#byleistr laufeyson
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Younger Loki & his baby brothers, Helblindi (the redhead) & Byleistr (the blonde)
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wolffoxnation2 · 2 months
I kinda wish we knew more about Loki's family in both myth and in mcga because like
How do you react to your child/brother being fated to destroy the world?
Also like half the shit he does.
Does Laufey get called up every few months weeks days to hear what Loki did this time?
Are they even suprised anymore?
Also the implied daddy issues with the fact that Loki is named Laufeyjarson instead of Farbautison is my roman empire.
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hraunwyf · 11 months
LEGAL NAME: loki laufeyson. she does not use dottir. NICKNAME[S]: kiki/kikibelle (courtesy of angela—it isn't recommended to call her this if you aren't her) DATE OF BIRTH: celebrated on nov. 23 by the modern calendar; loki's birthday roughly splits the difference between the beginning of winter and the celebration of yule. nearest we can pin her birth year down is 49250 b.c.e., which she stands by. GENDER: woki is a wady PLACE OF BIRTH: the temple at útgarðr, jötunnheim CURRENTLY LIVING: pick a fancy hotel in a big city and loki has a suite there. she also has a little hidey-hole upstate of nyc. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: yes EDUCATION: standard asgardian royal education, encompassing sciences, magics, arts, martial training, and military strategy. plus whatever else she's taught herself in 50k years or so. HAIR COLOR: dark dark dark brown, not black. EYE COLOR: green with slight golden central heterochromia. HEIGHT: 5′2″ (1.57 m) WEIGHT: 260 lbs (118 kg)
SIBLING[S]: thor, balder, angela (adoptive); byleistr, helblindi (biological, deceased) PARENT[S]: odin, frigga (adoptive); laufey, fárbauti (biological, deceased) RELATIVE[S]: (gestures vaguely at asgard) CHILDREN: fenrir, jörmungandr, hela (by angrboða; estranged); vali, narfi (by sigyn; estranged); sleipnir (by svaðilfari; estranged); deadpool (it's true and we don't know how; estranged?); kjälla 'kill junior' osborn (by norman osborn, verse dependent) PET[S]: none
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual and that is a threat RELATIONSHIP STATUS: every ship gets chucked in its own verse unless otherwise discussed, so by baseline, she's single; canon estrangement from her wife, sigyn; blog-canon past relationship with norman osborn SINCE WHEN: (shrug)
tagged: stolen from @fatummortem tagging: you. steal it
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taaroko · 2 years
Sons of Laufey
I finally got around to drawing Helblindi and Byleistr as they appear in my big Thor time travel fic! Whee! In the film studio of my imagination, Helblindi is played by Mark Strong and Byleistr by JJ Field. I’m pretty happy with the likenesses.
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madilineskingdom · 4 years
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“Bitter bread and fishy potato soup. Breakfast of champions.”
Tuber Soup! A hearty, warming start to a cold Jötunheim day, even if it does taste suspiciously alike sea serpent.
I can’t convey how much I love recreating these! May have even snuck a few references in as well if you can catch them all 😉☺️
What should I do next?
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prettiestcaptain · 4 years
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Reunion, part two of this piece :)
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hjbender · 5 years
if frost troll loki is this petit now, how small was he as a child?
I’m so glad you asked this because it’s something I’ve always wanted to talk about in the story but could never seem to find a way to do it without using a flashback or an awkward narrative device. Please allow me to bombard you with way more information than you ever asked for 😂
Baby frost trolls are born very small and in litters. For the first several months of their lives, they subsist entirely on milk and don’t grow very much. However, their senses develop rapidly and they learn to communicate with their littermates and their parents. When their baby teeth begin to come in, usually around 10 months of age, they are weaned and begin to eat solid food. At this point, they begin to grow at a faster rate and reach full adulthood around 350 years old (which is about 10 by Jötunheim reckoning and 14 ½ on Asgard).
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Loki is 396 years old in this story, which is 12 on Jötunheim and 16 ½ on Asgard. Thor is 496 years old, meaning he’s 15 on Jötunheim and just over 20 on Asgard. But these are just numbers, really. Thor is not actually 20 human years old, but is more like 25ish because the Æsir age much differently than humans. Likewise, Loki is not actually 16 ½, but more like 19 or 20.
At one time, 2 to 4 jötlings was an acceptable number of babies. However, with recent attitudes changing under Fárbauti’s rule, it has become shameful to have so few offspring. (I’ll explain more about this in later chapters.)
Trolls have long life spans—3,000 to 6,000 years, a little longer than the Æsir, who live to 2,000 to 3,000 years (for this story)—but their fertility (number of eggs) declines steadily after reaching adulthood. The ideal age for having jötlings is usually between 550 and 1,500. Technically, frost trolls can begin breeding once they reach full sexual maturity at 350 years, but they’re considered very young for motherhood, rather like human girls in their late teens. They may be physically capable of having babies, but that doesn’t mean that they should. They still have some growing up to do before they’re ready for that responsibility.
Frost trolls mate often for pleasure and love, but pregnancies are few and seldom accidental. (Again, this will be explained in later chapters.) After the first litter is born, troll parents must typically wait 300 years before trying for a second litter. This allows the mother’s body to heal fully and is also nature’s way of keeping the troll population at a healthy, sustainable level since they have so many offspring and live for so long. 
This means there are only about 1,000 years of fertility for a single frost troll, which isn’t much in a lifespan of up to 6,000 years. (For reference, a human woman’s fertile years make up about half of her lifespan; with trolls, they are only fertile for 17% of their lives.) There are ways around this small window of opportunity, though. Some troll couples double-breed, which means that both partners sire and bear litters. For example, a troll mother who is pregnant or has just given birth may not be capable of being impregnated for another 300 years, but he is fully capable of impregnating his mate. As it is with humans, sperm quality outlasts egg quality, so older trolls will still be able to impregnate younger mates, but they will not be able double-breed like couples who are a similar age.
Another sidenote: 
There is no shame or taboo as far as the “dominant” or “passive” roles of partners since trolls are all one sex. Both the mother and father lactate to provide nourishment to their numerous offspring (trolls only have two nipples, after all), and childrearing is a shared responsibility. Many a troll mother with a nestful of newborn babies has marched off to war while the father remained at home to care for their young. It all depends on who the better warrior is in the relationship, and it isn’t always the father. Trolls are one of the few races in Yggdrasil who live in a truly equal society.
I hope you can forgive me for that lengthy preamble, anon. Here’s the real answer to your question, at long last:
Loki was born small, as you already know, the runt of a litter of eight and one of only three survivors. His brothers, Helblindi and Býleist, were the other two. But while Helblindi and Býleist eventually grew and hit all of their developmental milestones at the proper time, Loki didn’t. His growth was stunted. (As a child of 200 years, equivalent to a ten-year-old human, he was probably only three and a half feet tall, just half the height and weight of his brothers.)
Loki developed just fine intellectually, but his body was small and weak, beset with all sorts of problems—such as hair on his head—and he was constantly sick. This was probably due to his small stomach being unable to process adult food and extract nutrition from it, and with his immune system already compromised from a lack of his parents’ milk when he was a jötling*, this just set him back even further. Loki would have likely benefited from staying on milk a little longer than his brothers, but his father, Fárbauti, who cannot stand weakness in any form and is basically the embodiment of toxic masculinity in this story, was already angry and ashamed of his ugly runt of a child. Loki would receive no special care from him; he would either grow and learn to keep up with his brothers, or die—and his faulty genetics would die with him.
*Laufey, the mother of Loki and Helblindi and Býleist, died during childbirth and a surrogate was brought in to nurse them. Normally the father would take over the feeding of his children, but Fárbauti refused to nurse his litter because of his disgust at their small number and especially the ugliness of the runt. He isn’t called the Cruel Striker because of his bowling record, that’s for certain.
Well, I hope that answered your question, anon. Thank you for the ask! 
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1axton1 · 5 years
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Helblindi, Loki, and Byleistr
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iulie-o · 6 years
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Copypasted from my deviantart page, with probable spelling errors and all:
“Thorki AU character lineup ...for the fanfiction that will never happen. I had this idea for a Thor Pathfinder!AU. Yeah, Pathfinder, that stupid movie with Karl Urban, Vikings with some serious steroid rage and the Native Americans. Basically, Odin storms Jotunheim, kid!Thor gets left behind and is raised (begrudgingly) by Laufey's tribe. I drew them 10 years after the war, when Thor and Loki are around 16/18 years of age. So, here we have from left to right: - Laufey, the tribal chief, he wears an old obsidian chest plate, red is the color of his house. - Farbauti, the sorcerer mate to Laufey from a different tribe and therefore he is not wearing any red, in fact the color of his house is purple. - Skadi, the old shaman... So old that the tribe's horns have evolved since he was born. - Loki, the firstborn prince and a little shit, he likes magic and teasing people, in this AU he has been spoiled to distraction by his parents. - Thor, he was left behind to die because of Odin's A+ parenting, he is not well loved by the tribe so he makes do with wahtever he can find, like that ratty Asgardian coat lost by some soldier during the war. - Helblindi and Byleistr, the second and third prince and younger brothers to Loki, like almost avery other child in the tribe they really like Thor and enjoy following him around camp to pester him about his strange hair and skin. Originally Thrym was supposed to be here too, he is Loki's betrothed, very ambitious and selfconfident... and a douchebag. I actually drew him, but he looked considerably older than Thor and Loki here, so I will probably put him in another character lineup set a little later in the story. I'm really sorry I could not fit him, he and Laufey are of a similar haight, and I wanted to show the extensive gamut of sizes of the Jotun race (BTW, you can already tell little Byleistr is going to be built like a brick shithouse). Also, he is very masculine in his appearence (by our human standards) and I was planning to use that to show the variety of styles in a single gendered race.”
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Some things don’t last forever.
Farbauti and Laufey were childhood friends who eventually fell in love and had a mostly happy marriage. Unfortunately, due to a combination of untreated trauma and Helblindi’s untimely death, Farbauti was unable handle his grief and took to the bottle, in turn becoming more distant and abusive toward his family, even accusing his beloved wife of cheating on him and making up a delusion that Loki was another man’s child (blissfully ignoring the fact that his eldest son was his carbon copy, only with Laufey’s hair). This eventually caused Laufey to snap and separate from her husband permanently, taking their eldest with her with Farbauti taking Byleistr. Though Loki was much closer to his mother than his father, his sudden abandonment still left some scars and caused the boy to resent and hate his father, embracing his second name as ‘Laufeyson’ and no longer wishing to have Farbauti in his life.
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salakavala7 · 3 years
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I FINISHED IT. KSAJSL it's been so long, but I think. I think now I'm happy. May I present-
Loki Laufeyson, the Frost King of Jotunheim. Significantly younger, significantly more beautiful than King Thor had imagined upon first hearing the title of this new potential ally.
It was supposed to be a regular boring diplomatic visit to Jotunheim, to officially meet the new king after the death of Laufey. It had been expected that either Helblindi or Byleistr would take the throne, but when the news came, they shocked everyone: Loki, the third son, previously unseen, unheard, unimportant, had somehow secured the throne for himself, with his older brothers on either side of his seat.
When the invitation to visit Jotunheim came, Thor had expected... not this. 
Not this young, beautiful creaure with a sly smile and a sharp tongue, yet with genuine curiosity in his crimson eyes. Thor had expected quiet throne halls and rigid dinners, not breathless hunts and lively feasts - and certainly, certainly not midnight baths in secluded hot springs deep in the woods outside the palace. Not Loki, cobalt skin still slightly lilac and steaming from the heat of the water, snowflakes dancing slowly around him in the gentle darkness of the night...
Thor had not expected to want.
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Comparison of Loki & Sigyn in Mythology & Marvel Comics
I’ve decided to compile a comparison for the differences between Sigyn and Loki with Mythology and the Marvel world. I thought this would be a fun and educational thing to do.
PLEASE NOTE: that with many retcons in mythology and especially Marvel that I’ve tried to put this together as much as I can. Some things might be missing or might not be clear, but I tried to get the basics down mostly.
- Admin Marian
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Name: Sigyn
Name Meaning: (Old Norse for Victorious Girlfriend)
Gender: Female
Spouse: Loki
Children: Vali, Narfi (sons)
Appearances: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived to this day. She is only attested in the followings works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. Hence, not many people know of this wonderful Goddess or her relationship to Loki.
In the poem, Lokasenna,the most famous of poem’s with the couple, it talks of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”  
She also appears in the 9th century skaldic poem Haustlöng from pagan times, written by the skald Þjóðólfr of Hvinir. Due to this early connection with Loki, Sigyn has been theorized as being a goddess dating back to an older form of Germanic paganism!!
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Name: Sigyn Iwaldidottir
Name Meaning: (Old Norse for Victorious Girlfriend)
Gender: Female
Species: Asgardian/Vanir
Occupation: Goddess of Fidelity, Princess of Asgard (through marriage to Loki)
Marital Status: Widowed
Status: Supposedly deceased
Loki Laufeyson (Husband, deceased - reborn)
Thoeric (ex-fiancee, deceased)
Frigga (Mother-in-Law)
Odin Borson (Father-in-Law)
Thor Odinson (Brother-in-Law) 
Narvi & Vali (Sons, deceased)
Large extended family via Loki
Supposedly daughter of Iwaldi & Freya, but I haven’t been able to find anything from Marvel officially on the subject, so it’s a possible retcon of theirs at some point?
Appearances in comics: 
Thor Vol 1 #275 (First appearance, 1978)
Thor Vol 1 #276 
Thor Vol 1 #277
Thor Vol 1 #278
Thor Vol 1 #301
Thor Vol 1 #302
Thor Vol 1 #303
Thor Vol 1 #307
Thor Annual Vol 1 9
Thor Vol 1 #313
Thor Vol 1 #321
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 1
Gamer’s Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1
Thor Annual Vol 1 14
Thor Annual Vol 1 19
Thor Vol 1 #479
Thor Vol 1 #483
Thor Vol 1 #484 (1995)
Thor: The Legend Vol 1 1 (1996, last appearance)
Avengers: Loki Unleashed #1 (2019, first & only modern day appearance since 90s.)
Mentions in comics:
Thor Annual Vol 1 #10 (1982)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 #11 (1983)
Thor: Asgard’s Avenger Vol 1 #1 (2011)
Mighty Thor Vol 1 #12.1 (2012)
Loki Vol 3 #1 (2019 - referenced) 
Superhuman Strength
Differences between Mythology & Comics Sigyn:
In the comics Sigyn is given the title of Goddess of Fidelity by Odin. In Mythology Sigyn is called a goddess along with other kennings “incantation-fetter” & “beloved of monsters” being a few. We don’t know her exact virtue. 
In the comics supposedly Sigyn is the daughter of Freya, Goddess of Love and Iwaldi, a dwarf from Alfheim and sister to many of Freya’s other daughters by Iwaldi (Nanna, etc.) This makes her a Vanir despite being called an Asgardian Goddess. I’m not sure exactly where this came from if it’s a retcon of the comics or something fanmade. As for mythology, all we know is Sigyn is a member of the Aesir and the wife of Loki. 
Theoric is a construct of the Marvel Comics and was never in the Myth’s. 
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NOTE: This is where it can Get a little crazy, so bear with me. With many retcons in mythology and Marvel, I’ve tried my best to put it altogether. 
Name: Loki
Nicknames/Titles: Loptr, Hveðrungr, The Trickster, God of Mischief & Fire
Species: Aesir/Jotun
Gender: Genderfluid
Consort: Sigyn, Angrboda
Farbauti (Father - Jotun)
Laufey (Mother - she is said to be Aesir or Jotun) 
Helblindi and Byleistr (brothers)
Odin (Blood Brother - not exactly clear, but comes off as an oath of friendship)
Narvi & Vali (Sons by Sigyn)
Jormungandr, Fenrir & Hel (Sons & Daughter by Angrboda)
Sleipnir (by Svaðilfari)
Appearances: Prose Edda & Poetic Edda
Baldrs draumar
Norwegian rune poem
Other Folklores
Animal Morphing
Decoy Creation
Enhanced Charisma
Enhanced Intelligence
Fear Masking
Fire Manipulation
Illusion Manipulation
Intuitive Aptitude
Sex Transformation
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Name: Loki Laufeyson
Occupation: God of Mischief and Evil
Gender: Genderfluid (typically portrayed as Male)
Marital Status: Separated
Species: Jotun
Status: Deceased - Reborn in another incarnation
Farbauti (Biological Mother)
Laufey (Biological Father)
Odin (Adoptive Father)
Frigga (Adoptive Mother)
Sigyn (Wife, Separated - Deceased)
Thor Odinson (Adoptive Brother)
Balder Odinson (Adoptive Brother)
Narvi & Vali (Sons by Sigyn - Deceased)
Jormungandr & Fenrir (Sons by Angrboda)
Sleipnir (Son)
Appearances in comics:
Far too many to document here from 1942 to present. There has been some retcons as well with the fact the current Loki has been reborn in a new incarnation also known as Ikol. 
Superhuman Strength
Differences between Mythology & Comics Loki:
In the comics Loki is the adopted son of Odin and Frigga and Adoptive brother to Thor & Balder. While in Mythology, Loki is implied to be the blood-brother to Odin and Step-Uncle to Thor and Balder. 
In Myth, Hel is Loki’s daughter by Angrboda. In the comics, they retconned her as being called Hela and made her an adoptive sister of Loki’s and daughter of Odin instead. In fact, In the MCU, anything to do with Loki’s children is completely retconned and not mentioned. 
Obviously Loki’s Biological parents were changed around in Marvel with Laufey being his father and Farbauti being his mother when it’s the other way around in the Myth’s. 
In the myths, Loki tricked the dwarves Brokk and Eitri into making Mjolnir for the Aesir by making a bet which resulted in Loki getting his lips sewn shut. While in the comics, Mjolnir was forged in the heart of a dying star.
The Jotun are displayed as Frost Giants in Marvel, but in Mythology they are giants and a member of a race of nature spirits. 
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 2 years
Flesh and Bones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pYggop
by p1nk_eye
Taken at random, you are stolen from your home and brought to Jötunheim, a realm where giants rule and keep mortals as their slaves. You meet Loki Laufeyson, the ill-fated prince of Jötunheim. His powerful sorcery, his serpent tongue, and godly allure separates him from the rest; But when Loki saves you from certain death, you come to find that the tortured prince is peculiar for an entirely different reason...
Is it possible for Frost Giants to love mortals?
Words: 732, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (Marvel Comics), Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Loki (TV 2021)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Laufey (Marvel), Byleistr (Marvel), Helblindi (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Angrboða | Angerboda (Norse Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Byleistr & Farbauti & Helblindi & Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Laufey & Loki (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Master/Pet, Eventual Smut, Blood and Gore, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jötnar | Jotuns | Frost Giants (Norse Religion & Lore), Princes & Princesses, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Jötunheimr | Jotunheim, Alternate Universe, Size Difference, First Love, Explicit Sexual Content, Rutting, Animalistic, Hurt Loki (Marvel), Drama & Romance, Secret Relationship, Daddy Issues, Weird Plot Shit, Slow Burn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3pYggop
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Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Thor (Movies)The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Loki/Thor (Marvel)Loki & Thor (Marvel)Jane Foster/ThorHelblindi (Marvel)/Original Character(s)Fandral/SifHogun/Sigyn (Marvel)Byleistr/original male characterOdin/FriggaFarbauti/Laufey (Marvel)
LokiThor (Marvel)Helblindi (Marvel)Fandral (Marvel)Hogun (Marvel)Volstagg (Marvel)Odin (Marvel)Frigga | Freyja (Marvel)Laufey (Marvel)Farbauti (Marvel)Original CharactersSigyn (Marvel)female ByleistrJane Foster (Marvel)
Additional Tags:
MpregSmutFamily DramaAlternate Universe - Modern SettingPolygamyArranged MarriageAlpha/Beta/Omega DynamicsBetrayalAttempted MurderAngst with a Happy EndingKnottingMating Cycles/In HeatIntersex Loki (Marvel)
Status: On going
Summary: The need for an alliance between the Asgard Pack and Jotunheim Pack forces Alpha Prince Thor Odinson to mate with Omega Prince, Loki Laufeyson from the Jotunheim Pack. This would be all fine and dandy if Thor wasn’t already mated to omega, Jane Foster whom he already has a child with.
Follow this tale of love, friendship, loyalty and betrayal.
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cappa-cappa · 4 years
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A Year of Spectacular Viccisitude (Frostbite Fanfic)
-Part 1-
Prince Byleistr x NB! Midgardian! Reader
Vicissitude (n.)
a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Author’s Note: Imma be real with you chief, the descriptors used for this Y/N will NOT match everyone. I will be writing it indulgently similarly to what I wish more would be like, since I (as an NB person of color) rarely see things that include me, and instead read stories that fit other groups. This is MY indulgent fic written to combat stress in this awful time, but I hope you others who love Frostbite will also enjoy!
It’s an AU I guess??? Because By is on Midgard. Same with Hross and the twins and all. Also it’s set in San Diego because personal experience and affection for the vibe there. Like I said, indulgence.
Also this was supposed to be a one shot but I guess it’s a series now???? 
frostbite/its world building and all belong to @maiden-of-asgard​  
The trolleys are not made for a giant. It’s especially is not made for several giants during a Friday evening when the people are out and busy, coming back from all over the city and heading their separate ways. Byleistr can’t say he enjoys the tight space, even as the population in the car he’s in drops. Relief for a station, maybe two, and then it’s back to being packed like a can of sardines.
The sweltering summer heat has lulled into a tolerable temperature as the sun drops in the sky, painting everything coral pink and orange like sorbet melting down a cone. In many ways, as he watches the small, weak creatures around him bustle through life, he is amazed. Impressed, truly. They’re much more innovative than their distant texts led him to believe. It’s to be expected, when cut off for so long.
The king— his half brother, Loki Laufeyson, the false asgardian prince and true heir to the jotun throne— is beyond just “good” for their people. He was met with resistance, but he’s done plenty good, especially with his queen by his side. Yes, the midgardian pet who ascended the dais to become a ruler, hand in hand. Byleistr can’t deny the fondness he felt for the feisty woman, but it wasn’t his place. He needed to think of things beyond the great In-Illi and In-Unga. He needed to think towards what he came to Midgard for: education and cultural exchange.
There’s a rush of people in at the gaslamp quarter. People are squished into close quarters, attempting to keep distance from the nearest stranger despite them all being packed like sardines in a can. People stay generally away from him. He doesn’t mind that people are too intimidated to get too close at time like this. Still, it offends a tiniest bit of him when they act as if he cannot be approached for the slightest of eye contact or to share close quarters with him... another minuscule part is pleased that he still intimidates. He wouldn’t hurt them... probably. They didn’t give him any reason to.
As the doors close there’s a clatter and shuffle near the doors. He watches a flash of yellow squeeze onto the trolley and begin gliding through grumbling passengers. A flash of [e/c] eyes, and ruffled [h/c] hair peaking from a bright yellow jacket, a flash of bright colors assaults his eyes when they catch on the skates the midgardian wears. Everything else the small person wore appeared to be black as they made their way through the tightly packed aisle in search of somewhere to stand. Their eyes land on Byleistr. He’s unprepared for the unabashed staring that occurs.
Within seconds, the person has used Byleistr for shelter, taking advantage of their much smaller height to hide within the gaps others were too wary to fill. A pleasant scent he couldn’t quite place seemed to join them. They don’t say a word, facing him as they grab a hanging strap to secure themselves, looking to their phone, earbuds in.
The ensuing silence is filled only with tension as he stares at them rather intensely. He notes there delicate hands, chipped black polish on each nail. He notes the shape of their nose and the freckles flecked across from exposure to the sun. Their dark lashes catch his eye in a peculiar way, reminding him offhandedly of the first mdigardian he met. He knew not all midguardians seemed to very fragile, but he still couldn’t help the thought. It had been engrained in his head from the only sources he had to study in the past. After a good five minutes of observation, he was startled by the sudden intensity of eyes staring him down, the stranger’s head tilting up to look at him.
“Staring is rude.” They say, voice tinged with a faint rasp at their attempt to not be too loud and startle anyone. The comment was a message just for him, he knew, but he couldn’t help but glance around as if everyone had heard. No one batted an eyelash at the two.
“It wasn’t staring... it was observing.” He says, pausing as he works out his words. His accent is heavy on his tongue, but his articulation leaves little room for confusion. The midgardian scoffs slightly, a crooked, mean smile crossing their lips as they quirked a brow.
“Mind your manners, either way.” They quipped. Before he could respond, the next stop was announced, and all too soon the curiosity in front of him turns and glided through the busy car to the doors. He watched as they hopped off the trolley, skating to the bus depot. Another whiff of that pleasant, but not quite placable scent hit his nose as they left his space.
As he watched them out the window, puzzled, the scent hit him at last.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 40 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Ella sauntered through the palace, bored and not in any form of mood for discussion. She hoped that she would not have to deal with anyone for the day as Laufey had felt tired and not wished to deal with the exhausting matters of court in such a state so the palace was not as busy as it tended to be on the occasions he did have court in session. 
The fighting was still going. In one respect, it was soothing to know the lines of defence were strong and readied by the border with Alfheim should they be required. She, herself had added to it by going there and using spells she knew protected the Aesir palace as well as others to assist if they needed to destroy the crops that were growing in the area. It broke her heart to look at the now full and worked fields and know that there was a chance that they would have to be destroyed but she knew that they could farm more if required. If an enemy came, tired and hungry and ate, therefore replenishing their strength, it could be what would end their lives.  
The requests were made to Asgard and Vanaheim for food supplies. Vanaheim sent what they could but they were shipping anything they had directly to Alfheim for troops there, something the Jotnar respected. Asgard, on the other hand, had been storing food for if it was required to assist Alfheim should the war take all of their food but Ella had written to her father herself, she knew how to word it and how to ask and sure enough, Odin prepared immediate supplies with a solemn promise of more should one single foe arrive on Jotunheim.  She had a reply sent stating that nothing would be used unless required and if the war ended before it was needed, the Jotnar would ensure every morsel would find its way to Alfheim to those who required it there. 
It felt like it had been going on for a year if not more. She felt as though everything was changing in Jotunheim, better as a result of having the power of the Casket once more, the longer it had to assist the realm, the better the realm bloomed but it seemed so odd, most of the men were gone. It was lonely. She enjoyed Greta’s company as often as she could but she found herself wanting to just stay in Loki’s rooms more and more, though she found it did not feel quite as it did before. The smell he seemed to have was long gone from the room yet she felt wrong not staying there. She tried one night but found herself quickly using her seidr to magic herself there again. 
Men came back every so often, wounded or worn in some manner by the war. Most injured, it seemed, were being treated in a special facility on Alfheim being headed by Eir, the chief Elven Healer and  Magnar, the most senior healer of Jotunheim, all three working to assist any being from any of the realms that required them there. Only those with issues that could be dealt with easier on Jotunheim were sent back. She had listened to what they or their families told the court of what was occurring on Alfheim. More than once, Loki, and indeed Byleistr and Helbindi were mentioned by those who returned before even Laufey could ask after them. Ella felt pride in hearing that Loki was both a competent and strong leader, ensuring he would ask no other to do something he would not willingly do himself but she found herself fearful that that risked him being hurt. She could only hope he kept his wits about him so that he would return. She had been relieved to have been wrong on Byleistr and his allegiances. But it was one matter she rather that she would be wrong about. Everything was odd with the situation regarding angrboda but it was salvageable. She knew that going to war and seeing that a matter such that, though hurtful and somewhat backhanded was nothing when you see the brutality of war. When the brothers returned, and she truly hoped that when and not ‘if’, even if Byleistr was not someone she was overly fond of because of his behaviour and actions to Loki, they would put everything behind them and continue forward for the betterment of the realm and their bond as brothers. 
Tired, she avoided others and went back to the rooms, sitting amongst the items that littered the different surfaces of Loki’s personal space. She never touched a single item since he left, nor did she snoop any of the written items. The only items she ever touched were the books that were on the reading shelves he had more than once offered her the choice to pick from. Everything else was exactly as he had left it and she would maintain that if he was gone for a week, a month or a year more. Feeling somewhat down in herself, she walked into the bedroom and went to curl up in the bed yet she found herself not feeling comforted by the idea of getting into it. She walked over to the area where Loki kept the very few items of clothing he owned. Ceremonial robing and armour being the only items he had there as well as the armour he was supposed to bring with him but she had magicked better, stronger armour instead. Amongst all of it was a long robe, dark and fur-trimmed. She had noted it before but never thought much of it. Walking over, she touched the soft material for a moment before bringing it closer to her, noting that it smelt of Loki. She subconsciously brought it with her to the bed and wrapped herself in it, taking in Loki’s smell, using it to relax her into a sleep better than she had for a significant time. 
Loki’s limbs ached. He felt as though they would never feel rested again. He could see the palace in front of him. He could see his home but it felt as though he could never be able to speed himself up to get there. 
The war ended. After eight hard and brutal months of constant fighting, battles daily, their foes realised the Light Elves, Vanir, Aesir and Jotnar refused to bow or break and would meet them on the battlefield each and every day and with Thor coming to a breaking point and his Berserker side being unleashed, decimating a whole battlefield of foe in the process, the enemy conceded defeat. Luckily, Loki had noticed Thor as he lifted the body of an Elven child the enemy had brought to the battlefield to taunt them with. He noted the anger in Thor’s eyes but most importantly, he saw when the anger and other emotions began to leave them and when they became blank and his nostrils flared. With a bellow to get out of the way, the Jotnar and their allies did exactly that leaving Thor to destroy everything around him. When he came to again, it was Loki standing closest to him. 
“My sister told you my warnings?” “She did.” Thor nodded solemnly. “Good. Well, not good. I have not done that in a long time. I thought I was beyond it.” 
Loki could see his shame. He realised then that Thor did see the ramifications of his actions, even if it was only afterwards. “What we saw would provoke any bring into anger.” He consoled. “I will admit I killed with more willing than I have before today after seeing that child.” 
“That gives some solace to me.” Thor inhaled deeply. “It does not stop me wondering if I will ever control myself. But thank you.” He looked at Loki. “For protecting our allies and for braving coming closer to me than even my friends to see if I had returned to myself.” “Just do not tell Ella. She warned me specifically not to.” “I will say nothing,” Thor promised. 
Thinking back at Thor’s actions, however grateful he was that he did go Berserk, it scared him how strong and uncontrollable it was. But they were home now, so he needed to get on with life even with everything that happened. Assist his father with running the realm, and deal with everything that occurred as a result of the war. Vanaheim had planned to do deals with them, now Alfheim was adamant that they too wished to trade post haste with Jotunheim. They needed assistance getting back to normal after the war that terrorised their lands, they had so much that they needed to fix, Jotunheim was somewhere that could assist them so they wished to start talks immediately. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the realms. To go to his rooms and not see anyone for days, he wondered how long he would get. He did not think his father would ask too much of them for the next few days, or so he hoped. He knew they would have to explain everything but he still needed rest. He wanted solitude and silence. 
“I can smell my bed.” 
Loki looked over at Helbindi. 
“I can smell it and I will not leave it for a week bar to find Greta and bring her to it.” 
“What if she has found another in your absence?” Loki asked. 
“I have little to fear, Byleistr was with us.” 
The oldest Laufeyson growled at his youngest brother’s comment. 
“Live with it,” Helbindi scoffed. “You will be the butt of such jokes for the rest of our lives, even if Loki is too decent to say it.”
“And you’re not?” Byleistr growled. 
“No,” Helbindi looked him in the eyes as he spoke. “He may let it go but not me.”
“Enough, both of you. Don’t you think we have seen our fill of fighting? I never wish to see any fight again, especially over something so menial.”
“Exactly,” Byleistr agreed. 
“If ‘Leist want my leftovers, then he can have them.” Byleistr stared at him in shock. “I am not bothered anymore. I have my mate, her race allows for more frequent offspring and I don’t care outside of that anymore. I will focus on what I am required to do for the realm and I don’t care who mates who outside of that. Take two mates, take twenty, I don’t care. I don’t care about pathetic menial matters any longer. One thing all of this has taught me is that there is too much petty arguing over non-issues. Between us, in court, between realms. We need to focus on more actual issues. Solidifying the ties we have now formed so that we are never forced to face something like this by ourselves, that is all I care about now.” 
Helibindi sniggered to himself at Loki’s final comment on the matter, knowing that Byleistr would not say any more on the matter for fear of having Loki snap at him. He knew Byleistr and indeed his mates wanted to return to the palace with the rest of court, so too did he know that Loki knew this. One suggestion from Loki to send him back to the outskirts of the realm and there was a high probability of Laufey doing so. 
The palace was nothing but dark shadows in the pale moonlight. The realm was asleep and personally, Loki was glad it was. He did not want a large number of Jotnar there for their return, he just wanted to go home, he wanted his rooms, nothing more. He was so relieved to be back to the cold and normal temperatures of Jotunheim and back to everything that was ordinary. 
The palace was in silence and darkness. 
“Where is Father?” Byleistr growled. 
“In bed, like I suspect your mates are,” Loki replied. “As I suspect everyone is.” 
“We should have been announced.” “There is nothing to announce. We are back.”
“We won.” “And to do that, we had to kill the most beings on the opposite side, that really winning ‘Leist?”
“The Brute did the most killing.”
“Prince Thor may have done the most killing but so too did he show the most remorse.” Helbindi pointed out. “I spoke with the portly one, Volstagg when we were both at Gravel Ridge. He told me that for all his bravado, Prince Thor does nothing but sit in solitude and contemplate his actions after a fight. He tries to condone the actions he has to do and if we are to be honest, we would still be there if he had not done the ‘most killing’ as you put it. He scared them into stopping and I am grateful for that. I am grateful to be home. I am going to take Greta as my mate, I am going to try and have a family and I am going to try and only have daughters so they never have to go through that, that is my plan for the next three thousand years. Maybe another mate or two as well, if I find any that suit Greta and myself.” “And if Greta has found another?” Loki asked. 
“No, she won’t, I know it.” Helbindi shook his head. “She said she would wait. I know she will.” 
Loki could only smile at his brother’s certainty. 
“What about your mate?”
Loki frowned at his younger brother. “What of her?” “You have not mentioned her.” “Should I have?” “She is a duty, Loki is all about duty. Always has been. What is there to even talk about?” Byleistr commented. “I am grateful every day that it was you that the Allfather found and not me.”
Loki said nothing. He thought often of Ella but he knew she would not stray in his absence. Her sense of duty rivalled if not out-competed his own. “I do not need to worry about her seeking company elsewhere, she is honourable.” He commented. “With regards to mentioning her, I will repeat, should I have? Nor do you particularly care.”
“I like her.” Helbindi declared unapologetically. “She is jovial and there’s a streak of something you can see in her eyes, like she would be smiling at you while also learning the best way to strike you down without even noticing it until you see her next to you with a blood-covered blade and you realise she has slit the throat of a being who tried to wrong you.” 
Byleistr stared at him in horror while Loki eyed him suspiciously. “How did you come to that conclusion?”
Byleistr looked appalled at Loki. “How are you not disputing such a statement?” “Because it is entirely true. Have you not realised my mate is incredibly adept at such things? You told me yourself that she entered the palace without alerting you until she was in it by calling your name and that she swore to force you to come back if you did not do so willingly. I have seen her do things that would very much confirm that to be an accurate analysis, what worries me is how ‘Bind knows.” “As I said, I spoke with the Aesir when we were waiting.” Helbindi shrugged. 
With references to Ella, Loki felt even more in want of going into the palace. His pace hastened slightly and he made his way to it, relieved when it was no longer soft snow but hard ice of the steps to it under his feet. 
They made their way through the halls swiftly enough before coming to the royal wing. 
“Will we tell Father?” Helbindi asked. 
“No, let him rest. We shall see him in the morning.” Loki stated, knowing from the reports through their time away that their father was weary. “Go, get some rest.” He urged before heading to his own rooms. He inhaled deeply and opened the door. 
On walking in, it felt peculiar. Similar but different all at once. Everything was exactly as he left it the day he left, except there were a few pieces added too. Walking through everything, he noted that there was something else different in his personal space, something felt slightly off. He opened his bedroom door and noted that there seemed to be a momentary green spark as he did so. He was unsurprised when Ella sat up in the bed looking concerned. For a moment, she looked at him tiredly before her eyes widened. 
“Loki?” “Hello.” 
If he was honest, Loki was slightly taken back by the genuine smile on her face. “It’s over.” With a small laugh of relief, she beamed back at him. Loki shed off the armour on his body and got into the bed on his side. “Why are you in my cape?” “I am cold.” “You never get cold.” He eyed her worriedly. 
“I am not as good at regulating my body temperature recently so I get cold from time to time,” She explained. “And it reminds me of you.” “Have you even seen me in it?” 
Too tired to care too greatly, Loki sighed and lay back before groaning. “I missed this bed.” 
“Get some rest,” Ella urged settling to get comfortable again. 
Loki noted the peculiar night garment she was donning, it looked ridiculous and shapeless, but since she stated she was cold, he thought little of it. He had honestly thought he would be bothered or at best, simply non-plussed with having to share his rooms with her again after such a situation. He had been thinking that he would ask her to give him some space for a day or two. But now he felt entirely different, as though it felt unnatural to not have her there, as though he needed to protect her. He could not help but feel like the only place she should be was beside him, under his watchful eye and it felt peculiar to him to think such. 
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