#callem had it with Alba
novalizinpeace · 2 months
sounds like kickin was the onlt critter they got right
neh, that probably on me
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Kickin is just the family friendly version of Callem at this point lol
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starsfic · 3 months
The "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" reunion between Alex and Marty in Madagascar, but with DogDay and CatNap.
So, the names for the Smiling Critters' kid forms were inspired by @novalizinpeace, who has an amazing Smiling Critters ARG!
The human was trapped. Poppy's "Angel" was trapped, finally.
CatNap loomed, unable to vocalize the delighted meow that scrambled at his throat, instead replacing it with the feeling of Red Smoke crawling up, ready to put them to sleep. He had thought that they would die of fright in Home Sweet Home, he had hoped Miss Delight would bash in their brains, he had thought...DogDay would finish them off. They had all failed.
But he would bring them down, clip their wings, and add their corpse to his shrine-
Wait, why was their green hand sparking like that?
CatNap's answer came in a bright flash, a "HOLY SHIT!" and pain. Pain all over, like he was strapped down with wires connected to all of his skin. The Red Smoke came out and there was "CatNap, don't-" from the human. But it was too late.
The spark had been lit.
The next few minutes scrambled past in a blur of pain, of movement, of seeing the human frantically looking around as if an answer would descend on high. And then it did, his god offering a hand, wreathed in holy light. CatNap reared back at first, fear eating at him. But he was in so much pain-
"CatNap? CatNap, no, no, no, we can fix this-!"
The world went dark.
Ugh, he felt awful.
He opened his eyes.
Nothing but darkness met his eyes. He sat up, looking around. Yeah, nothing but darkness. He looked down. He saw hands...his? They had to be. They were attached to him, even as they glitched between small human hands and purple cat paws. He could feel his entire body glitch alongside his hands.
Was he dead?
He had to be.
He got up, looking around. The darkness stretched beyond his vision. Was he in Heaven? He didn't expect it to be so dark and lonely. He looked around. What now?
With no other idea, he stared to walk. It was hard, at first, with how his body twitched and slipped between human and cat, but soon he was moving easily. With the new ease, his ears picked up on something.
"...now that we're in him, we need to help them..."
"Yeah, but how...?"
"Oh, I have a few ideas!"
He...recognized those voices. Both the human and cat perked up. Yes, yes, they definitely recognized those voices! Elliot had kept his promise after all! This had to be Heaven!
Theo-CatNap turned a corner that was unseen and came to a stop.
There was six of them, gathered around the seventh, all of them glitching between human and animal. The one in the center spoke animatedly, even as he switched between messy dirty blonde curls and fluffy orange ears. "Nell-DogDay-?" he said, voice glitching.
All of them turned.
"Theo-CatNap?" Nell-DogDay's voice glitched between child and toy, but he didn't care. He was seeing them, all of them, especially him again. "Theo-CatNap?"
"Nell-DogDay!" Theo-CatNap sobbed, running towards the other boy. Nell-DogDay stepped in between the Critters and took off at a run. "Nell-DogDay!"
Huh, it seemed like he was frowning? "Nell-DogDay?"
Nope, he wasn't mistaken. And now there was an angry dog running straight at him. "OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!" CatNap let out a yowl and turned, sprinting away.
Charlie-Bubba blinked, watching as the dog chased the cat. "I think he forgot we were going to help the angel," he sighed. They were a part of the Prototype now. They could take him down from the inside.
"Nah, he didn't forget," Alba-CraftyCorn said, helping up Callem-Kickin. "Give him a second. Theo will want to be part of this."
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Yeah.. I know nobody is gonna see it but... I made some ideas of what characters the smiling critters would be! (Including my 2 ocs)
Alba(Craftycorn): Yep, that girl is Kanae because I can see appeareances in that two. 1st: Flowers! Flower is the breathing style of Kanae and the pendant is a flower too! 2nd: The personality! Crafty is shy and sweet and Kanae is too! So why not?.. But the bad is in this AU (She is dead). Soooo! Alba won't be the sister of the ?(Shinobu) in this AU! Will be the master that died in a fight with Douma(If this receives love I will say who is). Sooo that flower died but before that she adopted some kids that will have respect and be grateful to her and everything!. She had 31 years old. https://youtu.be/S7ixB5c1lbY?si=j_3qXPFNyT05t0nN
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2. Alexander or Nell(Dogday): That 2 are just the sweetest characters! That two are my sunshines! Well lets explain a bit. Well... Alexander is the older brother of ?(Obanai) and ?(Shinobu). Sooo he is the sweetest one of the family :D! Senjuro would be some kid that Shinjuro(Give ideas who can be) adopted. He died in the same way like Rengoku :'c. He has 29 years old.
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3. Callem(Kickin): Lets say he is a extravagant man! That two have same vibes of cool guys. You may know that Uzui has wives. But no this time! That wives will be his students that he taked care when that 3 were kids! Sooo that problem is solved! And he is a less confident. Just a little!. He has 28 years old.
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4. Nicole(Hoppy): Yeah... I know Sanemi is a man but... In this AU is awoman for Alba! :D Yeah I noticed that ship and I loved it! She was the 2nd broked about Alba's death and thats why she is rude to the people. But she is a less rude than Sanemi. She has 27 years old.
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4. Samhy(Picky): Yeah, The same with the gender but... With some changes its okay! I think that two would be soo similar about their personality. She is a bit rude but she is just traumatized okay? Dont missunderstand her :(. In this AU she has 25 years old.
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5. Charlie(Bubba): Well... Yep he is the strongest here lol. But the difference he is not crying, He is just serious and calm and rarely shows care to others. In this AU he has 23 years old.
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6. Theodore(Catnap): Obanai and Theodore have a little same things. The two have friends but 1 is good and the another is bad. So I think that Obanai is perfect to be Theodore! So here he is! He is 23 years old like Charlie :D
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7. Amanda(Bobby): She is the most sweetest girl in this AU!! She is the love hashira Mitsuri Kanroji!!! Yeah I dont have to much to say why Amara is Mitsuri. The two are so in love with someone lol. She is the student of Alexander!. She has 19 years old here :D.
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8. Gabriel(Goatmak): He is 1 of my ocs and yeah, after the experiments he became more hostile except to someone. He is sometimes a sweet guy! I promise! He has 21 years old :D
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8. Miranda(Minasheep): Last but not less my main oc Minasheep! She is a calm and "happy" one. As I say she is sister of Theodore and Alexander. She was one of the most hurted because of the deaths of Alexander and Alba, but she tries to hide it. She is very sweet to the kids in the butterfly mansion. Sh has 18 years old.
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novalizinpeace · 6 months
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my take for the chapter 3 is probably faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from what we're gonna get, but since Catnap was made using a literal 7 years old, i like to think in the posibility of the other critters also be made with other children from the kindergarden, and their relation with Catnap.
if you want to see me talking about what's basically 7 ocs i created in less that a day, be my guest
tw: illness and death of children in really sad ways
1-Dogday - Nell Grambell (13 y/o)
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yup, you read that right, He's the older brother of Theodore/Catnap, but since he was too old to be manipulated by Playtime Co. He was used to create Dogday just 3 months after arrive to the Playcare, leaving his younger brother suddenly alone (nobody explained to Theodore what happened to his brother, just telling him he was ''sick'').
His personality is the typical protective older brother, specially since they both come from a bad background (abusive parents), Nell was a really caring and loving brother, and that personality is still present in his new body.
2-CraftyCorn - Alba Guzman (15 y/o)
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Unlike Nell, Alba was taked by playtime Co when she was 8, but made it till 15 'cause The Doctor realised that she was good to keep younger children under control by making art crafts with them, the girl was really passive and calm, but after reach puberty she started to become hostile to the caretakers, so she was taked to the laboratory were later was used to create CraftyCorn. She also meet Nell and Theodore before this, but the last time Nell saw her was when he was take to the laboratory, and she wasn't exactly alive...
3-Kickinchicken - Callem Jones (12 y/s)
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The kid was lucky, since his caretaker (the employer that legally adopt him for the company) was really interesed in take care of him, so he was one of the lucky kid to be taked care a lot, have his hair styled, learn things from outside the playcare (like skating and surfing), and even leave from time to time Playtime Co with them. The employer was really considering taking him from all this madness and make him their irl son, BUT before it could happen they were killed by Huggy Wuggy, and soon after that poor Callem was taked to the laboratory.
4- Hoppy Hopscotch - Nicole Robinson (9 y/o)
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She was adopted for a specific reason: as a child with leukemia, Playtime Co. was really interesed in see if their experiments could health such kind of illness, so they stopped all kind of common treatment on Nicole and started a ''Poppy treatment'' on her, but it wasn't working. The poor ill child was a fighter, and even when she was weak she tried to fight each caretaker that tried to inject her the poppy serum, even when knowing she could died, she didn't care 'cause she wasn't feeling well either. After 5 months, Nicole died in her sleep, and her bodies was used to create Hoppy.
5- PickyPiggy - Samina (9 y/o)
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Be in the system since she was 1 y/o and taked by Playtime Co. 1 years later, Samina only knew what the company teach her, and she was a really good kid that followed rules, specially the ones make by Bron, her favorite Toy, to the point that she dreamed to become as tall as him. Sadly, her own love end up killing her, since one day she make it to Bron's statue and, thinking in how would the world look like from up there, she climb the statue, but end up falling midterm, ending in a coma after hitting her head in the fall. Since she was already in that state, The Doctor decided to take the oportunnity and use her to create Picky.
6- Bubba Bubbaphant - Charlie (7 y/o)
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Intelligent and attentive, Charlie was a truly prodigue that Playtime Co. was proud of get their hands on, the kids was already at the same academic level of the +12 y/o, and The Doctor was excited to use him in the future when his mind developed a lil' more. But the plan had to start early since Charlie end up getting a bad case of pneumonia, and fearing that the child wouldn't make it, he was send to the laboratory to start the work on him.
7- Bobby BearHug - Amara (4 y/o)
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The lil toodler was a love to be around, giving hugs and lil' kisses to all the caretakers, this 'cause the kid was also lucky enough to be adopted by a employer that take good care of her since practically birth. But she was also really naive and innocent (of course, she was a baby), so she usually was the hitting bag of a lot of other children that wished to have the love her caretaker give her. One day it goes to far, be that a group of children take her from the lil' kids room and put her in a locker, something that scare Amara 'cause the child was claustrophobic, to the point that before a caretaker could find her, Amara end up suffering a panic attack and dying of asphyxiation. Her caretaker end up resigning after that, and the body was used to create Bobby.
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
I saw the last few asks featuring the whole pet name thing with Callem and Nell, and I honestly love it. I feel like if Callem used the pet name "baby" on Nell, Nell would lose his fucking shit (at least internally-) Like if Callem were to do smth silly yet stupid, Nell makes a comment on if that's what he wants to do, and then Callem says smth like "That's the plan, baby!"
The ''babe/baby'' petname is a Nico+Alba thing, but Callem had a lot of ammo to make Nell suddenly shortcircuit.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
What if Alba makes an outfit for Theo for the Flower Festival and just sets it out for him?
(A random thought I had at 3AM)
you're not too far from what could had happen honestly
in my original scripts, Catnap was going to appear 'cause the gang had choosed to use the school for the party (a dumb choice, but in their defense, this original script didn't have Sam planning everything, but Callem, the story was reeeeeeeeeeally different back then).
Catnap was going to interrupt the event (and depending the choice taked, Callem and Nell would or wouldn't be there, just like in this one) and in one scene, Sam would mention this as a option to calm him down
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''by mere chance didn't you have a outfit for the monster too?''
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''y sacandome los materiales del culo?!?! (and taking the material from my ass?), i barely had enough for Marie, i wasn't making a extra outfit for funsies''
''just saying! it was a option''
with all the scripts remake, this whole interaction was loss, BUT i have the original design for the event here, incluying the sexy catnap (the only change with this and the actual event was Callem).
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
In the season of love I’m curious to know, how the other critters show their love?
We have already seen that Callem kind of shows his affection through physical touch, more specifically caring for the others hair (Braiding Albas mane, and brushing Nell’s fur).
But what do the others do or what kind of affection is most affected for them to be shown they are loved?
this question is simple, 'cause you can divide the gang in two groups
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the ''touchy'' groups are the first to go hug someone after thinking they we're in danger, the first to jump over you to play fight, the ones that don't think it twice when someone wants cuddles. As you said, Callem specific way of show this if with grooming others, while with Amara she like to cuddles, her favorite cuddle buddies been Mommy and Bebe.
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and Alba tend to be really physical with anyone that she knows it good with it, most of the time without noticing it.
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on the other side with the ''no touchy'' ones, each of them have their way to show feelings. Charlie for example likes to write, a lot, and he like to let others knows he's listening when they speak to him, so he show them in a... big way.
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(the kicker here, he doesn't even like the cartoon, but took the time to watch it and writte 43 different fanfics to keep them happy for a while)
On the other side, Nico likes to show and give new things to others, specially those things that she find resemble more the one she's giving it. Alba is the number #1 fan of her collection.
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Samina isn't really a big show off of affection, but the way you can see she cares is when she take care's of the heretic's food: Even when using ingredients like rotten meat, dead rats, mushroom, mold and expired food in general, she likes to make a good presentation when is food time, she had even cook the roaches for Nico and Callem to prevent them from eating them raw. She may not be a good hugger or a good speaker, but she put her heart in her food.
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Now, Nell is in the middle 'cause he doesn't like physical affection due traumas (both in his pastlife and in his actual life), but had become comfortable enough with some in the gangs to allow it (like Callem's hugs). But about how he show his feelings...
He don't, that his big problem: any time someone try to become closer with him, he back off, he hide, he run, something in his mind prevent him from go deeper in a relationship, telling him that they all can dissapear in any moment or that he could mess everything up and fail them, make him retreat and even become aggresive if someone try to force a social situation on him, and the only reason the gang still see him as their friends is because they know he's like that and isn't doing it on purpose, they know he actually care for all of them, so they don't force him, that's also why Callem isn't honest with his feeling or try to take the inniciative, 'cause he doesn't want to force Nell in any way and end up with a friend hiding from him.
But at this point in his life, even he's tired of it.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
...Oh s***, Charlie will flip if the player kills Mommy Long Legs.
Also, I never thought the elephant would be attracted to said spider. I was thinking of anyone BUT the spider.
Is good for you all to anticipated his reaction, 'cause it isn't going to be nice for sure.
and 'm not surprise you didn't expect it, 'cause unlike the others, their situation was different
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Mommy loved to mess with the Delight Sisters (probably due some resentement inside Marie, she wasn't good in school), and one of the thing she used to make them angry was Charlie, taking him hostage King Kong style and only stopping when the own Charlie ask her for it (principally when he saw a delight taking a chair). Everybody (toys, children and employees) thought Mommy was only using him to hit a nerve in the teachers.
BUT in secret Charlie took all of Mommy's compliment at heart, and end up liking her, but he keep reeeeeeeeeally quiet 'cause he knew better, this wasn't a Alba/Nicole or Nell/Callem situation, it was at best a one sided crush, at worst a desilusion on his part. The Killer team only knew 'cause, after a while, they could spot the changes in attitude on Charlie when Mommy was around.
Funny enough, Mommy never lied with the compliments, she actually thought Bubba was the best critter of them all (both in the cartoon and in real life), due his good manners and intelligence, so she wouldn't had say not before, and of course wouldn't say no now.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
i've got two questions that kind of came from each other
how/why does everyone eat? isn't the poppy serum all they would need? or do they still have stomachs or something?
what is the critters fav foods if they could have anything appear in the factory?
there had been a lot of question about the food in the factory, so let answer this part by part
1-what do they eat?
Mostly, Lillith's babies, aka the PJ's that are all around the factory. BUT those are more like a placebo, 'cause their ''meat'' is just like a Jelly poppy serum, have a meaty texture, but isn't meat.
2-Is the Poppy Serum enough?
Is and isn't. You see, the Poppy serum can keep them alive, but they still feel hunger, but is a specific hunger, so there's come the next question
3-Why there's still food (the lemonade or ingredients like sugar and flour) in the factory?
'Cause the experiments doesn't crave that kind of food, yeah, they can eat it to distract their stomach and get energy, but their body crave is for meat, so even when they try to use placebos like food make with poppy serum/ Pj meat, they still fell the need to eat real meat. Is like when you see kids eating dirt and realised that said child have a mineral deficit that make them look for said mineral by eating what they shouldn't (i saw it a lot with some of my cousins), they have a specific need that can only be satisficed with meat.
4-What would be their favorite food?
Even with the meat need, they still enjoy the flavour of food, and have they fav ones.
-Nell loves anything that have chocolate in it (ironic for a dog), but hate peanut butter.
-Callem love soup, any kind of soup. It remember him of when his mother would take care of him when sick. And he hate oatmeal, is disgusting.
-Charlie hate anything sweet, he can't stand it. On the other hand, if he could he would eat pickles like they're chips while reading.
-Alba like cookies, but is the only type of sweet she like. On the other hand, she hate coffee, but can stand the favour for the next reason.
-Nicole loves coffee, is the only thing that can help her when she's stressed, and she had been drinking it even before the hour of joy (by taking the employees cups without them noticing it), so theres a big bag of coffee in the kitchen that she found in the council and has been her treasure since then. Everybody knows that the moment the bag is empty they need to found a alternative, 'cause a stressed Nico isn't something they would like to deal.
-Samina isn't a picky eater, she have a lot of fav food and even if she doesn't like a specific ingredient, she can make it work to make it less disgusting. The only thing she write the line is with seafood, the smell and texture has always make her puke.
-Amara eat anything sweet, BUT she learn she hate alcoholic things when she tried the fermented lemonade, she almost puke her whole stomach that day.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
What do they do in their free time? Well, I mean their daily life.
The fact that Nell loves to fall into self-flagellation and get drunk is a no brainer. But he does something besides that.
Or Nicole - she not only sits and reads books and drinks coffee all day long.
I think you understand what I mean.
They day by day activities are something i had for another post, but since you mentioned Nell getting drunk, i would like to leave something clear.
Nell doesn't actually like to drink.
tw: Past trauma, abusive household and use of alcohol from a young age implied
All the killer team tried the fermented lemonade first (they were the ones to open one of the machines) and there was mixed reactions:
-Callem was the one that could drink the most without getting drunk, and while drunk he just keep laughing and then falling asleep, so he's kind of the good drunk type (funny thing if we think how hothead he's when sober).
-Charlie didn't like the taste (too sweet for him), but his curiosity in the situation make him push himself to drink till get drunk to see how could it affect him. The results? He got shitface and sleep for 3 whole days, Alba was almost sure he was comatosed, but he said that ''probably his body didn't like the sugar''
-Amara couldn't stand even 1 can before puking all out, after that she considered it the devil's drink.
And then we get Nell, that the moment he tried it he feels... familiar. He knew this taste, but couldn't remember from where. He didn't share this thought with the team and decided to not drink more 'cause the familiar feel wasn't exactly making him feel good, but later share it with Alba.
That's why Callem was surprised to see him drink himself till drunk, 'cause he hadn't even show a like to the lemonade before.
After that Alba remembered that in Nell's file it said that he came from a abusive household with addictions problems, so she put 1 +1 together and thought that probably Nell had to live in a place were someone used to drink when in bad moods, and even probably drink it himself at one moment (something bad if we remember that Nell got to playcare when he as around 10/11 y/o), so that's why Nell knew the taste and also why he looked for the lemonade when he was feeling down.
Alba keep this info for herself, but decide to tell the rest of the team to dispose of the limonade in the bathrooms, using what happens to Charlie and Amara as a excuse, but in reality she knew she wasn't prepared to deal with Nell spiraling into a posible addiction due his emotional problems, so she had to be safe for everybody.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
This question just came up randomly from my dyslexia, but I'll ask it anyway.
Why did you name the characters exactly what they are called now? Like, what gave rise to giving them such a name? Especially a question for Neill.
(By the way, I pronounce his name as “Nail” (nail and hammer) due to dyslexia and only now realized that Neill is correct)
It took me like 3 hours looking for the names for each children (on the original post were i introduce them), 'cause i was really trying to get details both for the original critters and the children own personality in said name.
Let me use Google to explain the meaning part, and then i explain my own work with it. long post guys, Nova is gonna talk a lot
First with Nell
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As i said before, Nell's name was fitting for him 'cause the ''Shinning light'' goes fine with Dogday character, but on the other side, the ''hard as a horn'' was the part that, for me, work with the experiment one: Nell's can be emotionally weak, but his temple and spirit is the strongest in the gang, specially if it mean to protect those how he care, he's the shining light of the killer team, their boss but most important, the one that is ready to give his life for his loved ones.
Now, Callem (here it show Callum, but is another way of write it, it mean the same)
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Just, is a simple meaning, and yeah the bird side was for Kickin, BUT the meaning of said animal is was Callem's character really is about
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Callem is the free spirit of the gang, a soul that is only trapped in the physical way, but that doesn't care about anything else, he isn't afraid of cry, of scream, of love. Yup, maybe he doesn't take the iniciative with Nell, but not 'cause he's afraid, but 'cause he care for Nell's feelings, he never liked to be force to do something, why would he force Nell out of his comfort zone? He's ready to fly when needed, that's Callem for you.
Now, Charlie
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What does this had anything to be with Bubba? Well, this was a inside joke with my lil' cousin, that when we read the name Charlotte whe remember the spider, AND then we remember the game song (in spanish, idk if there's a version in english) ''Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña'', it was a silly moment, but she ask me to name him Charlie, 'cause she liked the name and, in her words, ''Tiene cara de charlie'' (he had a charlie face). So yeah, Charlie doesn't have a strong meaning in his name, but hey, the ''Warrior'' part was what make me put him in the Killer team, and it a choice 'm really happy about.
Now Alba
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The ''white'' meaning is for literally Crafty's fur, and also the name is kinda relate to a colour palette, so it fit in her side. Now, with the experiment, is basically a mirror of Nell, but in a more ''bright'' way; Nell and Alba had always been mirrors of the other during their time working in the playcare, but Alba has something that Nell doesn't: A mind without attachment. Alba never had something to care about in her past life more that herself, something that make her miss her past life, so when she learn the true, she was angry 'cause she was used, no 'cause she wasn't a children in playcare anymore. Nell since day one has been emotionally ''in a eternal night'', there's something that give weight to his actions, something that make him worry. Alba was able to pursue Nicole, she was able to become the second in charge of the heretics, she was able to make a community with the little they have, 'cause her mind was already past the night, unlike Nell, that shine in the dark.
Now, Nicole
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Obviously more close in meaning with the cartoon side that with the experiment side due the deatils of ''victory'' related to competitions, BUT in Nicole theres also some true: She has always been a fighter, maybe not in the physical way, but in her past life she refuse to let the employees experiment with her using the Poppy serum, doesn't caring if she could die without it, she wasn't a lab rat, and even after getting turn in Hoppy, she show them that she still was able to win over them, by been the most hard to tame, to the point of breaking the scientists's patience with a literal jumpscare (this gonna be show in her VHS)
Now, Samina
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The name, as i read in another place, also mean a ''well feeded child'' that goes to the side of Picky, but the rest is for the experiment, 'cause yeah, the bitchiest, most intense and meany member of the gang is actually a generous soul, but a soul that had been breaked over and over again, and even after that still have a lil' piece of that kind soul to give to her friends.
And then, we have Amara
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why i had to scroll so much to get this meaning? But yeah, 'm using the latin/spanish meaning of this name for her, that is basically ''to love'', something that work both for Bobby and for Amara herself, 'cause both were means to be a character full of love to give, full of emotions and ready to ''love'' those she care about.
Also! Funfact!
Do you know what Theo's name mean?
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An interesing choice considering all his relation with the prototype, good on that Mob game.
And here ends my tedtalk, good night everybody!
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
In your car art the critters seem to have these... tattoos?
Nell and callem have each others, so i thought it was like a couple thing
But then i saw theo, sam, and (forgot who bobby bearhug is i'm sorry) had matching heart ones.. so it couldn't be a couple thing unless sam suddenly just didn't mind trying a relationship which i doubt
So do they have a meaning? (Alba and charlie have a pink swirl so i assumed its a tribute to marie)
isn't exactly tattoos, but marker paint, is actually a reference to doodle bears (i used to have one when little, and it was a funny disaster).
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Yup, Nell and Callem have a matching one in the check, but everybody have a heart one for their own reasons, not just romantic (For example, Theo have one of his own colour to represent his freedom, while Sam have a red one to represent Bron), and they also have a pink spiral for Mommy.
There's more (Callem was going wild with the markers), but that's for another post.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
First, love your art. Now I got a simple question, I think I remember you saying a reason or something that the smiling critters and other toys can't leave the factory because of some thingy, but that's not the main thing, if the smiling critters killers people (I don't really remember what you called them) actually was able to leave the factory and escaped it, what would be the first thing of them would do?
Gonna guess your question is ''What would be the first thing they would do outside the factory'', right?
'cause yeah, theres a reason they can't get out, reason 'm going to kinda reveal in the valentine special, but if said reason didn't exist, the answer is easy:
Go to the beach.
Callem was the only one that remember enough of his past life + been the only one that spend time outside the factory to remember the real world, and the most precious image he has in his mind is the beach.
He has spend the last 20 years inserting said idea in his friends, talking about the smell of the sea, the sand in your feets, the warm sun and the water, the sandcastles, the surfing, the icecream after swimming.... All of the memories he has of the beach, he had share it with them, to the point that all of them also want to go for their own reason.
Amara and Alba want to build a sandcastle with real sand and shells (theres a sandbox in the playcare, but is... bloody dirty since the hour of joy), Samina wants to relax in the sun, Nicole wants to take photos of the sunset and try fishing, Charlie want to try surf, Nell wants to learn how to swim, and Callem himself... he want to see the beach one more time.
Even Catnap listen about the beach when the group worked together in playcare, and one part of him would smile at the idea of running in the sand looking for icecream, but said part is not the main mind, so sadly we can't convince him of surrender by promise a beach day.
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
What kills the gang? Like, they get limbs ripped off pretty often (from what I can tell) and are relatively fine in the long run. But when Callem got ripped in half he died. What's the standard for killing a toy?
Alba explain it already, but the way to die most quickly is blood lose, that why they stay in the big form, since their blood is less condensed so is more hard to die when they loose a limb or something like that.
BUT the majority of their blood and stuffing is still in the center of their bodies, so if they get a big injury there, they can die from it, just like Callem.
Alba was able to revive him, but she had to move quickly to keep him alive after that, 'cause she still needed to refill him with Poppy serum and stuffing while also put both part of his body together, luckily Callem is the one in better form in the gang ('cause he and Nicole spend the day eating the roaches from the factory, so they're the most ''well feeded'' in the heretics), so he could survive all the process, but yeah, not something that they would like to repeat in the long run.
Also, that's why Nell keep the belts around him, even when Catnap first started using them to keep him hostage each time he trap him, Nell decided to take advance of it and use them to keep his wound close while he find Alba to put him together again.
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
Hey i do have a question about the food situation (like the one you mentioned about chicken in the educational post). If i remember correctly someone said they like the taste of great danes. As in the dog. What is Nel's views on that? Does that also count as cannibalism? (because technically Nel isnt an actual dog. Same goes for the critters and their respective creatures)
They don't see themself as the animal they're supposed to be, even when they have personality trait of said animals due Play.Co mixing animal hormones while making the experiments (for example, Nell, Nicole and Amara wave their tails unconsciously when happy or anxious, Callem have the need to groom those he care for, Alba would sleep standing if someone doesn't remember to lay her down, ect)
But they had also eat humans, and other experiments, so the cannibalism remorse is already out of the table long time ago, they had even eat insects (Callem and Nicole are insectivorous, something that Samina find utterly disgusting, and she had eat rotten meat).
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