#candy!sollux thoughts
no but how commander would absolutely toss me over his shoulder whenever I needed help walking. It's so hot I'm absolutely going to pop a wiggly ugh.
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meraki-sunset · 9 months
having a hard time explaining grimdark and trickster to a friend
think you can help?
they get godtier just fine but the other two keep confusing them because right now they think
grimdark = chaos in anarchy sense, but trickster = chaos in haha funny meme sense
Sure, let me see…
GRIMDARK mode is described by Doc scratch as “going completely off the deep end in every way”.
It turns your skin an unnatural dark gray, and in rose’s case to be surrounded by a dark aura, while jade had a spacey green aura.
It’s basically a black magic power up deeply connected to the horroterrors, a state of mind that comes from letting them influence a broken mind. For Rose, it was the death of her mother, and then trying to reveal the horror terror’s secrets. For Jade, she was heartbroken, but also she got mind controlled into entering the grimdark state by the condesce, who is also connected to the horrorterrors.
As an extra, Hussie described Eridan as also going into grimdark when he began murdering people, tho his case must’ve been more symbolical, as he presented the perfect scenario to become grimdark, the complete loss of hope, waiting for Jack to kill them all (due to his title being prince of hope, ergo Destroyer of hope) added to Feferi breaking their moiraliance talking with Sollux, being the detonator for his broken mind, and him being a Derse player, so his dream self was around the horroterrors and had interacted with them prior, he was also interested in magic like rose, had a wand just like her and sought for answers about, like her. He just lacked the connection to the horroterrors in that crucial moment.
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So Grimdark is basically when the horroterrors cause the player's most primal and violent tendencies to be pushed to the forefront
The grimdark is also described a “the fabled blackdeath trance of the woegothics”. So a dark trance that people like Rose and Eridan are inclined to fall victim of (in my opinion)
TRICKSTER mode, in the other hand, is described by Calliope as something that brings out your full potential, that brings all your walls down and puts all your inner thoughts in the outside and all your creative power in your hands. It strips you from all social and mental barrier.
It gives you reality altering Powers, allowing you to jump from place to place, probably dimension hopping, manifest objects and makes you super happy and candy colored to the point of losing grip in reality
The problem is that cherubs are very different from humans. For a cherub, who is supposed to fly around in the endless space protecting/destroying a certain part of the void, and its inhabited planets, feeding of black holes, fighting entities to death to ultimately mate in the shape of a big ass snake, a juju that’s basically drugs that can make you forget every wall you built up floating around space alone, and move forward as a happy missile ready to find a mate sounds good. But humans are social creatures, and cherubs are not. Cherubs don’t answer to anyone and don’t have Friends, they don’t need to follow any social cues. Humans built their relationships carefully, and they have secrets and barriers to protect themselves and others. They hide things like crushes and resentment and problems, because well, for the sake of peace, for the sake of not braking every relationship they have. That’s something that Calliope and Caliborn never fully grasped and understood why the kids came to hate the juju when they woke up
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So that’s all I could gather. Essentially they are different kinds of power ups, opposite to one another at their core, BUT in both the person isn’t fully there and is being guided by primal instincts, be it rage/sadness or Hope/happiness and they both have consequences in the user because neither is supposed to be used on humans or even trolls.
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bramblestar334 · 6 months
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I know I just posted the last four of these but I wanted to make a post where people could see all of them at once, along with explaining the thought process behind some of my choices. I'm putting my rambles underneath a readmore but before that, I just want to say that anyone can use these designs (with credit of course) (and if you do please tag me or something just so I can see it)
First off, John! He's a bunny partially because of the buck teeth, and partially because of the Nic Cage reference. Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box.
Rose is a cat because not only did she have a cat (Jaspers) but I also headcanon her as a therian. She gets to be a catgirl.
Dave is a bird because when I was in the process of deciding species, I mentioned the lack of birds and two of my friends immediately went "bird dave bird dave".
Jade is a dog, because of Becquerel, and her personality seems very dog-like. Plus I haven't gotten to that part but I think she canonically becomes part dog at some point. Whatever, she deserves a tail to wag.
Aradia and Tavros are... very simple. A ram and a bull, just like their zodiac signs imply.
Sollux is a snake, because his typing quirk involves changing his s's in some way. Plus it just felt right.
Kanaya is a bat, because she is a literal lesbian vampire furry. That's it.
Karkat is a cat, because his name has "kat" in it and I thought making him an angry little kitty would be extremely funny. I was right.
Nepeta is a cat because anything else would be utterly wrong. Look at her. Canonically two seconds away from being a catgirl. I also headcanon her as a therian.
Terezi is a dragon, because she already roleplays as one, although I didn't give her wings because I'm pretty sure those are a God Tier Thing. On a side note, I headcanon that she paints her nails, and here she paints her spikes. Candy red.
Vriska is a snake because she's a huge bitch. I love snakes in real life, but they seem to be a trope of traitors. Plus, as I noticed after deciding her species, John's item is an apple (representing the "original sin") and Vriska manipulates him throughout the comic. I love unintentional symbolism.
Equius is a horse. Like Nepeta, I really had no other choice. I also have no idea how to draw horses. My friends all wanted me to put him in a crop top but I'm not doing that. ...Maybe another time.
Gamzee is a goat, because my friends also suggested it, and because Capricorn is a goat-fish thing.
Eridan is a skunk, because I showed a picture of him to my friend who doesn't read homestuck and told them to assign him an animal. He stinky.
Feferi is an axolotl, again at the suggestion of my friends who did read homestuck. I think it fits her. :3
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pesterloglog · 3 months
Roxy Lalonde, Jade Harley, Calliope, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, John Egbert, Gamzee Makara, Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Jane Crocker, Jake English
Candy, page 21
ROXY: thx everyone for joining us today
ROXY: we are gathered here to honor the memory of alternate universe jade
ROXY: alas we hardly knew her
ROXY: by which i mean we didnt know her at all
ROXY: cuz she fell out of the sky like a week ago and was already dead
ROXY: but i think that based on our long acquaintanceship with alive jade we can safely assume that she was totally rad
JADE: (ugh)
ROXY: so were all here to contemplate the vast cruelness of the universe that such radness was plucked in its prime
ROXY: psst callie the roses
CALLIOPE: oh, of coUrse!
CALLIOPE: pUrple roses traditionally represent love at first sight, however these roses are actUally red roses that we prepared Using a blUe dye.
CALLIOPE: the blUe rose is the most elUsive and mysterioUs of all flowers.
CALLIOPE: the combination of red and blUe in this context is meant to evoke the dUal natUre of death, in that there is nothing more mysterioUs and impossible to comprehend than the vast void of the afterlife, bUt also there is nothing that makes Us appreciate the life and and love that we already have than the mystery of death.
CALLIOPE: while death is terrifying, there is always joy to be foUnd among the sorrow. each time we witness death, we fall in love with the important people in oUr lives all over again.
ROXY: woah callie thats a beautiful metaphor
CALLIOPE: aw, thank yoU roxy. u_u
ROXY: dont sound so humble it is v v deep
CALLIOPE: i jUst can’t take credit for external inspiration.
ROXY: lmao cmon callie youre the literal muse
CALLIOPE: yes, bUt yoU’re...
ARADIA: oh no did we miss the entire corpse party
ARADIA: i hope not
SOLLUX: yes that w0uld be *such* a tragedy.
ARADIA: oh shush you
ARADIA: the tragedy is what i dont want to miss!
SOLLUX: hey l0ser. it’s been a l0ng time.
ARADIA: no i wasnt dead
SOLLUX: 0h. n0pe.
ROXY: SHOOSH everyone!
ROXY: there will be a reception with cake n candy after the service
ROXY: u all can have ur poignant reunions then
ROXY: before we unite in tearful togetherness we gotta unite in tearful loss
JOHN: wait... there’s more?
JOHN: i thought that nice speech callie made was, like...
JOHN: pretty much the funeral.
ROXY: lol no
ROXY: callie and i were just gettin started
JADE: oh my god...
ROXY: anyway where was i?
CALLIOPE: how the infinite mystery of death makes Us appreciate the love we have!
ROXY: right
ARADIA: so i see you managed to get out of the fridge
GAMZEE: i DiDn’T jUsT gEt OuT oF tHe FrIdGe, I wAs SeT fReE sIsTeR!
ARADIA: i see
GAMZEE: wHeN tHe DoOr Of ThAt FrIdGe pOpPeD oPeN iT wAs LikE i Be AlL sEeIn ThE lIgHt AnD sHiT.
SOLLUX: well yeah
SOLLUX: that’s what happens when s0me0ne 0pens a d00r t0 a t0tally dark encl0sure.
SOLLUX: fuck, i can’t believe y0u’re still this stupid.
SOLLUX: 0h wait i can.
GAMZEE: nO bRoThEr, It’S a MoThErFuCkIn MeTaPhOr.
GAMZEE: A mEtApHoR fOr ThE mIrAcLe Of rEdEmPtIoN!
ARADIA: redemption
GAMZEE: yEaH cHeCk It ThE fUcK oUt.
GAMZEE: i DiD My MoThErFuCkInG rEdEmPtIoN aRc. :o)
ARADIA: is that so
GAMZEE: i BeEn DoInG aLl KiNdS oF gOoD dEeDs At ThE lOsT mOtHeRfUcKeRs.
GAMZEE: pReAcHiNg ThE hOlY wOrD. mAkInG oUt WiTh OrPhAns.
ARADIA: oh hmm
SOLLUX: isn’t it “kissing 0rphans”?
ARADIA: let him talk sollux
GAMZEE: i EvEn GoT a HeAlThY mUtUaLlY fUlLfIlLiNg kIsMeSiS gOiN oN wItH tHaT fOxY hUmAn BrOaD uP fRoNt.
ARADIA: its so nice that you believe all that gamzee
ARADIA: i think i can honestly say
ARADIA: im reasonably happy for you?
ROXY: omg quiet in the back already!
ROXY: were tryin to have a beautiful and solemn proceeding up here
ARADIA: oh im sorry
ARADIA: i do agree that its a beautiful corpse party
ARADIA: but i think it would be even MORE beautiful if we could you know
ARADIA: actually see the corpse?
ROXY: oh lol ur right i cant believe that slipped my mind
ROXY: hey jake a lil help?
ROXY: im like hella pregnant here and shouldnt be doing any heavy lifting
JADE: ughhh...
DAVE: yo babe its ok
JADE: easy for you to say! youve got practice with this kind of thing!
DAVE: just remember its not actually your corpse
DAVE: i mean technically it is
DAVE: it both is and isnt your corpse at the same time
DAVE: which yeah the longer you think about it like that the more fucked up it gets
DAVE: but also when you objectively think about it the combined multiverse is a huge tangle of interrelated but totally random events and its only chance that this specific life is the one you ended up living
DAVE: you and that corpse could have just as easily switched places
DAVE: but also that would never actually happen because its not how paradox space works
DAVE: anyway my point is that nothing really matters so chill out
JADE: um, i love you with all my heart dave but youre REALLY not helping right now
ARADIA: now this is more like it
JADE: i cant look...
DAVE: oh
DAVE: here
JADE: uhh... what... are you doing??
DAVE: emotional support yo
ROSE: Dave.
DAVE: what
DAVE: id like to see you do better
KANAYA: Me Too Actually
ROSE: I’m sorry, but I’m not the one whose questionable consolation tactics are on trial here.
CALLIOPE: this isn’t a trial! it’s a fUneral!
JOHN: haha, they’ve got a point rose, you gotta admit.
ROSE: A point about what?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: you’re not great at consolation? just saying.
KANAYA: Oh You Dont Know The Half Of It
ROSE: Excuse all of you, but I’m an excellent advice giver.
JADE: umm nobody said anything about advice giving rose...
JOHN: oh yeah, the advice is top notch.
JOHN: but you’re kind of a weird person to like... cry in front of?
JOHN: no offense.
ROSE: What??
JOHN: the first time i ever got upset in front of rose irl, she put her arms around me and it was so awkward that i had to ask her if she was hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me.
CALLIOPE: everyone, we’re getting rather off track...
ROSE: I was doing both for your information.
DAVE: the first time rose hugged me it was such a disaster we didnt make eye contact for like a week after
KANAYA: Jade Come Here I Shall Hold You In My Arms
JADE: thank you kanaya at least ONE of you knows how to treat a lady in distress!
JANE: Agreed. I’ve always felt that Kanaya has done an exemplary job of providing a model for compassionate, empathetic behavior, which others of her kind would do well to follow.
JANE: I’m sorry, Mr. Vantas. Do you have another unsolicited political opinion you’d like to share with everyone?
CALLIOPE: be qUiet!!!!!
CALLIOPE: please. roxy gathered yoU all here for a reason.
CALLIOPE: at least listen Until the end.
CALLIOPE: after that yoU can argUe all you want.
ROXY: look everyone im not dumb ok even tho i act like it sometimes
ROXY: i know whats goin on here
ROXY: that were all drifting apart
ROXY: and i know thats just a normal part of growing up and making new families
ROXY: and i guess learning that some people have unbridgeable divides on political stuff
ROXY: i can accept that things arent gonna always be the same as when we first met
ROXY: specially with dirk gone
ROXY: damn...
ROXY: even though its been more than a year i still feel it like he died yesterday
ROXY: what callie said earlier about death being mysterious and full of love is true
ROXY: i dont know if i ever would have gotten up the courage to marry john if dirk hadnt died
ROXY: sometimes i think about what it would have been like if he was still here
ROXY: i think we can all agree that if dirk didnt kill himself there would be some big differences in the lives of people here in this room
ROXY: i cant say if theyd be good or bad
ROXY: maybe when it comes to this kind of thing... like
ROXY: infinite probability and multiple universes and shit
ROXY: good and bad dont matter
ROXY: theres no better or worse just different
ROXY: even with dead jade here whos to say that the world she came from was actually worse than ours?
ROXY: she probably died a heroic death doin something incredible
ROXY: we probably only have the great lives we do right now because of her sacrifice
ROXY: the universal odds of us all being alive and healthy and together like this are so infinitesimally low that its literally impossible for us to understand with our limited linear consciousness
ROXY: isnt that amazing??
ROXY: so even if this is the last time were all ever in the same room like this
ROXY: i think its just incredible we could be here in the first place
ROXY: out of a sempiternal number of possibilities we are the only incarnation of this exact specific moment in all of existence
ROXY: i think that we should all look around and be super grateful for what we
ROXY: wh... what we
ROXY: wh... wha...
ROXY: whoah fuck
CALLIOPE: roxy? are yoU okay?
ROXY: of course im not ok i just WENT INTO FREAKING LABOR
JOHN: oh my god!
JOHN: oh my god!
JOHN: it’s happening, oh my god!!
JOHN: ...
JOHN: oh my GOD!!!
ROXY: omg john are you just gonna keep shouting oh my god or are you GONNA HELP YOUR WIFEY OUT
JOHN: doing ok there, sweetheart?
ROXY: ugh whyd i let you put this thing inside me
JOHN: don’t worry roxy! we’ll get it out as soon as we can!
JOHN: er, by “it,” i mean our child.
JOHN: we probably shouldn’t be talking about him in dehumanizing terms before he’s even born, huh?
JOHN: seems like kind of a bad omen?
ROXY: omg.......... john SHUT UP
ROXY: i need like six gallons of demerol STAT
JOHN: right! going!
CALLIOPE: wait! i...
CALLIOPE: i woUld like to be there as well!
JOHN: hurry up then!
JAKE: By jove!
DAVE: jesus fuck
CALLIOPE: jade! yoU...
CALLIOPE: yoU’re alive!
CALLIOPE: yoU’re not dead!
JADE: i am not jade.
CALLIOPE: then who...
CALLIOPE: who are yoU?
JADE: you know who i am, calliope.
JADE: we met once, years ago.
JADE: you were dead, and so was i.
KANAYA: This Certainly Is A Turn Of Events
ARADIA: ill say
ARADIA: at first i was underwhelmed with the proceedings i have to admit
ARADIA: but that was quite the twist
ARADIA: this may be one of the best death related celebrations ive ever seen :)
SOLLUX: t0p five at least.
JADE: you’re undoubtedly surprised.
JADE: but these events were not unpredictable at all.
JADE: this is exactly what i have been expecting to happen.
JADE: and while i cannot say the same thing for the rest of you,
JADE: i, at least, am exactly where i am meant to be.
JAKE: Hey uh.
JAKE: Not to come off as a total idiot here but...
JAKE: Who were you supposed to be again?
JADE: my name is calliope.
JADE: i am the muse of space.
JADE: and i have entered this body to protect your world.
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aaeds · 5 months
I've had it with HS^2
I don't make fanart or content for this fandom anymore, but after putting on "Let's Read Homestuck" in the background while I've been working I've returned to having a few Alpha kid WIPs. I have also returned to scouring the tags for cool fanart and opinions.
This is not the fandom I remember back when I was reading the comic partway through Act 2.
I cannot say I'm inspired by Homestuck^2, and to roughly quote another user - I don't know who the audience for this comic is for. The epilogues themselves were a disaster and the Candy/Meat timeline idea appears to exist to create even more drama with lackluster stakes.
There's no real clear 'goal' or core to the story besides...the fact there are two universes. And we have Ultimate-self villains.
It reads like bad fanfiction, that's nothing new - the problem is I don't think the authors are writing with irony. The series has turned into a ship-heavy metal bat beating older fans to death with teen drama and character assassination.
The current team clearly has no interest or plans for Jade for example, and in the recent update with Aradia and Robo-Dave discussing time travel - it really seemed like her body being on the floor was an excellent time to rehash several existential conversation points we ALREADY had in the original Homestuck about stable timeloops, dead Daves and how he uses his Godtier powers.
Outside of several unnecessary pages of dialogue, it was disturbing that no part of Ultimate Dave would help move Jade off the fucking floor while he and Aradia sleep in lawn chairs watching her until she became 'The Muse' It is so out of character. Pre-retcon Dave died protecting her body, Davesprite destroyed his relationship with both John and Jade knowing they would be reunited with the 'real' Dave. He was a true knight when he felt it was appropriate and mattered. But now we have a Dave who is back to having an existential crisis about his powers, life and death - and his sexuality. By bringing up dead Dave's Marriage from the epilogues. He didn't even mention Jade by name, presuming the reader read at least the wiki article on the disastrous self indulgent mess.
But that was all he had to say on that dead Dave. Just about not loving Jade. No one else, doesn't even bring up Karkat or Terezi, let alone any of his friends. Talking about Sollux for half a second I'm convinced was just to bring up a failed marriage and apparently 'not wanting to be gay'? This isn't Dave anymore, and if that's the point I want to know why we as readers should care because I promise you coming fresh off Act 6 for the third time these are not the same characters. Davepeta had a better outlook on what it means to experience doomed selves, whether they were chipper about it because of Nepeta's influence is neither here nor there. No matter what Davesprite did, it was in character for what Dave would have done because he knows himself. When it meant self sabotage so his friends could go back to the Alpha timeline Dave, that was a circumstance, and an act any Dave would have made because of the way he thought at 13 years old. That doesn't mean he didn't change, or would never change.
I don't think the furthest ring has rattled the kids in a glass jar hard enough to give them critical brain damage through every doomed timeline that they're different people. At least not in the way Robo-Dave is, or frankly anything in the Epilogue.
I'm done with the writers treating Jade as a dead animal to stuff Calliope into for a milquetoast attempt at a plot device without treating that as a joke in itself.
No Homestuck isn't a serious comic, but there's a reason Cascade broke several websites while Beyond Canon can barely drudge a handful of tagged UPD8 replies. Its audience is small and unchallenged. We don't need to bring back the use of the hard R to be invested in a storyline, but if all you're interested in in a piece of media is gender identity and sexuality well you've got it. That said, neither are a genre on their own.
HS^2 lacks one and direction and it's just going to keep dragging its carcass through the dirt until every unseen pairing in panel is churned through the fanfic machine.
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spidershops0 · 10 months
glub glub glub welcum 2 my side-blog known as spidershops0, side blog to my main @spideypawz
Summary of this intro post:
I’m Malik! I go by he/him and I’m 15, I like homestuck, and some other things! Hope u enjoy my blog!
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My names Malik, but most just call me spidey! I love drawing, writing (occasionally), editing, and rambling about my favs. I go by he/him pronouns and I’m 15 yrs old, I’m also black 🇨🇲🇺🇸
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I really really really like homestuck, I’m absolutely enthralled by it and I’d like to share stuff I make in relations to it. But I also like other things such as the Sonic franchise (I also really really really like sonic), Music, Spider-Man (obviously), TMNT, FNAF, South Park, Welcome Home, Art Commentary, Moral Orel, Cookie-Run, etc.
This is just the blog I use to ramble about things so it doesn't take up my main.
And also doodles, I don't draw a lot so I try to produce more doodles
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ok lightning round: my fav homestuck things
Fav Beta Kids: rose and dave. the strilondes hold my heart I’m so sorry
Fav Alpha Kids: ALL OF THEM❤️❤️
Fav Beta Trolls: Terezi, Tavros, Vriska, Karkat, Nepeta, Sollux, Aradia, Eridan, and Feferi
Fav Dancestors: meenah, aranea, damara, kankri & meulin :3
Fav Ships: dirkjake, i reallt really really like dirkjake, davejake, dirkjohn, johndave, vrisrezi, janejasprose, janerose, arasol, cotton candy, arafef, rosemary, katnep, jaderose, dirkuu, calliroxy, johnkat, solkat, jaderoxy, and equisol
im like….the worlds biggest multishipper
Fav Friendships: Dirk & Jane (I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP SO MUCH), Dirk & Roxy, Jake & Roxy, Roxy & Jane, just….alll of the alpha kids….I love them a lot
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- i reblog things like…..a lot
- any homophobic jokes I may make are ironic, I don’t support actual homophobia.
- I only put TWs for serious subjects (i.e, SA, racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.) and also flash warnings! If your trigger is uncommon then tumblrs great tagging system will be your best friend, otherwise I advise you to tread lightly
- i unironically like broadway homestuck and it wrecked my Spotify wrapped a little bit
- i do not have a dni or anything, just don’t be weird towards me. that’s all I ask. if i do not like you I will avoid you, simple as that!
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that’s about it! if you actually read allat thanks! I greatly appreciate it.
You can find me at @spideypawz for actually finished artwork, and also under the #spideypawz tag. For my random thoughts you can find me under #spideythoughts!! for now feel free to stick around for the doodles and rambling. Bye!!!
(Oh yeah here r my other socials)
- @spideypawz_ on twt
- @spideypawz on insta
- @spideypawz on spacehey
And I think that’s about it? Okay bye for real
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davekat-sucks · 11 months
Hmm, I feel a bit confused now! I thought in both the Candy and Meat timelines, trolls were being discriminated against due to Dirk and Jane's meddling... Wouldn't Aradia leaving Sollux in either timeline be sort of a "lose/lose" situation for him in general? Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong; it's been a good while since I last read through H^2.
In the Meat Timeline, Jane did win Presidency. Karkat and the others would travel to go after Dirk and Rosebot. If he was left in the Meat timeline, there's a chance he would be killed on the spot without Karkat or Kanaya ever knowing he was there. But you are correct, whichever timeline he would be in, either Candy or Meat, he is fucked, will die, and Karkat will not shed a tear for his old friend. I feel so sorry for the Mage of Doom.
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thatlittledandere · 4 months
So thoughts on the other trolls?
This is too broad a question I've got to condense like crazy
Aradia: The two panels where she looks up at the sky because Sollux is outside, a delighted smile that turns into confused disbelief when she notices something Wrong with him, are like my brain's screensaver now.
My son who I would die for who has done nothing wrong ever in his life on purpose and deserves nothing but love and kindness and good things like candy and puppies and a hug oh God my baby
Sollux: Anxiety haver. Worst typing quirk.
Nepeta: Kitty cat go nya :3 Kitty cat have a shipping chart :3 Kitty cat hold her own against self-imposed authority :3 Kitty cat slaughter livestock in cold blood :3
Kanaya: Lesbian just trying to make sense of it all. Just trying to keep it together. Autistic as well. 💚
Terezi: FUCK Vriska Terezi is the one who put me through a rollercoaster. Tricking John into dying didn't make a good first impression tbh (though I guess it had to happen. Or something.) But her chats with Dave are a highlight I adore their friendship. Kindred spirits.
Vriska: Intellectually, I support women's wrongs and stan mean girls and evil women. Vriska is a fascinating character!! Emotionally though. I hate her and constantly wish she would die more and often and painfully. Didn't even feel bad when she was freaking out when Tavros couldn't pull the trigger. Bitch
Equius: DUDE'S A RIOT. HE'S RIDICULOUS. I LOVE HIM AND HIS STUPID KINK. HILARIOUS. I am SO emotionally unprepared for whatever srs bznz might be in stock for him haha
Gamzee: I was SO emotionally unprepared for whatever srs bznz is going on with him haha
Eridan: We went over this last night I just woke up and think I'm going to go listen to that song again something is cooking inside my dumb little brain and I need to stir.
Feferi: :( Sorry I'm unfair. She's cute and nice I guess (I love how excitable she is!) BUT she represents MY zodiac sign so. I feel a little let down she didn't make a stronger first impression on me ;( And now my image of her is forever tainted by slight disappointment that is in no way Hussie's fault. 💔
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m1ndf4ng · 2 years
(holds up candy necklace) hand the driving headcanons over
…also ya want the candy necklace
Ok so I sorted them into five categories! There’s:
Good Drivers
Kanaya: obviously
Karkat: he’s so careful, he’s good and he parks perfectly and he never speeds
Jane: the only one of the kids to ACTUALLY have learned how to drive before the game
Can Drive
Dirk: he’s enough of a perfectionist that when they made cars he disappeared with one for like a week and came back able to drive. He’s not perfect though and it bothers him so much.
Vriska: she read one of janes old manuals and she’s been fine ever since. She’s probably using her luck powers though cause she definitely should have gotten a ticket by now
Jake: I just think he’d be fine at it
Jade: ^^^^same
June: jane taught her, janes dad offered but June doesn’t really like being around him since he looks like her dad but isn’t. She really doesn’t drive that often though bc she just does the windy thing
Bad Drivers
Roxy: she’s the kind of driver to be messing with stuff, shes putting on lip gloss, she’s adjusting her mirror, shes eating a snack, uh oh she hit a mailbox lol
Rose: she wants to be good at it so bad but she’s just NOT she tries to get Kanaya to teach her but she’s just hopeless
Equius: white knuckled, sweaty, gritting his teeth, he bends the steering wheel
Feferi: similar to Roxy but also she has road rage, if she’s driving she is also YELLING
Cannot Drive
Dave: Every time someone tries to teach him it ends in tears (if it’s karkat, then karkat cries; if it’s rose, then Dave cries) it’s not his fault, he’s much better at being navigator/DJ anyways
Aradia: she doesn’t really see the point, she likes to fly
Tavros: horn too big for he gotdamn head, when he rides in a car he sits in the middle seat in the back. He does know how to ride a motorcycle though!
Sollux: he just flies and when he’s tried to drive in the past he instinctually messes with other cars with his psionics which sucks if you’re one of those ppl
Nepeta: she’d rather walk anyways and she doesn’t go anywhere she’d need it so she just never learned
Gamzee: doesn’t really like being in cars (fridge trauma) and also even the specially made cars for big trolls feel cramped to him he’s so goddamn tall
Eridan: he’d rather be driven, thank you
Is NOT allowed to drive
Terezi: this is self explanatory, BUT one time vriska took her to a large parking lot and let her go crazy and she surprisingly only hit like one light pole and the only other car that was in the parking lot (it was karkat’s)
Davepeta: is not necessarily a bad driver but they had their license revoked. One time rose had a party at her house and Davepeta told her they were running late and then drove to her house, texted “on my way!” And then immediately ran the car into her living room as a joke
Jasprose: was in the car with Davepeta and also it may have been her idea, rose revoked both of their licenses permanently
I love to make little headcanons like this so if y’all have any thoughts lmk I’ll do more, also I forgot a few characters so I could add em later
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d1nnerd0g · 7 months
Hey it's that anon again. y'know that one from like a day ago. or a few days ago I don't have a good sense of time. it could be 2030 for all I know
I think my most major like, post-canon take is that I'd probably sorta hate it if I were treating it as a real completely serious canon continuation of Homestuck. Instead I read it more like fanfic than anything, just slightly more Creator Approved than most fics.
Not to say I lack standards of quality for fanfic, but I am more open to certain character alterations and interpretations (there are still more than a handful I don't like in post-canon) because I am more cool with seeing it as someone else's vision of a character rather than them being "utterly ruined" in canon or whatever.
I think it also helps that I read all of Homestuck a couple years after HS^2 paused so I wasn't in the active fandom during all of that (I almost was! I originally tried reading back in 2011 but I fell off of it within 500 pages because I had bad taste) so I didn't actually have my opinion particularly swayed by outside influences and was just more willing to give it a fair reading.
My next most major post-canon take is that, as an epilogues and HS^2 liker, the most recent upd8 is quite literally the best I've actually felt about the writing in ANY post-canon content. I think even if I DISLIKED HS^2, I'd still be interested in seeing where it goes from here, after that.
Hi! I waited til I read all of HS2 to reply so I actually know what I’m talking about. I get you on the benefits of backreading, reading this thing in one go I cannot imagine waiting month-long pauses in between scenes, boy can you really feel them in the text (in a way that wasn’t true in the original comic.)
I don’t find that either the AH-lessness or the divisiveness of the postcanon stuff changes the fact that this is the de facto continuation of the canon storyline - it is the reason any of us are reading it. Them framing the epilogues as an AO3 fic doesn’t make them any less on homestuck.com, rejecting this continuation is an active choice you have to make as a HS reader.
Anyway reading HS2 I was surprised both by how little plot occurred (except in Candy, ironically -- oh my GOD I cannot believe Meat decided to do 3 more years of The Yard/Meteorstuck) and how overall unobjectionable it was? This comic’s just been a lot of really nice art and decently written character banter, and that’s essentially it. Then both took a shocking nosedive in ch15/16, the worst writing I’ve seen in all of HS/postcanon, which was so egregious that I think… if the New Team honestly cares about this project shouldn’t they at the very least go back and revise some of that? At least fix the numerous typos?? Instead we get Terezi offering wry meta commentary that this time she’ll “do it right”, which already communicates a dismissive attitude I’m not impressed by. But hey all we've seen so far is two new conversations, everybody loves Sollux, let’s see if JR can fanfic his way into a compelling story.
…Seriously tho anon, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I absolutely just used your ask as an excuse to bitch some opinions out. It remains true there’s nothing in HS2 that I like that hasn’t already been done or done better in fanworks, except drawing Jane looking extremely bangin I guess, but I haven’t sought that out, as a fan, so it’s like the gift I didn’t even know I wanted, and didn't want
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mmmmalo · 1 year
Re: whole troll horns being Lord English bites/psychic antennae think. I just thought it was really interesting that Sollux starts to feel better after Karkat knocks out his teeth claiming that it frees him from his 'bifurication' gimmick. So it would seem that regular troll teeth function similarly to horns? There was definitely something about how Mindfang had a thing for girls with sharp, and in Hiveswap the Rainbow Drinker novel in the teal cart is referred to as 'Fresh Teeth'.
Continuing the Troll Horns=Teeth=Antennae thing and the connection to teeth in general, wouldn't that make troll horns the functional equivalent of wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth psychic antennae? Kanaya's assessment on 'measured defects' being imposed upon Jade-bloods would be true in multiple senses. Both in the rainbow drinker thirst that accompanies the transformation, but the imposition of 'wisdom teeth' (horns) masquerading as innocuous vestigial features afflicting her whole species.
Wisdom teeth are inconvenient but I'm not sure the analogy works for me... wisdom teeth don't really exert psychic influence you, except by pain. Perhaps if teeth represented the appetites they facilitate... Caliborn's literal sweet tooth, the candy corn, is preceded by his professed love of Cotton Candy, which goes against a sense of the tooth causing desire. But there still might be something to an association of teeth and desire...
I do like the observation that Sollux's disconnect with the terminal (remember, "imminently deceased" is a pun) coincides with his losing his teeth. It's generally assumed that the loss of his VISION TWOFOLD was the reason the voices stopped, but if teeth were an avenue... the order-confused Equius has broken teeth to complement his broken horn, but his blindness-signifying broken shades muddle the issue in the same way as Sollux's case... B2 Spades Slick loses teeth to the WQ and begins his Lord English transformation by adopting a spire from Prospit as a gold tooth (and later completes the transformation by stabbing his eyes out)...
...One thing emphasized in WV's intro is his flat teeth, unable to puncture cans without the aid of his knife/mailbox flag. If teeth were a psychic-horns thing, you might expect to see that juxtaposed with his attempts to control John...? Though that would imply that eating (accessing the can) represents allowing yourself to be controlled...? I guess that makes sense in a story preoccupied with will-as-pnuematic-fluid but it feels inconsistent with the power dynamic one would assume applies to devouring contents... idk. Something to chew on
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I'm literally just a freak that made a tumblr sideblog to be even freakier.
you can call me sharms and for the most part this blog is just for me to be freaky about three real people and a bunch of folks from my timelines. not that you need to know but I'm a diagnosed patient of psychosis and I have a lot of attachments. dont try to check me how do you know that your reality is actually the real one huh. tags: #moirail time <> riley #consuming you <3< norman #sonadow irl/j <3 sal #i fell in love with a war <3 candy!karkat #walking on the wrong path <>/<3 kankri #hide your insecurities <> non-sgrub!kurloz #happy birthday from blue <> blue #theres a hole that you fill <3</<> non-sgrub!feferi #youll see me again <3 arcjec voorat #its hard to be charming smart and disarming <3 karkat #maybe you would learn to live a fucking life <3 hal #why are you kind of hot <3< dave #vomit in the void of doom #candy!sollux thoughts #eridan thoughts #non sgrub!mituna thoughts
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ykno what. i rlly wanna answer these but i dont really have many ppl who are actively following me. so i will just answer all 100 homestuck questions
When did you first get into Homestuck? in grade 7. i was about 13.
How quickly did you finish reading the comic? a few months maybe!
How many times have you read HS? ive read HS proper twice, and the epilogues too many to count.
Ever made your own chumhandle? many times... i think my first one was gentlemanlyTerror. my one now would probably be hazardouslyToony or something
Ever made a trollsona? dozens!!
Ever made a kidsona? yeah a couple
Ever cosplayed a HS character? yes!!! my first one was terezi (it was SOOO bad. i literally mixed white face paint with eyeshadow, taped red see-though paper onto my old glasses, and made horns out of paper), then my second one was horuss, that i spent a lot of effort on, and then last year i went to a con as jake :3
Ever bought HS merch? yeah i have lots!! i have a lot of merch you cant get anymore. posters and stuff. i also have the jake shirt and the vodka mutuni plush. and i also have charms.
Ever made an MSPFA? i attempted to. only got a few pages in though...
Ever drank Faygo? they dont sell it in my country
Favorite Alpha kid? jane, surprisingly. jake is just the character who is Me.
Favorite Alpha troll? aranea by fucking far.
Favorite Alpha character overall? calliope!!!!!!!! CALLIOPEEE!!!!
Least favorite Alpha kid? dick rider
Least favorite Alpha troll? i hate most of them but the racial stereotype ones i guess would be the worst
Least favorite Alpha character overall? i honestly dont even know
Favorite Beta kid? ROSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Beta troll? terezi and vriska!!
Favorite Beta character overall? ummm allof the ones i just mentioned
Least favorite Beta kid? i like all of them. but i guess i spend the least amount of time thinking about dave so him
Least favorite Beta troll? GAMZEE. GAMZEE.
Least favorite Beta character overall? gamzee.
Favorite guardian? ..................bro strider
Least favorite guardian? um? alpha john i guess idk
Favorite Alternian ancestor? mindfang MIND. FANG. !!! theres something so wrong with her <3
Least favorite Alternian ancestor? whatever the fuck the sollux one is idgaf about him
Favorite carapacian? aimless renegade he holds suuuch a special place in my heart
Least favorite carapacian? Ms. Paint
Favorite Friendsim character? tyzias <3 <3 She is sooo . so hot. so arelynera and elwurd. also dammek! i love dammek
Least favorite Friendsim character? tirona i want her dead
Favorite sprite? gcattavrossprite and jasprosesprite
Least favorite sprite? umm the aradia frog one
Favorite pale ship? i like pale davekat. okay? i get it. i know. stfu
Favorite pitch ship? janerezi LMAO
Favorite flushed ship? JUNEREZI!!! JUNEREZZIIIIIIII!!!!! also callijane or calliroxy. i dont really like cotton candy im sory. i also like rosemary a lot
Favorite ashen ship? karkat c3< vriska and kanaya but in a really fucked up way
Favorite vacillating ship? .vriskan
OTP? junerezi :3
NOTP? absolutely dirkjake i hate dirkjake
BROTP? tavros and jake!!
Character you’d choose to be your moirail? if im allowed to choose hiveswap characters, bronya. if not, porrim.
Character you’d choose to be your kismesis? aranea ooough...
Character you’d choose to be your matesprit? i dont want to date ANY OF(tyzias.)
Character you’d choose to be your auspistice? ALL OF THEM ARE TERRIBLE AT IT
Character you’d vacillate quadrants with? jane crocker. get over here kiss me on my mouth
Character you’d be best friends with? jade.pls :3
Patron troll? Are you happy with them? tavros 😭also YES I AM! hed be annoying as heck though.
Zodiac troll? Are you happy with them? karkat.NOT HAPPY.. though i like to pretend im a libra so terezi.
One character you didn’t like at first, but like now? i didnt really like rose i thought she was boring but now shes like my fav ever
One character you liked at first, but don’t like now? dirk......... i used to jokingly hate him but now i seriously dont like him!!!!!
One ship you didn’t like at first, but like now? i used to be Meh on vriskan. i like it a lot now (in a studying u under a microscope not an i think its healthy way)
One ship you liked at first, but don’t like now? confession guys i used to be a dirkjaker
Alpha kids or Beta kids? i have to pick alpha kids since i think about them constantly but i like the beta kids more universally.
Alpha trolls or Beta trolls? BETA who tf chooses ALPHA trolls
Beforus or Alternia? alternia? we barely even see beforus
Derse or Prospit? #pissmoongang
The Felt or The Midnight Crew? the midnight crew absolutely
Grimdark or Crocker Tier? crocker tier i love the concept of it
Red team or blue team? red team i barely care ab anyone on blue (apart from neppers)
Meat or candy? i love both!!! meat and candy epilogues are both good in their own ways.
Trolls, humans, carapaces, or cherubs? cherubs
Have you played Hiveswap? Do you like it? I LOVE HIVESWAP!!!! its so fun!!!
Have you played Friendsim? Do you like it? i played a few of the routes. its alright
Have you played Pesterquest? Do you like it? i played it as it was coming out. its on my steam! i hate it.
Have you read the Epilogues? Do you like them? 😁😁😁you must be new here (I LOVE THEM i have a physical copy)
Have you read HS2? Do you like it? i hated it
Have you read SBAHJ? Do you like it? i have read every single one.its okay!
Classpect you identify with currently? page of hope :p
Classpects you’ve identified with before? - seer of light - seer of hope
Do you like your God Tier outfit? HELP MEEEE yeah its. it sure is an outfit
Do you like bloodswaps? Do you have a favorite? its whatever
Do you like kidswaps? Do you have a favorite? as someone who likes underswap, its odd to me how much i hate kidswaps? like its a huge pet peeve of mine in hs fandom
Do you like speciesswaps? Do you have a favorite? Mehh.
Do you use quadrants IRL? i used to! i dont anymore lol
Do you like celebrating 4/13? yeah!!! definitely
Do you use Pesterchum, MxRP, CheRP, or other HSRP platforms i DO have pesterchum yeah
Favorite Homestuck act? act6
Favorite Homestuck moment? tricky one but one has to be the johnrezi scene in the meat epilogues where (SPOILERS) john dies Favorite Homestuck panel? this one is pretty great
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Favorite Homestuck flash? iiiim a member of the mid nigh t creww
Favorite Homestuck soundtrack? beyond canon. its fucking beautiful
Favorite Broadway Homestuck song? fucking. um. look its karkalicious okay what more could you want. i picked the obvious one etc etc
Favorite Homestuck fansong? okay this isnt really a fansong but everyone please listen to The Leaving from beyond canon its beautiful
Favorite Homestuck fics? house of dirk hands down!!!! its so funny and awesome i want it to update so bad. apart from that, godfeels.
Favorite Homestuck fanartists? meeee:3/j . no jk my fav artist who does hs fanart is @hal9000fanboy . i also LOVE @deathbycatgirl 's homestuck art, its all so unique and the characters are drawn in such a cool scrungey way im wrapping them into a ball
Favorite Homestuck AU? Demonstuck, Kingdomstuck, etc.? i havent heard those names in so long hearing "kingdomstuck" was like a shot to the heart. amino group chats
Favorite hemocaste? teal! and indigo and jade
Favorite typing quirk? i love kuprams from hiveswaps bc its 4chan greentyping
Favorite MSPFA? deadbert bc my friend made it idfk
What would your strife specibus be? scarfkind mb
What would your lusus be? sparkledog
What caste do you feel you’d belong to, regardless of your zodiac? teal
What characters do you relate most to? JAKE ENGLISH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One unpopular HS opinion you have? dirkjake is abusive and dirk is a bad person and also cis. and gamzee isnt redeemable
One popular HS opinion you agree with? jane is Fucking gay!
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gamey-geemer · 1 year
Alright, so everyone knows the canon "This is totally probably true" stuff about Bard/Prince, Rogue/Thief and Muse/Lord being about Destroying, Stealing, and Controlling respectively, giving us 4 pairs remaining.
My proposal for those, as if nobody ever did exactly this with probably way better arguments than I have for something else.
Page/Heir: They create their aspect. John creates the wind that protects him from Bec Noir/Grimbark Jade, he creates the wind that clears the glitches, and going off of the idea that Blood represents connections and Breath is its opposite representing the freedom from attachment (not an unjustified idea for the same mythological reasons that Tibetan Buddhism was the foundation for the Air Nomads in Avatar) then he's the one who creates the freedom from the whole system set up by Lord English. Meanwhile, that I personally am aware of, Jake only uses his Page powers thrice, twice when he created his impossible Hope Field that managed to overpower both Grimbark Jade and Caliborn during his Masterpiece, and once that I don't really know about where he creates Hope in John in the Candy Timeline. As for Passive/Active, Jake is a self serving, even if we'll meaning, person while John is kind of the opposite, who everything he does throughout the entire narrative is for someone else, which is basically the dividing line of the active/passive split. Oh yeah, Tavros as a Page in one of the like 2 times he's relevant to the plot is him creating the freedom from Vriska, Equius doesn't do shit, Mituna burned his brain out creating a better fate/doom for all of his friends, and Horuss doesn't do shit that we know of. Also, it's pretty jank to have a destroyer class and not a creator class
Sylph/Witch: We really don't see Kanaya or Feferi use their fucking abilities throughout the entire series. We do see Damara as the Handmaid subtly manipulate Alternian society using her time power. Aranea manipulates Terezi into receiving her light, and Jade ultimately (save for her Green Sun powers, which give her loads of stuff outside of her Classpect powers) manipulates the scale of things and can levitate them. So needless to say I think that these classes are all about manipulation, finesse over raw power. As for active/passive, I like the symmetry of Witch being active since it sets up the human session to have only one active player in the beta and only one passive in the alpha (whoops did I just spoil my thoughts on Seer and Knight). I paired them also because more than any others these are linked by being about magic.
Mage/Seer: This is a fucking easy, they know shit. Mage might seem a bit weird, but since it drives from the ancient Persian word Magus, which was the priestly scholarly caste, it is sufficiently tied to academic knowledge. I already spoiled what I think the passive and active form are, but Rose tends to view the hard work necessary to acquire knowledge as a formality that she can skip. You see it in her regards to college for psychoanalysis, her quest in Sburb, how she treats the Troll romance lessons from Kanaya in the first timeline. Meanwhile, Sollux (while his eyes two fold have been ripped Open and he can't look away from their doom) studies. He studies how to be a ~ath programmer, he studies how everyone is going to die. Also, the Sufferer just awakens his visions of Beforan society and how people could be connected as opposed to doing any studying and coming to the conclusion that it's bullshit like how Tyzias and Stelsa do. Also, all three instances of Terezi using her mind powers (killing John, Deciding if she should kill Vriska, and charting the Retcon) were all to determine what course of action should be taken for the benefit of everyone else regardless of how it effected her. She was also entirely about using her abilities to better society by cutting out the criminals. Meulin doesn't do shit
And the last pair
Maid/Knight: These are kind of difficult since when I first started conceptualizing this these were kind of just the two that were left over. But then I realized, both Knights and Maids are typically relatively minor nobles signed into a life of servitude to a higher noble, either as a Lady in waiting for Maids or as the most powerful soldier in the case of Knights. They both are pretty much on the same spectrum of being brute force, since like Grimbark Jade says, the role of the Knight is to Weaponize their aspect in fights, and who's the only person who directly no shits given just uses their aspect to beat a mother fucker up with infinite raw power? Aradia. Dave and Aradia also both serve, serving as the cornerstone "Main person making sure everyone survives this fucking nightmare" people in their sessions, with Aradia ultimately doing so because one she isn't a dick, and two at the end of this she will get to see this whole place come crashing down (even if she isn't aware of that in the moment or even aware she wants to see that) while Karkat pretty directly serves by organizing all of his friends into an effective battle group. He weaponizes his friendship and connections to other people to their own benefits. Latula I don't think we see anything regarding her weaponizing or serving her mind, or Porrim with her Space powers.
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loki-zen · 2 years
Hot Take:
1. post-canon Homestuck is quite good actually,
2. certainly better than the bad/off the rails latter parts of canon Homestuck,
3. and, actually, on several craft-of-writing levels it’s better than canon Homestuck full stop; AH has grown as a writer and an artist in the intervening years and as such the day-to-day panels of HS^2 look better, its story is better paced, jumping between story threads is done more artfully, the cast is pared down to a more manageable size, and there are several characters that it always felt like he didn’t really know what he was doing with them who have been figured out and used to far greater effect, as well as popular original Homestuck characters whose arcs are meaningfully improved by the continuation.
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Spoilers under cut (mild I guess)
The character stuff really benefits from the greater freedom post-canon provides in terms of narrative role.
In canon, there was basically only one role any of the human or humanlike characters could have - Hero of [Blah], player of the Game, aspiring saviour of the universe. Boring. Especially in the Alpha kids, it fell flat in everyone but Roxy.
Jane and Dirk are infinitely more interesting as sometimes-at-least-somewhat-sympathetic antagonists. Jake English is infinitely more tolerable when his role is not ‘Hero of Hope’ but ‘that shallow somewhat irritating guy you knew as a kid who is now a shallow somewhat irritating celebrity.’ Roxy’s quantum transness is Extremely Relatable and I think pretty damn well-written in the end (I’m thinking of eg the conversation Candy Roxy (she/her) has with John about the situation in ^2).
Speaking of which, the timeline shit is better utilised here and easier to understand. And the way fourth-wall breaking, format screw shenanigans interfaces with the plot is a lot more well done (or at least more well thought out? More coherent.), and imo genuinely sinister and chilling at times.
All that said, it does lack some Inestimable Something that prevents me from claiming that it’s outright better. Maybe it’s just that by definition it can’t be groundbreaking the way the original was. And it’s far from perfect - Meat is much longer than it needs to be in classic AH style while Candy is very half-assedly (un)finished, and ^2 itself will probably never get finished, or at least I’m not getting my hopes up.
But it’s got its charms, for sure, and might’ve been unfairly skipped out on by people who were put off by how the original went off the rails. It’s definitely a valiant attempt to get back on some rails.
YMMV if your favourite troll isn’t in it, of course. (Off the top of my head, Eridan, Nepeta, Equius and both Piexes do not reappear at all; Sollux is barely in it, Aradia has a somewhat minor role, and Tavros… well that one’s kind of interesting, but the character we know does not reappear.)
[SPOILER re the above: a character with the same speech/typing quirk, approximate narrative positioning and first name does appear, but he is a human who is related in no way to the Tavros we remember.]
(also I think Jade fans could reasonably say she is done dirty by post-canon to the point that they may well prefer her arc untainted by knowledge of her post-canon self. Depends what side of her you’re into. Same goes for Jade and Dirk fans who prefer to think of them as heroic characters I guess?)
(Additionally, in ‘things I just think are neat’, there is an Egbert/Strilonde baby in the mix, and we discover that the synthesis of Egbert nerdery, Strider extroverted-insecurity and Lalonde virtuosic dramaticness is, naturally, a Theatre Kid.)
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seashellheiress · 1 year
oh hey ff l0ng time no see. y0u missed some weird human holiday ab0ut fluffvermin who lay eggs but here y0u can have some 0f the go0ds i grabbed from a basket. bunch of ch0colate c0ins and this big gummy snake it lo0ks like.
Sollux, I know w)(at --Easter is, I live on -Eart)(! 38P
Oo)(, candy t)(oug)(...
>Feferi eats some Chocolate Coins. The effect is...
Chocolate Coins: Your character is now rich and spoiled.
>No change. Feferi then devours a Gummy Snake!
Gummy Snake: Your character is now very pear shaped.
>Now this'll have an effect. Feferi's no longer under the effects of the Thicken Potion from before - short lived cheaply made trash, she surmises - and so she's wearing some nice snug sweatpants when she swallows that gummy snake whole. As the wobbling vibration begins to swell over her hips, she spares a brief moment's thought towards her poor wardrobe...
>Rrrrrriiiip. Quaking, jiggling grey flesh tears through the sweatpants as though they were made of tissue paper, as Feferi squeaks and chokes back a moan of ecstasy. Coddamn, she loves asset expansion...
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