#can you tell i went hog wild with this
solomons-poison · 2 years
Neighbor!Gojo and Geto hcs
A/N: I got distracted by other fics while writing this and lost steam so I’m sorry its late. I have a rough understanding of Geto as a character but didn't feel comfortable doing a solo run with him, so figured next best was using his and Gojo's dynamic together for some tasty headcanons. If anyone has other thoughts about this concept, feel free to share!
Warnings: MDNI!!, fem reader (no pronouns but reader has vagina), the boys are their own warning here honestly, poly relationship, mention of fingering and oral (f and m receiving), spitroasting, vaginal sex, degradation, pet names (babe, pretty princess). If I missed anything please ask to tag!
Neighbor!Toji hcs
Neighbor!Nanami hcs
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that are up all hours of the night, keeping you up with their noise. One of them, Gojo you've learned, laughs like a hyena and has no sense of indoor voices. But when you try to politely ask them to bring down the volume, Geto only sneers at you to mind your own business. Gojo is a little friendlier but the result is the same, telling you "I'm sorry, babe, we're just having some fun. Cut us some slack this time, won't you?" with his damned attractive smirk on his face. He might promise to lower the volume, but time and time again he does the same thing, and you never fail to forgive him.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that are the most ridiculously gorgeous men you've ever seen, towering over you and watching with their intense eyes, and oh do they know it. They always seem joined at the hip, and you can't help but feel a little disappointed when you find out they're dating. Of course, that doesn't stop them from flirting up a storm with you, making innuendos that make your cheeks flame up, enjoying putting you on edge. And little do you know the way they talk about you behind your back, how they plan to play with you, their new favorite little toy.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that, as soon as you get friendly with them, come over to your apartment on the regular and walk in like they own the place. Geto intimidates you, and you're never quite sure he actually likes you or not, but Gojo acts as a buffer and something about their company is comforting, falling into a routine of movie nights and the occasional drinks. You start to learn Geto is just a tough read. While Gojo is as open with his words as he is with his actions, Geto shows his interest in the intense eye contact he makes with you, the way he listens to you in conversations and doesn’t judge you.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that get possessive around you, flanking you on both sides when they occasionally drag you out to the local bar for drinks instead of drinking at home. Geto puts on his classic bitch face, scaring off any person brave enough to approach you, while Gojo keeps an arm wrapped around your shoulders or your waist at all times. You know somewhere along the way, you’ve all crossed the threshold into new relationship territory and it makes your heart flutter to get so close to the boys.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that, as soon as they’ve got you hooked on them, decide to crank up the heat on you. They start to get a little more handsy, Gojo offering to rub your shoulders after a hard day's work and Geto keeping you literally under hand at almost all times. The more they do it, the more they let their hands wander, touching your waist, your hips, playing with your hair and fingers. Gojo coos at you in his sing-song voice with more pet names than you’re accustomed to while he does it. Geto’s fingers trail along the back of your neck and your shoulders when you cuddle, other times his hand is rubbing and squeezing your thigh. While Gojo cradles you, Geto possesses you, so that you’re never left alone or wanting.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that know things are moving too fast for you, how overwhelmed you are with the attention they’re giving you, but they can’t help but get drunk off of the way your body is reacting to them. You get so used to them constantly touching you in some way, you can’t help but pout when they withdraw and it drives the boys insane. It’s how they know they’ve made the perfect little plaything out of you.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that work you back and forth between them, building the tension higher and higher, until you feel like you're going crazy and the dam finally breaks. Geto breaks you down, calling you his filthy little slut, saying how dirty you are to let yourself be handled by two men at once, aren't you satisfied yet? Meanwhile, Gojo works you back up, cooing at you and praising you about how your body responds to him, teasing you that his pretty princess is practically dripping for them. Blush all you want, but your soaked panties speak for themselves.
Neighbors!Gojo and Geto that overwhelm your senses and take pride in that fact. While Geto is stuffing his cock into your warm mouth, Gojo is prepping your tight hole with his tongue, then finally with his long, nimble fingers before finally sheathing himself in your tight cunt. They take turns making you fall apart for them on their fingers, tongues, and cocks until you collapse from exhaustion, and they just know you’ll come running back for more in no time.
Well. It turned out both short and long at the same time and I’m not sure how. Sorry its so rough, had a hard time putting my ideas into words but I just love the idea of a poly relationship with Geto and Gojo, ESPECIALLY when they are in love with each other too.
Reblogs and comments appreciated!
Edit: I forgot to tagggg @peachsayshi @theesotericedition
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meadows-ribs · 1 year
it is transparent
this refrain, something fearful
a sanguine smile
so i bolt
fast against the floor
for the extra ordinary
i am all that left
i am out like a light
and out like a storm
and i am awful
and it is transparent
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alfheimr · 2 months
My Favorite Cheap Art Trick: Gradient Maps and Blending Modes
i get questions on occasion regarding my coloring process, so i thought i would do a bit of a write up on my "secret technique." i don't think it really is that much of a secret, but i hope it can be helpful to someone. to that end:
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this is one of my favorite tags ive ever gotten on my art. i think of it often. the pieces in question are all monochrome - sort of.
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the left version is the final version, the right version is technically the original. in the final version, to me, the blues are pretty stark, while the greens and magentas are less so. there is some color theory thing going on here that i dont have a good cerebral understanding of and i wont pretend otherwise. i think i watched a youtube video on it once but it went in one ear and out the other. i just pick whatever colors look nicest based on whatever vibe im going for.
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this one is more subtle, i think. can you tell the difference? there's nothing wrong with 100% greyscale art, but i like the depth that adding just a hint of color can bring.
i'll note that the examples i'll be using in this post all began as purely greyscale, but this is a process i use for just about every piece of art i make, including the full color ones. i'll use the recent mithrun art i made to demonstrate. additionally, i use clip studio paint, but the general concept should be transferable to other art programs.
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for fun let's just start with Making The Picture. i've been thinking of making this writeup for a while and had it in mind while drawing this piece. beyond that, i didn't really have much of a plan for this outside of "mithrun looks down and hair goes woosh." i also really like all of the vertical lines in the canary uniform so i wanted to include those too but like. gone a little hog wild. that is the extent of my "concept." i do not remember why i had the thought of integrating a shattered mirror type of theme. i think i wanted to distract a bit from the awkward pose and cover it up some LOL but anyway. this lack of planning or thought will come into play later.
note 1: the textured marker brush i specifically use is the "bordered light marker" from daub. it is one of my favorite brushes in the history of forever and the daub mega brush pack is one of the best purchases ive ever made. highly recommend!!!
note 2: "what do you mean by exclusion and difference?" they are layer blending modes and not important to the overall lesson of this post but for transparency i wanted to say how i got these "effects." anyway!
with the background figured out, this is the point at which i generally merge all of my layers, duplicate said merged layer, and Then i begin experimenting with gradient maps. what are gradient maps?
the basic gist is that gradient maps replace the colors of an image based on their value.
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so, with this particular gradient map, black will be replaced with that orangey red tone, white will be replaced with the seafoamy green tone, etc. this particular gradient map i'm using as an example is very bright and saturated, but the colors can be literally anything.
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these two sets are the ones i use most. they can be downloaded for free here and here if you have csp. there are many gradient map sets out there. and you can make your own!
you can apply a gradient map directly onto a specific layer in csp by going to edit>tonal correction>gradient map. to apply one indirectly, you can use a correction layer through layer>new correction layer>gradient map. honestly, correction layers are probably the better way to go, because you can adjust your gradient map whenever you want after creating the layer, whereas if you directly apply a gradient map to a layer thats like. it. it's done. if you want to make changes to the applied gradient map, you have to undo it and then reapply it. i don't use correction layers because i am old and stuck in my ways, but it's good to know what your options are.
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this is what a correction layer looks like. it sits on top and applies the gradient map to the layers underneath it, so you can also change the layers beneath however and whenever you want. you can adjust the gradient map by double clicking the layer. there are also correction layers for tone curves, brightness/contrast, etc. many such useful things in this program.
let's see how mithrun looks when we apply that first gradient map we looked at.
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gadzooks. apologies for eyestrain. we have turned mithrun into a neon hellscape, which might work for some pieces, but not this one. we can fix that by changing the layer blending mode, aka this laundry list of words:
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some of them are self explanatory, like darken and lighten, while some of them i genuinely don't understand how they are meant to work and couldn't explain them to you, even if i do use them. i'm sure someone out there has written out an explanation for each and every one of them, but i've learned primarily by clicking on them to see what they do.
for the topic of this post, the blending mode of interest is soft light. so let's take hotline miamithrun and change the layer blending mode to soft light.
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here it is at 100% opacity. this is the point at which i'd like to explain why i like using textured brushes so much - it makes it very easy to get subtle color variation when i use this Secret Technique. look at the striation in the upper right background! so tasty. however, to me, these colors are still a bit "much." so let's lower the opacity.
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i think thats a lot nicer to look at, personally, but i dont really like these colors together. how about we try some other ones?
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i like both of these a lot more. the palettes give the piece different vibes, at which point i have to ask myself: What Are The Vibes, Actually? well, to be honest i didn't really have a great answer because again, i didn't plan this out very much at all. however. i knew in my heart that there was too much color contrast going on and it was detracting from the two other contrasts in here: the light and dark values and the sharp and soft shapes. i wanted mithrun's head to be the main focal point. for a different illustration, colors like this might work great, but this is not that hypothetical illustration, so let's bring the opacity down again.
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yippee!! that's getting closer to what my heart wants. for fun, let's see what this looks like if we change the blending mode to color.
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i do like how these look but in the end they do not align with my heart. oh well. fun to experiment with though! good to keep in mind for a different piece, maybe! i often change blending modes just to see what happens, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i very much cannot stress enough that much of my artistic process is clicking buttons i only sort of understand. for fun.
i ended up choosing the gradient map on the right because i liked that it was close to the actual canary uniform colors (sorta). it's at an even lower opacity though because there was Still too much color for my dear heart.
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the actual process for this looks like me setting my merged layer to soft light at around 20% opacity and then clicking every single gradient map in my collection and seeing which one Works. sometimes i will do this multiple times and have multiple soft light and/or color layers combined.
typically at this point i merge everything again and do minor contrast adjustments using tone curves, which is another tool i find very fun to play around with. then for this piece in particular i did some finishing touches and decided that the white border was distracting so i cropped it. and then it's done!!! yay!!!!!
this process is a very simple and "fast" way to add more depth and visual interest to a piece without being overbearing. well, it's fast if you aren't indecisive like me, or if you are better at planning.
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let's do another comparison. personally i feel that the hint of color on the left version makes mithrun look just a bit more unwell (this is a positive thing) and it makes the contrast on his arm a lot more pleasing to look at. someone who understands color theory better than i do might have more to say on the specifics, but that's honestly all i got.
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just dont look at my layers too hard. ok?
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bump1nthen1ght · 8 months
A Very Monstrous Kinktober: Day 13 (Size Difference)
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Kink: Size Difference
Pairing: Male!Dragon x GN!Reader
Other kinks: Sex toys, Doggy Style, Creampie
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 1400 words
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: As you can tell I went a little hog wild with this one lol, hence why it's longer than the others. Hope y'all enjoy!
You clench your jaw, eyes scrunching closed. But the dildo didn’t hurt, no, it felt good. This was the first time you had successfully taken the 10 inch toy to to the very end without having to tap out, the thick girth of it often leaving your burned, and not in a good way.
Your hole was extra sensitive already, Abzu’s admirable skills with a vibrator bringing you to orgasm twice in just the last hour. But the pressure isn’t overstimulating, but intoxicating. It twists up your insides into an unkempt mess, has your fingers digging themselves into your blankets,
You’re ready.
You tap the bed 2 times, the nonverbal signal for Abzu to stop. He does, quickly taking out the dildo and crawling up your side. He looms over you, the bed creaking as places his excess weight on it.
“I’m sorry, love. Are you okay?”
You shake your head no, but quickly turn to Abzu once you hear him gasp. “No! No, I’m fine, baby. It’s just…” You wet your lips, throat suddenly feeling very dry. “I didn’t want to cum on it. I think-” you take another breath. “I wanna cum on your cock.”
Abzu’s eyes go wide, pupils dilating as an unintentional purr rumbles in his chest. If it were possible for his scales to get any redder, they would be.
“A-are you sure?” Abzu croaks, trying not to seem too eager. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. I’m ready.” You wiggle your hips, “I know it.”
Abzu stutters out an ‘okay’, so bashful for a dragonoid twice your size.
He gently readjusts himselfs and slides backward, running a scaled hand down the length of your back. He’s always been very cautious in how he touched you, very aware of his strength and build. It was sweet, seeing how much he held back for your sake, seeing him hold back his whines and love bites as to not appear too desperate, too animalistic.
He had never been able to fuck you with his cock. You had attempted cockwarming, but even as you got used to his size just resting inside of you, he always seemed restless and on edge. It was almost good, but no quite there.
But practice makes perfect. And tonight, you’ll both be rewarded for your hard work and diligence.
An industrial sized thing of lube sits on the nightstand, Abzu squirting a handful and rubbing it along his cock. With plenty of ribs and bumps and a thickness resembling a soda can, it looked like a daring sex toy in itself. Attached to the sweetest, most gentle lover ever however, it rarely got to be put to use.
Until now.
The head of Abzu’s dick is hot, even slathered with cool lube and precum. Just the touch of it against your entrance has you shivering, hips wiggling with anticipation. A hot wave of breath blows across the back of your neck, Abzu leaning forward and resting a free hand by your head to steady himself. From your peripheral you can see his claws beginning to furl into the sheets, his palm almost the size of your head.
“Okay, I’m gonna put it in now.” Abzu whispers, slit now felt up against your tight hole. You nod, forcefully relaxing your lower half and trying to sink into the sensations. With something so big, you often had to remind your own body that this wasn’t something to run from.
Like the dildo, Abzu slowly pushes inside you. You can feel his heavy breathing, hear the rumbling purr in his chest as he slowly sinks into you. His other hand moves by your face, his large body completely shadowing yours.
You exhale slowly, reminding yourself that you took a dildo around this size easily not too long ago. But gods, did this feel way better.
“Fuck.” Abzu whispers to himself, that filthy mouth only coming out when he was really horny. “You f-feel really good.”
“So do you.” You purr, eyes crossing as he finally reaches the end, hips hitting your ass. “Please fuck me, baby. I want it, I need it.”
You can see the hot steamy breath as Abzu exhales, right in front of your face as he settles into his position. He had chosen to lean forward due to your difference in height; if he sat up like in traditional doggy style, you’re sure his cock would by lifting you off the bed, have you dangling like a cocksleeve.
Not that you’d mind, but Abzu always liked to play it safe.
Abzu humps into you gently, only pulling out an inch before sinking back in. You throw your hips back again, getting a choked moan from your lover,
“Faster, I can take it.”
Abzu nods, mind too preoccupied for words, and begins thrusting at a moderate pace. Even so it's still enough to rock the bed, headboard slamming against the wall as Abzu throws his weight into your tight backside. Your groans, muffled by the blanket underneath you, are no less erotic as each hit stretches you out further than you thought possible. The ribbing of his cock dragging down your walls in delicious ways.
“By the gods.” Abzu moans, claws cutting through the duvet cover. “It’s so tight.” Stars shoot behind your eyes when he Abzu gives a particular hard thrust, already beginning to lose himself in pleasure. “I’m gonna go faster. Is that okay?”
You give a thumbs up, finally collected enough to take your face out of the blankets and look forward. Just in time for Abzu to begin bettering your pussy with a fervor. Now the headboard cracks against the walls like thunder, the bed springs squeaking like pigs as the whole bed itself rocks across the floor. Sparks of pure lightning shoot up your spine and deep into your core. Theres a wet thwap as Abzu’s hips hit your sopping hole, already soaked with precum.
“Oh gods, Abzu!” You moan, eyes nearly crossing. But you refuse to close them, not when you can see a perfect underview of Abzu’s coiled up face; Biting his lip, drool beginning to spill down his jaw, those desperate eyes peer back at you, watching his own cock fuck you open.
“You’re f-fucking incredible.” Abzu snarls, eyes darting to how easily his dick disappears inside. “Taking it all, like a good mate.”
Abzu breaks eye contact to moan again, clenching his brow down. You can hear the bedposts scratching lined into the hardwood, pictures on the wall rattling nearly their supports. He’s gotten to the point where he can pull his dick all the way out to the tip and plunging it back in, making your toes curl.
“Your cock is incredible.” You stutter, the stoking climax scrambling your brain. “I’m obsessed, I don’t think I could ever go back to toys.” Your hos jerk, spasming walls milking Abzu. He snarls again, fangs biting down onto his bottom lip. “Fuck! It feels so good!”
A numbness is spreading down your legs, like when your limbs fall asleep. But this time the buzzing is more like tiny shockwaves, sending earthquakes across each cell. You’re close, hole sucking Abzu in and trying to get him there too.
“Please cum in me.” You pant, looking up at Abzu. “I wanna be filled up, baby. Take it all.”
“Fuck yeah.” Abzu reaches up and grabs the headboard, easily cracking it under his grip. He doesn’t mind the way the wall knocks against his knuckles, lesbing a fist shaped imprint. “I’m gonna drain my balls in you.”
You nod in desperation, climax peaking. With your hips rolling over his dick, it doesn’t take Abzu long to finish after. The cacophony of skin hitting skin and you're slowly-breaking bed is overshadowed by Abzu’s ferocious roar as he cums inside you, hot jets of cum quickly filling you to the brim. Squirts leak in between his cock as he rides out a 20 second orgasm, no doubt ruining the duvet beneath.
Abzu pants above you, impressively holding himself up as to not crush you as he catches his breath. You have no such problem, letting your body sink into the mattress as your muscles finally give out.
Abzu sinks to the side, cock still inside you, cum steadily drizzling out of your hole. Those large hands rub your lower back, his gentle purr rumbling your sore muscles.
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Humans are Space Orcs: Local Wildlife
We thought we had won Earth from it’s residents. Truly, we had thoroughly beaten their military. I had swung the plasma blade on many of the necks of their generals myself, having conquered most of what the humans called a “Texas”. When our patrols started to go missing after the occupation, we had expected insurgency forces. Bullet holes on the bodies, blast burns, the whole six units. Instead, we turned up corpses that looked... chewed. Gored, slashed, and then eaten. The next patrol we sent out, we sent with body cameras. What we saw horrified us. A four hundred pound tank of a beast with tusks like knives made what we only could describe as a screech as it charged impossibly quickly, ripping the first of our kind to shreds with the swords attached to it’s jaw. I... can’t say what happened to the rest. I ran away. Upon my arrival back to headquarters, I went to our only human captive, one we’d been asking questions to about the local flora. He only chuckled and tucked what he called a “cigar” in his mouth, clenching it between his oral bones and taking a deep inhalation of the smoke. 
“Yep. Back home, that there’s what we like to call a problem.”
“Yes, This One can see that clearly, but what is it called?” The human arched his eyebrows and leaned forward on the table, taking the cigar from his mouth and rolling it between his fingers. 
“‘Round this area they’re called hogs, but most’ll call ‘em wild boars. But lemme tell you something.” The alien couldn’t help but match his gesture, intrigued by the words the human was telling it. 
“You let me outta this here pen? You can call that thing supper ‘long as you got enough butter.”
“What is... butter?”
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legendofzoodles · 9 months
Who I think signed their name in this LU Chapter
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Here buddy, lemme help you out (hopefully I got these right). From top to bottom:
Figured he'd go first. They probably all went together to sign their names once the dust settled. His handwriting looks elegant, you can tell he used to practice a lot.
Could also be Warriors, Wild or Hyrule. Hear me out, the writing is big and not in the lines, but the pen strokes are really refined and pretty. Legend has been glued to Twi's side since he woke up, likely he rushed to sign his name and ran back up to finish the conversation they were having. Probably about fishing.
Could also be Wind, but the pen strokes look a little more refined, what you'd expect from a professional blacksmith. Maybe he had to write notes with the swords he made explaining their quirks, what materials he used etc. Also didn't he go to school?
Could also be Legend, Wild or Hyrule. But come on, guys look at how small that print is, indistinguishable from that inked by a typewriter. Captain's got his neat report font down to a science.
Could also be Four, but the pen strokes are bold, like he was pressing too hard, not familiar with the type of pen they had. He also wrote all over the lines, like the gremlin he is.
Could also be Legend, Warriors or Wild. I was torn between this being either Hyrule or Wild- question is who'd have the neater handwriting? I felt like Hyrule would, on a day to day basis, not be writing as much as Wild and probably has never had a reason to be neat in his life. So long as it can be read it's fiine.
Has...surprisingly unneat handwriting for a schoolboy- the pen strokes are pretty but he didn't stay in the lines at all! Maybe he just really wanted to go to bed.
Could also be Legend, Warriors or Hyrule. The pen strokes are refined- muscle memory from when he maybe wrote reports as a knight- and it would be in the lines had Sky not hogged too much space.
I know Wild probably brought up the book for him to sign in the comfort of his bed but holy hell that is neat! Seriously, he barely escaped death, give him a whole page! Boy is clearly ambidextrous, no way he did that with the arm that almost got gnawed off by a shapeshifting lizard. Maybe he sharpened his calligraphy while in the Resistance?
Thanks for reading! Any of these could be swapped around, and I probably got some wrong but I just did what worked best with my headcanons.
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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bonefall · 8 months
so are wild boar still considered “extinct” locally by the humans? given that wild boar in england are currently considered extinct, even though there are pockets of population
(context: i was looking up animals that england has driven to extinction with my partner last night because we were both feeling Some Kind Of Way about species conservation, and how england is basically the worst monster historically in terms of driving entire species to extinction, and continues to be hugely negligible. then i remembered boars in better bones i was like “aren’t there boars?” and then saw that they were also considered extinct, which surprised me)
Yeah England is a fucking monster in terms of bad conservation, and its colonial influence in how OTHER places view conservation can't be understated. But anyway I'll save that for another time
(But like it fucks me up that you guys only have one protected river in the whole UK and it's mostly in Wales. What the fuck. It's been 30 years and they're just now thinking about adding another. Brits in the audience who can i kill for you? If we throw someone in the thames maybe they'll dissolve)
Here's the thing I have in mind; England is so fucked that people don't even know how fucked it is. Do you know how important hogs are to a mixed-oak woodland? What types of moors need burning, grazing, or being left alone? That the entire island of Great Britan is supposed to have a thriving freshwater pearl mussel population? That England isn't supposed to have pine forests?
There is so so so much here to cover and talk about, AND I'm telling this story from the perspective of cats! They have to have encountered the things to know about them, even if it was culturally!
And what that means is that I am willing to bend a couple of things SO that I can include them as part of the story! Things that SHOULD be here, that should be or ARE being reintroduced, especially when they're lesser known.
(In fact I think your boar thing is a perfect example. You're telling me the story I want to hear-- that you heard something offhand, went "woah arent those in this work I'm a fan of?" And then you learned more. Goal accomplished!)
In my head I file boars and mussels under the "Eagle Exception." Something that, with a bit of alt history, could be seen in this environment.
It's based off the canon eagles (which ironically I'm massively downplaying in my rework of the BB!Tribe). The golden eagle has been extinct in England for a very long time, but it's right there in canon, so logically there could be similar animals or reintroduction projects.
List so far;
(Also BB!Great Britan is called Albion to mark that it's a little different.)
Freshwater Pearl Mussels (extinct in White Hart, populated in Sanctuary Lake)
Boars (rare in White Hart, populated in Sanctuary Lake. Replacing the majority of deadly badger and fox encounters because badgers arent bears and foxes arent coyotes, Erin :/)
Golden Eagle (exclusive to Tribe mountain)
Beavers (Being actively reintroduced to parts of Albion in the 2010s)
Wolves (extinct)
Lynxes (suspected extinct; there may be some around specifically because I want to make an example of how non-domestic cats in this universe are non-sapient.)
Salmon (uncommon in White Hart, populated in Sanctuary Lake)
Atlantic Sturgeon (exclusive to Sanctuary Lake, rare even there)
Medicinal Leech (dying population in White Hart since Chelford expansion, extinct in Sanctuary Lake)
Additionally I'm keeping my eye on the European Buffalo (wiseant) reintroduction, but that's not in my modeled region and I don't want to jump the gun on it. Last I checked the project JUST managed to get its bull this year after a long 2020-induced delay
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wolfawaycamp · 21 days
Alternate Truth or Dare "Truth" scene, because Emma's question in-game was super boring. She could've come up with something shippy for that, surely.
🐼 I had a million different ideas for this and maybe I'll write them out someday, but for the sake of brevity, here is (1) slightly shippier version of Emma Mountebank's infamously boring 'truth' question! Thanks for the ask :)
The warm smoke of the campfire mixed with the earthy scent wafting off of Lake Septimus’ surface makes for a nice, comfortable atmosphere for the Hacketteers’ last hurrah around the firepit.
Ryan can appreciate the sentimentality of it, as he had built up a nice camaraderie with these (mostly) strangers, but of course Dylan had to be Dylan and throw a Truth-or-Dare-shaped wrench into things. Ryan’s already nervous enough, what with Chris freaking out and demanding they stay in the lodge with all of the escapes locked as if there’s some wild animal on the loose.
To Ryan, the only thing worse than being attacked by a savage bear or feral hog is exactly what Emma is doing to him right now: putting him on the spot. “Ryan — truth or dare?”
He weighs his options.
Truth — knowing Emma, she's probably going to ask something nosy like "What were you and Chris talking about in his office?" which is annoying but ultimately uninteresting. Easy, painless, and forgettable.
Dare — she's going to make him kiss someone. Sure, he could be a killjoy and say no, but he's already on thin ice with this crowd and he's not so much of an asshole that he's going to ruin everyone's fun by refusing a dare. Besides, he knows it's either going to be Dylan or Kaitlyn. He can handle that. They're both attractive, and they both clearly have a crush on him. But what if she makes you choose? nags a voice in the back of his mind, and that gives him pause. Because — because if he's forced to make a choice, people are going to make assumptions and tease him and Dylan — or Kaitlyn — mercilessly about it for the rest of the night. Truly a fate worse than death.
He goes with the safe option. "Truth. I'm an open book."
"Okay, okay. Let's get right down to it." Emma narrows her eyes suspiciously.
"Let's do." Ryan makes his best attempt to match her energy. He’s sure he looks as terrified as a first-time camper during opening week.
"What were you and Dylan doing when you two snuck away from Mandatory Movie Night last month?"
Fuck. That wasn’t part of the script.
"You left the lodge after Mr. H told you not to? What a little rebel!" Abi blurts out in mock surprise.
Ryan rolls his eyes. "No, we...we went upstairs. Wanted to get away from the kids. Nothing really happened. We just talked."
Somehow, he’s forgotten that the other person in question is sitting six feet away from him, ready to call him out on his bullshit. "C'mon, tell them the rest of it,” Dylan encourages, taking another sip of his beer.
Betrayal. Ryan really was an idiot to think he’d get out of this one so easily. "Whose side are you on, man?"
"Well, obviously, as the one who's laying down the law here, I'm on the side of the truth!" Dylan responds matter-of-factly.
Emma, who’d been watching the exchange and quietly enjoying the drama, leans in. "What are you hiding from us, you mysterious bad boy?”
I’m really not beating the ‘brooding loner’ allegations, am I? "First off, never say that again." Everyone is staring at him in anticipation, except Dylan, who’s looking away and visibly trying (and failing) to maintain his poker face while reveling in Ryan’s discomfort.
Ryan sighs. "We also…might have found some vodka and drank it. But we were just drinking and chilling like we are right now. Nothing to write home about."
“Vodka and chill, huh?” Jacob waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
“No,” Ryan responds, trying to sound as unbothered as possible. Unless you count Dylan acting serious for more than ten seconds as ‘chill.’ 
In all honesty, they didn’t do anything crazy. They'd started that night sharing childhood camp stories, and it had eventually turned into deep discussions about their fears, their dreams, and their plans for the future after camp, but the other counselors don’t need to know every detail. Ryan had seen Dylan in a different light since that night and they’d grown closer from it. That moment is special, and Ryan intends to keep at least some things between himself and Dylan.
Nick takes a break from basking in the warmth of the campfire to speak up. "Ugh. Boring!”
"On the contrary. My curiosity's been satisfied." Emma is staring at Ryan with an unnerving grin plastered onto her face. In the firelight, she almost looks like a demon. “Thank you for sharing.”
Jacob isn't having it. "No way. That can't really be it. Dylan?"
Ryan shoots Dylan a look that hopefully screams “save me.” Dylan obliges. "No, no, I'd say he's off the hook. That’s all she wrote. Scout's honor." He holds up his hand and crosses his fingers.
"Doesn't that mean you're lying?" Jacob presses.
Kaitlyn responds to Jacob’s comment with derision, "No, dumbass, that's only if he does it behind his back where we can't see it. Duh." Ryan stays silent, letting the two bicker amongst themselves. At least they’re not all still staring at him with those creepy fucking smiles.
"Children! Settle down!" Right on cue, Emma turns everyone’s attention back to their favorite social punching bag. Well, second favorite to Jacob. "Your turn, Ryan." She’s still grinning. She genuinely looks pleased. It wasn’t just some juicy gossip she wanted from Ryan; her goal was to make him uncomfortable, and he played right into her trap perfectly.
Scanning the rest of the group, he sure does feel the discomfort; half of the counselors are giving him and Dylan knowing glances, while the other half look deeply disappointed with his answer. Well, too bad. He’ll let them speculate.
Ryan finds his victim. “Kaitlyn. What d’ya say — truth or dare?”
As she ponders the question, his eyes catch Dylan’s and he can’t help but wonder what would have happened had he chosen ‘dare.’ 
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 10
The boys spend their day in Indy just having fun and getting to know each other a bit. Also what happens to Steve at the thrift shop actually happened to my husband. He and a group of friends went to a thrift store to find the wildest outfit they could put together and my husband’s outfit shouldn’t have worked, but did.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9
Steve pulled away from the hotel parking lot and looked over at Eddie. “You ready for the only portion of this shindig that I’m paying for?”
Eddie laughed. “I still worry about breaking your bank, Stevie.”
“I’m using my dad’s ‘emergency’ credit card for this, sunshine,” Steve replied. “And if asked, I’ll just tell him that the earthquake caused minor damage to the house.”
“Steven Alexander Harrington are you committing fraud?” Eddie asked all wide-eyed with mocking shock.
“One, how the fuck do you know my full name?” Steve asked. “And two, it’s only fraud if my father didn’t authorize my use of the card, which he did. Regardless of what the use is for, I can’t commit fraud.”
Eddie laughed. “It was on your medical leave forms. I may have had Robin peek while you were still out from dehydration and low blood sugar. Something I still need to kick your ass for by the way.”
Steve snorted. “Traitors. The both of you. And until you can catch me, sunshine, I think I’ll be fine in the ass kicking department.”
Eddie pouted.
Steve reached out and stroked his cheek. “Did anyone tell you, you have the most beautiful eyes ever?”
Eddie leaned into the touch. “Not usually. Mostly they’ve been called dirty or muddy. Though, I do recall my mother calling them chocolate buttons, but that’s more cute, than beautiful.”
Steve dared to take his eyes off the road for a brief second to smile fondly at him. He turned back to the road. “You are by far the most amazing person I have ever met. But if we’re being honest, I think I was attracted to you before the Upside Down bullshit.”
“Right back ‘atcha, big boy,” Eddie teased.
They pulled up to the first thrift store and it was closed.
“Stupid places being run by religious nut jobs,” Steve groused on their way back to the car. “Don’t these assholes realize that poor people don’t work nine to five?”
Eddie shook his head. “And what would you know about that?”
Steve looked over at him confused. “You do realize that I have a held down a minimum wage job for the last year, right?”
Eddie frowned. “But why? You have access to your dad’s credit cards. Why work if you don’t have to?”
Steve buried his hands into his jeans’ pockets and leaned up against the door of the car. “Until I turned eighteen I was given an allowance to do whatever the fuck I wanted. Usually beer and weed. But when I didn’t graduate top of my class to get into all those fancy schools, they cut me off. The credit card I have access to is for ‘emergencies only’. And paying the house bills.” He cocked his head to the side. “And for making sure I continue to look the part of their dutiful son.” He waved at his clothes.
“But I decided to say ‘fuck it’, you know,” he continued. “Since I’ve turned eighteen I don’t think they’ve stayed in that house more than a week or two at most. And that’s total, not at a time.” He kicked at the pavement scuffing his sneaker. “If they can’t be bothered to come running home when the god damn earthquake was on the national news, then I’m going to go hog wild. I’m going to have fun and give the best, bravest boy a day of fun. Because he deserves it. Because I deserve to give it to him.”
Eddie pulled Steve into a hug. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Sometimes I forget that I’m not a mind reader and can’t actually know what goes on behind closed doors.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist and buried his head into his shoulder. “I just hate that even the people closest to me still apologize for me being a dick in high school or act like I haven’t changed. Like when Nancy and Robin picked me up from the hospital they were teasing me about me about something that Robin thought was misogynistic but it wasn’t. But they acted like they expected me to be. Just because of that’s how I would have been in high school.”
Eddie rubbed Steve’s back. “Maybe it’s because I’ve had time away from you since high school I can see that you’ve changed. You call me brave. But honey, I only did what I had to to save Dustin. But you? Darling, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but most people don’t literally put their bodies on the line for people that hurt them.” He leaned back so that he could see Steve’s face. He reached up and cupped his cheek. “People unconnected to them via blood ties. You and Robin could have walked away at any time. And probably should have after being tortured. But you didn’t. You stuck around. You fought against the toughest bad guy even in fantasy terms and you still stuck around. And that’s worthy of praise in my book.”
Steve let out a sigh and nodded. Eddie pressed their lips together.
“Come on,” he said, pushing Steve to the side so that he could open the door for him. “There must be thrift shop not run by poor people hating bastards.”
Steve laughed and got into the car.
Eddie hurried to the passenger side and pointed at the road. “Tally ho!”
Steve just shook his head and did as he was bid.
The next shop was open and while they were looking for band shirts, they also decided to see who could come up with the tackiest, most horrifically colored monstrosity of an outfit.
Eddie won. Even though Steve had picked outrageous colors, wild patterns, and a mishmash of styles when he put it all together, it looked good. Eddie laughed so hard.
“I don’t know what happened,” Steve whined.
Eddie looked around before pulling him close. “I do. You just have this perfect sense of style that even when it’s supposed to be awful, you make it look good.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “I guess so. I wish I brought a camera to take a picture of this, so we can show them back home.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up. “I’ll be right back!” He took off like a shot running around the shop like a gremlin. He came back a few minutes later with an ancient looking Polaroid camera.
He took a couple of pictures of Steve in different poses and then had Steve do the same with him.
They paid for their purchases. Eddie having found and bought the camera at the thrift shop. What had taken the time was finding film for it.
They went out for lunch and Eddie took a picture of the two of them at the restaurant, smiling into the camera.
Eddie took Steve to his favorite record store. They wandered around and abused each of their music tastes. But they both agreed that Depeche Mode brought something new and interesting to the genre. So Steve bought “Black Celebration” on cassette for the ride home.
Eddie looked up at the guitars longingly.
“Wayne told me that he was only able to find your acoustic,” Steve said softly, “but not the Warlock after the earthquake.”
Eddie nodded. “I think it was because it got destroyed in the Upside Down, it didn’t exist in the Top Side anymore.”
Steve gave his shoulder a squeeze. “I’m sorry, Eds.”
Eddie nodded and they left soon after.
They palled around Indy for a bit. Taking in the sites and just giggling like school children.
They headed back to hotel to shower and change for dinner.
As they opened the door to the hotel room, Eddie said, “You don’t have some other mega star going to meet us for dinner, do you?”
Steve laughed. “Not for dinner, no.”
Eddie eyed him suspiciously. “What do you mean not for dinner? Does that mean Ozzy was the only super star or does that mean I’m meeting someone else later?”
Steve just grabbed his bag and ducked into the bathroom without saying a word.
He just took a short shower and got out quickly. He came back out to see Eddie rummaging around a large black gift bag.
“Ozzy’s team finally delivered,” Eddie said. “You have one, too.”
Steve walked up to the bag that was on the fancy side table near the door. There was a tag that said, “For Steve, the guard dog.”
He just shook his head and took it over to the bed to look through what he got. There were a couple of tour shirts and some cassettes. A signed tour poster. At the bottom of the bag were two small boxes. There was a little note attached to the largest of the two boxes.
“Every good guard dog needs cool sunglasses.” Steve opened it up and on the inside of the top of the box was some designer from England that he only vaguely recognized because his mother had gone on and on about them the last time she was home. The glasses weren’t round like Ozzy’s but they weren’t sharp like Steve’s.
They looked like the guy in the suit’s sunglasses. Carefully crafted to cover the whole eye and rest comfortably on the bridge of his nose. He put them on and holy hell. He could see clearly but through the tint of the glass. They were far superior to fancy sunglasses he bought.
Eddie whistled. “Looking good, Stevie.” He saw the other box. “What’s in that?”
Steve looked down at the smaller box in confusion. “I don’t know yet.” He opened the lid and gasped. It was a simple necklace with a single red crystal hanging from it. The crystal shimmered like a flame.
“Wow,” Eddie murmured. “You’re wearing that tonight, yes?”
Steve could only nod. Not wearing it would feel like he was insulting Ozzy’s tastes or rather his wife’s Sharon’s. But also because it was beautiful in and of itself.
“You think it’s safe for me to take a bath or no?” Eddie asked as he stood up up from the bed.
Steve looked at his watch. “I’d wait until we get back tonight. We still have eat and get into our clothes for the concert.”
Eddie nodded. He got a quick shower and was back out in minutes. They put on clothes similar to the night before, with just the dinner jacket the same.
Steve kissed Eddie sweetly on the lips and Eddie hummed happily.
“This trip just keeps getting better and better, sweetheart,” he said, resting his forehead against Steve’s.
“It isn’t over with yet,” Steve promised. “There is so much more coming. So so much more.”
Eddie sighed. “You are too good to me, baby.”
Steve kissed him again. “I’m really not. It’s the perfect level of awesome for you.”
“But too good for Dustin, right?” Eddie teased, reminding Steve of what he said at the hospital.
“Taking him to Indy for the weekend would have been too good for the butthead,” Steve deadpanned.
Eddie burst out laughing. “That’s certainly true.”
Part 11  Part 12 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20
Tag List: @anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly
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somepancakeonline5377 · 4 months
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I do NOT think enough people talk about this part, it’s so fucked up like WOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭
You telling me they can only hauled his ass off to the rubber room with rats 😭😭😭
What is UP with Krupp man like every other teacher and faculty just went hog WILD when they went crazy but Krupp just 😧 FOR TWO FUCKING WEEKS
This isn’t even the first damn time he did this shit in Wedgie Woman too, but for A week Instead of nearly two.
Like idk Krupp is really just some guy. Sure he’s an asshole but he is just some guy who reacts to insane shit, not really like a normal guy would, but not always with anger and hate as one would expect a guy like him too. I feel like this makes him more yknow real and more of just an everyday guy. Even if he is a child and fun hating prick.
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exalok · 2 years
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modified map of the Empire of the Isles: elevation (land and sea), lakes, major cities, trade routes (red: heavy traffic, yellow: light traffic)
modifications explained below the cut
the main change, which prompted most of the other changes, is that i placed tyvia and morley on one tectonic plate, and gristol and serkonos on another.
i'm not a geologist and possibly there are other explanations to how the isles were formed, but my reasoning went thus: the temperature difference between the north of tyvia and the south of serkonos is too huge for a single archipelago -> the distance between them must correspond to something like that between finland and spain -> the isles are the size of a continent -> a continent, as far as i know, does not split apart unless through the movement of tectonic plates -> there is divergence happening
it could also have been convergence but wow that would mean so many more volcanoes. instead you get block rift mountains
the main tectonic rift is between tyvia+morley and gristol, as evidenced by the very deep chasm -- it's probably smaller in width than it should be, but i'm not going for full realistic accuracy either -- but there is also tectonic drift between tyvia and morley (according to the north american tectonic plate this is a thing that can happen, because that thing branches off in all kinds of directions. could it cause a continent to split on this small a scale? who knows. i'm pretending the answer is yes. can you tell already i just wanted to go hog wild on the tectonic plates) and there are convergent plates above tyvia and below serkonos
CONSEQUENCES: volcanoes volcanoes volcanoes (and fault block mountains)
now serkonos is half dormant volcanoes, half huge old magma flow from a massive volcanic event at some point in the distant past; tyvia has a volcanic arc as its northmost feature but it's partly calderas; the south of tyvia and the north of gristol is very mountainous (but the area between gristol and morley isn't because the tectonic forces along that axis are transformed [dunno if that's the proper term, basically lateral] rather than divergent
does this also mean there are probably earthquakes everywhere? yes. oh god
OTHER FEATURES: a couple of meteor craters (the shapes were already there, i just decided they would be craters) east of baleton and west of caltan; a void rift deep in the ocean right near whitecliff, pulling in the landmass around it; minor modifications to certain outline areas because i added in mountains. i like mountains. they make things less flat. OH and this was already present in the canon map but the line of islands east of gristol is now a bunch of extinct volcanoes formed as the result of a hotspot at the morley-gristol tectonic limit, now closed; and i just fully deleted an island west of gristol for the hell of it. also the lakes were either already there, or hadn't been colored in right on the canon map, or were Very Weird Interconnecting Rivers i decided to fill in because why not
TRADE ROUTES. obviously all capitals would be trade centers, or at least trade-rich considering their population level, but i've decided several other cities are either merchant towns for reasons such as being nearest to another isle, being conveniently placed to connect to many other cities and thus either the center of trade (like yaro or driscol) or a waypoint (like caltan), or being an exporter of stuff and conveniently placed right on a trade route thus favoring its development (like potterstead, but that's entirely my personal fanon)
some trade routes are heavily used because they lead to many ports of interest, or because they lead to a major port, or because it's the only way to get to a certain major port efficiently (for example, the trade routes to the east of serkonos are little used because if you leave from karnaca you have to get all the way around the trail of volcanic islands, can't dock at whitecliff directly because, see name, it's on a huge cliff, then avoid the dishonored bermuda's triangle [void rift, huge myths around that place, few people risk going through there], then get all the way up to driscol); the heavily trafficked trade route that stops right at the top of serkonos actually leads to the serkonan canal, which isn't even present on the canon map (probs because they hadn't invented it yet when they drew the thing), and is a much faster way of getting to karnaca, but deep-keel boats can't take the canal and series of waterlocks and have to go around the old way; wei-ghon does a lot of trade because it needs to to support its population way in the north, and a lot of tyvian trade goes by boat due to the poor travel conditions inland and the huge fuckoff mountains
not pictured: trade routes to pandyssia
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the-sleepy-conductor · 5 months
Submas Headcanons:
☾₊ ⊹ Sleep Edition ☾₊ ⊹
I will give one and only one warning: Bl&nk$hippers and pr0$hippers DNI!!! Do not make this weird.
So! First headcanon post! Been looking forward to this, so I apologize about the truckload below.
Ingo cannot sleep unless he is curled up in the fetal position. It's very comfortable to him and makes him feel safe and secure.
Emmet on the other hand loves laying sprawled out on his back like a Staryu. He will take up the entire bed and has even been seen falling off of it.
Ingo tends to pout in his sleep and sometimes drools all over the pillow.
Emmet sleeps with his mouth wide open and tends to kick in his sleep every now and then.
Ingo was always afraid of the dark and couldn't sleep without a light source. As he got older, he grew used to it but the fear never really went away. Once he returned from Hisui, he was terrified of the dark all over again. Sometimes wild Pokemon would attack him in the pitch-black darkness of Wayward Cave, which is what amplified his fear. As a result, Chandelure will stay near him while he sleeps if that's what he needs to calm down.
Ingo likes to take lots of naps. Especially after eating, as it usually makes him sleepy.
Contrary to popular belief, Emmet is the one who snores, not Ingo. You might be able to hear Ingo breathing but he never really snores. Emmet's snoring is loud, ironically enough.
When Emmet falls asleep at night, he usually stays asleep until the morning, waking up energized and refreshed. Ingo will most likely wake up for no reason in the middle of the night, and most of the time he heads to the kitchen to get a snack or some warm milk.
Ingo likes to wear his Pearl Clan hoodie over his pajamas, especially if he's cold.
Ingo likes to be bundled in multiple blankets all wrapped up like a burrito. Sometimes Emmet will get upset when Ingo hogs most of the blankets.
Ingo gets weepy when he's sleepy. He's more likely to get frustrated when he's tired, and will definitely start crying on some occasions when he's utterly exhausted.
Since laying on his back is the only way for Emmet to stay comfortable while he's going to sleep, he'll often get bored staring at the ceiling for a while. He ended up getting a galaxy light thingy that projects onto the ceiling for him to look at. It helps Ingo go to sleep too, since it slightly illuminates the room.
Ingo is not a morning person but Emmet is. Emmet will gladly drag a half asleep Ingo to work if he has to.
Emmet will be a bit more talkative in the morning, running around and saying "good morning" to almost everyone he sees. Ingo is more on the quiet side after he just woke up.
If the twins are sitting in a train and they get a bit too comfortable, they will likely end up falling asleep on top of each other on accident.
Sometimes Ingo will instinctively latch on to a pillow or blanket in his sleep. It's pretty common to catch Ingo clinging to something as he sleeps.
When they were little, their mother would sing them a lullaby to help them sleep. Nowadays if one of them is growing restless or has just woken up from a nightmare they'll sing it to each other so they can go to sleep.
Because of Ingo's preference to sleep with multiple blankets and curl up to seem as small as possible, it can be quite hard to tell Ingo is even in his bed in the first place. Just looks like a mountain of blankets is sitting there. This makes it very hard for Emmet to drag Ingo out of bed.
So yeah I'm excited to share different kinds of headcanons for these goofy goobers in the future! If you made it this far feel free to share some of your headcanons for Ingo and Emmet as well! I love reading headcanons for these two.
Woops I have work in a few hours
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pokenimagines · 1 year
SFW | Leon | Fic
How would Leon react to finding out his s/o doesn't want to be a trainer anymore and they're thinking of retiring from it? Like, they'll still keep all their current pokemon, but they just don't want to do the whole battling as a profession thing anymore.
Totally not me projecting in this about my own feelings towards my job. I can relate to the Reader in this one. Hope y’all enjoy this. This one goes out to all my burnt out homies that hate their jobs when they used to love them! You are seen. 
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Leon: Hanging up the Cape
“I’m retiring…” You said, the moment you walked through your apartment doors. Leon looked up from his laptop, clearly trying to do some work for the League. He paused for a moment and slowly shut the computer down and stood up. It only took a few long strides until he was in front of you.
“Something happened?” Leon asked and you sighed. You went over and buried your head into his chest, sighing. He always smelled good. As his arms wrapped around you, you realized this is where you belonged.
“I’m beyond burnt out from battling.” You confessed, “It’s not something I enjoy anymore. It’s…work. It used to be fun. Never worked a day in my life. Now? I wake up every morning groaning about what I have to do.” Leon listened, as he rubbed your sides.
“So you’re hanging up the cape?” Leon asked and you nodded into his chest. You raised your head up as you looked at your beloved boyfriend.
“You’re not…upset by this news?” You asked, Leon smiled. He raised his hand and ran it through your hair, ruffling it up like you were a child.
“Why would I be? Even I can tell through your battles that you’re tired. I didn’t want to say anything about it.” Leon now confessed, your eyes widened.
“You could…Lee you’re normally dense. If you could tell, others could…oh gods they know.” You whined, Leon laughed at your horrified expression.
“I’m sure nobody will blame you for retiring. What do you plan on doing now? You have enough money from being a champion for all these years…you could probably retire from life.” Leon suggested, you shook your head.
“I don’t think I want that. I’d get bored at home all day.” You said, you mulled over your thoughts, “I think…I wanna travel. It’s been so long since I was able to go out in the wilds and just had fun.”
“Then I think a vacation is in store. What region do you want to go to? I’ll take time off and we can go together.” You swore he was trying to make you melt.
“What about…Paldea?”
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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livingmybestfakelife · 2 months
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“Son, don’t hog the baby, let us have a turn” Sir James complained, he only gotten to hold his granddaughter once and then it was back to Felix’s arms, you were busy resting while everyone was in sunroom giving all of their attention to the new heir of Saltburn and title holder of The Countess of Braybrook.
“Just one more minute dad…hi there, those eyes are opening again, yeah? Can you see me? Because papa can see you, yes I can my love” he cooed at the chubby rosey cheeked angel, she was wrapped comfortably in a thick warm merino wool blanket, a gift from Venetia.
He leaned down to kiss her little nose and she grunted and cooed from the ticklish feeling, she let out a big yawn that made him chuckle.
“You’re my bestest girl you know that? Right after your mummy, I love you Genevieve…my Gigi, my pretty girl”
He finally passed her over to his waiting father who cuddled her close to his chest.
“Genevieve, did you know you’re named after my mummy, yes you are sweet girl”
He walks her around the sun room and a little around the rest of the house explaining to her that this will all be hers one day, officially and legally.
“Lady Genevieve Venetia Rose Catton, and what a spectacular young lady you will be one day, I just know it”
Meanwhile Felix went to go check on you to see that you were still asleep, he gently played with your right hand, kissing your palm in the process, he was so proud of you to withstand the long and painful process, it brought you both a healthy baby girl, the family of your own you’ve talked about for a long time.
“Don’t make fun of my dad fit like Farleigh did when you wake up doll, I really want to commit haha” you moved a little in your sleep before lying still again, softly snoring, he grinned and rested his head on your thighs, all while Farleigh was back in the sunroom holding his new cousin and telling her wild party stories about her dad, earning a warning look from his uncle.
“What? I’m leaving out the naughty parts”
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pocketbelt · 3 months
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5)
That's a spicy pickle
The general gameplay is vastly improved from Remake, which was already pretty good; it feels better, everyone moves more fluidly because the game is actually performant (steady 30 on Graphics Mode and a flawless 60 on Performance, which is the way to play), attacks are all generally better (Cloud now can shoot sword beams by attacking after dodging so you can reliably hit aerial foes, for example), and on and on. It's actually kind of insane going straight here from Remake (I never got around to Intermission) because you now have so many options it's unfathomable.
In addition to all of the mechanics from Remake and all the new moves, you now have Synergy Moves that confer special effects, co-op defensive manoeuvres to use when guarding, more unique materia attacks (Enemy Skill is here in a limited but highly optimised and supremely useful form), some of Remake's summons but also half a dozen new ones, tiered Limit Break moves reached by pulling off specific Synergy Moves, unlockable elemental magic attacks that cost no MP to give type coverage outside of spell materia...
They went fucking wild, to the point that outside of the remaining party members from VII to go, I've no idea what they could add in the next.
Cait Sith is the only party member who just feels bad to play as; trying to commit to his original gimmicky nature here is noble and they try, but he just kind of sucks to play as and feels like an active liability when set next to literally everyone else. One dud in such a spread of characters is a hell of a run.
Speaking of the party, Square have been on a roll with writing party interactions in Final Fantasies of late (XVI excepted), but VII Rebirth sets a new high bar. The ways the party interact, the tangible feeling that they are not just friends but actively influence each other and have actual relations, it's fucking immaculate; it's at times obsessive in the ways it does it, from Red XIII and Barrett saying things the same way because they get on so much to just how Tifa and Aerith have an actual full friendship on display now. Remake was already good for this but Rebirth amps everything up.
It is a deeply, unbelievably charming game; as with the silly elements of parts of Wall Market and Midgar that were retained and even amped up in Remake, Rebirth goes super hard into revelling and uplifting the sillier, funnier parts of the original VII as far as it can go. It leans into jokes, it tells many more of its own, it goes fucking hog wild with bits and parts like the big highlight events of the Gold Saucer feel absolutely decadent in what they do with it.
All I need to say about the soundtrack is that I need you to listen to the frog song. And the dog song. And the combat variant of the dog song. There's 400 tracks and while they might overuse the original FFVII overworld music as a leitmotif in overworld tracks, holy god this OST fucks.
To put it shortly, and to get in this dig at least one last time (there will be more in future), VII Rebirth does everything right that XVI did wrong, in every area. To the point that it's an indictment of Square, almost; there's not even a full year between these two! What are you doing, lads?
It's not without issues, some of them hefty enough; the decision to turn the original VII overworld into an open world ultimately hurts the game, I think. They did insanely good work at designing an actual world that actual people live in and clearly use and used, it's nuts in that respect, but also not all of that space is used well and some of the areas feel simply too big. This is further compounded by the zones becoming increasingly massive pains in the ass to actually just move around in, never mind go around doing all the open world optional shit in.
This hits a terrible fever pitch in the godawful 1-2 punch of Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon, the former a ridiculously over-layered zone that combines the visual illegibility of dense jungle with a map designed very deliberately to make you go cross-country and loop back just to get to basic objectives, having to root around unclimbable cliffs and paths of bounce-pad mushrooms to find the one single actual path to get to anything. It's deeply frustrating, it broke the spell and I abandoned doing the open world shit outside of summon crystals after that.
And that was then aggravated by Cosmo Canyon being the same thing, only it's all open air red-brown canyons with the single path to get to thing tucked into rock bumhole crevices barely discernable from other rock walls. Getting anywhere and finding anything becomes such a fucking hassle, starting around Corel in particular but Gongaga and Cosmo are just shite. Open world games have changed massively even in the four years between this and Remake; Elden Ring and Sonic Frontiers and Zelda: TOTK have all come out and changed the game and broken conventions in ways that make Rebirth feel sluggish and a generation out-of-date at times.
It doesn't help that chocobos feel really bad to use; they don't turn well, they stop dead at touching even minor obstacles, they don't scale things well and some of their traversal abilities are miserable (the gliding in Cosmo Canyon feels bad and doesn't make any sense, further frustrating exploration). Running everywhere is preferable...except for open plains, again, where you have the space.
The map doesn't help, by the by; it's an overhead/satellite view of the actual area, overhanging rock formations and obscured underground/cave/lower paths and all, making it absolutely useless for identifying paths or actually figuring out how to go anywhere that isn't an open plain. I hope Square finally gets over themselves after this and just makes a normal ass overworld next time; Star Ocean Second Story R was such a breath of fresh air between XVI and this.
I can go on; quite a few sections and some of the side content just feel like filler (the Nibel Protorelics being slow boring walks that end in basic standard fights is a highlight of "we needed this for the checklist"), the game has dozens of minigames, way more than VII ever did so naturally a good number of them are a bit shit or actively frustrating and should've been cut. Remake's biggest problem to me was how "Western 7th Gen" it was at times, with slow walk-and-talks or sidle-through level dividers and shit, and Rebirth not only still does that but goes further with pointless button presses, overly involved cutscene button-event shit (hold R2 and L2 forever for no reason; fuck you this could not possibly have been a cutscene), piss-takingly slow box pulling and pushing and so on. Some of it feels clearly like filler and I hope they get feedback from this one telling them to cut it out. Final Fantasy is better than that shite, or at least it should be; it absolutely should not ever be taking notes from Sony first-party games, except for "don't do [all of this]".
Still, on the whole, VII Rebirth is a great time. It's an absolutely massive, at times decadent action RPG that lavishes love upon its cast and world, that's hellbent on you getting your money's worth (it's still not worth £70 no game is or ever will be for non-special editions, but I got it for £29 due to trade-in credit so hey), and while it becomes a slog at points due to its open world shit, you can easily skip that and start to railroad the story after a point (or right away by kicking it down to Easy, I guess). I think Square have easily justified the "Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy" idea with this entry, so it'll be fun to see how they close it out, and what they do with themselves after this.
I have more to say, but it'll be in a reblog of this with some aggressive Read Mores to condense the size.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
*awkwardly walks in, waves, downs coffee like a shot, leaves without elaborating after dropping a note*
Hey, nothing too big this time as I've had a rough week and I'm currently dogsitting a dog that ain't mine so my brain power is more or less incoherent and shot, just passing on by to wish you a Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) and to thank you for all your work in the fandom!
First of all, I've only know of Mess Au existing for like an hour and a half but I already adore the life out of it, Rip Player and their sanity due to the Evil Chain running around but I am thriving on their content with the Ganons. And, there's a discord? *Confused guitar sounds from a Musician*
Also I'd die for Pastuzo, just saying, if dangerous wild animal then why friend and hug shaped? I've only know him for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I'd murder everyone in the Yigah Clan and then myself, Player is lucky if it was me there with Nat I'd immediately pat, bless that guy (also Rip Nature and his food, I hope he knows that my version of Fia/Seraph is cackling at his misery, just straight up rolling on the floor), and the entire section with Eve? Perfection, outstanding, showstopping, honestly given I'm a reader myself I'd probably chill with him, and I hope Player gets to introduce books from their world to him because something tells me he'd love a wider selection, I am thriving so much with this thank you for the food of Ganon-Player Found Family. *Bows* Also, I kind of want the Ganons to meet Og Chain now, it would be funny.
Also, Player's Aid Au where everything is the same but the reason why Legend dislikes Players is that the only time he remembers with his Guide is in Koholint so that's why he's so Claude Frollo when it comes to them, the trauma is making him suspicious. Or alternatively, where Player is actually a Witch but like A Wadanohara Sea Witch rather than the standard type, like instead of a broom they have a staff with an anchor at the end they use to fight and fly (as well as several other anchors and fish hooks on their design), an Ocarina for healing spells, some control over water and basically does what the Links do but with a twist: protects the ocean and people's dreams, no one in the Chain would ever have a nightmare while they're around, bonus points if we give them a seagull familiar that can turn human, or that it's just straight up Marin, or if because Mipha is a Zora and Zora are sea creatures if they make her a familiar she can also join the Chain or heck even Nayru idk haven't thought that far ahead.
Legend: They're a Witch!
Sea Witch Player, feeding seagulls with Aryll: ... Yes? I did go to witch school in the witch world, and? Do you want to see my certificate and PhD in witchcraft or something?
One thing for sure is that if Sea Witch ever saw the Wind Fish fhey just straight up roll up their sleeves, go "Hold my staff and anchor earrings Rulie/Wild/Wind/Nat/Grandpa Tides" and just try to fistfight it, no magic involved, that or they'd be yelling expletives at it with at least one Chain or Passel/Singular (a group of hogs/boars) member holding them back from fighting it, bonus points if they do the same for Dark Link if they went through the same trauma Wada did or have moon trauma like Time too.
... Now I'm thinking about how the Chain or Ganons would react to Indie games, hm... Eh, maybe in another ask, Tides and Time would mentally adopt Niko from One Shot, or any child protagonists so fast I can literally see it, Time would literally feel smacked by Hello Charlotte and Undertale, and Legend would have a love-hate thing for both Omori, Yume Nikki and Dreamfarer and Hyrule would get so much trauma from Mad Father, gotta think of any other ones for another ask.
Anyway, happy holidays and hope you're having a better existence than I am currently!
-A Very Awkward and Tired Summertime Musician.
Also I'm so glad you're enjoying the Mess au right now it's literally all i can think about! Yes, Pastuzo is the pride and joy on the whole au now.
Also we gotta love witches, especially Sea Witch Player and all I'm saying is sharks are pretty great so Player having two familiars and once is a shark (more importantly whale shark because I love them)
Tbh, Tide I feel is an Animal Crossing lover (I know it's not an indie game but still), he enjoys the calmer life.
Also, don't worry! They will be meeting the Chain real soon :)
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