#cashless society is a scam
genericpuff · 10 months
Feeling cruddy rn y'all. Had to skip out on a night market event (first market this year I've had to cancel) because my house is currently infested with ants and I just found out my poor kitty baby has fleas. So I'm getting a lift up to PetSmart in about an hour and a half to go get flea treatment shampoo, combs, a flea collar, and lots of treats. Poor baby is wanting pets and to snuggle in the bedroom and we just can't let him until this problem is dealt with. This year's been awful for bugs in general, don't believe the bullshit about Canada "always being cold" because where I live it's basically Florida in the summertime, I'm talking 35-40 degree (Celsius) heat with 80% humidity. So far this year (in the new apartment we moved into) we've had to deal with flies, june bugs, spiders, pill bugs, beetles, moths, and now fleas. I feel like the majority of them are coming up from the basement below, it's not an occupied space, just dirt and concrete, but there are vents in on the main floor connected to the basement and I'm willing to bet that's where a lot of the critters are getting in from, especially the ants.
I'm feeling really bad for my coworker and pal who's now having to run the table by himself, but the last thing I need is to be sitting in the sun talking to people for 7 hours when I have 122315832908 other things to be dealing with that are far more pressing. I don't have anything new to present so at best I'd be selling a couple stickers. The weather called for rain and thunder yesterday and it didn't happen. They called for rain today and it didn't happen. At this point you can't trust a single thing our weather report says, just assume it's gonna be hot and humid always u.u So glad Kisu'lk felt that this particular body in this particular point of human history was the perfect place for my spirit to go /s
I'm having to do all of this, btw, with no debit card because I'm waiting on a replacement one to come in the mail after my last one expired. Thankfully my partner's been lending me his but man, it's really inconvenient and it's taking fucking forever for it to come in. I gotta switch to the branch in town because I can't keep dealing with doing everything from my hometown bank in a whole ass other province LOL
Wish me luck y'all (;´д`)ゞ
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whattheabcxyz · 7 months
Boon Lay community library started by resident to close - shelves were stolen, kids left the place in a mess, & no one bothered to help maintain the place ...Singaporeans there apparently are still very much 3rd-worlders
Study on global scam victims showed those from Singapore lost the most on average
Lawrence Wong pledges more help for low-income families - But what about those middle-incomers who're struggling & about to slip into the low-income bracket?! Are we just gonna ignore the shrinking & struggling middle class??? 😒
Tanglin Halt to have 5.5K HDB flats - will feature an integrated development with food centre & polyclinic
Election expenses of this year's presidential candidates open for inspection online for the 1st time - from tomorrow
Highest number of major workplace injuries from manufacturing sector - MOM to step up checks
X (Twitter) to start charging users in Philippines & New Zealand
Tall buildings made from electrically conductive materials can send lightning bolts back up into the sky, generating x-rays at the same time
Singapore’s CPF is best pension system in Asia, according to Mercer index - best for who?! 😂
Finally, after decades of waiting, justice for Natalee Holloway
Levi’s celebrates 150 years of 501s
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^ Singapore: New heritage trail opens @ Pek Kio - looks like any other old & decrepit part of Singapore tbh
Motorists entering Genting Highlands to be charged 1-time fee
EasyJet cancels flight after passenger poops on toilet floor - some humans should be housed in cages when they travel so they don't spoil things for everyone else
Hong Guorui, now 66, still acts from time to time - he's a Grab driver now mainly
Singapore: Gojek to charge less commission from drivers, but passengers must pay fee for going cashless
Singapore & Saudi Arabia agree to boost ties in trade, investment & green energy
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jadedvaevic · 10 months
Here's a handy little checklist for y'all about the current state of things, in case you forgot:
- The government of the most military-strong country in the world is run by a false president elected via the hand of a group of people who desire one world government. All of this is admitted publicly by those very people.
- Russia is fucking angry and now in civil war, and has access to nuclear tech. That previously mentioned US government has been overstepping with Russia for decades. This is a ticking time bomb.
- The US is in an economic free fall. Our currency is actively losing value.
- We are being pushed toward a cashless society. Canada lost access to the internet country wide a bit back and, lol, everyone there lost access to their banks for that time. It was a crisis. All digital currency, activity and presence is traceable and hackable as well as controllable.
- People across the entire fucking WORLD fell for the C19 scheme and those of us who stood opposed were threatened with death, forced quarantine camps, physically forced vaccinations and more. And now it's been publicly admitted that it's all fake and the fucking vaccine kills more people than the fucking virus does.
- There is a global fucking epidemic of pedophilia and it's right in our back yard here in the US too, and pedophiles are being actively protected and pushed into the "tolerance" sphere.
- Same with trans people, who need real help and are not getting it. Instead we are watching these people fall apart on a years long timeline, and most of them were pushed to believe they are something they are not. These people will absolutely contribute to suicide statistics later on.
- Euthanasia and abortion are both being pushed in a big fucking way toward the population of the world.
- Climate change was admitted by the very man who coined the term to be a scam, and that scam is being used to control policy and law and our lives on an individual level in VERY BIG WAYS, from the way we move and live to the way we EAT and the things we OWN.
- We are in fact being pushed toward carrying chips in our bodies to control our spending and to track us. We're already tracked, spied on and conditioned with our phones.
- The people's hero Elon Musk is the mind behind neurolink, which would allow, eventually, the possibility of literally controlling and reading our thoughts. By the way, your thoughts are electrical signals and computers communicate the same goddamn way. Thought control and manipulation are literally proven things that do exist, see subliminal messaging, psychological research on children and general understanding of the psychological development of human beings based on their environment, the social behaviors of the people around them, the way of life they're brought into, the media they are exposed to and more.
- The other people's hero, Trump, didn't fucking do shit to stop this. If he were truly a leader he would have called for a stand, not bided his time repairing the fucking seating in a car which doesn't run. Every policy he made can be undone. Policies are PAPER. They don't actually fucking do anything. Your real hero, the constitution, has already laid the framework for what we need. And you parade that shit around but don't do shit with it.
- Media is actively controlled by the group mentioned in the first point by the way. The butterfly effect of that is WORLD CHANGING and that too is proven, with decades of evidence.
- They've also admitted to pushing toward a food shortage as they push to destroy supply lines and control what's left.
- The chemicals in our food, water and all other items in our households are approved by the same corrupt government and in fact are proven to make us weaker, more emotional, less rational and less assertive. Controllable. Dumb.
- Oh and haha did I mention that they've got control of the medicines we can access, so much so that real cures are being taken off of shelves and even banned from being sold online? Try to buy the meds you really need without a doctor's prescription. I beg you. Ivermectin was only one example of something they manipulated people into rejecting and the effects. Were. HUGE. Try to get some for yourself.
- Immigration is ACTIVELY DESTROYING the way of life for MILLIONS ACROSS THE WORLD. Government sanctioned immigration is causing the active terrorism, rape and murder of people across the fucking WORLD.
There's a lot more than this.
The justice system is a dead fucking corpse strung up to follow the whims of people who do not give a FUCK about due process or innocence.
Stop fucking pretending the world is safe and fine and fixable if you elect the right puppet.
And while you're at it stop fucking fronting like your little online debates are doing jack SHIT.
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financialsmatter · 2 years
Climate Change…the Cover for Default
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As the Climate Change War increases most people won’t recognize it for what it truly is…the cover for default. Wait! Default? What? Sovereign defaults…plural. And the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes have done a great job fooling the public into thinking that the war in Ukraine is over democracy. It’s not. Never has been and never will be. But it’s allowed the globalists to pull off the biggest money-laundering scam in history. And when it morphs into World War 3 is when you’ll see the rationale for multiple Sovereign defaults. Which will eventually include the USA.   Background Noise: “Gasp! That’s blasphemy.” Ironically (or NOT) WAR has always been a great excuse for nations to default on their debt. Why? Because it allows them to justify all of their mismanagement theft of taxpayer dollars under the guise of “patriotic duty” to save their nation. And as Ukraine becomes ground zero for pulling the entire world into war, history will remember it as The Climate Change War.   Under the Cover for Default   Do the math. It’s mathematically impossible for most nations to pay off their government debt At $31 Trillion, the USA is leading the pack Ukraine’s comedian-President Zelensky refuses to negotiate with Putin and believes they can destroy Russia’s economy by destroying the use of fossil fuels (50% of Russia’s GDP is based on energy) As war collapses/drains most nations resources, Sovereign Defaults increase This will usher in “Digital Currencies” and a cashless society Climate Change zealots will then use “Social Credit Scores” to determine your ability to access their newly designed digital money   Think I’m making this up? China is already implementing “Social Credit Scores” to determine who gets what. But on the flip side, China is also funding billions to build coal and nuclear plants for their energy needs. And they – along with North Korea – will back Russia in World War 3.   In the meantime, the West blindly leads us all down the path of destruction using Climate Change as a cover to accelerate war and eventually force sovereign defaults. The question is:  Who will be first? At the time, England is looking like they’ll be the first to default, with Japan running a close second place. But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt… Europe might jump to the front of the line as they freeze this winter without fuel to heat their homes. Learn how this will rock certain markets – and how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times – in our November issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE). Share this with a friend…especially if they believe in the Climate Change War. They’ll thank YOU later. We’re Not Just About Finance. But we use finance to give you hope. FYI Not About Climate Change, But… Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2022 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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im-productreviews · 2 years
Future of Currency - What Is the Future of Money?
If you have been wondering about the future of money and what the future of currency will look like, then this article is for you. The world is moving towards a cashless society, where all transactions are done electronically.
This is a huge leap forward from our current situation where most transactions are done with cash. There are several reasons why this is happening. One is that the use of credit cards is becoming more popular and the second reason is that the ease of use and convenience of using them is very appealing to people. The third reason is that it saves time and energy. It is no longer necessary to carry around large amounts of cash, which can be dangerous and inconvenient.
The future of currency is digital currency or crypto currency. This is a new form of money that is not backed by any government. It is a decentralized system where the value is based on the number of people who use it. The more people use it, the higher its value becomes. The advantage of this system is that it is completely secure and does not rely on any central authority for its value.
Crypto currencies are available on the internet and they can be used in many different ways. You can buy items online using your crypto currency. If you want to send money to someone, you can do so by using their crypto currency. Some of these crypto currencies are being used as a way to make international payments. They are also being used as a medium of exchange for goods and services.
There are many advantages to using crypto currencies. They are completely anonymous, which makes it easier for people to conduct business without having to worry about identity theft. They are also very easy to use. Once you download the crypto currency software, you are ready to go. You just need to enter the amount that you want to transfer and the recipient's address. You can send crypto currency anywhere in the world.
It is important to keep in mind that there are many scams out there. This is especially true when it comes to crypto currency. Make sure that you research the company before you buy anything from them. Check the reviews and testimonials on the company's website to see if others have had good experiences with them.
You should always remember that you are responsible for your own actions and that you should never give out personal information such as your bank account numbers, social security number, etc. When dealing with crypto currency, it is best to use an escrow service. This way, you are protected.
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rorytelling · 4 years
Republicans be like "Covid is a scam, but you know what's real? Democrats forcing us into a CASHLESS society like CHINA"
No dumbass we just have a national coin shortage. How would democrats force anything when y'all run the government? I fucking hate this country.
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liberty1776 · 4 years
OK. Now withdraw all the invaders. Sky News Host Leads Resistance Against Covid-19 Scam MORE LRC Blog Who Are Our Enemies? Who Owns Messages? Crime and Punishment The Fed Mask Wearing Jason Whitlock on the Liberal Whites Who Make Their Living as Blacks Salon Owner Erica Kious Forced Out of Town for Exposing Nancy Pelosi’s COVID Hypocrisy
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Regulated Blockchain: A New Dawn in Technological Advancement
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August 28, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
There is no doubting the fact that there are massive potentials for blockchain technology to transform the world. This has been shown in every field of human endeavor.
Blockchain technology has been deployed in the medical industry, engineering, and most importantly in the financial industry. But one thing stood out, governments and a lot of investors were at best, wary of the wholesome adoption of the technology.
The reason being adduced by everybody is that blockchain is not regulated. For blockchain to be widely accepted, there will be a need for some level of assimilation with the traditional way of doing things.  
Blockchain as technology came up with a true peer-to-peer borderless transfer of value and innovative ways to raise capital or invest in promising projects, but then, there are two sides to a coin. One major use the blockchain was first deployed for, was the cryptocurrency, which a lot of people have variously used as a primary exchange of value for illicit activities, you can’t also wish away the fact that many investors have been scammed off their resources through shady ICOs.
It was sweet music to the ears when Zurab Ashvil, founder and CEO of L3COS came up with the idea of the world’s first regulated blockchain-based operating system. “Without a single universal platform for governments, businesses and individuals worldwide, there is no practical solution for addressing the underlying blockchain problems that we are facing today,” Ashvil says.
Related: How DeFi Will Reshape Financial Services
With a three-layer transformation, that will enable the government to win voter trust, save money, and go green; businesses to minimize fines, globalize, and reduce operating costs; while the society will enhance democracy, ease international travels, and simplify taxes; a regulated blockchain is a gateway to our technological advancement.
What a regulated blockchain portends is that the impact the negative statements from government officials and the media along with regulatory uncertainties have been having on entrepreneurs, investors, the market, and the industry at large, will be a thing of the past.
One area where we have started seeing the positive impact and transformation in technology is the case of the digital currency. The internet was the precursor of cashless policy and internet banking all of which greatly reduced the stress people had to go through to conduct businesses.
The Chinese Government vehemently opposed cryptocurrency because it was decentralized but it’s of great relief to see that the People Bank of China (PBOC) is at the forefront of legitimizing digital currency.
As a part of a pilot program, PBOC introduced a homegrown digital currency across four cities, this is a huge leap towards actualizing the first electronic payment system by a major central bank. The Bank of England (BoE) is also toeing the footsteps of China but at a review stage as of July 2020.
Andrew Bailey, the Governor of BoE was reported to have said, “I think in a few years, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency.”
Related: How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Business-Communication Networks
In the U.S. too, concerted efforts are being made towards digital currency with U.S. investment bank JP Morgan being the first bank to create a digital token to help settle payments between clients in its wholesale payments business. This does not undermine the fact that the United States Federal Reserve has not made a categorical statement as to the position of the country on CBDC.
“We are supportive of crypto-currencies as long as they are properly controlled and regulated,” says Umar Farooq, JP Morgan’s head of Digital Treasury Services and Blockchain. It is on record that the bank has always maintained that the blockchain technology is of immense benefit, their only problem all along has been the inability to regulate it.
If you had expected to see a wholesome deployment of the blockchain technology even if for non-financial-related fields before now, you did not assume wrongly. What has obtained before the emergence of regulated blockchain technology is a situation where investors are treading with caution.
They are skeptical and rightly so at putting their resources into a venture that may come crashing any time as a result of the position of government officials and policymakers. The adoption of regulated blockchains like L3COS and others that will come up swiftly to compete will be based on the fact that it can automate a wide range of operations and cut bureaucratic procedures. 
Related: 3 Blockchain Improvements That Will Lead to Its Mainstream Adoption
The automation is achieved using smart contracts. The system removes intermediaries between end clients (businesses and consumers) and central banks.
Aside from regulation, which is the primary source of concern to almost everybody that can assert an opinion about blockchain technology, one other area that has created a lot of misgivings is the environmental impact of business transactions. You can now afford to reduce the use of paper to an unprecedented minimum, thereby contributing significantly to the green world.
Cutting costs is very vital for the sustenance of your business especially when these costs arise from illegal activities you must have randomly or unwittingly done. This will become a thing of the past as the system will automatically do a compliance check for you any time you attempt an operation. 
What this boils down to is that your operation will be blocked if it seems to be going against promulgated rules and regulations. Thus, the system ensures you don’t fall prey to “potholes” and saves you from getting involved in illegalities while running your business.
A regulated blockchain ensures that transactions are supervised by regulatory bodies. The fear institutions have all along harbored, can now be laid to rest. 
Ordinarily, with unregulated blockchains, institutions face the risk of financial loss and also the risk of further repercussions due to the misuse of the responsibility entrusted to you. There are also financial penalties to be paid as well as reputational damage to be taken into consideration.
Now that the world has no lack of regulated blockchains, it is a very good opportunity for any government or organization that wants to lead the global blockchain marketplace to act quickly. In a short time, leaders must have emerged and the others will just have to follow suit.
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/regulated-blockchain-a-new-dawn-in-technological-advancement/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/08/regulated-blockchain-new-dawn-in.html
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Regulated Blockchain: A New Dawn in Technological Advancement
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August 28, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
There is no doubting the fact that there are massive potentials for blockchain technology to transform the world. This has been shown in every field of human endeavor.
Blockchain technology has been deployed in the medical industry, engineering, and most importantly in the financial industry. But one thing stood out, governments and a lot of investors were at best, wary of the wholesome adoption of the technology.
The reason being adduced by everybody is that blockchain is not regulated. For blockchain to be widely accepted, there will be a need for some level of assimilation with the traditional way of doing things.  
Blockchain as technology came up with a true peer-to-peer borderless transfer of value and innovative ways to raise capital or invest in promising projects, but then, there are two sides to a coin. One major use the blockchain was first deployed for, was the cryptocurrency, which a lot of people have variously used as a primary exchange of value for illicit activities, you can’t also wish away the fact that many investors have been scammed off their resources through shady ICOs.
It was sweet music to the ears when Zurab Ashvil, founder and CEO of L3COS came up with the idea of the world’s first regulated blockchain-based operating system. “Without a single universal platform for governments, businesses and individuals worldwide, there is no practical solution for addressing the underlying blockchain problems that we are facing today,” Ashvil says.
Related: How DeFi Will Reshape Financial Services
With a three-layer transformation, that will enable the government to win voter trust, save money, and go green; businesses to minimize fines, globalize, and reduce operating costs; while the society will enhance democracy, ease international travels, and simplify taxes; a regulated blockchain is a gateway to our technological advancement.
What a regulated blockchain portends is that the impact the negative statements from government officials and the media along with regulatory uncertainties have been having on entrepreneurs, investors, the market, and the industry at large, will be a thing of the past.
One area where we have started seeing the positive impact and transformation in technology is the case of the digital currency. The internet was the precursor of cashless policy and internet banking all of which greatly reduced the stress people had to go through to conduct businesses.
The Chinese Government vehemently opposed cryptocurrency because it was decentralized but it’s of great relief to see that the People Bank of China (PBOC) is at the forefront of legitimizing digital currency.
As a part of a pilot program, PBOC introduced a homegrown digital currency across four cities, this is a huge leap towards actualizing the first electronic payment system by a major central bank. The Bank of England (BoE) is also toeing the footsteps of China but at a review stage as of July 2020.
Andrew Bailey, the Governor of BoE was reported to have said, “I think in a few years, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency.”
Related: How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Business-Communication Networks
In the U.S. too, concerted efforts are being made towards digital currency with U.S. investment bank JP Morgan being the first bank to create a digital token to help settle payments between clients in its wholesale payments business. This does not undermine the fact that the United States Federal Reserve has not made a categorical statement as to the position of the country on CBDC.
“We are supportive of crypto-currencies as long as they are properly controlled and regulated,” says Umar Farooq, JP Morgan’s head of Digital Treasury Services and Blockchain. It is on record that the bank has always maintained that the blockchain technology is of immense benefit, their only problem all along has been the inability to regulate it.
If you had expected to see a wholesome deployment of the blockchain technology even if for non-financial-related fields before now, you did not assume wrongly. What has obtained before the emergence of regulated blockchain technology is a situation where investors are treading with caution.
They are skeptical and rightly so at putting their resources into a venture that may come crashing any time as a result of the position of government officials and policymakers. The adoption of regulated blockchains like L3COS and others that will come up swiftly to compete will be based on the fact that it can automate a wide range of operations and cut bureaucratic procedures. 
Related: 3 Blockchain Improvements That Will Lead to Its Mainstream Adoption
The automation is achieved using smart contracts. The system removes intermediaries between end clients (businesses and consumers) and central banks.
Aside from regulation, which is the primary source of concern to almost everybody that can assert an opinion about blockchain technology, one other area that has created a lot of misgivings is the environmental impact of business transactions. You can now afford to reduce the use of paper to an unprecedented minimum, thereby contributing significantly to the green world.
Cutting costs is very vital for the sustenance of your business especially when these costs arise from illegal activities you must have randomly or unwittingly done. This will become a thing of the past as the system will automatically do a compliance check for you any time you attempt an operation. 
What this boils down to is that your operation will be blocked if it seems to be going against promulgated rules and regulations. Thus, the system ensures you don’t fall prey to “potholes” and saves you from getting involved in illegalities while running your business.
A regulated blockchain ensures that transactions are supervised by regulatory bodies. The fear institutions have all along harbored, can now be laid to rest. 
Ordinarily, with unregulated blockchains, institutions face the risk of financial loss and also the risk of further repercussions due to the misuse of the responsibility entrusted to you. There are also financial penalties to be paid as well as reputational damage to be taken into consideration.
Now that the world has no lack of regulated blockchains, it is a very good opportunity for any government or organization that wants to lead the global blockchain marketplace to act quickly. In a short time, leaders must have emerged and the others will just have to follow suit.
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/regulated-blockchain-a-new-dawn-in-technological-advancement/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/627774743883497472
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whattheabcxyz · 10 months
5 Singaporeans rescued near Manila in raid involving nearly 3K human trafficking victims - they were lured to the country by the promise of a job
Up to 40% hike in meal plan prices for NUS students staying on campus
Parkway Centre closed for the day after basement & ground floor flooded - flooding was likely due to a burst water supply pipe that leads to the water tank in the building’s basement
CPF login may require Singpass face verification to protect vulnerable members from malware scams - once again, because of a few stupids, everyone must pay the price of greater inconvenience
Woman finds unknown black gooey substance inside can of Coke she bought online from Shopee - it was made in Malaysia
Paedophiles are using AI-generated child porn to earn money - it was only a matter of time
Lexus cars to be used as taxis in Singapore - concept similar to Merc taxis
WeChat extends cashless mobile payment to tourists in China - just another way for the CCP to track unsuspecting foreigners in their country ...only idiots would visit China under Xi Jinping’s rule
US asks ASEAN claimants to resolve own South China Sea issues before taking on China - so they can strengthen their “collective voice” in negotiations with Winnie The Pooh China
Face masks not required on public transport & at healthcare facilities in Malaysia from 5 Jul
Human remains believed to be found in shattered Titan sub wreckage in Canada
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^ Penuma penile implants causing more harm than good to men who opted for penis enlargement surgery
Study says living near green spaces makes you 2.5 years younger - but this won’t stop our $hitty government from continuing to deforest our tiny island
Madonna hospitalised for “serious bacterial infection”; tour temporarily halted
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scpie · 4 years
Regulated Blockchain: A New Dawn in Technological Advancement
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August 28, 2020 6 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
There is no doubting the fact that there are massive potentials for blockchain technology to transform the world. This has been shown in every field of human endeavor.
Blockchain technology has been deployed in the medical industry, engineering, and most importantly in the financial industry. But one thing stood out, governments and a lot of investors were at best, wary of the wholesome adoption of the technology.
The reason being adduced by everybody is that blockchain is not regulated. For blockchain to be widely accepted, there will be a need for some level of assimilation with the traditional way of doing things.  
Blockchain as technology came up with a true peer-to-peer borderless transfer of value and innovative ways to raise capital or invest in promising projects, but then, there are two sides to a coin. One major use the blockchain was first deployed for, was the cryptocurrency, which a lot of people have variously used as a primary exchange of value for illicit activities, you can’t also wish away the fact that many investors have been scammed off their resources through shady ICOs.
It was sweet music to the ears when Zurab Ashvil, founder and CEO of L3COS came up with the idea of the world’s first regulated blockchain-based operating system. “Without a single universal platform for governments, businesses and individuals worldwide, there is no practical solution for addressing the underlying blockchain problems that we are facing today,” Ashvil says.
Related: How DeFi Will Reshape Financial Services
With a three-layer transformation, that will enable the government to win voter trust, save money, and go green; businesses to minimize fines, globalize, and reduce operating costs; while the society will enhance democracy, ease international travels, and simplify taxes; a regulated blockchain is a gateway to our technological advancement.
What a regulated blockchain portends is that the impact the negative statements from government officials and the media along with regulatory uncertainties have been having on entrepreneurs, investors, the market, and the industry at large, will be a thing of the past.
One area where we have started seeing the positive impact and transformation in technology is the case of the digital currency. The internet was the precursor of cashless policy and internet banking all of which greatly reduced the stress people had to go through to conduct businesses.
The Chinese Government vehemently opposed cryptocurrency because it was decentralized but it’s of great relief to see that the People Bank of China (PBOC) is at the forefront of legitimizing digital currency.
As a part of a pilot program, PBOC introduced a homegrown digital currency across four cities, this is a huge leap towards actualizing the first electronic payment system by a major central bank. The Bank of England (BoE) is also toeing the footsteps of China but at a review stage as of July 2020.
Andrew Bailey, the Governor of BoE was reported to have said, “I think in a few years, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency.”
Related: How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Business-Communication Networks
In the U.S. too, concerted efforts are being made towards digital currency with U.S. investment bank JP Morgan being the first bank to create a digital token to help settle payments between clients in its wholesale payments business. This does not undermine the fact that the United States Federal Reserve has not made a categorical statement as to the position of the country on CBDC.
“We are supportive of crypto-currencies as long as they are properly controlled and regulated,” says Umar Farooq, JP Morgan’s head of Digital Treasury Services and Blockchain. It is on record that the bank has always maintained that the blockchain technology is of immense benefit, their only problem all along has been the inability to regulate it.
If you had expected to see a wholesome deployment of the blockchain technology even if for non-financial-related fields before now, you did not assume wrongly. What has obtained before the emergence of regulated blockchain technology is a situation where investors are treading with caution.
They are skeptical and rightly so at putting their resources into a venture that may come crashing any time as a result of the position of government officials and policymakers. The adoption of regulated blockchains like L3COS and others that will come up swiftly to compete will be based on the fact that it can automate a wide range of operations and cut bureaucratic procedures. 
Related: 3 Blockchain Improvements That Will Lead to Its Mainstream Adoption
The automation is achieved using smart contracts. The system removes intermediaries between end clients (businesses and consumers) and central banks.
Aside from regulation, which is the primary source of concern to almost everybody that can assert an opinion about blockchain technology, one other area that has created a lot of misgivings is the environmental impact of business transactions. You can now afford to reduce the use of paper to an unprecedented minimum, thereby contributing significantly to the green world.
Cutting costs is very vital for the sustenance of your business especially when these costs arise from illegal activities you must have randomly or unwittingly done. This will become a thing of the past as the system will automatically do a compliance check for you any time you attempt an operation. 
What this boils down to is that your operation will be blocked if it seems to be going against promulgated rules and regulations. Thus, the system ensures you don’t fall prey to “potholes” and saves you from getting involved in illegalities while running your business.
A regulated blockchain ensures that transactions are supervised by regulatory bodies. The fear institutions have all along harbored, can now be laid to rest. 
Ordinarily, with unregulated blockchains, institutions face the risk of financial loss and also the risk of further repercussions due to the misuse of the responsibility entrusted to you. There are also financial penalties to be paid as well as reputational damage to be taken into consideration.
Now that the world has no lack of regulated blockchains, it is a very good opportunity for any government or organization that wants to lead the global blockchain marketplace to act quickly. In a short time, leaders must have emerged and the others will just have to follow suit.
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source http://www.scpie.org/regulated-blockchain-a-new-dawn-in-technological-advancement/
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iamsielow · 4 years
I didn't get an unexpected seed packet from China, I got a doohickey.
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I didn't get a seed packet, I got a doohickey.  In the mail. Unexpectedly from China.
You remember, a few weeks ago, in June or July of 2020, all across America, people were getting unordered, unexpected seed packets from China.  No one had ordered them; no one knew why they were sent.  Some people suspected the Chinese were trying to introduce harmful, non-native species into North America.  A few months earlier they had released a virus which had caused a world wide pandemic which caused panic and economic stresses throughout the globe.
Was this another attempt by the Chinese to bring down the world to a level they could conquer?
Me?  I didn't get a seed packet, I got a doohickey.  (See photo if there is one with this post.)  It's an EXTREMELY cheap laptop stand of some sort. Something you might find at a dollar store but even then at three for a dollar.
So I called up my contact at the Chinese consulate in New York to ask him about it and the seed packets. After making fun of America and American intelligence for 10 minutes, he told me what was going on.
China is preparing to go to war with the USA.  He thinks the target date is in September sometime.  As stated in previous posts, the Chinese Military needs a win if they want to avoid being swallowed up by the Chinese Government side of the leadership structure.  So they are going to launch a war.  According to the plans I know of, they will be attacking Taiwan.
Anyway, he explained to me that at 3:00a ET on a Sunday morning, every single credit and debit card the Chinese have on file will be maxed out with bogus charges.  With the help of Chinese programmers already affecting banking programs, the Chinese think they will be able to disable at least 70-percent of all USA credit and debit cards.  The goal is 90-percent, but the success level is 70-percent.
Why 3:00a ET on a Sunday morning?  The 3:00a ET is midnight on the West Coast.  All workers in the banking industry will be at home or partying. Those partying will suddenly discover they cannot pay for drinks or food or cab rides or subway tickets.  They won't be able to get money from ATMs and will be stranded wherever they are.  None of their friends will be able to help, either.  Having mostly converted to a cashless society, this should cause mass rioting from the West coast eastward as people find themselves unable to DO anything.
Imagine, right now, what would happen if you were at your favorite bar Early Sunday and couldn't pay your tab, order a taxi, Uber, or subway pass to get home with.  No ATM will give you money; you can't even go to a grocery store and buy food or water.
The Chinese Military predicts the USA will be in flames within two hours.
He then asked me to imagine how well the American soldiers will be able to fight after an hour long conversation with a wife back home who is complaining she can't buy food for the starving children.  The common soldier will be so screwed up they won't know which way to turn:  Homeward to help the family or toward the enemy to save Taiwan.
Any technicians trying to get into the city's to work on the computer systems will also be delayed by the same inability to use their credit cards to get to the office.  And even if they do have the cash to get to the office, the person working the subway ticket booth, the few that still exist, won't be able to get in to take the money for a subway ticket.  That, combined with it being a Sunday should cause the foundation of America to crack and even crumble.  The Chinese Military predict it will take 5 days to straighten out the situation and in that time, Taiwan will firmly be under Chinese Military control.
My man chuckled and said that depending on how quickly they take Taiwan, they may also absorb some islands they are disputing with Japan.
Anyway, he said the purpose of those seeds and the not-ordered doohickies was NOT to send invasive pants into America, it was to verify addresses.
Each and every mailed package was tracked for delivery verification.  Any one of them not delivered properly was noted.  If there was a forwarding address, their system was updated.  If they were "Return to Sender" it was noted.
The purpose of all those cheap seed packets and cheap things mailed from China was NOT the items themselves; it was the address verifications used for past credit and debit card purchases. He practically was yelling at me when he finished:  "It wasn't the FOREST, you idiot!  It was the trees!"
So anyway, watch for it all to go to Hell in a couple of months.  My advice?  Keep a couple of hundred in cash -- in a good collection of ones, fives, tens and twenties -- stashed somewhere at home and at least $40 in cash in your wallet's secret side area.  This way if all your credit and debit cards go belly up, you'll have the ability to get home and survive a couple of days until it all gets straightened out.
It should be an interesting war. UPDATE:  Found the mailer:  Turns out the return address of "Jon, 2352 Bent Creek Rd Auburn AL 36830" is a false address and has been RED FLAGGED by the Better Business Bureau as a FALSE BUSINESS:
BBB Investigation Results:
BBB has received several complaints indicating this company provides a return address of 2352 Bent Creek Rd, Auburn, AL on their orders. BBB has determined that the address belongs to a gas station and appears to have no connection to this company.
BBB has also identified several other online retail websites that are listing the 2352 Bent Creek Road, Auburn, AL address as their location, however none of the operations appear to have any connection to this address.
Sample Complaint:  BBB review: Vicki F - 1/5 stars - 06/23/2020
I ordered summer shoes from … Apparently this "Jon" is not a real person and doesn't have a real site! Never order from Summerware again! I can't send them back!
ANYWAY, if you do research you learn THIS company sprang into existence in May of 2020 and the return address is a fake.  If you look deeper, it turns out it is connected to a scam operation that runs by several names (Summerware, Theepants -- Theepants is on Facebook.  Go ahead and look up the statements from customers -- among others) that started right after Trump set trade sanctions on China. Apparently they have been collecting Credit Card data and verifying addresses since then and really stepped up the game in the last few months.
I Am Sielow, These are my words.
If you'd like to see other items I've posted, look for my blog at: https://iamsielow.tumblr.com/archive
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I am also (soon to be) on YouTube as IAmSielow.  Please consider looking for my works and subscribing.
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visawords · 4 years
The Ultimate Revelation Of Amazon Prime Credit Card Payment | amazon prime credit card payment
Amazon Introduces Dash Cart, Essentially An Amazon Go Abundance On Wheels
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Amazon aloof reinvented the boilerplate arcade cart. The aggregation apparent the Amazon Dash Cart, which is alloyed with weight sensors and cameras that acquiesce it to browse your items as you’re agreement them in the barrow so you can skip the checkout line. The abstraction is affectionate of like a bunched adaptation of Amazon Go, a accomplished abundance that does abroad with the checkout acquaintance by application hundreds of cameras on the beam to let barter aces up whatever items they appetite and airing out.  [CNet]
Amazon’s acute arcade barrow allows you to browse your advantage as you boutique and again skip the … [ ] checkout line
Popular Adaptable Cyberbanking Apps Are Riddled With Aegis Flaws, And Android Users Are Added At Risk
A abstraction of cyberbanking apps for iOS and Android has led advisers to achieve that “none of the activated adaptable cyberbanking applications has an adequate akin of security.” Every distinct app independent vulnerabilities, and three were accepted to all of them: A abridgement of obfuscation, no aegis adjoin cipher bang and repackaging, and cipher that independent names of classes and methods. In short, use your bank’s adaptable app at your own risk. [Tech Republic]
Walmart Asks Barter To Use Credit, Debit Cards Amid Coronavirus Communicable Coin Shortage
Is one of the nation’s bigger retailers allurement barter to use debit and acclaim cards instead of cash? The acknowledgment it seems is yes. There are assorted letters that Walmart aliment are requesting barter to use either a debit or acclaim agenda to complete their in-person purchases. [Fox 23]
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Going Cashless Leaves Some Behind
Society’s adamant advance against cashless business has hit a new accessory acknowledgment to the Covid-19 pandemic. But a cashless association acutely disadvantages the best accessible amid us: bodies of color, bodies in abjection and the elderly. A December 2018 Pew Research Center analysis begin that 34% of Black people, 17% of Hispanic bodies and 29% of bodies earning beneath than $30,000 still await on banknote for about all of their purchases. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]
Capital One Venture And Savor Acclaim Cards Now Acquire Benefit Points On Uber Eats
Starting July 14, acclaim cards in both the Capital One Savor and Capital One Venture families will acquire 5% banknote aback or 5 afar for every dollar spent on orders fabricated with the aliment commitment service Uber Eats. The new benefit class is accessible through Jan. 31, 2021 and has no cap. [CNN]
Your Acclaim Agenda Now Has You Covered If You Balloon To Cancel A Cable Service
There are hundreds of altered cable services, including streaming, that -to-be barter can accept from. With abounding of those casework alms chargeless trials or limited-time promotions, it’s accessible to assurance up — and absolutely forget. However, you absolutely could be covered. It aloof depends on what acclaim agenda you’re using. [The Points Guy]
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$40 Off A $40.01 Acquirement Aback You Get A Target REDcard
Target is alms a advertisement for $40 off a $40.01 acquirement aback you get a new Target REDcard. The action is accurate for $40 off a condoning acquirement of added than $40 aback you are accustomed for a debit or acclaim REDcard in-stores or through Target.com amid July 12 and July 26. It is accurate through August 29. [WRAL]
How Mastercard Uses AI To Fight Artifice And Make Bigger Acclaim Decisions
Mastercard is harnessing bogus intelligence in a bid to hit fraudsters adamantine by analytic for arising patterns of bent action afore they become aloft problems. Acquirers charge to accept bigger artifice administration solutions than anytime before, because the communicable has prompted consumers to use acclaim cards for added online and app-based transactions. [PYMNTS]
Study Shows Link Amid In-Person Spending and Covid-19 Cases
According to a new study, there is a able alternation amid an access in restaurant spending and coronavirus cases. States with college in-person restaurant spending saw a college arrival in new Covid-19 infections over the aftermost few weeks. Advisers compared abstracts from John Hopkins University and over 30 actor Chase acclaim and debit cardholders. [LowCards.com]
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Visa To Pilot Chapter Payments In United States
Visa is ablution a pilot affairs to analysis chapter payments in the U.S., alpha with payments issuer Total System Casework TSS alms the advantage at the point-of-sale. The pilot follows a growing trend of merchants all-embracing point-of-sale costs in a bid to access boilerplate adjustment admeasurement by acceptance barter to buy bigger admission items by overextension payments out over three or four months. [Mobile Payments Today]
How Having Super-Prime Acclaim Can Save You Added Than 3X On Absorption Payments
The best acclaim agenda applicants affectation little accident to lenders and accept a history to prove they will be able to pay aback what they borrow. Your borrower accident profile can abatement into one of the bristles afterward categories: super-prime, prime, near-prime, subprime and abysmal subprime. Based on the absorption ante on new car loans above, addition who is advised a super-prime borrower would pay over three times beneath absorption than a subprime borrower. [CNBC]
Four Payment Giants Expand Agenda Checkout
American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa have agreed on the all-around amplification of touch-free purchases beyond merchants and platforms. Click to Pay, the online checkout based on Secure Remote Business appearance one-click affairs accessibility aback shoppers are authoritative a acquirement on a website, adaptable app or any added agenda approach with the four behemothic banking institutions.  [PYMNTS]
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cardsvistas · 4 years
Five Chase Virtual Credit Card That Had Gone Way Too Far | chase virtual credit card
Walmart Set To Release Its Amazon Prime Competitor With A New Acclaim Agenda Coming Too
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In a claiming with Amazon, Walmart is accepted to bare its own associates arcade annual afterwards this month. Dubbed Walmart Plus (Walmart ), the superstore banker is action head-to-head with Amazon and its abiding Prime offering. Walmart will reportedly introduce a Walmart branded acclaim card, but it won’t be appear as anon as Walmart launches. [The Credibility Guy]
Walmart is reportedly authoritative affairs to attempt anon with Amazon Prime
How Covid-19 Is Accelerating The Shift To A Cashless Society
The coronavirus communicable has accelerated the trend against a cashless economy, buoyed by the beforehand of e-commerce and the abhorrence of administration cardboard money attenuated with Covid-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encouraged the use of touchless acquittal options, aback available. Cash withdrawals from ATMs plunged 25% civic during the aboriginal weeks of the pandemic. [Philadelphia Enquirer]
Mastercard Launches Shop Openings Tool That Allows Barter To Identify Nearby Aliment That Are Open
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Businesses are starting to reopen afterwards months of quarantine, but it’s adamantine to apperceive which aliment are aperture their doors to barter after calling or analytic online. To accomplish the chase action easier, Mastercard partnered with abstracts assay company Sixth Sense to barrage ShopOpenings.com, which allows you to affirm which aliment and businesses are accessible to barter and if they accept contactless payments. [CNBC]
Chase Marriott Acclaim Cards Add Benefit Credibility At Restaurants and Gas Stations
Marriott Hotels added two new limited-time benefit categories to its Chase-issued acclaim cards, continuing the trend of biking companies abacus acting appearance to their accolade cards in adjustment to beforehand their amount during the coronavirus pandemic. From July 15 through Sept. 15, Chase Marriott agenda holders can acquire 10 credibility for every dollar spent at gas stations and restaurants, including acceptable aliment commitment services. The benefit credibility are capped at $3,500 in purchases beyond the two categories. [CNN]
Hyatt Adds 25% Abatement On Credibility Redeemed By Its Acclaim Agenda Holders
If you’re planning to use your hard-earned World of Hyatt credibility at a Hyatt acreage in the abreast future, you’re in luck. Hyatt aloof launched a advantageous beforehand alms up to a 25% abatement aback you redeem credibility for a chargeless night break through Oct. 8, 2020. While all World of Hyatt adherence associates will accept a 15% rebate, those who currently accept the World of Hyatt Acclaim Card or the earlier Hyatt Acclaim Agenda will accept an added 10% abatement for a absolute of 25% aback in points. [CNN]
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Treasury’s Debit Debacle
Millions of American are still cat-and-mouse for the $1,200 federal bang analysis promised them as allotment of the CARES Act accustomed aback in March. Bags may accept befuddled abroad the acquittal and not alike accomplished it back the IRS autonomous to accelerate prepaid debit cards to about two actor taxpayers rather than cardboard checks. Unfortunately, the IRS never abreast those recipients in beforehand that a debit agenda would be mailed to them and now estimates that bags may accept befuddled them abroad cerebration it was a scam. [Toledo Blade]
How Basic Agenda Numbers Can Advice Prevent Acclaim Agenda Phishing Scams
A basic agenda cardinal is a agenda archetype of your acclaim agenda with a randomly-generated cardinal that links to your annual aback you accomplish online purchases. This creates an airy absorber amid bad actors and your absolute agenda number, making credit agenda fraud harder to cull off. Right now, there are alone two agenda issuers that action basic agenda numbers: Basic One COF and Citi. [CNBC]
80% Of Mobile’s Amount In Concrete Appurtenances And Services
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Apple AAPL ’s app ecosystem enabled $519 billion in bartering action in 2019. Alone $61 billion of that was agenda appurtenances and services, like games, e-books, and apps, and $45 billion of it was in-app advertising. The lion’s share, $413 billion, was concrete appurtenances and services. And 54% of that was China. [Forbes]
Many Consumers Enrolled in Covid-19 Acquittal Modification Programs Find Their Acclaim Files Erroneously Tarnished
To advice their barter break financially afloat during the Covid-19 crisis, abounding lenders offered acquittal modification programs that accustomed them to accomplish bargain payments or skip payments altogether, after damaging their acclaim histories. But back March, added than 650 consumers accept complained to the CFPB that their lender accepted them acquittal accommodations, but still appear their accounts as delinquent. As a result, their acclaim array accept tanked. [Consumers’ Checkbook]
Mastercard’s ‘Priceless Experiences’ Leverages Golf Champions For Basic Events
Digital Priceless Experiences include a basic Top Golf challenge in which cast ambassadors Justin Rose and Graeme McDowell faced off at the game’s Pebble Beach Golf Links course. Mastercard acclimated the World Golf Tour basic bold to advertise the players’ prowess, with in-game branding and affable badinage amid the players. Added activities on the belvedere accommodate a agenda golf assignment with Annika Sörenstam, a knuckleball assignment with above Red Sox bullpen Tim Wakefield and an calm affable assignment with chef Bryan Voltaggio. [Chief Marketer]
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How Small Businesses Rethink Bartering Agenda Versatility
Commercial acclaim cards are historically beheld as a acquittal agent for businesses to accomplish one-off purchases for the appointment or while on a business trip. Added recently, bartering agenda innovators accept explored opportunities to accretion absorption in added spending categories, with accounts payable and supplier accepting now accepted targets for B2B FinTechs attractive to arm businesses with a way to pay invoices after compromising admired alive basic float. [PYMNTS]
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momzoneonline · 4 years
MOVING TO CANADA IS A JOKE...The Economic, Military, and Social Integration of North America
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Eh? I can think of scores of reasons to move to Canada (or opt for the Mexican Riviera) . . . any place but Babylon the Great: The USA. The War in Iraq . . . or better yet: The entire Military-Industrial Complex sucking the life-blood out of Americana for starters. Or, how about the whole hedonistic culture of greed, avaricious appetites, and super sizing all things godly and ungodly--from Hollywood to Mega Churches; indeed, ours is a "city set on a hill which cannot be hid" but the closer you get to this glittering jewel, the more it resembles the "Little Shop of Horrors," you know, that flesh-eating plant crying out: Feed me, Seymour! Conspicuous consumption of a nation which spends $1.8 Billion more each day than the whole earth combined and finds herself some $14 Trillion in debt (National Debt + Balance of Payment/Trade Debts) is a bit too much, wouldn't you say?--after all, she represents but 5% of the world's population.
Come on, half the eagle is in a declared state of emergency and the overt identification by Big Brother of all things human is prepared and/or is itching to pounce upon American liberties once thought sacrosanct by both the ACLU and the NRA by euphemistic legislation called Patriotic Acts, and finally, a cashless society where all of us are implanted with chips awaiting true identity and debit through scanning devices at your local Safeway.
The clock is ticking. Peak oil, where American's "zero sum game" is played out--for you to gain I must loose--refuses to share her bounty with the Asian tigers of China and India; and, of course, they are more than pleased with our indulgence. Like Rome, our legions amongst the world's "provinces," are stretched thin--and the draft can't be all that far off if we're to maintain our economic edge and SUV-lifestyle (latest stats for the past two years show that 58% of all vehicles purchased in the USA are SUVs, pickups, or plain old gas guzzlers). And, as if these outrageous consequences weren't enough to abandon ship--toss in the worst natural disaster ever to afflict the homeland: Katrina; man, wait till we finance that one!
So . . . isn't it about time to flee to Canada or head for the Mexican Riviera? Eh? Canada's a safe haven for pot-people and same-sex marriage is the rage. Crime's relatively low compared to the lower 48 and the death penalty's been outlawed for nearly thirty years. Finally, most of the 125,000 Viet-Nam Era draft dodgers who fled to Canada stuck around and now constitute the leading edge of all the above progressive life-style. Wow, we're talkin' about socialized medicine for all--a veritable paradise compared to the inflictions of them patriots down under. Cheap drugs (includes tons of cannabis), affordable housing, tiny military budget, etc., etc.--a little cold, but you'll get used to it.
Finally, if Hollywood's collective apoplexy over President Bush's election can be believed--we're outta here . . . a few of these righteous indignations (unfulfilled) are duly noted, if for nothing else, their entertainment value. Notwithstanding the Hollywood stars and directors who claimed exodus was their only option under Bush--Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Michael Moore, Robert Altman, Lynn Redgrave, Pierre Salinger (now deceased), and Cher--all found the allure of Babylon on the Hudson irresistible; so much for leftist vibratos. Misquoted or just plain fluff--they all abide within the walls of the crystal palace celebrating the party atmosphere, as they star in a movie sequel to the "Left Behind Series" entitled: Talk is Cheap, Follow Us falling in love with a single mom quotes.
Patriots would exclaim we're selling off and out America; globalists would see dollars galore; socialists would see an on-going rip off; and a whole bunch of people in the middle could care less (a.k.a. "victims anonymous").
Meanwhile Deanna Spingola in "Building a North American Community" (July 15, 2005) keeps telling it like it is:
"While our sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers having been spilling their blood in the sands of Iraq under the guise of restoring the country to the Iraqi citizens, our president is in the process of giving our country to the elite One World Order insiders. While our president is requiring protected borders in Iraq, he is obliterating, not only our southern, but our northern borders." Actually, Deanna (and you've got to read her entire article) is referring to the Bush/Fox/Martin meeting (USA/Mexico/Canada) held at Baylor University in Waco, Texas on 23 March 2005, where they were busy about establishing the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" - to wit, the SPPNA's troika:
"We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
"Over the past decade, our three nations have taken important steps to expand economic opportunity for our people and to create the most vibrant and dynamic trade relationship in the world (i.e., NAFTA; my insert). Since September 11 2001, we have also taken significant new steps to address the threat of terrorism and to enhance the security of our people. "But much still remains to be done. In a rapidly changing world, we must develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient.
"Our Partnership will accomplish these objectives through a trilateral effort to increase the security, prosperity, and quality of life of our citizens. This work will be based on the principle that our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary, and will reflect our shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic values and institutions. It will also help consolidate our efforts within a North American framework, to meet security and economic challenges, and promote the full potential of our people, by reducing regional disparities and increasing opportunities for all."
Now don't go conspiratorial on me . . . hee-hee . . . don't need to . . . let the truth speak for itself:
It was on May 17, 2005 the CFR formalized its "Independent Task Force" to review at length the parameters of such a three-pact agreement among the USA, Canada, and Mexico. This 31-member force de jure was chaired by John F. Manley, Pedro Aspe, and William F. Weld and vice-chaired by: Robert A. Pastor, Thomas P. d'Aquino, Andrés Rozental. Cooperating with the CFR's efforts were the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.
Indeed, the composite document released by the aforementioned is the very title of Spingola's article . . .
No wonder that Spingola and other American patriots view this as the "Great American Give-a-way!"
Take a gander at their timid prognostications and guess why moving to Canada's a joke . . .for what NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) could not destroy, FTAA (Free Trade Area/Agreement of the Americas . . . a.k.a. "Building a North American Community") fully intends:
"We are asking the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than, and beyond, the immediate problems of the present . . . they could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo." (Canadian co-chair, John P. Manley, Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance). CHRISTIANS ARE THE MOST VULNERABLE
Now, listen to Spingola's assessment of all this--and, don't think she's some brainless Libertarian gone amok down in Texas somewhere . . .
"This basically means that Americans must give up their freedoms and hard won sovereignty along with all resources for the greater good of the 'New Community.' It is a socialistic equalization designed to make slaves of everyone in all three countries. This will occur as a result of the secret, subversive activities of our ruling elitist who have never sacrificed anything except their integrity. When it comes time to sell this socialistic venture, Bush will adopt his multipurpose 'Christian' stance and use every possible guilt maneuver to encourage this good hearted Christian country to open our hearts to the less fortunate. This is a ploy to make all of us less fortunate. There will be many who will fall for this scam under the pretext of Christianity. If we think Christians are media maligned now, just wait! We will be the most hated inmates in the camp!" Wow! Powerful projections here, right? I'm sure we'll somehow meet up with Spingola one day--if not in glory, then in some gulag cell contemplating how all of this got out of hand . . . I mean, if Shirley McClain went out on a limb, Spingola's going out on a twig:
"All of this is done under the facade of protecting us - from terrorists? The worse terrorists we face are those who serve in our government. Another day that shall live in infamy, 9/11, has done much to serve the purposes of those whose main goal is to establish the One World Order. What an opportunistic event! It couldn't have worked any better if they had planned it!" O CANADA - VIVA MEXICO - Life is good!
Of course most Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans can't stomach all of this unification at once; thus, the GREAT TRANSITION awaits us all:
Unified military command? Listen to what the CFR plans for your future:
1. Establish a common security perimeter by 2010. 2. Develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers. 3. Develop a unified border action plan and expand border customs facilities. The CFR web site is effusive in its sacrifice of sovereignty:
4. Create a single economic space: 5. Adopt a common external tariff. 6. Allow for the seamless movement of goods within North America. 7. Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the U.S. 8. Develop a North American energy strategy that gives greater emphasis to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases - a regional alternative to Kyoto. Hey, and let's shoot the gap - listen, we're talkin' INTEGRATION BIG TIME . . . and we're not whistling Di
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Public Meet by Mr.Chandrakant Patil at Jaisingpur, District- Kolhapur
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Revenue Minister Hon. Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil emphasised on the Modi and Fadanvis Government’s attempt to make people happy, satisfied and secure.
 Kolhapur district is a home pitch for Honourable Revenue and Agriculture Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil. Being a Guardian Minister of Kolhapur District, he has been always conscious about the development of the Kolhapur district and the city. Recently, he addressed a public meeting in Jaysingpur, Kolhapur District. During this meeting, he elaborated the importance of democracy, voting and different work achievements of the BJP government.
 Agriculture Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil recalled and appreciated the world's largest democracy that is Indian democracy and he thanked Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar for building such a strong system for our country. He further added that in India each adult is secured with his or her one vote and people choose the government depending on the work of the government. In a democratic system, all financial class people are kept at the same level and people have the freedom to appoint their government on the basis of work achievements and popularity of that government.
 Revenue minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil said that this election is going to be a one-way election because there is no reason to deny the next term or tenure to the Modi Government. He further added that if we conduct a survey of 250 families from the typical Indian village, we will conclude that at least 150 families are benefitted due to at least one plan, or schemes launched by the Modi Government. People are benefited with loan waiver, gas connection, electricity connection, the low-interest rate for a home loan, toilet facility at home, own home or flat at a low rate and income tax-free slab up to 5 lakhs. Apart from this, the majority of the people are benefitted due to the newly launched Ayushman Bharat Scheme. Many families in India have been covered with medical insurance and health benefits up to Rs 5,00,000 with this scheme. With this scheme, cashless cards will be applicable for the 5 members of the family for the surgical treatments, post-treatment care, medicines, prior tests, and diagnosis. At least 80% of the rural people are benefitted with this scheme.
 All these things are self-explanatory to further predict that – ‘Modi Government will be back’.  To support this statement, Revenue Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil referred to the previous proposal given by Mr. Omar Abdullah, Kashmiri leader. Mr. Omar Abdullah suggested that the 2019 election will be a one-way election or just a formality. It is better to skip this election and to save time and money. The next election can be directly conducted in 2024. In an amusing way, he further added that this advice is seriously taken by only Mr. Sharad Pawar but all his family members also ignored this valuable advice. Unfortunately, his daughter and grandson will come across failure in the upcoming election.
 In the next section of the speech, Revenue Minister, Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil explained various initiatives taken by the Modi and Fadnavis Government. He claimed that our government has tried for the betterment of citizens by making them happy, satisfied and secure. Through 12 rupees annual premium, people are secured with two lakhs insurance for any kind of accidental death or injury and treatment.  Farmers are secured with crop insurance and they will get help from the insurance company in any unfortunate loss condition such as droughts, calamities or low yield. For this cover, farmers need to pay only 2.5 Rupees out of 10. The remaining amount is paid by the state and central government.
 The Baramati public meeting addressed by Hon. Prime Minister and BJP President Amit Shah was the biggest public meeting ever and spontaneous response from the public in that meeting assures our victory in the election. People have accepted the fact that Only Modi and Fadanvis Government can make them happy, satisfied and secure.
 Agriculture Minister of Maharashtra Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil also criticised the opponent’s candidate Mr. Raju Shetty for his attitude towards the farmer.  He added that this person has used different symbols in previous elections, but he has never shown any interest to resolve the farmer's problems and in fact, tried to make them more complicated. Being a minister in the current cabinet, I have seen his strategies closely, he has created hurdles in the process for increasing FRP to help farmers. In the same way when Hon. CM decided for 5 Rupees concession for the milk price, he tried to disturb the matter by riots and strikes.  
 Agriculture Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil further added that I am privileged to announce that in our tenure no strikes, no riots, no scams were observed throughout the state. The Fadnavis government has always tried to resolve the problems with a discussion and, therefore, we could enjoy peaceful 5 years of governance. When Ahmednagar District’s Puntamba village farmers were supposed to start to strike for their demands, Honourable Chief Minister Mr. Fadnavis asked me to resolve their problems.  I immediately conducted a meeting with them and processed their loan waiver demand. Our government has offered maximum loan waiver and 52 lakhs farmers are benefited due to it. Our loan waiver amount is 34000 crore and Congress government loan waiver amount was just 4000 crores.
 Experience Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil also appreciated the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance candidate Mr. Dhairyashil Mane during the public meeting. He said that this young talented person has a clear view of the issues of a farmer, youth and women. He has the ability to resolve the problems to assure the development of the society.
 While concluding his speech, Revenue Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil said that the contribution of our government includes two milestones in the form of Maratha Caste reservation and Dhangar community reservation. He said that Maratha community reservation demand was a problem since 1968 and no previous government tried to work on it. While the majority of the academic institute belongs to Maratha community owners, but nobody among them offered free education to Maratha students. our government is successful in offering 16% reservation to the Maratha community in education and services and this decision will be beneficial to many generations of the Maratha community.
 For Dhangar community reservation, the previous government used to send only request to the Central Government, but it was rejected every time due to the lack of supportive documents. Our government supported this request with the report given by TISS and now it is proved that in Maharashtra, Dhangad and Dhangar communities are same and all tribal community benefits are also offered to the Dhangar community till the court result comes to finalise on Dhangar community reservation decision.
 Modi Government also offered the reservation on the basis of financial parameter and this is the first government to take such a historic decision. Families with an annual income of less than 8 lakhs will get the benefit of 10% reservation now onwards.
 At the end of the speech, Revenue Minister Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil urged people to vote for BJP- Shiv Sena alliance candidate Mr. Dhairyashil Mane.
 In the 2019 election campaign, effective speeches delivered by Mr. Chandrakant Dada Patil will play a very important role because he is truly a common man and a man of deeds.
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