#cas + vessel
shallowstories · 1 year
Jimmy & Cas look so different
In the Wayward Daughters fic I started writing, where Claire is cursed to become the hero (and new target of God), most of my writing was driven by the need to have Jimmy Novak back on the earth.
That is, when Dean busts them all out of Heaven, and they fall, because of their circumstances, he is forced to watch Amelia & Jimmy cling to one another. (As they should. They deserve it.) But it also drudges up guilty, painful emotions.
(And Amelia is so damn understanding about it, too.)
But and of course, thanks to everything, Claire's relationship with Amelia & Jimmy is a dreadful thing.
Anyway, my point is that when Jimmy comes back, in a body, he looks like he's always owned it. He's aged like fine wine, like a hot professor. BUT he's reedier and different looking to Cas. He has bad hunched posture and different expressions and even his voice is different. You'd never EVER confuse the two.
It's sort of like those instances of identical twins that wind up looking so different because of how they use their bodies.
Cas holds himself so upright, so strongly. And he's bulkier because over time, he's chosen to use his body like a holy battering ram.
Through Max Banes, they both wind up inhabiting bodies, at the same time, on the earth. An impossible-seeming duplication. And you get to see those differences up close.
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strawlessandbraless · 3 months
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Possessive Castiel with a marking kink makes me feral
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theancientwayoflife · 9 months
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~ Eagle effigy vessel.
Date: ca. A.D. 1450
Period: Late Postclassic
Place of origin: Eastern Nahua
Medium: Ceramic with polychrome slip
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a-s-levynn · 3 months
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"A sacred guardian" A Series of Small Offerings - IV/1 - day33
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kimodraw · 7 months
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destiel yuri btw. if you even care
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bisaster-energy · 9 months
thinking about her (''you know what I like about him is that he's sarcastic but thoughtful and appreciative too" "now what is that supposed to mean" "okay okay the roAD ROAD dude watch the road")
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insanesonofabitch · 6 months
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drulalovescas · 1 year
from enemies to friends to boyfriends to husbands
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azrael08 · 4 months
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No but seriously, this scene.
Its driving me insane that Adam was so ready, he was just so willing to become Michael's vessel that even Zacariah was like "Huh?"
And yeah, I know he was just excited to get his mother back but still he's smiling. All after being told that he literally won't be in control of his body during the fucking apocalypse and his physical body will be fighting the actual devil and he's still smiling for Michael!!!
Someone else please chip in and use better words to describe this because rn I'm currently incoherent and need to be sedated.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
it ever hit you out of nowhere that castiel is living in a dead guy's body and the show just does not care. it does not care. jimmy novak might as well not exist the moment he or claire is out of sight. cas stole a guy's body and his face and his life, and we can't ever talk about it or discuss it in detail because of how fucking horrifying it is that sam and dean's best friend just walks around in a dead guy suit. there's not even a human soul in there anymore. it's just a corpse. stone-cold body snatcher indeed.
#castiel spn#spn#this is not like a Castiel Crime (tm) to be clear. this is more me being (un)surprised that the show is Like This.#castiel is a horror story he is so much a horror story in the rapture#and then they just uh. never bring up again how horrifying and fucked up this is for another like 7 seasons#and when they do its to briefly go :( claire lost her dad :) but its okay! she forgives cas for it!#which!! NO SHE SHOULD FUCKING NOT!!!#but we can't have that discussion. we can't talk about that. because to acknowledge that it's fucked up would mean making cas kind of. evil#in a way that would vastly improve his later character arcs btw. if we had to reckon with not only this massive transgression#but with the fact that cas himself STILL DOESN'T SEE IT AS ONE.#that on a lot of fundamental levels. he is still functioning as he did in s4. a lot of that base programming is still there.#something something how cas never changes out of his suit under his trenchcoat#but it's like. jimmy said yes. so it's fine. that's what it is to him.#anyway. i wish they hadn't been scared of making all three of the boys more fucked up in later seasons.#thank GOD for dean being interesting in how he becomes Worse <3 because they were not bringing that for castiel.#again. good version of spn where jimmy's bloodline is an off-shoot of the lucifer vessel bloodline. explaining a) how lucifer Got In There#and b) letting lucifer possess claire later so that the two of them can have daddy issues together.#something about cas being the monster-not monster that jimmy let in that destroyed his life.#something about lucifer being the monster-not monster that castiel lets in later. the cycles. they are cycling.
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casboobs · 7 months
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i am definitely not thinking about domestic destiel (me when i lie)
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~ Vessel.
Date: ca. 1539-1295 B.C.
Period: New Kingdom
Medium: Glass
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs · 2 months
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Akobel, Seraphim of the Sixth Choir, you have lain with a human and you fathered a Nephilim.
1901!Castiel in Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (12x10): Best of SPN Ladies [404/?]
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threshasketch · 5 months
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In a dire situation, Dean agrees to be Castiel's vessel to smite the threat. There's no hiding the tattered wings and broken halo ever again now, though...
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blueiskewl · 10 months
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Cosmetic Vessel in the Shape of a Cat Middle Kingdom Ca. 1990–1900 B.C. Egypt
The cat first appears in painting and relief at the end of the Old Kingdom, and this cosmetic jar is the earliest-known three-dimensional representation of the animal in Egyptian art. The sculptor demonstrates a keen understanding of the creature's physical traits, giving the animal the alert, tense look of a hunter rather than the elegant aloofness seen in later representations. The rock-crystal eyes, lined with copper, enhance the impression of readiness.
Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), copper, quartz crystal, paint. H. 14 (5 1/2 in.); l. 13.7 cm (5 3/8 in.); w. 6.2 cm (2 7/16 in.).
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girlwithonegoal · 7 months
sorry but the only reason destiel even works is because wincest did it first and also better
i've been thinking a LOT about this and want to get it all out so here it is. if dean was truly in love with cas, he would not have hesitated to tell him so when he literally knew cas was about to DIE. we don't see that. we see shock, grief, disbelief (an angel loves me!), we see him trying desperately to process his best friend is leaving him but nowhere does dean say, or imply, with his eyes, or words, that he's in love with cas. of course he loves cas - cas is family - and cas is not exactly his brother, (closest is brother-in-arms), despite his insistence in an earlier episode - but he's not in the kind of soul-crushing love that cas is with him. he's not in love with cas, and can't be, because he's already in love with sam.
when dean dies, he gets as close as he possibly can to confessing to sam he's in love with him without actually crossing the line. he would never to that to sam - he would never do to sam what cas did to him - because he would NEVER do anything to make sam lose his agency (sidebar: not that cas doesn't respect dean. but his love confession is almost wish fulfillment - i'm going to confess to dean i love him and go out in a blaze of glory and then leave without dean ever even having to reciprocate because i know he doesn't love me back. and he's absolutely right).
dean has already had years and years of not having his own agency from john his whole fucking life! john did whatever he wanted to dean and dean took it because like hell was he going to subject sam to that bullshit. which brings us to sam and dean's childhood - not much is known of their early years before sam went to stanford and that's fully on purpose. we can almost see dean as not only a brother figure to sam but also a father figure. john leaving for weeks maybe even months at a time - how the hell did dean and sam manage to survive? by dean doing whatever he had to do. emphasis on whatever.
you see, john absolutely knows that dean is beautiful. whether you read their relationship as purely abusive or abusive with a sexual component - dean definitely did questionable things to get food on the table for sam, an aspect that's more in fanon that canon but reads true to the heart of the show. sam doesn't know because dean wanted a normal childhood for him. and dean would rather die and go to hell for 800 years than force sam to make a choice, make any choice, of a romantic and/or sexual nature related to him.
back to dean's death. this is again the closest thing to a love confession that dean can make - my baby brother - take out the word brother and it would be not only romantic but stunningly true - he raised sam, this child who grew up to be a man, this child who loves him - waiting outside sam's dorm for hours - can you picture him pacing in the snow, waiting for the one thing he wants but can't have??? why does that sound familiar? oh, right, because that's what cas said but in dean and sam's case it would be actually true. how cruel and unbelievably insane it is to find your soulmate in your brother, the one person you have that you love unconditionally, not just because they are your family but because you are in love with them, and you can never have them as long as you live.
re: american gothic and soulmatism. very different from crimson peak where thomas fully realizes the unhealthiness of the codependent incestuous relationship with his sister and wants to be free and happy with edith. but sam and dean don't want to be free. in their minds, they already are free as long as they have each other and only each other. not getting in all the other romantic relationships that the brothers have with other people bc it would take too long, but they already fulfill that need for each other and don't need anyone else...like i'm sorry i love my sister but i want to get married one day to someone else. if you read their relationship as purely platonic, it doesn't work at ALL.
the kripke early seasons fully leaned into the gothic horror aspect of it all and incest is definitely a part of that...dean and sam literally cannot live without each other. they can't do it! sam dies in dean's arms and dean can't even wait five fucking minutes without making a deal with a demon lmao. he can't eat. he can't sleep. their love is a perpetual resurrection; they keep killing each other and bringing each other back to life. because they don't know how to stop. they are a singular mangled fucked up entity. i read a fic once where the author described sam as hating his own body because it was separate from dean's and dean's whole presence was a phantom pain. and yeah. just yeah. they can't live without each other because they ARE each other.
seasons 1-3 to me are spn at its soul. that's it. cas only works as a side character, if he's a brother (like, purely platonically) to both sam and dean or just unrequited romantic love for dean. the trope of an angel falling in love with a faithless man who can't pray only works if dean hasn't been in love with sam the whole time.
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