#cannot believe i did well on the dancing and bad on the singing. THIS IS SO BACKWARDS can we please switch that
pallases · 4 months
the weak spot of this audition being my singing DEATHHHH
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sadlynojellybeans · 4 months
So I am re-reading TOA and i have decided to write some things i noticed now that I know what is going to happen next.
Meg was about do develop a crush on Percy, and Apollo noticed. It was immediatly curbed by Percy mentioning his girlfriend. He did not even notice XD
Apollo actually got out of the three legged death race unscathed O.o Scared to death but unharmed
Lester is being surprisingly not pathetic??? I mean, he can't remember shit and has the constutution of a limp noodle, but he has not fainted in several chapters!!! Maybe it's because Camp Half Blood is a relatively safe space for them...
THE FORESHADOWING IN CHAPTER 26 IS DEVASTATING - he gets confirmation it is the emperors behind everything and he thinks "i would have rather tangled with Tartarus or Ouranos or Primordial Chaos" APOLLO PLEASE
Speaking of foreshadowing, Rhea?!??!? "Find your center. Enlightenment has to come from within" HELLO??!?!??
Apollo mentioning he caused an earthquake that wiped out most of Sparta and that he never liked the Spartans much??? What about HYACINTHUS???????
"I busted out some footwork the Nine Muses and I had been working on" please I want so bad to see Apollo dance. Especially Apollo as Lester
Apollo being absolutely convinced that he will never have a proper partner is tragic. "It was not in my destiny" bro
The Germani appear and the absolute first thing Apollo does is move in front of Meg. "Instinctively". This is the same guy that at the beginning of the book was evaluating which demigods would be best to keep on hand to throw at quests. I can't. Just how much exactly did he repress his protective instincts through the years and centuries?
I find so fascinating that Apollo wants to strike Nero down immediately after meeting him. Like, yes. Apollo is a god. And he would not allow anyone to threaten what he cares about. Even after his trials, he might be kinder and more attentive to demigods, but I think that anybody who crosses him (really crosses him) will have to start praying for mercy.
If there is one thing I can say about TOA is that it is certainly expanding my musical horizons, with all the songs I have to check out on youtube just to have an idea of what Apollo is singing about.
He did not suck during the confrontation with Nero?! Burst of godly strength saved the day and his dignity
"Just because she had lied about being my friend did not mean I wasn't hers. She was in danger. I was not going to leave her" man. He cares so fucking much. No wonder he never let anybody get close to him in the last years.
Didn't they say a sonnet was worse than a limerick in the next book?
"BLESS HIS CONNIVING LITTLE HEART". "Children of Hermes cannot rap". "[Cecil] was demoted to dancer" skjsjskansnkzbsnsmmsnzm
It's kind of ... sad? How happy Apollo is when flying on the giant ants. He is used to being a god who can fly whenever he wants, and a part of him is usually in the sky every day as he drives the sun chariot. And instead he has been stranded on earth, away from what is both his duty and something he greatly enjoys. "It felt so good to fly again. [...] For two or three seconds I was exhilarated".
I cannot believe I am so happy because of a talking arrow
The arrow QUIVERED kjsnsksjsnsnzjxndnsk i love them so much
Not Apollo asking where Jason Grace is 💀
I genuinely cannot understand if this is foreshadowing or really lucky wording on Riordan's part. Rachel asks about Meg and Apollo thinks "She might as well have plunged the Arrow of Dodona into my chest". RICK. RICK DID YOU KNOW? HAD YOU ALREADY THOUGTH ABOUT THAT SCENE IN TBM OR WAS IT PURE CHANCE????
WE WERE ROBBED. I have been wondering for a few days if in TOA we ever see Apollo sing for fun (not to confuse enemies, not to open doors, not for any practical purpose. Just for the fun of it). The depressing answer seems to be no, although I might have forgotten. At the end of THO it is implied that Apollo, Leo and Calypso join the sing-along at CHB, but the fact that the books end before we actually see him sing is a travesty.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 7 months
"Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colours?" "You're very close." just screams Empire Siblings to me
14. "Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colours?" "You're very close."
Caleb is going to kill Veth. What was supposed to be a relaxing Mighty Nein vacation on the shores of Rumblecusp has turned into Fjord and Caleb babysitting the rest of their friends, who are, in Jester's parlance, tripping balls. Fjord keeps apologizing—it was his crew, namely Jester and Kingsley, who brought the strange powder ashore—but Caleb can't blame him when Veth was the one who stole it and dumped half the bag of unknown narcotics into the group punch. She even had to slip it into Caduceus's iced tea.
Caduceus, at least, is easy to take care of. He's been sitting with his back to a palm tree for two hours now, murmuring gently to the giant beetle in his hand—or, rather, murmuring to where the giant beetle was, because Caleb watched it fly away over an hour and a half ago. Caleb just reminds him to drink water every once in a while, to which Caduceus drawls, "Yes sir, Mr. Cat Man."
Jester and Yasha seem convinced that tonight is the night they're going to write the greatest erotic thriller Exandria has ever known. Caleb already surrendered all of the parchment in his possession to quell their incessant begging, and now they're sliding through the sand in pursuit of a terrified Fjord. "Let me see your ABS!" Jester shouts, lunging for the hem of her boyfriend's shirt. "I have to describe them perfectly!"
Caleb's just glad Fjord's handling those two. He peers at their manic scribbles and wonders if Yasha even knows that Jester has been writing everything in Infernal.
He gave up on getting Veth down from the tree she's in. Every attempt to do so was met with some variation of "The OCEAN can HEAR YOU, you ginger BASTARD!" followed by a wobbly crossbow bolt being fired into the gently lapping waves. Caleb just hopes she doesn't fall from the branches in her sleep. Well, if she does, he supposes that would be just desserts for all the chaos she's wrought.
Kingsley keeps getting booed off of the stage originally erected for Travelercon, but he keeps sneaking back on, each time with a new talent. Singing, sword-juggling, tap dancing, poetry, shadow puppets—from what Caleb's been able to catch from the Nein's slice of the beach, he might not be half-bad if he were sober. Tonight, though, he's an absolute mess, but he's not the absolute mess Caleb is concerned with.
Beau will not shut up. She has been talking non-stop for nearly an hour and forty-five minutes, her sentences long and her syllables unintelligible. She's been following Caleb around as he checks on Caduceus and Veth, mouth moving a mile a minute. Caleb cannot believe she hasn't lost her voice. From what he's been able to gather, her topics of obsession are:
the moons
ghosts on the moons
building an airship to deliver a payload of anti-ghost gas to the moons
Yasha's tits
Caleb and Fjord moving in slow motion
proof that the Cerberus Assembly has a secret volcano lair
the beetle that Caduceus was talking to being a spy for King Dwendal
Exhausted, Caleb splays out on the beach, staring up at the stars. Beau keeps rambling beside him about the firmness of her wife's breasts until she cuts herself off mid-word, and for a moment, Caleb knows peace. Then a face appears upside-down above his. "Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colors?"
He sighs. "You're very close."
"Why are you so slow? Did you cast a spell on yourself? The rest of us are so fast, even Caduceus. I'm watching him fly around the tree but he's going so fast even he can't see it."
"I told you, Fjord and I didn't drink the punch. That's why we're stuck keeping the rest of you chucklefucks alive."
"Do you think the stars are alive?"
"What if they are, though?"
"Then each and every one of them would be telling you to shut the fuck up and go to sleep."
"Okay." The face disappears, and a moment later, much to Caleb's surprise and awe, he hears snoring. He turns his head to see Beau curled up like a cat in the sand, passed out cold. Relieved, Caleb lets his own eyes drift shut.
Only for them to snap open a minute later when a familiar voice echoes across the beach. "CALEB! WHAT IS THE ZEMNIAN WORD FOR 'THROBBING PENIS'?"
Caleb is going to kill Veth.
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crispywizardtale · 9 months
Top apologist here
I might get canceled but idc I will defend Top
Last week Top shared Mew bits and pieces of his past and I feel like he did it because he started feeling comfortable around Mew. He does not see that Mew is playing him, he cannot see pass what Mew is actually thinking and feel bad for him because at this point I can't even understand what Mew is thinking. I can't say if Mew is actually playing with Top and his feelings or if Mew is just trying to change Top.
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On today's episode Top took Mew on a cute date in a silent disco which was Mew's first experience with something like that. He explained everything about the disco to Mew before taking him to the dance floor. This whole section was a normal date including the off key singing and cringy lines.
Everything was going great Top was enjoying his time with Mew until Beam didn't see Top and started a conversation with Top. You could really see how Top's mood changed as soon as he arrived.
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Beam made Top very uncomfortable with everything he was saying and I think that Top would disagree with what Beam just said but he just kept it inside.
This is the second person who said this. First it was Boston and now Beam but both of them are wrong. I don't think anyone knows Top, I don't think even Mew knows true Top, I think that even Top is struggling with that himself. I think ever since the fire Top hasn't known peace he could never truly relax. He might have told himself that sleeping with others would bring a bit of comfort but I don't think he truly wants it...
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This whole interaction made Top feel uneasy even when Beam left. He forced a smile the whole time Beam was there and when he left he was just looking around uncomfortable he couldn't even enjoy himself after the conversation
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I do feel that Top does care about Mew.. Maybe he involuntary started liking Mew. He is not trying to get into Mew's pants at least I see it that way
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But he still likes pissing Ray off which is okay you can't get along with everyone and he can have a bit of fun especially if he knows that Ray likes Mew
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Once again Top clearly states he does not want to do anything with Boston but Boston is not letting him go he clearly does not respect Top in any way. Boston is so selfish and sees only his own needs and does not care about anything or anyone else.
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Top is clearly trying to ignore Boston and take care of Mew but Boston keeps bothering Top and when Mew pushed Top to leave he had no choice but to go to him.
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We need to talk about Boston gaslighting everyone. He did it to Ray at the party and now he is doing the same to Top just to get his way with Top
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He is so disgusting he is gaslighting Top so hard because he does know that Top started caring for Mew. Everything thag Boston said in the car was so disgusting I have no idea how he can live with himself
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He looks like a lost puppy here he has no idea what he should do now he can't even think straight anymore everything he thought he knew was a lie and he does not know what he should believe now
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I would also like to point out that Mew does not think of Top as his boyfriend. Is it still cheating? Well yes but but Top has so many things on his mind he went back to the only thing he knows and that is sex
Is this mess a complete mess yes it is but this is not a face of man he wants to do this
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avengers-fixation · 1 year
I Don’t Wanna Set the World On Fire
A/N: This is my first fic in like 6-7 years so please go easy on me! It’s been a rough few days and I forgot about this challenge until today so it is a bit of a rushed fic. This is part of @roosterforme LOVE IS IN THE AIR songfic challenge. I hope you all enjoy!
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As I stood at the sink washing the dinner dishes that Jake and I used, my favorite song came blaring through the speakers. I started humming along and swaying to the soft beat. 
Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist and heat bloomed along my shoulder and neck as he nuzzled his nose inhaling deeply. I smiled brightly and continued humming until Jake started singing along to the song. 
“I don’t wanna set the world on fire. I just wanna start a flame in your heart!” He softly sang in my ear and swayed with me. 
I could feel the heat creep up into my cheeks as he did so. I turned around in his arms drying my hands off and smiled lovingly up at him. “Hi, my love.” 
He leaned down and kissed me in such a way that my heart nearly exploded. He leaned his forehead against mine as he pulled away. 
“Jake Seresin, if I did not know any better I would say you were feeling all kinds of sappy on Valentine’s day.” I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck, still swaying to the song. 
He smiled down at me. “Well darling…as it just so happens to also be our one year anniversary, I would say you are well worth the sappiness.” 
He pulled me closer and started swaying us around more, pulling me to dance with him in the middle of the kitchen. I sighed happily and laid my head on his chest. 
“I cannot believe it has been an entire year spent with you Jake. Seems like just yesterday you were all cocky and had that stupid smirk on your face as you tried to flirt with me.” I whispered thinking back to when we first met at the Hard Deck a year ago for Penny’s Valentine’s Day special. 
Jake squeezed my hand softly before humming his agreement. “You were the most beautiful woman there that night and every night since. You did not fall for any of my usual tricks which, I will say, almost brought me to my knees right then and there.” 
In my heart I have but one desire, and that one is you. No other will do.
“Rooster refused to let me talk to you after that night, you know.” I looked up as I told him. He stared down at me in slight shock. “Really? Cause he is the one that pushed me to finally ask you out.”
Thinking back to a year ago, Rooster would always steer me clear of Jake whenever he came in sight or was even mentioned in conversations. But he never spoke bad about Jake which I was grateful for since I had already had a major crush on Jake seeing at the Hard Deck all the time. 
“I do not know whether to thank Rooster or strangle him for trying to keep me away from you.” He laughed lightly and spun me around until I ended back in his arms again. 
The song ended and then started playing again. I looked up at Jake in confusion when he pulled away from me and pulled out one of his ties. “What are you doing with that? I swear Jake that if you are trying some type of fifty shades thing with me on Valentine’s Day of ALL days, I am gonna kill you tomorrow.” I threatened. 
He let out a full belly laugh before shaking his head. “No darlin’, just put it on for me so I can finally give you the last gift I got for you today.”
I sighed and took the tie from him, putting it over my eyes and tying it on the back of my head being careful to not tangle my hair into the knot. 
I reached out blindly and felt Jake grab onto my hands. “Alright, here we go baby.” He started leading me around. I tripped a little and Jake had to steady me. “Careful. Almost there. Just a few more steps.”
He stopped me suddenly and moved me around a little bit before he pulled away completely. “Do not take the blindfold off just yet!”
I nodded and waited patiently as he shuffled around in front of me. 
“Alright! Take it off!” He exclaimed.
I reached behind me and untied the tie opening my eyes as I pulled it away from my face. I gasped seeing Jake down on one knee in a pile of rose petals. “Jake… what are you doing?” I asked in shock.
He smiled and pulled out a tiny black velvet box. “Well, to start, I have always known that I would marry you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You light up every room you walk into and always bring a smile to my face. I want to hear you be called Mrs. Seresin. I want you to be the mother to my kids. My entire family loves you more than me. My ma has already started calling you her daughter.” We both laughed softly. 
I sniffled with tears welling in my eyes. “Baby, you are the only woman for me. I would sell my soul in a heart beat if it meant I could continue calling you my girl. You mean so much to me. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He finished and opened up the box showing the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. 
I gasped putting my hand over my heart. “Oh Jake!”
“It is my grandmother’s ring. When she met you last christmas, she pulled me aside and gave this to me. She said she knew we were meant to be and that she wanted you to have this. She did not want anyone else to wear it.”
Tears slipped down my cheeks. “But we had only been together for 5 months.” He nodded and stood up coming closer to me.
“Exactly. Even she knew you were the one for me. So. What will it be darlin’?” He asked softly.
I smiled and nodded through the tears. “Yes! Of course Jake. Of course I will marry you.” He took the ring out of the box and took my left hand slipping it onto my ring finger. He kissed my knuckles before pulling me close and kissing me with so much passion. 
My hands tangled into his hair as I kissed him back with all the love that I could. 
We pulled out gasping for breath and smiled at each other. “I love you so much Mr. Seresin.”
He kissed my lips again. “I love you so much more future Mrs. Seresin.”
And with your admission that you feel the same, I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of
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insidemymind19 · 10 months
yeah absolutely take your time get some sleep (if needed) don't rush yourself!!!!
- Eras Tour Anon
This could be my favourite request ever I love this so much thank you so much eras your anon!!
Disclaimer: In this universe may didn’t happen 🙈 and matty, reader and Taylor are all friends
You didn’t think you’d get to attend the eras tour as getting tickets seems to been an impossible task Matty knew as soon as he saw your disappointed face that he’d have to reach out to Taylor (an: what if you just called Taylor up😂) and of course Taylor being a great friend of both of yours was more than willing to invite you, even hinting at you doing something together at one of the shows. So very quickly the day of your show came around and to say you were excited was an understatement you had spent countless hours making your outfit with some help from Patricia, a beautiful gown inspired by Taylor’s folklore dress and with great difficulty you’ve managed to keep your outfit a secret from Matty which just added to the excitement.
After many hours of perfecting your hair and makeup you take one final look in the mirror before you head downstairs to show Matty excitement bubbling in your stomach, Matty sees you appear from the bottom of stairs his breath getting caught in his throat as he makes his way over to you, “wow love you look absolutely wow I don’t even have the words” Matty says in absolute awe of your beauty, “well Healy you don’t look too bad yourself” you let out as you admire his appearance of a sleek white shirt, sleeves rolled up showing off his beautiful arms, chest tattoo peaking out, just the Matty you love.
Once you make you’re way to the venue you’re shocked when you are greeted by a security guard and quickly escorted to a vip tent, you truly didn’t expect this, “Matty how did you manage this” you let out shocked that this will be your experience, “well love Taylor knew how big of a fan you were and wanted us to have the best experience.” Soon after some fans make their way to the tent and offer you some friendship bracelets your heart absolutely melting when they ask for a photo with the pair of you.
As you hear the opening chords to miss Americana and you see Taylor appear you truly cannot believe you’re here and experiencing this first hand, experiencing this with matty. You dance and sing at the top of your lungs, dancing softly to lover with Matty as he whispers soft I love you’s in your ear, at Matty’s favourite song (shake it off🤭) you can’t help but video his antics. When the surprise songs come around you truly are shocked. Once the fireworks go off during karma you’re hit with a sudden sadness that the show is over, that is until Matty whispers in your ear “nights not over yet love” as the same security guard as earlier explains that Taylor has invited the pair of you backstage, you truly can’t believe you’ve experienced this
Thank you so much for reading ❤️ (really hope I’ve done this justice) I was thinking of maybe doing a little social media post for this if that’s something you would be interested in (?)
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theladyoflove · 6 months
hi! i've been having a debate with a friend, do you believe pinning after someone with a partner is good on the eyes of Aphrodite? like could you give it as an offering or would she not like it at all?
Plain text under the cut.
This is a very interesting question for a number of reasons. Firstly, this is a moralistic question framed as a theological one, and one that you're asking a mortal in place of a Deity. And secondly, because you are asking whether emotions can be used as offerings.
As far as I am aware, all offerings used in ancient Greece were tangible, meaning you could see, hear or touch them. While emotions were part of some rituals such as in funerals or the Eleusinian Mysteries, they were expressed through tangible acts such as ritual screaming, crying, singing or dancing or through clothing such as veils.
If you were to express this feeling of pining through a tangible act, then it would class as an offering! (And if someone more well read than me has a source which disagrees with what I'm saying, I'd be very interested to read it!)
Concerning the morality or 'liking' of such an offering. I, of course, cannot speak for Aphrodite and it would be hubristic to pretend that I could. So my answer here will be based on my own opinions. If you want to know what Aphrodite may think, it would be best to ask Her directly through divination!
It is my belief that all feelings are neutral; there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" emotion, because they are things we cannot control. To apply morality to something outside of our control is not good for our mental or emotional health as I have come to learn in therapy. Pining for a person who is taken is not a good or bad thing, it is just a thing. It is the actions taken that can have morality applied to them. I think most of us can agree that pursuing someone with a partner is not a morally good thing to do. But the feeling of longing is not bad.
In myth, Aphrodite has been known to compel feelings within people, or someone another loves, that they did not want (e.g., Hippolytus, Hippomenes, Menelaos, Skylla and Tyndareus among many, many others). But it is important to remember that myths were not seen as true stories, they were only creative explanations for observed phenomenon or ritual practices, or simply entertainment.
In offering these feelings to Her, what would the goal of this offering be? Would you want Her to banish these feelings from you as they pain you? Would you want Her to help you win the person you desire over? Or do you simply want to express these feelings to Her as a recognition of Her divinity and power? Because we can apply morality to our intentions.
TL;DR - Offerings in ancient Greece were always tangible, meaning you could see, hear or touch them. While emotions were a part of some rituals, they were always expressed tangibly. Only feeling an emotion without expressing it would likely not count as an offering. Feelings are neutral and amoral, it is our actions that can be judged. While it may be true that Aphrodite inspired unwanted feelings in myth, myths were not taken as real. Your intentions for offering this feeling to Her can be morally judged, but I nor anyone else can say if Aphrodite would like it, that can only be answered by Her. I would suggest trying divination!
This is a very interesting question for a number of reasons. Firstly, this is a moralistic question framed as a theological one, and one that you're asking a mortal in place of a Deity. And secondly, because you are asking whether emotions can be used as offerings.
As far as I am aware, all offerings used in ancient Greece were tangible, meaning you could see, hear or touch them. While emotions were part of some rituals such as in funerals or the Eleusinian Mysteries, they were expressed through tangible acts such as ritual screaming, crying, singing or dancing or through clothing such as veils.
If you were to express this feeling of pining through a tangible act, then it would class as an offering! (And if someone more well read than me has a source which disagrees with what I'm saying, I'd be very interested to read it!)
Concerning the morality or 'liking' of such an offering. I, of course, cannot speak for Aphrodite and it would be hubristic to pretend that I could. So my answer here will be based on my own opinions. If you want to know what Aphrodite may think, it would be best to ask Her directly through divination!
It is my belief that all feelings are neutral; there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" emotion, because they are things we cannot control. To apply morality to something outside of our control is not good for our mental or emotional health as I have come to learn in therapy. Pining for a person who is taken is not a good or bad thing, it is just a thing. It is the actions taken that can have morality applied to them. I think most of us can agree that pursuing someone with a partner is not a morally good thing to do. But the feeling of longing is not bad.
In myth, Aphrodite has been known to compel feelings within people, or someone another loves, that they did not want (e.g., Hippolytus, Hippomenes, Menelaos, Skylla and Tyndareus among many, many others). But it is important to remember that myths were not seen as true stories, they were only creative explanations for observed phenomenon or ritual practices, or simply entertainment.
In offering these feelings to Her, what would the goal of this offering be? Would you want Her to banish these feelings from you as they pain you? Would you want Her to help you win the person you desire over? Or do you simply want to express these feelings to Her as a recognition of Her divinity and power? Because we can apply morality to our intentions.
TL;DR - Offerings in ancient Greece were always tangible, meaning you could see, hear or touch them. While emotions were a part of some rituals, they were always expressed tangibly. Only feeling an emotion without expressing it would likely not count as an offering. Feelings are neutral and amoral, it is our actions that can be judged. While it may be true that Aphrodite inspired unwanted feelings in myth, myths were not taken as real. Your intentions for offering this feeling to Her can be morally judged, but I nor anyone else can say if Aphrodite would like it, that can only be answered by Her. I would suggest trying divination!
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taliskermortem · 10 months
okay so the only friend's trailer
a lot happened
a lot
i broke it down and in just over two and a half minutes they fitted in fifty scenes
(i've listed them under the cut)
all character names come from mydramalist so if they're wrong then my bad; if i know the actor but not the character name, i've put the actor's name in brackets; if i have absolutly no idea who the actor even is, i've put a question mark - if anyone can fill those in please do so
but anyway
Top/Mew – having sex on the kitchen counter (not very sanitary boys)
Top/Mew/Ray – outside party, Top being posessive and Ray being mad about it; ‘Mew only has one boyfriend’
Top/Boston – car sex
Sand/Ray – car smile (part of me want first to smile all the time and part of me knows i would not be able to handle it if he did)
Sand/Ray – BED FRIENDS share cigarettes; ‘do I need to pamper you and call you sugar daddy’
Sand/Ray – kiss on the floor with the booze
Boston/Nick – FRIEND WITH BENEFITS electronics store, broken phone
Boston/Nick – making out
Top/Mew – BOYFRIEND laser tag ‘when I take aim I never miss’
Sand/Ray – morning after ‘are you going to charge me… save your money for a shrink’ (ICONIC LINE but also... sex worker sand? i'm so curious where this is going to go)
Top/Mew – sharing shower; 'my only concern was whether or not i came'
Top/Mew – sharing biscuit; 'i just want to make you as happy as possible'
Boston/Nick – red room; ‘you should be glad to be my favourite’
Sand/Nick – argument ‘you hurt my feelings... he's an asshole, why do you even care about him?’ (okay i'm so curious about this friendship because let's be real this is like the only moment in the entire trailer where any of them even look close to being friends)
Namchueam/Mew/Ray/Boston – ‘friends don’t do this to each other’; confrontation with Boston where he gets full on kicked into the pool
Sand/Ray – argument ‘what are we to each other’
Mew/Ray/Top – Mew and Ray hug, I think Top sees this
Mew/Top – argument ‘why do I have to learn this when I already love you’; crying back hug
Sand/Ray – argument ‘you think my life is better with you but it’s going to hell’; Sand throws glass jar on floor
Sand/Ray – ‘now you’re in my life I won’t let you walk away’ (okay total 180 from the previous scene we're definitely in for a rollercoaster of emotions aren't we)
Sand/Ray – record store smile (another first smile to hurt me)
Boston/Nick – electronics store ‘I just want you to love me... I never loved you’ (oh these two are so messy i cannot wait) ONLY FRIENDS, MY ASS
Top/Mew – dancing
Sand/Ray – sitting in bed hug (and another first smile)
Sand/Ray – guitar holding hands
?/Boston – sex scene (okay who is this with? neo is just picking up all the boys isn't he)
(Papang)/Nick – office kiss (GUMPA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?)
Namchueam/(Nonnie) – cheek kiss (les... lesbians? pretty please)
Boston/Nick – swimming trunks on the jetty tickling and cheek kiss (this is adorable i'm going to get whiplash watching this)
Top/Mew – library smile
Top/Mew – lying in bed, Top looking at sleeping Mew and rolling over to hug him
Ray – at the strip club surrounded by women
Sand/Ray – car kiss (same shirt as outside the party)
Pills scattered on counter (i hope they handle whatever this is well)
Top/Mew – shower kiss (continuation of earlier scene)
Sand/Ray – Ray singing in a club and Sand watching him NO MORE ‘FRIENDS’
Sand – playing in a band
JENNIE – Yo on the table with a mic (ITS JENNIE AND SHE'S LOOKING FINE)
Sand – dropping phone and stamping on it
Sand/Ray – undressing, touching tattoo (i wonder what khaotung makes of that tattoo featuring in these scenes like that is actually on his body i believe)
Top/Mew – outside studying side hug
Top/Sand – confrontation and fight ‘it’s clear you can’t take care of what you have’ (I AM SO CURIOUS WHAT IS GOING ON)
Namchueam/? – hand on shoulder of guy sitting down looking upset (who is this? what is going on? i need to know)
Sand/Ray – fighting, push Sand to floor (rude)
Boston/Mew – fighting in the pool (hilarious)
Sand/Ray – sitting in car, Sand says ‘I’ll never take someone like you as my boyfriend’ (boy oh boy)
Sand/Ray – sitting in the bathtub (voiceover ‘can’t you make an exception for me’ - wonder where this line will actually feature)
Sand/Nick – Nick sobbing whilst Sand hugs him (continuation of earlier scene, i'm going to love this friendship i can feel it)
Ray/Mew? – Ray sobbing shirtless whilst someone hugs him from behind ( I think it’s Mew because of the glasses)
Sand – sitting on the floor screaming-crying and breaking my heart
there are some scene from the pilot trailer that i really hope they keep in as well, i liked the mood and styling from that trailer a lot but i guess we'll have to wait and see
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Glee-cap: Episode 4x14--I Do
I'm watching Glee for the first time, and writing recaps of my episode reactions (I'm also watching it a second time through with my sister, and I'll provide those recaps too). Here's my reaction recap for I Do
We start off strong--Finn and Rachel. Together! (Know that I am a Finchel shipper, before we go any farther)
Aaaaaand Rachel giving Finn terrible advice. Please stop.
Also, I do love Finn's 'not everything is about you'. I love Rachel, but she needed to hear that
Yesss Emma!! I love how confident she's gotten. Stressy, but a lot more confident
"I hope it's Britney again." Never change, Brittany, never change
Cory Monteith's facial expressions are perfect. Especially the 'internally screaming' one.
Emma knows exactly how to communicate with Artie. To a vaguely concerning degree.
Marley is so cute, especially with Jake. Her smile is so sweet, and I totally believe they are In Love
Jake is a sweetie too
Ryder is so level-headed, and I love him as well. Also yes, call out Puck dating a sophomore (as much as I like Puck, I don't like that subplot whatsoever)
Shoutout to the ridiculous outfit that looks like the lovechild of Kurt and Mike's fashion sense that Puck is wearing in the flashback
The bro-ship between Ryder and Jake is amazing. Ryder's acting is so bad. The tuxedos are everything
Jake and Marley's musical chemistry is *chef's kiss*
Not gonna lie, that bouquet was gorgeous
Yesss, Mercedes!! I love her!
And Sue is officially hilarious. "What, this old thing? It's an exact replica of your wedding dress."
and we're back with the random cracks about Finn's weight. The dude's insecure, and everyone needs to back off him
Aside from the aforementioned fat-shaming, every word out of Sue's mouth is gold. Not whatsoever helpful for poor Emma, but comedy gold
And Jayma Mays shows off hitherto unsuspected talents with Getting Married Today, as does Amber Riley. I haven't loved any of Emma's songs before this point but goshdarn it, Jayma knocks this out of the park.
Emma's freaking out, meanwhile Sue is just eating, and I love it.
Brad is the organist. Guy cannot catch a break.
Shout out to Becky, the world's most angry looking flower girl. Also shout-out to Kurt's reaction.
The doors open and...SUE. Gosh, I love her sometimes. And the organ crashing to a halt is hilarious.
Will and Sue's faces straight afterwards are delightful
Brittany mouthing that Sue 'looks so good' as she walks down the aisle at someone else's wedding. Never change, Brittany.
Jane Lynch hit comedy out of the ballpark in this episode. Everything Sue does here is hilarious
Finn now has himself in deep trouble
I am, at my heart, a Samcedes shipper, but I can't lie, he and Britts are pretty cute
Marley looks so pretty in that darkish pink.
I am vaguely frustrated that my hunch that Ryder has been having all of Jake's ideas all this time was correct, but I do still appreciate that they're bros, rather than, you know, fighting.
Jake and Ryder: Most Reasonable Dudes in the Glee-verse
Kurt's dance moves always make me laugh. I also love that Blaine looks so intense while he sings, and meanwhile Kurt's shimmying around and making Big facial expressions
Yes, Artie!!! For all his faults, Artie is really good at standing up for himself (no pun intended)
Sam and Brittany are so unhinged together /affectionate
Lots of people find Tina OOC in S4, but ever since The Power Of Madonna she's been given to occasional outbursts where she never gives her outburstee enough context to know what they've done
The comic timing on 'Did you vapo-rape my ex-boyfriend' is so perfect.
Did my eyes deceive me, or was Sam also lining up to catch the bouquet too?
Finn is my favourite character but occasionally he takes this particular tone with Rachel, and I Don't Like It
Whoa, Finn gets poetic and metaphorical. Guess being a teacher did make him smarter
Rachel missing the point is always hilarious.
I love Finn, and I love Finchel, but he's being just a tad presumptuous and condescending here, and I wish he'd express these same sentiments in a different way
Okay, what's with almost every couple heading upstairs. I kind of hoped that Marley would set some boundaries for Jake to respect (I mean, I'm not saying she has to, I'm saying that it would have been nice to see what would actually have happened if Ryder had been right, and how Jake would respond)
And that's how you know that I'm writing this as I watch, because I got what I wanted. Jake is so chill about it, even after getting his hopes up, and I'm glad he's not letting Marley apologise
Ah the glorious love between Brody and Rachel where they're constantly lying and being unfaithful. Love it /heavy sarcasm
Tina's dress is so cute
RYDER! You have been being so great the last few episodes now you ruin it!!
Artie's French accent is so cute
Their final song is really good, even if the dancing makes them all look completely insane
I also appreciate that their final-episode songs are starting to look a lot more low-budget and like real school performances than they used to
It's way too soon for Rachel to actually know if she's pregnant--unless there was supposed to be a timelapse in that song, but okay then.
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
the idol episode 1 review
ok so… i watched it. it’s definitely a show, at least.
i will briefly talk first about my opinions on everyone else’s opinions:
i do not believe in the censorship of media. i think people can make whatever they want, even if i don’t personally enjoy or agree with it. maybe that’s a chronically online ao3 mentality shifting over to other arts, but i don’t think it’s a bad thing.
i think enforcing what can and cannot be made, and who can and cannot make certain things, is bullshit. i don’t agree with with that. i think sam levinson can make this type of show if he wants to, no matter my feelings on it (and oh boy do i have a lot of them.)
and i do not think a “boycott” will work at all. maybe this show will be cancelled, or get a production overhaul for season 2, but y’all… i know 70% of the people trying to boycott the idol also watch euphoria. and jesus christ stop saying people are demons if they watch the idol— guilting people over what they consume is stupid and does nothing to change conditions.
additionally, i want to talk about the drama behind the scenes:
i know all the drama. i think it was shitty to fire amy seimetz after she finished 80% of it, and it was shitty to scrap everything, and shitty to turn it into what it is now. not arguing that. it was a huge waste of the money, time, and effort of hundreds of people to bring sam levinson in and boot amy out.
sam levinson is also known to be a dick when directing. his sets on euphoria were hectic, his sets on the idol were hectic— the man needs to let more people help him in every step of filmmaking instead of hoarding everything to himself and believing he’s above collaboration.
and now for the actual review:
i’ll start with the highlights.
i think lily-rose depp did well. she wasn’t outstanding, but i think people are too harsh to say she’s this horrible actress. is she giving an emmy worthy performance? no, not really. but she wasn’t bad by any means.
the best actor there, however, is rachel sennott. she’s great in everything she’s in, so i’m not surprised at all. she plays the anxious assistant and concerned best friend very well. she’s as much as stand-out as she can be with such a bland script to go off of.
i will get into what i didn’t like about the main relationship later, but the scenes of jocelyn and tedeos dancing at the club was (mostly) pretty good. like i thought it was cute to start out, and then them talking at the bar at jocelyn’s house was pretty good. their dynamic is best when they’re having understated moments that aren’t rushing head-first into the plot too soon, if that makes sense.
i think that’s it.
now it’s time for the negatives… and there are a lot.
jocelyn’s music is boring. i feel they could’ve vocally trained lily-rose a bit more to make her singing more believable for a so-called pop star. the sound and production itself was very bland like her singing, and i can’t quite tell if that’s intentional or not.
the dance choreography had its good moments, but was mostly odd. they also kept in random shots of lily’s dancing looking very much Not Great despite the plot praising her dancing. they could’ve had her practice more too (i’m sorry if i’m being harsh, but it’s the truth! she’s not a singer or a dancer, so they should’ve trained her better to sell the story.)
the costumes, hair, and makeup was fine, but some of the outfits were strange and needlessly… sexy? like jocelyn wearing a thong and tiny bra that covers nothing during dance rehearsals is a bit extreme. it was a pretty outfit i guess, but absolutely not practical and clearly there to just be like Hey! Look How Hot Lily-Rose Depp Is!
the cinematography was… meh. i was underwhelmed. it wasn’t ugly, but i know sam can at least make visually beautiful shows, and he just didn’t do that here. he missed an opportunity to be praised for something.
i think the first half of the episode was marginally better than the second half, but generally it had pacing issues. it was TOO SLOW and then would also throw you into new scenes with no padding to soften the landing. i had no sense of what the timeframe was throughout this entire episode.
the editing didn’t help with the confusion. multiple shots were repeated. they would cut back and forth between scenes in different times in some weird montage sort of thing, which confused me a little as to what was happening, where they were going, and which timeline we were supposed to be following. but maybe that’s just me. i don’t know. i’m still confused.
plot wise, TOO FAST. the scenes were slow, but the plot was somehow advancing too fast. i didn’t have time to really invest in jocelyn as a character, let alone jocelyn and tedros’s relationship before they were pushed together like a child forcing their barbie dolls to kiss. i didn’t buy their dynamic of “romance.” as i said, there were 2 decent scenes, but those scenes didn’t last long enough and both ended with them making out instead of actually setting up the groundwork for their relationship.
i don’t think the weeknd did bad, but he wasn’t necessarily good either. a handful of his line deliveries were… questionable at best. i don’t know if this is purposeful, but he gave me creep vibes. other characters said he also weirded them out, so maybe that’s the point? i’m hoping that’s the point. please be the point.
and now about sex.
a very hot topic for this show, apparently.
i am not a prude by any means. i watch euphoria, and i watch game of thrones, and etc etc. i can handle sex and nudity, and i do think it can be a useful tool in storytelling. as i said before, i also do not believe in censorship, so put sex in your show or whatever. i don’t care.
big but.
i will critique this because i don’t believe in censorship :) freedom goes both ways
the sex scenes here felt out of place and unnecessary. they did not serve the story at all. they didn’t tell me anything about the characters. i honestly skimmed the sex scenes entirely because they were too long and not integrals
it’s not even that they were too graphic or anything, they were just confusing. like oh jocelyn and tedros are dancing— oh, now they’re making out? jocelyn got home for the club and oh! she’s suddenly masturbating. jocelyn and tedros are talking about music and wow! oh wow. now there’s temperature play and suffocation happening. point being: the sex scenes are too sudden with no real build up or purpose.
i feel with a story like this, explicit sex could work. but not like this. i feel the extreme nature of jocelyn and tedros’s intimacy should progress as the story goes on, and get more and more wild and dangerous as it becomes more obvious that jocelyn is being manipulated and preyed upon by the music industry. that would be a good use for sex scenes, but the way they’re used here— just sporadically thrown in for shock value and Edgy Points— is not only unsatisfying and uncomfortable, but also confusing and ultimately meaningless.
as for the nudity, i don’t think it was anywhere as bad as twitter made it seem. i’m chill with casual nudity, so her waking up without a shirt wasn’t really gratuitous to me, neither was her rarely wearing bras. i don’t care about that.
what i do care about when it comes to nudity is how the story portrays intimacy coordinators.
the characters get annoyed with the coordinator and lock him in a closet just because he wanted them to stop the photoshoot because there was undiscussed nudity that wasn’t in contracts. like the intimacy coordinator was right and the story treated him as if he was just annoying. i think that was strange for a story that’s supposedly about how women are taken advantage of and mistreated in the music industry.
also too much smoking!!! a pretentious amount of smoking!!! nearly every scenes, jocelyn was lighting up a cigarette. sometimes multiple within the span of one location and time. like girl put them down. i don’t need 12 shots of her lighting a cigarette.
final thoughts
the idol has undeniable potential, but all that potential was discarded and replaced with whatever this is. i can see the bones of what amy seimetz intended, but i can also see how sam levinson and the weeknd weakened the integrity of that.
it was quite frankly severely underwhelming and messy. it’s difficult to pinpoint what the story is and what we’re supposed to think about certain points of it, and it’s even harder to get a grip of who characters are and their motivations. it did a poor job of setting up the story, and instead chose to throw us in the deep end and hope we understand whatever the fuck is going on.
i’ll give the second episode a try just to see if i can comprehend what this show is trying to tell me, but i do not have high hopes at all. i believe it will be an unintelligible mess with a few rare gems thrown in (those gems courtesy of amy seimetz, of course), and will hopefully prove that sam levinson and the weeknd both need a fucking writers room and their egos checked.
i give it a 2.5/10. a 3/10 if i’m being nice.
it deserved the bare minimum 5 minute ovation at cannes.
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"If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to blow a hole in you. Are you prepared to take responsibility for that?"
"I love flowers. The colors and scents make me feel right at home. I wish we were like that, too."
"…Oh, wow, if you've been watching me, say hello. You're very naughty, aren't you?"
"You, too? There are so many attractive people here, I'm getting lost in the crowd."
"Welcome home. I'm rooting for you, Master."
"Well, I'll leave you to it."
"You've been busy."
"Very well done!"
"Don't look at me like that…"
"I'll take this as payment for the flowers."
"You shouldn't worry so much. I'll be right behind you."
"I don't like going to places I'm not familiar with, but for Master's sake, I'll go."
"…This place is so vibrant and beautiful… And yet, even more than that, it's somehow… Sad… I could come here a thousand times and never get used to it…"
"The man who found his way out of a hole in the ground now plays a part in the Master's plan… I just hope what I found will be of use…"
"Thank you for your help. Did you find anything?"
"Hmm… Aren't I beautiful?"
"Shriveled flowers are worthless. I will work harder."
"How do you like me now, Master? Do I suit your tastes better like this?"
"Compared to them, all I can do is dress up. I wonder if I'll be cuter next time around…"
"Behold… The flowers in bloom, full of lustre and grace."
"I do not understand humans. But I know that Master is a good person."
"Meeting you was the first time I truly learned beauty without adornment."
"If all of me is what you want… I will give it to you anytime…"
RINDOU : Aoi-San, do you have it? Is that the new eye liner? It's a beautiful color and looks good on you. AOI : Hehe, thanks Rindou. The next time I see the peddler, I'll let you pick one out for me.
TIO : Haha! We're covered in so much mud! ….Hmm? Rindou, what's wrong? RINDOU : You're such a brute. There is nothing fun about being covered in mud.
TIO : Let's go Rindou! It's time to show them what we're made of! RINDOU : I don't have half the muscles you have, Tio. I'm sorry if I'm dragging you down.
TIO : Rindou! You are very thin! Come train with me! RINDOU : ….I'll think about it. If I were to tone my muscles, I'm sure my master would be surprised.
MIKOTO : Hmm? I thought I heard someone singing. That was you? Not bad. Let's hear some more. RINDOU : Haha, as if I care. I can't believe you like amateur singers. You're a drunken maniac, Mikoto-San.
RINDOU : I don't know what Merry Bad means, but I know all about people's love lives. YAMANE : Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh my God! Please tell me more! I want to write about it!
MIKOTO : Looking for something's no fun. Rindou, do something to entertain me. A song or dance will do. RINDOU : Oh, you're so generous, Mikoto! But I don't have that kind of time. Let's explore first, okay?
RINDOU : Oh, I see I'm with Yamane today. Let me ask one favor: Do you have any colorful stories to tell? YAMANE : Yo, nice to meet you. We'll see. I might have a good story to tell once we're done here.
WELCK : Well, it is a pretty complicated route, isn't it? But don't worry, Rindou, I have an excellent sense of smell. RINDOU : Really? Thank you, Welck's nose! You're magnificent!
MIKOTO : Hmm…? It seems darker up ahead. Hey, Rindou. Go see what's going on. RINDOU : Oh, no! But, Mikoto, you've got such nice legs for walking.
YAMANE : A story fell from the heavens… I want to go home and write now… I need some paper… RINDOU : Mane-Han, you look so serious right now… What are you sensing?
RINDOU : You're really reliable, aren't you? And so cute, too. I'm enjoying exploring with you. WELCK : Oh, it's nothing, leave it to me. I'm always happy to be depended on. Come, we've got more work to do.
TIO : Brilliant AND intense! This is truly the pride of Muscle, Flesh, Body and Beauty in one! RINDOU : Yes, it's a very physical beauty isn't it…? Please, bear with me, I cannot go any further…
MIKOTO : In the company of my greatness, and yet you are still so weak. You're not ready for this, Rindou… RINDOU : Mikoto, you were the one asking me to sing and dance. I never got tired.
YAMANE : I'm going to work on this manuscript now. If you'll excuse me, please tell us again, the story of Rindou-San. RINDOU : Thank you for your time, but… I don't know… You suddenly seem very energetic…
RINDOU : I never got lost, and it's all thanks to Welck's nose. Thank you very much. WELCK : Thank you, Rindou. And thanks to you, too. The harvest was good. I'm sure Master will be pleased.
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
My thoughts about the lineup/everything for ZeroBaseOne/ZB1
That name could have been WORSE. I was terrified of something like, Bep1er, Darw1n, stars254 or anything wifi worthy
So far I absolutely cannot remember that name and always want to say ZeroWannaOne
Im so sad that Keita, Jay, Jongwoo & Kamden did not made it through. Loved them :(
I hope we will see them debut soon, I miss them already
About Yu Jin debuting I'm not very happy with it because I believe he is too young and I'm scared for his mental health. We all saw what happened to people that debuted young so yeah im scared
Zhang Hao ranking first was a SHOCK
I'm sure his solo is gonna be amazing and I hope there will be violin !
I think Jiwoong will be the leader and I know he is going to do an amazing job and be very good to his members
I feel like their songs should be more vocals orientated because they have a strong vocal line : tae rae, jiwoong, zhang hao, ricky, matthew
Let !!! Jiwoong !!! Sing !!!
Their dance line is very good with S Han Bin, Gun Wook, Yujin, Gyuvin
There is also a good factor for stan attractor which is definitely Ricky & Jiwoong
I belive as well that their bond is also gonna attract people to them bc I feel that its going to be a very bright team (puppy duo, matthew)
Hoewever !! The rap line is not very strong. Yeah Jiwoong can rap, as well as Gun Wook, Gyu Vin can rap a bit as well but there is no one which rap is their definite strenght
Keita or Jongwoo you would have have been perfet here I miss you already
Also unfortunately they dont seem like a funny funny group so for entairtnment (idk how to write im sleepy) shows it could be bad but i know gyu vin & gun wook willl pull through
If only there wasnt Yujin I would have loved sexy concept but since he is there no sexy concept please
I am scared they will only get shitty/basics/disney channel songs
There is DEFINITELY something fishy about Jay & Keita not making it throught it. Like ??? Every single fan of eliminated G group trainee voted mainly for those two ? How could Keita that always rank in the top9 not be there ?
So yeah if there is a scandal revealing that the votes were rigged, or anything of the sort I will NOT be surprised
Now im asking JYP/Hybe/SM or any good company (piss off cube) to make a team with : Keita, Jay, Jun Hyeon, Seung Eon, Jongwoo, Wumuti, Haruto, Seung Hwan please and thank you <3
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
OMG all those things are so soft --- maybe 1, 15, 21, or 28?!! ah cannot decide they literally are all so cute and just "🥺"
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1. slow dancing
15. bed warm
21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug
28. forehead touches or nose nudging or any soft variation on the theme
Well, this was a tall order for a writer to fulfill. Especially a writer like me. I’m really bad at fluff. If you have read any of my stuff on AO3 dear anon, you will notice I don’t have a rating below T. But for you my fluffy-softy loving friend, I will give it my best shot. So here goes. (not beta read)
Poor Peeta Mellark, I thought as I stepped on his toes for what had to be the third time during this ridiculously long slow dance our friends had forced us into. 
“Sorry,” I mumbled as I took my foot off his and looked down to make sure I didn’t automatically step on him again. 
“It’s ok, Katniss.” He replied kindly as he pulled me closer. His large right hand felt warm in mine as did his left one, that was gently spread over my waist. He smelled like a bakery mixed with some kind of minty aftershave. I scowled down at his shiny dark shoes that were now scuffed because of my clumsiness.  
It’s not a real date. I told myself sternly, just in case my hormones decided to make more out of this than it really was. 
“It’s not, really. I’m sorry you got stuck with me tonight.” I said, wanting to cut through the crap and his polite martyr routine. If only to keep my own feelings from running away with me. 
“Stuck with you? Are you kidding me? More like you got stuck with me.” He responded so sincerely that I had to look up into his bluer than blue eyes just to see if I heard him correctly. 
When I locked eyes with him under the twinkling reflective stars hanging down from the ceiling of our worn out high school gymnasium, all I could see was his earnestness. But I still couldn’t believe it. 
“Oh, please Peeta, you can’t stand there and tell me that our friends didn’t put you up to this and made you ask me out last minute when Gale bailed on me, so that I wouldn’t feel left out.” I say, voice laced with annoyance. It was one thing to act like a nice guy who was helping out a friend, it was quite another to take the nice guy act so far as to try and make the girl believe it was anything other than a pity date. 
Peeta shook his head, his blond eyebrows barely visible in the dim light, scrunched together and he rolled his lips inward for a second, only to let them back out with a huff. 
“I mean, Finnick did call me to let me know you were—” He began to say but cut himself off embarrassedly. I had no idea why he was embarrassed. He wasn’t the one left without a date the week before junior prom. 
“Left hanging?” I filled in the awkward blank he left. Then I grimaced at how pathetic it sounded. 
“Finnick didn’t put it quite like that.” 
I let out a scoffing laugh. 
“Oh, so how did Finnick describe my ‘situation’?” I asked, intrigued as to what our mutual friend could have said, since subtly wasn’t Finnick’s forte. 
Peeta took a deep breath. “He called me up and said, ‘Hey Peet, word on the grapevine is that the Mockinjay is gonna be flying solo next weekend since that jackass Hawthorne decided to sign up for the marines and couldn’t wait a couple weeks to take his girlfriend to prom before he got himself shipped off to bootcamp. This is your chance bud, better take it.’” 
I can’t help but snicker at Peeta’s impression of Finnick. Its spot on. Plus Finnick was the one who had come up with my nickname of the Mockingjay, since I was the only one in our bunch of friends who could even remotely carry a tune. It often came in handy when we played drunk singing games. Which Finnick and Peeta were the worst at. I almost snort remembering how off key they usually are—but then I replay the words Peeta said and stop short. 
“Gale’s not my boyfriend.” I inform Peeta quietly.
“I would hope not, after the stunt he pulled tonight.” Peeta says in a low voice, that could almost be mistaken for a growl. The underlying anger in his tone confuses me. 
“No, I mean I couldn’t break up with him for bailing on me, since we were never dating. He agreed to take me to Prom since we’re best friends, to get my parents off my back. They worry I’m too anti-social.” I explained. 
Peeta’s eyes grow round with surprise, but then he just chuckles to himself as he grins and sings me down into an impromptu dip. 
I feel the breath rush out of me and I struggle not to give into my natural reflex and fight for control back. I’d probably just knock us both down with my inept flailings. I hold onto his thickly muscled shoulder and his strong forearm, marveling at the way he keeps me suspended for a beat longer than seems humanly possible. 
Then, Peeta quickly brings me back right side up, and hugs me close to him. I automatically hug him back, confused by his actions but unable to stop myself from reveling in the warmth and security he provides as I nestle my head against his sturdy chest. 
We’re not even dancing anymore. We’re just standing in the middle of the room, wrapped in this strange embrace, but I couldn’t care less. It feels so right, being here in his arms. I can’t remember the last time someone held me like this, hugged me this long. It must have been years ago, when I was a little girl, and I still curled up in my father’s lap for bedtime stories and lullabies. 
“This whole time I thought you were taken.” Peeta murmurs as he gently lowers his forehead to mine, his eyes closed and his voice oddly wistful. 
“Oh.” Is all I say, because I don’t really understand what he’s trying to convey to me. But I like the sound of his voice, low and full of soft tones like velvet starlight. And I like his arms around me, and the way his warm breath just ghosts over my skin drawing goosebumps and tingles from inside of me. 
“I never thought I could compete with him-with Gale. You two were like two peas in a pod, always together, always in sync.” He says. 
I look up at him through my mascara-ed lashes in puzzlement. 
“Why would you want to compete with Gale?” I ask incredulously. 
“Oh, Katniss, did you ever think that maybe I wanted to be the other pea in your pod? The one who was by your side, synced up to your beautiful brain?” He says lightly, almost playfully. And while his words are light, his eyes are dark, and there’s a heaviness to his stare that let me know this is the absolute truth. 
Peeta Mellark wants me. Me. 
I’m sure someone could have knocked me over with a feather at that moment, my knees felt so weak. I clutched at Peeta’s sturdy frame for strength, and he obligingly held me secure in his arms, unwilling to let me fall. The reaction is so sweet, so tender, that I feel a strong surge of warmth bubble up in my chest and spread out to the rest of my body, making me feel light and effervescent like I’m made of joy and air. 
“You did?” I ask, finally finding my voice. 
“I did.” He confirms quietly as he begins rocking side to side with me again, resuming our slow dance. I don’t reply, I just tangle my fingers in his wavy ash blond hair and rub my forehead slowly against his, nudging my nose along his freckled cheeks and silently trying to convey how happy his confession makes me. Peeta nudges me back, quiet and seemingly content as I am to have me so close, and relaxed in his arms. 
Later when everyone heads out for the obligatory stay at the fanciest local hotel room, Peeta and I hold hands in the limo. I tell him it's fine to rent a room with a single queen size bed instead of a double. His eyes grow wide, but he hands over his credit card with a shy smile. 
We lay down underneath the covers tenting them and resting our foreheads against each other again as we whisper secrets. About all those times we stole glances at each other across classrooms and hallways. About the missed opportunities and the longing we both tried so hard to conceal. 
We kiss, slowly, and become very acquainted with each other’s lips. Nothing else happens, since this is all so new to both of us. Not the yearning, or the desire, we have both apparently been thinking along the same wavelength for years and never said anything to the other, but the opportunity to see where this could go without rushing into it is still very new. We fall asleep nestled together under the hotel sheets, fully clothed but still it feels intimate and oh so perfect and warm. 
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the-brat-prince-1760 · 10 months
Just wondering did you get that message before of the recommendations of when I mentioned some types of music I like just curious if you got it :)
Lestat here.
I do apologize for not responding to your message! I did not realise that I had not messaged you back!
I shall make you a list on this post; this way, others who may enjoy the same music can have a look also, I hope you do not mind. The songs will be revealed underneath the cut, as I do not wish to clog up people's Tumblr feeds. :)
(Le Cygne / The Swan: Camille Saint-Saëns): I know that I have used this in a song list before; I just have a soft spot for the piece, and I don't believe that it is a bad thing to share again.
(Just Like U Said It Would B: Sinead O'Connor): I thoroughly enjoy this song (even the album it is off is legendary), and I was admittedly quite heartbroken to hear about Sinead O'Connor's recent passing.
(Spider and The Fly: London After Midnight): I am attempting to vary this selection, and I just hope I am doing well. It has a quality to it which I enjoy quite a lot.
(Stigmata Matyr: Bauhaus): You really cannot go wrong with some Bauhaus!
(Even Flow: Pearl Jam): Again, you cannot go wrong with some Pearl Jam, and I appreciate their music greatly. I do have a soft spot for Eddie Vedder. :3c
(I Want You: Savage Garden): I'm really not sure what it is, but this song speaks to me. And before anybody asks, I am quite aware of how the duo thought up their name.
(Risk: Deftones): I really do like Deftones!!
(Don't You Want Me: The Human League.): This song is fantastic to dance to, and every time I hear it, I cannot help but dance/sing or a combination of both.
(C'est Demon: Army Of Lovers): I have a soft spot for this band, and I hope you enjoy them also!
(Come To Me: Björk): This is a truly beautiful song by a truly beautiful artist. I love, love, love our dear friend Björk, and I hope that you all do too!
Those were my current music/song recommendations for you all, and I hope that you enjoy! I am looking forward to do another one of these in future, so keep the asks coming! :)
Lestat out. xoxo
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
‘Well, sir,’ returned I, ‘I hope you’ll consider that Mrs. Heathcliff is accustomed to be looked after and waited on; and that she has been brought up like an only daughter, whom every one was ready to serve. You must let her have a maid to keep things tidy about her, and you must treat her kindly. Whatever be your notion of Mr. Edgar, you cannot doubt that she has a capacity for strong attachments, or she wouldn’t have abandoned the elegancies, and comforts, and friends of her former home, to fix contentedly, in such a wilderness as this, with you.’ ‘She abandoned them under a delusion,’ he answered; ‘pic turing in me a hero of romance, and expecting unlimited in dulgences from my chivalrous devotion. I can hardly regard her in the light of a rational creature, so obstinately has she persisted in forming a fabulous notion of my character and acting on the false impressions she cherished. But, at last, I think she begins to know me: I don’t perceive the silly smiles and grimaces that provoked me at first; and the senseless incapability of discerning that I was in earnest when I gave her my opinion of her infatuation and herself. It was a marvellous effort of perspicacity to discover that I did not love her. I believed, at one time, no lessons could teach her that! And yet it is poorly learnt; for this morning she announced, as a piece of appalling intelligence, that I had actually succeeded in making her hate me! A positive labour of Hercules, I assure you! ... ’
Ellen ‘Nelly’ Dean × Heathcliff; Wuthering Heights- Chapter 14 (Emily Brontë)
I'm just picturing Heathcliff kicking a puppy, while Isabella dances around, hands folded above her heart, singing something about bad boys, who are soft on the inside.
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safyresky · 1 year
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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