#cause if not i will not be able to do them and it's too late for scholarships i think
residentflamingo · 2 days
Late Night Talking
Hirai Momo x fem! reader
Summary ———> Y/N can’t fall asleep, so she has a late-night conversation with her wife to help her relax.
Genre: hurt/comfort & fluff
Warnings: mentions of loneliness; but that’s pretty much it!
A/N: I just had to write this one out. I haven’t been able to get this scenario out of my head for weeks! I hope you enjoy this little drabble I wrote out <3 You can also check out my other stuff if you would like! It is very much appreciated ❤️
Word count ———> 2,360
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→ 2:00 AM
You hated not being able to sleep on nights like this these.
You were currently sitting up in bed, restless, trying to do whatever you could to fall back asleep. You tried counting sheep, blinking your eyes rapidly to get them tired, and turning over to your side, but still nothing.
Meanwhile, your wife Momo, was sound asleep right next to you. Her chest rising slowly up and down, mouth slightly open with drool coming out of it, and one of her hands interlocked with yours. She was for sure sound asleep, and you were also a teeny bit jealous that she could fall asleep faster than you could. But of course, you still didn’t mind the cute sight of her sleeping.
Today had been one of those days where life kicked just you in the ass over and over, and you couldn’t do anything about it. Work had been really busy today, and it brought you to the edge of a nervous breakdown just waiting to happen.
Your boss kept stacking an endless amount of papers on your desk, demanding that each paper be finished at a certain time. Along with your coworkers who kept pushing your limits, trying to constantly talk to you and be a distraction while you were working. You usually love them to death, but today just wasn't one of those days.
Work was one of the main things you were stressed about, but other kinds of thoughts had been running through your mind as well. About four hours ago, when you got in bed comfy under the covers, your mind started racing and thinking about things that worried you even more. Th negative thoughts had taken over, bringing your mood down severely. In your mind, you were fully convinced that you felt lonely and bothersome to others.
Lately, you didn't feel like you had anyone to turn to. Your friends were good people, but they just weren't good listeners, so you felt like you couldn't tell them anything really personal. With Momo, it was easy for her to tell when you were feeling off. During hard times, she had always been a shoulder for you to cry on, and you would never forget it. But lately, it wasn’t so easy for you to reach out to her.
She had just gotten done with the world tour, and she was absolutely exhausted. You felt like you would be another burden to her if you were to tell her about your struggles. So you tried to suffer in silence for as long as you could. But it was eating you up inside, and it was becoming too much. In the back of your mind, you hoped Momo would notice first instead of you trying to come forward about it.
While you were deep in thought, you didn't realize that Momo had slowly woken up beside you. She fluttered her eyes open, only to find you sitting up and not asleep. She grew worried, so then she shifted around in bed, rubbed her the sleep out of her eyes, and began to speak to you.
“Hey, what-” Momo muttered in a low whisper, causing you to jump in surprise at the sudden voice coming from beside you.
“Ahhh! Oh my gosh, Momo. You scared the shit out of me! Don’t scare me like that…”
Momo chuckled, “Sorry honey…” She slowly leans over, and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead. When she pulls away, she brings her hand up next to your face and gently moves your hair behind your ears.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just wondering, what are you doing up this late, hm?”
You smiled at her sweet gesture, and then sighed at the thought of how long you’ve been trying to sleep for.
“I’ve been trying to sleep for a few hours now… But no matter how hard I try I just can’t fall asleep.”
"Hmmm... maybe I can help with that. Talk to me honey, what's been on your mind lately? Is there something else bothering you?"
You got nervous, knowing you had to finally confess to her how you felt. " Well, I don't know... I don't really want to tell you because I know you just got off tour, so I wouldn't really want to bother you with-"
Momo quickly interrupted you and put a single finger over your lips saying, "Nope, shush shush. That doesn't matter at all. No matter what happens with my job, or how busy I am, you are always my top priority. You are my wife after all honey. I will help you with whatever you need."
You smiled, feeling so thankful that your wife is as sweet as she is. She always makes you feel loved with her kind words and affirmations. You exhaled a long shaky breath and looked up at the ceiling trying to think of what to say to her.
Expressing your feelings out loud wasn't always your strong suit, but tonight, your wife made you feel as if that wasn't ever a problem in the first place. Momo sat up and layed on her side, looking at you intently, making sure to give you all of her attention.
"Well... lately I've been feeling really stressed out from work and I don't know how to deal with it. My boss keeps loading me with so much work, giving me unbelievable dates for when I have to finish them. He doesn't do that to anyone else in the office but me. It's like he hates my guts or something... I-I also feel really pressured, since next week I have to present a very important slideshow for a meeting with all of the advisors and the CEO. I have a really bad feeling that I'm going to fail and lose my job. Even worse I might disappoint everyone, including my parents."
Momo pouted after hearing your confession, feeling sad thinking about you being stressed out. She hated seeing you this way, especially since it was happening right under her nose.
"Oh, baby I'm so sorry. I've always hated your boss too, he gives me the creeps. And, I know exactly how you feel about worrying if you'll disappoint people. It’s the worst kind of feeling. We can’t control how people feel most of the time, but we can control how we rise above from the mistakes we have made. So if someone gets disappointed in you, they were never supporting you fully in the first place. I know you’re gonna do great on your presentation. You’re the smartest person I know, and you’ll figure it out like always. Just do it like how you always do, and I assure you those businessmen will be impressed. And if you fail, I will be right beside you to comfort you, and we can figure it out together. If your parents do get mad... let them. They need to understand that mistakes are normal in life and that it's not the end of the world. You are a hard worker Y/N, don't ever forget that."
After Momo was done talking, she softly grasped your hand and brought it up to her lips, giving it a sweet and loving kiss. She then looked back up at you and smiled, "I love you so much Y/N. I know you're gonna do great next week.”
“Thank you, honey... But there’s something else I have to tell you too.”
Momo tilted her head in confusion, “Hmm? What is it?.”
“Well... lately I’ve been feeling really lonely and I’m not really sure why. It’s not because of you at all, I just have these negative thoughts that go through my mind sometimes making me think that nobody cares about me, and that I’m a burden to everyone. It’s really bothering me and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Your eyes started watering up over the emotional confession you just shared, and tears began to flood out of them. Momo quickly noticed, so she wrapped her arms around you to bring to closer to her embrace. “No no no, it’s okay honey don’t cry.”
She got a little bit emotional too, seeing you in such a state like this. Momo loved you with every single fiber and cell in her body, so seeing you like this really made her tear up inside. She held you for a little while rubbing your back and saying sweet nothings in your ear to help calm you down some. “I love you so much... You’re so sweet and kind. You’re so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you as my wife.”
Not long after, she moved her hands to both sides of your face and gave your forehead a soft and loving kiss. She looked you in the eyes reassuringly and said, “You are so loved, I promise you. I wouldn’t be able to function without you. Please don’t ever hesitate to come to me when you’re struggling okay? I don’t care if I just had a long day at work, or if I’m on tour, I’ll always be there for you. Your friends, the girls, all love and care about you very much.”
She gave you another peck on the lips, and rubbed her fingers along the sides of your arms. You could tell by looking in her eyes that she was trying so hard not to cry, and that she meant every single word she said.
“You are never, ever a bother to me. In fact, you make my life so much more brighter, and happier every day. You’re the reason I get up every day and get so excited to do things. All because of you. You are so special to me Y/N I don’t know what I would ever do without you.”
You smiled a chuckled a little bit, remembering when she first proposed to you at a beach. You two had been walking on the beach for some time, when she all of a sudden gets down on one knee and asks you to marry her. You said yes of course, and gave her the biggest hug while she spun you around in circles.
The funny part about this story is that right after all of this happened, Momo had seen a couple of crabs coming towards her, and got spooked making her immediately run off with you still in her arms. She had sprinted all the way back up to the shared hotel room you guys were staying at. You couldn’t stop laughing for about thirty minutes after the little incident, and that had turned into one of your favorite core memories with her.
Momo smiled after she realized she had made you giggle a little bit, “Hey what are you laughing about silly?”
You leaned into her embrace a little bit more, falling more in love with her with each word she said to you. She always knew exactly what to say in order to make you feel better.
“Oh nothing, I’m just remembering the time you ran off on the beach because some crabs scared you.”
Momo laughed along with you and leaned back away from you a little bit so she could look at you directly. Her hands rested next to your hips, just rubbing small circles around them.
“Okay listen, at least I had a good reason to run away from them! Crabs are scary...”
“Honey there were only two crabs on the beach. Two….”
You looked at her with your head tilted, questioning what her actual argument was. She was being so cute you couldn’t take it.
“My point exactly. Any crab is a threat to me! I am not trying to get pinched by one any time soon.”
You started laughing again uncontrollably and even snorted a little bit, leaving Momo sitting there stunned. She had no clue what to do now. All she could do was just stare at you in awe, and listen to your adorable laugh she always loves to hear.
About thirty seconds later once you were done laughing, you sat up again and gave Momo one of the biggest hugs you could ever muster up.
“I love you so much Momo. Thank you for always making me feel loved.”
Momo’s eyes teared up a little bit again, and she hugged you even tighter, not wanting this moment to ever end with you.
“You’re welcome Y/N. I'm always happy to help you."
You rested your head comfortably on her shoulder and smiled, feeling your eyes get drowsy from the comforting aura Momo constantly gave off. She quickly noticed and gave your forehead a gentle kiss once again. She whispered, "You getting sleepy honey?"
You nodded and mumbled, "Mhmm..."
Momo smiled and chuckled at your sleepy tone of voice. She then shuffled around in bed, and held onto you as she layed her body back down flat on the mattress. Then she pulled the covers over you two, and layed you on top of her so you could be comfy. She kissed the top of you head one last time, and rubbed circles around your back.
“Good night honey… I love you so much. Wake me up if you need anything okay?”
You smiled and hummed a response, “Okay… I love you too.”
Before Momo had tried to fall back asleep, she watched you for a little while, rubbing your back and making sure that you were okay. It broke her heart that you had been feeling this way for some time. But she swore to herself that she would pay closer attention, and would help you the best way she could this time around.
After a while, she finally felt content enough to fall back asleep, and gently wrapped her arms around you, closing her eyes knowing you were safe with her. The quiet sounds of your breathing perfectly matched with Momo’s heartbeat that you were hearing underneath you. You two had always worked in harmony no matter the situation. And right now, you and Momo were both asleep knowing everything would be okay.
You were no longer worried about that stupid presentation at work, and all of the papers you had to file that week. As long as you had your wife by your side, you knew that no matter what obstacle you had to face you guys could overcome it together.
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undercoverpena · 2 days
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I’m about to get mushy and sweet and grateful so if you’d prefer to skip that, meet my new plant.
june isn’t usually a good mental health month for me.
which sucks cause it’s pride and the sun comes out, but somehow there’s always more grey clouds for me even if the sky is blue.
one year ago, to try and combat it, I began a series that was the most “me” thing I’d shared since coming back to tumblr. a thing which both terrified me—in some ways, helped me find myself again after a slew of bad june’s and bad brain times.
making javi peña fall in love with a girl through texts was like rekindling a relationship with an old version of me from before and allowed me to take that version (and all I’d learnt) forward.
this year, I’ve just wrapped up the final scene of my current series where frankie works in a hardware store. now, it’s not edited, but it’s all written, all of the scenes so I have less pressure each week and all the little moments I’ve envisioned since february are down.
and, understandably, I was sad, but also like really fucking proud? like look at me go. in one year look at how far I’ve come? the stories I’ve managed to tell, the writing I’ve been able to do that not only helps me but has brought smiles to all of you, the lovely people who continue to show up even if I shy, quiet and very anxious.
my usual routine when I finish the draft of a series is to go get cake. a thing I do on the final posting day too.
and while that had been my mission, then I saw this plant.
I kill plants. it isn’t a thing I intend to do, but I do. but this one caught my eye. in a plant plot in a shade that friends often call jo-pink. and I knew that had to be my gift to myself for finishing.
not cake (like usual), not a big iced drink that I’ll love until half way down and then feel sick from, but a plant.
I wanted to call it rainy, but the name didn’t fit. anyone who names plants will know there’s a vibe.
so meet gilbert, or gilly/bertie (we’re still workshopping), and while I water them, and post this and run, thank you, for showing up even though you don’t need to. thank you for bringing a smile to my face on the days it feels really hard.
and thank you for allowing me to have a place that I feel safe to share, because while my brain will create stories, it’s you all showing up that makes it feel safer to get my finger to press the post button each week.
i’m so happy one year ago I shared late night texts, and I’m really happy that today I finished the first draft of do me yourself.
I love you all.
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denwritesandcries · 2 days
gf!Shauna Shipman HCs
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Pairing: shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: To be Shauna's girlfriend is… Something else, to say at least.
Word count: 1,4k.
Content: 96’ timeline, cursing, suggestive, kissing, kinda toxic shauna, jealousy, fluff, the team being done with u two.
Note: I think that’s probably a little too long for headcanons but I’m really glad someone asked for it cause I love writing for Shauna sm.
English is not my first language.
- You most likely only spoke to each other because you were paired up on some project in a class that you both hate. A classic, but also one of the few ways for Shauna to actively approach anyone she hasn't known for years or been introduced to by Jackie, the girl isn't very sociable.
- She definitely found the most random and stupid reason possible to not like you at first, just because she enjoys being a little hater.
- Like she doesn't want to meet with you to discuss the topic and just leaves you to do your part alone and you just do it because this quiet girl on the football team is pretty hot and also scares the hell out of you.
- When you guys inevitably put it all together she'd take one look at it and say it's shit and make you do it all from scratch again in like one night as if it was your fault.
- And you simply wouldn't understand why she decided to pick on you. She’d have a beef with you that only exists in her head and you’ll be like??? Wondering why the heck she keeps staring at you like a judging hare even after getting (surprisingly) an A+.
(that’s a strangely accurate description, but you think it fits her perfectly well. Eyes widen following you and nose angrily twitching when you pass by.)
- She has a crush on you. Since the beginning. But she has too many problems to actually admit that to herself.
- She would finally admit that fell for you when she sees you reading something by an author she loves. She's a cliché and a failure, no matter how much she tries to deny it. You'd be in the stands during one of the Yellowjackets' practices (by pure chance, definitely not because you want to watch her too), with a notebook open at your side and a book on your lap, working on an assignment for extra credit, Shauna would see you when she stopped to have some water and she wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything else for the rest of the day.
Especially if it was something by Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson or Shirley Jackson. She’d go feral. Seriously.
- Then she finally decides to act (after some suspicious looks from Jackie and screams from Taissa for disturbing everyone during the game) and it's like she was never mean to you. She’ll literally act like she's already your friend because she doesn't know how to apologize and start something properly. Will sit next you in class – and kick out whoever actually sat there – and talk to you normally, looking away and chewing on the end of her pen, speaking in a soft and innocent voice.
- You're very much confused and a little suspicious about all this, but you're not gonna complain about it with her slowly running a hand up your arm and blinking her bright deep eyes at you. Even though she still stares. A lot.
- This is how you get a girlfriend, which isn't really what you expected at all, but it's a pretty welcome change.
- gf!Shauna who only asked you out and took you for a milkshake on your first date, even though she doesn't really like sweets, when she heard Nat tell Van that she was thinking about doing that exactly same thing and finally decided to do something (they did it on purpose, just so that Shauna would stop bothering them with her constant yearning).
- gf!Shauna who accompanies you to all your classes, sometimes even being late for hers. She is so show off carrying your backpack for you and walking close enough for your shoulders to brush and rushing to Jackie's side after opening the door for you.
- gf!Shauna who keeps a hand on you all the time, on your shoulder, on your waist, on your arm, but who is too shy to hold your hand and intertwine your fingers properly. She'll become a mess if you hold her hand in the hallways or in front of the team and pretend like she doesn't like it, complaining that you're being clingy (she won't let you let go of her hand at all though).
- gf!Shauna who is jealous and possessive as fuck, no one is safe from her, not even Jackie. She will shoot daggers with her eyes and scare anyone who even breathes near you in a way that makes her feel insecure. Especially if it's someone on the team. Lottie is usually a recurring target of her reactions, making a point of keeping as much distance as possible from Shauna on the field after she sees her talking to you.
- Will totally pretend not to care and say there's nothing wrong when you ask if she's alright, while silently seething with rage and acting weird towards you, keeping everything to herself until she eventually explodes. gf!Shauna who waits until she's alone to write shit about you and the other person in her diary with a horrible, rushed handwriting.
- gf!Shauna, with whom you have to be really patient.
- gf!Shauna with whom you have study dates where she actually makes you study because she won't admit being with someone with a poor average, but who will start kissing you pretty quick until she ends up straddling you the moment she gets tired and decides you both had enough.
- gf!Shauna who absolutely loves seeing you in the stands during practice or a game. She'll show off like never before as soon as she realizes you've come, especially if you yell or cheer for her when she scores a goal. Nat, Lottie and Tai are rolling eyes hard for you two every single time.
- gf!Shauna who takes you in her car wherever you want and whenever you want, driving with one hand on the steering and an elbow resting on the window. Who looks at you with her big eyes shining like a kicked puppy if you ever say you don't need a ride.
- gf!Shauna who has the worst, most questionable taste in movies ever and who gets outraged if you mention it or try to get her to change her choice on a movie night. She's too stubborn to change her mind, so you settle for admiring her profile and leaning back against her warm body on the couch.
- gf!Shauna with whom you have almost weekly sleepovers because her parents are too oblivious to realize there’s something between you. Sleeping in her bed under the pretext that the floor is too cold and keeping the door closed so as not to bother anyone with your teenage nonsense and loud music. It's the perfect combination.
- gf!Shauna who keeps her favorite polaroids of you on your dates alongside the photos of her and Jackie on her bedroom wall.
- gf!Shauna who's always the big spoon and loves feeling your body against hers. She's practically a furnace, perfect for hiding your face on her neck or chest. The best way to fall asleep is with her arms around you and your face buried in her soft skin.
- gf!Shauna who loves to bite and leave marks for every inch of exposed skin you have. Who bites your shoulder joint and digs her nails into your back when you have her pressed against the mattress or the lockers in the changing room.
- gf!Shauna who goes crazy when she sees you in her clothes, especially her button-down shirts and flannels. Sometimes even hides your clothes just to have the excuse to give you hers, because she doesn't know how to ask you to wear them.
- gf!Shauna who writes cheesy and lame love poems for you like a victorian poet, because she doesn't know how to express herself in words without being on impulse or in a fight. You always praise her and thank her a thousand times for them, without letting her know that you don't understand most of what she writes.
- gf!Shauna who demands you tell her you love her before she does it first. She literally asks for it. And then she only says it back weeks later, rushed and nervous, at the moment you least expect it.
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rwbyrg · 2 days
Another thing I had noticed was the way Ruby interreacts with everyone vs. how she interacts with Oscar. Like her mannerisms seem to change a bit when she speaks or is near him or she treats him differently from the others. Because personally I've never seen her act very nervous around the others when she met them versus how she met Oscar, and she still does it to this day. What do you think?
I am soooooo late to answering these asks and this got sooooo long aha. Thank you for your patience. 🙇‍♀️
I have noticed that Ruby acts markedly different around Oscar than the others! And in my opinion, it is done with a great deal of intention. The thing with RG is that a lot of what makes the ship so strong is how subtle its writing is. So much of it is paralleled themes and a lot of it relies on an absence of something that is usually present. Often treating the absence itself as a presence of something to be paid attention to.
When we first meet Ruby in V1, she says she gets along better with weapons than she does with people. (Lol isn't it funny that Oscar's name means "God's Spear" haha. surely that has no correlation whatsoever... anyway).
When Ruby meets Weiss, she gets screamed at and makes a dust bomb explode in the courtyard, but by V2 so many of their conflicts are resolved and they've become rivals/besties/team partners.
When Ruby meets Blake, she's got her foot in her mouth and is super awkward... until there's an opportunity to connect with her about stories and fairytales. Then we see Ruby's earnest side come out and the anxiety in her pretty much disappears.
When Ruby meets Jaune, it's remarkably not awkward. Their shared social awkwardness and feelings of not belonging at Beacon cancel each other out and they're able to have a fairly normal conversation.
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Very quickly through the early volumes, Ruby gets comfortable. As a leader, as part of her team, as a welcome part of their social circle. She's young, still optimistic and full of hope. She hasn't been given too much trauma or cause to question herself by that point. She has her moments, sure, but like a lot of kids that don't fit in much and aren't super social, she's actually really good at it once she's given the chance.
But when Ruby meets Oscar - while she has experienced some of the Horrors™ that have chipped away at her self confidence - she's not too different than usual. Not at first, anyway.
He comments on her eyes and she responds naturally by asking him who he is, she's able to be candid with her response when she's told he's carrying Oz around, and yeah she giggles a bit when they're all playing the 'getting to know you game', but she also smiles at him. Earnest, trying to make him feel at ease cause this situation is kind of weird for all of them. When they spar later, she's being a goofy kid. Sticking her tongue out at him, laughing while they throw and dodge punches, running to help him when he collapses, grabbing his wrist with very little hesitation to tug him towards the rest of the group. It's all fairly normal...
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...and then the Dojo Scene happens.
With the Dojo Scene, the narrative tone of their relationship is both established and changed. Ruby comes down the stairs and she's open, at first. But as they talk a bit more, her body language becomes more and more closed off the closer she gets to him. Clasping her hands in front of her when she asks a question about his past, then hugging herself as she dares to step a little closer to him, as if putting up some kind of protective barrier.
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She tries complimenting his efforts, laughing a bit to hide her nervousness, is fairly candid, and makes a bit of a joke. But the joke reveals a wound of hers that hasn't healed yet and opens the conversation up to vulnerability. A vulnerability that Oscar points out immediately. One she has not spoken to anyone else about up until that point.
"How do you handle all of this?"
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Ruby pauses. She's not used to talking to people about her problems. At first, I don't think she's even thinking about herself when he asks. She nudges him to clarify what he means and he opens up about his own fears, which prompts her routine song and dance that she gives to everyone. Uplifting words, holding onto hope, keep moving forward, just don't let the things that haunt you catch up and you'll be fine.
And Oscar doesn't accept it. He isn't moved by it. He's not comforted. He rejects it, questions it, and completely lashes out. Is actually angry that she's telling him to "just press on" in spite of those fears. Is angry on her behalf that she's not being honest about her own feelings.
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And Ruby cracks. She actually opens up and talks to Oscar about all the grief she keeps buried down and doesn't burden anyone with. She might have argued to herself that it was the only way to make Oscar feel better, but it's uncharacteristic for her. She doesn't usually have to go that deep to cheer other people up. When she tells him about her losses and motivations, Oscar joins her in that open doorway, in shared vulnerability... and the moment she sees an opportunity to retreat, she takes it. Not used to this closeness in the slightest.
From then on out they're still friends, clearly. Their bond strengthened, if anything... but Ruby does not know how to handle him when he has such a skill for seeing through her in ways no one else ever seems to catch onto. She's able to push it away a bit when he's pre-occupied with something else. When he's worried about the merge or his mistakes in Atlas, or they're in a group conversation, she's able to act with some sense of normalcy... but when they're alone that awkwardness comes creeping back.
When WBY confront Ruby about her decision to keep the truth from Ironwood, Yang specifically asks how Oscar feels about it, and we see Ruby falter. This is a direct parallel to Bumbleby circa V8 when Yang is the one worrying about Blake thinking less of her for her own decision. We've seen Ruby disagree with people before and remain confident in her choice... but she questions herself here because of how much she values Oscar's opinion. And their disagreement colours more of her interactions with him throughout V7.
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When they're all practicing in the academy training rooms, Oscar comments on her semblance. Asking if she's always been able to do that, which is something he wouldn't ask if he didn't pay close enough attention to be able to notice such differences. She's laughing awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
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And the fumble, when they finally come back together with renewed trust - that I already dove into a bit over in this post - she's still doing it!!
She is so excited to talk to him again, to not be at odds, that she almost runs directly into his back and is all flailing arms, and awkward giggles as she tries to tell him she agrees with him. When they finally establish that they're on the same page, she's hugging herself tight, rubbing her arm, looking away from him in her nervousness. Even when she walks away she's hugging herself again. Meanwhile, Oscar is all open body language, hand on hip, hand extended to her, active listening and receptive to what she has to say.
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Interesting that this conversation's themes around choosing truth over fear calls back to the Dojo Scene so well, innit? 🤔
The last example I want to give isn't about Ruby. It's about Oscar. Throughout the show, he's always been a bit skittish, jumpy, and expressive with things like loud noises and - quite noticeably - touch. Oscar's been tackled to the ground by Nora in multiple hugs, tackled by the whole team in V6 after he went missing, scooped up by Jaune after he was kidnapped, and in all of those instances there has been a noticeable physical discomfort from him. Often a flinch or a wince beforehand, only relaxing into it after the surprise of the impact is over with.
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But Ruby has put her hand on Oscar's shoulder multiple times (outside the Dojo Scene) without eliciting that response from him. One of those touches made him blush, if anything. And when Oscar returns from Salem's prison, beaten and covered in bruises. Ruby is running to hug him and not only does he not flinch, he smiles with open arms, completely ready for and accepting of it. And then the narrative robbed him of the chance 😭
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Ruby, despite her usual confidence, resolve, and unwillingness to talk about her issues, becomes nervous, awkward, and self conscious around Oscar. The absence of her usual demeanor becomes the presence of how much she values what Oscar thinks of her and how vulnerable he's able to make her feel. (Which, for a character as emotionally guarded as Ruby, is a good thing).
Similarly, Oscar's established pattern of resisting physical touch - even when he's injured and probably sporting a few broken ribs - is absent with Ruby. It becomes a presence instead of his comfort, trust, and (desire for) closeness to her.
While these examples aren't exhaustive, generally speaking, the absences of their usual behaviours around one another become the presence of something unique to their relationship and often serve to highlight their attachments to each other. Be it how they interact with each other directly... or how they act when they're apart. But that, my friends, is an entirely different post and I have rambled long enough for today.
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astroyongie · 2 days
Aespa June Reading 2024
Note: take it with a grain of salt.
love: As expected, Karina isn't in a relationship anymore. She has cut ties with her ex and with everyone that has been involved in this relationship. a lot of distractions around her are probably the cause she didn't saw things coming 
career: she is rather happy with everything that she was able to achieve so far. Karina has also developed her friendships with the other members and she feels closer to them now than she did before. 
self: despite all, there’s a lot of anger in her, a lot of impulsiveness that she has a hard time controlling. Sometimes she loses control of that. 
love: Based on what the cards said, i think Giselle is dating someone but that the relationship isn't official between them, so I dont really know if we can call it dating?. like they have been seeing each other and they are exclusive but at the same time, none of them have actually took that step into making things official 
career: honestly she is super smart because she is exactly where she wants to be. Gislele was able to manipulate her ebay into things but also to make sure that the company went on the way she wanted the group to take. 
self: at the moment i feel that she is extremely exhausted and overwhelmed with everything. one could hypothesize that this is due to the comeback and all the work the girls have put in so far.
love: she is still in a relationship with the same person as before. things seem to be doing well, they are still learning about each other but they are also trying to take new steps into the relationship. 
career: she hasn't been really talking with her members about the things that she has on her head or the things that worries her. i also believe that she hasn't been very honest with her fans about certain things or with the company 
self: a lot of things are happening around her and on her health. thankfully it seems like it will end up okay as the energy is moving forward. 
love: she is also still dating the same person she was before. Ning has found herself a knight that is putting a lot into work for her. their relationship is a little bit too fast paced but she seems to enjoy it anyway
career: she feels a little bit of a burden with the comeback and with the expectations of the public. although she believes she didnt dispainted, it also stresses her out that she will need to do better next time 
self: she is okay, although i feel like there’s a little bit of turmoil on her heart, because she has been thinking a lot about her childhood and about her past lately
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lavouredior · 1 day
Ok so I have had this head canon for a while that the vees have movie nights together, and I’m just wondering if you could write abt them having a movie night and it’s late but the movie isn’t over and bunny is getting really irritated bc she is tired.
But yeah this is just a suggestion.
I hope you doing good and not over working yourself.
OH MY GOD !!!! they so do !!!!
warnings: angry bunny, ari doesn’t know how movies in hell work so she just rolls with it, ari also disses oppenheimer even tho she’s seen it 12 times, this is pretty short ngl, IT IS 12:58 AM WHY AM I WRITING FANFICS RN : YALL BETTER LOVE ME
Thump Goes The Bunny
you loved movie nights, especially when the vees allowed you to choose the movie although usually regretting it after you made them watch some kid movie. ( valentino cries over half of them )
you and vox had a set bed time for you, mostly vox’s idea after he noticed how grumpy you would be when you stayed up too late and you agreed to it
so you had no fucking idea why he was having you stay up watching oppenheimer, which you were practically bored of watching five minutes into it and did not feel like staying up for this movie of all things.
you tried to fall asleep a couple of times but then one of the vees would have a reaction to the movie and it would ruin your chances of sleeping
that’s why you were currently sitting on vox’s lap, faced away from the movie. you let out a frustrated groan which just ended up with vox kissing you on the cheek, which did nothing but frustrate you more.
“wanna sleep!!!!” you practically yelled but it just ended up in the velvette and valentino shushing you not even paying attention to what you said and only to the fact a loud noise came out of you.
that’s when you decided to stand up, causing all three of the vees to immediately pull their attention from the movie screen and to you.
“conejita, you want me to move so you can sit on the couch?” valentino asked, thinking you were gonna complain about how your legs fall asleep from being in the same position for too long.
what they weren’t suspecting was for you to thump three times in response, vox’s eyes widened and he immediately stood up and picked you up. “what the fuck, princess?”
he started walking to the kitchen, trying to let valentino and velvette be able to watch the movie without your current tantrum but by the time he got to the kitchen you had managed to get out of his arms and thump again
he sighed before kneeling down to your height. “what have we talked about?” but you just shook your head, pretty much done with all three of them at this point.
“i did say what’s wrong before thumping! none of you listened tho! vally and vel just shushed me!” your voice came out whinier than you wanted, not trying to sound like a little kid complaining
he sighed again. “what’s wrong, princess?” he opened up his arms which you immediately walked into, him immediately hugging you as your eyes starting to well up a little bit. “i just wanna go sleep.”
he nodded before picking you up again. “it’s only...” he looked at the time before mentally hitting himself. “i’m sorry princess i thought it was earlier, it’s almost 1 AM no wonder you’re in a bad mood right now.”
“just wanna sleep.” vox had gotten the hint that the most important thing right now was getting you to sleep, which is why he immediately went to your guys’ room, planning on texting velvette and valentino about your sleep schedule being messed up once he had gotten you to sleep.
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alaydabug2 · 2 days
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter twenty
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Sophie and Keefe walked through the doors of the mall after being dropped off. They were going to go after school Monday, but it turned out they were both going to be busy after school for the rest of the week. So now it was Saturday, and they both had time.
"So, which way is it?" Sophie asked
"This way."
Keefe took her hand and started to lead her down the left side of the mall to the escalators. They rode it to the second floor. To the right was the jewelry store.
They went to the counter and placed the bracelet and charm down.
"Hello," Sophie said to the cashier. "Can I get this charm placed onto my bracelet?"
"Of course, dear. Follow me."
The lady led them to a different counter with a few tools. She fiddled with the charm before doing something to attach it to the bracelet.
She handed back the bracelet. "Here you go. By the way, you two are adorable together."
Keefe's eyes widened, almost looking horrified. Sophie tilted her head. "Huh? We're... not together."
"He's the one who got the charm, yes?" the lady clarified.
Sophie nodded. The lady tilted her glasses down to look at her. "Mm-hm," she hummed. "Whatever you say, darling."
"That was weird," Sophie murmured under her breath as they left.
"Uh... yeah, strange," Keefe agreed, but he wouldn't quite meet her eyes.
They walked past the food court. One of the cafés smelled amazing, and they still had an hour before being picked up.
"Want to get lunch?" She pointed to a little stall called 'Christy's Café'.
"That sounds good," Keefe said.
They got in line for the stall. When it was their turn, Sophie ordered the chicken wrap and Keefe got the salami sandwich. A guy with dark skin, named Wylie, gave them their food.
They took a seat at a small booth. Keefe tilted to the side to nudge her shoulder. Sophie did it back a little harder. Then Keefe.
They kept going back and forth until they were in a shoving match. People were definitely staring, but they were laughing too much to care.
She tried to gasp a breath in. Her sides hurt, but he wasn't giving up yet, so she wasn't either. She gave one last good shove, and-
Keefe was on his side on the ground. Tears were in the corners of his eyes as he cackled.
"Get up!" she told him, but she couldn't take herself seriously either. She was sure her face was red from laughing.
The guy from the stall wandered over to the table. He looked between her and Keefe.
"Is he alright?"
Sophie had to use all her self-control to choke out an awnser. "He's fine."
She nudged his side with her foot. "Get up," she hissed, still trying to control herself.
That caused him to roll over onto his stomach to try and muffle himself. It wasn't working very well, but Sophie appreciated the sentiment.
Wylie just stared at them for a little bit longer before walking away. Although she could hear him snickering as he made his way back.
Sophie grabbed Keefe by the shoulders to drag him back up into the booth. He was still in hyena mode. He buckled over and rested his forehead on her shoulder.
"You good?" Sophie had to ask.
He had gone completely red, likely from lack of oxygen. He was still shaking. He wrapped his arms around Sophie to steady himself. It made her cheeks warm, and her heart flip.
Maybe it wasn't an aura? It wasn't like her others. The normal ones felt like a stalled heartbeat. These ones felt like it was doing summersaults. She didn't understand why she had been so twitchy around him lately.
"No," he managed to get out, cutting her off from her thoughts. "I'm crying."
She snorted. "Easy boy." She patted his head. He shook his head.
After five minutes, he finally managed to collect himself. Mostly. He was still hicuping slightly. He wiped the corners of his eyes.
"Sorry," Sophie told him. "Didn't mean to push you that hard. You alright?"
"You're good. I knew what I was getting myself into. I'm fine."
"You're sure?" She pointed to a forming purple blotch on the elbow he fell on.
He shrugged, "You know I just bruise easily from the baby aspirin. Doesn't even hurt."
"Alright." Her phone dinged. "Oh, my mom is here. Let's go.
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hunnymisworld · 6 hours
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Karasuno and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
A P P R O A C H A B L E yet he is kinda intimidating because everybody knows he's the volleyball captain.
He'll show a small smile when you tap his shoulder to call his attention. "Hey y/n, how can i help you?"
Would offer to teach you the homework with every d e t a i l so you would understand. (He doesn't mind if you ask multiple times about the same thing)
A PATIENT MAN (and understanding too)
"Don't hesitate to ask for help anytime okay?"
He sees you as a younger sibling and finds it cute when you ask him for help.
BIG BROTHER ENERGY (best senpai fr)
Kinda serious when he teaches you the lesson, he's eager for you to learn.
Would ask you follow-up questions to make sure you really understood.
The type to even stay-up-late with you when you ask for a tutor in the upcoming exam ( FOR FREE?!?!? - yes. )
Gives you his phone number cause he does not use social media that much. In case you needed any help with academics or whatsoever.
You can easily find them near the vending machine playing rock-paper-scissors to know who's going to pay for who's snack/drink. (tough battle - Who do you think pays most of the time? You can leave a comment.)
"Stop messing around noya! A junior is here to ask something"
"Ow! Did you really have to hit me- **gets hit again** Oh- Hi Y/n how can your seniors help you?"
Would gladly help you and buy you snacks too!
They lead you where they usually hang out during free time and scan what your homework is about.
"Here, can i see?" Nishinoya offered to look at the homework first and you handed him your noteook.
Ryu was beside him, he was also trying to see what your homework is about.
Scan....scan... Read.... Read...
"What is this? Did we even learn this way back? Do you remember any of this ryu?"
"GIve me that! Stupid-ass. That's what you get for cutting classes. Good for you that you were able to be a senior" (Yes, ryu just snatched your notebook from noya)
"HEY! That was- fine! It's true. Why would i argue with an even dumber person like you"
You were literally just standing there while they bicker like 🧍‍♀️ T.T (poor y/n getting flustered - wondering how to react)
"Can you stop Noya, let me handle this. SHHHH i can't focus"
Noya really said ���😑🙂 (bro was GAGGED)
After a while.... yes they indeed remembered the lesson and eventually stopped bickering.
They summerized the lesson for you and explained the concept of the lesson. You were then able to answer all the questions which they checked.
"There all done!" Noya happily said while Ryu was having his moment being the best senpai ever.
"Easy peasy" "Lemon squeezy"
You were relieved and thanked them after. You also offered to get them ice cream next time you bump into each other to thank them for helping you (Literally ATE UP your free time from all that bickering T.T nevertheless, you were grateful)
2 MISTAKES! NOT BAD!! (You got 4 thumbs up from them both and they congratulated you)
He would be the one to approach you since he noticed you were having a hard time since the morning recess. Brows furrowed while you were scanning your note book.
"Hey Y/n! How are you? I noticed you were having a hard time since the morning. Do you need help?"
You were on the verge of crying for being frustrated at not understanding the lesson. He noticed it and patted your back as he smiled at you warmly.
A COMFORT PERSON FR (he's such a sunshine)
Makes you calm down first so that you'd be able to clear your mind for you to understand the lesson completely.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel calm now? Don't worry, anything can be learned. Don't pressure yourself too much, you just have to give yourself enough time to learn it okay? Let yourself be a beginner too."
You smile warmly at his words. He seems to always know what to say to make a person calm down.
He explained the concept to you as simple as he can and gave you an outline of the lesson so that you have a guide.
He bought you your comfort food to help calm your nerves and walked you back to your classroom cause he was worried.
"Just approach me if you need tutoring okay? Your mental health matters, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't doubt yourself and your capabilities, you are an amazing person who is also capable of making mistakes. You're human too."
You hugged him as you felt how sincere he was and he patted your back.
YOU ACED IT YEY!! (our soft-hearted y/n awww)
IS YOUR BESTFRIEND!! (sees you as her little sibling)
Left her notebooks on your desk with a cute note saying:
" Don't be upset, you'll get it i promise you. Here are my notes from 1st year and it's concept is described there in the simplest form. I know you'll be able to understand it when you read it. If you have any questions just text me, i'm arranging the boys' volleyball team practice match with Nekoma right now so i was not able to hand it to you personally. Take care xoxo!
PS: let me know if you want to watch the match, i'll get you a ticket"
You understood her notes pretty easily as she said on her note
You texted her and said thank you for the notes and offered to buy her snacks when she's not busy anymore.
She replied with:
" You're welcome 🩷. Sure!!"
She's the best sister fr.
Will turn his back on you as you approach him T.T
"No. I know what you're going to ask for"
Damn :((
As you walk out of the classrom to ask others who can help you with the homework, he secretly puts his notebook in your bag for you to have a guide for the homework.
Yes, he left a note and stick in inside his notebook saying:
"Everything is here. You better not text or annoy me. Study on your own. I need my notebook back by tomorrow"
You were surprised and touched that he knows how to show he cares.
Before you even have the chance to ask them, THEY WILL ASK FOR YOUR HELP FIRST T.T
They don't understand the lesson either
"Hey y/n, do you understand the lesson? Can you help us?"
You looked at them shocked and said "I'm surprised and flattered that you think that I understood the topic but I ALSO DON'T KNOW T.T"
You and HInata cried while Kageyama left you both to ask for help (don't worry he intends to teach you the concept of the lesson to after he learned it from someone who can help)
You ended up having a mini group study with them and Kageyama was able to explain the concept sucessfully.
"Woah Kageyama, i have this much respect for you now. Didn't know you had this side in you" the orange haired guy said.
"Shut up, i'll never set for you again if you manage to fail this homework"
Note: You can comment for other character request.
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Guys... Listen I know I said I'd draw something for valentine's day but I had a bit of a rough week sooooo I'm just going to write it out instead, maybe I'll finish drawing it some day, maybe not. It's behind a show more because it's long.
(also there's talks about having sex but no actual sex, and like, general warnings about Ghost's backstory but it's very vague here).
Soap was hanging around outside, trying to bring himself to do something, anything. But the weather was nice for a February day, and the sun was out, and it was making him feel like a cat basking in the heat.
An arm wrapped itself around his shoulders, a huge body suddenly weighing on him. Ghost.
Soap hummed comfortably. This day was getting better by the minute. Any chill he might have felt from being outside in a tank top out of pure Scottish spite was instantly soothed.
Simon often times saw himself as a cold man, freezing to the touch, hidden behind a layer of ice. A proper little Elsa, Soap almost snorted out loud. The truth was that while yes, his fingers and toes' temperature was sometimes abysmal, especially in bed, the rest of him was the warmest place Johnny had ever been.
"I've got something for you in our room," Ghost whispered against his throat, making Soap shiver.
Simon had begun calling Soap's room theirs a few weeks ago and Johnny couldn't have enough of it. He was so in love it genuinely hurt sometimes to restrain himself from squeezing him to death.
"Is that so?" he purrs, knowing how Ghost likes that. If this day didn't end in sex he'd be very surprised. He'd long learned to recognize when Simon wanted sex and when he didn't, and the way he squeezed his pec in response to his voice was a very easy tell.
But then again Simon was way less subtle than he thought he was.
They made their way back to their room, and there it was, a repurposed shoebox, badly wrapped with cheap wrapping paper. Johnny couldn't be more excited, he had never received any gift from a significant other. To be fair he adored gifting but always felt awkward receiving.
But this was Simon. Something that Simon had chosen to give him.
He sat on the bed, leaving enough space behind him for Ghost to sit there so he could use him as a very comfortable backrest. When he did, he grabbed the gift and began opening it.
He knew that Ghost liked to tear the wrapping paper, liked the sound of it and liked tearing it into the smallest pieces possible after, but he himself loved carefully unwrapping it and folding it flat so he could later maybe do an origami with it or put a piece in his journal. Probably both.
This one was full of tape but he still very much enjoyed himself, considered it a challenge. He enjoyed the chase, wanted to drag it on. Ghost huffed impatiently behind him, a bit tense, probably nervous.
Inside the box was a weird old fashioned clunky thing. It was bright red, looked slightly like binoculars, definitely from the 70's, with a wheel of tiny pictures wedged in the top of it. Memories hit him all at once.
"Oh my god ah remember, my Ma had one of these when ah was a child! My sister and I loved it, it had pretty landscapes in!"
He put it against his eyes, excited to see what this one came with. At his biggest surprise, it was a picture of them. Simon had customised it.
The picture showed the back of himself a bit further away from the camera, pointing at something while in full gear, in a dilapidated town, Ghost's face in the foreground looking at the camera. It looked like Soap was talking to someone, but that person was cut by the framing.
"Wait, ah remember that mission, it's when ah saved Gaz from a landmine just to be shot seconds later," he laughed. "ah spent two fucking weeks in the hospital, ah was miserable. Ye kept joking ah should hiv left Gaz explode while staring at him, he was convinced ye actually wanted him dead!"
Then the next picture was indeed him in his hospital bed, unconscious but the state of his injuries told him he was probably just sleeping at least a few days after his admission, his life no longer in danger. In this one, Ghost was sleeping too, head in his elbow near Soap's head and his other hand holding Soap's hand.
"Who took this one?" Soap asked, moved by the tenderness of Ghost's hold on him in the picture. It would have been right after Johnny had admitted to maybe liking him more than friends, before they were officially dating.
"The hospital one?"
Soap hummed.
"Price did. Said it was for blackmail. Should have seen him, he looked like his child had just married the person of their dreams and had ridden off into a rainbow on a unicorn or some shit. Old man's sentimental as fuck, but I didn't call him on his bullshit, he's already old, that's punishment enough."
Soap giggled in response. The next few pictures were all of them together but each time he was either turning his back or asleep.
"Why the fuck am ah never looking at the camera?" he whined. He wanted some cute couple pictures, dammit!
"Couldn't have you suspecting what I was planning," Simon said, kissing his shoulder soothingly. Only then Soap noticed that he had taken his mask off at some point and turned to ask for a proper kiss, which he immediately got.
"Keep going, there's more pictures," Simon whispered against his lips when he tried to turn around to kiss him some more. His pouting only got him a smirk in response, so he got comfortable again and brought the slide viewer back against his eyes.
He was happy he did. The next picture waiting for him was just Simon in the mirror, almost in full gear, but with one gloveless hand dragging his trousers down so the camera could see the bottom of his stomach, follow along his happy trail and reaching the very top of his pubic hair. The picture cut of his head, but he could see that his mouth was uncovered and he was holding the glove with his teeth.
Soap groaned. "Steaming Jesus, love, you're so hot."
He felt Simon hide his face in the back of his neck, warmer than usual, and chuckled a bit. He loved him so fucking much.
There were four more pictures of Simon, in various suggestive poses and states of undress, some almost showing his cock but never quite committing, making Johnny feel like he was being teased.
He was getting hard though and so ready to be done with the pictures and access the real thing. But Simon was still tense behind him. In fact, he had only gotten tenser and tenser with each click.
Soap was unsure why. They never had a problem with their sexual life, Simon had already changed his mind about having sex after starting and Soap had absolutely no problem with that, was glad to hug him instead and reassure him when he had tried to apologize.
Simon knew that there was no pressure, ever, to have sex. Hell, Johnny would still be happy even if Simon decided that he never wanted to have sex again, and he had made sure to make Simon understand that.
Then he got to the last picture and immediately understood.
It wasn't a picture of either of them, just a little bit of paper, with a few words written in Ghost's awful handwriting.
Just a few words that made Johnny drop the viewer on the covers and turn around to grab Simon's face, worriedly looking in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked, looking for any trace of Simon forcing himself. "Baby, ah'm happy to bottom for the rest of mah life, there's no pressure, okay?"
Simon looked at him with warmth in his eyes and his cheeks completely red, a wrapping bow added on top of his head. "I know," he said simply. "I just want to. I don't want to be haunted by memories anymore. I used to like it, and I want to like it again. With you. Just.... Be gentle, okay?"
Johnny kissed his forehead. "Ah dinnae think ah ken how no tae be gentle with ye, love."
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thedreadvampy · 8 months
idk I had a very interesting therap today but I just
like it's all very well to recognise that I gotta have a fucking open-ended breakdown and jump face first into the Sadness Bog sometimes instead of sitting on all my feelings
but like
I still have to go to work, you know? it's like. ok yeah have a breakdown which like until you jump into it you don't know if it's going to last an hour or a year. yeah go ahead that's all grand. you do have to get up in the morning and go to work though. you're not allowed to not do that. or to not pay the rent or not shower or not eat.
like all my friends and loved ones are constantly like 'you know you're allowed to be sad right' and it's like. AM I??? because I STILL HAVE TO PAY RENT.
#red said#the thing my therapist keeps pointing out is like. i got on this adulthood thing WAY too early#metaphorically i have Had To Go To Work In The Morning since i was like. 4. bc i am congenitally incapable of#Not Thinking About Consequences. and it's so important to be Good and Tough and Have It Together#but like. maybe if id done more crying and melting down when i DIDN'T Have To Go To Work In The Morning bc i was a Literal Infant#i might be a more balanced adult now that i actually DO. Have To Go To Work In The Morning.#what do people like. do. when they have to have feelings but also meet adult responsibilities? impossible. gotta choose.#i think it doesn't help that i already really struggle to work a full time job. like I'm already late basically every day bc i a night guy#so it's like. there's no give in this. maybe if i was back into a 3-4 day week? but idk if i can afford that#but also the work is only partly work. it's also like. having human relationships. eating. washing. being a person.#but idk. like. until i have some genuinely open-ended time i think I'm gonna always find it impossible to actually let go#i said in therapy it's like. like sadness specifically is like a thick muddy bog. and i can dip a foot in it#but bc i know i need to be able to keep moving#i can only stick a foot in and deal with a bit of it if I'm holding onto something. so in practise i can only cry#right before it becomes inappropriate to cry. so like. end of a therapy session. heading to a train station after seeing someone.#that kind of thing. it's a safety thing.#it would be much more effectively Dealing With to go dive into the bog and plough through it#but I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG THAT'LL TAKE and i have to like. come out all muddy and deal with that#and there's always somewhere i gotta be soon. i can't just jump into the mud. not cause I'll get hurt i just Don't Have Time#anyway. feelings. how do they work. embarrassed about having them. embarrassed about suppressing them. generally just embarrassed.
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dolokhoded · 3 months
i need to go to sleep right now but i've got zimon in the brain and i know i won't be able to sleep until i do something to get him out of the brain but i can't get up to draw right now and i sure as hell can't get up to write that would take me around 11 years so i'll just sit here and rotate him in my mind like a burnt chicken
#🧅#im remaking the apostle designs too. just. a lot of disciple disease lately.#if there was more aro representation in media i wouldn't cling to the two characters i hc as aro so i can actually do it in a non shitty wa#and I wouldn't be up thinking about them right now and i wouldn't go to sleep late and i'd be abke to study tomorrow and actually get into#uni and get a degree and find a job a d have a life. so if i get nowhere in life it's actually because society hates aromantic people.#man why did i give up on writing. if i could write right now i could just. write all thr concepts out of my head instead of keeping them#up there.#pfft. ''the two characters i hc as aro'' as if i don't cast aro spells on Everyone Ever.#whatever you get james and simon are my blorbos of choice atm#if i could at least get over my current wave if Aromantic Rage so i could actually make ship content and post some jesus/judas along with#all the aro people so people would care about them more :/#queerbaiting you guys so you consume content about Other type of queers#man. i hate when this happens it alienates me from fandom So much . cause like the second people start talking about ships im like 'cool'#*fades out like that giy doing the peace sign*#and i know its not my actual Opinion either i like these ships it's just. auugghfhfh.#not to mention everyone making amazing ship content and not even being able to check it out because i get irrationally pissed#sometimes i wish i weren't aro so bad#sometimes. then i remember it's awesome and aromanticism is god's masterpiece and i love it. but man.
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all ancient history professors in germany are gonna hate me so much i'm being so so annoying
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buckleyseddie · 7 months
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moonsidesong · 1 year
i like how much hfjone gives me thinky thoughts. ending spins around in my brain going wheeee whats gonna happen now who knooooows
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astroyongie · 2 days
Zerobaseone June Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly and have fun
love: he is still single at the moment and honestly things aren't the best for him. In January he was rejected. Yet he is stilç very conflicted. there’s this one person he also has a crush on but this person has been beefing with them? to a certain point. where their conversation is only arguments so it's kind of annoying him  
career: things are going okay for him, this comeback to come also helped him progress when it comes to his own artistic talents. i feel like Hanbin has been trying to expend more of himself. he wants to tour, to travel and to be friends with other people 
self: he is okay. his health seems to be okay and he is mentally strong as well despite the difficulty he has to manage his anxiety. he hasn't been worried much about things since he is taking a more positive perception on life overall thanks to his therapy 
love: he is still dating the same person as before and things seem to be doing rather well. their relationships as expended and they are also trying to search for more depth. At the moment their partner is probably overseas tho. 
career: he is extremely frustrated with the comeback. mostly because he believes that the company hasn't put any light on him and he feels like he has been sabotaged or at least not as appreciated as the other members. his actions are also hasty which can cause some issues 
self: overall he still struggles a lot when it comes to his own feelings. everything that has happened to him as impacted him a lot and he still doesn't know how to deal with all of that 
love: ah! remember Hao was in love with someone and he thought that the person dont love them back. seems like he was wrong because from january to now they finally got into a relationship and things seem to be doing rather okay so far. 
career: career wise things are a little more complicated for rhim. he knows he has a lot of burdens whenever there are comeback preparations and lately he feels like he has too much on his shoulders. Hao understands that he needs to release pressure but he is scared of things 
self: mentally, it’s not the best. There's anxiety and some fears, but mostly I see Hao using unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to be able to survive through his days. 
love: It seems like his relationship with his sponsorship has been cooling down and things are a little bit better to him. Matthew is currently searching for love, and he truly wishes to be closer to other people because he feels the need to be loved and needed 
career: things are complicated here. like his work is overall okay and he is happy with everything. it's just that matthew has such a hard time managing his anxiety and his stress when it comes to comebacks that he often will self isolate 
self: he has been spending a lot of time out whenever he can, in environments that sound like gatherings or parties because he needs to put his mind out from the everyday stress that the idol life brings him. He has quite a social circle.
love: Not really much luck in his life. He is single at the moment and he isn't seeking for anyone since his heart is a little fragile since the past person he has liked. at the moment he is trying to make amends with his love life and reconcile himself with his feelings 
career: people might have a very negative opinion of Taerae (those who work with him). He has the type of personality that is very frontal and because of that, peoçel see him as someone cold hearted and even bitchy/asshole like. he doesn't seem to care about that 
self: there’s a lot happening in his life and he doesn't give himself time to process anything. instead Taerae is the type to just push forward and keep his mind focus on his work 
love: single as well and not really focused on his love life to be honest. At the moment Ricky is focused on his career and on the money he is earning which for him, is the most essential thing. after his break up, it seems like he closes his heart
career: he has been self limiting himself a lot in this comeback. He wants his members to have some spotlight as well and he has been helping them, even if that means to put himself on the side. Ricky knows that he doesn't need to put much effort on himself due to his looks so he is trying to help his colleagues instead 
self: he is okay and he is actually enjoying his life. Ricky, like I said, has been spending a lot of his time with his members, creating strong friendships with them and learning from them and also bringing his own teaching and experiences. 
love: he is still single and still super harsh on himself. Gyuvin believes that he is someone that can’t do things properly. the thing is, because of his demanosu and his way of being, the people around him also sem him as the typical “manipulative victim” which does not help him 
career: things seem to be doing well. Out of all the members, he probably has a great relationship with people he works with and with his members. Gyuvin will also be super communicative with his fans because that's something he loves to do 
self: the same harsh energy is seen in his self. Gyuvin has been the typical impulsive guy that gets angry easily. that can make him quite ruthless with his words but it seems like his close friends don't take it personally 
love: he is still single and still having the same attitudes that he had before (which means being a little bit impulsive and weird around feminine people which ends up scaring them). Gunwook isn't the most oblivious person ever 
career: i feel like this comeback that is being prepared has kind of taken a turn on him but he is holding on. What worries me is the co dependent relationship he has with his mother, a manager or a sponsor. 
self: his physical health seem to be a little bit more on the fragile side but he is also taking care of it already so he doesnt get sick midway through the comeback 
love: Yujin isn't in a relationship anymore. The breakup has been very very complicated with him. He hasn't been getting any sleep lately, I feel his energy to be quite gloomy. there’s a lot of fear of benign alone, a lot of things he lied about and his inner turmoils that are killing him inside 
career: he is so scared of this comeback, mostly because he doesn't feel like he is enough for it compared to his teammates. he also feels jealous toward some members that have it “easier” than he does 
self: his physical health seems to be okay but the rest is quite challenging. his biggest enemy at the moment is himself which isn't easy to deal with everyday 
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rosicheeks · 11 months
Virgo, Sagittarius, 2H 😊
virgo ⇢ do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
Lol yes
sagittarius ⇢ what places would you like to travel in the future?
Omg literally everywhere
2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?
To be honest I can’t think of anything right away?
#lol do I think I’m a perfectionist?#that has to be a trick question right hahahaha#my Etsy name is literally Perfectionyx playing off of me being such a perfectionist hahaha#I’ve lost so many paintings and artwork because something wasn’t ‘perfect’ and I tried to fix it and completely fucked it up#I wanna travel so fucking badly#I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately#actually my parents and my brothers family are going to disney originally cause of work but they’re going for fun too#and I’m so so so happy for them#my parents especially deserve to travel and get out and have some fun#I’m trying to figure out a way for me to go too but idk man#traveling is just SO expensive#not even just the plane ticket but then the hotel room and food and stuff#so I don’t think I’ll be able to join unfortunately#but it’s been making me think about traveling a lot more than usual#I always think about it tbh like whenever i see a plane in the sky or something#but now I’m thinking about it every single day#how badly I want to travel and see the world#i want to go back to Europe some day I was super fortunate to be able to go in high school#but I want to go back and be able to do my own thing#also want to go to Greece one day and maybe meet any family I have there#just to name a few places#but honestly anywhere#I want to get out of my little bubble and actually see places and meet people#idk hopefully one day#as for an object?#I have plenty of sentimental things that I hold on to and treasure#but I can’t think to anything that I like a little too much tbh#I have this tiny little snowman figurine that I set out every year around the holiday time#and he makes me happy 💖#I’m running out of space but thank you for the questions lovely 😘
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