#cassidy has the wings
beetlepaints · 4 months
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comic wip, “first meeting”
hoping that i can finish this once I really finalize their designs<\3
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Mia: I mean white isn't my thing but thanks, I guess.
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hotpinkstars · 1 month
GIRL DAD OR BOY DAD? - sunday, boothill x reader
- or more clearly, to what gender would they want to have more, and general headcannons of them as papas ☺️
- brainrot brainrot brainrot BRAINROT AHHH... i love these guys and i can do a part 2 for others later but godd theres absolutely not enough dad stuff for these men (especially sunday... if there is its all yandere) so never fear novas here! ahem anyways enjoy
- warnings none! pure fluff!!! wc 711
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Sunday is so a girl and boy dad.
Reason why I say this is because he likely needs an heir to take over his position when he gets too old to do so, but he also wants a baby girl he can spoil as well.
Don’t worry! He loves both of his kids the same! They’re the greatest things that have probably ever happened to him and he cherishes them with his whole life. He thanks the stars above every single day for the opportunity he received to be a father to multiple beautiful children, and thanks you for granting him the chance. 
Dunno, but I could see this man wanting a handful of kids. He wants at least one girl and at least one boy, but I could see him shooting for 3-4. Will he be around to care for them? Not all the time, but he tries his hardest (and he definitely has the resources to care for that many).
Considering they’re half halovian and half human, they look pretty much just like their father! Some have your eyes, but they all have his hair. His hair and his gorgeous wings. They have your features though, such as your face, body type, etc.
His favorite part of the day is when he gets to collapse on your shared bed, his kiddos following behind him to cuddle their dad, and most of the time you all fall asleep together. Normally, you wake up just you and him because he’s good about putting them in their own bed once they fall asleep.
Once his kids get older, he’ll teach his son(s) combat and good form. He wants them to protect, and wants to raise them to be strong and independent. With his daughter(s), if they ask to be taught combat, then he won’t see much of an issue with it. He also wants to teach them independence, but in a more subtle form. 
Just expect that his children as teenagers are going to be the prettiest kids around holy shit. They’re obviously enrolled in a private school due to their fathers high status but they always come home and list the compliments they’ve received that day. Thankfully you two have raised them well enough for them to realize that it’ll be bad if all of these get to their head and stroke their ego too hard…
Supportive father asf! All I’ve gotta say here
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Don’t play Boothill is SO a girl dad hello have you met the man
He’s so excited when his little girl is born ahh he’s always dreamed of being a father to a girl and his dream has officially come true!!
Obviously, if you had a boy, he’d love him the same. He just wants children of his own tbh lol
His daughter knows western culture fresh out of the womb my friend. It’s like she was born for little cowboy boots and the cutest little cowboy hat. She’s even got a western name, he brought it up and you liked it, so the name you two settled on was Cassidy.
She has his hair! It’s absolutely gorgeous once it starts coming in- a pearly white color with little black streaks stemming from the roots. She has your eyes and your face, and his slimmer body type (before he was turned into a cyborg. This isn’t canon I actually have no clue what he looked like pre cyborgification lmao).
Oh lord, your daughter is so spoiled. On every mission he goes on he’s always bringing something back for her. It could be a super fancy necklace or even just a little trinket he picked up from a street vendor, but she has a whole shelf full of the things her daddy gives her.
She thinks it’s so cool he has a metal body. She asks about it alot but she’s really fascinated with it tbh. She likes to call it “daddy’s special feature!” and he always melts to that sentence gosh
He probably teaches his daughter how to use a gun when she gets older. He, similar to Sunday, wants his daughter to learn self defense tactics and learn how to fend for herself when necessary.
She totally has his accent. Change my mind period.
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of-dragonss · 2 years
Hey hey! I saw your requests were open! Could I get Hanzo with a crush please? (If you don't want to feel free to delete this😅) Hope you have a wonderful day!
of course! i love hanzo sm you dont understand. and friendly reminder i’m a multi franchise account. please read my pinned post for what’ll i’ll write for!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ 
— hanzo shimada x reader
summary: hanzo doesnt know how to deal with a crush, genji is his wing man.
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Hanzo was always strict and judgmental to everyone around him. People know him to be cold and distant, unwilling to socialize when he deems it’s not needed. But overtime, his relationship with his brother has improved. Finally forgiving himself for what he did long ago. Genji was happy his brother forgave himself and accepted him for what he was now. Yet he was still snappy to those who spoke to him. More so with Cassidy and the junkers. But otherwise, Hanzo seemed to tolerate most Overwatch agents who ran around the base.
One agent in particular got a more softened side of Hanzo. A side of Hanzo that Genji hasn't seen in a long time. He doesn't remember a time Hanzo was sweet to anyone really. But it was a sight to see indeed. Watching Hanzo flush at the attention the agent gave him. The agent in question? Y/n L/n. Genji enjoyed watching the two interact from the sidelines, unseen and unheard. Wondering when his older brother will ask them out. And by the looks of it, Hanzo was too stubborn, or maybe shy? To ask Y/n the question.
“So, when are you going to ask Y/n out on a date?” Genji asked out of the blue, once training was over and they were the last ones in the practice range. Hanzo seemed to falter at the sudden question, releasing the arrow he just knocked on his bow too early, missing the target completely. Genji smiled under his mask at his uncharacteristic behavior, sheathing his sword.
“That is an inappropriate question.” Hanzo scoffed, fixing his posture and reaching for another bow.
“Oh come on, Han. Y/n is my friend, they seem to like you as much as you like them. It’s very obvious you two have feelings for each other. No use denying it.” Genji pressed on, gently resting his left hand on Hanzo’s shoulder, feeling as he tensed up under his sudden touch.
“We are only friends. There’s no other feelings between us.” As stubborn as ever, Genji rolled his eyes and sighed, letting his hand fall from his brothers shoulder.
“Y/n likes you romantically. You like them romantically. Ask them on a date!” Genji exasperated. “I know when they like someone. And it’s not often it happens. Trust me.”
“I do not want to pursue a relationship with them. They deserve far better than me.”
“Like who? Cassidy? Brother, don’t doubt yourself, you’ve come along way. You deserve them as they deserve you. You deserve to be happy and there isn’t anyone else out there who would give you the same happiness as Y/n brings to you.”
Hanzo looked to the ground, now at his side as he took Genji’s words in. A sudden knock at the practice range doors made the two brothers look over to the sudden entrance of the person they were talking about. “I’m so sorry to intrude, but I think I accidentally deleted a file for the next mission? Would you two mind if I look at one of yours? I can’t find Winston anywhere.” An embarrassed smile graced your lips.
Hanzo stood silent for a moment, eyes wide and locked on your figure until Genji softly nudged him to respond. “I can lend you my mission files until you sort it out with Winston.” He coughed, fixing his posture. “I have the details memorized, it will be no trouble.”
“Thank you so much, Han!” A bright smile appeared on your face as you jumped on the heels of your shoes. “I just need to quickly read over the file I’m missing so I won’t take long to read it over!” The smile never left your face as Hanzo began walking towards the practice dummies before Genji quickly stopped him.
“I’ll clean up, brother.” Hanzo could practically see the smile on Genji’s face through his mask. “Ask them.” Genji whispered as Hanzo passed him, walking over to the entrance where you patiently waited for him.
Hanzo sucked in a breath as he reached you, giving you a small, shy smile. “I’ll see you at dinner, Genji!” You called out before leaving the practice range The doors slid shut, starting their trek to the dorm buildings. The first few minutes were silent, until Hanzo cleared his throat, catching your attention.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Hanzos face was flushed, reaching down to his neck. “Would you accompany me for tea some day?” As calm and collected Hanzo presented himself, he felt like a child asking out his crush on the school playground.
“Hanzo Shimada, are you asking me out on a date?” You giggled, tilting your head to the side as you looked at him.
“Would you want it to be a date?” He blurted out unconsciously, eyes widening. “It doesn’t have to me a date if you-“ You giggled again, resting a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Hanzo. After this mission. Yeah?” You smiled softly at him. Hanzo’s heart rate sped up, he fears you could feel the warmth radiating off his face.
“Of course.” He smiled, gently taking your hand that’s placed on his shoulder in his larger one, squeezing slightly. Continuing the walk to his room at the dorms to retrieve his mission files for you to look over, hand in hand. Hanzo could thank Genji later.
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naynah-pinsence · 10 months
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W.I.T.C.H. redesigns
Like with my Winx redesigns, I mostly browsed the wiki and blended my favorite design elements together lol.
I did end up using more New Power elements in the 1st forms, and the original designs in the 2nd forms. Idk knowing that the girls got to cover up more as they grew up instead of covering up more as kids....not a huge fan.
Overall: Guardians got color-coded wings. I really really like the og wing shapes, but the color-coding feels more classic magical girl to me so. I did use the shoe-less element from the reboot in the 2nd form. Bare feet feels more spiritual/magical imo. I actually like that part of the reboot design! Same with the element icons. 1st forms get more of the urban part of the urban fantasy look. Comfy tennis shoes for all. 2nd form gets gold accessories. 2nd form's main colors are the darker sub colors of the og. 2nd form socks are gradients instead of striped 2 tone. Normal clothes are mostly the og 2000s look. Idk I think that Will's technomancy is less impressive if Siri exists lol.
Elyon: I used Elyon's reboot hair texture. I always thought that between the color and texture of og Elyon's hair that it looked like straw? She's got a "chubby" body. I use "" bc she looks average, but would be considered chubby?
Will: If Disney owns these girls then Will gets a Kermit shirt. Since she's a tomboy, both of her guardian forms get shorts. 1st form gets a hood. Her hair gets some of her mother's waves. Normal hair does the emo hide-the-eye thing: really lean into her angst. In both guardian forms her hair does not change length. The short hair is truly her. Her bangs get the og treatment, and some hair gets tucked behind her left ear. The heart gets absorbed into Will in guardian form: she can still use it, it just isn't physically there in guardian form.
Irma: Dresses like she's an extra on Hannah Montana. It feels right. Her guardian hair gets space buns bc sometimes in her civilian forms she wore them, and I think she looks cute in them. Her 1st form is has heavy insp from Cassidy's guardian form. I just like the top better lol. Since Will lost the og little heart on her skirt, I gave it to Irma. It feels more Irma anyway imo. Irma also gets a chubbier body type.
Taranee: I love og Taranee's civilian form. I love her clothes, I love her hair, I love the hair beads, man og Tarnee's look is so chef's kiss to me. So I really didn't change anything. I have never once in my life understood what in the world og guardian Taranee's hair was supposed to be! In og New Power, she gets dreds, but keeps her 1st form hair too???? Dreds was my only guess as to what those were supposed to be, but with NP's hair having both, I don't think they were dreds??? And they don't look like the way that braids/hair twists are drawn in the comic (og Elyon has hair twists? Or at least I've interpreted that style as twists rather than braids?). So that plus how much I love civilian Taranee's hair, 1st form gets the civilian hair. She looses the beads, but gets a a wrap colored with the gradient of the purple-teal. 2nd form gets braids with gold accessories. I always felt like Taranee's og guardian forms seemed less designed than the others bc there were no swirly designs?? I mean, she gets a small heart on her collar, but that was taken off in the animated series probably for animation reasons. I actually like the triangle cut-out instead of the heart bc of fire's triangle icon, so I used that. I did take the waistline from Cornelia's skirt (my personal favorite waistline) and gave it it her shorts. She gets long sleeves in the 1st form. I just think it looks nicer than the sleeveless look in this design.
Cornelia: Both guardian forms get longer hair. 1st form gets a choker necklace. She looses the long sleeves and gets sleeves. Looking at og Cornelia and Irma's 1st forms, Cornelia's feels like a more elegant version of Irma's, so I wanted to keep that element in a way. Her skirt waistline gets turned to become the hem of the top. Her 2nd form keeps the og collar, but her top is inspired from comic Halinor's 1 sleeve shirt: Cornelia's top is 1 sleeved with a long glove.
Hay Lin: She gets braids in both forms. Like with Irma, sometimes she wears braids in civilian form, and I think it's cute. 2nd form gets two braids combined into a single one in the back, letting the rest of her hair blow free in the wind. She also gets sleeves in both forms for max blowing-in-the-wind factor, plus I wanted at least 2 members to have bell sleeves. 1st form gets NP Irma's top with an edited neckline. 2nd form gets the heart waistline, a lengthened skirt, and a choker necklace. Her civilian form looses the goggles, replaced with purple jelly sunglasses.
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puhpandas · 8 months
things I consider canon to my flashlight duo universe:
gregory and Evan move in together when they're adults. evan runs to live with the fazbears as soon as he turns 18 and they go from there. whether it's college or just an apartment
gregory is what introduces Evan to drawing and he loves it. they both keep up with the hobby when they're older as well. gregory likes drawing comics and maybe becomes a graphic novelist and I think Evan would like painting
Evan eventually meets vanessa when hes about 14 and she becomes the older sibling he always wanted. he always felt intimidated by her idea because shes Gregory's actual biological sibling and Evan holds that to a high honor because he wants to be. but they get along and vanessa being there for Evan makes him feel like part of the family even more
Roxy and evan are close. roxy kinda takes Evan under her wing because although its not the same experience because roxy had a support system her whole life, she wants to help him through what she also went through. she helps him learn an outlet to control his emotions more to be more manageable and is a calm shoulder to lean on for evan.
in the event that the bite happens (it doesnt usually), I think after Evan heals and recovers he and bonnie would bond over their scars and bonnie would make him feel better about them
evan meets cassidy later on when hes mellowed out some. I dont think she would have liked him a lot before but when hes healed more and gotten better with his sensitivity they get along pretty good. I think cassidy wouldnt have many friends and probably be considered a troublemaker because of her anger issues and her lashing out and Evan uses what hes learned with his emotions to help her. I'll say they're both teens here
freddy and the other adults wanted nothing more than to march over to the Aftons and declare that they're taking Evan forever but they couldnt. I think that they wanted to actually go through a process of adoption and taking custody but that would have affected Michael too and I'm not sure if they thought it was worth it. especially when Evan says hes alright with the fact that things arent perfect and that he already practically spends his whole life there anyway with how he spends the night.
I imagine william isnt the best cook and Michael probably has other means of getting food on top of not minding eating frozen dinners. but I imagine Evan probably didn't like a lot of foods (hes a kid and also. neurodivergent) and didnt have many things he enjoyed. so I think chica saw this and introduced evan to different foods and tried to help him figure out what he likes so he can eat better and enjoy it at the same time
Gregory and Evan are avid claw machine players
off screen when they're not having a moment with eachother every 5 seconds they play games like roblox and minecraft since they're in the modern day. I think Gregory gave Evan one of his older phones that still worked since he didnt have his own (theres nothing wrong with it, just an older model and maybe a little slow) and he plays on that.
gregory will draw during sleepovers and then give it to Evan to color in. gregory always keeps them and hangs them up or puts them somewhere for safe keeping because Evan doesnt want something to happen to them at his house
gregory hates pickles and Evan loves them
evan is an avid sweater wearer and the Fazbears buy him more when he only has like 1 or 2 and his other clothes are starting to get too small. he keeps sweaters at Gregory's house because he basically lives there already
theres a movie night every saturday while everyone is available at the Fazbears
michael starts to lay off a bit after a little while (think a couple years) just because Evan isnt even around as much for him to terrorize. Michael doesn't like being at home either and since they dont see eachother as much bullying Evan isnt in his minds eye as often. it just doesnt come to mind to do as much at that point
because of genes and chica helping him eat good, evan grows to be taller than Michael
evan experiments with gender later in life as a young adult and is lowkey surprised to learn that Gregory has been transgender this whole time
evan develops huge holiday spirit and for the rest of his days loves to decorate and do holiday-ey things for the season
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hello !! it’s lovely seeing a new writer in the OW community,, lots of new life!!
i would love to formally request a Cassidy x GN!Reader, with the prompt: “Put that down, let me hold your hands damn it!”
i was thinking the reader could be a medic of some sorts, who gets lost in their work often, and Cassidy is trying to confess to them.
i cannot wait to see what you come up with, and all of the other stories that you’ll write!! much love <3
I love this damn ask so much more than you realize Cassidy is my baby boy.
Warnings: none
Take a Breather
He was your partner. He carried out the missions, you kept him alive. Sure there where plenty of others you worked with, but you two just meshed in the field.
However at base, you were hardly ever within a thirty yard radius of each other. Cassidy had training to do and meetings to be in, and you had work to do in the medical wing, you being in charge of expense reports and the incident report keeper. Sure a cup of coffee could be shared between you two on a Saturday afternoon, but that came once every blue moon.
On the other hand, Cole couldn’t shake his dislike of the situation. He liked your presence, your witty comments, and your genuine care with him, never as gruff and blunt with him like everyone else. You were softer with him, and he liked to match the tone. He would never be this polite with anyone but Ana Amari herself, and he hasn’t seen her in ages.
Somehow though, today he had made his way to your office, two cups of coffee in hand and a few words on his chest he needed to get off.
“Knock knock,” he backed through the door of your office, “I’d use my hands but I figured you’d want this in a mug and not on the floor.”
“Cole!” You whipped around from the book case you where rummaging through, causing the cowboy to laugh, “hey there.”
“You can relax hun, ain’t nothing wrong.”
You met him at the door and grabbed a mug from him, setting it on the corner of your desk while you went back to your bookshelf, “thank you, really, I know you don’t have much time in your day to swing by.”
“You’d be surprised, my day has been slower than molasses.”
“Really? I wish I could say the same Cowboy,” you picked out a binder and began flipping through the contents.
“You know, I was thinking, maybe we could…” he trailed off, noticing your attention was divided. He cleared his throat a little and waited for you to look back up.
“I’m sorry where are you saying something?”
“Oh it’s nothing, I was just thinking maybe we could go for a walk? Or a breath of fresh air?” He nodded towards the door, “it’s a beautiful day.”
“I’d love to, but I just have a lot of reports to go through in the next few weeks and-“
“Why don’t you put that down and hold my hands damn it.” You stopped in your tracks, turning around to face the cowboy.
He tried to feign confidence, a blush tinting his cheeks redder than a fire truck. He stood awkwardly and tried to remain firm, but you could see his struggle.
“Oh?” Your amusement would win the battle with your virtue, wanting to see where this would go.
He took off his glove, shoving it in his back pocket, and he wiped his hand on his pants, ‘Is he nervous?’ The smile you held grew as he went on, making his little stand.
“Yes, and I think you overwork yourself, so let’s go now, and I’ll help you pick up later?” He extended his hand to you, a pleading look behind his eyes.
“Why not,” you shrug, “I haven’t taken my break yet today anyway,, it would be good to stretch my legs and take a breather” you place your hand in his, interlocking your fingers together as he leads you down the hallway.
He takes you around the corner and out the door, the medical wing courtyard. ‘He was right, it is beautiful,’ you let him lead you over to a bench where you both sat, him taking your other hand into his as well.
“I would first like to say, I am sorry for my outburst,” his hands where larger than yours, holding yours as if they where fragile, “but secondly, I would like to just have some time to talk to you one on one, ya’know? I knew you wouldn’t go for just anything, but I didn’t quite think through my execution.”
You nodded, giving his fingers a light squeeze, “I’m sorry I got caught up in my work. There has just been a lot to do with the rest of the med team out and being on my own. I am, however, glad you pulled me away.”
You could see him relax a bit, a small sigh of relief pushing past his lips, “Good, because I’d hate to tell you I like you with you mad at me.”
“Well that would be hard ye-“ you stopped yourself, widening your eyes at him. “Excuse me?”
“I like you, a lot. It’s not just working with you, even though it’s a leading factor to this,” his thumbs rubbed the back of your hands, “I just think you are a wonderful person, and I, uh, would like to test the waters of that feeling.”
His eyes where shielded by his hat, you had never seen him this nervous, much less not even look you in the eyes.
“Cole, look at me,” you took his hat off and swept his hair out of his eyes, “I like you too, and I’d love to help you test those waters.”
His eyes where a bit watery and his smile was wide, ‘was he this afraid of me telling him no? Why would he ever think like that?’
The hug he locked you in was bone crushing, which you reciprocated as best you could, “thank you,” he spoke into your shoulder, “I want to do my best with this.”
“Well you’ve gotten this far Cowboy, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
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crossroadsofchaos · 14 days
Retired Leaders AU Info Masterpost
Figured I'd compile basic info about this AU into one big post.
It's a "Good Uncle" kind of AU, where Belos is a better person. He actually tried to unite the realms, because he believed it would be beneficial for both, but it was doomed from the start and went horribly wrong. He has publicly admitted to and apologized for his wrongdoings and resigned from his position, and the Coven System was abolished. His family occupied leadership positions within his Coven and also left those roles behind, hence the AU's title.
I refer to the family as the Wolf Fam. It consists of Belos, Steven, Hunter and Kiki, along with their palismen. They all live together in a newly built house.
This isn't a list of all characters that exist, just the Wolf Fam and a handful of others, mostly OCs.
Belos Wittebane (he/him; mid 410s): Former Lord of the Boiling Isles; now a palisman carver; husband of Steven.
Steven Bellamy (he/him; 53 y/o): Husband of Belos; former Head of the Lord's Coven; now a P.E. teacher at Hexside.
Hunter Wittebane (he/him; 17 y/o): Nephew of Belos, raised by him and Steven; former Golden Guard; now mainly focused on pursuing his interest in engineering and tech.
Kikimora Volk (she/her; mid 20s): A sort of adopted daughter to Belos and Steven and adopted sister to Hunter; former Secretary; now works at a history museum.
Crescent (they/them): A floating snow leopard palisman belonging to Belos.
Ash (he/him, they/them): A dark gray wolf palisman belonging to Steven.
Waffles (she/her, they/them): A winged red wolf palisman belonging to Hunter.
Grusha (she/her): A spotted hyena palisman belonging to Kiki.
Jasper Tholomule (he/him; 44 y/o): Younger half-brother of Steven; father of Matt; husband of Cass.
Cassidy "Cass" Tholomule (they/them, she/her; 44 y/o): Spouse of Jasper; stepparent of Matt.
Matthew "Matt" Tholomule (he/him; 13 y/o): Biological son of Jasper and stepson of Cass; nephew of Steven.
Leslie Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Mother of Steven and Jasper; grandmother of Matt; wife of Opal.
Opal Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Wife of Leslie; stepmother of Steven and biological mother of Jasper; grandmother of Matt.
Ren Kanemaru (they/them; 53 y/o): Steven's childhood friend; former scout.
Valerie "Val" Durand (she/her; 54 y/o): Best friend of Steven and Ren, who they met after joining the Lord's Coven; former scout.
Petra Barany (she/her; mid 20s): Best friend and former assistant of Kiki.
That's about enough I think, I won't be including the rest here. One thing to note is that the Collector doesn't exist in this version.
And you may have also noticed that "Steve" is a little different. I created this version back when we only had one scene with Steve and had no idea he was going to get a face reveal and more canon info, and I just chose not to change the name after that happened. So Steve technically exists, but it's not canon Steve. They do have some similarities though.
Back in the 1600s, Philip did not kill Caleb, and reluctantly gave the Boiling Isles a chance. Though resisting it at every turn, he ultimately fell in love with it. He developed the belief that uniting the two realms would be beneficial for both, combining the less dangerous climate of Earth with the more open and progressive culture of the Isles. After Caleb died in an accident during the search for one of the ingredients for the portal door, Philip only became more committed to the idea.
He began to do extensive research into magic, digging for as much information as he could find, which included looking into lost and forbidden magic. The latter is how he discovered both Grimwalkers and a way to extend one's life by consuming palismen. As he formed a coherent plan for how to enact his goal, he began trying out his messaging on small groups of witches to see what works, as well as testing out Coven sigils on the earliest ones until they worked as intended. He also took the name Belos and began to wear a mask.
Slightly over 50 years ago he took power as the Lord of the Boiling Isles, becoming the chief religious figure and a sort of constitutional monarch, with his fourth Grimwalker nephew, Anthony, by his side as the Golden Guard. There was an elected government responsible for things like deciding on budgets and passing legislation unrelated to the Coven System, however Belos had ultimate authority and could override any decision. He largely stayed out of their affairs unless he thought what they were doing would undermine his ultimate goal.
However, his plan to unite the realms was doomed from the start. When he attempted to do it on the Day of Unity, it went horribly wrong and shattered his hopes. The Unification Spell didn't work and was simply draining people of magic. It ended abruptly once Belos's staff, through which the spell was channeled, exploded. He, Hunter and the Hexsquad barely escaped the blast by leaving through the portal door. They ended up stuck in the Human Realm for a time, before finding the same way back as they did in canon.
Belos publicly admitted that he had lied about speaking to the Titan, and that the plan to unite the realms was his own doomed idea. He apologized and resigned, with Steven, Hunter and Kiki following him. The Coven System was abolished, and the Isles became more of an actual democracy, without a single individual with ultimate authority being able to override the decisions of the elected government, which also became more transparent.
Belos helped with restoration efforts where damage had been caused on the Day of Unity, and he later took up palisman carving and caring for palismen in general to make up for consuming them to extend his own life. He also released many palismen souls that were previously trapped inside him, and is now aging at a more regular pace. Though some remain, in part because they have fused with his curse - he was cursed long ago, in a similar way to Eda, and his curse is a wolfcat. Both conditions have physically affected him, giving him scars, catlike pupils, sharp fangs, ability to purr, and making him much bigger than he was originally.
spirituality on the Isles
Belos didn't invent a religion from scratch, but rather built on and expanded - or, to put it more harshly, exploited - already existing spiritual beliefs related to the Titan in order to achieve his goal of uniting the realms.
Before Belos, the Titan was rarely (if ever) viewed as a higher authority who, through messengers, gave witches rules to live by. He was mainly seen and respected as the origin of the Isles and all life on it. People thanked him for their existence, their magic, their harvests, etc. and payed tribute to him, but that was largely it. The prevalence of spirituality/religion has gone down over time.
Belos's rise to power with the claim of him being "the Titan's messenger" caused a resurgence of spirituality/religiosity, with him being seen as the authority on the matter by his followers. It has declined again once it was revealed that he hadn't actually spoken to the Titan.
They were in frequent use by ancient witches, in part due to them having weaker natural magic and having to rely more on magical tools than modern witches. Over time, they fell out of common use and were limited to specific spiritual/religious rituals, and then only became more rare over time.
Disabled witches who had weak or no natural magic would simply rely on their staffs, due to which they wouldn't rediscover glyphs out of necessity. On top of that, when knowledge of glyphs was still more common, it may have been taboo to use them for non-spiritual/religious purposes.
There have been a number of different Coven systems throughout history. Some Covens were based around familial ties, some were based around what kinds of magic people specialized in, some were simply regional, etc. Though sigils had not been used before, and it was possible to move between Covens, with the level of difficulty depending on the type of Covens in question. Whether it was legal to be Covenless may have varied as well, with it being illegal in some places at some points in time. When Belos rose to power, he chose to use the specialization-based model of Covens to sort people into.
With Belos's system gone, the concept of Covens wasn't completely abandoned, but rather became non-official and based on voluntary participation, as opposed to a legally mandated system that also restricted what types of magic people could use.
the structure of Belos's government
As mentioned previously, it was a sort of constitutional monarchy. Belos was the Lord of the Boiling Isles, it's main religious figure and ultimate authority, but there was an elected government, responsible for things like budgets and passing legislation. Belos could override any decision they made.
The Head Witches of the main nine Covens were originally appointed by Belos alone, but after Terra turned out to be a disastrous choice and had to be pushed out, he handed the appointment process over to the elected government, and would now simply confirm or deny their appointments. Those officials could be bribed, though, to appoint someone who shouldn't necessarily hold a position of power, like Adrian. Belos tried to keep an eye on such issues - or more so tasked others with doing so, but some still slipped through.
The Lord's Coven was a separate branch of government, entirely under Belos's control, though he tended to be somewhat reclusive, so day-to-day coordination and such was largely handled by other high-ranking members of the Coven.
The top leadership originally consisted of three positions: the Lord (Belos), the Secretary (first Winston, later Kiki) and the Golden Guard (first Anthony, later Hunter). The third position was later split into two, the Golden Guard and the Head of the Lord's Coven (first Lilith, later Steven), with the latter taking on some of the former's responsibilities, which allowed Belos to keep Hunter in the castle more for his safety.
The Lord's Coven was the Isles' military, and they performed other tasks and missions for Belos as well, such as finding abandoned palismen for him to consume as "medicine" - something he agreed was unfortunate, and claimed he was looking for an alternative to - and searching for Titan's Blood. Regular law enforcement was typically done by members of other Covens, though some scouts, mostly newer ones, could get the assignment. Usually, experienced scouts were only brought in for emergencies, or to deal with particularly powerful criminals.
the basilisks
The basilisks were not tortured and were generally treated better than in canon, but they were made to do things they didn't like, and were still kept in captivity, in part out of concern that they'd start attacking people if released out in the wild, and they were unhappy with their lives, so they still escaped.
The basilisk that attacked the schools in season 1 had always had behavior problems, possibly a combination of being the earliest and thus least correctly created, as well as being mishandled by those responsible for their care. They have since been treated, and are no longer dangerous.
Vee had complicated feelings about Belos, but was not terrified of him when she saw him in the Human Realm, especially once he made it clear he had no intention of forcing her to return to captivity.
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cybernightart · 8 months
I just thought of a head cannon that I really like (god I wanna draw this now)
So we know tracer Cassidy both ride hover bikes, and considering we can assume kiriko does too ("wait till you see me on my bike") and I also can see Pharah having one. what if Genji does too! He used to ride about hanamura and kanezeka with kiriko when they were younger, also maybe the yokai have existed for a really long time and Genji was originally part of it! they would have started off kind of more as just a group of friends who were also from the same ninja Clan hanging out but definitely look like a biker gang.
But in modern times it would be Cassidy, tracer,pharah, Genji and eventually kiriko all going out for a bike rides together whenever they had time off.
Also for some sweet Gency content!
Despite the fact Angela can fly with her Valkyrie suit I imagine she'd be far too scared to ever try riding a hoverbike herself, but she really wanted to come with them when they went out and stuff. so Genji got her a custom-made helmet that has like angel wings or something on it. Like pure custom designed helmet (bonus points if he was the one that customized it himself because Genji artist headcanon go brrr) and she just rides on the back of Genji's bike while holding on to him, and the entire time he just has the biggest grin on his face.
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vidawhump · 4 months
Dear Valentine
CW/TW: Captivity whump, winged whumpee, idk this one’s just fluffy
“Elias, don’t be like that. Just come down and eat your breakfast.”
Elias refused to respond to his captor, continuing to gaze out the window. The cities were right there. And just beyond that, the forests. His home, his family, his freedom, were right at his fingertips. So close, yet so far away. His life was taken away by Cassidy, and no matter how much she might romanticize the exhibitions, he hated it all. He tucked himself away in his wings, desperately trying to ignore Cassidy.
“C’mon, starling, it’s Valentine’s Day! Everyone is here to-“
“I’m not a starling. The starlings were my friends. …Don’t talk about them.”
Elias would normally bite back and start a fight with Cassidy, but he was burnt out. He would bite her in the ass tomorrow, but not today. Cassidy sighed in frustration, and Elias heard a light tap on the table below the windowsill.
“Be stage-ready by noon. Eat your food. And…” A pause. Cassidy never hesitates. “Happy Valentine’s Day. Love you.” With that, she left the room, long brown hair rippling behind her like the rivers back home. It shut with a sharp click.
Hell no. What was that? Her voice carried mild traces of… sympathy? Empathy? No. She has Elias trapped here. She’s using him. Soon. He’ll be out soon.
Elias swung out from the windowsill, angling his wings to soften the fall. Neglecting the tray of berries that Cassidy had left for him, he brought his attention to the concerningly large pile next to it. It consisted of what seemed to be hundreds of Valentine's cards, envelopes, and assorted candy hearts. And a letter opener. Of course, Cassidy wanted him to open them all. Maybe when he finished, he could shred the papers and make a mess of his room. That’s sure to piss her off.
Idly shuffling through the stacks of magentas, pinks, purples, and assorted “romantic” colors, Elias stopped at a deep maroon envelope. Unlike the others with their cheesy hearts, cupids, and pitiful declarations of love, this one had barely any details. It was dented in the corners as if it was beaten up during delivery. The outside was entirely bare, save for a matte black wax stamp, sealing it all shut. In the middle of the stamp was a crow with outspread wings. Elias’ breath caught in his throat. There was only one person who could’ve sent this.
He stumbled to fly back up to the windowsill, where the sunrise dripped in soft pinks and purples behind the cityscape. Feathers fluttering behind him, Elias scrambled his way onto the ledge with the envelope and letter opener in hand. He barely managed to open the envelope before pulling out a hastily folded loose-leaf notebook paper. Most of the paper had unrelated notes and to-do lists hastily scribbled into the corners. Between a due date reminder from months before and a dried coffee stain, were a small cluster of hearts in spotty red pen. He couldn't help but cry when he saw the familiar handwriting.
Dear Valentine
It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? Molly misses you. She’s walking all over my paper as I write this. You might see tiny bites on the paper because she literally won’t leave me alone. She knows that she can get away with anything, I swear.
New Years passed me by. I went on a walk just before midnight to stargaze under our favorite tree. And I swear, before the fireworks covered everything up, right when the clocks struck midnight, the stars glowed just a little brighter. I think between everything that’s going on, that might be a good sign. :)
The forests are quiet without you. I miss your rambunctious energy firing up the whole flock, and the way you know you were born to be a leader. The kids are asking where you went, and I can only keep up the excuse of a spontaneous solo migration for so long. I miss finding your fluffy feathers in absolutely everything I own, and the way you would make a nest of blankets on my bed and hide out in my room when you got sick. Molly likes playing with the feathers that are still lying around. She’s collecting them in a fuzzy pile in her corner. Molly wants you to come home. It’ll happen soon.
Recently, I’ve only worn your hoodies and sweaters, the ones with holes in the back for your wings. Physically, it’s colder, but it makes me feel that much closer to you. The bed is lonely without you. I miss the way I would wake up to your primary feathers all up in my face, you sprawled out all over the bad and hoarding all the blankets. If I pile up the blankets next to me with your feathers, and if I close my eyes, for just a minute, I can pretend you’re still here with me.
You’ll be out soon. I promise I’ll help you escape. I have a plan, and I know you’ll catch on fast.
Eden <3
And taped to the last page were wilted rose petals. There was a rose bush just outside his window. Elias pressed up against the window and peered down at the small bush, which was mysteriously missing a few roses. Eden was here. Eden knows exactly where he is and has a plan to get him out.
Elias felt his heart flutter, reminiscing on memories he and Eden shared. Not even the forests know what the nature of their relationship is. Romantic, platonic, does it even matter? Elias and Eden are the light of each other’s lives, so why try to label their dynamic?
Elias took a deep breath, looking out his window. The pink had slowly bled into a cloudy blue. Gripping the paper to his chest, the future was looking a little brighter for Elias.
He should probably get to opening all the other cards. Happy Valentine’s Day, indeed.
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gritsandbrits · 3 months
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Eve Concept
In my rewrite/AU/whatever Eve ran away to the mortal realm after one too many put downs from the angels. She changes her name to "Evelyn Lambert" and takes up work in carpentry and repairs.
Avaline calls the business to fix a leaky faucet, Eve is sent and while working she notices that Flora bears a striking resemblance to her. She doesn't think much of it, later on Avaline goes to the shop to pick up an order, the two have small talk and find they have something in common.
Later on Eve discovers Ava and Evan are her great grandbabies, and strikes a reluctant agreement with Charlie and Lucifer to help train them.
Adam sees a chance to woo her back but she makes it clear she isn't up for his suave anymore...even if she hates to admit he still leaves her weak in the knees.
Red hair referencing clay/the red apple, and it's the color or love and passion
Her work outfit varies but she tends to wear comfy t shirts and overalls. Sometimes she likes to embroider with funky patterns
While passive and meek in the past, her time on earth made her more assertive
Thick brows like adam since she is made to be in his likeness somewhat
✨Curls✨ we bringing texture up in this BITCH
Hair used to be super long but over time she cut it short for manageability & to shed her old life
Used to wear pink blue and gold in heaven, now she wears variety of colors; essentially Rainbow/Multicolor themed
You can't see it but she has freckles
Definitely hippie/New Age vibes
Think of her as Miss Frizzle but more emotionally complex
Deeply regrets trusting Lilith and Lucifer so it was really REALLY hard for to accept Charlie
Her newfound independence terrifies and angers Adam...and arouses him....fuck...
Let's just say they're the most complicated exes ever
Dark brown eyes representing earth; also BROWN skin, I headcanon her to be MENA/african.
She eats just as many ribs as Adam.
Doesn't like apples but she do love oranges and honey on pears
Has a butterfly motif and wings symbolized her metaphorical death and rebirth into her own person
Thought about giving her a lioness motif to complement Adam's horns + lions protect the pride
Main flaw used her naivety and impulsiveness, now it's her distrust and low self worth; she's still kinda impulsive
Arc is realizing she has to accept her past and that she is allowed to find herself and breathe again, that not every mistake have devastating consequences
Mises Cain terribly, admits she forgives him for killing Abel
She's the one who gave Little Cloud (the purple lamb) to Abel
Bonds with Cassidy over their mutual interest in plants and religious trauma
Adores Flora, loves to talk about her kids with Flora and made sure Flora lives comfortably while temporarily stationed in heaven
Does stain glass projects too
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thealmightyemprex · 12 hours
What is your favorite Musical Deep Cut
I love musicals,and I know many of my mutuals love musicals too so I gotta ask.........Whats your favorite deep cut
I am speaking mainly of stage musicals ,cause while the classics are fine and dandy,sometimes you find one thats lesser known:Maybe it was a flop musical,maybe its more underground ,maybe its a hidden gem,maybe its a guilty pleasure ,or might even be a bit of a cult classic ,but its not as big as a Sweeney Todd or Hades Town
I'll go first,my favorite deep cut is Its a Bird....ITs a Plane ....Its Superman
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I have listened to this MANY times,I have the CD
Now those who know me,know I love Superman and weird novelties like this,so thats definately AN aspect to why I like it ,like its so fun to hear Superman sing about the sorrows of being a hero ....But as a Superman story.....Its weird,like the musical only has the rights to Superman and Lois,Clark Kent is treated just as a disguise(Which is weird when your more used to the idea Clark is the guy,Supes is the persona ),and Superman actually isnt in a lot of it ....Buuuut I kind of like the way it examines Superman/superheroes in general"Would a guy who can do the impossible get an ego ",why the disguise of Clark Kent works,the weapon used on Superman is not physical but psychological,and why a guy who can do great deeds simply cause he likes doing good things is a good thing ,and a good counterpoint to the villain a man who has done good thing but has failed to gain recognition then seeks to destroy the ultimate symbol of good .Theres a fun camp tongue and cheek element,the performers on the album are great,scene stealers being JAck Cassidy as the secondary villain (An egomaniac reporter ) and Linda Lavin (Cassidy's assistant who begins to date Clark Kent) .Songs are mostly good,some are very 60's but most are pretty catchy,well performed and fun,the highlight being Linda Lavins showstopper You Got Possibilities
Whats your favorite musical deep cut
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @barbossas-wench @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa
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souurcitrus · 2 months
X-Men - Earth 18104
Time-line of the X-Men for my original universe Earth-18104. The events are based in different medias, like the movies, comics and series. Also, I included some of my OCs, as I literally just made this universe for them (and to change stuff I don't like I the stories).
There's a longer list of events of my universe too, including stuff about the Avengers, but I focus more in the X-Men.
This lists goes from 1971 (barely) to 2000, the first part of the Age of Heroes.
List of Events
1971 -
Irene Adler has a vision about the future of mutants. She and Raven Darkhölme start to "prepare for the war", looking for more mutants. They convince Jason Wyngarde to join them.
Erik Lensherr continues to hunt down Sebastian Shaw.
1972 -
The "First Class" of X-Men is founded by Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert after they discovered that Sebastian Shaw and his Hellfire Club planned to start a nuclear war against the humans.
They join Darkhölme, Adler and Wyngarde, and then meet Lensherr. They receive help of Fred Duncan and Gabrielle Haller to form the team to fight Shaw.
The first members are Armando Muñoz (Darwin), Vienna Adamsen (Petra), Suzanne Chan (Sway) and Sean Cassidy (Banshee).
The Hellfire Club members are: Amélia Voght, Janos Quested and Adriana Soria.
Most of things are just like the movie, but with different characters.
Except Darwin never dies and Shaw is killed by Erik and later his body is taken by Lady Sinister. Adriana Soria is taken by CIA and Janos Quested escapes.
After the Battle of Cuba, Xavier becomes paralyzed and lives with Gabrielle Haller in Graymalkin Lane; Erik leaves the X-Men with Voght and Wyngarde; Irene and Adler leave too, but in separate ways; Moira goes to Muir Island with the recruits.
1975 -
Sean Cassidy marries his girlfriend.
Weapon Plus erases the memories of the Team X.
1976 -
Charles Xavier marries Gabrielle Haller.
Team X escapes the Weapon X facility. Logan loses his memories and lives in the mountains with James and Heather Hudson.
1979 -
David Haller, son of Xavier and Haller, is born.
Just months after his son's birth, Charles fights the Shadow King, who loses his body and puts his own conscious on David's mind, planning on taking revenge on Xavier in the future.
Afraid of what could happened if she stayed with Xavier, Gabrielle Haller leaves Graymalking Lane and takes her son with her.
1980 -
Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (12) activate their mutations for the first time.
1985 -
Jean Grey (10) manifests her powers for the first time. Xavier takes her to Graymalkin Lane to teach her to control her mutation.
Twenty years after the First Class, with new super heroes showing themselves to the public, Xavier decides to form a new team of X-Men.
1987 -
Bobby Drake (10) manifest his powers for the first time. His parents ask him to keep himself in secret, but Bobby starts to train his powers, wanting to be a super hero.
1988 -
Scott (12), Alex (10) and Gabriel Summers (6) survive a plane crash during a trip with their family.
Scott enters a coma, while his little brothers are taken to different forster homes. Xavier visits Scott with Moira and decides to come back to him after Scott wakes up.
1989 -
The Fantastic Four debut as the first super hero team.
Scott (13) wakes up from his coma after a year, waking his powers by accident. Xavier gives him a Ruby-Quartz visor and invites him to join his new team of X-Men.
Bobby Drake (12) is on a date when he shows his powers in public for the first time. After the town turns against him, because of the hate against super humans increasing, Bobby is save by Scott and goes to Graymalkin Lane.
Warren Worthington's wing grow and hes unable to hide his mutation anymore. Scott and Bobby go after him and invite him to join the X-Men. Hesitant, Warren (14) accepts.
Later, Charles introduces Jean Grey (14) to them.
1990 -
The Avengers debut as a super hero team during the Battle of New York.
During a rugby game, Henry McCoy (16) witnessed a pair of masked thugs trying to rob the ticket booth, and used his mutant abilities to stop them.
Henry participated a special program for gifted young people, founded by Tony Stark. There he met Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Charles and Henry, reluctantly, accept to join the team.
Now with the second lineup of X-Men complete, Xavier began training his new students to hone their powers in his Danger Room specially built by him and the team's old lineup.
1991 -
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (23) decided to go to America to look for their biological father.
Wolverine left Canada and went to Japan. There, he met Kobayashi Amiko and adopted her as his daughter.
The second class of X-Men graduated in their training: Iceman (14), Angel (17), Beast (18), Cyclops (16) and Marvel Gil (17).
Now calling himself Professor X, Charles Xavier (55) was ready to reveal the new X-Men to the world.
• Meanwhile, Magneto (59) has made his first move against humanity, taking control of a military base in Cape Citadel to launch his missiles at human targets. He was unexpectedly confronted by the X-Men and escaped before being defeated.
Due to his exemplary work on the field, Xavier selected Scott Summers to serve as the team's field leader.
Later they fought the mutant called Vanisher.
Xavier located Frederick Dukes (17), and sent the X-Men to recruit him.
Blob was uninterested in joining them and later attacked the school, but was defeated by X-Men soon.
Gabriel Summers (10) was raised in a foster family, until he decided to run away from his grandparents' house one night, going in search of Scott and Alex.
After getting lost, he was found by a criminal called Jack Diamonds, who took advantaged of his new powers. Gabriel later was saved by the first X-Men (Petra, Darwin, Sway) and taken to Muir Island, where he trained to be a X-Men and choose the name Kid Vulcan.
Magneto founded the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, recruiting Jason Wyngarde, Amélia Voght, Mortimer Toybnee (14), Astra (20), Blob, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (24).
They fought the X-Men briefly and then later where defeated.
The X-Men and the Fantastic Four fought the Puppet Master.
The X-Men where attacked by Calvin Rankin, Mimic.
Juggernaut attacked Graymalkin Lane and was defeated by the X-Men, put in a coma by Xavier.
1993 -
James Madrox (14) lost control of hid powers and was found by Moira MacTaggert, who took him to Muir Island, where he joined her X-Men with the codename of Multiple Man.
The X-Men graduated and soon fought Unus, the Untouchable.
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (25) left the Brotherhood and joined the Avengers.
While living a pacific life in Paris, Gabrielle Haller's husband was killed. During the accident, David Haller (14) manifested his powers.
1994 -
Start of the Arc Z'Nox.
The X-Men find out Scott (18) has a brother. They meet Alex Summers (16) and he joins the team as Havok.
1995 -
(Mesmero and Krakoa)
Bobby (17) and Alex meet Lorna Dane (20). Soon they're kidnapped by Mesmero, who reveled that Lorna was Magneto's daughter.
Mesmero took control of Krakoa, the living mutant island, who once was home for the first mutants of the world. Mesmero and the X-Men discovered a secret nation of mutants that once lived in Krakoa (once known as Okkara).
These mutants were known as Enriched and they punished Mesmero for trying to steal their secrets and hurt Krakoa, who was asked to keep Mesmero trapped in a cell in the insides of the island.
The Enriched asked the X-Men to never tell about their secret nation, Khado, or about them, and the young mutants agreed.
Lorna Dane joined the X-Men as Polaris.
Hank McCoy left the X-Men to work at Brand Corporation.
(Among us stalk the Sentinels)
Believing that the mutant race was a threat to human society, scientist Bolivar Trask created the Sentinels.
To ensure the safety of mutants, Xavier began looking for new members for the X-Men.
The first of these would be his old Banshee friend, Sean Cassidy (43).
He also went after Sabretooth, who turned down his offer because he didn't care about the war between mutants and humans.
Jean (20), Scott (19) and Hank (21) met the mutant Ororo Munroe (28), that agreed to join them and took the code name "Storm".
• Over the next few days, there were many instances of mutants being attacked by Sentinels. Many of them sought refuge in the Xavier Mansion, being protected and kept secret by the X-Men.
At some point, the Sentinels attacked the school, and were defeated by the new group of X-Men.
(The Phoenix)
Reed Richards (32) met with Charles Xavier (58) to discuss the Z'Nox threat, stating that they were still present in Earth's orbit; so the X-Men joined the Fantastic Four on a mission into space to stop the alien invaders.
During the mission, they were caught in a solar flare. Jean Gray (20) was trapped in deep space and absorbed the explosion to give the others time to escape.
Jean came into contact with the Phoenix Force, that allowed her to absorb her energy, sealing itself in her body.
In Chandilar, in the Triagulum Galaxy (M-33), Lilandra feels the presence of the Phoenix.
With the rest of his team reaching the final stretch of their college education, Charles was secretly on Muir Island.
There he met Moira's new recruits, Bolt (14), Multiple Man (16) and Kid Vulcan (13).
Charles tried to recruit Emma Frost, but she refused, already working with the Hellfire Club in secret.
1996 -
Hank McCoy (22) goes through a rough transformation with his mutation, assuming a more bestial appearance.
(Second Genesis).
Charles Xavier (59) soon became aware of a mutant signature on Krakoa and sent his X-Men on a mission to investigate the island.
Meanwhile, the X-Men arrived on Krakoa and realized that the entire island was actually a massive mutant form.
Not only that, they met with Princess Sarala (33), the princess of Khado and the Enriched and Raven, her counselor.
They explained to Cyclops (20) that after they took Mesmero to Krakoa, he was placed in a stone chamber that would keep him asleep; however, the mutant used his powers to reach Krakoa's consciousness and awaken him from his sleep.
Understanding the importance of Krakoa to the Enriched, the X-Men joined them in calming the island. Krakoa then attacked them and, under Mesmero's command, captured them within.
Xavier reached out to Moira and asked her to allow him to use her students to rescue his team of X-Men.
These new X-Men proved to be no match for the island of Krakoa, and only managed to free Cyclops, sending him away while the group seemingly sacrificed their lives to cover their escape.
Scott returned to the Mansion, along with Bolt (15) and Madrox (17).
Wolverine was sent by Department H to fight the Hulk, he was defeated, but later was invited by Xavier to join the X-Men and rescue the other members from Krakoa.
Not only Wolverine, Scott recruited a new team with Banshee (44) and Storm (29), and new members: Sunfire (24), Colossus (18), Nightcrawler (20) and Thunderbird (17).
• This new team of X-Men proved more successful, rescuing the original team and defeating Krakoa and Mesmero.
Krakoa went back to its deep sleep and the Enriched took Mesmero to a different cell. However, Kid Vulcan was nowhere to be seen and Charles erased him from everyone's memories, believing he was dead.
Later, Cyclops became leader of the new team of X-Men.
(X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'ken)
Erik the Red received orders from Majestor Shi'ar D'ken to capture Princess Lilandra, who had fled on a ship to Earth.
The Enriched once again went to warn the X-Men of the threat of the Shi'ar and told them about the first invasion of the Shi'ar earth.
Princess Lilandra arrived on Earth and asked them to help her stop her brother from using the M'kraan Crystal's power to dominate the universe.
Jean Gray (21) awakened the powers of the Phoenix and helped the X-Men into space to rescue Lilandra, and help her stop her brother from using the power of the M'kraan Crystal to take over the universe.
Emperor D'ken controlled the powerful Imperial Guard and directed his force to destroy the X-Men. Fortunately, the X-Men were aided by the Starjammers, a revolutionary crew of space pirates, led by Cyclops' father, the Corsair, and the Enriched.
With the crystal about to shatter and destroy reality itself, Phoenix used his stupendous power to restore it. D'ken went crazy and was dethroned. When the X-Men returned to Earth, a temporarily exiled Lilandra accompanied them.
Jean Gray began having terrible dreams about the Phoenix.
(The second Brotherhood of Mutants)
With the new wave of hatred spread by Senator Kelly, a new Brotherhood of Mutants was formed, led by Mystique (and Destiny, in secret), formed by Pyro (19), Rogue (16) Avalanche (21) and Blob (21 ).
• While "rescuing" some mutant children, the Brotherhood is interrupted by the X-Men, who prevent them from taking the children to use them in their plans.
During the battle, the X-Men have difficulty dealing with Rogue's powers, who copies her abilities.
In the end, they win because Rogue is overwhelmed, and the Brotherhood escapes.
New mutants go to Gaymalkin Lane, among them is Sam Guthrie (14), Kitty Pryde (12) and Alison Blaire (16).
(Dark Phoenix)
The X-Men were captured by the Hellfire Club, its revealed that Jason Wyngarde has been using his power to torture Jean and unleash the Phoenix. They succed and Jean is dominated by the Dark Phoenix.
The powerful entity is defeated with the help of the Shi’ar. Jean Gray regained control once again and decided to sacrifice herself and prevent another disaster.
After Jean Grey's funeral, Cyclops left the team to mourn the loss of his lover. Storm was placed as leader of the X-Men
1997 –
• (Days of Future Past)
• Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop travel from the future to stop the Brotherhood of Mutants of killing Robert Kelly and triggering their dystopic future. The X-men follow them in their mission and succed in stopping Mystique and her brotherhood.
• Rachel and Lucas are stuck in the past and join the X-Men.
• While he traveled the coutry in his mourning, Scott met Madelyne Prior, who looked exactly like Jean. They become closer and Scott goes back to the house of his grandparents. There he find memories of his Brothers and finds out that Kid Vulcan, that had died in Krakoa, was his brother Gabriel.
• He decided to go back to Salem Center, but promised to Madelyne he would come back.
• The X-Men have their first encounter with the Broods. They defeat the aliens with the help of the Shi’ar and the Starjammers, which leader is Christopher Summers.
• Kitty Pryde meets Lockheed.
• Carol Danvers briefly joins the X-Men, but soon leaves after a fight with Rogue, who had stolen her powers (Danvers did notlost er abilities, only stayed in bed for a while).
• At the same time, Wanda is possessed by the Darkhold and uses her powers to create na ilusiono f a happy Family for herself and Vision. She’s stopped by Strange and the Avengers.
• Scott comes back to the X-Men and confronts Xavier about his brother. He keeps in contact with Madelyne Prior.
• Illyana Rasputin is taken to Limbo. Later she’s saved by the X-Men, but she’s no longer a little girl.
• (The New Mutants)
• During the prolonged period in which the X-Men were kidnapped by the Brood, Xavier's School was rebuilt and became known as the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Despite not wanting to put any more of her students in danger, Moira convinced Xavier that the mutant children would be in danger one way or another and would need to be trained to fight.
• Thus, the X-Men began to assemble a new experimental team of young X-Men, the New Mutants, and new teachers joined to help with their training: Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Sunfire, Firestarter, Lullaby, Banshee, Wolverine, Prestige, Bishop and Colossus.
• This new team was formed by Sam Guthrie (15), Rahne Sinclair (13), Roberto da Costa (14), Danielle Moonstar (15), Doug Ramsey (13), Illyana Rasputin (13) and Xuân Cao Mạnh (14), who has been chosen to bethe leader.
• Later the X-Men were in a conflict with the Morlocks and their leader Calypso.
• Rogue went to the X-Men after she had to have problems controlling Captain Marvel’s powers.
• The X-Men travel to Japan to celebrate Logan’s wending with Yashida Mariko. They met his adopted daughter, Amiko, and help him save Mariko from the Silver Samurai.
• Forge joins the X-Men later.
• Jonh Proudstar (18) brings his little brother, James (14), to study at the Xavier’s Institute.
• Around the same time, Emma Frost created her own group of young mutants at Massachusetts Academy, the Hellions, formed by: Empath, Firestar and Roulette.
• Scott Summers became closer to Madelyne Prior and the two became a couple and he ook her to the X Mansion, where he introduced her to her friends. X-Men were shocked, however, seeing Scott's genuine happiness, they accepted Madelyne into their family and she spent the next few months living with them at the Institute, where she soon discovered she was pregnant.
• As a full-time X-Man, Wolverine was unable to personally care for Amiko (12), but raised her with his fiancée Mariko Yashida.
• Amiko lived with Mariko for some time, enjoying the luxurious life that the head of the Yashida Clan was able to provide. She saw Logan on rare occasions.
• Scott Summers married Madelyne Pryor on the grounds of Xavier Mansion, with most of the X-Men attending the ceremony.
• (Legion)
• David Haller (18) began manifesting his psionic abilities uncontrollably in the real world. Seeing her son suffering from the loss of control of his powers, Gabrielle Haller took him to Muir Island to ask Moira MacTaggert for help.
• MacTaggart called Xavier and he brought with him several of the New Mutants, including Cypher, Mirage and Wolfsbane, Rachel Grey, Scott Summers and Banshee. Upon seeing Xavier, David revealed that it wasn't just him there, there were many others of his alters and hidden in his mind was Amal Farouk, the Shadow King.
• The X-Men joined to stop Frouk and save Davidd. Farouk was removed and expelled from David's mind, who finally had control over his powers and could live in peace with his alters. Even though he still didn't accept that Xavier was his father, knowing why his mother left him, David thanked him.
• David remained on Muir Island for the next few years, being visited by the X-Men from time to time.
1998 –
• (The return of Jean Grey)
• Many months after Phoenix's death, some Khado soldiers heard Krakoa calling them and followed the island to Jamaica Bay, where they found a pod containing Jean Gray's body.
• A few weeks after being found, Jean Gray began to remember what happened before her "death." She later left to go find her friends and returned to be na X-Man.
• Meanwhile, Scott and Madelyne's marriage has become strained. Madelyne resented the fact that Scott was rarely home and that he continued to miss Jean.
• The X-Men were attacked by Mojo. Elizabeth Braddock joined the X-Men after helping them escape the Mojoverse.
• In May, Madelyne Prior gave birth to hers and Cyclops’ son, Nathan Summers.
• Right after, Lady Sinister, Selene Essex, recruited a group of mercenaries to get rid of the Morlocks, whom she believed were a threat the to Evolution of mutant kind. Among these mercenaries, the Marauders, were Sabretooth and Gambit.
• The X-Men went to the tunnels of Morlocks to save the mutants and defeat the Marauders. In the end of the fight, Storm was severely hurt and was lost. While the X-Men believed she was dead, Gambit found her in the tunnels and saved her life.
• Later the X-Men were attacked by the Ravers. During the fight, Jubilee (14), that was living in secret in the X-Men’s base, helped Wolverine save his teammates.
• (Inferno)
• When the X-Men carried out missions, Madelyne Pryor helped them as technical support. Little by little, she was corrupted by the Limbo demon N'astirh, ending up making a deal with him to find her son, becoming the Goblin Queen.
• She soon found out about her true nature: she’s a clone of Jean Grey created by Lady Sinister. Her corruption as the Goblin Queen unleashed Hell on New York in the form of a demonic invasion.
• The X-Men defeated N'astirh, however, in an insane outburst, Pryor put her own son's life at risk, being fought by the X-Men and X-Factor. She was eventually killed in an attempt to take Jean Gray down with her.
• With Madelyne dead, the X-Men traveled to the ruins of the X-Mansion to confront Lady Sinister, who, with Mastermind's help, was telepathically attacking Jean Grey. After a long fight, Cyclops (24) managed to blast Sinister with a full-power optical blast, seemingly destroying her.
• Now without his mother, baby Nathan Summers was raised by his fatherwith the help of the X-Men and Jean Grey.
• In the end, the X-men had to fight the Shadow King once again. Farouk was controlling other mutants to attack the X-Men, but with the help of David Haller and Emma Frost, they defeated him once again.
1999 –
• Wolverine tried to regain his memories and startedto dig into his past with the helpof Jonh Wraith and Nick Fury. He discovered that Silverfox was never dead and it was all an ilusion of Weapon X.
• The X-Men had to fight against the Acolytes and Fabian Cortez, who had kidnapped Luna Maximoff, Magneto’s granddaughter.
• Dealing with his bloodlust and animal side out of control, Sabretooth went to the X-Men searching for Xavier’s help. Different from what he expected, Creed was kept prisioner in the basement.
• Tereza Márquez (OC), Creed’s partner known as Sanguinária, joined the X-Men to take care of him, but still had to keep her job with the Avengers.
• The Inner Circle, who were old allies of Xavier, send two members, Lullaby and Firestarter, to assist the X-Men with their new students.
• The wending of Jean Grey and Scott Summers happened in the gardens of the manor.
• (The Phalanx and Generation X)
• Later, Sabretooth and Tereza Márquez helped Banshee, Emma Frost and Jubilee save a new group of Young mutants from the Phalanx. One of these youngs was Clarice Ferguson (14), she sacrificed herself by using her teleporting powers to save her new friends and was apparently killed while destroying the Phalanx.
• While Sabretooth was sent back to his cell, Banshee and Emma Frost started to train a new team, the Generation X: Jubilee (14), Paige Guthrie (17), Monet St. Crox (16), Everett Thomas (17), Jono Starmore (14), Angelo Spinosa (15) and Nicole and Claudette St. Crox (9).
• The X-Men and the Fantastic Four had to deal with Nanny and Orphan Maker, who captured Young mutants from their parentes, among them Franklin Richards (1), Nathan Summers and Gailyn and Joey Grey.
• The Inner Circle started their plans of waking Apocalypse, with the help of Exodus and Ozymndias. Creed starts to regain his memories.
• When the Inner Circle was discovered by Forge, Creed and Márquez escaped the manor. During the battle that started, the Inner Circle failed in capturing Xavier, but Nathan Summers was infected with a techno vírus that put his life in danger.
• To save his son, Scott send Nathan to the future, wherehe could recieve training and treatingfor the vírus. Wolverine was after a cure for Warren and Psylocke, who were extremely hurt by Creed and Márquez during their escape. He recieved a visit from Ozymandias, who told him that soon Apocalypse would return.
• The same warning was given to the mutants of Khado, who prepared themselves for the “Judgment Day”. The Inner Circle goes searching for the Horsemen of Apocalypse.
2000 –
• With the campaing for presidency of Graydon Creed, the mutants start to feel more threated by the presence of the Sentinels and the Department of Damage Control, na organisation ruled by SHIELD that would arrest any potential dangerous mutant.
• Dr. Cecilia Reyes joined the X-Men.
• (Apocalypse)
• The Inner Circle succeds in their plan of bringing back Apocalypse and his Haralds.
• Kittty Pryde, Jono Starmore and Warren Worthington are kidnapped by the Inner Circle. Apocalypse uses his powers to give Warren new wings, choosing him to be his next Horseman of Death.
• With the help of the Enriched, the X-Men fight Apocalypse, his Army of Darkness, Exodus and the Inner Circle.
• Now the world knew of the existence of the secret nation of mutants, Khado, as well the existence of Wakanda and Krakoa.
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wildissylupus · 10 months
Is there any questions you've been asked that you'd desperately like to bring up again now that invasion has dropped?
Also, Illari's lore? Do we...wanna talk about how Blizzard went from a
'pink flower boi'
'i accidentally nuked my entire civilization with the power of the sun as a child'
Ahhh yes the duality of the Overwatch writing team, you never know if they'll hit you with a meme or a bag of bricks and trauma the size of Reinhardt.
Illari's lore is very interesting because she doesn't seem attached to anyone else's story. With Lifeweaver and Kirkiko they were at least attached to already established characters. Illari just seems to be on her own. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, we see that she still has a lot in common with other characters, specifically Mei so I do think she's going to appear in the story at some point. She also has a very simple motivation to join so unlike a lot of other characters who needed separate stories to explain why they would join Overwatch, it's easy to explain why she would.
As for asks that I want to bring back up, I can't really think of any. Any asks or topics that I want to bring up again after receiving new information I kind of just... do? Without prompting? And a lot of the Invasion storyline was set up, it established tone, characters, inciting incident, it's very much the prologue or the beginning of the first act meaning there are a few reveals still waiting in the wings.
Though after getting Baptiste's journal and looking closer at his data logs it confirms something I did talk about in a previous ask. That Cassidy is the only one who knows that Baptiste is ex-talon. Because in his bio log Athena stats that the encryption we see on his bio is because of Cassidy's request;
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Which confirms that no one, not even Winston, knows about Baptiste working for Talon. Not only that but the fact that this information isn't able to be accessed by Winston but Cassidy can request information to be encrypted does fuel the theory that, though unofficially, Cassidy was high ranking in the previous Overwatch.
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lenaperseveranceoxton · 10 months
I've expressed it in the past, but I still stand by the opinion that ending London Calling by having Lena take a bullet for Iggy was a weird storytelling decision. Sure, it gave us a cute Lemon Tea moment in the hospital, but besides that? I pretend I do not see it.
Also, there's this weird, shoehorned narrative of Lena never calling herself "anything other than a soldier"? That's... also extremely strange, considering she's always been considered a pilot and "adventurer" first and foremost.
She said in the Uprising comic that she became an Overwatch agent because she knew her unique condition could help her fight for the world, but I just don't see Lena calling herself a "soldier".
After seeing Cassidy say that he was never a soldier in his journal entry, I thought about Ana telling Angela in Valkyrie that, as a soldier, Jack wasn't meant to change the world, only to save it. That's why he hired Angela, after all.
So, now I'm having thoughts. Is "Soldier: 76" the reason why Lena considers herself a soldier?
I've already seen speculation that this new Overwatch is supposed to be different, and I agree. Vivian even says:
"Winston, we have to remember: This isn't the old days. We don't have handlers watching our backs from orbit anymore. When boots hit the ground, all we've got is on our backs and in our heads. Let's do our homework and keep everyone safe."
After Vivian's talk with Winston and Cole at the end of the Toronto mission, she says that she'll help with Null Sector, but it's time to move on from Overwatch. I have my fingers crossed that, despite the heavy paperwork and research she has to do again, Vivian will come around.
I'm also hoping that the new Overwatch, being the tight-knit group it is over the old one that kept gaining more rotten people who corrupted it to its core, decides it doesn't need a distinct leader. Cole said at the end of the Rio mission that they're going to need Vivian to make this work, and Vivian says that they're going to need someone like Jack. I hope they eventually come to the conclusion that all they need is each other.
Long tangent aside, what I'm saying is that Jack is kind of in a weird spot right now. Ana believes he's meant to save the world, not change it, but boy, does the world need saving right now. At least a few people in Overwatch know Jack is alive and, as much as they doubt that he'll come back, they agree that they do need him.
I've seen discussions about the possibility that Jack might just pop in to help Overwatch with one or two missions and dip like Torbjörn, but after Torbjörn's journal entry about his workshop being too quiet for his liking, are we sure that even he's not coming back? Still, Torbjörn already does have his place in the new Overwatch, being the only one who can get to the bottom of this Subjugator thing. I'm hoping that Jack finds his place in the new Overwatch, too.
I feel like, despite saying the new Overwatch needs Jack, Vivian has proven herself to be quite capable on her own. Twice, now. I think Vivian and Jack could put their heads together as the best tacticians Overwatch ever had in the past. I've also seen both Vivian and Cole take up the role of a mentor figure, but I won't go into specifics. I feel like, and I'm hoping, this is what the new Overwatch is working towards? You know, a group of people who can watch each other's backs while doling out vigilante justice.
All of this is to say that I would love it if Jack was able to sit back and just be "a little extra firepower" more often than not. After all of his parallels with Lena, such as both of them going into an experimental program at a young age that changed their life forever, it would be sweet if the two of them, once being superior and subordinate, ended up as "soldiers" together. It would make sense for Vivian and Cole to take the New Blood ™️ under their wing, and I think Jack would take Lena under his wing and make up for lost time.
Then, they could finally work with that potential he always talks about while non-canonically killing her in cold blood.
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puhpandas · 1 year
thinking about fnaf characters pokemon types (very long list lol)
evan would be psychic/ghost. he has really vivid dreams and could get into Michael's thoughts and mind to say 'its me'. ghost because he was the first person dead and first person to possess an animatronic. good special attack because of his talents with psychic powers (best stats: special attack)
gregory is fighting/electric. hes strong physically and also has a lot of technology on his side. theres also his connection to lightning bolts. good attack for his physical strength and good speed because nobody can ever catch him. (best stats: attack and speed)
cassidy would be ghost/dark. theres her ambiguous morals and desire to kill William and get revenge, and theres her role as a ghost, which she takes advantage of and takes seriously. best stats are both attacks because shes very violent and out for blood (best stats: attack and special attack)
michael: steel/fairy. steel because... ennard. but also because hes resilient and strong. hes not the best at defending himself, but he can take hits really well. fairy because that adds onto the defense, and also because it's an obvious separation between William and him being good/evil. speed is very high becuase hes been both chasing after and running away from things his whole life. (best stats: special defense and speed)
william: steel/dark. dark types are sometimes called evil type. dark type to contrast against Michael's steel/fairy as good/evil. steel because, duh, springtrap, but also because of his connection with robots in general. good speed stat because hes always one step ahead. good HP because he always comes back. (best stats: speed and HP)
elizabeth: steel/ice. baby is big and bulky, and cold like ice. also icecream. she manipulates and lulls people into her traps with no remorse. Elizabeth has connections to both magle and baby, so steel fits. good special attack because shes good at getting into peoples heads. (best stats: special attack)
charlie: flying/ghost. flying because the puppet can float, and also shes like a savior and protector so you could use angel wings as a metaphor. also super effective against fighting, which shows how she leans towards defending and protecting instead of revenge. ghost because shes like the leader of the ghosts and she put the souls into the animatronics. (best stat: special defense)
vanessa: normal/fighting. normal because shes an average person dragged into this. she has no specific strengths and is only resilient. fighting because its weak against psychic and because vanessa is actively fighting against glitchtrap to save Gregory and herself. her worst stat is special defense(💀). good HP because she keeps surviving. no matter what's thrown at her.(best stats: HP and attack)
glitchtrap: poison/psychic. poison because hes a virus and infects. psychic because hes a manipulator and a puppet master who pulls the strings. (best stat: special attack)
anyways these are just my thoughts about it akdjsj lmk if you have any other thoughts about this :)
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