#captains log!rex
rexxdjarin · 2 years
something I’ll probably never get to write bc Captain’s Log likely won’t explore this much:
“Rex’ika.” The raspy little voice called out behind him.
Rex whipped around quickly to stare in surprise at his little one smirking up at him. “Where did you…?” He began to ask, raising his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “Don’t call me that.” He sighed exasperatedly.
“Why not?” The little one retorted playfully, fiddling with the edges of his tunic. “Uncle Wolffe said he calls you that all the time.”
Rex rolled his eyes exactly the way his older brother always did when he was irritated too. Of course this would come from him. “Yes, but I’m your Father. He’s my brother. It’s different.”
“How?” He asked quizzically, looking up at his Father with his Mother’s dark eyes and that cute little thinking expression of hers. “What does …’ika…adding -ika, mean, Dad?”
Rex eyed his own ad’ika where he stood, bold and intelligent and wide-eyed in waiting for his question’s answer. “‘ika means little. So when Uncle Wolffe calls me Rex’ika…it means little brother. Even though I’m not little.” He finished with an amused huff. “To you, I am not little. I’m your big ole Dad, right little bug?”
He giggled, “I…I guess not, Dad. You are big. Am I gonna be big like you someday?” He walked forward, reaching his little arms up in a silent request to be picked up. Rex obliged, scooping up his son in his arms and resting their foreheads together.
“Yeah, buddy, you will. But all on your own. And you can take your time growing old, ok? Promise me?” He asked, proud of him for being so self aware at such a young age and more than a little sad that even natural growth seems to work too fast. Rex didn’t know how many years he had left, if the chip had altered how he fast he’d age for the rest of those years or if he’d ever get to see his little miracle boy become who he knew the universe had destined him to be.
His son’s tiny yet capable little hands rested on the height of his cheekbones, so like his Mother’s do, and he smiled. “I promise, Dad. I’m gonna be strong like you. And then I can call you Rex’ika. Because I’ll be big!”
Rex let out a deep laugh and settled his son in his arms. “Wolffe? Get over here! What are you teaching him?”
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sleepingsun501 · 1 year
Rex and OC Mari Vontas from Captain’s Log by @rexxdjarin
UPDATED: 03/21/2023
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🌶 Full spice here (Ao3)
Julie, babes, thank you so much for letting me draw these two!! I love them with my whole being 💙💙 They’re so perfect together, and I can’t wait to see where your stories take them!!
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kick-a-droid · 1 year
With the war over, Cody and Rex can indulge themselves in the luxuries of civilian life—like eating cereal at 2 am.
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el-im · 11 months
minorly obsessed with the man teaching my writing in bio course. i would literally rather shoot myself in the foot than ever go onto grammarly but please read this description of an assignment he wrote. 
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questforgalas · 10 months
Thank you for coming back
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Notes: So once again, @zaana's incredible art lived rent free in my head until I put it down on paper. So here's a delightful AU where Crosshair doesn't get sent to Tantiss because guess who gets to him first? Chose to do a rescue from Barton IV because Cross is in his imperial armor in the art, and I thought "Hey, let's maybe give him a break and not make him go through torture before he's rescued?" Neat idea, right? Let's tell Jen and Brad
WC: 3K (lol this was going to be a drabble)
Characters: The Bad Batch (all of them!)
Tags: Wrecker POV (he deserves all the Crosshair reunion energy), angst at the end (Crosshair is going through it ok), hurt/comfort, giant family group hug, Crosshair and Wrecker cry, Hunter is emotional, canon typical violence, implied mistreatment by the Empire (did I mention Crosshair is going through it?), family reunion, all the family fluff I could fit into 3k words
Tay's Masterlist
Read on AO3
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The sound of blaster fire was becoming permanent in Wrecker’s ears. Hunkered down behind a duracrete barrier, he kept his DC-17 trained on the Imps attempting to advance on his position, blaster bolts streaming past his head. 
“Seriously, who trained these guys to shoot,” he thought to himself, needing to only dodge a few bolts from the barrage while his targets fell with each pull of his trigger. 
The landing platform at the depot on Barton IV was looking more like a true battlefield and less like a remote outpost with every passing minute. Two T-4 shuttles lay in smoking ruins - the first thanks to Hunter’s skill on the Marauder’s rear gun and the second thanks to an excellent detonator throw by Wrecker - and stormtrooper bodies lay scattered across the duracrete ground. So far, Wrecker and Hunter were executing their part of the plan perfectly, but when it came to creating distractions, there wasn’t much guess work as to Wrecker’s success rate. 
The Batch’s intel told them that the depot, located on a desolate, frozen planet that rivaled Hoth’s  icy temperatures, normally operated as a blip on the Empire’s priority list. In fact, blip might have been giving it too much credit. The small clone trooper squad that was assigned to protection detail put in requests for equipment, supplies, and reinforcements throughout their year of service, and every request fell on deaf imperial ears. Gathered from the information Tech found during his hacking, Commander Mayday of the squad put in a request for reinforcements 40 rotations ago, citing that only five members of his squad remained alive at the time the request went in, but Tech couldn’t find any log of a response anywhere in the records. Complete silence from the Empire. 
Until 4 rotations ago. The call went out for a platoon of stormtroopers to ready for deployment to Barton IV with orders to transport cargo of high importance to the Empire from the depot to the military base on Coruscant. Prior to the platoon’s arrival, a small squad of clone troopers was sent to scout and ready the depot for the cargo transfer. The squad consisted of two standard troopers and one specialized. One prickly, stubborn, unyielding specialized trooper who Wrecker couldn’t wait to see again. 
When Tech caught chatter that a clone trooper shot a commanding imperial officer in broad daylight in front of an imperial depot, he initially intended to send the intel directly to Captain Rex, informing him of another defecting clone who would be in need of assistance, but after he scanned the information log, he didn’t register his datapad falling from his hands, thudding on the floor, only able to to focus on activating the comm on his vambrace, urging Hunter to get to the Marauder as quickly as possible. Because there in front of him, written across the Marauder’s main computer, was CT-9904: Defector. Charged with the murder of Lieutenant Nolan. In custody on Barton IV. Scheduled for armed transfer in two rotations. 
The discussion was short - Hunter the only one remaining cautious until Tech confirmed the lack of security at the depot, even with the stormtrooper platoon coming in - and the Batch set their course to Barton IV less than two hours after the message was intercepted. The plan was easy, one the Batch could nearly execute in their sleep, even with their newer blonde addition. Create a distraction to draw the majority of security out into the open which Hunter and Wrecker would engage while Omega provided cover from the Marauder. Meanwhile, Tech and Echo skirt along the edge of the chaos, slip into the depot undetected, locate Crosshair’s location, and extract him while neutralizing any remaining threats if necessary. 
Plans 5, 4, and 21. The Batch specialty. 
“Wrecker, incoming! Northwest!” Hunter’s smokey voice called over the commotion. 
The far gate of the depot opened, ten stormtroopers running out to join the fight. “Yeah, I see ‘em, Sarge,” Wrecker confirmed. “They look excited to see us.” 
Hunter took cover behind his barrier, and turned his head in Wrecker’s direction.
“How about you give our hosts a warm greeting?” Hunter suggested, cocking his head to the side. Wrecker could feel the smug smirk under that helmet.
“Gladly,” Wrecker responded gleefully. 
Reaching into the pack on his back, he grabbed two thermal detonators, clicked them live, and chucked. They arced into the air, curving in opposite directions, landing right in the middle of the oncoming troopers, and Wrecker watched as all ten stormtroopers disappeared into a beautiful burst of orange, red, and black. 
“Direct hit,” Wrecker yelled, pumping his DC-17 in triumph. 
Across the way, Hunter gave a quick thumbs up and popped his head above his barrier. Wrecker did the same, confirming that the landing platform was clear of imps for the moment, but they knew more troopers would arrive soon. They’d only taken out about 30 of them so far. 
“Agh, where are they,” Hunter wondered, helmet trained on the door they expected to see their brothers emerge from. 
“Give ‘em a few more minutes, Sarge. I doubt the Empire just left Crosshair in a set of binders on a crate.” 
“They’re dumb enough to,” Hunter said. A soft chuckle came through his modulator, “Wonder how long he’d humor them until he took them all out with his hands still bound.” 
“Knowing Crosshair? They wouldn’t even get the binders on him,” Wrecker laughed. 
Hunter went quiet, helmet still pointed at the door. Then his shoulders fell like he was bowing to a weight Wrecker couldn’t see. “We’ll have to be patient. He’s…” Hunter paused. “He’s probably not the Crosshair we remember. There are going to be some … invisible wounds.” 
Wrecker released his own shuttered breath. He looked down at the ground for a moment, and then looked back up to find Hunter looking back at him. “Doesn’t matter how long it takes. We’ll help patch those up too.” 
Hunter remained still for a breath and then nodded. 
The silence was interrupted by a chime on Hunter’s comm. “What’ve you got, Omega?” he asked as he activated the connection. 
“I’m picking up multiple heat signatures heading our way. Looks like our little break is over,” Omega’s voice chirped over the comm. 
“Copy that,” Hunter responded.
Wrecker brought his own comm up to his mouth. “What’s your count, kid?” he asked playfully. 
“I’m at 4,” Omega answered, a smug tone floating through. 
“Only 4? You’re falling behind. I’m at 18,” Wrecker said. 
“I don’t think the thermal detonators should count,” Hunter interjected. 
“What?! Did you see how perfectly those landed? Probably my best yet! Not even Tech could pull that off.” 
“It’s hardly fair when I’m all the way back here on the Marauder!” Omega argued. 
“Excuses excuses, kid,” Wrecker teased. Their debate came to a quick halt when the remaining hangar doors of the depot opened, revealing the last wave of the platoon. “Alright, break time’s over. Shoot good, kid.” 
The platform became engulfed in battle once again. Blaster bolts peppered the air. Thermal detonators flew. Line after line of stormtroopers tried to take the advantage on the two ground soldiers and their coverage, but Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega held them back with ease. Wrecker heard General Skywalker speaking to Hunter about something called meditation once - a staple Jedi practice of centering one’s mind and connecting with the force through quiet sitting - and while Wrecker wasn’t sure this would meet the Jedi standard, he imagined this was the closest to meditation he would ever come. Surrounded by the sounds of battle. Adrenaline pumping in his veins. He’d hit a point of focus that drowned everything else out, his mission the only thought in his mind. And he was dam good at it, too. 
His DC-17 sang, and he let out a jovial laugh as he took down another line of troopers. As he focused on the enemies in front of him, the squad’s comm channel chimed in his helmet, and the only thing in the galaxy that could divert his attention from the battle in front of him called through the speakers.
“Hunter. Wrecker. We’ve got him. We’re approaching the exit. What’s the status of the platform?” Echo’s voice came through. 
For a second, Wrecker and Hunter turned towards each other, both chests rising rapidly with fast breaths not caused by the battle in front of them, and Wrecker knew if he could see Hunter’s eyes, they’d reflect the same bottomless relief he was feeling. 
Wrecker forced himself back to the present and provided cover fire while Hunter responded. 
“You’re clear to exit. A few imps left but nothing we can’t handle. Wrecker and I will provide cover fire while you cross the platform. Go directly to the Marauder,” Hunter ordered. 
Wrecker’s breath caught in his throat when a low, raspy voice could be heard in the background. “No, we thought we’d take a hike in the mountains.”
A hitched breath came through, and in his peripheral, Wrecker noticed Hunter lean his helmet back against the duracrete barrier, shoulders shaking. 
“I never thought I’d miss his attitude,” Omega piped in. 
That broke the tension building in Wrecker’s head, and a laugh barreled out from his chest. Brain clear and ready to act again, he focused on the remaining stormtroopers trying to hold their ground. 
“Omega, get the engines running. We’re getting off this hunk of ice as soon as we’re all onboard,” Hunter finished relaying the orders. 
“One more thing,” Tech’s voice came through this time. “I did the scan. The inhibitor chip has indeed been removed, but only after the encounter on Bracca. Crosshair did remove it voluntarily unbeknownst to the Empire.”
“Tech kind of refused to leave the holding cells until he was able to confirm it all. Hacked records and everything here on the depot. That’s what took us so long,” Echo supplied.
“Thank the Maker for Tech, and his stubborn need for knowledge,” Hunter mumbled. He went back on the comm, “Glad to hear it. Now get out here.”
Hunter turned to Wrecker. “Let’s take out as many as we can before they get here. Once they emerge, you lay down cover fire, and I’ll take overwatch.” 
“Copy that,” Wrecker replied, and they went to work. 
Time that had been passing at light speed slowed to the flow of Mustafar lava. Only ten stormtroopers remained posted across the platform, and Wrecker was determined to clear as many as he could before his brothers emerged. 
Another minute passed. Another. Then another. Time was taunting him.  
A whoosh floated over the blasterfire. The blasted door to the depot finally opened, and there in the doorway were three bent over figures - two supporting the weight of the third in between them - hobbling onto the landing deck. Wrecker allowed himself one glance hoping it would calm his running mind. Echo took most of the middle figure’s weight, flesh arm wrapped around their waist and scomp arm securing the arm wrapped across Echo’s back dangling over his shoulder, while Tech kept one arm around the figure’s waist and kept his blaster at the ready in the other. 
As Wrecker glanced at them,  it wasn’t the figure’s distinct all black armor - the armor of the imperial special forces - that identified him to Wrecker. No, it was the tattoo around their right eye. The tattoo Wrecker sat and watched as Tech gave it to them when they were still just cadets. The tattoo that represented their pride in their skill. The tattoo that told everyone exactly which batch he belonged to, front and center for all to see. The crosshair. 
Flanking from behind, Tech easily took down three stormtroopers before they made their way down the stairs. The remaining seven stormtroopers barked out orders to fall back, trying to regroup due to the new arrivals, and Wrecker used their confusion to his advantage, taking out another three in one go. Realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched, the remaining four stormtroopers fell back to the hangar, shooting wildly at any target they could see. 
Slower than Wrecker would like, his three brothers made their way to his and Hunter’s position across the platform. As soon as they crossed the threshold of their barriers, Hunter stood from his coverage, falling in step to provide cover directly at their backs. 
“Alright, Wrecker. Let’s keep these guys pinned as we head to the ship,” Hunter said. 
Jumping into position, Wrecker kept a steady pace back to the Marauder without breaking his fire on the remaining stormtroopers. Hunter hit one more as they walked, and Wrecker had his finger on the trigger to take down another when a streak of pink flew over his head and directly into the helmet of his target. 
He glanced over his shoulder. 
“Final count: 12,” Omega beamed down at him from the top of the ramp into the Marauder. 
“Aha! Nice shot, kid! Now let’s get out of here,” Wrecker said, barreling up the ramp into the ship. 
The ramp closed up as the ship made its way into the air, and the energy within immediately went still. Tech sat in the cockpit, taking over the controls from Omega once on board, but Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Omega, and Crosshair remained in the hold. 
Crosshair sat in the chair in front of the computer, slumped over, one hand on the armrest propping him while an elbow rested on a knee like that was all the energy he could muster. He was breathing heavy, chest rising and falling as if he’d just finished a training sprint back on Kamino. Wrecker quickly gave his body a once over. Crosshair had always been lithe, by far the smallest body mass of the Bad Batch, but there had been muscle underneath those long limbs that gave any regular clone trooper a run for his money. Now, Wrecker clocked only bones showing underneath the exposed areas his armor didn’t cover, and his cheekbones were sharp above the hollowness of his cheeks. Purple blotched under his eyes, and it was impossible not to notice the deep scar that covered the right side on the back of his head. The scar he received when he took the full heat of a Venator ion engine. 
The same engine he tried to trap his brothers in. 
“Thank you…for coming for me. I…I wouldn’t have blamed you if you didn’t,” Crosshair drawled, head bent down. Whether he was unable to lift it from lack of strength or not being able to face the current scene, Wrecker wasn’t sure. His own heart was thudding in his chest, threatening to burst out. He called on every ounce of discipline and self-restraint he learned in his years as a soldier and remained rooted in place, holding his breath. The rest of the Batch stood as still as statues, four sets of eyes on their silver-haired brother. 
“You can drop me off at the closest port. You can pick. Doesn’t matter to me,” Crosshair said to the floor. Still, no one else spoke. He raised his head, glancing at each of them. His gaze settled on Hunter. “I…I’d understand if that’s what you want to do. It’s what you should do.” 
The five of them felt the Marauder lurch into hyperspace, but still, Echo, Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker didn’t budge. Footsteps approached from the cockpit, and soon, Tech joined them, choosing to sit in the chair across from Crosshair. The silence grew, and Wrecked noticed the crease between the sniper’s eyebrows deepen while his eyes darted around the group.
“Well, aren’t any of you going to say something?” Crosshair asked, frustration creeping into his voice. He glanced around one more time, and finally stood up from the chair, a growl coming from his throat, back hunched like he was ready to pounce, and his gaze locked on Hunter, a finger pointed at the sergeant. “Listen, I didn’t ask you to come get me. I was ready to die on that platform after I shot the lieutenant, and I was ready to die in whatever maker-forsaken place they were going to send me. You hear me? I didn’t ask for this.” He gestured around the room, around the Batch. 
“So don’t make me a burden you don’t want. Drop me anywhere. Leave me. It’s what I deserve - oof!” 
Wrecker couldn’t take it anymore, and as he watched Crosshair teeter on the precipice of self-destruction, he took two strides towards his brother, and engulfed him in his arms. 
Crosshair stiffened, his arms frozen mid-gesture to the side. Wrecker stood there, arms firmly wrapped around Crosshair’s back and shoulders, head dipping to rest on top of Crosshair’s head, and he waited. Eventually, Crosshair’s arms fell to his sides, but his body remained stiff like he wasn’t actually registering what was happening. Then, after a few breaths, his arms slowly rose, one wrapping under Wrecker’s arm and the other circling over his shoulder. 
“Why did you come for me?” Wrecker heard muffled into his chestplate. 
“We don’t leave our own behind,” Wrecker answered simply. 
Wrecker felt the shaking first, then he heard the soft sobs. Tightening his arms, he held his once-lost brother as if challenging the galaxy to try and separate them again. When he felt Crosshair crumble into his chest, he released the grip he’d been holding on his own emotions, and the tears flowed freely. Tears of sorrow for what Crosshair endured. Tears of rage at the Empire. Tears of sweet relief at his family being whole again. 
Wrecker felt a pair of arms sneak between his waist and Crosshair’s chest, and when he looked up, he saw Hunter wrapped around Crosshair’s back, arms crushing the sniper into the sergeant’s chest. “We’ve got you, Cross,” Hunter murmured. 
One-by-one, Tech, Echo, and Omega joined in, the last squeezing herself into the middle, wrapping her arms around Crosshair’s leg, and even when the sobs quieted, they remained that way. There was a lot to talk about. A long road of trust to regain. They were about to navigate rough terrain. And the past will resurface, in old wounds, physical and not. But none of that mattered right now. In the middle of their home, a family reunited. Unsure what the future would bring them, but ready to face it all together.
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fandom-friday · 4 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
❄️ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: New Beginnings (Corrie!Dogma x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Forbidden Masks (Kix x f!Reader) by @deejadabbles ❄️ Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika ❄️ I Yearn, and so I Fear (Commander Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ❄️ Unwritten (Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Captain's Log (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim (Ahsoka Tano x OC Grim Kennet) by @chaosgod4life Even Though You're Gone, You're Still Around (Commander Bly x Aayla Secura) by super_heroine_addict (AO3) A Way Out for Two (Cad Bane x Obi-Wan Kenobi) by @feybarn ❄️ One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde Let Me Do It Right by TrickyTricky (AO3) Like Real People Do by Witless_clown (AO3) The Night Comes Down Like Heaven by @galacticgraffiti
The Bad Batch: ❄️ Same Heart (Echo x f!Reader, Fives x f!Reader) by @dumfanting ❄️ Doctor's Orders (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @grampsoninspace Happy Hatch Day by @eclec-tech
The Book of Boba Fett: True Rumors (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade On the Dome (Drash x Jo) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: A Murderous (and Talkative) Legacy by Dom_Avner (AO3) The Rising Darkness (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!Reader) by @marierg
Star Wars Original Series: Stars In Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean
Batman: In Another Life (Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne) by @dlaugh Bouncing Baby Bat by EmpressGeek (AO3) Maybe with a Shift in Planets by @sunflowersandink Apartment Policy: No Dragons Allowed by Bricksheep (AO3) The Night Shall Call Your Name (You Must Answer) by Fandom_Trash224 (AO3) "And it's Cassandra with the Steel Chair!" by destiny919 (AO3) QUARANTINED: RED ROBIN'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT by @justthatonegirl1815
Marvel/MCU: Hopeful (Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson) by @philtstone
Fire Emblem Series: Kulning (Annette Fantine Dominic x Felix Hugo Fraldarius) by @Star_on_a_Staff (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Fox-Inspired Tooka Art by @st4r-t3ars Commander by @finpews It's Commander Cody with a steel chair! by @merlyn-bane Captain Rex Art by @pinkiemme Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex Art by @comradewolfe ❄️ Captain Rex and OC Mari Vontas Art by @rexxdjarin What was I made for? by @spicyclones79s Your Bodies Seed the Stars by @aliettali ❄️ In the Meadow by @the-rain-on-kamino Jet is Doing His Best by @for-the-sake-of-color Hogsteed Concept Art by @art-of-wackylurker OC Nihlus Meets a Hogsteed by @art-of-wackylurker OC Ayyshu Family Art (Chuckles, Arni, and Nita) by @ninjigma
The Bad Batch: Tech and Omega Art by @jedizhi Crosshair Art by @melymigo The Baby Batch: Shaak Ti Meets the Bad Batch Babies by @ladykagewaki
Bloodborne: Good Hunter by @artofchinara
The Legend of Vox Machina: ❄️ "We're going to start with the Courage" by @lyaholya
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Dream A Little Dream of Me Part 2
Summary: Your reality is different than theirs. But hopefully, you can use that to your advantage and help put a stop to the Clone Wars. If catching the eye of a certain captain is also in the mix, then that's also a plus, right?
Pairing: Eventual Rex x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Alternate Reality stuff, Angst, Insomnia, Pong Krell, Umbara Arc
WC: 3.2K
A/N: Hi, hello, hey. Sorry it's been a minute since I wrote the part one to this! I'm still incredibly excited about this series. Hope you still are too!
Part One │ Taglist Form
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“You look sleepy as hell.” Your co-worker and old college roommate, Annie, smiles at you sympathetically from her desk that sits across from yours.
“Don’t I always?” You chuckle with a half shrug, as you continue logging the files you put back earlier for your bosses. 
You don’t have the most exciting job in the world. You work as a paralegal in your great uncle Robert’s law firm, but it’s really good money. And sure, it could be considered a nepotism hire if you really squint your eyes, but your uncle told you he’d treat you fairly in the hiring process. And he didn’t favor you to any of the other paralegals. At least, not really.
“Yeah, but like… you look especially out of it today.” She offers you a power bar and you shake your head, holding up your own from inside the top drawer.
You nod, drinking your coffee as you click out of excel on your computer. “I am sleepy, though. I had this insane dream last night.” 
Last night played over and over in your head, leaving you with so many questions. The number one being “How?” and what if you weren’t able to go back to that dream again? Why did it feel so real?
“Oooh. A sex dream?” Annie’s sweet smile turns into a smirk and you roll your eyes with a chuckle. “No, Annie. Not a sex dream.” You look at her as you ring your finger around the edge of your mug. 
You kinda wished it had been a sex dream, with the way that Rex had been looking at you. God, you missed him already. That’s not normal, right? How can you miss a fictional character of a show from a dream?
Then, your mind travels to just how real they felt. Like real flesh against your own. Fives’ face… Rex’s hand… Maybe you shouldn’t dwell on it too much. Just accept it for what it was. 
A good dream. Nothing more. 
When you get home from work, you avoid putting on The Clone Wars. It hurts a little to think about them right now. Plus, you’ve got a ton of other things you need to get caught up with. You’ve been putting off laundry for three days, along with vacuuming and dusting your living room. While it’s not an incredibly large space, it’ll still take some time. 
As you gather up the laundry hamper in your room, you can’t help but think about how silly this all feels… Your mind can’t even help but go back to the dream, to Rex’s hands on yours. How warm his skin felt against yours. 
You miss him… 
You miss all of them… 
As you clean, your phone starts to ring. You pull it out of your pocket after dumping a load into the washer, seeing that it's your mom.
“Hi, mom.” You smile. 
“Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?” She asks.
Maybe there was an upside to this whole dream thing. It seems to bring you and your mom a little closer. Although, with her, you’re always waiting for the shoe to drop. Though, maybe this would help. 
“Have you eaten dinner?” She asks.
“I have not. Just started doing some housework, actually.” You reply as you walk to your utility room to grab your duster. 
“Do you want me to come over and cook for you?” She asks.
You’d like to say yes, but you’re really looking forward to at least trying to go to sleep. And since you don’t have work tomorrow, you could sleep extra longer. 
“I would love that, but I’m actually really tired for once. Do you want to get a late lunch tomorrow?” You ask.
“I’d love to!” She seems genuinely happy that you’ve asked her. 
As you go through your house, cleaning a bit, and then make a quick sandwich, you and your mom talk about a lot of things. How your day was, how she’s joined a new book club, how your dad is supposed to be back in town from a long business trip so maybe he’ll join the two of you for lunch tomorrow. It’s just so nice being able to have someone to talk to again. You didn’t exactly have friends lined up at the door. Although, you didn’t exactly try your hardest to make them. Maybe you’ll ask Annie to get drinks over the weekend.
When you finally start to yawn, your mom suggests that you lay down and that she’ll start singing to you again. You definitely don’t put up a fight there. 
Your mom murmurs your name.
“Yeah?” You close your eyes.
“I know I don’t say this a lot, but I love you.” She tells you, softly.
You smile. “I love you too, mom.” 
And then she starts singing.
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
You think of the men that you saw last night, how kind and compassionate they were with you.
Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
You think of how you need to help them win the Clone Wars. Maybe you alone can make a difference. Maybe they’ll listen to you.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger 'til dawn, dear
Just saying this
You think of Rex. His vanilla and warm ocean breeze scent. How could a man be so beautiful? How could a smile be so heartstopping? 
Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
You open your eyes. But instead of finding yourself on a gunship, or the barracks, you’re on an examination table. 
This can’t be right… 
In a slight panic, you quickly sit up right. 
“Woah, woah. Easy now.” You hear a kind, male voice to your right as his hands steady you. 
You’d know that voice anywhere. Rex. Instant warmth floods your veins at the realization.
“Re- Captain.” You murmur, looking around, realizing you’re on the Umbarran base. 
“I was beginning to get real worried about ya.” He smiles, patting your hand. 
Electricity shoots up your arm as butterflies settle in your stomach. 
“What happened?” You ask, looking at Kix as he approaches you to check your vitals. 
“Well… As soon as I walked away after our chat, you passed out, right there on the tarmac.” He tells you. “I had Kix transport you here with us.”
So, you’re picking up where you left off. Okay. Good. 
“Which I didn’t think was a good idea.” Kix smirks, knowingly at Rex. 
Rex rolls his eyes at his brother. “You passed out right after talking to me, I felt responsible in a way.”
You can’t help but look up at him in awe, a soft smile on both yours and Rex’s lips. He was worried about you twice now. 
“You’ve been out for quite a while.” Kix tells you.
“Missing all the action.” Rex teases and you let out a breathy laugh.
“Sorry, I must’ve just been exhausted.” You tell them. “What did I miss?” 
Rex gives Kix a look and then Kix excuses himself, leaving just you and Rex. He sits on the edge of the exam table, watching your hands before speaking.
He looks up at you. “You were right… About Krell… How did you know?” 
You shrug, not exactly sure what to tell him. It's not like you can just outright tell him the truth, right?
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” You murmur.
He puts his hand over yours. “Try me.” 
He’s looking at you so softly again, so full of warmth. And respect. With a sigh, you start to tell him everything, but another clone trooper walks in.
“Sir, the General is requesting your presence in the command tower right away.” The man tells him.
Rex nods once and the other trooper walks back out.
“Will you be alright here?” Rex asks you, still holding your hand. 
You nod. “Yeah.” 
Kix walks back in and starts going through some cabinets.
“Alright.” Rex gives your hand one last squeeze before letting go and you instantly miss his warmth. “I’ll try to swing back by to check on you.” You can’t help but grin at the captain. “That’s sweet of you, but not necessary. I’m fine.” 
To show him that you’re fine, you put your feet down on the floor and walk around the table. You’ve gotta try to stop Krell. You think you might just know the men to help you.
“You’re sure?” Rex looks you up and down, double checking to make sure you actually are alright.
“Positive.” You nod.
“Alright. If you need me-” He starts.
“Yeah, Rex. We know where to find you.” Kix rolls his eyes.
Rex gives Kix a quick glance and then smiles at you once more before leaving the medbay. When you turn toward Kix, he’s got his arms crossed.
“What’s up?” You ask, self-consciously.
“Something’s different about you.” Kix quirks an eyebrow. 
Your stomach drops. “Oh?” 
“You’ve got a thing for Rex, don’t you?” He smirks.
You almost let out a breath of relief. “Ha. You’re funny. I’ll be back. I’m gonna find the freshers.”
“Sure you are.” He teases before turning back around to go through the Umbaran’s medical systems.
You quickly walk down to the barracks, where you remember that Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Tup might be. But you have to remember that Dogma is supposed to be there too and he’s going to stick up for Krell, because he thinks that’s the right thing. 
When you reach the barracks, you walk in and find Fives, Jesse, Tup, and Hardcase. Just like you expected.
“She lives!” Fives sees you and immediately starts grinning.
“We really thought you were in a coma.” Hardcase jokes. 
“No we didn’t.” Tup gives Hardcase a funny look and then looks back over at you as you sit down on one of the bunks. 
“Glad to see you’re alright.” Jesse nods with a soft smile. “Shouldn’t you be resting though?”
These men are all just as kind and charming as you’d expected they’d be. It really makes your chest clench at the thought of not being able to help them in some way.
“I needed to speak to you guys.” You tell them. 
They all join around, looking at you with curiosity. 
“This is going to sound crazy… but I need you guys to believe me and then spread the word as quickly as you can, okay?” You look around at them.
“Sure, mesh’la. What is it?” Fives sits down on the bunk across from you. 
Well, here it goes…
“Krell isn’t a good Jedi. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now, right?” You ask him.
Fives chuckles, humorlessly, glancing at his brothers. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“He’s going to continue the assault on the capital. But what you don’t know is that he’s given the 212th orders to fire at you guys, lying to them and telling them that you’re actually the enemy dressed as clones. He’s going to tell you the same thing.” You tell him, with a face as serious as possible, needing them to believe you. “I know you guys want to take the starfighters and-”
“The assault on the capital will continue as planned.” Rex’s reluctant voice is in the doorway of the barracks and everyone looks from you to him and then back at you. 
“See?” You whisper to Fives. 
“Why would he attack his own men?” Fives whispers quickly.
“Because he hates clones and he’s actually evil.” You stand up to look at Rex.
“So, that’s it?” Jesse walks over to Rex. “We just march into those missiles?”
Rex glances at you curiously but doesn’t say anything more. You give the men a quick serious look and then nod at Rex with a smile before walking back out of the barracks, across the tarmac, and toward the medbay. 
And then you remember Hardcase and him not making it back. So you start jogging back to the barracks, trying to think of a way to keep him alive. 
“Forget something?” Rex asks, walking toward you.
“I just wanted to tell Hardcase something, is all.” You smile. 
“Oh…” Rex murmurs, his expression confused. “I see.” 
And then you realize he thinks that you mean something entirely different. 
“Oh, Rex. No. Not like that.” You laugh.
He smiles softly. “Oh, good.”
“Good indeed.” You glance at the barracks.
“Fives told me what you told them. About Krell… and the clones.” Rex murmurs, glancing around subtly to make sure no one is listening.
“Oh?” You bite your lip, nervously.
“I… think it’s odd. But something is telling me to believe you. So we’ll march on, helmets off, blasters down, so they see it’s us. Alright?” He offers.
You feel a lot better and let out a breath of relief. 
“Earlier, you said ‘I’m someone you trust right?’ and that keeps replaying in my mind. You are someone I trust. Someone I even… admire.” He tells you, stepping a little closer. 
Your heart leaps into your throat and you try so hard to keep your cool. If this is truly a dream… Please don’t wake up right now. 
“I admire you too, Rex.” You smile up at him.
“Is there anything else you need to tell me?” He asks.
“Krell is only pretending to be in the Jedi Order. He still has them fooled… and it’ll be hard to take him down. But, if you get the 212th to tell Kenobi that he tried to put clones against clones-” You start.
All of a sudden, as if on time, there’s a huge blast taking out the hangar bay. 
“Oh shit. Fives!” You run back toward the hangar, forgetting that was supposed to happen.
You really need to focus.
Except Rex pulls you back against the building when he sees Krell heading that way, pushing you up against the building and accidentally pressing his body to yours so that he blocks you from view. Or at least, you think it’s an accident… but you hope otherwise.
You look up at him, parted lips, heat traveling throughout your entire body. He gives a shy half smile and your heart screams “KISS HIM!” but your mind is telling you, you need to find Hardcase.
“Sorry, don’t want you on Krell’s radar.” Rex apologizes, but doesn’t let you go.
You hear Krell start shouting at Hardcase and Fives, breaking you two apart. 
“I better go help them.” Rex pulls away, reluctantly.
“Wait! Tell Hardcase to take the ray shield down in front of the reactors, and if that doesn’t work, try tricking the battle droid into taking the missile toward the reactor. Okay? He’ll know what that means when the time is right.” You squeeze Rex’s hand.
“Alright. But you’re telling me how you know all this, later, right?” He glances down at your lips. 
“I promise.” You reach up and kiss him on the cheek. “Now go.” 
He smirks as he walks away, to go help Hardcase and Fives. You feel like you can breathe a little bit better now. Hopefully, the rest of your plan goes off without a hitch.
And then it kicks in. You just kissed Captain Rex on the cheek... and he liked it! How long had you been wanting to do that? 
You wait a few moments and then see Krell angrily storming off. Rex walks the opposite direction, across the tarmac and you follow him. 
“Perimeter sweep?” You ask, softly, falling into step beside him. 
“I won’t even ask how you knew that.” He chuckles. “But yes.”
“Did you tell Hardcase what I needed to tell him?” You ask, fidgeting with your hands, nervously.
“No, I didn’t get the chance to, I’m sorry.” Rex tells you.
That terrible feeling pools into your stomach and you feel the intense weight of a couple million clones’ lives on your shoulders. 
“Where is he? I need to find him.” You start looking around. 
“Oh, there you are!” Kix calls over to you. 
You don’t have time to deal with Kix though, you have to find Hardcase. You can’t let him sacrifice his life like he did in the show. All they need to do is get the ray shield down. 
“Sorry, I’ve gotta find him.” You start to walk away but Rex stops you.
“Listen, I will find him after my perimeter scan, alright?” He tries to get you to look at him.
“Rex, you don’t understand. They’re leaving soon. If you don’t tell him now, he’s going to die.” You rush out in a panic, barely making sense.
“What?” Rex’s brows furrow. “I-I don’t understand.”
“What’s going on?” Kix approaches, looking at the scene before him.
You probably look crazy with tears in your eyes and yelling about Hardcase. 
“I’ll tell him, okay? I’ll find him-” Rex starts but as he sees three figures coming toward the three of you, he turns you around so you can see them for yourself. “They’re right there. It’s gonna be okay.”
You lean against the 501st captain, letting out a breath of relief for the tenth time tonight. If you weren’t so stressed, you’d definitely enjoy the way he’s holding you upright, making sure you don’t go anywhere. It’s clear he cares about you. 
“Kix, why don’t you take her to get something to eat.” Rex guides you into the hands of Kix but you can’t take your eyes off of the captain and he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”
You nod, trusting him, letting Kix lead you back to the medbay to find something to eat, even though you’re not hungry. This is a lot for one person. If you could just get ahold of Mace Windu or Master Yoda somehow… 
“Kix?” You ask, glancing at the command tower. 
“Hm?” He replies. 
It’s too bad that The Bad Batch hasn’t been introduced at this point yet. You could really use Tech’s skill at locating the jamming device that Krell has no doubt planted. 
“Who’s the most technologically inclined in the 501st?” You ask.
He stops to give you a strange look. “See, you’re being weird for real this time. Why are you asking that?” 
“Because… I need to know what sort of jamming device the “enemy” would use to cut off our contact with the 212th.” You shrug. “Who’s the most technologically inclined guy in the 501st?” 
He stares at you hard for a minute. This look says “I know you don’t belong here”, and you realize you’ve fucked up.
Then, he narrows his eyes at you. “You are.”
Well, Shit…
TAGLIST: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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goosewriting · 5 months
“Have we met?”
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summary: what if Fives had been stopped before removing his inhibitor chip on Kamino and was instead sent back after reconditioning, thereby forgetting you? 
relationship: Fives x gn!reader
warnings: hmmm angst :^), mentions of characters’ deaths, implied brainwashing?, dw there’ll be comfort at the end
word count: 2.2k 
A/N: in my book Fives is alive, no matter what. here’s one take lol mainly because i found some prompts and this idea refused to leave my brain
prompt used (source): we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime
Navigation: Part 1 (you're here!) | Part 2
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
→ PART 1: When he came back to you
When you heard the news about what Tup had done on Ringo Vinda, you couldn’t believe it. You were told that Fives went with him to Kamino to get checked. Something about a parasite or a virus; that was all the explanation you were given. But if you were being honest with yourself, no one seemed entirely convinced, including some of the Generals, and Rex. 
Fives was currently being held on Kamino for a couple more rotations to keep an eye on him, but was meant to come back to the Resolute soon enough. 
You sit in your room, thinking about how the whole deal smells a little fishy to you. You’d just have to ask Fives in person once he comes back. The fact that he isn’t responding to any of your messages isn’t helping, however. 
A long time ago, you had joined the GAR as a mechanic and worked (and studied) yourself up to mechanical engineer. Since with your new position came your own little workshop to tinker in, you had modified your and Fives’ comm devices to send encrypted messages to each other. They were coupled to the long range transmissions of the ship itself, so your messages didn’t get delivered immediately, so as to not raise any suspicion if someone were to check the log. But that’s how you would communicate with him when he was away. 
Usually it didn't take more than a few rotations for Fives to answer. Even when he was on the most secretive of missions as an ARC trooper, he’d still send you one of your code words to let you know he was okay. Now it’s been longer than ever before since you sent him your last message that went unanswered. 
You can’t help but stand up and start pacing back and forth in your room, trying to push back the feelings of worry. Rex told you Fives is supposed to come back today, but you still haven’t heard anything fromeither. The one thing the captain did tell you, though, was about Tup sadly passing away on Kamino. Those news really didn’t do much to help you feel reassured about Fives’ state.
You’re so engrossed in your thoughts and gradually worsening “what if” scenarios going through your head, that you almost jump out of your skin when your comm beeps on your desk. You hurry to pick it up and see there's a new message, but it’s from Rex. He says Fives’ ship has just landed.
At that, you all but sprint out of your quarters and run all the way to the hangar. It takes you a couple of minutes to get there, holding onto the edges of the wall to cut your curves. In one hall, you almost trip and fall, but catch yourself just in time to keep going. When you reach the hangar doors, out of breath and panting heavily, you press the button for them to open. You quickly make your way to one of the landing platforms, where you can already see Rex and Jesse talking to Fives.
You can't help the tears running down your cheeks, tears of happiness and relief, seeing that your boyfriend made it back in one piece. Feeling like a huge weight just got lifted off your heart, you take a deep breath and make your way to the group. 
As you’re approaching Fives from behind, you can only see Rex and Jesse's faces, and they’re looking… distressed? incredulous? confused? Rex spots you first, and calls out to you to wait, but you’re already hugging Fives from behind.
“Fives!” you greet him, squeezing the living lights out of him. Then again, with all that armour, you wonder if he can feel it at all. “I was so worried! Are you okay? You never answered my messages–”
You circle around Fives to face him, and you notice several things: first, he’s not hugging you back. Second, he looks bewildered at your presence. And third…
“Oh, uhm, hi there,” he says with a polite smile, his arms slightly raised so he doesn’t touch you. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who… Have we met?”
You let go of the clone, taking a step back. Squinting at him, you search his face for any sign of mischief or that he’s teasing you; it really isn’t a tasteful joke, but you’d forgive him. You tremble slightly when you realise that he’s 100% serious. 
You feel Rex’s hand on your shoulder, and you turn to him with a questioning look.
“It seems that Fives has, uhm…” he starts, unable to look you in the eyes. You quickly glance over to Jesse, who looks just as shocked as you. 
“He doesn’t remember you,” Jesse finishes Rex’ sentence.
You can’t help but let out an unamused chuckle at that.
“That’s insane,” you retort, turning back around to Fives. “You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re not serious.”
“I’m really sorry, uhm…” he scratches his neck sheepishly. “I never got your name…?”
You search his eyes again, but there’s nothing there that you recognise. With a shaky breath, your heart now pounding against your ribcage for all the wrong reasons, you turn back to the captain.
“What did they do to him, Rex?” you ask, your voice cracking. 
“Let’s just go inside first and catch up, okay?” Rex places an arm around your trembling shoulders and leads you towards the exit of the hangar. Jesse stays with Fives and brings him to the barracks.
Rex takes you to his captain’s office, where he sits you down on the small couch and prepares some tea. Once he’s done, he places a cup in front of you on the table, and takes a seat across from you in his office chair.
You thank him and reach out to the cup, but as you lift it, you realise how your hands are shaking, causing it to clatter against the saucer, so you set the tea back down, bringing your hands to your lap and interlacing your fingers instead in an attempt to calm them down. 
“Do you know… what happened?” you ask carefully. Rex heaves a sigh.
“Not really. It’s like Fives’ memory has been… wiped,” he explains, scratching his chin deep in thought. 
“That’s…” you start, but can’t find the words. “You’re saying it like it was deliberate. You don’t think it was a parasite?”
He doesn’t answer.
“...Do you think it was the Kaminoans?” you ask, your voice low, as if there was someone eavesdropping. “Why would they do such a thing?”
“I’m not sure,” he answers. “As a cadet back on Kamino I saw it maybe once or twice that a clone would be taken away, and then they reappeared with no memory of something small that had happened recently. They would do it because the clone in question showed an ‘inappropriate emotional response’, so they had to ‘fix it’.” He gestures the quotation marks in the air with his hands. “After all, to many we’re just a product or a tool, and as such we’re expected to function in a certain manner.”
“You know that a lot of people don’t think that, right?” you interject, and he smiles.
“I know. But that’s how we came to be.” His smile fades, his brow furrowing. “But Kaminoans are good at what they do, and all in all always treated us well. I’ve never seen or heard of a clone forgetting entirely about someone else because of a treatment.”
You both sit in silence for a moment. 
“Do you think it can be recovered somehow?” you ask, your chest tightening at the thought of Fives losing all the memories he had with you. What if he never felt the same again? What if… he was incapable of loving you again? What if he didn’t want to love you again?
Rex can see where your mind is going, so he stands up and makes his way to you, sitting on the couch as well, placing a reassuring hand on your knee. He knows that recovering memories after a thorough wipe is nearly impossible, but he can’t tell you that.
“I’ll see what I can find out,” he settles on. With a small smile, he adds, “For now, why don’t you go introduce yourself to him? I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to make your acquaintance.”
“Right,” you reply and sigh. Let’s treat this like… like he hit his head and has amnesia, you tell yourself. After I spend time with him and show him all our holopics and videos together, surely he’ll remember me. Deep in your heart, you know that’s just a lie you’re telling yourself to feel better, but you’d rather lie to yourself than face the truth right now. A truth that wasn’t limited to Fives’ sudden state, but gave place to so many more questions about clones, Kaminoans and what they did out there; questions you had no energy in pursuing any time soon. 
Changing the subject, you make some small talk with Rex while you drink your tea. Once the cup is empty, you leave the captain’s office and shoot Jesse a quick message asking if he knows where Fives is. The reply comes almost instantaneously, telling you the whole squad is in the mess hall. You take a quick look at the time, and sure enough, it’s time for dinner. Only then do you feel the grumbling of your stomach, reminding you that in all your worry about your favourite clone, you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. 
You quickly make your way to the hall. The smell of today’s menu fills your nose and the clattering of plates and cutlery, as well as indistinct chatting of clones and staff alike, reaches your ears. After getting your food, you make your way to the 501st’s usual table. You notice that Fives is sitting at the edge of the group, so that a sitting space is free between him and Kix. That’s where you usually sit. Your heart can’t help but skip a beat; maybe he does remember? Or is it just muscle memory that can’t be erased away that easily? 
Taking in a deep breath, you approach the group and clear your throat. It catches Fives’ attention, who turns around to you.
“Hey handsome,” you smile at him. “Is that seat taken?” You nod towards the empty space. 
“Oh, it’s you,” he says, clearly surprised by your presence. Again. “Yeah, I mean–” He clears his throat. “It isn’t taken. Feel free to join us.”
You thank him and take a seat, greeting the others, who say their ‘hello’s back to you. Fives eyes them curiously, then looks back to you.
“Say, I never caught your name,” he remarks for the second time today, taking a bite of his food. 
You can’t help a sad smile as you look up at Jesse, who’s sitting in front of you. It occurs to you that that’s where Echo used to sit, and for a second you wonder if Fives has forgotten about him too. 
Jesse mirrors your smile with a slight shrug of his shoulders, and you turn to Fives, telling him your name.
“Oh, so that’s you!” he mentions, and you tilt your head at him in confusion. “The guys have been asking me about you ever since I arrived. I don’t know how I could have forgotten about someone I apparently hang out with so much?” 
“Right?” you retort under your breath, taking a mouthful of the rather bland food.
The conversation they were having earlier restarts, and Kix tells them about some patients he had today, Jesse talks about some improvements to their weapon system they could do, and so on. You’re not really paying much attention anymore, fidgeting with your fork once you finish eating. 
One by one, the clones excuse themselves to retire for the night or go back to their shift. In the end, it’s just you and Fives left at the table. You have one elbow propped up on the table, your head in your hand, looking at him.
“Doesn’t it bother you?” you ask suddenly. 
“What does?” he retorts, studying your face. You don’t answer immediately, weighing the words in your head. 
“Not remembering someone who clearly knows who you are,” you finally say, tears starting to gather in the corner of your eyes. 
That’s when you see his façade drop. He curls his hand on the table into a fist and bites the inside of his cheeks, trying to play it off with an awkward chuckle. 
He doesn’t reply at first, just looking at you like he’s trying to draw the answers from your eyes, an answer that is there, but he can’t read for some reason. 
“I don’t understand,” he finally replies, and it’s barely more than a whisper. “We have just met and yet it feels like I’ve known you for a lifetime.”
You can feel your heart shattering into a thousand pieces.
“Oh Fives, what have they done to you…” Your hand reaches up to cup his cheek, but his own shoots up first to press against his temple, just behind his tattoo, and he winces in pain, backing away from your touch. 
“I– I have to go,” he utters and stands up, quickly making his way out of the mess hall.
You’re left there, alone. Hurt. Hopeless.
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @dybynyght, @galaxtic-writings, @kalea-bane, @soka-writes-things, @padawancat97
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jedi-princess-kestis · 2 months
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"Honor " Masterlist
"This Name We Chose" series
Captain Rex / F! Jedi OC Calica Tarver
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Calica Tarver is a Jedi Padawan of Plo Koon and helps lead the Wolfpack alongside Commander Wolffe. But when a terrible mistake happens in the Jedi Order, and Calica is left shaken and hurt, a curtain Clone Captain comes to her rescue. As their bedding friendship grows, Calica and Rex are sent with Padmé on a mission to a place Calica never wanted to go back to: her home world. With this being her final test to pass into Jedi Knighthood, with the help of Rex by her side, Calica must face trials of her past, and accept the reality of her true self and the real meaning of love in order to become the Jedi she was meant to be. But dark time lie ahead for the Jedi and her Captain, but the Honor and their love that they hold to so dear maybe the only thing that keeps them alive.
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"I am a defender of honor, and I will wear that mantle like a crown of jewels until I draw my last breath."
This Name We Chose Series Masterlist
Warnings: please read each chapter for it's s warnings but this series is for 18+. Miners be gone with you! 🔞
Couple Inspiration Song:
Chapter Log
Marriage Tattoo Art
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
this is what artbreeder has decided a live action Captain Rex would look like and uhhhh not gonna lie I-
I am in love with him.
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sleepingsun501 · 2 years
A little artwork inspired by @rexxdjarin’s OC: Mari Vontas, and this line from her amazing fic Captain’s Log:
I tipped my forehead to his, staring into the guilt brimming his eyes. Even though he was happy, he was still sad. Profoundly and a little hopelessly sad. “I know. We never leave each other. Love never dies, Rex.”
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trashylosersz · 2 years
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pairing: captain rex x jedi!reader rating: 16+ (idk??) warnings: trauma talk, angst, mentions of injury, not proof read! word count: 1.5k summary: On an exhausting mission on the planet of Anaxes, You and Captain Rex finally find some time for each other, after a very long time. What starts as a love-expressing conversation, soon turns into talks about the destructive nature of the war and how it had brought nothing more than loss. a/n: I have no idea what this is I just saw a prompt and decided to write for rexy boy because he deserves all the love in the entire galaxy </3 also i'm kinda bad at writing 2nd person so please please excuse the horrible writing, also for the love of god, i can't write long things so this is kinda small, so i'm really sorry for that too.
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After what felt like an eternity, you had finally got some much needed bonding time with Rex. The mission was a risky and an important one, so both you and Rex couldn't bear to be distracted, yet when you finally got a break, you immediately rushed to find Rex.
At nights, the only thing you had in your thoughts was him. About him, his beautiful brown eyes, his calloused hands that beautifully held your own, his voice being an anchor in the darkest days, how it had pulled you out of the darkest pits, how he was the warmth that clouded you when everything felt cold. The captain of the 501st had a soft heart in a cruel, cruel world, and you often feared that it might hurt him someday.
To Rex, you meant everything. Since the first time he saw you, his mind was filled with the intoxicating thought of you, having you to himself. He knew it was wrong, you were his general, but everything you did just made him want you more and more.
Little did he know, you felt the same way towards him. It happened in a brief, quick moment when you saw him helping out civilians on a mission, and before you knew, your heart belonged to him. From that moment, you knew you loved him, with every inch of your living being.
At first, you went into his barracks to see if he was there, but were disappointed to find it empty. You asked Jesse if he had seen the captain, but even he hadn't seen him.
Searching for him became a huge task, the captain of the 501st being nowhere in sight. You asked every trooper, even Anakin and Obi-Wan, but there was no luck finding him. Almost giving up, you decided to take a stroll in the forests of the planet. Every sight there was beauty to behold, so were the creatures that wandered them.
The noise of fire crackling averted your attention, walking towards the sound, you finally found the person you were looking for.
Captain Rex sat there, helmet in his lap, looking directly into the fire in front of him. There was an aura of profound sadness that radiated through him, and you could feel it, not just because of the force, but the way his face was morphed into a deep frown.
Gently, you approached him and sat beside him on the log, and only then did he look at you, eyebrows furrowed together.
"Hey." You said softly, looking deeply into his eyes.
You knew that he had been upset about the losses he had faced during the entire battle on the planet of Anaxes, but there was something else bothering him too, and you just couldn't pin-point what it was.
"Hi." He replied back, his voice lacking the usual energy and love it generally had.
The fire casted a glow on one side of his face, while the other glowed in moonlight, and you truly couldn't help but admire how pretty he looked. Around all this beauty, you realized that the most beautiful thing was the person that sat in front of you. He'd put shame to the most beautiful planets you'd ever seen, and you were sure that there was no one more beautiful than him.
"What are you thinking about?" He questioned with a look of interest on his face.
"Nothing, just how pretty you are." His face showed a quizzical expression, but he soon chuckled at your response, small giggles falling from your lips at his response, "What, it's true!" You gushed, a smile plastered on both your faces.
You took his hands in yours, placing them on your lap as the both of you sat facing each other, knees touching, "Now tell me, what were you thinking about?"
The smile dropped from his face, regret clouding his face. You gently stroked his hand with your thumb, something he had found comforting on various occasions.
"It's just, I don't know, but I can't help but wonder what good has this war brought? Since the start of the war, I-I've lost so many brother, brothers who I cared about, brothers like Fives, Echo, Tup, Dogma and so many more that I've lost count. When we were cadets, we were taught that we're fighting for the greater good, but now, I'm not so sure." He concluded with a deep sigh, eyes concentrated on his laps.
Deep down, you couldn't help but agree with what he said. Even you had the same thoughts some days ago, but brushed it off as some overthinking, one thing leading to another.
But now, when Rex said it, it felt true, somewhere in your heart. Yet, you felt that there was something else bothering him as well. He looked unsure, that he wanted to say something, still, he couldn't manage to form his thoughts into words.
"Is there something else, Rex?" You pressed on, worrying that whatever that might be in his heart might start affecting him, the burden evident through the force.
He hesitates for a bit, eyes frantically moving here and there. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You hold his hand tighter, a small re-assurance that you were there. For him.
"I've been thinking," He starts, his voice even lower than before, "All these counter strategies these separatists are using to defeat us, somewhere, I recognize them. They all are strikingly familiar to the plans me and Echo made up, and-and I know I sound absolutely mental right now, and whatever I am saying is by far the longest shot but, but I think Echo is alive, and he's being held by the Separatists." He finally looked up in your eyes, and the look in his eyes were of pure desperation.
But as he said, it was the longest shot, and as much as you wanted to believe him, it was almost impossible. You were there, you were there when Echo died in the explosion at The Citadel. There was no way he could be alive, and even if he was, he would be in no condition to tell The Separatists plans him and Rex made ages ago.
"Rex..." You didn't really know what to say. You knew how much Echo meant to him, both Echo and Fives. After Echo had, died, both Rex and Fives bonded closer to each other, and when Fives died, he almost didn't have anyone, and it was heartbreaking to see. You'd often catch him looking at a picture of him, Echo, Fives and Cody, and the sight was heartbreaking.
"Hey, hey come here." You pulled him closer, cradling his head in your hand, laying his head down on your shoulder. He slightly sobbed into your shoulder, as you stroked his back, whispering comforting words in his ears.
The both of you sat there for about another hour, doing nothing but laying out your feelings to each other. You knew, how he never could stop carrying the weight of the past, the weight of the war. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. Everything he did reminded of a time when he and his brothers were together, when they had each other.
It was late, his head resting on your shoulder, your eyes focusing on the stars that shone through the night sky.
In a quick moment, he shifted slightly, his lips lining with your neck as he gently started kissing it, a long sigh escaping your lips. He continued further on, working his way towards your jaw, nibbing on the sensitive skin, nor too hard to leave a mark neither soft enough for a moan to not fall from your lips.
His hands made themselves at home on your hips, turning you towards him as he pressed his forehead to yours, breathing heavily. You waited patiently, not wanting to ruin the moment by saying the wrong thing.
"I love you..." He sighed out, pressing his lips on yours. It was just as comforting as you remembered, the gentle way he kissed you, one of his hands coming up to cup your jaw. Stars busted through your mind, the way his lips molded into your own, as if they were made to be there. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, because you knew, that no matter what, you'd always have him by your side. He kissed you like you were the breath he couldn't catch, like without having you, he would die.
He broke away from the kiss, panting, his eyes concentrating into your own.
"I love you." You spoke, and his face broke into a lazy smile, repeating the words again, the night going on with the both of you saying the same sentence to each other again, and again, basking in each other's love, until the first ray of sunlight didn't shine on you.
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wild-karrde · 8 months
Hi Karrde! This is my first time recommending something for Fandom Friday, so this is exciting for me! Thank you for doing this; it's so nice to make sure everyone in the fandom is appreciated for their contributions! (my Star Wars account is @starstofillmydream, so let's just pretend I'm recommending things from that account 😂)
These works have already been recommended many a time before, but I wanted to recommend them because rereading these works always brings a smile to my face!
I trust him, and he trusts me by @enigmaticexplorer
I'm obsessed with the dynamic between Wolffe and Fox Alli wrote here, as well as the touching on the main theme of trust.
Sweet True Lies by @sleepingsun501
This series is everything. Two very unlikely people falling in love? Amazing. I love Keeda's characterization as being upper crust in galactic society, but being committed to make changes for the better. A true heroine and role model!
Captain's Log by @rexxdjarin
Julie has such a passion for her OC Mari and Rex, the strength of their relationship, and their navigation of a post-Order 66/post-Republic galaxy.
HECK YES WELCOME TO THE FRAY!!! I AM EXCITED FOR YOU!!! AND THANK YOU FOR THE RECS!!! All of these fics are SO WONDERFUL in their own right. You are SO right about how Alli wrote the dynamics between Wolffe and Fox and how gradually it built. I have absolutely inhaled every crumb of STL and adore learning more about Keeda and watching her relationship with Fox develop. And Julie puts so much care into Mari, and it's so evident in how she writes the relationship between her and Rex. These are all FANTASTIC and THANK YOU for sending them in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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fandom-friday · 4 months
Greetings oh Glorious Karrde!
I am neck deep in the Mom/Work life but I had to toss a few rec's in for the week. unfortunately my reading time is relegated to my lunch 30 so fear not, I'll have a bunch of those for next time too... hopefully. mean time here's what I got!
@pinkiemme has been getting us all ready for valentines day, but this one of our amazing Capt. Rex is just... hmmm. PS- go check out the Patreon!
@spicyclones79s broke my heart with this drawing of Fives and Echo
@comradewolfe gave us our Seelos boys! Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex
@ladykagewaki 's latest with the Bebo's and the Cootie Angel had my heart melting. (The cuteness was overwhelming and Mama TI!!!!)
@rexxdjarin Also recently shared a Spicy drawing of Rex and Mari ...I live for these two I swear! Also for all the new Homies on the Page go read the Unwritten and Captain's Log series! I haven't had a chance to read the latest with Wolffe but I'll let ya know!
@the-rain-on-kamino Has been at it again, drawing those Clone commandos! The latest, In the Meadow is.... Oh my! Also Part two of Invisible Barriers has posted and EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Read it read it read it!!!!
I finally got through the latest chapter of One Step at a Time and MA'AM!?!!? Why must you break my heart in two!!! Oh but please please is Bolts gonna find Chuckles? (I know you probably cant say but I have to ask)
I will meekly and humbly submit my latest chapter for Of Light and Darkness- The Rising Darkness. This section gets a lil rough with the whole fight scenes, Dooku doing Sith things, etc. Angsty...
Thank You as always for organizing this! I can't wait to see what this weeks rec's are.
ANOTHER FANTASTIC AND EXTENSIVE LIST WITH A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING FOR CLONE WARS FANS! You've got sweet and spicy art, adorable comics, and some absolutely outstanding fics! (Thank you for the very kind words about OSaaT by the way! It broke my heart to break everything, but here we are hehe... and you're right, I'm keeping that one close to the vest ;) ). Thank you so much for taking all the time to put such a comprehensive list together and sharing all of these awesome works!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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July Recs!!
Thank you to the people who submitted fanfic or art pieces to recommend in this month's edition of the list.
Today's list is extra special for me as it is my birthday, and I'd like to share a little present in return :3
Don't forget to check these works out and give them a reblog to best support their creator. Thank you once again!
✨ = My personal recommendation, added to the list by moi
🌴 = sent in as a recommendation!
** = NSFW 18+
General Creator Shout-outs
🌴@eyecandyeoz - Masterlist
🌴@justalittletomato - Masterlist
✨@stardustbee - Masterlist
🌴@moonstrider9904 - Masterlist
Fic Recs
🌴Academic Rivals Part 1 and Part 2 by @obixwan
🌴Your Kisses Mean the World to Me by @curiouskeyboard
✨Good in Bed by @kaminocasey **
✨Light a Candle by @interstellarwraith **
✨Paradigm Shift Series by @eyecandyeoz
✨Shadows and Shades Series by @wild-karrde
Commander Fox
🌴Starlit Murder Series by @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi **
Captain Rex
✨Blueberry Pancakes by @seriowan **
🌴Illicit Affairs Series by @book-of-baba-fett **
🌴Impatient by @book-of-baba-fett **
🌴Nurse of the 501st Series by @spilledkauffie
🌴Captain's Log Series by @rexxdjarin **
Din Djarin
✨Grogu's Teacher Series by @firstofficerwiggles
✨My Trigger by @kaminocasey **
🌴(More Than) Friends by @emperor-palpaminty
🌴Bonsoir Series by @kaminocasey **
✨"Come Here and Make Me" by @seriowan **
🌴Sundown by @emperor-palpaminty
🌴The One in Blue? She's Mine by @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
✨Sins of the Father Series by @kimageddon **
🌴By The Light of the Second Moon Series by @eloquentmoon **
The Bad Batch
🌴Lula by @chaoticvampirejedi
🌴Hyperlane Nomads Comic from @hyperlanenomads
Art Recs
The Bad Batch
✨Memes by @storminormins
✨Wrecker by @cowboywizzard
The 501st
🌴Fives and Echo by @love-like-poetry
🌴TBB!Era Fives with Echo by @love-like-poetry
✨Rex with his baby Priya by @howie-ner-cyare
✨Rex with flowers by @middimidoris
Ahsoka Tano
🌴Predator Ahsoka by @cobaltbeam
Cad Bane
✨Bounty Hunter King by @renek-bane
✨Maul by @kean11-11
Obi Wan Kenobi
✨Screencap repaint by @stranded-ziggy
Original Star Wars Characters
✨Mari by @penguinkiwi
✨Captain Storm by @elledjarin
✨Lena Orim by @purplefangirl42
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Wish Come True.
Chapter Eleven: No One Needs to Know.
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(Should I be up right now? No. Should I be posting this now? Probably not. Am I going to anyway? Yes hehe)
(TW: training, sparing, fighting, mightve made Saw a little OOC but it's good for the sake of the story, but yeah, he's a whole warning in himself. Small mention of blood, and mentions of a bad past, but I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything!)
A few days had passed on Onderon and the sun had begun to fall behind the horizon for the night, marking the end of training for now.
The Onderon Rebels had been working nonstop, learning new tricks and assessing their personal skills.
I mostly just sat and watched, talking to Rex and occasionally Ahsoka, only every once in a while would I join in with the training, usually when it was about hand to hand combat, or even just used as an example to the Rebels about what not to do.
It worked out well, since I would then be helping them, but also training myself for the future. I was learning just as much as they were.
Saw Gerreras distrust in me only seemed to grow as the days went on. Especially when Rex had me spar him, since he seemed oh, so, confident, and I ended up beating him.
It was by no means easy, and honestly I think I won just cause I wanted to prove a point. But he still got quite a few good moves on me.
Saw ended up storming off, claiming he had to take care of the animals, though that wasn't his job.
Ever since that incident, I can't get even five feet near him without getting shoulder checked or shoved away and told off unless Rex or one of the Jedi were around.
Part of me found it amusing, honestly. I made a grown man hate me in less than a week!
That should not make me feel proud, but here we are anyway.
My thoughts were cut off as a bowl of soup was suddenly placed a few inches from my face as I sat on a log near the edge of camp.
"I saw you didn't grab some, so I figured I'd bring it to you before they gave it to the animals." Lux Bonteri explained, flashing his charming smile.
He was about Ahsokas age I think, and they seemed...close. I found it rather suspicious, but kept my mouth shut, especially when he acted the same way with Steela that he did with Ahsoka.
From what I had found out, he was an Ex-Senators son. Only Ex because she was killed by the Separatists.
He then joined this group called the Death Watch, but Ahsoka got him away. Besides that, however, all I know is he's here to honor his mother.
Sweet, I suppose, but there was something odd with him in my opinion.
"Oh, uh, thanks." I grabbed the bowl, being polite. "I didn't even realize they started serving it yet."
"You seemed very distant." His eyebrows knitted together as he stared down at me.
"I've got a lot to think about." I answered plainly, stirring the soup some and not looking at him.
"Saw doesn't like you. Steelas pretty cautious of you too." He stated, sitting down beside me, though I didn't invite him to.
"Jeez, I haven't noticed." I rolled my eyes, scooting away. "You gonna tell me why or do you not have a clue either?"
Lux turned his head to look at me, "I'm afraid I don't have a reason. But Steela is always cautious, and Saw is... Saw." He scoffed, "That man acts like he knows everything when he doesn't know half of what's going on. He needed to be put in his place, so good job on the spar. He deserves it."
"I didn't do it because of that." I argued, narrowing eyes. "I cause enough trouble and he already dislikes me as it is. I don't need to feed into that hate."
Lux chuckled, "Why else would you do it then?"
"Because I was told to fight, so I did." I answered, setting the bowl aside. "Rex gave me an order, I wasn't going to disobey. And I also wouldn't fight just because he has a petty feud with me, for whatever reason."
"Don't you technically rank above the Clone Captain?" He tilted his head, raising a brow.
I huffed, "He's not just a Clone Captain, he's a person. But he's experienced, a hell of a lot more than me. I'm learning too, and that was a lesson for me, as well as for Saw."
He chuckled. "You're a jedi, what could you learn here?"
I sighed and looked ahead. "Anyone can learn something anywhere. Besides, I'm only a padawan, and a new one at that."
"Why are you here then?" Lux asked, and I felt his eyes on me. "If you're new?"
I hesitated and looked at the ground. "The...Jedi Council thought I could be useful."
"Useful in what way?" He continued to press. "Its dangerous to just have a kid in a war zone."
I shrugged, "Its their choice, not mine. And besides, with how Gerrara is acting, he's probably plotting my murder as we speak, so the war doesn't even matter."
We both chuckled slightly at that, the one thing we having in common was Saws hate for the each of us.
"If anyone in this camp is murdered by me, you won't be the first one on my kill list." Speak of the devil...
My eyes widened and I quickly turned around to look at none other than Saw Gerrara, who was standing a few feet away.
"And who would be at the top?" Lux challenged, standing to confront Saw, and crossing his arms to appear tough.
I quickly glanced around, looking for someone, but no one was near enough to help, and I had no comm to call them.
I muttered a curse and turned back to two infront of me, standing tense.
"Who do you think, Bonteri?" Saw straightened his back to seem taller.
"Okay, okay, so how about we don't actually kill each other right now and just go back to the others?" I stepped in between them, hoping to stop the conversation from escalating.
"Stay out of this, brat." Saw glared at me, voice near a growl.
"Eh, lay off the kid. She beat you in a fight, thats all she's ever done to you." Lux defended me, stepping closer.
"I wasn't even trying." Saw stuck his nose in the air, "Like you said, she's a kid. I wasn't going to fight her full strength."
"She would still beat you, I guarantee it." Bonteri declared with a firm nod.
"Oh yeah? Using little girls to fight your battles now, boy?" Saw scoffed, "I knew you were weak."
"I am not weak!" Lux debated, "You're just scared to loose to her!"
"Alright, I get it, you both hate each other, moving on now!" I objected, pushing them both back with my hands.
"What? Afraid of a little fight, brat?" Saw dared, "Have you ever been in an actual fight? Even seen blood?"
"Yes, actually. More than you know. Now, stand. Down." I argued, quickly getting irritated.
  "Why should I?" Saws tall frame towered over me. "You don't belong here. I don't know who you are or why the jedi brought you here, but I think you'd be doing us all a great favor if you left."
"This is your last warning. Stand. Down. Now." I glared, trying to stay calm.
Lux stepped up again, "Yeah, back off, Saw! And you should take your own advice, no one wants you as a leader."
I rolled my eyes and looked at him, "I didn't ask for your assistance, you need to back off too."
Saw laughed mockingly. "The both of you wouldn't be able to hurt me at all."
Lux smirked, "Right, of course. You better hope you're right, it'd be awfully embarrassing for our leader to loose to a kid."
"Shut up, Bonteri." Saw growled nostrils flaring.
Lux matched his glare and hissed. "And what if I don't?"
"Enough–!!" I screamed and pushed my hands out, but they never collided with their chests.
It collided with air, but it felt hard. Like a wall almost.
Time seemed to slow as I watched Saw and Lux fly back away from each other, as if being being yanked by some invisible chord.
They hit the ground with a hard thud and I blinked as I stared at my hands in shock, breathing hard.
I...Just used the force.
That's never happened before. Obi-Wan hadn't even begun teaching me how to actually use it yet.
How the hell did I just do that?
I didn't even hear them get up before I was being shoved, thrown onto my back.
Saw loomed over me, "You gonna say something, brat?"
He didn't even seemed affected by what happened. He probably thought I did it on purpose.
I swallowed and forced myself to act normal, making my face stern, "Maybe. Maybe not."
I didn't think it was possible, but Saws glare hardened, "Listen here, you hold no power, no authority, here. So don't walk around acting like you own the place. Got it?"
"Last time I checked, you don't own the place either. You're not even the leader technically." I rolled my eyes, standing up slowly and cautiously.
  Saw growled, "You have no idea what I did to get here."
"And you have no idea what I've been through to get here." I jabbed back.
He scoffed, "What kind of problems could a little girl like you have?"
"Things you could never get through." I swore, clenching my fists.
"Oh yeah?" He scoffed, "And what's that?"
"Why should I tell you?" I sneered. "You don't deserve to know."
"And you don't deserve to be here." He told me bitterly. "I don't know who raised you, but they obviously didn't do a good job–"
His words were cut off by my fist coming in contact with his nose.
Saw stumbled backwards from the shock of the hit, groaning as blood started to drip.
"I raised myself." I stated, voice eerily calm as I watched him hold his face in pain.
"Oh, yeah?" Saw straightened his back and rubbed his jaw, fixing his hard gaze back on me, "Well, I don't blame whoever left you. Any sane person would have done the same."
  "Thats quite enough." Obi-Wans voice broke our argument apart, hurrying into the scene, followed by Ahsoka and Lux. He must've gone to get help without me noticing.
I blinked and stepped back, looking down. "Master, I–"
"Not now." He cut me off, sounding angry for the first time since I met him. "Go wait in your tent, I will speak to you in a moment."
I swallowed and nodded, starting to walk off, glancing at Saw one last time.
He was fuming still, I could feel it, but he seemed perfectly calm, just staring at me with a bloody nose.
I sighed and hurried away, practically running to my tent that I shared with Ahsoka, hands shaking as I thought over what happened.
I paced around the small space for who knows how long, until eventually Obi-Wan showed up.
"I used the force." I blurted before I could stop myself.
He blinked and sighed. "Yes, I heard..."
"I-I didn't mean to, I didn't even know I even could!" I stressed, eyes wide.
Obi-Wan shook his head and put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me to sit down. "We will discuss that later."
My brows furrowed, "But...I-It's important..."
Obi-Wan nodded. "It is, but we have other things to discuss. Like you starting a fight."
I shook my head. "I-I didn't start a fight, Saw did. Lux and I were talking, and I guess he was eavesdropping, but he started to mess with us, Lux got mad, and I was trying to separate them. That's when I accidentally used the force...my part in the argument didn't really start till after that..."
Obi-Wan sat beside me, "And what exactly happened?"
I glanced to the floor, "Gerrara was... angry. I didn't mean to use the force, i-it just happened and it shoved him and Bonteri back, I was just trying to get them away from each other so they wouldn't attack one another."
Obi-Wan sighed, and I could feel the disappointment radiating off of him in waves. "And yet, you're the one who threw the punch..."
I swallowed, "I...I did...B-But he just– he was wanting me to make a move, and he was saying things that he knew nothing about–"
"Things that have to do with your family?" Obi-Wan raised a brow, having heard part of the argument.
I looked at him, "Y-You don't understand... I know I'm supposed to be living a different life, and I'm trying to... b-but he has no idea what I've done to still be alive..."
"That doesn't mean you start a fight." Kenobi chided. "There is darkness clouding you when it comes to this topic, Fae. You need to be careful. Hiding it will not work forever...The truth will come out somehow."
I stared at him then shook my head, "N-No...It can't. Please, Master, I– I can have a life without that..."
Obi-Wan looked at me sadly, "You can... but you need to actually accept whatever happened and move on...not just hide it."
I glanced away, "No one will look at me the same...W-Why can't we just... leave it be?"
Kenobi sighed and put a hand on my shoulder, "There are things in my life that I wish would not come to light, but...It will happen one day, or another. And I would rather have it be me telling the story, not someone else."
I bit my lip, "No one knows it here...It'd be impossible for them to tell."
I felt him shrug, "Sometimes there are other methods to finding out the truth. As I said before, there is darkness surrounding you, if an enemy senses this, that will be their target."
I hesitated, knowing that he wanted me to explain things now, but...I couldn't.
There was only one person ever who I'd told, and she spilled it to the whole town.
"I need more time..." I whispered after a moment, looking down. "I'm sorry, Master. For...For this, and for starting the fight."
It was silent for a moment before Obi-Wan stood up, "I know, dear...I will make sure everything is dealt with. For now, you should rest. It's been a long day for you."
I nodded slowly, not moving an inch, my mind on all his words.
Obi-Wan walked to the door and paused, "It will be alright...Just stay close to us tomorrow..."
He left a moment later, knowing that I wouldn't answer him.
I sighed heavily, slowly moving to lay down.
I did feel exhausted, he was right about that, but fear held onto me as I thought about what their reactions would be to what happened.
I bit my lip and screwed my eyes shut. I couldn't let them find out...They would never look at me the same...
I have a chance at a new life here, a good life, if I survive this mission. I won't screw it up with my past.
I pushed away the fear as best as I could, telling myself it was ridiculous to feel that way.
It's been four years, and I've only ever told one person out of trust. That was a mistake...One that I won't make again.
No one needs to know.
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