#buy valentines flowers
bixels · 4 months
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There's no such thing as overpreparing for love.
Happy (late) Rarijack Valentine's.
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asliceofzosan · 4 months
thinking of zoro who doesn't buy flowers for sanji on valentines day but he comes back home with crates full of unique ingredients sanji's been hoping to taste for ages.
or zoro who takes mental note of every little thing sanji touches in the market but regretfully doesn't buy, every piece of fruit or expensive grain his fingers graze over, and doesn't care that his debt with nami will drive him into an early grave – because when sanji isn't looking, he buys them for him.
or the zoro who Does buy flowers. but not for sanji. the zoro who bestows a bouquet of lilies, chrysanthemums, and carnations every year into sanji's hands as delicately as he would lay his swords to rest for the night. they're never really arranged in the most aesthetic way. he only finds the flowers and ties them together with twine and the occasional ribbon.
zoro who buys a valentines bouquet for sanji's mother – who has never gotten a single flower from her husband her whole life and not even on the day she died. the zoro who sanji knows sora would adore. he buys the flowers sanji wishes he gave her and he keeps them in a vase in the galley until the petals aren't as vibrant as the day he got them.
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quotidianish · 1 year
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See look romantic interpretations are goated but it would be funny if they really were just friends who didn’t know the difference between romantic and platonic gestures
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paperbaldi · 4 months
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Would you be it's buddy :0) ?
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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new stickers 💖 all the red on kris + their sword is holographic
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simandy · 1 year
Every single February 14th, Brazilians go online and are SHOWERED with pink, red, hearts and "HAPPY VALENTINES" and we're like: "wha- oh, OH RIGHT i forgot my country is weird"
Happy June 12th for my fellow February 14th'ers NEKDSNKDND
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bunniesandsilk · 4 months
me after pouring all my savings into my bfs valentines and birthday presents (they r right next to each other)
to only find out hes gotten me nothing because hes saving and in his words 'is it such a crime to save?'
and im on the verge of tears,,, he knows valentines is my fav day of the year joint with my birthday
i brought heart heels, pretty dress, got my nails pink and heart themed ,, like i adore valentines and just to find out
first he actually forgot it was happening until my friend who is single has a date !! mentioned it
boyfriend of four fucking years hasnt even tried to make plans to see me,,
its not even like i want something big, i just want a like shitty one pound chocolate rose yknow? last year he got me two bouquets so i guess one was a really early one for this year?
its fine though, ig
also to add salt to injury
four years of dating and ive paid for every date 🥲
oh and small thing hes not bothered to try and ever learn to drive as 'he can be my passenger princess'
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anamelessfool · 4 months
In the supermarket swarmed with men getting flowers but I always get my husband flowers. I'm the only woman in the flower aisle lol
I once saw a redditor say "The only time men ever get flowers is at their funeral" and I was like damn that is the saddest shit I've ever heard so I get him flowers 💕
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rusmii · 2 months
me when sakunosuke oda
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patchyourbrokenwings · 4 months
love should and absolutely can be celebrated every single day, you don't have to wait for a specific date to show your affection and appreciation. life is way too short for that <3
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
florist roses having no scent is actually so messed up. we bred the roses to look "perfect" and last a long time and but they have lost The thing that people have loved them for the most for thousands of years. now when u smell a boquet of roses all you can smell is the chemical scent of plant food unless they're actual garden roses. there's a metaphor in here somewhere
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ohhh-hot-dayum · 4 months
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Happy February everyone, Todd "Secret Romantic" Brotzman will go on for hours about how Valentine's Day is about capitalist corporate greed but he will also show up at 7pm with a dozen roses and reservations at a candlelit restaurant, and Dirk "Secret Not-So-Romantic" Gently will make eyes over every pink teddy bear in the store but then forget the date.
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g4rchomp · 2 months
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I bought myself flowers!!!! the weather is gloomy and this week was really tough so it definitely feels like a nice reward 🌷
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