!!!!! but of course not too much cause again, the whole image thing
she loves taking pictures and videos to everything, her entire camera roll is just you and her atp
like vlogs GALORE to send to her family and stuff, because they adore you and her relationship!!!!
and obvs the team but they get rly sick and tired quicklu
"caitlin we get it u have an amazing healthy relationship" *attachment: 8 photos of you guys giving a thumbs down with frowns* "did we rly need 8 photos?" "yes!!!!!!!!"
and she vlogs everything, like every moment with you, she's got recorded
but those are usually very sacred to her, she doesn't show them to anyone and she hearts them so that she can look at them anytime she misses u :(
she loves showing you off on her instagram stories!!! but she gives everyone crumbs, like your back with her jersey and a cutesy little heart and you two holding hands
she has posts of you guys from high school still on instagram but she doesn't really post you a lot just because she wants to be professional
but whenever she can, SHE DOESSSS (like that whole 1yr post but with u.......)
you're at every single one of her important games!!!!! since yall have been together for so long, you guys make time for each other (ofc), she'll fly you out, pay for your hotels and everything
you're her number one supporter and fan!!!! oh my gosh
because she can't respond to weird comments, YOU def can
especially the ones that are like "i can def beat her in a 1v1" and it's just some random man
"most mens players at college level couldn't even beat her, i guarantee a random guy on tiktok could🤗" "you're 5'7, think again 💀"
caitlin just laughs at the comments but you will never let anyone shit talk your girlfriend????
she finds your protectiveness so endearing like it makes her fall more in love w you (if that's even possible?"
rom-com nights are like the ideal date night - caitlin cooks the food and you pick the movie, you guys cuddling on the couch as you eat and watch the movie is like every free saturday/sunday for yall
caitlin hates being away from you, she just wishes you could be with her 24/7
if she's away from you, expect 10000+ messages from her and 10 minute snapchat vlogs of her just at the gym while she speaks into the speakers quietly as if she's being followed (shes just dramatic)
some of the vlogs are just her in the hotel room very bored, trying to think of something to talk to u about and ITS SO CUTE
"so uh... i heard that squirrels can't burp. isn't that weird and like.... kinda sad? imagine living your whole life without being able to burp, i think i would die. speaking of that, i tried making your mom's cupcakes the other day, but i accidentally used salt instead of sugar! and that's exactly why i stick to cooking, baking is too damn hard. oh shit, kate is calling me, i gotta go but uh i hope you're having a great day. i miss you like crazy and can't wait until we're together again. i love you!"
yeah she's a yapper
she loves when you do her hair because i feel like she's more of a outfit person
so she would like if you braided her hair or like curled it or something, it makes her feel good and like pretty
the one time she curled her hair without you, she burned her arm and she swore she'd never again🫠
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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modelbus · 2 years
Imagine this with Tommy in the background of a group stream
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OMG OMG OMG YES!! This is too good not to write for, but I kept it short and sweet.
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Fem!Reader
Beguiled In The Background
"What are you even looking at?" Tommy asks quietly, staring at you. His thumb rubs idle circles on your shoulder while you two lay there, almost in your own little bubble.
"Just Insta. I've discovered the highland cow tag."
"Cute." He murmurs, but he isn't looking at your phone. He's still looking at you.
You tilt your head downwards to meet his gaze, your hair falling like a curtain around you two. Now you really are in your own bubble, hidden from anyone else.
"You weren't even looking at my phone."
"Nope." His cocky grin paired with the tone of his voice makes you laugh.
Leaning down, you connect your lips in a brief kiss before tucking your hair behind your ears and resuming your Instagram scrolling.
"Hey!" He complains sharply.
"Oh, fuck you."
"What?" You repeat, grin growing.
"You know what!"
"Do I?"
"Fuck. You."
"So you don't want another kiss?"
"Now now, let's not jump to things!"
You're moving to kiss him again when your phone buzzes in your hand. Looking up at your phone to see the notification, you open it. He groans, a vibration you can feel due to your position.
"That's just fucking rude."
"I got a notification!" You defend. "It's-"
You cut yourself off when you realize what you're seeing. An Instagram post by a fan account that's tagged both you and Tommy. More importantly than that, it's a photo of you two. No, a screenshot.
"...Us?" You finish.
"Us?" He echoes.
"Yeah, look!"
Moving your phone so he can see, you show him the post. For a second he just stares at it.
"At least it's a cute photo." You laugh, saving it to your camera roll. "And we're trending on Twitter."
Tommy turns his head, looking off to the right. "You fuckers have ruined our moment." He loudly announces.
You laugh, turning to see the stream he just interrupted. Three people meet your gaze, knowing smiles on each of their faces. Well, a knowing smile is on Aimsey's. Ranboo and Billzo's just look evil.
"Maybe don't be cute on our stream next time." Ranboo says.
"Yeah, get over here and actually stream!" Aimsey adds.
"Guys, guys, we have to give the straight couple some respect." Billzo jokes, nudging them all.
"No, this is my stream. I can disrespect them all I want. Get over here." Ranboo responds.
"Fuck off!" Tommy yells, raising his hand to flip them off.
"They are right." You sigh, getting out of bed. "Chat, sorry not sorry."
"Never even got my fucking kiss."
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foreingersgod · 22 days
Can you write a CC x reader fic about reader meeting the team for the first time.
Like Caitlin forgets her practice jersey at home and you drop it off and they all wonder who you are??
Her Jersey . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: you and caitlin’s relationship has always been low key, so how will the team react when you bring her her jersey unannounced?
you weren’t something caitlin was trying to hide, nor was she ashamed of you by any means. but she had requested at the beginning of your relationship to just keep things quiet. you were both busy people, having so many things to worry about. you with a fairly religious family who wouldn’t be very thrilled to see you dating a woman, and caitlin with a recently large following who didn’t want to bring unwanted attention to you. she would love to show you off on social media and in person, but risking the hate comments and your well being was too much of a risk.
so you guys kept your relationship low key, not announcing it to anyone at all, including caitlin’s teammates. as much as you wanted to meet them officially and as much as caitlin wanted to flaunt you and brag about how lucky she was, you knew it would be too risky to tell any one.
but your ‘secret’ relationship had its perks. you were the only one who got to know the real caitlin, the one who cherished you behind closed doors, no one else. yes, you were often sad that you couldn’t do stereotypical couple things. like going out to dinner dates, the movies, or do all the fun couples trends. but you were appreciative of what you had: late nights at your apartment, being treated to breakfast in her bed, long and steamy showers shared together. you found a way to make it work.
one day, as you were sitting on your couch after caitlin left your apartment for practice, you had noticed a bright yellow piece of cloth tucked into one of the cushions. pulling it free, you had realized that she had left her jersey at your apartment. it had probably gotten stuck in your couch when you heatedly pulled it over her head as you straddled her lap, eager to see her when she came over late after her game last night. your cheeks were heating up as you reminisced to last nights events.
quickly pulling yourself from your day dream (you could have sat there all day thinking about last night if you could) you shot a text to caitlin, asking if she needed it.
you: hey babe, i just noticed you left your jersey at my place last night, want me to meet you somewhere private real quick and bring it to you?
you watched as her text bubbled popped, awaiting an answer.
Cait <3: oh shit, i had meant to grab that. yea if you wanna come down here, I’ll grab it from you real quick.
you: want me to wait outside? just so that they don’t all see me there.
Cait <3: nah, it should be fine, i’ll just be sneaky ;)
you laughed to yourself, typing out your response
you: if you say so, see you soon 💋
and with that, you were out the door, jersey in hand and bag thrown over your shoulder.
you pulled into the parking lot, getting out and heading into the building pretty quickly. making sure to avoid anyone you may know that might ask what you were doing here. you crept through a few winding halls before you saw the open gym doors, peaking inside to see everyone huddled around talking to one another.
you stood, slightly out of view, waiting for caitlin to notice you. after a few moments, she saw you waiting there patiently, fiddling with the hem of the jersey. you were so cute she couldn’t help but smile to herself. she excused herself from the group, jogging over to the other end of the gym.
as she made her way over to you, you noticed that a few of the girls had been watching her as she left. they tried to discreetly sneak a look at who cait was talking to.
“hey, baby!” she panted, pulling you into a quick kiss “thanks for coming all the way down here”
“yea it was no problem” you smiled sweetly, hands resting gently on her chest as she kissed you again. as you pulled away, though, you felt eyes on you. the same girls, along with the rest of the team, were now staring in your direction.
cait tried to say something else to you, but you weren’t listening as you were trying to grab her attention, shaking her shoulder violently.
“what, what?” she looked at you confused.
“cait,” you nodded your head in their direction “i think we’ve been caught”
she quirked her eyebrows, still lost, eventually turning her head to look behind her. and sure enough, there they all were, cocky smirks plastered across their faces as they jokingly whistled and cheered. out of embarrassment, you covered your face in your hands, caitlin only laughing along with them.
“yea, i guess so” she grabbed your hand, starting to pull you into the gym “might as well introduce you then…if you want?”
“i guess there’s nothing left to hide so…why not” you chuckled, letting her lead you, hooking your arm with hers. she led you to the middle of the court, all the girls still curious as to who you were.
“caitlin with a secret woman?” kate laughed, smiling your way, you had heard lots about her. who’s this?”
caitlin looked down at you, hands still intertwined. she ran her thumb over yours, sensing you were nervous with all the attention on you, trying calm you down.
“YN, this is my team” she began “and team, this is my girlfriend, YN”
they all immediately smiled at you, quick to welcome you with open arms. each girl gave you a comforting hug and introducing themselves, letting you know how lovely it is to meet you and how they’re excited to get to know you better. and of course, there was some playful banter. gabbie and kate at some point asking ‘how did caitlin manage to date someone as beautiful as you?’, eliciting a shy laugh from you. but they were all so funny and sweet, you instantly felt welcomed into such a tight knit group.
“alright, can you guys try not to scare her away!” caitlin interrupted as you chatted with the team “she’s really important to me so i’d appreciate if you didn’t freak her out with your dumb ass questions”
you all chuckled, teasing her a bit more before it was time to say your goodbyes to the girls. you thanked them for being so kind to you and they told you they couldn’t wait to hang out with you more some other time. caitlin told them she’d be back, taking your hand again and walking you out to your car.
as you got back to the parking lot, caitlin beginning to open your door for you, you stopped her. “hey, thanks for introducing me, cait. i know we said to keep it quiet, but i’m glad you trust your team enough to introduce me. wether it was on purpose or not” you smiled, squeezing her bicep sportively.
“i’m glad too,” she said “i think it was finally time to do it anyways, i was getting tired of people not knowing that you’re mine anyways”
she continued “you mean the world to me and i love you so much, thank you for putting up with sneaking around for so long”
“it was for the best, but i’m really happy we can be out to more people now” you said. “you’re team was really sweet, i can’t wait to get to know all of them”
“me too, they already love you. they won’t be able to stop asking about you for the rest of practice i bet”
you both chuckled, relieved to finally have such a huge weight off your chest.
“just don’t tell them anything too embarrassing about me, ok?” you quipped.
“i don’t think there’s anything i could say about you that would be embarrassing” she said as she helped you into your car “you’re absolutely perfect”
with that, you kissed her one last time before closing the door and waving her goodbye. as you pulled out of the parking stall, you watched as she jogged back into the building, a smile still lingering on her lips.
truthfully, you didn’t think you’d be so happy to have gotten caught.
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libraryofgage · 3 months
Addams Family B-Side (5)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five (you're here!) Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two
This part was line-jumped on Ko-Fi, which means y'all got it sooner than I originally planned!
If you want to line jump your favorite series, you can learn more here
Steve meets the other CC boys in this one, and they all realize just how perfect the two are for each other hfjdks
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't :^)
Steve realizes something very important about Eddie over the next few days of school: he's a coward. Not that Steve minds, of course. In fact, he likes that; it means he gets to have more fun teasing Eddie to his limit and watching him get flustered.
He has to find Eddie to do that, though, and he starts with the Hellfire Club room (an English classroom that the teacher lets them borrow during lunch). Without knocking, he walks right in and looks over the three boys huddled together with monster figurines placed between them.
The boys look up at Steve, and the four of them begin a minute-long staring match before Steve finally smiles at them. "Gareth, Jeff, Asher," he says, pointing at each boy in turn. "Nice to meet you. Where's Eddie?"
"Who's asking?" Gareth asks, his eyes narrowed as he looks over Steve in his sweater-vest and chinos.
"Steve Harrington."
They recognize his name, if their expressions are anything to go by, and before Steve can ask again where Eddie is, Jeff stands up and crosses his arms. "Why do you wanna know where Eddie is?" he asks.
"Because I want to talk to him."
"What about?" Asher asks, leaning around Jeff to level a similar glare at Steve.
"Our project."
"Let's cut the crap, Harrington," Gareth says, moving to stand next to Jeff. "What are you trying to pull here?"
"What do you mean?"
"Someone like...you isn't interested in Eddie unless you want something," Asher says, looking Steve up and down once more for emphasis.
Oh. They think he has bad intentions. Steve can't help a slight smile, glad Eddie has good friends. "I do want something," Steve says, nodding once as pride and vindication flash in the others' eyes. "I want to chain Eddie to my bed and never let him leave until he's so utterly enthralled by me that he'd never think of looking away even if I did unchain him."
"Wh....what?" Jeff asks, his voice cracking slightly.
Steve nods once and sighs regretfully. "Unfortunately, Mother would never let me because his disappearance would raise too many questions," he admits, pouting slightly as he looks up at the boys, "So, I have to get his attention in other ways."
"Like...leaving gifts?" Asher asks.
"Exactly," Steve says, smiling brightly. "It's as close to proper courting as I can get."
"Okay, you're weird," Jeff decides.
"What do you even like about him?" Gareth asks, his eyes narrowing slightly now that he's over his surprise.
"His conviction. And Eddie is so cute when he's flustered or jealous. And he gets along so well with Nox. He didn't scream when he met my father, and he seems perfectly happy stabbing Pubert's kidneys, too. I think he's got such Addams potential, I can hardly control the urge to slip him a little belladonna or raspberry to get him all breathless and gasping."
"Dude, do you wanna kiss him or kill him?!" Asher asks.
Steve blinks, frowning slightly at the question with such an obvious answer. "Well, murder attempts are only appropriate after marriage, don't you think? Nothing says I love you like a post-nuptials bomb or a toaster in the bath."
"Oh," Jeff says faintly, "you do wanna kill him."
No, they still don't get it. Steve's frown deepens, trying to figure out how to explain things properly. "Even if Eddie did die, I wouldn't let him stay dead," Steve explains, "I would get him back. We have an understanding with Death. I want to make Eddie's wildest nightmares come true and keep him company in his dreams. I want us to bury ourselves alive in each other's arms so we can pass out breathing the same air. I want to dance a Mamushka for him. I want Eddie to feel accepted and support his deadliest ambitions until he feels absolutely smothered and helpless to get away."
A few moments of silence pass. Steve waits patiently, smiling at them as they process his words. "I've got it," Jeff finally says, "he's clinically insane."
"How'd you know?"
"You know what?" Gareth asks, looking to Steve, "I think you and Eddie might be perfect for each other, maybe just leave us out of whatever weird flirting thing you've got going on here."
"I need to find Eddie to do that."
"He's in the loft in the black box," Asher says, "That's where he goes to, uh, think."
"Oh, does he have buyers today?"
"No, he goes there to actually think, too," Gareth explains.
Steve smiles brightly and nods. "Thanks! I'm glad Eddie has such good friends. I think we'll get along, too," he says.
"Yeah, if you don't kill us first," Gareth mutters.
"I wouldn't! Not until we were friends ourselves, at least."
With that, Steve turns on his heel and waves as he leaves the classroom, heading straight for the black box with a plan already forming.
Eddie grimaces as he hears someone climbing the loft stairs. He throws an arm over his eyes and soon realizes that only makes the image of Steve leaning close and looking up at him even harder to ignore. With a huff, Eddie squeezes his eyes harder as he calls out, "I'm not selling today!"
The steps pause, and Eddie thinks the person is going to leave only for them to continue again. He frowns and drops his arm in time to see Steve's head poking around the railing. His face is a little blotchy, his eyes are slightly red, and his voice is rough like he's been crying when he says, "I'm not here to buy."
What else is Eddie supposed to think when Steve looks like this?
He jerks up, leaning against the arm of the prop couch with wide eyes. "Have you been crying?" he asks.
Steve sniffs and looks away, still hesitating at the top of the stairs. "No," he says, his voice closer to normal as he takes a deep breath and marches over to the couch. He stares at Eddie for a moment before sitting on the other end. "I've done something wrong, haven't I?" he asks.
"What? No!" Eddie says, jerking forward and stopping himself before he can actually touch Steve's shoulder. He clears his throat and forces his hand to drop. "Why would you think that?"
"You've been avoiding me," Steve says, his tone resigned as he sighs. He glances at Eddie, briefly meeting his eyes before looking away. "I guess I can be overwhelming, huh? I'll stop now. With the gifts and all. Just pretend it never happened. You can even keep Nox."
Eddie feels the entire world lurch beneath him at Steve's words. Yeah, he's been avoiding Steve, but only because he felt at risk of confessing undying love in the middle of the crowded hallway if he so much as met Steve's eyes. Not to mention how Steve's voice as he offered to contribute more to their project keeps echoing in Eddie's head, making him think of things that definitely aren't school appropriate.
But it backfired. It backfired so so bad. How could Steve not realize that Eddie wants to be more overwhelmed, actually? Like, please keep overwhelming him until he dies, thank you.
Without thinking, he pushes himself into Steve's space, hesitating a moment before throwing his arm around Steve's shoulders as the smell of cookies and cream washes over him. "You definitely didn't overwhelm me, sweetheart," he says, the name just slipping out.
Based on the way Steve's eyes widen, he doesn't take it back. "Then, why were you avoiding me?" Steve asks.
"I, uh...I just...," Eddie looks away, frowning as he tries to come up with an answer that doesn't involve him confessing to Steve on a couch at least three different couples have fucked on.
"Is it because you don't like me? You could just say that, Eddie," Steve says, his shoulders slumping as he leans out of Eddie's space.
Oh fuck. Eddie scrambles, his brain reaching for anything to say that will fix this. Finally, he blurts out, "I like you too much. I like you so much I want to smother you until you can't breathe." Steve blinks, and Eddie feels the world fall out from under him. Well, he's confessed on the couch. Shit. He swallows around the nervous lump in his throat and pulls away, an anxious laugh bubbling from him.
And then Steve smiles, robbing Eddie of his laughter. His face is no longer splotchy, his eyes are no longer red, and Eddie feels like he's fallen into a trap that couldn't be more obvious. "Did...did you just..."
Before he can get the rest out, Steve leans closer until his lips are brushing over Eddie's earlobe. "I like you, too," he whispers, the words ghosting over Eddie's skin and sending a shudder down his spine. With that, Steve pulls back and stands from the couch, walking over to the staircase.
"Where are you going?" Eddie asks, leaning so far forwards that he falls off the couch and lands on his ass on the floor.
Steve looks back at him and smiles fondly, the curve of his lips making Eddie's hands curl into fists so he doesn't reach out to drag his thumb across them. "I was thinking of skipping the rest of the day to see a movie," he says. "Wanna join me?"
Eddie scrambles to his feet faster than he thought possible, hurrying after Steve as he starts down the stairs.
"I just don't get it!" Steve says, frowning as he paces across the room. His mother is stretched out on a chaise lounge, idly flipping through a VINTAGE MACABRE magazine Morticia lent her. "I mean, I took him to a movie, it was plenty dark, I leaned in and whispered to him the whole time and did that thing you taught me with dragging my finger up his arm, and nothing!"
"He's just a tough nut to crack," Debbie says, her voice reassuring as she flips a page.
Steve turns on his heel to face her, his frown deepening. "What am I doing wrong?" he asks, his voice breaking slightly at the end as sheer frustration overwhelms him. He's given Eddie gifts, he's dressed provocatively, he's made it so clear that he wants to be with Eddie, but nothing has happened. "Can't I just...ask him out myself?"
That makes Debbie pause. She looks up, closes her magazine, and sits up on the lounge, gesturing for Steve to join her. He carefully sits next to her, sighing when Debbie pulled him into a hug. "You're doing nothing wrong, dear," she says, her fingers running through his hair. "You're just impatient. It's only your first hunt."
"My only hunt," Steve mumbles, resting his head on his mother's shoulder. "I don't want anyone else."
"You should enjoy it more, then," Debbie says, gently tugging on a few strands of his hair. "Don't get so caught up in your end goal. The longer the hunt takes, the more you'll savor your victory. Besides, he'll just be more passionate when he finally breaks."
"Well," Steve says, "Eddie is cute when he's flustered. And when he's jealous. He has great potential, by the way, I mean, he really wants to kill Pubert, I think."
"I'm sure it's nothing Pubert doesn't deserve," Debbie says lightly. "Anyway, I think you're doing just fine, Steve. From what you've told me, Eddie isn't going anywhere anytime soon."
"Should I try harder, though?"
Debbie thinks for a moment, humming softly as she considers the question. "How about this," she says, perking up some as the idea comes to her, "Invite Eddie to dinner on Friday. I'll get a look at him myself, and if he still hasn't cracked by the end of the night, you can crank things up a notch."
Steve slowly nods, turning the suggestion over in his head. He wanted Eddie to meet his mother anyway, especially since he already met Fester. This would also be another opportunity to spend more time with Eddie alone. In Steve's room. With the door closed.
And maybe something will finally happen.
"Okay," Steve says, "I'll invite him."
Tag List (there's no more room on the list, so please follow the addams family b-side tag to see updates!)
@estrellami-1, @itsall-taken, @mugloversonly, @fandomcartographer, @hippielittlemetalhead, @agree2disagre-kicks, @ledleaf, @just-a-tiny-void, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @ink1177, @maya-custodios-dionach, @littlebluejane, @steddieonbigboy, @ravenpainter, @read-write-thrive, @deadontheinside20, @yeahhhh-suga, @nectandra, @mogami13, @mx-jinxous, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @xoxoladyclara
@zaddipax, @dycte, @breealtair, @geekymagicalpotato, @janea-grill, @juliasthename-adhdismygame, @yikes-a-bee, @wayward-people, @st-fics, @disrespectedgoatman, @bipusssy, @cottagecorebutnaturescaresme, @nightowl14028018, @that-binchh, @your-confused-friend, @irethsune, @goosesister, @strawberryyyenthusiast, @irregular-child, @theverywest
@jinx-nanami, @solene1324, @nailbatwielder, @y4r3luv, @happylittletrees3, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @itcanbepalped,
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satirates · 1 year
Now that the French cc are mostly offline (it's 2:30 am in France), here's what I gathered from their reactions:
Antoine Daniel: Seems lost. To be fair, it's only is second experience playing minecraft, so he don't know how to do anything X). It looks like he had fun at least. But he's going to sleep early, like the old man he is (33). He also shows no interest on the egg :(
Kameto: He looked lost too. I didn't watch is stream so much, but is chat seems to hate the experience. So I'm not sure if he's going to be there so much. Also, try to rob Pomme the first time he interacted with her
Aypierre: Doing his things as usual. He likes the server and will be back to do more stuff. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, he is probably going to be the main builder for the French. He already started to ask him for everything. He says he's going to take care of Pomme when the others are not there. He is also very skilled in building, I can't wait to see what he's gonna do!
Étoile: He REALLY likes the server. The mod and the new people are interesting to him. He's already running around trying to slaughter mobs X). Every French CC think he is going to accidentally kill Pomme. And, you know what? It's a very strong possibility. He said he will try to take great care of her. He mean well, but we all know he's going to be an absent parent that only return from war to tell their child of the horror they witness. I'ts going to be really interesting on is side
Baghera: She is IN LOVE with Pomme! She's calling her "My little jewels " and everything!!! She started to panic every time she's not around, so cute. She's also already complaining about being a single parent. Furthermore, she intends to come often to the server to build and take care of Pomme. She also has a lot of positives interactions with everybody on the server and look very excited to be par of it!
Pomme: She is so cute OMG! Fun fact, she's called Pomme because the French thought it was funny how the others cc keep saying " Je suis un garçon et je mange des pommes". Other names ideas were... interesting... Her name meen Apple! She's very clumsy so far, I don't think her admin is accustomise to the server yet. She also gets lost a lot XD
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sweetbans29 · 16 days
Not Now - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: 4 times Caitlin riles you up (requested)
Warnings: Mature
Work Count: 3k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: As requested, here is the opposite of Now's Not the Time. I hope you enjoy it!
one. put it away.
It is the beginning of Hawkeye basketball season and your team is looking pretty tight. Practices have been strong and everyone was working really hard to be the best. With that, everyone has been super concentrated on developing their skills and if there is anything that you know about a concentrated Caitlin it can be the cutest and cruelest thing to you.
It started out cute - seeing her tongue peek out when she was really into a game or when she was going for a shot that took a little more planning. You found it adorable and would often tease her about it at the beginning of your relationship. Fast forward a little and she showed you exactly what that tongue could do causing what was once innocent to be something that had you itching for her in the middle of a packed stadium.
It is another home game and it is going to be a challenging one. You are in the locker room with the team, everyone is getting ready and getting in the zone. You take special notice of your girlfriend who has been chewing the same piece of gum since the two of you left your apartment. Her tongue playing with that piece of gum like she was playing with you last night.
You are sitting there during your team meeting before going out for warm-ups mesmerized by the way your girl is smacking her gum. You feel ridiculous but as you are sitting there, trying to pay attention to your coaches, your knee bouncing a mile a minute to distract your body and mind. She has no idea what she is doing to you.
Once the meeting is dismissed, you all line up to head out for warm-ups. You are standing next to Caitlin and Kate.
"You should spit out your gum before we head on the floor," you say, trying not to draw any attention to the face that your skin is buzzing being so close to hers. Not touching, but close enough to feel her presence.
"Why? It's not hurting anybody," she says with a little laugh, completely unaware of the way it is making you crave her.
"Your girls right," says Kate. "Don't want you choking on it before the game begins."
You silently thank Kate as you see Caitlin spit out her gum. Her tongue runs over her lips and you bite our bottom lip, concealing a moan that so desperately wants to escape your lips.
The team runs out and you all get to warm up. Everyone knows exactly where to go and what to do. As you are shooting threes, you notice Caitlin's tongue makes its first appearance. Your center aches at the sight and you make your way to her.
You grab her arm and turn her so no one can see what you are saying.
"I am going to need you to keep that pretty little tongue of yours away, it is driving me insane," you say. She knows as well as everyone that we all need to be present in the game and by now knowing this newfound distraction of yours she makes a decision.
She doesn't say a word, rather steps back and looks at you, then down to your lips and runs her tongue over her bottom lip.
You instantly squeeze your thighs together to get any sort of friction. To anyone on the outside, it looks like the two of you are just having a conversation. But Caitlin sees your little move and brings you close enough for only you to hear.
"Keep squeezing those thighs together babe, because I am going to have them spread wide open for me tonight," she whispers in your ear then grabs a ball to shoot a three.
Your head is spinning and you forget where you are, your senses are heightened only for her. You cannot believe she just said that to you.
You are brought back to reality when you hear a whistle blow, signaling the game is going to start.
This is about to be one of the longest games of your life.
two. drawings.
It's team dinner night. it is typical for the team to go out to dinner the night before any away game and you always looked forward to getting some time out.
The team was in Connecticut for a game against UConn. Hannah and Jada were the ones to pick the place for your night out. These dinners typically consisted of getting good food because the night before games were always dry.
That is how you all found yourself in this mom-and-pop Italian restaurant. You sit next to Caitlin at the end of the table with Kate across from you. Everyone is looking at their menus when it all starts.
Your menu is on the table in front of you, and you are intensely scanning through the extensive menu. Your girlfriend's hand makes its way to your thigh. You don't think much of it as it is usually just a way for her to ground herself when she feels a little anxious. But little to her knowledge, the way she is looking in her dress has you ready to take her back to the hotel room.
You give her hand a little tap, to acknowledge her and continue looking at the menu. Her hand never leaves your thigh as you all order and start up a conversation about random things. As much as you want to jump into the conversation, you struggle to hear what anyone is saying due to your girlfriend beginning to draw patterns on your thigh.
You take a deep breath and bring your hand down to hers. You take hold of it, not removing it from its place on your leg, but to keep her fingers from dancing over your skin. She looks over at you with a slight frown but you just give her a small smile. You aren't ready to reveal how much her touch is affecting you.
The food comes out and your hand releases hers. You were fully expecting her hand to remove itself from your body but it stays put as she eats with her other hand. Only removing her hand to use her napkin to wipe her face. The second she puts her napkin down, her hand finds its rightful place on your thigh.
When you finish your food, your stomach is satisfied and you lean back in your chair. You are finally relaxed enough to engage in conversation and almost forget Caitlin's hand. That is until it begins to change up its patterns.
You are talking to Kate when your mind goes blank. Caitlin's fingers have made their way to the hem of your dress (you debated if the dress was too short when getting dressed but Cait said it was fine and that you looked good). You are now regretting the choice of outfit as the hem of your dress is quite high and with one slip of the wrist, her fingers would be where you have been waiting for them all dinner.
Your hand goes down to grab hers but she stops you with her other hand. You try to look at her - she doesn't turn to face you, but rather continues her conversation with the girls.
Her fingers are still playing with the hem of your dress, alongside now the inside of your thigh. You let out a shaky breath, doing everything in your power to listen to the conversation.
A pool begins to form at your core as Caitlin's light touch keeps gracing itself on your sensitive skin. She went between gripping your thigh to only letting the pads of her fingertips graze your skin. It is maddening.
You keep trying to give her looks to show her that she needs to cool it but she seems to be actively avoiding your eyes. So you do the only thing you can think of (aside from removing her hand which you know she will fight and you will lose) is to cross your legs. You begin to shift and are about to bring your leg over, closing your thighs to her torture when she whips her head around to you and says one word.
You give a little pout and try again. This time, she pushes her hand further up your inner thigh, high enough to feel you are dripping from her touch and have been for a while now. You are slightly embarrassed and she is quite surprised.
Not surprised as you are when her finger grazes under your thong, swiping you only once. Then bringing it out from under your dress to meet her lips, tasting you in front of the whole team.
You look around in horror, only to find no one is paying attention to you.
You use this time to cross your legs. Keeping Cait out and releasing some of the tension. Your pupils are slightly blown out and your heartbeat has quickened.
Caitlin leans over to your ear and says, "I can't wait for dessert."
three. messages.
You are the proud recipient of the John R Wooden Award. This year you were nominated alongside your girlfriend Caitlin and were chosen. That is what brings you, your family and your girlfriend to Los Angeles, CA.
You are all dressed up, and ready for the events of the day. The schedule included: the award ceremony, interview panel, and gala. You are all in for a busy day.
After putting on your watch, regardless of the event, you always wear your Apple watch. You are struggling with your necklace when you feel some hands come to your shoulders. Looking up, you see your girlfriend taking the ends of the necklace and latching it around your neck. She turns you around to face her and makes sure it is center before looking at you with a smile.
"You are beautiful babe," she says, giving your hand a squeeze.
"Thank you, love," you say and give her a hug. You both stand there for a moment, taking in each other's embrace.
"I am so nervous," you say. "I hate speaking in front of people."
"You are going to do great. If you need some comfort just look over at me and you will be just fine," she says with a smile. You thank her and everyone gets on their way.
Once at the center where you are accepting the award, the team there guides you through where you need to be. You are there with the male recipient as well which makes this all a little better, knowing you aren't doing any of this alone.
The two of you accept the award and head into the interview panel. You are sitting in front of a large group of people and reporters ready to ask you all the questions under the sun. Your eyes scan the crowd for your person. It takes you a second but you find her. She is sitting next to your parents and coach. You offer her a little wave which she happily returns.
The interview begins and questions come flying at you left and right. You are stiff and have a hard time finding your footing on how to answer them. Not that you aren't capable, you are incredibly smart, but you are much better at playing a game in front of a stadium full of people than sitting in a room full of them and answering questions.
Caitlin takes notice of your stiffness and wishes she could do something to help you relax a little...
As you are sitting up on stage, your foot taps uncontrollably. Your hand is in your lap, bouncing as much as your leg. That is when you feel a buzz on your wrist.
You look down and see a message come in.
[Babe 🤍: Look at me]
You look up at your girl and she motions you to breathe. As she does, she unintentionally licks her lips which causes you to do the same.
[Babe 🤍: Stop the leg tapping]
[Babe 🤍: Imagine my hand on your knee to slow it down]
An innocent statement, meant to help your nerves, takes your mind to someplace much less clean. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as the guy is answering some questions now.
Caitlin takes notice of this and decides to egg you on a little more.
[Babe 🤍: Imagine what my hands could do to you under that table, in front of everyone]
[Babe 🤍: Going to all the places you want them now, making you feel better by the second]
You squeeze your legs together as your cheeks begin to heat up. You are suddenly very warm and feel like you need fresh air. Someone then asks you a question and you answer it without any hesitation. Your mind focuses on the question as your body is on fire.
[Babe 🤍: Good girl]
[Babe 🤍: You'll be rewarded for that tonight]
[Babe 🤍: The question is, do you want it in the form of my fingers or my tongue...]
When you read the last of the three messages, you lick your lips and look up feeling lightheaded. You have no idea how you are going to get through a whole gala before going back to your hotel room. Maybe you won't have to wait and the two of you will find a supply closet or something.
[Babe 🤍: I will take that as you want my tongue]
[Babe 🤍: Well lucky for you I am dying for a feast]
You gulp as your cheeks continue to redden. You take a sip of your water, hoping to cool yourself down.
[Babe 🤍: Good idea on the water, you are going to need to be hydrated for all I am going to do to you tonight]
Looking up at Cait, you see her smirking at you. She then gives you a little wink you just shake your head.
You cannot believe that just happened.
four. denial. (mature)
You and Caitlin were overdue for a date night. Between practices, games, and school - life has been pretty crazy and all you want is to have a night in with your girl.
As much as the two of you enjoy going out, you both opted for a night in. You decide on a movie night, ordering takeout and having a truly lazy evening, just the two of you. Whenever you two do a movie night, you always watch two. One is your pick of movie and the other is her pick of movie. They don't need to be anything alike, but it has helped avoid any fights over who gets to choose.
The food arrives and you two take up your post on the couch. You eat and talk and laugh and really just enjoy each other's presence.
You cuddle up into her as you decide to put on the first movie - it was your choice, The Hating Game.
You are situated between her legs, your back to her front as her arms are draped around your middle, fingers mindlessly playing with the strings of your sweatpants.
As you are watching the movie, you are hyperaware of what her hands and body are doing. Her head is leaning on yours, adjusting every now and then to breathe in your scent and tease your neck with her breath.
Her hands toy with the waistband of your pants and you can't help but get excited. It has been a minute since the two of you have been intimate. Not from a lack of desire but just a lack of time. So being here now, knowing you two have the whole night - you are ready. Beyond ready, really.
Your hands graze her forearms as she reaches one of her hands into your sweatpants. Her fingers lazily play around you as you grow impatient.
"Cait - please," you say and your head leans back into her shoulder and you bit your lip.
"Please what?" She asks as she ever so gently swipes your most sensitive spot.
"Please touch me," you practically beg, wanting to feel more of her touch. She obliges as her fingers begin a work on you.
You begin to pant and moan feeling her fingers go deeper inside of you. She is still taking her time, giving you what you want but going nice and slow - enjoying every second of her girl coming undone in front of her. She loves making a mess of you.
You moan her name as you begin to feel your climax build up inside of you. Her free hand comes up to your breast as it begins to massage it, giving you a little more pleasure. You lean your head up more and use one of your hands to turn her head to bring her lips to yours.
Her lips meet yours and you moan into her mouth. You missed this so much.
Her fingers begin to pick up the pace as she feels you getting close. Not only that but you get quite vocal when you near your climax and Caitlin absolutely thrives off it. It sets a fire in her and she never wants your moans to end.
"Babe, don't stop. I am so close," you moan as your eyes squeeze shut. Her fingers doing a work on you and her lips make their way to your neck, leaving little love bites up and down it - overloading your senses.
Right as you are about to finish, you are met with emptiness. Climax fading before it even arrives. Your whole body jolts and the nastiest whimper cries from your lips.
"Caitlin Clark, what the..." you are about to yell as she places two of the fingers she just removed from you and pushes them gently but firmly in your mouth. You moan into her fingers.
She then begins to sit up, taking you with her. You move to a sitting position on the couch as she gets up and grabs your hand, placing kisses all over the backside of it.
"I plan on taking my time with you little one," she says as she pulls you up from the couch.
"And I am just getting started," she says as she lifts you over her shoulder and takes you to your shared bed.
AN: Well here it is! I hope this did the request justice. Thanks for reading lovelies! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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ellcrze · 10 months
I'm not ellcrze.
she rage quit, deleted all her cc out of spite, and took off. I took her url and I'm reposting all her cc here so people can still use it because I think gatekeeping cc is lame. <3
** don't ask me what defaults she used, her settings, etc, because idk. I don't know her, never interacted with her. I just like cute cas backgrounds and wanna make life easier for people looking for them.
"why did she delete??"
find cc:
>> cas backgrounds
>> gshade presets
>> default replacements
>> misc cc
*** if something isn't posted here, it's because I don't have it (yet). if you have something I don't, you can send it in here. just send an ask, y'all were misusing the submit function so I'm disabling it.
[ sfs folder ]
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nouvxllev · 2 months
Absolutely love your work! And was ecstatic when I found out you also did Emma myers! And you write so well!! 🥹 I don’t know if you’ll be up to this, so don’t feel the need I know your probably a busy bee. But I wanted to know since you do Emma myers, if you’d be willing to to do a cc Walker aged up fic, maybe where cc is in college, and she’s in a relationship with reader (I absolutely loved your jealous Tara fic) but I was wondering if you could do cc, but make it a little more soft, and possessive? Like Cc is more afraid that reader will leave her? And just soft smut? (Sapphic of course) if not then I understand. I also wanted to know if once A good girls guide to murder comes out, will you be doing pop x reader? Because Emma is so cute as pip! ❤️❤️
would it kill you to look at me instead?
Pairing: CC Walker x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^^ request!!
Words: 5k (i was not expecting that damn)
Warnings: soft smut, slight angst. actually idk if its cut out to be angst, possessive cc aaaaaaa, author forgot how to actually write good stories
a/n: thank you so so sooo much!!!! and i was absolutely in love with agggtm when i read the book (i even got the whole series on my bookshelf!) so ofc ill be doing a pip x reader soon. hope i got to your expectations, anon.
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"CC, what's up with you?"
Ava trailed after her, CC's shoes skittering along the hallway like some kind of menace, the slam of her door from her dorm was still echoing in Ava's ears.
Despite having just finished training five minutes ago, CC's steps were quick. Like they were avoiding any sort of conversation, she didn't even know why or where she was going.
"CC, please, you haven't even talked to me in a week!" Ava caught up to her, nearly tackling the girl to keep pace with her steps.
"Okay, what?" The blonde turned around abruptly, wind catching in her hair. She almost could roll her eyes if not for Ava being the sweetest being on this earth. "What, for fucks sake, what is so wrong with me?"
"That." She gestured using her pointer finger while the shorter girl pulled her lips into a thin line, "You keep snapping at everyone, and you've been staring daggers at the squad all week. It was mild at first, but now you look like you want to bury them in front of their families."
Ava leaned in further, squinting her eyes as she crosses her arms, "...Also you have these deep eyebags under your eyes."
CC's shoulder slumped, letting out an heavy sigh while her eyes closed. It burns, burns like fucking hell.
Ava jumped forward, her eyes furrowing almost immediately, "Don't say because of exams since you're doing pretty good in terms of academics. You're even top in your classes."
"Well, fine. It's—"
"Don't say soccer too because I know your eyebags only come out of hiding when it's tournament or championship season."
"Okay, Wyatt—"
"Yale is like a million miles from us, CC. Also you don't even text Wyatt unless you need something."
"Well, I..." CC fidgeted under her, her head tilting left and right, "We've, my girlfriend have.... Have been fucking. Sex. Alot. Major, huge sex. Like, up and down, sideways, horizontally, transversally—"
"Alright, no," Ava pulled out her hand and stopped her, her other pinching the bridge of her nose, "Not in any universe would I want to hear about you and y/ns sex life."
CC chuckled, the only laugh she could ever muster. "Look, college's been kicking my ass lately and I'm just tired, really. Nothing to worry about." In all truth and oaths, she was.
She was tired.
For all the different reasons. Might even be petty ones.
So tired of hearing that one name—Clarissa Grey—coming out of your, admittedly so attractive, pretty mouth. She was a transferee yet she already caught your attention with a single 'hey, i'm new here, can you show me around?'
It had been five weekdays, not even counting weekends where Clarissa horribly clung onto you outside of school, of having your presence found nowhere but with that girl.
Normally, CC would spend every waking hour, if not for soccer, with you and you only. Clinging to your arms, holding your warm hands, tip-toeing to kiss your pretty lips she so adored, bringing you to the most expensive places you wanted, and most especially waking up with you in the early morning with your body sprawled atop hers.
It was bliss.
Now that CC was constantly being pulled to practice she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted with you. Meanwhile, Clarissa had you wrapped around her arms.
In short, Clarissa Grey is and will forever be a pain in the ass.
Clarissa—Insufferable, torturous, agonizing, intolerable, girlfriend-hogging—Grey.
She hated her.
Well, not hated. It's a strong word, a word she couldn't ever describe your, her forever beloved girlfriend, friends. Yet this girl got on her nerves more than ever.
And she's pretty sure this girl's been trying to get into your pants more than CC ever does after a rough game.
Clarissa was fine at first. CC wasn't those controlling partners who didn't allow their other to have friends; in fact, she was happy that you found a friend in the new transferee from across the world.
Now she felt like she was about to butcher the girl from mouth to anus if she ever so much as catching a wind of her presence of how she was constantly stealing you away from her.
CC took months just to muster a hi and introduce herself (through text mind you) and she didn't even check her phone for weeks after it. New girl did it in one damn day.
How could one even out-girlfriend a girlfriend of three years?
Now whenever it hits midnight and CC is finally in your arms all she could hear is:
"I'm so sorry baby, Clarissa made some plans for us."
"Sorry, CC. I have something to do with Clarissa on that date."
"Clarissa wanted to…"
"Baby, is it alright if Clarissa invited me to…"
"CC! Check it out, Clarissa just…
It's ridiculous and all CC could say was a simple yeah sure and a nod like she wasn't going to bash Clarissa's head in with a soccer ball.
She'd admit that even you get the end of the stick with her attention sometimes because of her first-class popularity that always seemed to stick around, but either way she felt really bad.
Jealousy was a stupid emotion which a stupid college girl, mind you, like her was stupidly experiencing. She was 19 experiencing her old 13 year old problems if she met you a bit more earlier. But who wouldn't get jealous?
She had the same interests as you, the same personality, likes the same movies as you, you both had an interest in whatever artist you were listening too.
She practically hung out with you everyday with how the both of you took the same classes and courses. The two of you were perfect on paper.
Clarissa wasn't some soccer-obssessed girl who doesn't spend her time in training for championships that you found yourself spending every second with her if CC wasn't around.
She has a great fashion sense without looking like whatever a 'teenybopper' is or someone dressed like Adam Sandlers.
She's probably great at cooking.
She kept her room impossibly clean as if it were brand new that you found impressive everytime she invited the both of you to her dorm.
She had this amazing ball of sunshine whenever she entered the room like it was a plague.
She probably followed what her mom told her to be when she gets into college.
She was pretty too. Her hair all shiny and she carried absolute grace and poise. Who wouldn't like her?
And that smile of hers? You found it nice. Charming, captivating. Even CC found it enchanting, it was all so surreal.
You liked her, most of all.
Not that CC could ever doubt your loyalty to her; hell, she could invite every former crush and celebrity crush you had, and you wouldn't even bat a single eye towards them. You'd even try to desperately find the girl even if she wasn't in the room.
She doubted herself.
Who was she if not for you?
She just missed you. So much. It's killing her.
"CC!" You yelled, a smile creeping up your lips as you watched her jog up the bleachers in her new shoes you bought for her as an anniversary gift, it was an understatement to say that she loved it.
You watched how her exhausted face broke into a slight smile that managed to never fail to make your heart grow a garden of flowers trying to mimic her beauty, her eyes lighting up by the mere sight of you.
When she finally reached you, she practically melted into your inviting embrace. You held her chose, feeling the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she caught her breath, her exhaustion from practice matches slowly going away from being in the comfort of our arms.
You feel how her breaths gradually steadied, her heartbeat turned into its normal pace, her hands snaking up to your back while she buried her head into you, subtly peppering gentle kisses along your neck.
"Y/n..." She murmured, pulling her head away slightly and turning to the side.
Your arms stayed lingered around her waist, "Yeah, baby?"
She shook her head, eyebrows slightly knitting themselves as her gaze drifted at the seats as she inched closer to your ear, "Why... why is she here?" She squeezed your hand that was wrapped around her.
You followed her line of sight to where Clarissa sat on the bleachers right next to you, watching the players off to the side at her own time.
"Well, she wanted to come along with me," you explained with a shrug, "so I brought her here." A soft smile gracing your lips as you glanced at CC who didn't match your sunny expression.
"You guys done yet?" She looked up at the both of you, her voice was oddly monotone and disinterested. Unlike a few moments ago where she was clinging onto your arm while laughing.
You lowered your arms from CC's body as you sat beside Clarissa, gesturing to your girlfriend to slightly introduce her even if they already met a couple of times.
You didn't miss the way CC's face twisted into a grimace one as she crossed her arms, mumbling a slightly less than thrilled exclaim, "Fantastic."
"It is fine for me to cheer you on, right?" Clarissa smiled. Way too innocently at CC as if she wasn't just staring her down, the change in her tone didn't go unnoticed.
"Yeah. Yeah sure, whatever." CC replied, albeit the response came through gritted teeth as she picked up a waterbottle that sat beside you.
Clarissa smiled, laughed even, before leaning her head against you. "We have something to go after anyways, right y/n?" She looked up at you, innocent eyes that definitely didn't mimic yours as you stuttered out a response.
"We do? I didn't—"
"Okay, no, that's—!" CC's reaction was swift, immediately pulling you closer to her side, her hand having a firm grip on your arm as her voice rose in frustration yet faltered.
CC paused, seemingly collecting herself. You turned to her, confusion etched in your face, while Clarissa had a slight tug in her lips.
"That's... perfect. Amazing," she finally managed to say, letting go of her tight grip on you before standing up. "Sorry, I really have to go, I think they're calling for me. Enjoy whatever plans the both of you have."
You hear Clarissa giggle as you watch CC walk down the steps, her waterbottle discarded onto a nearby trashcan. It wasn't even half done. "Guess she doesn't like me, huh?"
A soft sigh escape your lips, your mood officially worried and concerned about CC before turning to Clarissa, "Yeah... Yeah, sorry, we have plans?"
Nothing could be more worrying than allowing your girlfriend CC-can't-really-monitor-her-liquor-properly-Walker attend a night party held by her teammates as some sort of 'pre-celebration' before a game.
You were already deprived out of her presence, being that you always stuck with that new girl you couldn't really find time to hang out with your girlfriend no longer than 30 minutes.
Not to mention what happened a few hours ago.
You miss her so much its tearing you apart. Unfortunately you're the book definition of a people pleaser so you took the courage to show Clarissa around for a few weeks until she got comfortable with the setting.
Most of the times CC would invite you to come along with to parties. Rejection often means she would be clinging onto your back like a koala and making out with you until the words associated with your academics disappeared from your mind.
Now she just entered the dorm, gave you a single kiss without explanation, and a simple text minutes later just stating 'ill be at a party. see you midnight xx.'
That in itself made you worried. No normal breathing CC Walker would ever use perfect grammar or would her be's or you's spelled correctly without any missing letters.
So imagine your surprise when she arrived two hours before twelve. Wasted and slightly teary-eyed, her pretty eyes avoiding looking at your direction. It was an understatement that the sight broke your heart.
"CC?" You rushed to her side almost immediately, ignoring the concerns of the amount of tasks you had on your desk.
You were met with silence. "CC, baby, are you alright? Did something happen?" you asked softly, "love, hey, look at me." You reach out to steady her as she swayed on her feet more and more in her intoxicated state until she reached her bed.
She shrugged off your touch, feeling a nagging sting in your heart that burned a void inside of you. You watched as she mutter something unintelligible under her breath, gritting her teeth as she stared at the ground.
"CC, talk to me." You carefully sat with her against your bed, fetching her the water that has been sitting on your desk, tilting your head to get her attention.
Her head turned to you, her eyes glassy and unfocused. Her pretty eyes that you adored were almost teary-eyed, "Would it kill you to look at me instead, y/n?"
"CC..." you tilted your head, your eyebrows furrowing, "CC... what? What are you talking about?"
"Why are you always with her? Clarissa?" Her name almost felt like poison in her mouth, awaiting to be spit out in venom, "Why is she always with you when I'm not around? Why are you always looking at her even if I'm mere inches away from you?"
She shook her head before you could respond, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "It's dumb. I know you're allowed to spend time with your friends. And even more to her since she's new and everything. You could spend time with anyone and I wouldn't care but I—" She took a deep breath, "Every time I see you with her, it's like… like she's much more of a good girlfriend than me you know? Because she likes you. It's kind of clear."
You couldn't feel anything but that gruesome feeling that's eating you apart. You could feel your heart tearing your own self apart as she spoke more.
"She looks at you as if you're hers, y/n. Not to mention she's always touching you, calling you names, always going out of her way to be alone with you... I mean, she asked you out as a joke. Multiple times."
"CC I never thought…" You feel a lump forming in your throat, her words heavy on your heart that were surely more heavier on hers. "I'm sorry, CC."
You reached out to cup her cheek, her body turning to face you, your thumb gently wiping a stray tear that fell on her face. "I'm so sorry, CC. You're not losing me. You will never lose me," you whispered, "I care about you more than anything. More than I breathe. I'm so sorry I made you feel like you were losing me. You have my whole heart, my body, my very soul."
Her gaze softened slightly, you could see that familiar glint you always loved to look at when you locked eyes with her. You missed it. "Is that a promise?"
Gently, you brushed your fingers against her cheek, pressing delicate kisses to her soft skin. "Far more important than a promise. I'll keep it like an oath on my life."
You let your arms wrap around her, feeling her slumping against you, curling against herself between your arms like she was trying to drown all of her burdens for you. "I'm just afraid that you'll leave me. I'm sorry for blowing up on you. I'm sure Clarissa is great."
CC felt warm, comforting, a presence that made you feel like everything to her, how she always kept you grounded. "It's alright, CC. I've been there before, don't worry. And for the record, I'm kind of getting tired of showing her around. Just a slight bit. I'll try introducing her to some people."
CC smiled against your neck, "You don't have to ignore her completely, baby. It's fine. I think my insecurities just got the best of me."
She's as comforting as the day you met her. The comforting sense of love, how you'd wake yourself up everyday just to see her face. Even if your heart gives out, you'd work through turmoil for it to beat for her. Even if you're tired, you'd manage enough energy for her to enjoy life with you.
"I'll never let you doubt my love for you again. No one could ever replace what I'm feeling with you, no one could ever replace you. You're simply everything baby, everything that life never gave me and everything life never offered."
You press a tender kiss to her forehead before making your way to her lap, pulling her collar and capturing her lips in a soft yet deep kiss.
CC responded eagerly to your kiss, closing her eyes while she let her hands wrap around your waist as she parted her lips to invite yours in as her tongue slipped between them.
With a low groan of ecstasy, you welcomed her intrusion, your own tongue fighting with hers yet you surrendered almost immediately, every touch of her in on your body sent shivers down your spine, leaving you craving for more of her.
You could feel her hands sliding under your shirt, the simple warmth of her touch, how her fingers glided smoothly against your skin and trailing to your chest was like reassurance that you were wanted and loved by her, how you were only hers.
"Baby…" you managed to murmur between her assaulting kisses that only seemed to spur her on as you went limp on her body, "have I ever told you I love the way you talk..."
You couldn't help but grin at the soft chuckle that escaped her pretty lips at your words, her kisses only growing more fervent as CC pressed herself against you all while she looked up at you with those eyes, waiting for you.
"The way you smile…" you trailed off, tugging at her shirt, tracing your fingers along her jawline, "the way you get jealous, the way you get so competitive sometimes, the way you look so lovely every waking moment, it's intoxicating."
You kissed her deeply, savoring the taste of her lips as you softly bit at her bottom lip, your voice turning husky and needy with desire, "Most importantly, I love the way you fuck me into your bed every night. You know no girl could drive me insane like what you're doing to me right now."
You didn't miss how CC's breath hitched at your words, how her eyes darkened with desire almost immediately as she pulled you by the collar of your shirt and flipped the both of you around. her hands roaming all over your body as she mumbled to her breath.
"I want you," she pleaded, "I need you, y/n, please." It wasn't a question, she needed this.
You wrapped your legs around her waist, pulling her close, feeling the heat of her body on top of yours as you mumbled a weak 'yes.'
CC took her time in showering you with the amount of kisses she wanted to give you, offering everything you needed with tenderness you never thought existed, the special attention that she always showed to you, worshipping every inch of your body.
She looked up at you, noticing the way your eyes closed, uncertain of whether it was out of pure bliss or discomfort. "Y/n, is this okay?", she asked softly, squeezing your hand that laid off to the side.
That was the thing about CC that you always adored, how she took the time to make sure you were comfortable in whatever she was doing. Whether she was rough or not, she was still so gentle with you, treating you as if you were porcelain about to break.
In the span of three years, her sweet and caring nature never faded no matter how much time you'll be spending time with her. She was the sweetest girl that only you knew.
You smiled at her, "Yes, CC, everything is okay. Just remind me of how much I'm yours to handle."
She nodded before returning to her usual, pulling up your shirt until it was completely off your body, "You're always so gorgeous…" She whispered against your skin, pressing her lips on your body, trailing down your chest. Each touch was gentle and tender, all just for you to feel cherished.
"I'm gonna take it off, okay, sweetheart?" CC murmured before she was lifting up your hips herself, her fingers sliding into your waistband and discarding your shorts and undergarments off to the side.
You gasped at the sudden cold air hitting your warmth as CC knelt below you to get the perfect view of your pretty pussy she so adored.
You suck a moan under her hot breath against your clit, her arms wrapping around your thighs to pull you in, "Baby, please…"
"I'll get there, pretty girl." CC whispered, taking soft licks of your juices, lapping them as she inched a little further into your warmth, groaning against you.
She looked up, watching how your body reacts with her each touch she had on you, whether she should follow your wants or what she needs to be satisfied.
She could see the flicker of pleasure in your eyes, the way your breath hitched, how you sound with every whine that elicited from your glossy lips, the way you try to cover your moans with your palm.
CC moved away, your needy whine didn't go unnoticed, her lips brushing against your wet clit before wrapping around the needy warmth and sucking gently, your body instinctively creating the perfect arch, your hips rolling into your face as you chased to get the most friction out of her mouth as she held you down by her arms.
But just as you felt nearing an orgasm, CC pulled away, only leaving you panting and wanting more.
She towered over you, spreading your legs as she leaned in closer, the sight of your juices on your lips turned you on even more.
"What do you want, baby? Tell me," she whispered, leaning in closer and planting soft kisses along your face as she waited for your answer.
"You… want you.. inside," you whispered, "want all of you, right now, please…" you moaned as the words spilled out of you in a desperate plea, discreetly rolling your hips against her thigh.
CC smiled down at you, her touch gentle and loving as her hands trailed down below to caress your soft skin before giving you what you wanted, while the other hand held up your head, showering you with praises after praises.
You kissed her back, feeling her fingers slowly inching towards your entrance that sent shivers down your spine. You tried to kiss her once again, trying to drown out your rather loud moans yet your efforts failed.
"Such a good girl, you're taking me so well..." CC praised you, smiling against your lips, "You're so pretty like this, baby. All just for me." She inserted all three fingers inside of you, stretching you out in the most delicious way possible.
"F-fuck! CC, please," you moaned, looking up at her as she looked right at you back, covering your mouth with only your palm. Getting caught having sex with your girlfriend at night in a literal college dorm wasn't in your applications at all.
CC, however, seemed unfazed as she panted, rolling and curling her fingers inside of your warm heat, always finding that one spot that had you seeing stars. "Are you close?" she asked, speeding up her pace.
You could only nod frantically in response, feeling a knot tightening in your stomach, "Yes, yeah, I'm close," you gasped, your body almost trembling in pleasure.
"You know, Clarissa is only a dorm away from us." She took hold of your wrists and held them high above your head, her grip still soft to touch, like she was still trying to take care of you. "You're going to scream my name. Not 'baby', not 'love', not Clarissa or whatever her name is. Not anyone."
Your eyes widened in surprise, your mouth opening to protest, but you were cut off before you could speak.
"I want everybody to hear that you're mine, especially her." She continued, her fingers pushing deep into you as you arched your back, "I want her to know how good I'm fucking you, how well you're taking every inch of me. Tell them what a good girl you are for me."
In your clouded haze, you desperately nodded with half-lidded eyes that stared back at her, your mouth half opened as she kept eliciting pathetic moans and whines from your lips.
"M' gonna cum, baby… CC, please," you whimpered, your voice strained and coming out in choked sobs, feeling the knot tightening deep inside of you. CC relentlessly pushed you closer to the edge, your back arching as she whispered praises after praises.
She released your arms from her grasp and you immediately wrap them around her neck, pulling her impossibly close to your body, her fingers thrusting deeper inside of your pussy while her thumb traced your clit in circles.
"Don't hold it, y/n. Cum for me, pretty girl, it's alright," she whispered as you brought her close to your neck, pressing one last kiss to your skin, satisfying everything inside of you with one last thrust.
You cum almost immediately after, "CC! F-fuck!" you moaned, making sure everyone can hear you. Your walls clenched around her fingers all while she still tried to pump them in and out of you, her hand slick with your cum that went nowhere but down her palm.
You wrap your legs around her waist, seeking support in her body as your own trembled in pleasure, your back arching as you gradually went down from your high, "M' all yours, CC! S-shit, you're fucking me so well!" you gasped, your words coming out in ragged breaths as you were brought to a back to back orgasm.
While you were coming down from your high, CC was already showering you with kisses all over your body, whispering sweet nothings, words of praises and adoration that automatically flowed on instinct from her lips, "I'm right here, y/n. God, you're so so so perfect."
When she felt your body begin to relax, going limp on CC, she gently withdrew from you, reaching out for a nearby stand to grab a pair of tissues. She wiped her fingers clean and gently cleaned the beads of sweat that formed on your forehead.
"You did so well, baby," she murmured, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips. "I'm so proud of you, pretty girl. I love you so much."
CC slid her arms under your body, lifting you up and placing you against the headboard, taking note of how your eyes were shut close and your breaths were slightly labored. "Y/n? Y/n, are you alright? Was I too much?"
You chuckled softly, opening your eyes to meet her gaze as she settled into your lap, her arms wrapping around you protectively. Like you'd run away and never return into her hold. Her eyes were too pretty, too full with love and care for you, almost as if you already died and went to heaven.
"You were too soft, actually." you laughed, leaning in to kiss her, tasting her natural lipgloss with the mix of your juices; an odd taste you'd say. "Is that what jealousy gets to CC Walker?"
"Definitely not," she replied almost immediately. "But seeing you with her makes me feel like I am. I needed to feel close to you, for you to feel close to me…" Her voice trailed off, her words faltering. She was always the one who talked alot about her feelings, yet it always seemed so distant and struggled.
"Well, you're not really mine mine since, of course, you don't really belong to anybody. Hell, even I don't own you and no one should think that! But you know I just—"
You reached up to cup her cheek as you cut her off, your thumb brushing lightly against her skin, a gentle smile playing on your lips.
"Oh, you know a girl batting her eyes at me won't change the way I feel about you. That's completely ridiculous," you reassured her. "You're always going to be my top 1. You have my birthday on your jersey for fuck sakes, who couldn't say no to that?"
Her lips curved into a smile, a relief expression is what you'd assume. "Guess you've brought up a solid argument," she laughed, leaning into your touch. "I'll run you a bath, okay?"
"I'll come with," you were already trying to stand up until CC pushed you back down.
"As... a trophy winner of an international soccer team, I suggest you lie back down. Maybe watch a couple of movies or two and let me do the taking care part." She leaned on your forehead and walked to the shower, already gathering your clothes and towel.
You sat up from the bed, a stupid smile across your face as you watched this girl do everything for you. Oh, the way she was so sweet for you was unbelievable. "Don't you need a degree for me to believe you?"
"Yeah!" She yelled across the room, "But I am your girlfriend and you believed me when I said I almost quit soccer because of a shoulder injury when in actuality it was my mom. So." She shrugged, already entering the shower and turning on the faucet before returning back to you.
"You're simply awful." You smiled as you watch her come back with a water and her laptop. "I love you." You say as you kiss her forehead.
"I love you too. So much." She smiled, "but one thing." She sat beside you, rising up a blanket to cover your naked body as she waited for the bathtub to fill. "You have to promise me that you'll keep your eyes on me. And me only."
"Still on Clarissa?"
"Unfortunately so."
You chuckle. "Then, I promise on my life that I'll keep my eyes only for CC Walker. And CC Walker only."
"Forever and Always."
a/n: this is longer than i anticipated it to be
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