#care bears unlock the music
carebearbro · 2 years
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I really like how they kept Grumpy’s grumpy demeanor while he was skating.  It makes him look even funnier.  
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Sparkle Girl 🌈✨
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Drew Cheer Bear from utm!! I rewatched the first episode of utm and Cheer stood out to me (even tho Grumpy is my fave!! Ive drawn him some times but didn't turn out as well except for the one time I used a ref while drawing him) in that ep so.
Also greatly improved my art of utm care bears bc I watched a lot of the unlock the music vids today and so many animations showing how the utm characters look! I think the expression and pose I drew suit Bedtime better almost like if he were infodumping about something but. I wanted to draw some of the things I noticed about the art style like the toothy smiles and hearts on feet and wanted to draw Cheer(I think she's rather underrated by most ppl but she's cool!! And a good leader and gaymer- I headcanon almost all characters I like as queer so !!) . Title is because in the Sparkle(?idk name of song it was a unlock the music compilation vid) music video, the camera pans to Cheer on the line mentioning sparkle girls.
Also I made her rainbow belly badge symbol narrow a bit at the side to make it look cooler. I am unable to draw eyes in specific cartoon styles very well if I try to directly and one of my partners told me it might work better if I try to approximate it using the way I usually approach drawing eyes and it worked!! So thank you !!! (directed at them !! we're not public abt who we are specifically involved with in sys so just. They know who they are 💞)
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mookuthi-amman · 1 year
Would anyone else say that Rum Bum Bum Aaarambum (from Michael Madhana Kama Rajan, by Ilaiyaraaja ) would fit into the Rockabilly genre? It reminded me of Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley) and Roller Skating's My Jam (from Care Bears Unlock the Music though of course that one has more '80's synth and EDM influences as well! The chorus - "ro-o-o-o-roller skating's my jam!" mainly strikes me as similar to Rum Bum Bum Aarambum) which fit into that genre or similar.
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midnightdemonz · 1 day
I'm updating my fandom list bc it's been a while!
Tangled: The Series
The LEGO Movie
The LEGO Batman Movie
Sonic Boom
The Owl House
The Amazing World Of Gumball
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Regular Show
The Music Freaks
Care Bears: Unlock The Magic
Billie Bust Up
The Amazing Digital Circus
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iceemoondemon · 2 years
New OC for Care Bears🎙🎶🎵🎼
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So I just found this on YouTube, looking for "Care Bears Care-A-Lot" and saw this, clicked on it and OMG!! I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG! IT'S JUST SO... AGGHGGHGH!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE CARE-A-LOT LOOKS SO ADORABLE AND CUTE!!! LOOK AT HER!!! SHE'S SO *SCREE!!*
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moonstruckme · 12 days
ok i have a request/idea: gf reader on tour supporting bf rockstar!sirius but she starts to feel homesick being on the road for so long <33333 just feel like sirius would be so comforting and caring
I feel the same babe! Thank you for requesting <3
rockstar!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
Even after months on tour, you don’t understand why rockstars need to smoke indoors. You’ve found a corner of refuge in the stranger’s house, siphoning fresh air from an open window, but you feel for James, grinning and bearing it while he talks to another band that performed tonight and makes nice with groupies while showing off pictures of his girlfriend back home. 
Part of you is still a bit awestruck that you get to go to these things, another part equally mystified at how routine it’s come to feel. During the first several nights of the tour, you’d been endlessly dazzled by the wealth you were suddenly surrounded with, the vibrancy of the people around you, the novelty of it all. The world had suddenly become so much larger, and everywhere you and the boys went everyone wanted to talk to them, buy you all drinks, invite you to parties and afterparties and after-afterparties. 
Sirius bears it beautifully, like this was always his destiny—in a lot of ways, you imagine it was—but sometimes when the two of you are alone he’ll confess to still feeling giddy that he and his friends have made it this big. You wonder if it’ll ever feel normal for him, the hugeness of it. You can tell by now that it never will for you. 
You’re still very impressed by the glamor of touring, you still have a good time on these nights out, but lately you’ve started to feel the distance between where you are and your real life. It’s almost as if before you could feel something invisible connecting you to home and, somewhere along on the road, it severed without you noticing. Now it just feels like a phantom limb, and when you try to recall the scent of you and Sirius’ kitchen or mime the way you have to jimmy your key to unlock the front door, you can’t manage it. 
You’re still thinking of the scent of your kitchen when it sidles up next to you. 
“You smell like garlic,” you tell Sirius, not without fondness. 
“God, it’s that potent, is it?” Your boyfriend’s tone speaks to a chagrin entirely unlike him, and he corroborates its falsity by caging you in his arms and touching his cheek to yours. You don’t mind, as he knew you wouldn’t. “I was given a choice, gorgeous, and I took a gamble.” 
“Mm. What was that?” 
“Do you want to get out of here?” 
You turn in his arms, tangling your fingers behind his back so you’re holding him as he is you. People start to give you a bit of berth, as one does for couples at parties, and selfishly you enjoy it. 
Touring is non-stop motion, a blur of people and places and sounds, and you miss the slow, quiet moments you and Sirius used to have more of. You’re with him all the time, but it doesn’t always feel like it. It hardly feels like you’re with yourself. Not his fault, not anyone’s, but not ideal. 
“It’s hardly one,” you say. 
“Which means” —he drops his lips to your eyebrow, speaking loudly to be heard over the music but just soft enough to have goosebumps skittering down your arms— “the fast food places will be closing in an hour. Fancy some grease, my love?” 
You tilt your chin up, pecking him on the lips. Truly, you don’t mind the garlic as much as you suppose you ought to. “Sure, let’s go.” 
Getting to the door is a melee, several people stopping you to try and pull Sirius back into conversation or ask if you’re going to the next party and such-and-such’s place in a couple hours, but when you do make it out the noise deadens and the air tastes clean. 
It’s a pleasant night, just cool enough to raise the hair on your arms and refresh your energy. Somewhere above you, the moon is hidden behind clouds, but still it’s bright enough that it casts a silvery glow in the areas not lit by streetlights. 
You make it a few paces down the block before Sirius is fisting his hand in the material of your shirt, spinning you around to face him. 
“Have I told you how stunning you look tonight?” 
Only thrice between the hotel and when he went on stage. “No.” 
“Liar,” he says lovingly, leaning in to give you a kiss. 
You expect from his mood for it to be hot and indelicate, and you’d hardly have complained, but he closes his lips around yours softly. His hand loosens on your front, coasting upwards to cup your cheek, sweet and savoring. 
“Garlic knots,” he says as he pulls back. 
You’re unjustifiably breathless. “Hm?” 
“That was the choice I had to make. One of Ricky’s friends heated up garlic knots, and I wagered you’d prefer kissing someone who tasted like garlic over someone who tasted like cigarettes.” 
“It’s not just someone.” You grin at him, turning and taking his hand to keep walking. “I’ll always prefer kissing you. I would’ve done it either way, you know.” 
You can hear Sirius’ smile in his voice, your favorite sound. “Yeah, but I chose right, didn’t I?” 
“You did,” you confirm, and he gives your hand a triumphant squeeze. “I have no idea where I’m going, by the way. I don’t know why I took the lead.” 
He hums. “Do you ever think you might have one of those honing instincts? Like, the way bees are to their hive, that’s how you are with fast food. My honeybee,” he says it drawn out and extra saccharine, knowing you’ll hate it, and laughs when you let go of his hand and make to walk away from him. 
Sirius grabs for your hand back, tugging you close enough to get his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. You don’t put up much resistance. 
“You’re spot on, sweetheart,” he says. ���I clocked a McDonald’s just a few streets down when we were driving here.” 
A buzz of excitement goes through you. “Why are you so keen on McDonald’s all of a sudden?” Sirius is as happy with fast food as the rest of you, but you know he’s been enjoying the lavish meals the boys’ new manager pays for and having room service sent up at your hotel. “We can always have that at home.” 
“You’ve been talking about milkshakes for a couple of days now,” he says, “and you’re getting quiet. I recognize that mood. I missed home last summer, too.” 
“Really?” This is the boys' first big tour—they’ve already been on a shorter, less grandiose one you hadn’t come along for—but it’s hard for you to picture Sirius ever not enjoying it. He’s not someone who sets down roots, and with the way he talks about where he grew up you’ve never thought of him as getting particularly nostalgic for any sort of place. “I figured you’d feel most at home wherever James and Remus are.” 
“Yeah, but we’d left you behind. I was torn in two, gorgeous.” Sirius’ tone is doing that weird thing where it’s teasing but not. You can hear the sincerity lining his words. He mashes a kiss into the side of your head. “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” 
“Because.” You take his hand where it’s draped over your shoulder, your fingertips dancing in between his own. “It’s not the sort of mood I’d like to give into if I can help it, and I’d rather be here with you than at home anyways, so it’s pointless. There was nothing you could do, baby.” 
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong.” Sirius gives your fingers a playful squeeze. “You should always assume there’s something I can do, haven’t we been over this? Right now, I can get my girl a milkshake and some fries, and then I was thinking we could go find a park to eat them.” 
That sounds so unbelievably nice. You turn your head to smile at him, and find he’s already looking at you with a similar expression.
“And if more things come up that would make you feel better, I can try to make those happen. How does that sound, lovely girl?” 
You steal a kiss to his cheek, but Sirius doesn’t let you get away with just that, stopping to hold you in place so he can peck you properly on the lips. The neon sign of the McDonalds is close enough now to cast you in its glow. 
“You woo me more every day, do you know that?” 
“Yes, well,” says Sirius, wrapping his arm around you again to lead you the rest of the way, “I do have to prove myself better than home somehow, don’t I?”
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currentlyfckingurmom · 10 months
Summary: Percy Jackson’s lotus flowers meet sex pollen (Natasha Romanoff x female reader)
Warnings: shameless smut (18+)
Her eyes are a starry sky.
Her smile is the death of me.
Her laughter is a lullaby.
But her kiss is unmatched ecstasy.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. In and out. Home before bedtime.
But then the waiters passed out little flower shaped cookies, and you begged your best friend to try one with you. She finally caved, and they were so good that you just had to have another. And maybe a few more after that.
By the time you realized the cookies might have had something in them, your mind was too hazy to care. Because Natasha’s body was but a few inches from yours, swaying to the thundering music with a glint in her eyes that made your stomach tighten.
Since the first cookie, a simmering heat had been building in your abdomen, amplified tenfold by the woman in front of you. Judging by the pink of her cheeks and the tilt of her lips, you thought that just maybe she was feeling it too.
By the time she pulled you closer mid-song and you both moaned at the simple touch, you knew where the night was going. A fog clouded your mind, blocking out every inhibition and logical thought that told you to not sleep with the woman you had fallen for so long ago.
Natasha giggled like a schoolgirl as she ran her hands through your hair, and you soon followed suit, both of you laughing in the middle of the dance floor like nobody else was around.
You were both far too gone to care.
“You’re so beautiful, Natasha,” you whispered.
“Can I kiss you?” She asked.
You nodded and then her lips were on yours, her arms around your neck and your hands on her waist.
Your senses were dulled, but her essence sparked them back to life. There was nothing but the smell of her sweet vanilla perfume, the taste of her red lipstick, the feel of her hands, and the sound of her sighs.
She slipped her tongue into your mouth, and a sharp wave of arousal ignited in your stomach. It was excruciatingly painful, how much you wanted her. You would’ve taken her right there in the middle of the casino, had it not been for her hand dragging you away.
Your heartbeat fluttered against your chest and your clothes felt uncomfortable against your skin, but the way Natasha’s hips swayed in front of you as she walked had you quickly forgetting everything else.
The world around you blurred, tunnel vision focused on her and only her. She led you through the club, running into people and bumping the door on the way out.
Outside, the only thing to be heard was heavy breathing and wild heartbeats. Eventually you found the car. Natasha unlocked it and shoved you in the backseat, quickly scrambling after you and straddling your lap.
“It hurts,” you whined.
“I know,” she said, and you knew then that she was feeling the same hot pain of overwhelming arousal.
“Something’s not right,” you added.
“I know,” she said again. “But I don’t care. I want you. Do you want this?”
You nodded dumbly. “Yes. Please, Nat. I need you.”
Her lips were on yours, hot and heavy. With a fleeting thought, you broke the kiss and leaned forward to finally close the car door and seal yourselves in your own little world.
The windows quickly fogged up as she kissed you roughly, grinding mercilessly down into your lap. You assisted her movements with your hands on her hips.
Your heartbeat felt way too fast as you trailed sloppy kisses down her sweaty neck, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. If you were to die right then and there, well, you thought that would be just fine.
“Fuck, detka, I’m gonna—”
It didn’t take long for Natasha to reach her first orgasm, the climax built by nothing but the movements on your lap.
To your own surprise, your orgasm fluttered and exploded inside you right after hers, the sound of her pretty moans too much to bear.
The relief didn’t last long, however. Another painful wave of arousal crashed into you almost immediately. “Oh fuck,” she whined.
“What was in those cookies?”
“I don’t know but right now I don’t care,” she muttered, her hips resuming their movements.
Your hands gripped the bottom of her dress, looking to her for permission. When she gave it, you hiked up the short black number to reveal a lace thong underneath. “Fingers,” she breathed.
You looked up at her with awe, studying the sweat on her brow and the pants leaving her mouth. Your fingers ran along her ruined underwear, causing her breath to stutter. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”
“Yes ma’am.” You pushed her underwear aside and slipped a finger inside. “God, you’re so wet, Nat.”
“More,” she panted.
You ran your thumb over her clit, slipping a second finger inside. Her hips jerked. She began rocking in time with your movements, forming a rhythm of lewd noises and breathy moans.
You did your best to ignore the fiery ache between your legs, focusing desperately on your fingers curling inside Natasha.
She came once more with a silent scream. She kissed you sloppily before sinking down to her knees as best as she could in the cramped backseat.
She hastily unbuttoned your pants, tugging them and your underwear down your legs at once. The cool air hit your center and you realized just how wet you were.
“Fuck,” she said once before leaning in. She licked a strip up your pussy and you let out a choppy groan.
“Shit, Nat,” you breathed as she flicked her tongue over your clit. “Just like that, please.”
You fell apart within moments, screaming Natasha’s name like a prayer, over and over.
She kissed up your still-clothed torso, finally landing on your lips and letting you taste yourself on her tongue.
“We need to get out of here. I need room to fuck you properly,” she said against your lips.
“Nat, we can’t drive like this.”
“Would you rather get arrested for having sex in this car?”
She handed you the keys and let you drive. You did your best to focus on the road, but the way she was shifting in her seat and clenching her thighs was far too distracting.
“Fuck, Nat, you’re killing me.”
You readjusted in your seat, fighting desperately to ignore the painful arousal.
“Give me your hand.”
“Fuck, I need you. Now.”
She took your right hand and guided it between her legs. Your left tightened on the steering wheel.
“Holy shit. I’m gonna fucking come from this alone,” you mumbled desperately. The arousal grew rapidly and you shifted once more as your fingers worked tirelessly between Nat’s legs.
You felt her clench around you as she threw her head back in ecstasy. When you pulled your fingers out, she grabbed your wrist and sucked your fingers into her mouth, holding eye contact relentlessly.
You swallowed a moan, fighting to turn your eyes back to the road.
The ten minute drive to your apartment felt like ten hours. You parked like shit and all but ran into the building.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Natasha pushed you into the wall, kissing you with fervor. Her lips trailed over your jaw and down your neck, pulling moans from your throat as she left bruises in her wake.
“All mine,” she murmured against the column of your throat.
“All yours,” you panted.
The metal doors slid open with a ding and you stumbled out towards your apartment. You tried to find the right key, but Natasha was kissing your neck and your hands were shaking violently.
The key finally turned in the lock and the two of you practically fell into the apartment.
You picked her up and brought her to it, laying her down on the bed. You crawled over her, laying your hands on her stomach. “Can I take this off?”
She nodded yes and helped you remove the dress from her body.
You ducked your head and began leaving marks on her chest. She squirmed impatiently underneath you. “What did I say about teasing,” she warned.
“Another time, then,” you obliged. Neither of you were coherent enough to acknowledge your mention of doing this again.
You took a stiff nipple into your mouth, swirling your mouth around it to draw out a soft sigh. You pinched and rolled the other between your fingers. You switched to give them equal attention.
As content as you would have been to stay there all night, she eventually pushed your head lower. You trailed kisses down her stomach and over her thighs before pausing where she wanted you most.
Your breath ghosted over those ruined lace panties as you looked up at her. You held the eye contact as you placed a kiss over her clothed clit. She groaned and tangled a hand in your hair.
“Detka, fuck me. Now. Please.”
You smirked before tearing her thong off and diving into her wetness. She twitched and clenched around your tongue as your hands held her steady against you.
A river of Russian came spewing from her mouth, doing nothing to stop the arousal soaking through your pants.
When she came this time, it was anything but silent. Your name fell from her mouth like it was the last thing she would ever get to say, and the moans that bounced off the walls ensured a noise complaint the next day.
You crawled up her body and when she opened her eyes, you knew you were far from done. With stupid, drug-induced grins on both of your faces, she asked if you had a strap. You nodded in a trance.
And then she was riding you. Gripping your headboard with white knuckles and leaving nasty red scratches on your back. The way the strap hit your clit with every thrust had you panting and moaning alongside her.
“Cum with me, dorogoy.”
And you did. You did your best to keep your rhythm as you both rode out your orgasms.
Your foreheads fell against one another. Heavy breathing filled the hot room.
“Does it still hurt?” She asked.
“Not as much,” you answered.
“‘S still foggy,” she slurred. You nodded in agreement.
Your eyes caught sight of the alarm clock beside your bed. You squinted to try and read it.
“Holy shit. Nat, how long were we in the casino?”
“Um, an hour maybe?”
“Nat, it’s almost six in the morning. I know we haven’t been fucking that long.”
“Oh my god. What the fuck were those cookies? Oh god. Fury probably thinks we’re dead.”
You moved to stand up, but the moan that tumbled from Natasha’s lips reminded you of the strap still inside her.
When your eyes met hers and you saw those lust blown pupils, every logical thought went out the window once more.
“Fury can wait,” you muttered as you slowly began rocking your hips again.
“Fury can wait,” Natasha repeated before her hand wrapped around your throat and brought your lips to hers.
When Fury and a team of agents broke down the door three hours later and found Natasha kneeling before you in the shower, you realized your mistake.
At least until Natasha looked him square in the eye and said “Lotus flowers produce sex pollen. Get out.”
It took all day for the effects to wear off, and Fury left the two of you alone to sort it out.
Natasha kissed you at the end of the day and said “We should do this again sometime.”
You kissed her back and said “We should do this again all the time. But maybe without the drugs.”
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winterchimez · 8 months
A Little Care | Lee Sangyeon
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SUMMARY: you have been awfully stressed out with work lately, and your boyfriend notices how it has affected you negatively, so he finally decides to give you some care for the night.
PAIRING: bf Sangyeon x f!reader
GENRE: smut (18+ MDNI!!)
WARNINGS: kissing, making out, fingering, oral (f!reader receiving), nipple play, cum tasting (f! reader), p in v sex, unprotected sex (pls do it safely irl folks)
A/N: so i know i've said from the beginning how i would never write smut... well, something snapped and things happened so here we are 🤡 huge shoutout to my loves @sungbeam & @juyeonszn for proofreading this & reassuring me that it's okay ily both 😭🩵 this is my very first smut, so pls bear with me ><
update!! i've moved my nsfw works to @midnightfantasiez so do drop by and read my other works & say hi 🥰
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The pouring rain that was hitting the train windows was making you ten times worse than you already were. 
It has been such a hectic few weeks for you at the office, but today was the worst of them all. Apparently, your director has been disregarding their employees' well-being and instead kept giving every single one of you more workload than you could’ve possibly endured. They have also made it clear that there will be no exception for losing the deadlines as they are now finally trying their awful best to fix up the company’s image before their subsidiary arrives in Seoul in the coming weeks for a visit. 
Hence, you have been working way overtime each day at the office, and by the time you have gotten home, it was already late enough to the point that most times, you would immediately crash onto your bed and skip dinner. 
Even spending less time with your boyfriend, Sangyeon.
You both have been in a relationship for two years and recently moved in together at the start of the year as Sangyeon managed to transfer to another branch much closer to where you lived. You were thrilled, to say the least, because that would save you plenty of time to take the one-hour bus ride to the city he used to work in back then. 
Ever since moving in with Sangyeon, he has been absolutely the best towards you. He noticed how your hours were much more tedious than he was, and he offered to cook dinner for most of the days while you were in charge of making the lunch boxes for you both since he would be home first than you most of the time. He was also already in his seventh year working for his company, so as one of the higher-ups, his timing was much more flexible, and he basically worked from home at least three times a week. 
Sangyeon has definitely noticed the change in you. Every time he brings it up, you have decided to turn him down instead, saying how you would rather not talk about it and move on to other much more pleasant topics that you both loved—music, films, and some random cafes that you both found on social media where you both would like to pay a visit on your next weekend date. 
And he respected your decision. Even during your weekly Sunday dates with one another, only a little about work would be mentioned, and you both would have the best days with one another, walking hand-in-hand through the streets while munching on your favourite bubble waffles topped off with ice cream. 
But it seemed as if something had snapped within you today. Your emotions were all over the place, and you just couldn’t wait to get back home and dive into his embrace. 
I just want some cuddles and comfort for the love of God.
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“Hey, babe! Welcome home!” 
Sangyeon immediately popped his head out from the kitchen and peered through the door when he heard you unlocking the door open. He quickly approached you while turning the stove off and took your bags into his hands instead. 
“How’s my baby today?” He gave you the biggest smile that you have always loved. His radiant smile would always melt away all your negativity and make you feel much better. 
What he did not expect today was that you immediately dived into his embrace, with tears you have been desperately holding back for the entire day streaming down your face. 
He was pretty taken aback for sure, for the only time you would ever do this was when you two were both cuddling watching a sad film or when you finally got promoted at your job a year prior. Given your demeanour, he knew that something was wrong. 
“Baby… it’s ok. You know you can let it all out, right? You don’t have to hold them back no more.” He cooed while wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back to calm you down. 
“Sangyeon… I… Why is it just so hard to be happy with my work?” You sniffed, trying your best to talk through your tears. 
“I’ve joined the company because I admired their work ethic and environment. Why is it so different from what I have imagined? Why do fame and money bring out the ugliest in people? Why do they have zero empathy towards our employees who work so hard for them?” 
You were a crying mess, and you just couldn’t stop blabbing out the most profound thoughts you have had for several weeks. You were the type to bottle up your emotions, and you would instead take them to the grave and figure them out yourself. You knew it was your bad trait, which led to you not giving yourself enough time and care towards your physical and mental well-being. And the last thing you want to do is trouble your sweetheart, who has done so much for you. 
But tonight, you have decided that enough was enough, and you couldn’t care less if you finally showed your boyfriend your weakest moment because you just did not have the strength to keep it up anymore. 
When your breathing stabilised, Sangyeon finally cups your face to lift it and look straight into his eyes. “Baby, I’m so sorry you had to go through the shittiest management and deal with their nasty jobs. I may be unable to loosen your workload, but I can surely take care of you if that’s what you want.” 
“But you always take care of me, Sangyeon.” You sniffed.
“I know. But, maybe tonight I could give you some special treatment.” 
You giggled and wiped your tears away. “Okay, and what is this special treatment? Will you give me a spa day?”
It was there, and then you noticed how your boyfriend’s eyes had somewhat slightly darkened, and he was now eyeing both your lips and neck. He then gently drops your belongings onto one of the chairs nearby, and his hands now find their way to pull down the turtleneck top you were wearing.  
“Something much better than a spa day.” 
The next thing that happens, he crashes his lips onto yours, savouring them like there’s no tomorrow. This was different, much more different than what you were used to. Sure, you both have had plenty of kisses with one another, even having slow and sensual ones where you would have each other’s tongues in your mouth. But this was different. It seemed a lot more hasty and perhaps accompanied by lust. 
The soft and sweet Sangyeon you have been accustomed to was gone. Instead, he looked like a beast, thirsty and hungry, as if he had not been fed for a while. 
From the back of your mind, you knew you had to stop and question what turned him on. But with the way his tongue wrapped around yours and he was leaving no room for you to catch your breath, it was impossible for you to think straight at the moment. 
His hands now travel down to your hips, and he eventually forces you to jump and wrap your legs around him as he lays you on the countertop. That was when one of his hands slowly reached down, massaged one of your thighs, and eventually moved to your underwear. 
You gasped and were about to stop him, but he beat you to it. He rubbed your clit, all puffy and pink and sensitive, turning him on even more than before. 
“Baby, just trust me,” he cooed and proceeded to pick up his speed. At the same time, he breaks off the kiss and moves his lips down to your neck, sucking your bare skin. Your moans were getting out of control, each getting louder as his fingers worked their way around your tight opening. When you were finally relaxed enough to his liking, he inserted two fingers into you, earning a loud gasp as you tilted your head back. His fingers plunged in and out of you, his pace increasing. 
You couldn’t think straight. How could you? When your boyfriend is literally fingering you while sucking your neck at the same time. It felt so wrong, yet it felt so good at the moment. 
“S-sangyeon… please…”
“Tell me what you want baby.” 
“I... I want you… down there…” 
Immediately, he smirked and pulled his fingers out as he positioned himself right between your thighs. “I never knew you had this within you, baby. And I’m loving it a whole lot.” 
Sangyeon brings himself towards your clit, licking and kissing while inserting his fingers back into your hole. It did not take him long to insert his tongue into your opening. 
Dear God, you were in heaven. 
“M-more.. Sangyeon… don’t stop.. aaah–” 
As he quicked his pace, and so did your breathing and moans. It wasn’t for long when you finally came, and Sangyeon did his best trying to savour all of your juices. He then lifts his head back up to look at you while diving his lips back onto yours for you to savour the taste of your own cum.
“Baby, you taste so good. How about a round two?”
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One thing led to another, and now you were lying naked on your bed. You have been with Sangyeon for two years and have never been naked in front of your boyfriend. And it was also your first time to see how glorious his body proportions were and how refined his muscles and abs were. 
He slowly climbs onto you and lays his hands on your bare skin. You shivered at the contact, you never knew your boyfriend would be so skilled with those glorious hands of his, touching and massaging every bit and corner of your body. He eventually finds their way to your breasts, which you have covered up by wrapping your arms around you. He slowly takes them apart to reveal your bare breasts to him.
“Why would you cover these up? You look so goddamn beautiful to me right now.” 
His lips dove to your right while his hands massaged your left. He circled around your hardened nipples while giving them a little suck every few rounds. You did not know how much your body would react to such a simple action of his, your toes curling and arching at the stimulation. It turned you on so much, and you dug your fingers into his soft brown hair to push him down to suck on them more. 
His free hand now travels back down onto your clit, rubbing it slowly once again to keep you nice and loose. 
“Baby... do you trust me?” 
That was when you opened your eyes and clearly noticed his big bulge poking throughout his boxers, eager to make its way into you. God, you were about to lose your virginity now for real. 
“I... I don’t know, Sangyeon. I’m scared.” 
“Don’t be. I’ll be gentle. And I made you a promise that I will take care of you.” he murmured while giving a gentle squeeze to your hips. 
With that, you slowly nodded before Sangyeon eventually pulled his boxers down, revealing his hardened cock. He slowly lines himself up with your entrance, rubbing your core to capture all your wetness. 
He peered up at you. “Babe. Are you ready?” 
Blinking, you had to take a moment to suck in a massive breath before nodding your head. In one swift movement, he pushes his member into your tight walls, earning a loud whimper from you. Your body quivered at the contact, and your boyfriend came down to you, wiping your tears away. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll give you a few moments to adjust. Hmm?” Even while you both were doing the deed, he was still considerate and ensured you felt comfortable and safe above anything else. 
As you tried calming your breathing down again, you finally gave him a nod, meaning he could proceed. He started slow, dragging his member in and out of your pussy for you to get used to it, all while showering you with plenty of kisses on your lips and around your face. 
When your whimpers slowly turn into soft moans, you let him know that he could pick up the pace. The pain that once bothered you was now long gone and was replaced with pleasure. Your fingers in his hair slid down to his bare back, and you couldn’t help but slightly dig your nails into his skin, which turned him on more. 
“S-sangyeon… faster…” you begged him; you were desperately trying to reach that high.
“Are you sure—you can handle it—baby?” He asked in between his groans. 
“Y-yes.. I want… more…” You replied weakly. 
Your wish was his command, and both of your moans now filled your room and the entire apartment. 
“I-I’m.. cumming.. Sangyeon..”
“Me too, babe—where—do you want me—”
“In..inside... please!” 
Immediately, after a few more thrusts, both of you came together. Sangyeon then leans down and buries his face in the crook of your neck, both of you trying your best to catch your breath. When you both finally came down on your high, your boyfriend broke off the silence. 
“So, did I somewhat manage to care for you today, princess?” 
You turned your head to lock your eyes with him before planting a soft peck on his lips. 
“You have done more than care for me, my prince.”
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A/N: i will pretend that i did not write this at all goodbye—
taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu @jaerisdiction
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carebearbro · 2 years
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These faces in the Sparkle video always get me every time.  Absolutely fantastic.   
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
The Bear & The Fox (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 6: The Fantastic Mrs. Fox pt. 2
Words: 5 k
Summary: Your two families meet and Carmy sees a different side of you.
a/n:Thank you all so much for the support and sweet messages! Also, new trailer just dropped and know that I'll need 2-3 business days to recover because ohmygodddd . Enjoy! xx
PS. Reader is Latina in this but I don’t specify from where so you can just fill in the blanks (it’s also why it’s all over the place lol)
PS2. The movie I’m referring to is The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Wes Anderson and it’s an absolute gem, you gotta watch it!!
WARNINGS: Smut ahead, oral sex (female receiving), p in v, dirty talk, reader is on birth control but isn't mentioned (wrap it up IRL tho), minors DNI but you'll do what you want so don't say I didn't warn you
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“Can you please be careful with that, Jesus!” Carmy shouted from the wheel of Richie’s car, looking through the rearview mirror at the backseat where his three workers sat smushed together, one carefully balancing the delicate pastry.
“Why does Richie get the front seat?” Fak questioned with half his thigh against the right door.
“Cause it’s my car, now shut the hell up before I kick your ass out!” He fought back.
Sweeps began to argue on why Richie couldn’t carry the cake if he was sitting shotgun and how that was stupid because it was, again, ’my car and I can do what I want!’
“Is it still far? I think some of the gelée is starting to leak…” Marcus asked from the middle seat, moving his leg further out to not stain his pants with the syrupy liquid. 
“Nah, like two more blocks.” Carmy answered.
Soon enough, he found a parking space as close as he could to your building, then killed the engine. He climbed out first to help Marcus with the heavy box, which was in fact leaking slightly from one of the corners and he placed it on the roof of the car. He almost unconsciously wiped his hands on the back of his jeans, but immediately stopped when he remembered he swapped his usual dark jeans for a pair of clean deep blue ones. He had also added a beige short sleeve button up over the usual white T that covered him and a few rings to his fingers, hoping he was decent enough for the occasion. 
They could hear the buzz of rhythmic music and voices as they moved closer to the side of the building where he saw an opening in the fence. He gave the cake to Fak and pulled out his phone to double check your message to make sure they weren’t crashing a random person’s party, but before he could unlock it, he felt Richie elbow him continuously on his side. He looked up to him in annoyance, then he saw who his cousin was gawking at and the air in his lungs left in a shaky exhale.
Ravishing was the only word he felt could do you justice. Stunning, captivating and beautifully breathtaking were up on the list, but none seemed to be enough to describe how the slick red fabric accentuated every one of his favorite features on you. Your olive skin glowed under the afternoon sunlight as you walked towards them, dark curls held up with a soft ribbon that bounced with each of your steps. The frills on the hemline of your dress caressed your mid thigh as you moved, making him envious of a piece of cloth for the first time in his life. 
“Carmy, you lucky son of a bitch.” Richie whispered beside him, but he was more concerned on how he would keep his hands to himself during the whole evening when you looked like that.
“You guys made it!” You said excitedly once you reached them by the entrance.
You pulled each one into a quick hug, offering a welcome kiss on the cheek. You hugged Carmy for unperceivably longer than the rest, your citrus perfume invading his nostrils and engraving itself in his memories.
“What’s in the box?” You asked Marcus with a confused grin.
“Well you always bring stuff for us so we wanted to pay the favor back” He said with a wide smile. “I made it and Carmy helped decorate it.” He shrugged.
Your eyes danced between both men in admiration, the tears glossing them over  and a big smile taking up half your face.
“You guys are the best.” You whispered and threw your arms around them again. 
“Ugh- sorry I'm a bit tipsy-” You said to yourself once you let them go and chuckled, fanning your hands in front of your face to dry the upcoming tears. “I can take that to the table so you guys can enjoy yourselves… where’re the others?”
“Oh they took an uber behind us, they should be here in a bit.” Carmen answered, still dumbfounded like a moth to a bright light.
“Awesome, well the drinks are on the right and the food’s on the left so… enjoy!” You said taking the heavy box from Marcus, who clapped Sweeps on the back as they moved towards the drinks.
You rolled your tinted lip between your teeth staring up at Carmy for a second, before saying “Can you give me a hand… with this?”
“Wha- Oh, yeah, yeah sure.” He took it from your hands and followed you towards the food table, hearing a ‘Guess you're stuck with me’ from Richie to Fak as he walked away.
He followed mindlessly behind you, too enticed by how the dress accentuated the curve of your hips. You could have been leading him to his death and he would gladly follow with anticipation. He could feel himself grow slightly hard at the racing images flying through his head and he was glad that the shirt he decided to wear was long enough to cover his groin.
He reached the table after you, placing the package in a small space you had cleared in the center, then undid the latches at the top and took a butter knife to cut the cardboard down the side. A small gasp escaped your lips and you grasped his forearm at the sight of the gleaming pastry.
“Carm, it’s beautiful” 
“You think so?”
“Of course.. It kinda reminds me of the-”
He pulled up the picture saved on his phone and your eyebrows knitted together at the sight of the bright image.
“I kinda ripped off your design.” He confessed through a breathy laugh, scratching the back of his head.
“I think you made it better” You responded, then you hand slid from his arm to cup under his palm. “Thank you, it truly means a lot.”
Carmy swallowed dryly when your eyes flicked down to his lips momentarily and for a brief second he wanted to see what would happen if he leaned down and kissed you in front of all these people… but a voice shouting your name from behind made you lose grasp on his hand and step away instantly.
“Carmen, you came!” Your mother called excitedly, walking towards you by the arm of a tall older gentleman who he assumed was your grandfather.
“Hola, señora” He spoke carefully. He had been practicing some words with the teasing help of Syd, but unfortunately, that had been as far as the lessons had gone.
“Ay, muy bien!” She cheered and his ears reached a new shade of red. “Have you met my father yet?”
“No uh, w-we just got here.”
Carmy reached his hand out to the man, who swept his appearance then reached out slowly to clasp his hand with a firm grip. Your mother turned to her father and explained something in a quick spanish that was impossible for him to understand. What he did understand was the universal language of an embarrassed child, as your eyes grew wide and you let out a sharp ‘Mama!’ through gritted teeth.
“What?” He asked you amused.
“She told him you’re his next grandson-in-law” And when he looked down at you, a soft blush dusted your cheeks and your hand rubbed at the bottom of your nose to hide the shy smile.
“My Fox?” He heard the deep voice come from your grandfather and was more confused about the nickname than your mother’s statement.
“D’you want some Sangria?” You interrupted.
He nodded with a nice smile and you walked off to the drinks table with your mother behind you. He was about to follow behind, but the man beside him placed a gentle hand over his shoulder to stop him. 
“Carmy, yes?” He spoke with a slight crack in his pronunciation.
Carmy gulped and nodded.
“What is it that you do, Carmy?”
“I, uhm.. I own a restaurant.” ‘More like a burning shithole’ the voice in his head added.
The older man hummed in contemplation. “You know hard work, then?”
Carmy let out a nervous laugh then answered “Yeah, I-I do.” That would be an understatement.
“Good, good.” He patted Carmy’s back, the intimidating facade slipping when he turned to look at you laughing beside Syd and Marcus while you served two drinks. “She's been through a lot this year y'know... and I want only the best for my little Fox.” He turned back to him “Are you the best?”
Carmy’s eyes stayed glued on your figure, his heart warming at how you swayed naturally with the upbeat music, reminding him of vibrant hibiscus flowers in the breeze. “I want to be… yeah.” He confessed wholeheartedly.
A smile that reached your grandad’s eyes appeared before him, leaning to his side and whispering. “Good answer.”
“Can I ask you something?” He asked the man after a few silence filled seconds and took the small grunt as a sign to continue. “Why do you call her that? Fox?”
He heard the man’s booming laughter above the music before he began to speak.
“Do you know that fox movie? Where he steals all the chickens and lives in a tree?” Carmy shook his head. “She does, seen it a hundred times or more. When she was little, she walked around wearing fox ears her grandma made her and would chase the chickens around in my other daughter’s house. So she’s been my little fox since.”
A grin appeared slightly at the picture of a little you running around with cloth fox ears pinned to your hair. He wanted to ask about your grandmother, but before he had the chance, a woman in a tight blue dress tackled her arms around the older man. He only understood her excitement and giggles, then she signaled to someone across the area and the man moved with open arms to new arriving guests.
“Hi” She turned to him, stretching a well manicured hand towards him. “I’m Sarah.”
“Uh… Carmy.” He gave her hand a single shake, a little taken back by the light scratch of her nails on his skin.
“Oh yeah, my aunt told me about you.” She batted her long lashes at him and he readjusted his weight on his legs under her heavy gaze. “You’re the chef that works with my little cousin, no?”
Carmy nodded and swallowed nervously, assuming this was the cousin your mother wanted to set him up with.
“Cooking is such a hard job, with all the heavy lifting you do, I’m sure you don’t even need to work out.” She gave him a breathy laugh and he tried to hide his lack of comfort under a chuckle, his eyes scanning the space for you or any other person that he knew could pull him out of the situation.
“Maybe you can come over one day and cook for m-”
“Babe, d’you think you can help me with something?”
The sound of your voice hit him the way soft ocean breeze hits the rocks after a crashing wave and he unconsciously stepped further away from your cousin.
“Babe?” They both asked in surprise.
He raised his brows at the pet name, a slow fluttering sensation filling his insides because you had never called him anything other than by a variation of his name, or chef, in your whole time of knowing each other, yet now that it slipped past your cherry tinted lips, he could not ignore the shaking sensation the two syllable word had unearthed in him.
Your brows raised, expecting an answer from his parted lips. All he could do was nod slowly and take a few steps in your direction. You smiled softly up at him then turned to your cousin.
“Your mom’s looking for you. I think your kid knocked his tooth out again.”
Then you turned towards the door that led to the stairway with him following right behind.
You didn’t say a word as you made your way up the multiple floors and his hands developed a thin layer of sweat at the idea that maybe he had done something wrong. He was about to ask what it was you needed help with when you reached the door, but the moment he stepped into the dim hallway, your hands grabbed the two sides of his shirt and pulled him down to your awaiting lips. It caught him off guard, but the breathy sigh that left your chest  had him pressing himself closer to you. Carmy groaned into the kiss, the floral taste of red wine exploting his senses. His hands instinctively reached up to cup the sides of your face to deepen the action, tongue lapping at yours trying to get more of the intoxicating flavor. He felt your fingers circle around the loops of his jeans and pull him forward as you took small steps back down the hallway.
“You have no idea… how much I’ve wanted to do that.. today.” You managed to say between peppered kisses while pulling him deeper into the room.
One of his hands moved to the dip between your back and ass while the other extended long digits under your chin. In a second of bravery, he wrapped it tentatively, applying light pressure to the sides and causing a hefty gasp to rip from your chest. His smile unraveled at the melodious sound, dick now pressing hard against the material of his jeans.
“Just that?” He asked in a whisper then left your mouth to plant wet kisses along the edge of your lips and down to the valley of your jaw. He could feel your pulse quicken at his actions and your grip grow tighter on his jeans.
He felt the hand on your lower back hit the hard edge of the kitchen counter and he pressed himself flush against you. You shook your head at his question, attention trained at his lowering head now reaching your chest. Sultry kisses rose small bumps on the tender skin of your upper breast as your hand flew up to tangle in between golden strands. You pushed your head back to allow him an open access.
“More than that..” You whispered through difficult breaths.
“Yeah?” He asked, withdrawing from your skin and rising back up to your face. His nose rubbed along yours as his hands fell from their grip, down past your waist and to your hips. Fingers clawed at the fabric of your dress and bunched it up into high fists.
A low shiver left your lips at the contact of his hot skin against your thighs, fingernails raking along the sensitive area. Your hands rested on his shoulders, gripping tightly when skilled thumbs feathered over the thin hem of your underwear.
You hummed in affirmation, eyes wide and bright staring hungirly up at him through hooded lids. Your lips twitched up and you bit it slightly before speaking. 
“Y’know…” you whispered to Carmy, lips brushing over his with every word. “I chose the dress knowing how much you’d wanna fuck me in it.”
The breath he had struggled to take was forcefully knocked out by your admission. A groan moved past his  lungs, because fuck were you right. He felt like a mad man, unable to control himself from the moment your skin touched his. 
Without thought, he dropped to his knees, face buried in the material of your dress.
“Fuck, Carm-” Escaped your lips in heavy breaths. 
He looked up to find you a beautiful mess of shaky breaths and blushed cheeks. The golden necklace around your neck was disarranged and your exposed skin glistened from his wet kisses. He smiled at your glowing physique. 
Carmy never considered himself religious. He grew up catholic from his parents but never bought into the whole idea of an ever present being creating everything around him. In that moment, however, with the glowing rays of sunshine filtering through the windows and cascading over your form- red fabric bunched at your hips like an impending fire- he undoubtedly confirmed the existence of the godly being he wanted to spend all his mortal life worshiping. You had him like silly putty in your lovely little hands and he was too far gone in the moment to rationalize if he was fucked for good or not.
He hooked his index fingers on the band of your underwear and pulled it down torturously slow, following the drag of the fabric with his teeth. He didn’t want to waste the little time you had, considering you were also in the middle of your kitchen and anyone could walk in at any moment. But god did he want to slurp you up and bottle every last one of your desperate sighs, make you feel so good until the only word you remembered how to pronounce was his name. 
When the flimsy piece of clothing was finally down to your ankles and you had stepped out of it, his palms pushed the fabric up once more and he was greeted by the wonderful image of your glistening pussy. He swallowed down the sudden rush of saliva that invaded his mouth, a usual reaction from his body when he’s been starving for so long and is graciously presented with an appetizing dish.
He breathed out delicately above it, a clear pearl of slick forming on your folds, taunting him. He looked up at your aroused expression through hooded brows and without losing contact, stuck out his index finger  and swiped it over the tender flesh to collect the juices, then popped it in his mouth. The tangy taste of you on his tongue was all he needed to lose the last grips of control left in him. 
Carmy gripped firmly at your hips then pushed his face deep into your folds, tongue first. The force and the surprise of his actions had you losing your balance over him and holding on to his shoulder for support, mouth ajar. He used one hand over your stomach to keep you and the dress still against the counter, while the other held on to the supple bend behind your knee, raising it to rest on his ample shoulder and granting him greater access to you.
A mixture between a moan and a whimper invaded his ears, fueling the blaze of his actions and speeding up his attack on your cunt. He used his index and ring fingers to part at your labia, lapping with his flat tongue around the whole area. With blown eyes he looked up at your disheveled face, head thrown back as you tried to control your erratic breathing and he smiled to himself at how responsive you were to his touch.
He had learnt this like he had everything else, through technique, observation and a shit ton of practice. Everyone around him always assumed that just because he had never had a girlfriend before, that meant he had never had sex either. But they’d be surprised at what having your face and name linked to the top twenty best chefs in the country could do for your sex life in a supercilious city like New York. This was probably one of the few good things that he gotten out of it. Seeing you tremble through his actions over his mental stability seemed like a fair trade.
As he saw you fall into a breathless mess above him, a proudness flourished inside him. To know that it was he who turned you into a heap of mumbles and praises with just his skilled mouth.
“Shi-t, babe- so good. So so good…” You were too far gone to be able to say anything else.
He used his fingers to spread you open again and a high pitched cry vibrated in your throat when he wrapped his lips to suck on your clit. You pushed on his shoulder at the intense sensation and he let it go with a ‘pop’ of his mouth, kissing the velvet skin on your thigh and giving you some time to breathe. He took a few seconds to calm his racing heart and his cock jerking inside his jeans.
“As much..” You could barely speak between breaths “as I want you to make me come with your mouth- and I do-" your leg unhooked from his shoulder and you pulled him up by the collar of his shirt. “I really want you to fuck me right now.”
You didn’t give him time for an answer, only sealing your lips above his and groaning when you tasted yourself on his tongue. Your hands flew to the buttons on his jeans, undoing them with practiced ease, but before you could pull his stiff member from its confinement, Carmy grabbed at your hips and turned you towards the counter. On the wall across from the counter, by the door to your room, rested a tall mirror, long enough where you both could see your heaving upper bodies.
 His hand slid to the front to massage at your aching clit, chest pressed tightly to your back.
“God, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, look at you.” He used his free hand to wrap around your neck and tilt your head to the mirror. “My pretty, pretty girl.” He whispered near your ear.
He had no idea what came over him when it came to having sex with you. The way your body responded to his touch caressed a part of his ego he thought dormant so long ago. Yet her you were, all doe eyes and shaky moans, ready for him to fuck you in your kitchen with your family only a few floors down. He really was a lucky son of a bitch.
Carmy used his slick covered hand to wrap around his cock, then gave a few taunting jerks on himself before aligning with your entrance; all while maintaining eye contact with you through your reflection. You gave him a little nod in the mirror, your hand covering over his inked one around your throat, then he pushed slowly into you until he felt your warmth swallow him completely. 
Your hands fell flat on the cold counter, the metal clink of your rings hitting the surface as you tried to scratch at something to hold on to. He kept his grasp on your neck steady and his eyes fixed on yours as he quickened his snaps on your hips. He could see your tits bounce in the mirror at his brutal force and it only made him want to go faster.
“I’m not gonna-fuck baby- not gonna last l-longer” You uttered in gasps.
Your back arched towards him when he hit that particular spot he had learned you liked, then he did it again and again until the strength from your legs disappeared completely, folding you over the counter. The fluttering around his cock signaled to him you were almost close and with the way his movements stuttered lightly, he could feel it too. 
He closed his hand around your neck again and pulled you to him. A mess of curls and reddened cheeks stared back at him, a pleased smile tattooed across your face.
He whispered filthy praises into your ear. “Look how good you look taking my cock.” He accentuated the words with a deep thrust. “You like lookin’ at yourself while I fuck you?”
You nodded frantically, pulling one of your hands up to grab at the back of his head.
“I like looking at you fuck me.” You answered back in shrill breaths. Your puffs blew on the sweat covered strands around your face, some clinging to the surface of your hot cheeks.
Your answer had him chuckling in delight and he picked up the pace one last time, heavy thrusts creating ripples on the tender skin of your ass cheeks. He circled his free arm around your waist and rubbed on your bundle of nerves until he felt you shiver with an upcoming orgasm, then he skillfully rolled the nub between his fingers and that was enough to have you break under him with a strong moan. Your cunt clung with breathtaking strength around his twitching cock, allowing him three more thrusts before he found his own release inside you. 
He took several large puffs above you, the lavender shampoo from your hair calming the erratic beats of his heart. Carmy pulled out slowly out of you and you let out a sensitive whine. He looked down at your tinted skin, attention fully on the drops of creamy white beginning to slip out of you with every involuntary spasm and it surprised him to feel the need to be inside you again.
He kissed your naked shoulder and smiled towards your reflection, the disarrangement of dark curls framing pink cheeks and kiss swollen lips had him clutching at his heart. You could have been there for an eternity, both afraid to break the bubble you had so cautiously created around you, but knowing you had to. 
“Is that what you needed help with?” He asked with a grin, reaching for a paper towel and running it under warm water before helping you clean up the mess he had gladly partaken in between your legs. "You coulda just asked..."
A relaxed laugh escaped your lips as you retied the ribbon in your hair and asked him to pass your discarded underwear, then brushed your hands around the ruffles of your dress to make it less wrinkled.
“Honestly I just wanted to get you away from my cousin.” You confessed, then walked towards him and combed your fingers through his hair while he readjusted his jeans.
“Guess I should make you jealous more often then, huh?” He asked and you stopped rubbing the lipstick off his cheek, giving him a glare. “I’m just joking!” Then he pulled you in for a tender kiss.
“C’mon, they’re probably looking for us.” 
“Let ‘em look, I don’t fuckin’ care right now.” He whispered back, catching your lips into another sweet long kiss.
“No, seriously. We gotta go.” You managed to say in between kisses and laughs. He planted his lips by your ear and inhaled your perfume.
You smiled, then intertwined your fingers with his and began your hefty walk back down stairs, a mild ache in his abdomen that would keep your escapade present in his mind.
“What the hell?” You faintly said.
A sudden rush of trumpets and string instruments reached your ears the moment you crossed the heavy metal door back into the courtyard. He could see all the guests crowded in a semi circle around a group of men belting out the lyrics to an unfamiliar but attractive song. Your hand held tighter around his and you turned to him with a confused grin.
“Was this you?” You asked above the overpowering music.
He shook his head ‘no’ and turned back to the Mariachi band, only to see Richie walking to them with extended arms, like an orchestra director but with a beer in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other.
“Whatup fuckos! You missed the whole surprise!” He yelled through the noise. 
“This was you?!”
He shrugged, taking a sip from his beer and turning towards the band.
“I felt kinda bad that you quit cause of me, so hope this makes up for it.”
Your hand released Carmy’s as you walked a couple of steps towards his cousin, circling as much as you could around his waist with your arms. Richie stayed frozen in his spot with his gaze down on you, then he looked up to Carmy who just stayed with raised brows. He moved his slender arms around you to hug you back, chin resting down on your head.
He cleared his throat after a few seconds and let you go.
“Okay, enough of that mushy shit.” Richie took another swig.
Someone called your name from the crowd and you turned to Carmy promising you’d be back in a bit, then ran to Syd, who took your hand and spun you around to the beat of the music. 
Richie strutted to his cousin’s side and offered him the burning cig. 
“That was nice of you. The Mariachi.” He clarified while taking a drag.
“Was nothin’.” He shrugged again. “The fucker owed me a favor.”
Carmy nodded slowly. Riche’s eyes flickered towards him then raised the bottle to his lips.
“She’s..uh… She’s good for you. Try not to fuck it up.” He stated simply, then added “Also you both reek of sex.” and this pulled a soft laugh from Carmy.
They both watched the crowd move rhythmically in silence for a long while, maybe three or more songs, until the musicians stopped and an uproar of clapping and cheers began.
People dispersed into their seats around the long table and you waved Richie and Carmy over to the empty seats around you and the other guys. 
As the sun hid behind the skyline and the lights under the trees casted a soft yellow glow around everything, he allowed himself to enjoy the moment away from his looming responsibilities. He ate everything you or your aunts offered him to taste, to the point where both his stomach and his heart felt like they could burst. He then downed it with glasses of Sangria and the constant beers Richie threw at him so he could show off his skill at opening them with a lighter, the only party trick he knew. 
At some point, his arm rested on the back of your chair and you leaned your back to rest on his chest, head nestled in the crook of his neck as your grandfather entertained their end of table with the romantic story on how he had met your passed grandmother. It was a beautiful story of ‘the old homeland’ as he called it and as he skimmed the back of his fingers on your smooth arm, Carmy listened attentively. He felt brave enough to let his guard down and plant a single kiss on the crown of your head, but didn’t notice the lingering stares and multiple hidden smiles from both families surrounding you. 
Your grandfather’s words swam peacefully in the light haze of his mind, both from the alcohol and the warmth radiating from your palm mindlessly tracing figures on his thigh.
‘Her father pointed a rifle at my head when I asked for her hand. I was not afraid because I knew she would say yes. And if she didn’t? Why would I ever want to live in a world without her by my side?’
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Chapter 7.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne and that’s it lmao
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midnightdemonz · 5 months
Putting this here again. My username is galaxy_midnightdemon if you wanna friend me
Keep in mind that I may not be active much. I'll try to be
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 1 year
Seresin's Date
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Summary: You had a date that night, but your brother wanted to be there to meet him. Don’t want to give too much away but know big brother Jake isn’t happy!
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader, Mystery Date x Reader
Warnings: Use of swear words, not too much else
Word count: 1.7k
Requested: Thank you Anon for this fun request! I hope you enjoy it!!
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading. Inbox is open for requests, questions, or to say hello! If you have requested something, know that it is being worked on!
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Jake was currently tapping his foot on the ground, agitation rolling off him in waves. It was clear to anyone around him that the laid-back pilot wasn’t here today, and they would do best to tread lightly. Natasha had been dying to know what had him all riled up, but the day was filled with training runs and debriefs. It wasn’t until they were walking to the locker room that she was able to poke the bear.
“What has your panties in a twist?” Bob shook his head at how little she cared about his feelings but was secretly curious as well. From past experiences, it took a lot to get him as wound up as he is now.
“Don’t want to talk about it.” They didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered to the clock on the wall, giving them a small clue to work with.
“Afraid you’re going to be late for whatever girl you brainwashed into going out with you?” Natasha knew it wasn’t that simple. Jake hadn’t been bragging all day about who he picked up at the bar. But she knew that was the best way to get him talking.
They reached the locker room and Jake forcefully opened his locker, tossing his helmet inside.
“My sister has a date tonight and I want to be there to meet this son of a bitch. Let him know that she isn’t the kind of girl he can mess with. But now I’m running late, and she made it clear she wasn’t waiting on me.” They all watched him run a hand through his hair, silently taking in this new side of him.
Javy knew this was going to happen. Of all the sisters Jake had, you were the one he kept a close eye on. Growing up, you weren’t the perfect southern bell your mom had tried to mold, and your dad was too focused on his career to do much parenting. Leaving Jake to be the parental figure you needed to stay out of trouble as well as be shown the love and affection that you missed out on. The two of you had an unbreakable bond which made situations like this tough on him. No matter how old you got, you were still his baby sister.
“Your sister? The one who just moved here like a week ago?” Jake sent a threatening glare at Bob who spoke up for the first time. This resulted in him throwing his hands up in surrender, hoping Jake wasn’t going to turn on him.
“Yeah, that one. I don’t even understand how she found a guy that fast. Or where for that matter.” He had finished changing into his civilian clothes and turned to face the guy whose locker was next to his.
“What? Nothing to add, bird boy?” Bradley wanted to say many things but decided to keep them to himself. Jake hadn’t ever laid hands on a fellow pilot, no matter how provoked, but he wasn’t about to test the boundaries.  
“Nah man. Just try not to kill the poor guy tonight. I don’t think the military takes too kindly on murderers.” Bradley couldn’t hold back the small smirk but didn’t dare to meet Jake’s gaze. He knew it wouldn’t end well if he did.
Jake let out a huff and stormed out of the room. Javy told him in passing to call him if needed. He had no issues being back up when it came to the Seresin family.
With some miracle of not getting pulled over on the way to your apartment, Jake practically ran up the stairs to the second floor, taking two steps at a time. He unlocked the door to find you dancing around in shorts and a tank top, music being played louder than it should, not looking like you were anywhere near being ready.
Your face lit up when you saw your brother walking through the doorway. “Perfect timing! I need help picking out what to wear.” You saw the eye roll that was directed towards you, but you knew it was playful. Skipping back to your room, you came back out holding up two simple dresses. A black one and a red one. They really weren’t anything fancy, but colors seemed to make a difference no matter the style.
“Neither. Go put on some jean and a sweater or something.” Jake leaned back on the counter and crossed his arms, watching as you shook your head at him.
“It’s summer in California. While it may get a bit chilly with the wind, I’m not dressing for winter just to please you. I think I’ll go with the black.” You walked back into your room to change, but a knock on the door stopped you. Your date was ten minutes early, something that would please your brother but now had you scrambling to finish getting ready.
You yelled out, “Play nice. I didn’t put makeup on for nothing, so you better not run the guy off.” Grumbling was what was heard from the other room, but you smiled to yourself as you waited for the next few minutes to play out.
Jake opened the door and tilted his head to the side in confusion.   
“What are you…” Then it clicked. His teammate with the obnoxious mustache was standing at your door in a nice button-down shirt and slacks, holding a bouquet of flowers. “Absolutely fucking not. Turn your ass around and leave.”
Bradley knew he was going to be fighting an uphill battle the second you told him your last name a few days ago. Somehow, he got lucky and accidentally bumped into you at the supermarket. The two of you seemed to hit it off, and he almost didn’t believe when you said you were related to Jake.
And it didn’t help that Jake was quicker than he was leaving today. Maverick was doing him a solid and purposely dragging out the debrief, hoping to give him enough time to slip past his teammate.
But one thing he didn’t put into thought was that right now Jake wasn’t his teammate. Right now, he was the overprotective brother who wanted nothing more than to kill him.
“There is nothing I can say right now that will make you happy, is there?” Bradley casually looked over Jake’s shoulder, hoping if he could prolong this conversation, you would come to his rescue.
“Unless the words consist of, ‘Tell your sister I’m sorry and have a good night’ then no.” Jake blocked the doorway, not letting Bradley see any bit inside your apartment. His mind was struggling to figure out what to say, but a small hand appeared on Jakes chest and pushed him back.
“You know, I figured you would be happier knowing that one of your teammates is looking after me and not some stranger I picked up at a bar. Unless you would rather that, then I can head there instead?” Bradley watched as the smirk that Jake always had was used against him by his little sister. Now he saw how the two of you were related. If the situation was different, he probably would’ve laughed. Instead, he bit back a smile and watched as his teammate fumbled for a response.
If he thought Jake’s change in attitude this afternoon was crazy, this took a while new level. The arrogant aviator was nowhere to be seen. In his place was someone who clearly cared for his sister but didn’t want to push her away. He thought about what he was going to say rather than spewing words that were designed to get under your skin. For once, Jake wasn’t in control of the situation, and it was eye opening watching him struggle to stay above water.
“I would be happier knowing you weren’t going out with any guy. I just want you to be safe.” Jake was gripping the doorframe with white knuckles, showing just how hard he was trying to keep his cool. But all that went out the door when you said what you did next.
“You come home talking about how great of a teammate Bradley is and how much you trust him to watch your back. Is that not someone you think I would be safe with?”
Bradley watched as your head tilted to the side some, feigning innocence even though you knew exactly what those words were going to do. Jake didn’t know if he wanted to yell at you or Bradley, so he threw up his hands instead.
“I never said that. Don’t go filling his head with lies when we both know it isn’t true.” He turned back to Bradley and pointed a finger at him. “You bring her back by 11 and not a second later. You hurt her and you will have much bigger problems than whether you are going to make the cut for this mission or not. I don’t care that you are a teammate, that’s my baby sister and she means more than your life does. Do I make myself clear?”
Bradley nodded his head and held out a hand for him to shake. Jake looked down at it and sighed, “God this is stupid.” But shook it anyway.
You gave Jake a quick kiss on the cheek and told him you will call if you need anything. But as you were leaving Jake asked, “Could I introduce you to Phoenix? She seems like a way better choice.”
You tossed your head back and laughed, making Jake smile reluctantly in return. “Don’t try and sneak in. I’ll be waiting up for you.” He gave you and wink and let the two of you walk off to the date that he never in a million years wanted to happen.
When the two of you were out of sight, Jake picked up his phone and dialed Javy. “Hey man. How do you feel about crashing a date?”
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A/N: Thoughts? Likes or dislikes? Thank you so much for reading!  
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bullet-prooflove · 20 days
Send me a made-up fic title and I'll tell you what I would write to go with it
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Tagging: @trublu2u@burningpeachpuppy@upsteadlogic@noxytopy@kmc1989
Companion piece to Little Changes  & The Last Time
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“It’s homophrosyne – The Ancient Greek term which means two people feeling or thinking alike.”  OA had told Stuart once upon a time as they stood next to the bomb disposal van watching you get reamed out by your boss. It’s not the first time it’s happened, it won’t the last. In fact Stuart’s sure he’s going to suffer the same fate when he gets back to the JOC because like you he went off book. “That’s you and Sasha, it must be nice to find someone who gets you like that.”
This was after OA's girlfriend Hanna had left for Delaware, the younger man was still feeling the loss acutely. He had wanted to try long distance, she had known it wouldn't last, not with a sick father to care for so she had ended it. His dating life afterwards had been a mix of false starts after that, because noone could contend with the woman he'd loved.
“It’s terrifying.” Stuart remembers telling the OA. “Because you know the logic behind the things they do and you can’t argue against it.”
It has been that way since the very beginning.
It’s the reason Stuart knows when he unlocks the door to the home the two of you share that he’s going to find you gone and your wedding ring on the kitchen table. He’s known you were going to leave him since you got the diagnosis. In your eyes you have nothing to offer him, he’s still young enough to have a family, to enjoy it. You just need to get out of his way.
The thing is Stuart doesn’t want a family with anyone else, if he has one he wants it to be with you.
He’s surprised to hear music when he enters the house. It’s loud, something with so much bass it feels like it’s vibrating through the walls. He takes the stairs two at a time because there’s an apprehension in his chest, this is the type of music you listen to when you don’t want to feel and he doesn’t like where that thought leads him. He finds you in the baby’s room, the one with the yellow walls and the white crib.
In the early days of trying, the two of you had gotten overexcited. You’d been so sure it was going to happen that you’d created this space for your baby.
“Manifest destiny am I right?” You had said while he put together the crib and you sorted through the unisex baby clothes.
The doors been closed on this space ever since you’d learned you wouldn’t be bringing home a child. Neither of you could bear to look at it.
Now that door is open and the fresh scent of paint assails his nostrils.
When he steps into that room, his heart breaks just a little because he sees it for what it is, an ending to a dream. The cuddly toys that lined the shelves have been shoved into trash bags, with donation labels affixed to them. The crib has been taken down, packed away tidily alongside of the bags. Two of the four walls are now sage green, the tiny little cartoon sheep that you had painted together with a stencil have disappeared under the fresh coat. There’s an anguish in his chest, he feels it so acutely that it makes his eyes sting.
He understands the message. If you stay you can’t be around this stuff, they’re just reminders of your inadequacy as a woman, you need to start fresh.
You tense when he puts his hands gently on your shoulders, his lips brushing lightly over the back of your head.
“What will it be?” He asks you, his voice a little rough.
“I don’t know.” You say quietly before gesturing at the trash bags. “I just know it can’t be that.”
Stuart? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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killfortune · 11 months
My best friend's sister °
• Baji liking Chifuyu's sister ♡ I've never written sum like this so PLS. Also, this is short 🤷🏽‍♀️. Reader is a little older.
Little taps could be heard from your bedroom as you typed on your laptop.
Although, you couldn't hear them over the music coming from your headphones.
You were working on some homework when you felt your phone vibrate.
You checked and saw that your dear younger brother texted you.
Fuyu: Window 😄
You raised a brow and looked at your window, only to be met with the blonde boy smiling at you.
You sighed and shook your head, removing your headphones and walking over to the window.
When you pulled it open, your brother climbed inside.
You looked at him, prepared to give him a stern talk. But then you saw some cuts and bruises on his face. He looked roughed up.
"Sorry. I forgot to leave my window unlocked!" Chifuyu sheepishly chuckled.
You shook your head at him. "Dude your f-"
You stopped talking when you saw another boy climb in.
He had dark hair that was put up in a ponytail, and he looked roughed up too.
He looked familiar, but you couldn't remember who he was.
"Sis, you remember Baji?"
Right. Your brother's friend. Best friend? You weren't sure and you weren't interested.
You wanted to know who hurt your brother. And his friend you guess...
"Sure. Hi you guys." You ushered them both to your bed and made them sit.
You sat in the chair from your desk.
"You face." You stared at Chifuyu. "Tell me what happened."
You waited for him to talk as you reached under your desk for the first aid kit you kept there.
"It's nothing-"
"Fuyu, that's something! You look like you ran into a bear, both of you." You scoffed. "Just tell me and I won't tell mom and dad."
Chifuyu glanced at Baji. Baji shrugged.
"Well... we got in a fight."
"A fight..?!" You whispered.
Chifuyu laughed and Baji nodded.
"Yeah... some guys were picking on a girl so." Baji spoke.
"Yeah. Baji rushed in to help so I had to back him up!"
"I didn't need your help!"
You watched them argue and your gaze softened. You let out a light chuckle and opened the first aid kit.
You saw that Baji's injuries were worse, sp you stood in front of him.
"Huh?" He looked confused.
"I have to treat you. Can't let these get infected."
Baji had no protest and he let you treat his injuries.
As you cleaned a cut on his face, he stared at yours.
'She's really pretty.' He thought. Then he realized the thought. His face turned pink and he cleared his throat.
You raised a brow at him. "What?"
"Okay. All done!" You grabbed a lollipop from your desk and handed it to him.
He looked at it, unamused, but he took it.
"Fuyu, off the phone." You spoke to your brother. "Let me clean those."
He sighed and put his phone down.
As you cleaned his wounds, he spoke.
"You act just like mom."
"That's not true." You rolled your eyes. "I'm cooler."
Chifuyu laughed. "Yeah! But I mean.. you're all caring 'n stuff."
You shook your head. "Unconditional."
Chifuyu felt his heart warm. He had the best big sister.
Baji watched how the two of you interacted. You were gentle with him but more rough with Chifuyu. He wished you had been rough with him too, but he didn't know why.
"It's late."
Your hypnotic voice pulled Baji out of his daze.
"Oh.. I'll go." He nodded. "See you tommorow, Chifuyu."
"Hold up!" Chifuyu walked with him to the window.
They both exited and you could hear them talking for a short time.
Then Chifuyu came back.
"So... goodnight!" He left your room and snuck through the hall to his own.
You rolled your eyes and shut your window, looking out to see Baji making his way up the stairs nearby.
He was eating the lollipop, with a smirk on his face.
You chuckled and sat back down.
"Alright... homework."
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