wovenstarlight · 1 year
me and yoojin sitting in somber silence after acknowledging that he is SOOO ridiculously op. he could rule the world if he chose to. but all he wants is for yoohyun to be happy and come home safe
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ilcasinodentrome · 2 years
Un po' te lo aspettavi vero? Sapevi che sarebbe andata così. È da sempre che succede, ti vedono e non ti guardano, sono lì e si fermano a ciò che tutti dicono, e no, nessuno osserva ciò che sei davvero. Però ci speravi vero? Mi dispiace, ti capisco, ma respira a fondo e ricomincia a camminare, lungo la strada troverai chi ti capirà davvero, e ti sembrerà che nulla potrebbe andar meglio.
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yunwooz · 10 months
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230805 THE RING ©️ PEONY.
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otakusparkle · 8 months
Identity V Comic Market (Comiket) C97 Official Illustration Collection (2019)
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mako-neexu · 2 years
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skania · 11 months
Aqua, Akane & Chapter 98
I had a lot of thoughts about Chapter 97 and I've got almost as many about Chapter 98. No theories though, this is just the way I personally read their interactions this chapter lol
First thing that stood out to me is how recurrent this bridge is in Aqua and Akane's big scenes.
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The way they have been saving each other over and over in this very bridge is remarkable, and I'm fully expecting them to have another big scene there if Aka chooses to go down the AquaKane route.
The second thing that stood out to me is the face Aqua makes when Akane says that she thought someone pushed her down the stairs.
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It's like Aqua is seeing a preview of what could happen to Akane if he allows her to keep getting involved in his revenge. It makes him beg her to stop doing dangerous things (and we recently saw him beg Ruby to stop living her life for revenge in c122).
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In my c97 thoughts, I said that I feel like Akane's wording and demeanor last chapter gave away the fact that she found Aqua's dad.
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I feel like c98 indirectly validates that reading, because we now see Aqua's give away the fact that he knows what Akane is up to.
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In both cases, Aqua and Akane read each other like a book because they have come to know each other too well. And so, Aqua knows that Akane is about to figure out just how he managed to get there in time.
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Aqua's expression here is important because we can't see his face when he begs Akane to stay safe, but we can at least see the aftermath. To me he looks sad, contrite. And the placement of the speech bubble suggests that his expression also has a lot to do with what is about to happen.
You're really sharp, Akane
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This panel is one of my favorites:
Akane's sharpness is a trait Aqua has always valued in her, and now it's one of the reasons he has to walk away from her. The irony is likely not lost on him.
That pause is Aqua getting ready to act emotionless. After this point, he will only show emotion once.
It also tells me that in Chapter 97 Aqua did already know that Akane was aware of the loophole. After all, in Chapter 95, Ichigo reminds Aqua that he is smart enough to realize his dad is still alive. Since Akane is so sharp, it goes without saying that such a thing wouldn't have been lost on her.
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I have to pause here because something that broke my disbelief while reading was... how could Akane immediately tell that the tracker was in the keychain? I know she's sharp but she's no sorceress lol
Only thing that makes sense to me is assuming that the keychain was a gift from Aqua. I feel this would explain why Akane zeroes it on it right away. However, I think the actual reason is that Aka literally came up with it on the spot and we aren't supposed to think that deeply about it lmao Same goes for Aqua being able to guess Kamiki's identity based on Akane's movements. Like all we see Akane do is a) meet up with fellow Lala Lai troupers b) cross a bridge. How in the world was that enough for Aqua to narrow it down to Kamiki? Either I'm missing something, or Aka just wanted to move things along asap without bothering with the details 😂
I digress though! In any case, I know that the tracker was a deal breaker for a lot of people. Personally, it changes nothing for me because of the time period in which he planted it. Aqua says that he installed it "some time" after LoveNow ended, and the fact that he doesn't say "Some time after Tokyo Blade started" or anything along those lines suggests that it did happen before the play.
Which means, it happened back when Aqua did intend to use Akane. But the thing is, he never gets around to using her the way he intended to.
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Case in point, he himself says that he thought Akane "may be able to find something out". Except he gives her the information she needs only after he thinks his revenge is already over lol
For me the actual question is when does Aqua start using that GPS?
Technically, it should be anywhere between Chapter 95 and Chapter 98, so it is possible that Aqua was already using it by Chapter 97 and that when he calls Akane, he has already been tracking her. His "Are you up to something?" can indeed lend credence to this theory depending on how you read it.
Personally though, I can't help but think that he started using it after Chapter 97. The reason being that by the beginning of Chapter 97, Aqua has every reason to guess Akane is already aware of the loophole, but he has little reason to believe Akane has found his dad. I'd argue that Akane being aware of the loophole isn't enough reason for Aqua to start using the GPS; she has been aware of it for an entire year, starting to use the GPS wouldn't change anything at that point. Their phone-call, however, does let Aqua know that Akane has likely found his dad and that she is up to something, so it gives Aqua enough reasons to start tracking her.
Regardless of when it happened, I think the GPS ironically serves to establish a clear contrast between the kind of relationship Aqua intended to have with Akane and the kind of relationship they ended up having. The GPS was there so he could use Akane as a tool, yet the GPS ends up being a tool so he can free Akane from his revenge.
That's just me as a reader, though. Akane as a character is very much bothered by the GPS and I loved every second of it.
Trust & Choices
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I have to thank Aka for letting Akane explain her perspective to antis not that they will listen. It's not that Akane "is fine" being Aqua's "pet" or "his property". She very much isn't.
It's that Aqua has never made her feel that way before now. The moment when Aqua could have lied to her to string her along, Akane asks him to be honest and Aqua complies.
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He doesn't tell her that he wants to use her for something, sure, but what he does say is enough for Akane to read between the lines. Akane chooses to go along with it because she trusts Aqua's intentions. Since Aqua is inherently a good, kind person, Akane trusts him and wants to help him.
So the GPS shakes Akane for two reasons. On one hand, this is the first time she hasn't had a choice in her relationship with Aqua. I'd even go as far as saying that "Choices" are part of the very foundation of their dynamic.
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Back when Akane was lost, Aqua didn't push his own wants and expectations onto her. He let her make her own choice, and once she did, Aqua did everything in his power to help her. I turn, Akane tries to do the same for him throughout their relationship, but this is probably a topic for another day lol
The point is, when it comes to Aqua, Akane has been deciding for herself all along. Aqua kisses her to trap her in a relationship with him, yet confesses that he doesn't see her as a woman and thus that their relationship is fake; Akane chooses to become his girlfriend fully knowing this. Later, Aqua confesses that there is someone he wants to kill and Akane chooses to help him. Lastly, Aqua kisses her for real and Akane chooses to date him.
Each time, Akane could have walked away. Each time, Akane chooses to get closer to Aqua instead. This is why she says that if Aqua had just asked her, she would've been fine with the GPS—because she trusts him. All she asks is that he trust her in turn—and Akane believes that he does, until now.
That's the second reason why she is so distraught over this. Since Aqua plants it without asking her and doesn't come clean about it while they're dating, Akane feels like she got it wrong.
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Aqua can't even look her in the eye while saying that lmao
Akane thought that she had an equal relationship with Aqua, one based on trust (and choices). As far as I'm concerned, she is right. She was (and is) his match in every sense of the word, whether intellectually or emotionally.
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But it wouldn't be in Aqua's best interests to correct her. After all, he needs to walk away from Akane. The less she thinks of him and of their relationship, the better. So, he focuses on exposing Akane's contradiction instead.
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Akane says that she would have helped him in any way, but would she? Now that she knows that Aqua desperately craves freedom and that his revenge would ruin him, would Akane have allowed him to pursue it?
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Her thoughts and actions betray the fact that she wouldn't have wanted Aqua to choose revenge, which brings me to:
What exactly was Akane planning to do?
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Given her thoughts here, it doesn't feel like Akane is focusing on what she is about to do but on the aftermath. She says that she was just planning to talk to Kamiki and that she brought the knife "just in case", and I think this may very well be the truth.
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But, the thing is... that shows Akane wasn't thinking straight.
I have no doubt that being able to talk to him would've let Akane gauge the kind of person Kamiki is, but... what then? Would she just walk away, leaving a literal knife in that bouquet of flowers for him to find? That makes no sense. Was she planning to egg him on enough that he would attack her, giving her the excuse to act in self-defense? That makes more sense, but it's also a terrible plan. Anything could have gone wrong. To say Akane was being reckless would be an understatement.
Whatever it was that she was thinking of doing, she clearly didn't think it through. She was as blinded as Aqua once was by his desire to be free of his revenge. In her haste, Akane doesn't stop to think about herself and her own well-being.
Which ironically means that she misses the forest for the trees.
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Because Aqua would break if something were to happen to her, even more so if he is the indirect cause of her misfortune.
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Since Akane won't prioritize herself over Aqua, Aqua takes himself out of the equation.
Akane wants to be together with Aqua, but she'd rather shoulder his burdens on her own than seeing him suffer. Aqua wants to be together with Akane (he says so himself, he doesn't want to let go of the days when she's by his side), but he'd rather shoulder his burdens on his own than putting her in danger.
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This is both funny and sad, he really isn't suited for revenge lol Aqua could have walked away, could have let Akane have that last, terrible impression of him. But he doesn't. He once again asks Akane to stop doing dangerous things, looking sad while he is at it—the second time he can't help but show emotion during their conversation.
And now it's Akane's turn to point out the way his words are at odd with his actions.
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Akane made herself into the perfect tool for his revenge, all on her own. Not only is she brilliant enough to find his dad for him, she is willing to throw herself into the lion's den for him. She is even willing to potentially kill for him.
And yet, Aqua walks away from her because he can't bear the thought of Akane putting herself in danger. This alone proves that he doesn't see her as a tool.
Aqua didn't want her to carry his burden, he just wanted her to be there by his side.
Akane desperately tries to fix her mistake, to fulfill the promise of companionship that she once made him, but it's too late and she knows it.
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She knows that Aqua is about to ruin himself by pursuing his revenge, and she is willing to ruin herself right alongside him just so he doesn't have to be alone, but Aqua won't let her.
After all, not letting his girlfriend die is a boyfriend's job.
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Black Stars
By saying that he plans to go to hell by himself, Aqua confirms Akane's worst fears: he has taken a wrong turn. He is turning his back on happiness and freedom—on the future—and chaining himself to the lonely, bitter path of revenge—to his past.
You took a wrong turn, Akane tells him. I know, Aqua confirms as he turns away from her.
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The imagery is poignant, as so is the fact that Aqua only gets his black stars after turning his back on Akane. This right here is what stood out the most to me in this chapter, because Aqua doesn't get his black stars after finding out that his father is alive—he gets them only after walking away from Akane!
Why? Because as he says so himself, his happy days were by her side. The moment Aqua walks away from her, he is knowingly giving up on the naive thought of being happy.
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This is extremely important—or at least, good writing says that it should be, even more so in light of all the parallels between the way Ruby gets her Black Stars and the way Aqua gets his—and it suggest that Akane may get her wish just yet.
She desperately wanted to save him, but she went about it the wrong way. If she had told him that she found Kamiki, there is a chance they could've worked together to catch him. But Akane messed up by taking the burden upon herself instead of giving herself the weight and importance Aqua himself gives her... and now Aqua is messing up by refusing to give his life any worth and by taking the weight of revenge squarely upon his shoulders.
It's also important to note that Aqua isn't choosing revenge because he wants to, but because he feels that he has to. He feels like he has no choice.
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It makes sense. After all, he has come to realize that even if he tries to go on with his life, the people he loves will try to take revenge in his stead. Ruby. Akane. Even Ichigo.
So Aqua decides to doom himself and only himself.
To wrap this up, I can't help but to bring up the chapter title, "Going Astray". After all, Akane in this chapter represents all the good Aqua is walking away from in order to choose revenge.
So all in all, I feel like the stage is set up for Aqua to be saved from this burden—and for Akane to (hopefully) play a big role in making this possible.
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sonderwrit · 7 months
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I Have to Be a Great Villain - Translation Masterpost (ongoing)
Disclaimer: These are casual translation by yours truly, an amateur translator, so take them with a grain of salt. I thought the scanlations were getting too MTL quality (no offense meant!) so I started reading the raws and translating them on my own starting with C89 (near the end of World 2/Apocalypse arc). Putting them here for archive purposes in case anyone wants to read them, lol. Picture is latest banner promo image on the manhua site yay, Wang Yi looks so villainous~
Table of Contents (C89 onwards)
World 2 - Zombie Apocalypse Arc C89: Farewell C90: See you next life World 3 - Crazy Scientist Arc C91: Dr. Wang pretends to be a pyscho C92: Slime! C93: It burrowed into the brain C94: Obsession C95: You knew after opening your eyes C96: Transformation C97: Eat! C98: Familiar face C99: Why C100: Danger C101: Memory C102: I don't understand C103: Date C104: Don't want to let go C105: Harem C106: Wanna try it? C107: Critical juncture C108: Overboard! C109: Mission accomplished? C110: We have to...be together World 4 - Cultivation Arc C111: He'd probably beat me up C112: There's a kitty! C113: Deja vu C114: Somewhat familiar C115: Picture book C116: Rest C117: BUG C118: Heaven's will is merciless? C119: Uncontrollable C120: This is enough C121: Sincerely C122: Protracted battle (posted 4/9/2024) C123: Just you wait, Master C124: This person is not simple C125: Inner demon C126: Safeguard C127: Why did he come? C128: You misunderstood C129: Of course I'm complying C130: Hunger
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Tシャツ清姫 by 茶太丸@C97日曜ら15a
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rieko-conducter · 1 year
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zofisroadtovillainy · 2 years
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The creators of animation have had to deal with censors for a long time. The people behind Batman: The Animated Series too did often complain about their difficulties with the censors. Here is a collection of their internal comments on some BS&P notes they received, from the book Batman Animated. They say, however, that the censors at Fox and WB were much more lenient than any other network and generally accepted that Batman was supposed to be something of a darker hero. Indeed older cartoon heroes were not even allowed to “make a fist, much less hit anyone with it.”
By the way, you can read the entire rare book at the Internet Archive!
Transcription of the images under the cut.
Bruce, the network says it is not their practice to show animal excrement hitting anyone on a children's show. They want us to cut the bat guano landing on Alfred's jacket and send them a fixed version of the episode.
Page A28: Network says no to Batman slugging Torchy in the gut with his fist. Kicking him, striking him with his whole arm or some such is okay.
Page 15: They won't let Scarface call anyone a "Scumbag".
Page 10: It'll break Alan's heart, but Penguin's joke about "picking up all the soap" in prison is out.
Network wants to cut Batman saying "Oh my God" from the audio cassette. They realize it's the logical thing for the character to say in the situation, but they feel many religious families would be offended by hearing Batman take the Lord's name in vain. It's okay for him to gasp.
Page A59: The third thug must be caucasian.
Page C41-42 Censor says Ras' looks too much like the devil. They want to lose the horned demon mask, glowing eyes, fangs and flames as he emerges from the pit.
Page 19: BS&P says Bane picking up Robin by the head is too easy for a kid to copy with a pet or smaller kid.
Page C16: Censor has a problem with Batman punching the skinny man in the face.
Page C39: Tell Dan he's going to have to restage this so Miriam isn't kicking Batman in the head.
Pages C97, C99, and C124-125: Baby-Doll can't bash Batman in the face with Mr. Happy Head.
Page C58: Robin kicking the thugs in their faces is too much. A body kick is okay.
Pages 4-5: I can't believe they want us to change the scene of the hyenas putting their heads into the baby carriage and chowing down!
Page 34: It has be clear through Harley's dialogue: "I think I made a mess on your cape" that she only barfed.
Pages 15 and 17: Censors want us to be more sensitive toward the families of those with mental illness. As Harley's just been released from the Laughing Academy, they don't want Bullock calling her a "fruitcake" or "screwball".
Page A15: It's okay to have Catwoman rake Batman's face, just don't show any blood.
Pages C10, C15, and C21: Censor wants us to figure out someplace for Catwoman to land other than on her face or breasts.
Page 26: We have to make it clear in the board that Batman's kneeing the Walrus in the stomach.
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脱稿&印刷所からデータチェック完了の通知が着ました! 受け取りにミスらなければ、新刊を持っていける見込みです
狛猫写真館  (2日目 東W28b)
●新刊 「マヌルネコはやっぱりかわいい!」A5フルカラー 40ページ ●既刊 (C99) 「マヌルネコはとってもかわいい!!!!!」A5フルカラー 44ページ ●既刊 (C97) 「マヌルネコはかわいい・・・のか?」A5フルカラー 40ページ
C100から続けて2回連続落とす事態を避けられて本当によかったです… どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!
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colourme-feral · 2 years
A Tale of Thousand Stars locations IRL
ATOTS: Phupa and Tian go to the market and run into Dr. Nam
IRL: Mae Salong Morning Market, 5J8G+C97, Mae Salong Nok, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai 57110, Thailand
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Credit: A Tale of Thousand Stars’ End Credits 
Credit: https://www.wongnai.com/attractions/445229EK-%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%A1%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87/photos
Screenshots taken by me
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otakusparkle · 8 months
Identity V Comic Market (Comiket) C97 Official Illustration Collection (2019)
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mako-neexu · 2 years
Doujin collecting is dangerous and I immediately need to buy that Oberon x gudako doujin. Do you think you can show up what doujins you or have ordered have when you have time?
Sure! This is today's batch! (Next batch is... i dont when it will get shipped so im just waiting for it to come haha. Last batch is pretty much Wani's works and Aocchan's compilation)
I miss Renkon-san... They were the author for Merguda "Impulse Buying". They said there is a possibility for part 2 but they havent appeared since C97 or C98 so I miss Renkon-san.... a lot XD
I ordered a few things from Doro-san but I have to wait... Im not too much of an nsfw person but if its from an artist I love, I will buy XD
I also plan to translate a few panels since its the only way I could feed myself... XD
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Chiruka-san took almost half the weight of the package...
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Romani is hiding under a page!! He wants to show you panel maybe XD
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I pre-ordered too many things... so I have to wait until October for them to arrive
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sonderwrit · 7 months
C97: Eat!
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Wang Yi turns into a babysitter while roleplaying on the side. It's a hard villain life.
S-0: GAHH!
WY: (If consuming things lets it evolve, I'll start experimenting from now on) [In any case, gotta confirm if mind-reading exists first]
WY: Yeah, I don't know why either. Is it because it ate the spoon?
(From a certain perspective he's kind of a crazy scientist too)
S-0: B-but isn't it better to lock it up? After all, a few days ago it was still—
WY: ?
WY: Hello, Dr. Wang's laboratory.
(Garbled speech)
WY: …..
WY: What do missing experimental subjects have to do with me? Not going.
S-0: What happened?
WY: Exactly what you just mentioned. It seems that a frog born from a universal energy stone disappeared. The higher-ups worried that it ran off to a corner somewhere, so it asked all the research labs to search for it together.
Slime: ?
Slime: ! Universal energy stone…?
Slime: So that can't be eaten?
Male Researcher: Nothing here!
Female Researcher: I didn't find it either.
Male Researcher: Check the restrooms again.
Slime (X's separate body): Oh no, will randomly eating things bring him trouble? But that rock's energy far surpasses that of eating humans…
*Note: X's separate body has a shared consciousness with the main body
Slime: I can only eat less now…
Slime: Eat less…
WY: Okay, Sao Ling went to loaf off, so let's keep experimenting.
WY: You can eat whatever you want based on your likes!
Slime: ?
Slime: For me to…eat?
WY: Yep. Because I don't know what you like, I prepared a bit of everything.
[Included: newly acquired radiation spider experimental subject]
Slime: Anything…is fine.
Slime: (X loves eating your emotions best.) (Will you give those?)
Slime: To X it's all…the same. (X doesn't have a sense of taste.)
WY: !
WY: (He actually ate it?)
WY: Can you evolve from that?
Slime: Evolve…it's very difficult.
Slime: I'll need to eat lots and lots…of this.
WY: So it's kinda like leveling up in a video game by killing monsters? You need to kill hundreds of thousands of lower leveled rabbits and slimes to get enough…then is there any high-leveled foods?
(Lower level foods like 1 battery = +1EXP)
(Higher level foods like 1 monster = +10000EXP)
Slime: ?
WY: Aish, is it hard to understand again?
Slime: *munch munch*
WY: Forget it, even ants are meat despite their size. You eat first, I'll prepare more if it's not enough…
*Ding-Dong~ Hello, please open the door~*
WY: Hm? Who is it?
WY: (The original Dr. Wang has bad relations with everyone, so no one should be coming to find me?)
???: That there, hello Dr. Wang. I'm Xiao Yu, I wanted to consult you on a question…
WY: (Xiao Yu? The female lead?)
WY *getting into character*: Ah, so annoying—
Slime: *turns back*
WY: Coming.
WY: (I still have to see the female lead, for the sake of the plot)
Xiao Yu: Wuu…Dr. Wang. Sorry for bothering you in the middle of all your work.
Xiao Yu: I heard you're the most formidable expert in the lab, so I thought you'd be the only one I could come to for help—
WY: Get to the point, it's disgusting to hear you drag things on.
WY: If it's about the missing gemstone frog then get lost, I'm not interested in searching for it like those nitwits. 
Xiao Yu: !
Xiao Yu: No, it's not about the frog…
XY: It's the merman you wanted to me focus on…
XY: Recently it's been a bit strange.
WY: MERMAN? (Showing off his acting skills)
XY: N-no! He's fine.
XY: But every time I meet the merman…
XY: Even though I don't say anything, he seems to understand my thoughts…as if…
XY: He can read minds.
WY: (Read minds?)
WY: (Is it Qin Xian's mind-reading ability?)
WY: (He really transmigrated as the male lead again? Is the sense of familiarity I get from X mistaken?)
Slime: ?
Slime: Human…suddenly seems very anxious? (Still can't really read)
XY: Um, because it's so strange, I came to ask you about it. Are mermaids a species that can read minds?
WY: I don't know.
WY: Come, let's go see that fellow.
XY: Huh? Okay!
XY: I'll help lead the way…
Slime: *scurry scurry* … …?
Slime: Human…is going to see the merman? 
Slime: Why? Compared to X, does he like…
Slime: …that merman more?
*scurry scurry*
*seep* (separate body)
Merman: ?
Slime: … …
*slime swooshes away*
Author: Don't worry everyone, X will have a human form oh~
Slime: I'll grow up.
WY: ??
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