#cara tully
desertdollranch · 9 months
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Cara takes her corgi, Mary Puppins, for a walk at the park every day. It's so pretty and peaceful underneath the canopy of big trees.
I just finished sewing up this outfit for Cara by adapting some basic patterns. Because she's slimmer than most of my 18 inch dolls, she gets her own wardrobe. Her satchel is by Our Generation, and her cute little sandals were taken from a porcelain doll I was recently given. Her puppy is American Girl brand.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Fancast masterpost
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my KOTOR II fancast
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Life Is Strange Before The Storm(Old)
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Hola, soy yo de nuevo jaja Bueno, en los trabajos de los adultos, alguien se ha llegado a preguntar el por qué tienen los mismo nombres que la familia Targaryen? Por ejemplo Alicent, que en su trabajo diga que sus hijos se llaman Aegon, Helaena y Aemond y todos se queden con cara de ¿Es normal que te llames como la reina verde y tus hijos como los príncipes? O en el de Rhaenyra, que diga que su esposo se llama Daemon y sus hijos Aegon, Viserys y Visenya y todos con cara de ¿Wtf? ¿Es en serio? 🤣
Some people do look at them funny for it but most turn the other cheek because historic names are pretty popular in modern Westeros, especially in members of the great houses. Even with bastards it’s normal for parents to name them after other famous bastards so there are more than a few Jon snow’s and Orys River’s out there.
If anything, people are more surprised they don’t have famous Lannister/ Tully names like Cersei and Tyrion or Catelyn.
But a few Alicent’s colleagues do think shes missing a few screws for naming her son after a genocidal maniac.
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Firefly Lane. Il Colore Delle Magnolie. Ultimamente sto in fissa con tutti questi telefilm Netflix che raccontano di amiche. Sarà che la mia Amica quella con la A maiuscola al momento è un po’ lontana. Colpa mia o colpa sua che importa. Importa solo che mi manca.
È tardi stasera e la notte è sempre stata il momento preferito della mia giornata. Quello in cui si tirano le somme e si fanno degli accordi. O almeno io lo faccio. Firmo un contratto con me stessa. È quello di stasera riguarda te amica cara. Io ci riuscirò sai a ritornare quello che eravamo. Ti sarai la mia Kate e io la tua Tully. Beh questo lo capisce solo chi ha visto quella serie.
Riformulo: io sarò per sempre la tua Jane e tu sarai per sempre la mia dolce Maura. Per sempre.
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toothielegacy · 2 years
Localização: Quarto Encanto
O que Rylina Tully fazia quando passava a semana inteira vendo filmes de terror? Isso mesmo, meus nobres colegas, a ruiva adiantava a próxima grande época do ano e escolhia as melhores comédias românticas natalinas que existiam no catálogo da Netflix. Sim, Netflix, o canal nom-maj que podia ser acessado nos quartos da Torre. Rodeada de cobertores bem quentinhos, o ar-condicionado no máximo. Pipocas, doces, salgados, pizzas, croissants, uma variedade tão grande de comida quanto de bichos de pelúcias. Guardiões fieis desde o dia que foram adquiridos no último festival do Salvador. O casal na tela se aproximava espumando, princesa Mia brigando e caindo nos encantos. “Meu Deus eles se beijaram! Olha a perninha dela subindo!” Rylina já tinha visto esse filme trezentas vezes, mas reagia como se fosse a primeira. Ela se levantou da posição sentada, uma mão buscando a de @guerraepaz​ e apertando com força. “Eles se gostam, cara! Não tem como! Ela até fica toda-” Imitou o suspiro e um um falso desmaio, o rosto ficando rosado com a imaginação. “ E pra completar, temos os dois caindo na fonte e se molhando. Sério, sério, tem como um casal se formar mais perfeitamente do que isso?” Deu um pause no pior dos momentos, mas os braços estavam esticados e as mãos englobando a tela do retroprojetor na parede toda. “É tão difícil encontrar um homem assim, meu deus!?” ( a cena do filme )
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caramara3 · 5 years
Random GoT thought:
Does anybody else wonder... like in the afterlife once Cat got there, if Ned finally told her about Jon's parentage?
Or did he like wait we all had to figure it out to be like "Surprise!!"
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Best Destinations for the Stark Family (3/5)
~ARYA STARK: She was the youngest daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully. Unlike her sister, Sansa, who was very feminine and traditional, Arya loved to ride, swords, archery and play rough, she also did not mind getting dirty and wearing ordinary clothes as if she were just another girl from the village.
When her father was named Hand of the King after Jon Arryn's death in 300 A. C., Arya with her brother Bran left for the Capital with her father, while the other brothers of her stayed in Invernalia. In her stay in King's Landing she was somewhat tumultuous because everyone saw her rebellious and tomboy behavior badly, even Queen Cersei called her "Prince Arya" in derision.
In 303 A. C., Eddard together with Renly Baratheon and Varys conspired against Queen Cersei Lannister after discovering that her three children were not King Robert's and they looked for a way to find the queen with her lover and brother, Jaime Lannister.
After the event known as "The scandal of the Queen's Tower" where the King and his hand broke into Cersei's rooms finding her in full act with her lover, this being horrible for King Robert who finally discovered the true face of his wife. To avoid endangering Arya and Bran were secretly sent to Winterfell where they were under the protection of their mother and her older brother, Robb.
Cersei and Jaime Lannister were executed for treason, adultery, and incest, while their children were disinherited in favor of Stannis Baratheon who became the heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Joffrey Mares was forced to join the Night's Watch, Myrcella became Lord Eddard's ward, and Tommen was sent to Casterly Rock alongside his grandfather, Tywin Lannister.
Robert I Baratheon named as heir to the Lordship of Storm's End his bastard son, Gendry, who was legitimized as a Baratheon, while Renly Baratheon had to keep the Lordship of Dragonstone.
While all these events were taking place, Arya stayed away from her as did hers, her brothers, continuing her quiet life. It was said that the more she grew, her beauty intensified, being considered as beautiful as her deceased aunt, Lyanna Stark and this led to Lady Stark receiving different marriage proposals, this being very stressful for her and she refused to marry someone. man who would deny her to be just a "baby machine".
Despite this, her parents wanted her to marry, so they sought a compromise with House Tyrell or House Hightower. This upset Arya and she decided to undertake a trip to King's Landing where Robert Baratheon still reigned who received her as a daughter of her. There she met Gendry Baratheon, the now Lord of Storm's End, a handsome young man, stocky and with a temper similar to that of his father the king when he was young.
Arya and Gendry had a good relationship sharing a great passion for hunting, weapons and horses. Gendry wrote letters to her half-brother, Edric Tormenta, about how beautiful Lady Stark was and how much he enjoyed her company, even thinking of marrying her. While this was happening, Eddard Stark and Mace Tyrell had agreed an engagement between Arya and Mace's son, Loras Tyrell, but it was said that she was having an affair with Renly Baratheon. Given this, the young wolf decided to turn to Lord Gendry to seek her help and he asked for her hand, stating that in her marriage she will not have to be a renegade or be a submissive wife allowing her to have the same freedoms as a single woman.
The two were secretly married in 308 A. C., he was 24 and she was 19 at a private ceremony near Visenya Hill. The couple consumed their marriage that same day, achieving their legitimacy. When Arya announced her marriage to Gendry, her mother was enraged as she considered her son-in-law a bastard and her daughter a shameless one. However, Eddard was not bothered by the union because of his sympathy for Gendry and together with Robert I they allowed the marriage despite the scandal it caused.
The couple settled in Storm's End and it is known that Lord Gendry allowed his wife to do what she liked, so Arya would wear her Mayan coat whenever she wanted, she would ride where she wanted to go and eat as she wanted to be. considered his attitude very shameful. Their marriage improved over the years and they both came to love each other, their marriage being very passionate, as well as faithful since Gendry never had lovers.
Despite not being pressured to give birth to a child, Arya became pregnant in 310 A. C., giving birth to her first son, Eddard Baratheon who would be Lord of Storm's End.
Arya and Gendry had three more children:
Catelyn Baratheon who would be known to have a love affair with her cousin, Elys Arryn and ended up being Mistress of the Three Towers.
Gendry Baratheon who would unite the Flint Clan in Winterfell.
Robert Baratheon who would be known to have five wives and many offspring.
Arya Stark raised all of her children to be formidable warriors and had other qualities that were not only politics or marriage, making her son Gendry join the Flint Clan thanks to his skill with the spear and the arc. Lady Baratheon did not participate much in auditions with the Lord of Storm's End, but she was present alongside her husband and was allowed to speak about her whenever she was important.
Arya was also part of some groups of women who used to secretly compete in tournaments or horse races, posing as a man named Arry and went on to win several matches even against her own husband. She also had a great influence at court, getting many women to put aside their uncomfortable attire or feminine attitudes so that they could do the same hobbies as a man or dress like one, this being frowned upon by some vassals of the Baratheon.
The life of the young wolf was affected when in 335 A. C., her brothers Robb and Sansa passed away, her deaths being very painful for Lady Baratheon since despite always having differences with her sister, her relationship improved when they reached adulthood.
In 344 A. C., Gendry Baratheon died of heart problems and Arya never recovered from that loss, visiting the grave of her husband whenever she could. After becoming a widow, she remained by her son Eddard, being a more influential woman than her daughter-in-law, Wanda Frey (Stevron Frey's great-granddaughter), creating a great tension between them for wanting to be the most important woman.
Arya Stark died in 353 A. C., she at 64 years of age of natural causes and her remains were buried next to those of her husband in Storm's End.
Mejores destinos para la familia Stark (3/5)
~ARYA STARK: Fue la hija menor de Eddard Stark y Catelyn Tully.  A diferencia de su hermana, Sansa que era muy femenina y tradicional, Arya amaba cabalgar, espadas, tiro con arco y jugar de manera bruta, además no le importaba ensuciarse y portar ropas ordinarías como si fuera una niña mas del pueblo.
Cuando su padre fue nombrado Mano del Rey tras la muerte de Jon Arryn en 300 d. C., Arya junto a su hermano Bran partieron a la Capital con su padre, mientras que sus otros hermanos se quedaron en Invernalia. En su estancia en Desembarco del Rey fue algo tumultuosa debido a que todos veían mal su comportamiento rebelde y marimacho, incluso la reina Cersei la llamo “Príncipe Arya” en modo de burla.
En el 303 d. C., Eddard junto a Renly Baratheon y Varys conspiraron en contra de la reina Cersei Lannister tras descubrir que sus tres hijos no eran del rey Robert y buscaron la forma de encontrar a la reina junto a su amante y hermano, Jaime Lannister.
Tras el evento conocido como “El escandalo de la Torre de la Reina” donde el Rey y su mano irrumpieron en las habitaciones de Cersei encontrándola en pleno acto con su amante siendo esto horrible para el rey Robert que por fin descubría la verdadera cara de su esposa. Para no peligrar Arya y Bran fueron enviados en secreto a Invernalia donde estuvieron bajo la protección de su madre y su hermano mayor, Robb.
Cersei y Jaime Lannister fueron ejecutados por traición, adulterio e incesto, mientras que sus hijos fueron desheredados a favor de Stannis Baratheon que se convirtió en el heredero de los Siete Reinos. Joffrey Mares fue obligado a unirse a la Guardia de la Noche, Myrcella quedo como pupila de Lord Eddard y Tommen fue enviado a Roca Casterly junto a su abuelo, Tywin Lannister.
Robert I Baratheon nombro como heredero del Señorio de Bastión de Tormenta a su hijo bastardo, Gendry el cual fue legitimado como un Baratheon, mientras que Renly Baratheon tuvo que quedarse con el señorío de Rocadragón.
Mientras todos estos acontecimientos ocurrían, Arya se mantuvo lejos al igual que sus hermanos siguiendo con su vida tranquila. Se decía que mientras mas crecía su belleza se intensificaba mas, siendo considerada igual de hermosa que su tía fallecida, Lyanna Stark y esto conllevo a que Lady Stark empezó a recibir diferentes propuestas matrimoniales siendo esto muy estresante para ella y se negaba a casarse con algún hombre que la renegara a ser solo una “maquina de bebés”.
Pesé a esto sus padres deseaban que se casara, así que buscaron un compromiso con la Casa Tyrell o la Casa Hightower. Esto molesto a Arya y decidió emprender un viaje hacia Desembarco del Rey donde aun reinaba Robert Baratheon que la recibió como una hija. Ahí conoció a Gendry Baratheon, el ahora Señor de Bastión de Tormenta un joven apuesto, fornido y con un temple parecido al de su padre el rey cuando este era joven.
Arya y Gendry tuvieron una buena relación compartiendo una gran pasión por la caza, las armas y los caballos. Gendry escribía cartas a su medio hermano, Edric Tormenta sobre lo bella que era Lady Stark y lo mucho que disfrutaba su compañía pensando incluso en desposarse con ella. Mientras esto sucedía, Eddard Stark y Mace Tyrell habían acordado un compromiso entre Arya y el hijo de Mace, Loras Tyrell, pero de este se decía que mantenía un romance con Renly Baratheon. Ante esto la joven loba decidió recurrir a Lord Gendry para buscar su ayuda y el pidió su mano afirmando que en su matrimonio no tendrá que ser renegada o ser una esposa sumisa permitiéndole tener sus mismas libertades como una mujer soltera.
Ambos se casaron en secreto en el 308 d. C., el tenia 24 y ella 19 años en una ceremonia privada cerca de la Colina de Visenya. La pareja consumió su matrimonio ese mismo día logrando su legitimidad. Cuando Arya anunció su casamiento con Gendry, su madre monto en cólera ya que consideraba a su nuero como un bastardo y a su hija como una desvergonzada. Sin embargo Eddard no se molesto por la unión por su simpatía hacia Gendry y junto a Robert I permitieron el matrimonio pese al escandalo que ocasionaba.
La pareja se instalo en Bastión de Tormenta y se sabe que Lord Gendry permitía a su esposa hacer lo que ella le gustara, por lo que Arya vestiría con su cota de maya cuando quisiera, cabalgaría hacia donde ella quería llegar y comería como ella quisiera siendo considerada su actitud muy vergonzosa. Su matrimonio fue mejorando con el paso de los años y ambos llegaron a amarse siendo su matrimonio muy apasionado, además de fiel ya que Gendry jamas tuvo amantes.
Pesé a no ser presionada para alumbrar a un hijo, Arya se quedo embarazada en el 310 d. C., dando a luz a su primer hijo, Eddard Baratheon que sería Señor de Bastión de Tormenta.
Arya y Gendry tuvieron tres hijos mas:
Catelyn Baratheon que sería conocida por tener una historia de amor con su primo, Elys Arryn y termino siendo Señora de las Tres Torres.
Gendry Baratheon que uniría al Clan Flint en Invernalia.
Robert Baratheon que sería conocido por tener cinco esposas y mucha descendencia.
Arya Stark educo a todos sus hijos para que fueran formidables guerreros y tuvieran otras cualidades que no solo fueran la politica o el matrimonio, logrando que su hijo Gendry se uniera al Clan Flint gracias a su destreza con la lanza y el arco. Lady Baratheon no participo mucho en las audiciones con el Señor de Bastión de Tormenta, pero estuvo presente junto a su marido y se le permitía hablar siempre que fuera importante.
Arya también formo parte de algunos grupos de mujeres que solían competir en secreto en torneos o carreras de caballos, haciéndose pasar por un hombre llamado Arry y llego a ganar varios combates incluso contra su propio marido. También tuvo una gran influencia en la corte logrando que muchas mujeres dejaran de lado sus atuendos incomodos o actitudes femeninas para que pudieran hacer los mismos pasatiempos que un hombre o vestir como uno, siendo esto mal visto por algunos vasallos de los Baratheon.
La vida de la joven loba se vio afectada cuando en el 335 d. C., fallecieron sus hermanos Robb y Sansa siendo sus muertes muy dolorosas para Lady Baratheon ya que pese a siempre tener diferencias con su hermana, su relación mejoro cuando llegaron a la edad adulta.
En el 344 d. C., falleció Gendry Baratheon de problemas del corazón y Arya jamás se recupero de aquella perdida, visitando la tumba de su esposo cada vez que podía. Tras convertirse en viuda se mantuvo al lado de su hijo Eddard siendo una mujer mas influyente que su nuera, Wanda Frey (bisnieta de Stevron Frey) creándose una gran tensión entre ambas por querer ser la mujer mas importante.
Arya Stark murió en el año 353 d. C., a los 64 años de edad de causas naturales y sus restos fueron enterrados junto a los de su marido en Bastión de Tormenta.
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jovensofjustice · 3 years
qual a cada de cada um em GOT?
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Mary: Não existe um quizz no Buzzfeed para saber isso? Bom, Casa Targaryen aqui. Daenerys personagem injustiçada!
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Will: Eu acho que Casa Lannister.
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Jhony: Casa Stark, a melhor casa.
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Dawn: Por mais que eu ame a Casa Stark, acho que sou Mormont, é uma ilha cheia de mulheres que andam por aí com machados, tem coisa mais legal?
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Don: Casa Lannister também.
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Harrold: Não me julguem, mas até hoje eu não terminei a primeira temporada. Mas, vou dizer Casa Stark porque gosto do Ned, ele é um cara legal.
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Meena: Eu nunca assisti, não é muito meu estilo. A Dawn me mostrou algumas fotos das Casas e eu escolhi Tully, uma truta faz sentindo e era melhor do que a lula, eu não gosto de lulas.
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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Re-Fancast (1): Dacey Mormont (Bridget Regan)
Dacey Mormont fue la hija mayor de Lady Maege Mormont y heredera de la Isla del Oso.
Dacey es descrita como una mujer desgarbada con casi dos varas y un palmo de estatura. A pesar de su complexión, Dacey se veía elegante usando vestidos y bailando.
Dacey cabalga al sur contra los Lannister junto a Robb Stark. Es nombrada compañera de batalla y guardia personal del rey durante la Batalla del Bosque Susurrante.
Al ser junto a su madre,Lady Maege, unas de las pocas mujeres en el ejército de Robb, entablan una relación de amistad con Catelyn, al poder comprender su dolor como madre.
Dacey se encuentra entre la nobleza norteña que marcha a Los Gemelos para asistir a la boda de Lord Edmure Tully y Roslin Frey. Sostiene que ha peleado en cada batalla con Robb y que éste las ha ganado todas. Durante el banquete de boda, Dacey baila con su rey. La negativa de Edwyn Frey de bailar con ella es uno de los últimos signos de tensión antes de que los Frey se vuelquen contra sus invitados y los asesinen. Dacey se las arregla para huir de Ser Benfrey Frey, arrojándole una jarra de vino en la cara, pero es asesinada cuando Ser Ryman Frey le asesta un golpe de hacha en el vientre.
Tanto ella como su madre y sus hermanas muestran una fuerza y coraje que no es “típico” de las mujeres nobles, Dacey es tanto guerrera como dama, diferente a Brienne (Que no se siente ni hombre, ni mujer).
Dacey Mormont was the oldest daughter of Lady Maege Mormont and heir to Bear Island.
Dacey is described as a lanky woman with almost two rods and a span in height. Despite her complexion, Dacey looked elegant wearing dresses and dancing.
Dacey rides south against the Lannisters alongside Robb Stark. She is named a battlemate and personal guard to the king during the Battle of the Whispering Forest.
Being with her mother, Lady Maege, one of the few women in Robb's army, they establish a friendship with Catelyn, being able to understand her pain as a mother.
Dacey is among the northern nobility who marches to The Twins to attend the wedding of Lord Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey. She maintains that she has fought in every battle with Robb and that Robb has won them all. During the wedding party, Dacey dances with her king. Edwyn Frey's refusal to dance with her is one of the last signs of tension before the Freys turn on their guests and murder them. Dacey manages to run away from Ser Benfrey Frey, throwing a jug of wine in his face, but is killed when Ser Ryman Frey deals an ax blow to his belly.
Both she and her mother and sisters show a strength and courage that is not "typical" of noble women, Dacey is both a warrior and a lady, different from Brienne (who feels neither male nor female).
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cordiibus · 4 years
HEADCANONS. Pets ! Some of my muses have pets and I refuse to have them neglected any longer ! So here is a list of everyone’s pet & their name. 
Ozemir: Dusty ( 5 years old )  & Peach ( 1.5 year old )
Akar: Kali ( ?? ) & Kuroo ( ?? )
Erebus: Piper ( 2 years old ) 
Tully ( he has a whole farm but ya know ): Alfie ( 8 years old ) , Sorcha ( 13 years ), Cara ( 2 years ), Chad ( ?? ) 
Balthasar: Maya ( 5 years old ) 
Lunette: Asa ( 9 years old )  & Rose ( 5 years old )
Sergio: Rocky ( 7 years old ) 
Joaquin: Xabat ( 3 years old ) 
Enki: Mayo ( 10 years old ) snake tw. 
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desertdollranch · 1 year
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Cara looks so cute dressed for summer. I made her dress, and her lovely straw hat was a thrift store find. Today she’s doing some sightseeing!
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therealpedrolee · 4 years
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Back off man! We're scientists! TONIGHT at 9 PM – 11:30 PM The Shillelagh Tavern 47-22 30th Ave, Astoria, New York 11103 Don't cross the streams... You may be working for the weekend, but Shot4Shot has other things in mind this 6th day of the week. Shot4Shot is a drinking game with a movie problem. Actors are blind cast, scripts handed out the day of, drinking rules rolled out, and fun is had. We ain't afraid of no beers! You may be working for the weekend, but Shot4Shot has other things in mind this 6th day of the week. Shot4Shot is a drinking game with a movie problem. Actors are blind cast, scripts handed out the day of, drinking rules rolled out, and fun is had. We ain't afraid of no beers! THE CAST Stage Directions... Eddy Cara (special guest) Drink Ref... Kara Hankard (special guest) Venkman... Christine Piñeiro (special guest) Dana... Matt Caron (special guest) Ray... Jenny Hill (special guest) Winston... Pedro Lee Egon... Leah Evans Slimer/Library Ghost/Larry King/Mayor's Aide/Archbishop/Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man... Sonia Nam Janine/Alice... Eric Mangin (special guest) Louis Tully/Library Administrator... Marissa Stuart Walter Peck... Patrick Reidy (special guest) Mayor/Hotel Manager/Casey Kasem/Doorman/Businessman in a Cab... Hannah Erdheim (special guest) Gozer/Jennifer/Real Estate Woman/Man at Elevator/Joe Franklin/Violinist/Woman at Party/Coachman/ConEdison Man/Police Sergeant/Fire Commissioner.. Amelia Morgan Male Student/Dean Yeager/Chambermaid/Roger Grimsby/TV Reporter/Tall Woman at Party/Police Captain/Jailguard/Police Commissioner/People in Crowd... Aaron LaRoche (special guest) On the Keys.. Ian Rubin For tickets please click or copy and paste the link below in your browser https://bit.ly/38n94pV (at The Shillelagh Tavern) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9u1-d8pu7V/?igshid=9hokwq6petm3
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ao3feed-gendrya · 4 years
I saw the love in your eyes
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2NfpSY1
by saraBaratheon29
Bem eu estou com essa historia na cabeça a um tempo, então decidi escrever e ver no que vai dar.
"Bem para resumir eu namorava esse cara a dois anos e estávamos noivos, e iriamos nos casar ano que vem. Mas bem...sim, ele me traiu com uma garota que ele conheceu em um bar e decidiu que preferia ela a mim",
Words: 1080, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Roslin Frey, Oberyn Martell, Robb Stark, Jeyne Westerling, Arya Stark, Gendry Waters, Jon Snow, Ygritte (ASoIaF), Sansa Stark, Willas Tyrell, Meera Reed, Bran Stark, Shireen Baratheon, Rickon Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Jeyne Poole, Robert Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell, Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Doran Martell, Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand
Relationships: Roslin Frey/Oberyn Martell, Roslin Frey/Robb Stark, Robb Stark/Jeyne Westerling, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Sansa Stark/Willas Tyrell, Meera Reed/Bran Stark, Shireen Baratheon/Rickon Stark, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Theon Greyjoy/Jeyne Poole
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Jon Snow is a Stark, Jon Snow is Not a Targaryen, Robert Baratheon is a good father, Gendry Waters is a Baratheon, Betrayal, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Robb is a little a asshole
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2NfpSY1
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hypernet · 5 years
Microcríticas 108: Tully
“Tully”, yo me deprimo, ella se deprime…
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Te estamparé el carrito en la cara como me digas que tú lo harías mejor como madre…
Poco a poco me voy acordando de toooooda esa cantidad ingente de series y pelis que he ido viendo, y de las que me gustaría hablaros. Y está bien que me vaya dedicando a hacer estas críticas poco a poco, porque el curso escolar empezará dentro de poco, y eso unido a un com…
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que legal que vc abriu pra gente mandar asks! não sei se sou a primeira pessoa a mandar ask mas eu queria saber, qual é o seu personagem favorito de got e por que?
Então, sim essa a primeira pergunta. E respondendo a respeito do meu personagem favorito é complicado porque eu gosto de vários. Eu tentei pensar em um personagem com ponto de vista e outro sem para pelo menos dar uma resposta decente. Mas vi que é muito difícil, bem vamos mesmo assim pensar aqui a respeito de personagens que tiveram bons capítulos e que eu adorei ler. 
Bem, eu gosto do Jaime Lannister em questão de evolução de personagem, a jornada dele e em questão de muitos capítulos dele serem os meus favoritos. Mas ele perde bem pouco para o Sor Davos Seaworth e para Theon Greyjoy, além é claro do Sor Barristan Selmy e Brienne de Tarth.  
Sobre personagens sem ponto de vista? Olha, vou roubar um pouquinho e dizer que é o Stannis Baratheon. Eu era um forte apoiador do Stannis quando ele era um candidato a Rei de Westeros, mas é claro que temos outros personagens sem ponto de vista também interessantes… Tipo, Brynden Tully, o Peixe Negro. Ou Doran Martell, cara o que é Doran Martell nos livros? Nossa, um ótimo personagem que foi desperdiçado na série. Oberyn é ótimo também. 
Enfim, respondido a pergunta? Espero que sim hahaha.
Até mais o/ 
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toothielegacy · 2 years
“  are you sure you’re okay?  ”
Nervosismo chovia sobre a ruiva toda vez que encontrava com o aprendiz de Breu. Seja pela aura diferente que o enxergava, seja pela realidade esquecida voltando à tona. Toothiana tinha avisado de que não podia ser amigável demais com ele, para sempre ter cuidado quando estava juntos, o aviso que Rylina tinha categoricamente ignorado. Agora? Depois da valsa da Lua de Sangue, a visão parecia diferente. Como se um caleidoscópio estivesse no meio do caminho, distorcendo e alterando o que sempre tinha parecido simples na visão da ruiva. "Sim! Estou ótimo! Nunca estive melhor! Sim!" Respondeu afobada, o susto do encontro fazendo as palavras se atropelarem entre si. Fazendo-a mentir na cara dura. A Tully aceitou a mão estendida do rapaz por educação, a consciência de ser pesada demais não querendo puxá-lo para cima de si por engano. Em pé, vermelha de vergonha, a aprendiz procurava um uma frestinha para se esconder. "Foi só uma quedinha de nada, eu juro! Não me arranhei nem nada! Quer dizer, só aquela pancada no ego, mas nada que um copão de suco do refeitório não resolva." Internamente, uma mini Rylina dava um tapão na testa da maior. Que bela maneira de encerrar o assunto, sua tonta. Agora parece que foi convite! Respirou fundo, o sorriso de milhões de sóis embutidos brincando de aparecer nos lábios da ruiva. "Quer ir? O tempo tem ficado tão quente ultimamente que... Não consigo fazer uma comparação decente sem que envolva alguma celebridade arthuriana sem camisa, então: sim ou claro, Samael?"
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