#cant be bothered with it anymore
wilimia · 2 years
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Wonder if they'll ever go on that fishing trip 🤔
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robotpussy · 5 months
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
As it is International Asexual Day I feel empowered and the need to say . . .
Sex is scary.
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liquidstar · 3 months
im afraid i may have i classically conditioned myself. i have a space heater in my room, the kind that makes fan noise when i turn it on. i think ive come to associate that sound with being warm, because i recently got a mini fridge that also makes fan noise, and now i keep feeling hot even though its the same temperature its always been (which is usually cold for me). my fridge makes me warm. thats all backwards. damn you pavlov.
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red-might-be-dead · 2 months
how i think different riptide characters would ask for help
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girl help
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girl help
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girl you must help
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girl *growls* help *growls*
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la la girl help la
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girl help :33
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hello vixen soap lesbianchipbastard
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girl help
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girl help
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blblb :333 plb :33 llbpbl :3333 :33
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girl help
old man earl
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fuck you girl i can help myself *gets stabbed real bad* aghhaauuughh girlll….. girl helppp….. aauuuuaaughhhooohhh
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whenemmafalls · 2 years
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Taylor Swift Eras Tour Poster for Each Era Part 1: The Taylor Swift Era (2006-2008)
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leeenuu · 2 years
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world cup 2022 + ao3 tags (1/?)
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imnotzuza · 3 months
THE 'hand on the shoulder' while standing in the same spot as in 3x03 (IS HIS FUCKING HAND ON BUCKS WAIST?!?!?!? EDMUNDO DIAZ YOURE GAY)
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THE BUDDIE BASKETBALL!??!!!! 'looking hot and sweaty on your own, handsome?'
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this is feeding my every delusion.
we're so close.
buddie canon.
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frogsmulder · 5 months
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Dana Scully: some things never change
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plumdale · 2 years
my queue ended today and im still getting the failure to save error, sooo ig i wont be playing until that’s fixed and who knows when that’ll happen
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kheprriverse · 7 months
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Upcoming Ballad changes 👀?
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mullettaegi · 3 months
incoming: another fucking voltron rant because i watched a langst edit and now i wanna cry😭😭
they did not take time. they did not slow that show down for a little bit. especially for lance. cause he did not getting a fucking moment to find himself again after he FUCKING DIED. we saw him homesick, we saw him missing his family, we saw him insecure about his position on the team, we saw him insecure about himself, but we never actually saw him go anywhere else but being sad. he really did get barely any character development.
and tbh i feel like in a way just all the characters didnt have a moment to slow down. and i know, i know, its a kids show, its about fucking robots for fucks sake, theyre in the middle of a war. which, yeah. youre right. but there couldve been so much more, for him, for all of them. what about them? as people, with feelings. where are there emotions. why is it only sadness and happiness and not the enitre confusing spectrum of emotion between. does pidge not feel lost after she finds her brother? yeah, hes back, but i bet she didnt imagine she would be fighting an intergalactic war, and now matt is too. she imagined family dinner, brother barging into her room, dad making corny jokes, house happier and full of life.
hunks family was put in a fucking work camp. he had seen this across the galaxy, zarkons army imprisoning people, making them work, killing them. did he imagine that for earth ? did he imagine that for his family? how the fuck did he cope fighting a war, anxious as he is? how did he cope at all?
shiro isnt even in his fucking original body. thats fucking weird. im not saying that in a rude way bc like yeah, organ transplants are a thing irl, and a major life saving thing they are ! but like, how odd it must be to have someone elses kidney or heart in your body. nevermind to have your entire soul and conciousness put into another body, you but not really you.
keiths life,,, dude probably just doesnt even give anything a second fucking thought anymore. but like, could they not have shown him showing some more emotion. fair enough if he doesnt always cry in the moment but rather late on, but you'd think seeing allura die, they wouldve at least put some tears in his eyes. he had fucking no one before he had voltron. only shiro, and even then he was alone for so long when shiro had been on his mission. you cant tell me he didnt want to think of voltron as his family. they bonded :(
and lance, gosh lance. i feel like, if we looks at this as it is, lance would be the character that people think back on and go "oh yeah, he helped me accept my emotions, he helped me become the best version of me and gain confidence in who i am". in the fandom hes seen as someone with big emotions that he wears on his sleeve, but also someone who will put everyone else and their needs before himself.
he's a story of self-sacrifice, quite literally. he's the story of sincere love, of casual admiration. he's the story of the most wonderful friend, of loyalty, of no, I'll step down because there's a cause bigger than me, and im not the one for the job when there's people like my friends and you on the team.
and no one wanted to explore that? no one wanted to see him do more than just, what? flirt and literally die and fall in love and barely find his place on team voltron? that was it for him. it shouldn't have been, but it was.
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brianskangs · 9 months
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abouttofillhisshoes · 3 months
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me watching the cologne setlist madness and then taking a few hits to not completely lose my fucking mind🥰
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
would you guys still like me if i became even more cringe and started writing oc/canon fics again 👉👈
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kdramamilfs · 4 months
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eugene as oh yoon hee // the penthouse (2021) - 2.09
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