#cassius x mc
hotchocolatelovesyou · 7 months
ACOR stresses me the f out especially considering that MC flirts and sleeps with anyone and I'm scared (not really, I know my history babes) of Marc Anthony lol actually that's a lie at this point I'm more scared of saying the wrong thing with Cassius bc homie is veeeeery passionate about killing Giulio this is why I'm picking sabina as my n.1 but God Syphax is just so sweet
I feel bad for Caesar :/
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thefirstcourtesan · 1 year
it was JUST NOW that i realized you were the one who wrote a lot of my favorite acor fics from years ago !!! (went through your tag after i saw the last couple of asks you got about the book ahaha i hope you don't mind !!!) i love the fics and the meta you've done for portia and for moira, but i'd also love to hear more about your cassius and sabina MCs (if you did any playthroughs with them) and how they're different from your MCs that romanced antony and syphax
Awwww! Thank you! And never apologize for going through my tag, I have actually been loving the notification and the walk down memory lane.
I never ended up creating an MC for Sabina, I intended to but it just never happened, but my Cassius MC Brighid did end up as fleshed out as Portia and Moira and I did do a full play through with her.
Basically, Brighid is who I originally thought Portia would be (literally, I actually originally intended for Portia to be her Roman name and Brighid her Gaul name and ended up abandoning it and making Brighid a seperate MC). When I first started playing ACOR, I envisioned Portia as loving Cassius but wanting Antony and I saw her as bent on revenge at all cost but as I played the book and I started writing her, I realized that wasn’t her.
Portia, at her core, is a survivor. She was determined to not just survive Rome, but to thrive. If she had to become more Roman than Gaul, so be it. Not only that, but she would become the best Roman she could. She would show them all. And that is what made her so well suited for Antony. They were both survivors, both determined to prove the Roman elite wrong and they both wanted power. Portia became a woman who would adapt when she had to (like sparing Aquila to regain Antony’s favor) and who’s end goal wasn’t just to kill Caesar, but to claim Rome and rule it. I originally intended fo r her to love Cassius, but that just didn’t fit her. He was too idealistic for her, so in the end, I had her use him to help her kill Caesar.
Moira, my Syphax MC, is her exact opposite in every way. Moira’s whole focus has always been her family, revenge was a means to an end. Rome is her prison. She can’t lie as well as a courtesan should. She hates everything Antony stands for and lets him know. Moira wants Caesar dead, but mostly she wants her own freedom and she wants to leave Rome and everything attached to it behind. Moira was created to be the opposite of Portia.
Brighid, is more complicated. She is far more like Portia then Moira. As I said, she is the Portia that might have been. She shares many of the same qualities of Portia, the ability to lie and perform and adapt to Rome. But while Portia is a survivor at her core, Brighid is more complicated. Brighid has never forgotten Gaul, never let go of who she was and she has never forgiven Rome for what they did to her. So she wants Aquila to die and Caesar. She doesn’t care anything for Rome or the Republic, she just wants her own revenge.
But she does love Cassius. She loves his kindness and his ideals. She loves that he helps her see a new side of Rome and his people. She love that he makes her feel safe. However, as much as she loves Cassius, she is drawn to Antony like a moth to a flame. She does not like him, but she understands him and more than that she burns for him.
I chose the hate sex for Brighid and it was perfect.
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She doesn’t love Antony. She doesn’t even particularly like him. But she desires him. Even as she is set on a life with Cassius, she needs that moment with Antony, one last tumble in his bed. She can tell herself it is the best way to distract him, but the truth is that she wanted it, wanted him.
But she still chooses Cassius. She loves Cassius and she is thrilled to get a life with him. A life that involves returning to Gaul, because she need that (which is also why Antony is a bad match for her, as he is the LI that will not accompany the MC to Gaul).
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With Portia, I created an MC who had become Roman, who had chosen to adapt her surroundings. Brighid is who she might have been if revenge had been more important to her than survival and if she had never let go of Gaul. Brighid is not a woman that could have ever chosen Antony in the end, just like Portia would never have truly been content with Cassius. I see them both as very different from Moira, because Portia and Brighid were both willing to do whatever they had to for their goal, in a way Moira would not. Portia and Brighid are two sides of the same coin, while Moira was something else entirely.
Thank you so much for this ask @mrsstavizzi I love talking about my ACOR MCs, they have such a special spot in my heart.
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erixadraws · 8 days
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He’s been there for me so many times. I want to be able to provide the same comfort to him.
-I want him to let me in, all the way
Introducing my mc Lavinia Briar and her bf Cassius Harlow.
In this piece I was inspired by @cashweasel with her recent beautiful wip.
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itlovesinthewoods · 3 months
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*hands you half-assed table made with ms paint* place your bets
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pastel-omegas-blog · 1 year
Oneshot nsfw with cassius?👀
I'm wheeped for this dude-
Your wish is my command~
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The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room joined by hushed moans and groans of pleasure.
Small s/c hands tried desperately to grip the table top his back was lying on only for his fingers to scratch the surface harshly.
The harsh thrusting into his walls sped up and a choked sob escaped the omega's lips as he arched his back in as the pleasure reached cloud nine, his eyes crossing a bit.
The sight of his fucked out husband caused Cassius to let out a breathy chuckle as he drank in the sight of his beautiful little mate, butt naked, body covered in bite marks and hickeys going dumb on his cock.
It had been to long since they last embraced each other like this.
Since the triplets birth they had both devoted every fiber if their being to been there for their pups and with that they had neglected the more intimate part of their life.
But now they had a bit of alone time now, and they were going to use it to the best of their abilities.
The alpha let out a moan as he felt the other's velvety walls clench tightly around him , the warm heat drawing him closer to his finish
Dark navy blue eyes seemed to grow as the alpha noticed the bulge from his cock moving from his omega's stomach and the thought of filling the smaller man with more pups drove over the edge as he pounded into his husband like an animal, balls slapping against the other's ass. 
Broken moans left M/N's kiss swollen lips as he wrapped his arms around his mate's back trying to bring him closer, his nails digging into the alpha's back as he felt his mind begin to break, the other not mind the pain just continued to fuck his husband like a personal sex doll.
A harsh thrust to his sensitive core had him cumming, thin strips of white staining both of their chests.
Cassius lost it at the sight, his pace becoming animalistic as his knot began to inflate, pushing it's pass the omegas entrance with each thrust as he fucked his mate into over simulation. 
Finally the knot slipped inside the other's heat locking the two together.
Grinding into the other Cassius finally came sending M/N into his second orgasm, his seed filling the other's womb as they both laid there trying to catch their breaths.
" D..did you r.. really have to d..dick me in y.. your o.. office " the omega managed to drawl out after a few minutes of catching his breath, trying to fight away the sleep.
The alpha giggled going to press a kiss to his mate's forehead before pressing a kiss to the mating mark connecting them.
" Been wanting to see you spread out on my table for a while " Cassius mumured pressing a kiss to his lips , basking in the sweet taste that flooded his mouth, only separating for air.
" You did so well for me handsome, so rest, I'll clean us up when my knot comes down " the navy haired man reassured, watching his mate fall into slumber with a contented smile on his lips.
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
Breakfast Roast
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Book: Immortal Desires
Pairing: m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Luca O'Rinn)
Ratings/Warnings: General, language
Words: 1K
Summary: Gabriel can't resist teasing Cas and Luca over morning coffee.
A/N: I got this super cute ask, and as I was thinking about how to answer it, somehow I blinked and a little fic happened? So here you go! Someone once told me the Starlight trio was the Idiots to Lovers trope and I couldn't agree more. This is just a little slice of Starlight Idiot Hours / Fluff in a nutshell, set a few years after the events of SICSIG
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations, @lilyoffandoms
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Things were going alarmingly well for a Monday. Gabriel had completed his morning jog in record time, there hadn’t been a queue at the coffee shop, and he’d come away from his early-morning grocery run with a couple of unexpected little gifts in tow.
Cas was hunched over a bowl of cereal when Gabriel arrived back home, scrolling idly through his phone. He shot Gabriel a sleepy grunt by way of greeting as he set the bags down on the kitchen counter. The morning sun slanted cheery and gold through the open window, bringing with it the smell of fresh spring pollen and the droning buzz of bees.
Content, Gabriel stole a moment to inhale the sharp scent of the freshly roasted coffee beans he’d picked up. He flipped the coffee machine on to heat, and began to unload the groceries.
‘They were out of hot sauce, darling.’
‘Fucking again? Arson.’
Gabriel shook his head in fond exasperation. ‘They said it’d be back in stock next week.’
Cas grumbled, low in his throat like a churlish cat. ‘…Less arson.’
Gabriel laughed. He loved hearing Cas like this; all snarly and husky, his voice deep and gravelly with sleep, yet light and unburdened of anything but the most mundane of trifles. Cas deserved mundane. He deserved domestic and peaceful and happy. Gabriel could listen to him grouse about grocery stores forever.
Even after years of waking up next to Cas, it never got old.
Huh, Gabriel thought, bemused. That’s vampirism for you.
Mellifluous laughter filled the room as Luca bounded in from the hallway.
‘Less arson, huh? However will you cope?’ Dropping a kiss on Cas’s cheek as they passed, Luca skidded into the kitchen, their threadbare socks slick against the linoleum, sliding along until they bumped cheerily into Gabriel’s side. ‘Good morning gorgeous!’
‘Good morning to you too, mi corazón.’
Gabriel dipped his head to meet him; Luca’s kisses tasted of peppermint toothpaste and pure adoration.
‘I come bearing carbs,’ Gabriel said, handing them a greased paper bag, laughing at the muffled “oh my god, I love you” he managed to decipher from a mouth somehow already crammed full with an over-ambitious bite of cinnamon roll.
Luca leaned against the counter, eyes sinking closed in sugary delight.
‘And gifts!’ Gabriel added, eyeing his two loves carefully.
Cas was barely awake, slouching about in his favourite sweatpants and one of Gabriel’s bathrobes, knuckling the sleep from his eyes. Luca’s hair stuck up at awkward angles, a smear of frosting clinging to their lip.
The pair of them were far too cute not to tease.
‘I got you a little something,’ Gabriel said carefully, casually, his mouth twitching at the corners. ‘Just there on the counter.’
He nodded at a small white box he’d set down on the counter, tucked between a potted plant and a carton of eggs. Cas shambled up to join them, slumping into a seat on the barstools with a jaw-cracking yawn. He stole a bite of Luca’s cinnamon roll as they plopped down beside him.
‘Wait, “you”, who?’ Luca asked.
Gabriel shrugged evasively, already enjoying himself far too much.
Cas’s eyes narrowed. The pair shared a suspicious glance, before Cas flipped the box open, pulling out the white ceramic mug inside.
He barked a laugh.
‘“Cute but dumb”?’
Luca snorted. ‘Well, that’s obviously for me,’ they said, reaching for the mug.
Cas jerked it out of Luca’s reach. ‘Well, hang on just a goddamn minute, O'Rinn. Who’s to say it’s not for me?’
‘Since when have you let anyone call you “cute”?’
‘Wha— I’m cute,’ Cas pouted. ‘I’m fuckin’ adorable!’
‘Cas, you’re six foot three, you’re covered in tattoos, and you threatened to fistfight a vending machine yesterday when it chewed up your dollar.’
When Luca broke into a peal of derisive laughter, Cas cocked his head.
‘What makes you the default cute one in our relationship, huh? Being two foot tall?’ Cas crossed his arms, fixing Luca with a smug grin. ‘I’m surprised you can even see over the counter from all the way down there, New Kid.’
‘Oh! Short jokes now!’ Luca snarled. ‘Very funny. Ha ha.’
‘Yeah, I thought so.’
‘Won’t be laughing when I headbutt you in the dick,’ Luca muttered.
‘Woah, hang on a minute.’
Cas set the mug down, raising his hands in gentle placation. Gabriel allowed himself a small moment to be impressed — Cas, done with goading Luca after a bare few minutes?
That had to be some kind of record.
‘…let me find you a stepladder first.’
‘Oh, fuck you, Harlow!’
Ah. Apparently not.
Gabriel sorted some lettuce and avocados into the vegetable crisper, stowing away groceries while Luca attempted to shove Cas directly off his bar stool. He turned and fixed Gabriel with a bargaining look.
‘Gabe. Tell him it's mine. You think I’m cute, right?’
‘Of course I do.’
Gabriel’s smile turned coy as he poured the fresh coffee beans into the grinder and flipped it on, plucking up another bag of groceries to unload. The kitchen was quickly filled with the aromatic, chocolatey smell of his favourite arabica blend.
‘I think you’re both cute.’
‘Yeah, but— oh, shut up, Cas. Oi!’
Luca smacked Cas’s arm as he tried to steal a triumphant bite of their cinnamon roll.
‘But,’ Luca pressed, ‘out of the two of us, only one was so invested in a conversation they were having this morning in their own head, with themself that they walked head-first into a fucking doorframe, ergo—’
Luca snagged the mug, holding it proudly next to his face.
‘—I have clearly achieved peak idiot and this mug is mine. Hey!’
Gabriel stifled a laugh as Luca gaped at their now empty hands. He hummed idly to himself as Cas and Luca sprang from their seats, wrestling with each other in a desperate bid for "Cute but Dumb"-mug-ownership rights.
He passed a pleasant few minutes as the coffee brewed and Cas tried to stuff Luca inside his bathrobe — he was usually more of a tea drinker, in all honesty, but as this morning was proving, sometimes it was nice to indulge in the things that made you smile.
Love burgeoning in his heart, Gabriel finally deigned to unpack the second mug he’d purchased that morning, right as the coffee was done.
‘Gimme the mug,' Luca hissed.
‘Ass. Gimme the mug!’
‘Fight me!’
Gabriel cleared his throat, his expression carefully neutral. ‘Coffee, anyone?’
Cas and Luca froze mid-grapple, eyes locked on the second mug on the counter.
“Cute but dumber”.
Moving in tandem, they rounded on each other, challenge on both of their faces.
‘Well that one’s obviously for me!’
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cadybear420 · 4 months
Choices Secret Pal February 2024, edits by me
Here's my creation for the Choices Secret Pal event by @choicesfandomappreciation! This is my second time participating in this sort of event and I seriously love doing it.
For @hydn-jpg, I've made some edits of Cas Harlow and their ID MC Jiwon Kim doing an outfit swap, inspired by this artwork of his!
One morning, after a sleepover...
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At school...
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Later that day...
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Blank versions:
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TYSM for giving me the chance to do this, and also once again for this commission of Evie and Aiden! I love how neat and polished and cute your artstyle is, and so I loved seeing my blorbos in that style! <3 <3 <3
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distraughtlesbian · 11 months
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in honour of twitter being shot like old yeller by the rat i have made more fake id tweets <3
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nmvord · 2 years
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This is what the book's all about. Right?
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mamacat1409 · 2 years
☆ My Art Commission ☆
Painted by IG @/kiko_illust25
Cassius Harlow, Gabriela Adalhard & MC
Book: Immortal Desires
Original characters belong to @playchoices
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mercedesdecorazon · 2 months
Also - (more ID 2 spoilers below because this chapter is so messy)
MC knowing that Cas is threatened by Gabe and thinks you're better off with Gabe and then choosing to sleep with Gabe in the same chapter???? And MC feeling horrible about it after???? That's why I decided not to do it now because girl, I want my first time to be with them both! It makes sense for my MC, at least the way I'm writing her (look out for my upcoming ID content, I'm writing some things 😌 ☺️)
And Gabe pretending to be Cas too???? It proves that MC needs them both in different ways. And give the Gas x MC shippers what they want ❤️
Just give me my poly route PB! (Because last chapter proved to me that one of y'all is reading my theories on here.)
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aesthetictanuki · 5 months
People are still going on with the fireworks outside, so I made some lazy ID fake tweets based on stuff I found on Pinterest, lol (ft. my boy / MC Jamie)
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Also happy New year and a friendly reminder that we're getting ID book two this February (I think)
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griffinsboyfriend · 2 years
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Poly rights!!! 🥳😍
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
we all remember this iconic line:
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wanted to see if this scene changes if mc DIDN'T give their blood to cas before this moment- and it does:
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Masterlist Week 2
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Immortal Desires
Indigo Night | Cassius Harlow x NB!MC; NB!OC - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart
Abundance | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
After Dark Part Two: Satisfaction Guaranteed | Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Death Stare | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @headoverheelsforramsey
No One Else... Part 1 of 2 | Tobias Carrick x F!MC; Ethan Ramsey; Sienna Trinh - @jerzwriter
Not the Right Person | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Aurora Emery - @lucy-268
Sadie's Self Care Sunday #22 | F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Jackie Varma; Aurora Emery; Kyra Santana; Esme Ortega - @peonyblossom
Simple Pleasures | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
The Unexpected Valentine | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh; Bryce Lahela; Jackie Varma; Elijah Greene - @liaromancewriter
Unhealthy Snack | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @potionsprefect
Valentine Memories | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Alan Ramsey - @liaromancewriter
Perfect Match
Noot Noot | Sloane Washington; F!Hayden Young; F!MC - @lizzybeth1986
Crossover: The Royal Romance x Open Heart
The Galentine’s Day Queens | TRR F!MC; OH F!MC; TRR F!OC; TRR M!OC - @bebepac
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judeschoices · 2 years
Meet Me Halfway
After trading story ideas with @berriesandpixels I had to write this one. So this is just a basic idea of what this is:
Cas and Judith are already in an established relationship, but ever since this news came out, the female population at their school has suddenly started to notice the infamous bad boy. Judith has voiced how the extra attention bothered her to her boyfriend on multiple occasions but he often brushed it off, never seeing how it was bad. It wasn’t until one day, one girl got ballsy and decided to kiss him with Judith being able to see it in plain sight. It’s rare to pissed the girl off, but this would’ve of been one of those moments she saw red. She ends up breaking up with him. Although Cas wouldn’t outwardly admit it, he was deeply hurt by this. He tried to brush it off, but it would prove to be a complete failure. He knew just talking to her wouldn’t work, Judith wouldn’t even bother to glance his way anymore. So, he had to get creative.
Will this be a bit OOC for Cas for a lot of you? Probably. But I’m going off the idea that there was a Cassius before there was Cas. So I’m taking a shot in the dark thinking that he wasn’t always the badass we all know Cas to be.
The two original theme songs was The One Who Got Away and A Thousand Times but I changed it to Meet Me Halfway since I felt like it spoke to Cas’s inner thoughts. But you guys can listen any of the songs, they would reflect how Cas would feel and see Judith in this story.
“Cassius Harlow, you can’t be serious right now.” Fear isn’t something Cas has felt in a long time ever since he became a vampire. Very few things can spark that emotion. And his angry girlfriend was definitely one of those things.
He and Judith Gabriel had a good thing going between them. After the whole ‘Creator trying to take over the world thing’, he was finally able to confess his feelings to the girl and ask her to be his girl. Hearing her say yes to him was the happiest moment of his life.
Though when they started dating and it was known to their peers, the female population that went to their school suddenly took an interest him.
Giggling after him when he would past by.
Flirting with him in passing.
Trying to touch him when they’re talking to him.
Hell, someone even let him some kind of weird love note in his locker. Though, he was sure it was some weird ass freshman with a crush. But still.
All this attention didn’t go unnoticed by his girlfriend. And she brought it to his attention. Multiple times.
‘Cas, these girls are seriously after you. Can’t you say something to them?’
‘Babe, I’m telling you, it’s not that serious. I know I’m with you, you know that I’m with you. That’s what make matters.’
Cas was used to being ignored by the school population. When he was human, any attention he did get would probably result in him having a black eye. And that’s if he was lucky that his bullies were feeling merciful that day.
No girl would even look his way either. Not that he fully blamed them, He looked like your typical scrawny nerd. With his big rimmed glasses, horrible acne, and long lanky limbs. Him being built like a toothpick made him an easy target.
After turning into a vampire and working on himself, no one would mess with him unless they were looking for a fight. Girls would still keep their distance because he had troublemaker written all over him. He was seen as untamable and no girl had time to bother deal with that.
The attention that he was receiving now was weird, yes, but it didn’t change how he felt towards his little girlfriend.
Though him not saying or doing anything to deter the girls that were suddenly coming onto him resulted in the situation he was in now.
After lunch, Cas was begrudgingly making his way to class when one of the cheerleaders stopped him. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with her, he was already annoyed that he had to listen to some teacher drone on about a topic he could honestly give less than two shits about, now this girl was looking to make him late. He already tuned her out after saying ‘hi’ and was more than ready to walk past her when she did something he would have never expected.
She kissed him.
On the lips.
The hallway around them went dead quiet and Cas was suddenly keenly aware of a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of his head. Looking over his shoulder, he found honey brown eyes staring blankly at him and the cheerleader. He completely missed the smirk the human was giving his girlfriend as Judith stepped forward to drag him into the woods.
Which led him to this current situation.
“Judith, babe, calm down! I didn’t even kiss her back!” Judith’s eyes flashed silver before melting back to her original eye color.
“It’s not that, Cas. It’s because I tried to tell you, several times at that! But it wasn’t that serious right,” she mocked, throwing back the phrase he said so many times. He narrowed his eyes at her.
“Aye, take it easy babe-”
“Don’t tell me take it easy! You know you’re wrong in this! You could’ve told them to back off. Now everyone in this damn school thinks our relationship is a fucking joke!” Cas scowled.
“What the hell is your problem! You scared of some prissy cheerleader? Or are you that insecure of yourself to the point you think you can’t handle a little competition?” Cas felt his sudden anger fizzle out as a flash of hurt crossed his girlfriend’s face. He immediately reached out to pull her close but she put up a hand before he could get too close.
Her face was emotionless as she stared at him.
“I’m insecure, huh?” Cas shivered at the coldness in her voice. He opened his mouth, trying to get out the right words to fix the situation.
“Judith, baby girl-”
“I’m not your baby girl, Harlow,” she deadpanned. The boy could feel his chest tightening at that.
“H-huh,” he breathed out. He could feel his fingers shake slightly, trying to process her sentence. Judith fiddled with her bracelet, removing a tailsman. Dark brown eyes widen as the sight of the tailsman he gifted her the night of the Life Celebration.
The one he gave to her when he confessed his love for her and wanted to court her.
Judith tossed him the tailsman, which he fumbled to catch. Her usually warm honey brown eyes were hardened into a shade of amber.
“We’re done.” And then she was gone.
And Cas swore that she took his heart with her...
It’s been a few weeks since Cas and Judith broke up and it only took everyone a few days to realize it. 
In that time, Cas tried to keep his cocky, bad boy exterior and most of the student population was none the wiser. Even his coven mates thought he was fine. But only one person who truly knew him could tell he was completely broken over it.
As his mentee, Seth spent most of time around the older vampire. He grew to see him as annoying older brother and Judith as a cool sister.
Seth was more than aware of Cas’s feelings towards her. He was nowhere near subtle with the PDA, often kissing her in front of him. Or being extremely touchy-feely with her. But most importantly, he could see it in his eyes. Cas was very guarded with his feelings, often hiding it under a shield of arrogance and cockiness. It took some time to tell when the real Cassius was shining through and the Cas he created was guarding him. 
There were points where Cas appeared slightly shyer around the younger vampire. He sought after her affections often, acting like a little shit on purpose so he could get one more kiss or one last hug before she had to leave. He would look at her like she put the moon in the sky. Like she was the precious gem in all the world. Judith was everything to Cas.
Now that she broke up with him, Cas was retreating into himself. He came off angrier than normal but Seth could see the puffiness that would appeared around his eyes mostly in the mornings. 
Seth never seen his mentor cry, but he knew he did over her. More than once, Seth has caught him fiddling with the tailsman Judith returned to him as if he’ll be nothing without it. 
Seth can no longer see his best friend suffer from this any longer. He was gonna help him win her back, one way or another.
Cas was in hell. 
It’s been weeks since Judith broke up with him and he felt like a part of himself was missing.
He tried to carry on like he used, but it wasn’t working. Carrying on like he used to meant living the life he had before Judith. 
Despite being a vampire with all his cool abilities and butting heads with the Clements, his life was rather dull. Until Judith’s beautiful eyes locked with his on her first day at Crimson Beech High.
His life turned into something new. He always looked forward teasing her and ruffling her feathers. He looked forward in showing Golden Boy that she actually favored him, the well known delinquent, over the other boy, the perfect gentleman. He looked forward to making her heart race whenever he flirted with her. He looked forward to touching her, where she would lean closer for more. He looked forward to kissing those soft lips that would frown, sneer, smirk, and smile at him. He looked forward to being alone with her, where they would share an intimately charged moments.
He always looked forward to her.
Now he was forced to be without her, and it was his fault. He didn’t take her seriously and that ended with her pulling away from him.
During those few weeks, he found himself dreaming of her. Judith would be in his arms while they laid tangled in his bed, smiling sweetly at him. Speaking to him in that low sweet voice that made him feel warm on the inside. Her whispering words of affection and love in his ear. He would spy his tailsman on her bracelet was she caressed his face.
He would melt against her, convinced that the breakup was all just a nightmare. It’s when he goes to kiss her, he would wake up. Cold and alone in his bed.
He missed her, so damn much.
He wanted her back, but didn’t have the slightest clue to do it. Judith seem dead set on ignoring him. Even if they shared the same class, she’ll never once glance his way. It was like he was on this edge alone...
“Cas?” The boy blinked finding his mentee looking down at him as he quietly sulked alone in the woods. 
“What’s up, pipsqueak,” he dully greeted. A frown marred Seth as he stared at the blank expression on Cas’s face. 
“Alright, enough is enough.” Cas regarded the younger vampire with a raised brow.
“What are you talking about?” Cas suddenly found himself on his feet, being dragged away.
“Time for you to stop sulking and get your girl back,” Seth said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Cas forced the both of them to halt with a shake of his head.
“There’s no getting her back, Seth. She hates me,” Cas mumbled, staring at his boots. Seth rolled his eyes, shaking Cas by his shoulders.
“Snap out of it! You’re Cas Harlow, you never back down from a challenge!” Cas snorted at this.
“Even I know when to pick a hill to die on. Judith won’t even look at me, Seth. How can I even begin to make things right with her if she seems dead set on pretending I never existed?” Seth grinned.
“C’mon, Cas. You’re gonna show her that heart you have buried under years of teenage angst. Romance her, tell her how you really feel when you’re apart and when you’re together, show her that she matters.” Cas frowned, feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second.
It’s not like he didn’t show Judith how he felt about her. But that was more so through the Cas way. Seth was implying to show her Cassius. The human boy who he viewed as weak.
The human boy who longed for someone to love and for them to love him in return.
The human boy who was angry that girls would make fun him for being so lame and ugly. For being a weak pushover. 
Before he gave up on his dream of a peaceful life, he dreamed of being with a nice girl. Actually being able to take her out on a nice date where he should show parts of him that not even his parents knew.
When Cas turned, he was determined to keep that part of him hidden under lock and key. There was no one worthy to see that part of him. 
...no one except Judith.
“I... I’ll give it a shot. But you follow my lead on this. And never repeat this plan with anyone else unless you wanna be road kill.” Seth let out a laugh, listening to his friend’s plan to win back his girl.
“What in the seven hells...” Judith stared in shock at the sight of a outfit she doesn’t remember owning on her bed. It was a form fitting dark red off the shoulder dress that would end just above her knees. A simple pair of black ankle sandals laid neatly on the foot of her bed. Judith could spy a pair of medium gold hooped earrings, a few gold stack rings, and a gold necklace with a heart pendant.
A note was laid next to the dress.
‘Put me on before experiencing the night of your life.’ Judith rose a brow at this. The note was written in cursive, with pretty impressive penmanship. She couldn’t figure out who could’ve left this here.
A small frown marred the girl’s pretty features.
‘It couldn’t be Cas... could it?’
After breaking up with Cas, Judith ended up running back home in tears. She would never let someone see her so vulnerable. Not even her boyfriend.
Judith had been on the receiving quite a hard time from the girls from their school. When they found out that she was dating him, they would always say he wasn’t serious as she thought he was. That he welcomed all forms of attention, no matter if it was good or bad, and from anyone.
Judith tried to brush them off but after witnessing how he wouldn’t even tell them to back off made her worried that they were right. Him telling her that the extra attention wasn’t that serious only made her feel worse.
When that cheerleader kissed him, Judith felt as if her chest was caving in on itself. Cas asking if she was that insecure to handle competition with the girls at Crimson Beech High hit closer to home than she would like. Because she was that insecure. No boy had paid her any mind before Cas. She used to be the type to confess to a crush, but always walked away with people laughing at her after being embarrassed by the person she liked. She stuck to herself and preferred it.
But when Cas came into the picture, everything changed. At first, she wanted to hate him. She really did.
But something in her knew that she couldn’t.
Something about him piqued her interest. 
No matter how annoying he was or intimidating he tried to make himself be, Judith couldn’t turn away from him. When he started to opening up about his time as a human when they were in the ice cream shop, Judith didn’t see Cas. It was a glimpse of Cassius, a boy who burned so often by the world that he retreated into himself.
Judith knew she was developing feelings for him. She wouldn’t so willingly give him her first kiss if that wasn’t the case.
He made her feel wanted... special even, in his own way.
But after that incident, she believed that she wasn’t as special to him after all. Though with the dress and the note...
Could she be wrong?
‘It could be Gabriel...’ A shudder ran through her body at the thought.
Nope, not going down that rabbit hole.
Deciding to go along with... whatever this was... she decided to take a quick shower, do her normal skin routine, and put on the outfit. She opted to leave her hair down, which was in curls as she did them just a few days ago.
She eyed her vanity before shrugging. Nothing wrong with a bit a makeup.
She’s going on a mysterious date, might as well go all out.
With a some eyeliner, brows, mascara, a bit of highlight, and dark reddish brown lipstick, Judith studied herself in the mirror with a smile. With a spritz of her vanilla scented perfume, the girl stepped out.
“Wait a damn minute... I don’t know where I’m even going for this date,” she mumbled, slapping her forehead.
“And that’s where I come in.” Judith whirled around to find a grinning Seth. The younger vampire raised a cool eyebrow.
‘So it is Cas...’
“Since you’re here, it’s safe to assume that Cas is behind this,” she deduced. Seth kept grinning at her. Judith let out a sigh to hide her relief. She wasn’t ready to outwardly admit that maybe she was wrong about the Crimson Beech’s resident bad boy.
“So where are we going,” she asked instead. 
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you, but I’ll be escorting you there,” he replied walking up to finely dressed vampire. Seth forced himself not to smirk as he took the girl in.
‘Cas is gonna have a whole heart attack when he sees her...’
“C’mon, I’ll carry you. I would hate to ruin your killer look. Just keep your eyes closed, ‘kay?” Judith flushed at the compliment and allowed Seth to carry her bridal style. Judith gently pressed her face against his neck, closing her eyes as she felt Seth take off into the night.
“Judith, we’re here.” The girl popped up from her hiding spot, taking note of her surroundings. She recognized the spot to be where the party was held her first day at Crimson Beech High. The only difference was that there was rose petals and candles lit around the area, leading into the woods. Seth set the girl down as she took in the scene.
“Whoa, what is... Seth?” Judith only had her back turned to him for a second and he was already gone. Judith cursed under her breath as she stood alone. Judith could hear a song beat softly play around her.
“I swear I wake up baby thinking I see your face,
Everyday... I feel like I’m falling apart...” 
Judith’s ears perked up as the voice sung wistfully. It sounded foreign and yet, so aching familiar. 
A low longing, yet broken, timbre.
Captivated, she slowly followed the direction where the voice was coming from. Which funnily enough was lead by the rose petals and candles. As she walked, she noticed something hanging from a tree branch. As she got closer, it was a polaroid picture.
One she recognized.
It was a picture of her painting when she was still human. Cas snuck into her room while she was working on an assignment for her art class. She was wearing an old T-shirt that was falling off one of her shoulders. There was paint on her hands, arms, and legs seeing how she wasn’t wearing any pants.
She was painting a portrait of both her father and Cas. The two most important men that had ever held her heart.
“I saw your heart with each loving brush stroke,” she read the written words, which was surprisingly in the same cursive as the note found in her room. As Judith gaze on in the direction she heard Cas’s voice echo through the woods. There were more polaroid pictures hanging from the trees.
“Meet me halfway,
Without you I’m not alive... 
I wanna give you everything, baby,
All the time...
Just meet me halfway...” Judith felt her face flush as she listened to him sing. She never knew he could sing. Cas has caught her a number of occasions singing, which often embarrassed her. When she was still human, Cas would visit her at some odd hours of the night, asking her to sing him to sleep.
Despite the evident emotion and pain in his voice, his voice was rather soothing. 
Judith continued deeper in the woods, taking points to look at the pictures.
One where she wearing his leather jacket.
One of her eating ice cream.
One of her reading a book.
One of her napping on his bed.
Each had some kind of loving inscription on it. It almost felt surreal that it was actually Cas Harlow doing this.
“They say I’ll be okay,
But baby, I’m so torn apart... 
Here I go again [I’m talking to myself], 
The mess I’m in... 
Can’t you see its for real,
Without your love, I can’t survive~”
As Cas’s voice grew louder, Judith finally noticed where she was heading. It was the same clearing she first realized that he was a vampire. Most would’ve seen this to be unromantic, seeing how Cas could’ve very well killed her there. But to Judith, it was different.
This was where their story first began. Where she was beginning to learn the truth about him.
“I’m not tryna force a decision, 
But ever since you been gone... 
My heart’s been missing you, 
It’s true...
Been missing, you, you, you, you, you... 
Won’t you meet me halfway?”
Judith found more lights in the clearing. Transfixed, she walked into the clearing. More candle formed a wide circle, the petals surrounding them. In the middle of the circle, stood Cas.
He was wear black short sleeve dress shirt, a dark red tie to match her dress, black jeans, and his signature boots. Judith hid her knowing smile behind her hand. It wouldn’t surprise her if Seth wrestled him into something that wasn’t so casual for the occasion. Cas had his eyes on her the moment she walked into the clearing. She could hear the slight dip in his heartbeat before it sped up again.
He sung the next few lines in gentle tone, walking towards her,
“I swear I wake up baby, 
Thinking that I see your face
Everyday I feel like I’m falling apart...”
Judith could feel her heart increase to match his as he stood before her. Cas suddenly reached out to grab her hand, placing over his heart. He stared directly those honey brown eyes he fell in love with. Cas could feel a lump form in his throat as he fought back the tears.
“Meet me halfway!
Don’t put my heart on the line... 
I wanna give you everything~ 
All the time... 
Meet me halfway, 
Without you I’m not alive... 
I wanna give you everything, baby
All the time...
Just meet me halfway~”
Judith stared at the boy with wide eyes, making the usual unshakable bad boy more nervous he’s ever felt in his life. 
“Judith... say something, please,” he whispered, feeling emotionally raw. As he stood in the clearing waiting for Seth to signal that Judith was in the spot he told him, Cas felt like a wreck. He never exposed himself like this before.
Whose to say Judith wouldn’t laugh in his face or still reject him after he bared his soul to her?
But it was already too late when his phone pinged with a message from his mentee. Judith was nearby and if he wanted her back, he had to take a chance.
‘Only... was it enough?’ Tears started to fall down his cheeks, both out of embarrassment and frustration. He didn’t want to be without her anymore and he doesn’t know what else to do if this didn’t work.
“Cas...” The boy’s head snapped up at the sound of his name. Small hands cupped his face, bringing it closer to the girl’s level. An array of emotions flashed in her eyes, making it hard to figure out what she’s thinking.
Then he saw it.
A single tear escaping her eye, despite her steady gaze.
“How... how much do you mean what you said?” Cas rested his forehead against hers.
“I meant everything, Judith. Every last word, every last note, every emotion behind it,” he said softly. Judith threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. Cas letting out a shuddering breath, hugging her back with the same intensity. 
“I’m so sorry, Cas. I’m sorry...” he could hear the brokenness in her voice, causing him to hug her tighter.
“I should be the one apologizing. After all, I acted like a dumbass,” he mumbled. Judith pulled away slightly so she could look at him.
“But I should’ve been more clear with you. Those girls were targeting you on purpose. They... they told me that even though we’re in a relationship, you weren’t serious about it,” she said slowly. Cas cupped her face so she could look him in his eyes.
“Any relationship I had in the past was never serious to me. I would never let anyone as close to you that I let you did. You mean so much to me, Judith. I felt like you ripped my heart out when you broke up with me. I-I would dream of you... only to cry when I wake up because you weren’t really there. I’ll do better as a boyfriend, I promise. Please... let me be with you again,” Cas whispered. Judith’s breath hitched, eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Faster than Cas could react, Judith’s lips were suddenly on his own. He closed his eyes and kissed her back.
The kiss wasn’t fast or rough. It was tender and slow. The both of them could taste the salt from each other’s tears. Judith had her arms around Cas’s neck, fingers finding his hair. Cas held her closer by her hips, not wanting a sliver of space to exist between them anymore. The pair could hear their heartbeats sync in tandem before pulling away for air.
“I... I want to be with you again, Cas. I love you,” Judith whispered, gazing up to find mercury colored eyes looking down at her. Cas smiled at her, nuzzling her neck.
“I love you too, Judith,” he mumbled against her sensitive skin. He felt the girl shudder in his arms as she let out a soft moan. Pulling away a bit, he reached into his pocket to pull out something. Judith’s honey colored eyes lit up before gazing up at the boy shyly.
‘He hung onto the tailsman all this time?’ Judith thought with a blush. She remembered how she coldly gave back his courting gift, despite the aching feeling she felt now that she could no longer feel his heartbeat drumming against her wrist.
“May I,” he asked, never breaking eye contact. Judith swallowed briefly before nodding. Cas gently took ahold of her wrist, easily finding the spot his tailsman was previously before clipping it on. Judith let out a soft sigh, happy to feel the connection of having Cas’s heartbeat close at hand once more. Cas leaned in and kissed her forehead.
“C’mon, our night is only getting started,” he mumbled. Judith regarded him with a curious look.
“I may or may not had Seth set up a picnic with food I made deeper in the woods,” he said, trying not to blush at Judith’s slow grin.
“Cas Harlow can cook? Oh, this I gotta see for myself,” she teased. Cas scowled to hide his embarrassment. 
“Oh, shut up. This was a back up just in case the song didn’t work. I know you can’t turn down free food,” he said with a smirk. Judith regarded him with a raised brow, as if to say “Yeah, right.”
“If you’re through, I believe you meant to feed me,” she drawled. Cas laughed, picking up his girl like a blushing bride. 
“Hang on tight,” he whispered. Judith placed a kiss on his pulse, making him shiver.
“Always.” The girl’s gleeful laugh could be heard throughout the woods as Cas raced to the next part of their date.
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